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Government of Rajasthan

Department of Animal Husbandry


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1 Policy Framework 1

2 Need for State Livestock Policy 1

3 Vision 3

4 Major Challenges 3

4.1 Shortage of Feed and Fodder 4

4.2 Low Productivity 4

4.3 Livestock Health 4

4.4 Livestock and Environment 4

4.5 Knowledge Gap 5

4.6 Inadequate Infrastructure for Marketing, Processing and Value 5


5 Aims and Objectives of State Livestock Policy 5

6 Livestock Research and Development 7

7 Strengthening Infrastructure and Services 7

8 Dissemination of Technology /Extension 8

9 Re-orientation of Breeding Policy for Livestock 9

9.2 Breeding Policy for Cattle and Buffalo 9

9.3 Breeding Policy for Sheep and Goats 10

9.4 Breeding of Horses 10

10 New Technologies for Livestock Breeding 10

10.2 Conservation of Animal Biodiversity 11

11 Strategy for Enhancing Livestock Production 11

11.1 Milk 11

11.2 Meat and Wool 12

11.3 Egg and Poultry 12

12 Dairying 12

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13 Feed and Fodder 13

14 Animal Health 14

14.1 Veterinary Services 14

14.2 Control and Eradication of Infectious Diseases 15

14.3 Disease Free Zones 15

14.4 Diagnosis, Quarantine and Legislative Back-up 15

14.5 Disease Surveillance and Forecasting 15

14.6 Control of Zoonoses 15

14.7 Animal Biosecurity 15

14.8 Contingency Plan for Disaster Management 15

14.9 Animal Welfare 16

15 Meat Production and Processing 16

16 Quality Control and Food Safety 16

17 Institutional Credit and Livestock Insurance 17

18 Conservation of Camels 17

19 Goshala Development 17

20 Livestock and Environment 18

21 Information System and Human Resources 18

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1. Policy Framework

1.1. Livestock development falls within the jurisdiction of the State

Government. Hence it is the State's responsibility to formulate suitable

policy guidelines for overall development of the sector and ensure

sustainable growth of the sector in the State.

1.2. This policy has been formulated with the above objective and aims at

improving farm income and achieving sustainable development of the

sector leading to appreciable socio-economic enhancement of farmers.

2. Need for a State Livestock Policy

2.1. Livestock is an integral part of State's agricultural economy and

plays a multifaceted role in providing livelihood support to the

rural population. Livestock sector apart from contributing to state

economy in general and to agricultural economy in particular, also

provides employment generation opportunities, asset creation, coping

mechanism against crop failure and social and financial security.

2.2. Livestock is the main source of animal protein for the population. It is

estimated that more than 80% rural families keep livestock in their

households. Contribution of animal husbandry sector to the GDP of the

State has been estimated to be around 10.21 %. About 35% of the

income of small and marginal farmers comes from dairy and animal

husbandry. In arid areas the contribution may be as high as 50%. The

sector has potential to create employment in rural areas with lesser

investments as compared to other sectors. In the light of the potential and

ever-growing contribution of the sector in the State GDP, a policy needs

to be formulated and constantly reviewed for desired growth of the

livestock sector;


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2.3. Past efforts for development of livestock sector include systematic

development of organized dairy marketing through appropriate

technology and cold chain/ processing logistics by organizing the

farmers into cooperatives at village/ district/ state level through

programmes like Operation Flood. This has also resulted in increased

productivity of milch animals and increase in income of farmers apart

from making available quality milk to the consumers at a reasonable

price. This has also successfully propelled the State to be the second

highest producer of milk in the country. Efforts of Government also

include initiative for upgrading of non-descript cattle with

superior germ plasm to improve productivity and steps for control

of animal diseases through preventive vaccination and control

measures. Challenges like comparatively lower productivity,

susceptibility of cross-bred cattle to various exotic animal diseases,

shortage of feed and fodder and adverse impact on account of climate

change need to be addressed to achieve sustainable growth in the sector.

2.4. Livestock production systems in State are mostly based on traditional

knowledge, low cost agricultural residues and agro-byproducts leading

to comparatively low productivity. There is an urgent need to revise the

existing State livestock development policy, to ensure faster growth

of the livestock sector including sub-sectors viz. small ruminants,

horses, camels and poultry for increased productivity and income and

to generate employment opportunities in rural areas.

2.5. Livestock sector is facing newer challenges, like increased incidence of

emerging and re-emerging animal diseases, vulnerability to exotic

diseases, shortage of feed and fodder and need to increase production to

meet demand for animal products. To meet the challenges specific to

the State and to avail the innovative opportunities available for the

growth of the sector, a planned approach is required especially to

manage the unproductive cattle.


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2.6. The policy should therefore be designed to include implementation of

various disease control programmes for economically important diseases

(FMD, Brucella & PPR), strict surveillance of various emerging/re-

emerging animal diseases and animal husbandry interventions to control

the spread of diseases having zoonotic potential, vulnerability to exotic


3. Vision

3.1. Strengthening of the animal husbandry sector in order to enhance

production, productivity, livelihood of the poor and self-reliance of

underprivileged sections of the rural society through sustainable

development of the sector.

3.2. Holistic growth of livestock sector in terms of productivity, production,

product processing, marketing, quality& services, so that income and

employment opportunities from livestock are enhanced with resultant

food and nutritional security of the large masses.

3.3. Conservation and improvement of the indigenous germplasm of livestock

in order to increase productivity and protect bio-diversity involving

innovative breed improvement schemes and artificial insemination by

sorted sexed semen.

3.4. Modernization of the sector through technological, institutional and

policy interventions with due consideration to the social, cultural and

traditional ethos.

3.5. Empowerment of ESWS families, especially women, by improving their

household income through improved animal husbandry.

4. Major Challenges

The livestock sector in the State faces the following major challenges

which need to be addressed enabling the sector to grow according to its



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4.1. Shortage of Feed and Fodder: While the livestock population is

increasing, the gap between the requirement and availability of feed and

fodder is increasing primarily due to decreasing area under fodder

cultivation and reduced availability of crop residues as fodder. There is

continuous shrinkage of common property resources leading to over

grazing in the existing grasslands. It is imperative to arrange sufficient

good quality feed and fodder for efficient utilization of genetic

potential of the various livestock species and for sustainable

improvement in productivity.

4.2. Low Productivity: Although State is having excellent livestock breeds

yet the average productivity of livestock is low. Inadequate availability

of feed and fodder, insufficient coverage through artificial

insemination, low conception rates, non-availability of quality males for

breeding, large number of non-descript bulls, poor management

practices, prevalence of free grazing, high mortality and morbidity

losses due to diseases, inadequate marketing infrastructure and

unorganized marketing are the other major concerns.

4.3. Livestock Health: A large number of infectious and metabolic

diseases prevalent in livestock have serious implication for animal

productivity, export potential, safety and quality of livestock products

and many of these diseases have zoonotic implications. Current efforts

for prevention and control of livestock diseases need to be

strengthened. Adequate infrastructure for ensuring bio-security, proper

quarantine systems and services to prevent the ingress of diseases

across the state borders is needed to put in place.

4.4. Livestock and Environment: Climate change and global warming may

have serious implications to the livestock sector. These may be

manifested in the form of heat stress, scarcity of quality feed and

fodder, and changes in epidemiological pattern of vector borne

diseases, etc., ultimately leading to reduction in production and

therefore, economic losses. Mitigating the impact of climate change


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calls for critical appraisal of the situation on continuous basis and

advance planning.

4.5. Knowledge Gap: Most of the livestock producers being small and

marginal farmers, their capacity to mobilize resources required to

absorb the latest technologies developed by research institutions are

limited. Absence of an effective extension machinery for this purpose

compounds the problem. Lack of access to institutional finance is

a major constraint in attracting investment required for improving

productivity by adopting latest technology.

4.6. Inadequate Infrastructure for Marketing, Processing, Value

Addition and Marketing: The livestock sector is handicapped

due to inadequate infrastructure for processing and marketing as a

result of which the primary producers do not get remunerative prices

most of the time. Although various initiatives for dairy development

have resulted in vibrant dairy cooperatives in the State, yet large

number of dairy farmers are not covered by cooperatives. Still

major share of marketable surplus of milk and other livestock products

are not handled by organized processing industry, resulting in

reduced price realization by farmers and post production losses and


5. Aims and Objectives of the State Livestock Policy

The State Livestock Policy aims at increasing livestock productivity

and production in a sustainable manner, while protecting the

environment, preserving animal bio-diversity, ensuring bio-security

and farmers’ livelihood. With this goal, the main objectives of the

policy are as under:

5.1. To support the existing low input production systems for improving

productivity and income so as to improve socio-economic status of a

vast majority of our livestock producers, most of whom are women and

small farmers.


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5.2. To provide an enabling environment for the growth and development of

the livestock sector by providing quality services and inputs.

5.3. To encourage establishment and growth of financially viable medium

and large commercial livestock production units capable of

adopting latest technology including facility for processing and value


5.4. To promote conservation of animal bio-diversity; conservation and

genetic improvement of important indigenous breeds of livestock and

poultry in the State.

5.5. To encourage conservation of indigenous breeds of animals with special

emphasis on Cattle, Camel and Horses.

5.6. To increase availability of feed and fodder resources to meet the

requirement of livestock to attain optimal productivity.

5.7. To strengthen overall animal health cover through prevention, control

and eradication of various disease conditions and encourage/enable

the dairy cooperatives to extend veterinary services to farmers.

5.8. To focus on production of quality livestock products as per the

international standards for food safety.

5.9. To encourage value addition of livestock products like milk and milk

products, eggs, wool and meat & meat products etc.

5.10. To expand capacity of milk handled by organized dairy sector including


5.11. To provide logistic support to farmers for protection of livestock during

natural calamities. Pastoralists need to be provided support for

migratory animals.

5.12. To provide insurance support for replacement of livestock and

compensation of losses.

5.13. To develop organic livestock production systems and focus on

production of quality livestock products.

5.14. To enhance banking and investment support and incentive to the sector.


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5.15. To ensure transmission and application of improved technology and

management practices on the farmer’s doorstep.

5.16. To create an enabling environment to attract investment for improving

infrastructure support, livestock production, processing, value addition

and marketing in the sector.

6. Livestock Research and Development

6.1. R & D programmes in various specialized subjects/ topics will be

conducted through Veterinary University and other government and non-

government organizations. Efforts will be made to find out appropriate

solutions for emerging problems relating to animal diseases, breed

improvement, management, extension and marketing.

6.2. Improvement of productivity and health of various species of livestock in

a sustainable manner while reducing the negative effects on environment

would be focused. Efforts for basic and applied research to generate new

knowledge, technology, strategies and application procedures related to

the various problems of the livestock sector and farmers would be


6.3. Better coordination and convergence in efforts of various research and

development Institutions including ICAR, State Agricultural and

Veterinary Universities, NGOs and private sector R&D institutions will

be ensured for optimum utilization of research resources.

6.4. The research institutions would be actively associated in

organizing effective demonstration of the technologies developed for the

benefit of farmers.

7. Strengthening Infrastructure and Services

7.1. A fairly large infrastructure of veterinary institutions, vaccine production

units, diagnostic labs, education & training institutes, semen stations and

artificial insemination centers, breeding farms, feed production units etc.

are owned by government or cooperatives. These facilities would be

restructured and strengthened for effective utilization and for

ensuring optimal services. The cooperatives, NGOs, farmers’


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organizations and other private organizations will be associated to assist

in this endeavor.

7.2. Livestock marketing facility is inadequate and often unorganized. Lack

of proper marketing facility and related infrastructure limit the benefits

of livestock enterprises. It is necessary to create necessary infrastructure,

policy and procedures to organize animal trade for better returns for

farmers and faster growth of livestock sector.

7.3. The processing industry would be encouraged to provide basic

services and technology to farmers relating to livestock production and

to establish marketing linkages to ensure remunerative returns to the

farmers. Public Private Partnership initiatives for this purpose would be

supported. Livestock farmers would be encouraged to organize as SHGs,

Farmer Producers’ Organization, and Producers’ Companies etc. to have

better access to credit, inputs and marketing opportunity.

7.4. State shall re-organize delivery system of services like administrative

set-up, treatment facilities, AI centers, diagnostic laboratories, mobile

services, camps etc.

8. Dissemination of Technology/Extension

8.1. The extension infrastructure for livestock sector is grossly inadequate

and needs revamping. Institutional, infrastructural and strategic

reorientation will be made to ensure effective percolation and adoption

of the various newer, useful technologies in the field. The mode of

transfer of technology will be reoriented to ensure that livestock farmers

reap the benefit of livestock research and investment made accordingly.

Use of Information and Communication Technology will be encouraged.

The efforts of Government will be augmented through involvement

of private sector, progressive farmers and NGO's.

8.2. Active participation of farmers is an essential pre-requisite for the

success of programmes. The need for intervention in livestock sector is

so large that the government efforts alone would not be sufficient to

meet the requirements. The private sector and NGOs with adequate


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experience will be encouraged to take active part in extension,

development and transfer of technology. Progressive farmers rearing

high quality livestock will be encouraged to act as extension agents by

giving them due recognition. Artificial Insemination technicians will be

adequately trained for delivery of extension and other services at the

farmers’ doorstep. Skill building of the key personal will be taken up at

a regular interval.

9. Re-orientation of Breeding Policy for Livestock

9.1. States would review the breeding policies for different livestock species

on a regular basis.

9.2. Breeding Policy for Cattle and Buffalo: For increasing milk

production in cattle and buffaloes and to increase their life time

productivity, a broad framework of policy would include the following:-

9.2.1. Selective breeding of defined indigenous breeds of cattle having high

milk yield will be promoted to improve their production and reproduction

potential. This will help their proliferation, conservation and genetic

upgradation. Intrusions of cross-breeding in their defined breeding tracts

will be avoided.

9.2.2. Cross-breeding of non-descript and low producing cattle with high

yielding exotic breeds suitable for region, will be resorted to in

selective areas with caution. Upgradation of non-descript and low

producing cattle with defined indigenous breeds in resource deficient

areas and the breeding tracts of defined indigenous breeds would be


9.2.3. Buffalo development will aim at improving milk production. Selective

breeding and upgrading of low producers through breeding with defined

high milk yielding breeds will be undertaken.

9.2.4. Production of breeding males having high genetic potential will be an

essential element of the breeding policy for each species and breed.

Formation of breeder associations by involving farmers for


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improvement of indigenous breeds of various species and

identification/registration of animals having good genetic potential

would be promoted by providing financial, technical and organizational

assistance for creation of a state-wide and national data base.

9.2.5. There is a need to focus on the production of disease free high genetic

merit bulls for semen production in semen banks through implementation

of massive pedigree selection and progeny testing programmes.

9.2.6. For the purpose of cross-breeding, semen of progeny tested bulls would

be used on priority.

9.3. Breeding Policy for Sheep and Goat: This will aim to improve

growth, body weight, reproductive efficiency, meat and wool quality and

quantity, and to reduce mortality. An area specific approach would be

adopted to improve quality and quantity of wool. Main focus will be to

produce and distribute good quality rams/bucks of quality indigenous

breeds which can thrive in different agro-climatic conditions.

9.4. Breeding of Horses: Selective breeding of native breeds of horses

would be promoted to produce high quality stock. Special programmes

like artificial insemination services shall be introduced as speedy and

economic method for effective conservation of indigenous breed of


10. New Technologies for Livestock Breeding

10.1. Newer breeding and reproductive technologies, including those

involving biotechnology and genetic engineering/genetic marker

technology developed from time to time, will be adopted for faster

implementation of various breed improvement programmes and for

increasing production. Efforts will be made to promote sorted sexed

semen production and its usage to provide greater choice regarding

animal breeding to farmers. The delivery of breeding services would

be regulated by fixing standards with periodic evaluation of service



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10.2. Conservation of Animal Bio-Diversity

10.2.1. State has rich and diverse genetic resources of livestock in the form of a

large number of species, breeds, and strains within a species. Rajasthan

has some of the best breeds of cattle, sheep and goats. Some of these

breeds have useful genes for faster growth and prolificacy. Such utility

genes and breeds would be identified, conserved and utilized for

breeding. The focus would be on conservation of indigenous breeds of


10.2.2. Pastoral communities, particularly those managing migratory animals

like sheep, goats, camels etc. shall be supported through creation of

facilities along their migratory routes for feeding, breeding, healthcare,

housing, and market channels for their produce and animals.

11. Strategy for enhancing Livestock Production

11.1. Milk:-

11.1.1. The yield levels for cows and buffaloes of 1575 kg and 1983 kg per year

respectively (as on 2017-18) would be improved through increased

availability of feed and fodder, genetic upgradation through selective

breeding and improved disease control and surveillance etc. The problem

of infertility among improved milch animals would be suitably


11.1.2. Strategies and programmes for production of quality semen adopting

internationally accepted standards and protocols with shifting focus on

innovations like sorted sexed semen technology for controlling stray cattle

menace would be adopted.

11.1.3. Programmes for expanding door-step AI delivery services for substantial

increase in coverage of adult breedable female bovines would be prepared

and implemented.

11.1.4. Strategies for collecting data on breeding activities in a timely manner and

putting in place an information system like INAPH for monitoring and

tractability in the context of breeding would be adopted on priority.


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11.2. Meat and Wool:-

11.2.1 Emphasis on small ruminants would be to improve nutrition and

genetics, breeding strategies and health cover to increase proliferacy,

carcass weight gain and reduced mortality to improve quality and

quantity of meat, skin and wool.

11.2.2 Selection of breeding stocks through large scale screening involving

farmer’s flocks would be taken as a state program. The farmers would be

encouraged to be organized as cooperatives or FPOs for better access to

inputs and market gains.

11.3. Egg and Poultry:-

11.3.1. Commercial poultry sector is highly organized but the backyard poultry

sector, which produces 30 to 35% of the eggs and is highly important

for livelihood and nutritional securities of the rural poor, is unorganized

and under great stress. The focus, therefore, would be to provide

appropriate support to this sector in the form of financial assistance,

genetic stocks and improved technologies, scientific advice,

extension/awareness, particularly on bio-security measures.

11.3.2. Appropriate support and incentives would be provided to poultry farmers

in rural areas to promote cluster approach for poultry keeping. Small

farmers would be provided opportunities to associate in an integrated

model through self-help groups or co-operatives.

12. Dairying

12.1. Efforts would be made to set up collection centres along the milk routes

to increase procurement in the organized sector to facilitate scientific

handling as per the standard quality norms. To ensure that more and

more milk is procured, processed and marketed, efforts and resources of

both cooperative and private sectors would be synergized. To

improve quality milk production, necessary veterinary support,

infrastructure and cold chain facility would be expanded by suitably

encouraging cooperatives and incentivizing the private sector.


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12.2. The dairy cooperatives would be assisted to expand their milk routes,

procurement infrastructure and processing capability and would be

encouraged to provide breeding and veterinary services to farmers.

12.3. The policy would promote clean milk production with quality and food

safety of international standards for benefit of farmers and consumers.

The methods of collection, storage, transport, processing and testing of

milk will be modernized to ensure quality. Administrative and regulatory

mechanism would be put in place to ensure supply of safe milk as per the

standard quality.

12.4. Diversification of dairy products including probiotics would be promoted

to meet local demands and for exports. Public Private Partnership

initiatives would be supported to ensure better marketing opportunities

and remunerative returns to the dairy farmer.

13. Feed and Fodder

13.1. To avoid wastage of large quantity of straw and agro-industrial by-

products being used as livestock feed for ruminants, enrichment and

densification of crop residue would be encouraged by using

existing and newly developed technologies.

13.2. Efforts will be made to enhance availability of coarse grains and oil

meals for livestock and poultry sector. Steps would be taken in

consultation with agriculture department to increase area under high

yielding/hybrid varieties of coarse grains including maize to increase its

production. Non-conventional animal feed resources would be exploited

to make available protein and energy for livestock feeding.

13.3. Efforts will be made to increase production of quality fodder seeds

through necessary incentives, arranging foundation seeds of different

high yielding fodder varieties and modern scientific farming procedures

etc. Efforts will also be made to increase area under fodder cultivation,

especially through use of barren and fallow lands and silviculture.

13.4. Appropriate resources and technologies will be made available to ensure

quality fodder seed production. Fodder cultivation in degraded land and


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forest land would be taken wherever possible with the help of farming

community. Round the year availability of quality fodder through

promotion of hay, silage and fodder banks etc. will be emphasized. Non-

conventional sources of feed such as azolla, processed vegetables and

fruit wastes etc. will be promoted.

13.5. Standards will be developed for compound feed for various species of

livestock, including cattle, buffalo, pigs, sheep, goats and camels

and balanced ration with locally available ingredients will be

encouraged. The livestock and poultry owners will be educated about

the benefits of quality feed, balanced ration, bypass protein and bypass

fat. Use of special feed supplements and area specific mineral mixtures

and ration balancing would be promoted.

13.6. Physical availability and production potential of pastures and grazing

community lands will be assessed and steps will be taken to rejuvenate

such lands by planting fodder trees and grasses. Integrated land use

planning with livestock as a component will be encouraged through

Panchayati Raj Institutions.

13.7. State government and state agriculture/ veterinary university feed

analytical labs would be strengthened.

14. Animal Health

14.1. Veterinary Services: Veterinary hospitals, dispensaries, Sub-centers,

diagnostic laboratories and veterinary manpower already available are

much less than what is required. These services would be improved and

expanded and will continue to be provided as state owned facilities.

Private investment to improve delivery of animal health services

including facilities by private veterinary graduates would be encouraged.

14.2. Control and Eradication of Infectious Diseases: Diseases and pests not

only cause enormous production losses but also hamper export trade in

livestock and livestock products. Prevention and control of infectious

diseases, being a community welfare activity, would continue to be

emphasized. These services would be gradually expanded by involving


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NGOs, cooperatives and private veterinary practitioners. The existing

mechanism for enforcement of laws to prevent spread of

infectious animal diseases would be strengthened.

14.3. Disease-Free Zones: Efforts will be made to make the State free from

economically important infectious diseases. The focus will be on control

and eradication of FMD, PPR, Brucellosis and other diseases having

major impact on productivity. Disease free zones as per OIE guidelines

will be created in areas with export potential. Facilities for prevention

and control of various other bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases of

livestock and poultry shall be strengthened. Availability of necessary

vaccines and their quality control will be streamlined.

14.4. Disease Diagnosis: A comprehensive animal health cover requires

adequate facilities for prompt diagnosis of livestock diseases. Facilities

for specific and general disease diagnosis shall be strengthened by

introducing quality management system.

14.5. Disease surveillance and forecasting: Integrated surveillance, vigilance,

prevention and control mechanisms would be carried out. Prompt

collection and validation of animal disease information and creation

of database would help in launching of various disease control

programmes. This system would also help in meeting the international

obligation of notification of certain diseases.

14.6. Control of Zoonoses: Special emphasis will be laid to create

awareness for control of zoonotic diseases and veterinary drug abuse

to protect human health. Necessary bio-security measures will be taken

to reduce the incidence and spread of such diseases. “One-Health”

concept will be strengthened through linkages with other concerned

departments, such as Department of Health and Family Welfare.

14.7. Animal Biosecurity: States would promote responsible use of antibiotics

and other medicines harmful to the environment. Necessary guidelines

issued by GoI shall be adopted.

14.8. Disaster Management:-Contingency plans will be prepared and

executed to maintain the productivity and welfare of livestock during


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various types of natural calamities and drought conditions. Such plans

would primarily aim at improving veterinary care and making available

adequate feed and fodder for animals.

14.9. Animal Welfare: Welfare of animal is an integral part of livestock

production system. Compliance of existing laws of the land on animal

welfare will be ensured at every stage of value chain including

production, transportation, slaughter, care of draught animal and animal


15. Meat Production and Processing

Creation of necessary infrastructure for meat production facilities in rural

areas will be promoted as forward linkage for animal producers.

Integrated modern abattoirs construction would be encouraged taking

into account the legal regulatory provisions for production of quality

meat in order to ensure zero environmental pollution, minimize

wastage of byproducts, promote utilization of edible and inedible

byproducts, prevent undue cruelty to animals and promote use of

humane methods of slaughter.

16. Quality Control and Food Safety

16.1. The principles of food safety will be emphasized in primary production

system so that food safety concerns and traceability issues are addressed

throughout the entire food chain, viz., livestock keepers and primary

producers, food processing industries as well as marketing networks.

It will be ensured that the livestock origin food and food products arefree

of contaminants, toxins, pathogens, pesticides and antibiotic residues,

harmful additives and adulterants.

16.2. The production of organic livestock foods will be encouraged through

traceability of methods of feeding, treatment and quality production.

Standardization of processes of production and certification of organic

farming processes would be established.

16.3. Awareness generation among farmers and consumers regarding

food safety standards would be promoted.


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17. Institutional Credit and Livestock Insurance

17.1. The livestock sector’s ability to fully achieve its growth potential in

productivity and output is directly influenced by timely availability

and accessibility of institutional credit. Hence, measures to facilitate

access to credit especially to small holders would be facilitated along

with necessary forward and backward linkages.

17.2. Small holders/farmers would be encouraged/ supported to organize as

Self Help Groups or Joint Liability Groups to facilitate access to credit

for activities relating to livestock farming. State Government would

assist in creation and strengthening of the required infrastructure in

selective clusters. Public Private Partnership initiatives to take up such

activities in clusters with linkage for institutional finance and marketing

would be supported.

17.3. Creation of remunerative livestock production system requires

reasonable protection against the risks due to natural calamities and

disease outbreaks etc. The insurance coverage for such exigencies will

be encouraged. Livestock insurance would be revamped and made

accessible to all farmers.

18. Conservation of Camels: Effective measures for improving desert specific draft

power, milk traits, disease resistance and sports traits in Camels would be

undertaken. Special programmes shall be launched for conservation and

propagation of camels. Looking to the medicinal benefits of camel milk, its

production, procurement and marketing shall be promoted.

19. Gaushala Development:-

19.1. Incentive based Goshala development policies would be framed with the

objective that these can function as centers for cattle improvement and

shelters for destitute animals.

19.2. Goshalas would be encouraged to develop as economically self-reliant

units through adoption of modern farming and management practices

including utilization of principle of Panchgavya as source of income.


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20. Livestock and Environment

20.1. Efforts will be made to modify the management and feeding systems so

as to reduce emission of green house gases by ruminants. Conversion of

high fiber fodder into silage and chaffing/chopping of such fodder would

be encouraged.

20.2. Efforts would be made for better management of farm yard

manure through composting and bio-gas plants under different


20.3. Awareness building on improved practices of livestock, feed and waste

management would be supported.

21. Information System and Human Resources

21.1. The database on animal production and animal health is critical for

proper planning. Existing data gaps would be identified and steps

would be taken to generate data and disseminate the same for proper

planning and programme implementation. The data so generated will

be analysed to correlate and assess the impact of various programmes

towards general welfare of livestock farmers and other


21.2. Human resource development would be given priority to meet the

qualitative and quantitative shortage of manpower. Emphasis would be

given on developing skills of veterinary professionals and farmer

beneficiaries. Optimal requirement of human resource to support

various programmes would be worked out and steps be taken to

generate the same through involvement of government and private




Page 22: DRAFT Government of Rajasthan Department of Animal · emerging animal diseases and animal husbandry

jkT; Ik’kq/ku ,oa Ms;jh fodkl uhfr] 2019

1- uhfr izk:Ik

1-1 i'kqèku fodkl jkT; ljdkj ds vfèkdkj {ks= esa vkrk gSA blfy, ;g jkT; dh

ftEesnkjh gS fd og Ik’kq/ku {ks= ds lexz fodkl ds fy, mi;qä uhfrxr

fn'kkfunZs'k rS;kj djs vkSj jkT; esa lrr fodkl lqfuf'pr djsA

1-2 bl uhfr dks mi;Zqä mís'; ds lkFk rS;kj fd;k x;k gS vkSj bldk mís'; —f"k

vk; esa lqèkkj djuk vkSj fdlkuksa ds lkekftd&vkfFkZd o`f) ds fy, {ks=

ds lrr fodkl dks çkIr djuk gSA

2- jkT; i'kqèku uhfr dh vko';drk

2-1 i'kqèku jkT; dh —f"k vFkZO;oLFkk dk ,d vfHkUu vax gS vkSj xzkeh.k vkcknh dks

vkthfodk vtZu djus esa ,d cgqeq[kh Hkwfedk fuHkkrk gSA i'kqèku {ks= fo'ks"k :i ls

—f"k vFkZO;oLFkk esa jkT; dh vFkZO;oLFkk esa ;ksxnku nsus ds vykok] jkstxkj l`tu

ds volj] ifjlaifÙk fuekZ.k] Qly dh foQyrk lgu djus dk ra= o lkekftd

vkSj foÙkh; lqj{kk çnku djrk gSA

2-2 i'kq/ku ekuo tkfr ds fy, çksVhu dk eq[; lzksr gSA ;g vuqeku gS fd 80%ls

vfèkd xzkeh.k ifjokj vius ?kjksa esa i'kqèku j[krs gSaA jkT; ds ldy ?kjsyw mRikn

esa i'kqikyu {ks= dk ;ksxnku yxHkx 10.21%ekuk x;k gSA y?kq vkSj lhekar

fdlkuksa dh yxHkx 35% vk; Ms;jh vkSj i'kqikyu ls gksrh gSA jsfxLrkuh {ks=ksa esa

;g ;ksxnku vf/kdre 50% rd gks ldrk gSA xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa vU; O;olk;ksa dh

rqyuk esa i’kqikyu ds {ks= esa de fuos'k ds lkFk jkstxkj iSnk djus dh vf/kd

{kerk gSA i'kqikyu ds {ks= esa jkT; dh ldy ?kjsyq mRikn ds {ks= esa laHkkfor vkSj

yxkrkj c<+rs ;ksxnku dks n`f"Vxr j[krs gq, okafNr fodkl ds fy, ,d uhfr

rS;kj djus vkSj yxkrkj leh{kk djus dh vko';drk gS(

2-3 i'kqèku {ks= ds fodkl ds fiNys ç;klksa esa v‚ijs'ku ¶yM tSls dk;ZØeksa ds ekè;e

ls xk¡o@ ftyk@jkT; Lrj ij lgdkjh lfefr;ksa esa fdlkuksa dks laxfBr djds

mi;qä rduhd vkSj dksYM [email protected] rdZlaxr ekud ds ekè;e ls

lqO;ofLFkr Ms;jh ekdZsfVax dk fodkl 'kkfey gSA blls nqèkk: i'kqvksa dh

mRikndrk esa o`f) gqbZ gS vkSj mfpr ewY; ij miHkksäkvksa dks xq.koÙkk okyk nwèk

miyCèk djokus okys fdlkuksa dh vk; esa Hkh o`f) gqbZ gSA blus jkT; dks ns'k esa

nwèk dk nwljk lcls cM+k mRiknd cuk fn;k gSA ljdkj ds vU; ç;klksa esa Ik’kq

jksxksa ds cpko ds fy;s Vhdkdj.k ,oa fu;a=.k mik;ks ds ek/;e ls mRindrk esa

lq/kkj ds lkFk&lkFk xSj of.kZr eosf’k;ksa dk mPp xq.koRrk okys teZIykTe ls

Page 23: DRAFT Government of Rajasthan Department of Animal · emerging animal diseases and animal husbandry

mUUk;u djuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA rqyukRed :i ls de mRikndrk] ladj Ik’kqvksa esa

fofHkUu fons'kh i'kq jksxksa ds fy, laosnu'khyrk] Q+hM vkSj pkjs dh deh vkSj

tyok;q ifjorZu ds dkj.k iM+us okys çfrdwy çHkko tSlh pqukSfr;ksa dks /;ku esa

j[krs gq, i’kqikyu ds {ks= esas fodkl dh vko';drk gSA

2-4 jkT; esa i'kqèku mRiknu ç.kkyh vf/kdrj ikjaifjd Kku] de ykxr okys —f"k

vo'ks"kksa vkSj —f"k&vkèkkfjr mRiknksa ij vkèkkfjr gS tks de mRikndrk dk dkj.k

gSA Ik’kq/ku {ks= ds vU; {ks=ksa lfgr tSls& HksM+&cdjh] ?kksM+s] ÅaV vkSj dqDdqV

ikyu dk rsth ls fodkl lqfuf'pr djus ,oa xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa jkstxkj ds volj

iSnk djus ds fy, ekStwnk jkT; i'kqèku fodkl uhfr dks la'kksfèkr djus dh rRdky

vko';drk gSA

2-5 i'kqèku {ks= ubZ pqukSfr;ksa dk lkeuk dj jgk gS] tSls fd ckj&ckj mHkjrh gqbZ

,oa nwljs ns’kksa ls vkus okyh Ik’kqvksa dh chekfj;ksa dh ?kVuk,sa] i’kq [kk| vkSj pkjs

dh deh vkSj i'kq mRiknksa dh ekax vkSj mRiknu c<+kus dh vko';drk vfknA jkT;

ds fy, fof'k"V pqukSfr;ksa dk lkeuk djus vkSj {ks= ds fodkl ds fy, miyCèk

uwru voljksa dk ykHk mBkus ds fy,] fo'ks"k :i ls vuqRiknd xkSoa’k ds çcaèku ds

fy, ,d fu;ksftr –f"Vdks.k dh vko';drk gSA

2-6 bl uhfr dks vkfFkZd :i ls egRoiw.kZ chekfj;ksa ¼,Q-,e-Mh] CkzwlsYyk vkSj ih-ih-vkj½

ds fy, fofHkUu jksx fu;a=.k dk;ZØeksa dk fØ;kUo;u] tks laHkkfor fcekfj;ksa ,oa

fons’kh jksxksa ds izlkj Ikj izHkkoh <ax ls fuxjkuh ,oa fu;af=r dj lds] ds fy,

izk:Ik rS;kj fd;k tkuk pkfg,A

3- n`f"Vdks.k

3-1 Ik’kq/ku ds mRiknu vkSj mRikndrk esa o`f) dj xjhc o oafpr oxks Za dh vkthfodk

vkSj vkRefuHkZjrk dks c<+kus ,oa lrr~fodkl ds ekè;e ls i'kqikyu {ks= dk

lqn`<hdj.k djukA

3-2 mRikndrk] mRiknu] mRikn çlaLdj.k] foi.ku] xq.koÙkk vkSj lsokvksa ds ekeys esa

i'kqèku {ks= dk lexz fodkl] rkfd i'kqèku ls izkIr vk; vkSj jkstxkj ds voljksa

ls vf/kdrj yksxksa dks xq.koRrk iw.kZ Hkkstu ,oa Ikks"k.k lqj{kk fey ldsA

3-3 mRikndrk esa o`f) ds fy, i'kqvksa ds ns’kh uLyksa ds teZIykTe dk laj{k.k ,oa

lao/kZu rFkk tSo fofoèkrk dks lajf{kr djuk ftlesa uohu uLy lqèkkj ;kstukvksa ds

lkFk —f=e xHkkZèkku esa fyax oxhZd`r oh;Z dk mi;ksx djuk Hkh 'kkfey gSaA

3-4 lkekftd] lkaL—frd vkSj ikjEifjd rjhdksa ij fopkj djus ds lkFk&lkFk

rduhdh] laLFkkxr vkSj uhfrxr gLr{ksi ds ekè;e ls {ks= dk vkèkqfudhdj.kA

Page 24: DRAFT Government of Rajasthan Department of Animal · emerging animal diseases and animal husbandry

3-5 vkfFkZd o lkekftd :Ik ls fiNMs ifjokjksa] fo'ks"kdj efgykvksa dks]i'kqikyu ds

ekè;e ls ?kjsyq vk; esa o`f} dj l'kDr cukukA

4- çeq[k pqukSfr;k¡

jkT; esa i'kqèku {ks= fuEufyf[kr çeq[k pqukSfr;ksa dk lkeuk dj jgk gS] ftl ij /;ku

fn;s tkus dh vko';drk gS rkfd {ks= dks {kerk vuqlkj c<+us esa l{ke fd;k tk ldsA

4-1 Ik’kq [kk| vkSj pkjs dh deh%& i'kqèku dh c<+rh tula[;k ls] i’kq[kk| vkSj pkjs

dh vko';drk vkSj miyCèkrk ds chp dh [kkbZ c<+ jgh gS] ftldk ewy dkj.k

pkjs dh [ksrh ds fy;s ?kVrs {ks= vkSj pkjs ds :i esa Qly vo'ks"kksa dh de

miyCèkrk gSA ekStwnk ?kkl ds eSnkuksa esa vf/kd pjkbZ ds dkj.k izkd`frd lalkèkuksa

esa fujarj deh gks jgh gSA fofHkUu i'kqèku çtkfr;ksa dh vkuqoaf'kd {kerk ds dq'ky

mi;ksx vkSj mRikndrk esa LFkk;h lqèkkj ds fy, i;kZIr ek=k esa vPNh xq.koÙkk okys

i’kq[kk| vkSj pkjs dh O;oLFkk djuk vfuok;Z gSA

4-2 mRikndrk esa deh%& gkykafd jkT; esa i'kqvksa dh mR—"V uLysa gSa] fQj Hkh i'kqèku

dh vkSlr mRikndrk de gSA bldk eq[; dkj.k Q+hM vkSj pkjs dh vi;kZIr

miyCèkrk] —f=e xHkkZèkku dh vi;kZIr igq¡p] de xHkkZèkku nj] çtuu ds fy,

xq.koÙkk okys uj Ik’kqvksa dh vuqiyCèkrk] cM+h la[;k esa xSj& of.kZr lkaM dk gksuk]

[kjkc çcaèku uhfr] eq¶r pjkbZ dh O;kidrk] mPp e`R;q nj vkSj #X.krk gSA

vi;kZIr foi.ku O;oLFkk dk cqfu;knh <k¡pk vkSj vlaxfBr foi.ku vU; nwljh

çeq[k fpark,¡ gSaA

4-3 i'kqèku LokLF;%& i'kqèku esa laØked vkSj mikip; jksxksa dh ,d cM+h la[;k i'kq

mRikndrk] fu;kZr {kerk] lqj{kk vkSj i'kqèku mRiknksa dh xq.koÙkk dks izHkkfor djus

dk xaHkhj dkj.k gS vkSj buesa ls dbZ chekfj;ksa rks ¼twuksfVd½ gSaA i'kqèku

jksxksa dh jksdFkke vkSj fu;a=.k ds fy, orZeku ç;klksa dks etcwr djus dh

vko';drk gSA jkT; dh lhekvksa ls chekfj;ksa fcekfj;ksa dk izos’k jksdus ds fy,

tSo&lqj{kk] mfpr Ik`Fkdhdj.k ç.kkyh vkSj lsokvksa dks lqfuf'pr djus ds fy,

i;kZIr cqfu;knh <k¡ps dh vko';drk gSA

4-4 i'kqèku vkSj i;kZoj.k%& tyok;q ifjorZu vkSj Xykscy okfeZax i'kqèku {ks= Ikj xaHkhj

çHkko Mky ldrk gSA ;s m"ekxr ruko] xq.koÙkkiw.kZ i’kq[kk| vkSj pkjs dh deh]

vkSj rsth ls QSyus okys osDVj tfur jksxksa ds :Ik esa ifjorZu vkfn ds :i esa

fn[kkbZ ns ldrk gS ftlls varr% mRiknu esa deh vkSj Ik’kqikydksa dks vkfFkZd

uqdlku gksxkA fLFkfr ds fujarj eqY;kadu ,oa vfxze ;kstuk fuekZ.k dj tyok;q

ifjorZu ds izHkko dks de djukA

4-5 tkx:drk dh deh%& T;knkrj i'kqèku mRiknd NksVs vkSj lhekar fdlku gSa]

vuqlaèkku laLFkkuksa }kjk fodflr uohure rduhdksa dk miHkksx djus ds fy,

Page 25: DRAFT Government of Rajasthan Department of Animal · emerging animal diseases and animal husbandry

vko';d lalkèku tqVkus dh mudh {kerk lhfer gSA çHkkoh izpkj&izlkj dh deh

bl leL;k dks vkSj c<+k nsrh gSA uohure çkS|ksfxdh dks viukdj mRikndrk esa

lqèkkj ds fy, vko';d fuos'k dks vkdf"kZr djus ds fy, laLFkkxr foÙk dh deh

,d çeq[k ckèkk gSA

4-6 foi.ku çlaLdj.k] ewY;laoèkZu vkSj foi.ku ds fy, vi;kZIr cqfu;knh <kapk%&

çlaLdj.k vkSj foi.ku ds fy, vi;kZIr cqfu;knh <kapk i'kqèku {ks= dks viax cukrk

gS] ftlds ifj.kkeLo:i çkFkfed mRikndksa dks vfèkdka'k le; lgh ikfjJfed

ewY; ugha fey ikrk gSaA ;|fi Ms;jh fodkl ds fy, fofHkUu iz;klksasa us jkT; esa

thoar Ms;jh lgdkjh lfefr;ksa dks tUe fn;k gS] fQj Hkh cM+h la[;k esa nqX/k

mRiknd lgdkjh lfefr;ksa }kjk doj ugha fd, x, gSaA vHkh Hkh nwèk vkSj vU;

i'kqèku mRiknksa dk foi.ku ;ksX; cM+k fgLlk laxfBr çlaLdj.k m|ksx }kjk

fu;af=r ugha fd;k tkrk gS] ftlds dkj.k mRiknu gksrs gq, Hkh viO;; ds dkj.k

fdlkuksa dks de dher dh çkfIr gksrh gSA

5- jkT; i'kqèku uhfr dk y{; vkSj mís';

jkT; i'kqèku uhfr dk mís'; i;kZoj.k dh j{kk ,oa i'kq tSo&fofoèkrk dks lajf{kr djrs

gq, i'kqèku mRiknu vkSj mRikndrk esa lrr~ :Ik ls o`f) dks izHkkoh rjhds ds lkFk

Ik’kqikydksa dh vkthfodk dks lqfuf’p;u djuk gSA bl y{; ds lkFk] uhfr ds eq[;

mís'; fuEukuqlkj gSa

5-1 Ik’kq mRikndrk vkSj Ik’kqikyd dh vk; esa lqèkkj ds fy, ekStwnk de ykxr okyh

mRiknu ç.kkfy;ksa dk leFkZu djuk rkfd gekjs i'kqèku mRikndksa ftuesa vfèkdka'k

efgyk,a vkSj NksVs fdlku gSa] dh lkekftd&vkfFkZd fLFkfr esa lqèkkj gks ldsA

5-2 i'kqèku {ks= ds fodkl ds fy, xq.koRrk iw.kZ lsok,sa miyC/k djokdj l{ke

okrkoj.k rS;kj djukA

5-3 mRiknksa ds çlaLdj.k vkSj ewY; laoèkZu ds fy, uohure çkS|ksfxdh dks viukus

okys esa vkfFkZd :i ls l{ke eè;e vkSj cM+s O;olkf;d i'kqèku mRiknu bdkb;ksa

dh LFkkiuk vkSj fodkl dks çksRlkfgr djukA

5-4 i'kq tSo fofoèkrk ds laj{k.k dks c<+kok nsus ds fy, jkT; esa i'kqèku vkSj dqDdqV

dh egRoiw.kZ uLyksa dk laj{k.k vkSj mudk vkuqoaf'kd lqèkkj djukA

5-5 eos'kh] ÅaV vkSj ?kksM+s ij fo'ks"k /;ku nsrs gq, i'kqvksa dh nslh uLyksa ds laj{k.k dks

çksRlkfgr djukA

5-6 Ik’kq/ku dh pkjs dh vko’;drk dks iwjk djus ds fy;s pkjk lalk/kuksa esa o`f) djuk

ftlls vf/kdre mRikndrk çkIr dh tk ldsA

Page 26: DRAFT Government of Rajasthan Department of Animal · emerging animal diseases and animal husbandry

5-7 fofHkUu jksxksasa dh izHkkoh jksdFkke] fu;a=.k vkSj mUewyu ds ekè;e ls lexz i'kq

LokLF; dks etcwr djuk vkSj fdlkuksa ds fy;s i'kq fpfdRlk lsokvksa dk foLrkj

djus ds fy, Ms;jh lgdkjh lfefr;ksa dks çksRlkfgr@l{ke cukukA

5-8 [kk| lqj{kk ds fy, varjjk"Vªh; ekudksa ds vuqlkj xq.koÙkkiw.kZ i'kqèku mRiknksa ds

mRiknu ij è;ku dsafær djukA

5-9 i'kqvksa ds mRikn tSls nwèk vkSj nwèk mRiknksa] vaMs] Åu vkSj ekal vkSj ekal vkfn ds

ewY;laoèkZu dks çksRlkfgr djukA

5-10 nwèk dh miyC/krk lqfuf’pr djus ds fy, lgdkjh lfefr;ksa lfgr laxfBr Ms;jh

{ks= dh {kerkvksa dks c<+kukA

5-11 çk—frd vkinkvksa ds nkSjku i'kqvksa dh lqj{kk ds fy, fdlkuksa dks jln lgk;rk

çnku djuk ,oa ?kqeUrq Ik’kqvksa ds pjus ds fy;s lgk;rk miyC/k djkukA

5-12 i'kqèku ds çfrLFkkiu vkSj uqdlku ds eqvkots ds fy, chek lgk;rk miyC/k


5-13 tSfod i'kqèku mRiknu ra= dks fodflr djus vkSj xq.koÙkk okys i'kqèku mRiknksa

ds mRiknu ij è;ku dsafær djukA

5-14 {ks= esa cSafdax vkSj fuos'k dks leFkZu rFkk çksRlkfgr djukA

5-15 Ik’kqikyd ds }kj ij mUur çkS|ksfxdh vkSj çcaèku rduhd ds izpkj&izlkj vkSj

viuk;s tkus dks lqfuf'pr djukA

bl {ks= esa ewyHkwr lqfo/kkvksa] i'kqèku mRiknu] çlaLdj.k] ewY; laoèkZu vkSj foi.ku esa

lqèkkj ds fy, fuos'k dks vkdf"kZr djus gsrq l{ke okrkoj.k dk fuekZ.k djukA

6- i'kqèku vuqlaèkku vkSj fodkl

6-1 fofHkUu fof'k"V fo"k;ksa esa vuqlaèkku ,oa fodkl dk;ZØe i'kq fpfdRlk foÜofo|ky;

vkSj vU; ljdkjh vkSj xSj&ljdkjh laxBuksa ds ekè;e ls lapkfyr fd, tk,axsA

i'kq jksxksa] uLy lqèkkj] çcaèku] foLrkj vkSj foi.ku ls lacafèkr uo mHkjrh gqbZ

leL;kvksa ds fy, mfpr lekèkku [kkstus dk ç;kl fd;k tk,xkA

6-2 i;kZoj.k ij iM+us okys udkjkRed çHkko dks de djrs gq, i'kqèku dh fofHkUu

çtkfr;ksa dh mRikndrk vkSj LokLF; esa LFkk;h :i ls lqèkkj ij è;ku dsafær fd;k

tk,xkA i'kqèku {ks= vkSj fdlkuksa dh fofHkUu leL;kvksa ls lacafèkr uohu tkudkjh]

çkS|ksfxdh] ;kstukvksa vkSj mudks viukus dh çfØ;kvksa ds fy, cqfu;knh vkSj

izk;ksfxd vuqlaèkku ds ç;klksa ls i’kq/ku {ks= o Ik’kqikydksa dks etcwr fd;k


Page 27: DRAFT Government of Rajasthan Department of Animal · emerging animal diseases and animal husbandry

6-3 Hkkjrh; d`f"k vuqla/kku laLFkku] jkT; ds —f"k foÜofo|ky; vkSj i'kq fpfdRlk ,oa

Ik’kq foKku foÜofo|ky;] xSj ljdkjh laxBuksa vkSj futh {ks= ds vuqlaèkku vkSj

fodkl laLFkkuksa esa csgrj leUo; ls vuqlaèkku dk;Z ds b"Vre miHkksx ds fy,

lqfuf'pr fd;k tk,xkA

6-4 fdlkuksa dkss ykHkkfUor djus ds fy, fodflr çkS|ksfxfd;ksa ds çHkkoh çn'kZu ds

vk;kstu esa vuqlaèkku laLFkku lfØ; :i ls Hkkxhnkjh fuHkk,saxsA

7- vk/kkjHkwr lsokvksa dks etcwr djuk

7-1 i'kq fpfdRlk laLFkkuksa] oSDlhu mRiknu bdkb;ksa] uSnkfud ç;ksx'kkykvksa] f'k{kk vkSj

çf'k{k.k laLFkkuksa] oh;Z mRiknu dsUnzksa vkSj —f=e xHkkZèkku dsaæksa] çtuu QkeksZa] pkjk

mRiknu bdkb;ksa vkfn dk ,d cM+k cqfu;knh <kapk ljdkj ;k lgdkjh lfefr;ksa

ds LokfeRo esa gSaA budk çHkkoh ,oa leqfpr mi;ksx lqfuf'pr djus ds fy,

lsokvksa dk iquxZBu vkSj lq–<+hdj.k fd;k tk,xkA lgdkjh lfefr;k¡] xSj ljdkjh

laxBu] fdlku laxBu vkSj vU; futh laxBu bl ç;kl esa lgk;rk ds fy, tqM+s


7-2 i'kqèku foi.ku ds {ks= esa lqfoèkk,sa vi;kZIr vkSj vlaxfBr gSA mfpr foi.ku lqfoèkk

vkSj lacafèkr cqfu;knh <k¡ps dh deh i'kqèku m|eksa ds ykHk dks lhfer djrh gSA

fdlkuksa ds fy, csgrj ykHk vkSj i'kqèku {ks= ds rsth ls fodkl ds fy, i'kq

O;kikj dks O;ofLFkr djus ds fy, vko';d cqfu;knh <k¡pk] uhfr vkSj çfØ;k,¡

cukuk vko';d gSA

7-3 çlaLdj.k m|ksx dks çksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xk ftlls os i'kqèku mRiknu ls lacafèkr

fdlkuksa dks cqfu;knh lsok,a vkSj rduhd miyC/k djk;sa vkSj fdlkuksa dk

ikfjJfed ykHk lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, foi.ku leUo; LFkkfir djsaA bl mís';

ds fy, lkoZtfud ,oa futh Hkkxhnkjh dh igy dk leFkZu fd;k tk,xkA i'kqèku

fdlkuksa dks Lo;a lgk;rk lewg] fdlku mRiknd laxBu] vkSj mRikndksa dh

daifu;ksa vkfn ds :i esa laxfBr djus ds fy, çksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xk rkfd _.k]

buiqV vkSj foi.ku volj rd csgrj igqap gks ldsA

7-4 jkT;] ç'kklfud lsokvksa] mipkj lqfoèkkvksa] d`f=e xHkkZ/kku dsaæksa] uSnkfud

ç;ksx'kkykvksa] Hkze.k’khy lsokvksa] ,oa f’kfoj ç.kkyh dks fQj ls O;ofLFkr djsxkA

8- çkS|ksfxdh @ foLrkj dk çlkj

8-1 i'kqèku {ks= ds fy, izlkj&izpkj dk cqfu;knh <kapk vi;kZIr gS blesa lqèkkj dh

vko’;drk gSA {ks= esa fofHkUu ubZ] mi;ksxh çkS|ksfxfd;ksa ds çHkkoh çlkj vkSj

mudks viukuk lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, laLFkkxr] volajpukRed vkSj ;kstukc)

iqufoZrj.k fd;k tk,xkA çkS|ksfxdh ds gLrkarj.k dks lqfuf'pr fd;k tkosxk

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ftlls Ik’kqikydksa dks rnuqlkj fd, x, i'kqèku vuqlaèkku vkSj iqufuZos'k dk ykHk

feyrk jgsA lwpuk vkSj lapkj çkS|ksfxdh ds mi;ksx dks çksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xkA

ljdkj ds ç;klksa dks futh {ks=] çxfr'khy fdlkuksa vkSj xSj ljdkjh laxBuksa dh

Hkkxhnkjh ds ekè;e ls c<+k;k tk,xkA

8-2 dk;ZØeksa dh lQyrk ds fy, fdlkuksa dh lfØ; Hkkxhnkjh vko';d gSA i'kqèku

{ks= bruk cM+k gS fd vdsys ljdkj ds ç;kl i;kZIr ugha gksaxsA i;kZIr vuqHko okys

futh {ks= vkSj xSj ljdkjh laxBuksa dks çkS|ksfxdh ds foLrkj] fodkl vkSj

gLrkarj.k esa lfØ; Hkkx ysus ds fy, çksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xkA mPp xq.koÙkk okys

i'kqvksa dks ikyus okys çxfr'khy fdlkuksa dks mfpr eku nsdj mUgsa vxzt ds :Ik

esa dk;Z djus ds fy, çksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xkA —f=e xHkkZèkku rduhf'k;uksa dks

Ik’kqikyd ds }kj ij foLrkj vkSj vU; lsokvksa ds forj.k ds fy, i;kZIr :i ls

çf'kf{kr fd;k tk,xkA O;fä;ksa ds dkS'ky fuekZ.k dk dk;Z lqpk: :Ik ls fd;k

tkrk jgsxkA

9- i'kqèku ds fy, çtuu uhfr dk iquZmUeq[khdj.k

9-1 jkT;] fu;fer :i ls fofHkUu i'kqèku çtkfr;ksa ds fy, çtuu uhfr;ksa dh leh{kk


9-2 xkSoa’k vkSj HkSaloa’k ds fy, çtuu uhfr%& xk; vkSj HkSalksa esa nwèk mRiknu {kerk

vkSj mudk mRikndrk dky c<+kus ds fy,] uhfr dh ,d O;kid :ijs[kk esa

fuEufyf[kr 'kkfey gksaxs%&

9-2-1 mPp nqXèk mRiknu {kerk okys i’kqvksa dh ifjHkkf"kr ns'kh uLyksa dks p;fur

çtuu ds ek/;e ls] muds mRiknu vkSj çtuu {kerk esa lqèkkj dj] c<+kok fn;k

tk,xkA ;g muds çlkj] laj{k.k vkSj vkuqoaf'kd mUu;u esa enn djsxkA muds

ifjHkkf"kr çtuu iFk esa ladj iztuu dks jksdk tk,xkA

9-2-2 {ks= ds fy, mi;qä mPp mRiknu {kerk okyh fons'kh uLyksa ds lkFk

xSj&ifjHkkf"kr vkSj de mRiknu {kerk okys i’kqvksa esa ladj iztuu lkoèkkuh ds

lkFk pqfuank {ks=ksa esa dj Ik’kqvksa dh mRiknu {kerk dk mUu;u fd;k tk,xkA

ifjHkkf"kr Lons'kh uLyksa ds iFk dks çksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xkA

9-2-3 HkSal fodkl dk y{; mlds nwèk mRiknu esa lqèkkj djuk gksxkA ifjHkkf"kr mPp

nwèk nsus okyh uLyksa ds lkFk de mRikndksa uLyksa dk p;fur iztuu dj uLy

mUu;u fd;k tk,xkA

9-2-4 mPp vkuqokaf'kd {kerk okys çtuu uj Ik’kqvksa dk mRiknu çR;sd çtkfr vkSj

uLy ds fy, çtuu uhfr dk ,d vfuok;Z rRo gksxkA

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fofHkUu çtkfr;ksa dh Lons'kh uLyksa ds lqèkkj ds fy, Ik’kqikydksa dks 'kkfey djds czhMj

la?kksa dk xBu djus vkSj vPNh vkuqoaf'kd {kerk okys i'kqvksa ds [email protected]

dj jkT;&O;kih vkSj jk"Vªh; MsVk csl ds fuekZ.k ds fy, foÙkh;] rduhdh vkSj

laxBukRed lgk;rk çnku djds c<+kok fn;k tk,xkA

9-2-5 cM+s iSekus ij oa'kkoyh p;u vkSj larku ijh{k.k dk;ZØeksa ds fØ;kUo;u ds

ekè;e ls oh;Z cSadksa esa oh;Z mRiknu ds fy, jksx eqä mPp vkuqoaf'kd xq.koRrk

okys lkaM ds mRiknu ij è;ku dsafær djus dh vko';drk gSA

9-2-6 ladj iztuu esa oa’kkoyh ijh{k.k fd, x, lkaM ds oh;Z dk mi;ksx çkFkfedrk

ij fd;k tk,xkA

9-3 HksM+ vkSj cdjh ds fy, çtuu uhfr%& bldk mís'; 'kkjhfjd fodkl] 'kjhj ds

otu] çtuu {kerk] ekal vkSj Åu dh xq.koÙkk vkSj ek=k esa lqèkkj vkSj e`R;q nj

dks de djuk gksxkA Åu dh xq.koÙkk vkSj ek=k esa lqèkkj ds fy, ,d {ks=

fof'k"V –f"Vdks.k viuk;k tk,xkA ftlesa fo’ks"k :Ik ls xq.koÙkk okyh ns'kh uLyksa

ds vPNh xq.koÙkk okys es<+ksa@cdjksa dk mRiknu vkSj forj.k djuk gksxk tks

fofHkUu —f"k &tyok;q ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa iui ldrs gSaA

9-4 ?kksM+ksa dh uLy%& ?kksM+ksa dh ns'kh uLyksa ds p;fur çtuu dks mPp xq.koÙkk okys

LV‚d dk mRiknu djus ds fy, c<+kok fn;k tk,xkA ?kksM+ksa dh Lons'kh uLy ds

çHkkoh laj{k.k ds fy, —f=e xHkkZèkku lsokvksa tSls fo'ks"k dk;ZØeksa dks 'kh?kz vkSj

lLrh fofèk ds :i esa is'k fd;k tk,xkA

10- i'kqèku çtuu ds fy, ubZ rduhdsa%&

10-1 le;&le; ij fodflr tSo izkS|ksfxdh vkSj vu qokaf’kdh izkS|ksfxdh@vuqokaf’kd

vadx.kd rduhd lfgr ubZ çtuu rduhdksa ds ek/;e ls fofHkUu uLy lqèkkj

dk;ZØeksa ds }kjk mRiknu c<+kus ds iz;klksa esa rsth yk;h tkosxhA fdlkuksa dks

i'kq çtuu ds ckjs esa vfèkd fodYi çnku djus ds fy, p;fur oh;Z mRiknu

vkSj blds mi;ksx dks c<+kok nsus ds ç;kl fd, tk,axsA çtuu lsokvksa dh

xq.koRrk c<+kus ds fy;s lsok çnkrkvksa ds le;&le; ij ewY;kadu ds lkFk

ekudksa dks fu/kkZj.k dj fofu;ferhdj.k fd;k tkosxkA

10-2 i'kq tSo fofoèkrk dk laj{k.k

10-2-1 jkT; esa o`gn la[;k esa i'kqèku ds le`) vkSj fofoèk çtkfr;ka] uLy ds

vkuqoaf'kd lalkèku gSaA jktLFkku esa xkSoa’k] HksM+ vkSj cdfj;ksa dh lcls vPNh

uLysa gSaA buesa ls dqN uLyksa esa rsth ls fodkl vkSj çtuu’khyrk ds fy,

mi;ksxh thu gSaA ,sls mi;ksxh thu vkSj uLyksa dh igpku ,oa laj{k.k dj

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çtuu ds fy, mi;ksx fd;k tk,xkA i'kqèku dh ns'kh uLyksa ds laj{k.k ij

fo’ks"k è;ku fn;k tk,xkA

10-2-2 i’kqikyd] fo'ks"k :i ls tks ?kqeUrq i'kqvksa tSls HksM+] cdfj;ksa] ÅaVksa vkfn dk

çcaèku djrs gSa muds i’kqvksa ds fy;s pkjk] çtuu] LokLF; ns[kHkky] vkokl

vkSj muds mRiknksa ds foi.ku ds fy;s çoklh ekxksZa esa lqfoèkkvksa dk fuekZ.k

fd;k tk,xkA

11- i'kqèku mRiknu dks c<+kus ds fy, j.kuhfr%&

11-1 nwèk%&

11-1-1 xkSoa’k o HkSaloa’k esa nw/k dk mRiknu Lrj Øe’k% 1575 fdyksxzke o 1983

fdyksxzke çfro"kZ ¼2017&18 ds vuqlkj½ gS bls i’kq vkgkj vkSj pkjs dh

miyCèkrk] p;ukRed çtuu ds ek/;e ls vkuqokaf'kd mUu;u] jksx fu;a=.k

vkSj fuxjkuh dj] c<+k;k tk;sxkA nqèkk: i'kqvksa ds chp cka>iu dh leL;k ij

/;ku dsfUnzr fd;k tk,xkA

11-1-2 varjjk"Vªh; Lrj ij Loh—r ekudksa vkSj lays[k dks viukdj mPp xq.koÙkkiw.kZ

oh;Z ds mRiknu ds fy, ;kstuk vkSj dk;ZØe cuk;s tk;saxsA vkokjk i'kqvksa dh

leL;k dks fu;af=r djus ds fy, fyax oxhZd`r oh;Z çkS|ksfxdh tSls uokpkjksa

ij è;ku dsafær fd;k tk,xkA

11-1-3 o;Ld çtuu ;ksX; eknk xkSoa’k esa vf/kd ls vf/kd iztuu lsok miyC/k djkus

ds fy;s i’kqikyd ds }kj ij d`f=e xHkkZ/kku lsokvksa ds foLrkj ds fy,

dk;ZØe rS;kj vkSj dk;kZfUor fd, tk,axsA

11-1-4 çtuu xfrfofèk;ksa ds le; ij csgrj rjhds ls rF; ,d= djus vkSj çtuu ds

lanHkZ esa fuxjkuh vkSj igpku ds fy, INAPH tSlh lwpuk ç.kkyh dks

çkFkfedrk ij viuk;k tk,xkA

11-2 ekal vkSj Åu%&

11-2-1 NksVs i’kqvksa ds iks"k.k vkSj vkuqokaf'kdh esa lqèkkj] çtuu ;kstuk vkSj muds

LokLF; esa lq/kkj ij tksj fn;k tk;sxk ftlls ekal] peM+k vkSj Åu dh

xq.koÙkk vkSj ek=k esa lqèkkj gks ldsxk vkSj e`R;q nj esa deh vk,xhA

11-2-2 i’kqikydksa ds i’kqvksa ds lewg dks 'kkfey djrs gq, cM+s iSekus ij p;u iz.kkyh

ds ekè;e ls çtuu LV‚d dk p;u ,d jkT; dk;ZØe ds :i esa fy;k

tk,xkA ftlesa cktkj ykHk ds fy, fdlkuksa dks lgdkjh lfefr;ksa ;k ,Qihvks

ds :i esa laxfBr gksus ds fy, çksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xkA

11-3 vaMk vkSj dqDdqV ikyu%&

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11-3-1 O;olkf;d dqDdqV ikyu vR;fèkd laxfBr {ks= gS] ysfdu cSd;kMZ dqDdqV

ikyu {ks=] tks 30 ls 35 izfr’kr vaMs dk mRiknu djrk gS vkSj xzkeh.k {ks=ksa

esa xjhcksa dh vkthfodk vkSj iks"k.k lacaèkh lqj{kk ds fy, vR;fèkd egRoiw.kZ gS]

vlaxfBr vkSj misf{kr gSA blfy,] bl {ks= dks fo'ks"k :i ls tSo&lqj{kk

mik;ksa ij foÙkh; lgk;rk] vuqokaf’kdh LV‚d vkSj csgrj çkS|ksfxfd;ksa] oSKkfud

lykg] foLrkj @ tkx:drk ds }kjk mfpr lgk;rk çnku djuh gksxhA

11-3-2 dqDdqV ikyu ds fy, lkewfgd –f"Vdks.k dks c<+kok nsus ds fy, xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa

dqDdqV ikydksa dks mfpr leFkZu vkSj çksRlkgu çnku fd;k tk,xkA NksVs

fdlkuksa dks Lo&lgk;rk lewgksa ;k lgdkjh lfefr;ksa ds ekè;e ls ,d ,dh—

r e‚My esa tqM+us ds volj çnku fd, tk,axsA

12- Ms;jh

12-1 ekud xq.koÙkk ekunaMksa ds vuqlkj oSKkfud rjhds ls laxfBr {ks= esa [kjhn c<+kus

ds fy, nqXèk ekxksZa esa laxzg dsaæ LFkkfir djus ds ç;kl fd, tk,axsA ;g

lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, fd vfèkd ls vfèkd nwèk dh [kjhn] çlaLdj.k vkSj

foi.ku fd;k tk;s blds fy;s lgdkjh vkSj futh nksuksa {ks=ksa ds ç;klksa vkSj

lalkèkuksa dk rkyesy fd;k tk;sxkA xq.koÙkk okys nqXèk mRiknu esa lqèkkj ds fy,]

vko';d i'kq fpfdRlk lgk;rk] cqfu;knh lqfoèkkvksa vkSj dksYM psu lqfoèkk dk

foLrkj lgdkjh lfefr;ksa dks çksRlkfgr djds vkSj futh {ks= dks çksRlkfgr djds

fd;k tk,xkA

12-2 Ms;jh lgdkjh lfefr;ksa ds fy;s nqXèk ekxksZa] nqX/k [kjhn] volajpuk vkSj

çlaLdj.k {kerk dk foLrkj djus esa lgk;rk nh tk,xh vkSj i’kqikydksa dks i’kq

çtuu vkSj i'kq fpfdRlk lsok,a çnku djus dks çksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xkA

12-3 ;g uhfr fdlkuksa vkSj miHkksäkvksa ds ykHk ds fy, varjjk"Vªh; ekudksa dh

xq.koÙkk vkSj [kk| lqj{kk ds lkFk LoPN nwèk mRiknu dks c<+kok nsxhA nqX/k

xq.koÙkk lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, nwèk ds laxzg.k] HkaMkj.k] ifjogu] çlaLdj.k vkSj

ijh{k.k ds rjhdksa dks vkèkqfud cuk;k tk,xkA ekud xq.koÙkk ds vuqlkj lqjf{kr

nwèk dh vkiwfrZ lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, ç'kklfud vkSj fu;ked ra= j[kk tk,xkA

12-4 çksck;ksfVDl lfgr Ms;jh mRiknksa ds LFkkuh; ekaxksa dks iwjk djus vkSj fu;kZr ds

fy, c<+kok fn;k tk,xkA Ms;jh fdlku dks csgrj foi.ku volj vkSj ikfjJfed

ykHk lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, lkoZtfud futh Hkkxhnkjh dh igy dk leFkZu

fd;k tk,xkA

Page 32: DRAFT Government of Rajasthan Department of Animal · emerging animal diseases and animal husbandry

13- [kk| ,oa pkjk

13-1 iqvky ,oa —f"k&vkS|ksfxd mi&mRiknksa ds viO;; dks jksdus ds fy, budk cM+h

ek=k esa mi;ksx Ik’kq vkgkj ds :i esa fd;k tk jgk gS] Qly vo'ks"kksa dh

xq.koRrk esa vfHko`f} ,oa ladqpu ds fy, ekStwnk ,oa uohu fodflr rduhdksa ds

mi;ksx dks çksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xkA

13-2 i'kqèku vkSj dqDdqV {ks= ds fy, eksVs vukt vkSj rsyh; vkgkj dh miyCèkrk dks

c<+kus ds ç;kl fd, tk,axsA eDdk lfgr eksVs vukt dh mPp mRiknd@ladj

fdLeksa ds mRiknu dks c<+kok fn;s tkus ,oa cqokbZ {ks= esa foLrkj gsrq —f"k foHkkx

ls ijke'kZ dj dne mBk, tk,axsA i'kqvksa vkgkj esa çksVhu ,oa ÅtkZ miyCèk

djkus ds fy, xSj&ijEijkxr i'kq pkjs dk mi;ksx fd;k tk,xkA

13-3 xq.koÙkk ;qDr pkjs ds chtksa dk mRiknu c<+kus ds fy,] vfèkd mit nsus okys

pkjk fdLeksa ds mUur chtksa dh miyC/krk ,oa vkèkqfud oSKkfud d`f"k rduhdksa

ds ek/;e ls izksRlkfgr fd;s tkus ds iz;kl fd;s tk;saxsA catj o ijrh Hkwfe ,oa

flfYodYpj ds mi;ksx ds ekè;e ls pkjs dh [ksrh ds cqokbZ {ks= dks c<+kus ds

fo'ks"k ç;kl fd;s tk;saxsA

13-4 xq.koÙkkiw.kZ pkjk cht mRiknu lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, mi;qä lalkèku vkSj

çkS|ksfxdh miyCèk djkbZ tk,axhA de mitkÅ {kerk okyh Hkwfe rFkk ou Hkwfe esa

—"kd leqnk; ds lg;ksx ls tgk¡ rd lEHko gks pkjs dh [ksrh dh tk,xhA o"kZ

Ik;ZUr xq.koÙkk okys pkjs dh miyCèkrk ds fy, *gs* *lkbysTk* ,oa pkjk cSadksa vkfn

dks c<+kok nsus ij tksj fn;k tk,xkA Ik’kq vkgkj ds xSj&ijEijkxr L=ksrksa tSls

vtksyk] çlaL—r lfCt;ka vkSj Qyksa ds vif'k"V vkfn dks c<+kok fn;k tk,xkA

13-5 xkS] HkSal] lwvj] HksM+] cdjh vkSj ÅaV vkfn fofHkUu i'kq çtkfr;ksa gsrq fefJr vkgkj

ds fy, ekud rS;kj fd;s tk,axs rFkk LFkkuh; Lrj ij miyCèk ?kVdksa ls rS;kj

larqfyr vkgkj dks c<+kok fn;k tk,xkA xq.koRRrk ;qDr larqfyr vkgkj] ckbZikl

çksVhu ,oa olk ds ykHk ds fo"k; esa Ik’kqikydksa o dqDdqVikydksa dks tkudkjh

iznku dj f'kf{kr fd;k tk,xkA fof'k"V iwjd vkgkj ,oa {ks= fo'ks"k esa [kfut

feJ.k ls larqfyr vkgkj ds mi;ksx dks c<+kok fn;k tk,xkA

13-6 pjkbZ o lkeqnkf;d pjkxkg Hkwfe dh miyCèkrk ,oa mRiknu {kerk dk vkadyu

dj ,slh Hkwfe esa pkjk o`{k+ o ?kkl yxkdj dk;kdYi djus ds dne mBk,

tk,axsA i'kqèku ds lkFk ,dh—r Hkwfe ds mi;ksx dh ;kstuk dks iapk;rh jkt

laLFkkuksa ds ekè;e ls çksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xkA

13-7 jkT; ljdkj ,oa —f"k@i'kq fpfdRlk fo’ofo|ky; ds ek/;e ls i’kq vkgkj

fo'ys"k.k ç;ksx'kkykvksa dks lqn`<+ fd;k tk;sxkA

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14- i'kq LokLF;

14-1 i'kq fpfdRlk lsok,a% i'kq fpfdRlky;] vkS"kèkky;] midsUæ] jksx funku

ç;ksx'kkyk,a ,oa i'kq fpfdRlk gsrq ekuo 'kfä igys gh vko’;drk ls dkQh de

miyCèk gSaA bu lsokvksa esa lqèkkj vkSj laLFkkxr foLrkj fd;k tk,xk vkSj jkT; ds

LokfeRo okyh lqfoèkkvksa ds :i esa çnku fd;k tkuk lrr :Ik ls tkjh jgsxkA

i'kq LokLF; lsok,a eqgS;k djk;s tkus gsrq vko’;d lqèkkj ds fy, futh {ks= esa

fuos'k lfgr i'kq fpfdRlk Lukrdksa dks futh {ks= esa lsokvksa gsrq çksRlkfgr fd;k


14-2 laØked jksxksa dk fu;a=.k ,oa mUewyu% Ik’kq jksx ,oa dhV u dsoy cM+s iSekus ij

Ik’kq/ku mRiknu ds uqdlku dk dkj.k curs gSa] cfYd i'kqèku vkSj i'kqèku mRiknksa

ds fu;kZr esa Hkh ckèkk mRiUu djrs gSaA lkeqnkf;d dY;k.k xfrfofèk gksus ds ukrs

laØked jksxksa dh jksdFkke ,oa fu;a=.k ij tksj fn;k tk;sxkA xSj ljdkjh

laLFkkuksaa] lgdkjh lfefr;ksa vkSj futh {ks= esa i'kq fpfdRldksa ds lg;ksx ls bu

lsokvksa dk èkhjs&èkhjs foLrkj fd;k tk,xkA laØked i'kq jksxksa ds çlkj dks jksdus

ds fy, fufeZr dkuwuksa dks izHkkoh <ax ls ykxw djus ds fy, ekStwnk ra= dks lqn`<+

fd;k tk,xkA

14-3 jksx eqä {ks=% jkT; dks vkfFkZd egRo ds laØked jksxksa ls eqDr fd;s tkus ds

ç;kl fd;s tk;saxsA Ik’kq/ku mRikndrk dks izHkkfor djus okys egRoiw.kZ Ik’kq jksx

,Q-,e-Mh-] ih-ih-vkj-] czwlsYyksfll lfgr vU; izeq[k jksxksa ds fu;a=.k vkSj

mUewyu ij è;ku dsafær fd;k tk,xkA OIE ds fn'kk funZs'kkuqlkj fu;kZr lEHkkfor

{ks=ksa dks jksx eqä {ks= cuk;k tk;saxkA i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqV ds fofHkUu thok.kq]

fo"kk.kq ,oa ijthoh tfur jksxksa dh jksdFkke o fu;a=.k gsrq lsokvksa dks lqn`<+

fd;k tk;sxkA vko';d Vhdksa dh miyCèkrk ,oa mudh xq.koÙkk dks Hkh

lqO;ofLFkr fd;k tk,xkA

14-4 jksx funku% O;kid Lrj ij i'kq LokLF; gsrq i'kq jksxksa ds Rofjr funku gsrq

i;kZIr lsokvksa dh vko';drk gksrh gSA fof'k"V ,oa lkekU; Ik’kq jksx funku

lqfoèkkvksa dks xq.koÙkk;qDr çcaèku ç.kkyh izLrkfor dj lqn`<+ fd;k tk,xkA

14-5 Ik’kq jksx losZ{k.k ,oa iwokZuqeku% ,dh—r losZ{k.k] lrdZrk] jksdFkke ,oa fu;a=.k

ra= dk fØ;kUo;u fd;k tk;sxkA fofHkUu Ik’kq jksxksa ls lEcfU/kr lwpukvksa ds 'kh?kz

laxzg.k vkSj lR;kiu ,oa MsVk csl iz.kkyh ds ek/;e ls fofHkUu Ik’kq jksx fu;a=.k

dk;ZØeksa dks 'kq: djus esa enn feysxhA ;g ç.kkyh dqN chekfj;ksa ds lEcU/k esa

vf/klwfpr varjkZ"Vªh; nkf;Roksa dks iw.kZ djus esa lgk;d gksxhA

14-6 t+wuksfll jksxks dk fu;a=.k% ekuo LokLF; dh lqj{kk ds fy, t+wuksfVd jksxksa vkSj

i'kq fpfdRlk vkS"kf?k ds nq#i;ksx ij fu;a=.k ds fy, tkx:drk iSnk djus ds

Page 35: DRAFT Government of Rajasthan Department of Animal · emerging animal diseases and animal husbandry

fy, fo'ks"k tksj fn;k tk,xkA ,slh chekfj;ksa dh ?kVukvksa ds izlkj dks jksdus ds

fy, vko';d tSo&lqj{kk mik; fd;s tk,axsA LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k foHkkx

rFkk vU; lEc} foHkkxksa ds lkFk leUo; ls ,d&LokLF; dh voèkkj.kk dks

etcwr fd;k tk,xkA

14-7 i'kq tSo lqj{kk% jkT; i;kZoj.k ds fy, gkfudkjd ,aVhck;ksfVd nokvksa ,oa vU;

nokvksa ds mi;ksx dks lhfer fd;s tkus dks c<+kok nsaxsA bl lEcU/k esa Hkkjr

ljdkj }kjk tkjh vko';d fn'kk&funZs'kksa dks vey esa yk;k tk,xkA

14-8 vkink çcaèku% fofHkUu çdkj dh çk—frd vkinkvksa vkSj lw[ks dh fLFkfr ds nkSjku

i'kqèku dh mRikndrk vkSj Ik’kq dY;k.k dks cuk, j[kus ds fy, vkdfLed

;kstuk,a rS;kj dj fu"ikfnr fd;k tk,xkA bl rjg dh ;kstuk,a eq[; :i ls

i'kq fpfdRlk esa lqèkkj ykus rFkk i'kqvksa ds fy, i;kZIr [kk| ,oa pkjk miyCèk

djkus ds mís'; ls gksaxhA

14-9 i'kq dY;k.k% i'kqvksa dk dY;k.k i'kqèku mRiknu ç.kkyh dk ,d vfHkUu vax gSA

i'kq dY;k.k ds fy, Hkwfe ds ekStwnk dkuwuksa dh ikyuk ewY; J`a[kyk ds izR;sd

pj.k esa ftlesa mRiknu] ifjogu] oèk] tksrd Ik’kqvksa dh ns[kHkky ,oa ns[kjs[k

lfEefyr gS] lqfuf’pr dh tk;sxhA

15- ekal mRiknu vkSj çlaLdj.k

i'kq mRikndksa gsrq xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa ekal mRiknu lqfoèkkvksa ds fy, vko';d

cqfu;knh <k¡ps ds fuekZ.k c<+kok fn;k tk,xkA ,dh—r vkèkqfud cwpM+[kkuksa ds

fuekZ.k esa dkuwuh fofu;ked çkoèkkuksa ds vUrxZr xq.koÙkk ;qDr ekal ds mRiknu

ds fy, çnw"k.k jfgr i;kZoj.k] Ik’kq/ku miksaRiknksa ds viO;; esa deh] [kk| o

v[kk| Ik’kq/ku miksRiknksa ds mi;ksx dks c<kok o ekuoh; rjhdksa ls i’kq o/k ds

fy, çksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xkA

16- xq.koÙkk fu;a=.k vkSj [kk| lqj{kk

16-1 [kk| lqj{kk ds fl)karksa ds rgr çkFkfed mRiknu ç.kkyh ij cy fn;k tk,xk

rkfd [kk| lqj{kk o eqíksa dk irk yxk laiw.kZ [kk| J`a[kyk tSls i'kqikyd ,oa

çkFkfed mRiknd] [kk| çlaLdj.k m|ksxksa ds lkFk&lkFk foi.ku iz.kkyh ij /;ku

dsfUnzr fd;k tk ldsA i'kq mRikfnr ewy [kk| ,oa [kk| mRiknksa dks nwf"kr

inkFkZ] V‚fDlUl] jksxdkjdksa] dhVuk'kh] ,aVhck;ksfVd vo'ks"k] gkfudkjd ;kstd

,oa feykoV ls eqDr fd;k tkuk lqfuf'pr fd;k tk,xk A

16-2 vkgkj dh fof/k;ksa] mipkj o xq.koRrk;qDr mRiknu ds rjhdksa dk irk yxk tSfod

i'kq [kk| inkFkksZa ds mRiknu dks çksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xkA mRiknu dh

Page 36: DRAFT Government of Rajasthan Department of Animal · emerging animal diseases and animal husbandry

ekudhdj.k çfØ;k rFkk tSfod [ksrh ds fy, çekf.kdj.k iz.kkyh LFkkfir dh


16-3 [kk| lqj{kk ekudksa ds ckjs esa fdlkuksa vkSj miHkksäkvksa ds chp tkx:drk iSnk

djus dks c<+kok fn;k tk,xkA

17- laLFkkxr _.k vkSj i'kqèku chek

17-1 i'kqèku {ks= dh mRikndrk vkSj mRiknu ds iw.kZ nksgu dh fo|eku {kerk dks çkIr

djus ds fy, laLFkkxr _.k dh le; ij miyCèkrk vkSj igqap izR;{k rkSj ls

çHkkfor gksrh gSA blfy,] fo'ks"k :i ls NksVs èkkjdksa ds fy, _.k rd igqap dks

vklku cukus ds mik;ksa dks vko';d fofuekZ.k ,oa foi.ku ds lkFk lqfoèkktud

cuk;k tk,xkA

17-2 i'kqikyu lEcU/kh xfrfofèk;ksa ds fy, lk[k miyC/k djk;s tkus ds n`f"Vxr y?kq

d`"kdksa@fdlkuksa dks Lo;a lgk;rk lewgksa ;k la;qä ns;rk lewgksa ds :i esa

laxfBr fd;s tkus ds fy, izksRlkfgr dj lEcy iznku fd;k tk;sxkA vko';d

cqfu;knh <kaps ds fuekZ.k vkSj lq–<+hdj.k ds fy, p;fur lewgksa dks jkT; ljdkj

}kjk lgk;rk iznku dh tk;sxhA leqgksa esa bl izdkj xfrfofèk;ksa gsrq futh tu

lgHkkfxrk ds ek/;e ls laLFkkxr foÙk vkSj foi.ku ds fy, iz;kl fd;s tk;saxsA

17-3 çk—frd vkinkvksa vkSj chekjh ds çdksi vkfn ds dkj.k gksus okys tksf[keksa ds

izfr mfpr lqj{kk ds fy, iquZHkqxrku i'kqèku mRiknu ç.kkyh fodflr dh

tk;sxhA lHkh Ik’kqikydksa ds fy, i'kqèku chek ds ek/;e ls iquZHkj.k dks lqyHk

cuk;k tk,xkA

18- ÅaVksa dk laj{k.k%& ÅaVksa esa e#LFkyh; fof'k"V tksrdrk 'kfä] jksx çfrjksèkd

{kerk] nw/k o [ksy xq.kksa esa lqèkkj ds fy, çHkkoh mik; fd, tk,axsA ÅaVksa ds

laj{k.k ,oa lao}Zu ds fy, vkSj fo'ks"k dk;ZØe 'kq: fd, tk,axsA ÅaVuh ds nwèk

ds vkS"kèkh; xq.kksa ds n`f"Vxr blds mRiknu] [kjhn vkSj foi.ku dks c<+kok fn;k


19- xkS'kkyk fodkl &

19-1 xks'kkyk fodkl uhfr;ksa dks bl mís'; ds lkFk rS;kj fd;k tk,xk fd ;s

çksRlkgu vkèkkfjr cslgkjk i'kqvksa ds fy, vkJ; ,oa i'kq lqèkkj dsaæ ds :i esa

dk;Z dj ldsaA

19-2 xks'kkykvksa dks vk; ds lzksr ds :i esa vkèkqfud [ksrh vkSj çcaèku rduhdksa lfgr

iapxO; ds fl)kar ds mi;ksx dks viuk vkfFkZd :i ls vkRefuHkZj bZdkb;ksa ds

:i esa fodflr djus ds fy, çksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xkA

Page 37: DRAFT Government of Rajasthan Department of Animal · emerging animal diseases and animal husbandry

20- i'kqèku vkSj i;kZoj.k

20-1 çcaèku ,oa vkgkj ç.kkfy;ksa dks la'kksfèkr djus dk ç;kl fd;k tk,xk rkfd

tqxkyh djus okyksa Ik’kqvksa }kjk xzhu gkml xSlksa ds mRltZu dks de fd;k tk

ldsA mPp rUrq ;qDr pkjs dk lkbyst esa ifjorZu rFkk ,sls pkjs dks NksVk&NksVk

dkV dj f[kyk;s tkus dks izksRlkfgr fd;k tk,xkA

20-2 QkeZ [kkn ds csgrj çcaèku ds fy, fofHkUu dk;ZØeksa ds vUrxZr [kkn vkSj

ck;ks&xSl la;a=ksa ds ekè;e ls ç;kl fd, tk,axsA

20-3 i'kqèku] pkjk vkSj vif'k"V çcaèku dh csgrj rduhdksa ls tkx:d fd;s tkus ds

iz;kl fd;s tk;saxsA

21- lwpuk ç.kkyh vkSj ekuo lalkèku

21-1 i'kq mRiknu vkSj i'kq LokLF; ij vk/kkfjr MsVkcsl mfpr ;kstuk rS;kj fd;s tkus

ds fy, egRoiw.kZ gSA ekStwnk MsVk xSi dh igpku dj MsVk rS;kj djus o mfpr

fu;kstu rFkk dk;ZØe fØ;kUo;u ds fy, bls çpkfjr djus ds fy, dne mBk,

tk,axsA fdlkuksa ,oa vU; m|fe;ksa ds dY;k.k dh fn'kk esa fofHkUu dk;ZØeksa ds

çHkko dk vkadyu djus ds fy, bu vkadM+ksa dk fo'ys"k.k fd;k tk,xkA

21-2 ekuo ’kfDr dh xq.koRrk ,oa xq.kkRed deh dks iwjk djus ds fy, ekuo lalkèku

fodkl dks çkFkfedrk nh tk,xhA i'kq fpfdRldksa ,oa ykHkkfUor d`"kdksa ds

dkS'ky fodkl ij /;ku fn;k tk;sxkA fofHkUu dk;ZØeksa dks lEcy iznku fd;s

tkus ds fy, ekuo lalkèku dh b"Vre vko';drk dk vuqeku yxkdj ljdkj

o futh {ks= dh Hkkxhnkjh ds ekè;e ls iw.kZ djus ds fy, dne mBk, tk,axsA

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