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Vice President of Exchange (ICX & OGX)


Why have you decided to stand for MC in AIESEC Thailand 2010/2011? What will be your contribution?

Since first I join AIESEC, I always believe that AIESEC is all about giving and producing impact to it’s members and larger, to it’s society. I remember my 1st EP matched experience. She thanked me for help her living the amazing experience and she happily told me that she gives difference for the society in that country.

All of my questions about why I have to spent hours and night matching her, promote her forms, etc, all answered! I feel so touched that I can contribute to other people’s lifes! And that contribution can impact others as well.

I realize that the only way to experience and make impact is by doing it ! Start from that time I promised to myself that I have to be able to deliver more opportunities for youth from all over the country to live the AIESEC Experience, everyday.

Now it’s time for me to get out of my comfort zone, share, adjust, and implement what I have experienced in delivering AIESEC Experience in my country to other AIESEC Network, and I choose AIESEC in Thailand.

Why? I can see that what

AIESEC in Thailand experience nowdays most likely the same as AIESEC in Indonesia experience back 3 years ago, when few believe in AIESEC way and AIESEC XP.

I was in that situation and I was in the situation when everything are changing as well, when finally the organization find back it’s root and based on what I saw, I believe that everything’s is possible!

I believe that AIESEC in Thailand can CHANGE as well and lead it’s organization to a higher level relevant

with it’s own nature as a platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potentials and relevant to it’s society as well.

I can see a big future of AIESEC in Thailand and I believe in the capacity of the it’s members that they’re dreaming BIG for this organization and I want to be part of the change in AIESEC in Thailand 10/11.

My Contribution

I will give 100% my passion and commitment to AIESEC in Thailand and apply every knowledges and experiences as I have as a human being, as an AIESECer from my home country to deliver the best for members in AIESEC in Thailand and together with the MC tea m drive the national strategies and empower LCs.


What measurable results and successes have you achieved throughout each stage of your AIESEC Experience to recommend yourself as a suitable candidate for the AIESEC in Thailand Member Committee 10/11?

Based on my past experiences in AIESEC Indonesia, I mostly deal with exchange management, promotion, external relation, selling and account management. I can ensure that what I’ve been doing in AIESEC in Indonesia make myself flexible to adjust quickly with a changing condition as well as doing things that is relevant to external trends that I can implement in AIESEC in Thailand and boost up

AIESEC in Thailand performance for a sustainable growth in every sectors.

Year/Term Position Key Results

2007 OC Program of :

1. National Leadership Development Seminar, AIESEC Indonesia

2. International AIESEC Information System Conference, Indonesia

strong teamwork and responsible on each own responsibilities, successfully delivered the biggest conference in Indonesia that time with 3 tracks.

2007/ 2008 OGX Delivery Manager LC Bandung - Indonesia

Assisted LCVP OGX in realized 5 Eps and deepen undertanding about exchange management in AIESEC

2008/ 2009 LCVP OGX

LC Bandung - Indonesia

Growth on Realization : Highest number of realization in 1 term over 6 LCs in Indonesia Highest number of raised and realization in LC for the past 5 years Create new system in effective DT selection and matching (all Ep raised

matched within 1 month) Change the old paradigme to : AIESEC provides Global Internship EVERYDAY,

not only per-period of EP recruitment

2009 - now MCVP Communication and ER Non-Corporate Sectors

AIESEC in Indonesia

Created new system of internal communication (dramatically increase of number of files uploaded, and wiki created, bi-weekly newsletter)

National PR strategy for more media appearances (capitalization on LCs event) Launch the first national partnership with Non-Corporate sector with ASHOKA

Indonesia for a year basis that will be run in 6 LCs 1 national media partner raised Involved Non-Corporate sectors to have a session in National Conference to

challenge the member’s worldview Sinergy with OGX as well as in Local Level




What You would like to see AIESEC in Thailand in the next 5 years ?

AIESEC in Thailand has a strong positioning as an organization which stands to activated the youth leadership, international internship and global learning environment in Thailand

AIESEC in Thailand becoming the 1st choice amongst stakeholders in Thailand, because the quality of AIESEC Experience that we have delivered

The members of AIESEC in Thailand completed their AIESEC eXPerrience

AIESEC in Thailand has a sustainable growth in every activities that we run

AIESEC in Thailand has a sustainable source of Revenue by having a difersivication source of revenues

TOP 5 in APGN !

Please write down 5 contribution areas of yours to achieve vision of AIESEC in Thailand

External Positioning

(Universities ; Institution; Government; NGOs; Corporate Sectors; Media and Pers)

My past experience as LVCP OGX and MCVP Communication and ER-Non corporate sectors, allow me to be able to build a strong relationship with other organization and istitution, I believe in having a good external positioning, make AIESEC in Thailand stronger and achieve the vision faster. Because 1+1 = 3

Exchange Management and Growth

I can bring Innovation and creation in managing exchange processess in order to match with local committee external condition.

Knowledge Management

the system of knowledge management in each function (including exchange) should be build to ensutre the sustainability of the organization and the transition.


For the past 2 years my home LC is focus in sinergy between others functional to achieve common goals, it’s something I want to implement in my team in every workplace, including in AIESEC in Thailand

Product Diversification


Please list down at least 5 facts that holding back the AIESEC Thailand Performance in the past 5 years?

1. Lack in Talent Management Pipeline

Shown by a lot of EB members coming from new members, and some LCs are becoming re-born LC. The TM pipeline system is really important to ensure that we have successor that have experience and high understanding of organization to sustain the existency of organization. Recruit members with the right expectation in joining AIESEC is the best 1st step we can take.

2. Lack in Knowledge Management Shown by the facts that so hard to find details of information about AIESEC in Thailand through The knowledge management should be built to ensure the legacy is stay and the transition to the successor is not repeating start from the beginning all over again

3. Not clear in member’s/ LCs membership criteria Not all the members doing activity align with what AIESEC suppose to do. Being strict in the criteria of the full membership status for each LC and for each members can encourage them to do more activities that align with AIESEC

(for example : members should be in the exchange task force, etc)

4. Inalignment with AIESEC Way The fact that AIESEC in Thailand ever got the disbandment status twice is really hurted the organization itself, mostly the members. To make members in line with the global direction is really takes years.

5. Few Example of Members that live the complete AIESEC XP Members can inspired to do more if they have role model. so far only few members of AIESEC in Thailand that already completed each of the stages in AIESEC XP, so it’s hard to make members to do something that nearly they never seen before.

Things do not

change; we change.

~Henry David Thoreau



What role do you play in a team? What unique contribution can you make to the 2010/2011 team?


I can come with lots of fresh idea and solution that is easy to implement. Most of the idea of mine are being implemented in Local Level. This is the unique role and contribution that I can bring to AIESEC in Thailand MC Team 10/11.


I learn fast and I do things fast. This is really help me to do my things efficiently and rest of others time I can do something else to catch up for goals and target.


Implementing new idea means that we have to be able to communicate our idea and how we need support from other functional to make the idea not just an idea. I’ve been get used to work closely with other department/functionals in AIESEC and really understand that the team interest is the first priority to ensure that we can achieve our goals with same direction. I would like this kind of sinergy as well later on in the team

There is no "I" in



Please list your ideas of building and maintaining good relations and correspondence with other Member Committees, Local Committee, external organizations, stakeholders and AIESEC International?

Clear communication Plan

A key to a successful long-term relationship is being able to communicate with your partner. We have to create a clear communication plan to each of our stakeholders. Follow-Up

After we meet our stakeholder, sit together and talk about a lot of things that can be done to drive change and growth, next is follow up ! this one people tend to forget yet so

important that is show that we are serious in doing things together with them

Honesty and Transparancy

In every activity that we run, start to document anything. Without solid, honest and consistent communication, our partnership has more of a chance of falling down when initial difficulties arise

Deliver Our Promise !

The most important thing. We strive for excellence to accomplish our promise to our stakeholders. Only with this way we can satisfy them and make them stay longer with us.

Relationship = building TRUST!


List at least 5 factors to deliver effective support to Local Committee for sustaining and growth.


Since most of the LC are recognized as re-born LC, As national body who will drive for strategy, we should be able to provide LCs with educational and any material tools to run their activity in LC level start from the beginning of national planning meeting.

Consistent in delivering education, trainingg, and coach

to be in a same direction, we have to deliver consistent coach and update them with global condition and external trends also assist LC in running their activity.

No Gap

The competition between LC have to be healthy and communication between MC to LC is same in each LC without any exception.

Assist in Planning and Tracking

This is to ensure that LC are doing things or activity that is align with AIESEC Vision and AIESEC Way. We should stop to do activity that is not beneficial to our members development.

National Initiative

Provide LC with clear plan of national initiative that can be run in LC.


List at least 5 factors to achieve the incredible X+L goal in your term.

Coordination between TM, OGX and Communication

TM should have a clear talent planning for X+L member and by help from communication department to promote X+L to every members with an exciting way and OGX will support with the special/adjusted exchange process for members who take the X+L.

Have a clear X+L menu for new recruited members

Usually, member do not plan to have L+X experience, because they don’t know how. We should communicate more to members about X+L, what are the benefits, and give them a clear menu how they can have X+L in ex : 5 months

Have a role model from member to do X+L

People will get inspired easily to see a real model of previous member who did the X+L. So we have to encourage our leadership body to go on exchange

Do Pocket recruitment for Fast Track AIESEC XP

If we can’t get our current member to go for X+L, it’s time to do more pocket recruitment. In this pocket recruitment, they have to do short exchange first, and after that they can implement what they got from exchange experience by running project (OCP) in AIESEC in Thailand. Delivering a complete AIESEC xp in a short time, making sure that time does not define the quality & the intensity of the experience!

Create more opportunity for leadership positions for members

If we have only fes opportunities for member to take Leadership position, we can not expect that we will have growth in X+L. Do more Projects can simply add up Leadership opportunities for members.

Have a scholarship for X+L member (ex : free exchange administration fee)

Treat our member who take X+L specially, so it will encourage them to do it.


List at least 5 factors to ensure the quality of AIESEC experience.

Right Expectation Settings to each members and Personal Goal


Maximalize the Value of Exchange to


Member individual

Planning for Career Path in

AIESEC and Talent


Member activity

Tracking by each sub-functional

Review/ Assessment

The quality of AIESEC eXPerience is not

measured on how long members live that




3 4



List at least 5 strategies and actions to create the sustainable of AIESEC Thailand?

TM Pipeline

Induction & right expectation setting for all our members ensure alignment of personal and organizational goals within our membership – they are the ones who ensure we see the connections between what we do and want we want to be!

Members should have a clear career path they want to take in AIESEC EPs also move in our pipeline, They take TR and go to Exhange. And the

most important this is we have to provide them the opportunity to go for LR stage.

Set Members and LCs minimum membership Criteria based on AIESEC

core activities : Leadership, Exchange, Global Learning Environment

Not only LC have the minimum membership criteria to fullfilled. But each of our members should have the minimum membershp criteria as well. For example : members can gain a full membership criteria if they take an exchange activities (raised, match TN/EP ; go to international conference, be a team leader, etc). This will lead to a better organizational understanding, growth, and sustainability of the organization

Knowledge and Information Management System

The system of knowledge management should be activated. Provide members with complete tools of knowledge, education, training,etc. This system build to prevent from the lost of our organization legacy and history and to activating the next generations of AIESEC in Thailand

Members Mobilization We have to start mobilizing our members to : live their amazing AIESEC experiences, going on exchange, taking up roles in teams or as team leaders, going for a higher role, going for international conferences, becoming a CEEDer…to gain a beneficial advantaged for each of the members, and moreover to get a better understanding about our organization and create bigger impact !

National Initiative National initiative to drive exchange growth in each year in AIESEC in Thailand. LCs should follow the national initiative as their local initiative. Together we make impact faster and bigger !

Sinergy Sinergy between functional is very important, to ensure that each of the existing functional in AIESEC are actually achieving the same goals and going in the same path with clear direction in the sake of effcitivity and efficiency of the organization.


Exchange Functional Questions


Please name the four main opportunities in achieving more exchanges in your country/territory?

strong positioning by OGX Expansion

• start to build organization exposure from OGX

• cover every universities in Thailand with everyday promotion of international internship

Recruitment for Growth

• Long term recruitment -> always highlight exchange activity in recruitment

• Pocket recruitment• Ongoing Promotion

• Be not rigid ! and be flexible as the world is changing so fast. We have to educate the members that they can do ongoing promotion and ongoing selection of people who wants to go to exchange, anytime, everyday, everywhere !

Member Efficiency

• mobilizing all members in every LC to do "one exchange one member"

Build Partnership

• building partnership together with other organization, company, institution, or government is to kame our organization can meet our vision faster. by having these partnership, people will notice about AIESEC and they will have no doubt about taking intenational opportunity only via AIESEC, not any other organization.

“ Life's up and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals –

Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want ”

- Marsha Sinetar



Analyze the OGX records of AIESEC in Thailand for the last 3 years (use MC and Supply and Demand of TN/EP in the AIESEC network; explain DT/ET OGX growth Strategies and MT/TT OGX Growth Strategies of 2010/11.

2 6


2 5


3 4


2007 2008 2009

AIESEC in Thailand OGX Performance

ra ma re

AIESEC in Thailand started to see it’s teeth again in 2009 ! Showing by dramatically increasing number of OGX raised. But however, the pipeline of exchange ratio in 2009 is still low 18 per 40. It shows some indicators of:

1. Raised unmatchable forms of EP (such as MT Eps) 2. there’s an inefficiency in the matching process

LCs performance :

If we see further in the LCs chart, the highest number of OGX raised is coming from Northern Bangkok (see LC SWOT page), Which is a merged LC from 2 LCs (MUIC, TU) and MC with 18 raised and 10 realization. If we take an average, means that 1 LC only do 6 OGX raised and 3 OGX realized in the duration 12 months (jan09-dec09). It means that so many Peak that has been missed by LC in 2009.

In generally, because of the high growth as well, it’s shown that AIESEC in Thailand has a lot of hidden potential that haven’t been tap yet. But it means a BIG OPPORTUNITY for the year 2010

OGX in Thailand Analysis 2007-2009 Performance

“An absolute can only be given in an intuition, while all the rest has to

do with analysis. ” ~Henri Bergson



The most demand in TN (available) side is coming from Development Traineeship. With top 10 providers country of DT are : India, Russia, MoC, Ukraine, Poland, Nigeria, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines.

Strategy For DT Growth based on Global Analysis:

We have to focus on promote more opportunity to take DT and create new market, do more ongoing recruitent

We have to do smart raising, means that we ONLY PROMOTE 10ten providers country for youth to go for internship. This is to ensure the healthy pipeline of exchange, So we’re lowering the risk of forms not getting match.

Capitalizing on Peak in DT TN side. Have a clear promotion and recruitment plan in the beginning of the term to have the national timeline.

Strategy For ET EP Growth based on Global Analysis:

As we can see from the both charts, we can really tap the opportunity to have more ET EPs.

The ratio of TN/EP for ET pools is 2/1 .this is the opportunity to get more match in ET pools !

Start to do promotion in the sectors such as : language institution, course institution, cultures institution to get the right people applying for DT EP.


Strategy For MT EP Growth based on Global Analysis:

The MT Tn demand in the global pool is the 2nd largest demand, but...on The MT EP side, its also the number one ! even the ratio of it’s TN/EP is 1 TN for 3 Eps..means that more than half EP in the pool are desperately finding their matches

We should consider whether is it wise to continue to raise MT EP this time.

Otherwise, if we still want to raise MT EP, we should really raise a high quality EP who have excellent professional background and match with the TN criteria.

Create strict Policies for MT/TT EP (self match, integration with our activities, limitation on the system of available status)

Strategy For TT EP Growth based on Global Analysis:

What happen in TT TN pool/ TT EP pool is moreless the same with MT.

The ratio of TN/EP in TT side is 2/1. Means that half of the TT EP in the pool can not find their match !

So for the next year, we still have to consider whether to raise TT or focus on other pool, based on there’s no demand in TT TN pool.

So let’s catch up for the possible opportunity to deliver our promise !

Supply and Demand Analysis And AIESEC in Thailand Growth Strategy


Tell us 6key Strategies (3key strategies from MT/TT, 3Key strategies from DT/ET) of matching efficiency. And make it clear what MCOGX needs to do and what LCOGXs need to do for these strategies.

MATCHING EFFICIENCY for DT/ET EPs To ensure the healthy pipeline of matching process, of course we should raised based on the peak of DT TN. We should really clear about what are the project coming soon and make different promotion for each project or country for youth in Thailand, as well as the right targeting for youth market.

We should provide LC with very complete information about the demand analysis and when the peak of it, so the exchange pipeline will be right then we’re not losing the match if the EP are raised in the system at least 2 months before the realization peak.

Clear on the contract statement with the EP

We act as EP consultant ! EP should follow the srtict system if they want to join the internship program, in the beginning they have to sign a contract with information of : which country they want to match, Job Desription, and when they can realize (of course they have to choose the option that we set in the contract), so after that matching can be faster, because we don’t have to re-check again everytime we got the right TN for the EP, just directly send the EP AN

Limitation on available in the system

This is to avoid picky EPs, the duration of their forms becoming available should be limited (e.g:4 months, if the forms still available after 4 months, they have to re-raised and pay again for the exchange

fee). EP will be more proactive to find the match because this system involve the risk they will lose their money

Have country to country cooperation

We actually make promise in the international networks by setting some spesific goals, and to show that we are capable, we have to deliver our promise ! this can be some encouragement for our members to fullfill the agreement between country cooperation, and they can have a special access because we already make partnerships with some country, so it will make the process easier. By the country cooperation, we can also provide the partering country with our promo tools (such as : unique and high quality background of our EP in video, poster, etc) and make a matching mania.




Should be very careful in the recruitment and selection, EP should have a very strong professional background in MT/TT based on the available TNs on the system since their competitors are hard.

Set strict policy for MT/TT EP with standard contract:

e.g limited time for available form on the system high mony they need to pay if their form break match Prepare EP with self-matching tools

MT/TT EP matching takes a longer period than DT/ET, this can cause the lack of internal communication between EP manager to TN manager and to the EP itself. The MT/TT EP should provided by the own authority to match themself through:

access the exchange tools available form trackers, so they can find match for

themselves faster Pimp their Cv and promote via classified

Short Term MT Eps

Raised short term MT TNs based on profile of available TNs

MC Needs to DO :

Equip LC with general exchange process training

Together with MCVP communication, ensure that each of the members can access the exchange tools and are in the right stage and give training about (exchange certification and how to access each tools of exchange in

Come up with clear plan for national and will be implemented in LC level with clear timeline and promotional tools

Do market research for each LC and come up with clear action plan to each of the market

Approach new universities or any youth organization to extend the wings of Outgoing Exchange for long-term partnership

LC Needs to DO :

Follow up with clear action to the national timeline MC has made and raised based on the timeline/peak

EB should empower their members in

Do more promotion (ongoing promotion), members will get used to promote exchange and increase their communication and selling skill

Do one exchange per member. At least one member should do matching

Become EP buddy (to engage EP to AIESEC activity)


Do SWOT analysis of each LC OGX (AU, BU, CU, MUIC, and TU). strenght weakness Opportunity treats LC AU University support

High motivation on the members doing AIESEC activity

Student interested in going abroad/have international experiences

Only do the Thai exchange program

All year promotion, rather than only promote exchange twice in a year

Approach university to put exchange in the curriculum

Do promotion in every university clubs that is exist

Other international programs that university offers

LC BU Do both the Thai and summer program

University support

Lack of experienced members

University club policy

EP retention to LC to be active members/ EB

All year promotion, rather than only promote exchange twice in a year

Promote OGX outside campus, create new market

Low retention in members

Lack in experienced in leadership body (especially in exchange)

LC CU Do both the Thai and summer program

Lack of experienced members

New LC Status in university

EP retention to LC to be active members/ EB

All year promotion, rather than only promote exchange twice in a year

Low retention in members

Lack in experienced in leadership body (especially in exchange)

Lack of support from university can be a serious issue to run activities

LC MUIC Experience in doing realization Lack of experienced members

Only 2 members left in LC

Only do the summer exchange program

EP retention to LC to be active members/ EB

All year promotion, rather than only promote exchange twice in a year

Low retention in members

Existency of the LC is quiestioning

Lack in experienced in leadership body (especially in



exchange) LC TU Do both the Thai and

summer program Lack of experienced

members EP retention to LC to

be active members/ EB All year promotion,

rather than only promote exchange twice in a year

Low retention in members

Lack in experienced in leadership body (especially in exchange)

What are the key factors of an effective national ICX strategy? (please provide an example) How would this be implemented at a local level?

Intense communication with LC. Involve LC to plan and produce solution

Empower LC with selling skills, marketing, and account management with consistent training (including with all the tools : proposal, market database)

Have a competition competition of Raising and give incentive (such as : free delegate fee for international internship)

Have an umbrella initiative (national PBoX) that can be implement in LC and drive an extreme growth Example : national PBoX (with clear required number of exchange realized) under one issue that run in all LCs in a same timeline

Establish national partners for supporting exchange (learning

activities, fund, TN Taker, government in tourism) These new raised partner will engage directly with the LC with their own support

Establish collaboration program with other organization, such as ASHOKA,UN, etc in the national level that can be run in all LCs (to make more projects, and involving our exchange, also this can open more opportunities for leadership body in Thailand, and cost-efficiency)

Establish new program on “AIESEC Interns Host Family”, for all youth in Thailand they can be a host family for interns


However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.

~ Winston Churchill



Clear target of ICX for each LC with feasible


intense communication with LC. Involve LC to share their


intense training for LC members (since most of

them are lack in exchange


encourage LC for got to networking

events more often. They will

experience to be professional and in the same time

enlarge their networks

Reward and Recognition for

high performance members in raising and matching

How are you planning to manage, train and support your team of members at LC level towards a higher performance and the achievement of the goals

The point that should be highlighted is about giving the right direction about AIESEC and stay focus to AIESEC WAY!

We should start in the very scratch to build the understanding about exchange to each of the members and involve them in every process.

The only way to know the beauty of exchange is by doing it and make it happen !

We have to tell and give example on how is it very beneficial doing exchange.

1 exchange happen in AIESEC is involving a lot of people. Members will go often to marketing and selling, they gain invaluable skill they may not gain in other organization and they will have networks from all over the worls in having intersn in their LC and make impact to the society in the same time.



What is the benefit of an AIESEC intern in Thailand to an organization (The TN taker) and society?

For TN taker Access international talent with spesific background that they required Bring collaboration cultures in the working place (TN Taker) Cost efficiency : because most of the logistical things are handle by AIESEC (visa, living place, etc) To society To bring awareness of some spesific issue To bring diversity and to promote the beauty of Thailand in International networks What are your top 3 ideas to empower LCs to raise more TNs in all 4 pools


1. National Initiative project (run more issues in national projects for next year together with development with MCVP exchange, such as in : children, tourism, environment) to be run in LC. This will develop member’s project management and we can do more pocket recruitment to recruit youth who are intersted in making social project.

2. PBox Criteria (minimum realization 4 per PBoX, so we will have 20 realization in one national PBoX in the same timeline and it’s easier to us to sell the PBoX to other countries)

3. Constant coaching and training as well as preparing the LCs with any of the selling tools and market database (especially encourage them to raise more MT and TT TNs in short term, since the demand in the pool is so high ! we can leverage this for direct growth in realization ICX)

4. Competition between LCs

5. Reward and recognition (recognizing members in national level to be role member, so others will follow and give interesting incentive that is beneficial for their development as well)

“An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea

that exists only as an idea.”

~ Buddha Quote




1. Why Thailand? What is your motivation to apply for AIESEC in Thailand specifically? I already observed about AIESEC in Thailand about one year ago, that time I was about going to go to Thailand for CEED after I finish my LCVP term, but then I decided to go on MC in Indonesia. Thailand for me is a very interesting place, especially along with the very rich and beutiful cultures.

And about the people, as it named, Thailand,,the land of smile.I believe this also reflecting in each of the AIESEC in Thailand members who are open for diversity, accepting others cultures, and lead to the awareness of global trends as well as issue, That’s why..I strongly believe that AIESEC in Thailand can go further in higher rank in AP and give significant contribution to the global networks with one key, we have to go hand-in-hand, each of individuals in AIESEC Thailand’s members with clear understanding and direction of AIESEC and I want to be a part of that history in AIESEC Thailand.

2. What are main cultural differences you would expect to encounter in Thailand? And how would these affect you? (you are expected to research about Thai culture and AIESEC in Thailand before building your answer)

I expected to have any cultures difference in Thailand, because me in person love to experience unique as well as extreme cultures. But most of the things that I want to experience is about the people itself. Because being in new place it’s not only seeing beautiful landscape but also about making connection to each of the person.

PART IV: International


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