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  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to the Course Work


  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to the Course Work



    Candidates will be required to submitfour main pieces of work.

    Draw on candidates personalexperiences of consuming andresponding to film

    To demonstrate understanding throughcreative preproduction and productionwork

  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to the Course Work



    1: Film Exploration (25 marks)

    For candidates chosen film:

    Industry Research coupled with a Micro Analysis

    2: Pitch and Preproduction (30 marks)For candidates own film idea

    Pitch the idea & do some basic preproduction

    3: Production (35 marks)

    Produce creative work based on their pitch & preproduction

    4: Reflective Analysis (10 marks)

    A film is never finished only abandoned

  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to the Course Work


    1: Film Exploration

    (a) IndustryThis aspect of the film exploration introduces candidates to some of theareas involved in producing, distributing and exhibiting a film of theirown choice. Candidates complete brief research on a film of their choiceaddressing the following areas:

    Production: Who made it and how? Distribution: Who sold it and how? Exhibition: Why have audiences chosen to see it? Who saw it? Why?


    Candidates should consider finance, production companies, budget,stars, narrative, director and genre. Candidates complete a coversheet(FL1) summarising these research findings.

  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to the Course Work


    (b) Micro Analysis of a film sequence from candidateschosen film (extract: 5 minutes maximum)

    This aspect of the film exploration will extend thecandidates initial research on their chosen film intoa consideration of the way in which meanings aremade in a specific sequence from that film.Candidates produce a written analysis of 350 750words which focuses on how one or more microfeature(s) (e.g., mise-en-scne, editing, cameraworkand sound) create meanings and generateresponses in their chosen film sequence (maximumlength: 5 minutes).

    1: Film Exploration

  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to the Course Work


    2: Pitch

    (a) PitchCandidates will create a sales pitch for an imaginary film ofapproximately 150 words. The pitch should be no longerthan 150 words and begin with a log line. The pitch couldbe presented to an audience and could involve the use of

    stills or a PowerPoint presentation.

    The pitch will include: a log line (a one sentence summary of the film's narrative) brief reference to genre (where relevant)

    brief reference to at least one similar film indication of main stars and main audience brief summary of narrative

  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to the Course Work


    2: Preproduction

    (b) Preproduction

    Candidates choose one of the following preproduction

    options to be based on the film outlined in the pitch:

    Script a short opening scene for the film (approx 500words)

    Create a storyboard of approximately 20 frames for akey sequence from the film

    Produce digitally a design for a front page and

    contents page for a new film magazine, featuring thenew film

    Produce a marketing campaign for the film (at leastfour items).

  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to the Course Work


    3: Production

    Candidates choose one of the following production options:

    Create a short sequence of approximately 2 minutes which createstension and/or atmosphere. (The sequence can be for any section of afilm, including the pre-credit sequence.)

    Produce a home page and at least one linked page for a websitepromoting a new film (including at least two original images).

    Produce a poster campaign for a new film (2-4 posters, using originalimages)

    Produce a press pack for a new film (minimum 4 items, including atleast two promotional still photographs, using original images)

    Produce a feature based on the production of a new film for a filmmagazine or a school/college magazine. The feature should includestar/director interviews, biographies and at least two appropriatelycaptioned images from the production (original images must be used).

  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to the Course Work


    4: Reflective Analysis

    A formal reflective analysis (approximately 350-750 words forpreproduction and production combined) highlighting what candidateshave learnt about the main study areas for film from their preproductionand production work (film language, film organisations and audiences).

    The reflective analysis can be presented in two parts one part for thepreproduction and the other for the production or as one piece. Itcan be produced in any of the following forms, using subheadings asappropriate:

    A discursive essay (with or without illustrations) A digital presentation with slide notes (such as PowerPoint) A suitably edited blog.

  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to the Course Work


    5: Group work

    As an individual: Preproduction and the production options (apart from the film


    As a group:

    The film sequence may be completed in groups of no more thanfour. Each candidates contribution must be clearly identified Two candidates may share aspects of production provided they

    are individually responsible for approximately 50% of the total work involved. The individual's contribution must be clarified within the reflective

    analysis. Contributions must be identified, authenticated in an appropriate


  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to the Course Work



    Draw on candidates personal

    experiences of consuming and

    responding to film.

    To demonstrate understanding throughcreative preproduction and production work.

    A film is never finished only abandoned

  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to the Course Work



    1. Transformers2. Letters From Iwo Jima3. Into The Wild4. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford5. Atonement

    6. The Fountain7. Apocalypto8. 3009. The Lives Of Others10.Kenny

    11.Rocky Balboa12.Zodiac

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