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Page 1: Mobile Sites, Text Messaging & Apps

SkochyConsultingSkochy Consulting Ltd is a local business marketing frm that specialises in Internet marketing. We have jumped onto the mobile marketing wave, and you should too, if you don't want to get lef behind. This short presentation will highlight the need for this technology, and will hopefully inspire you to get in touch.

Local Business Online Marketing Strategy For Sustainable Profts

TechnologyAs experts in the field, we bring cutting-edge mobile technology delivering campaigns that wow customers ensuring top notch conversion rates.

RevenuesRevenues are guaranteed and we provide services on an incentve scheme to ensure that the value you receive is maximized.

PersonalityWe are real people working with real clients who have real customers. We value each client and create customized products to fit your business.

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Why the urgency…

§ There are 6.8 billion people on the planet. 5.1 billion of them own a cell phone, but only 4.2 billion own a toothbrush.

Source: Mobile Marketing Association Asia

§ 91% of people keep their phone within 3 feet of themselves, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.

Source: Morgan Stanley

§ 3 out of 5 searches are done using a mobile phone.§ 70% of all mobile searches result in acton within 1

hour. Source: Mobile Marketer

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Start seeing green

§ If your business is not taking advantage of the Mobile ad space, you’re missing out on the hotest trend that’s getting small businesses seeing Green again.

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Who we are…

We are a mobile marketing consulting frm that creates campaigns for businesses via various channels to ensure efectiveness and revenue generation. We have built our company around our clients by taking the tme to personalise their mobile marketng campaigns to fit their needs. We are a full-service firm ofering SMS text campaigns, mobile websites, landing pages and mobile apps to allow your business to reach customers through multple channels.

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Hit Customers from 3 Angles

SMS Coupon Campaign

Mobile Website or Landing Page

Mobile Apps




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Dominate the competition

§ Most businesses do not have any of the above§ Some use a maximum of 1 or 2 of the

channels to reach customers§ Rarely do businesses use apps but the market

has exploded § Beat your compettors and dominate the

market by reaching your customers via 3 channels

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Why Mobile?

§ FACT: Customers are using mobile to find your competton

Source: Google "Understanding Smartphone Users," 2011

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Where’s your phone?

It takes 26 hours for the average person to

report a lost wallet. It takes 68 minutes for them to report a lost

phone. Source: Unisys

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§ There are MORE mobile phones on the planet than there are TVs

Source: Jupiter

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Mobile search

§ 70% of all mobile searches result in acton within 1 hour

Source: Mobile Marketer

§Mobile coupons get 10 tmes the redempton rate of traditonal coupons

Source: Borrell AssociatesInfographic courtesy of InfographicIgniton

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Where’s your phone?

91% of all U.S. citzens have their

mobile device within reach 24/7

Source: Morgan Stanley



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Where shall we go??

§ Searching for local businesses is the #1 way people use smart phones

source: google

§…unfortunately normal websites look sloppy and are hard to use on small mobile screens

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Be honest, your site stinks…

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How Customers Beneft § User friendly

§ Loads fast

§ Easy to see

§ Easy to read

§ Easy to take acton

§ Easy to find your locaton

§ Special ofers and coupons

§ Drives targeted trafc that wants to buy

§ Online retailers - a mobile site can increase consumer engagement by 85%

§ Website visitors are 51% more likely to do business with an online retailer with a mobile site

Non Mobile Website Mobile Website

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Landing pages

Don’t want a full-blown website?

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Landing page Benefts

1. To the point2. Efectve conversions3. Testng ground prior to full-blown sites4. Less expensive5. Integrated with tap-to-call, SMS, & e-mail

technology6. New optons to integrate with Facebook, Twiter

& YouTube

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Click once and customers can ring you automatcally!

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SMS Integration

Customers click to be added to your promotonal list!

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E-mail Integration

Customers enter their e-mail to be added to your list!

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Social Media Landing page

1. New technology to integrate mobile landing pages with Facebook, Twiter & YouTube

2. Fuses the two hotest markets together3. Enables maximal exposure & marketng with the

best targeted reach

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facebook IntegrationCustomers become fans or like a page with one click!

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twitter IntegrationCustomers Tweet about your business with one click!

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youtube IntegrationCustomers see a video about your business!

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Infographic courtesy of Infographic Igniton

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SMS Marketing


§ Text messaging has been estmated to be 5 tmes more efectve than direct mail and 10 tmes more efectve than newspaper advertsing

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SMS Marketing

Unique Features: • It has 97% open rates • It’s immediate • It’s personal • It’s targeted • It’s permission based (opt-in)• It’s tme sensitve• It’s cost efectve• It’s environmentally friendly• It reaches your audience no mater

where they are

SMS Marketing Benefts:• Gain new clients• Increase Customer Retenton• Increase brand awareness• Increase loyalty• Engage your customers• Increase sales• Build a mobile database• You can get more trafc to your business in

one hour, from a single TEXT MESSAGE; than in one year from a search engine listng... if you know what you're doing

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The Love Afair with Texting

§ 89% of the population has a mobile phone!

§ 90% use mobile phones for TEXTING

§ 95% of SMS texts are read in the frst 10 minutes!

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Your clients love to text

§ It takes 90 minutes for the average person to respond to an email

§ It takes 90 seconds for the average person to respond to a text message


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Gotta Read that Text…

§ Text messaging is 5X more efectve than direct mail and 10X more efectve than newspaper advertsing

§Mobile coupons get 10X the redempton rate of traditonal coupons

Source: Borrell Associates

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And more texts…

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Building A Subscriber List

§ Ofer the customer an SMS coupon or freebie

§ Give customer a “special code” to text to a number to receive the ofer– Example: Text TESTIT to 84433

§ You now have their number in your database

§ This will be used to send ofers that will get them back in your shop

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#1 – Create ofer

§ Give customers a small card or fyer with their purchase

§ Have fyers or a big ofer sign in front of the store or on the wall in your store

§ Give customers an immediate reward relevant to their current purchase to have them act immediately– Example: Receive 10% on your current

purchase! Just text TESTIT to 84433

§ Use other channels to build a larger list: – Newspaper, direct mail, radio, print,

outdoor, billboards, magazines, on the internet, Facebook, twiter, email

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#2 – Customer sends TEXT

To: 84433


Pizza Hut: £2 OFF any Pizza Delivered right to your door all weekend through Thurs 3/21. 0843 28 965 28 Reply STOP 2end

This automatically puts them in your database so you can now text them offers to entice them back to your store!

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#3 – Automated SMS ofers

§ Automated but customised SMS service sends coupons to customers to bring them back to spend more money

§ Limit it to 2-3 promotons per month

§ Each mobile customer in your database will bring you an average of 2 more transactions!

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Customized SMS Marketing

Selection of services offered:

§ Appointment reminders§ Automated text campaigns§ Coupons and special ofers§ Customer surveys§ Product votng§ SMS broadcastng

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Why Mobile Apps?

§ FACT: Mobile app downloads will reach76.9 billion in 2014

§ And will generate $35 billion in salesSource: IDC

§ Mobile apps provide the best mobile experience possible to consumers

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Why Mobile Apps?

§ FACT: Your customers prefer apps over mobile websitesSources: comScore, Alexa, Flurry Analytics, 2012

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Why The RUSH??

§ In just over 3 years, over 20 billion apps have been downloaded between iPhone and Android devices

§ 40% of all Google Maps trafc is from mobile phones

§ 100 Billion “PUSH” Notficatons sent

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QR Codes§ Are like “barcodes” in that you scan

them with your mobile phone anywhere that it is placed

§ Once scanned, customer immediately sees either a coupon, website, or other interactve image

§ Code is linked to your mobile website

§ Place in Ads, Direct Mail, In-Store, Magazines, or other medians

§ Used only with SmartPhones

Scan this QR Code with your Smartphone for quick access to our mobile website. Make reservations, see our menu, or order take-out from your mobile phone with click2call ordering!

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Loyalty Coupon QR Codes

§ GPS coupons based on locaton§ Customers ‘check in’

to receive special ofers when near your locaton

§ 14 million Americans scanned QR codes in July 2011

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Google+ LOCAL

§ Allows customers to easily find you

§ Drives customers who already have interest

§ Great review scores increase your credibility, image and reputaton

§ Get quality feedback

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Push Notifcations

§ Inform customers about: – Coupons– Ofers– Simple updates about

your business

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social networking apps

§ Link customers to Facebook or Twiter fan or follower pages

§ 40% of social media users access sites via their mobile device

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Simple as Info

§ Simple app just giving info

§ Info on products and services

§ Restaurant menus§ Multple formats:

PDF or text

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Customized Apps

Selection of services ofered:

§ QR codes§ Loyalty programs§ Google+ Local§ Reputaton management§ Push notficatons§ Social media creaton and links§ Informaton apps

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Contact us today!

§ Skochy Consultng Ltd§ Discuss specifics including customisatons or

current special ofers, and other services§ Contact Scot anytme:

– Phone: 0843 28 965 28– Email: [email protected]– Website:

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