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    Irregular Warfarein the

    Major Combat Operations

    Joint Operating Concept

    Richard Maltz

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    PurposeShare results of current research on IWAR

    Provide forum for discussion of IWAR

    Frame the IWAR challenge in MCO context

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    This is another type of warfare - new in

    its intensity, ancient in its origin - warby guerrillas, subversives, insurgents,

    assassins; war by ambush instead of

    by combat, by infiltration instead of

    aggression, seeking victory by eroding

    and exhausting the enemy instead of

    engaging himit preys on unrest

    John F. Kennedy

    US Naval AcademyJune 6, 1962

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    New Security Environment

    Means:Adversary can plan and communicate at the speedof internet; maneuver at the speed of aircraft; seeminglyunlimited personnel; unconstrained by organizational ornational restrictions

    Motivation: Adversary is motivated by zealous ideologies

    and hate; nothing we would recognize as political; there isno theoretical option for negotiation or compromise

    Focus: Adversary is focused strategically, not geographic-ally; isolated action in one area can achieve effects globally

    Organization: Adversary is networked, unconstrained byhierarchical, often-ponderousdecision-making constructs

    Morality: Adversary is unconcerned with (and often wants)collateral damage; believes his ends justify any means

    -- Culled from Address by Admiral Giambastiani

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    Characteristics of Regular Warfare(Regular Warfare is usually characterized by allof the below)

    Combat waged by armed forces of nation states

    Observation of set rules and laws of warfare

    Large generic military formations

    Set geographic boundaries of operations

    Set demographic boundaries with distinct combatants

    and noncombatants

    Generally brief periods of high intensity conflict

    Large confrontations and set-piece battles

    Uniformed combatants

    Force-on-force engagements leading to defeat of one

    sides forces

    Emphasis on decisive combat as means to victory

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    Characteristics of Irregular Warfare(Irregular Warfare is usually characterized by anyof the below)

    Combat by forces other than those of statesLack of observation of set rules and laws of warfare

    Small specialized (often elite) military formations

    Few rigid geographic boundaries of operations

    Elastic demographic boundaries, little distinction betweencombatants and noncombatants; deliberate, sometimespredominant targeting of civilians

    Generally protracted low-intensity conflict

    Evasion of large confrontations and battles in favor of

    harassment and attritionCombatants in civilian clothing

    Population-on-force engagements leading to attrition anddemoralization of regular forces

    Psychological warfare as the means to victory

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    Forms of Irregular Warfare

    Guerrilla Warfare


    Special Operations



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    DefinitionsGuerrilla Warfare(DOD, NATO) Military and paramilitary operationsconducted in enemy-held or hostile territory by irregular, predominantly

    indigenous forces. Also called GW. See also unconventional warfare.

    Propaganda --(DOD) Any form of communication in support of nationalobjectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behaviorof any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly. Seealso black propaganda; grey propaganda; white propaganda.

    Special Operations(DOD) Operations conducted in sensitive environ-ments to achieve objectives employing military capabilities for which there isno broad conventional force often require covert, clandestine, or low visibilitycapabilities can be conducted independently or in conjunction with opera-tions of conventional forces or other government agencies and may include indigenous or surrogate forces differ from conventional operations in degreeof physical and political risk, operational techniques, mode of employment,

    independence from friendly support, and dependence on detailed operationalintelligence and indigenous assets. Also called SO.

    Subversion--(DOD) Action designed to undermine the military, economic,psycho-logical, or political strength or morale of a regime. See alsounconventional warfare.

    Terrorism(Unofficial; official definitions were not deemed to be useful)

    Deliberate threat or use of violence against civilians for political purposes

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    Critical Elements of Irregular Warfare

    Tailored to the political, social, economic, and militaryconditions of the targeted areas and populations

    Highly dependent on motivation and ideology of followers

    Composed of execution cells, support infrastructure (alsooften in cells), and a base of popular and media support

    (the junctions between these are its critical vulnerabilities)Operates covertly, employs infiltration and front groups

    Dependent on funding (taxes, crime, charity, NGOs, govts)

    Integrates tactical, operational, strategic objectives & plans

    Leverages & exacerbates existing prejudices & grievances

    Carefully integrated with most other aspects of IWARExploits time, space, and method/dimension to poseasymmetric & perceptual challenges to conventional forces

    Targets multiple audiences (locally, regionally, & globally,to include US population) primarily in cognitive domain

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    Other Types of Irregular Warfare

    Economic and Financial Warfare

    Diplomatic and Political Warfare

    Weather and Environmental Warfare

    Cultural and Information Warfare

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    Nature of Irregular Warfare

    Irregular Warfare is built upon theprinciple of dislocation (neutral-

    ization of the strengths of theadversary). It achieves this byexpanding the traditional (for us)theater of warfare in time, space,method or dimension, therebytaxing the capabilities of forcesdesigned for conventional warfare.

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    Expansion in Time

    The adversary will deliberately prolong conflict,knowing our aversion to protracted campaigns

    He does this by dispersing in the face of our strengthand massing only in the face of our weakness

    Where possible, he will retreat to sanctuaries and hide inclosed terrain (mountains, jungles, cities, etc.)

    He will avoid decisive engagement at all costs

    He will use time, and the belief that time is on his side(that our influence is transitory), to intimidate local popul-

    ations, making their resources available to him, not usHe will use time to employ all available means to attriteour forces, sap our morale, and subvert political supportfor our aims in country, in theatre, globally, and at home

    U l ifi d

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    Expansion in Space

    The adversary will deliberately extend conflict intoneighboring lands, countries, and disparate regions,knowing our difficulty in dealing with the unbounded

    Where possible, he will retreat to sanctuaries and hide inclosed terrain (mountains, jungles, cities, etc.)

    He will cross borders with impunity, knows that we are of-ten constrained from following him, or targeting him there

    He will threaten and harass neighboring or distant groupsor states that support our efforts, provide access to us, orfail to support him

    He will employ all available means (propaganda, subver-sion, terrorism) to further his cause throughout the world,including in the United States

    He will create, cultivate, and harness support from

    expatriate communities and the disaffected, globally

    U l ifi d

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    Expansion in Method/Dimension

    The adversary will extend conflict beyond traditional,conventional means, and beyond the physical domain

    He will avoid decisive engagement and force-on-forceencounters except under the most favorable circum-stances; instead, he will target civilians and rear areas,

    using propaganda, subversion, sabotage, and terrorismHe will often operate more like a crime syndicate than amilitary force, more like a warlord than a national leader

    He will avoid our strengths in the physical and informa-tion domains & focus his efforts on the cognitive domain

    He will leverage our inherent cultural difficulty in anticipat-ing, recognizing, and responding effectively to unconven-tional methods and dimensions of engagement

    He will seek to defeat us wherever we are not prepared

    U l ifi d

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    Irregular Warfares Implications

    We are limited in our ability to address IrregularWarfares challenges

    We can be stymied by an adversary who expandsconfrontation in time, space, or method/dimension

    Not anticipating or perceiving engagement outsideour paradigm is a major vulnerability

    We need to understand the nature of IWAR and itsenvironment, develop capabilities to operate there,actively engage, refine our techniques and capabil-ities, and learn to both defend ourselves and prevail

    We must better prepare ourselves for IrregularWarfare culturally and organizationally


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    Our Challenge

    The extraordinary challengesof Irregular Warfare demand

    that we aggressively lookoutside of our traditional

    warfighting paradigm in orderto adapt, create and seizeopportunities, and prevail.


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    Lessons Learned from the Field

    Lessons must be routinely re-learned

    Information Operations and PSYOPS are critical

    the Cognitive Domain is decisive

    Cultural awareness and language skills are criticalWe are too prescriptive and centralized, depriving

    junior leaders of initiative, inhibiting the conduct of

    fluid operations, delaying exploitation of Tac Intel

    We must understand and work better with Coali-

    tion and Interagency partners to promote synergy

    We need more focus on intelligence and logistics


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    18/18U l ifi d



    Irregular Warfare in MCO

    Various forms of IWAR are usually employed together

    Often in concert with regular (conventional) warfare

    Three overlapping groupings:

    Special (Elite, Commando) Operations,

    Militia (Guerrilla and Partisan) Operations,

    and Psychological (Subversion, Propaganda, andTerrorism) Operations.

    Focus on aspects of Special, Militia, and Psychological

    Operations that impact MCO directly

    Focus on mitigation of the effects of Militia and PsyOpstargeting US-led forces conducting MCO

    Can take form of offensive and defensive actions

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