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    Con la temporada de Semana Santa que se va, he estado pensando en la difcil situacin de los discpulos en su lucha para reconocer a Cristo Resucitado en cada una de las varias oportunidades en que se les apareci. En esto, veo un paralelo con el modo en que mi concepto de Encarnacin ha cambiado a lo largo de los aos.

    Su patrimonio religioso les haba puesto un Dios masculino arriba en el cielo, parecido al modo en que yo haba pensado en l en mis primeros aos. Este patrimonio haba nombrado especialmente a los Hebreos sobre los dems, parecido al modo en que yo crec pensando acerca de los Catlicos Romanos. Su patrimonio les ense que la Revelacin estaba contenida en sus sagradas escrituras, parecido al modo en que yo haba pensado que las Sagradas Escrituras contenan todo lo que haba que saber acerca de Dios.

    La Piramide de la CreacinLos discpulos nunca vieron la pirmide que aprend en la niez -Dios en lo alto, los ngeles, los humanos (con jerarquas no escritas dentro de la categora), hombres sobre mujeres, blancos sobre otros, amigos sobre enemigos, nosotros


    As the Easter season winds down, Ive been thinking about the plight of the disciples as they struggled to recognize the risen Christ during his several appearances to them. I see a parallel with how my concept of Incarnation has changed over the years.

    Their religious heritage had put a male God in a heaven above, not unlike the way I had thought of him in my early years. That heritage had named the Hebrews special above all others, not unlike the way I grew up thinking of Roman Catholics. Their heritage taught them that Revelation was contained in their sacred writings, not unlike the way I had thought Sacred Scripture contained all there was to know about God.

    Meditaciones acerca de la Encarnacin despus de Pascua Post-Easter thoughts on IncarnationTerri MacKenzie, SHCJ

  • sobre ellos, animales (con quienes ms se asemejan a los humanos, superiores a aquellos menos que nosotros), seres inanimados pero las divisiones que recibieron eran as de reales.

    Jess los haba desafiado a trascender las dicotomeias y las jerarquas de Judo y Gentil, masculino y femenino, aceptable e impuro, autoridad religiosa y persona comn. Ahora en el lapso de pocos das, eel les pidieo creer que l estaba presente en el pan y en el vino, habeia muerto, y estaba vivo entre ellos. Ellos no contaban con modelos externos o autoridades que los audaran a tratar con estos misterios. Ellos se haban convertido en autoridad!

    De qu manera la fsica cuntica ha cambiado tu manera de pensar?

    El primer da del primer curso de fsica cuntica que tom, la clase recibi los temas para nuestro informe final. Uno deca: De qu manera la fsica cuntica ha cambiado tu manera de pensar? Me di cuenta de que faltaba el final de la pregunta: cambiar mi manera de pensar acerca de qu? La pregunta es correcta como est,

    The Pyramid of CreationThe disciples never saw the pyramid I learned in childhood God on the top (line) the angels (line) humans (line, with unwritten hierarchies within that category: males above females, whites abo ve others, friends above enemies, us above them) animals (line, with those most resembling humans superior to those less like us) inanimate beings but their received divisions were just as real.

    Jesus had challenged them to transcend dichotomies and hierarchies of Jew and Gentile, male and female, acceptable and unclean, religious authority and common person. Now, in the space

    of a few days, he asked them to believe that he was present in bread and wine, died, and was alive with them. They had no outside models or authorities to assist them to cope with these mysteries. They had to become authorities!

    How has quantum physics changed your way of thinking?On the first day of the first quantum physics course I took, the class received topics for our final paper. One read: How has quantum physics changed your way of thinking? I noted that

    the end of the question was missing. Changed my way of thinking about what? The question is correct as stated, I was told, and by the end of the course, I began to understand and my consciousness was, indeed, changed. We might have to deal with things in categories of human making, but the new science shows that edges are soft: all being is in communion; everything is interconnected (both in space and time); each has its own uniqueness. (Cf. the Christian Trinity!)

  • me dijeron y hacia el final del curso comenc a entender y mi conciencia en realidad haba cambiado. Podramos tener que lidiar con cosas de la categora de lo hecho por los humanos, pero la nueva ciencia muestra que los bordes son difusos: todo ser est en comunin; todo est conectado (tanto en el espacio como en el tiempo); cada cosa tiene su propia unicidad (por Ej. La Trinidad Cristiana!). Esta visin cuntica del mundo me ayud a priorizar las experiencias de fe. Ella aumenta mi comprensin de la Encarnacin, una comprensin profundizada por la perspicacia de muchos telogos.

    Conexin con la EncarnacinSiempre haba credo que Dios estaba en todas partes. Haba pensado encontrar a Dios en todas las cosas. Ahora, haba sido llamada a conectar aquellas realidades con la Encarnacin. Dentro de esta cosmovisin, llegu a ver que la Creacin, Encarnacin, Eucarista y la Resurreccin eran partes de un todo. Las Escrituras Cristianas nos llaman a ver a Dios/Jess en todas las personas. Pero dado que nada puede estar aislado del todo dentro del cual existe, Dios debe estar presente no slo en los humanos, sino que tambin en toda la creacin. El nosotros de Dios-con-nosotros debe incluir cada molcula de la creacin en sus partes conectadas.

    Lo que significa el cambiar mi modo de pensarCambiar mi modo de pensar significaba perder divisiones incorporadas en mi psiqu. Significaba extender mis concepciones de identidad: las mas, las de Dios, las de otros y cmo todos estamos interrelacionados. Jess mantiene su humanidad/divinidad sin que ninguna disminuya. Los humanos mantienen sus dones especiales y las responsabilidades e imagen de Dios. Pero

    Parts interlock in ever-ascending complexity. This quantum world view helped me understand prior faith experiences. It grounds my understanding of Incarnation, an understanding increasingly deepened by the insights of many theologians.

    Connection with the IncarnationId long believed that God is everywhere. Id sought to find God in all things. Now I was called to connect those realities with Incarnation.

    Within that worldview, I came to see that Creation, Incarnation, Eucharist, and Resurrection were parts of one whole. The Christian Scriptures call us to see God/Jesus in all people. But, since nothing can be isolated from the whole within which it exists, God must be present not just in humans, but also in all creation. The us in God-with-us must include every molecule of creation in its interconnected parts.

    What doees it mean to change your way of thinking?Changing my way of thinking meant losing divisions embedded in my psyche. It meant stretching my conceptions of identity: mine,

  • la divina presencia est tambin dentro de las preciosas, interconectadas, diferenciadas partes. Cada una de ellas lleva y atestigua lo divino.

    En el cominenzo era el Verbo ...Con esta nueva consciencia, Yo reinterpreto En el comienzo era el Verbo y el Verbo se hizo

    carne Alguna vez pens que se refera slo a Jess. Ahora, creo que el Verbo no puede ser separado de la divinidad que habita y hace posible la creacin en todo lugar y en todo momento. Tampoco Jess puede ser separado de las fuerzas responsables, con el Espritu, para la humanidad. Como todos los seres humanos, la ascendencia de Jess se remonta al polvo csmico. Evolucion en una permanente complejidad ascendente a travs posible sin las fuerzas de la vida (aire, agua, plantas, etc.) que mantienen la creacin en proceso.

    Este ese mi cuerpo ...Con esta consciencia, yo reinterpreto Este es mi cuerpo aplicado slo a Jess y a los miembros del Cuerpo Mstico. Por las razones antes mencionadas, creo que toda la creacin puede ser vista, de un modo mstico, como el cuerpo de Cristo (panentesmo, no pantesmo). Por medio

    Gods, others, and how we all interrelate. Jesus retains his humanity/divinity with no diminishment of either. Humans retain their special gifts and responsibilities and image of God. But the divine presence is also within all creations interconnected, differentiated, precious parts. Each bears, and witnesses to, the divine.

    In the beginning was the Word ...With this new consciousness, I re-interpret In the beginning was the Word. . . and the Word became flesh. . . . Once I thought it referred to Jesus alone. Now I believe that the Word cannot be separated from the divinity that inhabits and enables creation everywhere at every moment. Nor can Jesus be separated from the forces responsible, with the Spirit, for humanity. Like all human beings, Jesus ancestry dates back to stardust. It evolved in ever-ascending complexity through plants, animals, and eventually to conscious beings and homo sapiens. It couldnt have happened without the life forces (air, water, plants, etc.) that kept creation going.

    Este es mi cuerpo ...With this consciousness, I re-interpret This is my body. . . . from applying only to Jesus and members of the Mystical Body. For the reasons given above, I believe all Creation can be viewed, mystically, as Christs body (panentheism, not pantheism). By his incarnation [Christ] inserted himself not just into our humanity, but into the universe which supports humanity. The presence of the incarnate word . . . shines at the heart of all things. (Teilhard de Chardin, SJ) Surely it shines in the consecrated host where all creation has been offered and transformed. Here we find the Heart of all reality.

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