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Page 1: mo~en(~nd - · The amygdala is the most important system in the fight-or-flight situations; ... The pituitary gland has an anterior and a posterior lobe; ... Corpus callosum

Re-Exam- Neurophysiology

Vetenskapen psykologi, Tl, PS3100, VT 2016, 2016-05-07

Provkod: 0370

Youwill have several tasks during thi.?. exam:


One type of taski s r epresen!ed by rl)ulti pl~7~hoice questions. For ALLthese questions,

there is only one correC:t answer. l norder tomarkyourchoice, circle the l~.tter

corresponding to ' the correct choice .on the exa m sheet you have received.

'2 .• The seeond task is represented by essay-type questions. These questions need to be

answered in developedand coherent phrases (i.e., no single words or bullet-points with

syntag . When askeclto dr~w repr~sent~tions of eled;lents of the nervol.Js system,

please do so, as it will contribute to·the grade. In order to answer these questions,

please usethe special exampåper provided by the examiners.

n hayewi h you the followingmaterials:

English-~\.'Jedish .":lnd S\.'J.~dis~0Englisbdicti

You can write either ir:1 Swedish, or in English, as you prefer, but try to be consistent in using one

or another of thelanguages.

Try to read all the questions before you start answering. Allocat~ time to each of them. Dö try to <:C-c•:,.,- oc ·c- .c·c-.':c>. __ -~'2' .·c c, .. :.:: •. :.. o;;

answer all the points, as they bear differentweightin your finalgrade. Be concise in your

ansVI(ers. Pleasekeep the language professional in the written ~xam. Do notaddress the

evalå~tor iri the text of the exa m at a ny mo~en(~nd pleasedb not sign yourself or give any

othe identity indicators.~.You have 3hfor this exam, so use them wisely.

Each.sorrect answer on the multiple-thoice gives you 0.16 points per correct answer, for the

essay~type questfons you will receive l point for every correctly fulfilled task.

These are the multiple-choice questions:

1. What part of the central nervous system is presented in the picture below in red color:

a. Cerebellum;

b. Hippocampus;

c. Prefrontal cortex.

Page 2: mo~en(~nd - · The amygdala is the most important system in the fight-or-flight situations; ... The pituitary gland has an anterior and a posterior lobe; ... Corpus callosum

2. The subcortical structures of the forebrain are:

a. Thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, pineal gland;

b. The four lobes of the cortex: frontal parietal, occipital and temporal;

c. Pons, medulla, cerebellum, and the cerebrum.

3. Which ph rase regarding the GABA neurotransmitter IS NOT TRUE:

a. The Purkinje cells are GABAergic neurons;

b. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter;

c. GABA has a camplex action, both inhibitory and excitatory.

4. Which of the following statements regarding the interneurans IS TRUE:

a. Interneurans are neurons without a specific function other than to connect other


b. Interneurans are making the connection between the sensory and the motor

fiber at the level of the grey matter in the spinal cord;

c. Interneurans are the neurons connecting the central nervous system with the

peripheral nervous system?

5. Which of the following statements regarding the hypothalamus IS NOT TRUE:

a. Hypothalamus is invalved with basic functions like eating, sex, temperature

control, sleep, aggression;

b. Hypothalamus is producing sex, growth and stress-related hormones carried

down axons to pituitary gland, released fromthere into bloodstream to activate

and organize distant body systems;

Page 3: mo~en(~nd - · The amygdala is the most important system in the fight-or-flight situations; ... The pituitary gland has an anterior and a posterior lobe; ... Corpus callosum

c. Hypothalamus is mediating the input from sensory organs to the brain;

d. Hypothalamus regulates our motivation, emotions, needs satisfaction.

6. Which ph rase describing the neurotransmitters IS NOT TRUE:

a. Neurotransmitters are removed from the synapse almost instantly;

b. Neurotransmitters are produced and used in the Central Nervous System;

c. Neurotransmitters are released by neurons into a synapse where they directly

target postsynaptic cells such as other neurons, muscles, or glands.

7. Which of the next structures IS NOT a part of the Central Nervous System:

a. Thalamus and hypothalamus;

b. Limbic system;

c. Pituitary gland;

d. Adrenal cortex?

8. Which part of the neuronal activity cycle is represented on the next picture:

a. The action potential;

b. The resting potential;

c. The refractory period.

9. Which of the following statements about the amygdala IS TRUE:

Page 4: mo~en(~nd - · The amygdala is the most important system in the fight-or-flight situations; ... The pituitary gland has an anterior and a posterior lobe; ... Corpus callosum

a. Amygdala is involved in emotions, fear, defensive, and aggressive behaviors;

b. The amygdala is the most important system in the fight-or-flight situations;

c. The amygdala hel ps u s process sensorial information?

10. Which of the following statements about the cerebral cortex IS TRUE:

a. The cerebral cortex is present only in humans;

b. The cerebral cortex has an important role in keeping us awake;

c. The cerebral cortex is divided into four lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital and


11. Which of the following statements regarding the pituitary gland IS TRUE:

a. The pituitary gland has an ant erior and a posterior lobe;

b. The pituitary gland produces the stress hormone;

c. The pituitary gland is located outside the Central Nervous System.

12. What is neuroplasticity:

a. The ability of the neurons to heal;

b. The ability of neurons to change in structure and function;

c. The a bility of neurons to multiply?

13. What part of the brain will activate when a person learns a new movement (e.g., dance,

ski, etc.) :

a. The cerebellum, as the most important aspect is balance and coordination;

b. Both cerebellum and the cortical area corresponding to motricity and learning, as

planning, integrating and learning are as importantas keeping balance;

c. Both cerebellum and the spine, as next to balance, having good reflexes is

important for performing new sets of moves.

14. Corpus cal losum is:

a. A structure at the base of the bra in Iinking the central nervous system with the

peripheral nervous system;

b. A structure similar to a bridge that acts as a communication Ii nk between the two

hemispheres of the bra in;

Page 5: mo~en(~nd - · The amygdala is the most important system in the fight-or-flight situations; ... The pituitary gland has an anterior and a posterior lobe; ... Corpus callosum

c. A structure connecting the sensory and the motor neurons in the nervous


15. Which statement regarding the seratonin 15 NOT TRUE:

a. Seratonin is invalved in the regulation of mood, sexual desire and function,

appetite, sleep, memory and learning, temperature regulation, and some social


b. Seratonin has a localized role in the brain, thus hasnolink to the autonomic

nervous system;

c. Seratonin is synthetized almost entirely in the intestine (90%L and only partially

in the central nervous system.

16. Which of the following statements regarding the myelin sheath 15 NOT TRUE?

a. The myelin sheath insulates the axons, allowing electrical impulses pass through


b. The myelin sheath is produced by the Schwann cells in PNS, and oligodendrocytes

in the CNS;

c. Myelin sheath is a thin layer of proteinthat insulates neurons and proteets them

from damage.

17. The refractory period in a neuron refers to:

a. The expulsion from the axon of sodium (Na+) ions, sothat the axon reaches an

interna! voltage below the threshold of -70 millivolts (hyperpolarization);

b. A change in electrical charge in the synaptic space, allowing the messages to be

carried from one neuron to another;

c. An electrical shift of lessthan a milliseeond in the axon of the neuron from -70

millivolts to +40 millivolts.

18. The parasympathetic nervous system is invalved in:

a. Relaxing the body after intense activity;

b. Arousal due to objective threats;

c. Arousal due to either objective or subjective threats.

Page 6: mo~en(~nd - · The amygdala is the most important system in the fight-or-flight situations; ... The pituitary gland has an anterior and a posterior lobe; ... Corpus callosum

19. Which of the following statements regarding the midbrain it IS TRUE:

a. The midbrain is composed of the medulla, pons, and reticular formation;

b. The most important part of the midbrain is the reticular formation;

c. The midbrain is a portion of the central nervous system associated with vision,

hearing, motor control, sleep/wake, arousal (alertness), and temperature


20. Which of the following statements IS TRUE:

a. A neuron is either having inhibitory synapses, or excitatory synapses, not both;

b. In an inhibitory synapse, the neurotransmitters bind to the receptors of the post­

synaptic neuron and allow the flow of negativelv charged ions (CI-) in the

receiving neuron;

c. In an inhibitory synapse, the neurotransmitters bind to the receptors of the post­

synaptic neuron and allow the flow of positivelv charged sodium ions (Na+) in the

receiving neuron.

21. Which of the following statements regarding the cerebral cortex IS TRUE:

a. The temporallobe is involved in primarv auditory perception, such as hearing,

and holds the primarv auditory cortex;

b. The frontallobe is involved in sensation and perception and in integrating

sensory input, primarily with the visual system;

c. The occipitallobe is the visual processing center of the mammalian brain

containing most of the anatomical region of the visual cortex.

22. Which of the following statements regarding dopamine IS NOT TRUE:

a. Dopamine plays a critical role in the way our brain controls our movements;

b. Dopamine plays a role in controiii ng the flow of information from other areas of

the brain;

c. Dopamine deficits could lead to depression.

23. The brain and spinal cord are protected from mechanical chock via:

a. A set of membranes called neurites;

b. A set of three membranes: dura mater, arachnoid mater and pia mater;

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c. The brain-blood barrier.

24. Which of the following statements IS TRUE regarding subcortical structures:

a. The hypothalamus is involved in the processing of sensorial information;

b. The hippocampus is important in making the cortex aware of dangers;

c. The thalamus acts like a router for sensorial information, sending in to the

appropriate cortical structure for processing.

25. Which of the following statements regarding the spinal cord IS NOT TRUE:

a. The spinal cord is mainly composed of big Purkinje cells;

b. The spinal cord contains neural circuits that can independent ly centroi numerous

reflexes and central pattern generators;

c. The spinal cord functions primarily in the t ransmission of neural signals between

the brain and the rest.

These are the essay-type guestions (4 points):

l. Draw and describe the different parts of the neuron and their roles (focusing on their

functions will help you). (lp)

2. Draw and describe the difference between an excitatory and .an inhibitory synapse. (lp)

3. Draw the parts of the subcortical forebrain, and describe their functions. (lp)

4. Choose one (only one) of the lobes of the cerebral cortex, draw it, and describe their

functions. (lp)

If you answer correctly to all the questions, you il get a total of 8 points. You need to reach

.4.50 pointsin order to get a G, and 7.25 points G. Exceptional answers_at ariy of the exam qi.Jestions will be rewarded with 0.50points. Use your logic to ariswer the questions, and do not overcomplii::åte the thinking process. For the essay-type questiors, give short, e/ear and concise

'answers, but try to avoidbullet-points when exp!(;!1f1~f19 your lofl{S: ..

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