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THE WASHINGTON TOTES SUNDAY DECEMBER 25 1910 14 SPECIAL PIRGI CITY Alexandria Christmas in Fitting Manner WASHB4C70K TTMKS BTJHSAU- ALuBXAHDitXA TA DBC XV Alexandria to today celebrating in a ntti sr manner tie birth of Christ At aH the churcjb special sermons wire dettvored and the choirs rendered spe- cial music Christmas falling on Sun- day made attendance at the churches today larger than for many years Ta day has been spent hy large number of families reunions and former Alexandrians from all parts of tile United States are today here mak- iga merry with their retetfvos- Th poor of the city have also been fittingly remembered hy the cltiaons generally and by Alexandria Lodge of Elks ia particular The Rt Rev Bishop Lloyd conducted service aad preached at Christ Cawrctt At St Marys Catholic Church there were four masses this morning- at a Srit Sztt and At all these masses a eolleetioa was taken HP for the orphans of the diocese of Virginia At 3Itaedist Splseopal Church So at oclock this meraiag there was a special salon service aad SaeKaaieat of the Lords spper Paitoemea Oayton Arriagton while wsjkiag nest the eoraer of Oronoko non Royal streets about I oclock this morning sUpped on the ice end falling raetnttag his hip He was picked up by PoHeemaa Roland and taken to his home 411 Patrick street where DaJaaey His condition this momlag te favoraWe- R Gott restate at 1 Wolfe street report that some oe esitered his hen house last night aad stole eifd t ehtekeas The poiioe are mveati- Hdiilght mass ws celebrated at the chapel m St Marys Aondomy lest nig aad was attended ay the Sisters of the Holy Cross the pupils of St Academy and few Alexan drians Potomac Lodge of Odd Fellows is makfea preparations for the bofcHnc a aenrianauaj meeClne of the nteadhers of that order in the Fortieth District whie comprises AteKaadria ned countiea SERMONS the j the I1t North his hip wits set by Dr E the- n a Celebrating a InV I I 1 11 H I fl I F jg a C I r ¬ > > ¬ < marriage at Grace Protestant Bptecopml church parsonage last Friday of iam M and Mte Bvelyn fr After the ceremony Mr and 3Cr- sdampett left on a t te Rioh noad The SIt schools of Christ and SC Protestant Epteeopal churches yesterday held their Chrteunas celebra- tions Ia the Corporation Court yesterday Jude C Barley pree a Una- doeree of dhrorre on the grounds of de was granted Mollie Monroe Reeves from George Fraade Reeves Old DoBthdon Comntandry Ko U Katahts Tomsilar will met at tit fa servo annual Chctetmaa custom of Army and Navy Service Orders Uoatflsjant Colonel FREDKRICK W SCBtEr Fourth Cavalry is detailed orals department to take affect apon of LJenteaaat Colonel WILBER E WILDER in apector XiJeutenaat COlOSSI FREDERICK W SIBIjET Fourth Cavalry at Ida own request relieved from duty a coHtBMAdaat of cadets at the XIii FRED W SLADKN is appointed to be comnMLndant of cadets at the Military AcademY West Point to take effect upon the relief of Lieutenant Colonel W SIBLEY Fourth Cav front that duty Cantata WILLIAM J LUTZ ith Infantry to Fort Snelnng- aesota Second Lieuten- ant CHARLES C BAKKHEAD infantry The resignation by First Lieutenant ROBERT F SHEEHAK JR Med leal Reserve Corps has been accept- ed the President Colonel CHARLES A WILLIAMS Twentyfirst Infantry to Army War PH CASPER t Sfoetua New Medical Corps York Captain THOMAS J POWKRS Thir teenth officer from Fort McDowell California and farther duty on ser to CaL iTaiar WILLIAM M WRIGHT Stk In is detailed to nil a vacancy meat to take eTTect March 12 vice Major CHARLES M TRUITT adjutant general who is assigned to the 9th Infantry Major ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL Coast Artillery Corps is detailed to all a va- cancy in the Adjutant Generals Department te take effect April XL vice Major JOR DAN adjutant Major BAKER nth In ftuitry is detailed to ATI a ht Ute Adjutant Generals Depart fliaat to take erect May 31 MO vise Major WILLIAM H SAGE ad jHtaat aeaeral who is assigned to b IWlt Infantry NAVY Lieutenant T G ELLTGON detached 5 ew ort News Va to duty instruc tIeR in aviation Los Angelea CaL i S YOUNG JR detached arottna to Perkins Ensign It G WALLING detached Perkins to North Carolina Past Aags ant J L Naval Hospital Philadelphia Pa to Panned Assistant Surgeon A D Me detached home and watt Passed Aasiatant Surgeon FM HUN detached Buffalo to lade 9CHQCBC6V Passed AssiBtant Surgeon J W BACK US detached recruiting sta flon Detroit Mien to Paaeed Aaototant Surgeon S C WRITE detached VTcksburgr to Buffalo nIt Surgeon W ROBBINS de- tached Pennsylvania 10 Vicksourg MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS AKKlYolD Potonmc at juantaaamo- KagiJ at Saa Juan Virginia South IOta California C ora4e Pennsytvaaia and at Soon Francisco Marietta at Kingston and Elcano at Manila from Boston for Hamp ton Roads hoe of Ute Will Gain Pads Louts at U odeck to oh the the onter ARMY tit flit a vacancy In the 5Cft generaL tar Auy Captain Goner FRED- ERICK Twenty to frees San hi the Adjutant Generals 1111 SID EY ID jt R NOrth LEAN PeIUII vaida L SAILEDSalem Anneuneetsent besu CV I 1 set doei it toeirJow li 1 r inspector ate 1 4 sl I U college Lieutenant 1 vice 1 Depart II i I L 1 a Chester t P eser Vcct > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I I I I I I II I II III I I I 1 t o y I MAURICE LEVEL I CopYri hL The L Munoey C- oL L TERROR + + Synopsis of Chapters Already Published Viator Barton reporter Soc a Paris Jew OB his war home fx m a frtaftds home at sight ems in th street two BMB ned woman acting s ptcl- oswty From their eomreraattMt ho learnS tint they Just conuattted a robbery aad- h ad the howe Going It h dta ears aa old man horribly xmderad- Bartoaa Ant thought is to track the orUn lash bet Ms Intense love for ta him to the det nain Uoa to eov traces left by tbo real nittr- derors ad substltwU erW aee to himself as the guilty awa HIs coateaipt for the intelligence of the leads Mm to pict r to hlmsolf bow cleverly he oaa play WIth them even after he te- eaught Alter arrangteg th r r d- brokaa sleeve link and ree- avelooe Barton goes oat Me- or the Murder to hl own a w the FteseC pa r later Mm to report the 3Mrd r After going to house aa- dtatr i wtae the cWf of poifee Phd gtr- he rotwBs the ftamat edee la s Me- ar the editors objections Bartoa reMon from the stat chrta as aa seems for a rest Wttbovt rot n to to Me room he triOS to lose I9meeU te motor quarters of Xeaawbtie a dteeoven the crape iwom of- Bartom m hiding caJIco- CEIeo aad two cans gotue verheaw the eMof of yoltoe ask the flltr edttor for Ms address CHAPTER HEN left the taNphoMi tfc chief hurried t the inopoc men area ORe them had beading over table and WAS evidently engroeeed in some lmp rtxii study It the man who Lad Ant called ebteTs- au Oea to U frasneat oT paper Are you wxkUsg on anything very Ktaat a ed the man r ry ImponaaC Tte sooner r done the beUter rn know where I stand Im loetda vp In the directory all the streets with de In their mum You remember that one of the Mttf of envelope read oe de It doemt coat muck to look up streets aayhow Well drop It Get a cab and ee if U Victor Barton te at home te No V Rue de r owaiM Rue de 7 Javel lOSS dearly inter- ested Rue de DouaL M You know where it te dont your 1 know The number you say te No 1C Thats odd Ad then Rue The chief looked at hIM with halt dosed eyes What was the mtw driv- ing at It hashed upon him suddenly that No M had been written upon one of the pieces of paper TIle number to which he had attached absolutely no Importance began to have mean mg now He looked at the inspector The inspector looked Neither spoke for a few ecoads neither dared to utter the thought that was upper- most in the mind of each At last the chief broke the silence Into acI are e roe and the Seer a or nu t dee tM lg tM lIICerrlew to the ether Heed wft tIt Pda of JoilItQr BarteR it lbs u VIContinued W he tsrs All he entered the saluted of been was Javey Ute The SIll It ad I N I same at a ec an the nisns throwlkg on sad 4is vole anosyaveMy teleyboeea a lBs seeds rort ken bed in meer p ills Pisast is quarters and a His ad- dress do Iii > ¬ ¬ Well a I said before youd droo this for the time beia r Run to No M Look up this man and and out where he is Call mo the telephone as there No K if I were you A such as the one evidently have mind means to oarticular Its odd said Javel very odd Well Im off tertalninc the opinion be had expressed The number was relevant It was easy to forsake the position he bad te the momtofr when the flrst the Booofbtlity of utiHz- l c the p r It jeamod much like vacillation The Inspectors knew him end respected him as a man of flxed purpose To change his suddenly nifcrttt mean a loss of prestige Besides it was IBteJy that Bar ton was involved in this ease There really seemed but slight jnstMcatfoc dra iMfr him In merely because of certain In numbers Absurd as the idea he could drive it from his mind went t his own room nicked up a report front his desk ami beeanto read it When he bad ftwished the fret he realised that not a word had steamed itself upon his mind He could not remem- ber a single phrase The number danced on the oaxre The face of Barton kept it company The two were Inseparable Little bv little he recalled details of his meetinjc with the jean First of aM thor was the strange awownt of the murder pnbltstoed in the Planet before notice quarters had been notified He had not yet succeed- ed in dtocovertnz awt the paper had anticipated him Then was Bar enigmatic behavior his ironic at- titude amounting amsost to insolence his mysterious aaswers the discovery of the footprint in the garden the mans unconzrottaWe emotion when be terad the victims room and his for his singular conduct when he saw the murdered man All this mteht have some l earin upon the case But assuming that the reporter had played some part in the crime how audacious lr foolish was his behavior When he arrived at this stage of his reasoning the chief felt himself con fronted with an obstacle which was apparently insurmocntable He was piqued that Javel a mca who had never displayed an inordinate amount of as- tuteness In his eyes should have been the first to link Barton with the crime yet Jars might be wrong The old man had no friends no relatives So far as the police knew Barton bad never heard of Forget How could the reporter be connected with the crime This was an obstacle The chief returned once more to Bar tons to give the source of the Planets information That was certainly suspicious Barton had told him nonchalantly The press has ways of its own of finding out things What were these ways It was clearly neces to find out and not to allow to be intimidated by newspaper mans boast It was absolutely neces- sary to find this man Barton to put him through a rigorous crosseTamina tion to frighten hint into full con- cession of the Planets devious ways of obtaining news before the The telephone bell ranar Vho Is lhs be asked JaveL Ive just left Rue de L ouaL Good Whats the news Barton bas not been home for three days The chief of police was dumfeundad Wet three slays Barton bad not his ofnoe and for three days be bad not been to nfe home Incredible as his connection with the crime seemed it was necessary discover the mans whereabouts 4f It was simply Tot the purpose of proving his absoltie inno- cence of any wrongdoing The disap pearance of reporter so soon after the discovery f the crime might have no special significance Nerertheles it Two theories mg themselves Im- mediately to the chief of Either Barton was keeping himself for the purpose of independently bur rowing into this an idea which might enter any newspaper mans head or ae was some way connected with the murder If second supposition- were true the chief bad either fled from the country and placed the frontier between and the police and this conclusion seemed most plausible he had been disposed of by those wOO feared he bv some im- arudenee betray them Following his habit the promptly at this latter as soon as it was formed He leaned forward en the daek and in nrfred else The inspector did not repIy immedi- ately T S3 you hear me Halo Yes I heard Theres nothing else 800D JelLvtI I toe lat portance Oft the tact tbat Jte at you DOt The chief or pOlice was tar from en ass- umed f JItL as He there tons And him- self a to WIIS ted utoa up- on aj weaIdnt lac musk lives suggested agreement pat apolo- gies a at worth I I ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ welL Ill look into this myself tomorrow Goodby So you will look into this tomorrow win you thought the inspector If you do youll be too late old man If by toHVrrow my name Isnt Javel As a matter of fact the inspector had not told all that he know He kept his main idea to himself Ho was too re- cently promoted to command much no one would listen to his views and take them For that rea- son he determined to play the loDe Ever since he had discovered- the fragments of the torn envelope he felt that he had hit upon an important clue HIS first vague impression was strengthened when he learned Bartons address He almost regretted the hint that be had dropped to the chief but confiotod himself with the reflection that the chief was too obstinate to mere inspectors thoorles Perhaps it was better that ho had spoken chief would be all the mere reluctant- to yield He decided to ferret out ton in his own way The singular coIn eidenee in the number of Bartons resi- dence and the number on he envelope was worth explaining even if it led to nothing Javel was a man of ideas Instead of Interpreting evidence he used it in gathering more vki nc proper mode of procedure for a true detective As he down Rue de Doss his eye in searching out the number of Bartons apartment fell upon the num- ber 2 Aa Men flashed upon him On the envelope the postman written Unknown at 22 try If Barton was at all involved in the case inquiry at IS otMtht to reveal something of inter- est Be had nothing te lose inquhr- inp and aoeordtagiy be routed out the concierge- I want to see M Victor Barton I ont know him Jays was disappointed Stilt he steted Hes newspaper mea Cant you me something about him The concierge shank his heed then hte wife appeared en the garrulous rotund creature ooa curiosity te ascertain for whom Javel was asking The inspector greeted her pleasantly and repeated question JC Victor Barton Tm looking for Hes a paper man I was told he lived hero Perhaps I have the wrong woman stepped forward Why DonS t you remember TIteR turning to the Inspector she added We havent anybody hero bar that name now We did have a reporter about atx months ago Two or three times the postman has left letters lot him here by mistake Now that I think of It Im sure it was the sum yoare Jooktasr for Turning to her ansiwtfd the womma reminded him you remember The postman brrught a letter about month ago I think he lives at IS now Javel hastily took his leave He al- most danced down the street to Ko tf A man with whom he collided in his my handcuffs are not on BartonS wrists I I I a the li by I a tell Jest se- a Bd you may be able t The man shrugged bill shoulders TIle Dent H or re- spect par zmbec a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ at Mm and vowed be was e blind luna tic Jays paid not the slightest at- tention to hint and hurried on He oa term the house at It ia frantic haste and asked the otmdorge for Barton Ho tent in she replied I Do you know when he will come tae Ko Has out of town Javel thought it awkward that his man had sUpped through his lingers When do you expect him Cant telL Do you wish to leave a Pit put in with some letters which Ive been holding for him haant been here for tiara days Javel was disappointed yet plnagM This dteappoarance might mean some thing At least it was suopieiouc B- catMc of the possibility of BMMTO he thought he would leave a fictitious message While he wrote it he would pursue the inquiry further A chance word might be dropped which he could use Besides concierge would be es- defiant in a room than In a hallway Accordingly he said I think Til leave a note for him I it wont disturb you if I sit down minute Not at alL Have you paper and pendir- Ko he replied The woman brought him pen ink and paper He seated himself at a taMe pamtea himself as a newspaper without employment by poverty and tc the step of thro soliciting Bartons offices in ob a position for a colleague Whose he reached the end the tMiper ho the corner between ate thumb and forefinger and swung It in the air te j you want a blotter a kd the concierge Dont let me trouble you No trouble at all Maybe youd like an envelope too Yes if yon have one j While he btoted the last line with the most elaborate cars be remarked I 3 Barton did not tell you he was going away j he didnt The woman who takes care of his room came yesterday to things in order She didnt know any thing either and asked he same ques tions She comes every morning to dean up alter gone very strange and Pin just a bit worried He always used to tell me when he was going away Mme Isaibelle he would say Tm going away for a few days I be back Monday maybe Tues Sky listened rapturously his pea poised In the air in the Byronic atti tude of a poet who had received in- spiration from the muse He was more than ever convinced that this precipi- tous departure was nothing but a flight which coupled numbers 22 and 16 and the Boulevard Lannes mur- der placed Barton In very bad light concierge babbled on on his regular life the hours which he kept But all that was trivia for the time being at least He listened however with an attentive last time that he slept here in at about 2 oclock In the morn- ing as usual No one can ever hear him come in except me he is so careful not to disturb anyone I know his way of closing the softly so you cant hear it Theres some In that wake the dead when they the door as if there wasnt a soul within a tulle of them Theres noiRe their way upstairs In a way that makes even the deaf woman on the second floor complain But that isnt 3t No Indeed Hes careful he is About 5 oclock in the morning some one came and asked to see him I let him up He didnt stay long for I let him out again soon after Five minutes later down comes M and goes out I shouldnt wonder but hes to see his family They live country Maybe somebody Is sick Its possible said the inspector To himself he added But only There are too many coincidences- He began to write again signed the first name that occurred to sealed Ute note and banded it to the concierge The woman had manifestly told nil she knew There was no need of staying longer He rose Please him this as soon as ho returns Since Its very important Ill drop in again tomorrow at about 9 oclock Perhaps he may be hack then Very welL The woman who takes care of his room will be here then He thanked her and passed out There was not the shadow of a doubt in his mind now The man to whom the suspicious envelope was addressed and Victor were one and the same Was the sudden departure of the reporter on the very day after the crime a coincidence Perhaps Perhaps not At any rate it W worth I bock message He I a Bel began a latter In whiok lite man himself on Bartons generosity and of j stopped picked up I Do I 1 No I I I a di- lated ear- TH doorvery betel Barton way ne in the 4 swept a r 5 put be- came Bar- ton V ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ considering calmly and carefully I was after he had this conolu ston that he telephoned to the outcome of his Investigations con fining himself his report the facts that he was supposed gather He bad been sent to No I Rue de Douai to find out if Barton at home Barton was not at home That was all he was bound by his In structions to report The rest be longed to him It was his to use he saw fit It was one of Javols habits tracking a criminal to look rather some stupid act than for some of genius He would Invariably himself Wh a would be the most fool teh step this men could tate Ir Bar tons case the worst error would be return to his rooms Admitting possibility there was one thing do Wbena man Is given the choice two methods of he be placed that police be selects the better most elementary prudence would the reporter against a return to de DouaL Javel decided to wait him Accordingly he stationed a few steps from the door of No and waited Continuation of Tr Story Pound in Issue of The Times The Feast of Lights or the Feast of Dedication which Is known among the Jew as the Hanaukkah will 1 e celebrated tomorrow which Is In the Jewish calendar as the 2Sth day of- Ktelev In celebration or this feast services for the children will be held tide at the Ktghth street temple Oil Friday evening the Rev S Simon delivered an appropriate address on the significance of feast The feast had its origin about TSt B C when the division of Alexanders vast empire placed Jades under Ute control of the King of Syria Antiaofctw- Dossrhtg to secure a unity of toutguage and reMalen AnUocaus to fore the Greek heathenism upon Jvwa Row he te a matter of history About three years later Judas at the head of Maccabees returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the walls aad temple which watt rededieated I re tJ- i h m5oU from difficult position particularly Li po hlm eU JEWS CELEBRATE FEAST OF THANKS the Ute the t a ol a wa 11 Wit after- noon attempted failed > It was m celebration of their SM- Coossful defense of rengkxt sad their return to Jerusalem that the Jews es- tablished this day as an annual feast of thanks Talk to the Through The Times The Average Ad Costs Less Than 25c Telephone Number Main 5260 PERSONAL PKR3OXALLT Between sod TIM Model Laanary caa do poor work than say other Ja city TRY THE MODEL LAUNDRY zni E ST x w PHOX8 3i mac SPaCIAL TRKATMKNT FOR THE SCALP DABNKTS BARBER SHOP G st X W Phone iL 2637 MAS8AGB Sfwedisa and laagnetle It i ev s rbownmUsm nervous trotibies ole 2 at ISth eu Open to S MASeAGE Firstclass treatment for rkeu- matlHS nervous aad stomach troubles 7J- leth C N W Two traia d aarse i MAXlCURIXa AXI SCALP TREATMENT ALICE V OXWELL ROOM S2 OXFORD BUILDIXG PRIVATE IARTT IcnCa money on cousenoW goods autocBObUe etc no notoriety or red tape xrco amounts a JIBO payments enly per month Address BOX set Tines oface BLUE PRIXTIXC BY ELECTRIcITY ALFRED A RAY Thee SJain a 51 IBth at N w LOST AND FOUND WASHIXGTON TERiOXAL CO 6 pa kag a 1 sultcaco It mitreRas 1 poise 1 razor S hats 1 shawl 1 cane i ooats i box 1 pair eyeglasses l knife 1 1 Bible 1 book 1 i telescope LOST Dozesa of collars through dying them to laaaari The knows how SMOOTH EDGES GrJARAXTEED THE LAUNDRY V 171 18 E ST X W PHONE M 2tM- LO8T 5oW ring and fob on Sat- urday December W between G and and North Capitol and 1st sts N E Liberal re ward for return to 612 L at X E Made sUk umbrella lone mission aad 1J p DecftMbar 24 Reward LOST Saturday night between 14th and 9tb- mG St stetJtae sliver chateain tts N Y ave Reward LOST Tur collar whit dipped lux tn aad eat store reward If re- T i K O st N W i- si etfaoeday Dec a brown marten mm th ned G ate N W and N Cap st vti vtrookland car Reward If returned t MU X Cap St iI- X3BT December 23 between 1165 Q and 267 its amethyst and bracelet Liberal reward if returned to 1W5 Q st N W LOST BvealB 01 December 23 gentlemans HURting case gold watch fob fob Ini tialed A 3 H ward If returned to COLUMBIA TITLE INSURANCE CO 5th and E sts X W SITUATIONS WANTED- Male WAXTEJ Position by cbaaflfeur thorough repairman perfectly reliable and sobr result BOY 61 office IWant Ads Town I yea the U treatment nurses XW 1 e L LOSTA wood on H 6t ear between 1 n U K N W bee i f resaonaele wages r reference try me for r tirnee I better t in- experienced MODEL handle m st mea ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ > SITUATIONS WANTED Female BY GOOD LAUXDIUBBE wrfaJag to home 2S Jiih st N W RKUABLK colored girl wants pleasant sit u tlon no lavadry work flee nor sC X W STENOGRAPHERS week The 8TKX CHANG ian G St X W Room a X 2JSt by white person Apply OT j J Aye STENOGRAPHERS ruraih by r wash K3C CHANGE 1W 0 t X W Reom 31 R HELP WANTED- Male and Female SHORTHAND AND TTPSWRITIKG Ccm- pkste Pitman or Barnes K 3 Syllabic W touch typewriting with each eewrse with macataa home free Pri- vate instructIon requlriBK from three te six nonthi to complete pc JcJen enaraatsed INSTZVCTK cotom BMx YOU are wanted for Goraramcat paattton B month Write for Itat of po ttt a FnmHn In Utme WB Rochester JY- WvOTED Civil Service students b- and quIckest preparattea Maicabl Ia win STEAlERS HCSTHaSS COL rEOE Old Sftsanlc Temple ti and 7 HELP WANTED FEMALE CASHIBR MorlBK picture theater must cuss well rscoiaiiisBdsa lady about years Call aftaraowM u Ma sc X W COOK and chambermaid walton wIde or colored good ECBJCKA HU X T uses general houM roifc la family BAND Apply JEUTK DRY CO Sill 14th st Report Cor ITeday morning UMM who had trade apply BO 5ALEBWOMAX FbvtelaM ssfflhMrr o7 tlM6 with best rsfareaoas as nsau i ehar and ability apply BOX St TIt Mc SOLICITORS for Mme Da 9 articles a Bead BMr HELP Batthnoro oa tor COLORED MEN JJOW IS YOUR OFFOKTUKrrY THIS AD IS WORTH lft- t yo ff prw a4d to tbo Osttesa s Be M Soe ae at ATX ACTO coMJBQg on xa x- DiUVfSt wtth reference I WILl START YOU s nUs da 7 at horns b spare Uasa ailrerls asrrore ao capital free iBMrsMJve baoktet vlaas- oT o srtUloa G T BKDMOXD OeC- iOs T Ase W3S tor sad scakooM Ms oa mlfcnsaos ia W lagtoa vicinity orytttusMi avaoasssary us strike PortHasir ooacwtssn- MM to yooitloao tomkly State ass send snap RAILWAY AflSO- 2CKN Good to drIve brick caa handle brick wages ILlS for work NEW WASH BRICK CO meaty Va nscssoary Eatr oaas SM to HU asuk Backs stamp nfTKX ItY r KPT St tod oar XT NJSCK- CsCaM with o b O SJM at awea Mad l for stfsw TlssiJ rssaid sailsrs THE MODEL LAUNDRY mfrU K ST X W PHOXE X STOW 7ORTSR f iMd Apply PXOPUES PHABJtACT 7th d K srs- wAXTKD r sot paws attomay sties an anMrtaaoetf non to prspare- proMcvte nppncatlssB make and assist With nttgatioa state sdauatloa- tratnto erpertaooe where and bow long n- ployod calary wanted and wbssi Answer most give tel panlcsdan 9OX ML Tima ode sLier stool hunts Aadiest BOX la- E WELT and vpMig f to trostwortby people to travel and dtetrtbote lii for wholesale house C K KCBRT X 4ax CWeaga- IYOCUG years rtoac stag boors SALK8XAX Experienced in say line to trade in XaryhutJ and Vnxiaia nnexceUed specialty proportion with NEW FSATCRS Vacancy after Jaooary 1M Commisaioa with J w for ex peases THE CONTItNKIITAL JKWELRT CO Cleveland Ohio tta oa Del BXCKPTlOKAt term Attractive extract for HU containing liberal weakly advance chase cac XIUCS BIXLER CO devotaad Chin day Or ZX Wu tIIIdry and The a CUrB Gr pea Dept GIRLAt A LU noYT 7bMdroH set seed 1 Toilet with kaowSedp tt lire forced 1 WANTEDMALE B with tntOH ORAPK F CANT AJBERS foe District ot sad ODd Ida N W oot NJCa wait er heak wWis GQIn Cltll8 To ct twe nose oember TRZ k BOX Do Mae ILlS 1 Rasad q 1 Len lei Dept m ua XEX to WaMmea taa orynty unset diotr 1 t with I lire awe WAfT good tw fraternal IIOdaI r G 11 SYl1IIIEK III Wet Sooth JkbI Wu A FEW JIIp to n sues I statu easy posides TIPTON MYKBS lith N W i WANTEDSALESMEN t WATED SA lIIlD Jewelry se other standard speciolty UoRs to caret Maryland and Sta- ple F take furnished by hear work sewis I hoer STENOGRAPHIC the wanes aye sue sm it- MAXOLB nash lure wflk the best need 1 Theos se 1 Appiy o m su waiter Bet1dg The Ba IX2 3195 5 at N W- STBitOORAPBzRt7nderwoed epemlor see some boost ever 15 years sid bicycles san earn 545 ii 119 month WTBRIt OPPt4Z 1is st aiis btehcam el1ers liv- naetsd measers et ai om poy 9thtsdXYvg bOnm sa autmot9s We seed reflebi ore ores fur was 11mencs I B- os Itmiss 1y toed P Xos over CIA ION 19 Mme ue 51 3rssi- c1nNY wa men ws a day prepale as tremen no tense ed psrtu exieace wanted sue spmemV le lea rinevjimlri- wrk 1 pea The elim nie pi em ast coinoleon getting members Wayne M WANT ol bays work big MAN posment 1419 st sell senor selling sash registers computing male typswrher Ylrula ¬ > > > > > BRAND XBW eaten specialty Bvsy salM Large profits or aids line Sx- p rienced salesmen only apply SALSS MAXAG8R Box 14 Kewtoc lows AX OLD RBLXiBLH proprietary modlrtno house desires a nnltaiaiia H M have in specialty line MIlt rot oreaees and ability a noah state ref BOX 17 Tiara otdea LARGE manufacturer with uae aad established trade wants axportenced travel leg salary with expeasas advanced Apply with rafereocee IROQUOIS MFG co Ctevetaad Ohio 5 TO SW9 WBBKLT node our lubricating oils gi uoc pest seed sp cialttoa FAIRFAX Ctevebiad Ohio CANVASSERS Sob and adv rUsiaie Apply MR SNTDBR 1 Star BuiKUSM- CAGHNTS Several live to soft DOMES OF SILEXCE needed ia Fine opportunity for oaRtlavovs bnstoscn Apply to L D ENGEL 3U Joatfor Bldg CAXVASSERS for District of fVhna4n and Baltimore on good hishclas sellers lr ones wanted for manageD 9SS 9th at N W NOTICE TO LADIES The Mirror Beauty Parlors 910 F St N W HAIRDRESSING G- OHIROPODT FACIAL XASSAQK We do it or sc per THE MODEL LAUNDRY in M E ST X W PHONE M SCIENCE OF HEALTH natHn- unonarglcal clethbound book free Apply by malL 1S Colorado i aUdtas Free lecture for women Wednesday 2 J p m STICKIEST STICKER that ever stock Glues furniture Elan china books everything Loyal PintS Jl X UfsUU etc seed cIa experience s req- uired sic t V ANTEDAGENTS line CO every old Un7 sMut poet Http F JaWMtry JNIIIIII4 IllS VIA I > pag exposimos salesmen C MANIco9i o = XD1BSI- Dont I ¬ I FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished near bath with without TH ST N w S17 Xtoeiy furataind room reSeed peepfe reasonable TOT DAHLGREX X WFront and site rooms wen wellkept seethftra erpoamix excellent 4437 nTH ST N W HMSaaBy tram rooms Mm lotiattea reasevabte B BT W 2a afwlv famished news Mat u Mar bath lid per month square Senor Canoes LADlEs roam will K yw Maee to with or without te private family M room nicely fur K alt modem ST rnirrnnlsacoij- ST X W mLarge room heat lot te gentlemen or married oo frfe all u ST X W lttXeat fMrathed routes Cor N ST X W i bright Jd all amdera aveaten es I ST N W 9fK 7 n fei ed botuekeepia root children 9 T T Ki elr famished rooms 11 ST W MBLarge aleoty furnished ZMM tJt coKvealeaoes ofeoee hcme WM single j double 5 B ST X H or seer Library quiet ST S W MMKow nice large moms well 8u hoe water Seoa o- STK ST X W 7H CoBSfertaM and roam by week beard G fT y W UKHNicalr turateked goeS Wcadaa c rwwmaM- ac adults other seems 7TH fir N W XM Oa famished rsosm tor lift hasuBhmMdng soed beatles ST Jf W 7s H ated rooms and ua st at M des sees ealy 1 AKVAWJ ST X W UW Uoa rsaMMab largs Jroat town car Onto TH ST X W i37Tw J8r beaattTid rooaM saoood Seer front single or o s n also lars room third floor roac B r bath reaeoaabie J1J tre k- X W 7M KoaC eosmfemMe rtXHSi- STH FT X W 11M Large rost apbsag private XMtuy hOStS tf lor sanUsssas only Dna OF SHJKWCK Ute invisible jp Deep postal 1TTH ST X X U NIce comfortable roast FOR X ST X W UKThree wruratalMd mono for light booeeko is Xeeta HYJ- ETK ST X W K Five mono and bath snltablo tar light hoaafhcopteg cheap rent to partlos i- X W MKLarg Seer rooow re Iate ROOMS AND BOARD- Q ST X W 1 S Large tbtroftoor treat teem eosafortably fan with isSued privet ftMiily- HTH ST 8 W n Xieely foni hed rooms with firscckue tab f ard reasonable STH ST x w i with or without board MTH ST X W kK VcPbersoa SQoaro and double rooms section X warm house excellent meals also attractlr three rooots eoatral tran stents aeeosaaaodatad Phone Main 6M3 1 nTH ST X W 1123 Fvratsbed or unfor nicheS vtth or without board boa e4 e ptez permitted reasaaabie THE 107 ISta X W Select B ananrir- oooM parlors also table board 1 square from Dupe clrele and Com ave ears TABLE BOARD UTH ST N W 727 Nfe IT tarnished TOMBS with arstclftM table home eo5djg1- TTH ST X W 714 Sxc UeaC table board SIS pr month er T it C A WANTED By man and wire Ow efcfldrea two or three clean well fnratsiMd ieo3 ho sohe ping BOX 56 Times oCCiea 1 HOTELS George Washington Hotel liTH AND NBW YORK AVE NEW MANAGEMENT NO BETTER FOR THE MONEY EUROPEAN JJ TO PER OrEEK ENTRAXCE ON XEW YORK AVE SIDE HOTEL APARTMENTS I ST N W 2fSuJe ot 1MIN GOnJlcno- I or tot JIW L rrt fll table Phase N Year at atl Sc Per Pound THE MODEL B ST X w Y Q 1M- fIf W double with nalllln Teat dI tuM- OIII lerno no wiH wel b 8Ud for reined parties good ben tine Be N r apartment Jaee tot water 1 C and JI well J V1 bright teem kitchen aIeeI r1IkI- TJ mm aJto three I X ST W WSFVrPSbed bet waIer aU nH ST W uLu heck parisr noal IIJII J08a- tTH ST sad M u heat Sec is 1 D Ro as Jeniier Bldg RENTROOMS Unfurnished heat and P ST N W cheerful second Seer u mono uitbte JIPt bones P liT 1 teem deHt two Windows Q ST N W or three HtIat A ar C TIIne- aM ugitt very a ter S p furBished 5It desirable w ULSTER Th lit and beerS WANTEDROOMS B tabi9 fuaed rest laundered xisht We Know flow LAUNDRY 171li PHONB ST N W eomeder town boesd K N ceeveniencea MeSsed reasesaids 19 Week N pier miSeeeu heat heated mUon resausable large rooms heated miLar5s ette beard 19 era 9C teems beet uluvom It aiso sell Soaked reusesable ai needed every household t Bar asable Phase prop 119Two fo steen geTwo unfernished- Vzem for housekeeping gV balk beet cheap ni gs room Put teem light boarding cs AIfERICAN t TO 19 PER WEEK t > < < > NEW HOTEL BAXCROFT Car l tx and H sts X W American and European plan Special weekly and monthly PHONE it 4SQO BACHELOR APARTMENTSF- OR RET BACHELOR APARTMEXTa TWO ROOMS AND BATH All Modern Improvements 1750 to 2300 SENECA SIT E St N W 1 DANCING NEW YEAR BALL Saturday evening De comber SU by Pied Wyadbam and the Jolly Six Dancing Saturday evening there- after Lessens Advance Sdt Six lea soag ILlS HOW ABOUT THB DANcE Wed the Model my laundry and I expect to make a nit MODE LAUNDRY 171 1S iJ ST X W PRONE M SSOS LEARN TO BANd Attend that 2few Tears Mil 3 lessons HALES ACADHair 1MB 9th st N W POSTOFFICB 1411 Park road Sttttabte for dances ntertainment etc newly decorated reasonable rent in use of piano S r janitor oa premises Telephone Columbia asn MISS COULTER now at T at N W If can walk I can teach you to waltz Lessons any time SOc Phone North 232S 1 PROF VYXDHAM as 12th st X W vlaes Too and Thur eve 7 6 lessen Son 4 for 286 private any hour alt scho- lars correct lanclnc Phone Main 68 5 l- TRUXTOX North Capitol street and Florida avenue cars transfer to tho door For and Lodges 5 Per Night Misses Chamberlain aad Ccobs Dancing Slcdio US Eye st X W dances every Tu a- st Carroll Institute 9161 Ofh st X 2a DAVISONS Prof and Mrs vi 6th N W Eat liSt Phone M SM Lessons any boir class as and dances TuGs FrL evs Assem- bly dances Xafl RUles Armory Sat er PRIVATE DANCING SCHOOL Only One Taught at a Time Latest Dances TWO Instructors 1 3 N TL ave 6KLECT Phone iL 5S3T rates Sees LeG HALL L guarantee lances every every 75 ledges eluding E you A I ¬ ¬ < ¬ FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SQCARB PIANos OKAXO P1AX08 tor Wake sqoace for 5590 ick 9 r I KW JW69 Hate winare toe uare for 3 to 5 GREAT Samples SCOTT 198 Read This LOOK FOR DAVID GUARANTEE SAMPLE SHOE CO 355 and 1223 Pa Ave N W LOOK FOR THE YELLow Ask for Our 245 Staaritec sues aise S and boa eels HOrtPDOO Sin sad K SPEND THAT CHRISTMAS MONEY FOR A PIANO- A FW CASH SBCIAJJS MILLER maa case s7- KXLSO nab case SW- BMKR9OK beautiful toae walnut ease ANDERSONS X 11 AVE FOR SALE Ftmosre The tmttam etmMVts ghtrooai bees A LaoS chance to save See HOPWOOD flth OUR TSAXKND CLXAKAXCB prior to atodctajdac offers the nest ex- tTnonttnnrr baraalas at atdisrade plan ptayet ptonoc bargains Cttckortag SU Sverett 126 Jeweu 1 S e ay ja Kaabe J2T- SUeff J3 5 XUtoa 1H Yes U KsatK plan p JM many others Basy terms a payment if desired 0 J CO SALS Tbre 8 aioB sole wm alec 11 lunchroom chairs sad tnbl HOPWOOD v UPRIGHT PIANO 275 ONE OFTHB3B STRICTLY HJCHGRAZ JACOB BROS PIANOS PRICE as a ad ertigimeatL- AWRKKCJsTSS m STH XZAX G TBBBBK OJ Tot 444t Opasi Msriass FOR sfaowoas all btods aQ tory prices See HOPWOOD sad K FOR SALEUPRIGHT PIANO BA GAlKa SUeZ large aim Was for 147- 3SUeff C C for JW Suet was for 73 Show was fat 3W Fischer like sew J5SS Kimball tralant ease I9M Knabe eboslxed SU- 5Kohtir CamPbell nearly newtT5 Voce auLbogany ease Marshall Wendell Also a of excenssit squares IB eludIng Steinway Kaabe CbJcsertes Weber and set own make at low prices asd ou aim ia to acooBunodato you with ar terms U desired fTTTAR MV STIFF J Cv COXtlFF 34gr 1M6M F st XW SEWING 1LVCHIXE BAEOAIXS Drop Head J12T3- J Z 7 9 Head standard mTi- W Wheeler Wilson HLW New nmohirw Jl down and Sic per B R GIVEN Pa are S B Phoaa FOR SALE Gas range used Fire King JXKTP See HOPWOOD h and K YOUR iSACHDfE DOW SEW Call np experts tor free advice It may sayo you 5 repair bill DAVIS AGENCY FOR SALE Freaeh poodle aoeths oW FOR SALT Three antique chests 4 drawers la each ao dealers S8SS M- st N FOR SALE Boys overcoat new axc Uea condition cost 02 will sell 1W J5 size serge suit ooet will fer 13 to Iii Thee exehsesp fer to n et- IdIIg tar I for Emerson g eo- nL88 xJe 00 G < 48 1ioo and T ismee for IUI Iii O lag for ale HM Co square Ice aG 85 t 0efer fw sseoo n 4 eert grand 1510 manS foe BARGAINS IN OJlOAKS- II Orilsa fw high Sac rriOO ery tea iliac F G SMITE PIANO 00 DK LEVY FRONTS S5 8I11d 6 Spooials f FOR easisei See 11M w eDIt eIiI Ot PIANO SHOP MAIN 4 as x SALE are Sew of the AJtgus 1M Banioms IMOIIe ok eec Uth G tF- OR See kit Led 5 WIn be MW noel woeS at u y LOW SALE- M at faa tM was fie MUItl uaza u Singer week cleaning lee evet t5 eec w < Can at 11 U N W W soft fit boy it to 11 years of atk at isitrasienis takes is need Pisase elosed a4 lbs fn5owisg sqmta j smse sonar for Square Pease A St Louis equer fee 75g ItO 3i Schal0ach grasS fee it for ilOOI 3S5O U5iO Smith America mac 11945 ispi 1950 thigh Peous Ass 3 StiBV desk Seeks see flOe IfIMBALIe S of mosey and s- and Here many B19 AutoV DeMO ned sinus Sib 44 maegasy case ft number Ste Open slightly lain eaamel too sedal pdce tI2 sos 151 Ill 9th at N at 10 ageiIl NW > > = = OWING TO BACKWARD SSAEOX w wm- o r our entire stock C and furniture at a discount 35 Goods lala aside for Christaaas oa small KRUPSAW MM 7th at NW FOR SALE 50 stoves sew and aMffhUr used Sav money See HOPWOOD ilk and K PIANO REFINiSHING RESTKINGINQ NEW ACTIONS etc G t oar estimate B LEE AXDERSOX MS X Y ave Late M years Wm Kaabe Co FOR SALE Good Quality Opaque Shade fitted to windows only We best ceaMty o opaque shade Me hung free KLEEBLATTS llth and H sts X E DEcEMBER SALE OF PIANOS WOO V w 1S5 Fisher s HUGO WORCH 1M G st X V FOR SALE Several Me bargains la crapbo phones and records terms to suit at ROB BRTSOXS OH 7th st N W GASOLENE ENGINES AERMOTOR GASOLEXS gia for suburban etc at- tached direct to pump no belt over 1H used around Washington send for dem- onstrated PS LOCKWOOD sat StJ X W ANTIQUE FURNITURE- K 6EGAL AXTIQJE RE DYERS AND CLEANERS CLEANING pressing dyeing aad remodel in or ladles and gents ow- delivery E A EMERSON lIlt WINDOW CLEANING HOW ABOUT THOSE DUllY WIXDOW3 WhIte help and jaoderato prices LEON i- CAHOON sonic Window Cleanlac Os r Phone AC 719 FLOOR OILS DONT BUT FLOOR OIL until youve tried ours ffic ENTERPRISE HARDWARE CO 927 9th st N W Phone iL SCO of de- posit 4 t OO residence CO- at FVR ITUlUS G m r aT- N w PHONE No Y II14Iv to m G at W 1 gaL new toot dhazd S REPAIRING El speciay are ed 14 4 < ¬ ¬

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-12-25 [p …

Nov 10, 2021



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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-12-25 [p …




AlexandriaChristmas in Fitting



Alexandria to today celebrating in antti sr manner tie birth of Christ AtaH the churcjb special sermons wiredettvored and the choirs rendered spe-cial music Christmas falling on Sun-day made attendance at thechurches today larger than for manyyears

Ta day has been spent hy largenumber of families reunions andformer Alexandrians from all parts oftile United States are today here mak-iga merry with their retetfvos-

Th poor of the city have also beenfittingly remembered hy the cltiaonsgenerally and by Alexandria Lodge ofElks ia particular

The Rt Rev Bishop Lloyd conductedservice aad preached at ChristCawrctt At St Marys Catholic Churchthere were four masses this morning-at a Srit Sztt and At all thesemasses a eolleetioa was taken HP forthe orphans of the diocese of Virginia

At 3Itaedist Splseopal ChurchSo at oclock this meraiagthere was a special salon service aadSaeKaaieat of the Lords spper

Paitoemea Oayton Arriagton whilewsjkiag nest the eoraer of Oronoko nonRoyal streets about I oclock thismorning sUpped on the ice end fallingraetnttag his hip He was picked upby PoHeemaa Roland and taken to hishome 411 Patrick street where

DaJaaey Hiscondition this momlag te favoraWe-

R Gott restate at 1 Wolfestreet report that some o e esiteredhis hen house last night aad stoleeifd t ehtekeas The poiioe are mveati-

Hdiilght mass ws celebrated at thechapel m St Marys Aondomy lestnig aad was attended ay the Sistersof the Holy Cross the pupils of StAcademy and few Alexandrians

Potomac Lodge of Odd Fellows ismakfea preparations for the bofcHnca aenrianauaj meeClne of the nteadhersof that order in the Fortieth Districtwhie comprises AteKaadria ned






Northhis hip wits set by Dr











F jg








marriage at Grace Protestant Bptecopmlchurch parsonage last Friday ofiam M and Mte Bvelynfr After the ceremony Mr and 3Cr-sdampett left on a t te Rioh noad

The SIt schools of Christ and SCProtestant Epteeopal churches

yesterday held their Chrteunas celebra-tions

Ia the Corporation Court yesterdayJude C Barley pree a Una-doeree of dhrorre on the grounds of de

was granted Mollie MonroeReeves from George Fraade Reeves

Old DoBthdon Comntandry Ko UKatahts Tomsilar will met at tit fa

servo annual Chctetmaa custom of

Army and NavyService Orders

Uoatflsjant Colonel FREDKRICK WSCBtEr Fourth Cavalry is detailed

orals department to take affectapon of LJenteaaatColonel WILBER E WILDER inapector

XiJeutenaat COlOSSI FREDERICK WSIBIjET Fourth Cavalry at Idaown request relieved from duty acoHtBMAdaat of cadets at the XIii

FRED W SLADKNis appointed to be comnMLndant

of cadets at the Military AcademYWest Point to take effect upon therelief of Lieutenant Colonel

W SIBLEY Fourth Cavfront that duty

Cantata WILLIAM J LUTZith Infantry to Fort Snelnng-aesota Second Lieuten-ant CHARLES C BAKKHEAD

infantryThe resignation by First Lieutenant

ROBERT F SHEEHAK JR Medleal Reserve Corps has been accept-ed the President

Colonel CHARLES A WILLIAMSTwentyfirst Infantry to Army WarPH CASPERt Sfoetua NewMedical Corps

YorkCaptain THOMAS J POWKRS Thirteenth officerfrom Fort McDowell California andfarther duty on serto CaLiTaiar WILLIAM M WRIGHT Stk Inis detailed to nil a vacancy

meat to take eTTect March 12vice Major CHARLES M TRUITTadjutant general who is assigned tothe 9th Infantry

Major ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL CoastArtillery Corps is detailed to all a va-cancy in the Adjutant GeneralsDepartment te take effect April XLvice Major JORDAN adjutant

Major BAKER nth Inftuitry is detailed to ATI aht Ute Adjutant Generals Departfliaat to take erect May 31 MOvise Major WILLIAM H SAGE adjHtaat aeaeral who is assigned tob IWlt Infantry

NAVYLieutenant T G ELLTGON detached

5 ew ort News Va to duty instructIeR in aviation Los Angelea CaLi S YOUNG JR detachedarottna to PerkinsEnsign It G WALLING detached

Perkins to North CarolinaPast Aagsant J L

Naval Hospital Philadelphia PatoPanned Assistant Surgeon A D Me

detached homeand watt

Passed Aasiatant Surgeon F M HUNdetached Buffalo to lade


Passed AssiBtant Surgeon J W BACKUS detached recruiting staflon Detroit Mien to

Paaeed Aaototant Surgeon S C WRITEdetached VTcksburgr to BuffalonIt Surgeon W ROBBINS de-tached Pennsylvania 10 Vicksourg

MOVEMENTS OF VESSELSAKKlYolD Potonmc at juantaaamo-

KagiJ at Saa Juan VirginiaSouth IOta California

C ora4e Pennsytvaaia andat Soon Francisco Marietta atKingston and Elcano at Manila

from Boston for Hampton Roads

hoe of Ute




at U odeck to ohthe

the onter


tit flit a vacancy In the 5Cft


tar AuyCaptain Goner





hi the Adjutant Generals

1111 SID EYID jt



PeIUII vaida



Anneuneetsent besu



set doeiit

toeirJow li







U collegeLieutenant






aChester t

P eser


> >







I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1t o

yI MAURICE LEVEL ICopYri hL The L Munoey C-

oL L



Synopsis of Chapters Already PublishedViator Barton reporter Soc a ParisJew OB his war home fx m a frtaftds

home at sight ems in th streettwo BMB ned woman acting s ptcl-oswty From their eomreraattMt ho learnStint they Just conuattted a robbery aad-h ad the howe Going It h dtaears aa old man horribly xmderad-Bartoaa Ant thought is to track the orUnlash bet Ms Intense love for

ta him to the det nain Uoa to eovtraces left by tbo real nittr-

derors ad substltwU erW aee tohimself as the guilty awa HIs coateaiptfor the intelligence of the leadsMm to pict r to hlmsolf bow cleverlyhe oaa play WIth them even after he te-eaught Alter arrangteg th r r d-

brokaa sleeve link and ree-avelooe Barton goes oatMe-or the Murder to hl own a w theFteseC

pa r later Mm to report the3Mrd r After going to house aa-dtatr i wtae the cWf of poifee Phd gtr-

he rotwBs the ftamat edee la s Me-

ar the editors objections Bartoa reMonfrom the stat chrta as aa seems

for a rest Wttbovt rot n to to Meroom he triOS to lose I9meeU te

motor quarters of Xeaawbtie adteeoven the crape

iwom of-

Bartom m hiding caJIco-CEIeo aad two cans gotue verheawthe eMof of yoltoe ask the flltr edttorfor Ms address

CHAPTERHEN left the taNphoMi tfc

chief hurried t the inopoc

men areaORe them had beading overtable and WAS evidently engroeeed insome lmp rtxii study Itthe man who Lad Ant called ebteTs-au Oea to U frasneat oT paper

Are you wxkUsg on anything veryKtaat a ed the

manr ry ImponaaC Tte sooner rdone the beUter rn know where Istand Im loetda vp In the directoryall the streets with de In their mumYou remember that one of the Mttf ofenvelope read oe de It doemt coatmuck to look up streets aayhow

Well drop It Get a cab and ee ifU Victor Barton te at home

te No V Rue de r owaiMRue de 7 Javel lOSS dearly inter-

estedRue de DouaL M You know

where it te dont your1 know The number you say te

No 1C Thats odd Ad then RueThe chief looked at hIM with halt

dosed eyes What was the mtw driv-ing at It hashed upon him suddenlythat No M had been written upon oneof the pieces of paper TIle number towhich he had attached absolutely noImportance began to have meanmg now He looked at the inspectorThe inspector looked Neitherspoke for a few ecoads neither daredto utter the thought that was upper-most in the mind of each At last thechief broke the silence


acI are

eroe and the Seer a

or nutdee


lg tM lIICerrlew to the ether

Heedwft tItPdaof JoilItQr BarteR it lbsu


W he

tsrs All he enteredthe saluted

of been

was JaveyUte

The SIll It ad







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nisns throwlkg on

sad 4isvole anosyaveMy teleyboeea a

lBs seeds


kenbed inmeer p ills Pisast




His ad-dress






Well a I said before youddroo this for the time beia r Runto No M Look up this manand and out where he is Call mo

the telephone asthereNo K if I were you Asuch as the one evidently havemind means to oarticular

Its odd said Javel very oddWell Im off

tertalninc the opinion be had expressedThe number was relevant It waseasy to forsake the position he bad

te the momtofr when theflrst the Booofbtlity of utiHz-l c the p r It jeamodmuch like vacillation The Inspectorsknew him end respected him as a manof flxed purpose To change hissuddenly nifcrttt mean a loss of prestigeBesides it was IBteJy that Barton was involved in this ease Therereally seemed but slight jnstMcatfocdra iMfr him In merely because ofcertain In numbers

Absurd as the idea he coulddrive it from his mind went t hisown room nicked up a report front hisdesk ami beeanto read it When hebad ftwished the fret he realisedthat not a word had steamed itselfupon his mind He could not remem-ber a single phrase The numberdanced on the oaxre The face ofBarton kept it company The two wereInseparable Little bv little he recalleddetails of his meetinjc with the jean

First of aM thor was the strangeawownt of the murder pnbltstoed in thePlanet before notice quarters hadbeen notified He had not yet succeed-ed in dtocovertnz awt the paper hadanticipated him Then was Bar

enigmatic behavior his ironic at-titude amounting amsost to insolencehis mysterious aaswers the discoveryof the footprint in the garden themans unconzrottaWe emotion when be

terad the victims room and hisfor his singular conduct when he

saw the murdered man All this mtehthave some l earin upon the case Butassuming that the reporter had playedsome part in the crime how audaciouslr foolish was his behavior

When he arrived at this stage of hisreasoning the chief felt himself confronted with an obstacle which wasapparently insurmocntable He waspiqued that Javel a mca who had neverdisplayed an inordinate amount of as-tuteness In his eyes should have beenthe first to link Barton with the crime

yet Jars might be wrong Theold man had no friends no relativesSo far as the police knew Barton badnever heard of Forget How could thereporter be connected with the crimeThis was an obstacle

The chief returned once more to Bartons to give the sourceof the Planets information That wascertainly suspicious Barton had toldhim nonchalantly The press has waysof its own of finding out things Whatwere these ways It was clearly neces

to find out and not to allowto be intimidated by newspaper

mans boast It was absolutely neces-sary to find this man Barton to puthim through a rigorous crosseTamination to frighten hint into full con-cession of the Planets devious ways ofobtaining news before the

The telephone bell ranarVho Is lhs be askedJaveL Ive just left Rue de L ouaLGood Whats the newsBarton bas not been home for threedays

The chief of police was dumfeundadWet three slays Barton bad not

his ofnoe and for three days be badnot been to nfe home Incredible as hisconnection with the crime seemed itwas necessary discover the manswhereabouts 4f It was simply Tot thepurpose of proving his absoltie inno-cence of any wrongdoing The disappearance of reporter so soon afterthe discovery f the crime might haveno special significance Nerertheles it

Two theories mg themselves Im-mediately to the chief of EitherBarton was keeping himselffor the purpose of independently burrowing into this an idea whichmight enter any newspaper mans heador ae was some way connected withthe murder If second supposition-were true the chiefbad either fled from the country andplaced the frontier between and thepolice and this conclusion seemed mostplausible he had been disposed of bythose wOO feared he bv some im-arudenee betray them Following hishabit the promptly at thislatter as soon as it wasformed

He leaned forward en the daek and innrfred else

The inspector did not repIy immedi-atelyT S3 you hear me HaloYes I heard Theres nothing else

800D JelLvtII toe lat

portance Oft the tact tbat Jte atyou


The chief or pOlice was tar from en


umedf JItL









on ajweaIdnt lac musk
























welL Ill look into this myselftomorrow Goodby

So you will look into this tomorrowwin you thought the inspector Ifyou do youll be too late old man Ifby toHVrrow my name Isnt Javel

As a matter of fact the inspector hadnot told all that he know He kept hismain idea to himself Ho was too re-cently promoted to command much

no one would listen to his viewsand take them For that rea-son he determined to play theloDe Ever since he had discovered-the fragments of the torn envelope hefelt that he had hit upon an importantclue HIS first vague impression wasstrengthened when he learned Bartonsaddress He almost regretted the hintthat be had dropped to the chief butconfiotod himself with the reflection thatthe chief was too obstinate tomere inspectors thoorles Perhaps itwas better that ho had spokenchief would be all the mere reluctant-to yield He decided to ferret outton in his own way The singular coIneidenee in the number of Bartons resi-dence and the number on he envelopewas worth explaining even if it led tonothing

Javel was a man of ideas Instead ofInterpreting evidence he used it ingathering more vki nc propermode of procedure for a true detective

As he down Rue de Doss hiseye in searching out the number ofBartons apartment fell upon the num-ber 2 Aa Men flashed upon him Onthe envelope the postman written

Unknown at 22 try If Barton wasat all involved in the case inquiry atIS otMtht to reveal something of inter-est Be had nothing te lose inquhr-inp and aoeordtagiy be routed out theconcierge-

I want to see M Victor BartonI ont know himJays was disappointed Stilt he

steted Hes newspaper meaCant you me something abouthim

The concierge shank his heedthen hte wife appeared en the

garrulous rotund creature ooacuriosity te ascertain for

whom Javel was asking The inspectorgreeted her pleasantly and repeatedquestion

JC Victor Barton Tm looking forHes a paper man I was told helived hero Perhaps I have the wrong

woman stepped forwardWhy DonS t you remember TIteR

turning to the Inspector she addedWe havent anybody hero bar that

name now We did have a reporterabout atx months ago Two or threetimes the postman has left letters lothim here by mistake Now that I thinkof It Im sure it was the sumyoare Jooktasr for

Turning to her ansiwtfd the wommareminded him

you remember The postmanbrrught a letter about month ago Ithink he lives at IS now

Javel hastily took his leave He al-most danced down the street to Ko tfA man with whom he collided in his

my handcuffs are not on BartonS wrists











Bd you may be abletThe man shrugged bill shoulders TIle

DentH or












at Mm and vowed be was e blind lunatic Jays paid not the slightest at-tention to hint and hurried on He oaterm the house at It ia frantic hasteand asked the otmdorge for Barton

Ho tent in she repliedI Do you know when he will cometae

Ko Has out of townJavel thought it awkward that his

man had sUpped through his lingersWhen do you expect himCant telL Do you wish to leave a

Pit put in with some letterswhich Ive been holding for himhaant been here for tiara days

Javel was disappointed yet plnagMThis dteappoarance might mean something At least it was suopieiouc B-catMc of the possibility of BMMTO

he thought he would leave a fictitiousmessage While he wrote it he wouldpursue the inquiry further A chanceword might be dropped which he coulduse Besides concierge would be es-defiant in a room than In a hallwayAccordingly he said

I think Til leave a note for him Iit wont disturb you if I sit downminuteNot at alL Have you paper andpendir-Ko he replied

The woman brought him pen ink andpaper He seated himself at a taMepamtea himself as a newspaperwithout employment by povertyand tc the step of throsoliciting Bartons offices in oba position for a colleague Whosehe reached the end the tMiper ho

the corner betweenate thumb and forefinger and swung Itin the air tej you want a blotter a kd theconcierge

Dont let me trouble youNo trouble at all Maybe youd likean envelope tooYes if yon have one

j While he btoted the last line with themost elaborate cars be remarkedI 3 Barton did not tell you he wasgoing awayj he didnt The woman who takescare of his room came yesterday tothings in order She didnt know anything either and asked he same questions She comes every morning todean up alter gone verystrange and Pin just a bit worried Healways used to tell me when he wasgoing away Mme Isaibelle he wouldsay Tm going away for a few daysI be back Monday maybe TuesSky

listened rapturously his peapoised In the air in the Byronic attitude of a poet who had received in-spiration from the muse He was morethan ever convinced that this precipi-tous departure was nothing but a flightwhich coupled numbers 22and 16 and the Boulevard Lannes mur-der placed Barton In very bad light

concierge babbled onon his regular life the hours

which he kept But all that was triviafor the time being at least He listenedhowever with an attentive

last time that he slept herein at about 2 oclock In the morn-

ing as usual No one can ever hearhim come in except me he is so carefulnot to disturb anyone I know his wayof closing the softly soyou cant hear it Theres some Inthat wake the dead when they

the door as if there wasnt asoul within a tulle of them TheresnoiRe their way upstairs In away that makes even the deaf womanon the second floor complain But thatisnt 3t No Indeed Hescareful he is About 5 oclock in themorning some one came and asked tosee him I let him up He didnt staylong for I let him out again soon afterFive minutes later down comes M

and goes out I shouldnt wonderbut hes to see his family Theylive country Maybe somebodyIs sick

Its possible said the inspector Tohimself he added But onlyThere are too many coincidences-

He began to write again signed thefirst name that occurred to sealedUte note and banded it to the conciergeThe woman had manifestly told nil sheknew There was no need of stayinglonger He rose

Please him this as soon as horeturns Since Its very important Illdrop in again tomorrow at about 9oclock Perhaps he may be hackthen

Very welL The woman who takescare of his room will be here thenHe thanked her and passed out

There was not the shadow of a doubtin his mind now The man to whomthe suspicious envelope was addressedand Victor were one and thesame Was the sudden departure ofthe reporter on the very day after thecrime a coincidence PerhapsPerhaps not At any rate it W worth





Bel began a latter In whiok liteman

himself on Bartons generosity and of

j stopped picked upI


I 1








Barton way

nein the

















considering calmly and carefully Iwas after he had this conoluston that he telephoned tothe outcome of his Investigations confining himself his reportthe facts that he was supposedgather He bad been sent to No IRue de Douai to find out if Bartonat home Barton was not at homeThat was all he was bound by his Instructions to report The rest belonged to him It was his to usehe saw fit

It was one of Javols habitstracking a criminal to look rathersome stupid act than for someof genius He would Invariablyhimself Wh a would be the most foolteh step this men could tate Ir Bartons case the worst error would bereturn to his rooms Admittingpossibility there was one thingdo Wbena man Is given the choicetwo methods ofhe be placed thatpolice be selects the bettermost elementary prudence wouldthe reporter against a return tode DouaL Javel decided to waithim Accordingly he stationeda few steps from the door of Noand waitedContinuation of Tr Story

Pound in Issueof The Times

The Feast of Lights or the Feast ofDedication which Is known among theJew as the Hanaukkah will 1 ecelebrated tomorrow which Is In theJewish calendar as the 2Sth day of-Ktelev

In celebration or this feast servicesfor the children will be held tide

at the Ktghth street templeOil Friday evening the Rev S Simon

delivered an appropriate address on thesignificance of feast

The feast had its origin about TStB C when the division of Alexandersvast empire placed Jades under Utecontrol of the King of Syria Antiaofctw-Dossrhtg to secure a unity of toutguageand reMalen AnUocaus tofore the Greek heathenism uponJvwa Row he te a matter ofhistory

About three years later Judas atthe head of Maccabees returned toJerusalem and rebuilt the walls aadtemple which watt rededieated



h m5oUfrom difficult position particularly Lipo

hlm eU

















It was m celebration of their SM-Coossful defense of rengkxt sad theirreturn to Jerusalem that the Jews es-tablished this day as an annual feastof thanks

Talk to the


The TimesThe Average Ad Costs Less

Than 25cTelephone Number Main 5260


Between sod TIM Model Laanary caa dopoor work than say other Ja cityTRY




MAS8AGB Sfwedisa and laagnetleIt i ev s rbownmUsm nervous trotibies

ole 2 at ISth eu Open to S

MASeAGE Firstclass treatment for rkeu-matlHS nervous aad stomach troubles 7J-

leth C N W Two traia d aarse iMAXlCURIXa AXI SCALP TREATMENT


PRIVATE IARTT IcnCa money on cousenoWgoods autocBObUe etc no notoriety or

red tape xrco amounts a JIBOpayments enly per month Address BOXset Tines oface


Thee SJain a 51 IBth at N w


6 pa kag a 1 sultcacoIt mitreRas 1 poise

1 razor S hats1 shawl 1 canei ooats i box1 pair eyeglasses l knife1 1 Bible1 book 1 i telescope

LOSTDozesa of collars through dying them tolaaaari The knows how


V 171 18 E ST X WPHONE M 2tM-

LO8T 5oW ring and fob on Sat-urday December W between G and andNorth Capitol and 1st sts N E Liberal reward for return to 612 L at X EMade sUk umbrella lone mission

aad 1J p DecftMbar 24 Reward

LOST Saturday night between 14th and 9tb-m G St stetJtae sliver chateain ttsN Y ave RewardLOST Tur collar whit dipped lux tn

aad eat store reward If re-T i K O st N W i-

si etfaoeday Dec a brown martenmm th ned G ate N W and N Capst vti vtrookland car Reward If returnedt MU X Cap St iI-

X3BT December 23 between 1165 Q and 267its amethyst and braceletLiberal reward if returned to 1W5 Q st N WLOST BvealB 01 December 23 gentlemans

HURting case gold watch fob fob Initialed A 3 H ward If returned toCOLUMBIA TITLE INSURANCE CO 5thand E sts X W


WAXTEJ Position by cbaaflfeur thoroughrepairman perfectly reliable and sobr

result BOY 61 office

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nurses X W




LOSTAwood on H 6t ear between 1nU K N W



resaonaele wages r reference try me for



better t













BY GOOD LAUXDIUBBE wrfaJag tohome 2S Jiih st N W

RKUABLK colored girl wants pleasant situ tlon no lavadry work flee nor sC X WSTENOGRAPHERS

week The 8TKXCHANG ian G St X W Room a X 2JSt

by white person Apply OT j J AyeSTENOGRAPHERS ruraih by

r wash K3CCHANGE 1W 0 t X W Reom 31 R

HELP WANTED-Male and Female

SHORTHAND AND TTPSWRITIKG Ccm-pkste Pitman or Barnes K

3 Syllabic W touch typewriting witheach eewrse with macataa home free Pri-vate instructIon requlriBK from three te sixnonthi to complete pc JcJen enaraatsed

INSTZVCTK cotomBMxYOU are wanted for Goraramcat paattton

B month Write for Itat of po ttt aFnmHn In Utme WB Rochester JY-WvOTED Civil Service students b-

and quIckest preparattea Maicabl Iawin STEAlERS HCSTHaSS COLrEOE Old Sftsanlc Temple ti and 7

HELP WANTED FEMALECASHIBR MorlBK picture theater must

cuss well rscoiaiiisBdsa lady aboutyears Call aftaraowM u Ma sc X WCOOK and chambermaid walton wIde or

colored good ECBJCKA HU X T

uses general houM roifc lafamilyBAND Apply JEUTK

DRY CO Sill 14th st Report CorITeday morning

UMM who hadtrade apply BO

5ALEBWOMAX FbvtelaM ssfflhMrr o7tlM6 with best rsfareaoas as nsau i eharand ability apply BOX StTIt McSOLICITORS for Mme Da 9articles

a Bead BMr


Batthnoro oator


THIS AD IS WORTH lft-t yo ff prw a4d to tbo Osttesa s Be

M Soe ae atATX ACTO coMJBQg on xa x-

DiUVfSt wtth reference

I WILl START YOU s nUs da 7 athorns b spare Uasa ailrerls asrrore aocapital free iBMrsMJve baoktet vlaas-oT o srtUloa G T BKDMOXD OeC-

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strike PortHasir ooacwtssn-

MM to yooitloao tomklyState ass send snap RAILWAY AflSO-

2CKN Good to drIve brickcaa handle brick wages ILlS for

work NEW WASH BRICK COmeaty Va

nscssoary Eatr oaas SM to HU asukBacks stamp nfTKX ItYr KPT St tod

oar XT NJSCK-CsCaM with o b O SJM at awea

Mad l for stfsw TlssiJ rssaid sailsrs



f iMd Apply PXOPUES PHABJtACT 7thd K srs-

wAXTKD r sot paws attomaysties an anMrtaaoetf non to prspare-

proMcvte nppncatlssB make andassist With nttgatioa state sdauatloa-tratnto erpertaooe where and bow long n-ployod calary wanted and wbssiAnswer most give tel panlcsdan 9OX MLTima ode

sLier stool hunts Aadiest BOX la-

E WELT and vpMig f to trostwortbypeople to travel and dtetrtbote lii forwholesale house C K KCBRT X 4axCWeaga-

IYOCUG years rtoac stagboors

SALK8XAX Experienced in say line totrade in XaryhutJ and VnxiaiannexceUed specialty proportion withNEW FSATCRS Vacancy after Jaooary1M Commisaioa with J w for expeases THE CONTItNKIITAL JKWELRTCO Cleveland Ohio

tta oa Del BXCKPTlOKAt termAttractive extract for HU containing liberalweakly advance chase cac XIUCSBIXLER CO devotaad Chin

dayOr ZX

Wu tIIIdry and

The a




LUnoYT 7bMdroH

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with kaowSedp tt lireforced 1

WANTEDMALEB withtntOH ORAPK FCANT AJBERS foe District ot sad

ODdIda N W

oot NJCa waiter heak wWis GQIn Cltll8

To cttwe nose




1 Rasad q 1 LenleiDept m

uaXEX to WaMmeataa

orynty unsetdiotr 1


with I lire


WAfT goodtw fraternal IIOdaI rG 11 SYl1IIIEK III Wet SoothJkbI

Wu A FEW JIIp tonsues

Istatu easy posidesTIPTON MYKBS lith N W i


tWATED SA lIIlDJewelry se other standard specioltyUoRs to caret Maryland and Sta-ple



furnished by hear

work sewisI





suesm it-


lure wflk thebest need 1 Theos se 1

Appiy o m su waiter Bet1dgThe Ba IX2 3195 5 at N W-

STBitOORAPBzRt7nderwoed epemlor seesome boost

ever 15 years sid bicycles sanearn 545 ii 119 month WTBRItOPPt4Z 1is st

aiisbtehcam el1ers liv-naetsd measers et

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CIA ION 19 Mme ue 51 3rssi-c1nNYwa men ws

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sue spmemV lelea rinevjimlri-wrk 1


Theelim nie pi



coinoleongetting membersWayne M

WANT ol bays work



1419 st


sellingsash registers computing male typswrher








BRAND XBW eaten specialty Bvsy salMLarge profits or aids line Sx-p rienced salesmen only apply SALSSMAXAG8R Box 14 Kewtoc lowsAX OLD RBLXiBLH proprietary modlrtno

house desires a nnltaiaiia H Mhave in specialty line MIlt rotoreaees and ability a noahstate refBOX 17 Tiara otdeaLARGE manufacturer with uae aadestablished trade wants axportenced travelleg salary with expeasasadvanced Apply with rafereocee IROQUOISMFG co Ctevetaad Ohio

5 TO SW9 WBBKLT node ourlubricating oils gi uoc pest seedsp cialttoa FAIRFAXCtevebiad OhioCANVASSERS Sob and adv rUsiaie Apply

MR SNTDBR 1 Star BuiKUSM-CAGHNTS Several live to soft DOMES OF

SILEXCE needed iaFine opportunity for oaRtlavovs bnstoscnApply to L D ENGEL 3U Joatfor BldgCAXVASSERS for District of fVhna4n andBaltimore on good hishclas sellers lrones wanted for manageD 9SS 9th at N W


The Mirror Beauty Parlors910 F St N W



We do it or sc perTHE MODEL LAUNDRY


SCIENCE OF HEALTH natHn-unonarglcal clethbound bookfree Apply by malL 1S Colorado i aUdtasFree lecture for women Wednesday 2 J p mSTICKIEST STICKER that ever stock Glues

furniture Elan china books everythingLoyal PintS Jl X UfsUU etc


cIaexperience s req-uired sic




every old

Un7 sMut poet Http F JaWMtryJNIIIIII4

IllSVIA I >pag




MANIco9i o =XD1BSI-






near bath with without

TH ST N w S17 Xtoeiy furataind roomreSeed peepfe reasonable

TOT DAHLGREX X WFrontand site rooms wen wellkeptseethftra erpoamix excellent 4437

nTH ST N W HMSaaBy tram roomsMm lotiattea reasevabte

B BT W 2a afwlv famishednews Mat u Mar bath lid per monthsquare Senor Canoes

LADlEsroam will K yw Maee to

with or without te private familyM room nicely fur

K alt modemST

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u ST X W lttXeat fMrathed routes Cor

N ST X W i bright Jdall amdera aveaten es

I ST N W 9fK 7 n fei ed botuekeepiaroot children9 T T Ki elr famished rooms

11 ST W MBLarge aleoty furnishedZMM tJt coKvealeaoes ofeoeehcme WM single j double 5B ST X H

or seer Library quiet

ST S W MMKow nice large momswell 8u hoe water Seoa o-

STK ST X W 7H CoBSfertaM androam by week beardG fT y W UKHNicalr turatekedgoeS Wcadaa



adults other seems7TH fir N W XM Oa famishedrsosm tor lift hasuBhmMdng soed beatles

ST Jf W 7s H ated rooms andua st at M des sees ealy 1

AKVAWJ ST X W UWUoa rsaMMab largs Jroat

town car OntoTH ST X W i37Tw J8r beaattTid

rooaM saoood Seer frontsingle or o s n also lars room thirdfloor roac B r bath reaeoaabie

J1J tre k-

X W 7M KoaC eosmfemMe rtXHSi-

STH FT X W 11M Large rostapbsag private

XMtuy hOStS tf lor sanUsssas only

Dna OF SHJKWCK Ute invisible jpDeep postal

1TTH ST X X U NIce comfortable roast


X ST X W UKThree wruratalMd monofor light booeeko is

Xeeta HYJ-ETK ST X W K Five mono and bathsnltablo tar light hoaafhcopteg cheap rentto partlos i-

X W MKLarg Seer

rooow re Iate


Q ST X W 1 S Large tbtroftoor treatteem eosafortably fan with isSuedprivet ftMiily-

HTH ST 8 W n Xieely foni hed roomswith firscckue tab f ard reasonable

STH ST x w iwith or without boardMTH ST X W kK VcPbersoa SQoaroand double rooms sectionX warm house excellent meals alsoattractlr three rooots eoatral transtents aeeosaaaodatad Phone Main 6M3 1nTH ST X W 1123 Fvratsbed or unfornicheS vtth or without boardboa e4 e ptez permitted reasaaabie

THE107 ISta X W Select B ananrir-oooM parlors also table board 1 squarefrom Dupe clrele and Com ave ears


with arstclftM table home eo5djg1-

TTH ST X W 714 Sxc UeaC table boardSIS pr month er T it C A

WANTED By man and wire Ow efcfldreatwo or three clean well fnratsiMd ieo3ho sohe ping BOX 56 Times oCCiea 1


George Washington HotelliTH AND NBW YORK AVE





ST N W 2fSuJe ot 1MIN GOnJlcno-


totJIW L rrt

flltable Phase


Year at

atl Sc Per PoundTHE MODELB ST X w



fIf W


Teat dItuM-



wel b8Ud for reined parties good bentine BeN

r apartmentJaee tot water 1C



J V1 bright teem kitchen



mm aJtothree I

X ST W WSFVrPSbed betwaIer aUnH ST W uLu heck parisrnoal IIJII J08a-tTH ST

sad M uheat

Sec is1 D Ro as Jeniier Bldg


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P ST N W cheerful second Seeru mono uitbte JIPt bones

P liT 1 teemdeHt two WindowsQ ST N W or three

HtIatA ar C TIIne-

aM ugitt very

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Btabi9 fuaed

restlaundered xishtWe Know flow


PHONBST N W eomeder town

boesdK N



19 Week




heatedmUon resausable




beard 19


9C teemsbeet uluvomIt




aineeded every householdt






geTwo unfernished-Vzem for housekeeping

gVbalk beet cheap


gs room


teem light








NEW HOTEL BAXCROFTCar l tx and H sts X W

American and European planSpecial weekly and monthly



TWO ROOMS AND BATHAll Modern Improvements 1750 to 2300


DANCINGNEW YEAR BALL Saturday evening De

comber SU by Pied Wyadbam and the JollySix Dancing Saturday evening there-after Lessens Advance Sdt Six leasoag ILlS

HOW ABOUT THB DANcEWed the Model my laundry and Iexpect to make a nit



LEARN TO BANd Attend that 2fewTears Mil 3 lessons HALESACADHair 1MB 9th st N WPOSTOFFICB

1411 Park roadSttttabte for dances ntertainmentetc newly decorated reasonable rent inuse of piano S r janitor oa premises

Telephone Columbia asnMISS COULTER now at T at N WIf can walk I can teach you to waltzLessons any time SOc Phone North 232S 1PROF VYXDHAM as 12th st X W vlaes

Too and Thur eve 7 6 lessen Son 4 for286 private any hour alt scho-

lars correct lanclnc Phone Main 68 5 l-

TRUXTOXNorth Capitol street and Florida avenue

cars transfer to tho doorFor and Lodges 5 Per Night

Misses Chamberlain aad Ccobs DancingSlcdio US Eye st X W dances every Tu a-

st Carroll Institute 9161 Ofh st X 2aDAVISONS Prof and Mrs vi 6th N W

Eat liSt Phone M SM Lessons any boirclass as and dances TuGs FrL evs Assem-bly dances Xafl RUles Armory Sat er


Latest Dances TWO Instructors1 3 N TL ave 6KLECT Phone iL 5S3T




















Wake sqoace for 5590ick 9 r I KWJW69 Hate winare toe

uare for

3 to 5 GREATSamples SCOTT

198 Read This


SHOE CO355 and 1223 Pa Ave N W


Ask for Our


Staaritec sues aise Sand boa eels




KXLSO nab case SW-BMKR9OK beautiful toae

walnut ease


X 11 AVE

FOR SALEFtmosre The tmttam etmMVtsghtrooai beesA LaoS chance to save

See HOPWOOD flth

OUR TSAXKND CLXAKAXCBprior to atodctajdac offers the nest ex-

tTnonttnnrr baraalas at atdisrade planptayet ptonoc

bargains Cttckortag SU Sverett 126Jeweu 1 S e ay ja Kaabe J2T-

SUeff J3 5 XUtoa 1H Yes U KsatK

plan p JM many others Basy terms apayment if desired 0 J CO

SALS Tbre 8 aioB sole wm alec 11lunchroom chairs sad tnbl



JACOB BROS PIANOSPRICE as a ad ertigimeatL-


FORsfaowoas all btods aQ

tory pricesSee HOPWOOD sad K

FOR SALEUPRIGHT PIANO BA GAlKaSUeZ large aim Was for 147-3SUeff C C for JWSuet was for 73Show was fat 3WFischer like sew J5SS

Kimball tralant ease I9MKnabe eboslxed SU-5Kohtir CamPbell nearly newtT5Voce auLbogany easeMarshall Wendell

Also a of excenssit squares IBeludIng Steinway Kaabe CbJcsertes Weberand set own make at low prices asd ouaim ia to acooBunodato you with ar termsU desired


Drop Head J12T3-J Z 7 9 Head standard mTi-W Wheeler Wilson HLWNew nmohirw Jl down and Sic per


Gas range used Fire King JXKTP


Call np experts tor free advice It maysayo you 5 repair billDAVIS AGENCYFOR SALE Freaeh poodle aoeths oW

FOR SALT Three antique chests4 drawers la each ao dealers S8SS M-st NFOR SALE Boys overcoat new axc Uea

condition cost 02 will sell 1W J5 sizeserge suit ooet will fer 13 to


Thee exehsesp ferto

net-IdIIg tar

I forEmerson

g eo-

nL88 xJe 00

G < 481ioo and T ismee for IUIIii O lag for


Co square Ice aG85 t0efer fw

sseoo n 4eert grand 1510manS foeBARGAINS IN OJlOAKS-

IIOrilsa fwhigh Sac

rriOO ery tea iliacF G SMITE PIANO 00DK



S5 8I11d 6 Spooials




11M w eDIt eIiI Ot




are Sew of the

AJtgus 1M Banioms IMOIIeok

eec Uth G tF-OR

See kit Led


WIn be MW noel woeS at u y LOW

SALE-M at faa


MUItl uaza



week cleaning lee evett5



Can at 11 U N W


softfit boy it to 11 years of atk at

isitrasienis takes isneed Pisase eloseda4 lbs fn5owisg

sqmta jsmse sonar forSquare

Pease ASt Louis equer fee

75gItO3i Schal0ach grasS feeit forilOOI 3S5O

U5iO Smith America mac11945 ispi 1950


Peous Ass


desk Seekssee





and Here many

B19 AutoV









slightlylain eaamel too sedal pdce tI2 sos151

Ill 9th at N



ageiIl NW



= =

OWING TO BACKWARD SSAEOX w wm-o r our entire stock C andfurniture at a discount 35

Goods lala aside for Christaaas oa smallKRUPSAW MM 7th at N W

FOR SALE50 stoves sew and aMffhUr used Savmoney


NEW ACTIONS etc G t oar estimateB LEE AXDERSOX MS X Y ave

Late M years Wm Kaabe Co

FOR SALE Good Quality Opaque Shadefitted to windows only We best ceaMty o

opaque shade Me hung freeKLEEBLATTS llth and H sts X E


Fisher sHUGO WORCH 1M G st X V

FOR SALE Several Me bargains la crapbophones and records terms to suit at ROB



for suburban etc at-tached direct to pump no belt over 1H usedaround Washington send for dem-onstrated PS LOCKWOOD sat StJ




DYERS AND CLEANERSCLEANING pressing dyeing aad remodel in

or ladles and gents ow-delivery E A EMERSON lIlt


WhIte help and jaoderato prices LEON i-CAHOON sonic Window Cleanlac Os r

Phone AC 719


ours ffic ENTERPRISE HARDWARECO 927 9th st N W Phone iL SCO








II14Iv to m G at W


newtoot dhazd




ed 14



