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Copyright © 1987 by Roger G. Lanphear

All rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher

ISBN: 0-87516-585-0

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 86-72570

Printed in the United States of America

Scanned by Roger G. Lanphear Make up of the PDF by Samoturi

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Learn to channel Truth and practical guidance when you are Unified with your Self. Develop all your divine qualities by simply being Unified with your Self —happiness, intelligence, healthfulness, peacefulness, and abundance. Remember your Self in this easy step-by-step instruction.

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PART I Developing a Technique for Conscious Communication with Your Higher Self

FIRST WEEK • Centering in the Heart 7

SECOND WEEK • Recognizing Your Higher Self's Name 11

THIRD WEEK • Communicating with Safeguards 15

FOURTH WEEK • Speaking Out Universal Truth 19

FIFTH WEEK • Dealing with Uninvited Influences 23

SIXTH WEEK • Forgiving with Truth 29

SEVENTH WEEK • Correcting Thoughts 33

EIGHTH WEEK • Reviewing 38

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PART II Defining Your Highest Desires and Learning

the Mechanics of Manifestation

NINTH WEEK • Claiming True Desires 47

TENTH WEEK • Creating the World of True Desires 52

ELEVENTH WEEK • Enlivening the Heart 58

TWELFTH WEEK • Experiencing Love Flow 62

THIRTEENTH WEEK • Achieving Spontaneous Right Action 66

FOURTEENTH WEEK • Manifesting Perfect Health 70

FIFTEENTH WEEK • Receiving Guidance for Wise Activity 75

SIXTEENTH WEEK • Reviewing 80


Expanding Your Tools of Guidance

SEVENTEENTH WEEK • Clearing Auras of Loved Ones 89

EIGHTEENTH WEEK • Promoting Another's Self-Acceptance 94

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NINETEENTH WEEK • Dreaming for Truth 99

TWENTIETH WEEK • Expanding Communication to All Life 104

TWENTY-FIRST WEEK • Becoming a Master of Creation 108

TWENTY-SECOND WEEK • Opening Channels for Truth 113

TWENTY-THIRD WEEK • Learning from the Masters 118

TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK • Reviewing 123



Recapitulation of Essential Practices

• Quiet Periods 137 • Protecting the Aura 138

• Forgiving Words 140 • Daily Practices 141 • Creating Formula 142

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PREFACE I have worked with Babaji for years in my spiritual awakening process. He is a kind, loving, and very gentle Master. My only knowledge of Babaji comes from my own inner experience of him. I don't know if he has a physical body now, or ever has had one. It really doesn't matter.

As each of us is destined to realize, we are all omni-present and omniscient. Only our sleeping awareness shuts off that reality for the time being. For the enlight-ened, the great teachers, being all-knowing and every-where present are normal and living truths. Babaji is such an enlightened soul.

He came to me because I asked for the gentle guiding light of a Master. Through his soft prodding, I have gradually become more aware of my Self. That unfoldment continues.

One of the highlights of my life has been to channel this marvelous course from the heart of Babaji. The knowledge is valid. I have experienced the predicted results in every lesson. The techniques have been a giant step in my own process of Self-realization. Babaji's course impresses me most of all because of its simplicity. It's simple. It's easy. Very gently the course gradually leads you to complete trust and awareness of your Higher Self. It uses the age-old proven method of making a concept simple along with loving repetition.


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI There is no doubt in my mind that this course can be understood successfully by anyone. Naturally, there is a selection process. Only those of you ready for it are in-terested. That, of course, includes anyone reading this preface. Let that alone be your signal. You're ready for the experience of being Unified with your Higher Self.

From all of us so fortunate to receive this course, our heartfelt love and thanks to you, Babaji. We know you are with us through each of these lessons.



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Never before in known human history has a course like this been available. That is not to say paths for enlightenment weren't available. They were, and thousands still are. In fact the opportunity for unfolding full human potential has never been greater.

Millions of people, scores of groups, and hundreds of enlightened Masters are guiding the earth into a new age —an age of heaven on earth. It is precisely this beehive of spiritual activity that makes this course possible.

Before now the seeker had to be guided by an enlightened soul that he could identify. The way out of darkness was too dark, too confusing. It took the helpful hand of someone who had traveled the course, who knew the way.

The last fifty years of spiritual rebirth on this planet have brought new energies and new awareness for everyone. The first pioneers always blaze a trail; so the going is easier for those who follow. These pioneers of the spiritual movements have paved the way for the possibility of this course and many other such paths.

The uniqueness of this course is that it marks a mile-stone for the seekers. Instead of a guru, the guide is your own Self. Systematically this course teaches you to be in touch with your Self to be your own teacher. The lectures in this course come mainly from your Self. Within you


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI are all answers and all the help you need to gain full en-lightenment.

There are almost no requirements for this course. Any human with the desire for Self-realization and mastery of life can easily complete it. Some diligence and tenacity is helpful, but the daily requirements are few. There are fewer than five pages to read each week, but these few are to be read, reread, and clearly understood. Each day only one or two fifteen-minute periods need be set aside. Everything else fits into your normal living activity.

No change in lifestyle is required or even desired. If you're presently on a spiritual path, don't change your practices. Continue with your meditations, your postures, your chants, your prayers, your ceremonies, or whatever you are doing. This course will supplement that and even bring a new dimension of meaning to it.

There is only one strong suggestion. Avoid any use of "recreational" drugs. While these drugs may sharpen some aspects of your perception, they dull other aspects. For this course to bring the results you want, you need the full range of your perception. The importance of maintaining a clear, natural nervous system can't be overemphasized. Don't alter your nervous system with any drugs unless your doctor prescribes them.

This course is to be completed in about six months. Each lesson lasts one week. Do not cut that week short. On the other hand, if you feel a few extra days on a les-son would be helpful, take extra time. There is plenty of time in your life to finish this course. Just proceed dili-gently, easily, and with confidence at each step. It is only natural to want to be finished before you start. The urge to read this short lesson guide is tempting, as if somehow the experience will be yours for just the


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Unified reading. That won't work. Reading this guide will not bring you Self-realization. In fact, there is nothing you can just read to gain enlightenment. For that reason the actual knowledge written out in this instruction guide is minimal. Knowledge, however, is maximal from the ex-perience of your own Self. So take each lesson one at a time. Ignore what follows until you're ready to go on.

The request not to read the lessons ahead of time may be too much for some curious natures. For that reason, here's a quick outline of what to expect.

There are three sections, each seven weeks long. After each section there is a one-week review lesson.

The first section is devoted to realizing the conscious communication you have with your Higher Self. You de-velop a technique with safeguards for communicating with your Higher Self. By the end of the first section you feel comfortable with the practice and have started to receive guidance for your life.

The second section strengthens your tools for com-municating with your Higher Self. You isolate your highest and wisest desires. Then, using a precise formula, you start the mechanics to manifest those desires. By the end of this section the mechanics of manifestation are quite clear and easy.

The third section expands your tools of guidance. You analyze your dreams. You learn written communication with your Higher Self and the great teaching Masters. In this last section you also expand your awareness and connection with everyone else and everything in creation. That becomes a concrete experience.

It is important to remember that this course is Self-taught. Your own Higher Self is your teacher. You are not someone else's pupil. All the tools you need for enlight-


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI enment are known by you now. All this course promises to do is to put you clearly in tune with your Higher Self for its teaching and guidance.

Such an approach to enlightenment could never have been totally successful for everyone before now. There was too much darkness on earth. Only a few fortunate souls have found the way successfully without an earthly brother's helping hand. Now the rays of light on earth are so strong that you can find your own way. Just locate your Self, learn how to communicate, and go. Go on the path to peace, to love, to abundance, to joy, to success, and to heaven on earth. Truly, heaven is within. This course gives you the key.

Because this is a Self-taught course, religions are not to be built up around it. No person can claim to help you learn it, although you can certainly get together with your friends who are also taking the course to discuss experiences. You are in charge. This course gives you the tools to regain control of your own life. No one can now take your own place in your own life.


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Developing a Technique for Conscious Communication

with Your Higher Self

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Centering in the Heart

You are more beautiful than you have ever imagined. You are a flower of heaven in full bloom. Yet for some reason which isn't important—certainly not worth ex-ploring—you don't understand your divinity.

Oh, yes: on the surface we give lip service to what we are. You have been told, you repeat, and you believe you are made in the image of God. And it is comfortable and easy to say: / am made in the image of God.

This step-by-step guide merely allows you to ex-perience and know that image. Who are you? What are your qualities? What is the life of someone made in the image of God? The answers to these questions are the experiences of this course.

Notice the structure of that divine Truth: I am made in the image of God. / am. That is present tense. It doesn't say I was once in the image of God. No. It says I am now in the image of God.

/ am made. Again, it says neither you are being made, nor that you will be made. It says God created you in His image. The act is completed. You are completely made. You are completely made in the image of God now.

Nothing you can do will ever change, or has ever changed, this basic Truth. Nothing. That is the key to this


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / First Week course. It teaches you nothing. For you are now already everything. It helps you to evolve nowhere. For you are now already perfectly evolved. It does, however, make a slight correction in your thinking. It brings to you the experience of your true Self.

One of the reasons you have lost the meaning of being made in God's image is that you are using a very small part of what God made. Why use only one candle in the darkness when you have floodlights? Your beautiful, incredible body is just the tip of the iceberg—less than a tip. Your sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell reveal only the smallest part of your creation.

Beyond what you think you are is your true Self— alive, vibrating in love, and the source of your happiness and your abundance. It is the Self that you will easily and systematically get to know again. And as you realize who you are, your true qualities become Self-evident. You might think of them coming to the surface, or being awakened, even though they are neither asleep nor hidden.

What are those qualities? Well, just think for a few minutes of the qualities you would give God. Now, without modesty, or humility, or bashfulness, give those qualities to your Self. They are yours. God gave you the same qualities He has Himself. You are made in His image.

God is light—the light of the world. So you are light— light that brightens the darkest corner. That is your heritage.

God is love. You are love. In fact, everything in all of creation is made of love. God's love permeates every-


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Centering in the Heart thing. That same love is your love. Think of the impli-cations. They are far-reaching.

God is happiness, joy, and bliss. You are happiness. You are joy. You are bliss. That is your nature. Nothing less.

God is perfect. Of course. That's also obvious. But you? Perfect? Now isn't that going too far? Not one iota. You are that same perfection, and that includes perfect health, perfect thoughts, perfect action, perfect every-thing. You simply need to be functioning as one perfect whole Self.

God is peace and gentleness. You are peace—peace of mind without turmoil and without attacks. You are just the simple innocence of enjoying life as it is created. God is abundance. Everything is one with God. That same abundance is one with you. All the forces of nature are yours, to satisfy all desires and needs. Of course, the key is to be operating from your whole Self, with love, joy, light, peace, and all the other qualities of God.

These are just a sampling of God's qualities. You can surely multiply this list tenfold. In each instance, His qualities are yours. When you are Unified, you operate with all His qualities.

This first lesson of being Unified is designed to easily tell your mind that you desire to unify with your whole Self, as God created you, in His image.

Each day, as early as practical, read this chapter. Read it slowly, understanding each sentence before going to the next. Then for five or ten minutes, sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Allow your attention to center in your heart and feel God's love—your love—pulsating there.


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / First Week Don't fight thoughts, just let them bubble on the surface. If your mind wanders away from your heart, gently lead it back. This exercise is simply to enjoy, and be sure to do it every day this week.

Throughout the day, whenever you think about it, en-joy the thought GOD is love, so I am love. You may find the love-feeling pulsating in your heart when you think that thought. Enjoy that feeling of love as your inheritance.

You have one last exercise this week. After you've gone to bed and said the last goodnights to your loved ones, lie quietly with the attention once again in your heart. This time think of some of the qualities of God. For each quality, recognize that you also have that quality, even if it seems preposterous to you now. Then quietly go to sleep with thoughts of God's and your qualities on your mind.


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Recognizing Your Higher Self's Name

You have experienced love in your heart—the gentle

pulsation of creation in your heart. It is in the heart that we are connected to all of creation. And it is the love you feel that is the connector.

That love is far more than a connector, though. For love is the common denominator of everything and everyone. Science will one day find that common denominator which Einstein called the Unified field. It is love—God's love—which is that Unified field.

When you sat quietly last week and allowed your at-tention to be with your heart, you experienced love— God's love, your love, everyone's love. You experienced the substance from which the entire creation is made. You experienced the entire creation.

It is this simple experience that now leads you to the profound. At least, from your vantage point now, it is profound. However, as your experience and the knowledge unfold, it won't seem profound at all. It will be simple and natural, easy and unflashy. Yet if you knew now what you will experience in this course, it would seem profound. In the first lesson you learned that your beautiful phys-ical body is just a small portion of your Self. The rest of


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Second Week your Self is made of the love you experienced, as is all of creation. Since you can now feel that love, you can use it as a connection to the rest of your Self. That is what you begin to do this week.

For now it might be easier to differentiate between the terms lower self and Higher Self. That is, of course, inaccurate. We are one Self. Furthermore, our one Self is one with everything and everyone else—we are all that same love. We are all one. We are all connected.

That is a difficult concept to understand so long as you perceive only your physical body. You do seem separated, and you experience separation. As long as you know your Higher Self and lower self are false terms, we'll use them. They'll help you in this stage of your unfoldment.

Your Higher Self has never lost touch with its God qualities, unlike your lower self. Your Higher Self knows everything, it is everywhere present, it is love personified, and it longs to reunite your whole being. It constantly feeds thoughts to you about your nature. It nudges you into more perfect right action. It is always there as your servant to lead you to a life of love, abundance, and safety.

You experience the voice of your Higher Self all the time. Unfortunately, your own false fears and imagina-tions drown it out. Now you will begin to isolate that voice. Gradually it will get louder. Gradually you will rely on its wisdom because it is the source of perfect knowledge for you. It knows everything and has only one goal: that you live a happy, fulfilled, and abundant life.

Your Higher Self has a name. This week you learn that name. As with last week, sit quietly for five to ten minutes with your attention focused in the heart. Feel the


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Recognizing Your Higher Self's Name love. Feel the pulsations. Particularly, feel that love energy radiate out from your heart. It will permeate every cell in your body. It will saturate everything around you. Be with that feeling. If thoughts come, let them bubble up. Don't resist them. Just feel the happy, joyful, blissful love.

While you're enjoying the feeling of love, say these words: My beautiful Higher Self, please give me my name now.

The name will be revealed to you. It may be a name you're familiar with, such as John, Mary, or Joshua. Or it may be an unfamiliar group of syllables, such as Ami, Anasia, Konar, or Samatri. And don't resist a name you identify with a Master, such as Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, or Confucius.

The name appears to you as a persistent thought. You might hear it audibly. You might see its letters. It might just be a comfortable thought. When it comes, write it down. Then in your next quiet period, notice if the same name comes to you. By the end of the week, the name of your Higher Self will be quite familiar to you.

Now, it is perfectly natural for you to doubt at this stage. Of course, don't feel you need to doubt; but if you are uncertain, don't worry about it. Just continue to do these exercises. Soon, those doubts will melt away, and you won't even remember them.

The quiet period can be up to fifteen minutes this week if you are enjoying the feeling of love. If the feeling of love goes away and you feel edgy or anxious, lie down a few minutes.

In addition to your regular quiet period of love each day, read this week's text slowly, understanding each sentence.


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Throughout the day this week, whenever you think about it, say / am love, and I send love to (name) . You can send love to another person, a plant, a dog, a situation, or anything. You can send it a few feet, or across the continent. Feel the love go from your heart to wherever you're sending it. Know that this is not just a mental exercise. You are actually transmitting love energy— energy that definitely dissolves problems.

This week during the quiet moments before going to sleep, give a few words of thanks to your Higher Self for its guidance and love. Then transmit your love energy wherever you choose. Go to sleep transmitting love.


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Communicating with Safeguards

Now you have experienced your Higher Self on an intimate level. You have communicated consciously.

For years we can be unaware of a clock ticking in a room. Then suddenly we hear it. It is so loud we can't imagine we never heard it. That is now your experience with your Higher Self. It has always been a part of you —helping, directing, guiding, nudging, and prodding. Yet you did not hear it. Now you do. You know that voice is there. All you need do now is to focus attention.

Soon you will start focusing your attention on its messages, but first you must develop some safeguards.

The first safeguard deals with Uninvited Influences. Since we are all connected, it is possible for other people to influence your thoughts. These people may or may not be living in the physical world we know. They may be part of the vast spiritual world around us we don't yet perceive. Nevertheless they are there, and some of them invade our aura, our field of energy, and influence our thoughts. The thoughts these uninvited influences feed us can be helpful or harmful, right or wrong, negative or positive, fearful or cheerful, and even ingenious. You can never be sure if they are appropriate. Only the thoughts that come from your Higher Self are reliable.


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Third Week Unfortunately, most of us can't tell the difference yet between the thoughts of the uninvited influences and our Higher Self.

Since we are masters of our own selves, the remedy is quite easy. You simply close your aura to all except your Higher Self. This is the first important lesson this week. Whenever you go into crowds of people, say: / close my aura to all except my Higher Self. Say it also whenever you feel you are in a negative atmosphere, such as around sickness, an accident, or a troubled person. This week you can't say the words to close your aura too often. After this week's practice, the times when you need to close your aura will be clear. It will be almost second nature.

In spite of all your precautions, some uninvited in-fluences can get into your aura and feel quite at home. These are usually people who have died and who are confused, troubled, and hurting. Their awareness of their true nature is so distorted, they have refused the help gladly waiting at their side. When you have such an uninvited influence in your aura, you can feel moody, irritable, exhausted, pained, angry, or any other emotion and feeling that is inappropriate.

These influences have come and gone most of your life. They have influenced your thinking and your actions for ages. Well, those influences are now going to stop. They must stop if you are to experience your Higher Self clearly. They must stop if your new life of happiness and abundance is to flow easily and effortlessly.

To clear your aura of any uninvited influences, you begin each of the daily quiet periods from now on with a few simple words. These words are to be memorized. At first you can read the words, but be able to say their sub-stance from memory by the end of the week. The words are:


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Communicating with Safeguards

To all uninvited influences in my aura, I send love and light.

You are each whole and healed. You are each created as love and light, and you are

still love and light. You each feel no pain now, and you are not afraid. You each have a perfect place to go, and I ask my

Higher Self, (name) , to take you there now. Each of you, go in peace.

There is another safeguard to learn this week. That safeguard will be given to you by your Higher Self in the form of some signal you can recognize. This signal must be with you during your quiet periods. The signal is your safeguard that you are indeed communicating with your Higher Self.

After you have cleared your aura of any uninvited in-fluences and have settled down into your heart and love, think this:

My dear Higher Self, (name) . please give me your sig-nal now.

Wait for some physical signal that is obvious. It can be a movement of the head, or of the entire upper body, or of the fingers, arm, or leg. Therefore it is important to be sitting so that the entire body is free to move. It might even be a movement you're used to, such as fluttering eyelids. Or it could be a sensation someplace, like a gentle caress, or heat, or tingling. Or it could be a vision—either a clear picture or simply light. Or it could be something you hear. There are only two certainties: the signal will be pleasant, and the signal must be given to you when you ask for it.


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That signal is very important. It is your signal that you are Unified with your Higher Self and that you are actually communicating with the Higher Self and not with an uninvited influence.

Devote your quiet times this week to discovering the signal and then simply enjoying the experience of love along with the signal. Feel comfortable with the signal and notice how it comes quite easily once you've settled into quietness.

This week when you go to bed, practice the words to clear your aura of uninvited influences. Then three of the nights this week unify yourself with God. That is, think of whatever qualities of God come to you and give your-self those qualities as well: God is love, and so am I love, because I am made in his image, etc.

The balance of the four nights, continue the exercise of last week. Give a few words of thanks to your Higher Self for its guidance and love. Then transmit your love energy to whomever you choose.

During the day this week you can continue to send love to anyone or anything whenever it occurs to you. This is a practice you want to develop, for as you give so shall you receive. Give love out in your thoughts. Don't be surprised when it comes back to you in the least expected way.


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Speaking Out Universal Truth

This week you continue to develop the bond with your Higher Self. You are going to become very much aware of the messages it has for you.

Remember this week that you are perfect and made in the image of God. You have been practicing that concept, and by now you feel quite comfortable with it. No longer do you feel pompous or conceited when you recognize you are perfect, or are love, or are all-knowing.

All-knowing? Yes. You are all-knowing intelligence. Deep within you is the seed of everything there is to know about everything in creation: all the arts, all the sciences, all the past, all the future. You already have all information by virtue of your link to the one great cosmic computer.

Of course, your own little lower self doesn't know everything. It hardly knows anything and for years has been apparent proof that to err is human. Well, it isn't human to err. To know everything and to act on the basis of complete knowledge is human. However, in order to reap the fruit of all knowledge, you must be operating as a whole human, as God created you, in his image.

Gone are the days of mistakes. There is simply no excuse for them any longer. Starting today you are going


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Fourth Week to begin tapping into the knowledge connected to the other part of you—your Higher Self.

It is important that you be alone for your daily quiet periods from now on and that you not be disturbed. Re-move the animals from your room. Unplug the phone. Know the children are cared for. Then sit comfortably so that you can get a clear signal from your Higher Self. Close your eyes and center into your heart. Feel the love and clear away any uninvited influences by repeating quietly aloud the substance of the words you memorized last week.

Also quietly and aloud, unify with God in the same way you did the last couple of weeks before going to sleep. Think of some of the qualities of God and claim them for yourself: God is all-knowing intelligence, and so am I all-knowing intelligence because I am made in the image of God, etc. Feel each quality as your own. Know it to be true. Now you are Unified, and you are ready to receive today's message from your Higher Self.

Withdraw actively. That is, be alert and aware. Don't go into a trance. Just keep your attention with that now-familiar love in your heart. Listen. Listen to your thoughts, and be aware of the continuing signal from your Higher Self.

Quietly speak out those thoughts. Speaking out loud is, of course, unnecessary, but for now it is important. It helps you to speak out the thoughts given to you by your Higher Self, while in the background is a steady murmur of an active mind that doesn't want to be left out. You will know the difference. You'll know what is the chatter in the background and what is the Truth being fed to


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Speaking Out Universal Truth you by your Higher Self. So speak out the Truth. You'll find it easy.

Don't be bashful. No one else is listening. This is your private visit with your own Self. It is your knowledge you're speaking out. It is Truth that you will recognize as relevant now.

Don't doubt. You can't possibly say, "But I'm not getting something," for when you do, you'll have the thought "Oh yes I am." That is your Higher Self. Only an unconscious person won't be able to do this, and you're not unconscious.

This week you will receive only statements of general Truth from your Higher Self. These will be statements of universal Truth, applicable for everyone at any time or place. However, they will be Truth that you need to know and use now. For your Higher Self guides you and teaches you these universal laws so that you can put them to use for your happiness and abundance.

This means that you will be getting no prophecy this week, no doom or gloom, no hints on the stock market, and no direction to get a divorce or propose marriage or quit your job. If you receive those kinds of thoughts, they are not from your Higher Self. They are simply background chatter.

The important part of this week's exercise is to isolate that channel of thought from your Higher Self. That is why the channel will have only the general statements of Truth. That way you will recognize the "station." There is a whole lifetime ahead for more specific guidance, but it won't come this week. Continue the communication with your Higher Self un-


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Fourth Week til it is comfortable to stop. Fifteen minutes should be enough for each day's period. When you have finished, thank your Higher Self. Then close your aura to all except your Higher Self. It is important after each quiet period to close your aura against all uninvited influences.

During the day think about the Truth statements you received from your Higher Self. Think about how the statements are relevant to what you are doing, whatever it is. Think about any changes in attitude the statements may be calling for. Think about any changes in your actions that may be needed. There is some reason why your communication came. Think about what that is.

This week, continue to close your aura to all except your Higher Self whenever you're in a crowd or exposed to any negativity. In addition, if you think because of your mood, anger, fears, or negativity that there may be an uninvited influence in your aura, clear it with the words you memorized last week. You may now find that this is more necessary than you think. Your Higher Self will give you the strong thought that it is necessary, even though you'll have other thoughts that may resist.

You are also to continue to send love from your heart to whoever and whatever occurs to you. Feel the love pulsate from you to your recipient.

This week also continue alternating between the same two exercises just before going to sleep that you had last week: (1) unify with God, and (2) transmit love energy.


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Dealing with Uninvited Influences

You cannot overemphasize the importance now of

keeping yourself clear of uninvited influences. This week you examine these influences a little further and you develop another tool to deal with them.

Throughout your life you have experienced these in-fluences. In your own life they account for those numer-ous times you "weren't yourself." You really weren't totally yourself. They also explain some of the periodic irrational behavior of your friends and family. Later in this course you will learn how to help others under unin-vited influences. This week, however, you're going to continue the focus on yourself.

Have you ever awakened after a full night's rest ex-hausted? Was it an effort to smile? Did the least little provocation set you off? Chances are this was an unin-vited influence.

Have you experienced a sudden change in mood from ease and happiness to irritability and impatience? At the time, you felt justified in your nastiness and negativity, but in retrospect it seemed uncalled-for. Chances are this was an uninvited influence.

Have you ever blown up at a loved one, only to feel terribly sorry later? Chances are this was an uninvited influence.


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Have you ever been in a mood of fear, without being able to pinpoint it? Or maybe the fear was concrete but of something you weren't usually afraid of? Chances are this was an uninvited influence.

Have you ever fantasized dangerous or foolish action that you know you would never do in your right mind? Chances are this was an uninvited influence.

Not all of your fears, irrational behavior, weird thoughts, bursts of anger, and periods of exhaustion are caused by uninvited influences. They can also be your own stress, your own imaginations in illusion. It can be your own imperfect thinking that needs to be healed. However, far too often it is the stress and fearful thoughts of others that you are allowing to influence you.

Note the word allowing. Nothing can influence you without your express or tacit approval. Nothing. Out of ignorance you have allowed influences in your life— influences that have made you miserable. Even more significant, they have built the barrier higher and stronger between you and your Higher Self.

We must not look upon these uninvited influences with scorn. No. They are loving creations of God, just as you are. They are just frightened and confused by an illusion they've made for themselves. That is not different (except in degree) from the illusion you have built separating yourself from your Self. It is entirely possible that you, too, have been an uninvited influence for someone.

In another lifetime if you died in confusion or fear and refused help to direct you to your next perfect place, you could have hung around and influenced others with your fear and negativity. Think of any uninvited influence with love, as you would want to be thought of if you were


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Dealing with Uninvited Influences caught in that situation. Send love while you say the healing words.

This week you will continue to begin your quiet periods by healing any uninvited influences, as you did last week. Then close your aura to all except your Higher Self. Unify with God by thinking of some of God's qual-ities and claiming them for yourself. Start your commu-nication with your Higher Self when you have received its signal. When that communication is over, you say these words: Now please give me my signal for uninvited influences. Sit comfortably, relaxed, open, and receptive. Wait for some physical signal you will feel or notice in your body.

This is a signal your Higher Self will give you when you are under an uninvited influence. It is usually un-pleasant, such as a slight pain someplace, or slight nausea, or slight dizziness, or uncomfortable sound or vision. However, it is not necessary that it be unpleasant. It can be a twitch someplace on the body, a definite movement, a warm or cold feeling someplace, or a numbness. As with the signal from your Higher Self, this uninvited-influence signal can be anything that catches your attention. So sit back and wait for it.

When the signal comes, repeat the words with love that you memorized two weeks ago to clear your aura of the influence. The signal will go away. If it doesn't, that means there is another uninvited influence, so repeat the words with love.

The thoughts of the uninvited influences are forms of energy—bubbles of negativity, fear, worry, concern, or anger. These bubbles may continue even after the unin-vited influence is healed. Therefore from now on after


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Fifth Week you have healed the influence, say: I send love and light to any thought forms around me. After all, these nega-tive thought forms really are feeding us problems. These healing words are also to be repeated in crowds when you close your aura.

This is your exercise for each quiet period this week. Ask for your uninvited-influence signal. Then get rid of the signal by reciting your memorized words to heal the influence.

Just because you now have a signal for uninvited in-fluences doesn't mean you can let your guard down. The signal will only come to you when you normally wouldn't know about the influence. So continue with your practice of repeating the formula when you feel you need to. Usually the need arises with the strong thought "I have an uninvited influence." But it can simply be the symptoms—exhaustion, fear, anger, irritability, etc.

For most people the concept of these uninvited in-fluences is a very foreign notion. It smacks of ghost sto-ries, the supernatural, witches, goblins, and sorcery. If the concept bothers you, keep an open mind and do this part of these lessons mechanically. When your life changes, when your heart refills with love, and when you feel a burden lifted with the healing of each uninvited influence, those preconceived notions will vanish. To rid yourself of these influences is a giant step in being and staying Unified.

In your activity this week continue to develop the habit of closing your aura to all except your Higher Self. Continue to send love from your heart wherever you go, whenever you think about it, to anyone or anything.


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Dealing with Uninvited Influences

When you go to bed, continue to alternate the practice of sending love and unifying with God's qualities. Continue to give thanks to your Higher Self for its communication of Truth to you. Thank your Higher Self for giving you the uninvited-influence signal and for helping to keep your aura clear.

It may seem that you are taking on more and more and more. Very soon these practices will be so much a part of your life that nothing is being done at all. They will be as natural as drinking, eating, or sleeping.


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Forgiving with Truth

Life is for receiving love. Everything in creation is made of love. That is the Unified field of Einstein. It is the sweet syrup God used to brew everything we ever have or ever will perceive. Love is everything. And we are made to taste that syrup. Consequently, everything and everyone in creation can give us that sweet taste of love. That is what our life is for—to receive creation's love.

That means you are love. You not only receive love from everyone and everything, but you also give that same love. For everyone you meet you give the sweet taste of love. Everything you meet you also give that love. So life is not just for receiving love, it is also for giving love to everyone and everything.

This little concept spells out the misunderstood concept of forgiving. Life is for giving love. For giving. For giving love. That is forgiveness. Nothing else. When you hold grudges, you are choosing to withhold that sweet taste of love you can give. Get rid of the grudge and your life is once again for giving love.

Grudges are really easy to release when you once realize what a silly illusion they are. You hold grudges because you imagine someone has hurt you. You think


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Forgiving with Truth you've been attacked, compromised, trespassed, and in some way made a lesser person. Or you imagine some-one has taken something from you. Such folly! You are made in the image of God. You are perfection and noth-ing, no one, can alter that. You are abundance; every-thing is yours, and all you need comes to you when you open yourself to it. You are truly a creator. You create whatever you experience. If you imagine that you have been hurt by anyone, it is only because that is what you, as creator, invited.

This is a very difficult concept to grasp. All of so-called reality seems to refute that Truth. Your own experience seems to prove the world is full of mean people hurting innocent people. In reality that is impossible. You are solely responsible for your own experiences. You decide what your experiences are to be, and that is what you have. No one can interfere with you. No one has ever interfered with you.

You have free will. No one, not even God, will inter-fere with your free will. It is protected as a holy right of yours. You can create whatever you want, because you create whatever you think. This wonderful universe be-gan with God's thought. Likewise our creation begins with our thoughts.

In our world of many individual creations—many for each person—we are all actors for each other's script. You are the writer, director, producer, and lead character for your script. Everyone else plays in your creation exactly as you direct.

Think you will be poor and robbed and cheated, and an actor will surely oblige you. Think you are ill, and an


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Sixth Week actor will transmit to you a horrible disease. Think you are downtrodden, beaten up, and abused, and an actor will come to your service.

When you recognize that those people you hold grudges against are actors in your own creation, they are easy to forgive. Then life is for giving love.

In the past when you have forgiven, you have said, "You have done wrong to me. But I want you to know I don't want to hold a grudge, so I'm going to try to forget that horrible thing you did to me." Such a thought recognizes an illusion. It gives power to a mistake: that anyone could do harm to you without your consent. It is impossible. Such a form of forgiveness is not forgive-ness at all.

Instead, you need to think, / have made a mistake in my thinking to allow you to seemingly hurt me. I recog-nize you are merely doing what I invited, and that in reality neither you nor anyone can hurt me. I am perfect now, always have been and always will be. You can't change that. I now recognize that life is for giving love to you.

Today set aside some time to mentally note all those wonderful people you hold grudges against. They might be parents, sisters, brothers, friends, or strangers you don't even know the names of. For each person say those words of forgiveness. Read it if you like, but more important, feel the meaning of your words.

When you go to bed tonight, think of those people, and even others you don't think you hold a grudge over. Picture each one, and send love from your heart. Say si-lently, / send you love from my heart, (name) . and I forgive you, knowing it is impossible for you to infringe


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Forgiving with Truth on my perfection. You will find this exercise to be ex-tremely cleansing.

As you give love in this way, your whole being opens up to receiving the love from everyone and everything around you. Enjoy the feeling that comes—a peaceful, joyful, quiet, yet energetic pulsation of sweet syrup.

Forgiving, and understanding the true nature of for-giveness, is a prime cornerstone of this course. Grudges have been your master, and you their slave. They have distorted your perception. They have kept you in hell when you were made to live in heaven. In order to firmly understand this Truth, read this lesson each day. Read each sentence slowly, thinking about it, digesting it.

This week you begin more specific communication with our Higher Self. Up to now, your communication has been about Truth—the nature of creation and how you fit into it. This week after you've settled down into focus in the heart and received the signal from your Higher Self, say, Today, (name) , my Higher Self, feed to me the names of those people I want to forgive. Then sit quietly and let those names come to you. If you want to forgive someone whose name you don't know or wouldn't remember, you'll receive only a description of the incident. Keep a pencil and paper handy. Write down each name, so you can forgive each after your quiet period.

Do this every day this week. You may feel you need to forgive any one person each day, or you may find it complete for that person after one forgiveness. Your Higher Self will tell you. Follow the guidance.

This week also continue to clear uninvited influences from your aura as needed and close your aura whenever


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Sixth Week you go into a crowd or near illness or negativity. When-ever you think about it, give love from your heart to any-one and everything. These practices are now a part of your daily life. From now on, they should be done regardless of whether or not weekly lessons mention them.


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Correcting Thoughts

Anything that is created begins with a thought. The thought of something really is that something, only at the most refined vibration. Everything in the universe began with God's thought about creation.

You are, in the most elementary sense, a thought of God. Rather, you are a part of that marvelous, perfect thought that created All. Being a part of that thought, you are also the whole. God's thought that gave rise to creation is indivisible. His one thought contains the entire blueprint for the cosmos and every single atom and soul.

Furthermore, God is not separate from His thought, any more than you are separate from your thoughts. That is why you are one with God. There is no other logical way to understand this. God is very much in tune with, one with, the thought that created us. You are really that thought, in your most refined state. So you are one with God.

Because we are the one thought that created every-thing, we can know everything about that thought. We are not just a separate aspect of that thought. No. We were created to know everything contained in God's thought that created everything.


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That means you can choose to think any aspect of God's thought you wish. It is just like tuning into a radio station. You tune into any knowledge about creation.

One thing absolutely certain about God's thought is that it embodies all of God's qualities. You are of God's thought and you embody all of God's qualities, and so does every other aspect of God's thought. When you tune into some aspect of God's thought, you can be 100 per-cent certain to experience love, happiness, joy, bliss, Truth, pure intelligence, peace, gentleness, unbounded-ness, energy, abundance, and nonjudgment, to name only a few. This is your experience that God planned in His thought when He created you.

Remember, all of creation begins with a thought. You are a creator because you are made in the image of God, and He is indisputably a creator. You create. Your creations also begin with a thought. Then you experience what you create.

If you begin with some aspect of God's thought that created the cosmos, you will have a creation just like God's creation. Your creation can then only give you the experience of God's qualities. Only those qualities are inherent in His thought. No other qualities are there. His thought cannot manifest what it doesn't have.

This is a foolproof method for living life in heaven. Then to err is not human. Then life is not a struggle. Then all the forces of nature come to your aid as you experience only God's qualities.

A glance around the world indicates this is not happening. What went wrong? Even your own life appears to include some struggle, some errors, some pain. What went wrong?


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Correcting Thoughts

Nothing went wrong. Even your seeming errors, struggles, and pain point to your divinity and perfection. Remember, you are made in the image of God. God is sovereign. He created you with His thought. And so are you sovereign—another way of saying you have free will. You are also a creator, in God's image, and you create with your thoughts.

God's thought, which you are one with, is available for you. You can choose to tune into that thought. That is your choice. It is your free will to use His thought for your creations, or you can choose to think a thought of your very own. Then your creation will have the quali-ties you assign to it.

Many, many times you have chosen your own thought and created a miserable experience. That doesn't mean you are miserable. That's impossible. You can't change the perfection you are. However, as a creator you can create and experience what appears less than perfect. Only when you start with God's thought can you be assured of perfection and all those other wonderful qualities.

In a very real sense, the world you create by your own thoughts is an illusion. It is not the Truth. Truth has permanence. Truth never changes. Truth describes the thought of God that created us and the cosmos. That thought is Truth. That thought tells of happiness, never sadness. It tells of bliss and joy, never despair. It tells of intelligence, never mistakes. It reveals abundance, never poverty. It brings infinite energy, never weakness. It is the hallmark of peace, never turmoil. This Truth is simply God's thought that created the universe.

The choice is yours. You can choose to create with


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Seventh Week God's thought, or make one up of your own. God would have it no other way. You are created sovereign. You are created with a free will. You are created a creator. The fact you do create proves your divinity, even if you choose to create a hell.

Today you begin to change the nature of your crea-tions. You change your creations to be exactly like God's thought. Your creation, your life, and your experience are to have only God's qualities.

You can pretty much tell what your thoughts are by looking at your creations. If you're in debt and are afraid of the poorhouse, you have thoughts of lack and fail to realize the abundance in God's thought. If you're lonely and without anyone to share love with, you have thoughts that you don't deserve love, or that it doesn't ex-ist. "That isn't true," you say, for you insist you want love and you want wealth.

Of course you want them. You want the experience of all of God's qualities. You want them with a passion. That desire is ingrained as part of your very nature. It is how you were created. You cannot get rid of the desire for love, for abundance, for knowledge, for joy, for peace, etc. It is a part of you.

Nevertheless, there is some thought—probably even subconscious—that denies your creation the qualities you desire. "How can I possibly change my thoughts if they're subconscious?" you ask. Until now it has been very difficult. Today you start that process. Gradually, methodically, but certainly, you will change your think-ing so that it will create with God's qualities. You will tune into God's thought and claim it as your own.


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Correcting Thoughts

Every day this week read this lesson. Read each sen-tence slowly and digest its meaning.

During your quiet periods, after focusing in the heart and getting your Higher Self's signal, say, Dear (name) , my Higher Self, now reveal to me some of the errors in my thinking. Then sit quietly and let your Higher Self communicate. You will realize some thoughts that are creating havoc in your life. Write down those thoughts as they come to you. The lesson for this week is simply to identify those thoughts you need to correct. Notice in your activity throughout the day what your experiences are. Then in your next quiet period, say, Reveal to me, (name) , my Higher Self, the thoughts I have that gave me the experience of _______ This inventory is very im-portant. You need to know the nature of your own thoughts before you can correct them. Your Higher Self gives that to you.

This week when you lie quietly in bed before going to sleep, think of those people who have been in your life. For each one realize that he or she has reacted to you as you determined by your thoughts. Take full credit or blame for your experience with them. Send to each love from your heart, feeling it go to them. Then forgive each, knowing what forgiveness really means.


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This is a review week. Each day this week you will experience a capsule of each of the seven preceding weeks. This will give you a clear picture of the progress you've already made, and it will give a chance for the experiences to be clearly yours before we move on.

First Day

As soon as possible after waking up, and again just before going to bed, slowly read and understand this prayer:

Dear God, my creator, I thank you for making me in your image. I thank you for giving me the same qualities that are yours. I thank you for love. I thank you for happiness, joy, and bliss. I thank you for knowledge. I thank you for peace. And I thank you for abundance. I pray now that I am led back to real-ize my whole Self.

For five to ten minutes today sit quietly and experience love pulsating in your heart. Then as you lie quietly be-


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Reviewing fore going to sleep, think of some of God's qualities. Unify with those qualities by claiming them for your Self.

Second Day

Again, as soon as possible after waking up and just before going to bed, slowly read and understand this prayer: Dear God, my creator, thank you for creating me and all of creation with love. Thank you for giving me the ability to feel and experience love—that which is the basis of everything. Thank you for creating me, my whole Self, (name) . Thank you for creating me as perfect and unchanging, the same this minute as when I was created.

During a five- to ten-minute quiet period, focus on your heart and feel love pulsate from there to all the cosmos. Feel that love as your connection to everyone and everything. Then allow the name of your Higher Self to appear, as it did the second week. Float with your attention on your Higher Self's name.

Throughout the day, whenever you think about it, say, / am love, and I send love to (name) . Feel the love go from your heart to that someone or something. Feel your connection. Go to sleep with this same exercise of trans-mitting love.


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Third Day

Start the day and finish it with this prayer:

Dear God, my creator, thank you for making me perfect and for keeping me perfect, even as I at-tempted to separate myself from you. Thank you for making me invulnerable to any negative or uninvited influences. Thank you for giving me the means to clear my aura and fill it with your love. Thank you for keeping intact my whole Self and my name, even as I temporarily wandered off.

Today begin your quiet period by clearing your aura

of any uninvited influences. Use the words you memo-rized the third week and begin each quiet period with. In the quiet period today, just enjoy the love pulsating and allow your attention to be with the signal from your Higher Self.

During the day, make special effort to close your aura to all except your Higher Self whenever you go into any crowds or areas of illness or negativity. Go to sleep tonight thinking of God's qualities and unifying with them by recognizing that you are those same qualities.

Fourth Day

The morning and evening prayer today is:

Dear God, my creator, thank you for making me in your image. Thank you for giving me for my use and


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enjoyment all the knowledge of creation. Give me today all the knowledge I need and desire for a happy, fulfilled day. Begin your fifteen-minute quiet period by clearing

your aura of any uninvited influences. Then recognize some of God's qualities and unify with them by claiming them for yourself. During the quiet period, feel the love as you focus in your heart. Speak out quietly the thoughts you hear that you now recognize by tuning into your Higher Self.

As you go about your day, think of the Truth that is communicated to you in your quiet period. Determine its relevance to your life. This evening as you are going to sleep, transmit love energy to whoever or whatever comes to your mind.

Fifth Day

Begin and end this day with a prayer:

Dear God, heavenly father, my creator, thank you for keeping me clear of any negativity, illusion, or untruth. Thank you for keeping me pure in thought and action. Thank you for setting up a clear warning for me when my sovereignty is clouded. Be with me and help me to step beyond influences that make me angry, irritable, fearful, and exhausted. Today begin your quiet period in the same way that is

a well-established habit by now: clear your aura of any


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Eighth Week uninvited influences and unify with God's qualities. This quiet period is devoted to feeling once again the clear signal that you will receive when there is an uninvited influence. Ask for the signal: Now please give me my signal for uninvited influences. When it comes, say the words that heal the influence, being sure to include sending love and light to any thought forms around you. Repeat until you feel quite comfortable with the signal. All day send love to whoever or whatever comes to mind. Also today give special attention to closing your aura when you are in crowds, near illness, or around negativity. Go to sleep unifying with God's qualities.

Sixth Day

The prayer for today is: Dear God, my creator, I receive your love as it comes to me through everything you created. I know you made me as love, and I give that love to every-one and everything I meet. I know life is for giving love. And I forgive from my heart everyone I have thought trespassed against me. I know you made me perfect and that no one can hurt me or change me. My forgiveness recognizes there is nothing to forgive.

During your quiet period (beginning as always with

clearing your aura and unifying with God), ask your Higher Self to reveal those people or situations over


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Reviewing which you still hold a grudge. For each one send love from your heart and forgive, realizing that there is truly nothing to forgive. Throughout the day, send love to anyone and anything as you think about it. Continue the habit of closing your aura. For those people revealed to you needing your forgiveness, think special thoughts of warmth and kindness. Go to sleep tonight with thoughts of love and forgiveness for those people that you need to forgive that were revealed today, during the sixth week, or any time.

Seventh Day

Begin and end this last day of review with another special prayer:

Dear God, my creator, thank you for thinking this creation and for thinking me a part of it. Thank you for creating me in your image, and for making me a creator as yourself. I ask now for your thoughts so that my creation is full of love also, happiness also, abundance also, and peace also.

For your fifteen-minute period, ask your Higher Self

to reveal to you the errors in your thinking. Continue to add to your inventory of last week.

As you go to sleep, think of some of the wonderful times you've had in life. Realize that those times came to you because you created them with your thoughts. Take full credit.


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Defining Your Highest Desires and Learning the Mechanics of


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Claiming True Desires

By now your fifteen-minute quiet periods are easy and natural for you. If it is comfortable, you may now do more than one a day, and each period can be for a time that seems right for you. Here's a word of caution, however: these quiet periods are such serene, delightful times, you don't want to lapse into them and ignore your other activities. These quiet periods are for preparation in life. Spend a short time making contact with your Higher Self, receive the energy and knowledge you have there, and then carry it into dynamic activity.

Each quiet period from now on is to begin with these

seven simple steps: 1. Sit comfortably, eyes closed, and focus on the

love pulsating from your heart to all of creation. 2. Clear your aura of all uninvited influences and

send light to all thought forms around you. 3. Close your aura to all except your Higher Self. 4. Unify with the qualities of God by thinking of

some of God's qualities and recognizing those qualities as your own.


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5. State the purpose of the particular quiet period (such as "to practice communicating with my Higher Self," "to receive knowledge that is appropriate at this time," "to have revealed where my thinking is not in tune with God's thought," etc.).

6. Receive the signal from your Higher Self and

keep that signal with you for the entire period. 7. Speak out the communication given to you in

your thoughts by your Higher Self. By now you are quite comfortable with your other

daily practices. They are becoming more and more rou-tine, almost automatic. Your routines throughout the day, whenever appropriate, are:

1. Close your aura to all except your Higher Self

whenever you go into crowds, near illness, or into any negativity.

2. Clear your aura whenever you receive your

uninvited-influence signal, whenever you have a very strong thought to do so, and whenever you feel symp-toms of the influence (such as irritability, exhaustion, temper, or moodiness), and then send love and light to any thought forms around you.

3. Send love from your heart to anyone and any-

thing throughout the day when you think about it, and feel that love actually being transmitted and then coming back to you.

4. Send the thought of forgiveness whenever a

grudge thought comes up, or whenever it appears to you that someone has hurt, or is hurting, you.


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Claiming True Desires

In the evening before going to sleep you have two practices that you can alternate:

1. Unify with God by thinking of God's qualities

and claiming them as your own. 2. Send love and forgiveness to your friends,

family, and anyone or anything that comes to your mind. These practices during the day will take none of your

time. They are just thoughts. You think all the time any-way. Now think these loving, healing, safety thoughts instead of the ordinary chatter you're used to.

Before last week's review, you communicated with your Higher Self about the thoughts you have that are not in tune with God's thought. You started an inventory of those areas in your thinking that need correction. Soon you will begin a very sure, safe way to correct your thinking—conscious and subconscious.

This week you are going to start another inventory— an inventory of your desires. What is it you want to experience?

Whenever you have thought of your desires and needs, you viewed them largely from the vantage point of your lower self. You lacked the vision of your all-knowing intelligence. Too often your desires were dictated by your parents, your friends, or simply your desire to win someone else's love and respect.

Today spend your quiet period receiving communication from your Higher Self about what it is you want to claim in life. After you have properly entered into the quiet period and received the signal from your Higher Self, say, Please communicate to me my true desires.


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Have a piece of paper handy to write down your desires. Remember, you are of the same thought of God as everything else is. This means that everything in the cosmos is one with you. You are that. It is you. So everything is for your use and enjoyment. This is different than the man-made illusion called ownership. Don't confuse the two. Just remember that everything and everyone is for your enjoyment. You need only claim it for your use with love, thankfulness, and forgiveness.

You can't claim and get the use and enjoyment of anything that you claim exclusively for yourself, or for any "self-ish" motive. The "self-ish" of course refers to the lower self. Your motives must be "Self-ish"—the Higher Self.

Fortunately, you need not labor over the distinctions. You simply need to ask your Higher Self for your true desires. These are desires in Truth. These are desires that God would have you desire, because they are in tune with God's thought that made creation. They are the seed thought that can give rise to your creation full of God's qualities. Your desires are to be fulfilled with love, abundance, peace, knowledge, joy, and all of God's other qualities.

Write each desire down on the paper, beginning with "I claim". Write only in the present tense. In reality there is no future and no past, only the present. God is every-where present—omnipresent. He is neither omnipast nor omnifuture. When you think of the past, you are simply imagining what might have happened. It is a creation of your limited perception and memory. It is an illusion of the illusion. The future is also your imagination that the past, as you think it was, may repeat itself with some variations. While you are busy dreaming about the past or


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Claiming True Desires the future, you miss the present, which is the only true reality you have.

You can claim some specific desires, so long as you do not claim to interfere with someone else's free will. For instance, you can claim a perfect unconditional love relationship with Harry or Susan, but you can't claim either Harry or Susan to be your spouse or to become sexually intimate with you. A relationship based on unconditional love is in everyone's highest interest. However, whether or not someone is to marry you or become intimate with you is up to that person. Free will cannot be compromised, even by your strong and powerful desire.

Be realistic. State your claim in terms you can believe are possible. "I claim abundant wealth in the form of $20,000, or more, each year." This is believable. Take the limit off by adding "or more" and "or better" whenever possible.

After your quiet periods, examine your list of true desires. Compare it with the list of thoughts you need to correct. At this point don't concern yourself with recon-ciling the two lists. Just note for your amusement how some of your present thoughts keep you from realizing your true desires.

Soon, very soon, you're going to see the fulfillment of these true desires.


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Creating the World of True Desires

You are made in the image of God. You are a creator. You create your own experiences, your own world. That world of yours begins with your thoughts—conscious and subconscious.

Today you begin claiming and manifesting the world you want and the world God wants. That is to say, you begin to create the experiences God's thought holds for you.

You know by now that you have been a creator all along. You have not just been a potential creator, but you have been a creator in the broadest sense of the word. Your thoughts have always created your world, your experiences. So you have nothing to learn about the mechanics of creating. You have them down. You only need a simple formula to manifest the world you truly desire, your desire in Truth.

The Creating Formula is a simple seven-part sentence. Memorize this sentence now before going on: God and I claim and accept thoughts with forgiveness and thanks. Amen.

1. God and 2. I 3. claim and accept


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Creating the World of True Desires

4. thoughts with 5. forgiveness and 6. thanks. 7. Amen.

Each word is an important part of the formula, and

all parts together give you a foolproof vehicle to experience whatever you desire. A great deal of this course so far has been to prepare you for this Creating Formula. You already know most of what is to be included in it.

This week you practice this Creating Formula to bring you the experience of your Self-acceptance. Self-acceptance is the end-product of this course, indeed of your life on earth. There can be no higher thought, no loftier aim, no purer desire. Now let's go into each of the seven parts of this Creating Formula.

1. God and

You start the formula by stating qualities of God.

Simply stating and thinking His qualities elevate your thinking to that level. Feel that process, and continue thinking of God's qualities until you clearly feel the love of God. You decide what qualities of God you want to think about. There are no particular words here to memorize. However, by way of example, you might think:

God is love. God is light, Truth. God is happiness, joy, and bliss. God is all-knowing intelligence. God is everywhere present. God is perfection. God is peace and gentleness. God is infinite energy. God is abundance. God is nonjudgmental.


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2. I

After you feel the love of God, recognize that you are also those same qualities. Recognize that you are made in the image of God, that you are one with God, and that God's qualities are yours. Repeat the qualities of God you thought of, but now think of them as your own. When you finish, feel and recognize that you are Unified. An example of this section is:

/ am made in the image of God. I am made with those same qualities that God has. I am one with God. Therefore, I am love. I am light, Truth. I am happiness, joy, and bliss. I am all-knowing intelligence. I am also everywhere present. I am perfection. I am peace and gentleness. I am infinite energy. I am abundance. I am nonjudgmental.

3. Claim and Accept This section is what you desire. It is always in the

present tense. It is always as specific as possible; and, al-ways, what you presently believe you can achieve, be-cause you must believe to create. If you doubt, that simply means there is another thought more powerful that is still doing the creating. For instance, if you claim to fly like a bird, you would probably doubt it. Such a powerful doubt would keep you grounded despite your desire. You need to begin with the believable. Slowly, what you believe expands. Then one day you realize that there are no doubts, and literally anything you claim be-comes your experience.


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Creating the World of True Desires

You will learn more on claiming specific desires in the lessons ahead and from your Higher Self. For this week just say, / claim my Self-acceptance. Then immediately, without pausing, accept what you've just claimed. Say, / accept my Self-acceptance. So this part of the formula consists of two simple and almost identical sentences. One is / claim _______ and the other is I accept_______

4. Thoughts with

This is the section to deal with your thoughts that

hinder your claim. As you did a couple of weeks ago, you ask your Higher Self in a quiet period what thoughts— conscious or subconscious—are keeping this desire from manifesting. Every day this week ask your Higher Self to feed you knowledge of the thoughts that keep you from Self-acceptance. It might be fears or doubts or anger or mistaken beliefs. It could be anything.

Once you recognize the thoughts that hinder your claim for self-acceptance, heal those thoughts. Say, / heal and release the thought about . After the thought is released, replace it with the correct thought, such as I am perfect and beautiful in place of the thought "I am ugly and frail."

When all the specific thoughts you know about are healed, released, and replaced, end this section with: / heal and release all thoughts I may have that interfere with this claim, known or unknown, conscious or subconscious. My thoughts are now one with, the same as, and in tune with, God's thought.


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5. Forgiveness and

In this section place yourself in a state of total forgiveness. You've had a lot of practice on this. Simply forgive anyone you might hold a grudge against. Recognize that you forgive because you know there can be nothing that needs forgiving. End with this section by saying, My heart is in a state of forgiveness.

6. Thanks

In this section, simply thank God for what you have claimed. For this week's Creating Formula, say, / thank God for my Self-acceptance.

7. Amen

Let go now of your claim. Know that once you have claimed something and released all conflicting thoughts, you have what you have claimed.

Your release under this section might be:

/ release this claim to God and to the natural laws of creation. My claim is now created. That is the nature of natural law. Amen.

This week you are to say this Creating Formula for

Self-acceptance twice a day. You may use the example in the appendix for the first couple of days, for this week is mainly devoted to feeling comfortable with the formula.


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Creating the World of True Desires

This Creating Formula is one of your main tools now. Say it over and over until it is second nature and you know what each section encompasses. Be able to say it without any text before you.

Devote your daily quiet periods to receiving specific thoughts that keep you from your Self-acceptance. Incor-porate what you receive from your Higher Self into your Creating Formula.


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Enlivening the Heart

God knows everything. Every law of nature is part of that thought of God which created everything: the inter-action of molecules, the seasons, the states of physical matter, the spiritual worlds, gravity and time, the nature of love, the purpose of mankind, the balance of nature, galaxies, and on and on. God knows it all. He knows it consciously. That is, it is His thought that contains all knowledge.

By now you know the logical extension of God's om-niscience. You also know everything. You are that one and same thought. Everything in that thought is there for you to know and think. You only need to tune into that thought and ask whatever you want to know.

How silly it is, then, that you make mistakes. How silly it is to wonder what course of action is in your wisest interest. The answers are all there. There's no need to guess or fumble.

Suffering of any kind arises only when you aren't tapped into that knowledge. Suffering results from mis-takes, and mistakes are not taking and using the knowledge that is yours. You miss the take—"mis-takes."

Now there is no excuse for errors, or suffering, or simply not living your life to the fullest. You know your origin, and you know you share in God's all-knowingness.


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Enlivening the Heart

Furthermore, now you are in tune with your Higher Self and that source of all knowledge. With such awareness, every impulse of yours is naturally correct and perfect to bring you experiences filled with all of God's qualities.

You may not intellectually understand everything there is to know. The intellect is such a small part of you. It's in your head, while the connection to all intelligence is in your heart. In your heart, you know what you're doing is right, even though your intellect may not understand and may even argue against it. The intellect is limited to the sum total of your experiences since you separated from your Higher Self. The intellect assumes that you are a separate and lone being. That's fantasy. What your head can tell you is based on a fantasy.

The heart doesn't deal in fantasy. It is your connection to your whole Self, to all intelligence, and to all Truth. It leads you to right action, to fulfillment, to success, and back to wholeness.

That's why the emphasis this week is on enlivening your heart. The first day this week you are to write out a Creating Formula to do just that. The claim section is simply, / claim now that I enliven and empower my heart to bring me my all-knowing intelligence.

Use your quiet period today to discover what thoughts you have that inhibit your heart from opening up to all-knowledge. Deal with those thoughts in the fourth section of the formula.

After you have written out your Creating Formula for your heart, become comfortable and familiar with each section. You want to repeat it easily without the paper at least once each day this week. Remember to be centered in your heart when you say or think the formula. Feel the Truth as you think each section.


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The second and every other day this week is your time now to practice a new tool for tapping into that all-knowing intelligence. This new tool is a kinetic signal from your Higher Self for a "yes" and a "no." Actually, you may already have such a signal. A chill up the spine when you're about to say or do something evil or inap-propriate is common. Some people experience sweaty palms or a twitch someplace. These could be various forms of signals from your Higher Self. You may not remember any now, but as you become more familiar with signals, some will dawn on you.

You are in charge of what signals you want. Always remember that. You are not a victim to any particular signal. If you feel it is too obvious to anyone watching, or if it hurts, or if you just don't like it, you can tell your Higher Self to give you a new one. This is true with all signals, even the main signal from your Higher Self, as well as the new "yes" and "no" signals you'll learn this week.

Now sit comfortably with your head and spine very vertical. Settle down with your attention in your heart. Get your Higher-Self signal and communicate for as long as there is the feeling to do so. Then say, Dear (name), my Higher Self, please give me a "yes" signal by rotating my head from right to left three times. Sit easily, with your head as though it were sitting on a pivot. Don't resist any movement. Let it gently swing to the left and then back to the point of beginning. It will repeat this three times, and your Higher-Self signal will return. Practice this "yes" signal several times.

When you feel comfortable with the "yes" signal, say Dear (name) , my Higher Self, please give me a "no" sig-


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Enlivening the Heart nal by rotating my head from right to left once. Then re-lax again, and allow your head to rotate to the left and return to its original position. Practice this signal several times.

Each day practice the "yes" and "no" signals by de-manding the "yes" and then the "no." Mix them up.

This week is only to practice the signals. For now, don't ask questions that are to be answered by the signals yet. Just get them strongly perfected, so you can read the "yes" and "no" easily. Feel so comfortable with them that you can have no doubts about this process.

If another signal comes instead of the rotating head, and if you like that signal, go with it. Your Higher Self may know that another type of signal is better for your physiology. Again, if you can't stand your "yes" or "no" signal, you can demand a different one. Don't, however, demand different signals just to test the process. Tests of this type do not work. It will just make you vulnerable to doubts.

Throughout the week, simply be aware that your heart is opening. Trust your feelings. Act on them. Your Creating Formula is enlivening and empowering your heart. This is the connection to God's thought, which is all knowledge. Its input will be in the feelings of the heart. Enjoy it.


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Experiencing Love Flow

God is love. God created the entire creation in His image. Everything is love. Love is the single ingredient of everyone and everything. Love is the bottom line. We can trace matter to the atom, then subatomic particles, then various forms of energy, then to love which makes up everything.

Love is what Einstein called the unified field. Unified. What a perfect, expressive term for love! It unifies everything. If everything is made up of the same thing, and that same thing is really just one thing, then it easily follows that everything in creation is actually just one thing. We are all of one love. We are one love. Love unifies all of us.

We feel that link in our heart. That is what you've been developing—the conscious awareness that love is what you really are. Love is your link to God's thought and all His qualities. There is really nothing else. Everything is just an expression of love.

This course is not to teach you to melt into oblivion. You won't just discover you are part of a vast, undifferentiated sea of love. Each aspect of this one creation is a unique and individual manifestation of love. As accurately, we can say that you are a unique expression of God.


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Experiencing Love Flow

You are indeed an individual. You are unique, and you always will be unique. At the same time, you are also Unified with all of creation.

Your role in life is also unique. You look unique. You radiate unique vibrations that are your trademark. You reflect God, but you reflect Him as a unique reflector. Nothing else in creation is like you, yet everything is Unified with you.

If you are unique, so is everyone else. Your brothers and sisters have unique thoughts, unique roles, unique vibrations, unique drives and desires. They look unique. Their responses are unique. Yet, underneath all that uniqueness is love, the same love that underlies you.

The one and only true connection we all have is love. That is enough, for that is everything there is in creation. It is this love connection that we have been building these last couple of months.

We all experience love in many ways, and they are all legitimate experiences. Sex is certainly an experience of our unity with another person. The mother caring for her child is an experience of love. Your fondness for a grandparent is another type of love. The feeling of compassion for someone caught up in a seeming tragedy is love. Your feelings of joy at someone's success is love. Throughout the days this week, become aware of the many feelings you experience from your heart that are expressions of love. Note that not all your experiences of love are with other people. After all, we are connected to everything by love, so we do experience that love with everything. The feelings you get when you look up to a clear sky of stars are feelings of love. The feeling you have when your


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Twelfth Week dog greets you is clearly an exchange of love. Animals and Plants respond to your feelings of love. Be aware now of all those wonderful and varied expressions of love in your life.

We can have a different feeling of love every moment of the day. It is not a static, unchanging feeling for us. Each moment brings a new set of experiences, with different people, new environments, new plants, and new animals. With everyone and everything we can experience our connecting love. We can acknowledge that we are Unified by simply feeling the love.

Today, write out a Creating Formula for experiencing the various forms of love in your life. In your quiet period today, ask your Higher Self to give you the most perfect words for your "Claim and Acceptance" section. When you think you have the most perfect sentence, speak it out and ask your Higher Self if that is the most perfect claim for your Creating Formula. Wait for a "yes" or "no" signal. If you get a "no" signal, ask again for the perfect words and repeat.

As with all Creating Formulas, you will need to ask your Higher Self for the thoughts you have that interfere with this experience. The list you prepared several weeks ago about such thoughts might be helpful for you now. Incorporate that input into the "Thoughts" section of the formula.

Just as you did last week, become very familiar with this Creating Formula. After a couple of days you should be able to think or quietly say it without the paper. Each day this week recite the Creating Formula with under-standing, conviction, meaning, and of course love.


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Experiencing Love Flow

When you feel very comfortable with this week's Creating Formula, you may do another for a perfect and unconditional love expression with a specific person. Be cautious here, however. Do not attempt to interfere with another person's free will. You can't. It will lead only to frustration for you. So don't do a Creating Formula now, or ever, for someone to marry you, make sexual love to you, move in with you, etc. Your claim is for a perfect and unconditional love expression with that person, so be open as to how that perfect love expression can manifest. Then sit back and enjoy the feeling of love it brings you.

This whole week is to feel the oneness with everything. When we feel that oneness, we are bound to feel an aspect of love. It is impossible not to feel it, just as it is impossible not to get wet when you put your head in the water. You must feel love when you are Unified.

These Creating Formulas bring new and renewed feelings of love. Simply enjoy them. That is God's intention.

During your quiet periods this week receive any knowledge that is appropriate from your Higher Self about love. Speak out what comes to you. Periodically ask, "Have I spoken out the knowledge correctly?" Wait for your "yes" or "no" signal. If "no," find out what correction needs to be made. Using your "yes" and "no" to check your communication is very important. It develops confidence in your communication, and it gives you more practice on the "yes" and "no" signals.

This week your regular practice of sending love to everyone and everything as it occurs to you will be espe-cially joyful. Know and feel your heart connection as you send your infinite supply of love to the world.


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Achieving Spontaneous Right Action

Thoughts are the basis of all your actions. Before

you act, there is a thought, however brief. Sometimes you give a great deal of thought before you act. You think of all the alternatives, weigh the options, and try to predict results. At other times you act even before the thought is recognized.

Nevertheless, all thought leads to action or affects some aspect of your action in some way. This is the corollary of what this course has been emphasizing—that all thought leads to some experience.

The key, therefore, to the most productive, fulfilling, and enjoyable activity is to have the correct thoughts. No one can argue with that. Everyone wants correct thoughts, and everyone strives for correct action.

With all this striving and good intentions, why, then, do we see so much evil action, so much unhappiness, so much unfulfillment, and so much wasted motion? By now you know the answer. It is simply because people are making up their own fantasies. They manufacture their own thoughts instead of allowing themselves to be in tune with that one great thought that created us. When you are in tune with God's thought, then all the thoughts that bubble into your head are correct. That is,


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Achieving Spontaneous Right Action they are thoughts that propel you into action that can only give the experience of happiness, abundance, suc-cess, joy, love, and God's other qualities. Only the qual-ities of God are experienced with God's thought.

You don't always experience God's qualities when you make up your own thoughts, which you are very capable of doing. You imagine what isn't true, such as being poor, or being sick, or being wronged by someone, or being unloved. These thoughts are simply not true, and no amount of your thinking can change that. Creation was made for you to experience God's qualities. Your little independent thoughts can certainly manifest the experience those thoughts represent. Think poverty, and you will experience it. Think sickness, and you will experience it. Think growing old to die, and you will experience it. Think you aren't loved, and that is your experience. Think unhappiness, and that is your experience. Think people are out to hurt you, and that is your experience.

It is your experience, but that doesn't mean it is the Truth. It is only your experience. Your experience must follow what you think. You are made in the image of God. He is a Creator, and so are you then a creator. His creation began with His thought. Your creation also be-gins with your thought.

This week you expand your experience of manifesting what you truly want. You begin to experience that you can spontaneously do the correct activity. It will seem that you won't even think before acting, but we know that can't be true. What happens is that you think of action just before doing it. That way the thought and the action appear as one. This is how it works when you are truly in tune with God's thought.


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His thought bubbles into your mind, and quite spontaneously you act. Pretty soon life just flows easily. You don't have to conjure, weigh alternatives, debate options, and then blindly leap. You just act.

When you use your own little thoughts, you do blindly leap. There is no way you can know enough facts in your head to work out the right action every time. Sometimes you might luck out, but never always. There are too many unknowns.

However, remember that you have a quality of God described as all-knowing intelligence. That quality comes forth when you are in tune with His thought. Then you instantly compute the right course of action. In the same instant, you think the action and perform it, quite automatically.

Right action is that action which gives you the ex-perience of God's qualities: happiness, love, joy, bliss, abundance, nonjudgment, unboundedness, all-knowing intelligence, peace, energy, gentleness, etc. It is this right action that leads you away from your imaginations. It leads you away from fear, insecurity, and loneliness, and toward abundance and true contributions to society. It is action that is fulfilling and successful and satisfying.

Look at the list of experiences you want to have that you wrote out several weeks ago. Compare that list once again with the list you made of thoughts that are holding you away from those experiences. This week you're going to put those lists together and start to manifest your true desires.

Today, write out a Creating Formula for guidance in achieving spontaneous correct action. Use your quiet


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Achieving Spontaneous Right Action period to ask help from your Higher Self with this for-mula. Check your communication and the correctness of the formula with your "yes" and "no" signals. This is a very important Creating Formula. Feel comfortable with it. Say it meaningfully and with love every day.

Tomorrow you are to pick an activity to create from your list of experiences you want. Pick an experience that seems attainable, one you do believe can happen. Everything is possible, and that you will very soon realize. For this first experience, however, it is important that your own doubts, fears, and imaginations don't block the manifestation. So pick something that is believable.

Next, use a quiet period to check and make sure that the activity you choose is in your highest interest. You do this by asking your Higher Self (and be sure to have its signal) if it is wise to ask a question about . (describe the activity). If you get a "yes," then ask, Is it in my highest and wisest interest to______. [describe the activity]? If you receive a "yes" signal, then write out a Creating Formula for the experience you want. Check with your Higher Self for any thoughts you need to deal with that could interfere with the experience. Also, use your "yes" and "no" signals to check the correctness of your Creating Formula.

Remember, you are still learning these techniques. Do not try to leap too fast. Just do these two Creating Formulas. Feel comfortable and grounded in using them. Before long, you will be using them regularly as the basis for your thoughts to bring whatever experience you and your Higher Self know is in your highest and wisest interest.


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Manifesting Perfect Health

During your quiet periods each day, remember that it is your own Self—your Higher Self—with whom you are communicating. There are many forms of life beyond your senses, and some are quite aware and feeding you guidance.

Others are busybodies that delight in your attention. Their communication may or may not be helpful; the chances are very good that it would be useless for you, if not harmful. That isn't because those souls are trying to be intentionally misleading or mischievous. They simply do not have the awareness to help.

Therefore, you must always follow the procedures exactly for your quiet period. Always unify with God. Always clear your aura of any uninvited influences. Al-ways close your aura to all except your Higher Self. Always have your Higher-Self signal. These safeguards are essential. There is no shortcut.

You also need to remember not to add to this course. Don't anticipate, and don't feel that you are ready for more specific Creating Formulas. "Safety First" is always your consideration. It is only time. Take each lesson as it is given.


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Manifesting Perfect Health

Gradually, you have come a long way. You now feel comfortable with the concepts of your divinity, your per-fection, and your holiness. You now grasp the reality of your oneness with everyone and everything. You now understand how you are a creator and how you are con-stantly creating your experiences with your thoughts. You now appreciate the difference in the quality of your experiences—the quality of life—when your thoughts are in tune with, and the same as, God's thought.

Whenever you experience pain, you know your thoughts need correction. There can be no pain with God's thought. Only His qualities are manifested with His thought. God is not pain. He knows of no such ex-perience. Pain is your very own manifestation. Medical science is finally appreciating the power of our thoughts on our health. Evidence is overwhelming now. People have cured the incurable by thinking themselves perfectly healthy and believing it. A whole new body of science is developing around stress-related diseases. Psychological factors of thought are known to precipitate an experience of pain.

Even more profound is that the pain of poor health is not reality. It is illusion. Remember, you can create your own individual experience. However, you cannot ever change what you really are, what you were created as. You can only change your experience.

So, even if you experience cancer, you are still perfect in reality. If you experience ulcers, in Truth you are well. You can bring on any kind of experience you think, but you can't alter the fact you are created perfect, still are perfect, and always will be perfect.


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While this is a fact, the problem has gone unnoticed because the connection of your thoughts to your health isn't so obvious. No one thinks, "I want to experience cancer" or "I want to be blind" or "I think I'll get a cold this week." Of course, those thoughts are very powerful and would indeed affect your health. But the type of thoughts that deny your perfect health are usually not so obvious.

One very common thought that produces ill health is the grudge. You believe someone has hurt you, so you hold a grudge. This thought stops the flow of your life force. Love is your life force. When you hold a grudge, you intentionally stop love.

Another such thought is fear of something. Again, any fear cuts off love. Fear is simply your denial that you are perfect and a denial of the fact that nothing can change your perfection. Somehow you've manufactured the idea that something can bite into your perfection and can change you for the worse. This unfounded fear denies the life force of love.

The life force of love always recognizes your perfec-tion. When it is flowing, you can only experience that perfection. Regardless of your experience of pain, when the life force of love comes into your life, perfection must return.

Any thought that is not one with God's thought is a potential for pain. Look at the list of your thoughts that are at odds with those of God. Any of these could pro-duce illness. Any of these deny love by denying your true nature.

No attempt will be made to expand further on the types of thoughts you have that may need correcting. You know what they are. They inhibit your flow of love.


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Manifesting Perfect Health Weeks ago you asked your Higher Self for input on some of those thoughts. You now have a good beginning. That list is not complete, but you have the tools to expand it.

Today write a Creating Formula for perfect health. Use your quiet period to expand on your list of thoughts that can inhibit your perfect health. Freely use your "yes" and "no" signals to verify your communication with your Higher Self. Use them to check your formula and to check your inhibiting thoughts. As with last week, become very familiar with the formula for perfect health. Say it each day with love and confidence. It is true.

Know that when this formula is said, you have set in motion whatever it takes to have perfect health. Then the next time you say the formula, know that the process has already started. It has. Perfect health has already manifested at a subtler level. The physical expression now must follow. It must. It will. Therefore, never repeat the formula because you think nothing has happened so you'd better do another. Rather, repeat the formula to add push to what has already been started.

Tomorrow pick out some health problem you ex-perience. Use your quiet period to find out from your Higher Self what thoughts need correcting. Then write out a Creating Formula. Say this formula this week along with the formula for perfect health. Starting now, however, you need not repeat the whole formula if this one immediately follows the formula for perfect health. Repeat only those sections that are different (Claim and Accept, Thoughts With, Thanks) and the Amen.

Expect to notice strides toward perfect health this week. It is your divine heritage. You are returning to the Truth of your perfection.


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Here is one small reminder: don't forget to send love to anyone and anything that occurs to you. Close your aura to all except your Higher Self whenever you go into crowds or any negativity. Continue to clear your aura of uninvited influences. Go to sleep with the thoughts of unification one night and with thoughts of love and for-giveness the next night.


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Receiving Guidance for Wise Activity

You have arrived. Now you are ready to break out of the womb of this course. You are ready to use all the techniques you've developed.

No longer need you worry about what is the wisest course of action. You know because you are Unified with your all-knowing intelligence, and you can find out anything for the asking.

No longer need you experience loneliness or lack of love. You are Unified with your love and attract it to flow through you.

No longer need you experience pain. You are Unified with your perfection and can correct any thinking that brings the experience of pain.

No longer need you experience anything but God's qualities. Actually, you never needed to. However, you were buried in a vicious circle of negative, individual thoughts that perpetuated experiences of pain, lack, fear, and failure.

This is not to say that all your days from now on will be the experience only of God's bliss. It is just that no longer need it be anything else. The techniques that you have work in direct proportion to your doing them regu-larly and carefully. They do work.


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For a while you may need to deal with those stubborn thoughts that are out of sync with God's thought that created you. Until they are neutralized and released, they may continue to manifest experiences. Don't let that impede your diligence. Those thoughts may even set up counterthoughts that this course is silly, or a waste, or ineffective, or even evil. Those thoughts appear almost to have a life of their own, and now they're doing everything they can to save their lives. Just observe that process, but don't buy into the negativity. Practice these techniques with innocence, knowing where they'll take you.

Your quiet periods now are free for you to receive whatever guidance you want. Your Higher Self is yours. It is you. Your whole Self is now available for any help you need in fulfilling your purpose in life. That is the key now to all your communication with your Higher Self—fulfilling your purpose in life. That is really all you are interested in, if you think about it.

What is your purpose in life? First, your highest pur-pose is to return to being Unified—return to the state of knowing who and what you are in Truth, and return to the experiences of God's qualities. That is your primary purpose, and for that your Higher Self has always prod-ded and guided you. It stands ready now to communicate anything you want to know for that return. Information will be fed to you during your daily quiet periods. Ques-tions on your highest activity will always be answered by either using the "yes" or "no" signals, or by direct communication. You also have a secondary purpose, and for everyone it is different. That is your daily activity concerned with


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Receiving Guidance for Wise Activity living. Some call it dharma. It is any activity that makes it easiest for you to realize your primary purpose. Your work, your love life, your recreation, your studies, and your hobbies are all for the purpose of returning you to being Unified. On these activities, your Higher Self is also eager to guide and complete your knowledge.

Today and in your quiet periods from now on, you are to have two sections. First, just be receptive. Receive. Any knowledge that is wise for you to have will come at that time. Second, you may ask for guidance on any subject, but for each subject always begin with, Is it in my highest and wisest interest to ask about (subject) ?

If the answer is "no," you may want to find out why. Maybe it is because you already know the answer. Maybe it is something you need to work out further without any additional knowledge. Possibly it is simply an illusion you're dealing with. Explaining a "no" can be very enlightening.

If the answer is "yes," find out if your Higher Self wants to communicate the answer directly to you or whether you should ask more yes-or-no questions. Usually your Higher Self will let you determine which route you want to take.

Always preface each substantive question with, Is it in my highest and wisest interest to_______[state your desire or possible course of action].

If your answer to a question seems strange, check to see if your aura has an uninvited influence. That always clouds your answers, which may be hard to perceive or may be downright wrong. If your answer to a question is "no," it may mean "No,


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Fifteenth Week it isn't wise for you to have an answer to that particular question." That is an "untrue no." To find out, ask, Is that a true no?

Remember also that your questions are taken literally. What you say must be what you mean. Carefully choose your words. Always think about any double meaning you might accidentally be putting into your sentence structure.

When you ask about the highest and wisest course of action, know that a "yes" may not preclude the exact op-posite action. It can be in your highest and wisest interest to change jobs. At the same time it might be in your highest and wisest interest not to change jobs. You will not receive an answer to "Which is the highest and wisest?" You will only be guided within a broad frame-work, because you always have a wide range of choices, any of which would be perfect for you.

Your free will is not tampered with. This is because at this delicate stage while you think of your Higher Self as separate, you must keep exercising that free will. Your Higher Self will not allow your free will to become dormant. There are any number of spirits that would love to usurp your free will and take over every aspect of your life. That's why you must always use the safeguards during your quiet period. These quiet periods are the key to using your Creating Formula. You may now use the formula for any desire provided (1) your Higher Self has confirmed during a quiet period that the desire is in your highest and wisest interest, and (2) your Higher Self has revealed the thoughts you have that stand in the way of that desire. If you have any doubts or questions about the Creating


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Receiving Guidance for Wise Activity Formula, clear them up with your Higher Self during a quite period.

Know that once you’ve said the formula, it started to manifest. Almighty nature has started to muster all its forces to bring you the experience you desire and believe will happen. Continue, however, to fuel the manifestation daily with Creating Formulas until your experience comes about. Sometimes those nasty individual thoughts are stubborn and need to be burned off more gradually.

After all, you’ve had thoughts of lack of money, or lack of love, or poor health, or whatever, for a long time. These thoughts need to be changed. Each time you say the Creating Formula and deal with them, you are closer getting the experience. Something happens each time.


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Now let's review the last seven weeks. Even though each day you will emphasize the important aspect of one of the weeks, you may continue any of the techniques you've developed. Your quiet period each day can be for any purpose, in addition to a time of passive receiving from your Higher Self. You may also continue to do your Creating Formulas for your highest and wisest desires.

First Day

As soon as possible in the morning and again at night say the following prayer. Add it to whatever you feel in your heart.

Dear God, my creator, I thank you for creating me in your image. I thank you for giving me for my use the thought that created everything perfect. I thank you for the ever-present joy and happiness and abundance found in your thought. I am now Unified with you and in tune with your thought.

Look at the list of your desires you made the ninth week. Note that some of these desires are well on the way


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Reviewing to fulfillment. During your quiet periods today ask your Higher Self again to give you your highest desires. Are they the same? Are your desires changing as you change? Do any of these desires need a Creating Formula?

Second Day

Your prayer for this morning and evening is:

Dear God, my creator, you and I now claim and ac-cept thoughts with forgiveness and thanks. I thank you for making me a creator by simply thinking. And thank you for offering me your thought as my own, so that I can experience all your qualities.

Today read the lesson for the tenth week. Then read

all the Creating Formulas you've written out. Do you feel comfortable with the formulas? Can you notice some manifestation taking place from your formulas? Do you think you could now do an impromptu Creating Formula when the occasion arises? Feel grateful now for the mag-nificent, perfect, and powerful soul you are.

Third Day

Dear God, my creator, thank you for my heart, my cosmic connection to you and all of your creation. Thank you for the knowledge of creation, knowledge which is mine. I do now empower my heart to receive all that is mine, in love and peace and joy. I thank you, God, for never letting me separate from


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my Higher Self. I thank you for always providing me with a link to my whole Self and to you.

This is your prayer for this morning and evening. Devote some time during your quiet period today to

strengthening your "yes" and "no" signals. Ask for a "no"; then a "yes"; etc. Ask for one or the other, then verify what you got with the question, Was that a "yes"? or Was that a "no"?

Today also recite at least twice the Creating Formula to enliven and empower your heart. Can you now differentiate between what your head says to you and what comes from the heart? Relax into the heart. It takes diligent practice, and the reward is all of creation.

Fourth Day

Dear God, my creator, I thank you for making me with love. I thank you for making all your creation with love. And I thank you for the love that connects me to everyone, everything, and you. I am a unique individual, and I now radiate love and allow it to flow through me.

Add to this morning and evening prayer your love in

your own words. Read the Creating Formula you wrote on love. Think

about what expressions of love have improved in your life. Write them down, knowing that such a list can now only grow and grow.


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Take particular note of how your love expression has improved with a specific person. Throughout the day be thankful and grateful for the love in your life as you send it to everyone and everything that comes your way.

Fifth Day

Your morning and evening prayer is as follows: Dear God, my creator, I thank you for making me in your image. My father, who knows everything, I thank you for giving me that same intelligence. I now open up myself to your intelligence through my heart, and let it guide me toward perfect, correct ac-tion. I thank you that my action now gives me joy, abundance, and success.

Have you noticed that events just happen quite spon-

taneously for you now? Today give special thought to that. Make a list of some incidents you remember. You may have called it luck, or being in the right place at the right time, or the unexpected that lead you to a solution. More and more this is to be your ordinary experience, but while it is still extraordinary, it is fun to make special note.

Have you been using your "yes" and "no" signals to help guide you to correct action? Have you seen how these signals really saved a chain of events you couldn't foresee?

Finally, review the procedure in receiving guidance for correct right action in the thirteenth week.


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Sixth Day I thank you for my perfection, God, my creator. I thank you for always giving to me a perfect body that exemplifies you. And thank you for never taking away that perfection, regardless of what I think and therefore experience. I am now one with you, made in your image, and I deny any other form for myself.

Such a prayer in the morning and evening

strengthens your sense of being Unified. Look today at your list of thoughts that need

correction —the thoughts that are out of tune with God's thought. Can you see more clearly now how some of those thoughts are linked to your health? Do you now acknowledge that only you are in charge of your experience of good or bad health?

Read today your Creating Formula for perfect health. Can you now see some changes in your health arising from your formulas? Start a list of these changes and give yourself special thanks for changing your experiences. Seventh Day This morning and evening give your own prayer of special thanks to God for what you have gained from this course. It is really a prayer of thanks for what you are and for your realizing that. Naturally, it can include your improved love expressions, improved health, improved successful actions, more abundance, the feeling of Self-


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Reviewing sufficiency, the experience of peace, a happier attitude, or the security of realizing that the insanity of the world is "The Illusion".

Today give special thought to your Creating Formulas. Do you want to add any? Eliminate some? Combine some? Revise some? This actually is always an ongoing process. Today is to experience that process and to give thanks for your progress in just sixteen weeks.


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Expanding Your Tools of Guidance

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Clearing Auras of Loved Ones

Let's review what your daily habits and techniques are. You spend at least once a day in your quiet period, which can last for whatever time is comfortable for you. That will vary from day to day. Be sure to begin your quiet period in exactly the prescribed way: sitting comfortably with your eyes closed, centering in the heart, unifying with God, clearing your aura of uninvited influences, closing your aura to all except your Higher Self, and stating the purposes of your quiet period, and receiving the signal from your Higher Self and keeping that signal for the entire period.

Remember, yours must be only the highest of spiritual purposes. This means that the quiet period is to be used for gaining Truth and for guidance in becoming whole. Any of your activities that brings you close to being Unified can be dealt with in your quiet period. If you have specific questions, you always first ask if it is in your highest and wisest interest to ask the question. Never pursue a question that is unwise. Your answers will not be reliable.

In all of your communication with your Higher Self, keep in mind that you have many options for whatever


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Seventeenth Week you do on earth. Many will be equally in your wisest and highest interest. So just because you receive an answer that to do something is wise doesn't preclude other action. It neither precludes some other seemingly opposite action, nor does it preclude that not acting could be wise. You must check out all the alternatives with your Higher Self, and don't be surprised when you end up with several choices that are all wise.

You have free will. You must use it. You will not be allowed to use these techniques to forego all decisions. No. You will only be guided into action that will take you a step closer to being Unified. That is the only goal of the communication.

Of course, that goal brings with it all the goals of your life—abundance, joy, happiness, intelligence, success, peace of mind, energy, and all of God's other qualities. That is the goal. Along the way to that goal, you have many things to learn. Your thoughts need to be corrected, and often that means you need to experience something that will shake up your thinking.

Those experiences of being shaken are precious. They are also in your wisest and highest interest. Yet the short-term experience might be uncomfortable, and you may want to curse this course and your Higher Self for such "poor guidance." In those moments, instead turn to your Higher Self. Find out the reasons for the experience. Learn the lessons intended. Correct the thoughts that are in error.

When your lesson is well learned, it will never have to be repeated. Until the correction in your thinking is made, you can be assured that the lessons in various forms will


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Clearing Auras of Loved Ones keep coming. So learn the lesson and offer thanks for the guidance, no matter what your initial experience.

During your quiet periods, you can take the bull by the horns and ask for the thoughts you need to correct. You've started that already. Simply keep it up and then do Creating Formulas to correct the thoughts.

Creating Formulas are now also a daily routine, if not habit. Your unfulfilled desires (that are true desires confirmed by your Higher Self) are clues to thoughts that need correcting. By reciting the Creating Formula for your true desire, you can quickly bring about changes in your experience.

Just remember that you do the formula and then act. Act. That is important. You can't just do the formula and stay in bed. You must act. It is through your actions that the manifestation takes place.

If you have a true desire for perfect employment at $20,000 or more per year, recite the Creating Formula and then look for the job. Search the newspaper. Send out your resume. Ask people about leads. Go to employment agencies. Act, act, and act. All the forces of nature are behind your actions, and the right job is bound to come. But you have to put yourself in the right place at the right time.

It is easy to become complacent with your new tech-niques. Do not let that happen. These techniques are to bring dynamic activity, not laziness.

Your daily Creating Formulas can be for anything you desire. The only requirement is that you check with your Higher Self that the desire is true—that is, that it is in your wisest and highest interest.


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Make certain you also use the present tense through-out the Creating Formula. Then say it with love in your heart, knowing fully that the wheels have already started turning to bring you that experience.

In addition to your daily quiet periods and Creating Formulas, you are to maintain diligence in closing your aura to all except your Higher Self. Do this whenever you go into a crowded place or where there is negativity. Whenever you have any reason to believe that you may have an uninvited influence, clear your aura immediately. These two practices are very important for your comfort and maximum growth.

This week you expand your role in clearing uninvited influences. Whenever you see any sign of negativity, such as a fight, an accident, or tension, you can clear the aura of those involved from any uninvited influences. You can be sure some are present. They may have caused the negativity in the first place. In any event, they love that kind of atmosphere, and they jump on the bandwagon. The uninvited influences aggravate the feelings of those involved in the negativity, so say the words to clear the area of the influences.

Sometimes you may receive your uninvited-influence signal quite suddenly. That influence may be for someone around you, so go ahead and clear it without caring much where it is. You don't want to spend your whole life clearing away uninvited influences. You have your own activity to be mostly concerned with. However, during your quiet period this week, pick a couple of people particularly close to you—a spouse, a child, a parent, or very close friend. Ask your Higher Self if it is wise for you to clear


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Clearing Auras of Loved Ones

any uninvited influences for each person. If yes, then ask, Is the aura of (name) clear of uninvited influences? If "no," clear it. Then repeat the question and clear the in-fluences until you get a "yes" answer that the aura is clear. If the person is around you, you will notice an immediate change. That change, however, may not last. Another uninvited influence may come soon thereafter, but that can't be your worry.

By now you also have the established practice of sending love from your heart to whomever and whatever, whenever you think of it. And don't forget your precious practices at bedtime of sending love and forgiveness, or of unifying with God's qualities.


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Promoting Another's Self-Acceptance

Everyone is your vehicle for realizing your wholeness. This course has emphasized your own responsibility for yourself—for your Self. That is proper. You must accept your own fate. You have free will. You must freely will to live a life of full potential.

That is true of everyone. Yet there is a connection between us all. As long as even one of us remains separated, there is imbalance for everyone. If one leg of a table is separated, or even just shorter, it throws off the whole table, no matter how perfect the other legs. By the same token, everyone's attitude, perception of reality, and awareness affects your own. This is group consciousness. Everyone is tied into that group aware-ness. It molds your own attitudes, your own values, and your own desires. In that way everyone else is a vehicle for realizing your wholeness. What other people think—collectively and individually

—is part of you. You are forced to deal with it. Actually, these others are largely responsible for the thoughts you now must correct in your Creating Formulas. The stronger the errors are in this group consciousness, the greater is the pull on you, and the harder is the correc-


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Promoting Another's Self-Acceptance

tion. So you have a definite stake in what is happening to everyone else.

In the same way, when large numbers of people cor-rect their thinking, bringing it in tune with God's thought, you are affected. Your own process becomes easier.

The orderliness of Truth has an interesting characteristic. Only a small bit of orderliness goes a long way. It takes a few perfectly ordered light-waves to bring a whole system of light-waves into perfect order. The result is the laser light. The same is observed with magnets. It takes only a few orderly waves to bring a whole magnetic system into order.

It is the same with group consciousness. A few ordered minds greatly affect whole populations. A small fraction of a community can change the whole community. Not surprisingly, this kind of change goes largely unnoticed. It "just happens."

In recent years this kind of change has been taking place. There are hundreds of groups and countless in-dividuals making it their primary goal to experience wholeness—being Unified with their Higher Selves and with all creation. This course is one such example.

In this century you have witnessed a renewed concern among mankind for spiritual values, for physical health, and for the environment. You have seen a reversal of many destructive practices on a global scale. This reversal is coming about simply because of a few groups and people that have their thoughts in tune with God's thought. Those few are changing the world. They are literally your vehicle for your wholeness.

It is that small nucleus of people now on earth that is


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Eighteenth Week expanding your awareness. Not many years ago you probably would not have been interested in this course. Certainly you wouldn't have gotten this far into it, had it not been for the changing group consciousness. Now part of your awareness is the desire for a return to wholeness.

So, indeed, everyone is your vehicle for realizing your wholeness. All are in this together. While you are responsible for yourself, that includes some responsibility for others. You can't experience total wholeness until everyone else experiences it with you. All legs on the table must be Unified.

Last week you experienced some of the joy of helping others. You cleared the auras of some of your very close ones of uninvited influences. You immediately felt the joy of doing just that simple act. You lived vicariously in their new freedom, even if for a short time.

This week you expand on helping others. You don't do this by preaching or even talking to them. You aren't interested in winning converts. You won't try to convince anyone.

You are simply going to use your own creating powers to help change their awareness. Remember, we are all connected. What you think and believe does affect those around you—indeed everyone on earth. When your thoughts are one with that creating thought of God, your effect is thousands of times more powerful than when you are thinking a thought you made up.

This week do a Creating Formula for one or two of the people closest to you. You may also do your other formulas if you have time, but this project takes priority this


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Promoting Another's Self-Acceptance

week. In the formula, you simply claim that the persons have Self-acceptance.

You claim and accept Self-acceptance for those per-sons. This is important to understand. You claim their Self-acceptance: this means that you perceive this Self-acceptance. You believe they have it; you know they have it. It is your thoughts you are dealing with. So in the "Thoughts" section of the formula, consider your thoughts that interfere with your belief in their Self-acceptance. Likewise, it is your acknowledgment of for-giveness that you are dealing with in the "Forgiveness" section.

Once you firmly establish their Self-acceptance in your mind, you manifest it for your own experience. Of course, they too reap the rewards. They gain Self-accep-tance. There is no telling how many people are respon-sible in part for your level of consciousness. Everyone is everyone else's vehicle for realizing wholeness.

You are not interfering with another person's free will by doing this Creating Formula. You are in actuality promoting their free will. No one has free will when they are not Unified. Imagined fears, worries, alienation, loneliness, poverty, unhappiness—these are the true enemies of free will. Once Unified and experiencing Self-acceptance, they have free will.

However, this is the only Creating Formula you can do for someone without their consent. If a person chooses to be sick or poor or unhappy or whatever, you can't interfere. God Himself will not interfere with His beloved's creation, even if it is filled with error and illusion. Free will is protected by absolute law.


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With a person's permission, however, you may do a Creating Formula for some problem he or she is experi-encing. Just say the Creating Formula, realizing that it is your thought, your perception we're dealing with. You claim the solution. You accept it because you believe it and know the solution is already manifest. It is, or course, at some level of creation. It is your thought and your forgiveness you deal with. Then their solution becomes your experience. What a glorious gift! But remember: you do this only with their permission. We do not interfere with another person's creation or their free will.


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Dreaming for Truth

You are so much more than you realize, although you are now quickly grasping your totality. This week you explore another exciting aspect: your dreams.

Everyone is fascinated by dreams. Scientists explore the physiology of dreaming. They've noted rapid eye movements, an absolutely still body, and active brain-wave patterns. Psychologists look to dreams for analysis to probe deep into the subconscious. Some mystics consider dreams a communication from spirits. Yet with all the probing, study, and discussion, dreams remain largely a mystery.

They are obviously a very significant part of your life. Everyone dreams. Nothing in this world is without a reason, so dreams must have their purpose also.

Indeed they do. You might say that they are another state of consciousness. Your waking state is one, and dreams are another. While you dream, you live that dream. Its delights and fears seem real to you. Its ex-periences are acted out in your mind.

For years mankind has recognized the vast subcon-scious mind—that huge reservoir of your total input of thoughts and experience. It is your personal computer. It is that part of your mind that you program, so you can


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Nineteenth Week go on automatic pilot much of the time. This vast sub-conscious mind stores the thoughts, ideas, and convic-tions you give to it, and it is this mind that you use to manifest your experiences.

This is the reason you can seriously doubt that your thoughts manifest your experiences. "I am poor, but I don't want to be poor. I think rich," you say. Fine. But as long as your personal computer says you are poor, that subconscious thought is what you'll manifest.

You have subconscious thoughts about everything you experience. Of course you have some conscious thoughts, too. As you become more and more whole, the greater the role your conscious thoughts play. At wholeness— when you are fully integrated with your Higher Self and your thoughts are one with God's thought—you have whatever you consciously think. The subconscious is your ever-obedient servant for whatever you decide to think.

Until you reach that point of wholeness, a lot of your experiences come from your being on automatic pilot. You experience what you've programmed.

How can you change the program of the subconscious mind? The techniques of this course will surely and certainly do that. You receive from you Higher Self the thoughts that need correcting. You verify with your Higher Self your true desires and learn what thoughts you have that stand in your way. Through the Creating Formula, you change the program and experience your desires. In this way your "personal computer," the subconscious mind, gets reprogrammed.

We know that your Higher Self has never really been separated from you. You consciously tried to deny it.


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Dreaming for Truth Your tried to cut off its communication. You refused to recognized the voice you now hear and love, but you could not stop your Higher Self from doing everything possible to restore your wholeness and sanity. The er-roneous programs of your subconscious mind had to be corrected.

Since you refused its input while you were awake, the reprogramming suggestions were made while you were asleep through dreams. Dreams are your Higher Self speaking softly, with love, to your subconscious mind. Dreams expose the erroneous nature of your thinking and they gently suggest corrections. In that way, your thoughts can change and your experiences can improve. Of course, your experience of a nightmare might overshadow its softness, its love, or its divine purpose.

The language between your Higher Self and your subconscious mind is different than the language of your waking state. Dreams use a language of symbols. This has long been recognized by psychologists, and some have even tried to come up with a list of universal symbols. Unfortunately, such lists have only served to discredit the idea of dream symbols. They are not universal. While it is not unusual for many people to experience the same or similar symbols (after all, we are all connected), most symbols are one's own. It is the unique language understood between one's Higher Self and one's subconscious mind.

If your dreams could be understood, they would give you a clear picture of some of the thoughts you need to correct to be in tune with God's thought. But how can they be understood? It's easy. You just ask your Higher Self to tell you in your waking language what they mean.


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Today, do a Creating Formula to remember your dreams tonight. There is no need to write this formula out. Just go through each section, receiving help and guidance from your Higher Self when appropriate.

When you go to bed tonight, put paper and pen within reach. Then, as soon as you wake up, write everything you remember about the dream, even if it seems insignificant: places, buildings, people, time, action involved, feelings experienced, anything unusual, what was said, colors, and so on. Write as much as you remember, and write it quickly. You only have a couple of minutes before the memory of most dreams fades. Even if you are sure you'll remember the dream, write it down. You will probably forget that dream faster than you think.

Use your quiet period to learn the meaning of the dream. Simply ask your Higher Self to feed you the interpretation of the dream. Don't anticipate. You'll be surprised how different the meaning is compared to what you would have guessed. Make sure that all aspects of the dream are interpreted. What did each person in the dream stand for? What did each building signify? Did the time have any significance? What did the activity mean? etc. After you think you have the complete interpretation, ask, Is that all? Keep going with the interpretation until you get a "yes" signal. Then go one step further. Find out what Creating Formula would hasten the reprogramming called for in the dream. This is important; it is your chance to take conscious control of the process.

After your quiet period is finished, write out the dream interpretation, and on a separate sheet write down all the symbols used and what they mean. You may find that the same symbol has a different meaning in different dreams.


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Dreaming for Truth Then finish the daily project by saying the Creating For-mulas brought to light by the dream analysis. Again, there's no need to write out these formulas. By now they are quite natural for you.

During your activity this week, make a conscious effort to live your life with the new programming you know has come about by means of the dreams, their analysis, and the Creating Formulas. Expect new and wonderful experiences.


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Expanding Communication to All Life

This week you continue to explore your connection with everyone and everything.

Love is the basis of everything. In the terms of modern physics, love is the Unified field. Every atom, every subatomic particle, every energy field is ultimately made up of love. Therefore, everything is the same.

We see different expressions of that single ingredient. Rocks, trees, squirrels, ferns, rivers, clouds, dogs, and automobiles seem very different, yet they are fundamentally the same. A clay pot and a clay figure of a lion may seem to have nothing in common, but we know they both are expressions of the same clay.

It is the same with all of creation. Everything is a simple and unique expression of love. This means that everything has the qualities of love. Everything is included— not just mankind. God made nothing except from love.

This one basic Truth carries with it two fundamental characteristics of everything. First, everything has all the qualities of God. Second, everything is consciously con-nected to everything else. You are now quite comfortable with your God-given and God-like qualities. You even easily assign those same qualities to other humans. This was a major step for you —to see the perfect, loving divinity in those people you


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Expanding Communication to All Life thought had somehow hurt you. Nevertheless, you did it, and your perception has taken a major shift. Today, you assign those same qualities to everything around you. The plant you water every week is just like you. It is light. It is Truth. It is love. It is happiness, joy, and bliss. It is all-knowing intelligence. It is even everywhere present. It is perfect. It is peace and gentleness. It is abundance. And it is nonjudgmental. These are some of its innate qualities, the same qualities that make up all of creation.

Of course the plant's perception of its divinity may not be as complete as yours. As with you, however, its lack of perception in no way diminishes its truthful existence.

Consciousness is sometimes a difficult concept to understand. You tend to think of it only from your own viewpoint. You see. You feel. You hear. You smell and touch. If you can't hear, your consciousness seems to be the other four senses. This view of consciousness is far too limiting. Consciousness is really the awareness that comes from your initial creation. It is the awareness of everything in God's creating thought.

Everyone and everything is created as and with love. The nature of love is to know itself. Love knowing itself is consciousness in its purest form. Consciousness is really simply being aware of your own nature, or being aware of love.

Now, that is quite a bit of awareness. To be fully conscious is to be fully aware of love and all it is. That is no less than being aware of all of God's qualities and everything in creation. A more limited consciousness occurs when something is aware only of itself. Even this simple awareness means that it is aware of its love nature and is in touch with everything else in creation. This means that everything


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Twentieth Week else in creation has its effect on it. It also means that everything in creation has the ability to communicate with everything else, simply because it can be conscious of itself.

Your abilities to communicate with everything are very developed. You've done it all your life, except that you may not have trusted it. This week you sharpen that awareness.

As soon as possible today, go into a natural setting—a park, the countryside, even your own garden or patio. Choose a plant. It doesn't have to be "beautiful" or "healthy"—just alive. Sit quietly next to it and focus your attention on your heart. Let your heart love pulsate out and engulf the plant.

Now unify with God in the usual way: recite some of God's qualities and claim them for yourself. In the state of such unity, unify with the plant. You do this by sim-ply reciting again those God qualities and acknowledg-ing that they are yours and the plant's as well.

In this state of unity, you are in tune and ready for conscious communication with the plant. First, you speak softly: We are both, made from God's love. We are both divine. I now send to you that love, and I now receive your love. Quietly enjoy the feeling of love as you send it and receive it.

After a few minutes, say, Please, my dear one, tell me how I can make you more comfortable. Then sit back and listen, just as you do in all your quiet periods. Since this is a quiet period, make sure you have the same safeguards: close your aura to all except your Higher Self, and have the signal of your Higher Self.


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Expanding Communication to All Life

You receive communication in your thoughts from the plant by means of your Higher Self. It might tell you anything—its life in general, its hardships, its fortunes, its relationship to other life, or anything. But what you want to particularly listen for is its communication on how you can make it more comfortable.

Speak out what you receive, and periodically ask your Higher Self if what you're saying is an accurate communication from the plant. Use your "yes" and "no" signals.

When you finish this exercise, make the plant more comfortable. Do anything that you can do, such as giv-ing it more water, moving it to more sunlight, giving it plant food, thinning it, or spraying it with insecticide. From the communication you received from the plant, recite an appropriate Creating Formula for it. Remember, this is your formula. You're manifesting in the present tense. This is your experience you're creating, although the plant is a fortunate beneficiary of your creation.

Do this exercise each day this week. In doing it, strengthen your understanding of how everything is made of love, how love is aware of itself, how everything does have that love awareness or consciousness, how everything is aware of all love or all of creation, and how this opens up your communication with everything.

This basic exercise need not be restricted to plants after this week. Everything is subject to your listening and communication at the thought level. That includes cats, dogs, wild birds, deer, ants, moths, flies, and even inanimate objects. Everything is love, and therefore everything is consciousness. Open yourself up now to this wonderful world of God's creation. Expand your friendships.


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Becoming a Master of Creation

You have free will. This can't be overemphasized. It squarely places responsibility on you for your life and what you experience. No one can take that away. No one can usurp your free will unless you willingly give them that power. Even that is your exercise of free will, and you can reclaim your power any time.

All that the concept of free will means is that you are free to think whatever you want and you will manifest the corresponding experience. Free to think. Will manifest. Free will.

By now you know you have two choices of the thoughts you can have. Those you create are one of your choices. Those that are part of God's grand thought that created the universe are another choice.

Suppose you are hiking through the mountains and you come across two lakes to quench your thirst. One is small, stagnant, with pungent stench. The other is large, clear, cool, and refreshing. Which one will you drink from? It is of course your choice. Drink from the stagnant lake, and your experience will be uncomfortable, maybe even nauseating. Drink from the clean, cool lake and immediately be refreshed. Fur-


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Becoming a Master of Creation

thermore, the clear lake gives you energy, vitality, and alertness to carry you on your trip quickly. Its invigora-tion opens up new vistas for you to experience.

That is the choice you have with your thinking. Choose your limited, fearful, judgmental thoughts, and you experience discomfort, even illness. But choose the unbounded sea of God's thought, and you can only experience God's qualities.

You do not relinquish your free will when you freely choose to use God's thought. Quite the opposite. When you choose to think of your fear-ridden creation, you quickly become its slave. You are bound by the bound-aries you set up. You experience illness. You experience loneliness. You experience poverty. You are afraid, and you distrust others. You feel fragile and vulnerable. These illusions enslave you. In that condition you cannot continue on the road of life freely making choices and freely experiencing the infinite games of love, abundance, peace, and happiness.

God's thought guarantees your free will. Within that thought are infinite right choices. They are "right" be-cause the choice of thought always leads to an experience of God's qualities.

It is everyone's choice to be happy, to be wealthy, to be loved, and to have successful projects. That being the case, there really is only one choice—the choice to dive into the vat of love called God's thought. In that vat are infinite choices for you to play and replay the mighty game of creation with the experience of God's qualities. Don't jump into God's thought and you will experience only what you can imagine. Your choices are limited by


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Twenty-First Week your own limited awareness, likely bound up in some fear. You can easily foresee what kind of experience will result.

That is the essence of this course. You have learned to correct your thinking. You do it by being Unified with your whole Self and receiving its guidance. You now know a sure way to find out what thoughts need correct-ing and how to correct them. You have a sure way of manifesting your true desires.

At this point it is easy to lapse into complacency. Be-ware. Even with this grand knowledge, you must be ever vigilant and diligent in your thinking. It becomes more and more automatic to be tuned into God's infinite resource of thoughts. However, at this delicate stage, the voice is like an FM tuner that drifts from its station peri-odically. Unless you stay on top of that tuner, you may start hearing another station without even knowing it.

Be diligent in your thinking. Refuse to think anything that is clearly the illusion of your making. A sure sign that you are bound up in illusion is that your thoughts are drifting into the past or into the future. Neither exists. What you remember and imagine took place is at best fragments and pieces. It bears little resemblance to Truth. In all likelihood you're dwelling on it with some fear that it will or will not repeat itself. Fearful thoughts can only give an unhappy experience.

The future is just as illusionary. It clearly is your fan-tasy. Usually your thoughts of the future also have an element of fear that something will or will not happen. Thoughts of the future and the past are sure signs that you are dwelling on an illusion. Get off it immediately. Change your thinking. Swing back into the present.


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Becoming a Master of Creation Listen to the present sounds. Smell what's around you. Look. It is all exciting. The thoughts of God are only in the present. There you experience His qualities.

If you notice thoughts of poverty, snap out of it. Think abundance. Count your blessings. Dwell on all the things you do have. Feel affluence. Only with these thoughts can the experience of wealth manifest. And for heaven's sake, never joke about being poor.

If you notice thoughts of not being loved, snap out of it. Send out thoughts of love to everyone and everything around you. Know that you love yourself. Feel that love. Only with these positive thoughts of love can you manifest the experience of being loved.

If you notice thoughts of failure in your activity, snap out of it. It is crucial for success that you think success. Visualize that you are presently a successful person in what you're doing. Whatever you're doing at the moment, know that it is successful, whether it is washing the car or the dishes, eating a meal, shopping, or putting together a business deal. For that present moment, know that you are successful. Get in the habit of living successful present moments. Be careful and vigilant not to dwell on the future. Stay only with the present. The future never comes.

You must now be ever diligent in your thinking. Whenever you lapse into the illusion, return again and again. Never tire of returning to God's thought.

Most of the time you know when you're not thinking correctly. All this week give particular attention to this. Practice diligence. You have free will to turn your thoughts and experiences around. Of course your Higher Self is there for a helping hand,


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI / Twenty-First Week guiding you now with stronger and stronger intuition. Listen and act on that reliable intuition.

Besides your intuition, you may have noticed some physical body signal from your Higher Self that tells you about a negative thought. It is usually uncomfortable, and when you get it, you just know that what you're thinking or doing is inappropriate.

All this week during your quiet period, ask your Higher Self to feed you your "negative signal." Then sit back and experience that sensation, movement, or whatever. Become very familiar with it, and allow it to speak to you in your activity from now on. Whenever you get it, immediately make the correction in your thoughts and action that you know is called for.

You are rapidly becoming a true Master of Creation. Your creation is filled with only success, wealth, health, love, and peace. All of God's qualities are yours to experience always.


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Opening Channels for Truth

Sometimes it might appear to you that your mind still resists this knowledge. Of course, that isn't accurate— but it is as if there were two or more parts of you, each with independent ideas and drives. Your head is one such part.

For ages your head has been in charge. You've been educated to use your head. Learning its logic and train-ing its neurons is given top billing in this world. The head is king. Jobs that require head-trained skills pay more. The intelligentsia are an elite. They even live in their own ghettos.

Suddenly your head is told to take a back seat. As if that weren't bad enough, you then give power to your heart. To your head, the heart is merely an emotional marshmallow. It doesn't have any logic, any systematic way to memorize, any habits, and any conditioning, yet you want to put that underling in charge!

An internal struggle appears to ensue. For awhile you do just fine, following these lessons exactly. You let your heart guide from its connection to cosmic intelligence. Then suddenly your head with its training, logic, and conditioning struggles for its life. What are its main weapons? Doubts.


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You go through a period of doubting. You doubt your signals. You doubt the communication in your quiet periods. You doubt the wisdom even of this course. You doubt your manifesting nature. This is the only way the head thinks it can regain supremacy. It actively argues. It interjects its own thoughts loudly and clearly. You can't help but hear. These are the thoughts you're used to. They've yelled at you for ages. They are precisely the reason you aren't experiencing God's qualities all the time.

It is not the heart's nature to argue back. It doesn't need to. It knows that the little head can never win in the long run. The heart knows its divine nature, its immortality, and its connection to the cosmos. Nothing the head yells can begin to penetrate its hard shell. Nothing. So the heart just remains peaceful, gentle, and all-knowing.

Does this sound familiar? It probably does. If the head has had its way, you no doubt have started and stopped this course several times before getting to this point. Maybe you've had to take two weeks to get through some of the lessons. Or maybe you're one of the lucky ones and just ignored that babbling child screaming for attention.

This week witness that head yelling for attention and know it for what it is. Witness, but don't buy into it. Eventually, the head will discover its own true blessing. It is neither being abandoned to oblivion nor being relegated to a second-class position. Instead, you are buying it new computer hardware with an open account on software. With that, anything the head wants to know, it can have. It won't be restricted to what it could cram into its education or remember from your few experi-ences. Then, whenever you ask for your head's help, it gives with total accuracy. Its success is guaranteed. The


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Opening Channels for Truth

heart becomes its best friend—nay, its inseparable spouse. Actually, it is a royal internal wedding. Like the helium atom (H), it can't really exist alone. The helium atom is unstable by itself, so two atoms combine. It is found in nature as H2. Head (H) and Heart (H) equal H2 as well.

So far this course has emphasized your quiet period with your Higher Self signal as the form of communica-tion with your Higher Self. You tune in on the thoughts you know are coming from your Self. These quiet periods, however, are not the only way your Self can be in touch with you. They may not even be the best way for you. They are, however, the foundation and the backbone.

If ever you feel that there may be another good way to communicate with your Higher Self, don't be afraid of it. Just be sure to use the same safeguards. Always get your Higher Self signal. It is always there when you're really communicating with your Higher Self. Always close your aura to all but your Higher Self, and clear your aura of uninvited influences whenever needed. Before you try another form of communication, ask your Higher Self in the conventional way if it is in your highest and wisest interest to communicate in that other way. Use your "yes" and "no" signals, and don't ignore a "no" answer.

There are many ways to so communicate. The Ouija board is popular, as are the Tarot cards. Even a standard deck of playing cards can be used to communicate if the meaning of the cards is clearly predetermined. A newly revived method uses Runes. The pendulum is also very popular.

A light table can be used. Two people put their hands lightly on the table, facing each other. They close their


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UNIFIED: COURSE FROM BABAJI / Twenty-Second Week auras to any uninvited influences, state their high spiritual purpose, and unify with God. Then they ask that the Higher Self for one of them communicate by raising the table. Two of the four legs will rise toward one of them when both are perfectly Unified with God and each other. It may take a few minutes of quiet submission. From then on the procedure is the same as with your quiet times. Three taps of the tables means "yes." It also means that what you say aloud is correct communication from the Higher Self. One tap is "no." Both of you can communicate with the same Higher Self, since you are, after all, One.

When the table first rises, ask, Is the table clear of any uninvited influences? Heal any influences until you get a "yes" answer to that question. Then ask the Higher Self to identify itself by tapping the letters of its name one at a time. Throughout the communication, be on guard for any uninvited influences and heal them as needed. If you have a loved one who has taken this course diligently to this point, the two of you can practice your communication using a light table. You must believe— indeed know—that the table will rise, or this form of communication will not work. If your head throws in doubts, you may have to wait until your head and heart are more integrated.

The main exercise for this week is yet another form of communication: writing. Every day this week, enter the quiet period as usual. Then, instead of speaking out the communication, write it down. This isn't flashy. It isn't automatic in the sense that you loose control of what the pen does. You are simply writing out the communication you have been speaking out or thinking. Notice


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Opening Channels for Truth how smooth and effortless it is. Don't judge what you're writing. Just write. Read it later for meaning. This is the way many great manuscripts have been born. It is the way many great scientific breakthroughs have come. Use this method often now. It gives you a record for posterity. How many times have you been surprisingly impressed with what you've said during your communication, only to forget it? Using this writing method, you have a record.


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Learning from the Masters

God is light. "I am the light of the world," you have

heard it said. Light is just another way of looking at love, for light is merely love in its first stirrings to manifest. Light is also that most unifying field of physics. Light is that universal energy that permeates, and is, everything. God is light. Light is love.

So are you that light. You are made in the image of God. You are light—that same light that is God. That same light is everything. That same light is love.

Only in this small tiny bit of you called "physical" do you not appear to be light, even though in Truth even your physical body is light. Your physical body is indeed a very small part of your being. It is a beautiful vehicle for this physical plane. It locks you into time and space. It is because of the physical body that you are here now —here and now, this time and this place. It is here and now that you can learn that your true identity is God's light. Your body is a perfect expression of the divine on this plane. Its nervous system is your "on board" computer hardware. Through it you grasp all the love and good-ness (Godness) that surround you. Through your physi-


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Learning from the Masters

cal body you learn to transcend the very reason of the body—the here and now, time and space.

In reality you are a body of light without boundaries. Yet in that body of light you are unique and an individual manifestation of God (Good). At the center of your being you are a more concentrated form of light, but your own light permeates all of creation. That body of light is your Higher Self. It is more bril-liant, more stunning, more beautiful, and brighter than you can imagine with physical eyes. It has colors not yet perceived. It is truly the full glory that is God and all that is you. God Himself is no more beautiful and no more extensive, because you are made in the image of God. That light is reality. Anything perceived at less than the full value of that light is at most a reflection of it. When we see a glimpse of the reflection, our lives change. That is the purpose of this course—to perceive at first that reflection.

Great telescopes of the world scan the heavens for Truth about the cosmos. They use great mirrors that reflect and amplify the light of the sky. The reflection of a small star becomes volumes in the annals of astronomy.

It is the same for you. You search for your light, which is vaster than the heavens. When you see a reflection of just one ray, you are exhilarated and renewed. That one reflected ray is enough to dispel your darkness. It is enough for you to taste your Self. It is enough to introduce Truth. It is enough to bring to you the experience of God's qualities. By the systematic and daily practice of these lessons, you have begun to see the light of your Self. Even if just


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI /Twenty-Third Week a reflection, it is a glimpse of what is truly you, what is your nature. This course is the telescope for your ever-expanding awareness of your heaven.

Your light is light—weightless. It defies gravity. It floats and permeates everything. It guarantees your One-ness with All. Even your awareness of one ray of your light is enough to tell your whole story. Just one ray of the perfect laser light tells its whole story, and just one section of a hologram gives its whole picture. This natural phenomenon repeats itself for you. Know just one of your light-rays and you know your whole Self. That one ray has within it all Truth, all knowledge, all of God's perfection, all love, and all of God's qualities.

Many of God's children know their true nature and live the light. Some never lost contact with it. They never separated themselves from their source. Others have returned to their true state in much the same way that you are returning. Whatever their history, they are helping you in every way you let them.

There are many names for these souls: Masters, The Enlightened, The Holiness, Avatars, and Highly Evolved Souls, to name a few. The important thing is to remem-ber that they are the same as you. Of course, their aware-ness is complete, for they know that they are bodies of light made in God's image. They live their full potential.

It is very important to grasp that: they are the same as you. Some have a physical human body and are here and now to help you. Others are not here and now with a physical body. They simply guide and teach from a different level, where you also exist.

There are thousands and thousands of such masters helping mankind now. They have taken on the burden of


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Learning from the Masters

bringing mankind back to wholeness—of making all of mankind Unified with mankind's Higher Selves.

The names of some of these Masters may be familiar. Jesus, Muhammad, the Buddha, and Babaji are a few. There are also a whole host of Masters now on earth with followers. Some are well known. Others are known only to a few. In every instance, their role is the same: to lead mankind gently to divinity.

These Masters are living fully with their bodies of light. Their presence (with or without a body) brings an upliftment. Love pulsates everywhere. Joy and happiness drown out problems. Enlivened energy exudes. It is no wonder people flock to be around the Masters who have a physical body.

This week's lesson is to expand your communication to include one or two of these Masters. This is nothing new to you. You have been guided and prodded by them all your life. No doubt they are the reason that you found this course appealing.

The procedure for communicating with a Master is the same as that for communicating with your Higher Self. During your quiet period, ask your Higher Self if there is a Master who wants to communicate with you. If you get a "no" signal, try later, when the conditions may be more favorable. When you get a "yes," ask the Master to feed you his or her name. Listen. When you think you have the name, ask your Higher Self, using the "yes" or "no" signals. You may also ask to have the name spelled for you, using the movement of your "yes" and "no" sig-nals to tap out the alphabet. The name may be as familiar as Jesus, or it may be totally foreign to you. Then ask the Master to give you a signal. Sit comfortably and relaxed


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI /Twenty-Third Week and wait for it. This is the same procedure you used in getting your Higher Self signal. It can be a movement, a sensation, a vision, a sound, or anything that is involun-tary and easily recognized by you. Check that signal with your Higher Self and your "yes" and "no" signals. When you have a clear, verified signal, you can communicate. Speak out what comes to you, checking periodically with your "yes" and "no" that what you are speaking out is accurate. Continue until you feel that the communication is over and that the Master says it is over, again using your "yes" and "no" signals.

Do this every day this week. You may make contact with more than one, but it doesn't matter. All the Masters are wholly One with light and love. They all speak the same Truth.

One word of caution is always appropriate. Have your Higher Self signal at the beginning of your quiet period and throughout the communication until the Master's signal takes its place. Also, employ all the other safeguards against uninvited influences.


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WEEK Reviewing

Throughout this week, continue to practice what is now a constant habit. Send love and light to everyone and everything that comes your way as you think of it. Particularly send love when you run across any distress or negativity. Continue to close your aura to all except your Higher Self when you go into crowds. Clear your aura of uninvited influences whenever you get the uninvited-influence signal or a strong thought to do so. In the evening before going to sleep alternate between your two practices of unifying with God and sending love to whoever comes into your mind. Of course, you will continue your daily quiet periods. These are always to be started properly to guarantee safety. At first, always receive whatever communication your Higher Self wants to give. Then ask any questions and follow with any special instructions for the day.

In this review week, you begin and end each day with the special prayer. Read it a couple of times slowly and meaningfully. Be aware of your heart energy and let its meaning pulsate from your heart to the whole world.


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First Day

Dear God, my creator, I thank you for creating me as a creator in your image. I thank you for giving me free will to experience whatever I choose to ex-perience. I now claim the wisdom to be in tune with my whole Self and your thought. I now act with the guidance of all of nature to manifest my desires. I thank you also for giving me the wisdom now to help keep the auras of my loved ones free from uninvited influences. I am grateful to be yours.

During your quiet period today, check the auras of

your loved ones. Use your "yes" and "no" signals and simply ask, Is it wise for me to check (name) for uninvited influences? Clear each influence until you get a "yes" signal. Then close their auras to all except their own Higher Selves. This exercise can be done whenever you feel it is necessary, but today you make a special point of it.

Second Day

Dear God, my creator, I thank you that my own connection with Truth now uplifts the whole world. It is my desire that all of mankind rises up to enlight-enment with me. I pray that everyone recognizes his own Self-awareness and gains Self-acceptance, for I realize I cannot be truly free until all that I am One with are also free.


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Today after your quiet period, do a Creating Formula for the Self-acceptance of one or two of your loved ones. Remember that it is your experience that you are manifesting, even though they are recipients of your desires. If you have someone's permission, you can also do a Creating Formula today for a specific problem someone is dealing with. Be sure to keep your Creating Formulas in the present tense.

Third Day

Dear God, my creator, I thank you for my vast sub-conscious mind, which automatically brings to me the experiences I have told it I want. I recognize my perfection at every level. Even in the ignorance of what I think I want to manifest, I thank you for being with me and gently teaching me to be in tune with your thought. I thank you for my dreams, as one way to reach and teach my beautiful subconscious mind.

Ask your Higher Self to analyze a dream for you.

Then recognize its message and do whatever you can do to make the changes in your thoughts the dream calls for. You can use this dream analysis technique as often as you like. It is a valuable tool for helping to "reprogram" your subconscious mind.


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Fourth Day

Dear God, my creator, I thank you for my connection of love with everyone and everything. I thank you for my all-knowing intelligence that brings that connection to a living reality. I spread the love I feel to all of creation and each creature. I know our con-nection is felt by everything else in creation.

Today, do your quiet period in a place of natural

beauty. Pick a plant, and at the appropriate time during your quiet period unify with, and feel your connection to, the plant. Communicate with it through your heart's love. Be guided in that communication by your Higher Self, and check with your signals the accuracy of your communication. If the plant asks for any help, give it. Feel this unity with all of creation wherever you go today.

Fifth Day

Dear God, my creator, I thank you for giving me your thought for my creations. I thank you that your thought can only bring me the experiences you know —joy, abundance, energy, knowledge, and more. I thank you for the beautiful present, where you al-ways are, and where I can always and only ex-perience your love. And my dear father, I thank you for the gentle nudge you give me when my own thoughts are bound to lead me to suffering.


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In your quiet period today, rehearse your signal for negative thoughts. There's no need to overdo, though. Just practice it enough to feel the signal clearly. Throughout the day be aware of that signal's presence whenever it comes. Stop and think. Then change your thought and any related courses of action.

Sixth Day

Dear God, my creator, I thank you for the knowledge of this course. I desire to recognize my wholeness without resistance. Speak Truth to me in any form I can hear. Bring to my awareness what that form is. I thank you for your intelligence, which is mine. I now use it and share it.

For the communication with your Higher Self today, use the technique of writing it out. Periodically check with your Higher Self that what you have written is correct.

Seventh Day

Dear God, my creator, I thank you for the one cre-ation of which I am. I thank you for making all of its many diverse expressions connected with me, that I am never alone and separate. And I thank you for the love of your thought, so that those who are in tune with that thought can feed me Truth and


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guidance. I open myself up to your Truth, as brought to me by my Self-realized friends.

In your quiet period today, communicate with one of

the Masters you have a signal for. Receive whatever guidance is appropriate and ask whatever questions you wish, using the same format for questions and for com-munication you use with your Higher Self. Enjoy the unique form of love energy you're bound to feel.


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This is the beginning. You have experienced being Unified. It comes in its full glory with a feeling of bliss and security. Then suddenly, as if carried away by a breeze, it vanishes. Your old thoughts come back. Some fear, a little anger, and a feeling of separateness overcomes you. Then that disappears, and the feeling of being Unified once again surfaces.

That is the expected pattern in these early days. Gradually, the feeling of being Unified lasts longer, and the lapses into despair are fewer and fewer.

One thing is certain: you have the tools now to be Unified with your Higher Self and all of creation. The continued use of these tools every day can only bring you permanent experiences of God's qualities. They can only bring to you the concrete experience that you are light and not just a physical body. They can only bring the feeling of love to flow to and through you, for that is to feel your Self.

The daily practice of these tools can only bring happiness, a joy for life, and that inner sweetness of bliss. Those are God's true intentions for you, and when you are Unified, opposite emotions are impossible. These tools can only bring you thoughts of Truth and all-knowing intelligence. That is your foundation for per-


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI feet right action. Spontaneously you think and do what is most beneficial for you and all mankind.

Your true nature of being unbounded by space and time dawns on you. You are literally everywhere present, as is God. Gradually, the straitjacket of time dissolves. Even your feeling of belonging in a particular place is displaced by a cosmic, universal Oneness. Then you experience all of creation at will.

These tools bring out your perfection. On this physi-cal level you manifest perfect health. You live your per-fection and can easily see that same perfection in everyone and everything.

Those tools are your source for peace, for your Higher Self is peace. A gentleness becomes your nature without sacrificing your dynamism. Peace of mind is the prize that everyone without it would gladly pay their entire earthly fortune for. It is yours now by virtue of your being aware of who and what you are.

These tools easily bring your abundance. Ask and you shall receive. How simple it is now to ask what is truly your highest good and to receive it! Nature is abundant, even extravagant. You bask in that extravagance as an expression of God's love.

You can now live a life of forgiveness and nonjudgment, as God Himself does. Knowing what forgiveness really is changes your whole perception of what's happening around you. You are in charge of your own experiences. You have now claimed your highest good. Now only experiences of joy can come. There is nothing to forgive. The past is gone.

By these tools you realize your own Self to be a unique and individual expression of love. You view everyone else


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Unified as that. Love can only see love. Judging love now makes no sense. So you find yourself accepting and appreciative of all of love's expressions. Even the so-called "sins" of others are seen as merely correctible mistakes in thinking. No "sin" is big enough to change anyone's basic nature. No judgment can change it, either.

This is where you are—on the threshold of these ex-periences of God's qualities. Slip in and out of the expe-rience for a while. Then suddenly realize that you are forever returned to your divinity, which you never lost.

These tools are more than a gift to you—now they are your responsibility. Use them as if the future of the world depended upon you. It does. Your experience of being Unified infuses more than joy into your heart. It injects God's qualities into the basic fiber of everyone.

Everyone and everything is connected. You cannot experience bliss without sending a thrill of bliss to all of creation. Everyone is affected. The feeling of being Unified is very slippery. It offers no resistance. It slips and slides everywhere as you radiate it from your heart.

Your responsibility to the world is enormous. Your feeling of being Unified is the only thing you can do to bring sanity to the earth. Nothing else you can do will have any lasting effect. Nothing else will make such a profound contribution. Nothing else. By simply being your Self you can save the world from disaster.

If there ever could be a "sin" that deserved judgment (which there isn't), it would be to ignore these tools now that you have them. It is tantamount to dying of thirst while camped on the shores of a freshwater lake.

Your tools are simple. First, communicate with your Higher Self in a quiet period daily. Start the communi-


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UNIFIED: A COURSE FROM BABAJI cation in the exact step-by-step procedure, and always have your Higher Self signal. The method is easy and precise. At first, receive wisdom from your Higher Self. Then ask questions that you've established are in your highest and wisest interest to ask. Use the quiet period to find out what is in your highest interest to manifest. With the assistance of your Higher Self, say your Creating Formulas until your desires manifest.

The quiet period and the Creating Formulas are now your main tools each day. Let them find their place in your daily routine.

Second, you have other habits now that mustn't be forgotten. Close your aura to all except your Higher Self whenever you go into a crowd or any negativity. Clear your aura whenever you get an uninvited-influence sig-nal or whenever you have symptoms of an influence (ir-ritability, exhaustion, anger, moodiness, etc.). You also want to send thoughts of love to anyone or anything when you think of it, particularly if there is a problem, accident, fight, or other negativity.

Third, don't forget the gentle techniques before going to sleep. Send love to those people who pop into your thoughts, or unify with God's qualities. These two prac-tices dissolve any accumulated tension of the day and prepare the next day for the feeling of being Unified.

That's it. That is all there is to this basic course. You may use any of the other tools we examined any time you want. However, these three steps are your program from now on for being Unified.

Welcome home.


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Recapitulation of Essential Practices

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Quiet Periods

Each quiet period begins with these seven simple steps: 1. Sit comfortably, eyes closed, and focus on the

love pulsating from your heart to all of creation. 2. Clear your aura of all uninvited influences and

send light to all thought forms around you. 3. Close your aura to all except your Higher Self. 4. Unify with the qualities of God by thinking of

some of God's qualities and recognizing those qualities as your own.

5. State the purpose of the particular quiet period

(such as "to practice communicating with my Higher Self," "to receive knowledge that is appropriate at this time," "to have revealed where my thinking is not in tune with God's thought," etc.).

6. Receive the signal from your Higher Self and

keep that signal with you for the entire period. 7. Speak out the communication given to you in

your thoughts by your Higher Self.

A quiet period is ended with two simple steps: 1. Thank your Higher Self and God for the commu-

nication of Truth you received during the quiet period. 2. Close your aura to all except your Higher Self.


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Protecting the Aura

Whenever you go into crowds of people or go into a

negative atmosphere, such as sickness, an accident, or near a troubled person, close your aura against adverse influences with these words:

/ close my aura to all except my Higher Self. When you receive your uninvited-influence signal,

when you have a very strong thought that you may have an uninvited influence, or when you feel moody, irritable, exhausted, pained, angry, or any other emotion/feeling that is inappropriate, clear your aura of any uninvited influences with the following words (after you say the words, use your "yes" and "no" signals to find out if there are any other uninvited influences that need to be cleared from your aura; if so, repeat the words):

To all uninvited influences in my aura, I send each of

you love and light. You are each whole and healed. You are each created as love and light, and you are

still love and light. You each feel no pain now, and you are not afraid.


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You each have a perfect place to go, and I ask my Higher Self, (name) , to take you there now.

Each of you, go in peace.

After all uninvited influences have been cleared, send love and light to any thought forms around you with the following words: / send love and light to any thought forms around me.


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Forgiving Words

When you feel a grudge against anyone who you

think has trespassed against you or hurt you in any way, think the substance of these words:

/ have made a mistake in my thinking to allow you to seemingly hurt me. I recognize that you are merely doing what I invited, and that in reality neither you nor anyone else can hurt me. I am perfect now, always have been, and always will be. You can't change that. I now recognize that life is for giving love to you.

An abbreviated version can be: / send you love from my heart, and I forgive you,

knowing it is impossible for you to infringe on my perfection.


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Daily Practices

In addition to Quiet Periods and Creating Formulas, daily practices include:

1. Close your aura to all except your Higher

Self whenever you go into crowds, near illness, or into any negativity.

2. Clear your aura whenever you receive your

uninvited-influence signal, whenever you have a very strong thought to do so, and whenever you feel symptoms of the influence (such as irritability, exhaustion, temper, or moodiness), and then send love and light to any thought forms around you.

3. Send love from your heart to anyone and any-

thing throughout the day when you think of it, and feel that love actually return to you.

4. Send the thought of forgiveness whenever a

grudge thought comes up, or whenever it appears to you that someone has hurt you or is hurting you. In the evening before you go to sleep, alternate

between these two practices:

1. Unify with God by thinking of God's qualities and recognizing them as your own.

2. Send love and forgiveness to your friends,

family, and everyone or anything that comes to your mind.


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Creating Formula

God and I claim and accept thoughts with forgiveness and thanks. Amen.

1. God and 2. I 3. claim and accept 4. thoughts with 5. forgiveness and 6. thanks. 7. Amen.

Example for Self-Acceptance

1. God and

God is love. God is light—Truth. God is happiness, joy, and bliss. God is all-knowing intelligence. God is everywhere present. God is perfection. God is peace and gentleness. God is infinite energy. God is abundance. God is nonjudgmental.


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2. I

I am made in the image of God. I am made with those same qualities that God has. I am one with God. Therefore, I am love. I am light—Truth. I am happiness, joy, and bliss. I am all-knowing intelligence. I am also everywhere present. I am perfection. I am peace and gentleness. I am infinite energy. I am abundance. I am nonjudgmental.

3. Claim and Accept I claim my Self-acceptance. And I accept my Self-acceptance.

4. Thoughts with

I heal and release thoughts that I am bound to a body. I heal and release thoughts that I am insignificant and unworthy of God's gifts. I release and heal thoughts that I am ugly and sickly. I know that I am everywhere present, free, beautiful, perfect, and worthy of all my Father has for me. I now also release and heal all thoughts I may have that interfere with my Self-acceptance, known or unknown, conscious or unconscious. (Deal with some specific thoughts.) My thoughts are now one with, the same as, and in tune with, God's thought.


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5. Forgiveness and

I recognize that no one can hurt me without my in-vitation. Knowing that, I forgive everyone who has seemingly ever hurt or trespassed against me. I now realize that there is in Truth nothing to forgive. My heart is in a state of forgiveness—a state of forgiving love. (Deal with specific people and situations.)

6. Thanks

I thank God for my Self-acceptance.

7. Amen

I release this claim to God and the natural laws of creation. My claim is now created. That is the nature of natural law. Amen.


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