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  • 1. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved. 2013 Acxiom Corporation. All RightsReserved.Email Insider SummitAcxiom Digital Impact &Our View of the ConsumerMay 2013@ryanpphelan@acxiom

2. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved.Acxiom Digital Impact can do everything the other ESPscan do, but we chose them because they showed theyknew our business and demonstrated they would tailortheir approach to us. Email Director, Massively Large Worldwide Communications Company that youve heard ofNew Client 3. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved. 4. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved. 4Its best when Ican customize whatI receiveinformation about.At the end of eachemail, have a link todifferent option settingsto control the type andfrequency of the emails,etc.If they are going tosend me an email,dont offer thesame discount, whichisnt much of adiscount every time.The thing I hate most iswhen companies send outdailies emails advertising a20% off sale... for weeks in arow. Ive stopped shoppingat two sites because [of it] 5. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved. 536% ofrespondents checkemail, social mediaand texts beforedoing anything elseafter they wake up 6. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved. 621%check theiremail beforebreakfast 7. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved. 7When an email issaved to be readlater, 60%never read it. 8. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved. 852%use their smart phone to checksocial media and email each day 9. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved. 9Nearly 49%of respondents have an emailaccount for emails they rarely intend to open 10. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved. 10Almost60%ofrespondents areokay with usingtheir primary emailaddress as a loginfor financialinstitutions 11. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved. 1172%ofconsumers read emailwhen they are bored29%reademail while in thebathroom 12. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved.The Data Continuum121:Many1:1Where are you? 13. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved.Reliance on Data13Digital BehavioralPast PurchaseSelf DisclosedDemographicThe industry is focusing too muchon the Shinny Object and not onthe core success path using data 14. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved.Acxiom Enterprise Stack14AudiencemanagementlayerDatabaselayerImpact databaseImpact data hygieneDisplay/TVApplicationlayer 15. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved. 16. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved.Who Acxiom is16 17. 2013 Acxiom Corporation : Consumer Digital Behavioral Study. N=1,006All Rights Reserved. 2013 Acxiom Corporation. All RightsReserved.Ryan PhelanVice President, Strategic [email protected] you!Keep the learning going. Follow me on twitter@ryanpphelan@acxiom

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