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THE WASHINGTON TIMES MONDAY DECEMBER 26 1910 5 Woman Strives for Thirty Years to Learn of Her Parents NEWSPAPER STORY LOCATES A Faded Photograph Wi Probably Prove Identity of Mrs Crawley NEW YORK 36 By means of an old and faded photograph Mrs George 1L Cra ley of Newark who for thirty years has been seeking her parents from whom she was kidnaped has found she believes cousin through whom babyboed and the names of her mother and father Mrs Crawley Is the wife of a pros perous eeatraodajr plumber and has several married children She was stolen from her home the location of which she does not know about the time ol the civil wars close Faintly she re- members a train ride at the end of which she was taken to the Home for the Friendless in the Bronx Her name was registered as WttBehntae Schmidt and she believes it to be right name Newspaper Story Brings Help Whea she had grown up she was em- ployed by a man living in the Catskinns From there she abowt finally reaebiag Baltimore where she met her husband He and she set out to learn Mrs Crawleys history They received several letters but aotbteg to throw light on the subject Last October a newspaper printed the story of Mrs search A few dags ago she reeefved a letter from Yrs Same V Asher of Philadelphia Mrs Asher recalled that she heal heard ol the mysterious disappearance of her roasta whe as baby The name of the cousin was Schmidt and she had a pbotograpc of the stolen girl The photograph was on to Mrs and though the years have wrought their change in her ap pearance there was such a similarity- of feature In the face and that ef photograph that Mrs Crawley was convinced it was a pic ture of herself Late last week Mrs Asher visited Mrs Crawley ia New ark The Strange Kidnaping- I believe that you must be rone s e said The be Kj of your parents was ia Philadelphia and one nighty whoa your mother had goa out t the grocery store somebody entered house sad stole you Straaigery there was no demand for- a rassom not hint from any source Your mother and father were griefstricken over your loss and ma4e a wide search for you IB vain Several years age brokenhearted over your your mother diedWith this else Mrs Crawley will be- gin an Investigation which she hopes will Just who her parents were She believes that her father Joseph Schmidt is still alive and that able to tell her things reveal the reason for her ktdaning There Is also a possibility that Mrs Catherine Hotte Sharpe of Y who has written Mrs Craw jay that she knew of Yrs Catherine Schmidt in several years ago may aid in the mystery Sixtysecond Convention at Minneapolis Will Cover Every Field MTNNHAPOIIS Mba Dec 3S Twin Cities wilt entertain this week 15W scientists members of the Ameri- can Association for the Advancement of Science who have assembled to make report on the soteatifte progress of the past year to read papers describing remarkable experiments and to indi cate the direction of research dur ing 1M- 1it will be the sixtysecond annual meeting and the state convocation week of the association The gathering of the most imfiertaat scientific events of the year being IB tact the same to America as the meeting of the British Association is to England Fifteen affiliated scieatifie societies are to hold their meetings ia conjunc- tion These are Botanical Society of America the Botanists of the Central States the American Chemical Society the Society of America the Amer- ican Association of Economic the American Federation of Teach- ers of the Mathematical and Natural Sciences the American Mathematical Society the American Microscopical Society the American Study So- ciety the Western Philosophical Aaeo elation the American Physical Society the American So- ciety the American Psychological So ciety the SuUivant Moss Society and the American Society of Zoologists Dr David Starr Jordan of Leland Stanford University who is president of the American Association retires at this meeting in favor of Prof A A of the University ef Chi cago who is elected for the year IflQ Hickok to Preside ATLAITA Ga Dec 26 Alpha Tau Omega Fraternitys delegates 564 in number will assemble in Atlanta Wednesday for the tweatysecond- Menatal congress of the association Worthy Grand Chief Paul R Hickok cf ashinsto wUl preside It Pays to Come From Any instance Pa Ave 8th St S E PICTURE MAY SOLVE KIDNAPING MYSTERY COUSIN a she hopes to learn the facts of her her moved sent Ute my the a U she Is able to fud him may De tt at SCIENTISTS GATHER FROM EVERY CITY Is one Entomolo- gists oR Ney COs Dee long Craw eya be N + a clearing The Ento- mological Ph ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Favorites Returning to Capital II Two I HELEN WARE ORME Cd2iL Uncle Sam Doesnt Want Him Panama Wont Have Him NEW YORK Dec 36 B wy- Ro0enbaii i is a man without a eotmtry doomed to spend the rest of Me Mf on a steamship plying between the United States and the Republic of Panama one of the two governments rekats- Kosenbaum suspected of being in the white slave trafftc has been bundled from pillar to poet for months and is again te New York held by the Ellis Island liUMiMflU oWciais for another trip back to Paaajna where be is as unwelcome as he is here Boenbaum lived In New York for more than tea years Last went to Panama Secret Service men there accused him of being engaged in dealing in white women for immoral purposes Panama ordered him deport ed He was placed on a steamship and sent to New York On arrival here he was turned over to the hnmignuioc of- ficials who placed him under tones to await trial as an undesirable Immi- grant His appeal for permission to land was refused his bond recalled and Beeenbaum ordered deported On 3 be was pat on board a steamer and returned to Cristobal Panama Upon arrival there he was arrested by the Panama officials and placed Jn Jail until the steamer sailed back to the United States Under guard be placed on the ship and sent back Ifo arrived today in the steerage was again refused permission to lent Startling Sights Seen By Broadway Stroller NEW YORK Dec 38 I Just saw a herd of pink elephants roller skating- up the street said a weridroset young men at Niaetysfcrth street and Broad- way early this morning And was there a clown too eager ly ked small boy Clown Clown echoed the young man in a tone Then he bright ened UD with Oh yes a ment of them Each one had a lantern and bucket and they were all crying as hard as they could and they were catching their tears in the buckets were they crying for asked the boy his eyes wonder the young man could reply he was hustled into a by a man and a woman who came up from the subway- As fast as you can down Broadway said the to cheuTTear Candidates in Line For Maine SenatorshipAU- GUSTA Me Dec 26 George P Haley of Saco Obediah Gardner of Rockland Charles F Johnson of Water vllle and William M Pennell ef Port land are the candidates for United States Senator from Maine The nom ination of any one Is equivalent to his election the upheavals in the laSt election gave the Democrats a safe working majority to elect whom they please Jilted Suitor Ends Life With Knife Girl Gave PHILADELPHIA Pa Dec 36 Heart- broken because his sweetheart bad jilted him on Christmas eve William M May twentyone years old a full blood Indian of Camden committed suicide today at Eighteenth and Fed- eral streets by his throat and stabbing himself with a pearlhandled penknife the gift of the woman- to whom he had betrothed SHOES For Boys and Girls Sorosis Shoe Co 1213 F St N W ROSENBAUM ISMAN WITHOUT COUNTRY j lilt De- cember sad a a Bef- ore taxi oman since 11 111 ii j I il I ORQSI I I I i- J g m hI ii I il I H an- t un- less en- gaged was yc teen N N N N N N NH ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HERE THIS WEEK Helen Ware and Orme Cal dara Stars in The Desert- ers Known in Capital Two of Ute Capitals favorites will be seer at Columbia this week In The Helen Ware who heads Ute company in Henry B new Military drama came into prominence through her excellent work as Helen J Criae In The Third Degree which mode its bow in Washington before going to New York Miss Wares rite to stardem is the result of merit and of yard work and WM accompltebe gradually She her- self te the Mtberlty Jr the statement that when tbe Co star her came from the producer she was elated but not nearly so delighted as she was earlier in her career when her first triumph came Oat of thirty supers she was stagied to lead the and Mies Ware insists that this was the moment of her life Miss Ware will 34 a warm welcome awaltUi her in TVrrfti ten on ler first appearance as a star Another member of the cast who old favorite Is Orme Caloara who made many friends bore ae leading man of the Columbia play- ers Mr Caldara takes the leading male role in The Deserters which is said to fit him possibly better than any he has ever had JIMIlEfi COAT GovernorElect of Oklahoma Decides to Attend In augural Ball OKIAHOMA CITY Okla Dec 36 Any coat that has a tan tails Sapping behind it Is jlm swinger and just exactly the cos- tume de rlgeur for the Inaugural ball of Lee Cruce sovernorelect o Oklahoma Mr Cruce who had pre vleusly announced that he would not wear a dress suit at his Inaugural ball said that a jimswlneer would do It is Just what he wears on dress eocasiens now Mr Cruce said and if a body happened to possess a coat- a little different but having tails that would flop flaunt fly or even hoe ia an appropriate manner that coat would be admitted as a fit garment Mr Cruces coat of the type called Prince Albert He says the name Jlmswinser Is properly ap plied by Southern negroes to any coat with a caudal appendage LOCAL MENTION 350 Try Our Famous Stews 250- Pblla Oyster Chop House 513 nth nw SORE HURTING FEET If they hurt real bad l and you think there is no relief you are the person we want to see I jjo reason you should go through life corns SHIELDS bunions and other foot- s troubles Our as specialists on RELIEF MAXENTLY Hesitate no longer the results Georges fc Son Inc 11 t Chiropodists Foot Specialists 1214 F St X W TWO FAVORITES the Deserters out proudest I- an Was gtOR CRUCE WILL WEAR I long or a i Iso I V the feet and COMFORT PER You wilt ap- preciate t J 9 J Har- ris offer mob cc A rflgr CORN BUN- ION eufferl xLr experi- ence YOUR guarantees lDWUW C 0 o I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Jacket Order of Major Sylvester Brings Sorrow- to Ranks MYSTERIOUS SANTA CAUSE OF IT ALL Police Head Hears of His Flying Visit ant Asks for Report He that bath not it shall not be given unto him if he is a District detective That is a favorite paraphrase about Detective Headquarters in the Municipal Building today Gee but its tough to be a detective especially around Christ- mas time It Is not for the detective to partake of the wine that Is sent by a friend- It Is not his happy lot to eat turkey and cranberry sauce unless he shall hve paid for the sime he cant even accept of a of forgetmenots unless the Coaimfcisioners of the tract issue a sseekJ dispensation That Is official Major Sylvester said today The mac or hadnt rummaged among papers of his desk more than- a couple of minutes this morning before- he heard that some detective had re ceived something without paying for it himself Calls Inspector Dingaiteg went the telephone in the office cC Inspector The conversation went something like this Tie the major talking What is ti 9 I hear Is it true that Detective Hopeful wee presented with i turkey yesterday When are our revered reg1t- ttatkHK Slight coughing spelt on tile part of Inspector Beardmaa my noble officer didnt seas to accept- it The boys know the regulations by heart and I bad them recite your man dates from memory at TOIl call only a few sights ago I may be well suggested the ma jor port to me the Christmas presents he has received together with the of the donor and Ute intrinsic and value thereof It te the law And that accounts for the woebegone faces and the gloom that one may see and reel about detective headquarters this Joyous Yuletide Its a violation of the manual of ponce regulations for any member of Ute force ts accept a gift at any time Nothing Overleeked Fertutiatstr of Ute detectives wile are presarlag their gift shoots major this afternoon has overlooked- this title but the bitter cup seems overfiowiac when a detective moat take a pad and pencil to make an offi- cial report of the remembrances be rs- ceived Stickpte from Brother John Pound of Mixed Mite maAgr dccay- sd from grocely luan Woolen locks duty paid from aa aunt in tariffprotected New Sastead Two shirts from my wife Picture from my little son Hobble Halt doyen from daughter paid for my turkey a bottle of claret with my own money which earned In the line of ray sacred duty Those are extracts from some of the reports which may reach the majors desk It is permissible for the to gifts with the mem- bers of his including even a motherinlaw but must show BO gift that from business house relative Real Cause If a detective recovers goods to the value of 9UOM the overjoyed merchant doesnt dare over him a catalogue of UK best selling books If he steps la and saves a fellows life he cant re- ceive even a tsar of gratitude In return T e real cause of Ute majors order this morning was a report that members of the detective corps had been visited Friday night by an unidentified Santa Claus in an automobile This gentleman tavettog iocog it was said left a package on the doorstep of the detectives home and then disappeared Finding a turkey and a basket of good donor unknown card missing what could poor detective do but take the basket In tow as he might any other of abandoned property- In his jacket to Major Sylvester Inspector Boardman frank ly he had received a turkey which had not cost him thirty DETECTIVES MOURN FOR JOYS MISSED bunch DIs1 so the Boardman It be bet I am sure I you win have emit man re nose fer- tile requirement handkerchiefs 1 lid I det- ective carne or person who it not a dose friend or sOme a may true r iajor bat name senti- mental a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ HEALTH TEST REQUIRED OF EMPLOYES IN HOTELS York Managers Adopt German System to Prevent the Spread of Disease From Workers to Patrons New SeSeaI NEW YORK Do 26Tbe German of supervising the health of ho- tel empleyes for the protactfon of guests- Is Into forco tn the larger New York hotels- A large Broadway hostelry employing 4BO servants put the system lot this week The serving of food by infected wait- ers imperils the health of patrons ac corclng D sanltartauM The SUfiec said one manager in speaking of the Innovation Is at the of the manageraeat of the hotel which be patronizes In respect to the selection of employee A hotel ought to protect its guests from diseases Just private householder would protect himself and family Only recently It was brought to aay attention that a man and his and ems came from the inspectors brotherinlaw Frank Walcott of Beach and there was nothing Irregular about that Matter of Conjecture What action would bo takea If any of the men should admit reeetvfas presents from a business man Is a matter of conjecture It doesnt seem probable however that the major and the Commix loners would take any drastic actk at this glorious season of good cheer in view of the fact that a number of packages have come late theMuB4elpal Building marked for the fellows a Uttie higher up The Jaok f order the submission oC a list of the detectives Christmas gifts came this morning while the men were at roll call It a bombshell all right The jaekets containing the desired in formation will new go to the office of the superintendent of police indorsements and recommendations and eventually the Commissioners themselves doubtless will seas the long list to see if every detective has followed the ule of becoming Ms own Santa Claus What are you kicking about Pity the poor detective ON Neither Do They Buy Auto mobiles From Tips of Patrons CHICAGO Dec 26 Tbe good oM says when Pullman porters oould aflord to sport diamonds and ewe automobiles are and the knight of the broom and brash is tacky nowadays if be eaovgfe b Bge left te enter craps game after paying Mi aeeeesarjr Such at any rate are the general vtews expressed by members of Ute Steeping Oar Potters and Car Service Mens Union who to told a con- vention in Chicago thin week to discuss the The complain that during the pest year or e their earnings have been steadily sbrtektog until they have reached the vanishing point The newspaper humorists with their jokes anent the Pullman adR their wealth are held partly responsible for the changed conditions But the de- crease in the size and number of the porters tips is believed to be chiefly due to a change of sentiment on the part of the traveling public who are Inclined to rebel at the system by which the car eoapanies seek to have tbe travelers pay the wages of their employee As the porters see no way of increas- ing the liberality of the travelers they are eoosiaeriag steps to force the COIr the loss In tips Pope Stands Strain Of Receiving Guests ROME Italy Dee X Officials at the Vatican are today expressing gratifica tion that the Pope in spite of his recert Indisposition stood the added duties of celebrating pontifical mass and special Christmas services and received num- ber of specially Invited guests with no III effects Messages expressing good- will and the greetings of the season continued to pour in today from poten- tates of the world system hotel mercy nanny cents a pound But turkey it I lontal u requiring where they will be covered of NO MORE GEMS PULLMAN PORTERS gone has are tva toIL peny to rake their wages so as to being pet opera- tion odO s was a ex- p ports al- most make- up a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ child who had been staying at a hotel whose name should have been a guar- antee for the utmost cleanliness became infected with a horrible skin disease It was learned that a scrubwoman who suffered from the disease had used drinking glass in the guests room The had been communicated to a cut oaths mans lip and thence to his Wife and child The question of requiring similar in- spection of dining car waiters presents more difficult aspects to the health au- thorities attempting to solve lem They point out that Congress should authorize a National Health Bu reau as recommended in the Presidents message one of the powers of which might be to supervise the sanitation of Interstate carriers Of the 456 employes In the first hotel to Initiate the only twelve refused to undergo the examination They were discharged Boston Mayor Urges High Pressure Water BOSTON 3Tase Dec 26 Boston said Mayor Fitzgerald today cannot ignore the lessons of the fires la and Philadelphia Once again I zu going to ask the Chamber of to take hold at we can totreduce the high pressure syS tetn I am also going to take up anew the framing of legislation looking toward the eodiacatlen of the building laws and other changes to reduce the fire hazards Suicide Courted Death In Midst of Happiness BOSTON Dee 25 Carrying out his cynical theory that the time for death ie 2n the midst of the greatest hap paces Dr Albert Reeder a promi- nent Bay Bay physician lies dead today at his home In this city bav ng committed suicide by asphyxia ion yesterday morning The physician was known as a very eccentric character He hated gayety or rejoicing of any kind and had been known to fly into a rAge at the sound of laughter to SrerainBtss qcirej to mate a dainty ducat fro a CRYSTAL Gel so zacca more LcaJtHsl ssd economical than more elaborate dishes It is absofatclj pure and truly a treat to cat A 12ccot package two full quarts of the clearest teaderert jelly eaoaga to serve twelve If sour grocer dues sample fackaSc FREE Crystal Gelatine Co 121 Bcrerry Street BOSTON MASS MOVING PICTURES a e r t I I I I o NL two arere GELA iJ cord tts his uil mil a the Chi- cago Commune F r- t 8Itr at i I its mat en ref 3 e nons- ror4 ee yeu J rs a TINS wlgEii Swans Performing Alligators ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ = VISIT THE NEW for the best Xmas Dinner youhre eaten in your life Served in the delicious appetizing way that only the Fredonfa can serve it Replete with Xmas delicacies of every with a of service a luxuriousness of appointments and a sefcctness of clientele that cannot fail to make every moment spent there a pleasure SPECIAL XMAS MUSIC Fredonia prices are consistently moderate and Fredonia facilities the best in Washington lounging rooms Our Business Mens Luncheon is the best in the city served every day in the week from 12 to 230 Engage your tables NOW for New Years 13211323 H STREET NW III GRILL ROOM W WDANENHOWER Managing Director Private Dining Rooms r I oi t I FREDONIA CAFE 1 TODlY sortcombined I Handsomely furnished Dining Rooms for those who want them luxurious parlors and 1 I- i I I i f ti- I a t faultl- essness Private a AMUSEMENTS Tonight atS2O Only Matinee Saturday LIESLER BIG PRODUCTION Br C 31 S McLellan and Ivan Caryll Emmy Wehlen and Harry Conor and a Company of SOsrARTISTS ORCHESTRA40 Personally Conducted Tonight by MR WAN CARYLLN- OTE after this ess emettt NATIONAL A Wed and Sat Mats roe to 5150 Worlds Larcest Musical Comedy laatttatior 1910Be- ginning with New Tears CHARLES FROH2CAX Freeem In W SOMERSET JtAfGHAMS CoSMdr SMITh Tonight 815 MatsTrsSS3l Xmas Matinee at 230 In THE DESERTERS With On Caldara Frederick den and entire Xew York cast SEATS NOW SELLING KIAW ERIANGffl sad HENRY B HARRIS DANCES OF AXC1EXT EGYPT Supporting Company of Fifty New and Scenic Production In Conjunction XV AndreelTx Imperial Balalaika Orohestra ACADEMY Evenings Sic Sc 60c Mats s 36e MR HUGO B KOCH Aral ifrlsrtta in MISSING MEN NEXT WEEK Tr rrug XVain Valley iOr and T Daily Matins Bert Kairi r ao J Reno o las i ir Royal pre T r Horses Edtrard Vn Ttem Once C A Honeymoon Trip from naJa j Hongkoas w Year Ty Greene c Buy Seats Today NINTH ST NEAR THIS XATEXEES DAILY Queens of he a large oogipear of lively chorus NEW LYCEUM ALL THIS WEEK Tins TTptoUate Bxrles tiei- PSETTT GIST E TEE BB Avenue Grand Theater T Fig Acts Per We k 3 Iain rs at P X ALL SEATS Me rUngs at S P X SEATS ac We Sunday Concerts SKATING 2Sc Tuesday and Thursday Evening 3ic Couples ticket SPECIAL Scream of UM Season Doa t Mba it DANCING to UJ m Moon Dances AdaoMlon- 3C Including NEW YEARS EVE WATCH PARTY AND DANCE HOWARD THEATER Yale Dramatic Club HE FAN A Comedy- At the Columfia Theater Friday December 30 At 215 OCSoek Tickets On Sale At Theater XMAS DANCES V t A SONS 2 Ball SJ to 12 Assembly d nc a er e STEAMSHIPS HORfOLK WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT CO Modern Steel Palace Steamers Old Point Comfort Norfolk And All Points South Daily 645 P M City Ticket Office Bond Building New York Ave and St FLORIDA BY 3 ix DIRECT ROUTE TO SAVANNAH and JACKSONVILLE Mercbnats and liners Traas Co Dot te Florida Cabs and Ute South Fine steamers exj O At tow fares Tickets on sale at B O R R OStce for booklet W P TURNER Baltimore ild COTS MUSICAL COMEDY Marriage a la Carte NOTE to York Each Night ZIEGFELD Of Matinee JOHN DREW T day HARRIS Helen Ware Truss NEXT WEED PRESET Ruth Sto Denis With- v Russian act l PORT OF Efo s ss Bq n f l n P ci Harry Fc and Xitrshfp Fi Fred S fit t WeekEva it Go dray mar and Lester Loerpn Gene GAYETY Jars de Parisa- nd animated The A Sfa- nII Road afternoon and Satlllday DI lie RIi Tlnrsdar TYe HI Wednesday Saturday 331 P Checking NEXT WEEK Down in Dixie Afternoon I Dee Day lint JII te I Eve SlIt Leave 14th route nee Send p T so BRAND NEw With Goes direct New 315 t i3iv u- EIows HENRY B Iireaenta TTm asA 1 e- e 3 George U S rn e osa 8 T- ALL his SIATl1E8- DAtGY ILCPres- entLg 2 Bright ArD 25 SHPT Wa th and Pa ave S A LI J Elg d3dr1 attractions usual prtca Cad ePgrlh Every Mom SveaingPig Race and IA I1- t 7f F fit Washington M 1 LZ > >

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-12-26 [p 5] · THE WASHINGTON TIMES MONDAY DECEMBER 26 1910 5 Woman Strives for

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-12-26 [p 5] · THE WASHINGTON TIMES MONDAY DECEMBER 26 1910 5 Woman Strives for


Woman Strives for ThirtyYears to Learn of Her



Faded Photograph Wi ProbablyProve Identity of Mrs


NEW YORK 36 By means of anold and faded photograph Mrs George1L Cra ley of Newark who for thirtyyears has been seeking her parents fromwhom she was kidnaped has foundshe believes cousin through whom

babyboed and the names of her motherand father

Mrs Crawley Is the wife of a prosperous eeatraodajr plumber and hasseveral married children She was stolenfrom her home the location of whichshe does not know about the time olthe civil wars close Faintly she re-members a train ride at the end ofwhich she was taken to the Home forthe Friendless in the Bronx Her namewas registered as WttBehntae Schmidtand she believes it to be right name

Newspaper Story Brings HelpWhea she had grown up she was em-

ployed by a man living in the CatskinnsFrom there she abowt finallyreaebiag Baltimore where she met herhusband He and she set out to learnMrs Crawleys history They receivedseveral letters but aotbteg to throwlight on the subject

Last October a newspaper printed thestory of Mrs search A fewdags ago she reeefved a letter fromYrs Same V Asher of PhiladelphiaMrs Asher recalled that she heal heardol the mysterious disappearance of herroasta whe as baby The name of thecousin was Schmidt andshe had a pbotograpc of the stolen girl

The photograph was on toMrs and though the yearshave wrought their change in her appearance there was such a similarity-of feature In the face andthat ef photograph that MrsCrawley was convinced it was a picture of herself Late last week MrsAsher visited Mrs Crawley ia Newark

The Strange Kidnaping-I believe that you must be

rone s e said The be Kj of yourparents was ia Philadelphia and onenighty whoa your mother had goaout t the grocery store somebodyentered house sad stole youStraaigery there was no demand for-a rassom not hint from anysource Your mother and father weregriefstricken over your loss andma4e a wide search for you IB vainSeveral years age brokenheartedover your your motherdiedWith this else Mrs Crawley will be-gin an Investigation which she hopeswill Just who her parentswere She believes that her fatherJoseph Schmidt is still alive and thatable to tell her things revealthe reason for her ktdaning

There Is also a possibility that MrsCatherine Hotte Sharpe ofY who has written Mrs Crawjay that she knew of Yrs CatherineSchmidt in several years agomay aid in the mystery

Sixtysecond Convention atMinneapolis Will Cover

Every Field

MTNNHAPOIIS Mba Dec 3STwin Cities wilt entertain this week15W scientists members of the Ameri-can Association for the Advancementof Science who have assembled to makereport on the soteatifte progress of thepast year to read papers describingremarkable experiments and to indicate the direction of research during 1M-

1it will be the sixtysecond annualmeeting and the state convocationweek of the association The gathering

of the most imfiertaat scientificevents of the year being IB tact thesame to America as the meeting of theBritish Association is to England

Fifteen affiliated scieatifie societiesare to hold their meetings ia conjunc-tion These are

Botanical Society of America theBotanists of the Central States theAmerican Chemical Society the

Society of America the Amer-ican Association of Economic

the American Federation of Teach-ers of the Mathematical and NaturalSciences the American MathematicalSociety the American MicroscopicalSociety the American Study So-ciety the Western Philosophical Aaeoelation the American Physical Societythe American So-ciety the American Psychological Society the SuUivant Moss Society andthe American Society of Zoologists

Dr David Starr Jordan of LelandStanford University who is president ofthe American Association retires atthis meeting in favor of Prof A A

of the University ef Chicago who is elected for the year IflQ

Hickok to PresideATLAITA Ga Dec 26 Alpha Tau

Omega Fraternitys delegates 564 innumber will assemble in AtlantaWednesday for the tweatysecond-Menatal congress of the associationWorthy Grand Chief Paul R Hickokcf ashinsto wUl preside

It Pays to ComeFrom Any instance

Pa Ave 8th St S E




ashe hopes to learn the facts of her








U she Is able to fud him may Dett at



Is one



Ney COs



Craw eya


N +



















Favorites Returning to CapitalII Two I


Uncle Sam Doesnt WantHim Panama Wont

Have Him

NEW YORK Dec 36 B wy-Ro0enbaii i is a man without a eotmtrydoomed to spend the rest of Me Mf ona steamship plying between the UnitedStates and the Republic of Panama

one of the two governments rekats-Kosenbaum suspected of being

in the white slave trafftc hasbeen bundled from pillar to poet formonths and is again te New York heldby the Ellis Island liUMiMflU oWciaisfor another trip back to Paaajna wherebe is as unwelcome as he is here

Boenbaum lived In New York formore than tea years Lastwent to Panama Secret Service menthere accused him of being engaged indealing in white women for immoralpurposes Panama ordered him deported He was placed on a steamship andsent to New York On arrival here hewas turned over to the hnmignuioc of-ficials who placed him under tonesto await trial as an undesirable Immi-grant

His appeal for permission to landwas refused his bond recalled andBeeenbaum ordered deported On

3 be was pat on board a steamerand returned to Cristobal PanamaUpon arrival there he was arrested bythe Panama officials and placed Jn Jailuntil the steamer sailed back to theUnited States Under guard beplaced on the ship and sent back Ifoarrived today in the steerage wasagain refused permission to lent

Startling Sights SeenBy Broadway Stroller

NEW YORK Dec 38 I Just saw aherd of pink elephants roller skating-up the street said a weridroset youngmen at Niaetysfcrth street and Broad-way early this morning

And was there a clown too eagerly ked small boy

Clown Clown echoed the youngman in a tone Then he brightened UD with Oh yes ament of them Each one had a lanternand bucket and they were all cryingas hard as they could and they werecatching their tears in the bucketswere they crying for askedthe boy his eyes wonder

the young man could reply he washustled into a by a man and awoman who came up from the subway-

As fast as you can down Broadwaysaid the to cheuTTear

Candidates in LineFor Maine SenatorshipAU-

GUSTA Me Dec 26George PHaley of Saco Obediah Gardner ofRockland Charles F Johnson of Watervllle and William M Pennell ef Portland are the candidates for UnitedStates Senator from Maine The nomination of any one Is equivalent to hiselection the upheavals in the laStelection gave the Democrats a safeworking majority to elect whom theyplease

Jilted Suitor Ends LifeWith Knife Girl Gave

PHILADELPHIA Pa Dec 36 Heart-broken because his sweetheart badjilted him on Christmas eve WilliamM May twentyone years old a fullblood Indian of Camden committedsuicide today at Eighteenth and Fed-eral streets by his throat andstabbing himself with a pearlhandledpenknife the gift of the woman-to whom he had betrothed


For Boys and Girls

Sorosis Shoe Co1213 F St N W













11 111 ii j I il





m hI ii I il I H an-




















Helen Ware and Orme Caldara Stars in The Desert-

ers Known in Capital

Two of Ute Capitals favorites willbe seer at Columbia this week InThe Helen Ware who

heads Ute company in Henry Bnew Military drama came into

prominence through her excellentwork as Helen J Criae In The ThirdDegree which mode its bow inWashington before going to NewYork

Miss Wares rite to stardem is theresult of merit and of yard work andWM accompltebe gradually She her-self te the Mtberlty Jr the statementthat when tbe Co star her camefrom the producer she was elatedbut not nearly so delighted as shewas earlier in her career when herfirst triumph came Oat of thirtysupers she was stagied to leadthe and Mies Ware insists thatthis was the moment of herlife

Miss Ware will 34 a warm welcomeawaltUi her in TVrrfti ten on lerfirst appearance as a star

Another member of the cast whoold favorite Is Orme

Caloara who made many friends boreae leading man of the Columbia play-ers Mr Caldara takes the leadingmale role in The Deserters whichis said to fit him possibly better thanany he has ever had


GovernorElect of OklahomaDecides to Attend In

augural Ball

OKIAHOMA CITY Okla Dec 36Any coat that has a tantails Sapping behind it Is jlmswinger and just exactly the cos-tume de rlgeur for the Inauguralball of Lee Cruce sovernorelect oOklahoma Mr Cruce who had prevleusly announced that he would notwear a dress suit at his Inauguralball said that a jimswlneerwould doIt is Just what he wears on dress

eocasiens now Mr Cruce said andif a body happened to possess a coat-a little different but having tailsthat would flop flaunt fly oreven hoe ia an appropriate mannerthat coat would be admitted as afit garment

Mr Cruces coat of the typecalled Prince Albert He says thename Jlmswinser Is properly applied by Southern negroes to anycoat with a caudal appendage

LOCAL MENTION350 Try Our Famous Stews 250-Pblla Oyster Chop House 513 nth nw

SORE HURTING FEETIf they hurt real bad

l and you think there isno relief you are theperson we want to see

I jjo reason youshould go through life

cornsSHIELDS bunions and other foot-

s troubles Ouras specialists on

RELIEFMAXENTLY Hesitateno longer

the resultsGeorges fc Son Inc

11 t ChiropodistsFoot Specialists1214 F St X W






an Was gtOR


Ilong or


i Iso



the feetand COMFORT PER

You wilt ap-preciate

t J

9 J








BUN-ION eufferl


enceYOUR guarantees


0 o








Jacket Order of MajorSylvester Brings Sorrow-

to Ranks


Police Head Hears of His FlyingVisit ant Asks for


He that bath not it shall not be givenunto him if he is a District detective

That is a favorite paraphrase aboutDetective Headquarters in the MunicipalBuilding today Gee but its tough tobe a detective especially around Christ-mas time

It Is not for the detective to partakeof the wine that Is sent by a friend-It Is not his happy lot to eat turkeyand cranberry sauce unless he shallhve paid for the sime he cant evenaccept of a of forgetmenotsunless the Coaimfcisioners of thetract issue a sseekJ dispensation

That Is official Major Sylvester saidtoday The mac or hadnt rummaged

among papers of his desk more than-a couple of minutes this morning before-he heard that some detective had received something without paying for ithimself

Calls InspectorDingaiteg went the telephone in

the office cC Inspector Theconversation went something like this

Tie the major talking What isti 9 I hear Is it true that DetectiveHopeful wee presented with i turkeyyesterday When are our revered reg1t-ttatkHK

Slight coughing spelt on tile part ofInspector Beardmaa

my noble officer didnt seas to accept-it The boys know the regulations byheart and I bad them recite your mandates from memory at TOIl call only afew sights ago

I may be well suggested the majorport to me the Christmas presents hehas received together with the ofthe donor and Ute intrinsic and

value thereof It te the lawAnd that accounts for the woebegone

faces and the gloom that one may seeand reel about detective headquartersthis Joyous Yuletide Its a violation ofthe manual of ponce regulations for anymember of Ute force ts accept a gift atany time

Nothing OverleekedFertutiatstr of Ute detectives

wile are presarlag their gift shootsmajor this afternoon has overlooked-

this title but the bitter cupseems overfiowiac when a detective moattake a pad and pencil to make an offi-

cial report of the remembrances be rs-ceived

Stickpte from Brother JohnPound of Mixed Mite maAgr dccay-

sd from grocely luanWoolen locks duty paid from aa

aunt in tariffprotected New SasteadTwo shirts from my wifePicture from my little son HobbleHalt doyen from

daughterpaid for my turkey a bottle of

claret with my own money whichearned In the line of ray sacred duty

Those are extracts from some of thereports which may reach the majorsdesk It is permissible for the

to gifts with the mem-bers of his including even amotherinlaw but must showBO gift that from business houserelative

Real CauseIf a detective recovers goods to the

value of 9UOM the overjoyed merchantdoesnt dare over him a catalogue ofUK best selling books If he steps laand saves a fellows life he cant re-ceive even a tsar of gratitude In return

T e real cause of Ute majors orderthis morning was a report thatmembers of the detective corps had beenvisited Friday night by an unidentifiedSanta Claus in an automobile Thisgentleman tavettog iocog it was saidleft a package on the doorstep of thedetectives home and then disappearedFinding a turkey and a basket of good

donor unknown card missingwhat could poor detective do but takethe basket In tow as he might anyother of abandoned property-

In his jacket to MajorSylvester Inspector Boardman frankly he had received aturkey which had not cost him thirty






It be bet I am sure


you win have emit man re




1 lid I


carneor person who it not a dose friend or



may true r iajor













York Managers Adopt German System toPrevent the Spread of Disease From

Workers to Patrons


NEW YORK Do 26Tbe Germanof supervising the health of ho-

tel empleyes for the protactfon of guests-Is Into forco tn the larger NewYork hotels-

A large Broadway hostelry employing4BO servants put the system lot

this weekThe serving of food by infected wait-

ers imperils the health of patrons accorclng D sanltartauM TheSUfiec said one manager in speakingof the Innovation Is at the ofthe manageraeat of the hotel which bepatronizes In respect to the selection ofemployee A hotel ought to protect itsguests from diseases Just privatehouseholder would protect himself andfamily

Only recently It was brought to aayattention that a man and his and

ems came from the inspectorsbrotherinlaw Frank Walcott of

Beach and there was nothingIrregular about that

Matter of Conjecture

What action would bo takea If anyof the men should admit reeetvfaspresents from a business man Is amatter of conjecture It doesnt seemprobable however that the major andthe Commix loners would take anydrastic actk at this glorious seasonof good cheer in view of the fact thata number of packages have come latetheMuB4elpal Building marked for thefellows a Uttie higher up

The Jaok f order thesubmission oC a list of the detectivesChristmas gifts came this morningwhile the men were at roll call Ita bombshell all right Thejaekets containing the desired in

formation will new go to the office ofthe superintendent of policeindorsements and recommendationsand eventually the Commissionersthemselves doubtless will seas thelong list to see if every detective hasfollowed the ule of becoming Ms ownSanta Claus

What are you kicking about Pitythe poor detective


Neither Do They Buy Automobiles From Tips of


CHICAGO Dec 26 Tbe good oM sayswhen Pullman porters oould aflord tosport diamonds and ewe automobilesare and the knight of the broomand brash is tacky nowadays if beeaovgfe b Bge left te enter crapsgame after paying Mi aeeeesarjr

Such at any rate are the generalvtews expressed by members of UteSteeping Oar Potters and Car ServiceMens Union who to told a con-vention in Chicago thin week to discussthe

The complain that during thepest year or e their earnings have beensteadily sbrtektog until they have

reached the vanishing point Thenewspaper humorists with their jokesanent the Pullman adR theirwealth are held partly responsible forthe changed conditions But the de-crease in the size and number of theporters tips is believed to be chiefly dueto a change of sentiment on the part ofthe traveling public who are Inclinedto rebel at the system by which the careoapanies seek to have tbe travelerspay the wages of their employee

As the porters see no way of increas-ing the liberality of the travelers theyare eoosiaeriag steps to force the COIr

the loss In tips

Pope Stands StrainOf Receiving Guests

ROME Italy Dee X Officials at theVatican are today expressing gratification that the Pope in spite of his recertIndisposition stood the added duties ofcelebrating pontifical mass and specialChristmas services and received num-ber of specially Invited guests with noIII effects Messages expressing good-will and the greetings of the seasoncontinued to pour in today from poten-tates of the world





cents a pound But turkey itI




wherethey will be covered of





tva toIL

peny to rake their wages so as to

being pet


















child who had been staying at a hotelwhose name should have been a guar-antee for the utmost cleanliness becameinfected with a horrible skin diseaseIt was learned that a scrubwoman whosuffered from the disease had useddrinking glass in the guests room The

had been communicated to a cutoaths mans lip and thence to his Wifeand child

The question of requiring similar in-spection of dining car waiters presentsmore difficult aspects to the health au-thorities attempting to solvelem They point out that Congressshould authorize a National Health Bureau as recommended in the Presidentsmessage one of the powers of whichmight be to supervise the sanitation ofInterstate carriers Of the 456 employesIn the first hotel to Initiate the

only twelve refused to undergothe examination They weredischarged

Boston Mayor UrgesHigh Pressure Water

BOSTON 3Tase Dec 26 Bostonsaid Mayor Fitzgerald today cannotignore the lessons of the fires la

and PhiladelphiaOnce again I zu going to ask the

Chamber of to take hold atwe can totreduce the high pressure syStetn

I am also going to take up anew theframing of legislation looking towardthe eodiacatlen of the building lawsand other changes to reduce the firehazards

Suicide Courted DeathIn Midst of Happiness

BOSTON Dee 25 Carrying out hiscynical theory that the time for deathie 2n the midst of the greatest happaces Dr Albert Reeder a promi-nent Bay Bay physician lies deadtoday at his home In this city bavng committed suicide by asphyxiaion yesterday morningThe physician was known as a very

eccentric character He hated gayetyor rejoicing of any kind and hadbeen known to fly into a rAge at thesound of laughter

to SrerainBtssqcirej to mate a dainty ducat

fro a CRYSTALGel so zacca more LcaJtHsl ssdeconomical than more elaboratedishes It is absofatclj pure andtruly a treat to cat A 12ccotpackage two full quarts ofthe clearest teaderert jelly eaoagato serve twelve

If sour grocer dues

sample fackaSc FREE

Crystal Gelatine Co121 Bcrerry StreetBOSTON MASS









oNL two arere


iJ cord tts hisuil mil a




F r-t






mat en

ref3 e nons-ror4 ee yeu



TINS wlgEiiSwans Performing Alligators








for the best Xmas Dinner youhre eaten in your life Served in the delicious appetizing way thatonly the Fredonfa can serve it Replete with Xmas delicacies of every with a

of service a luxuriousness of appointments and a sefcctness of clientele that cannot fail tomake every moment spent there a pleasure

SPECIAL XMAS MUSICFredonia prices are consistently moderate and Fredonia facilities the best in Washington

lounging rooms Our Business Mens Luncheon is the best in the city served every day in theweek from 12 to 230 Engage your tables NOW for New Years


W WDANENHOWER Managing Director

Private Dining Rooms


oi t





Handsomely furnished Dining Rooms for those who want them luxurious parlors and






i f










Only Matinee SaturdayLIESLER BIG


Br C 31 S McLellan andIvan Caryll

Emmy Wehlen and Harry Conor

and a Company of

SOsrARTISTSORCHESTRA40Personally Conducted Tonight by


OTE after this ess emettt

NATIONAL AWed and Sat Mats roe to 5150

Worlds Larcest Musical Comedy laatttatior


ginning with New TearsCHARLES FROH2CAX Freeem


SMIThTonight 815MatsTrsSS3l

Xmas Matinee at 230

In THE DESERTERSWith On Caldara Frederick

den and entire Xew York cast



DANCES OF AXC1EXT EGYPTSupporting Company of Fifty New

and Scenic Production InConjunction

XV AndreelTx ImperialBalalaika Orohestra

ACADEMYEvenings Sic Sc 60c Mats s 36e

MR HUGO B KOCHAral ifrlsrtta in


iOr and TDaily MatinsBert Kairi r ao J

Reno o las i ir Royal preT r Horses Edtrard Vn TtemOnce C A Honeymoon Trip from naJaj Hongkoas w Year Ty

Greene c Buy Seats Today



Queens of hea large oogipear of lively



TinsTTptoUate Bxrles tiei-


AvenueGrand Theater

T Fig Acts Per We k3 Iain rs at P X

ALL SEATS MerUngs at S P X

SEATS ac WeSunday Concerts

SKATING2Sc Tuesday and Thursday

Evening 3ic Couples ticketSPECIAL

Scream of UM Season Doa t Mba itDANCING

to UJ m Moon Dances AdaoMlon-3C Including



Yale Dramatic Club

HE FAN A Comedy-At the Columfia Theater

Friday December 30At 215 OCSoek

Tickets On Sale At Theater


Ball SJ to 12 Assembly d nc a er e


Modern Steel Palace SteamersOld Point Comfort Norfolk

And All Points SouthDaily 645 P M

City Ticket Office Bond BuildingNew York Ave and St


SAVANNAH and JACKSONVILLEMercbnats and liners Traas Co

Dot te Florida Cabs and Ute SouthFine steamers exj O At tow faresTickets on sale at B O R R OStce

for booklet W P TURNERBaltimore ild


Marriage a laCarte

NOTE to York

Each Night




T day

HARRIS Helen Ware




Ruth Sto DenisWith-




Efo sss Bq n fl n

P ciHarry Fc and Xitrshfp Fi Fred Sfit

t WeekEvait Go dray mar and Lester LoerpnGene


Jars de Parisa-nd animated

The A Sfa-nII Roadafternoon and Satlllday DIlieRIi

Tlnrsdar TYe HI

Wednesday Saturday 331P Checking

NEXT WEEKDown in Dixie


IDee Day lint JII te I Eve



route neeSend p T




Goes direct New


i3iv u-EIows

HENRY BIireaenta

TTm asA

1 e-e 3

GeorgeU S rn

e osa



ALL his



2 BrightArD


th and Pa ave S


J Elgd3dr1 attractions

usual prtca



SveaingPig Race

and IA

I1-t 7f







