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Page 1: 台湾董氏针灸真传弟子     胡文智 中医师 Dr Tung's student   Hu Wenzhi  加拿大中医药针灸学会     祝尔敏 中医师


Tung’s Acupuncture and blood pricking method in treatment of

rare diseases

台湾董氏针灸真传弟子 胡文智中医师Dr Tung's student Hu Wenzhi

加拿大中医药针灸学会 祝尔敏中医师Canada Chinese medicine association Zhu Ermin

2008 年世界传统医药大会2008 world Traditional Medicine



Page 2: 台湾董氏针灸真传弟子     胡文智 中医师 Dr Tung's student   Hu Wenzhi  加拿大中医药针灸学会     祝尔敏 中医师

一、董氏奇穴针法与作者Author’s introduction

董氏针法自 1962 年公之于世,迄今已过去 46 年。 第一作者胡文智医师为董氏针法真传弟子,著有


It has been 46 since Tung’s Acupuncture opened to the public.

The first author, Dr Hu wenzhi, is Tung’s first descendent student, also the author of <Tung’s acupuncture points index book>, and invented “shiquan” points, which has been approved to be very efficient in treating rare and difficult diseases.

第二作者祝尔敏医师,拜胡文智为师,学习研究董氏针法,在治疗疑难病症的临床中也摸索出一套“四框定位点刺”的治疗方法,取得显著疗效。在 2006 年 9月加拿大多伦多召开的第三届国际传统医药大会和 2007 年 10 月北京召开的世界针灸学会联合会成立 20 周年暨世界针灸学术大会上,分别发表了学术论文 并做大会发言。

The second author, Dr TMC Ermin zhu, is a student of Dr Hu, has been studied and investigated Tung’s system during her clinical practice. She invented “ four-points blood pricking” method, which has very announced clinical outcomes. She has presented her papers on Third international traditional medicine congress in Toronto in 2006, and the 20th world acupuncture congress in Beijing in 2007.

Page 3: 台湾董氏针灸真传弟子     胡文智 中医师 Dr Tung's student   Hu Wenzhi  加拿大中医药针灸学会     祝尔敏 中医师

二、董氏奇穴的优势与特色Characteristic and advantage of Tung's system

1 .把握董氏刺络疗法的机理An understanding of Tung’s blood pricking

theory —— 是诊治疑难病症、找准病因的理论前提

--- a basic theory for effective diagnosis and curing of rare diseases

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“ 疏其血气,令其调达而至和平”及“坚者消之”、“结者散之”、“留者功之” conducting qi and blood in order to harmonize them" ,"diminish the stiff, break up the condensed, clear the remains

sickness starts very shallow in Jing and normally

progress to deeper

extend in luo


inner canon

叶天士 Yetianshi


Tung’s acupuncture


Long-term diseases, unidentified diseases, pain-related diseases, severe diseases are mostly associated with blockage

In the body.


Emphasize the treatment methods on “ activate the

movement of blood to conduct the blockage and blood pricking

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2. 把握董氏奇穴的精华2.master the essentials of tung’s acupuncture system

——是治疗疑难病症的基本途径-- is the basic approach for the treatment of rare diseases


Tung's acupuncture system is closely related to conventional 14 Meridian system, while deviate from points on the 14 meridian system, and it has its specific treatment method.

董氏针法传承至今,创设 740 穴位,常用 200 余穴。 740 points has been created to date, and there are 200 commonly used ones.

“ 72 绝针” ——对某种疾病具有特殊疗效的决定性穴道“72 Jue points” —points that are specified in treating certain illness

精华“ 32 解针” ——专用于解毒、解晕、解痛、解救等奇效之穴

“32 Jie points” -- aimed at detoxification, relieving dizziness, easeing pain, and emergency rescue


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3. 把握董氏针法的诀窍Use the Tung’s special acupuncture method ——是治疗疑难病症、提高临床疗效的有效手段-- is an effective way to cure difficult disease, improve clinical outcome

董氏特色针法: Tung’s acupuncture method:

有“左右传针法”、“上下传针法”、“指挥针法”(包括“倒马针法”、“动气针法”、“不定穴针法” ) 和“米粒针法”,并讲究处方组穴、临床布局和医患配合。 includes Left-right needling method, up-down needling method, control needling method (Daoma method, Dongqi method, uncertain point method) and "rice spot method“. It is emphasized on grouping healing points, which are based on patients situation, and cooperation with the patients.

董氏刺絡疗法: Tung’s blook pricking method重用三棱针,善用刺血法,取穴遍及全身,而不拘泥于古籍,尤其以泄络远刺放血针法,达到出神入化之境界。 Emphasize the use of Sanleng needle for blood pricking. The points taken are distributed all over the body, and mainly based on the method of pricking points from distant points on the channels.

董氏掌诊和体诊技术: Tung’s hand and body diagnostic method: 别具一格,贯穿于治疗全过程,根据身体和手掌在治疗过程中细微变化的某些征兆,随时调整治疗方案,对提高疗效有莫大帮助。

It is used as an alternative way to monitor the slight changes of the body system during the course of treatment.

Page 7: 台湾董氏针灸真传弟子     胡文智 中医师 Dr Tung's student   Hu Wenzhi  加拿大中医药针灸学会     祝尔敏 中医师

4. 在应用董氏针灸理论与方法 治疗疑难病症中不断创新与发展Use of Tung’s acupuncture theory and healing method and at the same time develop and innovate from it.

第一作者胡文智医师 First Author Dr TCM Hu, Wenzhi

发现和总结出“十全套穴组合” ——对激活五脏总神经系统、调整气血运行、平衡阴阳、改善脏腑功能、增强人体免疫系统、提高治愈率具有关键性作用。

Invention o f “Shiquan” points --- activate the nerve system of five organs, improve the circulation of Qi and blood, balance Yin and Yang, improve immune system, which largely improved treatment outcome.

第二作者祝尔敏医师 Second Author Dr TCM Zhu, Ermin

在学研董氏奇穴针法的基础上,提出“四框定位点刺” ——实现任督二脉统调,驱动导引气血运行,促进人体阴阳平衡,并形成了自己的治疗套路:先整体、后局部;先控制、后调整;以外促内,内外结合;中枢与远端经络、穴位的综合调治,运用“去水四穴”、“神门四穴”、“通肠四穴”、“明目四穴”、“通鼻四穴”,来改善脏腑功能。 ,

Based on Tung’s acupuncture system, she has also developed a new treatment method, called " Four points blood pricking". It works on Ren and Du channels at the same time, promotes the circulation of Qi and blood, helps with Yin and Yang balance. It works on the entire body first, after emphasizing on the local area; to control first then adjust; Uses internal to promote external, at the same time making them to work together; From center to distant channel. Use “Qushui four points” , “Shenmen four points”, “Tongchang four points”, “Mingmu four points” “Tongbi four points”, to improve the organs function.

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四框定位示意图Body’s Four-point system

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两位作者的共同点Similarity between two author’s



All start with the root of the illness, through detoxification, conducting the

obscure, helping blood and qi circulation, activate and improve patient’s

immune system and reaches the balance of Yin and Yang.


Clinical experience has proved that after mastering Tung’s method, the

treatments given will be more effective, and will have less situation of

ineffective treatment.

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Some clinical cases in using Tung’s method in treating rare and difficult diseases


The methods in treating difficult diseases, long-term diseases, rear disease are very abundant in Tung’s system.


As long as the diagnostics are made correctly, the treatment will

normally give satisfying outcomes.

Page 11: 台湾董氏针灸真传弟子     胡文智 中医师 Dr Tung's student   Hu Wenzhi  加拿大中医药针灸学会     祝尔敏 中医师

1. 适用于骨科疾病1.treatment of bone diseases

对症:used for:


Cervical Vertebrae protrusion,

spur,osteohyperplasia,deformation,necrosis, and their related



Eliminate hyperplasia, reform, recovery, ease pain, and could possibly avoid surgery procedure.

Page 12: 台湾董氏针灸真传弟子     胡文智 中医师 Dr Tung's student   Hu Wenzhi  加拿大中医药针灸学会     祝尔敏 中医师

台北病人卢某某,腰椎骨挫伤,椎间盘脱出,骨刺,有 26 年腰痛史。 2008.7.9突然发作。不能正常行走,疼痛夜不能寐。 A patient from Taipei, injured lumbar vertebra and has vertebra disk protrusion alone with spur. 26 years history of lumbago. After a sudden onset of disease on 2008.7.9, he couldn’t walk normally, accompanied with severe pain.

胡文智医师运用三棱针在局部点刺放血,并配合相应部位的点刺。 5 次治疗后显效,治疗三周后,行动基本正常。

Dr Hu, used blood pricking method around pain area, and accessory areas. After 5 treatments in three weeks, patient could walk normally.


Mr Lu from Taipei

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加拿大 Mr B.CMr B.C in Canada

自 1980 年以来,遭遇了四次车祸,肩、胯错位,左腿三次受伤,不可下坐,右手不可上举,多年来在一种受限制的状态下生活。

Since 1980, he had 4 car accidents,he’s

Shoulder, hips are transpositioned, left leg was

Injured 3 times. He couldn’t sit properly ,and

Couldn’t raise his right hand.

他说:“自从被尔敏医生治疗后,左腿更加有力,出现了难以置信的平衡。右臂右肩再不需要帮助,可活动自如”。He said “after Dr Zhu’s treatment, his left leg is stronger than before, and found unbelievable balance. Right shoulder and right arm could move freely, without any help.

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Mr B.CMr B.C after treatments

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施治方法:treatment method

采取先整体统调,打通任督二脉Modulate the entire body system as a whole, open up Ren and Du channel. 后局部排毒化瘀,点刺放血Blood pricking in local area at the back 配合运用“套穴”,激活人体脏腑功能Use “combo points” to activate organ function

用 “去水四穴” ——调整肾与膀胱Qushui 4 points – regulate kidney and bladder

用 “通肠四穴” ——调整脾胃Tongchang 4 points – regulate spleen and stomach

用“神门四穴” ——调整气血和神经系统Shenmen 4 points --- regulate blood/Qi, and nervous system

用“明目四穴” ——调整肝胆Mingmu 4 points --- regulate liver and gall bladder 与远端手针相结合进行施治,取得明显疗效In Combination with hand needling, it will gain gives an obvious effects.

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“ 经尔敏医生的精心医治,使我找回了健康的身体”

Mr B.C

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2. 适用于各种皮肤病2. used for various skin illness



Left: Dr Hu is treating

lupus erythematosus


lupus erythematosus, herpes zoster, psoriasis,neurodermatitis

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3. 适用于心血管疾病used in treatment of cardiovascular diseases

如中风及其后遗症、心脏及肺功能不良引发的各种疾病等。Complications from stroke, and

Cardio-pulmonary malfunctioning.


十几年前因乳腺癌手术化、放疗,导致心脏只有 30%功能,长期靠西药维持生命,就诊时呼吸困难,心肺衰弱。经祝尔敏医师两年的治疗, 2008 年 5 月,医院检测其心脏功能恢复到 50% 。Canadian lady Mrs Shirley

She had breast cancer around ten years ago, and has been given chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She only has 30% heart function, and her life had been bound with long-term medication. She had difficulty breathing, and her cardio-pulmonary function was very week. After two years treatment by Dr Zhu, her heart function has been improved to 50% when checked at May 2008.

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4. 对治疗各类癌症及其术后恢复取得过成功案例

In treating many kinds of cancer and helping with post-surgery recovery

如台北人林某某,1996年9 月10日被医院诊断为:肝硬化、肝癌、肝腹水。因腹内大量积水,腰围3.8尺,体重48公斤,不能吃东西,骨瘦如柴。医院明确“没有治疗价值,活不了几天了” 。Eg: Mr.

Lin from Taipei, who has been diagnosed as hepatocirrhosis, liver cancer and

serous fluid accumulation in the liver in 1996,september 10. Due to his severe

abdominal fluid accumulation, he has a waistline of 3.8 inches, weighted 48 kg,

couldn’t be able to eat, and looked extremely slim. Hospital couldn’t do anything

with his situation but sent him home to death.

胡文智医师运用“十全法”,每周5 次施治,3 个月后腹水全部消失,2007年3月医院复查,除肝表面纹理略粗外,肝硬化症状全部消失,癌细胞消失,现体重恢复为75公斤,生活一切正常,并去泰国、菲律宾、印尼旅游。

Dr Hu used “shiquan method”, 5 times per week. Mr Lin’s abdominal fluid

diminished completely after 3 month treatment. The follow-up check in hospital

in March 2007 showed only coarseness on the surface of the liver, and all the

symptom of hepatocirrhosis has gone, no Cancer cells has been found. He

regained his weight to 75 kg, and lead a normal life. He went for a trip to

Thailand, Philippine, Indonesia afterward.

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痊愈后的林炳煌先生Mr. Lin after full-


(摄于 2008.8.14)Picture taken at



Mr Lin and Dr Hu

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第二作者运用董氏针法与自创的“四框定位点刺”Combining Tung’s acupuncture with

“Four points blood pricking”method by second author

疗法的临床效果分析Analysis of clinical outcome

医治Cases involved in study


Cured case

% 显效cases

showed treatment effectivene


% 有效

Effective cases

% 无效Ineffective case


骨科 Osteological disease

30 20 66.7 9 30 1 3.33 0 0

神经外科 Neurological diseases

15 7 46.7 7 46.7 1 6.66 0 0

情志 Emotional/mental disease

20 11 55 6 30 3 15 0 0

气血运行 Blood and Qi circulation

40 28 70 10 25 2 5 0 0

慢性疲劳Diseases due to chronic

exhaustion 20 14 70 4 20 2 10 0 0

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治疗效果示意图treatment effects








骨科 神经外科 情志 气血运行 慢性疲劳


Osteological Neurological   Emotional/menta  Blood and       Qi circulation l

Diseases dueto chronic xhaustion

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We would appreciate if this elaborate method, Tung’s

method, in combination with conventional 14 channel

system are used on more and more patients all over the

world and hopefully to reach a greater clinical outcome.

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