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9/11 Commission, 208, 233, 235bipartisan chairmen of, 214

Abbas, Abu, 140, 254Abbas, Mahmoud, 153Abramowitz, Morton, 257Abrams, Elliott, 187Abu Ghraib prisoners, 130Acharya, Amitav, 257Adams, John Quincy, 41Afghanistan, 1, 20, 214, 226, see also

Taliban regimeal-Qaeda in, 145democracy in, 50elections in, 6, 24, 51, 193failures of, 21fighting against Soviets, 129guerrilla war in, 205Jihadist groups in, 204NATO role in, 210overthrow of Taliban in,

126repression in, 105and role of Karzai, 204Taliban regime, 204U.S. military in, 55, 179war in, 1, 56, 85, 174

Africa, 80, 206African Union, 4

Agreed Framework with NorthKorea, 44

Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 207, 209Ahmad, Rif’at Sayyed, 251Ajami, Fouad, 116, 119, 178, 195,

218, 246, 250, 261, 263, 264Al Anfal campaign, 137Al-Ahram Weekly, 190, 263al-Andalus (Andalusia), 184al-Ansari, Sheikh Abd Al-Hamid, 252al-Aziz, Nayef ibn, 261al-Bakkoush, Abd Al-Hamid, 252al-Bashir, Omar, 209Alexander, Gerard, 200, 234, 264, 270Alexander, Yonah, 261Algeria, 35, 66, 74, 79Ali, Tariq, 207al-Jalahma, Umayma Ahmad, 251Al-Jazeera, 152al-Khalil, Samir (pseudonym for

Kanan Makiya), 254Alliot-Marie, Michele, 245al-Qaeda, 20, 21, 26, 68, 181, 204,

218, 261, see also bin Laden,Osama

in Afghanistan, 145and the Caliphate, 117, 184and conspiracy theories, 120


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al-Qaeda (cont.)influences on, 100, 154insurgency by, 205and Iraq, 130, 140and jihadists, 218and the middle class, 119threat of, 45and the U.S., 181

al-Qaradawi, Yusuf, 178Al-Quds, 184, 261al-Sahaf, Muhammed Saeed,

186al-Sistani, Ali, 147Alterman, Eric, 262, 263al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, 146,

223al-Zawahiri, Ayman, 119, 180Ambrose, Stephen E., 231America, 208 see United States

achievements, 204alternative strategies of, 209and destruction of allies, 217Era, 203

end of, 225future of, 203, 225

foreign policy of, 204grand strategy of, 206ledger policy of, 204and long war, 213national security of, 204political process and outcomes of,

213people security, 215policy and degree of unilateralism,

210products boycott of, 226security and surrender of veto

power, 213and support for Israel, 218and World War II, 204

American culture, 96, 99, 107, 115,188, 199

American Indians, 41American primacy, 46, 225, see also

military, Americanand anti-Americanism, 179, 183attributes of, 16and culture, 100grand strategy to maintain, 46implications of, 36and Iraq War, 147limits to, 15and the military, 46potential competitors to, 62, 169,

see also specific countriesresponsibilities inherent in, 4threats to, 7, 17, 54

American Revolution, 77anarchy, 80Annan, Kofi, 131, 227, 237, 253anti-Americanism, 97, 152, 206, 217,

218commentators on, 3dangers of, 199in the Middle East, 185in public opinion, 192reasons for, 178, 180roots of, 7, 116, 121styles of, 184U.S. responsibility in, 196

anti-Semitism, 35, 120, 179, 188,217, 223

antiterrorism, 207APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic

Cooperation Council), 160,163, 175

Applebaum, Anne, 261Arab Human Development Report

(United Nations), 49, 190Arab League, 4

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Arab-Israeli wars, 126, 128, 219Arafat, Yasir, 6, 78, 152, 153, 155, 193ARF (ASEAN Regional Forum), 160,

163, 175Argentina, 74Aron, Raymond, 194, 263Art, Robert, 257, 270ASEAN Regional Forum, 160, 163,

175Ash, Timothy Garton, 242Asia, 158, see also specific countries

grand strategy in, 175U.S. involvement in, 174

Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationCouncil, 160, 163, 175

Asia Pacific Partnership, 210Asian tsunami

and aid by United States, 224assimilation, and differentiation,

106Astier, Henri, 260Atta, Mohamed, 119Australia, 159, 160, 201Aznar, Jose Maria, 70, 265

Ba’athist forces, 205Bacevich, Andrew J., 29, 236Baghdad

capture of, 205fall of, 205, 208

Bahrein, 137Baker, James, 30Balfour Declaration, 221Ballen, Kenneth, 270Baram, Amatzia, 138, 254Barber, Benjamin, 246Basque identity, 109, 110Battle of Tora Bora, 21Baudrillard, Jean, 242Bayefsky, Anne, 238

Becker, Elizabeth, 244Beijing

and use of nationalism, 223Beirut, terrorist attacks in, 126Benamou, Georges-Marc, 243Benjamin, Daniel, 247, 255Berkowitz, Peter, 213, 266Berlusconi, Silvio, 144Berman, Paul, 216, 232, 267Bernard, Francois de, 196Betts, Richard, 29, 236, 270biennials, 111Bilbao Museum, 109, 110, 111bilateral relationships, 224bin Laden, Osama, 21, 116, 119, 235,

250, see also al-Qaedaanti-Americanism of, 121, 184and conspiracy theories, 120on elections, 146, 228on Israel, 155and Saddam Hussein, 140threats of, 143video of, 117, 222wealth of, 180

Bjoergo, Tore, 269Black September, 74Black, Conrad, 243Blair, Tony, 14, 48, 143, 189, 218, 219,

227, 238, 265, see also Britainon Iraq War, 70, 194and Resolution, 48, 185on U.S., 36

“Blessed July,” 208–9Blix, Hans, 134, 135Bohlen, Celestine, 248“Bojinka” plan, 261Bolshevik Revolutions, 220Bolton, John, 187Bone, James, 256Boot, Max, 265

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Bosnia, 1Britain in, 88civil war in, 25NATO’s response to, 14realists on, 28U.N. in, 4U.S. in, 1, 52, 63, 67, 81, 179, 182and U.S. military advantage, 55

Bosworth, Steven, 257Bove, Jose, 113Branson, Louise, 244Bretton Woods agreements, 42Brinkley, Douglas, 239Britain, 85, see also Blair, Tony

during Cold War, 193foreign policy of, 73, 83and Iraq War, 70and Kosovo, 84military of, 87, 88and Ottoman breakup, 118, 142science and technology in, 113and Suez Canal, 65, 79, 128

Bromley, Will, 235Brooke, James, 258, 259Brooks, David, 78, 216, 249, 263Brooks, Stephen, 209, 233, 234Brooks, Stephen G., 213, 266, 270Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 30Buchanan, Patrick, 27, 187, 188, 207,

252, 262, 263Burba, Elisabetta, 250Buruma, Ian, 142, 232, 255Bush’s administration, 219, 223, 229,

239and six-party talks, 210fight against AIDS initiative of, 210and Operation Iraqi Freedom, 219diplomacy of, 214

Bush Doctrine, 68, 239American primacy and, 183

and grand strategy, 190and multilateralism, 197reactions to, 67text of, 43unilateralism and, 182

Bush, George H. W., 13, 28, 30, 31,48, 137, 141, 211

Bush, George W., 219, 227, 233, seealso Bush Doctrine

and Afghanistan, 68and anti-Americanism, 197character of, 191collaboration and, 25conspiracy theories about, 186criticism of, 14, 152on democracy, 50, 51inaugural address of, 77on Iraq War, 21on Islam, 181on Israel, 191and Jews, 189and Kerry, 205and Kyoto Treaty, 198on multilateralism, 5, 48National Security Strategy of, 42after 9/11, 31realists on, 30reelection of, 22, 56, 193and Taiwan, 169

Butler, Richard, 133, 253

Caliphate, 117, 118, 184Cameron, Fraser, 245Camp David talks, 152Canada, 30, 74, 112Cantor, Paul, 114, 115, 221Caprioli, Louis, 269Caraley, Demetrios James, 241, 255Carnegie Endowment, 132Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, 75

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Carter, Jimmy, 191Caucasus, 88Cha, Victor, 229, 258, 260Chechnya, 18Cheney, Dick, 219Cheney, Richard, 187, 188, 189, 191Chenghu, Zhu, 224Chile, 19, 75China, 15, 35, 204

as competitor to U.S. primacy, 169Communist Party of, 223border disputes of, 169economy of, 18, 162English in, 102and Iran, 172and Iraq, 133and Japan, 164, 166and North Korea, 165nuclear forces of, 224nuclear program of, 168and Taiwan, 45, 163, 165trade with, 160U.S. role in, 159, 167

Chinese language, 102, 170Chirac, Jacques, 225

on Bosnia, 52on cooperation, 90on counterbalancing, 62, 94criticism of U.S. power, 67, 243on Eastern Europe, 84on Iraq War, 194on U.S. culture, 199

Chivers, J. C., 250Chomsky, Noam, 33, 189, 235Cirincione, Joseph, 253, 259Clawson, Patrick, 253Clinton, Bill, 1, 183, 191

and Bosnia, 31, 182on democracy, 49foreign policy of, 1, 67

on globalization, 98impeachment of, 12on Islam, 181in Kosovo, 31and multilateralism, 48and Oslo Agreements, 129, 152relationship with allies, 14and Rwanda, 182scandals involving, 115and Taiwan, 168

coalition forces, 205, 208and government, 223

Coalition Provisional Authority, 141,205

Cody, Edward, 231Cohen, Benjamin J., 232, 242Cohen, Eliot, 189, 234, 267Cold War, 12, 78, 81, 207, 227

and America, 207containment model of, 207criticism of, 13end of, 42, 63, 161, 211and Europe, 65European opinion during, 193relevance of, 207stability during, 136

combat troops, 205Communist revolution, 221Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 72,

239Congo, 35, 88conspiracy theories, 27, 120, 179,

184, 188containment, 131, 132, 138continental counties, 222Convention on Biological Diversity,

75Cook, Robin, 245cosmopolitanism, 109counterbalancing, 94, 199

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counter-terrorism, 148Cowen, Tyler, 220Cracknell, David, 245Crossette, Barbara, 247Cuba, 35, 44Cuban Missile Crisis, 54, 193,

211cultural artifacts, 105cultural backlash, 112, 113, 123

in Europe, 113Cultural Revolution, 105cultural tourism, 111culture, 96

and emotional responses, 96expression of, 97and globalization, 96, 98and identities, 99, 112and political conflict, 105types of, 107and U.S. primacy, 100

Czarist forgery, 217Czech Republic, 84Czechoslovakia, 150

Daalder, Ivo H., 234, 263Darfur region, Sudan, 4, 52, 154,

212Dean, Claudia, 251defense policy, Europe’s, 82defense spending, 16, 47, 55, 57, 85,

86, 87, 167Defraigne, Pierre, 247Demick, Barbara, 259democracy, 49, 142, 146, see also

electionsand liberal idealogy, 217institutions supporting, 213

democratization, 234DePorte, Anton W., 234Dershowitz, Alan, 267

despotism problem, 221Der Spiegel, 69d’Estaing, Valery Giscard, 74, 94Diana, H.R.H. Princess of Wales,

115Diego Garcia, 159Dillon, Sam, 248diplomacy, 33, 58, 198, see also

foreign policyDoder, Dusko, 244Doha round, 210Doi, Ayako, 256dollar, U.S., 57, 160domestic intelligence agency (DST)

headquarters, 223Doran, Michael Scott, 262Drabble, Margaret, 196, 264Drodziak, William, 247Dueck, Colin, 232Duelfer, Charles A., 139, 208Dulles, John Foster, 65

East Asia, 47, see also specificcountries

cultural reactions in, 99and the E.U., 80U.S. involvement in, 158U.S. military in, 47, 159

Eastern Europe, 64, 88Eberstadt, Nicholas, 258economy, 57, see also defense

spendingof China, 18of E.U., 17, 91India, 19Japan, 18of Russia, 18and threat to primacy, 57of U.S., 16, 91

EDA (European Defense Agency), 86

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Edelstein, David M., 255Egypt, 15, 66, 147, see also Suez

Canaleconomic aid to, 129Egypt, 51on GMO products, 75and Israel, 6, 129, 152, 153anti-Semitism in, 120

Eisenhower, Dwight, 65, 128Ekeus, Rolf, 133elections, 6, see also democracy

in Afghanistan, 24in Gaza and the West Bank, 24, 51,

153in Iraq, 6, 23, 242000 presidential, 12, 67, 1902004 presidential, 2, 22, 56, 193,

203in Ukraine, 24

Elders of ZionProtocols of, 217, 221

Elshtain, Jean Bethke, 232English language, 101, 102, 103entertainment and film, 2, 103, 104,

107Estonia, 84ethnographic collections, 109E.U. (European Union), 62, see also

Europeconstitutional treaty

and electorates of, 222constitution of, 83countries in, 210economic power of, 17English language in, 102on GMO products, 75, 114limitations of, 64member states of, 222political sovereignty and, 92power in, 73

protecting domestic agriculture,75

relationship with U.S., 62threats against, 4

Euro, vs. dollar, 57EuroDisney, 99Europe, 47, 204, 206, 220, see also

E.U. (European Union)and its relation with United States,

223allies, 205anti-Americanism in, 192attitudes and structures in, 71conflict with U.S., 65conspiracy theories in, 188counter-terrorism in, 147cultural backlash in, 112defense in, 82, 90development in, 81diverging from U.S., 63domestic terrorism in, 208during Cold War, 65economy of, 58fascism ideology of, 216foreign policy of, 82identities in, 73, 83in international system, 79military systems in, 87modern condition of muslims in,

216and multilateralism, 72need of U.S., 65need for U.S. involvement in, 121reaction to Bush Doctrine, 67relationship with U.S., 7, 62, 158,

161security threats facing, 88, 89totalitarians in

ideas of, 217U.S. military in, 47

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European Defense Agency, 86European Defense Community, 65European Security Strategy, 89European Union, see of 9/11, 209exceptionalism, U.S., 76

Faiola, Anthony, 247Fakhet, Sarhane Ben Abdelmajid,

119fanaticism, 53, 123fascism, 119Fathi, Nazila, 266fatwa, 116, 122, 218Feaver, Peter D., 241Fedayeen military units, 208federal Reserve, 227Feith, Douglas, 187Ferguson, Niall, 53, 240, 241film and entertainment, 2, 103, 104,

107Finland, 17Fischer, Joschka, 90, 245folk culture, 107, 108force, use of, 78

critics of, 130in Iraq, see Iraq Waropportunities from, 150preemptive, 44trade-offs in, 141U.N. Security Council on, 51

foreign policy, 1, 204and anti-Americanism, 196,

197of Clinton administration, 2criticisms of, 14, 27, 127and democracy, 49and diplomacy, 58in Europe, 82and idealism, 77

nationalism in, 78public interest in, 1realists on, 29of U.S., 5, 6and U.S. political system, 76and use of force, 78

France, 211, see also Chirac, Jacquescounterbalancing U.S., 94, 201counter-terrorism in, 148during Cold War, 193foreign policy of, 66, 73, 83Hollywood films in, 103, 104and Iraq, 133military of, 87and oil-for-food arrangements,

149opposition to Iraq War, 62, 70, 149opposition to U.S., 66and Ottoman breakup, 118, 142political tensions with, 205protecting domestic agriculture,

84reaction to globalization, 113science and technology in, 113and Suez Canal, 79, 128on U.S. as threat, 69

Freedman, Lawrence Z., 261Freeman, Chas, 259French language, 101, 102French Revolution, 144, 221Freud, Sigmund, 65Friedberg, Aaron, 257, 270Friedman, Edward, 258Friedman, Thomas, 246, 254Frum, David, 242Fukuyama, Francis, 270Furet, Francois, 223

G-8 (Group of Eight), 91Gabler, Neal, 249

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Gaddis, John Lewis, 6, 41, 42, 205,207, 232, 233, 239, 263, 265

Gaulle, Charles de, 65, 94Gaza and the West Bank, 6, 24, 51,

153Gehry, Frank, 111Gelpi, Christopher, 241genetically modified organisms

(GMOs), 75, 114, 222Genoa, 99German language, 101Germany, 85

book burnings in, 105counterbalancing U.S., 201foreign policy of, 73Hollywood films in, 104and Munich Olympic massacre,

74opposition to Iraq War, 62, 70,

149political tensions with, 205unification of, 48U.S. military in, 55on war against terrorism, 69

Gheith, Suleiman Abu, 212Gilligan Unbound (Cantor), 114Gilpin, Robert, 241, 246Glenn, David, 225globalization, 1, 7, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99,

100, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108,109, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116,120, 121, 123, 246

anti-Americanism and, 179, 182and conflict, 120definitions of, 110, 218disruptive effects of, 98Muslim countries on, 100reactions to, 113

globalization, 216, 218impact of, 216

GMOs (genetically modifiedorganisms), 75, 114

Gobineau, Arthur de, 194Goodby, James, 258Gorbachev, Mikhail, 48Gore, Al, 67, 230, see also elections,

2000 presidentialGraham, Bob, 254grand strategy, 25, 28

in Asia, 175criticism of, 13, 58defined, 40dilemmas of, 51dimensions of, 6historical precedents of, 40post-9/11, 42realists on, 28and Roosevelt, 42

Greece, 84Green, Michael, 258Greenspan, Alan, 228Grenada

use of force in, 211Grimes, Joseph E., 247Group of Eight, 91Guam, 159guerrilla war, 206Guggenheim Museum, 110, 111Gulf War, 20, 25, 88, 131, see also

Iraq; Kuwait

Habib, Omar, 185Hadley, Stephen, 189Hamas

and its Covenant, 220and its political bureau, 220objective of, 220

Hamilton, Lee, 214, 267Haqqam, Husain, 270Hart, Gary, 252

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Hebdige, Dick, 248Hebron, Louis, 248Hellman, Gunther, 236, 242Henderson, Nell, 271Herf, Jeffrey, 216, 267Heurlin, Bertel, 242Hezbollah, 212Hiatt, Fred, 240high culture, 107, 108, 110, 111Hitler, Adolf, 82, 150HIV/AIDS testing, 113Hoagland, Jim, 238, 260Hobbes, 28, 80Hoffman, David, 250Hoffmann, Stanley, 4, 58, 233, 237,

253Holo, Selma, 110, 249Holocaust, 82, 209Howard, Michael, 226, 249, 271Hu Jintao, 171humanitarian crisis, 205Hungary, 84Huntington, Samuel, 97, 106, 246,

248Hussein, Saddam, 6, 204, 207, 266,

see also Iraq Warand bin Laden, 140capture of, 141, 184and chemical weapons, 139conspiracy theories about, 186containment of, 127, 131, 132dealing with, 78defeat of, 22, 70, 112, 154Fedayeen military units of, 208and Gulf War, 88military of, 21, 25non-compliance of, 52, 143nuclear program of, 136and oil-for-food program, 149,


realists on, 29record of, 31, 101, 133, 137threats of, 137, 143, 194and the U.N., 81and the U.S., 129using force against, 6, 30, 62

Ibn Saud, 128Ibrahim, Said Eddin, 250idealism, U.S., 77identities, 183

and anti-Americanism, 118, 183in crisis, 96and culture, 99, 112in Europe, 73in foreign societies, 179

Ignatieff, Michael, 233Ignatius, David, 227, 233, 235, 247Ikenberry, John, 33, 232, 238, 270India, 160, 172, 203, 205

conflicts in, 120economy of, 19English language in, 102film industry in, 104and Pakistan, 45, 163, 173

indifference, U.S. accused of, 182Indochina, 59, 66, 79

guerilla war in, 211Indonesia, 15, 160, 163Indyk, Martin, 255inflation, 228inspections, weapons, 134, 149intelligence services, 227International Atomic Energy Agency,

134International Criminal Court, 14, 32,

48, 62, 67, 72, 211international institutions, 203, 209

and United Nations, 203creation of, 210

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international legitimacy, 204International Monetary Fund, 42, 91,

99international organizations, 36, 148,

see also U.N. (United Nations)internationalism, 109Iran, 66, 204, 206, 207, 217

in axis of evil, 69and breach of NPT, 211and China, 172cosmopolitansim in, 109and democracy in Iraq, 142hostage crisis in, 126Islamic Republic of, 209nuclear program of, 203, 227

negotiations over, 210nuclear program in, 81, 145as potential target, 45potential threat from, 89Shah of, 128and sharing of nuclear technology,

209war with Iraq, 129

Iraq, 1, 22, 85, 125, 204, 205, 214,217, 226, see also Gulf War,Hussein, Saddam, Iraq War

and al-Qaeda, 140, 145al-Qaeda relationship with, 208and al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab

organization of, 223in axis of evil, 69chemical weapons in, 137, 138containment of, 208democracy in, 50elections in, 6, 23, 24, 51, 146,

193and foreign policy, 1Hussein, Saddam regime in, 204insurgency in, 22, 55, 130, 147,

203, 218

and insurgency to Israel, 217and Iraq War, 195and Israeli-Palestinian conflict,

152, 217Jihadist groups in, 204lessons of, 148military service of, 205regimes in

missile launch against, 211and relation with Iran, 217representative parliament in,

205restorating sovereignty to, 142security service of, 205terrorism in, 203, 206

global war against, 206ideology of, 216war against, 225

U.N. inspections in, 129use of force in, 206, 209and U.S. military advantage, 55U.S. role in, 126, 144, 179war in, 204, 207, 225war with Iran, 80, 129, 137, 154on WMD program, 135

Iraq Survey Group, 139, 226Iraq War, 21, 22, see also Iraq

alternatives to, 131conspiracy theories about, 187costs of, 127criticism of, 174opposition to, 56realists on, 28, 30support for, 70, 88, 166, 167as unnecessary, 127, 130and war on terrorism, 140

ISG (Iraq Survey Group), 139, 226Islam, militant, 118, 119, 122, 147,

181in Pakistan, 147

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Islamic Caliphate, 221Islamic Republic, 209Islamism with radical approach,

216Islamist threat, 216Israel, 151, 204, 209

American support for, 219creation of state of, 118destruction of, 217and Egypt, 129, 152lobby of, 219and Munich Olympic massacre,

74U.S. support for, 153, 181, 191

Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 6, 67,152, 155, 217, 218, 220, 221

and cease-fire, 153Italy, 18, 85

during Cold War, 193Ivory Coast, 52, 88

Jackson, Andrew, 41Jalahma, Umaya, 187Japan, 15, 166, 201, 205

and China, 164cultural backlash in, 112economy of, 18, 58, 162and Iraq War, 167political tensions with, 205protecting domestic agriculture,

75and relationship with U.S., 167trade with, 160U.S. military in, 55, 159

Jehl, Douglas, 254Jentleson, Bruce, 241Jervis, Robert, 54, 241, 245, 255,

263Jews, and conspiracy theories,

186Jews killing, 217

Jihadists, 24, 154and acquisition of nuclear

weapons, 214and apocalyptic nihilism, 216and Laden, Bin, 214movements by, 218terrorism, 206, 217threat from, 204, 206

Joffe, Josef, 221, 229, 243, 265, 269Johnson administration, 59Johnson, Chalmers, 257Johnson, Haynes, 231Jones, Jeffrey, 221Jordan, 6, 15, 129, 147, 153Jordan, Eason, 253Joseph, Keith, 246Jumblatt, Walid, 23, 24, 252

Kagan, Robert, 63, 78, 93, 187, 224,242, 244, 252

Kahn, A.Q., 205Kandahar, 20Kant, Immanuel, 244Kaplan, Lawrence, 252Karber, Phillip A., 261Karzai, Hamid, 21, 204Kashmir

and India-Pakistan confrontation,224

Kassem, Hisham, 151, 256Katznelson, Ira, 236, 270Katrina hurricane, 227Kaufman, Marc, 248Kaufmann, Chaim, 253Kay, David, 139, 208, 253, 254Kean, Tom, 214, 267Kellogg-Briand Pact, 82Kennedy, John F., 25, 44, 49, 59, 78,

191Kennedy, Paul, 16, 54, 236, 241,


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Kenya, 181Keohane, Robert O., 237, 270Kerry, John, 5, 14, 233, 271Kessler, Glenn, 238Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali, 209Khatami, Mohammed, 106Khomeini, Ayatollah, 137Kim Dae Jung, 164Kim Jong Il, 164Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 35Kissinger, Henry A., 66, 73, 159, 191,

239, 243, 252Klose, Hans-Ulrich, 265Koizumi, Junichiro, 223Konopnicki, Guy, 248Korea, 226, see North Korea; South

KoreaKosovo, 1

and Britain, 84, 88and China, 168and Clinton, 67and E.U., 84, 85and Greece, 84and NATO, 91realists on, 28, 30and U.N., 81U.S. involvement in, 1, 63, 87, 179,

182and U.S. military advantage, 54

Kosovo case, 213, 267Kramer, Martin, 118Krauthammer, Charles, 187, 237,

241, 243, 247, 255Kren, Thomas, 110Kristol, William, 187, 188, 213Krueger, Alan B., 180, 261Kupchan, Charles A., 64, 232, 234,

242, 257, 264, 270Kurds, campaign against, 137, 146Kuwait, 1, 44, 55, 78, 81, 129, 137,

179, see also Gulf War

and invasion by Hussein, Saddam,207

Kyoto Treaty, 14, 67, 198, 239and Clinton, 48Europeans on, 72multilateralists on, 32

Lacey, James, 266Laden, Osama bin, 214, 219

and fatwa, 218Lampsos, Parisoula, 247Landy, Marc, 268Laney, James, 257Latin America, 80, 99Latvia, 84Layne, Christopher, 29, 204, 232,

236, 242, 264League of Nations, 82Lebanon, 128, 206, 212

and Syrian forces, 210legitimacy, 227

and requirements of, 209Levin, Carl, 189Lewis, Bernard, 218, 247, 259,

268Libby, Lewis, 187liberal internationalists, 32, 34, 58,

206, 209, 213and multilateralism, 209

liberalism, 77, 146and western approach, 216

Liberia, 35, 52, 81Libya, 175

regimes in, 211Lieber, Keir, 200, 234, 239, 264, 269,

270Lieber, Robert J., 232, 233, 236, 239,

241, 242, 244, 252, 258, 270Lieberman, Joseph, 187, 189Lieven, Anatol, 270Lind, Michel, 187, 188, 262, 263

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Lindsay, James M., 234, 263Lipset, Seymour Martin, 77, 121,

244, 251Lithuania, 84London

underground bombings in, 216,218

Long War term, 203, 213Longworth, R. C., 215Louvre, 111Lugar, Richard, 214Lynch, Colum, 256

Maastricht Treaty, 82Macedonia, 91MacFarquhar, Neil, 233Machiavelli, 28, 80Madrid Conference, 129Madrid terrorist attack, 26, 119, 145,

148, 216, 235Makiya, Kanan, 254Maleckova, Jitka, 180, 261Mallaby, Sebastian, 238Mandelbaum, Michael, 73, 243, 254,

269Margalit, Avishai, 142, 204, 255Markovits Andrei S., 267Marsaud, Alain, 269Marshall Plan, 42, 82Marxism-Leninism, 119Mathews, Jessica Tuchman, 132,

237Maurras, Charles, 195Mead, Walter Russell, 77, 78, 232,

244, 263, 264Mearsheimer, John, 80, 131, 232,

235, 236, 237, 242, 243, 244,252, 253, 257, 267, 268

Medved, Michael, 248Mello, Sergio Vieira de, 150, 233

Melonio, Francoise, 223Meunier, Sophie, 246Mexican War, 42Mexico, 19, 30, 75Meyssan, Thierry, 185, 235Michas, Takis, 264middle class, and terrorism, 118,

119Middle East, 126, 203, 206, 219, see

also Muslim countriesconspiracy theories in, 188and democracy, 13, 50democratization in, 206domestic terrorism in, 208elections in, 203and the E.U., 80instability in, 89media attention on, 2political liberalization in, 206states in, 205U.S. involvement in, 128, 144

military, American, 46in Asia, 159and primacy, 16, 46, 47risk of overextending, 54stationed abroad, 55

military campaign, 204military spending, see defense

spendingMillennium Challenge account, 210Miller, Bowman, 261Miller, Judith, 260Milner, Helen, 236Mitterrand, Francois, 48, 67, 94,

243Mohan, C. Raja, 260Monroe Doctrine, 41Moore, Michael, 33, 199, 207, 238Morgenthau, Hans, 28, 235Morin, Richard, 251

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Morris, Benny, 268Mousseau, Michael, 264Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 35, 238Mubarak, Hosni, 51, 128mukhabarat security services, 50Mukhopadhyay, Dipali, 253multilateralism, 5, 32, 47, 72, 210,

213multilateralist argument, 210

Munich Olympic massacre, 74Murawiec, Laurent, 267Murray, Williamson, 266museums, 109Musharraf, Pervez, 173, 175, 260Muslim countries, 23, see also

Middle Eastattitudes toward U.S. in, 178cultural backlash in, 112on globalization, 100, 116modernist views in, 122

Muslim ummah, 216, 219and its global vision, 216

Nasser, Gamel Abdel, 128National Endowment for

Democracy, 50national security

lethal threats to, 204National Security Strategy, 210, 214,

215National Security Strategy

document, 40, 42, 43, 69, 190critics of, 45and multilateralism, 47on spread of democracy, 49

NATO (North Atlantic TreatyOrganization), 14, 237

in Afghanistan, 88Article V of, 68and Bosnia, 14

cooperation with, 90counterbalancing U.S., 201countries in agreement with, 211demise of, 63in Kosovo, 91mandate of, 205and nuclear forces, 66realists on, 29U.S. in, 63, 81

Navajo Indians, 108Nazi ideologists

ideas of, 216neoconservative conspiracy theory,

186, 188, 192neo-conservative theory, 219Netherlands, 66Neustadt, Richard, 191Nidal, Abu, 140Niebuhr, Reinhold, 289/11 Commission report, 3, 24Nixon, Richard, 30, 159, 191, 193,

219Noel, Cleo, 74non-governmental organizations, 34North Atlantic Treaty Organization,

see NATONorth Korea, 44, 164, 206

in axis of evil, 69dangers facing neighbors of, 165nuclear program of, 163as potential target, 45, 56potential threat from, 89U.S. dealings with, 164

Novak, Robert, 252NSS document, see National

Security Strategy documentNuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

(NPT), 52, 81, 134, 164, 198and Proliferation Security

Initiative, 210

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nuclear weapons, 206Nye, Joseph S., 33, 161, 237, 238,

257, 260

Obeidi, Mahdi, 140oil embargo, Arab, 66, 126Oil-for-Food program, 4, 133, 134,

149, 238oil prices

revenues by, 228surge in, 203tripling of, 228

Olsen, Edward, 257Onishi, Norimitsu, 256, 258Operation Desert Fox, 134Operation Desert Storm, 126, see

also Gulf WarOperation Iraqi Freedom, 219Organization of American States,

4Oslo Agreements, 129, 152Ottoman breakup, 118, 142, 184Oudeh, Daoud, 74Owen, John, 201, 265

Paarlberg, Robert, 241, 244, 249Packer, George, 207Pape, Robert S., 264Pakistan, 160, 201, 206

and India, 45, 163, 173potential threat from, 89radical Islam in, 147

Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 217, 222.See also Israeli-Palestinianconflict

Palestinians, 204Palestinian territories, 6, 193Patten, Chris, 83Pearl Harbor, attack on, 3, 25, 41, 42,

139, 204

Pells, Richard, 107, 249Pentagon, 213

Quadrennial Defense Review of,213

Peretz, Marty, 187Perle, Richard, 187Perlez, Jane, 256, 258Perras, Arne, 260Persian Gulf, 47, 89Petersberg tasks, 87Pew Global Attitudes Project, 193Pew Resource Center

poll conducted by, 220Pfaff, William, 262Philippines

terrorism in, 163, 181U.S. involvement in, 160, 201

Pilger, John, 196, 235Pinter, Harold, 196Pipes, Daniel, 250Pletka, Danielle, 256Poland, 70, 84political liberalization, 206political sovereignty, 92Pollack, Kenneth, 253, 254Pompidou, Georges, 94Poos, Jacques, 84popular culture, 98, 104, 106, 107,

108, 114Post, Jerrold, 138post-9/11 world, 15, 29, 40, 138, 148,

209, 266dangers of, 203, 205

poverty, anti-Americanism and, 180Powell, Colin, 189, 191, 210, 219Pratt & Whitney, 86preemption, 4

controversy surrounding, 41and Hussein’s record, 31National Security Strategy on, 44

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vs. prevention, 44strategies involving, 41

presidential electionof 2000, 12, 67, 190, 230of 2004, 2, 22, 56, 193, 203, 231

Presidential Power (Neustadt), 191Press, Daryl G., 269, 270Prestowitz, Clyde, 270primacy, see American primacyPrimakov, Yevgeny, 138Prodi, Romano, 62, 148Proliferation Security Initiative,

210public opinion, and

anti-Americanism, 192Putin, Vladmir, 15

Qaddafi, Muammar, 144Qutb, Sayid, 100, 154, 199

radio broadcasts, 199radiological attack, 214Rahim, Said Makhtoum, 221Ramesh, Jairam, 260Rapid Reaction Force, 87Rasmussen, Mikkel Vedby, 242Reagan, Ronald, 16, 49, 78, 85, 186,

191realism, 208realists, 28, 80, 208

on grand strategy, 28, 58on U.S. in Asia, 162

Reeves, Richard, 203regional institutions creation, 210Reich, Robert B., 237Reid, T. R., 249Remnick, David, 252, 256Resolution 687, 132Resolution 1441, 48, 134, 135, 139,

143, 148, 212 n. 13

Revel, Jean-Francois, 263Rhode, David, 222Rice, Condoleezza, 48, 78, 189, 212,

216, 219, 234, 240, 244Richburg, Keith, 248Riding, Alan, 248Rodman, Peter, 219, 243Roger, Philippe, 263, 264Rogers, William, 191Roh Moo-hyun, 165Rohter, Larry, 246, 247Roosevelt, Franklin, 25, 42, 77, 128,

191, 239Rosen, Steven Peter, 53, 201, 240,

241, 265Ross, Dennis, 153, 256Rothkopf, David, 246Rothstein, Edward, 222, 263Roy, Olivier, 219, 261, 267Rubin, Barry, 254Ruggie, John Gerard, 237, 238, 255Rumsfeld, Donald, 187, 189, 191,

219, 265Rushdie, Salman, 122, 246, 251Russell, Charles A., 261Russia, 15, 62, 88, see also Soviet

Unioncosmopolitanism in, 109economy of, 18, 58and Iraq, 133and oil-for-food arrangements,

149opposition to Iraq War, 149

Rwanda, 4, 35, 52, 81, 182

Sadat, Anwar al-, 128Said, Abel Monem, 154Said, Edward, 190, 262Samuelson, Robert J., 244Satloff, Robert, 269

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Saudi Arabia, 15, 35, 128, 142, 147anti-Semitism in, 120, 223and Iraq, 137radical Islam in, 147U.S. military bases in, 129, 143

Schifter, Richard, 35Schroeder, Gerhard, 85Schwartz, Benjamin, 29, 236Schweller, Randall L., 238Sciolino, Elaine, 240Scowcroft, Brent, 30Seattle, IMF in, 99Security Council, see United Nations

Security Councilformation of, 221Resolution 1559 of, 210

Self, Benjamin L., 258Senate Foreign Relations Committee

survey published by, 214September 11th attacks, 1, see also

post-9/11 worldconspiracy theories and, 120cultural impact of, 115and foreign policy, 1grand strategy after, 42implications of, 3, 58national debate after, 12and new era in U.S. thinking, 26and preemption, 41support for U.S. after, 68, 171U.S. military operations following,

20Sestanovich, Stephen, 234, 240Shaplen, Jason, 229Shipman, Claire, 247Sierra Leone, 35, 52Simes, Dimitri K., 30, 236Simon, Steven, 247, 255Simpson, O. J., 115Singapore, 17, 159

Singh, Jaswant, 232Six-party talks, 210Slaughter, Anne-Marie, 232, 237Smith, Craig S., 245Snyder, Jack, 208Social Security program, 228Solana, Javier, 89, 242Solomon, Andrew, 249Somalia, 1, 31, 56, 179, 205South Asia, 7, 80South Korea, 164, 201

economy of, 162English language in, 102and Iraq War, 165trade with, 160U.S. military in, 48, 55, 159

Soviet Union, 54, see also Cold War;Russia

during Cold War, 137collapse of, 25, 207as threat to U.S. security, 42

Spain, 85, see also Madrid terroristattack

Spanish language, 102Spanish-American War, 42Sputnik, launch of, 66Srebrenica massacre, 35Stack, John F., Jr., 248Stalin, Joseph, 12, 78, 137Stanislaw, Joseph, 246Steinmeier, Frank-Walter, 223Stevenson, Jonathan, 244Stille, Alexander, 242strategic disengagement, 3Struck, Peter, 245Sudan, 35, 52, 154Suez, 79Suez Canal, 66, 128, 147suicide attacks, 26, 138, 206, see also


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Sullivan, Mark, 77, 244Summers, Harry G., Jr., 235Sunni community, 205, 206Syria, 35, 120, 133, 142, 145

Tagliabue, John, 245Taiwan, 159

and China, 45, 168trade with, 160

Taiwan issue, 224Taliban

insurgency by, 205Taliban regime, 20, 68, see also

Afghanistandefeat of, 173music banned by, 112overthrow of, 126, 144, 150

Tanzania, 181Taylor, Charles, 52Taylor, Maxwell, 261technology, use in warfare, 20Telhami, Shibley, 132Tenet, George, 140, 254terrorism, 139, 146, see also

counter-terrorism; suicideattacks

absence of democracy and, 49and educational level, 180and extremists, 214, 261global war against, 214in Indonesia, 163and Israel, 127media attention on, 2National Security Strategy on, 43in Philippines, 163post-9/11, 205and preemption, 5, 139realists on, 29and terrorist attack, 206

and Blessed July, 208

and U.S. in Iraq, 144war against, 69

Texas, annexation of, 42Thailand, 159, 201Thatcher, Margaret, 48, 246Troubled Partnership, The

(Kissinger), 66Theodorakis, Mikis, 196Thucydides, 80Tocqueville, Alexis de, 77, 121, 251Todd, Emmanuel, 235Toynbee, Polly, 243trade, Asia-U.S., 160, 171Truman, Harry, 42, 191Turkey, 19, 133

Uchitelle, Louis, 257Ukraine, 24, 27U.N. (United Nations), 13, 72, 203,

210Conference on Disarmament

Iran’s selection to co-chair, 211creation of, 220on democracy, 49Development Program report, 216and efforts to stop mass killing,

212formation of, 221and Human Rights Commission,

211languages in, 101limitations of, 4, 34, 51, 81, 94,

149multilateralists on, 32, 34Security Council authorization,

211, 213Security Council Resolution 425

of, 212Security Council Resolution 520

of, 212

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292 Index

U.N. (United Nations) (cont.)Security Council Resolution 1441

of, 240Security Council Resolution 1546

of, 210Security Council Resolution 1559

of, 210, 212Security Council Resolution 1637

of, 210Security Council Resolution 1701

of, 210, 212and World Food Program, 213

UNHRC (United Nations HumanRights Commission), 35

unilateralism, andanti-Americanism, 182

United Nations, see U.N.United Nations Human Rights

Commission, 35United Nations Security Council, 69

Iraq War and, 19limitations of, 34makeup of, 4Resolutions, see specific ResolutionU.S. actions and, 32, 127on use of force, 51veto power in, 42

U.N. World Food Program(UNWFP), 213

United States, 204, 205, 207, see alsoAmerican primacy

and anti-Americanism, 196and Asia, 158balancing against, 15collaboration and, 25combat troops from, 205consequences of withdrawal, 53contradictory attitudes toward,

178cosmopolitanism in, 109

criticism of, 52, 194exceptionalism of, 76foreign policy of, 5, 6grand strategy of, see grand

strategyIsraele relationship between, 219military spending of, see defense

spendingmultilateralism practiced by, 213opposition to, 205organizational capacity of, 24policy and goal of, 215power of, 11protecting domestic agriculture,

75relationship with Europe, 62role of, 2, 7, 144and terror attack, 205unilateral actions of, 213unilateralism of, 182United States, 16

United States Information Agency,198

UNMOVIC (U.N. Monitoring,Verification and InspectionsCommission), 134, 135, 149

UNSCOM, 133, 134, 136, 139UNSC Resolutions, 210, 212U.S. Joint Forces Command

(USJFCOM), 207study conducted by, 208

Van Oudenaren, John, 245Van Parijs, Philippe, 247Vedrine, Hubert, 14, 67, 183, 234,

243Vieira de Mello, Sergio, 205Vietnam, 15, 23, 160, 172, 226

U.S. overextension in, 59Vietnam, 66, 193

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Villepin, Dominique de, 63, 90, 94,149

Vilnius group, 64, 70Vogel, Carol, 249Voigt, Karsten, 101, 219von Clausewitz, Karl, 19

Walt, Stephen, 131, 234, 236, 242,252, 253, 257, 267, 268, 270

Waltz, Kenneth, 29, 63, 201, 232,236, 240, 242, 257, 264, 265

Walzer, Michael, 52, 189, 240Washington

policymakers of, 209weapons of mass destruction

(WMD), 21, 26, 215, 227failure to find,

126, 130, 139, 147fears of, 26, 45Iraq on, 143media attention on, 2National Security Strategy on,

43as potential threat to Europe, 89and preemption, 139, 182programs, 208realists on, 29stockpiles of, 209and U.S. role in Iraq, 144

Weaver, Suzanne, 238Wedgwood, Ruth, 254Weede, Erich, 260Western Sudan, 213Whitney, Craig R., 206, 243Wiesel, Elie, 189Williams, Daniel, 235Wilson, Joseph C., 255Wilson, Scott, 262Wilson, Woodrow, 49, 77

WMD, see weapons of massdestruction

Wohlforth, William, 31, 213, 233,234, 237, 266, 270

Wolf, Reinhard, 236, 242Wolfowitz, Paul, 186, 187, 188, 190,

191Wolfsdahl, Jon, 259Woods, Kevin, 266Woodward, Bob, 256World Food Program (WFP), 213World trade liberalization

Doha round on, 210World Trade Organization, 74, 91,

168, 174World War I, 46, 78, 82, 221World War II, 46, 78, 204, 220, 221,

223Britain in, 79duration of, 204end of, 210and Europe today, 81events leading to, 82U.S. in, 46, 78U.S. occupation after, 142

Wright, Robin, 203WTO (World Trade Organization),

74, 91, 168, 174

Yassin, Abdul Rahman, 140Yergin, Daniel A., 246Yom Kippur War, 66Yugoslavia, former, 35, 83, 88

Zelikow, Philip, 206, 240, 263Zernike, Kate, 237Zhou Enlai, 144Zimbabwe, 35Zogby, James, 269

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