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Page 1: North County Leader - 17th December 2015

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17th December 2015 • Volume 22, Issue 44 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. EirCode: K67 P5W4. • Tel: 01 8•400•200 • [email protected] •

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At night, it has been said that the distant jingle ofsleigh bells can be heard, and if you look towardsthe sky, you might catch glimpses of bright lightswhizzing through the stars. Adults and children alike have seen shadows ofoddly dressed little people hurrying about theplace. Long lists of names clutched in their littlehands. Some have even been seen munching oncandy canes whilst bustling past. Here at the County Leader, after some seriousinvestigation and many phone calls to our

contacts in Lapland, we can exclusively reportthat Santa Claus is in fact putting his elves towork in the local area. He is having them checkwhether or not the children have been naughty ornice and making sure he has all the presentsready to go, so that all the children get what theyasked for on Christmas morning. He has sent his elves from the North Pole andgiven them checklists. One naughty list and one

nice list. The elves are checking off all the chil-dren and making sure that everyone is on theright list for Christmas Eve. So, it is still very important that all children arebehaving themselves in the run up to Christmas.Going to bed at the right time, brushing teeth anddoing chores have never been more important, asSanta, it seems, has his little spies everywhere. As anyone who has lived in the area for a longtime will know, the North County is full of magicalcreatures. Fairies that live in the various castles,Elves that live in the grounds and gnomes thatlive in the trees and under toadstools. All of thesecreatures are also all reporting back to Santa atthis time of year. Continued on page 21

At Christmas time, here at the County Leader, we often get inundated withreports of strange goings on throughout the North County. Recently alerts havecome in to us that suspicious trails of dust, apparently magic dust, have beenfound throughout the streets of the local area.

By Aoife Read

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02 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.12.2015

Dublin Airport is asking passengers not to giftwrap Christmas presents if they are carryingthem in hand luggage at the security screeningarea this holiday season.

The County Leader spoke to Dublin Airportspokesperson, Siobhán O’Donnell who said,“Many passengers take a lot of time to carefullywrap Christmas gifts for family and friends over-

seas. We would ask them not to wrap thesegifts, otherwise they may be disappointed ifthey are requested to open them at thepassenger security screening area.”She went on to say, “At this time of year theairport is extra busy, so make sure you knowwhat terminal you are travelling from. Keep inmind that Aer Lingus, Etihad and all US flightsgo from T2, and everyone else goes from T1. It’salso important to remember that the aviation

liquids regulations are stillin place so make sure youcheck before you travel thatyou are not carrying anyliquids of higher volumesthan 100mls in your handluggage. Make sure youremove all sharp objectsfrom your hand luggage aswell. One of the things that people forget aboutat this time of year is to make sure you allow forChristmas traffic congestion so make sure youallow yourself plenty of time to get to theairport on time for your

flight. Other than that just the standard securitychecks are in place so make sure you areprepared for them when you get into theairport.”A full list of prohibited items for checked in andhand luggage can be found on www.dublinair-port.comThese security measures are in place to improvepassenger safety at the airport and ensurecompliance with EU and Irish aviation securityregulations.Dublin Airport would like to thank all passengersfor their co-operation.

Christmas Travel Advice From DAA

By Aoife Read Siobhan O'Donnell

The increasingly popular TV show, ‘ThePeople’s Debate with Vincent Browne’will be in the Dublin Fingal constituencyon Monday 11th January, when Vincentand team will be in The Grand Hotel inMalahide for the Dublin Fingal 5 seaterconstituency debate. That debate will airtwo days later on TV3 on Wednesday13th January.So far, Vincent Browne has visited over30 constituencies calling TDs to account,querying them on what they arepromising their constituents ahead ofthe upcoming General Election. ThePeople’s Debate with Vincent Browne

aims to involve as many local people aspossible around the country, not justTDs. Local people all around the constituency get to air their concerns and views and hold the localpoliticians to account on a number ofimportant issues. With such uncertainty in thisconstituency regarding the outcome ofthe election, and the fact there is certainto be a wide diversity of candidates inthe new five seater constituency, thisshow promises to be a lively one.Doors open at 7pm for the debate andfilming gets underway at 8pm sharp.

‘The People’s Debate’ Comes To North County

The Leinster Cyclocross Championships were held on Sunday, 6th December last at RiverValley Park in Swords. The event was hosted by Swords Cycling Club. Picured at theevent are members of Swords Cycling Club, Stephen Cleary, Brendan Furey, Alan Kellyand Alicja Roslaniec

Page 3: North County Leader - 17th December 2015

17.12.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0321 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Excellent Achievement By Balbriggan GirlsTwo remarkablestudents from LoretoSecondary School inBalbriggan havejointly won a publicspeaking competition,which entitles them torepresent Dublin in anational publicspeaking competition.Manny Choudhry andMia Doran are bothTransition Yearstudents at Loretoand Manny told theCounty Leader, “On14th November last, Ientered a competitioncalled Soroptimist,which is an organisa-tion that empowers

women and is for girlsonly. It’s a publicspeaking competitionwhere entries wereaccepted throughschools. I heard mytutor talking about itand I was very excitedbecause I have alwaysbeen interested inpublic speaking.”There were six topicsto choose from and Ichose the topic ofHealth andEnvironment. It wasabout personalresilience and wasbased on a quote byCharles Darwin, “It isnot the strongest of

said Manny. The greatthing is that this is notonly a national compe-tition, but there is aninternational dimen-sion to itMia’s speech was onFriendship andVolunteering and wasbased around a quoteby the Dalai Lama,which reads, “Ourprime purpose in life isto help others. If we

can’t help them, don’thurt them.”Mia unfortunately wasnot available forcomment and Mannyand Mia, both 16 willnow go on to repre-sent Dublin in an All-Ireland publicspeaking competitionwhich is due to takeplace sometime inFebruary.”I was quite nervous,

but the Oak Room inthe Mansion Househas a very soothingeffect,” said adelighted Manny whosees a career in law orjournalism as herpreferred choices. I’minto activism and I ampart of the AmnestyInternational group inour school. I wouldlove to stand up forwomen’s rights all

over the world, and Ifeel that publicspeaking gives me theconfidence and skillsto change people’sminds andattitude,”s a i dManny.

species that survives,nor the most intelli-gent , but the one thatis most adaptable.The talk was sixminutes long.“I went to theMansion House inDublin and Icompeted againsteight other girls and Iwon the competition.This entitles me torepresent Dublin,along with Mia Doran,also from LoretoBalbriggan. We werejoint winners and it ispurely a coincidencethat we are both fromLoreto Balbriggan,”

Manny Chourhry from LoretoSecondary School

Generous ActBy RushYouthreachStudentsStudent at Rush YouthreachEducation Centre, situated inConvent Lane in Rush have gener-ously undertaken a Shoe BoxAppeal for Dublin Homeless, aninitiative that had the support andbacking of both students and staff. The students worked together inpairs to gather items such as hats,scarves, gloves, socks andtoiletries and filled the shoe boxeswith these practical items for unfor-tunate people without homes thisChristmas. Rush Youthreach co-ordinator,Christine Hughes told the CountyLeader: “They decorated the boxesthemselves and designed andcreated individual gift tags andcards. The students felt stronglyabout helping those less fortunateand without a home this Christmas.

The response has been over-whelming and a total of thirty oneboxes were filled by students andstaff. This is testament to their dili-gence, hard work and sense ofcommunity.” The appeal was also generouslyassisted by some local businesseswho were willing to help us in ourquest to help others. “Their dona-tions of toiletries were verywelcome and ensured that everybox contained essential items thatwill help those less fortunate. Christine continued: “We wouldlike to thank the local businessesfor their generosity. By giving theseshoe boxes to the homeless, thestudents of Rush YouthreachEducation Centre hope that theywill bring some seasonal cheer tothose who find themselves home-less and without a place to callhome. Over the years, the studentshave raised funds for the homelessas this is a cause that they feelstrongly about. The staff andstudents would like to wisheveryone a very Merry Christmasand a peaceful New Year,” saidChristine.

Pictured are students and staff of Youthreach, Rush with a selection of the Shoe Boxesthey created for the Dublin Homeless people

Oldtown Annual Great Cappagh WalkLocal man and former Cappagh Hospital patient, Leo Halpin has been a voluntary fundraiser andsupporter of the hospital’s charity Foundation for many years. He champions thework of Cappagh Hospital Foundation by organising the annual ‘Great CappaghWalk’ in Oldtown. Now in its 10th year, the 2015 Oldtown Great Cappagh Walkraised an astonishing €10,000 bringing to over €90,000 the total funds raisedfrom this event since it first began“Leo is at the core of our volunteer fundraisers.” said John Dennehy, ExecutiveDirector of Cappagh Hospital Foundation. “He is the backbone of our fundraisingwork in County Dublin and his efforts generate substantial funding for CappaghHospital every year. The Leo Halpin and Cappagh Ex-patients Great CappaghWalk continues to make a real and very valuable contribution to the care andtreatment of patients at Cappagh Hospital and we are indebted to Leo for hiscontinued support. We also greatly appreciate the many individuals and busi-nesses in Oldtown and the greater County Dublin area for their support of thisevent every year - they are all true champions.”All funds raised will go directly to fund the development of a Rehabilitation Gym atCappagh’s Active Rehabilitation Unit.

By Aoife Read

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04 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.12.2015

The O'Hanlon family our pictured enjoying the lights in Donbate.Ann and Aoibhe Butler

Deirdre Hand, Eva Hand, Eimear Walsh and Aidan WalshSandra Harte, James Harte, Sean McGreevy and RobynMcGreevy

Jessica Hand and Chloe ByrneChristina Sznajewski, Chris Sznajewski, Marcin Pieter, Agnes Pieter,Patrick Pieter and Przemek Pieter

Caroline and Emma Daisy Blount

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Amy, Emma, Holly and Tilly HigginsNiamh Cullen, Ellen Kearney and Alison Cullen

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We have all heard the oldadage ‘ A dog is for life,not just for Christmas’,however the number ofcats that end up incentres like the ISPCA farexceeds that of theircanine counterparts, yetthis issue tends to gounreported and over-looked. The Fingal SPCA is acharity whose time ismostly taken up with the

rescue and rehoming ofcats and kittens. Here atthe County Leader wespoke to rescue workersfrom the local charityabout the importance oftheir work, especiallyover the Christmasperiod. Sybil, a rescue workerfrom the FSPCA, told usthat: “Christmas is

coming but it is not thebest time of the year foranimals. Cats and kittensdo not like a lot of noiseand excitement and canbe quite stressed with allthe commotion. Dogs cancope better but it is not asuitable time to betraining a young pup.New dogs or cats mayescape and get lost whenthere are visitors.”She went on to say; “Wedo not give out anyanimal during the run upto Christmas, except to alonely older person in atranquil environmentwho might not have visi-tors. We strongly advisepeople not to buy orprocure pups or kittensfor Christmas presents.Many of those adver-tised are bred in poorcircumstances andcost a lot of money.” The Fingal SPCA arecurrently indesperate need ofrescue workers;“It’s very hardwork,” she said.“Catching a wild catcan be timeconsuming, noteveryone has the willto do it for cats. Weneed someone who hasenough time to dedi-cate to catching thecat and help in thetaming process and the

rehoming process.”They are also running aninitiative at the momentto try and find fosterhomes for kittens. Thisis particularly importantat this time of year forthem, due to the factthat their policy is to notgive out any animalsover the Christmasseason. Sybil told us that: “Westill have some kittensavailable which we willgive out to suitablehomes after Christmas.We are constantlyrescuing homelessanimals and need volun-tary rescue workers inthe Swords, Balbrigganand Donabate areas.”If you are interested involunteering with theFingal SPCA or if you areconcerned about thewelfare of an animalcontact the FSPCA via their web site, www.Fingal

or phonet h e m

on: 0894612537

Have Yourself A ‘Meowy’ Little Christmas

By Aoife Read

Come along and join theNew Year’s Eve Party inO’Dwyers GAAClubhouse in Bremore,Balbriggan. The eventstarts at 9pm, allwelcome.

New Year’sEve Party

Rush Christmas Dayswim takes place at theSailing Club inRogerstown at 11.30amon Christmas Day. Youcan either participateyourself or alternativelysponsor someone else.This is an ideal way toprepare for the Christmasdinner, as well as helpinga great cause. Allproceeds go to the IrishCancer Society. Forfurther informationcontact 086 8542220.

RushChristmasDay Swim

Page 5: North County Leader - 17th December 2015

17.12.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0521 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

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Fitting TributeTo ShetemiA memorial footballtournament took placeon Saturday, 5thDecember at Donabateall weather pitch toremember local lad,Shetemi Ayetigbo. Shetemi was a thirdyear student atDonabate PortraneCommunity College,who tragically lost hislife last May, whileplaying a match for hisclub, Belvedere FC. Ithappened just a weekbefore he was due tostart his JuniorCertificate examina-tions. Students,

teachers, past pupilsand members of theDonabate communitybraved the harsh windsand pouring rain ofStorm Desmond, to turnup to remember theirmuch loved friend,Shetemi through whathe loved doing themost, playing football.Teams composed of4th, 5th and 6th years,as well as a teachers’team competed in aseven a side tourna-ment. The winners thenplayed against

Shetemi’s old team,from Belvedere FC, whohad travelled from allacross the country tohonour their team mate. Some fantastic footballwas played all acrossthe park in a two hourspell and ‘George FC’came out as eventual

winners. The winningteam were James Foran,Sean Walsh, AdamO’Rourke, Dylan Forde,Conor Fitzpatrick, AdamGalvin and PatrickMeighan. They playedBelvedere FC. in theMemorial Match, andthanks to an early goal,came out on top, muchto the appreciation andacknowledgement of thehome crowd. The Player of theTournament wasawarded to 6th yearstudent, Sean Walsh andwas presented byShetemi’s youngerbrother, Victor whileShetemi’s mum, Lolapresented winningcaptain, Sean Walshwith the inauguralshield. Some shortspeeches were made byMichael Garvey, SeanWalsh and James Foran.

Organisers paid aspecial thanks to CianShortle for all of his workin preparation for thetournament and to SeanNolan for his continuedefforts over the course ofthe day, keeping thetournament going. Theyalso thanked BelvedereFC. for attending theevent and it is hoped tomake the tournament anannual one to rememberShetemi.

By Aoife Fennell

Pictured are the winning team from Donabate Community College and players fromBelevedere FC after the Shetemi Ayetigbo Memorial football tournament in Donabate on5th December last

Pictured are Shetemi's mother, Lola and his brothers, Wale and Victor who were in atten-dance at the Shetemi Ayetigbo Memorial football tournament in Donabate

Local Kids StarIn Helix PantoA group of North County school kidshave won a ticket to theatrical stardomin Ireland’s only panto boot camp andare now lighting up the stage in Jackand the Beanstalk at the The HelixTheatre. The local youngsters wereamong 200 young hopefuls who wereput through their paces at a specialpanto school this summer.Only the top talent gets picked toperform and among them are, EmilyBolton (8), Andrew O’Sullivan (11),Aisling Patterson (11), Eve Duffy (9) andPoppy Harley (12) all from Donabate,Isabella Hanlon (12) from Swords andJessica Malone (12) who hails from TheWard. The young stars are now enter-taining people in Jack and theBeanstalk, which runs until 10thJanuary. “Being in the panto makes mefeel like I am magic because we makepeople laugh and smile, and that is somuch fun,” said fifth class pupil AislingPatterson (11) who lives in Donabate. Young Poppy Harley was particularlypleased to be chosen for this year’s castat The Helix. “When I heard I’d beenpicked for the panto I was so thrilled Idid cartwheels across the kitchen floor

and then jumped up and danced,” saidfirst year student Poppy, also fromDonabate. West End star, Niall Sheehyof Les Miserable and Miss Saigon fame,who plays Jack in the panto believes thetalented North County kids are as goodas any to be found on the London stage.“They are young but really professionaland every night they deliver anoutstanding performance. They aregreat to work with too. As Jack, I havean axe for the beanstalk which I pretendto wave around backstage in caseanyone steps out of line, which theythink is hilarious,” he said.

Pictured are local Panto Kids (in purple)with the stars of Jack and the Beanstalk atDublin's The Helix theatre. Back row:Ailsing Patterson, Poppy Harley, JessicaMalone and Isabella Hanlon. Front row:Emily Bolton, Andrew O'Sullivan and EveDuffy

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06 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.12.2015

Fingal Dublin Chamber held their annual Christmas lunch at the Maldron Hotel Dublin Airporton Friday, 11th December last. Approximately 90 chamber members turned up for what was tobe Chamber President, Siobhan Kinsella’s last official function in her two year stint as

President. The gathering, which included Paul Reid, Chief Executive of FingalCounty Council heard Siobhan speak about some of the many highlights

during her term as President. She cited the ITLG coming to Fingal,with its wonderful potential for job creation in the area, as

the standout event of 2015. The granting of the PurpleFlag to Swords is another event that the Chamber wereproud to have played a crucial role in. Reference wasalso made to the highlight of the Chamber calendar ofevents - the Annual Excellence in Business Awards

night at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Northwood whichsaw a record 22 awards being presented tobusinesses across Fingal. She also mentionedthat in excess of 40 events were hosted bythe Chamber, making this year its busiest onrecord. Chamber CEO, Tony Lambert thenmade a presentation to Siobhan in recogni-

tion for the great workshe did as President.There was also apresentation made toSt Francis Hospice,which was acceptedby Sister MargaretCashman and FinbarFagan of the Hospice.To round off thelunch, there was apleasant surprise forguests, when comedian Alan Shortperformed awonderful polit icalsatire, with Ministerfor Finance, MichaelNoonan as his focus.He picked out u n s u s p e c t i n gChamber members toplay out a hilarioussketch, which was thoroughlyenjoyed by all.

Maura Cassidy (DAA) and Nuala Gallagher-King (Fingal Dublin Chamber)

Noeleen McHugh (Fingal County Council), Michael Hoey(Country Crest).

Michael Hoey (Country Crest) and SeanFitzmaurice (North County Leader)

Tony Doyle (Country Crest) and Charles Hutcheson(Country Crest)

Cathal Moore (Cathal Moore & Associates), Siobhan Kinsella (Chamber President),Padraic Callan and Maurice Cregan (Cregan Chartered Accountants)

Gillian Butler and Matthew Ryan (both Grand Hotel andMarine Hotel)

Guy Thompson (Castleknock Hotel), Gayle Allen (CastleknockHotel) and Robbie Whelan (National Sports Campus)

Sarah Bohan (Engage Ireland), Jock Jordan (One4All), Deirdre King(Pavilions Shopping Centre) and Ian Hunter (Pavilions Shopping Centre)

Lynn Cawley (Maldron Hotel Dublin Airport), GerryFitzmaurice (North County Leader) and Andrea Molloy(Maldron Hotel Dublin Airport)

Fingal Dublin Chamber President, Siobhan Kinsella,Natasha Dowd (Ancora).

Ian McGuinness (Roganstown Hotel) and IreneLowry (Nurture, Skerries)

John Kennedy and Richard Elliott (both Stafford'sFuneral Home)

Gerry Sinnott (Ulster Bank) and Paul Moore (Moore & CoChartered Accountants)

Noeleen Carty and Siobhan O'Donnell (both DAA)

Fingal Dublin Chamber Christmas Lunchat The Maldron Hotel, Dublin Airport

County Mayor, Cllr David O'Connor, Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber), PaulReid (Chief Executive Fingal County Council) and Siobhan Kinsella (President FingalDublin Chamber)

Alan Short Entertains at Chamber Lunch

Chamber CEO, TonyLambert is pictured makinga presentation to recognisethe achievements ofSiobhan Kinsella on her lastfunction as ChamberPresident

Page 7: North County Leader - 17th December 2015

17.12.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0721 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Rush Text AlertScheme LaunchedThe official launch of Rush Text Alert scheme took place on Tuesday , 8th December at Rush Community Centre. It was attended by a large gathering of locals, as well as localcouncillors.In 2012, Rush lost its Garda Station. and as a result of this, Rush community set up Rush Text Alert service to help combat increasing crime in the area. With the support of RushCommunity Council, a group of concerned residents got togetherto set up the text alert service in conjunction with An GardaSiochana and Muintir na Tíre.Rush Text Alert service went live on 16th November last, andalready 400 residents signed up to be part of this essentialservice for older people in the locality.

To officially launch the service, Rush Text Alert committee organ-ised a Crime Prevention Evening on Tuesday, 8th December lastat Rush Community Centre. Balbriggan based SuperintendentNoel Carolan and Chief Superintendent, Barry O’Brien of DMRNorthern Area gave presentations to local residents. Chairpersonof Rush Text Alert, Eamonn Price introduced the speakers andinvited questions from the floor.The attendance at the official launch included County Mayor, CllrDavid O’Connor, as well as local councillors, Tony Murphy, BrianDennehy and Malachy Quinn. The question of gardai on the beatand the fact that Rush badly needs its Garda Station to be rein-stated, were hot topics on the night. Chief Superintendent, BarryO’Brien said he would do all in his power, but issues like therestoration of Rush Garda Station were Government issues andwere not in his gift to deliver.Cllr Tony Murphy was surprised and disappointed that no localTDs were in attendance at such an important meeting, to listen tothe concerns that people of Rush have in relation to security.

Pictured at the launch of Rush Text Alert scheme at Rush Community Centre on Tuesday,8th December, are Eamonn Price (Chairperson, Rush Text Alert), Chief Superintendent,Barry O'Brien, County Mayor Cllr David O'Connor, Cllr Brian Dennehy, Fiona Coloe (RushText Alert), Lorraine Allen (Rush Text Alert) and Garda Karl McManus (Lusk GardaStation)

Pictured at the launch of 'To the Beat of a Savage Drum' a new book by author AJ Herronat Ardgillan Castle on Tuesday, 8th December are, Amy Herron, AJ Herron, Anne MarieHerron, Brian Herron, Paul Reid (Chief Executive Fingal County Council), County Mayor,Cllr David O'Connor and Cllr Tony Murphy

Duncan SmithRaises ConcernsLocal Councillor, Duncan Smith(Lab) has called for the FingalCounty Council Out of HoursService to be staffed adequatelyduring bad weather. At a recentCounty Council meeting Cllr Smithcommended the work of theCouncil’s Operations and WaterServices departments who hadbeen out in force to tackle spotflooding and blocked drains.Cllr. Smith said, “I did raise aconcern that the Out of Hoursphone line was constantly engagedon Saturday, at the height of the

rain in the North County. I askedthe Chief Executive to examine,when possible and forewarned byweather forecasters, to ensure thatthe out of hours service isadequately staffed in times of badweather. The workers were on theground but the residents of Fingalwere unable to contact the Councilin a timely manner. This led tomuch frustration and concern and Iwas contacted by residentsseeking assistance in getting sand-bags to their homes.”Cllr Smith went on to highlight thefact that, “This is resolvable andthe Chief Executive committed tome that he will examine resourcesin this regard for the future.”

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08 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.12.2015

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Pictures with their stand of Ogham writings are students Kasper Kaleta, PrzemyslawWicher, Thomas Kumorek and David Paszaowski.


Students from theFingal CommunityCollege in Swords havehad a very successfulafternoon on Thursdaythe 10th Decemberlast, as they enteredthe first round of theFingal Enterprise

Awards with their craftfair. The FingalEnterprise Awards isthe largest studententerprise programmeof its kind in Irelandwith over 2,000primary and secondaryschools participatingevery year. In the firstround, businessstudents from FingalCommunity Collegehad to set up their ownbusiness that wasjudged by teachers ofthe school. “The aim was to makebusiness fun,” teacherin charge of the schoolcompetition FrancesGibson said. “Wewanted students tolearn how to makebusiness in a practicalway and I think wehave certainlyachieved that aim,”she added. Students had to go

through all the impor-tant stages of settingup their own businessfrom developing anidea, market researchand advertisement todesigning their ownstands. They had toraise their own capitalthat was partially givento a choice of f ivedifferent charities. Atthe craft fair, studentspresented their prod-ucts that included self-made jewellery, draw-ings, cakes, Christmasornaments and manyother creative ideas.Commenting on thefair, student ThomasKumorek said: “Forour business, wedecided to do Oghamwrit ing in frames inrecognition to the Irishlanguage. We feel thatpeople are very inter-ested and enjoy thecraft fair.”

By Olivia Leth

Don’t trust your

crowning glory to just


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17.12.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0921 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

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Information MeetingOn Rural Transport ProgrammeIn January last, theRural TransportProgramme nationallywas streamlined andthe Transport Co-ordi-nation Unit (TCU) wasformed to cover LouthMeath and ruralFingal. Services havecontinued in eacharea. Newly formedFlexibus covers Meathand Louth, with Nifticontinuing to providetransport services inthe Bal lyboughal,Oldtown, Garristown,Naul and Rolestownareas. The TCU effectivelymeans that, instead ofMeath, Louth andFingal looking forfunding as separateentit ies, theyprovide a more cohe-sive and powerfuluntil in the search forfunding and otherservices.An InformationGathering sessionwas held at theCarlton Hotel Dublin

Airport recently, withinvitat ions sent tocommunity groups,residents groups andrepresentative organi-

sat ions throughoutthe North County. Thelarge turnout high-l ighted the need tocontinue and enhancethese services withinand between ruralareas.The meeting was forcitizens from rural or

remote locations toair their concerns aswell as ideas abouttransport issues inNorth County Dublin.Being able to go tohealth appointments,

go shopping, orsimply to get out andenjoy social events isessential for the well-being of people,regardless of age,mobil i ty or wherethey live.Ethna Felten, Directorof Services at Fingal

County Council, said,“Clearly there is greatdemand for theservices provided bythe many transportproviders and thisinformation gatheringsession was veryuseful to discuss thedetails of the commu-nit ies’ t ransportneeds so thoroughly.”Chairman of Nifti, CllrBrian Dennehy toldthe County Leader ,“This is an opportu-

nity for people tocome forward and togive their commentson the transport situ-at ion in their ownareas.”“The only way theycan travel to placesl ike Swords,Ashbourne and

Beaumont Hospital isby using Nifti service.Nifti is a not for profitorganisation that isfunded by theNational TransportAuthority (NTA).“We now have oneumbrella organisationunder the title ot TCUand we are looking atfour routes of putforward. Theseinclude theGarristown, Ardcathinto Swords andAshbourne and theexpansion of theBeaumont Hospitalservice. At themoment, we just gofrom Swords toBeaumont and wehope to extend thatout to Rush, Lusk,Skerr ies and theoutlying areas. Wealso want to do aroute fromBalscadden intoBalbriggan. All theseroutes are inresponse to requestsfrom local residentswho feel a sense ofisolat ion. The bigfunding service weare chasing is the onefrom Swords toBlanchardstown crosscountry. This wouldbe perfect for peoplein employment inthese areas,” heconcluded.

By Patrick Finnegan

Pictured at the Rural Transportation Information meeting at the Carlron Hotel DublinAirport, are Andy Cullen (Chairman of Flexibus), Miriam McKenna (Manager Flexibus),County Mayor Cllr David O'Connor, Nora Owen (Chair, Fingal Age Friendly Alliance),Ethna Felten (Fingal County Council), Cllr Brian Dennehy (Chair of Nifti) and Roger Cronin(Director Nifti)

The official opening of the CharityChristmas Cracker event took place atthe Clayton Hotel, Dublin Airport onWednesday, 9th December last.The event was to raise money in aid ofSaint Francis Hospice, Raheny andGolden Years Charity in Darndale andis a result of a new care initiative bythe Clayton Hotel team to help chari-ties and groups in the local area.Representatives from Saint Francis

Hospice, Golden Years also took partin the event. Des McCann, GeneralManager of the hotel officiallylaunched the event at a ribbon cuttingceremony, said, “We hope to raise alot of money for the Hospice charitiesand Golden Years that are so impor-tant to the local community,” he said.The whole event was open to thepublic and there was ceili dancing,strictly come brush dancing, tradi-tional Irish music and noted choirLambay Singers, with DonaghmeadeHoly Trinity National Schoolwelcoming everyone at the front door.

Clayton HotelLaunches Charity Event

The SimonCommunity for thehomeless inSkerries are lookingfor donations ofhats, scarves andgloves for peopleliving on the streetat this time of theyear. Please leaveall your donations inthe box at the backof the church, al ldonations aregreatly appreciated.



Mentored Bridge Gamesin Malahide will becontinued in St.Sylvester’s Parish Centreon Fridays at 2pm. Formore informationcontact 087 9271847

Mentored Bridge

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10 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.12.2015

The event was alsoattended by Minister forChildren and YouthAffairs, Dr James Reilly aswell as local stakeholdersin the travel business. Theemphasis of the morningwas about infrastructuralprojects affecting greaterFingal area. The Ministerspoke at length (32minutes) about the €10billion Capital Plan forTransport emphasisingthe importance of connec-tivity between DublinAirport and the citycentre, as well as plansfor the Dublin Docklandsdevelopment project.However the main focusof attention for themajority of theattendees was

the Government’s plansfor the promised MetroNorth project andMinister Donohoe held aquestion and answersession mainly aboutMetro. While he wasconvinced that the lightrail project was ‘the rightthing to do’, he wasnoncommittal about astart date for the project,saying that nothing wouldhappen before 2017.Eventually he, along withMinister Reilly confirmedthat the commencementdate would be 2021, inthe term of the nextGovernment, provided thepresent incumbents arereturned to power in theupcoming general elec-tion.

Another speaker, AlanSparling, a Skerries resi-dent and ManagingDirector of Star Alliance,the largest airlines groupin Europe, pressed theMinister for a muchneeded parallel runway atDublin Airport to bestarted as soon aspossible, stating that asthings are at present, onlya fraction of airlines underthe Star Alliance flag canuse Dublin Airport. Withthe extra capacity the newparallel runway willprovide, many more Star Alliance airlines will use Dublin Airport,with the obviouseconomic benefits.Chamber President,Siobhan Kinsella alsospoke about the impor-tance of Dublin Airport,where 15,700 jobs arelocated within a one mileradius of the airport. Shealso spoke about the

benefits of the DublinEnterprise Zone whichwas opened recently.Minister Reilly said thatthe importance of MetroNorth cannot be over-stated and that it wasalways his aim to keepthe project from beingscrapped. He also spokeabout the creation of wellpaid jobs that would paysignificantly more thanwelfare, thus creatingmore tax and more moneyfor infrastructural projectslike Metro North.

Maurice Cregan (Cregan & Associates), Brian O'Brien (Brian D O'Brien Solicitors), GerryFitzmaurice (North County Leader), Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr James Reilly),and Michael Dawson (One4All)

County Mayor, Cllr David O'Connor and Eric Bentley (Nifti)

Minister for Children and Youth Affirs, Dr James Reilly, Minister for Transport,Paschal Donohoe, Siobhan Kinsella (President Fingal Dublin Chamber) andTony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber)

Siobhan O'Donnell (DAA) and Leonie Thornton(Roganstown Hotel)

Jeff Clarke and Sinead Kavanagh (both Eirebus)

Joe Malone (Malone Engineering), Michael Kennedy (Michael Kennedy Insurance) andMichael Hoey (Country Crest)

Oliver Russell, Rory O'Connor (Transport Infrastracture Ireland) and CountyMayor, Cllr David O'Connor

Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber), Leonie Thornton (RoganstownHotel) and Guy Thompson (Castleknock Hotel)

Joe Morton (Morton & Flanagan) and Ian McGuinness(Roganstown Hotel)

Robbie Whelan (National Sports Campus), Jock Jordan (One4All) and Ian Hunter(Pavilions Shopping Centre)

Mick Breen (Irish Centre for Cycling) and Brian Cooney (Direction Research)

Bob Laird (Nifti), Pól O'Murchú (AIB) and Yvonne Dalton (DAA)

Michael Kennedy (Michael Kennedy Insurance) and AlanSparling (Star Alliance)

Ian Hunter (Pavilions Shopping Centre) and Sean Doyle(Chartered Land)

Michael Yohannes (Ethiopian Airlines) and RobbieWhelan (National Sports Campus)

Ciaran Corcoran (WCA Architects) and Rory O'Connor(Transport Infrastructure Ireland)

Sinead McLoughlin, Eithne Rossiter and Paula Hickey (all from Flexsource CPL)

Fingal Dublin Chamber hosted a BusinessBreakfast briefing at the Radisson Blu Hotel,Dublin Airport on Friday 4th December, withMinister for Transport Paschal Donohoe asthe keynote speaker.

CHAMBER BUSINESS BREAKFASTTransport For Dublin and Metro North

Page 11: North County Leader - 17th December 2015

17.12.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 1121 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin



We have asked Santa for funding for the following 2016 new services

A Ardcath and Garristown Bus Service

Extend Beaumont Hospital Bus to Skerries and Lusk Demand Responsive service for Rush, Loughshinny, Milverton,

Baldungan, The Commons

Balscadden Senior Citizens

Swords to Knocksedan, St Margarets, The Ward, BlanchardstownNorthwest Economic Development Zone, Blanchardstown IT,

Blanchardstown Centre & Connolly Hospital

Priority New Rural Transport Services in

Fingal 2015 / 2016 – Fingal

FEEDBACK/ SUPPORT:If you would like more information or wish to submit a comment or support our request please email [email protected] or tweet @NiftiTransport


DR. JAMES REILLY TDEmail: [email protected]

Swords office: 8901300


Happy Christmas and a Prosperous and Peaceful New Year

Council Award For Snowflakes Autism SupportAt an awards cere-mony at the DraíochtArts Centre inB l a n c h a r d s t o w nrecently, SnowflakesAutism Support wereawarded the secondRunner Up award inthe Fingal CountyCouncil 2015Community Group of the Year awards in the RepresentativeO r g a n i s a t i o n s category. This award is a hugeachievement for anorganisation that is

less than four yearsold. In that short spaceof time, Snowflakeshas established itselfas a vital resource inthe greater Dublinregion for familiesaffected by autism.Having moved into anew home in April ofthis year, in HolywellCommunity Centre inSwords, Snowflakescontinues to maintaina high level of qualityevents and servicesthroughout the yearfor its members, which

now numbers over170. This award isrecognition from thelocal authoritiesCommunity, Cultureand Sports Division ofall the fantastic workand dedication thatthe 7-strongSnowflakes committeeput in day after day, inorder to improve thelives of their memberfamilies.Speaking to theCounty Leader ,Swords resident andChairman of

Snowflakes, RobertBrown said, “We werenominated and short-

listed for this awardand we finishedsecond runner-up

behind two communityprojects that havebeen there for 40years. This is awonderful acknowl-edgement from the

County Council for allthe fantastic work thecommittee atSnowflakes are puttingin. It’s a great achieve-ment for Snowflakes

Autism Support, whoare only in existencesince 2012. We arenow one of the mostrecognisable brands inFingal,” he said.

Snowflakes Autism Support were awarded the 2nd Runner Up award in the Fingal CountyCouncil Community Group of the Year awards in the Representative Organisations cate-gory. Pictured with the award are Snowflakes’ committee members Robert Brown, NicolaO’Dea, Sinéad Grace and Carrie Brown.

Page 12: North County Leader - 17th December 2015

12 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.12.2015

CHRISTMASComes to Balbriggan

Julie Delaney, Georgina Markey, Allie Delaney and AlanahDelaney Ellie Clarke, John Clarke and Sophie Mahon

Joe Lynch, Cllr Tony Murphy, Joe McArdle and DawnMcArdle

Ross Guildea, Glen Guildea and Tristan McGarr arepictured with the Penguin

Margaret Corr is pictured with kids, Cillian Delaney, Katie Corr,Conor Corr, Sean Corr and Tony Delaney Sean, Aaron, Daniel and Marie McGee

Eddie Rankin, Lisa Halligan, Nicola O'Rourke andEoghan Browne

Kayleigh Hammond, Rachel Rose, Karolina Karcia and SigmeSkuja

Kelly Graham, Calum Richardson, Joanne Melia and JeanRichardson, with children Abbie Beatty, Ava Moran and Finn Moran Regina and Katie Murray

Cllr Daire Ní LaoiNollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoishéan is faoi mhaise daoibh go léir"

DaireNiLaoiSF @Dairenilaoi

Email [email protected] : 086 397 7719

Wishing You And Your Family a

Very HappyChristmas

and a PeacefulNew Year.

85 Channel Road, Rush, Co. DublinMobile Phone No. 085-2298201

Email : [email protected]



Enough is EnoughBalbriggan based General Election candidate,Cllr Tony Murphy is up in arms at the decision ofthe County Council to locate 40 modularhousing units in Balbriggan to relieve thehousing crisis. In a statement issued in response to theCouncil’s proposal, Murphy said that thisproposal is so wrong on so many levelsthat it is unbelievable that the Councilwould even contemplate it.A furious Murphy said, “The area of thetown identified by the local authorityhas already its fair share of socialhousing and community issues. It isgrossly unjust to consider increasing theamount of social housing in the area,”he said.“The people of Balbriggan need to havetheir voices heard on this issue and I am callingon everybody to express their views in a waythat will be clear to the Council that this is notacceptable. We need to stop this proposal as itis unjust, immoral and inappropriate for thearea,” he said.“I intend to fight this plan in the CouncilChamber because it is wrong. The proposedintroduction of modular housing into Balbrigganis a reflection on the attitude of Fingal CountyCouncil towards the people of this area.”

“Balbriggan has, over many years been on thereceiving end of an unfair proportion of thecouncil’s social housing allocation. This wasdone, in part, to accommodate the constructionof higher value houses in the Malahide area.This treatment of Balbriggan and its peoplemust stop,” concluded Murphy.The County Leader contacted the CountyCouncil about Cllr Murphy’s assertions and theysaid, “Fingal County Council has broughtforward two initial proposals for the proposedconstruction of modular homes at two locationsin the county. A formal planning consultationprocess is now underway for schemes on

lands adjoining Avondale Estate inDublin 15 and in Pinewood, Balbriggan.Both sites are on lands identified forfuture housing needs.”“Following the consultation process areport will be brought back to the rele-vant Area Committees and the fullCouncil for adoption. The Council iscontinuing to examine other sites in itsownership across the county.”“The provision of new homes that can be

delivered quickly will ease the pressure on fami-lies with their children living in emergencyaccommodation. The Government’s modularhousing programme seeks to provide 500modular homes across the four Dublin LocalAuthorities to meet the needs of those experi-encing homelessness.”The Council is committed to continue to work to deliver new homes to meet the housing needs of the citizens of Fingal,” thestatement concluded.

Cllr. Murphy

Corporal Punishment No Longer Defensible The Minister forChildren and YouthAffairs Dr James ReillyT.D, has signed thecommencement orderfor the removal of thedefence of ‘ReasonableChastisement’ undersection 28 of theChildren First Act 2015.The move means that aperson who adminis-ters corporal punish-ment to a child will nolonger be able to rely

of the defence ofreasonable chastise-ment in the courts.The Children First Act2015 establishes nonew offence in regardto corporal punish-ment. It shows afurther demonstrationof this Government’scommitment to theelimination of corporalpunishment and toprotecting childrenfrom violence.

Minister Reilly said,“The removal of theCommon Law defencesends a strongmessage which will, Ihope, lead to a culturalchange across Irishsociety that corporalpunishment is wrong.We have not createdany new offence butrather we are removingsomething that has itsroots in a completelydifferent era and soci-etal context”.The Minister added“The measure repre-sents a significantadvancement asregards the protectionand rights of children.It reinforces thedeveloping impetus inparenting practice inIreland to use positive

discipline strategiesin the upbringing ofchildren which rejectthe use of corporalpunishment”.Minister Reilly wenton to stress the valueof ‘posit iveparenting,’ where wesupport our children’sself-discipl ine andbehaviour by alearning strategyrather than by punish-ment. The Ministersaid, “parental andfamily relationshipsare the most important factor inchild developmentoutcomes – therefore,supporting parentsand famil ies is thebest way to improveoutcomes for chil-dren”.

Carol ServiceIn SkerriesT h e C o r n e r s t o n eC h u r c h i n S k e r r i e sw i l l h a v e a C a r o lServ ice at Skerr iesE d u c a t e T o g e t h e rNat ional School onSunday the 20th ofDecember at 11am.All are welcome !

MovieScreening InBalbrigganThe Balbriggan Libraryinvites all the localchildren to theirspecial screening ofeveryone’s favouritemovie ‘Frozen’ onThursday the 17th ofDecember at 4pm. Allare welcome to comeand sing along, noneed to book.

Readers ForSunday Mass The Malahide Parish iscurrently looking fornew readers as therota for the readers ofthe Word for SundayMasses is presentlybeing prepared.Contact Peter Sheil at01 8450076 if you areinterested.

Page 13: North County Leader - 17th December 2015

17.12.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 1321 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

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Localise Kids To The RescueLocalise is a youth andcommunity develop-ment organisation with40 years of experiencein community servicework and volunteeris.Their programmes

engage young people inpositive communitywork in their local areaschallenging them tocare not only for them-selves, but for othersand they inspire themto take action and learnthrough service. Thegroup had a very busyweek, with presenta-tions to two local StVincent de Paul confer-ences in Swords.Firstly they visited StColmcille’s GirlsNational School onTuesday, 8thDecember. Thirty fiveschoolchildren fromLocalise handed over60 gift parcels to thelocal St Vincent de Paul,as part of theirChristmas project.Orla Burrowes Localiseco-ordinator said, “Overthe last eight weeks, 35young people here fromSt Columcille’s Boysand Girls schools havegot together and they

decided they would liketo help out the StVincent de Paul societyfor Christmas. They didthe Tree Appeal for agegroups from 11 to 15years old, where theyhanded over more than60 gifts for Christmas tothe St Colmcille’sConference of StVincent de Paul inSwords.Bernie Campbell,President of StColmcille’s Conferenceof SVP said, “This is awonderful occasion andit’s great to see allthese Localise sixthclass pupils doing such

a charitable act. Theyhave helped us inprevious years withfood, but this year theyasked us what wewould like for thepeople we visit. Wehave found that thosemost forgotten in termsof receiving gifts arethose aged between 11and 16. Localiseconcentrated on thissector, and with themoney they had leftover, they even boughtsome baby hampers.Well done to Localise,as unfortunately, thereis still a great need outin the community. Many

families we visit are inhotels and B&Bs andthat’s awful,” she said.Next it was the turn ofHoly Family SNS, RiverValley where there washuge excitement onMonday last, whenpupils handed over,what can only bedescribed as a moun-tain of food. The eventwas organised byLocalise, whosemembers includedpupils from Holy Familyschool. The food and

goodies were handedover to Denis Barry,President of St Finian’sConference SVP.Principal DavidO’Keeffe praised thepupils for their efforts,before welcomingMinister for Childrenand Youth Affairs, DrJames Reilly to theschool. The Ministerlavished praise on the

thoughtful students fortheir extraordinarygenerosity and calledon them to give them-selves a loud cheer fortheir efforts.Denis Barry said, Weall look forward toChristmas, but noteveryone is so lucky.One of our biggestsources of poverty inthis parish is that of

loneliness. Many fami-lies have children whohave emigrated andlive in foreign lands.The food and goodieshere mean a great dealto people and onbehalf of St Vincent dePaul, I extend myheartfelt thanks to youall,” he said.Theresa O’Leary,Community Officer

with Localise said,“these a number ofprojects happening inthe Swords area.Localise is all aboutidentifying a need inthe community andthen getting youngpeople to take actionand to follow throughwith the project, asthey are doing now,”she said.

Pictured at the food presentation to the local St Vincent de Paul at Holy Family SNS, RiverValley by Localise on Monday last are Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr JamesReilly, Holy Family pupils and members of Localise, Katie Whelan and Shauna Byrne,Denis Barry (President of St Finian's Conference SVP) and Theresa O'Leary (CommunityOfficer, Localise)

Pictured accepting gifts from Localise children at St Colmcille's Girls National School,Swords are members of St Colmcille's Conference of St Vincent de Paul, Ray O'Toole,Cathy Lambert, Sister Mary. and Bernie Campbell. Also pictured are Localise co-ordi-nator, Orla Burrowes (3rd from left), and Localise children, Annit Binu, Jack Symes, SofijaGasanova and Joshua Lindsay

New SchoolPrincipal ForMalahideEducate Together is delighted toannounce that Kathy Jones hasbeen appointed as the Principal ofBremore Educate TogetherSecondary School opening in2016 in Co. Dublin.Originally from Dublin, Kathy haslived in Co. Louth for the last 12years. She brings to the role hervast experience in educationgained from her time with the Cityof Dublin ETB. She is currentlythe Principal of Cabra CommunityCollege, is on the Board ofManagement in TrinityComprehensive, Ballymun and isan area representative for the

Principals and Deputy PrincipalsExecutive.Speaking about her new role MsJones said, “I am delighted to beappointed the first Principal ofBremore ETSS and I look forwardto a successful excit ing newfuture for all of our students. Theopening of this Educate TogetherSecond Level School inBalbriggan is a result of manyyears of campaign work byparents and members of the localcommunity and I am honoured tobe the f irst Principal of theschool.”School manager Gerry McKevittsaid, “I am thrilled to welcomeKathy to the new Bremore ETSSschool community. With Kathy atthe helm, I am confident thatBremore ETSS wil l be a hugeasset to the students and familiesof Balbriggan.”

By Patrick Finnegan

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14 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.12.2015

“There is no point in hitting your child. It is a veryunfair way of punishing your child.”

“I agree with the law. A time out is always betterthan physical punishment. Just take their toys awayfor maybe an hour instead of hitting them.”

YOURVIEWWith reporters Olivia Leth and Cinzia Tuena

“I agree with the law, because there is no need forphysical punishment. If you have a good relationshipwith your child, you don’t have to hit them. There areother ways of punishment.”

Norma Fitzgerald - Swords

“In general I agree with the law in terms of banningcorporal punishment. But I don’t think that theGovernment should tell you what to do.”

"I agree with the law. There are other ways toeducate your children like giving them a time out forinstance."

“I don’t think your should hit your child but I thinkthat it is inappropriate for the Government to have somuch say in our families.”

“I agree - who wouldn’t ? Children shouldn’t be hit.”

Marina McGarry - Swords

Lena Hamilton - Swords

Inta Buseniece - Swords

"I think there are other ways like raising yourvoice to educate your child. I understand thatsometimes you don't have another choice but eventhen, some people are just taking it to the extremeand beat their children.

Debbie Uddin - Balbriggan

Fred Kelly - Ashbourne

Rory O’Donoghue - Dublin

Jason Malone - Finglas

Sharon Maloney - Swords

Hannah Gallagher, Swords

“I think it depends on the age of the child. Surely thereare people who take it to the extreme but there isnothing wrong with a little smack.”

“I think there is no harm in a little smack as long asyou don’t take it to the extreme.”

With the recentnews that corporalpunishment of achild has been

outlawed in Ireland, weasked: "Do you agree withthe banning of corporalpunishment of children?"

Olivia Leth Cinzia Tuena


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Looking Back At 30 Years Of Irish Guide DogsThe non-profit charityorganisation IrishGuide Dogs for theBlind in Balbriggan hasrecently celebratedtheir 30th anniversaryof serving the commu-nity. The charity, thatwas founded in 1985,has seen many volun-teers come and go andmany of them gatheredat the celebration cere-mony to pay tribute tothe many people IrishGuide Dogs havehelped. In celebrationof 30 years of exis-tence, the branchspoke to the CountyLeader to remembertheir highlights. The arrival toBalbriggan and there-fore to the communityof the North County,has given the branch apowerful start into avery successful era.Their very first guidedog, Frank, workedtogether with hisowner Tom O’Neill ,Co-chairman of thebranch, until hisretirement in the early90’s. In recognition ofhis work, Frank

received the ‘Freedomof the Lamppost ofBalbriggan’ certificatefrom the TownCommissioners.

In 2007 the branchbroke all of theirrecords, as they raiseda total of €27,000 offunds. The record wasbroken again thefollowing year with theenormously successfulfundraising of€100,000. In recentyears, the branch hasalso recreated theannual dog walk, anevent that many bravevolunteers went fromhouse to house forsponsorship for. In the run of their exis-tence, the branch hasestablished schooltalks to raise aware-ness of the importanceof guide dogs to thelittle ones of ourcommunity. Thefrequent visits to thelocal schools paid off,as the children thatattended those schooltalks have all grownup and support the

branch both finan-cially and by volun-teering for fundraisingevents. Throughout thosethree decades, theBalbriggan Scoutshave been honest andfaithful supporters ofthe branch. They oncebuilt a giant Papier

Machier Dog onwheels that wasleading several St.Patrick’s Day paradesand other festivalparades. It was a

wonderful way ofcreating awareness ofthe Irish Guide Dogsfor the Blind and theirwork that they aredoing for the people inthe North County andbeyond. The Balbriggan branchof Irish Guide Dogscurrently counts five

people with theirguide dogs andseveral families thatare living with chil-dren with Autism andtheir assistance dogs.There are severalpuppy walkers inBalbriggan who allwork on a voluntary

basis and who allsupport the charity.In 2015, the branchwas asked to takepart in the BalbrigganSummer Fest and hasalso moved to a newstarting point in theSupervalu car park. The branch would liketo take the opportu-nity to thank all of thepeople that havesupported themthroughout the years.They are grateful forall the volunteers,people from theBalbriggan Scouts,Supervalu and theentire community ofthe North County fortheir support. Speaking on behalf ofthe branch, Co-chairman and guidedog owner TomO’Neil l told theCounty Leader: “Wefeel the strength inthe branch is thefriendships within it.Each person whobecomes involvedsays they feel theyhave become part of afamily and love thevolunteering workthey do. We wouldlike to thank every-body who supportsour work, withoutyour support nobodywould have a guidedog or an assistancedog. We would like towish everybody ahappy and peacefulChristmas and 2016.”

Pictured is Tom O'Neill (centre) with his dog Gatsby beingpresented with a cheque for €20,000 from the organisers

By Olivia Leth

Fianna Fáil SenatorDarragh O’Brien main-tains that people inmortgage arrearsshould not have topay the Local PropertyTax. “If they cannotpay a mortgage, it isabsolutely ridiculousthat they would beexpected to pay thelocal property tax.That should not bethe case” he said.He went on to saythat, “I support theProperty Tax freeze,but many will be leftbehind,” he warned.“On behalf of FiannaFáil I tabled anamendment takinginto consideration thedilemma faced by themore than 200,000people who are inmortgage arrears andhave no ability to paythe Local PropertyTax.” He concluded bysaying that, “We havespent a great deal oftime debating howthe LPT could beimproved but we havegotten nowhere withthis legislation barthe freezing of therevaluation. FiannaFáil has made specificcommitments on theissues I have outlined,which will form part ofour manifesto toimprove the tax.”

PropertyTax Freeze

Page 15: North County Leader - 17th December 2015

17.12.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 1521 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Feel free to contact me on any issueTel: 086 277 2030

Email: [email protected]


Wishing thepeople of NorthFingal a HappyChristmas and a

Peaceful &Prosperous New Year

Pictured is Ian Richardson from Swords Manor, who graduated with a degreein Bi Chemistry at DCU alongside his mother Anne Richardson, who waspresented with an Adult Learning Batchelor of Art drgree at All-Hallows College

Swords MotherAnd Son Graduate

Pictured at the official launch of Ireland's first junior parkrun at Kenure Park, Rush onSunday last, 13th December are Tony Cluskey (Gala Retail), Matt Shields (CountryManager, parkrun Ireland) and Acting County Mayor, Cllr Brian Dennehy

Rush Junior Parkrun LaunchedSunday 13thDecember, marked thelaunch of Ireland’s firstJunior Parkrun Ireland,with the inaugural freerun taking place atKenure Woods inRush. Over 160 chil-dren and many parentstook part in the 2k.Building on thesuccess of the parkrunphenomenon, whichhas grown to 41 loca-tions nationwide, Rushjunior parkrun marksthe introduction of theSunday event, which isaimed at youngpeople, aged betweenfour and 14.A 2k run, as opposedto Saturday parkrunswhich are 5k, Rushjunior parkrun is thefirst of many junior

parkruns that areplanned for Ireland.“Since we introducedparkrun to Ireland in2012 it has grownphenomenally and wenow have weeklyevents in 41 locations.We’ve been keen tointroduce a juniorevent for some timebut we needed to iden-tify the right locationand team of volun-teers, which we havehere today in Rush,”adds Matt Shields,Country Manager ofparkrun Ireland. Mattcontinues: “The popu-larity of today’s event,despite the cold,

wintery conditions,demonstrates theappetite for juniorparkrun and this isjust the first event ofmany juniorparkruns.” All parkrunevents are communityowned and coordi-nated They’re timedweekly runs that takeplace 52 weeks of theyear, and are free toattend, removing allbarriers for participa-tion. Rush juniorparkrun will take placeevery Sunday at9.30am at KenureWoods, Rush. Forfurther informationsee

Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal, AlanFarrell is organising the 9th annual‘GOAL’ mile charitable walk atMalahide Castle with support fromvolunteers from the local communityand Barry Andrews, Chief ExecutiveOfficer of GOAL. According to Farrell,“The annual GOAL mile event inMalahide, which is in its 9th year,provides an enjoyable way for localpeople to start their Christmas Day,while also raising vital funds for the

important charitable work that GOALcarry out. Participants in the GOALmile are asked to run, jog or walkalong a one mile circuit which ismarked out around MalahideDemense. He told us that he looksforward to welcoming both experi-enced runners, joggers and thosewho would like a leisurely stroll onChristmas morning. The event inMalahide this year will take place onDecember 25th between 11am andnoon and it will begin at the rear carpark of Malahide Castle.

Farrell’s ‘Goal’-den Mile

The Caring and Sharing Association Casa thatsupports people with disabilities, is currentlylooking for volunteer drivers to take peopleshopping or to the cinema. Stop by at theMalahide Breakhouse, call 01 8454841 oremail [email protected] for furtherinformation.

Volunteer Drivers ForCasa Malahide

Page 16: North County Leader - 17th December 2015

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Our final Gift Guide winner of the year was Barbara King ofMalahide. She is pictured beiing presented with heraward by Advertising Sales Rep for the North CountyLeader, Amanda Browne.

Week 5


Patrice Morris from Skerries was the first lucky winner ofthis year’s gift guide competition. She is pictured herecollecting her winnings from Sue Griffiths, Sales Manager,North County Leader

Week 1


Anne Martin from Swords was the second lucky winner of€100 in our Christmas Gift Guide competition. Anne is pictured receiving her prize from Sean Fitzmaurice,Production Director, North County Leader

Week 2


Andrew Proctor from Balbriggan was the third winner ofour Christmas Gift Guide competition. A happy Andrew ispictured collecting his prize of €100 from North CountyLeader's Andrea de Roeck. Also pictured are Andrew'sfamily, Stephanie, Alejandro, Oliver and Patrick

Week 3


Anne Ryan from Ballyboughal was the latest lucky winnerof €100 in our Christmas Gift Guide competition. Anne ispictured here accepting her prize from North CountyLeader's Olivia Leth

Week 4


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SWORDSSt Colmcille's Church,Swords24th Dec 10.30am-1.00pm - Confession

6.30pm - Mass9.00pm - Mass

25th Dec 8.30am - Mass10.00am - Mass11.00am - Mass

Church of the Visitation,Drynam, Kinsealy24th Dec 6.30pm - Mass

9.00pm - Mass25th Dec 10.00am - Mass

11.00am - Irish Mass12.00pm - Mass

St Cronans Church-Brackenstown, Swords24th Dec 6pm - Family Mass

9.30pm - Vigil Mass25th Dec 9.00am - Mass

11.00am - Mass12.30pm - Mass

St Finian's ChurchRiver Valley, Swords24th Dec 6.30pm - Vigil Mass

9.30pm - Mass25th Dec 10.00am - Children’s Mass

11.30pm - Mass

Our Lady Queen of HeavenChurch, Dublin Airport24th Dec 7.00pm - Vigil Mass25th Dec 11.00am Mass

Balheary - Church ofImmaculate Conception24th Dec 7.00pm - Vigil Mass25th Dec 11.30am - Mass

DONABATE/PORTRANESt Patrick's Church,Donabate24th Dec 10.00am - Mass

10.30am - Confessions8.00pm - Confessions 9.00pm - Vigil Mass

25th Dec 9.30am - Mass11.00am - Mass

St Ita's Church, Portrane24th Dec 5.00pm - Family Mass25th Dec 9.30am - Mass

MALAHIDE/PORTMARNOCKSacred Heart Church,Seabury24th Dec 5.00pm - Family Mass

6.30pm - Mass8.00pm - Mass

25th Dec 10.30am -Mass12.00pm - Mass

St Sylvester's Church,Malahide24th Dec 6.00pm - Vigil Family Mass

7.30pm - Vigil Mass9.00pm - Mass

25th Dec 10.00am - Mass11.15am - Mass12.30pm - Mass

St Nicholas of MyraChurch, Kinsealy24th Dec 8.30pm - Mass25th Dec 9.00am - Mass

11.00am - Mass


Christmas Religious ServicesIn The North County

St Anne's Church,Portmarnock24th Dec 5.30pm - Family Mass

7.30pm - Mass9.30pm - Mass

25th Dec 9.00am - Mass10.30am - Mass12.00pm - Mass

RUSH / LUSKRush - St Maur's Church24th Dec 6.00pm - Family Mass

9.00pm - Vigil Mass25th Dec 9.00am - Mass

11.30am - Family Mass

Lusk - St McCullin's Church24th Dec 4.00pm - Mass (Tickets required)

6.00pm - Mass (Tickets required)9.00 pm - Mass

25th Dec 8.30am - Mass9.30am - Mass10.30am - Mass11.30am - Mass

BALBRIGGAN/BALSCADDENSt Peter & St Paul Church24th Dec 5.00pm - Mass

7.00pm - Mass9.00pm - Mass

25th Dec 9.30am - Mass10.45am - Mass12.00pm - Mass

Balscadden - Church of theAssumption25th Dec 8.30am - Mass

SKERRIESSt Patrick's Church24th Dec 4.00pm - Mass

6.00pm - Mass8.00pm - Mass

25th Dec 9.30am - Mass11.00am - Mass

RURAL AREASRolestown - St Brigid'sChurch24th Dec 9.00pm - Mass25th Dec 11.00am - Mass

Oldtown - Church of OurLady Queen of Peace24th Dec 7.00pm - Mass25th Dec 9.30am - Mass

Ballyboughal - Church ofthe Assumption24th Dec 7.00pm - Mass

Naul - Church of Nativityof Our Lady

24th Dec 9.00pm - Mass25th Dec 11.30am - Mass

Damastown - St Canice's Church

24th Dec 7.00pm - Children’s Mass9.00pm - Vigil Mass

25th Dec 9.00am - Mass11.30am - Mass12.00pm - Mass


St Columba's Church,Swords24th Dec 11.30pm - Holy Communion25th Dec 11.30am - Service


St Patrick's, Donabate20th December10.30am - Carol Service25th December10.00am - Holy Communion


St Andrew's Church,Malahide24th December11.30pm - Holy Communion25th December8.00am - Holy Communion11.00am - Holy Communion


Kenure Church, Rush24th Dec 9.00pm - Holy Communion


Holmpatrick Church,Skerries25th Dec 10.30am - Holy Communion


St George's Church,Balbriggan25th Dec 12.00pm - Holy Communion


St David's, Kilsallaghan25th Dec 10.00am - Holy Communion

St Doulagh's, Balgriffin25th Dec 8.00am - Holy Communion

10.00am - Holy Communion

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17.12.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 1921 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin




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The roof over yourhead, the floor youtread, the garden youlaze in and the area youpark your car upon, allof which are part ofyour home where youshould feel the mostcomfortable, especiallyduring the Winterseason. By followingsome simple steps, youcan easily transform thehumble house into awarm and welcomehome.


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components, switches,terminals and so on gomuch further than that. Electrics aren’t just foryour home, gardenlamps and carefullyplace lights in amongstflower beds can providea highly aesthetic viewlater in the evenings inboth good and badweather.

Advertising Feature

In those short Winter days where we don’texperience too much of daylight, cominghome from a hard and long day might be justwhat we need.

The new all-weather pitch at Fingallians GAA Club in Swords was officially opened byMinister of State for Tourism and Sport, Michael Ring on Tuesday last, 15th December.Pictured at the opening are, Clare Lewis (team mentor), Eamonn Gargan (team mentor),Alan Farrell TD, Minister Michael Ring and Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, DrJames Reilly, with members of Fingallians under 7 team

Death OfBishopO’MahonyThe death has occurred, after alengthy illness, of the emeritusauxiliary Bishop of Dublin, DermotO’Mahony, Titular Bishop of Tiava.He was aged 80. He lived the latteryears of his retirement in Swords. Archbishop Diarmuid Martinexpressed his sympathy to thefamily and friends of BishopO’Mahony and said the priests ofthe Archdiocese were saddened bythe news of his passing as he held,over many years, several roles ofleadership and responsibility inthe Archdiocese of Dublin andnationally.Bishop O’ Mahony was ordained apriest by Archbishop John Charles

Mc Quaid in Holy Cross College,Clonliffe in 1960. Like manyDublin priests, he went on to studyat the Pontifical GregorianUniversity in Rome for four yearsfollowing his ordination.In 1974 he was made parishadministrator in Donaghmede andwould also be elected Vicar Foranefor the Howth deanery. Thefollowing year he became one ofthe youngest Bishops everappointed in Ireland when he wasmade auxiliary Bishop aged just40. A Canon Lawyer, Bishop O’Mahony was made Chancellor ofthe Archdiocese in May 1975, aposition he would hold for thefollowing six years.He retired as Auxiliary Bishop ofDublin on health grounds in June1996, and lived the latter years ofhis retirement in Swords. Hisfuneral Mass took place onTuesday 15th December. May herest in peace.

FundingIncrease For FairDeal SchemeWelcomedThe Government have made acommitment to increase funds forthe Nursing Home Support Scheme,(The Fair Deal Scheme), in the 2016budget. This comes as welcomenews for the NHI (Nursing HomesIreland) organisation. The promise has been made toincrease the budget by €22 million,in order to support timely access tonursing home care. This comesafter an additional €44 million wasgiven this year , a sum thatimproved the capacity of acutehospital services considerably. The introduction of this funding forthe Fair Deal scheme will ensuretimely access to nursing home care.This in turn will reduce financialapproval wait times. It will alsomean the number of delayeddischarges in acute hospitals willbe reduced and will help toaddress any current overcrowdingissues. The County Leader spoke to MaryMcCormack of the Tara WinthropPrivate Clinic to find out what theFair Deal Scheme means to bothpatient and Nursing home; “Firstly,the Fair Deal was set up to benefitNursing Home Residents. It is an

excellent scheme in that theprospective resident is protectedand placed at the centre of thescheme. The Resident or theirCare Representative can make anapplication to the Nursing HomeSupport Office, Civic Centre,Ballymun, Dublin 9, if he/she isunfit to live alone any longer. ACare Representative is appointedfrom the family and the Court toadminister the funding. Theamount of financial support theperson receives is based on theirincome – 80 per cent of income istaken by the Fair Deal Office andthe resident has 20 per centdisposable income for their ownuse. Their home can also beincluded in the scheme if they wishit to be and a loan based on thevalue of the home is approved ornot as the case may be. Thefamily or the person themselvescan then choose the nursing homethey wish to reside in.”She went on to stress that it is notthe Nursing homes that benefitfrom Fair Deal , but the patients;“Nursing Homes do not benefitfrom this extra funding. Nursinghomes must negotiate their feesseparately with the NationalTreatment Purchase Fund whoseek “yellow pack” fees for caringfor the most complex cases. Infact the fees one receives does notreflect the care, it is based on thecounty average and is most unsat-isfactory.”

Page 20: North County Leader - 17th December 2015

20 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.12.2015

Maggie and Dickie Donnelly

James Fagan and Al McNallyCounty Mayor, Cllr David O'Connor, Tom O'Hara and MickConnell

Pictured enjoying their Christmas Party are members of BallyboughalSenior Citizens group, Sadie O'Connor, Stephanie O'Brien, LaynaRodgers, Rena Rowe and Gerard O'Connor

Christy andAgnes McMahon

Noel O'Brien, Richard Maguire and Stephanie O'Brien

Genevieve Turley,Frank Kiernan andKathleen Kiernan

Pictured are the organising team for the Ballyboughal SeniorCitizens Christmas Party at Hollywood Lakes Golf Club, LaynaRodgers, Stephen O'Brien, Rena Rowe and Stephanie O'Brien Oliver and Bernie Callan

Rita O'Hara and Anne Ryan

Evelyn Corr and Angela Rosengrave


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Domestic AbuseIntensifies Due ToChristmas StressDomestic abuse can be defined as; a pattern ofbehaviour which involves violence or other abuseby one person on another in a home or familysetting. It can be perpetrated on or by any personssharing an intimate relationship of any nature. It is a sobering fact that, whilst most of us can revelin the merriment of the season, many women, menand their families will be measuring breaths andcounting heartbeats until the next explosion ofviolence from a loved one. An estimated 1 in 7women and 1 in 17 men will experience some formof domestic abuse within their lifetime.

The men and women that are living day to day inthese situations report that the high levels ofstress that come with the Christmas period canoften become a trigger for increased occasions ofverbal, physical and mental abuse. Here at the County Leader, we spoke to Sgt TerriFerguson of the Swords Garda station to find outwhat constitutes domestic abuse, what to look outfor and what you can do about it; “The term‘Domestic Abuse’, though not defined in legislationis a term that evokes both fear and disgust in mostpeople. It can be regarded as the physical, sexual,financial, or emotional abuse of one partner bythe other in a relationship. Women in heterosexual relationships account for themajority of reported victims of domestic abuse,however men in heterosexual relationships andmen and women of same sex relationships canalso be victims.”She went on to highlight the fact that it is not justSpousal abuse that is considered to be domesticabuse, “Children can also be subjected todomestic abuse. Other forms can include abuse ofolder people and of people with disabilities byspouses, carers, partners, children or relatives.Remember there is no ‘type’ of woman or man towhom it occurs, and there is no ‘type’ of home inwhich it happens.”Sgt Ferguson explained to us that domestic abuseincludes all kinds of physical, sexual, mental,financial and emotional abuse within an intimaterelationship something that was also highlightedto us whilst in conversation with Women’s AidDirector, Margaret Martin. She spoke to us aboutthe specific ways in which the Christmas periodimpacts on the way women and men are abused.Most notably in relation to financial abuse. Shetold us that, “Withholding cash needed for basicnecessities like food and heating, forcing womento give up work, putting all bills in the woman’sname, and even taking the woman’s salary are allforms of domestic abuse most prevalent atChristmas time.”

Ms Martin told us that for many of the women whoring the helpline, Christmas is a time of hurt, fear,intimidation, intentional cruelty and sudden flashesof violence. “Abusive men can use the holidays tothreaten the well-being of children using them aspawns in control and intimidation during whatshould be a time of joy.”The same things can be said about men who findthemselves in abusive situations. According toAMEN, the national help line for male domesticabuse victims, statistics say that 1 in 17 men willexperience domestic abuse within their lifetime.However, an accurate number is hard to gauge, dueto the fact that it is a crime with virtually no visi-bility. This is because, whether or not it is down toshame, fear of not being believed or not beingtaken seriously, there is a reticence to comeforward on the part of male victims. This leaves them voiceless and powerless.Especially at a time of year that is so focused on therole of the ‘bread winner’ or the ‘man of the house’within the household. In our conversation with Sgt Ferguson, sheimpressed upon us the importance of lettingpeople know that there is help available out therefor everyone who needs it; “it is the duty of theGardaí to provide protection to you and to investi-gate fully all incidents of domestic abuse, includingreports of domestic abuse received from thirdparties. If you are in immediate danger, call the Gardaí on 999 or 112. They will provide protection and can put you in contact with organi-sations that can provide you with counselling,advice or shelter.”There are many other organisations out there thatwill help. Women’s Aid, as well as their help lineservice, run a Swords based One to One supportservice, and AMEN, while based in Meath have aconfidential helpline active Mon-Friday 9am – 5pmfor Male domestic abuse victims. Both organisations work in tandem with the Gardaíand social services and will provide the bestpossible service and advice and provide links tohelp you get yourself out of the situation you are in. It is very important to remember that you are notalone. That there is help out there, that you will belistened to and that you will be taken seriously.Whether you are the victim of spousal abuse, achild or young person in a dangerous home situa-tion, or someone who, for any other reason isvulnerable or at risk, there are people out therethat can and will help you who are simply on theother end of a phone. Should you, or anyone youknow need the help of these specialised services,please contact any of the numbers in the list below,alternatively to these numbers, help will always befound in your local Garda station. • Women’s Aid: 1800 341 900• AMEN: 046 9023 718• Cosc: 01 4768 680• Dublin Rape Crisis Centre: 1800 788 888• Safe Ireland: 090 647 9078• ChildLine: 1800 66 66 66• AIM Family Services: 01 670 8363• Viva House, Fingal: 01 866 2015

By Aoife Read

at Hollywood Lakes Golf Club

Page 21: North County Leader - 17th December 2015

17.12.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 2121 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Malahide Autos @ Mark Walsh




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End Of YearPresentations

Rotary Dublin Fingal present the proceeds of the Nepal Charity Dinner hosted by Indie Spice & Grill in Swords recently.Pictured above are Dave Murray (Chair of the Fundraising Committee, Rotary Fingal), Aoife Lucy (Dublin Central Club,who is liaising with the Rotary Club in Nepal for the dispersing of donated funds directly to affected communities),Narayan Tiwari, (Manager of Indie Spice & Grill) and Michael Kennedy (President Rotary Club Dublin Fingal)Narayan, from Nepal, headed up the team that worked free of charge on the fundraising night. Six thousand euro wasraised at the Indie Spice night and three thousand euro was raised at the Dublin Central Nepal fundraising event. Allmonies have now been transferred to Rotary Clubs in Nepal.

Michael Kennedy, president Rotary Dublin Fingal,pictured right, presents Dennis Barry, president of St.Finians Conference of St. Vincent De Paul with shoppingvouchers to the value of €2,500. Rotary Dublin Fingalrecently held bucket collections in JC's Supermarket andSuperValu supermarket where local Swords residentsgenerously contributed. The vouchers will be divided byDennis Barry between the different St. Vincent De PaulConferences in Swords to be then distributed to needyfamilies prior to Christmas.

Portmarnock man, Brian Irridale, who is now resident inUganda, presents Dublin Fingal Rotary PresidentMichael Kennedy with a certificate of recognition. Thecertificate recognises the trojan work headed up byRotary Club Dublin Fingal in raising funds locally andinternationally for the building and complete fit out of aclinic in Uganda where up to 20,000 children are nowbeing treated annually for HIV.

Continued from page 1The trails of magic dust that have beenreported are from the wings of fairies asthey fly around on their important Santabusiness. The bright lights that havebeen spotted in the sky are most likelythat of the small sleighs the elves use togo to and from Lapland. So remember,when you are walking around, keep aneye out. What you think might just be asnail trail could well be a line of magicdust left when a fairy flew off back to theNorth Pole. Check under toadstools andin the trees, as you might see a gnomerunning out of sight on his way to tellSanta something very important. Here atthis paper, we have a special hot line

that goes straight to Santa’s Grotto. Thisreporter rang the hot line to find out theoutcome of Santa’s night pre-Christmassnooping. Mrs. Claus told us that “Santahas many elves, gnomes and fairies inthat area and all are reporting back to usnightly.” We asked her what the reports havebeen like and she said that: “The chil-dren in the North County are all reallygood and Santa can’t wait for he andRudolph to bring lots of presents tothem on Christmas Eve.” So, any children out there had betterwatch out, better not cry, better not poutand we’ll tell you why, Santa Claus isdefinitely coming to town!

Strange Sightings Throughout The North County

Pyrite; Free Testing For Tax ExemptionLocal Minister, JamesReilly, has said thatlegislation brought tothe Dáil on Friday willease the burden onhomeowners affected bypyrite, by removing thenecessity for them to payfor testing in order toavail of the exemptionfrom Local Property Tax(LPT).Minister Reilly explainedthe need for the newlegislation. “In Budget2016, the governmentexempted homeownersaffected by pyrite fromLocal Property Tax (LPT).However it soon becameapparent that thesehomeowners were still

expected to pay forexpensive core sampletesting in order to qualifyfor the exemption.”He went on to say; “Iraised this issue with theMinister for Finance,Michael Noonan and heaccepted that legislativechange may be neededto deal with theanomaly. I am delightednow that this matter isbeing addressed. TheLocal Property Tax legis-lation currently goingthrough the Dáil will dealcomprehensively withthe situation.’’ Thislegislation will extendthe LPT exemption toproperties whose

owners don’t have therequired certification buthave properties thathave been proven tohave been damaged bypyrite to a significantextent. The exemption isbeing extended to prop-erties that have beenincluded in the officialpyrite remediationscheme without theneed for testing, proper-ties that are remediatedas a result of asuccessful insuranceclaim and properties thatare remediated by thebuilder or propertydeveloper whoconstructed the prop-erty.

“This legislation putsthis right and ensuresthat these homeownerswill not be unfairlypunished,” MinisterReilly concluded.

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Page 22: North County Leader - 17th December 2015

Fingal County CouncilPermission sought for change of use from licensedbook makers to newsagent, confectionary, cafe / coffeedock, at 6 Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. For Mr. Christopher Trimble.The planning application may be inspected or purchasedat a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making acopy at the offices of the Planning Authority during itspublic opening hours of 9.30 – 16.30 Monday – Friday. Asubmission or observation in relation to the applicationmay be made in writing the Planning Authority onpayment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by the Authorityof the application and such submissions or observationswill be considered by the Planning Authority in making adecision on the application. The Planning Authority maygrant permission subject to or without conditions, ormay refuse to grant permission.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission sought by Paul Denny to constructa first floor extension to side over existing garage at 45Shenick Grove, Skerries, Co. Dublin. The planning appli-cation may be inspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the planning authority during its publicopening hours and submission or observation may bemade to the authority in writing on payment of theprescribed fee (20Euros) within the period 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by the authority of thisapplication.

Fingal County CouncilI,Sylvia Croly, Intend to apply for planning permissionfor a. Two storey dormer type extension to front and sidewith single storey extension to rear,b.New waste water treatment system, c.All associatedsite works to existing single storey bungalow on site atDrishoge,Oldtown,Co Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchasedat a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making acopy at the offices of the Planning Authority ,during it'spublic opening hours.A submission or observation in relation to the applica-tion may be made in writing to the planning authority onpayment of a prescribed fee (20 euro) within a period of5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of the application and such submissions orobservations wil l be considered by the planningauthority in making a decision on the application. Theplanning authority may grant permission subject to orwithout conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.

Fingal County CouncilAmy Brand and Kevin Cluskey intend to apply for aTemporary (five year) planning permission for thefollowing: (a) Change of use of existing 150sq.m.bungalow (St. Annes) to (i) Car Hire office and Class 2Office use, (b) subdivide site to provide compound fortwenty cars and three car parking spaces, and coveredcar wash canopy area (55 sq.m.) for the car hire busi-ness, and (c) provide five car parking spaces for officeuse; (d) a small extension (2.5 sq.m.) to the rear ofbungalow to provide entrance to Office with logo sign;(e) new access to site from existing Columba House carpark, and (f) all site development works includingfencing and landscaping, al l on site bounded byNevinstown Link road, and Nevinstown Lane,Nevinstown, Cloghran, Swords, Co. Dublin.The planning applicat ion may be inspected, orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority,and that a submission or observation in relation to theapplication may be made to the Authority in writing onpayment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period offive weeks beginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning Permission is sought from Fingal CountyCouncil on behalf of Ms Sinead Murphy C/O Horan DMC,for the construction of a detached dwelling house, newsite entrance, wastewater treatment system and all allo-cated site works, at Walshestown, Lusk, Co. Dublin. Signed: Mr. Thomas Horan, M.Sc, B.Sc, ICIOB,Horan DMC, Design & Project Mgt, 32A Patrick St,

Mountmellick, Co, Laois.

The Planning Application may be inspected or purchasedat a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making acopy at the offices of the Planning Authority during itspublic opening hours and a submission or observationmay be made to the Planning Authority in writing onpayment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authorityof the application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning Permission is sought by N and B Brennan forthe following:1) The demolition of the existing 2 storey house and theexisting single storey extensions to same,the existing rear single storey shed, the existing frontboundary wall and the existing front vehicular entrance.2) The construction of a new 2 storey house with 2habitable rooms in the attic, a new rear single storeydetached 2 car garage, a new front boundary wall, a newfront vehicular entrance, a new front pedestr ianentranceand all associated site works at Cluainín Innis, SkerriesRoad, Lusk, Co DublinThe Planning Application may be inspected or purchasedat a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making acopy at the offices of the Planning Authority during itspublic opening hours and a submission or observationmay be made to thePlanning Authority in writ ing on payment of theprescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginningon the date of receipt by the authority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilColum & Martina Hanifan intend to apply for PlanningPermission for a single storey extension to the rear, afirst floor extension over existing garage, an extensionof the living room to front of house, a change of use ofthe existing garage to a bedroom, and all associated siteworks at 35 Portmarnock Drive, Portmarnock, Co.Dublin. The Planning Application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of the Planning Authorityduring its public opening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to the Planning Authority inwriting on payment of the prescribed fee within theperiod of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt bythe authority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is being sought for internal alter-ations and modifications to both the existing groundfloor and first floor levels of existing hotel premises, theproposed works include: (i) The conversion of part of the existing ground floorwhich includes the existing restaurant, residents lounge,meeting rooms, office, toilets, internal stairwell, storesand the gallery area over the main bar to provide 14 no.bedrooms , (ii) The conversion of part the existing first floor whichincludes the existing main function room with associ-ated bar and kitchen, chill room and toilets, stores andinternal stairwell to provide 21 no. bedrooms. The total number of additional guest bedrooms to theproposed conversion is 35 no. in total. Planning permis-sion is also sought for minor external elevationschanges to the northern elevation at the Carnegie Court Hotel, North Street, Swords, Co.Dublin. Applicants: David & Mary Grant. The planning applicat ion may be inspected, orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy, at the offices of the planning authorityduring its public opening hours. A submission or obser-vation in relation to the application may be made inwriting to the planning authority on payment of theprescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks begin-ning on the date of receipt by the authority of the appli-cation, and such submissions or observations will beconsidered by the planning authority in making a deci-sion on the application. The planning authority maygrant permission subject to or without conditions, ormay refuse to grant permission.

Fingal County CouncilWe, Eamon and Marie Donnelly, intend to apply forPermission for development at the site located on thecorner of Back Road and The Hill, Malahide, Co. Dublin.The development will consist of (A) Construction of anew part one, part two storey 3 Bedroom detached

22 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.12.2015

CULLEN (née Kenny), Alice (LaLa) (Curran Park, Balbriggan,Dublin / Drogheda, Louth)Peacefully in Hamilton Park Nursing Home in the loving careof the Nightingale Unit. Sadly missed by her loving husbandRobert, daughters Jacqueline, Sandra, Audrey, Tracy, Fionaand Deborah, grandchildren, brothers, sons-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and many friends. Rest inpeace.

CUNNEEN Gerry (Ger) (Skerries, Co. Dublin (Ex Aer LingusM&E), late of Capparoe, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary), 11thDecember 2015 (suddenly) surrounded by his loving family,Gerry (Ger) sadly missed by his loving wife Frances, adoredsons Seán and Colm, mother Noreen, brother Michael,granddaughter Carli, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law,nephews, relatives and a large circle of friends. Rest inpeace.

MORRIN (Rush Co. Dublin and late of Highfield Par, Galwayand C.I.E) Dec 13,2015 (peacefully) Frank beloved husbandof the late Ann; sadly missed by his loving sons, daughters,sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandaughter, extended family and friends. Rest in peace.

O'KEEFFE (Malahide, formerly of Middleton, Co. Cork) - Dec.12, 2015 (peacefully) at Talbot Lodge Nursing Home, PhilipJoseph, beloved husband of Maura and the late Phyllis,father of David, Barbara, Philip, Lorraine and the late Niall;deeply regretted by his wife Maura, children, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchild, brothers,sisters, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews,stepdaughters, stepson, relatives and friends. Rest inpeace.

COLEMAN, Maura (Lola) (Balheary, Swords) - Dec. 10, 2015,(peacefully) at Tara Winthrop Private Clinic; sadly missed byher loving cousin Margaret, god-child Susan, relatives andfriends. Rest in peace.

RUANE Patrick (Paddy), (Rush, late of Drumsheen,Bonniconlon, Co Mayo), 9th December 2015 (Peacefully athome). Beloved husband of the late Maureen, loving fatherof Marie, Joan, Donal, Bernadette and Anita. Sadly missedby sons-in-law, grandchildren, extended family and friends.Rest in peace.

BARKER-DUNNE Blathnaíd (Finglas, Dublin / Balbriggan,Dublin) Suddenly. Sadly missed by her heartbroken father,mother, brothers, sisters, family and friends. Rest in peace.

BOYLAN, (nee Doyle) Marian, (Skerries, Dublin / Rush),Dublin 9th December 2015, (peacefully) Hamilton ParkBalrothery. Beloved wife and and best friend of Jimmy,loving mother of Mark, Niamh and William, grandmotherand sadly missed by family and friends.May She Rest In Peace

KENNEDY Joe (Harbour Road, Clogherhead, Louth /Ballyboughal, Dublin). Unexpectedly, in the MaterHospital.Predeceased by his wife Eileen. Sadly missed byhis loving wife Ita, daughter Martina, sons William andPatrick, stepdaughters Bernadette and Marcella, stepsonsJames, Patrick, John and Thomas, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, brother Dan, sister Patricia, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, nieces,nephews, relatives and many friends. Rest in peace.

MCILWAINE, David Michael, 27th November 2015, (SkerriesCo. Dublin, Newcastle Australia) (suddenly) sadly anddearly missed by his heartbroken mother, Olivia. fatherStephen, partner Candace, daughter Casey, brother James,sisters Cliodhna and Aishling, grandparents, aunts, uncles,nieces, nephew, relatives and a large circle of friends inIreland and Australia. Rest in peace.

NUGENT, (nee Morris) Mary (Maisie) (Portmarnock, Co.Dublin), 8th December 2015 (peacefully) age 93 years atBeaumont Hospital. Beloved wife of the late Patrick (Paddy)and loving mother of Emily, Ann and Patricia. She will bevery sadly missed by her family, sons-in-law Eamonn andMartin, seven grandchildren, four great-grandchildren,extended family and friends. Rest in peace.

O'DONNELL Tadgh (Timothy John) (Portmarnock, Co.Dublin), 8th December 2015, suddenly at home after a longillness surrounded by his loving family. Beloved son of thelate Maura and late Tim and very sadly missed by his sistersand brothers Rita, Michael, Mary, Paddy and John, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives andfriends. Rest in peace.

RUIGROK (Skerries, Co. Dublin) Dec 9, 2015, (peacefully)Marie; sadly missed by her loving sons Brian and David,daughters in law Tatiana and Agniete, grandchildren Kateand Theo, mother Sarah, much loved sister Denise, brotherin law Paul, nephews Robert and Ciaran, niece Niamh,extended family and friends. Rest in peace.

JUDGE, Sandra (Portmarnock and formerly of Cabra, Dublin)6th December 2015 (peacefully) at Connolly Hospital,Blanchardstown surrounded by her loving family. Sandrawill be very sadly missed by her children Erika and Darryll,her partner Mick, mother Patty, sisters Miriam, Sharon,Denise and Janice, brother Des, brother-in-law David,extended family and many friends. Rest in peace.

McLAUGHLIN, Carmel (nee Williams) (Portmarnock, Co.Dublin), 8th December 2015, (peacefully) in the wonderfulcare of the staff of the Bon Secours Hospital surrounded byher loving family. Carmel will be very sadly missed by herloving husband John, daughter Lisa, son Steven, son-in-lawPaul, daughter-in-law Ruth, grandson Luke, sisters Niamh,Roisin, Fiona, Colette, Dairine, (sisters of the late Aidan),brothers and sister-in-law, nieces and nephews, extendedfamily, friends and neighbours. Rest in peace.

Recent published deathsfrom the North County




Christmas Remembrance of our Dear Parents and Brother Jack,

late ofSherlock Park, Skerries,

Co. Dublin.

As we prepare for Christmas, our thoughts will be of you.

You always made our Christmas, the happiest we ever knew.

We’ll try our best to celebrate, the birth of Christ our King.But in our hearts we realise,

we’ve lost our everything.

Loved and missed alwaysfrom

Mary, Stephen, Michelle & Family,David, Elaine and Warren,Berni, John and Freighaand great grand children


Family Notices

Miracle Prayer

Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have askedfor many favours, this time I ask for a very

special one (mention request). Take it dearHeart of Jesus and place it with your broken

heart where your Father sees it.Then in his merciful eyes it will become your

favour and not mine.Say for 3 days, promise publication . Never

known to fail. L.C

Miracle PrayerDear Heart of Jesus inthe past I have askedfor many favours, this

time I ask for a veryspecial one (mentionrequest). Take it dear

Heart of Jesus andplace it with your

broken heart whereyour Father sees it.Then in his mercifuleyes it will becomeyour favour and not

mine.Say for 3 days,

promise publication .Never known to fail.


Page 23: North County Leader - 17th December 2015

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dwelling (B) Part demolition of existing siteboundaries and construct ion of newboundary walls (C) Provision of a new vehic-ular entrance gate accessed from the Hilland (C) Al l associated site works. ThePlanning Application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the Planning Authority during itspublic opening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to the PlanningAuthority in writing on payment of theprescribed fee within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilWe, Eamon and Marie Donnelly, intend toapply for Permission for development at thesite located on the corner of Back Road andThe Hill, Malahide, Co. Dublin. The develop-ment will consist of (A) Construction of anew part one, part two storey 3 Bedroomdetached dwelling (B) Part demolition ofexisting site boundaries and construction ofnew boundary walls (C) Provision of a newvehicular entrance gate accessed from theHill and (C) All associated site works. ThePlanning Application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the Planning Authority during itspublic opening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to the PlanningAuthority in writing on payment of theprescribed fee within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought by SeanGormley for a new two-storey detachedhouse with associated site works to the sideof 2 Oakwood Avenue, Swords, Co. Dublin.This planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the Planning Authority during thepublic opening hours of 9.30 - 16.30,Monday to Friday at: Fingal County Council,Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords,Fingal, Co. Dublin and a submission orobservation may be made to the PlanningAuthority in writing on payment of a fee of€20, within the period of 5 weeks, begin-ning on the date of receipt by Fingal CountyCounci l of the Applicat ion, and suchsubmissions or observations will be consid-ered by the Planning Authority in making adecision on the application. The PlanningAuthority may grant permission subject toor without conditions, or may refuse togrant permission.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought to build newsingle storey extension with tiled roof overto side of existing detached bungalow,together with internal alterations at FiveRoads, Jordanstown, Lusk, Co. Dublin forAndrea Tyrrell. The appl icat ion may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the Planning Authority during its'public opening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to the PlanningAuthority in writing on payment of theprescribed fee within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilI Stephen Gilligan, intend to apply for reten-tion planning permission at Shop Unit No. 2,Castleland Park Avenue, Balbriggan, Co.Dublin for retention of the following minoramendments to an existing shop unit (1)The replacement of the existing full heightmain entrance door with a lower door and aglazed panel overhead (2) The placing of anair conditioning condenser unit at the rear. The planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the planning authority during itspublic opening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to the authorityin writing on payment of the prescribed fee(20Euros) within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of this application

Fingal County CouncilApplication for Full Planning Permission fordemolition of sun lounge to rear garden andconstruction of new semi-detached twostorey, 3 bedroom house to side, with ancil-laries and new vehicular access at 4 DrynamRoad, Swords, Co. Dublin, Signed ChrisReillyThis appl icat ion may be inspected/purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy between9.30am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday, at theoffices of Fingal Co. Co., County Hall, MainSt., Swords, Co. Dublin. A submission orobservation in relation to the applicationmay be made in writing on payment of theprescribed fee within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by FingalCo.Co. of the application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought by ShaneFitzgerald and Anita Fitzgerald (néeCl inton) for development on a site atDarcystown, Balrothery, Balbriggan, Co.Dublin. The development will comprise the

construction of a part single, part dormerstyle three bedroom detached dwellinghouse; domestic garage; use and upgradeof exist ing vehicular entrance onDarcystown Road; new septic tank andpercolation area; landscaping; boundarytreatment; and all associated site develop-ment works. The application also includesthe provision of a new septic tank andpercolation area for the existing dwelling onthe site. The Planning Application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost of making acopy at the offices of the Planning Authorityduring i ts public opening hours and asubmission or observation may be made tothe Planning Authority in writ ing onpayment of the prescribed fee within theperiod of 5 weeks beginning on the date ofreceipt by the authority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought for retentionfor Construction of as built alterations toexisting dwelling house, original planningref. no. FO6A/0309 & F06A/0309/E1Alterations include: Increasing the ridgeheight by 400mm. Increasing the gableridge to meet main ridge height. Installationof 2no. velux rooflights to front elevation.Alterations to the front porch.Relocation of windows to front elevation.Installation of ground floor windows togable elevations Relocation and amend-ment to doors / windows to rear existing dwelling house to rear of 'Khufu'Loughshinny, Co. Dublin. signed Ms. LindaCash.The planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the planning authority during itspublic opening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to the authority inwriting on payment of the prescribed fee(20Euros) within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of this application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought forConstruct ion of new detached dormerdwelling house, and associated site worksat Sundrive Road, Rush, Co. Dublin. signedMr. Anthony Weldon.The planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the planning authority during itspublic opening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to the authority inwriting on payment of the prescribed fee(20Euros) within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of this application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought forConstruct ion of new detached dormerdwelling house, and associated site worksat Clann Beag, Channel Road, Rush, Co.Dublin. signed Mr. Gerry Fearon.The planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a feeThe planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the planning authority during itspublic opening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to the authority inwriting on payment of the prescribed fee(20Euros) within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of this application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought forConstruction of 6no. new semi-detachedtwo storey dwelling houses, and 1no. twostorey detached dwelling house,with indi-vidual waste water treatment plantsconnecting to local authority drain, andassociated site works at Old Road, Rush,Co. Dublin.signed Mr. Paul O'Loughlin.The planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the planning authority during itspublic opening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to the authority inwriting on payment of the prescribed fee(20Euros) within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of this application.

North County Leaderreserves the right to decline, omit, suspend oralter any advertisement in the newspaper or toterminate any contract and will not be heldresponsible for any loss caused thereby. No liability is accepted for any loss causedthereby. No liability is accepted for any loss ordamage caused by an error in the printing ofany advertisement. No liability is accepted forany loss or damage alleged to arise throughdelay in forwarding copy. All advertisementsplaced in North County Leader appear online in our digital formats.

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