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Page 1: Joshua & Kelsie Steele February 2013 Announcing CMO 2013 · Registration for Carpathian Mountain Outreach 2013 officially opened on February 4th. Read on to find out how you can be

Joshua & Kelsie Steele February 2013

Announcing CMO 2013

We believe that the greatest need on the world’s mission fields is for laborers who can preach the Gospel. As Jesus pointed

out in Luke 10:2, “...The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.” CMO 2013 is about proclaiming Christ in Ukraine while at the same time equipping new laborers who will go beyond these borders with the message of salvation.

This year, we’d like to challenge you to become

directly involved in this effort. Even if you’re not able to come to Ukraine yourself, there are real, tangible ways that you can contribute to the advancement of the Gospel through this year’s CMO project.

Encourage Men to GoCMO is for young men aged

17 years and older. No doubt, you know at least one person in your area who fits this description. Have you told them about CMO 2013?

But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts. 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Registration for Carpathian Mountain Outreach 2013 officially opened on February 4th. Read on to find out how you can be involved in building this year’s team of laborers for the harvest fields of Ukraine!

Page 2: Joshua & Kelsie Steele February 2013 Announcing CMO 2013 · Registration for Carpathian Mountain Outreach 2013 officially opened on February 4th. Read on to find out how you can be

Pray for UsAlthough CMO begins in June, there is a lot of

prep work that is taking place even now. Pray that God will open doors before us, and that He will prepare hearts to receive the Gospel!

Bible First UpdateNew lesson orders having

been steadily rolling in as believers undertake

to reach those around them using Bible First! Meanwhile, our team

is working hard to get more lessons ready

for print.We recently

completed the first drafts of Lessons 19

and 20, which are the final lessons in the course. These are being edited now and will soon be ready for translation into Ukrainian. As of this writing, we have 65 students who are waiting to receive Lesson 19 as soon as it comes out.

We’re also working to prepare Lessons 7-10 for print in English. These four lessons will make up Volume 3 of Bible First. Lord willing, this will be available to you in the near future.

Here in Ukraine, new students are enrolling in Bible First every month. The future is bright and we’re excited about what God will do in the days ahead!

How You Can Pray• Pray for a strong team of men for CMO 2013.• Pray for Vasyl who has recently missed a lot of

work due to back problems.• Pray for success for new Bible First distributors.• Praise God for new Bible-teaching videos

coming out on! More on that next time...

www.OFReport.comOverseas Field Report Page 2

Joshua and Kelsie Steele are missionaries serving in Ukraine. To learn more, visit us on the web at www.OFReport.comSending Church: Fairpark Baptist Church, 6000 Crowley Road, Fort Worth, TX 76134

Doing so couldn’t be easier. Just give them the basic information you already know about the project, and point them to our web site for specifics. ( You could also print off a copy of the Info Pack (downloadable as a PDF on our site) and put it in their hands.

Promote the CMO MovieThis 17-minute film is a great way to inspire new

vision for evangelism and overseas missions. Here are some practical suggestions for sharing the CMO Movie with believers in your sphere of influence:

• Share the CMO Movie on Facebook with this short link:

• Tweet about the CMO Movie using the same link:

• Share the CMO Movie with your pastor and ask him to consider showing the film at your church.

• Request a DVD copy of the film so you can show it at your church or home group. (Email [email protected] for details.)

Support a CMO Team MemberOverseas travel is not cheap. Participation in CMO

2013 costs around $1100 per month, not including airfare. If you know a young man who is considering CMO, why not offer to help out financially? Even small gifts can make a big difference. Let him know that in addition to your donation, you’ll also be praying for him while he’s away.

The CMO Movie gives an intriguing look at evangelism in Ukraine. Use it as a ministry tool to encourage others to get involved in

short-term missions!

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