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  • 8/3/2019 10-13-2011 Chalice


    The Chalice

    A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK

    Vol. 3 No. 37 October 13, 2011


    Continuing the JourneyBy Rev. Dr. Jerry Black, Associate Minister

    Our sabbatical summer may

    be over, but our re:NEW

    journey has only begun. As the

    Gospel lesson from last weekso clearly affirms, we have

    been to the mountain, stood

    in the presence of God, voiced

    dreams, and been dramatically

    transformed. But our work in

    the valleys of life awaits.

    Because of our June discoveries, we know that which

    in our life and mission is true, honorable, just, pure,

    pleasing, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise

    (Philippians 4:8). This has given us a tremendous kind of

    confidencenot arrogance, but confidence. It has definedus and given us energy and purpose. Thats why we can

    so eagerly and passionately make our pledges to God

    on heart cards and commitment cards. And thats why we

    can so enthusiastically continue the mission of being the

    presence of Christ in this community.

    Like Peter, James, and John, we are coming down

    from the mountain, but moving with Jesus into the val-leys of life. Like Elijah, we are going out and standing

    before the Lord and the Lords people. Like Peter and th

    disciples, we are using our gifts to reach down and lift up

    the needy. Like Moses, we are overcoming temerity and

    leading Gods people through the wilderness of life into

    the Promised Land. Like the disciples, we are overcomin

    real, human fears so that we can be the hands, feet, body

    and voice of God. We are innovating, creating, and serv-


    Join us throughout October and November as we

    continue the journeylistening to the voice of God, overcoming our limitations, making a difference, and prepar-

    ing for the Wonder of Christmas.

    The youth of First Christian Church ahosting a Fall Festival for the childreof FCC on Sunday, October 30 fro4:30-6:30 p.m. It is being held at MitcPark - the big pavilion on the we

    side, just north of the senior centeChildren are invited to wear their cotumes (and adults too) and come readfor some fun! Our youth will be offeing games and activities, as well as hdogs, chips, and drinks. Try your hanat the ring toss or toilet paper throwwin a prize at the duck pond, or mayba cake at the cake walk. Dont miss thsack races...and more! Come join us f

    this fun family event.

  • 8/3/2019 10-13-2011 Chalice


    The Braids are Back!

    Just Two Weeks to Order Your Butter BraidsThe FCC youth are selling yummy Butter Braids, Tea Rings & Swirlsnow through October 23rd for $12.00 each in a variety of flavors. To placyour order for holiday delivery, see a youth at the Rotunda Table on Sundaymornings or contact Diane Ball at [email protected] or 341-3544.

    Butter Braids are frozen pastries which bake up warm and fluffy withyummy fruit fillings.They make great holiday gifts and excellent morning treatsNEW FLAVORS!Braids in these yummy flavors: Chocolate Cream, Cinna-mon Strawberry Cream Cheese, Cream Cheese, and Cherry. New Tea Ring

    Flavors! Blueberry or Raspberry Cream Cheese. And we also have Caramel Sticky Swirls! Delivery the week ofNovember 14 through 17. All proceeds benefit the FCC youth mission fund. And, as always, if you dont want to

    purchase but still want to support our efforts, donations are gladly accepted.

    In spite of the fact that the Bible is replete with commission-like exhortations to give and serve generously, many

    of us, like Moses, are still reluctant. We tend to live only unto ourselves; comfortable and safe from expectation, want,or need. And some of that is understandable. Life and work are demanding, and many of us are spent. For others, itis the misperception that all ministry is public, and we dont do public. We are private and reserved. Then for others, itis about confidenceor the lack thereof. Some of us just cant see how we can do anything significant for the glory ofGod. So our reticence is self-preservation. It isnt that we dont care. We do. But, we are so cautious that we ignore ouGod-given gifts and cocoon.

    What we fail to grasp, is the wondrous insight of Ralph Waldo Emerson: It is one of the most beautiful compensations in life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. The very substance of this observa-tion is at the heart of Jesus grand pronouncement: Those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who losetheir life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it (Mark 8:35). These were not empty words. They werehis life. Serving then, enables us, like Christ, to become the people God longs for us to behappy, purposeful, giving,and fulfilled.

    Beginning this Sunday and continuing over the next five Sundays, table displays in the Rotunda will reveal won-derful ministry opportunities through which we can lose ourselves, use our God given gifts, find ourselves, and fulfillthe deepest longing of Gods heart. These are opportunities to enable and inspire Open Doors, Open Arms, the OpenTable, Open Minds, and Open Hands; to move beyond the cocoon, touch others, and find the real meaning to life.

    Please take advantage of these Sunday displays to learn more about the ministries of our church and the selflessways in which each of us can make a difference in the lives of others and in that of our own. Rev. Jerry Black

  • 8/3/2019 10-13-2011 Chalice


    An Updatefrom theFinance CommitteeThree-quarters of the way through the year,General Fund Revenues are 102.4% of year-to-date budget and General Fund Expenses

    are 97.8% of year-to-date budget. 2011 Pledged offering continues to bestrong at 105.7% of year-to-date budget. September General Fund Revenueswere less than the normal average we have been receiving, and SeptemberGeneral Fund Expenses were higher than normal due to completing a num-ber of Property improvements. The Building Fund shortfall increased in Sep-

    tember, because of a $10,000.00 principal payment in addition to the normalmortgage payment. The year-to-date (YTD), through September 30, 2011,Revenue and Expenses are:

    General Fund Building FundYTD Actual YTD Actual

    Revenue $799,391.46 $214,632.39Expense $787,054.43 232,563.52Excess/ $12,337.03

    Please remember to note on your checks or envelopes to which church

    accounts you want your contribution credited.

    Prayers of the PeopleTHOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Lorene Wilkinson, Will Harris,

    Bob Gallop, J.W. Michael, Ed Berry, Bart Rodr, Eldred Jennings(Janet Helms dad), Kathy Badger (Julie Buntons mom),LuraWilson (Paula Baileys mom), Alice Birdsong (Charlanne

    Johnsons mom), Joe Samuels, Joan Grant, Bill & Mary Lou Womble, Roy Jackson, NitaWilliams (Jeff Williams mom), Naomi Bell (Karen Walenciaks mom), Barbara Hall

    OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS To Bart & Jennifer Rodr in the passing of Jennifers mom,Sandra Ashley, in North Carolina on October 4. Services will be held at a later date ANDto Wayne & Sandy Prewitt and family in the passing of Waynes dad, Aris T. Prewitt, onOctober 4. A memorial service was held at FCC on October 7.

    Happy Birthday!10/16 Gene Burleson, Belinda Davis,

    Sarah Juhl, George Winters

    10/17 Martha Fields, Jake Hicks, MaxineKerr, Shelley Ryland, Jerry Tipton

    Paul Walters

    10/18 Marcy Williams

    10/19 Brenda Dodson

    10/21 Sue Archer, Carter Cain, Gary

    Cauthen, Ann Crandall, Nancy

    Gallop, Mark Nash10/22 Mike Felice, Keith Moeller, Kay

    Sullins, Lane Tompkins, LindaWeddle

    10/23 Ali Haley, Jenni Hast, NathanWilburn

    MINISTRY First Christian Churchof Edmond, OK

    Christmas CantataRehearsals Underway!

    Do you love to sing? Come learnthis years Christmas Cantata,

    Tapestry of Light by Joseph M. Martin. Join the Chancel Choir forthis short time commitment. We rehearse Wednesdays at 7:30pm in thesanctuary. Questions? Contact Diane Ball at [email protected] or341-3544, ext. 115.

    Bring Your PetSunday, October 30

    All CreaturesGreat and Small

    Pet BlessingBy Shirley Brown

    Our pets give us glimpses of God

    through their complete trust, joy in

    being with us, unconditional love, a

    faithfulness. Join us Sunday, Octob30th for our Pet Blessing, at 2:30 PM

    front of the Family Life Center. Plea

    put your pet on a leash or in a carri

    During the blessing there will b

    Time of Remembrance for those wh

    have experienced loss of a pet. Plea

    put your name and the pets name

    piece of paper and put it in Iris Jord

    mailbox in the workroom or email h

    at [email protected] no la

    than Friday, October 28.

  • 8/3/2019 10-13-2011 Chalice


    The Chalice CONNECTION

    Shelley Regan, [email protected] News Online

    @ Articles to

    [email protected]




    Worship8:15, 9 & 11am

    October 16, 2011Message: Rev. Chris Shorow &

    Rev. Dr. Jerry BlackTheme: Hearing Gods Word -Elijah After Mt. CarmelScripture: I Kings 19:1-10

    October 23, 2011Message: Rev. Dr. Jerry Black &

    Rev. Chris ShorowTheme: Hearing Gods Word -Miracle After PentecostScripture: Acts 3:1-10

    Childrens Disaster Services, a ministry of Church of the Brethren, is a partner ministry

    Week of Compassion. CDS works in shelters under the umbrella of Red Cross and FEM

    to care for children while adults address emergency needs after a disaster.

    When disasters occur, families are displaced from their homes and children ne

    a safe and nurturing environment in which to play and learn while their parents cope w

    their new reality. To fill this need, more volunteer childcare givers are needed.

    Myrna Jones, retired director of admissions, Phillips Theological Seminary, an

    member of Bethany Christian Church in Tulsa statesIve been privileged to serve as a

    volunteer caregiver for CDS after floods in Georgia and the Joplin tornado. Few exper

    ences in my life have given me the deep personal satisfaction and sense that I was mee

    ing a tangible need as providing a calm, safe, and reassuring presence for these young

    children and their families.

    Do you have a warm heart, patience, team spirit, a sense of adventure, and tim

    to give? If you are looking for a meaningful way to help children and families after disa

    ters perhaps becoming a Childrens Disaster Services Volunteer is a good option for yo

    If you are interested in becoming a CDS volunteer, a comprehesive training

    workshop will be held in Tulsa on November 4-5, 2011, 5:00 p.m. Friday till 7:30 p.m

    Saturday. You will learn to provide comfort and encouragement for children impacted

    by traumatic events. For more information, contact Myrna Jones at 918.749.6612 or

    918.688.0240; [email protected]

    Childrens Disaster Services Volunteer WorkshopNovember 4-5, Bethany Christian Church, Tulsa

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