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Your Quality Local Newspaper The Newspaper with the BIGGEST circulation in the North County We Deliver A registered newspaper at the G.P.O. 3rd December 2013 Volume 20, Issue 46 Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. Tel: 8•400•200 • [email protected] A warm-hearted gesture by Swords chil- dren has been welcomed by the local St Vincent de Paul Society. Thirteen year old Nadine Lawlor-Redmond and her brother Leon (12) and sister Amber (7) from Broadmeadows, Swords teamed up with their friends Adam Cowan (11) and his sister,Marie (13) in an effort to raise funds for St Vincent de Paul. They decided to take to the streets of their estate, singing carols for families in need at Christmas. Nadine explained to the County Leader about how the idea came about. She said, “We knew that there are people who don’t have much to eat at Christmas and we just decided to help them by carol singing in our estate. We’re not long living here, but our neighbours were really generous. Leon said that they did the same last year and decided to do it again this year. A delighted Denis Barry, President of St Finian’s Conference of St Vincent de Paul was overjoyed by the generous gesture of these children, who really demonstrated the real spirit of Christmas. He said, “It’s just wonderful to see young children like these, taking an interest in people less fortunate than themselves and realising that there are families out there, who don’t have enough to get by on. Mother, Sinead Lawlor was rightly very proud of her chil- dren and also of Adam and Marie. “I told them that the St Vincent de Paul is under great pressure at Christmas and it’s a really tough time for some people. As their mother, I’m delighted that they will take this with them throughout their lives. The children met with Denis Barry and his wife Phyllis to present them with 138, which they managed to collect, on behalf of St Vincent de Paul. Pictured are Nadine Lawlor-Redmond, Leon Lawlor-Redmond, Amber Lawlor-Redmond and Adam Cowan, from Broadmeadows, as they present the money collected from their carol singing to Phyllis and Denis Barry from the Society of St Vincent de Paul. Marie Cowan, who also participated in the fundraiser, is missing from the photo. There is expected to be a real boost for the local retail trade over the festive season, and consumers natu- rally spend that bit more, so it’s vital they say, to “give something back to local traders.” There is no better way to start your Christmas shopping than in your home town. The North County can boast two of the finest shopping centres in the entire county, namely the Pavilions in Swords and Millfield in Balbriggan which provide free car parking and a wonderful range of the finest products at great prices. Why would anyone want to undergo the treacherous trek into the city centre in search of limited parking space and higher prices? All of our towns are proud to display their wonderful produce, where you are most likely to be served by a neigh- bour and also where you can negotiate a bargain in a friendly, personalised shopping atmosphere. Should you need to exchange a purchase, you will be received by a friendly shopkeeper, who is only too willing to make sure that your every need is met, something which you’re unlikely to experience in the city centre. All this combined with those beautifully decorated shop fronts, and special deals and discounts on offer, mean you won’t have to go any further to get all you need this Christmas. The County Leader contacted the local Chambers of Commerce and they all were united in their views on the importance of shopping around your home town at this impor- tant time of year. CEO of Fingal Dublin Chamber, Tony Lambert, was eager to stress the hugely important aspect of shopping locally this Christmas, and is encouraging everyone to “think and shop local.” “The chamber is calling on everyone to think and shop local this Christmas,” he said. “It’s important that as many local jobs as possible are retained, and this can only be done if people shop around their locality. We would ask that people shop in local stores and supermarkets whenever possible to help support the creation of these jobs.” “The North County is a wonderful place to live, and this is echoed in the excellent service we receive from our local traders,” he continued. Anthony Murphy, President of Balbriggan Chamber of Commerce was also eager to emphasise the importance of shopping in your local town during the busy period: “The local business is for the local people, so I would ask everyone to really think local this Christmas,” he said. “It’s so impor- tant to consider local retail jobs, and everyone has a responsi- bility when it comes to this. Even a few local purchases can have a tremen- dous impact on a local area, so even with just one purchase, you are making a difference.” “I also want to say thank you to the County Council for offering the free parking each Saturday in December across all towns in the North County, which encourages local shopping,” he concluded. President of the Malahide Chamber of Commerce, Patricia Murtagh echoed this sentiment and said thriving local businesses were essential in order to support and sustain the local commu- nity. “The personal shopping experi- ence you receive in local shops here in Malahide and throughout the North County is second to none,” she said. “The retailers in our local shops have a vast amount of knowledge and expertise in their trades, and this is one of the most wonderful aspects about shopping locally. What we encourage people to do is to keep their money within their community.” President of the Skerries Chamber of Commerce, Martin Scully said that this is the time to really show our appreciation to all the local businesses who work so hard during the year. He told the County Leader: “This is the time of year to give something back to the businesses that have been so obliging during the previous months,” he said. “I can’t stress the importance of shopping locally enough, and thankfully locals are usually very good about shopping in Skerries, so we want to encourage more of that this year.” “Throughout the year, the chamber and local traders have been working hard to ensure that the shops, and indeed the town, looks its very best, so we would ask people to come out and support this. If our town is to continue to thrive, the local busi- nesses have to stay put.” Ailing Fishing Industry Needs Urgent Attention The once thriving trawler fishing industry on the east coast of the country, is in grave danger of disappearing forever. This vital industry, which has provided essential employment and livelihoods for countless families in the North County, has been deci- mated, due to the restrictive quota system imposed by the EU. The decision to reduce quotas of whitefish caught in the Irish Sea, means that the only fishing available to the majority of trawler men, is for prawns. The County Leader spoke with , Bill Price a member of one of the leading fishing families in the region, who is the proprietor of Rockabill Shellfish Company in Balbriggan and whose family own 12 fishing vessels. He spoke about the changing dynamic in the fishing industry along the east coast. “We, as Skerries and Howth people used to depend on the Irish Sea for our liveli- hoods, but now we have all-weather boats, which are larger than before and capable of fishing for up to 10 days at a time. These modern boats can freeze prawns on board, and today’s skipper must have the similar qualifications as an airline pilot,” he said. However, not all fishermen are in the position to be able to compete at this level, and as the only fishing left to them on the east coast, is for prawns, any reduction in quotas has a devastating effect on jobs in the area. Fishing ports like Clogherhead, Skerries, Balbriggan, Loughshinny and Howth used to have up to 30 boats in their harbours before the era of quotas, and the employment provided was a necessary lifeline to these maritime towns. Local trawler men are mystified by the tiny quotas on white fish in their areas, and many report on an abundance of cod, haddock and monkfish, but there are significant quota reductions on these, including 75 per cent reduction on haddock. The quota on prawn fishing has also been severly reduced, leading to boats being tied up in our harbours. According to Bill Price, “no fisherman can make a living with this kind of reduction in their total allow- able catch.” Because of the nervousness and uncertainty surrounding the quotas imposed on prawn fishing, Bill Price has been forced to look elsewhere for this valuable commodity. He said, “We have been forced to source raw material (prawns) from the Northern Ireland fleet, in Ardglass and Portavogie, in order to maintain jobs at our operation in Balbriggan. The governing body needs to sit down and look at the situation. We need fishermen in decision making situations, not suits, who do not have the required knowledge of the industry. The fishing industry needs people, who understand the strategies and struc- tures of the the industry, at the heart of deci- sion making who have the interests of fish- ermen at heart,” he said. Many people living in our coastal towns and villages believe that it is high time that the Government realised that the fishing industry is composed of dedicated people, who deserve a hand-up, not a handout and that they should be provided with the same level of assistance given to the farming commu- nity. This would help to reinvigorate our coastal towns and villages, by providing much needed employment, just as it used to Preserving Local Jobs The busy Christmas season is well and truly underway here in the North County. As we approach a crucial time of year for our busi- nesses and retailers, the local Chambers of Commerce are actively encouraging all Christmas shoppers to support their local commu- nity and buy their gifts close to home. By Jennifer McShane @TheCountyLeader Tony Lambert , Fingal Dublin Chamber Tony Murphy, Balbriggan Chamber Patricia Murtagh, Malahide Chamber Martin Scully, Skerries Chamber It Just Makes Sense To Shop Local This Christmas Swords Kids Get Into Christmas Spirit

North County Leader - 3rd December 2013

Mar 07, 2016



North County Leader - 3rd December 2013
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Page 1: North County Leader - 3rd December 2013

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with theBIGGEST

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North County

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A registered newspaper

at the G.P.O.

3rd December 2013 • Volume 20, Issue 46 • Leader House, North Street, Swords,Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 • [email protected]

A warm-hearted gesture by Swords chil-dren has been welcomed by the local StVincent de Paul Society. Thirteen year oldNadine Lawlor-Redmond and her brotherLeon (12) and sister Amber (7) fromBroadmeadows, Swords teamed up withtheir friends Adam Cowan (11) and hissister,Marie (13) in an effort to raise fundsfor St Vincent de Paul. They decided totake to the streets of their estate, singingcarols for families in need at Christmas.Nadine explained to the County Leaderabout how the idea came about. She said,“We knew that there are people whodon’t have much to eat at Christmas andwe just decided to help them by carolsinging in our estate. We’re not longliving here, but our neighbours werereally generous. Leon said that they didthe same last year and decided to do itagain this year. A delighted Denis Barry,

President of St Finian’s Conference of StVincent de Paul was overjoyed by thegenerous gesture of these children, whoreally demonstrated the real spirit ofChristmas. He said, “It’s just wonderful tosee young children like these, taking aninterest in people less fortunate thanthemselves and realising that there arefamilies out there, who don’t haveenough to get by on. Mother, SineadLawlor was rightly very proud of her chil-dren and also of Adam and Marie. “I toldthem that the St Vincent de Paul is undergreat pressure at Christmas and it’s areally tough time for some people. Astheir mother, I’m delighted that they willtake this with them throughout theirlives. The children met with Denis Barryand his wife Phyllis to present them with€138, which they managed to collect, onbehalf of St Vincent de Paul.

Pictured are Nadine Lawlor-Redmond, Leon Lawlor-Redmond, Amber Lawlor-Redmond and AdamCowan, from Broadmeadows, as they present the money collected from their carol singing to Phyllisand Denis Barry from the Society of St Vincent de Paul. Marie Cowan, who also participated in thefundraiser, is missing from the photo.

There is expected to be areal boost for the localretail trade over thefestive season, and consumers natu-rally spend that bit more, so it’s vitalthey say, to “give something back tolocal traders.”There is no better way to start yourChristmas shopping than in your hometown. The NorthCounty canboast two of thefinest shoppingcentres in theentire county,namely thePavilions inSwords andMillfield inBalbriggan which provide free carparking and a wonderful range of thefinest products at great prices. Whywould anyone want to undergo thetreacherous trek into the city centre insearch of limited parking space andhigher prices?All of our towns are proud to displaytheir wonderful produce, where youare most likely to be served by a neigh-bour and also where you can negotiatea bargain in a friendly, personalisedshopping atmosphere. Should youneed to exchange a purchase, you willbe received by a friendly shopkeeper,who is only too willing to make surethat your every need is met, somethingwhich you’re unlikely to experience inthe city centre. All this combined withthose beautifully decorated shopfronts, and special deals and discountson offer, mean you won’t have to goany further to get all you need thisChristmas.The County Leader contacted the localChambers of Commerce and they allwere united in their views on theimportance of shopping around your

home town at this impor-tant time of year.CEO of Fingal Dublin

Chamber, Tony Lambert, was eager tostress the hugely important aspect ofshopping locally this Christmas, andis encouraging everyone to “thinkand shop local.” “The chamber iscalling on everyone to think and shoplocal this Christmas,” he said. “It’simportant that as many local jobs aspossible are retained, and this canonly be done if people shop aroundtheir locality. We would ask thatpeople shop in local stores andsupermarkets whenever possible tohelp support the creation of thesejobs.” “The North County is a wonderfulplace to live, and this is echoed in theexcellent service we receive from ourlocal traders,” he continued.Anthony Murphy, President ofBalbriggan Chamber of Commercewas also eager to emphasise theimportance of shopping in your localtown during the busy period: “Thelocal business is for the local people,so I would ask everyone to reallythink local this Christmas,” he said.

“It’s so impor-tant to considerlocal retail jobs,and everyonehas a responsi-bility when itcomes to this.Even a few localpurchases canhave a tremen-

dous impact on a local area, so evenwith just one purchase, you aremaking a difference.”“I also want to say thank you to theCounty Council for offering the freeparking each Saturday in Decemberacross all towns in the North County,

which encourages local shopping,”he concluded. President of the Malahide Chamber ofCommerce, Patricia Murtagh echoedthis sentiment and said thriving localbusinesses were essential in order tosupport and sustain the local commu-nity. “The personal shopping experi-

ence you receivein local shopshere inMalahide andthroughout theNorth County issecond tonone,” she said.“The retailers inour local shops

have a vast amount of knowledge andexpertise in their trades, and this isone of the most wonderful aspectsabout shopping locally. What weencourage people to do is to keeptheir money within their community.” President of the Skerries Chamber ofCommerce, Martin Scully said thatthis is the time to really show our

appreciation toall the localbusinesses whowork so hardduring the year.He told theCounty Leader:“This is the timeof year to givesomething back

to the businesses that have been soobliging during the previousmonths,” he said. “I can’t stress theimportance of shopping locallyenough, and thankfully locals areusually very good about shopping inSkerries, so we want to encouragemore of that this year.”“Throughout the year, the chamberand local traders have been workinghard to ensure that the shops, andindeed the town, looks its very best,so we would ask people to come outand support this. If our town is tocontinue to thrive, the local busi-nesses have to stay put.”

Ailing FishingIndustryNeeds UrgentAttentionThe once thriving trawler fishing industry onthe east coast of the country, is in gravedanger of disappearing forever. This vitalindustry, which has provided essentialemployment and livelihoods for countlessfamilies in the North County, has been deci-mated, due to the restrictive quota systemimposed by the EU.The decision to reduce quotas of whitefishcaught in the Irish Sea, means that the onlyfishing available to the majority of trawlermen, is for prawns. The County Leader spokewith , Bill Price a member of one of theleading fishing families in the region, who isthe proprietor of Rockabill Shellfish Companyin Balbriggan and whose family own 12fishing vessels. He spoke about the changingdynamic in the fishing industry along the eastcoast. “We, as Skerries and Howth peopleused to depend on the Irish Sea for our liveli-hoods, but now we have all-weather boats,which are larger than before and capable offishing for up to 10 days at a time. Thesemodern boats can freeze prawns on board,and today’s skipper must have the similarqualifications as an airline pilot,” he said.However, not all fishermen are in the positionto be able to compete at this level, and as theonly fishing left to them on the east coast, isfor prawns, any reduction in quotas has adevastating effect on jobs in the area.Fishing ports like Clogherhead, Skerries,

Balbriggan, Loughshinny and Howth used tohave up to 30 boats in their harbours beforethe era of quotas, and the employmentprovided was a necessary lifeline to thesemaritime towns. Local trawler men are mystified by the tinyquotas on white fish in their areas, and manyreport on an abundance of cod, haddock andmonkfish, but there are significant quotareductions on these, including 75 per centreduction on haddock. The quota on prawnfishing has also been severly reduced,leading to boats being tied up in ourharbours. According to Bill Price, “no fisherman can make a living with this kind of reduction in their total allow-able catch.” Because of the nervousness and uncertaintysurrounding the quotas imposed on prawnfishing, Bill Price has been forced to lookelsewhere for this valuable commodity. Hesaid, “We have been forced to source rawmaterial (prawns) from the Northern Irelandfleet, in Ardglass and Portavogie, in order tomaintain jobs at our operation in Balbriggan.The governing body needs to sit down andlook at the situation. We need fishermen indecision making situations, not suits, who donot have the required knowledge of theindustry. The fishing industry needs people,who understand the strategies and struc-tures of the the industry, at the heart of deci-sion making who have the interests of fish-ermen at heart,” he said. Many people livingin our coastal towns and villages believethat it is high time that the Governmentrealised that the fishing industry iscomposed of dedicated people, whodeserve a hand-up, not a handout and thatthey should be provided with the same levelof assistance given to the farming commu-nity. This would help to reinvigorate ourcoastal towns and villages, by providingmuch needed employment, just as it used to

Preserving Local JobsThe busy Christmas season is well and truly underway here in theNorth County. As we approach a crucial time of year for our busi-nesses and retailers, the local Chambers of Commerce are activelyencouraging all Christmas shoppers to support their local commu-nity and buy their gifts close to home.

By Jennifer McShane@TheCountyLeader

Tony Lambert , FingalDublin Chamber

Tony Murphy,Balbriggan Chamber

Patricia Murtagh,Malahide Chamber

Martin Scully,Skerries Chamber

It Just Makes SenseTo Shop Local ThisChristmas

Swords Kids Get IntoChristmas Spirit

Page 2: North County Leader - 3rd December 2013

02 03.12.2013North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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Skerries RNLIChristmas RaffleSkerries RNLI are holding a raffle for two wonderfulprizes, as part of their Christmas fundraising effortsthis year. The prizes in question are a majesticquilt kindly donated by the Lusk Quilters, and afantastic framed photograph by retired volunteercrew and Lifeboat Training Officer, Eric Walsh.Speaking about the prizes on offer, Lifeboat PressOfficer, Gerry Canning said ‘The quilt is handmade,with each square made from various fabrics andpatterns from all over the world. All broughttogether in a labour of love to form a truly magnificent piece of handiwork, that is destined tobecome a future family heirloom for one lucky winner.”‘The photo is a little bit of history. It was taken theon the day President Michael D. Higgins unveiledthe Sea Pole Memorial, and it shows Skerries RNLI,Clogherhead RNLI and Howth RNLI lifeboats alltogether.” Tickets for the raffle will be available atSkerries RNLI Lifeboat station every Sunday untilDecember 15th, between 11am and 1pm, wherefundraisers will also be selling a great range ofChristmas cards and gifts. Tickets cost €2 each, ora strip of six tickets for €10 and all are urged tosupport this great cause.

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Pictured are members of the Lusk Quilters, who joined Skerries RNLI volunteer crew members to show their quilt, whichis one of the prizes on offer in the RNLI Christmas raffle.

DAA Welcomes New Transatlantic ServiceDublin AirportAuthority (DAA) haswelcomed the recentannouncement by theCanadian airline

WestJet that it willbegin a new dailyDublin-Newfoundlandsummer service fromnext June.The new route, whichwill operate from Juneto October in 2014, isWestJet’s firstEuropean destination.Canadian carrierWestJet flies to 87destinations in NorthAmerica, CentralAmerica, and theCaribbean. Dublin is itsfirst Transatlanticroute. The WestJetannouncement meansDublin Airport will havefour new Transatlanticservices next summer,bringing the totalnumber of NorthAmerican destinationsserved from Dublin to13. DAA ChiefExecutive, KevinToland, said he wasdelighted that WestJethad selected Dublin asits first European desti-

nation. “It’s alwaysexciting to welcome anew airline partner toDublin and to Irelandand our entire team atDublin Airport will workclosely with WestJet togrow and promote thisnew service.”He added that the newlong-haul and short-haul routes that havealready beenannounced for nextyear would deliveranother strong year ofgrowth at DublinAirport in 2014. “We

have added one millionextra passengers overthe past 12 monthswith significant growthin long-haul traffic toboth North Americaand the Middle East.The new routes andexpansions for nextyear alreadyannounced bycustomers such asWestJet, Ryanair, AerLingus, Norwegian andAir Canada Rouge willcontinue andstrengthen our recentgrowth phase.”

Page 3: North County Leader - 3rd December 2013

03North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper03.12.2013

Once again, SwordsSenior Citizens havecompleted a heart-warming good deed, as they set out to makeChristmas a happier time for poor children inAfrica this Christmas. They have managed to fillalmost 100 shoe boxes, full of toys, which werecollected by Team Hope representative, CharlenePigott at the centre onChapel Lane recently.The local senior citi-zens’ group have beensupporting TeamHope’s Christmas‘Shoebox Appeal’ forover a decade, and thisyear, a total of €625was raised for under-privileged children inAfrica and EasternEurope. The boxes willarrive in time forChristmas, where,according to volun-teers, some African chil-dren have never held atoy in their lives, so thedifference the boxesmake will be enormous.

Charlene Pigott, a Team Hope volunteer for 12years, came to collect the boxes and gave a shortaddress, saying how the children “know they areloved in Ireland, and know they are not invisible.Well done to everyone taking part and making alife different.”She gave her heartfelt thanks to the membersand presented them with a certificate forproviding a little hope to those who need it themost this Christmas. “A staggering 200,000 shoeboxes are donated each year, but it’s the onethat counts,” Charlene concluded.

Pictured here at the Swords Day Centre are Patricia Stephenson, Josie Collins, JoHarrigan, Robert Mooney, Rose Clarke, Vera O'Reilly, Maura Deeley, Teresa Woods,Treasa Byrne and Charlene Pigott from Team Hope.

Rush National School are cele-brating their FIS Film festivalsuccess after winning one of thetop prizes at the Helix Theatrerecently. The award ceremony,attended by over 800 childrenand teachers from across theNorth County and beyond. It wasthe ninth annual film festival andwas presented by SineadKennedy of RTE, with The Voicestar Eoghan McDermott alsoamong the special guests at theevent. Children from over 100primary schools throughoutIreland participated in this year’sproject by writing, directing andproducing their own five-minutefilms in a wide variety of genres,including comedy, history, andhorror. To enter the festival,primary schools across thecountry were asked to devise afive minute long film on asubject of their choice.

Rush National School took homethe prize of OutstandingAchievement in Drama for thefilm: ‘The Missing Mouse.’ Thestudents involved in making thefilm were Enda Hurley, DarraghHalpin, Isabelle Gray and HarryDoyle from Mr O’Neill’s 3rd Classin Rush. Their film about a petowner who loses his mischie-vous mouse received a total of

five nominations, including onefor outstanding achievement inspecial effects! Mr O’Neill andhis entire class were present onthe day to support their class-mates and to watch themreceive the coveted award.Retired Principal MargaretDobinson was also in atten-dance and was “thrilled” withthe win for the school.

Rush School Wins OutstandingDrama Award

Pictured here are pupils from Rush National School proudly holding up theirtop FIS award, which they won for their film 'The Missing Mouse.'

The annual Christmas Day swim inPortmarnock in aid of St Francis Hospice islooming, and the organisers are calling onlocals from around the North County to getinvolved. Over ten years ago, the Jesson family ofOnward Walk, Portmarnock, were devastatedwhen their dad, Billy died from a rare braintumour. They felt compelled to do some-thing in his memory and thought it wasimportant give something back to St Francis’s

Hospice in Raheny, for all the care andsupport they received.The first Billy Jesson Christmas Swim tookplace the year he died in 2002, and wasfollowed with a Golf Classic a year later. Overthe past ten years, over 60,000 euro hasbeen raised for the hospice. Last year, someof the money raised went towards the LauraLynn House- the first purpose built hospicefor children with long term illnesses.Times have changed and it is more difficult to

raise money, but the Portmarnock commu-nity is a generous one and last ChristmasDay, more than 60 locals braved theelements of the Irish Sea for this great cause.For more information or a sponsorship card,call 086-888-5285. The co-ordinators of theevent hope that this year the swim will bebigger and better than ever.So, why not join in for a swim, or just comedown and soak up the atmosphere; the swimis at 11.00am and it’s a great start toChristmas morning. Be sure to wear yoursanta hat!

Charity Christmas Swim In Portmarnock

By Emily Withers@TheCountyLeader

Christmas Hope FromSwords Senior Citizens

Reilly Welcomes FundingFor Balbriggan BMX Track Local Fine Gael TD, and Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly, haswelcomed the provision of ¤35,000 in funding towards the cost of a BMXtrack for Bremore Park in Balbriggan, by the Department of Children andYouth Affairs. Dr. Reilly said, “This funding will help to provide a superbfacility to young people to keep fit and healthy. With childhood obesitylevels at an all time high, we need to be investing in more facilities likethis. I am delighted that this project is now one step closer to comple-tion,” he said.

Page 4: North County Leader - 3rd December 2013

04 03.12.2013North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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North County Lights UpPictured at the turning on of the Christmas lights in Swords onThursday, 28th November last are, Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal DublinChamber), Joe Harford (Chairman, Fingal County Enterprise Board),Peter Caulfield (Acting County Manager), Tom O'Leary (Acting CountyMayor), Cllr Gerry McGuire and Cllr Darragh Butler, with his son, Adam.




4 5

Cllr Tom O'Leary is pictured with his daughter, Amandine O'Leary at theturning on of the Christmas lights at Echlin Square in Rush on Saturday,30th November.


Pictured at the switching on of Donabate Village Christmas lights onSaturday, 30th November are local children, Callum and Ella Martin, JillO'Mara, Holly O'Keeffe and Alannah Dunne.


Pictured here are Zach and Jed Sweetman at the switching on of theChristmas lights in Balbriggan recently.


Pictured here is Dean and Warren Brady with County Mayor, Cllr KieranDennison at the switching on of the Christmas lights in Malahide lastweekend.



Urgent FoodAppeals In NorthCountyThere is a worthwhile appeal this year,launched by the Archbishop DiarmuidMartin in association with CrosscareFood Bank. Parishioners are invited tosupport this vital cause throughoutAdvent, by donating non-perishable fooditems on each of the four Sundays ofAdvent. You can bring them to your local

Parish at weekend mass times andCrosscare will then collect and distributethe food to ten charities who benefitgreatly from this service, including St.Vincent de Paul, who provide help toover 20,000 families at Christmas in theDublin area alone. Food items that areurgently needed include pasta, rice, foodin tins, tea, coffee, soup, sugar,powdered milk, biscuits, packageddesserts and hygiene products. At thecurrent rate, Crosscare will distributeover 750 tonnes of food this year,compared to 500 tonnes in 2012, andthere is still an ongoing need. Dr. Martinstates, “They need urgent help sourcingfood supplies or more people could beturned away in the coming weeks.’

Pictured at the launch of the St Vincent de Paul Giving Tree at Millfield Shopping Centre,Balbriggan are, Aisling Keenan, Dermot Murray, Peter Carey (Millfield Centre Manager),Mary Murray and Eddie Darcy.

Befriending Volunteers NeededCrosscare’s Befriending Service for elderly, isolated people has justtrained its first group of volunteers in the Rush and Lusk areas. TheBefriending Volunteers are now ready to offer a one-to-one weekly visitwith socially isolated people in their homes. However, more volunteers are required to visit elderly parishioners in theirhomes, for a cup of tea, a conversation and to provide them with muchneeded company. If you’re interested, call 0877945244. This is a greatopportunity to use a little of your spare time to make a huge difference.

Page 5: North County Leader - 3rd December 2013

Pupils from the Holy FamilySenior National School inRivervalley, Swords partici-pated in a Litter Pick andGraffiti Removal Project intheir local area onWednesday, 27th Novemberlast. The children, aged 9-12 yearsold did a litter pick in thevicinity around their schooland also painted over graffition walls around their localsports pitch. The children arepupils of Mr Tommy Duffyand Mr Peter Madden andeach one was a credit to theirschool and were presentedwith an environmental certifi-cate afterwards. The project

was organised by GerryWhite, who is the Chairpersonof Hilltown EnvironmentalAwareness Group (HEAG),which is affiliated toR i v e r v a l l e y / R a t h i n g l eResidents Association andSwords Tidy Towns. JoeNewman, who is a environ-mental officer for theResidents Association andc o m m u n i t yactivist, was alsothere in support.Speaking to theCounty Leader,Gerry White said,“I would like tothank MorganMcStay of

McDonald’s, Swords who,along with a number of hisstaff, were there on the day tosupport the project.McDonald’s Swords has beenone of the main sponsors ofHEAG since it’s foundation inApril 2001. Morgan hasconfirmed that one ofMcDonald’s objectives is towork on the ground and

participate alongside localgroups in the future on suchenvironmental projects,” hesaid.It is planned that this initia-tive will be ongoing with thelocal Holy Family SNS inRivervalley, and it is intendedthat different classes from theschool will be given an oppor-tunity to participate in similarprojects to help their localenvironment over the schoolterms.

05North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper03.12.2013

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Pictured are (front row, pupils Chloe Lynn, Conor Kinahan, Peter Warren, Amy Carter andAlison Molloy. Back row, Tommy Duffy (teacher), Joe Newman (Rivervalley/RathingleResidents Association), Gerry White (Hilltown Environmental Group), Morgan McStay(McDonald's Swords) and Peter Madden (teacher)

Swords Pupils Do Their Bit For Environment

Adult Education In North CountyThe North Fingal Adult Education Service offers awide range of courses and learning workshops,many of which are completely free. So, if you arelooking for a new challenge, contact the servicedirectly. Available courses include language,sports skills and ethics to name but a few.

Christmas Fair In PortmarnockPortmarnock Community School are holding aChristmas Fair in Portmarnock Sports andLeisure Centre on Saturday December 7th from10.00am-4.00pm. The Fair will be in aid ofAction Ireland Trust, so pop along and enjoythe wonderful selection of festive stalls andeven take the opportunity to meet Santa.


Upper Level, Millfield Shopping Centre



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06 03.12.2013North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Adrienne Doyle, Donabate“It’s important for local trade, to keep the businesses going. Theyneed all the help they can get.”

“Do you think it’s important forpeople to shop locally thisChristmas?”


Nicolas Lowe, Swords“Yes, because you don’t want to miss the time with your family. Youhave to be with your family. It’s more convenient, you don’t want to

spend two hours travelling. You don’t want to miss it, it’s only once ayear.”

Emma Tiernan, Mayo“Yes, because it keeps small businesses open. I actually support localbusinesses, I shop at little shops.”

Jake Brennan, Swords“Yes, there are so many shops closing in the recession, I think it’s

very important to keep business locally and in doing so you keep thelocal jobs continuing and perhaps if more people did shop locally, it

would create a little more employment in the local areas.”

Shauna Slaney, Swords“No, I would shop in the city centre, as there are more options.There’s not many shops around here.”

John Rogers, Dublin“If it’s available locally, get it. Provided it doesn’t cost too much more

than getting it on the net, I’d rather buy locally and spend the extrafiver, than getting it on the net and taking the chance of having to

send it back.”

Kathleen McCann, Swords“Well, I like to to shop locally. I don’t go to town anyway, It’s notconvenient enough.”

Dagnija Kalpina, Swords“I think so, yes. You are spending less time on shopping and travel, it

is more convenient.”

Paddy Cox, Swords“Absolutely, if what you want is here. I like to boost the local economyalways. I’d try here first and then go elsewhere.”

Steven Trimble, Swords“I actually own a newsagents, so I think it’s very good. Especially in

local communities like this, people always employ locally, so we cankeep the business local, and everyone has money.”

Jason Kilbride, Swords“It’s as important as anywhere else. We could do with a few moreshops, town would have more variety, that’s why people go intotown.”

Robbie Burns, Swords“Yes, it’s very important, it supports local jobs, it keeps local people

working and boosts the local economy.”

Emily Withers

YOURVIEWWith reporter Emily Withers

After protracted negoti-ations, the shape of thenew GermanGovernment was unveiled during the course oflast week. The division of Government ministrieswill see Mrs Merkel’s CDU with six seats,her sister party the CSU three seats andtheir new partners the SDP will havefive seats. Mrs Merkel was deemed to have wona convincing victory in the GeneralElection. But the CDU/CSU position inthis Government is not as strong as itwas in the previous administration. Theirelectoral success was insufficient to secure anoverall majority and it was gained partially atthe expense of their then, coalition partners.That outcome forced the CDU/CSU to form thisadministration with their main political rivals theSDP. The adopted programme of Governmentstates that German must become an officialworking language of the EU. Currently theworking languages are French and English.Should Germany be successful and the UK with-

draw from the EU, we may all need to take nightclasses to keep up. The agreement has strongemphasis on “subsidiarity” stating that the EUmust only act where action on other levels is notsufficient. It will seek to further enhance the roleof the EU Parliament and promote the closeinvolvement of national parliaments in the deci-sion making process. And that the role andnumber of EU Commissioners should be one thatis “stringent and efficient”. These policy posi-tions may see the Germans seek to change thecurrent practice of the appointment of

Commissioners, from the appointment of aCommissioner from every member state,

to a reduced number who would focuson policy areas. An appointment systemunder such a proposal is not clear, butcould see Ireland without a

Commissioner over a long period.The general sub text now coming from

across all sections of the EU establishment isthat there is a need for reform. That Europeneeds to be big on the big things and small onthe small things. There appears to be an oppor-tunity opening for the UK to successfully renego-tiate aspects of how the EU works. Will memberstates take the opportunity of such negotiationsto rid themselves of troublesome partners, orembrace the opportunity to rebalance how theEU functions and how it interacts with the citi-zens of the union?

By Cathal Boland@TheCountyLeader

Success For Student Entrepreneurs In North County

Will New GermanGovernment HaveImpact On EU?

On Thursday 28thNovember, the count-down to the CountyFinal as part of the‘National StudentEnterprise Awards’ waslaunched by OisínGeoghegan, CEO of theFingal CountyEnterprise Board. Theevent was attended byacting County MayorCouncillor GerryMcGuire and MartinMacEntree, Dublin andDun LaoghaireEducation and TrainingBoard,with the Counciland Training Boardboth being key part-ners and sponsors inthe annual programme.Also in attendancewere participants fromthree Schoolsincluding LoretoBalbriggan.Now in its thirteenthyear, a record numberof over 2,000 studentsfrom 22 secondaryschools and nineprimary schools in theNorth County areparticipating in the2013/14 programme,which entails thestudents setting upand running their veryown businessesbetween now and theCounty Finals in March2014.Speaking at the officiallaunch, Geogheganstated, “The lessonsthey will learn fromthis experience areinvaluable and willstand to them in thefuture world of busi-ness and beyond.”Category winners fromthe County Finals willadvance to theNational EnterpriseAwards held in April2014. We wish them allthe best in theirendeavours.

Pictured here are students from Loreto Secondary School Balbriggan Sarah Patterson,Thérese Ferguson, Hannah Tobin Jones, Megan Laverty and Hannah Morrison along OisínGeoghegan (CEO), Cllr. Gerry McGuire and Martin MacEntree.

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07North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper03.12.2013

Santa has arrived and he is looking forward to meeting all the boys and girls in his grotto atMillfield Shopping Centre



The Heart Of ShoppingIn Balbriggan

The Only Shopping Destination

You’ll Need This Christmas

Page 8: North County Leader - 3rd December 2013

08 03.12.2013North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

North County Livingby Jennifer McShane

Scout’s Honour

Eddie Darcy has been involved in BalbrigganS c o u t G r o u p , n o w c a l l e d t h e 3 4 / 1 6 4Balbriggan Scouts, since he was just 10years old. He is what one might call a trueveteran of the scouting community, as he isstill involved as a Group Leader today. Hesat down with the County Leader to talkabout why he’ll always be a scout at heartand why he is proud to call Balbriggan hishome. He says the idea of being a member of ascout group, even at that young age, alwaysappealed to him: I’d always liked the wholeidea of being a scout, and two of my schoolfr iends had joined, so l ike you do whenyou’re that young, I followed suit, and thatwas it, I’m still here now.” “I always lovedthat sense of adventure I got from being ascout,” he said. “I think it’s a great way to fork ids to bui ld up character , as wel l asteaching them some fantastic skills.” Theyget to interact with children of their own age,learn new skills, how to cope when they’reout in the great outdoors, have plenty of newexperiences and take on challenges. Theactivit ies are dif ferent to al l the digitalgames and so on that a lotwould p lay nowadays,which I think appeals to thekids," he continued. "I alsothink the different scoutingact iv i t ies g ive them achance to do things thatthey might not necessarilybe allowed to do otherwise,l ike l ight ing f i res andthings, so there's a lot offun involved." The groupparticipate in a variety ofdifferent activities such as:camp craft, orienteering,survival skills as well as the more traditionalactivities, so there is definitely something forall ages to get involved in. When I ask if he thinks scouting has changedover the years, he says that there hasn’tbeen any huge changes, and any changesthat have taken place have been for thebetter. “What I notice today, is that there area lot more young people involved today thanthere was years ago, which is fantastic tosee.” He is delighted that some of his grand-children are also scouts. “It’s great that Ican encourage the grandkids, and I loveseeing them get the same enjoyment out ofit as I did as a young boy.” Eddie worked hisway up through the ranks over the years,and has learnt all his tricks and tips from theground up, which he is more than happy topass onto the younger scout members. F o r t h o s e t h a t d o n ’ t k n o w , t h e r e a r e anumber of different ‘ranks’ in a scout group:Beavers , Cubs, Venture Scouts and the

newest addition, the Rovers. These groupswithin the group, means virtually any agecan participate. Having worked his way upthrough the ranks, he eventually became thegroup leader of the Balbriggan Scouts andis still as actively involved with the groupnow as he was when he first got involved.This in itself is a true testament to how muchhe devotes to the group, not overlooking thefact that he clearly loves every moment of it.“I’ve always loved working and interactingwith children. Getting to see them accom-plish all of their achievements, is one of myfavourite things about my role as a scoutleader. I still get as much out of it now as Idid years ago.” He says that he has alwaysenjoyed working with young people; whichn o d o u b t h a s s t e m m e d f r o m h i s s c o u tduties. The local scout group is extremelya c t i v e , a n d c u r r e n t l y h a s a b o u t 1 2 0members. The scout group obviously means an awfullot to Eddie, who along with all the othervolunteers, devotes a huge majority of hisf r e e t i m e t o t h e g r o u p , b u t h e s a y s h ewouldn't have it any other way. It’s a part of

my life and I’ll keep going aslong as I possibly can,” hec o n t i n u e d . ” I l o v e d t h escouts as a young child, andI st i l l love being involvedn o w . O v e r t h e y e a r s , I ’ v eb e e n a b l e t o s e e h o weveryone gets so much out oft h e g r o u p ; m e m b e r s a n dvolunteers." He was recentlyg i v e n a s p e c i a l a w a r d t oacknowledge h is years o fservice and dedication to thegroup and the community bythe Balbriggan Town Council,

s o m e t h i n g w h i c h h e w a s v e r y p r o u d t oreceive. “I’ve always felt a true sense ofachievement being a scout.” He tells methat he has served under nine Chief Scouts,which is an accomplishment all in itself!He fondly remembers many highlights overt h e y e a r s , i n c l u d i n g t h e 2 0 1 1 W o r l dJamboree in Sweden which had thousands ofscouts attendance. “It was quite an experi-ence, seeing thousands of scouts cometogether.” Eddie is quite the globe trotter,having visited many countries around thewor ld (mainly on scout ing dut ies) , andthough he says he enjoyed all the travelling,he remains a home bird and loves to callB a l b r i g g a n h i s h o m e . H e e n j o y s o t h e rhobbies outside his scouting involvement(he loves music and used to play in a band,and he also breeds canaries), but his heartwi l l a lways be with the scouts. “ I can’ti m a g i n e m y l i f e w i t h o u t t h e m , ” h econcluded.




Eddie Darcy


Group Leader of the 34/164 Balbriggan Scout Group

“The scouts are a part of my life

and I’ll keepgoing as long

as I can.”

Main Street, Rush, Co DublinPhone 018437295

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Brendan Ryan TD Advice Clinics

BalbrigganCombined Clubs, Dublin Street Saturday 11.00 amSkerriesCarnegie Library, Strand Street Saturday 12.00 pmRushRush Community Centre, Main St Thursday 7.00 pmLuskCarnegie Library, The Green Thursday 8.00 pmSwordsSenior Citizen Centre, Chapel Lane Friday 5.30 pmDonabateDonabate Parish Hall, Thursday 5.30 pmMalahideSt. Sylvester's GAA Club, Church Rd Monday 11.00 amOther Areas by Appointment (618 3421)Please contact me on any issue of concern

Credit Union SchoolsQuiz LaunchedThe 23rd Annual CreditUnion Schools Quiz hasbeen launched. This is ahighly anticipated eventin the school calendar,with over 25,000 schoolchildren, many from theNorth County partici-pating every year. Several local primaryschools in Malahide anddistrict have performedreally well in recentyears, and they willparticipate in the firstexciting stage of the quizat St Sylvester’s GAAClub in February 2014.Commenting on theSchools Quiz, VivienneKeavey, Manager of

Malahide Credit Unionsaid: “It is important toactively engage with ouryouth, encourage goodand healthy saving habitsat an early age andprepare them for thefuture.” “This is a time of greatchange for credit unionsand Malahide Credit arehere to help and recom-mend that you planahead. It is business asusual at Malahide CreditUnion. We are lending -so, please come in andtalk to us first about allyour loan requirements.We have a lot of talentedpupils here in Malahideand we are very proudthat our schools havemade it to the finals inthe RDS on several occa-sions and we lookforward to thathappening again thistime,” she said.Registration for the 2014Schools Quiz is nowopen.For registrationforms or further informa-tion, please contact yourlocal credit union or visitthe ILCU website. Teamsmust submit their officialentry form by Friday 17thJanuary 2014 to theirlocal credit union.

Active SeniorCitizens InSwords The Senior CitizenCentre in Swords alwayshas a vast array of enter-taining and significantevents and activities forits members. Every weekthey have games suchas bingo, bridge anddarts; arts and crafts, forexample knitting, cardand jewellery making; amusic recital featuring arange of music fromclassical to jazz and aweekly keep-fit session. Men’s bowling is onevery Friday night at8.00pm. They alsopartake in an annualmemorial service for anyloved ones lost eachyear and are regularlyinvolved in supportingcharities and putting onfundraisers. If you are 55or older, you arewelcome to drop in anytime for a tea or coffeefor a chat, and to ask forany more information.

St Pat’s GAA inDonabate are holding aChristmas Kids Disco onSaturday, 14th ofDecember in DonabateParish Hall for under 10sto 13 year olds. It will beheld from 8pm to9.30pm. The cost ofentry is €5, which ispayable on the night.The club would like towish all their supportersa very Merry Christmas.

Donabate Disco


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10 03.12.2013North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper





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Barbara Friel from Swords was the lucky winner of lastweek's Gift Guide competition. Barbara is pictured herereceiving her prize from Sue Griffiths, Advertising SalesManager, North County Leader.

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Closing date for entries – Friday 6th December

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12 03.12.2013North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Derek O'Mara, Siobhan Gibney, Noelle Hurley and Ann Moran.

Frances Dixon and Clare Black.

Deirdre Fogarty, Paul Larkin and Philip Fogarty. Eoin and Elaine O'Doherty. Keri and Jon Czernel.

John Coughlan, Deirdre Keary and Ken Breen.

John O'Gorman, Michael Bushe and Christian Markus.

George Chambers, Gordon Kellett, Muriel Kellett and Helen Chambers.

Justin Robinson and Hilary Galloway.

Sean Fox, Patricia McDonagh, Ivor Guyett and Patricia Guyett.

Eve O'Reilly, Ciaran Dolan and Aoife Walsh.

Gerry Hanifan and Maria Harte.

Ann Moran, Siobhan Gibney and Aoife Crowley.

Vanessa Nagle, Susan Luke and Hilary Bell. Suzanne McCarthy, Margaret Quinn and Jonathan Tonge.

Joan O'Connor, Maureen Black and Nigel Werner.

Susan Booker, Ann O'Rafferty, Fergus O'Rafferty and Anne Gibney.Pamela Barnett and Eimear Bannigan.Catherine Levins and Miriam Doona.Keith Jones and Mairead McGee.

Page 13: North County Leader - 3rd December 2013

13North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper03.12.2013


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Buying PresentsOnlineIt is widely accepted that there is asignificant increase in onlinepurchases leading up to theChristmas period. Whilst many ofus are wary of purchasing goodson the internet, the law does affordus some protections.Purchases on the internet aregoverned by the The EuropeanDirective on Distance Selling(Directive 97/7/EC) which wasincorporated into Irish Law by theEC (Protection of Consumers inrespect of contracts made bymeans of distance communication)Regulations 2001. At the outset,the regulations apply to purchasesfrom the European Union, theEuropean Economic Area andSwitzerland. The USA is notcovered by the Regulations. Thereare other exceptions, for examplefinancial services products, onlineauctions, concert tickets and travelservices.Some important protectionsafforded to you are:• You are entitled to a “7 day

cooling off period” which beginson the day that you receive theproduct. During the immediate 7days after you receive theproduct, you are entitled(without reason) to cancel thecontract without incurringfurther charges save the chargesin returning the goods.

• Contracts contained in websitesrequiring you to waive yourrights as a consumer are not

enforceableby thesupplier ofthe goods.

• If the supplieris not in a position to supply thegoods ordered within 30 days,you are entitled to a refund butbeware that some websites willcontain terms and conditionsthat if the goods are unavail-able, equivalent goods may bevalidly furnished to you. In suchcircumstances, you should seekto impose the cooling off periodabove and return the goodswithin 7 days if you are notsatisfied with the goodsreceived.

You should always be wary whensupplying your credit card details.If your credit card is thereafterused in a fraudulent manner, youshould contact your financial insti-tution immediately. FinancialInstitutions vary in their policiesregarding the fraudulent use of acredit card, but in any event yourliability is capped at €150.00pursuant to European Law. On afinal note, it is only the purchaserof the goods who is deemedcovered by the consumer protec-tion, as you are not a “consumer”if you are the person whoobtained the goods as a gift. Alldealings with the supplier inasserting your rights should bemade by the purchaser of thegoods.

Medical Negligence queries are often presented toour office for consideration. The area of law is a veryspecialised area and should always be approachedwith great caution. Before seeking advice in this area,the querist should check very carefully that the solic-itor has the appropriate area of expertise.Medical negligence is a different principle to the standard rules of negli-gence. The Irish law on medical negligence was streamlined andsummarised in the case of Dunne v The National Maternity Hospital(1989) IR 91. In this case the Irish Supreme Court said that, in order toestablish that a doctor has breached a standard of care, it must beproven that he is “guilty of such failure, as no medical practitioner ofequal specialist or general status of skill would be guilty of if acting withordinary care”.Therefore, even if it is established that the Defendant (doctor) deviatedfrom the general approved medical practice (made a mistake), it wouldbe necessary further to establish that the course taken by theDefendant was “one which no medical practitioner of like specialisationand skill would have followed had he been taking the ordinary carerequired for a person of his qualification”.It is because of the particular nature of medical negligence law thatexperts are retained from outside of the jurisdiction for several reasons. A solicitor has to be very careful about bandying around loose negli-gence accusations. To do so, might result in the costs implications forthe client and even a negligence action against the solicitor!Hennessy & Perrozzi Solicitors has extensive experience in this areaand is available for consultation.

A North County Leader Column, sponsored by

There was some great news on the schoolsfront in the North County last week, with thenews that the Department of Education andSkills has appointed Educate Together aspatron to a new second level school inBalbriggan, which is expected to open in2016. This news comes in the same week thatSt Oliver Plunkett’s National School inMalahide, has been given the go-ahead for anew school at a cost of €7 million.Local TD Brendan Ryan (Lab), has welcomedthe announcement that the new SecondarySchool planned for Balbriggan will be run asan Educate Together school. “I am verypleased that the new post primary school for

Balbriggan will be run under the patronage ofEducate Together. There is a real demand forsuch a school in Balbriggan and I am suremany parents will be delighted at this news.This decision will improve the diversity ofchoice available to parents in Balbriggan.”The announcement was also warmlywelcomed by the local parent group whohave campaigned for access to an EducateTogether second level school in their commu-nity.Lavinia McLean, Chairperson of theBalbriggan Action Group said: “We aredelighted with the announcement whichrecognises parental choice in second level

education. Parents and community represen-tatives have worked hard for seven years inBalbriggan to achieve this goal, and arelooking forward to a new Educate TogetherSecondary School in our community.”Meanwhile, deputy Alan Farrell (FG), wasdelighted has with the news from theDepartment of Education that St OliverPlunkett’s primary school in Malahide will getnew school building, with work beginning in2014. He told the County Leader: “I am espe-cially delighted with this news, particularly asSt Oliver Plunkett’s is my old school. This willbe a new three storey school, which will havea very positive impact on the local commu-nity. I have been campaigning for a newschool for a long time, so this comes as greatnews. Students will stay on-site during theconstruction phase,” he said.

Schools Joy For Balbriggan And Malahide

CoffeeMorning AtRiasc CentreSwords Baptist Churchare hosting a fundraisingcoffee morning at theRiasc Centre in the run upto Christmas, in supportof local charities. The nextone is on Friday, 6thDecember in aid ofNurture Post NatalDepression, a charity thatprovides support foranyone who suffers fromany mental health issuesaround pregnancy.Thereis a small charge of €2 or€3 for the coffee andcakes, which serves as adonation. The morning isopen to everyone andstarts at 10.30am.

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A newly formed sub-committee dedicated togetting a new poolinstalled in Donabate, areworking hard to ensuretheir project goes ahead.The Donabate PortraneSwimming Pool Projectcommittee, now a sub-committee of theD o n a b a t e P o r t r a n eCommunity Council,started up some monthsago, when a group of localresidents decided that apool was something thatwas needed in thecommunity. Groupmember, Clara La Combretold the County Leaderthat the group wereworking hard to promotethe project, and lookingfor more volunteers andsupport from the commu-nity. “The positivity forthis project is reallygrowing,” she said. “Wehave gathered morevolunteers and have engi-neers, architects andproject managers onboard. We recently heldan open day, where weanswered any questionsthe public had for usabout the project.” Theproject is really gainingmomentum, and LaCombre says they are inthe process of looking atsites and dimensions forthe pool and building theirbusiness plan. “We’rereally delighted abouthow things areprogressing,” sheconcluded.


Page 14: North County Leader - 3rd December 2013

14 03.12.2013North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

County Clubbers Is Now Online @www.northcountyleader.ieand also on Facebook!Pics: Derek O’Mara

Ross Smyth & Brian May

Shane Dolan & Matt McGuirkCathy Mullen & Kerrie Daly

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Brian Kane, Roger Connolly, Tony Kelly

Linda McKinney, Elaine Byrne, Louise Smith

The County Clubbers arrivedback to the venue The Well atthe weekend. As expected it

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all night keeping everyone in the party mood.

Another savage visit to TheWell, we can’t wait to return

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Mickey Ryan & Leanne Loftus

Amanda & Hayleigh McCarton

Ciara McCormack & Lynsey Leong

Aideen Hayes, Bernice Corless, Gertie Sweetnam

Page 15: North County Leader - 3rd December 2013

Pictured at the launch of the “Take Me Out for Christmas” special, which will be runjointly by O"Dwyer’s GAA Club and Balbriggan Rugby Club at the Bracken Court Hotel on29th December are, Kerry Farrell (participant in the event), Liam Howley (ChairmanO'Dwyer's GAA Club), Gerry Hennigan (President Balbriggan RFC) and Hannah Dowling(participant)

15North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper03.12.2013

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With the festive season fast approaching,streets, homes and shops are becomingawash with Christmas crimson. Stay aheadin the style stakes and add some radiantred to your winter wardrobe too! Whetherit’s an all-out splash, or just a little dashyou’re looking for, Littlewoods Ireland havesomething for everyone, and all with freeshipping, available now on season’s middle name is party, somaking sure your wardrobe is well stockedshould be top of your Christmas list!Luscious lace is a must-have trend thisseason and the stunning blood red AmyChilds Georgia 3/4 Sleeve Lace MidiDress, pictured here, leaves you with asultry silhouette whatever the occasion.Team it with some statement accessoriesto complete the look.

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‘Take Me Out’ SpecialIn BalbrigganO’Dwyer’s GAA Club andBalbriggan RFC havestruck up one of the mostunusual of alliances insport. However, bothclubs have one clear goalin mind, one that isdriven by the necessityfor the provision of sportfor the youth inBalbriggan.The relationship beganback in the summer of2012, when both clubsdecided to jointly run awhite collar boxing eventto raise much neededfunds. With this in mind,the two clubs formed ajoint fundraisingcommittee and set aboutits task. A lot of hard work wasdone between June andNovember 2012, with alot of late nights andworry, but in the end the

event was anoutstanding success,with over 1200 peoplefrom the local commu-nity attending andtremendous supportfrom the local busi-nesses.The next majorfundraiser for both clubswill be ‘Take Me Out ForChristmas’, which will beheld on the 29thDecember in the BrackenCourt Hotel inBalbriggan. Tickets(which are in limitedsupply) are priced at €20and are already sellingfast. The jointfundraising committeeare brimming with newideas for 2014, alwaysbearing in mind that theeffort is keeping teamson pitches and providingan opportunity for everychild in in the communityin Balbriggan to partici-pate in sport.

Members of RushMusical Societyswapped the stage forthe outdoors recently,as they took part in afun run to raise moneyfor the group, which iscelebrating its 25thanniversary next year.Participants in the 5krun assembledoutside the MillbankTheatre recently forthe jaunt around thetown. The group areas busy as ever,having just completedperforming a a varietyof songs from the

society’s shows overthe past 25 years, andnext March the groupwill stage the hitmusical comedy‘Curtains’ for ninenights. The musicalwas penned by thetalented Kander andEbb who brought ussome musical gemssuch as ‘Cabaret’ and‘Chicago.” As alwaysnew members arewelcome. For informa-tion on joining thesociety, email: [email protected].

Fun Run For RushMusical Society

LambaySingersChristmasConcert InDonabateThe Lambay Singers,with musical directorGeorge Rice, arepresenting theirChristmas concert,called ‘A Time of Snow’in St. Patrick’s Church,Donabate, on Friday,13th December at8.00pm. There will alsobe a matinee onSunday, 15thDecember at 3.00pm.Tickets are €10 andthere is a special familyticket for €20 for thematinee performanceon Sunday. There willbe mulled wine andmince pies served afterthe matinee. Ticketscan be obtained fromany choir member or atthe door. This year thechoir will be holdingtheir concert in supportof St. Francis Hospice.

Page 16: North County Leader - 3rd December 2013

16 03.12.2013North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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Katherine Mallin is pictured here with her four children at her landmark 105th Birthday inthe Grand Hotel in Malahide last weekend. Katherine who was born in 1908, shared herspecial day with her family, which includes 10 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.The newest edition to the family, baby Leo, is just 10 days old and was described bykatherine as a “handsome little fella.” Katherine, who is origionally from Carlow and anurse by profession, is now residing at the Tara Wintrop nursing home in Swords. Herfamily have nothing but praise for the kindhearted staff and the work and care that theydo for their residents.

Long serving CountyCouncil official, PJHowell, who held thepost of Director ofServices at the localauthority, finallypulled down thecurtain on his career,when he officiallyretired. A party washeld in his honour atCounty Hall onFriday, 29thNovember last andwas attended bycouncil officials, aswell as family andfriends. Pictured isacting CountyManager, PeterCaulfield congratu-lating PJ on his 19years of service withthe Council.

Specsavers stores allacross the country,including Balbriggan,have once againteamed up with theIrish Guide Dogs forthe Blind, to supportthe charity’s 2013Christmas campaign. Specsavers stores willbe selling the charity’sChristmas cards and2014 calendars, withall funds going

towards the IrishGuide Dogs for theBlind.Specsavers hasworked with the IrishGuide Dogs for theBlind for the past tenyears, raising vitalfunds for the charityand is proud to showits continued supportas stores kick off theirChristmas fundraisingcampaign for 2013.

The beautifullydesigned calendarfeatures puppies anddogs in adorable,seasonal themedshots, making it theperfect stocking fillerthis year. All fundsraised go directly tothe provision ofservices, whichincludes guide andassistance dogs forpeople living withsight loss or autism.Chairman ofSpecsavers Ireland,Owen Blee, says: “Weare hoping that

Specsavers customerswill support us in ourfundraising efforts thisChristmas and help usto raise much-neededfunds for Irish GuideDogs for the Blind.Guide dogs are life-changing partners forpeople in Ireland, whoare living with sightloss. All funds raisedby Specsavers andtheir customers will begoing towards the costof care and training ofpups and their devel-opment into fully qual-ified guide dogs.”

Specsavers SupportsGuide Dogs ChristmasCampaign

Radio presenter, MaireadFarrell is pictured launchingIrish Guide Dogs for theBlind seasonally themed2014 calendar.

New BookPromotes PositiveIrish Community‘Swimming Upstream: FindingPositives In a Negative Ireland’ is abook recently published here inIreland and is written by Fr. HarryBohan. It is an inspiring andinsightful read, which speaks avital message of positive change inmodern day Ireland,emphasising a ‘redis-covery of the local,’founded on the actionsof individuals takingresponsibility for theirown lives.He writes, “The local isabout identity, it’sabout neighbour, it’sabout pride of place,it’s about community.”Bohan believes familyand community arethe key agents in thisvision of an alternative socialmodel, which involves peopletaking back their power, andcommunities building their ownvalue system from the ground upuntil it becomes an establishedway of life. The core of his messageis as follows: “Support and retain

what is local but at the same timegrow it with activity, creativity andvision.”He stresses that the Church has afundamental role to play in thissocial change; that the Churchmust go out to the people and meetwith them and that it should be “aplace of evident courage, joy andhope.”This book is one borne of purpose,conviction and true compassion, ashe is certainly a man who actively

lives what he speaks,having founded boththe Rural ResourceDevelopment Ltd in1991 and the CéifinCentre in 1998. Thework that he hasachieved through thesededicated organisationsutterly defines him as aman with a worthwhilemission. He observesthat Irish communitiesare taking a step

forward, and these steps are readyto be built into a movement and ahope for the future here in Ireland.So, why not pick up a copy andinvest in theses values that willhelp to ensure the spiritual well-being of this country for genera-tions to come.

New Mural At Balbriggan LibraryOn Tuesday, 3rd December at 6.00pm, a new young adult mural will beofficially unveiled in Balbriggan Library. An art competition was held inconjunction with Balbriggan Community College to design and paint amural in the young adult library, using the theme of Knowledge.The winners of the competition were Sarah Earp, Joanne Fong and JasonMadden from Balbriggan Community College.

Bird Photo Talk In SkerriesOn Tuesday 3rd December, Skerries Rugby Club will be hosting a talk byJohn Fox associated with Birdwatch Ireland entitled ‘Photographing Birdsin Urban and North County Dublin.’ The event starts at 8.30pm and allare welcome.

Page 17: North County Leader - 3rd December 2013

There recent news that pharmaceutical company, MSD, is toclose its Swords factory, with the loss of 570 jobs over a fouryear period, has been greeted with shock in the local area.The company, which is based on Drynam Roadplans to cease operations at the site by the end of2017, will begin to let employees go in the middleof next year. All local representatives haveexpressed concern and a promise to look for abuyer for the plant. Local employee, PatriciaRogers spoke to the County Leader about thenews, and the reaction of her fellow employees.

“The workforce are devastated. We had been toldof job cuts globally last September and wethought that there may be a certain percentage ofemployees affected here, but not plant closure.Many employees are trying to come to terms withthe news. The fact that many of them may neverwork again is particularly hard to take. Local busi-nesses in the immediate area will also feel the

pinch, like shops and other retail outlets,” she said. Minister forHealth and local TD, Dr James Reilly expressed shock at theannouncement.He said, “It is deeply upsetting for the workers in the plant andfor their families to get this highly worrying news, particularly inthe run up to Christmas. While it is some relief that workers arebeing given advance notice and that plans for jobs losses are ona phased basis, it is nonetheless a potential body blow for thetown of Swords and the North County in general. I wish toexpress my deep concern for the workers and their families and Ipledge to play my part to make certain that the Governmenttakes all appropriate action for the future of the plant and to

ensure that jobs are saved,” he said. Local Senator DarraghO’Brien (FF), also expressed his shock at the news, saying: “I amcalling on the government to ensure the state agencies, the IDAand Enterprise Ireland, backed-up by support from MinisterRichard Bruton, to get involved immediately. They need to lookat the plant itself, the physical assets as well as the workforce(which is as good as any in the world), and use this opportunityover the coming months to highlight that message to alternativeinvestors.”Local TD Brendan Ryan agreed, saying: “I will be pursuing theIDA on their commitment to aggressively pursue a buyer for theplant in Swords to hopefully mitigate against these potential joblosses.”Fingal County Council’s Acting CountyManager, Peter Caulfield, in collabora-tion with business leaders from FingalDublin Chamber of Commerce and the

Chairman of FingalCounty EnterpriseBoard, has arranged tomeet the seniormanagement of MSD’sSwords plant and theIDA to discuss finding areplacement companyfor the Swords site.

Caulfield stated that this announce-ment runs counter to all key economicindicators in the county; which areshowing a steady decrease in unem-ployment and increased activity in theplanning area. This is a modern size-able plant and the Council is anxiousto help in any way it can in the searchfor a successor.

17North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper03.12.2013

Indoor Hurling Blitz In Holywell

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St Finian’s GAA Club inRiver Valley organisedan indoor hurling tour-nament, which tookplace recently. The tour-nament was held inHolywell EducateTogether NationalSchool hall and featuredthird class studentsfrom Holywell EducateTogether, Holy FamilyNational School, RiverValley and Scoil Fhursafrom Coolock.The excited nine to 10year olds, complete with

their small hurleys,were put through theirpaces by James Devlin,hurling coach with StFinian’s and he wasreally impressed withthe standard of play inthe tournament, particu-larly with groundhurling and hecommended the threeschools to continuepractising their skills, attheir clubs.James told the CountyLeader, “The purpose ofthis hurling blitz is toencourage the playingof hurling in Holywelland to look at ways topromote the playing ofgaelic games amongyounger children,” hesaid. With the greatlevel of skill on display,it is entirely possiblethat, in the near future,we may see some ofthese players returningto their respectiveschools, with the LiamMcCarthy Cup.

Pictured are pupils from Holy Family Senior National School, River Valley, who took part inthe indoor hurling tournament recently. Also pictured is James Devlin (coach, St Finian'sGAA Club), Barry Shelly (St Finian's) and Fionnuala Shelly (teacher, Holy Family SNS).

Pictured are pupils from Holywell Educate Together National School, who took part in the indoor hurling tournament recently.

Suicide Support GroupFriends of Autism and ADHD are offering their support to parents andcarers of young people with a history of self harm or suicide attempts. Ifyou are in the Balbriggan and Skerries areas and you would benefit fromattending or getting involved in a peer support group of this kind, pleasecall 018020484.

Irish Language RevivalIn MalahideThe Irish language is making a revival across thecountry, but also locally at Malahide Library, where youcan improve your Irish in a friendly, warm and laid-backatmosphere. Every Thursday morning from 11.30am to12.30pm, locals are welcomed to Malahide Library totake part in an Irish language group. For anybody whois interested in practisingor improving their Irishspeaking skills, this is anexcellent group to join.The Comhra Caint groupwas founded over fiveyears ago by Malahidelocals and has taken on alife of its own andcontinued to grow andthrive thanks to its loyalmembers and casualmembers alike. Itwelcomes people fromany areas of the northcounty, includingMalahide, Portmarnock,

and Swords. The group members come each week tochat in Irish, talk of current affairs, topics of interestand also have fun.Peggy De Burca is one of the longest attendingmembers of the group and is a cainteoir duachais(native Irish speaker). Also in the group is Helen Barrywho attends to improve her Irish, so as to be able tohelp her children, who are in school now learning thelanguage themselves. All levels of Irish are welcome,so don’t be shy.

Pictured here are L-R: Maire Ni Chleirigh, Peggy De Burca, Ursula Jordan, PrionsiasBrinkley and Maureen Kinsella. Back row: Helen Barry, Aine Mc Cormac, Treassa Quirkeand Liam Maceochaidh, current members of the Irish Language group in Malahide.

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Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission sought by Michael & Laura Housley foramendments to previously approved plans(Ref 13B/0010)to allow for, A. Amendments to front,side and rear eleva-tions. B. Amendments to roof profile over approved garageextension to side and all associated works at No 66A TheChantries,Balbriggan, Co. Dublin.The planning application may be inspected or purchased ata feenot exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of Fingal Council Council, County Hall,Swords,CoDublin, during public opening hours. A submission orobservation in relation to the application may be made inwriting to the planning authority on payment of aprescribed fee (20 euro) within a period of 5 weeks begin-ning on the date ofreceipt by the authority of the application and such submis-sions or observations will be considered by the planningauthority in making a decision on the application. The plan-ning authority may grant permission subject to or withoutconditions, or may refuse to grant permission.

Fingal County CouncilPermission sought to construct new 2 bedroom dwellinghouse, car port,wastewater treatment facility and surfacewater soak-away for Joan Donnelly (nee O’Connor) c/oHall Lane, Corduff, Lusk, County Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased ata fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy atthe offices of the planning authority during opening hoursof 9.30 – 16.30 Monday – Friday at Fingal County Council,Main Street Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin during publicopening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the applicationmay be made in writing to the Planning Authority onpayment of a fee of €20, within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council ofthe Application, and such submissions or observations willbe considered by the Planning Authority in making a deci-sion on the application. The Planning Authority may grantpermission subject to or without conditions, or may refuseto grant permission.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning Permission is sought for a single storey extensionto rear, New bay window extension to side/rear of existingdwelling with internal room modifications, and a new frontporch area at entrance to dwelling with associated siteworks all at The Chalet, Grove Road, Malahide, Co.Dublinfor John & Donna LynamThe planning application may be inspected, or purchased ata fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy,at the offices of the planning authority during its publicopening hours and a submission or observation may bemade to the authority in writing on payment of theprescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginningon the date of receipt by the authority of this application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning Permission sought for The conversion of existinggarage to form new playroom. The construction of a firstfloor extension to the side of the existing house over theexisting garage. The construction of new single storeyextensions to the front and rear of the existing house. Plusthe instillation of velux roof lights to the rear of the new andexisting roofs at ground and attic levels. Plus all associatedsite works.All at 25 Brookdale Road, Swords, Co. Dublin.Signed Noel O’Dwyer and Imelda Kavanagh This planning applicationmay be inspected orpurchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonablecost of making a copy atthe offices of the planningauthority during its publicopening hours and asubmission or observationmay be made to theauthority in writing onpayment of the prescribedfee (€20) within the period Fingal County CouncilWe, ANNRO Developmentsare applying for full plan-ning permission for 5 no.storey and half dwellingscomplete with individualproprietary wastewatertreatment systems andpercolation areas. Theapplication includes for anew access road, all associ-ated services and works onlands at Oberstown, Lusk,County Dublin. The Planning Applicationmay be inspected orpurchased at a fee not

exceeeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at theoffices of the planning authority during it's public openinghours and a submission or observation may be made to theauthority on payment of the prescribed fee (20 euros)within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date ofreceipt by the authority of this application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission sought by Thomas Ashe to construct asingle storey house with connection to existing mains waterand existing private wastewater treatment plant, adjacentto Hampton Hall a Protected Structure, at HamptonDemesne, Balrothery, Balbriggan, Co Dublin.This planning application may be inspected or purchased ata fee not exceeding the cost of making a copy at the officesof Fingal County Council during its public opening hours. Asubmission or observation in relation to the applicationmay be made in writing to Fingal County Council onpayment of the prescribed fee within the period of fiveweeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority ofthe application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission sought by Marie Macken & ConorCahill at 8 Balbriggan Road Skerries, Co. Dublin forconstruction of a 1 & 2 storey extension to rear and changesto the front elevation. The planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy at the offices of the planningauthority during its public opening hours and submission orobservation may be made to the authority in writing onpayment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period 5weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority ofthis application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is being sought for partial change ofuse of portion of ground floor from existing office use todental surgery/consulting room at commercial premises (aprotected structure) No. 2 Castle Terrace, Dublin Road,Malahide , Co. Dublin. Applicant: D. Killen The planning application may be inspected, or purchased ata fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy,at the offices of the planning authority during its publicopening hours. A submission or observation in relation tothe application may be made in writing to the planningauthority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within theperiod of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of the application, and such submissions orobservations will be considered by the planning authorityin making a decision on the application. The planningauthority may grant permission subject to or without condi-tions, or may refuse to grant permission.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning Permission is requested for alterations & exten-sions to existing dwellinghouse along with associated site-works at ‘Longhouse’, Balgaddy, Ringcommons, Naul, Co.Dublin. Signed :- Paul & Ann KimmageThis planning application may be inspected or purchased ata fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy,at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, MainStreet, Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of 9.30am –16.30pm Monday-Friday. A submission or observation inrelation to the application may be made in writing to FingalCounty Council on payment of a fee of €20 within theperiod of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt of theapplication by Fingal County Council

Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitfulvine, splendour of Heaven. Blessed Mother of the Son

of God; Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this mynecessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show meherein you are my Mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother ofGod, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech

you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in thismy necessity. (Mention your request here). There are

none that can withstand your power. Oh, Mary,concieved without sin, pray for us who have recourseto thee. (3 times) Holy Mary, I place this cause in your

hands. (3 times) Thank you for your mercy towardsme and mine.

Say this prayer for three consecutive days andpromise publication. After the third day, the request

will be granted. Never known to fail(A.D)

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin

WALSH, Kathleen (Portmarnock, Co. Dublin) – Nov 25,2013, beloved sister of Mary (twin) and Tommy, sadlymissed by Mary, Tommy, her sister-in-law Mary, caringnephews Joe and Ciaran, relatives and friends. Rest inpeace.

CLINTON, Rita (nee Browne) (Skerries) – Nov 22, 2013,(suddenly) on her birthday, Rita, beloved wife and bestfriend of John and much loved mother of Martin,Helena, Sean, Colin and Paul, and their partners, sadlymissed by her loving husband, children, adored ninegrandchildren, sister Betty, brother Dermot, prede-ceased by her brother Jack, nieces, nephews, relativesand a large circle of friends. Rest in peace.

MAGUIRE, Noel (Malahide) – Nov 22, 2013, (peace-fully) at Beaumont Hoapital after a long illness, bravelyborne, Noel (Bowwow); deeply regretted by his lovingsons David and Graham and their mother Roisin,sisters Kathleen, Mag, Pauline and Bernie, brothersTerry and Pat, sister-in-law Patricia, brothers-in-lawLouis and Pat, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.Rest in peace.

MCNALLY, Joe (Walshestown, Lusk Co. Dublin) – Nov24, 2013, (peacefully) at the Mater Private Hospital;sadly missed by his loving wife Breda, childrenBernadette, Joey, Jacqueline and Grace and their part-ners Tony, Nuala, Robert and Martyn, grandchildrenGareth, Matthew, Ruby, Christian and Andrew, motherNana Mabel, brothers John, Peter and James, sisterAgnes, in-laws, relatives and a very large circle offriends. Rest in peace.

REILLY (nee Power) (Corballis and formerly of PortraneRoad, Donabate) – Nov 22, 2013, (suddenly) in the kindand gentle care of the staff of Beaumont Hospital,Margaret (Peggy) wife of the late Pierce; much lovedmother and sadly missed by her loving children Celus,Val, Alan, Ultan, Robin, Phoebe and Basil, daughters-in-law Doreen, Jac, Jude, Chris and Jill, son-in-law Des,grandchildren Sharon, Sandra, Keelan, Ailbhe andAisling, great-grandchildren Ayse and Abby, nieces,nephews, relatives and friends. Rest in peace.

ROONEY (Curran Park, Balbriggan) – Nov 25, 2013,(tragically) Eric; deeply regretted by his wife Patricia,sons Keith and Terry, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law,sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.Rest in peace.

MCNAMARA (Rush) – Nov 26, 2013, (peacefully) Sr.Carmel FMM; deeply regretted by her FMM sisters,nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. Rest in peace.

FAGAN, Francis (Fran) (Malahide) – Nov 23, 2013,(peacefully) surrounded by his loving family, atBeaumont Hospital, Francis, beloved husband of Deeand dear father of Lisa and David; sadly missed by hisloving wife, son, daughter, grandchildren Oisin andSean, dad Frank, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts,mother-in-law, son-in-law Ciaran, brothers-in-law,sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.Rest in peace.

BOURKE (nee Best) (Balrothery) Nov 28, 2013, (peace-fully) at Kilbrew Nursing Home, Ashbourne, Florence;dearly beloved and sadly missed by her children Jim,Yvonne, Lorna, Gina and Donal, grandchildren Pamela,Daniel, Jennifer, Elizabeth, Susannah, Brian, Aidan,James, Gerry, Sara and Lewis, sons-in-law Dan andSteve, relatives and friends. Rest in peace.

JAMANI, Taiwo (Balbriggan) - Nov 13, 2013, the deathhas occured tragically of Taiwo Jamani, deeplyregretted by his parents Godwin and Grace, sisters andbrothers, Monica, his twin Kehinde, Mary and Michael,his partner Haleen, children Alexander, Yasmin Funmi,joel Funsho, Norell and Latoya, family and friends. Restin peace.

LAWRENCE, Martin (Ballyboughal) - Nov 28, 2013,(peacefully) in the loving care of the doctors, nursesand staff at Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown; sadlymissed by his family, extended family, neighbours andfriends.

SMITH, Mary (nee McGarry) (Finglas and formerlyBalbriggan) - Nov 27, 2013, at the Mater PrivateHospital, Mary; deeply regretted by her loving husbandPeter, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, relatives andfriends. Rest in peace.

Recent published deathsfrom the North County

Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders

Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are

FREENorth County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper

are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas:

Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny,Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy,

Malahide and Portmarnock

Adverts must be supplied by email [email protected] by can also post your advert on a disk toNorth County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin

[email protected]@northcountyleader.iePlease submit your planning notices to:

before 5.30pm every Thursday, in order for the application toappear in the following issue of North County Leader.A receipt will be issued when your planning notice is received.Please retain this receipt as proof of submission.

PLANNING Next Issue:Tuesday,


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20 03.12.2013North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper