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THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY JULY 26 G 1J10 q i 1 between 3ttb ad- Teltpboaa Mate S3N Kew York Ogee l5 CTOli Ave Qdcea Office ja OimninrafcU Book BIlk Beaten vBaI OCOea TUESDAY EVENING JULY X Ml- ECB6CRXPTIOK SXTBS Br MAIL Smut CBMO ITT Davy gcaay erfy taB tie BMMh laDe H Juno U June M The set total etrcafettoa C The daily during OM C J cartes Ml 0w r being Hmti td TM vnmb r TM d by a MoaAer sC ar C ji- tlsB stews tile sec to save 3 s Jan S lose 33- EBBday average far tit ad TtOTM T agents beteg eltnrinafe This numbs divided by 4 tile an JUDe shows tile act to hay been JCSM Persons Icavtee ike cIty fer summer caa lave TIle mailed t tbea at the rate ef thirty coats a er sevaa ceats a Treefc Addremes be as eftea as deKireiL All IRan Bbserljpttoas jsa t be paid IB advance INTERESTING STRUGGLE IN OHIO CONVENTION Besides being the home State of tie President Ohio is ono of tile pivotal States of the Union in nations elec- tions and for both reasons the struggle now patters and progressives for control of the State couventkm crests of the most interesting ianna of thisj muchmixed If 10 ramps ign On the one side stand theKepubiieaa machine in the bands of Cox Burton Dick Ellis and other regulars On the other stands James Garfield candidate for governor and head of the Ohio inour formidable of insurgent delegates The battle is for the governorship and tIN privilege of writing the State platform It looks as if tile regulars would be able to control if they were united on any one candidate for governor but their forces are badly divided mnnf local favorites They are also divided on the platform sore demanding flatfooted indorsement of Mr Taft and the PayneAHrich tariff law and some believing it would be wiser to make the indorsement less emphatic I and thereby invite insurgent support The situation is complicated by the fact that the standpatters recognize j that witk Harrow the Democratic can didate the Republican candidate and platform mast be such that they wit appeal to independent voters The dif- ficulty of lading a man construct- ing a platform that will draw tins in dependent support without seeming to repudiate the national jutmnustrataou presents a lard problem The Roosevelt influence in the Olio convention also furnishes food lei spec- ulation Garfield it will be recalled zonal friends Reports from Columbus are Roosevelt would like to him nominated for governor and would like to have a progressive ptatform adopted If tibia is true then Boose is against some of the friends of the President the convention doss someUMUg Will inv happened to throw fight on that perplexing question How dwell Roosevelt stand on the Taft jadmiais- tratiom Xfe the other mum Mr Roosevelt may fed be can espouse the cause of big old friend Gurfieid with- out being antagonistic to Mr Taft Whatever is the outcome of the con- vention the eampmn r significant ix muj IUCVB im- portant bearing on national psEtiml atfairs of 112 THE PENNSYLVANIA WINS ANOTHER VICTORY The fact that tile Pennsylvania was ahse te a eont ence over wages and conditions of labor is another one of the encouraging events that mate for industrial pence The Prnnsvlrsjua might almost up as the model imflroad corporation- in so f as iasmtman uf employes is eon Menem 3fc otter mihoad pays the iJa5h frnne- 5E Every xrac m Q8 Yes as TIm aye 1ft1 ODee CIteeUItK St ere JhIIII- HBA A X1JQIB- Yr po wrt- DGAn D SHAW PAUL Co JfM t I 1 ant Y1U JUt W5 LA eels 15 Lit 5J- USE OIKCULATION Daily K ant pedet The prtsd tIIIIb tIC as L it JUDe IT JUDe I H 1 JUDe S f4G- une L 7 41 21 8 sae JI 46 ll JL5aa f J sa Joe 15 JL Total tINt ua Daily YeIap Ttes tit wrs91S au tile dally Jw TmII Mea kDtIa- yne er c and perfect sf Tbe Timsa printed dada tin K ii Siw 31 for tb JDOIIUa dL j net tetei eIreIIIadea K TIle daring tile of 1 all We r tIC dar lase Is eeck lase tIC TIM Tts lite tile aN pbtMs Dated at tM bead tIC tile at tile kit er tile ire a teat or skert perled the Times month ell under there beween I R I gEnt with a fol- lowing I I t a I 1 j one of tIM eoloeFs warmest that velts influence is Ohio at tlae It is just pouibIe that be- fore ia this W is bound to be I ie suIt its ill tile t ditlfr beheld MUSSgY UUILDING- Fsatt ate OQko 1Asllilsg- Plsnadeipbta v PATralit9r Gar i Ji tel me Lally W The nhober coplete o e K Waaktsstaa Tiws Joss was filewa- Jafl e 413w Jars Judo 2 4tb p 1i iW Jas 4t7ar- Jno 4aVS Jane la l y Sdas Jo 5 6 liG o s 41SN Jim Jos 44Qi Tune Jan 8 JG Jos ll wee 5 4- nJo 47 as 39seiayJu- ae jaw 44wY lRS uae a 1f5N 4iIk as f i1t w 1117 Bar lltait tor bath 4aat was asd o whey dl aveta npiet pies Waebbsgta Sasiaps auk Jas was ss lN r ill mas aittti- otad 1aftlt RLq Abe 11mss- SaLdap aotk Joe was copies woes as casing SW chcsd9- 6arae Sr prs Iss isy ire p rR cat l daring may way stad ore moveasent V and L per see writing iteeeiirg lira rail- road With eetpiyea its ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = + higher wages and few pay as high No railroad treats its employes more considerately No railroad has work the theory of liberality to labor as a business investment It would have been unfortunate if this policy which has been m epera bad culminated m a strike It would been dis- couraging to the Pennsylvania lid to other roads which have been following the Pennsylvanias led As it is the good feeling between employer ie retained and the injury which a strike would have indicted OK both ha been avoided THE GOVERNMENTS SUIT AGAINST BATHTUB TRUS TIle G venHBe fs attaek on the leged combination of deulezs m enamel- ed ware popularly coiled the Bath tub trust adds another to the long list of efforts made to break up cont- act an offense agh 4 the Federal laws It is a t go ou without cheek It has been demonstrated that combinations cast be formed s powerful that com- petition is unavaing and that tuna a monopoly of trade which eau levy what tribute it pleases on the peat mass of consumers is put into the hands of a few How to aid enterprise to develop along legitimate lines to combinations which only aid dentally restrain treads and yet work to tile eneftt of the general public ig one the country is mow seeking to to giving Federal authorities tile right permitted and when they shall not be To push Ute statute to its legitimate conclusion meant buoincas ell and an arrested development which would paralyse the country Hence we are proceeding along m a lame and halt- ing way the Government attacking only those trusts apparently which are particularly objectionable may accrue how it without incurring the evils which can as certainly COURTSHIP PRO POSED NOW If the jfttitmai Dental Association has its way well soon lave the kiss earringe tile wireless telegraph the iiotseleas cannon and tie smokeless powder At their annual convention- at Denver tile dentists said some very very mean things about that delicious worldold institution of osculation All tile usual bacteriological evils aaeo- eokLbtooded scientists were taken out of tile closet and waved riotously over and tbe public was once more told that it simply must not kiss under penalty J of catching or conveying tuberculosu j typhoid fever ia grippe and all tIt ore human being to another Nevertheless and notwithstanding tile probabilities aw that well keep right on kissing right to the analysis of the kfeetug evil but to y With no Welt maybe you do but I doubt tt When tile mitikiaeing produces a Bashlight picture of ia the parlor with tile lights turned low spurning the proffered kiss or abstaining frost the kiss which he knows will not be denied then will Mankind begin to think about the evils of kissing la the meantime is safe to arcane that the kiss will continue to be freighted with its usual double danger BASHFUL HEROES OF THE BIG GUN lien who did the brave work at Fort Monroe the other day when the big gun exploded would never acquire any Carnegie hero medals Indeed if they had their way about it history would iu rescuing dead and injured sad in preventing further disaster from sec- ondary explosions When a attempt made to discover who had been the heroes tile g Hy parties bad to be subjected to sort of thud degree before they would confess The expfawBtwu of this performance strikes the civilian as peculiar- is found in the code of ethics that prevails hi the army Ik the first place the soldier holds to the theory that he is paid to taut and that any tking called upon to do ao mat- ter lion umBgerous is merely a task in the line of duty over which there is no occasion for any fuss Beneath this lies tile seemingly peculiar mental attitude of the soldier toward his work As a matter of fact he is not nearly so much a hero in hie own eyes eel out so far a tieR for bare pie I al aatioia ill restla are JDde IT the aIIiitnltlt and way a ia- emawe and wI eaiwot be of the p deter The Federal JieeIIBM a y tile question not yet itself to public Them is objection to shall be The upon is et as oW as trade itself and how to trot it to reap tile eat wI fol- low iaas unsolved THEKISSLESS lea with tile MnFlel1 dated with tile of the tile Jaads of Ute other aits which are spread 1 a nimble gera leaps to be lei ae When a pair of red Ups owa One to It Do you pray endurance to let then alone DISASTER- Left to their tile S1 the we part they played was as in tM riIae to corcluadon aay gears and of trade which Siermaa of Preventing bneinels development which aeeme yet per- Mitted l admit- tedly question eheme of fa- vored by good altdents of done corasand a efdeaee decade when oohnbinatioo flit monopoly eon a as yet na problem eorahip along kioin minds assembled delegates r when Irma ail ice and impressed by see upspnraed pmalp about for champion him- self owa devices not reeord a which rinks own I prbkSroltli r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ing with him is business routine in which he finds mighty romance Probably the duct fofr the of by the lads at Fort Monroe however is the fact that throughout ttte army generally the life of tile is made OB long night- mare by tile taataliaiBg josts of his comrades The hero is but he is sever for an instant permit ted t forget Ute net of heroism which woa him his title Looking into the future and beholding a unbroken chain of 3oshtn Fort Monroe heroes mrturaliy shuddered and did their best to escape the goodwatered- peisaciitiuR which they knew would be theta if they admitted their bravery The yoaas maa who is dansjerouslr- ttl from sunburn at Attaj tte City is another argument ta support of theory that bathing suits are really to be worn la the Saving done so well with safe lid sane Fourth the country snouM now turn its attention to tfc safe and sane Shy exenrstoa Perhaps hobbiesfcirt bathing suit is out out for the purpose of making tt absolutely Impossible to do aoytntas but stay on the bench Recent Ofadosures IB New Yolk must feel that realty isnt worth the struade The White Way babltues ought to be ante to get a fair measure of Joy out of the unique experiment of drink- ing writer It must be particularly New York to find that din patsies these terribly hot nights Johnson amtxrewUr uc determined to spend his profits for auto spttidlsjg Bathtub trust cant expect any sympathy te this find of weather It to not auiiKtalna to lied tbe Wider embezsteaie growing broader This time we cant even lay it t the humidity Its corns turn to be runed BOOKS OF WIRELESS SOUGHT BY JURY KEW YORK July 31 The Federal hold of the books of the United WIre lean Company eoneemtag which pro- ceedings ar offices with dtaposteg of stock above its real value Chrfetopner C wagon president of tile company Samuel S Bogart vice president Franete X Butl r and Cloyd Marshal secretary been cited to appear to show muse why they should not be adjudged in contempt for refus- ing to the eighteen books wanted Counsel for tile defendants told tbe court that ahtetynine hooks bad beep sunended to the Government and a special master has been appointed to documents AUTHORSAILOR MISSING NEW BEDFORD Mass July 3K Capt Joshua Slocum master of the stoop Spray and author of Sailing Around the World te mtasins and K te feared be has made hte last crutee He san d from Vmersnl Raven November the severity of the anproachnMr winter Stocvm te at vtneyarA Haven They have three sons Concert Today By the U S Engineer Baai at Circle at 730 p m JULIUS KAMPBR Chief MuafcnwP- ROGRA1C cCarefa Old Comrades Telke Overture to the Ballet Jolt IJnapototer- Habanera Mexican Kisuea- Tj Roberts UnoMruited Unke ant a sv Tbe Opera Mirror TobanI Excerpts front Fortune- Teller Herbert lie Suaay South Lamp The StsarSpangied Banner little son modesty r ted the the the tile tile fraterD1t7 bank life noossr The grand jury is making an te pt pendtng misin have u of the rsbshag U u for the Wet Indiesn to and has JIOi IeD beard since ltra Ji Iowa dUaa Dance tile dis- play hero in- tended surf make of bargbra for T effort e arrth Investigate matter escape from wing Lave asMissud L ¬ ¬ In the Mail Bag Sickening I Neglect- or road Mr Oysters account of alleys with tbe deepest interest I will first tell you why Twentysix years ago I came with husband to live hero in this city I bad before j my marriage been a in lame of our largest Northern cities I know what Fire Points New York was I the Tombs the hospitals for I nad seen and talked with their occupants again and again I never aw there what I have seen in the alloys of this elty All the Witness of what Mr Oyster has write and my eyes are blinded with tears I to and hav told tow white families for their children of them come from close rooms where perhaps one is I am of about when we awe so blindly ignorant of what causes it known of thfoRs which will not bear description with ink Negro women have I can never repeat We all know that where persons of all sexes are crowded worse there than tile white plague J have wondered I have pleaded I wept I have prayed but it all seemed useless Recently I attended a meeting Alley Improvement As sedation hot as I sat there listening said What do you know about the alleys We may talk until we are dorob but we have sot to come right down to business The ax has got to be laid at the root of this treat tree the poisonous atmosphere of which has ton affected the whole city visited such places as Mr Oyster mentions from to the other side of Georgetown i moW whereof I speak when I that I have learned of things which could not Ix by any than twenty years I have been a member of Calvary Baptist state of things in our city I have to attend the missionary society meetings where I about ihf then in other countries when I knew ere were heathens within our very sates that were never even thought about I am in earnest about this matter if tt doM mean ostracism If you want to know whether my word to reliable or not ask H B F Macfariaad Yours to the Cruelty to Animals Me the Editor of Tin wafctstoa- to me that in this beautiful may tb Capital of the nation a model I among other cities ef the world there would exist protection of our poor dumb brutes that suffer m silent an the tortures in- flicted upon them by heartless human ity Suffice It to say our laws in that respect are weak Why does not that great towmaking body Congress which for a moment would not hesitate to appropriate money for the purpose of beautifying the city take mat- ter into consideration Ere long the existing evils could be eorrected Among the greatest sufferers is our working patient and faithful mend the horse It is not an uncom- mon sight to see every day some poor exhausted beast mrwatered halffed trudging through the hot streets car rying a too heavy for its weak annourtebed body to stand More often their backs are coveted with painful sores caused by the friction of the heavy harness Their knees are some times woolen from excessive standing and too little rest Yet the just such pitiful creatures win merci- lessly beat them and draw the reins into frightful shape Now on the other hand If there ex- isted a law prohibiting such inhumane treatment on tile part of brutal dilveis and if a severe penalty were talnctsd upon the offender less suffering would be endured by the innocent helpless creatures Thanks to the Humane So ciety and its good work That or ganisation deserves credit for what It lone How often is tt our lot to see some huckster carrying in each hand a dozen or more chickens head down and feet tied tightly together Can anyone realize for a moment bow It swat feel to be pulled thus about the streets without even water from early morn lag until late at night Wouldnt it be better to have a wire cage where the chickens could stand up and move about at will even though It maybe- a little harder for the mortal to man- age There are remedies for all these con ditions If only they could be enfoi lawfully As a resident of Wash ton for thirteen years e fads men tioned have cures under ob rervatkm and I firmly believe that this city stands uncquaied in Ms bar- barous treatment and cruel usage of KATES JL AXKKXKFY J tile of TIle WBIIIdagtGa Tlohee the my knew knew what PITe Points was when it at Its worst let me tell you I along years until now I a silent Oh sir MY heart is IS I ministers with bearing talk lAe white I have seen have pen Del told me what sees and both MnR In and squalor have oft my heart I have y Church but I do y tile cburchs are partly to blame for the rei Tina It some fora of law for the drivers so that the horses mouth drawn las T dumb en r etc was but have bees de- scribed sick appealed era ad nurses slowly sick tMrgs to- t knoraac Is mowed disgraceful eras- ed wooer tight Is i brutes ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° Short on No Matter Who You Are Immediately after reading this turn to the want ad pages and you will find there something to interest YOUT- he For Sale Miscellaneous column alOne undoubtedly contains some offer of winch you should take advantage Hov ever start with the Perseus classification glance through the Lost and Found Situations Wmted Help Wanted Rooms for Rent including Country Board Dont overlook the Business Opportunities Day after day there are unusual opportunities which you cannot afford to neglect Read the Real Estate offers The Automobile column also contains some real surprises There are other cfatssifieations too numerous 1o mention BUT LOOK FOR yI3RSELR READ THE WASH INGTON TIMES WANT ADS AND EVERY DAY USE THEM Times The average ad costs less than 25c Talks Advertising r r f- PhooeMtih 5260 or callq I Ii oJ Classified TODAY Tack 77xogh1ke ¬ < Miss Mary Cushman Becomes Bride At Parents Residence This Morning MRS W A BLOEDORN Formerly Miss Kay Howard i uses Leave c Atlantic City Mr and Mrs Salisbury Knox panted by their daughter Mrs nd their ateoe Mas Nina Knox Van loft today for At mntfeCtty- in Tennessee in about a week to viols Mr Berry on his retoo en- fnry of the Tennessee State troops at Cmekamanga but tile others fci the will at the seashore fur tile balance of season 4 Mr and Mrs Oliver J Wells enter- tained at luncheon at their summer home at Bar Harbor yesterday in honor of Baron and Baroness Serge Kortt of Russia Baroness Korff te the daughter of Rear Admiral Mrs of Washington to a niece of Mr Wells j To Irks Theekht Soa tein er Wed ne day for an extended to Islands and othei Titsui U- Mm I Callteber leaves Wednesday to Mr and Mrs Victor B Adl r and their daughter MISS Vertteae Adler left for Denver Cokx and an extend ed trio to Colorado Springs Manjtou and Gl nwood Springs Clande and Adler are spending the sumaater at Coolbaush Pa RATE REDUCTIONS SUBJECT OF STUDY Commissions Experts Sent West to Examine Books- of Railroads The Interstate Commerce Conoatesfou Is now preparing to dispatch about fifty of its experts to the West and North- west for an examination of the books of the Hill and Harriman the Rocky mountain rate cases In a few of the cases already investi- gated the commission has ordered a re auction in the rates of as much as 3 per cent In these instances the tong andshorthaul question was involved Some experts estimate that as much- as Is involved in rate reduc- tions ordered by the for the purpose of definitely determining tile amount of revenue the commission decided upon an inquiry late the records of the carriers Whats on the Program m Washington TOHIGHT Amusements Columbia MPuddn Head WIteon SOS p aa Casino Motton pictures and vaudeville Cosmos pIctures and vaude- ville Majestic Vaudeville Masonic Auditorium Motion pictures Georgetown Open Air Motion pictures vaudeville 746 and fcli- p m- Gton Echo Dancing and motion pie tames Luna Park aCusie and vaudevOte Band Mmtfe and motion ptoturog on roof garden Excursions Today Steamer SC Johns leaves Seventh street wharf 7 p m- Old Point Comfort and KontoDc Stoam er leaves Seventh street wharf trfB m Marshall Hall Steamer Charles Mae atoster leaves Seventh street wharf 231 And tai p m Crescent Benevolent Association ex- cursion to Chesapeake Beach Trains leave District 290 SMi 741 and Waohington Baltimore and Annapolis electric Ene Summer excursions to bay points Ocean City Renoboth Beach and Atlantic City full at city ticket 1424 New York avenue The Times will be pleased to an nounce meetings and entertainments in this column Phone or write Harry Smith Berry OIl TeDD Mrs Berry wm refana to her home tile nAt V leaves Mho Bella lif- ter JIIIMrJt a week wm ae spend the the summer lit Patcllcue L L David tnart by the OIl I Chevy CMse t KariIIe line tt5 JIL Information of- fice announce- ments WWI Nashville Wssi futon from remain who trip Thsaarand Sehi1man has returned having fdmtI- ntdeside remainder 9f yes- terday toaction commission 1OGWS LakeSection ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + G Abroad For honeymoon Mr and Mrs Caspar GrtewoW Baden i Mr and Mrs Bdward Dale Totoad at What Marsh Pa salted for Europe will vteit the bridegrooms parents the American and Yrs been spending tile early aummor at their puce m Connecticut have gone to Leas for a visit of Fveral weeks David Baer who spnt the weekend as the guest of his has TOtarao- iMn X Mountains Pa to toot Mr and Mrs hoM hi New Haves Mrs Albert lit today for At teatir Ctey will spend the who were aid Mrs turned to then homo hi Baltimore Md who were married July 1C ate Aubrey the Country II of tile brides parents to spend their to France co their stay ill Lgare who Ocean VIew mother A X Baes to bin JIeIne III Peyser to the Julius L will I tyrer Strams who toe the weeks been ue Daffy Mss of Sbh street loft to In New Tete to where she Q tile and the PraDk yliton street have re to- day honeymoon abroad AmIm odor during that coon ry- Mr and Mrs Bib have Iii Mr ibis dtJ bas tone Blue Peyser and remain sevetaL- wea4cs Ma past l w has guest of lfies today visit relative before returning her Leaver rmahhiar sammss- Mrr Yrs Mended3ecbt ruests fr- 1kve + + Only Immediate Family Present When She Weds William Mathew Leave Immediately After the Ceremony for an Ex- tended Trip North daughter of Mr and Mrs nl Bmir Cushman and WllBunr uTsriuins t rfr place this morning at tb resUeuca of the brides parents MM Ttrinnjul strsst northwest Only the family eat at tile ceremony which the Bev- gational Church offlciatcd- Mr and Yrs Mathews left Washington upon A pretty naval wedding took pie mot evening at 8 oclock at the nPSJasnua of Mrs Mary X Howard ta Thirteenth street whose her daughter Mms May A Btoedom U S K The Rev James F was the officiating clergyman n 11 f11 nupu tile ceremony to tile presence of wall gathering of relatives nod mttmute friends Quantities of white aninlil palms and ferns fsrmed the floral decorations of tINt house and rm or the wedding r Stanton W Howard brother of the bride nave his sister in montage The bride wore a beautiful sown of ease satin and she wore a long tune veil arranged with a coronet of swage blossoms and carried a bouquet of lines of tile valley and orchids Mrs Joseph Stotsenburg and Miss Trances wended the bride and little Jack Spear acted JB flower bearer Mrs Stotscn bur wore a handsome gown of pale blue ebarmeuse satin and carried or chide and Miss 3ward8mttli wore white lace and carried orchids Raymond Spear of the Naval Hospital acted as best man for Dr Btoedom Both bridegroom and his best man wore the white ruBdress uniform An informal reception followed the ceremony surd later Dr and Mm Bloe dora left for an extended bridal trip They win visit Omaha Denver and Seattle before going to Mare Island CaL for a two months stay before sainng for the Philippines Mrs Bloedorn traveled in a tailored suit of natural color linen with a becoming straw bat trimmed with blast vent Yrs Evan Sinclair Cameron left r the remainder of Ute Miss Shed Jtebeaon te- mainder of the season at Bar Baauor Mrs Charles Bayte loft Wsmnnujtoa yesterday to join sister Mr add mood at East Gloucester tar the vest United States Supreme ort id by WIt son Prank B TfftlKmuu gone to Karragansett for aa ex tended sojourn JT yam Grace Refily of Culnmuui read has gone to Spring Late 2 3L u untB October 1 she wnt bajsuucd The marriage of JiIaI7 ate at Dr SH Woodrow tile PIISt cn 1 ly the for am t trip North They will Sa momma Howard the bride of Dr Walter IaeIIIIa c hestra from the Bead Dr white chiffon draped over white cIaania Dr W8hIII for SIJriIIIr Late X J and later will to tile dadaI dmeron will Jule hey tile R with her armt leg d Ms John Baja m of Ute IL- Ir J88dce of the I has by her titer fOr tile mouth t Onhn i were peas of i after ceremony rare u Z became a noses a Maria fwair6ed t shown wanner Western plU bats Teaday Ailren- wherre My aieoase- t alesesliag airs Pr1oe l bcotherdv Joeph lids mm J re- main of Aaghrat ¬ < The Business Doctor By Roe Fulkerson II II I II Dont can possibly help it advteea the Bust ness Doctor The beet recommendation time be has stayed with ORe employer The adage about the rotttog stone bad particular reference to men who work for other people on a salary n saw an instance of it within a week A cleancut young fellow came into a business house looking for a position Be told the merchant that he Lad been with his last employer for eight years and then started to explain the quarrel which caused Mm to leave TIle mer- chant Interrupted Mm with the remark that he didnt care about tile details but picked up a desk phone and called up the and asked If they then asked bow ton be had been there and as the answer tallied with the state of the applicant he hired him on stays In place for years he must be the right sort of a man It takes no business house ebjt years to find out if a man te honest industrious and capable Ha would not have been able to stay that length of time if lie were not Again every employer can be Mkeaed to the theatrical manager who has for every Important part In his play You younger feHows never seem to think that every employer has your future plumed for you Hte boat- men are Pablo to leave him at any time to go into business for themselves or are lured away by a higher salary for some rival house and some of you fellows are slated for promotion aad do not know it The thing for you to do is to study the work of the man just ahead of you ready now for the job which yon hope to get next year chances are that your employer is now wondering If you young man can Ist length ot borne them had bad the maa n tiMIIr employ and the spot without a iJP OlL The theory Is that It a one Get thauge jour eltoyer a have meet max an- a dy Tie ¬ tuatty to demonstrate this amnty before tb time comes Let blot IITUHI wheat you ins do fellow who his enustover top Be stands where he te as tile now Mm Just pfinso Of but the mean who makes good m his Job It te aa sure as fate Dont tot a Mir dollars rival house hUed you to your attteaat good conditions A Cleveland Ohio Bank hi nudaavariny to increase its deposit they would supply a wagon nat- o any farmer who would open an of OS there they used up 5M umbrellas on the srhtsmj in three months Of the 6W accounts paned being good active aceounte wHn a oem fortable balance at an timns show cards the fact that one showed our kings and pasted on a card wnOe oppextta was a bobtailed nuuh by this wording Theoe hands have no greater difference value than f A dgar dealer has removed ids usual on a small stnoknaj table card says We self you hi tills brand of cigars If the average young chance of fining an inside strait or much time trying to learn the best to put a dollar into his employers pocket as he does trying to figure a three bail combination for the corner pocket of a pool table or as much time learning to distinguish between wool and cotton as be does between straight ryo and blended the life of a merchant would b one long dream o bliss Bert Ball whether you can fnl the not up tilt you take often not the bean rises the wm how left the old and know Jae will in raise lit MIarT otietd by but on here where yea know Ute farmers MIlt out a dncuhe lite that only SI per were for sa u rest An ow window as people know the A ace Ilk r lit pedal picked and the standard prima the dsplay amid pat In JaIl window a lice rug which sits a chair and IMIk at stud bOx of his cigars TJIe fIIrt mach time out how reduce tile eqJeIIR of as dguring the J A pines r and its t eahy Agor g The a hang as is who to employer reember on y fc Job leave as quickly The rising business le slow for none hang the mrg acc- ount Cent own adios most valet of poker haads re- cent en 1 ill M on Morris hand a- sits a bed mWd ma agent am figuring is overhead his employer he awes perceuos of err wayy

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-07-26 [p 6] · G THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY JULY 26 1J10 q i

Mar 02, 2019



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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-07-26 [p 6] · G THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY JULY 26 1J10 q i


between 3ttb ad-Teltpboaa Mate S3N

Kew York Ogee l5 CTOli AveQdcea Office ja OimninrafcU Book BIlkBeaten vBaI




Davygcaay erfy

taB tie BMMh

laDe H

Juno UJune M

The set total etrcafettoa C Thedaily during OM C Jcartes Ml 0w r

being Hmti t d TM vnmb rTM d by a MoaAer sC ar C ji-

tlsB stews tile secto save 3 s

Jan Slose 33-

EBBday average far tit

ad TtOTM Tagents beteg eltnrinafe This numbsdivided by 4 tile anJUDe shows tile actto hay been JCSM

Persons Icavtee ike cIty fer

summer caa lave TIlemailed t tbea at the rate efthirty coats a er sevaaceats a Treefc Addremes be

as eftea as deKireiL AllIRan Bbserljpttoas jsa t be paidIB advance


Besides being the home State of tiePresident Ohio is ono of tile pivotalStates of the Union in nations elec-tions and for both reasons the strugglenowpatters and progressives for controlof the State couventkm crestsof the most interesting ianna of thisjmuchmixed If10 ramps ign On theone side stand theKepubiieaa machinein the bands of Cox Burton DickEllis and other regulars On the otherstands James Garfield candidate forgovernor and head of the Ohio inour

formidableof insurgent delegates The

battle is for the governorship and tINprivilege of writing the State platform

It looks as if tile regulars would beable to control if they were united onany one candidate for governor buttheir forces are badly divided mnnflocal favorites They are also dividedon the platform sore demandingflatfooted indorsement of Mr Taftand the PayneAHrich tariff law andsome believing it would be wiser tomake the indorsement less emphatic I

and thereby invite insurgent supportThe situation is complicated by the

fact that the standpatters recognize j

that witk Harrow the Democratic candidate the Republican candidate andplatform mast be such that they witappeal to independent voters The dif-ficulty of lading a man construct-ing a platform that will draw tins independent support without seeming torepudiate the national jutmnustrataoupresents a lard problem

The Roosevelt influence in the Olioconvention also furnishes food lei spec-ulation Garfield it will be recalled

zonal friends Reports from Columbusare Roosevelt would like tohim nominated for governor and wouldlike to have a progressive ptatformadopted If tibia is true then Boose

is against some of the friends of thePresident

the convention doss someUMUgWill inv happened to throw fight onthat perplexing question How dwell

Roosevelt stand on the Taft jadmiais-tratiom Xfe the other mum MrRoosevelt may fed be can espouse thecause of big old friend Gurfieid with-out being antagonistic to Mr Taft

Whatever is the outcome of the con-

vention the eampmn r

significant ix muj IUCVB im-

portant bearing on national psEtimlatfairs of 112


The fact that tile Pennsylvaniawas ahse te a eont

ence over wages and conditions of laboris another one of the encouragingevents that mate for industrial penceThe Prnnsvlrsjua might almostup as the model imflroad corporation-in so f as iasmtman uf employesis eon Menem 3fc otter mihoad pays

theiJa5h frnne-5E Every xrac m Q8 Yes as

TImaye 1ft1


Yr po wrt-DGAn D SHAW PAUL Co

JfM t


1ant Y1U JUt W5 LAeels 15 Lit



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Dated at tM bead tIC tile at tilekit er tile ire

ateat or skert perled the




under there beween



gEnt with a fol-lowing







one of tIM eoloeFs warmest


velts influence is Ohio at tlae

It is just pouibIe that be-fore

ia this Wis bound to be I iesuIt

its ill tilet ditlfr



OQko 1Asllilsg-Plsnadeipbta v

PATralit9rGar i Ji tel

meLally W

The nhober coplete oeK Waaktsstaa TiwsJoss was filewa-

Jafl e 413w JarsJudo 2 4tb p

1i iW Jas 4t7ar-Jno 4aVS Jane la l y

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Bar lltaittor bath 4aat

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way stadore




L per



iteeeiirg lira

rail-roadWith eetpiyea











higher wages and few pay as highNo railroad treats its employes moreconsiderately No railroad has work

the theory of liberality to labor as abusiness investment

It would have been unfortunate ifthis policy which has been m epera

bad culminatedm a strike It would been dis-

couraging to the Pennsylvania lid toother roads which have been followingthe Pennsylvanias led As it is thegood feeling between employer

ie retained and the injurywhich a strike would have indicted OK

both ha been avoided


leged combination of deulezs m enamel-ed ware popularly coiled the Bathtub trust adds another to the longlist of efforts made to break up cont-

act an offense agh 4 the Federallaws

It is a

t go ou without cheek It hasbeen demonstrated that combinationscast be formed s powerful that com-

petition is unavaing and that tunaa monopoly of trade which eau levywhat tribute it pleases on the peatmass of consumers is put into thehands of a few How to aid enterpriseto develop along legitimate lines to

combinations which only aiddentally restrain treads and yet

work to tile eneftt of the generalpublic ig onethe country is mow seeking to

to giving Federal authorities tile right

permitted and when they shall not beTo push Ute statute to its legitimateconclusion meant buoincas ell andan arrested development which wouldparalyse the country Hence we areproceeding along m a lame and halt-ing way the Government attackingonly those trusts apparently whichare particularly objectionable

may accrue how it without incurringthe evils which can as certainly


If the jfttitmai Dental Associationhas its way well soon lave the kiss

earringe tile wireless telegraph theiiotseleas cannon and tie smokelesspowder At their annual convention-at Denver tile dentists said some veryvery mean things about that deliciousworldold institution of osculation Alltile usual bacteriological evils aaeo-

eokLbtooded scientists were taken outof tile closet and waved riotously over

and tbe public was once more told thatit simply must not kiss under penalty J

of catching or conveying tuberculosu j

typhoid fever ia grippe and all tItore human

being to anotherNevertheless and notwithstanding

tile probabilities aw that well keepright on kissing right to theanalysis of the kfeetug evil but

to yWith no

Welt maybe you do but I doubt ttWhen tile mitikiaeing

produces a Bashlight picture ofia the parlor with tile lights

turned low spurning the proffered kissor abstaining frost the kiss which he

knows will not be denied then willMankind begin to think about theevils of kissing la the meantimeis safe to arcane that the kiss willcontinue to be freighted with its usualdouble danger


lien who did the brave work at FortMonroe the other day when the biggun exploded would never acquire anyCarnegie hero medals Indeed if theyhad their way about it history would

iu rescuing dead and injured sad inpreventing further disaster from sec-ondary explosions When a attempt

made to discover who had beenthe heroes tile g Hy parties bad to besubjected to sort of thud degreebefore they would confess

The expfawBtwu of this performancestrikes the civilian as peculiar-

is found in the code of ethics thatprevails hi the army Ik the first placethe soldier holds to the theory thathe is paid to taut and that anytking called upon to do ao mat-ter lion umBgerous is merely a taskin the line of duty over which thereis no occasion for any fuss Beneaththis lies tile seemingly peculiar mentalattitude of the soldier toward hiswork As a matter of fact he is notnearly so much a hero in hie own eyes

eel out so far a

tieR forbare




aatioia ill restlaare JDde IT the aIIiitnltlt

and way aia-

emawe and wI eaiwot be

of the pdeter

The Federal JieeIIBM

a y tilequestion not yet itselfto public Them is objection

to shall be

The upon is etas oW as trade itself and how totrot it to reap tile eat wI


low iaas unsolved


lea with tile MnFlel1

dated with tile of the

tile Jaads of Ute

other aits which are spread 1

a nimble gera leaps

to be lei aeWhen a pair of red Ups

owaOne to It

Do you pray endurance to let thenalone


Left to their tile S1

the we part they played


as in tM riIae

to corcluadon

aay gears


of trade whichSiermaa

of Preventingbneinels development which aeeme

yet per-Mitted



eheme of fa-

vored by good altdents ofdone corasanda efdeaee

decade when oohnbinatioo

flit monopolyeon

a as

yet na problem

eorahip along

kioin minds

assembled delegates



ailice and impressed by

see upspnraed

pmalp aboutfor



owa devices

not reeord





I prbkSroltli r







ing with him is business routine inwhich he finds mighty romance

Probably the duct fofr theof by the lads at Fort

Monroe however is the fact thatthroughout ttte army generally the lifeof tile is made OB long night-mare by tile taataliaiBg josts of hiscomrades The hero isbut he is sever for an instant permitted t forget Ute net of heroism whichwoa him his title Looking into thefuture and beholding a unbrokenchain of 3oshtn Fort Monroeheroes mrturaliy shuddered and didtheir best to escape the goodwatered-peisaciitiuR which they knew would betheta if they admitted their bravery

The yoaas maa who is dansjerouslr-ttl from sunburn at Attaj tte City isanother argument ta support oftheory that bathing suits are really

to be worn la the

Saving done so well with safelid sane Fourth the country snouMnow turn its attention to tfc safe andsane Shy exenrstoa

Perhaps hobbiesfcirt bathing suitis out out for the purpose of makingtt absolutely Impossible to do aoytntasbut stay on the bench

Recent Ofadosures IB New Yolk must

feel that realty isnt worth thestruade

The White Way babltues ought tobe ante to get a fair measure of Joyout of the unique experiment of drink-ing writer

It must be particularlyNew York to find that dinpatsies these terribly hot nights

Johnson amtxrewUr uc determined tospend his profits for auto spttidlsjg

Bathtub trust cant expect anysympathy te this find of weather

It to not auiiKtalna to lied tbe Widerembezsteaie growing broader

This time we cant even lay it t thehumidity

Its corns turn to be runed


KEW YORK July 31 The Federal

hold of the books of the United WIrelean Company eoneemtag which pro-ceedings aroffices with dtaposteg of stock aboveits real value

Chrfetopner C wagon president oftile company Samuel S Bogart vicepresident Franete X Butl r and CloydMarshal secretary been cited toappear to show muse why they shouldnot be adjudged in contempt for refus-ing to the eighteen bookswanted

Counsel for tile defendants told tbecourt that ahtetynine hooks bad beepsunended to the Government and aspecial master has been appointed todocuments


Capt Joshua Slocum master of thestoop Spray and author of SailingAround the World te mtasins and K tefeared be has made hte last crutee Hesan d from Vmersnl Raven November

the severity of the anproachnMr winterStocvm te at vtneyarA HavenThey have three sons

Concert TodayBy the U S Engineer Baai at

Circle at 730 p mJULIUS KAMPBR Chief MuafcnwP-

ROGRA1CcCarefa Old Comrades TelkeOverture to the Ballet Jolt

IJnapototer-Habanera Mexican Kisuea-

Tj RobertsUnoMruited Unke

ant a sv Tbe Opera MirrorTobanI

Excerpts front Fortune-Teller Herbert

lie Suaay SouthLamp

The StsarSpangied Banner



r ted





tile fraterD1t7 banklife



grand jury is making an te ptpendtng misin


u of the rsbshag

U u for the Wet Indiesn toand has JIOi IeD beard since ltraJi


dUaa Dancetile



in-tended surf

make of bargbra



e arrth

Investigate matter








In the Mail BagSickening



road Mr Oysters account ofalleys with tbe deepest interest Iwill first tell you why Twentysixyears ago I came with husbandto live hero in this city I bad before j

my marriage been a inlame of our largest Northern cities Iknow what Fire Points New Yorkwas I the Tombs the hospitals

for I nad seen and talked withtheir occupants again and again I

never aw there what I have seen inthe alloys of this elty All theWitness of what Mr Oyster has

writeand my eyes are blinded with tears Ito and havtold tow white familiesfor their childrenof them come fromclose rooms where perhaps one is

I amof aboutwhen we awe soblindly ignorant of what causes itknown ofthfoRs which will not bear descriptionwith ink Negro women haveI can never repeat Weall know that where persons of allsexes are crowded

worse there thantile white plagueJ have wondered I have pleaded Iwept I have prayed but it allseemed useless Recently I attended ameeting Alley Improvement Assedation hot as I sat there listening

said What do you knowabout the alleys We may talk untilwe are dorob but we have sot to comeright down to business The ax has gotto be laid at the root of this treat treethe poisonous atmosphere of which haston affected the whole cityvisited such places as MrOyster mentions from to theother side of Georgetown i moWwhereof I speak when I that I havelearned of things which could not Ixby any

than twenty years I havebeen a member of Calvary Baptist

state of things in our city I haveto attend the missionary societymeetings where I about ihfthen in other countries when I knewere were heathens within our verysates that were never even thoughtabout

I am in earnest about this matter iftt doM mean ostracism If you want toknow whether my word to reliable ornot ask H B F Macfariaad Yours tothe

Cruelty to AnimalsMe the Editor of Tin wafctstoa-

to me that in this beautifulmay tb Capital of the nation a model Iamong other cities ef the world therewould existprotection of our poor dumb brutesthat suffer m silent an the tortures in-flicted upon them by heartless humanity Suffice It to say our laws in thatrespect are weak Why does not thatgreat towmaking body Congresswhich for a moment would not hesitateto appropriate money for the purposeof beautifying the city take mat-ter into consideration Ere long theexisting evils could be eorrectedAmong the greatest sufferers is our

working patient and faithfulmend the horse It is not an uncom-mon sight to see every day some poorexhausted beast mrwatered halffedtrudging through the hot streets carrying a too heavy for its weakannourtebed body to stand More oftentheir backs are coveted with painfulsores caused by the friction of theheavy harness Their knees are sometimes woolen from excessive standingand too little rest Yet thejust such pitiful creatures win merci-lessly beat them and draw the reinsinto frightful shape

Now on the other hand If there ex-isted a law prohibiting such inhumanetreatment on tile part of brutal dilveisand if a severe penalty were talnctsdupon the offender less suffering wouldbe endured by the innocent helplesscreatures Thanks to the Humane Society and its good work That organisation deserves credit for what It

loneHow often is tt our lot to see some

huckster carrying in each hand a dozenor more chickens head down and feettied tightly together Can anyonerealize for a moment bow It swat feelto be pulled thus about the streetswithout even water from early mornlag until late at night Wouldnt it bebetter to have a wire cage where thechickens could stand up and moveabout at will even though It maybe-a little harder for the mortal to man-age

There are remedies for all these conditions If only they could be enfoilawfully As a resident of Washton for thirteen years e fads mentioned have cures under obrervatkm and I firmly believe thatthis city stands uncquaied in Ms bar-barous treatment and cruel usage of



tile of TIle WBIIIdagtGa Tloheethe



knew what PITe Points was when itat Its worst let me tell you I

alongyears until now I a silent

Oh sir MY heart is IS Iministers

withbearing talklAe white

I have seen havepen Del

told me whatsees and both

MnR In and squalor


oftmy heart

I have


Church but I do y tile cburchsare partly to blame for the



some fora of law for the


so that the horses mouth drawn




en r


was but

have beesde-



eraad nurses

slowly sick



t knoraacIs





tight Is











Short on

No Matter Who You AreImmediately after reading this turn tothe want ad pages and you willfind there something to interest YOUT-

he For Sale Miscellaneous column alOne undoubtedlycontains some offer of winch you should take advantage Hovever start with the Perseus classification glance through the

Lost and Found Situations Wmted Help WantedRooms for Rent including Country Board Dont overlook

the Business Opportunities Day after day there are unusualopportunities which you cannot afford to neglect

Read the Real Estate offers The Automobile column alsocontains some real surprises There are other cfatssifieations toonumerous 1o mention




The average ad costs less than 25c






PhooeMtih 5260 or callq






Tack 77xogh1ke



Miss Mary Cushman Becomes BrideAt Parents Residence This Morning

MRS W A BLOEDORNFormerly Miss Kay Howard


uses Leavec Atlantic City

Mr and Mrs Salisbury Knoxpanted by their daughter Mrs

nd their ateoe Mas Nina Knox Vanloft today for At


in Tennessee in about a week to violsMr Berry on his retoo en-

fnry of the Tennessee State troopsat Cmekamanga but tile others fci the

will at the seashore furtile balance of season

4Mr and Mrs Oliver J Wells enter-

tained at luncheon at their summerhome at Bar Harbor yesterday inhonor of Baron and Baroness SergeKortt of Russia Baroness Korffte the daughter of Rear AdmiralMrs of Washington to aniece of Mr Wells

j To

Irks Theekht Soa tein er Wedne day for an extended toIslands and othei Titsui U-

Mm I Callteber leaves Wednesday to

Mr and Mrs Victor B Adl r and theirdaughter MISS Vertteae Adler left

for Denver Cokx and an extended trio to Colorado Springs Manjtouand Gl nwood Springs Clande and

Adler are spending the sumaaterat Coolbaush Pa



Commissions Experts SentWest to Examine Books-

of Railroads

The Interstate Commerce ConoatesfouIs now preparing to dispatch about fiftyof its experts to the West and North-west for an examination of the booksof the Hill and Harriman

the Rocky mountain rate casesIn a few of the cases already investi-

gated the commission has ordered a reauction in the rates of as much as 3per cent In these instances the tongandshorthaul question was involved

Some experts estimate that as much-as Is involved in rate reduc-tions ordered by thefor the purpose of definitely determiningtile amount of revenue thecommission decided upon an inquirylate the records of the carriers

Whats on the Program mWashington


Columbia MPuddn Head WIteon SOSp aa

Casino Motton pictures and vaudevilleCosmos pIctures and vaude-

villeMajestic VaudevilleMasonic Auditorium Motion picturesGeorgetown Open Air Motion

pictures vaudeville 746 and fcli-p m-

Gton Echo Dancing and motion pietames

Luna Park aCusie and vaudevOte

BandMmtfe and motion ptoturog on

roof garden

Excursions TodaySteamer SC Johns leaves Seventh street

wharf 7 p m-Old Point Comfort and KontoDc Stoam

er leaves Seventh street wharf trfBm

Marshall Hall Steamer Charles Maeatoster leaves Seventh street wharf231 And tai p m

Crescent Benevolent Association ex-cursion to Chesapeake BeachTrains leave District 290 SMi741 and

Waohington Baltimore and Annapoliselectric Ene Summer excursions tobay points Ocean City RenobothBeach and Atlantic Cityfull at city ticket

1424 New York avenueThe Times will be pleased to an

nounce meetings and entertainments inthis column Phone or write

Harry Smith Berry OIl TeDD

Mrs Berry wm refana to her home




Mho Bella lif-ter JIIIMrJt a week wm ae

spend the the summer litPatcllcue L L


tnart by the OIl


Chevy CMse t KariIIe

linett5 JIL

Information of-fice




Wssi futon




trip Thsaarand

Sehi1man has returnedhaving fdmtI-


remainder 9f


toaction commission










G AbroadFor honeymoon

Mr and Mrs Caspar GrtewoW Baden i

Mr and Mrs Bdward Dale Totoad atWhat Marsh Pa salted for Europe

will vteit the bridegrooms parentsthe Americanand Yrs

been spending tile early aummor at theirpuce m Connecticut have gone toLeas for a visit of Fveral weeks

David Baer who spnt the weekendas the guest of his

has TOtarao-

iMn XMountains Pa to toot Mr and Mrs

hoM hi New Haves

Mrs Albert lit today for Atteatir Ctey will spend the

who wereaid Mrs

turned to then homo hi Baltimore Md

who were married July 1C ate Aubreythe Country II of tile brides parents

to spend theirto Franceco their stay ill

Lgare who

Ocean VIewmother A X Baesto bin JIeIne III

Peyser to the

Julius L will

Ityrer Strams who toe theweeks been ue

Daffy Mss of Sbh street loftto In New Tete


where sheQ tile


PraDk yliton street have re

to-day honeymoon abroad

AmIm odorduring

that coon ry-

Mr and Mrs Bib have


ibis dtJbas tone Blue

Peyser and remain sevetaL-wea4cs

Ma pastl w has guest of lfies

todayvisit relative before

returning her


rmahhiar sammss-

Mrr Yrs Mended3ecbtruests fr-




Only Immediate FamilyPresent When She Weds

William Mathew

Leave Immediately Afterthe Ceremony for an Ex-

tended Trip North

daughter of Mr and Mrs nl BmirCushman and WllBunr uTsriuins t rfrplace this morning at tb resUeuca ofthe brides parents MM Ttrinnjul strsstnorthwest

Only the familyeat at tile ceremony which the Bev-

gational Church offlciatcd-Mr and Yrs Mathews left

Washington upon

A pretty naval wedding took pie motevening at 8 oclock at the nPSJasnuaof Mrs Mary X Howard ta Thirteenthstreet whose her daughter Mms May

A Btoedom U S KThe Rev James F was the

officiating clergyman n 11 f11 nupu tileceremony to tile presence of wallgathering of relatives nod mttmutefriends

Quantities of white aninlilpalms and ferns fsrmed the floraldecorations of tINt house and rm or

the wedding rStanton W Howard brother of

the bride nave his sister in montageThe bride wore a beautiful sown ofease satin and she wore a long tuneveil arranged with a coronet of swageblossoms and carried a bouquetof lines of tile valley and orchidsMrs Joseph Stotsenburg and MissTrances wended thebride and little Jack Spearacted JB flower bearer Mrs Stotscnbur wore a handsome gown of paleblue ebarmeuse satin and carried orchide and Miss 3ward8mttli worewhite lace and carried orchids

Raymond Spear of the NavalHospital acted as best man for DrBtoedom Both bridegroom and his bestman wore the white ruBdressuniform

An informal reception followed theceremony surd later Dr and Mm Bloedora left for an extended bridaltrip They win visit OmahaDenver and Seattle before going toMare Island CaL for a two monthsstay before sainng for the PhilippinesMrs Bloedorn traveled in a tailored suitof natural color linen with a becomingstraw bat trimmed with blast vent

Yrs Evan Sinclair Cameron left

r the remainder of Ute

Miss Shed Jtebeaon te-

mainder of the season at Bar Baauor

Mrs Charles Bayte loft Wsmnnujtoayesterday to joinsister Mr addmood at East Gloucester tar the vest

United States Supreme ortid by WIt son Prank B TfftlKmuugone to Karragansett for aa ex

tended sojournJT

yam Grace Refily of Culnmuui readhas gone to Spring Late 2 3L u

untB October 1 she wnt bajsuucd

The marriage of JiIaI7


Dr S H Woodrow tile PIISt cn1

ly the for am ttrip North They will Sa


Howard the bride of Dr Walter


c hestra from the Bead


white chiffon draped over white cIaania


W8hIII for SIJriIIIr LateX J and later will to tiledadaI dmeron will Jule hey

tile Rwith her armt

leg dMs John Baja mof Ute IL-Ir J88dce of the


by her titer fOr tile mouth




were peas


iafter ceremony

rare u




noses a

Maria fwair6ed



WesternplU bats


wherre Myaieoase-


airs Pr1oe l


Joeph lids mmJ


of Aaghrat



The Business DoctorBy Roe Fulkerson



Dontcan possibly help it advteea the Bustness Doctor The beet recommendation

time be has stayed with ORe employerThe adage about the rotttog stone badparticular reference to men who workfor other people on a salaryn saw an instance of it within a week

A cleancut young fellow came into abusiness house looking for a positionBe told the merchant that he Lad beenwith his last employer for eight yearsand then started to explain the quarrelwhich caused Mm to leave TIle mer-chant Interrupted Mm with the remarkthat he didnt care about tile detailsbut picked up a desk phone and calledup the and asked If they

then asked bow ton be had been thereand as the answer tallied with the state

of the applicant he hired him on

stays Inplace for years he must be the right

sort of a man It takes no businesshouse ebjt years to find out if a man te

honest industrious and capable Hawould not have been able to stay thatlength of time if lie were not

Again every employer can be Mkeaedto the theatrical manager who has

for every Important part Inhis play You younger feHows neverseem to think that every employer hasyour future plumed for you Hte boat-men are Pablo to leave him at any timeto go into business for themselves or arelured away by a higher salary for somerival house and some of you fellows areslated for promotion aad do not knowit The thing for you to do is to studythe work of the man just ahead of you

ready now for the job which yonhope to get next year chances arethat your employer is now wondering

If you

young man can Ist length ot

borne themhad bad the maa n tiMIIr employ and

the spot without a iJP OlLThe theory Is that It a



thauge jour eltoyer

a have




a dy



tuatty to demonstrate this amnty beforetb time comes Let blot IITUHI wheatyou ins do

fellow who his enustover

top Be stands where he te as tile now

Mm Just pfinso Ofbut the

mean who makes good m his Job It te aasure as fate Dont tot a Mir dollars

rivalhouse hUed you to your attteaat good

conditionsA Cleveland Ohio Bank hi nudaavariny

to increase its deposit

they would supply a wagon nat-o any farmer who would open anof OS there they used up

5M umbrellas on the srhtsmj in threemonths Of the 6W accounts panedbeing good active aceounte wHn a oemfortable balance at an timns

show cards the fact thatone showed our kings and

pasted on a card wnOe oppextta was abobtailed nuuh by thiswording Theoe hands have no greaterdifference value than f

A dgar dealer has removed ids usual

on a small stnoknaj table

card says We self youhi tills brand of cigars

If the average young

chance of fining an inside strait ormuch time trying to learn the bestto put a dollar into his employerspocket as he does trying to figure athree bail combination for the cornerpocket of a pool table or as much timelearning to distinguish between wool andcotton as be does between straight ryoand blended the life of a merchantwould b one long dream o blissBert Ball

whether you can fnl the notup tilt you take

often not the bean rises the

wm howleft the old and know Jae will


raise lit MIarT otietd by

but on here where yea know

Utefarmers MIlt out a dncuhe lite that

only SI per were for sa u rest

An ow window aspeople

know the Aace

Ilk r

lit pedalpicked and the standard prima the

dsplay amid pat In JaIl window a licerug which sits a chair and

IMIk atstud bOx of his cigars TJIe


mach time out how reducetile eqJeIIR ofas dguring the



pines rand its t eahy Agor


The a hang asis who to

employer reember on y fcJob leave

as quickly Therising business le slow for


hang the




own adiosmost

valet of poker haads re-cent en


ill M

on Morrishand a-

sits a bedmWd

ma agent am

figuring isoverhead his employer

he awes perceuos oferr
