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THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY JTXE 1 1910 7 The President Officials and Legislators Leave Desk for Rostrum TAFT WILL SPEAK AT TRINITY COLLEGE Apostolic Delegate to Confer De grees at Exercises This Afternoon Programs at Other Schools- The National Capital today Is wholly under the sway of the sweet girl graduate who ia queen of every June Roses and peonies bloom for her Adoring friends relatives and raw youtlus pay tribute to her Members of Congress even President Taft him self and other men high in public life find time to lay aside the duties ot state in ordor to admonish her And the interest of the audience centers nt in the advisory words which some statesman delivers for her benefit but In the graduating essay with its Ideals and enthusiasms couched in faultless rhetoric Tho graduate- too is here with his proud father and mother his determination and his ambitions President William Howard Taft is expected to deliver the address to the graduating class of Trinity College this afternoon when Rev Dio mcde Falconio apostolic delegate will confer degrees upon twentythree students The stage will be decorated with white peonies and ferns carrying out the class colors of white and green and in honor of Presi- dent Taft flags will also be used in decorating The annual meeting of the alumni of Trinity College was held this morning at 1938 oclock Class Day Program- The advisory board of the college met yesterday afternoon and following the board meeting class day exercises were held The Misses Miller opened the pro gram with an instrumental duet Miss Clara Kennedy president of the class read an address Miss Rose Finn was class historian Miss Brady read the class Miss Kerby the class poem and lies Moaghbr the class prophecy The class song words written by Miss Sullivan and the music by Miss Mc Keough closed the program With Falconlo presenting- the diplomas twelve girls yesterday- were graduated from Holy Cross Acad- emy The exercises wore held at the New National Theater where the stage had been converted into a floral bower by the bouquets sent the young women Those who received diplomas are Academic course Etois Jean Brett Ethel May Brown Grace Cornelia Duke Mary Christine Eecher Alice Margaret Hoover Florence Marie MacCarthy Xatherine Conner McCarthy Edna Frances May Gertrude LOretto Murphy Tannie Barbara Stinson and Harriet Ward Swart Conservatory of music Violin Miss Imogen Karns Dr Harvey W pf the delivered ad dress of the afternoon He declared that women could do much for the better- ment of their country He urged them to conserve their health ant above all things to learn to cook Living in the and taking plenty of exercise were urged as a means to good health and usefulness Three young women Miss Marjorie Merritt Lent of New York Miss Cecile Belle Shreve of Pennsylvania and Miss Mary Porter Earnshaw of Washington comprise this years graduating class of Belcourt Seminary John Barrett di rector of the International Bureau of American Republics spoke to the class he declared that students in possessed an advantage over stu dents in other parts of the country in that they have the opportunity of see t WASHINGTON RULED BY GIRL GRADUATES boy Most roses Mon lgneur Jreau A essay Washing- ton ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Large Double Bed Sheets 3ln hem hand torn and ironed ready for use size 81x00 in good as Salem 85c value Thurs day for Bed of excellent wearing quality Muslin welded scam in center which prevents ripping Housekeep- ers Day for i 59 C SheetsMade 1 Thurs- day C lug In motion the machinery of one of the greatest governments in the worM He said that the American woman is a model for the nations of the earth and admonished the graduates to be true to their trusts as models for the girls of other nations Dr W M Barton made the address- to the graduates of the Training School for at the Government Hospital for the insane the exercises of which were held last evening in Hitchcock Hall Rev John W SchIck delivered the invocation and William G Davenport pronounced the benediction Those who received diplomas are Misses V a Lawrence Maryland Ma mie C Jr Virginia Lessie J Marylan Margaret E Coffra B Holmes District of bia Mabel Duncan Virginia Winni fred Lawrence Maryland Etta E Saunders Maryland Bertie A Fore acre Maryland Me Williams L Hackley Virginia John K Pumphrey Maryland Eva A Ball Virginia Redmond Vir gnia Annie L James Virginia Jonnie Reeder District of Commencement exercises at the Na- tional Cathedral School closed this morning when Bishop Alfred Hard ing presented the diplomas A wealth of flowers decorated the stage and the graduating day program was car- ried out before a large audience of the friends of the institution The class and flag day exercises of the senior class were held yesterday when Miss Dorothea Rich was valedic presented by Brig Gen John M Wil- son U S A retired with the nag which is given annually to the stu dent standing highest in her class The tennis championship prise was awarded Harvey ALUMNI BANQUET ATTRACT MANY Georgetown Graduates Will Feast Speak and Arrange to I Erect Statue This evening at the college refectory- in Ryan Hall will occur the annual banquet of the National Association of Georgetown Alumni followed by a busi- ness meeting The responses to the In- vitations would indicate that the gather- ing will be one of the largest of its kind at Georgetown in years Acting as toastmaster E Hamilton president of the association will introduce many impromptu speak ersAt the business meeting plans vill be completed for the erection of the statue of Bishop Carroll founder of the mi collection of funds for which has been going on for the past year Some provision will also be made for the advancement of athletics at the school HONORS CONFERRED- ON ART GRADUATES Presentation of Medals and Di plomas Takes Place at Corcoran i The awarding of medals and diplomas of merit to graduates of the Corcoran Art School took place last night in the large marble reception hall of the Cor- coran Gallery of Art F B McGuire director of the gallery presided and Cen H B Wilson made the presenta- tions E C Meeeer addressed the Those who received and awards were Miaa Elizabeth Brooke Snowden gold medal for drawing mark ed E RHchiro Kawasitima bronze medal for drawing marked D Mrs J N GoldsboreuRh silver medal for por- trait Mrs Dun C Lewis silver medal for draped life Miss Elizabeth Muhl medal for still life Rlichiro- KRwashima silver medal for composi- tion Mrs Lena Miller silver medal for water color The following received honorable men tion Drawing Morgan Steinmetz draped life Sarah B Peacock still life Miss Lena Lautenslaser and Mrs C T Creccj water color Mr Myron D Smith and Miss Mary P Goddinsr A cash prize awarded by a member of the board of trustees for the beat out door landscape was won by Miss A E A Sawtelle MEETING POSTPONED- The meeting of the board of education scheduled for 10 oclock this morning was postponed by order of Capt James- F Oyster president to enable the mom bers of the board to attend the cadet drill today The board will meet at the call of the president Rev s r I J I torlan ot the Miss Rich I TO I I Gall ry I J I medals Nurses Mary- land class was stu- dents ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Ninety second Commence ment at Georgetown Col lege Tomorrow Th6 ninetysecond annual com- mencement of Georgetown College will take place in Gaston Hall to morrow evening Nineteen will be conferred by the president of the university the Rev Joseph J Himmell S J four of these being honorary Those who will receive the degree- of doctor of Jaws are John G Agar a member of the New York bar James F Tracy of Albany N Y former associate judge of the supreme court of the Philippines Charles B Kenny of FitUtbur believed to be the oldest liv 35 graduate of Georgetown- Dr JamUt J Wa4 h dean ot the medi cal school of Ford Nam University of The Thirteenth Century Greatest of Centuries will receive a Lit D The degree of bachelor of arts will be conferred on I Byrne burg Pa J Francis Catlln New York Edward Q Carr Brooklyn N Y Ar thur J Devlin Washington D C C Edward Dukes Philadelphia Pa John Lyon Albany N Y Daniel F McCatin Brobklyn N Y Joseph D McNulty Chicago Ill Raymond J Mawhinney Washington D C Edwin L Miller Buffalo N Y Daniel B Murray New York John D Murray Grand Rapids Mich New Rochelle N Y Roscoe A Ridgway Chevy Chase Md and Thomas A Stuart II Albany N Y The program for the evening follows Oration History of International Ar bitratlon Roscoe A Ridgway Oration Advantages of International Arbitration Daniel F McCann Conferring or Degrees by the Reverend Joseph J Himmei S J president of thE university Valedictory PractteaWlHy of Interna- tional S Pallet Award t Honors Address to the graduates by John G Agar of yew York SALESGIRL SCHOOL STARTED IN BERLIN BERLIN June school for the of salesgirls in the treatment of customers was started in Berlin to- day The school Is financed by thtf As- sociation of Retail Shops but the city has shown its interest in the matter by granting the use of one of the city hall the schoolroom Later classes will be started for men clerks WILL MEET TONIGHT Central Council National Union will meet tonight at Schmlds Hall BIG SUMS OFFERED FOR CURES OF ECZEMA Thousand Dollar Bonuses Found Un- necessary several cases have become known of persons ia different parts of the country who have maie standing offers of a thous- and dollars each for some course of treat- ment which would permanently care them of eczema The offers were withdrawn when at a comparatively trifling expense these persans complete cures the use of po lam the new skin remedy which is sold for 50 cents by all and Afflecks as wellas other reliable drug stores Poslam is dally giving evidence of its remarkable healing prppertjw In raring the worst cases of eczema UKT eradicating facial and other disfigurements of years All Itching is with first application In minor affections such as herpes barbers and other forms of itch red noses inflamed skin etc results show after an overnight application without first obtaining one of the free trial packages which will be sent man to any one who will write direct to the Emer- Laboratories 32 West Twenty fifth street New York City NINETEEN DEGREES TO BE CONFERRED degrees tIM William Pit l Con e de Arbitration Conde de 1A I I through good Ograms the only a small quantity being one Is to purchase poslam au- thor SPallen in- struction rugrists particularly nell s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = It Pays to Come From Any Distance Successors to Haines Department Stores Pennsylvania Ave and Eighth St S NEY COo E a 1 S Thursday Bargains in the Housefurnishing Department- 3d floor Heavy Tin Wash Boilers No 5 Regular 48c size for 29c No 6 Regular 60c size for 39c No 7 Regular 75c slzo for 49c No S Regular 89c size for 59c Family size Japanned Bread Boxos 25c SOc 12 qt Enameled Berlin Kettles for 49c 75c 6 qt Enameled TOIl Kettles for 45c 75c 17 qt Enameled Dish Pans for 39c 60c 3 qt Enameled Rice Boiler for 39c SOc 2 or Granite Too or Coffee Pqts 19c SOc Granite Foot Tubs for 59c Two Burner Gas Stoves with 5 feet of gas tubing o complete outfit for J OC 400 Two Burner Dangler Gasoline Stove SO QS Full assortment of Paints Stains Enamels o a can OC lOc Paint Brushes Tomorrow for 3c White Houso Toilet Paper lOc rolls of 1000 sheets n- at 4 rolls for ua 7C Great Bargains in Wine 100 Screen Doors in all sizes with fixtures complete One dayat r 3 qt 16i for 65c A z Bleached Satin Dam ask Pretty designs qualities worth fiOc and 75c for Thursday Housekeepers- Day a QA yard C Towela Excellent qual ity nicely hemmed size 18x40 in Thurs- day Housekeep A3- OTS Day cach 4C Bleached Turkish ¬ ¬ ¬ Thursday Bargains in the Furniture Departme- nt3d 10 Felt Mattresses covered with art c M e 56 and SS sample Enameled Iron Beds One at Regular 25 Allbrass Beds latest designs One sale at 5500 National Bed Springs One day at 5300 Woven Wire Springs One day 180 Warp Jap Matting smooth long straw hand palmed with machine edge in an assortment of carpet patterns that will delight you the newest green red and blue combinations Unusual designs and colorings- An Amazing China Matting Bargain Genuine Lin tan long straw China Matting selllug everywhere at 14 Thursday for roll VQ98 This the highest grade on the market and will give entire satisfaction as it lasts for years and always retains Its beauty heavy corded an immense assortment of strikingly designs and colors a standard 14 quality low and Door Screens 25c Window Screens One at 121c Choice of 24 inches high Open to 26 Or 16 Inches to 33 3d floor 8 ono or two piece styles Thursday for yo day 395 day 15 298 at is t C L98 edge hand- some Benefit for Georgetown In stitution to Continue Until SaturdayT- he annual lawn fete for of the Georgetown University Hospital ooons this afternoon at 5 oclock will continue tomorrow and Friday Un like the other fetes which have been held for the hospital the one this year will be conducted both in the afternoon and evening The grounds have been decorated with Georgetown University colors and dur ins the evening wilt be illuminated with hundreds of small oloetrlc lights An other new fuature of the fete this year will be the music which will be fur- nished by a section of the Fort flyer Band Tomorrow evening will be devoted es- pecially to the physicians oi Washing SCHOOL GIRL TAKES LONG WALKS Accomplishes Feat Undertaken by Miss Sears of 108 Miles in Fiftytwo Hours BOSTON June 1 Mtes Mildred R Belknap a fourteenyearold Dorchester high school girl has accomplished the feat undertaken by Miss Eieaiore Sears- In California by walking MS miles In fiftytwo hours She is 4 feet TV inches in height and weighs seventyone pounds She believes she is the cham- pion long distance schoolgirl In the United States Accompanied by her father Miss Bel knap walked to and return Saturday to Hull and return Sunday and to Medway and return yesterday- She is an expert in many lines of ath- letics and took to walking through her parents both of whom are accomplished pedestrians FETE FOR HOSPITAL WilL OPEN TODAY the benefit awl tonHIGH Valpola ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Handling large quantities of merchandise at a minimum expense enables us to make such extremely low prices We are satisfied with a small margin of profit we have no lost accounts no bookkeeping expense no large amount of out in accounts hence we are in a position to do business on a basis which saving brge sums to the Washington for what you get and when you get it Pay day fe here again Where do you stand Are you free to take advantage of the great moneysaving opportunities presented at our stores or must you part with your pay check for what is already used and continue to pay such prices as your dealer may ask simply selves from constantly living beyond their income Be independent be free to buy when the prices are right and you will be astonished at the redactions in Bills THE SAME HIGHGRADE MERCHANDISE CARRIED BY ANY FIRSTCLASS GROCERY STORE AT PRICES WHICH AT ONCE CONVINCE THAT WE ARE THE LEADING LOWPRICE GROCERS OF WASHINGTON The Best Butter AnyOne Can Buy In Paraffined Cartons Per Pound Our Great Low Price Grocery Sale Continues Our Policy Has Met With Popular Approval 2 V PAY CAS H because it goes on the book Thousands of of the Grocery Co have found our method the mems them f h C B tt CJ2 res reamery u er C matrons Sanitary keepc your Grocery Some Special Items Priced Very Low Reliable Pineapple regular 15c cans 3 cans 25c Burnhams Morrills Baked Beans No 1 cans each 9c No 2 cans each 13c The mere fact that these are served on the best cars is evidence of their superior quality California Canned Fruits all varieties of a regular 25c quality reduced to close out per can I8c Hawaiian Grated Pineapple excellent for ice creams jelly deserts etc 15c Popular Brand Mixed Teas Small packages 4c Medium packages 1 8c Large packages ISc 20csize Monogram Vanilla Extract per bottle 15c Sanitary Brand Peanut Oil 20c bottles 12c Lucca Olive Oil very fin est quarts 69c Lucca Olive Oil very fin- est pints 38c Dr Schindlers Peanut But- ter 8c Dr Schindlers Peanut But ter can 17c Geranium Succotash per case 160 per can 8c Libbys Pure Strawberry Preserves 22c It is impossible for to put up a preserve In lots onehalf or more per dozen Clymers Apple Butter very in a large jar 15c Clymers Jams per jar 15c Branches 30 and 31 Two New Stores Will Be Opened Shortly Watch for Our Announcement for anyone 240 ¬ ¬ ¬ UNION STATION RECEPTION The Terminal Railroad Department of the Y M O A will hold a reception and anniversary upper at the Union Stfcion tomorrow evening at 7 second THE t Playground Baseball Day Saturday June 4 American League Park To Start a Busy June Sale Cool unseasonable weather has retarded Shoe Selling enabling us to buy many desirable shoe tots of HAHN quality at lavaable pricesWe place some of these lots on sale tomorrow HELP CAUSE Thursdays Extra Shoe Values I f k Summer- y standards Womens 350 4 Suedes and Tans 5 kinds gnat quality black or hrowr taster Pumps and Ttee 2 styles bun imported C lfkin KnsNsit Pumps and 3tyelet TIes Very latest shapes O Thursday at v LtJ I Tan- s I I suede < 3 Swell 3 Styles Womens Low Shoes Patent Colt Goodyear Wefc- Twoeyctet Ties Black Gun Call 3ey iet Ties sad 3 Ties Plata straight or wig tips Splendid Fitters Wearers Thursday S235 Metal eIe and at leer Mens Low and High Shoes Genuine Goodyear Wek sewed Low and High Shoes ia SO popular Compared with other storm prices nose of these worth less then 3 and equal to many 350 shoes Tans Patents Black Kid or Calf 2 50 I I I shahs No 1 Michigan White Pota- toes Per bushel 40c Per peck 10c presented before Saturdays closing Tune 4 1910 will en- title you to buy Four Tencent Packages Quaker Corn Flakes Value 40c One Fivepound Pkg H E Best Granulated Sugar Value 28c If you ever tasted a Better Corn Flake than Quaker- we will gladly refund your money Eagle Milk dozen 150 can 13c Challenge Milk case 415 can 9c Peerless Milk large 3 cans25c Pet Milk 3 cans 25c A Very Special Snap Opera Club Sardines in oil 12 to 14 fish in each can 15c value any- where else A special leader per can lOc Kippered Herring small cans lOc Kippered Herring large cans 15c Herring in tomato sauce small cans lOc Herring in tomato sauce cans 15c Red Alaska Salmon 15c Best Red Salmon 20c Pink Salmon large cans 7 c This Coupon r for 50c 1 ¬ oclock Hon Martin A Kaapp chair matt of the lnterUt Co merc Com- mission will speak and other adOrcamai will be B It Tolson fai chairman of the committee on arranxeraents for the eventn I made Boys and Girls 2 Value Low Shoes Leather kid MM r tag calf and bask whit dwelt low pinus and tiles tor atrfa a rfws Boys CAN BtaeJMr aft dues Little Paint Lcaihar er Week 8hoa ataes to 11 I 48 Patent I Boyd tan Low g > Arbucktes Coffee per Ib 15c Sanitary Brand Coffee 25c Proctor Gambles Star Soap 7 cakes for 25c A large Premium Catalogue the many presents Proctor Gambles Star Naphtha Washing Pow per pkg 4V Genuine Maine Corn case 220 can lOc SchriverS Corn case 170 can Schrivers Peas case 180 3 cans for v 25c Maryland Pears per can IOc Maryland Peaches can IOc Roanoke Peaches per can20c Premio Peaches per can 15c Corned Beef per can 15c Beef can 9c Chipped Beef glass jar 9c Beechnut Beef 16c 25c Potted Meats can 5c Walter Bakers Cocda i IbISc Walter Bakers Chocolate lb 17c W H Bakers Cocoa 5c 8c W H Bakers Chocolate i lb 15c Losvneys Cocoa 9c Shredded Wheat lie Quaker Hominy Grits8c 16c Quaker Puffed Rice 13c Quaker Puffed Wheat 9c Quaker Oats carton 150 pkg 9c Quaker Breakfast Biscuit pkg 9c Quaker Corn Flakes pkg 7c Kellpggs Corn Flakes pkg 9c Pure Lard 15c Heckers Pancake IOc 7 eo c + 29 StoresOne Near You i t THE LAST are u 1 nlJtly were uwdat to ere a divorce be There always Ue devil to pay Life ANALYSIS That marriages made Ky Yet ea is Five Good 2 Kind Womens Low Shoes 3 stylm Blade YW KM and N Leather Mlle strap Pumps a Me Strap Pwnm Ttas Tlmc day 139 WIlke Dude turn p Pea sad 3 afeap 9llppesa sole peetty and- S K CO 7TH AND 19141916 Pia AVE 233 PA AVE SE R STS 3 RED fABLE SHOE HOLSES The Greatest Destroyer Daisy Fly Killer 12c This wonderful invention is the greatest fly destroyer Lasts one sea- son Absolutely safe and cleanly People who have one have already re- turned for more will want one for each room in your house Lea Perrins Sauce 23c Durkees Salad 9c 23c White Lily Salt 5c Gold Medal Syrup can 9c Campbells Soups 3 cans for 25c Campbell Catsups 3 25c Blue Label Catsup IOe 16c Vineland Grape Juice pts 20c Welchs Grape Juice 25c 45c Sapolio 8c Bon Ami gc 2c4c Babbitts 4c Octagon Soap 4C Babbitts Cleanser people have already learned that it is to pay lOc for a cleanser abbots a large can 5c Sanitary Brand Flour A Spring Wheat Patent Flour Small sacks 2c 12lb sacks 48c Bbfe wood 196 tbs 690 FelsNaptha Coupon This coupon and Twenty five tomor- row Thursday at any of our stores buys 7 cakes Fete Naptha Soap with orders for other goods amounting to Fifty Cents or more Suburban Deliveries From Our Stove 142431 7th St N W North SUB TeteplMMM w Matt Orders Monday Brightwvo Takona l Tc Tuesday BrMtdnd and Kt Ratafee Thursday Clewehuwi Park Dr u u Tour JIll chase r bot- tles Gold Dtlst The Tsrkyeewa r ¬ <

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-06-01 [p 7]. · 2017. 12. 26. · THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY JTXE 1 1910 7 The President Officials and Legislators Leave Desk for

Aug 31, 2020



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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-06-01 [p 7]. · 2017. 12. 26. · THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY JTXE 1 1910 7 The President Officials and Legislators Leave Desk for


The President Officials andLegislators Leave Desk

for Rostrum


Apostolic Delegate to Confer De

grees at Exercises This Afternoon

Programs at Other Schools-

The National Capital today Is whollyunder the sway of the sweet girlgraduate who ia queen of every June

Roses and peonies bloom for herAdoring friends relatives and rawyoutlus pay tribute to her Membersof Congress even President Taft himself and other men high in publiclife find time to lay aside the dutiesot state in ordor to admonish her Andthe interest of the audience centersnt in the advisory words which somestatesman delivers for her benefit butIn the graduating essay with itsIdeals and enthusiasms couched infaultless rhetoric Tho graduate-too is here with his proud father andmother his determination and hisambitions

President William Howard Taft isexpected to deliver the address to thegraduating class of Trinity Collegethis afternoon when Rev Diomcde Falconio apostolic delegate willconfer degrees upon twentythreestudents The stage will be decoratedwith white peonies and fernscarrying out the class colors of whiteand green and in honor of Presi-dent Taft flags will also be used indecorating The annual meeting ofthe alumni of Trinity College washeld this morning at 1938 oclock

Class Day Program-The advisory board of the college met

yesterday afternoon and following theboard meeting class day exercises wereheld The Misses Miller opened the program with an instrumental duet MissClara Kennedy president of the classread an address Miss Rose Finn wasclass historian Miss Brady read theclass Miss Kerby the class poemand lies Moaghbr the class prophecyThe class song words written by MissSullivan and the music by Miss McKeough closed the program

With Falconlo presenting-the diplomas twelve girls yesterday-were graduated from Holy Cross Acad-emy The exercises wore held at theNew National Theater where the stagehad been converted into a floral bowerby the bouquets sent the young womenThose who received diplomas are

Academic course Etois Jean BrettEthel May Brown Grace Cornelia DukeMary Christine Eecher Alice MargaretHoover Florence Marie MacCarthyXatherine Conner McCarthy EdnaFrances May Gertrude LOretto MurphyTannie Barbara Stinson and HarrietWard Swart

Conservatory of music Violin MissImogen Karns

Dr Harvey W pf thedelivered ad

dress of the afternoon He declared thatwomen could do much for the better-ment of their country He urged themto conserve their health ant aboveall things to learn to cook Living inthe and taking plenty of exercisewere urged as a means to good healthand usefulness

Three young women Miss MarjorieMerritt Lent of New York Miss CecileBelle Shreve of Pennsylvania and MissMary Porter Earnshaw of Washingtoncomprise this years graduating class ofBelcourt Seminary John Barrett director of the International Bureau ofAmerican Republics spoke to the classhe declared that students in

possessed an advantage over students in other parts of the country inthat they have the opportunity of see







Mon lgneur














Large Double BedSheets 3ln hem handtorn and ironed readyfor use size 81x00 ingood as Salem85c value Thursday for

Bed ofexcellent wearing qualityMuslin welded scam incenter which preventsripping

Housekeep-ers Day for i






lug In motion the machinery of one ofthe greatest governments in the worMHe said that the American woman is amodel for the nations of the earth andadmonished the graduates to be true totheir trusts as models for the girls ofother nations

Dr W M Barton made the address-to the graduates of the Training Schoolfor at the Government Hospitalfor the insane the exercises of whichwere held last evening in HitchcockHall Rev John W SchIck deliveredthe invocation and William GDavenport pronounced the benediction

Those who received diplomas areMisses V a Lawrence Maryland Mamie C Jr Virginia Lessie JMarylan Margaret E Coffra

B Holmes District ofbia Mabel Duncan Virginia Winnifred Lawrence Maryland Etta ESaunders Maryland Bertie A Foreacre Maryland Me Williams

L Hackley VirginiaJohn K Pumphrey Maryland Eva ABall Virginia Redmond Virgnia Annie L James Virginia Jonnie

Reeder District ofCommencement exercises at the Na-

tional Cathedral School closed thismorning when Bishop Alfred Harding presented the diplomas A wealthof flowers decorated the stage andthe graduating day program was car-ried out before a large audience ofthe friends of the institution

The class and flag day exercises ofthe senior class were held yesterdaywhen Miss Dorothea Rich was valedicpresented by Brig Gen John M Wil-son U S A retired with the nagwhich is given annually to the student standing highest in her classThe tennis championship prise wasawarded Harvey


Georgetown Graduates Will FeastSpeak and Arrange to

I Erect StatueThis evening at the college refectory-

in Ryan Hall will occur the annualbanquet of the National Association ofGeorgetown Alumni followed by a busi-ness meeting The responses to the In-

vitations would indicate that the gather-ing will be one of the largest of itskind at Georgetown in years

Acting as toastmaster EHamilton president of the associationwill introduce many impromptu speakersAt the business meeting plans vill becompleted for the erection of the statueof Bishop Carroll founder of the mi

collection of funds forwhich has been going on for the pastyear Some provision will also be madefor the advancement of athletics at theschool


Presentation of Medals and Di

plomas Takes Place atCorcoran

i The awarding of medals and diplomasof merit to graduates of the CorcoranArt School took place last night in thelarge marble reception hall of the Cor-coran Gallery of Art F B McGuiredirector of the gallery presided andCen H B Wilson made the presenta-tions E C Meeeer addressed the

Those who received andawards were Miaa Elizabeth BrookeSnowden gold medal for drawing marked E RHchiro Kawasitima bronzemedal for drawing marked D Mrs JN GoldsboreuRh silver medal for por-trait Mrs Dun C Lewis silver medalfor draped life Miss Elizabeth Muhl

medal for still life Rlichiro-KRwashima silver medal for composi-tion Mrs Lena Miller silvermedal for water color

The following received honorable mention Drawing Morgan Steinmetzdraped life Sarah B Peacock still lifeMiss Lena Lautenslaser and Mrs C TCreccj water color Mr Myron DSmith and Miss Mary P Goddinsr

A cash prize awarded by a member ofthe board of trustees for the beat outdoor landscape was won by Miss A EA Sawtelle

MEETING POSTPONED-The meeting of the board of education

scheduled for 10 oclock this morningwas postponed by order of Capt James-F Oyster president to enable the mombers of the board to attend the cadetdrill today The board will meet at thecall of the president





I torlan ot the Miss Rich





Gall ry



I medals



class was





















Ninety second Commence

ment at Georgetown Col

lege Tomorrow

Th6 ninetysecond annual com-mencement of Georgetown Collegewill take place in Gaston Hall tomorrow evening Nineteenwill be conferred by the president ofthe university the Rev Joseph JHimmell S J four of these beinghonorary

Those who will receive the degree-of doctor of Jaws are John G Agara member of the New York barJames F Tracy of Albany N Yformer associate judge of the supremecourt of the Philippines Charles BKenny of FitUtbur believed to be theoldest liv 35 graduate of Georgetown-Dr JamUt J Wa4 h dean ot the medical school of Ford Nam University

of The Thirteenth CenturyGreatest of Centuries will receivea Lit D

The degree of bachelor of arts will beconferred on I Byrneburg Pa J Francis Catlln New YorkEdward Q Carr Brooklyn N Y Arthur J Devlin Washington D C CEdward Dukes Philadelphia Pa JohnLyon Albany N Y Daniel F McCatinBrobklyn N Y Joseph D McNultyChicago Ill Raymond J MawhinneyWashington D C Edwin L MillerBuffalo N Y Daniel B Murray NewYork John D Murray Grand RapidsMich New RochelleN Y Roscoe A Ridgway Chevy ChaseMd and Thomas A Stuart II AlbanyN Y

The program for the evening followsOration History of International Ar

bitratlon Roscoe A RidgwayOration Advantages of International

Arbitration Daniel F McCannConferring or Degrees by the Reverend

Joseph J Himmei S J president ofthE university

Valedictory PractteaWlHy of Interna-tional S Pallet

Award t HonorsAddress to the graduates by John G

Agar of yew York


BERLIN June school for theof salesgirls in the treatment

of customers was started in Berlin to-

day The school Is financed by thtf As-

sociation of Retail Shops but the cityhas shown its interest in the matter bygranting the use of one of the cityhall the schoolroom Later classeswill be started for men clerks

WILL MEET TONIGHTCentral Council National Union

will meet tonight at Schmlds Hall



Thousand Dollar Bonuses Found Un-necessary

several cases have become known ofpersons ia different parts of the countrywho have maie standing offers of a thous-and dollars each for some course of treat-ment which would permanently care themof eczema The offers were withdrawnwhen at a comparatively trifling expensethese persans complete cures

the use of po lam the new skinremedy which is sold for 50 cents by all

and Afflecksas wellas other reliable drug stores

Poslam is dally giving evidence of itsremarkable healing prppertjw In raringthe worst cases of eczema UKT eradicatingfacial and other disfigurements of years

All Itching is with firstapplication In minor affections such as

herpes barbers and otherforms of itch red noses inflamed skin etcresults show after an overnight application

without first obtaining one of the free trialpackages which will be sent man toany one who will write direct to the Emer-

Laboratories 32 West Twentyfifth street New York City





William Pit l

Con e de

Arbitration Conde de





good Ogramsthe

only a small quantity beingone Is to purchase poslam






rugrists particularlynell s















It Pays to Come From Any Distance

Successors to Haines Department Stores

Pennsylvania Ave and Eighth St S


a1 S

Thursday Bargains in the HousefurnishingDepartment-

3d floor

Heavy Tin Wash BoilersNo 5 Regular 48c size for 29cNo 6 Regular 60c size for 39c

No 7 Regular 75c slzo for 49cNo S Regular 89c size for 59c

Family size Japanned Bread Boxos 25cSOc 12 qt Enameled Berlin Kettles for 49c75c 6 qt Enameled TOIl Kettles for 45c75c 17 qt Enameled Dish Pans for 39c60c 3 qt Enameled Rice Boiler for 39cSOc 2 or Granite Too or Coffee Pqts 19cSOc Granite Foot Tubs for 59c

Two Burner Gas Stoves with 5 feet of gas tubing ocomplete outfit for J OC

400 Two Burner Dangler Gasoline Stove SO QS

Full assortment of Paints Stains Enamels oa can OC

lOc Paint Brushes Tomorrow for 3c

White Houso Toilet Paper lOc rolls of 1000 sheets n-at 4 rolls for ua 7C

Great Bargains in Wine100 Screen Doors in all sizes with fixtures

complete One dayat

r3 qt





Bleached Satin Damask Pretty designs

qualities worth fiOc and75c for ThursdayHousekeepers-Day a QAyard C

Towela Excellent quality nicely hemmed size18x40 in Thurs-day Housekeep A3-OTS Day cach 4C

Bleached Turkish




Thursday Bargains in the FurnitureDepartme-

nt3d 10 Felt Mattresses covered with art c M e

56 and SS sample Enameled Iron Beds OneatRegular 25 Allbrass Beds latest designs Onesale at

5500 National Bed Springs One dayat

5300 Woven Wire Springs One day

180 Warp Jap Matting smooth long straw hand palmedwith machine edge in an assortment of carpet patterns that willdelight you the newest green red and blue combinationsUnusual designs and colorings-

An Amazing China Matting Bargain Genuine Lintan long straw China Matting selllug everywhereat 14 Thursday for roll VQ98

This the highest grade on the market and will give entiresatisfaction as it lasts for years and always retains Its beautyheavy corded an immense assortment of strikingly

designs and colors a standard 14 qualitylow and Door Screens

25c Window Screens One at 121cChoice of 24 inches high Open to 26Or 16 Inches to 33

3d floor

8ono or two piece styles Thursday for yo

day 395day 15




C L98

edge hand-some

Benefit for Georgetown Institution to Continue

Until SaturdayT-

he annual lawn fete forof the Georgetown University Hospitalooons this afternoon at 5 oclockwill continue tomorrow and Friday Unlike the other fetes which have beenheld for the hospital the one this yearwill be conducted both in the afternoonand evening

The grounds have been decorated withGeorgetown University colors and durins the evening wilt be illuminated withhundreds of small oloetrlc lights Another new fuature of the fete this yearwill be the music which will be fur-nished by a section of the Fort flyerBand

Tomorrow evening will be devoted es-pecially to the physicians oi Washing


Accomplishes Feat Undertaken byMiss Sears of 108 Miles in

Fiftytwo HoursBOSTON June 1 Mtes Mildred R

Belknap a fourteenyearold Dorchesterhigh school girl has accomplished thefeat undertaken by Miss Eieaiore Sears-In California by walking MS miles Infiftytwo hours She is 4 feet TV inchesin height and weighs seventyonepounds She believes she is the cham-pion long distance schoolgirl In theUnited States

Accompanied by her father Miss Belknap walked to and returnSaturday to Hull and return Sundayand to Medway and return yesterday-She is an expert in many lines of ath-letics and took to walking through herparents both of whom are accomplishedpedestrians



the benefit











Handling large quantities of merchandise at a minimum expense enables us to make such extremely low prices We are satisfiedwith a small margin of profit we have no lost accounts no bookkeeping expense no large amount of out in accountshence we are in a position to do business on a basis which saving brge sums to the Washington

for what you get and when you get it Pay day fe here again Where do you stand Are you freeto take advantage of the great moneysaving opportunities presented at our stores or must you part withyour pay check for what is already used and continue to pay such prices as your dealer may ask simply

selves from constantly living beyond their income Be independent be free to buy when the prices are right and you will be astonishedat the redactions in Bills


The Best Butter AnyOne Can BuyIn Paraffined Cartons Per Pound

Our Great Low Price Grocery Sale ContinuesOur Policy Has Met With Popular Approval


PAY CAS Hbecause it goes on the book Thousands of of the Grocery Co have found our method the mems them

f h C B tt CJ2res reamery u er C

matrons Sanitary keepc

your Grocery

Some Special Items PricedVery Low

Reliable Pineapple regular15c cans 3 cans 25c

Burnhams Morrills BakedBeans

No 1 cans each 9cNo 2 cans each 13c

The mere fact that these areserved on the best carsis evidence of their superiorqualityCalifornia Canned Fruits

all varieties of a regular25c quality reduced toclose out per can I8c

Hawaiian Grated Pineappleexcellent for ice creamsjelly deserts etc 15c

Popular Brand Mixed TeasSmall packages 4cMedium packages 1 8cLarge packages ISc

20csize Monogram VanillaExtract per bottle 15c

Sanitary Brand Peanut Oil20c bottles 12c

Lucca Olive Oil very finest quarts 69c

Lucca Olive Oil very fin-

est pints 38c

Dr Schindlers Peanut But-ter 8c

Dr Schindlers Peanut Butter can 17c

Geranium Succotash percase 160 per can 8c

Libbys Pure StrawberryPreserves 22cIt is impossible for

to put up a preserve Inlots onehalf or more

per dozenClymers Apple Butter

very in a large jar 15cClymers Jams per jar 15c

Branches 30 and 31Two New Stores

Will Be Opened Shortly

Watch for Our Announcement







UNION STATION RECEPTIONThe Terminal Railroad Department of

the Y M O A will hold a receptionand anniversary upper at theUnion Stfcion tomorrow evening at 7


THE t Playground Baseball DaySaturday June 4 American League Park

To Start a Busy June SaleCool unseasonable weather has retarded

Shoe Selling enabling us to buy many desirable shoetots of HAHN quality at lavaable

pricesWeplace some of these lots on sale tomorrow


Thursdays Extra ShoeValuesI




Womens 350 4Suedes and Tans5 kinds gnat quality black or

hrowr taster Pumps andTtee 2 styles bun imported

C lfkin KnsNsit Pumpsand 3tyelet TIes

Very latest shapes OThursday at v LtJ







3 Swell 3 StylesWomens Low Shoes

Patent Colt Goodyear Wefc-Twoeyctet Ties

Black Gun Call 3ey ietTies sad 3 Ties

Plata straight or wig tipsSplendid FittersWearers Thursday S235




Mens Low andHigh Shoes

Genuine Goodyear Wek sewed Low and High Shoesia SO popular

Compared with other storm prices nose of theseworth less then 3 and equal to many 350 shoes

Tans Patents Black Kid or Calf

2 50I




No 1 Michigan White Pota-toes

Per bushel 40cPer peck 10c

presented before Saturdaysclosing Tune 4 1910 will en-title you to buy

Four Tencent PackagesQuaker Corn Flakes

Value 40cOne Fivepound Pkg H

E Best GranulatedSugar Value 28c

If you ever tasted a BetterCorn Flake than Quaker-we will gladly refund yourmoney

Eagle Milk dozen 150can 13c

Challenge Milk case 415can 9c

Peerless Milk large 3 cans25cPet Milk 3 cans 25c

A Very Special SnapOpera Club Sardines in

oil 12 to 14 fish ineach can 15c value any-where else A specialleader per can lOc

Kippered Herring smallcans lOc

Kippered Herring largecans 15c

Herring in tomato saucesmall cans lOc

Herring in tomato saucecans 15c

Red Alaska Salmon 15cBest Red Salmon 20cPink Salmon large cans 7 c

This Couponr

for 50c



oclock Hon Martin A Kaapp chairmatt of the lnterUt Co merc Com-

mission will speak and other adOrcamaiwill be B It Tolson fai chairmanof the committee on arranxeraents forthe eventn


Boys and Girls 2Value Low Shoes

Leather kid MM r tag calf and baskwhit dwelt low pinus and tiles tor atrfa a rfws

Boys CAN BtaeJMr aft dues LittlePaint Lcaihar er Week 8hoa ataes to11

I 48Patent


Boydtan Low g


Arbucktes Coffee per Ib 15cSanitary Brand Coffee 25c

Proctor Gambles StarSoap 7 cakes for 25cA large Premium Catalogue

the manypresentsProctor Gambles Star

Naphtha Washing Powper pkg 4V

Genuine Maine Corn case220 can lOc

SchriverS Corn case 170can

Schrivers Peas case 1803 cans for v 25c

Maryland Pears per can IOcMaryland Peaches can IOcRoanoke Peaches per can20cPremio Peaches per can 15c

Corned Beef per can 15cBeef can 9c

Chipped Beef glass jar 9cBeechnut Beef 16c 25cPotted Meats can 5c

Walter Bakers Cocda i IbIScWalter Bakers Chocolate

lb 17cW H Bakers Cocoa 5c 8cW H Bakers Chocolate

i lb 15cLosvneys Cocoa 9c

Shredded Wheat lieQuaker Hominy Grits8c 16cQuaker Puffed Rice 13cQuaker Puffed Wheat 9cQuaker Oats carton 150

pkg 9cQuaker Breakfast Biscuit

pkg 9cQuaker Corn Flakes pkg 7cKellpggs Corn Flakes pkg 9c

Pure Lard 15c

Heckers Pancake IOc




29 StoresOne Near You




1 nlJtly were uwdat toere a divorce be

There always Ue devil to payLife

ANALYSISThat marriages made

KyYet ea


Five Good 2 KindWomens Low Shoes

3 stylm Blade YW KM andN Leather Mlle strap Pumps

a Me Strap PwnmTtas Tlmc

day 139WIlke Dude turn



sad 3 afeap 9llppesasole peetty



19141916 Pia AVE




The Greatest DestroyerDaisy Fly Killer 12c

This wonderful invention isthe greatest fly destroyer

Lasts one sea-son Absolutely safe andcleanly People who have

one have already re-turned for more willwant one for each room in yourhouse

Lea Perrins Sauce 23cDurkees Salad

9c 23cWhite Lily Salt 5cGold Medal Syrup can 9c

Campbells Soups 3 cansfor 25c

Campbell Catsups 325c

Blue Label Catsup IOe 16cVineland Grape Juice pts 20cWelchs Grape Juice 25c 45cSapolio 8cBon Ami gc

2c4cBabbitts 4cOctagon Soap 4C

Babbitts Cleanserpeople have already

learned that it is topay lOc for a cleanserabbots a large can 5c

Sanitary Brand FlourA Spring Wheat Patent

FlourSmall sacks 2c12lb sacks 48cBbfe wood 196 tbs 690

FelsNaptha CouponThis coupon and Twenty

five tomor-row Thursday at any ofour stores buys 7 cakes FeteNaptha Soap with orders forother goods amounting to FiftyCents or more

Suburban DeliveriesFrom Our Stove 142431 7th St N W

North SUB

TeteplMMM w Matt OrdersMonday Brightwvo Takona l TcTuesday BrMtdnd and Kt RatafeeThursday

Clewehuwi Park






Gold Dtlst




