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Page 1: Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program · Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program > Accelerated Learning ... » Advanced decision making and process improvement

Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment

2016 Training Program

> Accelerated Learning

Game Change Certified Green Belt’s 2011

Page 2: Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program · Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program > Accelerated Learning ... » Advanced decision making and process improvement

This Four-part Accelerated Learning Program prepares you

to lead a nimble organisation — one that blends best

practices, continuous improvement and evolutionary

change. It builds on the five principles of Lean as a set of

leadership and decision making principles that define

excellence: Customer Value, Value Stream, Flow, Pull and


Six Sigma compliments this methodology, focusing on

driving to perfection all business, technical and

operational processes and results.

The learning curriculum encompasses defect

prevention, variation reduction and mistake proofing

through the use of statistical data driven tools and

techniques. The merging of these two methodologies

provides a powerful and proven approach that engages

the entire workforce in continuous improvement to

achieve business results.


» Advanced decision making and process improvement

skills to take on greater responsibility to deliver

continuous improvement projects in your organisation.

» Certified Lean Six Sigma Yellow, Green, Black or

Master Black Belt, an acquired qualification for

business skills development and career advancement.

» Learning is tied directly to the participant’s organisation

needs to evaluate and implement improvement projects

and immediate return on investment.

Successful organisations must habitually innovate, adjust quickly to new business

conditions and exploit emerging opportunities before competitors do. They must perform

Effectively and Efficiently today while continuing to explore new sources of Value for

tomorrow. Such companies don't just happen, they're created by Leaders who understand

how to deliver continuous business process improvement and achieve breakthrough




To understand Lean Six Sigma principles and

basic tool-kit in sufficient detail to make a

meaningful contribution to project

conversations and support implementation.


"Practitioner level”

Understanding of the Define-Measure-

Analyse-Improve-Control roadmap and

actionable tool-kit and techniques to

successfully implement Continuous

improvement projects.


“Advanced Practitioner Level”

analytical and change management skills to

pinpoint performance shortfalls and lead

continuous improvement in any function or

department of any organisation.


"Expert", Adviser and Trainer In process

variability reduction (DMAIC), process waste

reduction (LEAN) and growth through

innovation (DFSS) principles to lead

Continuous Improvement Planning and


L e a n S i x S i g m a T r a i n i n g O v e r v i e w

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Yellow Belt Training – 2 Days

The learning outcomes extend beyond Lean Six Sigma as

a topic to cover general Quality Management principles

and Good Business Practice methods, enabling the

course participant to return to their organisation with

the basic knowledge, skills and quality mind-set

required to successfully support business improvement


L e a r n i n g O u t c o m e s :

» Learn basic Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques in

sufficient detail to be able to impact project

conversations and support continuous improvement as

part of everyday work activities and Green and Black

Belt projects

» Understand how to apply the DMAIC process

improvement roadmap to identify and correct problems

and run business improvement projects.

» Apply the learning to a case study project to

understand how an organisation can achieve

breakthrough results.

W h o s h o u l d a t t e n d

This introductory course is designed for professionals

from a wide range of industries and business dynamics

(manufacturing, service or transactional) involved in

business improvement, either as part of their everyday

job role or as a project team member.

C e r t i f i c a t i o n C r i t e r i aAchieve 70% pass mark in the Yellow Belt multiple

choice final exam held at the end of the course.

P r e - r e q u i s i t e s

Interest in developing Lean Six Sigma skills.

This is the ”Survival-kit”, teaching anyone the nuts and bolts of Lean Six Sigma concepts, tools and

techniques and the DMAIC process improvement methodology.


Process Waste Reduction (LEAN)

Process Variation and Six Sigma

DMAIC improvement methodology

Roles and Responsibilities

Lean Six Sigma Culture - Explained

Cause & EFFECT, Y = f(x)

Voice of the Customer

Problem Definition

Stakeholder Mapping

SIPOC process mapping

Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY)

Root Cause Analysis

How to analyze sources of variation

Value Stream Mapping

The 8 elements of waste

Lean 5S

Visual Management

Solution Thinking and Innovation

Mistake Proofing, Poke Yoke

FMEA Process Risk Analysis

Response Planning

RACI Charting

Case Study Exercises to help you gain a

practical understanding of how to apply the

DMAIC road map and key tools and


Course Fee (exc VAT)

Includes 1 night accommodation, breakfast and lunch at the University of Bradford campus, course material, exam

and certification fee. For Euro Pricing, Student and Unemployed Discounts

Please get in touch..

£ 7 9 5

Page 4: Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program · Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program > Accelerated Learning ... » Advanced decision making and process improvement

Green Belt Training – 5 Days

"Practitioner Level” continuous improvement skills

required to implement projects, either as part of your

everyday job role or through leading Change in your


This course sets out with an understanding of the

fundamental principles of Lean Six Sigma methodology,

tools and techniques and the Define-Measure-Analyse-

Improve-Control (DMAIC) improvement roadmap.

Project case studies and group tutorials are designed to

ensure you gain a practical understanding of

systematically selecting and applying appropriate

methods and tools. You will also be challenged to

evaluate the learning outcomes in the context of your

particular organizational challenges.

L e a r n i n g O u t c o m e s

» Apply the DMAIC problem solving methodology and the

Green Belt tool-kit to manage and implement continuous

improvement projects.

» Insights on where to focus attention to influence

change in your organisation and how to identify, scope

and charter process improvement projects.

» Practical understanding of Lean Six Sigma statistical

principles and hands-on application to project scenarios.

W h o s h o u l d a t t e n d

Team members, supervisors, project manager’s,

functional and technical experts, consultants, senior

executives, business leaders and sponsors from a wide

variety of manufacturing, service and transactional


C e r t i f i c a t i o n C r i t e r i a

Achieve 70% pass mark in the Green Belt multiple choice

final exam on the last day of the course.

P r e - r e q u i s i t e s

Interest in developing Lean Six Sigma skills.



Lean Six Sigma Principles

DMAIC Process Improvement

Process Waste Reduction (LEAN)

Problem Definition and CTQ


Process Mapping

Measurement and Sampling

Descriptive Statistics

Process Sigma / Capability

Data Collection and Planning

Introduction to Minitab statistics


Root Cause / Value Add Analysis

Effectiveness and Efficiency

Graphical Analysis

Simple Linear Regression

Statistical Process Control (SPC)


Solution Thinking and Innovation

Mistake Proofing, Poke Yoke

Benchmarking and Creativity

Prioritizing / selecting solutions

Dealing with Change Resistance

Facilitation skills


Risk Assessment (FMEA)

RACI Charting

Six Sigma Control Plans

Course Fee (exc VAT)

Includes 5 nights accommodation, breakfast and lunch at the University of Bradford campus, course material, exam

and certification fee. For Euro Pricing, Student and Unemployed Discounts

Please get in touch.

£ 2 , 2 5 0

Page 5: Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program · Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program > Accelerated Learning ... » Advanced decision making and process improvement

Black Belt Training – 5 Days

L e a r n i n g O u t c o m e s

» Advanced analytical, decision making and implementationskills to take on greater responsibility to pinpoint andmanage performance improvement shortfalls in yourorganisation.

» Develop coaching skills to be able to guide team membersand advise management regarding Lean Six Sigmaimplementation.

» Solve a business problem by running a project during thecourse, as part of the certification criteria.

W h o s h o u l d a t t e n dCertified Green Belt seeking in-depth Lean Six Sigmaknowledge, practical leadership and analytical skills todeliver business improvement results.

C e r t i f i c a t i o n C r i t e r i aAchieve a 70% pass mark on a group project case studyassignment conducted during the course which will assessyour practical understanding of the tools and techniques.

Secondly, achieve 70% pass mark in the Black Belt finalexam held on the on the last day of the course.

P r e - r e q u i s i t e sLean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate either with GameChange or another bonafide training provider (evidencerequired).

“Advanced Practitioner Level” skills in DMAIC processimprovement and full range of Lean Six Sigma tools andtechniques to plan and lead change in your organisation.

This course builds upon the participants Green Beltknowledge to cover a greater level of analytical, projectimplementation and change leadership skills. You walkaway with the learning and the know-how. This means notjust focus on the “what” to do but the “how” to do it, withgreater emphasis on typical project barriers and “hints”and “tips” on “how” to overcome using case studies,compelling best practices as part of the learningexperience.



Building Continuous Improvement

Business Case & Project Charter

Building a Process Cost Profile

DMAIC Tollgate reviews

Project Case Study


Measurement System Analysis

Sampling and Transforming Data


Multi-Variate Analysis

Classes of Distributions

Inferential Statistics

Hypothesis Testing

Data Analysis in Minitab


Lean Enterprise Management

Assumption Busting the status quo

Building High Performing Teams


Inventive Problem Solving

Multiple Regression Analysis

Designed Experiments

Decision Matrices


Sustaining the Gains

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)

Course Fee (exc VAT)

Includes 5 nights accommodation, breakfast and lunch at the University of Bradford campus, course material, exam

and certification fee. For Euro Pricing, Student and Unemployed Discounts

Please get in touch.

£ 2 , 2 5 0

Page 6: Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program · Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program > Accelerated Learning ... » Advanced decision making and process improvement

Master Black Belt Training – 5 Days

A Master Black Belt has the “Expert” skills, desire andleadership ability to train and coach Green and Black Belt’sin Lean Six Sigma principles and to guide seniormanagement in implementing organisation-wideContinuous Improvement Planning and Deployment.

You will emerge from this training program with advancedskills to use the full array of Lean and Six Sigma tools andtechniques, statistical and quantitative methods as well aschange leadership across all functions and levels in yourorganisation.

» Optional Refresher Training – Up to 5 Days Black BeltClassroom Training included in the course price.

As part of the certification criteria a Master Black Beltcandidate will be required to submit a guided audit of atleast two projects which evidence the use of tools andtechniques associated with Lean Six Sigma and the DMAICroadmap. Course Instructor led Remote Coaching isavailable to all attendees for the duration of the course.

L e a r n i n g O u t c o m e s

» Certified Master Black Belt in process variability reduction(DMAIC), process waste reduction (LEAN) and growththrough innovation (DFSS) principles.

» Consultancy and Leadership skills to manage the full LeanSix Sigma project life-cycle from planning and scopingthrough to implementation and how to influenceorganisational “buy-in”.

» Upon course completion, Permission to Train and Certifyothers up to Black Belt level under Game Changecertification process using course material provided.

C e r t i f i c a t i o n C r i t e r i aParticipants are required to undertake a guided audit oftheir individual projects to evidence the use of tools andtechniques associated with Lean Six Sigma. At least twosuccessful projects are required for submission. The resultsare used to evaluate successful certification, in addition toachieving a 70% pass mark in the Master Black Belt Exam.

P r e - r e q u i s i t e sBlack Belt certification either with Game Change or anotherbonafide training provider (evidence required).

Course Fee (exc VAT)

Includes 5 nights accommodation, breakfast and lunch at the University of Bradford campus, course material, exam and

certification fee.

£ 2 , 9 5 0


Up to 5 Days Refresher Black Belt

Classroom Training included in

course price*



Course Pre-work

Instructor led remote coaching and guided

audit of 2 Black Belt projects included in

Course Price

Classroom Training

(5 Days)

Master Black Belt Curriculum

Lean Six Sigma Training and Certification Delivery

Driving Growth Through InnovationDesign for Six Sigma (DFSS)

Continuous Improvement Planning and Deployment

Managing Resistance to Change

Lean Cycle Time Reduction

Advanced Statistics

Master Black Belt Exam and

Final Project Assessment

Certified Lean Six Sigma

Master Black Belt

* No charge for course fee,. Accommodation costs not included

Page 7: Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program · Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program > Accelerated Learning ... » Advanced decision making and process improvement

Yellow Belt

(2 Days)

Green Belt

(5 Days)

Black Belt

(5 Days)

Master Black Belt

(5 Days)

£695 £2,250 £2,250 £2,950


To understand Lean Six

Sigma principles and basic

tool-kit in sufficient detail to

make a meaningful

contribution to project

conversations and support


Practitioner level Understanding of the Define-


Control roadmap and

actionable tool-kit and

techniques to successfully

implement Continuous

improvement projects.

Advanced Practitioner


analytical and change

management skills to

pinpoint performance

shortfalls and lead Business

improvement in any function

or department of any


Expert Consultant,

Adviser and Trainerin process variability

reduction (DMAIC), process

waste reduction (LEAN) and

growth through innovation

(DFSS) principles.

Interest in continuous

improvement skills

Interest in continuous

improvement skills

Green Belt Certification Black Belt Certification

Submit 2 projects

None NoneLaptop with Minitab software

Trial Ver. 17

Laptop with Minitab software

Trial Ver. 17

08:30 – 18:00 08:30 – 18:00 08:00 – 20:00 08:00 – 20:00

YB Course Notes

YB Excel Tool-kit

Yellow Belt Certificate

1 night


Free eLearning White

Belt Course

On-line Practice Exams

GB Course Notes

GB Excel Tool-kit

Green Belt Certificate

5 nights


Free eLearning White

Belt Course

On-line Practice Exams

BB Course notes

BB Excel Tool-kit

Take-away Case Studies

Black Belt Certificate

5 Nights


On-line Practice Exams

MBB Course notes

Up to 5 Days Refresher

Classroom Training


Project Coaching

License to train and Certify

using Game Change


Master Black Belt


5 Nights


Exam: 20 questions

Duration: 30 min.

Pass mark: 70%

Exam: 30 Questions

Duration: 40 min.

Pass Mark: 70%

Exam: 50 Questions

Duration: 70 min.

Group Project Case

Study conducted during

the course

Pass Mark: 70%

Exam: 75 Questions

Duration: 120 min.

Submit 2 completed Lean

Six Sigma Black Belt


Pass Mark: 70%

5 pm 3 pm 3 pm 3 pm

Course Pre-requisites

Participant IT Requirements

Course Timings

Certification and Exam Track

Exam Time (Last day of course)

What’s Included ?

Course Fees (Excluding VAT) Price includes Accommodation and Breakfast / Lunch for the Entire course duration

For Non-residential and European Venue Pricing Please Get in touch

£ 695 £ 2,250 £ 2,250 £ 2,950£ 7 9 5 £ 2 , 2 5 0 £ 2 , 2 5 0 £ 2 , 9 5 0

Page 8: Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program · Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program > Accelerated Learning ... » Advanced decision making and process improvement

+ 4 4 ( 0 ) 1 2 7 4 4 5 2 1 0 7

e n q u i r y @ g a m e - c h a n g e . c o m

4th – 8th Apr11th – 12th Jan 7th – 11th Mar

16th – 20th May

11th – 15th Jul

14th – 18th Mar

21st – 22nd Mar 23rd – 27th May

31st May – 1st Jun

18th – 22nd Jul

31st Aug – 1st Sep 19th – 23rd Sep

5th – 9th Dec 12th – 16th Dec

2016 Open Enrolment Training Calendar


(2 Days)


(5 Days)


(5 Days)



(5 Days)

1st – 2nd Dec

27th Jun – 1st Jul

12th – 16th Sep18th – 22nd Jul

21st – 25th Nov 26th – 30th Sep

21st – 22nd Mar 18th – 22nd Apr

20th – 24th Jun

3rd – 7th Oct

25th – 29th Apr

16th – 17th Jun 31st Oct – 4th Nov

5th – 6th Sep

17th – 18th Oct

18th – 19th Jan

8th – 9th Feb

10th – 11th Feb

11th – 12th Apr

21st – 22nd Apr

6th – 7th Jun

28th – 29th Nov 9th – 13th May 24 – 28th Oct

C a l l f o r d e t a i l s >

Prefer Customized Training at your Location?

Venue: Oslo and Bergen, Norway

Venue: Heaton Mount, University of Bradford School of Management, UK

Venue: St Helier, Jersey

Venue: Nyborg, Denmark

For Euro Pricing Please Get In Touch.Please enquire about Discounted Course Fee for Student and Unemployed

Page 9: Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program · Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program > Accelerated Learning ... » Advanced decision making and process improvement

An excellent and well structured course that is well established and brilliantly taught.

Derek McDonoughContinuous Improvement Manager

Royal Air Force

> More Testimonials

C e r t i f i c a t i o n a n d E x a m s

P r o j e c t G u i d e l i n e s

C o u r s e L o g i s t i c s

W h o s h o u l d a t t e n d

The courses are designed for a mix of participantsincluding team members, supervisors, projectmanager’s, functional and technical experts,consultants, senior executives, business leaders andsponsors from a wide variety of industries andbusiness dynamics.

C e r t i f i c a t i o n a n d E x a m

T r a c k

Upon successful completion of the training programyou will receive the respective Game Change LeanSix Sigma Yellow, Green, Black or Master Black BeltCertificate. Our certification process is based on theGE, Motorola and Honeywell certification model andis recognised as the appropriate way to becomecertified.

Game Change has trained and certified hundreds oforganizations and thousands of businessprofessionals to help them build their Lean Six Sigmacapabilities.

All course curriculum conforms to the BOK asspecified by the American Society of Quality (ASQ)and other benchmark standards.

Case studies and group tutorials are designed toensure you gain a practical understanding ofsystematically selecting and applying appropriatemethods and tools.

The learning outcomes are individually assessed bythe instructor during the course and through thefinal exam on the last day of the course.

L e a r n i n g E n v i r o n m e n t

All our training venues are selected to deliver thebest in a positive distraction free environmentallowing you the time and ability to learneffectively.

Page 10: Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program · Lean Six Sigma Open Enrolment 2016 Training Program > Accelerated Learning ... » Advanced decision making and process improvement

W h a t W e D o

Since 2005, the Game Change Accelerated Lean SixSigma 'Boot Camp' and In-house Training andCertification program has been successfullycompleted by thousands of business professionalsworldwide from a wide variety of manufacturing,service and transactional organization's.

Our approach does away with the tendency oftraditional training courses to "learn and leave",whereby Lean Six Sigma knowledge is transferred butimprovement results are never fully realized. Wefocus on practice not theory.

All Game Change Instructors are highly experiencedand certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt’s, ableto convey classroom based instruction and conceptsto applied knowledge in an engaging manner.

We don't deliver training, we train to deliverbusiness results.

T: +44 (0)1274 452 107

E: [email protected]


A: Game Change Ltd.

9-11 Peckover Street

Little Germany

Bradford, UK BD1 5BD

UK Company Registration Number: 0527472





Significantly reduce certification

timescales and costs compared with

conventional training with the

opportunity to walk away with your Lean

Six Sigma Certification at the end of the



Whereas traditional courses emphasize

presentation or material based learning of

content to apply afterwards, the Game

Change program emphasizes

collaboration between learners through

practical activity based learning and

certification project work conducted

during the course.


Our training courses are taught by expert

Master Black Belt instructor’s with

extensive real-world experience, so you

not only learn the theory but also the

“know-how” to make a real impact back

at your workplace.

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