Documents tagged
Business 1.[1 15]study of bric countries in the financial turnmoil

1.International Affairs and Global Strategy www.iiste.orgISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)Vol 1, 2011 Study of BRIC countries in the financial turmoil Shashi…

Technology Absoft sap oil & gas supply chain forum feb 2012

1. Supply Chain Forum Thursday 9 thFebruary 2012 2. Agenda Introduction Presentation 1 – Returns, Repairs & Rentals Presentation 2 – Material Traceability Future…

Documents Pengaruh Faktor Distress Risk Dalam Menjelaskan Efek

C O P Y F R O M W W W . U A J Y . A C . I D Pengaruh Faktor Distress Risk dalam Menjelaskan Efek Anomali Momentum (Bertha Silvia Sutejo) 15 Pengaruh Faktor DiStRESS RiSk…

Documents Pengaruh Kinerja (Camel) Terhadap Return Saham

PENGARUH RASIO CAMEL TERHADAP RETURN SAHAM KETUT ALIT SUARDANA Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Udayana ABSTRACT Financial performance is one of fundamental…

Documents Artikel, Pengaruh Rasio Camel Terhadap Return Saham

PENGARUH RASIO CAMEL TERHADAP RETURN SAHAM KETUT ALIT SUARDANA Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Udayana ABSTRACT Financial performance is one of fundamental…

Documents IIAS investor survey 2014

1. 2014IiAS surveyInstitutional Investors’ Attitudes to Corporate GovernanceIn association with 2. IiAS Survey 2014Institutional Investors Attitudes to Corporate Governance…


1. VOLUME NO. 3 (2013), ISSUE N O. 10 (OCTOBER)ISSN 2231-1009A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed (Refereed/Juried) Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the…

Documents Measuring Brand Equity Across Products and Markets

MEASURING BRAND EQUITY ACROSS PRODUCTS AND MARKETS DAVID A. AAKER Ayu Ariandini Frida Junia Kicky Rezza G What is a stronger brand name? Why is a brand strong or weak? How…

Retail My sales for billing

1. Pain Areas What is my sales  Structure of My sales Application  Path of My Sales Sales and Expenses  Stock Management Billing and Expenses Track…

Documents MY SALES PPT -1-anji

1. LINE UP Description of my sales  Setup for My sales Application  Stock Categorization and Management Sells and Expenses  Generated Reports Features of…