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Page 1: Participate in a Conversation About the Future of Our Shul file2 June 2013 | 913-647-7279 From the Rabbi’s Study Rabbi David M. Glickman 913-647-7294 A | 913-647-7279 June 2013

Vol. 83, No. 10

June 2013 Sivan-Tammuz


Participate in a Conversation About the Future of Our Shul

[email protected]


On the evening of July 1st, we will hold our Congregational Annual Meeting. Traditionally this is time to elect our Board of Directors. In addi-tion to the election, we wanted to take the opportunity to update the congre-gation on several important issues and to address congregants’ questions. By the time of our meeting we are hopeful that we will have closed on the sale of the Wornall Campus. It is

an ideal time to update the congrega-tion on the shul's financial position. As a continuation of our strategic planning process, Gina Kaiser has been chairing a committee studying the future of our shul's facilities. Gina will report on the committee's progress. We also have been studying various alternative dues structures that are being considered and implemented at our sister Conservative synagogues

Board Nominations for 2013-14 In accordance with the Bylaws of Congregation Beth Shalom, the Nominating Committee presents the following for election as officers to serve a one year term for 2013-14:

OfficersPresident: Mike AbramsExecutive V-P: Norman Kahn, Jr.Education V-P: Alicia KleinReligious Affairs VP: Rita CortésTreasurer: Richard SimonSecretary: Daniel RosenthalImmediate Past President: Kurt Kavanaugh

Candidates for Board of Directors.

For a three year term, 2013-16: Harryette CoopermanRhonda FrommDayna Gershon Jason KrakowDaniel Rosenthal Dana SchwartzRhea Salasche Shira Zigler

For a two year term, 2013-15: Chuck Gasser For a one year term, 2013-14: Cathy Newman

As stated in the Bylaws, additional qualified persons* may be nominated by a General Member of the Congregation in good standing upon submission of a writ-ten petition containing the signatures of at least twenty (20) General Members of the Congregation in good standing. Petitions should be sent to: Kurt Kavanaugh, Nominating Committee Chairman, c/o Congregation Beth Shalom, 14200 Lamar, OP, KS 66223, no later than Monday, June 17, 2013.

across North America. We would like to have a dia-logue about some of these ideas. The Board would love to see all of our congregants at this important meeting.

Other members of the Board of Directors whose terms will continue are: Mike Abrams, Sarah Beren, Peter Cabell, Rita Cortés, Cindy Daniels, Stephen Feinstein, Norman Kahn, Jr., Miriam Kaseff, Kurt Kavanaugh, Alicia Klein, Rachel Krantz, Mike Rogovein, Richard Simon, and Joe Zwillenberg. Appointed members include Art Federman and Hanan Hammer. Members of the Nominat-ing Committee are: Kurt Kavanaugh, Chairman; Cindy Daniels, Stephen Feinstein, Milisa Flekier, Miriam Kas-eff, Rod Minkin, Michael Rogovein, Dana Schwartz, David Sosland, and Annie Wishna.

The election will be held during the Congregation’s Annual Meeting on Monday, July 1st, 7 pm, in Goldsmith Hall. * A qualified person for the Board of Directors is a General Member in good standing who is not a member of the Board or similar body of any other synagogue in the Greater Kansas City area. A qualified person for an officer position must meet certain requirements.

Page 2: Participate in a Conversation About the Future of Our Shul file2 June 2013 | 913-647-7279 From the Rabbi’s Study Rabbi David M. Glickman 913-647-7294 A | 913-647-72792 June 2013

Fro m t h e R a bb i ’s S t u d y

Rabbi David M. [email protected]


A Jewish Summer – More Than Just Camp Our goal at Congregation Beth Shalom – for young people and adults -- is to create literate Jews who carry with them the joy of being Jew-ish and the self-confidence to make their own Jewish choices wherever they are. So, I am giving all of our con-gregants homework for the summer. “What??!!!” you ask, “Homework!!??” What kind of terrible rabbi gives homework – and on summer vacation no less? Yes. Here is every congregant’s homework assignment: do something Jewish over the summer – preferably away from home – and share it in shul when you get back. My prefer-ence is that if you are traveling this summer at all, take one Friday night

or Saturday morning and seek out a synagogue for Shabbat services. But it could be ANYTHING – making Havdalah by a beach, having a Shab-bat dinner barbecue in the back yard with friends, seeking out kosher food on a family road trip, working on a family tzedakah project before school begins in the Fall. If there is one message that this assignment will teach, it is this: you are not only Jewish during the school year and when you are at Beth Shalom – you are always Jewish, and you can always make Jewish choices. This is one of the fundamen-tal lessons of our Jewish learning, and ironically, it is best taught when school is not in session. It can’t hap-pen in our Polsky Religious School, at

our Rose Family pre-school, at the HBHA or in our adult educa-tion classes – it can only happen “as you walk along the way” as we read in the Shema. I hope that everyone has a meaningful and joyful summer vaca-tion, and I look forward to seeing you at synagogue over the summer and in the fall.Shalom,

Plots Plots are available for sale in the interfaith section at Mt. Carmel. Although some have already been sold, now is your opportunity to purchase plots in the location of your choice. This section (as well as other new sections) will be offering garden

Pictured: Molly Kavanaugh, Stephanie Kavanaugh, Jim Jones, Richard Simon, Kurt Kavanaugh, Joel Silverman, David Karty, Al Beitchman, Micah Karty, Matthew Kavanaugh, Yale Winston, Aiden Nelson, Brian Nelson, Benjamin Simon and Bob Pratt.

L to R: Haidee Clauer, Todd Clauer, Mirra Klausner, Stephanie Kavanaugh, Matthew Kavanaugh and Aviva Clauer.

style headstones often found at other cemeteries. To receive a copy of the interfaith burial policy that was ap-proved by the Cemetery Committee and Board of Directors, click here or contact the Ritual Office: 913-647-7281.

Matthew Kavanaugh, a Life Scout in Troop 61, recently completed his Eagle Project at Mount Carmel Cemetery. Matthew, his family and the scouts who helped him, completed several projects at the Cemetery in-cluding completing a new gravel road and repairing a masonry bridge.

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KCUSY proudly announces the 2013-14 Chapter Executive Board: President-- Ricardo Zepeda, Executive Vice President-- Moriah Abrams, Mem-bership/Kadima Vice President-- Adena Goldberg, Religion/Education Vice President-- Elana Goldenberg, Social Action/Tikun Olam Vice President-- Ja-cob Flekier, Communications Vice President-- Sophie Shapiro, Historian-- Joel Gutovitz, Freshman Representative-- Jonah Pellegrino, Senior Representative-- Becca Adler. In addition Jacob Pellegrino will serve on the USY Regional Executive Board as Social Action/Tikun Olam Vice President.

As we approach 5774, we remember our loved ones who have been called to their eternal rest. One way we can do this is by inscrib-ing them in our Congregation Beth Shalom Yizkor-Remembrance Book. For more than two decades, this book has been published at Beth Shalom, honor-ing the memories of our loved ones. This book will be used at all four of our Yizkor services. We are offering five options for Yizkor Book entries. You will be able to pay by check or credit card; by snail mail or online. If you complete the form online, the details will au-tomatically be emailed to our office. To access the online form, click here. If you have any questions, please call 913-647-7281, to speak with Jill Goldstein, Ritual Coordina-tor. Due to the early dates for the holidays this year, the deadline for submitting a listing for the 2013-14/5774 Yizkor-Remembrance Book is, Friday, June 28.

High Holy Days Begin in September

Wanted: Motivated individuals who can give their time and talents to CBS.

We are holding a Volunteer Job Fair on July 1st beginning at 6:00 PM prior to the Congregational Meeting. Our committees will be recruit-ing; see what interests you. Att: All Committee Chairs plus Sisterhood and Men’s Club-contact Jill Goldstein to run a Job Fair booth at the event. Jill Goldstein 913 647-7281 or [email protected].

KCUSY Announces the 2013-14 Board

Because CBS no longer has two boards to display Yahrtzeit tab-lets, we have a second set of tablets no longer in use. If you would like your loved ones’ extra tablets, call the synagogue any time during regular business hours in June, and we will be happy to give you the tablet(s). We cannot mail these. If you cannot come in, contact a friend to pick them up for you or contact Beth Shalom. We can hold your tablets for you. On June 30, all unclaimed tablets will be recycled.

Yahrtzeit Tablets…

Best of Luck to 2013 PreK Class A Snapshot with the Rabbi and Instructors

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Sisterhood Salutes Linda Lessner and Installs Beverly Newman as President

Beverly Newman, President | [email protected] S i s t e r h o o d

WarmUp America Wednesday, June 5

SafeHome Tuesday, June 11

PrayerWorks Wednesday, June 26

In the ancient English city of Glaston-bury, an art restorer has been brutally murdered and a long-lost portrait by Rembrandt mysteriously stolen. Want to learn more? Come to the Sisterhood Book Club, July 10, 7 pm, at the home of Gayle Ranen to discuss The Rembrandt Affair by Daniel Silva. For further details or to be added to the email list, contact Rowena Turk at 913-649-7098 or [email protected]. Looking ahead: dates for future meetings are Oct. 9, Dec. 11, Feb. 12, Apr. 23, & June 25.

Sisterhood Book Club Meets July 10

Jewish Adult Education Opportunities

Building Community/Celebrating Shabbat - June 14 (details to follow)

Parashat Hashavua - June 15

Volunteer Job Fair - July 1

Recently, Beth Shalom Sisterhood sent six delegates to the WLCJ IntraContinental Region Conference in St. Louis. Pictured left to right; Back row: Marcy Rydell, Beverly Newman, Linda Lessner; Front row: Carol Yarmo, Rhea Salasche, Gerre Minkin .

Voicing a verse, Sisterhood sing to Linda. From l-r, Marlene Katz, Dini Freed, Harry-ette Cooperman, Berenice Haberman, Elaine Singer, Linda Bell and Marcy Rydell.

Gerre Minkin presents the Sisterhood Leadership Award to Carol Yarmo.

Gerre Minkin watches as outgoing Sisterhood President Linda Lessner takes a bow.

Incoming Sisterhood President Beverly Newman smiles as her husband Peter speaks.

Editorial Comments

Comments by Bev Newman, Scroll Editor

The theme for Women’s League for Conservative Judaism for the coming year is "Mishpachah, the Modern Jewish Family." In my opinion, this theme can be applied to our entire Congregation. Many of us are part of multi-generation families, while others of us are relative new-comers or people with no prior ties to CBS. Together all of us make up a family—a congregational family. A congregational family can operate in the same manner as a traditional fam-ily: being there for each other, wor-shiping together, working together, playing together and helping each other. We need to reach out to each other to become Mishpachah.

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Polsky Religious School (PRS)Patti Kroll, Coordinator of Education | [email protected]

Rose Family Early Childhood Education CenterJudy Jacks Berman, Director | [email protected] | 913-647-7287

By Jill Goldstein, PRS Teacher Every month I receive an online copy of the Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy’s school paper, The Ram Page. In the May edition, it came to my attention that several students in our CBS family were being honored. I thought this would be a great way to say mazal tov—Beth Shalom is proud of you: National Honor Society induct-ees: Moriah Abrams, Natalie Cabell, Jacob Pellegrino, Sophia Porter and Max Sosland. All of this year’s HBHA inductees are members of our CBS community. HBHA Juniors recognized with Book Awards for their academic, Judaic, personal service and leadership

accomplishments are:Alex Sher - the Wellesley College Book AwardSam Sosland - the Jewish Theological Seminary Book Award Additionally, yashar koach to our

Hyman Brand Kudos to Our CBS Students

Summer Camp and the Living is Easy...and fun!

CBS members who staff The Ram Page:Senior Editor: Sam AbramsNews Editor: Daniel GoldbergStaff Writers (in addition to the Edi-tors): Rachel Kaseff, Matthew Kavana-ugh, Max Sosland and Sam Sosland.

Did you know that camp at CBS this summer is going to be a blast? All camp activities will revolve around the themes of Sun, Stars, Moon and Planets. Some of the fun goings-on will be a Bounce to the Moon Bounce House, 4th of July Bike Parade and a trip to the moon to learn about the planets. Campers will also work in the RFECEC garden

and enjoy eating the veggies they have planted. A special event will be a concert featuring “The Sugar Free All-stars”, a great group from Oklahoma, that provides fun and funky music for families. There is still time to sign up for a fun summer at camp. Contact Judy Jacks Berman for more informa-tion at 913-647-7287.

Confirmation ClassMeet the 2013 PRS Confirmands, lower l-r: Linzi Oppenheimer, Sydney Nadler, Emily Newman, Emily Ruben and Sophie Shapiro. Top row:Eli Kahn, Clay Cub-bage, Rabbi Glickman, Jacob Flekier, Josh Hurst and Michael Rubel. Not pictured, Gabrielle Sonnenschein.

After more than two decades as a teacher for Rose Family Early Childhood Education Center, Norine Rosenblum retired from Beth Shalom. Next year, she will be teaching four year olds at Chabad and developing a touring artist program. Hopefully Norine will be back many times to present different artists to the 3-5 year old classes! Please join us in wishing Norine much happiness and success in her future. Above, l-r, Dayna Gershon, Norine Rosenblum and Hildy Goldman.

CBS Celebrates Miss Norine

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Ecclesiastes 3:1

Celebrating life CyCle events

Mazal Tov to our Bat MitzvahSubmit your B’nei Mitzvah announcements to be published.

Mazal Tov to...Submit your Mazal Tov to be published

Abbie Shira RieberJune 15 / 7 Tammuz

Abbie’s parents are Rabbi Moti and Suzy Siegler Rieber. Her grandparents are Merna Siegler, Sylvan Siegler, z"l and David and Maxine Per-sons, Boynton Beach, FL. Her siblings are Ellie and Joey Rieber. She attends Indian Woods and plays the clarinet and enjoys singing, danc-ing and acting. She is participating in B'nai Tzedek and donating pipe to the Mitzvah garden for their drip irrigation system for her Bat Mitzvah project. The Bat Mitzvah will take place in Lawrence, KS.

Greg and Susie Azorsky upon the graduation of their son, Andrew, from the University of Michigan. Grandparents are Mike and Gloria Azorsky and Ann Cohen.

Harvey Bodker upon having the premier classroom in the Truman Library’s White House Decision Center named in his honor.

Natalie Cabell, the daughter of Peter and Joan Cabell, who won a $1,000 scholarship in the 2013 First National Bank of Kansas Business Plan Competition.

Marna Dolginoff on the birth of her great grandson Alex-ander Paul Klinkenborg son of Becky and Joe and Grand-son of Donna and Dennis Katz.

Bernie Fried upon receiving the Robert Campbell Out-standing Faculty Service Award for excellence in teaching from Baker University.

David Levine, for earning his MBA from the University of Houston. David is the son of Sandy and Ida Levine.

Ruth Margolies upon the recent Bar Mitzvah of her grandson, Gavriel Margolies Scott, at Village Shalom.

Linda Sander who received the Emerging Leader Award from NCJW.

Svetlana & Roman Sorkin, upon the birth of their grand-daughter Adella Alta on April 20. She and her parents, Hanna and Stephen Sorkin-Schlager, live in N.Y.

Samuel Abrams Georgetown University - Walsh School of Foreign Service

Joshua Azorsky Indiana UniversityLily Friedman University of Texas - AustinBrian Gerson University of Texas - AustinLevi Gerson, Kansas State UniversityDaniel Goldberg University of Maryland - College ParkAlysa Grant American UniversityKayla Kahn American Academy of Dramatic ArtsJeremy Katz University of KansasRachel Kaseff Goucher CollegeDeborah Klein Kivunim -volunteer based program

in Israel and Eastern EuropeIsabel Kramer College of CharlestonSarah Kruger University of Maryland - College ParkEthan Loftspring Young Judaea Year Course in Israel, then

University of Texas - AustinJake Novicoff Honor's College, University of KansasBrandon Parnes, Johnson County Community CollegeHarrison Rosenthal Occidental CollegeJeffrey Rubel Williams CollegeAshley Ruben Indiana UniversityJessica Schneider Emory UniversityAdam Shafton Plans Undecided Benjamin Simon Georgia Institute of TechnologyKyle Wordsworth University of Kansas

Congrats to 2013 Grads

Executive Director Elaine Levine thanks Gary Cortés and his wife Debby for their gift of 6 rolling book-carts to the synagogue in honor of their 50th Anniversary.

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Ecclesiastes 3:1

Celebrating life CyCle events June Anniversaries

June Anniversaries will be honored during services on Shabbat morning, June 15. July Anniversaries will be honored on July 20. To sponsor a Kiddush contact Norman, 913-647-7283.

2 Tiberius & Carla Klausner 50 3 Louis & Vicki Asner 40 3 Charles & Andrea Gasser 29 4 Ryan & Stefanie Williams 7 5 Norman & Barbara Bresel 53 5 Rachel Krantz & Edward Goldstein 9 5 Dennis & Donna Katz 36 5 Howard & Sharon Noah 30 5 Larry & Ellen Polsky 36 6 Brian & Sheri Bell 14 6 Mark & Ellie Mandelbaum 31 6 Morton & Estelle Sosland 67 6 Benjamin & Rachel Warner 9 6 David & Judith Weinstein 31 7 Herman & Dorothy Mondschein 65 8 Michael & Jenifer Blum 44 8 Edward & Rickie Haith 55 8 Neil & Blanche Sosland 55 9 Randy & Joan Covitz 39 9 Daniel & Dayna Gershon 11 9 David Karty & Stacey Hammer-Karty 17 10 Fred & Cynthia Bodker 23 10 Keith & Donna Seymour 15 11 Jack & Marcia Bloom 52 11 Todd Clauer & Mirra Klausner 18 12 Lawrence & Phyllis Kalender 25 12 Arthur & Linda Levine 48 12 Michael & Wendy Malyn 25 12 Hal & Amy Pollack 30 12 Michael & Marcia Silverman 30 13 Claude & Rachel Einstein 3 13 Shawn & Rachel Muller 9 13 Morty & Taena Rock 14 13 Bruce & Celia Solomon 42 14 Alan & Linda Cohen 43 14 Benny & Susan Harding 43 15 Sam & Danielle Levine 11 15 Alan Edelman & Deborah Sosland-Edelman 33 16 Gary & Debby Cortés 50 16 Hanan & Natalie Hammer 45

Day Years 17 Loren & Merilyn Berenbom 38 17 Louis Stein & Carly Brown-Stein 1 17 Howard & Lynda Hirsekorn 34 17 Eric & Miriam Kaseff 23 17 Brady Warshawsky & Jamie Katz 6 17 Larry & Judith Parnes 23 18 David & Mindy Parmet 13 18 Bruce & Susan Winston 24 19 Harvey & Alice Grossman 36 19 Peter & Beverly Newman 47 19 Joel & Brenda Pelofsky 53 19 Richard & Patricia Stein 19 21 Marvin & Adelle Goldstein 54 21 Joel & Sue Vile 54 23 Michael & Gloria Azorsky 28 23 Steve & Linda Hammer 28 23 David Sosland & Rachel Pase-Sosland 11 23 Michael Foote & Debra Pener 25 23 Herbert & Alice Stein 50 24 David Feingold & Trudi Galblum 6 24 Robert & Jill Magoon 27 24 Sheldon & Stephanie Pessin 40 24 Michael & Debra Shapiro 29 26 Jay & Charlene Pollack 59 26 Richard & Allyson Shore 25 27 Bernard & Joan Erdman 48 27 James & Elisa Pener 31 27 Daniel & Natalie Toubes 50 28 Michael & Donna Riss 26 29 Milton & Marilyn Ozar 66 29 Lawrence & Renee Silver 5 30 Marvin & Carol Goldstein 50

Day Years

Neil and Blanche Sosland are sponsoring the Kiddush Luncheon for their 55th Anniversary on June 8th.Marvin and Carol Goldstein are spon-soring the Kiddush Luncheon on June 29th for their 50th Wedding Anniver-sary and Marvin’s special Birthday.

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Praised is the True Judge

Yahrtzeits Join us for morning or evening minyan to say Kaddish for your loved one. See service schedule, page 11.23 Sivan-June 1

Norma ChalkAlex ColemanJoseph FredmanIsrael HoffmanJoe LevineBen WeitzmanSally WindmullerMelba S. Yukon

24 Sivan-June 2Rose BlondEthel FormanSophie GordonMoses IsaakAnna LitwinTheresa PassmanRose PlotskyEsther PuckerMorris SedlerBernard ShermanHyman Isaac SkyBen YukonSimon Yukon

25 Sivan-June 3Edward J. BakerBessie BertmanSam BodkerEvelyn GershonSarah JarusSam KleinsteinRegina SchechterIda ShafferLoretta Shlensky

ShapiroGerald SheftelSelma Raskin

SilvermanJames SmithPhilip M.

Trochtenberg26 Sivan-June 4

Brocky BregmanGussie DentonLeona HoffmanStanley KanterAnna KatzLouis LippmanEva MarkowitzBenjamin B.

OverbeckEsther RothenbergClara Small

Rebecca Smith27 Sivan-June 5

Morris CopelandHarry DanielsBeatrice GundleLatisha Gertrude

RoseHarry RosenblumJacob RothbergAnna SiegalSam TabolskyKatie Weneck

28 Sivan-June 6Issie CohnGeorge B. DurbinSolomon S.

EisenbergSamuel GoldsteinGertrude JacobsHiman J. KraftSteven LoefflerSamuel A OzarAnnalee PollackJacob Levy

ReingenheimLibby RittmasterHarry RosenblumFanny Sandler

29 Sivan-June 7Fannie GarfinkleMollie GladstoneUdes GlassPessye GlattHerman GlazerPaula KitrickSarah LukeSam MokofskyBenjamin ParnesRobert Jay RubinEgon SeidenLouis TaubinSam TilzerMorris WilkMay Zeligman

30 Sivan-June 8Mike CapitoMax ClemensbergRebecca EngelRae Rubins JagodaIda KopecSarah Motle Lewin

Morris PavenRheva Spitcaufsky

1 Tammuz-June 9Della Baum BercuAdolf BrennerJoseph CohenKate Simon

EisemannAmy Gaylene

FreedRichard GarfinkelTom GershonFanny GrossSarah GutovitzIke KaplanCelia KortLeah LeviHenry LowenthalCelia R. MarksClayton Max

MorrisMordecai L.

SchoopJeanette SeidenFannie B. TraxlerElla Werby2 Tammuz-June 10

Ben BellRuth BrennerDorothy CohenHenry DuniFannie L. GalitzkyAnn Gladys JacobsMeyer KaplanAdolph KleimanMinnie MonovitzBertha NaronMichael NovorrEsther NowickLouis L. SimonsHyman Zeligman3 Tammuz-June 11

Jess L. ChambersIra Jerome FriedsonMollie GlazerRobert M. GrossRebecca KaufmanLouis RisburdVictor Silverstein

4 Tammuz-June 12Marian AsherZona CohnMorris EichenbergHelen GlassHerman GoodmanWilliam

HimmelsteinDavid HirschReuben LevineAbraham N. OlerJoseph OliverSaul RosenMary SchlozmanMaurice SpectorHannah Stolov5 Tammuz-June 13

Moses BergerShayne BernsteinAbe BoresowZyssa BorinsteinSophie EdelsteinRose FishmanHarry FishmanTobie Bessie Gilgus

GallerJack GlazerSam GoldsteinBen GrozowNeddy KalinskyArthur KaplanMorris KernGertrude

LiebermanCharles E. MilensMildred OelbaumSusan PuritzLeo RubensteinMike George

SchlienSamuel SchwartzSamuel Swartz6 Tammuz-June 14

Dora BobrovFannie EisenVita GoldbergFreida Schlien

KleinHannah KleinSadye LernerFannie LeviHenry Mack

Jeanette PresentFrank Steinberg7 Tammuz-June 15

Sarah Ruth AgronBessie BenjaminAbe BernsteinMollie F. BlondRegina FriedmanDorothea JagodaGertrude M.

LazarowFrances Yukon8 Tammuz-June 16

Etta GershonGeorge KernFlora LevinSam A. LitmanSylvia MinkinBernard SteinEsther TonkinHarry Westerman9 Tammuz-June 17

Ruth Bassin CohenSam FeinbergCharles HorowitzAnna KrockoverThomas Litwin10 Tammuz-June 18Berche CohenJulia EisenSamuel B. GoldSarah Helen

GottliebFanny HurwitzIrma Marx KesslerAbraham Edward

LapinFrances MallonRuben "Ruby"

NoahLouis PackEsther RosenthalAmalie Mollie

SieglerLouis SilversteinRose StevensBertha Walters11 Tammuz-June 19Levi AlexanderHarold BerkowitzLydia Brooks

Barney DubinskyAnna GoldmanSam KrashinAaron LiebermanAlexander MargolisRobert MorrisAlexander RiegerSander SiegelAnna TrilinskySam Vile12 Tammuz-June 20Harry N. BrownDella GlassSol KopitnikBen PateckTillie PelofskyNehamah PlotskyHannah RockJacob RosenblumWilbur TigermanSimon Wolfberg13 Tammuz-June 21Leonard BayzmanBessie CortezSam FriedmanAlice FriedmanAnna M. GlaserAbe GutovitzSamuel KalinskyJacob Max KanterNellie KleinFannie KrashinGolda Rosen14 Tammuz-June 22Nina Lee AppleMax BergmannRose BramsonSarah DubinskyMorris GallerJoseph C. GlaserMeyer P. GottliebRuth HymanDavid JacobsonAbe KatzMax KopinSol E. LapinTheodora Riva

OshiverSadie RemerMenahem Mendel

RoslawowskiNettie Stone

Of Blessed MemoryWe express condolences to our Beth Shalom Members, their Families and Friends.

June UnveilingsJune 7, Noon

Edward Rosenthal

June 9, 11 a.m.Bernard Eveloff

June 30, 10 a.m.Jane Klaiber

15 Tammuz-June 23Edith AgronFanni EpsteinBess GalePearl HerowitzStephen HershmanMeyer PachterFanny PuritzLibby RittmasterBertha RogoveinHerman S. RosePhillip RositzkyIrving RubensteinPhineas SchwartzAlter ShankmanHarriet ShermanHenrietta

SilverforbSarah R. WiensteinPaul (Pete) Winett16 Tammuz-June 24Rose AliskyLena BloomDorothy CopakenWilliam FreidenRay FriedsonTillie HorwitzAnna KarolGussie KortAnna MarksJacob PilzMary RosenbergNaomi RutladerMax SpitcaufskyRose Zurovsky17 Tammuz-June 25Elishu BaylessMyer CohenEthel EisenHerman

GreensteinCarl HipshJames KunellisAlexander MullerJoanne PackEtha Sarah Walsky18 Tammuz-June 26Esther BernsteinMorris BodkerKalman M. BrandRae Hadas Broun

Louis Robert Malashock , z”l, April 28 /18 IyarLeo Shalinsk y, z”l, May 3 / 23 Iyar

Norman Kaplan, z”l, May 6 / 26 IyarByron Cohen z”l, May 10 / 1 Sivan

Leon G Kusnetzk y z”l, May 14 / 5 Sivan

B a r u c h D a y a n H a E m e t

Rebecca R. DroherJoseph FeingoldStanley GoldbergAlbert KortBernice PeltzmanWilliam PesmanSimon RopeIrving SaskinIda SchlosbergDavid N. Sosland19 Tammuz-June 27Marie BernsteinEsther BlasbalgPauline CohnLillian HochbergSonia LanerBeatrice B. MindellAbraham PrussackRosa SoslandDora SternSamuel WestermanRuth B. Yukon20 Tammuz-June 28Tzeitel FeinbergBertha GlattSharlene KantorLouis KleinMichael H. PanichGoldie RosenthalHerman R. TonkinHenry S. Zwern21 Tammuz-June 29Gary S. BitnerElsie BoolkinHerbert FederSadie GordonFannie GreensteinToby HerowitzMarian ShapiroAbraham SmithRobert R. TonkensDavida

Trochtenberg22 Tammuz-June 30Samuel BrownArnold CoppakenHarry GrossI. Pete PesmenJoseph J. Plotsky

at Mount Carmel

Ben Endelman z”l, May 14 / 5 SivanBessie Sokolov z”l, May 27 / 18 Sivan

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Contributions through May 17, 2013 are listed below. Thank you for thinking of us.

Ann & Isadore Gale Scholarship

FundIn Honor ofMarilyn Cohen's

BirthdaySara Greenwood

Arlene & Gerald M

Ginsberg Youth Memorial

In Memory ofLeo ShalinskyArlene Ginsberg & Jamie Ginsberg

Benjamin Ryweck Torah

FundIn Honor ofRabbi Alan &

Linda Cohen's 43rd Ann

Joan MarchJerry Ginden's BDShirley GottsteinJoan March's BDJudith WassermanIn Memory ofRose KarbankBessie LipskyMildred

RosenbaumLeo ShalinskyHoward SilberShirley GottsteinLeo ShalinskyJoan March

Chesed Committee

FundIn Honor ofBirth of Patti

Kroll's grandsonPRS TeachersIn Memory ofCraig CitronNeal & Dana Schwartz

Leo ShalinskyMiriam KrantzGeneral Fund

In Appreciation ofSteve RubenJerold & Robin Kaplan

In Honor ofEphraim's Bar

MitzvahSusie & Paul Blackman

Ariana NovicoffKurt & Stephanie Kavanaugh

In Memory ofIda AdlerMickey & Marge Adler

Sadie AlpernGary SitbelLoenard BayzmanSteve & Marcia Schorr

Moses BergerThe Berger FamilyEsther BernsteinJerome & Sandra Bernstein

Marie BernsteinJerome & Sandra Bernstein

Mike CapitoByron CapitoMeyer ChaikinMichael & Linda Hoffman

Max ClemensbergSadie ClemensbergMarietta DunnR. Robert CohnAnna L. CohnSanford CohnJack DagermanAdela DagermanDeborah DavidoffJoseph LesserMary FinkelstonMarvin & Janice Finkelston

Max FoxJohn Goldberg & Marla Brockman

Della GlassPaul & Janet LeedsHerman GlazerMel & Elaine GlazerElla GlazerPaulette RammElaine GordonBasheh GrollmanPaul GrollmanWilliam

HimmelsteinMarvin & Janice Finkelston

Dorothea JagodaSteve & Gayle Jagoda & Family

Bernard KanterSid & Nan KanterNorman KaplanHanan & Natalie Hammer

Bessie KaplanLawrence & Sheila Pakula

Rose KarbankMarvin SznelerManual KaseffRhea Salasche & Harold Kaseff

Steven Mark KelneShirley KarnerLeah KlopperHarold & Natalie Klopper

Harry KopecAbe & Marlene Kopec

Max KopinMickey & Barbara Goldstein

Clarence & Alice Winer

Linda LeibowitzTony PachecoSamene W. LesserJoseph LesserSara LukeAndy & Zelda ReizLouis MalashockElliott & Katharine Hollub

Milton Mann & Irene Goodman

David & Judy Weinstein

Frances MalcyCharles MalcyArt & Donna Malcy

Beverly MannMilton MannHarold MargolinDonna LimbaughAlexander F.

MullerMax & Charlene Muller

Phyllis PassmanEllen MonseesRalph S. PassmanShirley PassmanGolda RosenNathan RosenMildred

RosenbaumMarvin & Janice Finkelston

Ron & Harriet Jacobson

Sophie RotmanDorothy TonkensRoss TonkensLeo ShalinksySteve BellShirley FrankowitzRandy & Dini Freed

Mickey & Barbara Goldstein

Rene GoldmanShirley KarnerJack & Irma Katz Kurt & Stephanie Kavanaugh

Harold & Natalie Klopper

Milton Mann & Irene Goodman

Rod & Gerre Minkin

Bill & Joyce Shapiro

Neil & Blanche Sosland

Linda ValderramaDavid & Judy Weinstein

Stan & Mary Weiner

Sam & Anna Tepper

Maurice Ommerman

Phyllis WainstockJoan OsadcheyJoseph WebberJoseph LesserRose WeinbergSteve & Judy WeinbergBeth Shalom Lechem Fund

In Memory ofDorothea JagodaI.I. OzarRebecca KaufmanEsther KaufmanJulius LevinLee & Esther Pearlmuter

Louis MalashockJudy KrugSarah Small

Anne ReichmanAllan & Nancy Reichman

Leo ShalinskyRob & Cindy Daniels

Marcia EveloffEvelyn Lowenthal

Beverly & Harvey Bodker

Endowment Fund

In Memory ofSam BodkerIra FriedsonHarvey Bodker

Cemetery Maintenance

FundIn Memory ofGene BalotMason & Marianne Kessler

Charles FishmanShirley FishmanDoris FlamDrew LevineSally GlassHarry & Hedra Merson

Evelyn HarrisTed & Jill GoldsteinJoyce HodesShirley FishmanLawrence C. LevineJeffrey Levine & Reed Fletcher

Retha Dorothy Lisman

Harvey & Cyndi Zidell

Stan LouisChris LouisRoselie NoahHarvey & Cyndi Zidell

Mildred Rosenbaum

Shirley FishmanShirley MalashockHarry SilverbergRhea Salashce & Harold Kaseff

Clara Small Floral Fund

In Memory ofWillard SmallJordan & Debbie AbelDave & Jean Brockman

Scholarship Fund

In Honor ofInge Silverman's

Speedy RecoveryDick & Charlotte Brockman

DWTSIn Honor ofRhea Salasche &

Harold Kaseff's Dedication

Gerean RudnickEleanor &

Joseph Kopin Endowment


In Memory ofEleanor KopinAnita Daniels

Eugene & Shirley Novorr Tots for Torah

FundIn Memory ofMichael NovorrShirley Novorr

Florence & Meyer Kaplan

Sukkot Festival Fund

In Memory ofDora HarrisFlorie KaplanGale & Maxine

Grossman Religious

School FundIn Honor ofJulia Paul's BMJack & Bess

Sokolov's ANNJack Sokolov's 95th

BirthdayMaxine GrossmanIn Memory ofSandra Bass

NewbergMarty BassSandy NewbergLeo ShalinskyMaxine Grossman

George B & Marian Durbin

Prayer Book Fund

In Memory ofHarriett SchraderJeff & Carol KatzGershon Hadas

Scholarship Fund

In Memory ofAnne E. HadasHedva GlickenhausHanan Wedlan

Family FundIn Memory ofHarry KaufmanRichard MourElizabeth WedlanD.D.WedlanMary Ann Mour Ida WedlanMitch & Lisa Hamburg

Harry & Anita Daniels Camp Ramah Scholarship

FundIn Memory ofHarry DanielsRob & Cindy DanielsHarry Puritz Scholarship

FundIn Memory ofSusan PuritzAbraham PuritzFanny PuritzCarl Puritz

Jacob H & Rose Levine Teacher Development

FundIn Honor ofBev Newman

Installation as SH President

Jerry & Barbara Cosner

Judith WassermanIn Memory ofReuben LevineArt & Linda LevineJoe LevineEsther LevineNathan PittellLeo ShalinskyPeter & Bev NewmanJudaica & Art

FundIn Honor ofEllen Chilton's

Speedy RecoveryBen & Debra RubinJoan March's

BirthdayBob & Aletha Simon

Karbank Family Fund

In Memory ofRose KarbankRobert & Phyliss BernsteinKiddush Fund

In Memory ofHarold CovitzPhillip GellerRandy & Joan Covitz

Mary Esther Mermelstein

Norman KaplanJoseph MermelsteinFaye SingerNeal & Elaine Singer

Mildred Rosenbaum

Leo ShalinskyRhea Salashce & Harold Kaseff

Leon & Miriam Cohen Torah Repair Fund

In Memory ofMildred

RosenbaumLarry Cohen

Mallin Childhood Enrichment

FundIn Honor ofInge Silverman's

Speedy RecoveryLarry & Beverly Mallin

In Memory ofAdele KornreichMildred

RosenbaumAnna RosenbergLarry & Beverly Mallin

To d a h R a bb a h !Esther MallinJeff & Sharon MallinMorris & Rose

Weinberg Endowment

Fund for CampIn Memory ofRose KarbankLeon KatzbergRussel KleinTom MallLinda Weinberg Hammer

Rabbi Glickman's

Discretionary Fund

In Appreciation ofRabbi David

GlickmanJerold & Robin Kaplan

In Honor ofJerry Ginden's 71st

BirthdayBernie & Ella Ullman

Sara Mittelman's Birthday

Dorothy KaufmanIn Memory ofHarriet DubinskyJerry & Barbara Cosner

Leonard EnsleinJerald EnsleinLeonard KalenderLarry & Phyllis Kalender

Rose KarbankSalli KatzMildred

RosenbaumArthur & Diane Federman

Leo ShalinskyDolores SosnowShirley SpringerDorothy Kaufman

Reuben Brenner Chapel

Maintenance Fund

In Memory ofReuben BrennerRuth BrennerLeon KatzbergMeyer RosenbergWilliam SosnowBernard & Judy Rosenberg

Romotsky, Price, Cortes

Genetic Testing Fund

In Memory ofRose KarbankGary & Debby Cortés

Joshua PriceHarold & Janet Price

Rose & Sol Stolowy Fund

In Memory ofJoyce Hodes

Ben LeskyHannah StolovMike & Laurel RogoveinRose Evelyn

Sporn Primary Fund

In Memory ofJim KunellusLeon RosengartenLeo ShalinskyInez Kaufman

Rose Family Early Childhood Education

CenterIn Memory ofSam AgronJack FormanCraig CitronThe Classmates of Lily & Zack Blinn

Leo ShalinskySue & Gene Hurwitz

Jeff & Nancy ShnidermanRose S Levine

& Doris L Flam Arts &

Education FundIn Honor ofMelissa Nicole

Rosenthal's BMNoreen GreenbergIn Memory ofPaul FlamNoreen GreenbergMildred

RosenbaumLeo ShalinskyTibor & Carla KlausnerRuby Fleider

Choir & Music Fund

In Memory ofRuby FleiderLawrence Fleider

Sam & Esther Daniels Prayer

Book FundIn Memory ofSam DanielsAnita Daniels

Sanford Dunn Merit Scholarship

FundIn Honor ofInge Silverman's

Speedy RecoveryPatsy ShanbergSarah's Family

FundIn Honor ofZakaria Abdullahi's

Bar MitzvahRabbi Alan & Linda Cohen

Ed & Rickie HaithMerna SieglerDolores SosnowCarol YarmoStan & Marlene Katz

cont. p. 10

Page 10: Participate in a Conversation About the Future of Our Shul file2 June 2013 | 913-647-7279 From the Rabbi’s Study Rabbi David M. Glickman 913-647-7294 A | 913-647-727910 June 2013

Congregation Beth Shalom has been your spiritual home for many years. You and your family have celebrated, prayed, learned and supported one another in this home. By making a planned gift you can create a permanent endowment to support our synagogue well into the future. Options include:

What Will Your Legacy Be?

Gifts from Qualified Retirement Plans By naming CBS as a death beneficiary, no taxes will be paid and the full amount of your gift will benefit the synagogue. If you are over 70 ½, you can make a direct distribution from your retirement account to the synagogue, and it will count as a part of your Required Minimum Distribution.

For more information on how you can support Beth Shalom for generations to come, please contact Harold Kaseff at [email protected] or (913)-859-0530.

Life Insurance Policies By naming CBS the owner and/or beneficiary of a life insurance policy you can enjoy significant tax benefits during your lifetime. Upon your death a substantial gift will be made to CBS.

Life Income Plans Through a Charitable Gift Annuity or Charitable Remainder Trust, you can make a dona-tion that will pay your or someone else’s income for life or a term of years. Upon the death of the income recipient, the balance will go to CBS.

Outright Gifts Give cash, stock, real estate or other assets today.

Charitable Bequests Make a future gift through your will or trust, and still enjoy your assets today.

Ingredients:• 1 pound frozen puff pastry dough (parve), defrosted • ½ pound Kosher corn beef, sliced • 1 cup sauerkraut • mustard • 1 egg • poppy seeds (optional)

Kosher Reuben Sandwich Shabbat Appetizer

Preparation: 1. Preheat oven to 350 °F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spray with non-stick

spray. 2. Defrost pastry dough according to package directions. Lay out pastry dough flat, and spread

mustard on the dough. 3. Slice the corn beef into small cubes. In a skillet, saute the corn beef until heated through.

Add the sauerkraut, stirring together until the mixture is well combined and the flavors have mingled. Lay the corn beef and sauerkraut mixture on top of the mustard.

4. Roll the dough up. Brush the roll with egg. Sprinkle with poppy seeds, if desired. 5. Bake at 350 °F for 35-40 minutes, or until browned. Slice into 10-12 servings.

cont. from p.9In Memory ofRobert FriedmanAllan & Nancy Reichman

Leo ShalinskyStan & Marlene KatzBill & Marge Schlosberg

Judith WassermanShirley S &

Albert I Goller Camp Ramah Scholarship

In Memory ofLeo ShalinskyJ. Louis & Betty LeskySidney Ginsburg

Endowment Fund

In Memory ofFanny ChoppJaney GoodmanSidney GinsburgSharon GreenwoodLeona GoldfingerByron & Gerri Ginsburg

Rose KarbankSharon Greenwood

Stein Family Youth Fund

In Memory ofSam ViscofskyAdele WoltenElizabeth Bohm

Sylvan Siegler Scholarship

Fund for Jewish Camping

In Memory ofLeo ShalinskyMerna SieglerMildred RosenbaumPeter & Joan CabellMerna SieglerCharles SolskyPhyllis WainstockPeter & Joan Cabell

Tommy & Bert Rogovein

Memorial FundIn Honor ofGavriel Margolies

Scott's Bar MitzvahMike & Laurel Rogovein

In Memory ofTommy RogoveinBertha RogoveinLeo ShalinskyMike & Laurel RogoveinWalter & Anita

Loeb Scholarship Fund

In Memory ofBen StarkJudy FriedlanderAnita Loeb

Page 11: Participate in a Conversation About the Future of Our Shul file2 June 2013 | 913-647-7279 From the Rabbi’s Study Rabbi David M. Glickman 913-647-7294 A | 913-647-7279 11June 2013

Sivan - Tammuz 5773June 2013





























-Congregational-Wide Events - See each department for their activities

Shabbat Services and Sunday morning Shacharit will be held at CBS, 14200 Lamar. Weekday Minyan will be held at Appleman Synagogue, Village Shalom, 5500 W. 123rd St.

Minchah: Sunday-Thursday 6 pmShacharit: Monday-Friday 7 am

Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday 6:00 pmMain Service: Saturday 9:30 amLibrary Minyan: Saturday 9:30 amTots for Torah: Saturday 9:30 amMinchah: June 1 8:19 pmMinchah: June 8 8:23 pmMinchah: June 15 8:27 pmMinchah: June 22 8:29 pmMinchah: June 29 8:30 pmShacharit: Sunday 8:30 am

June Service Schedule

Weekdays Village Shalom

Shabbat CBS



Anniversary ShabbatParashat Hashavua

Birthday Shabbat

Board of Directors

Scroll Deadline!


Isaac Spiegel'sBar MitzvahDean Schicchitano 'sMinchah Bar Mitzvah 8 pm

Warm Up AmericaNIA Class

NIA ClassSafeHome

NIA Class

NIA Class

Scroll Deadline


of July

Tisha B’Av services will be held on Monday, July 15, 8:15 pm, Goldsmith Hall, in combination with the Rabbinic Association of KC. The evening will begin with Ma’ariv and continue with the communal chanting of Eikhah (the Book of Lamentations). The fast for Tisha B’Av concludes at 9:30 pm on July 16.

Tisha B’Av Services

morning minyan @ 8 am

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday � ursday Friday Saturday






5 6

















17 21




16 20




18 22

23 Sivan

29 Sivan27 Sivan25 Sivan24 Sivan

1 Tammuz

8 Tammuz

15 Tammuz

22 Tammuz

2 Tammuz

9 Tammuz

16 Tammuz

23 Tammuz

3 Tammuz

10 Tammuz

17 Tammuz

24 Tammuz

4 Tammuz

11 Tammuz

18 Tammuz

25 Tammuz

5 Tammuz

12 Tammuz

19 Tammuz

26 Tammuz

6 Tammuz

13 Tammuz

20 Tammuz

27 Tammuz

7 Tammuz

14 Tammuz

21 Tammuz

28 Tammuz

30 Sivan28 Sivan26 Sivan

Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha'olam, asher kiddeshanu b'mitzvotav vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel Shabbat.

/,¨C©J k¤J r¯b eh¦k§s©v§k Ub²U¦m±u uh¨,I§m¦n§C Ub¨J§S¦e r¤J£t o¨kIg¨v Q¤k¤n Ubh¥eO¡t wv v¨T©t QUr¨CCandle Lighting Blessing

Page 12: Participate in a Conversation About the Future of Our Shul file2 June 2013 | 913-647-7279 From the Rabbi’s Study Rabbi David M. Glickman 913-647-7294 A

Congregation Beth Shalom14200 Lamar • Overland Park, KS 66223www.bethshalomkc.orgOffice: 913-647-7279 • Fax: 913-647-7277

The Congregation Beth Shalom Scroll (USPS531-420) is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 14200 Lamar Ave., Overland Park, KS 66223. Annual Subscription $24.00. Periodical Postage Paid in Shawnee Mission, KS. DATED MATERIAL POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM SCROLL, 14200 Lamar, Overland Park, KS 66223. Scroll Deadline: The 1st of the previous month. Submit articles to the Administrative office before the deadline.

David M. Glickman, Senior RabbiAlan L. Cohen, Rabbi Emeritus Elaine Levine, Executive DirectorPatti Kroll, Coordinator, PRSJudy Jacks Berman, Director, RFECMichael Abrams, PresidentBev Newman, Scroll EditorMartha Hoffman, Scroll Design

Congregation Beth Shalom, an egalitarian Conservative synagogue, is a welcoming community of individuals from diverse backgrounds, strengthening connections with God, Torah and the Jewish people through communal commitment to prayer, study and acts of loving kindness.




: Monday - Thursday 8:30 am-5 pm Friday 8:30 am-3 pm Closed on Federal Holidays






y H


: Monday, Wednesday 8 am-4 pmTuesday,Thursday ClosedSaturday ClosedFriday & Sunday 8 am-4 pmNational Holidays 9 am-4 pm

Exceptions: Thanksgiving, New Year’s Day & Christmas Day

Jewish Holidays ClosedPhone: 816-361-4495

Looking Ahead:










: Hours: Sunday 10 am-noonMon., Tues.,Thurs.: 10 am-2:30 pmWed. 10 am-6 pmFriday 10 am-noon


Sun. 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Mon. 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.Tues. 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.Wed. 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

4:30-6:30 p.m.Thurs. 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Fri. 10 a.m.-noon

Scroll Deadline:July 1 for AugustAugust 1 for September

Yizkor Book 5774Deadline June 28

Back to Shul PicnicAugust 11

On Saturday, May 4, CBS rec-ognized all the past and current mem-bers of the Kiddush Corps for their service to our congregants for the past ten years. The current Kiddush Corps began April 24, 2003, under the administration of Jeanette Wishna, z"l, and led by Gertie Epstein and Rhea Salasche. With the move to our current location at 142nd and Lamar, Barbara M. Katz assumed the leader-

ship role. At the May 4th Kiddush luncheon, the husbands of the cur-rent members of the Kiddush Corps, not only sponsored the event, but prepared all the food and desserts. The sponsors included Erwin Abrams, Larry Kalender, Harold Kaseff, Michael Katz, Ben Rubin and Neal Singer. Rabbi David Glickman is shown assisting Harold Kaseff on Friday in preparing the lox trays.

Kiddush Corps Celebrated

For the North American Envirothon championship in April, Pembroke Hill student Jeffrey Rubel (r) poses with actor Kal Penn at the White House.

Visit CBS Wornall - Open to the Congregation, June 2, 10am-2pm

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