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Warmer Tonight With Tomorrow HIJS- TJMBEB 6932 Yesterdays Circulation 39183 DECEMBER 27 1910 PRICE CENT WASHINGTON TUESDAY EVENING Fourteen Pages f p g T- Rain j 1 oii ir i f hs g l5 1 7117 0 ONE + + FIVE More Than 300000 Em ployes Favor It Writes M F ODonoghue PRACTICE A BENEFIT TO PRIVATE CONCERNS Railroads and Big Industries Find Increased Efficiency Results He Says Arguments for Straight Pension Plan Has hearty indorsement of more than 300xjo Government em jieyea Fifty par cent ef the men employed- on the railroads are pensioned with deductions from their salaries England has retired Its civil em ployes on straight pension for one hundred years Twentytwo railroads have the straight peasiea principle in operation Retirement on these lines is in dorsed the financial officers et every Institution which has put it to a test By MICHAEL F ODONOGHUE President of the United States Civil Service Retirement Association Probably the most forcefal argu ment In favor of the straight civil pension is that it is the one plan for the retirement s perannaat d em that carries with it Ute hearty Indorsement af mere tbaa 3 M H- GovermneKt umyleyas thr i batet the United States Therefore if Oa res is te abide by the wtebeer empkjyea thorn selves there Is only one course open However the mombers of the United States Civil Service Retirement Asso- ciation with great respect te Presi dent Taft and Congress are willing to abide by their decision as to what- is Just and equitable la the way of retirement legislation The Goaldea bill which is new pond ing in Congress provides for the straight cIvil pension and the asso- ciation members are working for Its passageFive Seasons for Passage These five reasons have been given In its favor First It places our great Govern ment In line with the beet thought of the present day on the subject of superannuation as practiced for years by the principal governments of Europe by many of the municipali- ties of this country and by our great industrial and railroad Interests bill voices the of every employe of the postal service through resolutions Indorsing It at the national and State conven tions of letter carriers clerks rural carriers supervisory employes and postmasters and it also has been in dorsed by the United States Civil Service Retirement Association In convention at Washington en January 14 and 15 l lt Third It provides for the retirement- of faithful employes who become in- capacitated while still In the service by Uowing them Just and reasonable for the years they have served and makes the full period of service before being eligible for retire ment thirty years or oa reaching the ae of sixtytwo fair and equitable Continued on Fifth Page WEATHER REPORTT- he center of tile storm that now cov- ers the Rocky Mountain region will move eastward to the Mtonioglppi valley by Wednesday morning and the area of unsettled weather and precipitation attending it will overspread practically all districts east of the Mississippi rivet before Wednesday Bight The precipita- tion will be in the form of rate in the central and middle States and rain or snow in the northern States FORECAST FOR THE DISTRICT Increasing cloudiness followed by rain Wednesday morning or on Wednesday Warmer tonight lowest temperature about X degrees Moderate south- westerly winds bang to southeast- erly Wednesday TSarPXRATTJRBS S a m 9 n m t 30 a m 11 a 36 noon 48 1 p ra 45 2 p IB 45 TIDE TABLE Today High tide S S a m 5J8 p m Low tide H3 a m Tomorrow Ea title Bail a m i57 p m Low tide 1211 a m 32 8 p ra SUN TABLB Son rises 713 Sun sets 4145 CONDITION OF RIV3RS HARPERS F RRY W Vtu Dec 27 Both rivers clear REASONS FOR STRAIGHT I PENSION PLAN I by of ploy SecondThe senti- ment to- night 29 ai u t i i of idle r com- pensation 4 31 sr- i 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Jl ROBINSON DIED Secretary to Senator Percy Found on Couch- in Senate Office FAMILIAR FIGURE- AT CAPITOL BUILDING Employed by Three Mississippians He Made Friends With Many Legislators- A ernroplod telegrams bearing Art moo greetings front Me cafWroa dropped from the hand of Col J Hancock Confederate veteran of Memphis Tenn when he dozed off late his final sleep in the Senate mmmtttim re m where he had successively been secre tary to three of Mississippis Senators- He was found this morning aid his death masked th passteg of a man who has been a familiar figure at th Capitol for more they twenty years The affection of Goblet Robinson who was sixtytwo years old for the late Senator Ansetat j HdJAmria of- Mtooiooipvi was owe of tb meet potent things of the cokmefs life nd his fail- ure ht health totes from tins Senators death Heartbreak the Cause he was found be on tb couch lA Comm Mte Room 410 to wWcfa- b had moved hfe office from the where he had boon far so many years Heart failure is stove the pfeysicfeae attrfrote Beet Many of three who knew this kindly oM nan my beartbremks and then they tell of Roblncon and cLurta The SergeaatatArms would not let the body remain at the morgue He ordered It prepared fOr burial awaiting the wtenos 9t the mans children The men who HCted him from ouch this moratog found two bits of paper which told tile cotoneTs frtends much of his Just before death C e was the Cartotmas telegram It road Wish you wore here with vs Merry ether of a fear which the old men for many months a that something wreng wtth his heart Lifelong Frienos The devotions between Cofenei sad the late Senator McLaviia be came as proverbial at the Senate as the aceold devotion ef Damon and Pythias Over a period of twenty years the intimate hfp lasted to Continued on Seventh Page uLfLHL Leaders Get From 25 to 49 Years Woman Becomes Hysterical YORK Dec 27 A crushing blew was struek at Black Hand kidnaping gangs today when Maria Rappa and Stanlsiao Pattonea heads of the abducting band which stole Giuseppe Longo and Michael Rizzo two Brooklyn children were sentenc- ed to not less than twentyfive years and not more than fortynine years and ten months the woman In Au burn and the man In Sing Sing pris onMrs Kappa broke down In court when she heard the sentence and screaming hysterically was dragged from the room Pattenza was indif- ferent and walked out stolidly The court was particularly severe In imposing sentence upon Marie Rappa- It is almost unbeiieveable said the Udge that you could have held these brokenhearted children fer twenty days knowing the terrible suffering f their distressed parents You have gives birth to own children lived in the very room where little Giuseppe Longo was held a captive have neither the spirit nor instinct of a mother The Godmade mother love is better shown in beasts than in you A good mother Is the holiest thing alive but you no qualities of knowing any thing of goodness The regret that he could not send both to the electric emir There was a of astonishment In the court room as the Judge pronounced- the womans fate If she lives to sarve the extreme penalty she will be sev entyfour whtn it expires Pattenza will be sfeventynlne Matt McGrath Is Held For Trial Without Bail NEW YORK Des 27 Matthew Mc Grath champion of the United States In throwing sixteenpound hammer Olympic games hero and member of the force was arraigned today before Magistrate Hyland and without baH on the charge of shooting George Walker who he found being entertained by his wife at the McGrath home at 3 oclock Sunday morning Although McGrath was behind the bars today his police shield had not been taken from him and he has not been suspended Walker Is dying OF BROKEN HEART HIS FRIENDS SAY Dead e When lay Capi- tol the merry the wee teN I fear com j SENTENCES- FOR BLACK HANDERS W childrenyOur gasp Rob- inson him- self the thoughts came CarlsUmes 3tr beer Robin- son c Ira herd ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Central Figure and Three Witnesses of Fatal Duel in Capital Vendetta JI I VIKCEIJZO SAKTUELLO GRIESTJNS SCIPIO AND ANGELO MOLCO Waif Left on Doorstep Blinks in Unconcern as Police Hunt Mother A tiny Jat tJ ree weeks eM- fe Ute longest inmate ef St Anas Orphan Asylum willie the police find the mother who abandoned Ute ttttle one test night Tbe mite of bomantty was left in TesBie the home C L W Creecy- M I street northwest The Invohtn tary intruder made his known which sent tbe Creecy scarryms from tfce dinner table to the front door Its all a mtetake t at report that tine broMerfee When Mr threeweesaoM be were wrapped te a bundle of blankets child was clad in a staple little dre e of moot ta xp nee design a liute oot toe cap and plain cotton stocking There was nothing elaborate In the babys wardrobe on the other hand It was as neat and dean ae it could be of Ute dothtasS- ofcMKwnere today theres a mother I what of of take It for their own Unless the mother love shall eonquer that other feeling that woman to abandon her offispring th little fellow will remain an Inmate of the asylum It was the beet plan Creecy and the officers of the Third precinct could figure out today J STRANGE RETURN OF STOLEN MONEY Colored Man Calls at See bold House Leaving Pack- age Containing 335 Another chapter was added to the mysterious theft on December el S55S from the safe In the coal office of C S Burgess Sons Company Eighth and 0 streets northwest this morning when uaid ntined negro called at the home of Charles P SeeboM secretary and treasurer of the company and left a package containing of the missing money The day following the robbery tho arrested Thomas Miller a negro em ploye of the coal company and recov ered UI from a suit case In his home In Jackson place northeast Miller was making preparations to leave the city at tho time The money was In two packages each containing fifty 1 bUs The wrappers bore the companys stamp Fifteen dollars was in loose bills Mr SeeLold lives at 446 P street north west Aoovt 7 oclock this morning Mrs Seebold answered the door and was handed a package wrapped in by colored man told to leave this for SeeboW the negro said and hurried down the steps Not suspecting that there was any thing unusual the package Mrs Seeboid paid no special to the I negros appearance and did not ques- tion him Disco vine the money she Immed- iately notified her husband who had gone to the coal office and an effort was made to learn the Identity of the negro Later the police were notified With the 335 returned this morn- Ing a total of 450 has been recover ed police say now that they be- lieve Miller was telling the truth when he said he found the money Workman Is Hurt When Manhole Bursts- A C Doerner an employe of the Po- tomac Electric Power Company was seriously hurt about the head and face this morning by an explosion of gas which had accumulated In a manhole at Thirtyfifth street and Wisconsin ave- nue northwest Doerner was attempting to remove the cover of the when the gas ex- ploded throwing the heavy piece of iron against his head He was taken to Georgetown Univer- sity Hospital where the doctors say that while his Injuries are serious he will recover Doerner Is twentythree years old and lives at 1546 Eighth street northwest ABANDONED BABY HAPPY AT ASYLUM wboee lrlne eyes blink happy deportment 11 tit s of tile outcries rally baby boy was clad in laces and Cr f8UIMI I from tile Board Charities to Asylum morning toOk JIoJIIInc to t wtIh ills JktIe gBJIIY N whose empty and who per hope will scan the papers to dl made the precious bit 1aumllltr she Wt m the care whoever mig t I tint Mr I an I I I I I a tr- I t The toy in unoon- eara today sodas the- o 1 by number short die tu- be i of wen Anns ibis and dna o t arms are and 7 caw orphan Yea pol- ice I news- paper i out ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ JOHN AMBROSIA Accused of Murder of Angello Appitto Physicians at Hospital Un able to Determine of Potion rte YORK Doc V Beaanee she bad been rebuked by her father for keening late boors Dora Barlow twen ty yeses old attempted suicide in her borne TOK Amsterdam avon e today by bibs some mysterious poison PhyalchtM at Ute Washington Heights Hosaitl after a x to aatarmine M 9 Dora returned at an early hour today from a cane and was scolded by her father As was his custom he went to the girls room to waken her today The girl refined to get After much persuasion she Jumped from her lied and ran Into the kitchen Before her father who bad followed her could Interfere the girl placed a white eapaute to h r and swal lowed a little water Almost Instantly sa toppled over unconscious Police Called Out to Prevent Rioting by De- positors KBW YORK Dec 27 The Northern street capitalized at 709000 and having nIna branches in various parts of the city was closed today by State Super- intendent of Banks Cheney- No reason was given for the dosing A perfunctory notice was posted on the doors of the bank this morning afterward crowds began gathering In iront of the place A number of de- positors were In the crowds and the police were tailed to the to disorder The Northern Bank of New York sprang into existence after the failure of the Hamilton Bank which Is said to have made heavy loans to the Holmes The officers are President Frank Grast formerly at the head of the Hamilton Bank vice presidents Henderson M Wolf Martin McHale Frederick D Ives and H H BlzaMlon cashier William Brewer The failure was the most sensation- al since the days of the 1907 panic Rioting broke out about the Port Morris branch in 138th street this evening and the police reserves had to charge the mob of men and women who were surging about the bank clamoring for their money But the Port Morris branch was not the only one which saw lively scenes and police action By noon practical- ly all the branch Institutions were under police guard to hold back the excited and angry depositors The bulk of business had been done with small traders many of whom de posited all their Christmas receipts New England Shoals Bristle With Wrecks VINEYARD HAVEN Mass Dee 27 Mariners who arrived here today conditions along the coast of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket sounds as the worst for many years The mate of a belated fishing schoon- er declared the shoals fairly bristled with wrecks the skeletons of eight ves- sels near alone were seen Half Moon snowed the sticks of a twomaster Handkerchief Shoal shower the wreck of a threemaster and on Horse Pollocks Rip and Nantucket Great Point other wrecks endangered navigation as they are for the most part In the regular channel REBUKED BY FATHER GIRL TAKES POISON Na- ture D up I BANK IN NEW YORK CLOSES ITS DOORS Rank of New York at West JSth and- s on scene L L tone 1 Ien thy s aadoa net a potion bran fi7 pre- vent re- ported Shows ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ALLEGED SLAYER UNDER ARREST VICTIM OF VENDETTA DEAD SLAYER CAUGHT 1 Fatal Shooting Affray in Italian Boarding House Culmn nation of Feud of Long Standing Man Charged With Murder Arrested After Nights Search Shet thojujth crest wJtfa a heeaei at fSL G sentferoesC Angela ApDltte died shortly after S e iek tills morning in the Broergeney aoopkaL Ambrosia who fled the Louse af- ter the shooting and eluded police night was arrested at the Wash- ington UydrauMc Prick Companys fore Appltto died j Both men made their home at ttoe street bowe which Is occupied sively oyItalians The snooting marked the culmination of a vendetta of long- standing between she two Italians but according to a statement made by Am- brosia to Detective Orieai he shot Ap pitto in selfdefense Several of the boarders Including Ambrosia had been playing eards In a room on the first leer of the house last evening Appltto according to the story told by the Italians to the police came to the house about U oclock In his hand he held an Im provised stiletto made out of long piece of steel The card game had broken up before Appotti came in but five or six of the Italians were still sitting around talking Seeing the stiletto and trouble Ambrosia says he get up an went to his room on the second floor Appltto who the witness saW seemed- to be In an ugly mood followed him In the hallway on the second floor Ambrosia says Appltto attacked him with the knife that he would be killed Ambrosia drew revolver and snot Appltto through- the chest Hearing the shot those on the first floor Appttto Insr ic the hallway with blood Sowing from the wound In chest while Am Desperate Battle Near Mal Paso Renewed at Dawn Today CHIHUAHUA Mexico Dec 27 The desperate battle has beers going on between Mexican revolutionists and regular troops near Mal Paso was at dawn today when fresh gov- ernment soldiers reached the scene and reenforcecd the defeated Diaz army During the conflict which raged fully twenty hours and was halted only by darkness last night the rebels had all the better of the engagement and the government loss was heavy Fire Damage 100000 In Bath N Y Still ROCHESTER N Y Dec 27 A fire which has already done 100000 dam age Is still raging In the town of Bath today although It Is now under con trol Help of departments from sur rounding villages was secured The fire broke out late last night in the Nichols Hotel and the guests i that hostelry narrowly escaped with their lives the hands ti w street tile yard Brick Haven Va a abort time be C exam a scenting a mAl ARMY WHIPPED IN 20HOUR FIGHT Rages t- Atelbl Nveri n the of- dlttis lip ifuatrel lbellna from alt hat re- newed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ revolver tat 30 Oufaanpl Ben t te tWo teen when Ap jtte attacked Ambrosia was feoad to be HuSerteg from a slight stet wound te the was not serteosly out however Beadetto seeing Appltto coming up- stairs with the knife ia his hand had remonstrated with him and when he went after Ambrosia Bendetto was ac- cidentally cat Bendetto is regarded by tbe police as the most important wit dined to talk about the affair and the detectives were unable to get much in- formation from him in fact none of the persons In the house wanted to talk and it was only after the detectives had questioned them at length that they got down to the rear facts Following the shooting some one for an ambulance and Appltto was taken to the hospital Before tfc arrival of the police Ambrosia fied from the house and it was not until he showed up for work this morning that he was arrested Learning where he was employed De- tective Rprlngmen and Policeman Joe Grant the former wrestler obtained a horse and buggy dud drove to the brick- yard thinking Ambrosia might take refuge there to find any trace of him they left word with the watch- man at the yard to telephone Police Headquarters If Ambrosia showed up for work Ambrosia appeared at about the usual time this morning the watchman notified the ponce and Lieu tenant Flathers and the reserves of the Fourth precinct went to Brick Haven and Italian Ambrosia talked freely of the shoot Ing when Questioned by the police He It was done in selfdefense m feeling bad existed for some time between Ap pltto and himself he said and when Appltto came Into the room with the Continued on Eleventh Page JAP SPY ARRESTED United States Military Au thorities Search Homes- of NipponeseM- ANILA P L Dec 27 United States military authorities today arrested a Japanese spy In Corregfdor the Island whose great fortifications guard the en trance to Manila bay The spy is said to have been caught redhanded with valuable military sketches and maps In his He is now held incommunicado At the same time Japanese residents of Manila are today over the action of the military authorities In searching a number of houses and stores of Japanese residents here for hidden explosives- The search was Instigated by General Duvall the retiring commander of the Department of the Philippines upon advices he has The house occupied by the local agent of the great Japanese army and navy contracting firm the Mitsui Bussan Kalsha known throughout America and Europe as Co was one of those searched No were found It Is re ported but the occurrence has given rise to rumors of the Japanese plot against the Government and has caused intense s- dtement in all quarters The Japanese probably will protest to their government was Mar by the 4 e beak He ness in the case bet he was not In tele- phoned en admitted deed but claimed IN MANILA FORTRESS se- cret d broeig utru with lei w Srdaer aAeo had attenipt 3 frankly ion rec ved American ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ EDICT GOES FORTH Word Given Out Among Close Friends of Presi dents Plans FEARS CONVENTION LESS THAN ELECTION With Roosevelt Means Col- onel Has Decided Taft Will Be Renominated President Taft and the 1912 Situation President Tafts friends apprised that he will seek renominatlon in Any doubts that were raised after November 8 election dispelled Efforts made to smooth ever the rough edges and pave way to re Eiectien One feature of these efforts the ex change of letters with Colonel Roosevelt Roosevelt has made p his mind Taft renomination is certain and he will not oppose it By JOHN SNURE The word has gone dotoitely Taft that h will be a Active candi- date for reeotninatJoo in 3tt2 Those who have been enter the Belief that Mr Taft might sot be a candidate for another term might as welt Rive up any suck idee The Presl dents close friends how that he in- tends to run Not only that bat steps Mr Tarfs ren miaatten TIe rauKfe this is DoeatMe juffLg lag rather than e Not alone the reoomlnatton is betes kept in mind but also the reelection of the President As a matter of fact the men closest to the President are worried mere over the election titan they are over th nomination They feel confident the President can get the necessary majority of delegates i the next Republican national coaveatlon to Insure his nomination the Democratic drift displayed to the elec- tions of November S causes them anx- iety Differences Patched up For some weeks the White Horse has been bubbly engaged la cultivating bet ter with the Insurgents In House and Senate Now this is foJ lowed by the definite information tbfc President Taft and Cofcnei Roosevelt are getting together Politicians in Washington are discuss- ing with much zest and avidity the given out from ORe of the righthand men of President Taft that President and Colonel Roosevelt have for some weeks been engaged In friendly correspondence The information was given out at the same time that a denial was issued of the report that there had bees a breach In the relations between Collector Loeb and Colonel Roosevelt Tho statement that the President and Colonel Roosevelt have beeR correspond- ing with each other came from a source so completely in touch with Mr Taft that it is looked on as practically an authorized statement froci White House The correctness of it is not questioned But It is doubted If the full significance of what it moans is yet fully understood What It Means What It means that Colonel Roose- velt has made up his rated that Preei nominated in 2912 Ihe colonel has made up his mind moreover te sup about his election Nobody be surprised if Colonel Roosevelt would come out in a statement te whieh he would say as much though this is hardly looked for This does not mean that there has not been bitterness between President Taft and Colonel Roosevelt It has existed and it has been m taa This is well known to everybody wb knows the two men and knows the men t0C Roosevelt undoubtedly time contemplated the Presi- dency In 1312 But h does not contem- plate seeking it now Just whet reasons have led him to this conctestoa are nor hard to discover For one thing he has doubtless been Impressed with the formidable nature or the to him The bitterness of the feeling in York and the East against has probably Moreover he has been by the disposition of the progressives in the West to resent the tariff in York platform to hold him re sponsible for for the Adminis- tration and to show toss of eon fidence in him Countrys Trend Still more than these things Colonel Roosevelt Is too keen and astute a poli tician not to have discovered the fact the country is trending in a Democratic direction and that it is likely to elect- a Democratic President in lilt Colonel Roosevelt does not regard 1912 as an auspicious year fer a Republican Continued on Sixth Page IS CANDIDATE FOR RENO 1INATON rgrs oft among the cJtre of are takes to deer the way edges SiI UI WIiHJee De Bat relations in- formation the a dent Taft is the man will De re pert him and eDdeeeI to help briDS world close at one New him tha- Nw i frMmds President helix for are being end ogg sou lit the the who them seeking ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-12 … · Tomorrow Eatitle Bail a m i57 p m Low tide 1211 a m 32

May 02, 2018



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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-12 … · Tomorrow Eatitle Bail a m i57 p m Low tide 1211 a m 32

Warmer Tonight WithTomorrow HIJS-

TJMBEB 6932 Yesterdays Circulation 39183 DECEMBER 27 1910 PRICE CENTWASHINGTON TUESDAY EVENING Fourteen Pages

f p g T-

Rain j 1 oii ir if hs g

l5 1 7117





More Than 300000 Employes Favor It Writes

M F ODonoghue


Railroads and Big Industries FindIncreased Efficiency Results

He Says

Arguments for StraightPension Plan

Has hearty indorsement of morethan 300xjo Government emjieyea

Fifty par cent ef the men employed-on the railroads are pensionedwith deductions from theirsalaries

England has retired Its civil employes on straight pension for onehundred years

Twentytwo railroads have thestraight peasiea principle inoperation

Retirement on these lines is indorsed the financial officers etevery Institution which has putit to a test


President of the United States CivilService Retirement Association

Probably the most forcefal argument In favor of the straight civilpension is that it is the one plan forthe retirement s perannaat d em

that carries with it Ute heartyIndorsement af mere tbaa 3 M H-

GovermneKt umyleyas thr i batet theUnited States

Therefore if O a res is te abideby the wtebeer empkjyea thornselves there Is only one course openHowever the mombers of the UnitedStates Civil Service Retirement Asso-

ciation with great respect te President Taft and Congress are willingto abide by their decision as to what-is Just and equitable la the way ofretirement legislation

The Goaldea bill which is new ponding in Congress provides for thestraight cIvil pension and the asso-ciation members are working for ItspassageFive Seasons for Passage

These five reasons have been givenIn its favor

First It places our great Government In line with the beet thoughtof the present day on the subjectof superannuation as practiced foryears by the principal governmentsof Europe by many of the municipali-ties of this country and by our greatindustrial and railroad Interests

bill voices theof every employe of the postal

service through resolutions IndorsingIt at the national and State conventions of letter carriers clerks ruralcarriers supervisory employes andpostmasters and it also has been indorsed by the United States CivilService Retirement Association Inconvention at Washington en January14 and 15 l lt

Third It provides for the retirement-of faithful employes who become in-capacitated while still In the service by

Uowing them Just and reasonablefor the years they have

served and makes the full period ofservice before being eligible for retirement thirty years or oa reaching theae of sixtytwo fair and equitable

Continued on Fifth Page


he center of tile storm that now cov-ers the Rocky Mountain region willmove eastward to the Mtonioglppi valleyby Wednesday morning and the areaof unsettled weather and precipitationattending it will overspread practicallyall districts east of the Mississippi rivetbefore Wednesday Bight The precipita-tion will be in the form of rate in thecentral and middle States and rain orsnow in the northern States

FORECAST FOR THE DISTRICTIncreasing cloudiness followed by rain

Wednesday morning or on WednesdayWarmer tonight lowest temperature

about X degrees Moderate south-westerly winds bang to southeast-erly Wednesday

TSarPXRATTJRBSS a m9 n m t

30 a m11 a 36

noon 481 p ra 452 p IB 45

TIDE TABLEToday High tide S S a m 5J8 p m

Low tide H3 a mTomorrow Ea title Bail a m i57 p

m Low tide 1211 a m 32 8 p raSUN TABLB

Son rises 713Sun sets 4145


Both rivers clear







SecondThe senti-ment








of idle


























Secretary to Senator PercyFound on Couch-

in Senate Office


Employed by Three MississippiansHe Made Friends With

Many Legislators-

A ernroplod telegrams bearing Artmoo greetings front Me cafWroa droppedfrom the hand of Col J Hancock

Confederate veteran of MemphisTenn when he dozed off late his finalsleep in the Senate mmmtttim re mwhere he had successively been secretary to three of Mississippis Senators-

He was found this morning aid hisdeath masked th passteg of a manwho has been a familiar figure at thCapitol for more they twenty years

The affection of Goblet Robinsonwho was sixtytwo years old for thelate Senator Ansetat j HdJAmria of-Mtooiooipvi was owe of tb meet potentthings of the cokmefs life nd his fail-ure ht health totes from tins Senatorsdeath

Heartbreak the Causehe was found be on tb

couch lA Comm Mte Room 410 to wWcfa-

b had moved hfe office from thewhere he had boon far so many

years Heart failure is stove thepfeysicfeae attrfrote Beet Many of threewho knew this kindly oM nan mybeartbremks and then they tell of

Roblncon and cLurtaThe SergeaatatArms would not let

the body remain at the morgue Heordered It prepared fOr burial

awaiting the wtenos 9t the manschildren

The men who HCted him fromouch this moratog found two bits ofpaper which told tile cotoneTs frtendsmuch of his Just before death

C e was the Cartotmas telegram Itroad

Wish you wore here with vs Merry

etherof a fear which the oldmen for many months a thatsomething wreng wtth his heart

Lifelong FrienosThe devotions between Cofenei

sad the late Senator McLaviia became as proverbial at the Senate asthe aceold devotion ef Damon andPythias Over a period of twenty yearsthe intimate hfp lasted to

Continued on Seventh Page


Leaders Get From 25 to 49Years Woman Becomes


YORK Dec 27 A crushingblew was struek at Black Handkidnaping gangs today when MariaRappa and Stanlsiao Pattonea headsof the abducting band which stoleGiuseppe Longo and Michael Rizzotwo Brooklyn children were sentenc-ed to not less than twentyfive yearsand not more than fortynine yearsand ten months the woman In Auburn and the man In Sing Sing prisonMrs Kappa broke down In courtwhen she heard the sentence andscreaming hysterically was draggedfrom the room Pattenza was indif-ferent and walked out stolidly

The court was particularly severeIn imposing sentence upon MarieRappa-

It is almost unbeiieveable said theUdge that you could have held thesebrokenhearted children fer twenty daysknowing the terrible suffering f theirdistressed parents You have gives birthto own children lived inthe very room where little GiuseppeLongo was held a captive haveneither the spirit nor instinct of amother

The Godmade mother love is bettershown in beasts than in you A goodmother Is the holiest thing alive butyou no qualities of knowing anything of goodness

The regret that hecould not send both to the electric emir

There was a of astonishment Inthe court room as the Judge pronounced-the womans fate If she lives to sarvethe extreme penalty she will be seventyfour whtn it expires Pattenza willbe sfeventynlne

Matt McGrath Is HeldFor Trial Without Bail

NEW YORK Des 27 Matthew McGrath champion of the United StatesIn throwing sixteenpound hammerOlympic games hero and member ofthe force was arraigned todaybefore Magistrate Hyland andwithout baH on the charge of shootingGeorge Walker who he found beingentertained by his wife at the McGrathhome at 3 oclock Sunday morning

Although McGrath was behind thebars today his police shield had notbeen taken from him and he has notbeen suspended

Walker Is dying





When lay



merry thewee teNI
























Central Figure and Three Witnesses of Fatal Duel in Capital Vendetta JII


Waif Left on DoorstepBlinks in Unconcern as

Police Hunt Mother

A tiny Jat tJ ree weeks eM-

fe Ute longest inmate ef StAnas Orphan Asylum willie thepolice find themother who abandoned Ute ttttle onetest night

Tbe mite of bomantty was left inTesBie the home C L W Creecy-

M I street northwest The Invohtntary intruder made his known

which sent tbe Creecy scarrymsfrom tfce dinner table to the front door

Its all a mtetake t at report that tine

broMerfee When MrthreeweesaoM be were wrapped te abundle of blanketschild was clad in a staple little dre eof moot ta xp nee design a liute oottoe cap and plain cotton stockingThere was nothing elaborate In thebabys wardrobe on the otherhand It was as neat and dean ae itcould be

of Ute dothtasS-

ofcMKwnere today theres a mother I

whatof of

take It for their ownUnless the mother love shall eonquer

that other feeling thatwoman to abandon her offispring thlittle fellow will remain an Inmate of the

asylum It was the beet planCreecy and the officers of the

Third precinct could figure out today J



Colored Man Calls at Seebold House Leaving Pack-

age Containing 335

Another chapter was added to themysterious theft on December el S55S

from the safe In the coal office of C SBurgess Sons Company Eighth and 0streets northwest this morning when

uaid ntined negro called at the homeof Charles P SeeboM secretary andtreasurer of the company and left apackage containing of the missingmoney

The day following the robbery thoarrested Thomas Miller a negro em

ploye of the coal company and recovered UI from a suit case In his homeIn Jackson place northeast Miller wasmaking preparations to leave the cityat tho time The money was In twopackages each containing fifty 1 bUsThe wrappers bore the companys stampFifteen dollars was in loose bills

Mr SeeLold lives at 446 P street northwest Aoovt 7 oclock this morning MrsSeebold answered the door and washanded a package wrapped inby colored man

told to leave this forSeeboW the negro said and hurrieddown the steps

Not suspecting that there was anything unusual the package MrsSeeboid paid no special to the

I negros appearance and did not ques-tion him

Disco vine the money she Immed-iately notified her husband who hadgone to the coal office and an effortwas made to learn the Identity of thenegro Later the police were notified

With the 335 returned this morn-Ing a total of 450 has been recovered police say now that they be-lieve Miller was telling the truthwhen he said he found the money

Workman Is HurtWhen Manhole Bursts-

A C Doerner an employe of the Po-tomac Electric Power Company wasseriously hurt about the head and facethis morning by an explosion of gaswhich had accumulated In a manhole atThirtyfifth street and Wisconsin ave-nue northwest

Doerner was attempting to remove thecover of the when the gas ex-ploded throwing the heavy piece of ironagainst his head

He was taken to Georgetown Univer-sity Hospital where the doctors saythat while his Injuries are serious hewill recover

Doerner Is twentythree years old andlives at 1546 Eighth street northwest



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from tile Board Charitiesto Asylum morning

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JOHN AMBROSIAAccused of Murder of Angello Appitto

Physicians at Hospital Unable to Determine

of Potion

rte YORK Doc V Beaanee shebad been rebuked by her father forkeening late boors Dora Barlow twenty yeses old attempted suicide in herborne TOK Amsterdam avon e today bybibs some mysterious poison

PhyalchtM at Ute WashingtonHeights Hosaitl after a x

to aatarmine M 9Dora returned at an early hour

today from a cane and was scolded byher father As was his custom he wentto the girls room to waken her todayThe girl refined to get After muchpersuasion she Jumped from her liedand ran Into the kitchen

Before her father who bad followedher could Interfere the girl placed awhite eapaute to h r and swallowed a little water Almost Instantlysa toppled over unconscious

Police Called Out to PreventRioting by De-


KBW YORK Dec 27 The Northern

street capitalized at 709000 and havingnIna branches in various parts of thecity was closed today by State Super-intendent of Banks Cheney-

No reason was given for the dosingA perfunctory notice was posted on thedoors of the bank this morning

afterward crowds began gatheringIn iront of the place A number of de-positors were In the crowds and thepolice were tailed to the to

disorderThe Northern Bank of New York

sprang into existence after the failureof the Hamilton Bank which Is saidto have made heavy loans to theHolmes The officers are PresidentFrank Grast formerly at the headof the Hamilton Bank vice presidentsHenderson M Wolf Martin McHaleFrederick D Ives and H H BlzaMloncashier William Brewer

The failure was the most sensation-al since the days of the 1907 panicRioting broke out about the PortMorris branch in 138th street thisevening and the police reserves hadto charge the mob of men and womenwho were surging about the bankclamoring for their money

But the Port Morris branch was notthe only one which saw lively scenesand police action By noon practical-ly all the branch Institutions wereunder police guard to hold back theexcited and angry depositors Thebulk of business had been done withsmall traders many of whom deposited all their Christmas receipts

New England ShoalsBristle With Wrecks

VINEYARD HAVEN Mass Dee 27Mariners who arrived here today

conditions along the coast ofMarthas Vineyard and Nantucketsounds as the worst for many years

The mate of a belated fishing schoon-er declared the shoals fairly bristledwith wrecks the skeletons of eight ves-sels near alone were seen

Half Moon snowed the sticksof a twomaster Handkerchief Shoalshower the wreck of a threemasterand on Horse Pollocks Rip andNantucket Great Point other wrecksendangered navigation as they are forthe most part In the regular channel









Rank of New York at West JSth

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Fatal Shooting Affray in Italian Boarding House Culmnnation of Feud of Long Standing Man Charged

With Murder Arrested After Nights Search

Shet thojujth crest wJtfa a

heeaei at fSL G sentferoesC AngelaApDltte died shortly after S e iek tillsmorning in the Broergeney aoopkaLAmbrosia who fled the Louse af-

ter the shooting and eluded policenight was arrested at the Wash-

ington UydrauMc Prick Companys

fore Appltto died j

Both men made their home at ttoestreet bowe which Is occupiedsively oyItalians The snooting markedthe culmination of a vendetta of long-standing between she two Italians butaccording to a statement made by Am-

brosia to Detective Orieai he shot Appitto in selfdefense

Several of the boarders IncludingAmbrosia had been playing eards Ina room on the first leer of the houselast evening Appltto according tothe story told by the Italians to thepolice came to the house about Uoclock In his hand he held an Improvised stiletto made out of longpiece of steel The card game hadbroken up before Appotti came inbut five or six of the Italians werestill sitting around talking

Seeing the stiletto andtrouble Ambrosia says he get up anwent to his room on the second floorAppltto who the witness saW seemed-to be In an ugly mood followed himIn the hallway on the second floorAmbrosia says Appltto attacked himwith the knife that hewould be killed Ambrosia drewrevolver and snot Appltto through-the chest

Hearing the shot those on the firstfloor ApptttoInsr ic the hallway with blood Sowingfrom the wound In chest while Am

Desperate Battle Near Mal

Paso Renewed atDawn Today

CHIHUAHUA Mexico Dec 27 Thedesperate battle has beers going onbetween Mexican revolutionists andregular troops near Mal Paso was

at dawn today when fresh gov-

ernment soldiers reached the scene andreenforcecd the defeated Diaz army

During the conflict which raged fullytwenty hours and was halted only bydarkness last night the rebels had allthe better of the engagement and thegovernment loss was heavy

Fire Damage 100000In Bath N Y StillROCHESTER N Y Dec 27 A fire

which has already done 100000 damage Is still raging In the town of Bathtoday although It Is now under control Help of departments from surrounding villages was secured

The fire broke out late last night inthe Nichols Hotel and the guests ithat hostelry narrowly escaped withtheir lives




yard Brick Haven Va a abort time be









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revolver tat 30 Oufaanpl Ben

t te tWo teen when Apjtte attacked Ambrosia was feoad tobe HuSerteg from a slight stet woundte the was not serteosly outhowever

Beadetto seeing Appltto coming up-stairs with the knife ia his hand hadremonstrated with him and when hewent after Ambrosia Bendetto was ac-cidentally cat Bendetto is regarded bytbe police as the most important wit

dined to talk about the affair and thedetectives were unable to get much in-formation from him in fact none ofthe persons In the house wanted to talkand it was only after the detectives hadquestioned them at length that theygot down to the rear facts

Following the shooting some onefor an ambulance and Appltto

was taken to the hospital Before tfcarrival of the police Ambrosia fied fromthe house and it was not until heshowed up for work this morning thathe was arrested

Learning where he was employed De-tective Rprlngmen and Policeman JoeGrant the former wrestler obtained ahorse and buggy dud drove to the brick-yard thinking Ambrosia might takerefuge there to find any traceof him they left word with the watch-man at the yard to telephone PoliceHeadquarters If Ambrosia showed upfor work Ambrosia appeared atabout the usual time this morning thewatchman notified the ponce and Lieutenant Flathers and the reserves of theFourth precinct went to Brick Havenand Italian

Ambrosia talked freely of the shootIng when Questioned by the police He

It was done in selfdefense m feelingbad existed for some time between Appltto and himself he said and whenAppltto came Into the room with the

Continued on Eleventh Page


United States Military Authorities Search Homes-

of NipponeseM-

ANILA P L Dec 27 United Statesmilitary authorities today arrested aJapanese spy In Corregfdor the Islandwhose great fortifications guard the entrance to Manila bay

The spy is said to have been caughtredhanded with valuable militarysketches and maps In hisHe is now held incommunicado

At the same time Japanese residentsof Manila are today over theaction of the military authorities Insearching a number of houses andstores of Japanese residents here forhidden explosives-The search was Instigated by General

Duvall the retiring commander of theDepartment of the Philippines uponadvices he has

The house occupied by the local agentof the great Japanese army and navycontracting firm the Mitsui BussanKalsha known throughout America andEurope as Co was one ofthose searched

No were found It Is reported but the occurrence has givenrise to rumors of theJapanese plot against theGovernment and has caused intense s-

dtement in all quartersThe Japanese probably will protest to

their government

was Mar by the

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Word Given Out AmongClose Friends of Presi

dents Plans


With Roosevelt Means Col-

onel Has Decided Taft Will

Be Renominated

President Taft and the 1912Situation

President Tafts friends apprisedthat he will seek renominatlon in

Any doubts that were raised afterNovember 8 election dispelled

Efforts made to smooth ever therough edges and pave way to reEiectien

One feature of these efforts the exchange of letters with ColonelRoosevelt

Roosevelt has made p his mindTaft renomination is certainand he will not oppose it

By JOHN SNUREThe word has gone dotoitely

Taft that h will be a Active candi-date for reeotninatJoo in 3tt2

Those who have been enter theBelief that Mr Taft might sot be acandidate for another term might aswelt Rive up any suck idee The Presldents close friends how that he in-

tends to run Not only that bat steps

Mr Tarfs ren miaatten TIe rauKfe

this is DoeatMe juffLglag rather than e

Not alone the reoomlnatton is beteskept in mind but also the reelectionof the President As a matter of factthe men closest to the President areworried mere over the election titan theyare over th nomination They feelconfident the President can get thenecessary majority of delegates i thenext Republican national coaveatlonto Insure his nomination theDemocratic drift displayed to the elec-tions of November S causes them anx-iety

Differences Patched upFor some weeks the White Horse has

been bubbly engaged la cultivating better with the Insurgents InHouse and Senate Now this is foJlowed by the definite information tbfcPresident Taft and Cofcnei Rooseveltare getting together

Politicians in Washington are discuss-ing with much zest and avidity the

given out from ORe of therighthand men of President Taft that

President and Colonel Roosevelthave for some weeks been engaged In

friendly correspondenceThe information was given out at the

same time that a denial was issued ofthe report that there had bees a breachIn the relations between Collector Loeband Colonel Roosevelt

Tho statement that the President andColonel Roosevelt have beeR correspond-ing with each other came from a sourceso completely in touch with Mr Taftthat it is looked on as practically anauthorized statement froci WhiteHouse The correctness of it is notquestioned But It is doubted If thefull significance of what it moans isyet fully understood

What It MeansWhat It means that Colonel Roose-

velt has made up his rated that Preei

nominated in 2912 Ihe colonel hasmade up his mind moreover te sup

about his election Nobody besurprised if Colonel Roosevelt wouldcome out in a statement te whieh hewould say as much though this ishardly looked for

This does not mean that there hasnot been bitterness between PresidentTaft and Colonel Roosevelt It hasexisted and it has been m taa Thisis well known to everybody wb knowsthe two men and knows the men

t0C Roosevelt undoubtedlytime contemplated the Presi-dency In 1312 But h does not contem-plate seeking it now Just whet reasonshave led him to this conctestoa are norhard to discover For one thing he hasdoubtless been Impressed with theformidable nature or the tohim The bitterness of the feeling in

York and the East againsthas probably Moreoverhe has been by the disposition ofthe progressives in theWest to resent the tariff in

York platform to hold him responsible for for the Adminis-tration and to show toss of eonfidence in him

Countrys TrendStill more than these things Colonel

Roosevelt Is too keen and astute a politician not to have discovered the factthe country is trending in a Democraticdirection and that it is likely to elect-a Democratic President in lilt

Colonel Roosevelt does not regard 1912as an auspicious year fer a Republican

Continued on Sixth Page




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