yoedereanayeadagwha - Forgotten Books

Post on 20-Apr-2023






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Rarighwawakhouhtshe ragweniyoh ne ehakonatsteristase ne Tsikeatyogh.

gwayea ne Tehadm'

ghwarenyatha ne Onghwadoke agh ty ne Ase

Skanyadaratih a ne oni aktatyeshouh ne Ame rica .

N e Adereanayeathokouh , ne Yoedatnekosseraghtha ne Yakaoseragwea,

ne Yoedaderighwahniratstagweam tha, Yoedadenadarenawi tha ne

Y akonouhwaktany, Yoedouhradaghgwha Tyakothoewisea, ĜLc .


N ene toetyereaghte waokeatane ne Kanyeakehakake ne keaiekea Kaghya.

douhserakouh ne Yoedereanayeadagwha.


Tekan stoghrarakouh RUTHVEN Tsutehan stoghraraktha ne Kaghyadouh .

se ra, GL c Ĵ, Koraghkowah Tsxtekanatokea .

1 8 4 2 .




C O N T E N T S .

The Preface .

The Order for MorningPrayer .The Order for Even ingPrayerThe L itany.

Prayers and Thanksgivings,

upon seve ral occas ions .

The Collects , to be usedthroughout the yea r .The Order of the Ministra

tion of the holy Gomm u


The Order of Public Baptism of Infante .

The Orde r of Baptism {brthose of R iper Yea rs .

The Catechism .

The Order of Conĥrma tion.

The Form of So lemnization

of Matrim ony.

The Orde r fo r the Visitationof the Sick , and the Gomm u

nion of the Siok .

The Orde r for the Bur ial ofthe Dead .

The Thanksgiving of W o

m en after Child—birth .

Pa rt of the Singing Psalm s

and Hym ns .




10 .

I I ..

13 .

14 .

l 6 .

Karighwaheatehkouh .

Tsimkayerea Orhoekene


Ts inikayerea Yokaraskhade re anayeant.

Ts iok noewe yoedereanayeadaghgwha .

Adereanayeathokouh neon i

Yoedouh radagwha .

Adereanayeathokouh eayon

ts thake oghse ragwekouh .

Tsinikayerea Ts ieawatste

ristouh ne Orighwadokeagh .

ty Teka righwakehadont .

Yoeda tnekosseraghtha Ex.

haokoeah .

Yoedatnekos se ragh tha ne

Yakaose ragwea .

Ye i ighwanoedoetha .

Yoedaderighwani ratstagwe .

anitha .

Yoeda te reanayeadagweani

tha W aakonyake .

Yoedadenadarenaw itha Ya .

konouhwaktany, neon i ne

Yeyadarastha ne Yakonouh .


Yoedatyadadaastha ne Ya .

kaweaheyouh .

Yoedouhradagwha ne Tye .

kothoew i sea ne nea yako.

w irayeadaouh .

Odyake ne Teharighwagwa .

thaokouh, meoni Teyerigh .

wagwathaokouh .

P R E F A C E .

AS this translation into the Mohawk Language of the Book ofCommon Prayer of the Chu rch of England, has been revised

and reprinted at the expense of the Company, comm only called theEngland Company, a b rief sta tem ent of the origin and obj e cts

at Corporation and of the ir introduction to the present Canadi an Mohawks , m ay form an appropriate preface .

The Com pany was originally constituted a corporation under

the nam e of The Pre s ident and Soc ie ty for the propagation of theGospe l in N ew England,

"by an ordinance issued in 1649. Under

the author ity of this ordinance a gene ral collec tion was m ade in all

the Counties, Ci ties, Towns , and Parishes in England and W ales ,and lands were pu rchased w ith the m oney so collec ted.

On the Restoration a Royal Charte r dated 7th F ebruary, 14Car : 2d was issued, e recting the Corporation anew by a title which

it still bears, The Company for the propagation of the Gospel inN ew England and the parts adjacen t in Am erica .

Am ongst the purposes of this Soc ie ty the Charter states it to befor the fu rthe r propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ amongstthe heathen na tive s in or near N ew England, and the parts adjacentin America, and for the be tte r c ivil izing, educating, and instruc t

ing of the said heathen natives in learn ing and in the know ledgeof the true and only God, and in the Prote stant Re ligion alreadyowned and public ly professed by divers of them , and for the be tter

encouragem ent of such othe rs as shall embrace the sam e , and ofthe ir poste rities after them , to abide and continue in and hold fast

the sa id profession .


The Honourable Robt. Boyle , a m an not m ore distinguished

as a Philosopher than as a Christian , was appointed the fi rst Gover

nor, and held that othee for about 30 years . Under his wi ll a handsom e annu ity was settled on the Com pany, and the ir m eans were

subsequently increased by other pious and well disposed pe rsons,e spec ially by a bequest from an em inent di ssenting m inister the

Rev. Dr . Daniel W illiam s .

It was this Company, com posed as it always has Men, partlyof membe rs of the Church of England and partly of Protestantdissenters, which supported various m is sionary undertakings in New

England during the seventeenth century. The ir endeavours werec ontinued for the sam e purpose th rough the greater part of the e igh .

teenth, until interrupted and for som e tim e suspended by the war

between G rea t B ri ta in and m ost of her Am e rican Continenta l Co lonies , wh ich ended in the acknowledgm ent o f the independence of

those colon ies as the United States .

The operations of the Company have s ince be en carried to the

ne ighbouring Provinces of N ew B runswick and Canada , latterlyprinc ipally direc ted to that part of Canada formerly called UpperCanada , where , in addition to Schools and othe r establishments for

the instruc tion of Indians in useful learn ing, this Company has

c ontributed large ly to the repairing of the Church at the Mohawk

Vi llage on the Grand River, and has caused another Church to bebuilt lower down on the sam e River a t the Tuscarora Vi llage . Inboth se rvice is now regularly pe rform ed by Min iste rs of the Anglican Church duly orda ined, whose incom e is supplied from the funds

of this Com pany . Th rough th is connec tion W ith the Mohawks, Tus

c aroras, and the ir ne ighbours , the Company is so far fulĥlling the

fi rst intention of i ts foundation , for the six nations, of wh ich theyform a portion , we re originally inhabitants ofparts ofN orth Am erica ,inc luded in what was once called N ew England, and the present

attendants upon the G rand Rive r Churches m ay be regarded as

immedi ate descendants of the fi rst objec ts of the Company's labours .

The present revision of the translation of the Prayer Book hasbeen unde rtaken in com pliance w ith the press ing solic itations of se .

ve ral of the m ost a ttentive m embers of these increasing congrega

tions , enforced by the spec ial recom menda tion of the ir m inisters,w ithout whose zea lous and diligent exertions it could not have been

so properly executed.

Several translations of re ligious books into the Indian languageshave been form e rly m ade , about 20 years afte r the form ation of this

Com pany, the Rev. J . E lliot, ca lled the Apostle of the Indians,translated Baxter

is Call, the Psalter, Catech ism and Prac tice of

Piety, and afte rwards the who le B ible . In his correspondence with

the Honble . Robe rt Boyle , then the Governor, he expresses much

anx ie ty about the comple tion of this work, wh ich however he lived

to complete . (a ) But no translation of the Book of Comm on Prayerappears to have been m ade before that by the Rev. Mr . Andrews ,a Missiona ry in the service of the Soc ie ty for the Propagation of

the Gospe l in Fore ign Parts , which was printed at N ew York, in1714.

There was another dated a t N ew York, 1769, containing the

Communion office , with that of Baptism Matrimony and Burial,which bears the nam e of the Rev. H. Barclay .

In 1780, an Indian Prayer Book was published by direction of

Gen. Haldimand, at Ouebec .

Anothe r was printed in 1787, in London, a t the expense of the


British Gove rnm ent, to which was added for the first time , a transla

tion of the Gospel of St. Ma rk , concerning which the following par .

ticulars m ay not be uninte resting.

“Duri ng the winter of

says the Rev. Dr . Stuar t, then m issionary to the Si x nations, in a

le tte r to a friend,“I first becam e acquainted W i th Capta in Brant,

he lived a t the Mohawk V i llage , Canaj oharie , about 30 m iles dis.

tant from Fort Hunte r, whe re I re sided. On my fi rst vis it to the

Vi llage W here he li ved, I found h im com fortably settled in a goodhouse , w ith every thing nece ssary for the use of his fam ily, W h ich

consi sted of two ch i ldren, a son and daughte r, W i th a w ife in the

last stage of a consumpti on . H i s W i fe died soon after , on which he

cam e to Fort Hunter, and resided W i th m e a conside rable tim e in

order to assist m e in adding som e additional translations to the

new Indian Prayer Book, when we had fi nished the Gospel of St.Mark , part of the Ac ts of the Apostles , and a short history of the

B ible , w ith a conc ise explanation of the Church Catechism , I had

orde rs from the Soc iety fo r the Propagation of the Gospel in F or .

e ign Parts, to attend to the printing of the whole a t N ew York, at“ the ir expense .

The Am erican troubles prevented this , but I brought the“Manu scripts which I had prepared fo r the press into Canada inthe year 1781, and de livered them into the hands of Col. DanielClause , the deputy Superintendant for Indi an affa irs . This gentle .

m an carried them afterwards to England, and they were printed in

a new edition of the Mohawk Praye r Book, with a preface by the

late Bishop of N ova Scotia ,— that is the Gospe l of St. Mark butve ry little besides .


More recen tly i n 1837, a Prayer Book has also been published

at N ew York in the language of the SlX nations, conta ining the

Litany, Catechism , and som e Collec ts compiled from various transla

tions, and prepa red for publication by request of the Domestic Comm i ttee of the Board ofMiss ions of the Protestant Episcopal Churchof the Un ited States of Am erica .

The Company was not aware of this publication when the pre

sent work was begun, and apprehend a t present, that it would notsupersede the use of a Mohawk translation .

The number of Copies of a ll the older edi tions was small,many of them were destroyed in the wars and disturbances which

ensued, and m ore have been in di ffe rent ways lost, so tha t they are

now becom e scarce .

In this edition the conven ient arrangem ent which was intro

duced into one of the form e r editions, of plac ing the English on one

page and the Mohawk on that opposite , will be continued.

The particular superintendance of the work has be en undertakenby the Rev. A . N elles, the Company

's ChiefMissionary at the ir Mo.

hawk Station, a gentleman extremely well quali fied for the duty by hislong residence among the Tuscaroras and Mohawks, and hi s con

viii . PREFACE .

stan t and friendly commun ications with them . Much credi t is also

due to Mr. John H l ll, Jun r . , a Mohawk Catech ist, who has devotedmuch tim e and attention i n assist ing to prepare the present work for

publication, and has translated the Collects and som e of the ofli ces

of the Church which were never before printed in Mohawk.

Objections have been m ade to any attempt to translate a work

like the Book of Comm on Prayer into a language so rude and un

cultivated as the Indian , into which i t is deem ed impracticable to


ect any satisfactory version . To rem ove from the Indians anymotive to learn the English language , or to furnish them with anyexcuse for remaining content w ith the ir own, has been held by someinexpedient.

But the Company hopes to fi nd from this partial interchange of

languages a tendency to a different result, that a mutual desire and

a m utual facility may be prom oted for the acqui sition of each , and

that it m ay contribute to the accomm odation , both of future teach .

ers and learners . In the m ean tim e , without regard to the m erits or

dem erits of the Indian language , it seem s an imperative duty to

om it no opportunity of assisting those invited to join in acts of devo .

tion , speedi ly and effectually to understand the language in whi ch

those acts are perform ed, and it is certain ly desirable to remove

any extraneous difIi culty, that m ight, from the use of a strange idiom ,

arise in untutored m inds to comprehending and satisfactor i ly ad0p.

ting some parts of this m uch valued formulary. The Indian Catechumens in N orth America ought to be placed in this respect at least

on an equal footing with the ir fellow christians on the eastem side

of the Atlantic .

It only remains in consideration of the zeal, exertion and care

exh ibited on this occasion by Mr . Ne lles and h is worthy colleague

Mr . E lliot, to express a cordial hope that in addition to the satisfac

tion arising from having so efli ciently co - operated in what must be

regarded as a good work, they m ay be further rewarded by imm e

diately receiving the grateful acknowledgment and by long witness

ing the progressive improvem ent of the ir Hocks.

(a ) In a letter date d 1683, to Mr. Boyle, he says, our slow progrese needethan apology, we have last year been much hi ndered by si ckness,—I desire to see

i t done before I di e , and I am so deep in years that I cannot expect to livelong— besi des we have but one inan the Indi an printer who is able to composethe sheet and correct the press with understandi ng.




D a ily, throug hou t the Year .

At the beg inning of Morn ing P rayer, the Ministersha ll read with a loud voice som e one or m ore cf theseSentences of the Scrip tures tha t follow and then

he sha ll say that which is written af ter the said Sen

tences .

HEN the w icked m an turneth away from h isw ickedness that he ha th comm itted, and

doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall savehis soul alive . Ezek. 18 . 27 .

I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is

ever before m e . P se l. 51 . 3 .

Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all m ine

iniquities . P se l. 51 . 9 .

The sacrafi ces of God are a broken spirit a bro

ken and a contrite heart, O God, thou w ilt not de

spise . P sa l. 51 . 17 .

Rend your heart and no t your garm ents , and turn

unto the Lord your God : for he is gracious and



N iyadeweghniserakeh Oghseragwekouh.

N e tsiyodahsawe ne Orhoe/cene Adereanayeant,

R a isihusta tsy eahaweanahnotouh roweanakareny od

dyake uska t neteas issi noewe ne niyorihwesoesah ne

K ag hyadouhseradokeag htike yotdag hgwea neoni

ethane nea ne eahearou h tsinahoteah ne og hnakea

noelcady kag hyadouh ne wadaa h niyorihwesoesah.

E onea ne rorihwaneraaxkouh dushatkarhade

ny ne raorihwaneraaxhera ne tsinihatyerha

gwe , neon i egh neahayere tsin itkarihwayery n eoni

a ttagwar ihsyouhtshera , ethone eahayadanoesdate

eayoenheke ne raodoenhets .

Kadoederese ne agwaderighwadewah toeserah , ne

oni akheadouh tyutkouh yekayea akerighwaneraax

herah .

Satkouhsahse t tsiwakerighwanerea , neon i sasagh

dont akerighwaneraaxheragwekouh .

N e adadawy Niyoh naeh tekanikouhryakouhteyo tyakouh neon i tsiyakaweryahsanetskha , 0 N i

yoh yagh thaaskeaghroenyane .

Sewadaderyaghsaratsyoekoh neon i yaghtea ne

sewanenah , neoni toesasewatkarhadeny Royanerne


m erciful, slow to anger , and of great kindness, and

repenteth him of the evil. Joel 2 . 13 .

To the Lord our God be long m ercies and for

givenesses, though we _have rebe lled aga inst him

ne ither have we obeyed the vo ice of the Lord our

God, to walk in h is laws which he se t before us .

D an . 9 . 9, 10 .

0 Lord, correct m e , but w ith judgem ent no t i n

thine anger , lest thou bring m e to no th ing.

Repen t ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand .

Ma t. 3 . 2 .

I will arise and go to my fa ther , and will say untoh im ,

Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before th ee , and am no m ore wor thy to be called thyson . L uke 15. 18, 19 .

Enter not into judgm en t w ith thy servant, O Lord;for in thy sight shall no man livmg be justiĥed.

P sa l t 143 . 3 5

If we say that we have ne sin , we dece ive our

selves, and the tru th is no t in il s : B ut if we confess

our sins , God is fa i thful and just to forgive us our

sins, and to c leanse us from all unrighteousness .

I vJohn 1 . 8, 9.

The Exhortation .

DEARLY beloved bre thren , the scriptura move thus in sundry places to acknowledge and confess our


Sewaniyoh : ikea readearas neon i ron ideareskouh ,ron ikoekatste , neoni kowaneah thorihwayery , neonishadatrewahtha ne wahetkeake .

N e Royaner ne Oegwan iyoh raowenk eanidea

reghtshera neoni adaderighiw iyosteany, sane eghts

hidewanokarouhs yagh teyoegwathoedadouh eghts idewaweanoetyouh ne raoweanah ne Royaner ne

Oegwaniyoh , ne egh n iyayo egwenouh tsin ihorihoteah ne oegwahea touh shoegwayeany ,

O Sayaner , takgwadakoh , neok sayaghdoreht

Sherakouh yagh sanagweagh tsherakouh , oewa eas

neane egh yeaskya thewe ne usgwaghtoede .

Sewada trewat ; ikea ne kayanertsherah ne kai—aup

hyake kea ok ethe .

Eaka tke tskoh , neoni raken ighneha eakeghte ,Rakeny kerighwaneraakteany

karouhyake , neoni ne saheadouh , neoni yagh ne

shade tsyahkenah nayoekenadouhgweh iese takye

Toghsa ayoedahweya te ne katsyeahayeaghtshe

rakouh ne shenhase , O Sayaner ikea tsiteskanereyagh ounghka ne oegweh teyakoenhe ne ayakod

erighwagwarihsyouh .

Tokab aedeweahrouh yagh teyoegwarighwaner

aaxherayeah , eadewadadehn ikoerhatea , neon i ne

tokeaske yagh tewa t ne oekyoehahtsherakouh ; Nokneonea oegwarighwaneraaxherah enegh eatyoeny,thorighwayery ne Niyeh roder ighwagwar ihsyouh

easeghshoegwarihwiyostea ne oegwar ighwaneraax

herahokouh , neon i easeghshoegwanoharehse oegW aderighwadewaghtoetsheragwekouh .


eda tretsyaroetha .

wha tewadadekeaokoeha , neoekyoryanerouhs ne tsi


m anifo ld sins and w ickedness and that we should

no t dissemble nor c loke them before the face of

A lm ighty God our heavenly Father but confessthem w ith an humble , lowly, pen itent, and obedient

heart ; to the end tha t we m ay ob ta in forgiveness ofthe sam e , by h is infin ite goodness and m ercy. And

although W e ought a t all tim es humbly to acknowledge our sins before God, ye t ough t we m ost chiefly so to do , when we assemble and m e et toge ther

to render thanks for the great benefits that we havere ce ived at his hands , to se t forth his m ost worthy

praise , to hea r h is m ost ho ly word, and to ask those

things which are requisite and necessary, as we ll for

the body as the soul. W herefore I pray and be

see ch you , a s m any a s are here present, to aecom

pany m e w ith a pure heart, and humble vo ice , unto

the throne of the heavenly grace , saying after m e

A g enera l Confession to be said of the whole

g reg a tion af ter the Minister, a ll kneeling .

ALMIGH TY and m ost m erciful Father ; we haveerred and strayed from thy ways like lost she ep .

W e have followed too much the devices and desires


ok noewe ne aedewadoe terene neon i enegh ae tyoe

ny tsin iyoghnane tarryouh ne Oegwarighwaneraax

heraOkouh neon i oegwaderighwatewahtoetshera ;neon i nene yagh teyoegwadaghsehtouh ne te

oegwarahke raohe adouh tsirakouhsoete ne Rasha

tsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh ne shoegwaniha ka

rouhyake nok tsiaedewadoe terene eghtake aete

wadadoeny, ayoegwan ikouhreadeahthene ,\neon i

aedewadeweanarahgwe ne oegweryane ne tsiyaoedoktea ne aedwayena ne aoesaghshoegwarih

w iyosteah ne shakat ne koW anaghtsihouh tsin ihoyanere nec a i ts in ihonideareskouh . N eon i sane tyut

kouh tsioknoewe ayo egwadado eneaghte uh aedewa

doederesheke ne o egwarighwaneraaxheraokouh ra

oheatouh ne N iyoh , nok seaha kady nea egh

neayoegwayereah , neonea eayoegwa tkeanisouhoe

hake uskahne , ne aoederighwahdeaty ne da tshide

w anouhweratouh tsin iwatsheanoenyaghserowaneah

tewayenas nene raouhha ra snoeke , ne aedewade

r ighwahteatyete ne atsh idewaneatouh , aedewaroeke

ne raoweanadokeaghty, neoni atshidewarighwano e

to ese tsinaho teashouh teyodouhweatsyohouh , sha

deyouht ne oyerouhtake neon i ne adoenhe tsne .

N e wakarihoeny w agwadereanayeahase neoni wagwean ideaghtea , tsin i tsyouh ne keagh noewe , ne

aedewe ayoegweryaghsiyohake , neoni ayoegwaw ea

neadeaghtoehake , tsinoewe tk9anakte ne karouhyake


ean ideareghtshera tyoekeweanaseret ni ih

'li Tyogwektouh yoedoederesdag hgwha ieweagh ne

kea tyoghgwagwekouh ea thoewaweanaghserehte ne


R a tsihusta tsy, agwekouh deayoedontshotea .

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh neoni seanidearegh

tsherowanea Ran iha ; Teyagwaderyeadawearyes

neoni yoegwathaharagwaghtha tsi sahate tsiniyouht


of our own he arts. W e have offended against thyholy laws. W e have left undone those things whichW e ought to have done and we have done. thosethings which we ought no t to have done : and thereis ne health

_ia us . But thou, O L ord, have

upon us, m iserable offenders. Spare thou them, OGod, which confess the ir fau lts . Restore thou themthat are penitent ; according to thy promises dec lared unto mankind in Christ Jesu our L ord. Aad

grant, O most merciful F ather, for his sake , tha twe may hereafter live. a godly , righteous, and saber

life , to. the glory of thy holy N ame. Amen.

The Absolu tion or rem ission sins to be ronounced

by the Priest a lone standing

ALMIGHTY God, the Father of'

our L ord JesusChrist,who desireth no t the death of


a sinner , but ra the r

that he m ay turn from h is w ickedness , and live ; and

ha th given power and commandinent to his,Min is

ters, to, declare and pronounce. to his People, be ingpen itent, the absolution and, remission of the ir Sins

He pardoneth a_nd absolve th all then) that truly re


,and unfe ignedly belie ve his holy Gospel.

W herefore , le t us bei

se eeh him to ran t us triie re

pen tance , and his ho ly Spirit, that se things ni a—



teyodinakaroe toeha . Esotsyehte tsin iyoegwan ikouhro tea ne .

ne oegweryane . Yoegwake

aghradaniouh ne sarighwadokeaghtiokouh . Yoe .

gwearouh ne yagh egh teyoegwayereah tsinaho

tea nene egh nayoegwayereah Neon i ne egh

niyoegwayereah tsinahotea nene yagh egh thayo egwayereah : Neon i yagh teyoegwadakar ite ne

oekyouhhatsherakouh . N ok iese , O Sayaner , aas

gw eadeare , yagwaye saghse akearouh yagwadouhs .

Sheyadanoe sdat, O Niyoh , ne yoedoedereghse ne a

kon h igh tsherah . Sasheyerits nen e yakon ikoeranea

ghse ; Ts iniyouh t tsisarhara tstouh yoedatrory ne

oegwehokoekeh ne Jesus Christsherakouh ne Shoe

gwayaner . N eon i takyouh , O sean ideareghtshe

rowanea Ran iha , ne raouhha raorihoenyat , N ene

oekyouhhe n_e heegh. yaoedagil sawea tsiayakyeea

heke ayoegwarighwiyostoeha e , ayoegwaderigh

wagwarisyoehake, neon i ayakyoenhiyohake , N enee eweseaghtshera ne Saghse anadokeaghty.

axheraokouh ne ea hearouh yadehayady ale ne Ratsi

husta tsy eahadahlce ne Oegwehokatth Rewkent

ragwekouh ne Ronihash su




Christ, ehodoewea.

tsye ny ne raweaheya

rodoedaghgw any ne taoesahatkarhadeny ne

ghwanera axh e ra , neon i aroenheke ; nehni shakashatsteagh serawy neoni shakorighoedany ne Raot

sihustaokouh , ne a shakodighrory neon i ashakonadatyase ne Raoegweda , ne ayakon ikoeranea neoniAoesayakoderighw iyostahgw ea ne akorighwaneraaxhera : Easeshakorighw iyostea agwekouh tsiniy


p lease h im , which we do at th is pre sent , and that

the rest o f our life hereafter m ay be pure and ho ly,so tha t a t the la st we m ay com e to his e ternal

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The P eop le sha ll answer here, and a t the end of a ll

other P rayers , Am en .

Then the Minister sha ll kneel, and say the L ordls

p rayer with an audible voice the P eop le a lso kneel

ing , and rep ea ting i t with him , both here and where

sobver else i t is used in D ivine Service .

OUR Father which art in Heaven , Hallowed be

thy N am e ; thy kingdom com e ; thy w ill be done

in earth , as it is in Heaven . G ive us th is day our

da ily bread : And forgive us our trespasses, a s we

forgive them tha t trespass against us . And lead us

no t into temptation : But de liver us from evil : F orthine is the kingdom , and the power, and the glory,for ever and ever . Am en .


'll Then likewise he shall say,

O Lord, open thou our lips .

Answ . And our mouth shall shew forth thy'

praise .

P riest. O God,m ake speed to save us .

Answ . O Lord,m ake haste to help us .

Si Here all standing up , the P riest sha ll say,

G to the Father, and to the Son : and to

the Ghost ;Answ . As it w as in the beginning, is now , and

ever shall be world w ithou t end. Am en .

Answ, Praise ye the Lord.

P riest. The Lord's nam e be praised.

Then sha ll be sa id or sung this P sa lm followingexcep t on Ea ster

—Day, upon which another Anthem

is appo inted and on the nineteenth day of every

m onth it is not to be read here, bu t in the ordinary

course of the P sa lm s .

Ven ite,e.vu ltemus , D om ino . Psal. 95.

0 . Come , let us sing unto. the Lord : let us heart.ily rejoine i n the strength Of our salvation.

L et ns come before his presence with thaning and shew ourselves glad in him with Psalms.

For the Lord is a great God : and a great King

la his hand are all the corners of the ea rth.

: and

the Strength of the hi lls is hi s also.

The sea is his, and he made it : and his kiamp repared the dry

f land.


'll E thon e nea eahearou h.

Ra tsi . O Sayaner , senhoto ekoh'

ne agwaghsene .

E a t e . Neoni ne tsiyagwaghsakaroete ayokeadane

sanea ouhtsherah .

Ra tsi . O Niyoh , tesasterihea tagvvayadanoesdat.

Eatye . O Sayaner , tesasterihea tagwayenawahs .

Ŝi Keatho agwekouh teatSyedahne, ne Ratsihustatsyeahearouh,

Oew eseaghtakshera naah ne Raniha , neoni ne

Roewayea : neoni ne On ikouhradokeaghtyE a tye . Tsiniyoghtoene ne adaghsawahtshera

kouh, egh n iyouht noewa , neoni tyu tkouh ne eak


: tsiyouhweatsĵ ate yagh th iyaoedoktea.

m en .

R a tsi . Eghtshisewaneadouh ne Royaner .

E a tye. N e Royaner raoghseana wakoewanea

donh .

Teharig hwagwa tha 95.

nasnas teghtshitewarighwahgwas ne Ro r

o egweryane tewadoenhareagh ne kashatlst

kouh ne oegwadusheanyegh tsherah .

Egh yetewe raoheadouh tsirakouhsoete

reah neon i wenen ne oekyouhha yoegwatsheanoen i

hak ne r aouhhake ne Teyerighwahgwathaokouli .Ik

ĝa{li e RoyanelfRaĝ iyohserowiinea : neoni Rakora ts erowanea ene


ea rodohetst ea e

kouh ne ni oliokouh .

33t W

N e rad“

lia rasnmihsakoi ih agwekouh tSIyodouhweatsyoktan ihouh : neoni kaghshatsteahsera ne tsi

youhnyareenyouh raouhha raOW eank.

N e kanyataraghkehkowah raouhha raoweank, neoni raouhha raoenissouh neoni ne rasnoeke ne yodearharatouh ne aoeweatsyatheahke.


O com e , le t us wo rsh ip , and fall down : and kneelbefore the Lord our Maker .

F or he is the Lord our God and we are the peo

ple of h is pasture , and the sheep of h is hand.

To - day if ye will hear his vo ice , harden not yourhearts a s in the provocation , and a s in the day of

temptation in the W ilderness ;

W hen your fathers tempted m e : proved m e , and

saw my works

Forty years long was I grieved w ith th is generation , and sa id : It 18 a people that do err in the ir

hearts, for they have no t known my ways .

Unto whom I swear in my wrath that they should

no t enter into my res t .

G lory be to the Father , and to the Son : and to

the Holy Ghost ;As i t was in the begi nn i ng, is now and ever shall

be : world w ithout end . Am en .

i l Then sha ll follow the P sa lm s in order as they are

app ointed . And a t the end of every P sa lm through

ou t the year, and likewise a t the end of Benedicite ,Benedictus , Magnifi cat , and Nunc dim ittis , sha ll

berep ea ted,Glory be to the Fa ther, and to the Son ; and to

the Holy Ghost.Answ . As it wa s in the begi nning, is now and cv

er shall be : world w ithout end. Amen .


0 kasene , eghtshidewaneatouh , neoni eghtake

tewa tyadoedy : tedewadon tsho tea raoheadouh ne

Royaner ne Sho egwayadissouh .

Ikea raouhhase ne Royaner ne Oegwan iyoh

neon i ne oekyouhha ne tyoegw e ne raoheahdake , ne

oni ne teyodinakaroedoeha raouhha ra snoeke .

N e keaw eade eagh tsh isewaweanaroeke , toghsa

sewadaderyaghsahn irat : ne atshisewanahkoeny, ne

on i tsiniyouht ne eghn iserakouh'

ne karaghyadah

gwea ne karhakouh


N eonea ne ye tshighn ihokouhkeaha shaoekeragh

yadahgwe : waoegwadenyeatea , neon i wahontkatho

ne _akyoghdeasera .

Kayery n iyoseraghshea ts in ikar iwes yb eken ikouh

ranoewaktha ne keagh kaghnegw ahsate ,“



w akirouh : N e ro enoegw ehokouh teho ederyeaghta

wearyes ne raoneryaghsakouh , ikea yagh tehadiyeadery ne akhahaokouh .

N e ronoii hhake wakerighwahniradouh ne akenaghgwheaserakouh nene yagh thiyahoedaweya te no


agwadorisheaghtsherakouh .

Oeweseaghtakshera naeh ne Raniha , nocn i ne

Ronwaye neon i ne Ron igoughriyugh stouh .

E a tye. Tsiniyoghtoene ne adaghsawahts hera

koub , ogh n iyouht ne ewa , neon i tyutkouh ne ea

keahake : tsiyo it eatsya te yagh . thiyaoedoktea .

Am en .


i l Then sha ll be read distinctly, with an audible voice,

thefirst L esson , taken ou t of the Old Testarnent,“


is app ointed in the Calendar (except there beproper

Lessons assigned f or tha t day He tha t readeth so

standing , and turn ing him self , as he m ay best be

heard of a ll such as are p resent. And after tha t

shall be Sa id or sung in Eng lish, the Hymn ca lled

Te Deu'

m L audamus, dai ly throughout the year .

N ote, that before every L esson, the Min ister sha ll

say; Here beginne th such a Chapter , or Verse of

such a Chapter of such a Book ; And af ter ever

L esson , Here endeth the First, or the Secon

Lesson .

Te Deum L audamus .

W E praise thee , O God : we acknow ledge thee

to be the Lord.

All the earth doth worship thee the Father ever


To thee all angels cry aloud the heavens, and all

the powers therein.

To thee Cherub im and Seraph im : continuallydo

cry,Holy, holy, holy : Lord God of Sabaoth

Heaven and earth are full of the majesty : of thy

glory .

The glorious company of the Apostles : praise

thee .

The goodly fellowship of the Prephets : praise

thee .

The noble army of Martyrs : pra ise thee .


'll .Ethane n e,

eakwewaweanag hnotouh eayog hroekadouh

ne tyotyereag htouh Teyoedaderag hteanitha eakara

gwea ne Akayouh Kag hyadouhseradokeahtike .

jVeon i tsiog hnakea neanche oneag h noewa nene koe

waya ts Te D eum L audamus , tsiniyadeweg hniserake

ne og hseragwekouh .

Te D eum L audamus .

W agwaneadouh , O N iyoh : yagwadoederese ie se

ne Sayaner .

Ougliweatsyagwekouh yesean ideagh tase Raniha

ne tsiniyeaheawe .

N e ieseke agwekouh ne karouhyakeronouhokouh

radiweanote rodj weade t : ne karouhyakehokouh , ne

oni agwekouh tsin ikashatsteaghserayea ne the .

N e ieseke ne Cherubim neon i Seraphim ok ye

kakouh te radiw eano te .

Sayadadokeaghty, sayadadoke aghty, sayadado

keagh ty : Sayaner N iyoh ne Ke atyoghkowaneaho

konh .

Karouhyake neoni oughweatsyake th i tkahere yo t

koenyeaskowah ne soew eseaghtshera .

N e oeweseaghtshera raodityoghgwake ne Rodi

yadadokeaghtiokouh (Apostles yesaneadouhs ne

i ese .

N e tsini hoti tyo hgw iyoh ne Oheadouh yehadiriwak e as yesaneadouhs ne iese .

N e tsin iyo tkoenyeast tsitehodinearate ne karigh

W iyostak roewadiryoghtouh : yesaneadouhs ne ie se .


The holy Church throughout all the world do th

acknowledge thee ;The Father : of an infin ite MajestyTh ine honourable , true : and only Son

Also the Ho ly Gho st : the Com forter .

Thou art the King of G lory : O Christ.

Thou art the everlasting Son : of the Fa ther .

W hen thou tookest upon thee to deliver m an

thou didst no t abhor the V irgims womb .

W hen thou hadst overcom e the sharpness of death

thou did st open the K ingdom of Heaven to all be

lievers .

Thou s itte st at the r ight hand of God : in the

G lory of the Fa ther .

W e be lieve that thou shalt com e to be our Judge .

W e therefore pray thee , he lp thy servants whom

thou ha st rede em ed W ith thy preciou s blood .

Make them to be numbered w ith thy Sa in ts : in

glory everlasting.

O Lord, save thy people and bless thine heritage .

Govern them : and lift them up for ever .

Day by day : w e m agn ify thee

And w e worship thy N am e : ever world w ithoutend .

Vouchsafe , O Lord : to keep us this day w ithout

sm .


O Lord, have m ercy upon us : have m ercy upon

O L drd, le t thy m ercy ligh ten upon us : as our

trust is in thee .

O Lord, in thee have I trusted : le t m e never beconfounded.

i l Then sha ll be read in like m an ner the Second L es

son , taken ou t of the N ew Testam ent. An d af tertha t the Hym n f ollowing excep t when that sha ll

happ en to be read in the Chap ter f or the D ay, or

f or the Gosp el on St . John B aptistis Day .

B enedictus , St . Luke 1 . 68.

Bnnssnn be the Lord God of Israe l : for he hathvisited, and redeem ed his people

And hath ra ised up a m ighty salvation for us : ilithe house of h is servant David

As he spake by the m ou th of his ho ly Prophetswh ich have be en sinc e the world began

That we should be saved from our enem ie s and

from the hands of all tha t hate us

To perform the m ercy prom ised to our forefathers;

and to rem ember h is ho ly covenant

To perform the oa th which he sware to our fore

fa ther Abraham ; tha t he would give us ;


Tagweadearhek , O Sayan er : tagweadearhek .

O Sayaner , sean ideareghtshera tayoegwaswat

hedea : tsiyoegwadew eano taghkouh ne iesetshera

kouh .

O Sayaner , iese tsherakouh wakadeweanodagh

kouh : kinyoh yagh noeweadouh th iyakadehea .

E thone nea ne eakoewaweanag hnotouh ne Tekeni

hadont Teyoedaderag htean itha ne Ase Tekawea

neadaouh : neoni tsiog hnakea onea nene kea iekea

tsyodag hsawe : tsiniyore toka t ne yeakayerihte ne

eakoewaweanag hnotouh n e chap ter ne keawea te a ow

eank, neteas ne Or ighwadokeahty ne St. John B aptist's Raodeghnisera .

St . Luke 1 . 68 .

Rodaskats nane Royaner—N iyoh ne Israel : ikea

shakonadaghrenawy neon i shakoyadagweah ne ra

o egweda

N eon i roketsgweagh ne kashatste ne adeashc

anyeghtshera ne oekyouhhake : ne . raonouhsakouh

ne ronhase David ;Ase ogh n iyouht tsirodady tsiradighsakaroete ne

Raoegwedadokeaghtiokouh : nenaho tea tsinahe tyo

daghsawe shiyouhweatsya te ;N ene areah aetewakoh ts inoew e n iyoukhiswe

aghse : neoni ne radisnoeke agwekouh nene yonkh isweaghse

N e ao ederighwahde aty ne eanidearegh tshera tsi

rrighshako rha ra ts teany ne ye thin ihokouhkeaha : ne

oni reyaghre ne raorighw isaaghtsheradokeaghty ;N e aoederighwahdea ty tsin ihorihwahniradouh

raouhhake egh tshidewahnikeaha Agwereant : n ene

e ashoekyouh


That w e be ing delivered ou t of the hand of our

enem ies : m igh t serve h im W ithout fe ar

In holiness and righ teousness before him : all the

days of our life .

And thou , Ch ild, shalt be called the Prophet of

the Highest : for thou shalt go before the face of the

Lord to prepare h is ways

To give know ledge of sa lvation unto his people ,for the rem ission of the ir sins ,

Through the tender m ercy of our God : wherebythe day

- spring from on high hath visi ted us ;

To give light to them tha t s it in darkn ess , and in

the Shadow of death : and to gu ide our fe et in to the

way of peace .

Glory be to the Fa ther , and to the Son : and to

the Holy Ghost ;As i t was in the beginn ing, is now , and ever shall

be : world W i thout end . Am en .

i l Or this P sa lm . Jubilate Deo . Psal. 100.

O Be joyful in the Lord, a ll ye lands : serve theLord W ith gladness, a nd com e before his presencew ith a song.

Be ye sure tha t the Lord he is God : i t is he that


: N ene aoe sedewada tewcan iyohne ne radisnoeke

ne yonkhisweaghse : a tshidewayoghtease raouhha

yagh tli ayo tterouhgwe a

Oyadadokeaghtitsherakouh neon i a ter ighwagwa

rihsyouhsera raoheadouh : eghn iseragwekouh tsi

neawe eatyo enheke .

N eon i iese , Sexaah , eaye sanadouhgwe n e ohea

douh yehariwakeas ne Enekeaghtsy : ikea ogh u i

yeaheaghse raoheadouh tsirakouhso e te ne Royaner

n e ea sadearhara te ne raohahaokouh

N e eaghsheyouh ne eayakoderyeatarane ne adu

sheanyeghtshera ne raoegwe ta : ikea ne eatsya

koderighwiyostahgwea ne akorighwaneraaxhera ,N ene tsin ihon idearouh ne Oegwan iyoh : waho

eny tyodoen iouh ne keahweade ne enekeaghtsy ne

e ayoegwanadahrenase

N e tayakoghswathedea ne akaouhha nene agh

sadakouh ye terouh , neonifne tsiyodaghsatare ne

keaheyouh : neon i ne ayoghsharine ne tewaghsike

tsiyohada tye ne kayanerea .

Oeweseaghtakshera naah ne Ran iha , neon i ne

Roewayea : neon i ne On ikouhradokeagh ty ;Ea tye . Tsiniyoghtoene ne adaghsawahtshera

koub , ogh n iyouht noewa , neon i tyu tkouh ne oak

ĵahake : tsiyouhwea tsya te yagh thiyaoedoktea .

m en .

N eteas kea iekea Teharig hwagwa tha . Jubila te Deo ,Psal. 100 .

0 Sewado enharea ne Royanertsherakouh , agwekouh tsitsyouhweatsyadennyouh : eghtshisewa

yodeas ne Royaner ne yo tsheanoenyahdoehak, no

on i kasene raoheadouh tsirakouhsoete taesewar

iwahgwe .

O righwiyoh sewadadoenyea nene Roy aner ra


ha th m ade us , and no t we ourse lves : w e are h is

people , and the sheep of his pasture .

O go your way into h is ga tes w ith thanksgiving,and into his courts w ith pra ise : be thankful untoh im

, and speak good of his N am e .

F or the Lord is grac iou s, h is m ercy is everlas tingand his truth endure th from gen eration to



G lory be to the Fa ther , and to the Son : and to

the Ho ly Ghos t ;As it was in the beginn ing, is now , and ever shall

be world w ithout end. Amen.



Then sha ll be sung or sa id the Ap ostle? Creed bythe Minister , and the Peop le standing excep t o nlysuch days as the Creed of St . Athana sius is ag

peinted to be read .

Iŝ Belie ve ia G od the Fathe r Alm igh ty, W heat

of heaven and ea rth :

And in Je sus Christ h is only Son our Lord,W ho w as conce ived by the ho ly Gho st, Bo rn of the

V irgin Ma ry, Suffered unde r Pont ins Pila to ,. t

cruc i ii ed, dead, and bur ied He descended into he ll ;the third day he rose aga in from the dead, He as

cendedt in to heaven , And si tte th on the right hand

of, God the Fa ther Alm igh ty ; From thence he shall

com e to judge the qu i ck and the d'

ea d'.

I be lieve in the Holy Ghos t ; The holy CatholicChus ch; The Com m unio n of Sa in ts ; The F org iwe



nekea ne N iyoh raouhha ne kea nene sho

egwayahdissouh , neon i yagh thiyadedewayady : ra

ouhha raoegweda ne oekyouhha neon i ne teyodina

karoeto eha raoheadake .

O egh n iyahasewegh sewadaweyat tsirodeaeah

rakaroete sewadoereagh , neon i n e raonouhsakouh

sewaneado tesewadeanouhweratouh raouhhake ,neon i yoyanere sowadahtyas ne raoghseana .

Ikea ne Royaner readearas, raon ideareghtshera

ne tsiniyeah eaw e : neon i ne ra tokeasketshera eawa

da tye ne oghnegwahsa tsiwakaghn egwahsadatye .

O eweseaghtakshera naab ne B an iba , neoni ne

Ronwayea : neon i ne On ikouhradoke agh ty .

E a tye . Tsin iyogh toene ne adaghsawahtshera

kouh , egh n iyouht noewa , neoni tyutkouh ne ea

keahake : tsiyouhw ea tsyate" yagh thiyaoedoktea .

Am en .

ĴTN e Telceny skarighware ne R a tsihusta tsy neon i ne

oegwehokouk eaye/ceanya take .

Tewakeghtahkouh N iyohtsherakouh ne Kan iha

ne Agwekouh thihashatste , Rao en issouh ne karoeya neon i oughw ea tsya

N eon i Jesus Chr istsherakouh neok yekeaha Ro

yeeah Shoegwayaner ; Thoyeaghtahkouh ne On i

kouhradokeaghtike , Rodoeny n e yagh tekanagh

gwayeadery W ary, Rorouhyake atouh Pontius P i

late , TehOewayeadanhare , raweaheyouh , neon i

roewayadat ; Onakouh rawenouhtouh ne oneghs

hea ; N e aghseahadon t n iweghn iserake n isho tke ts

gweagh tsiraweaheyouhne , Sho tharadadouh karoub

yakoub shaw enouhtouh , Neon i yesheaderouh tsi

raweyeadeghtahkouh rasnoeke ne N iyoh ne Rani

ha ne Agwekouh thiha sha tste ; Egh dunthayeagh


ness of S ins The Resurrection of the body, Andthe life everla sting. Am en .

And af ter tha t, these P rayersfollowing , a ll devou t

ly lcneeling the Min ister Ji rst p ronouncing with a

lou d voice ,

The Lord be w ith'

you .

Answ . And W ith thy spirit.

Minister .

L et u s pray.

Lord, have m ercy upon us .

Christ, have m ercy up on us .

Lord, have m ercy upon us.

Then the Minister , C lerks , and sha ll say

the L ord,.s P rayer w ith a loud voice .

Om : Father , W h ich art in Heaven , Hallowed be

thy N am e . Thy kingdom com e . Thy W ill be done

in earth , As it is in Heaven . G ive us this day our

da ily bread. And forgive u s our trespasses , As we

forgive them tha t trespass aga inst us . And lead us

not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen .


Then the P r iest standing up sha ll say,

O Lord, shew thy m ercy upon u s .

Answ . And gran t us thy salva tion .

Lord, save the queen .

Answ . And m ercifully hear us, when we call upon thee .

P riest. Endue thy M in isters w ith righteousne ss .

Answ . And m ake thy chosen people joyful.

P riest. O Lord, save thy people .

Answ . And ble ss thine inheritance .

P riest. Give peace in our tim e , O Lord.

Answ . Because there is none o ther that fighte th

for ns , but only thou , O God :

Priest. O God, m ake clean our hearts w ithin us .

Answ '

. And take no t thy Ho ly Spirit from us.

“li Then sha ll f ollow three Collects , the first of the

Day,. which sha ll he the sam e tha t is app oin ted at

the Comm un ion the second f or P ea ce : the third

for Grace to live well . And the two last Collec ts


syakhir ighwiyostean is ne waonkhiyatswa te a . N eo

ni toghsa tagwaghsharine t tewadadeanakeraghtoeke ;N ok to edagwayadakoh tsinoewe n iyodaxheah : Ikeaiese saweank ne kayanertsherah , neon i ne kasha ts teaghsera , n eon i ne mwe seaghtshera , tsin iyeahe

awe neoni ts iniyeahe awe . Am en .

E thene ne Ra tszhusta tsy tushadane eahea rouh.

O Sayaner , tagwan ahdo ehas ne se an ideareghts

he ra .

E a tye . N e on i takyouh ne sadusheanyRa tsi . O Sayan er , tsyadanouhsda t ne

hkowah .

E a tye . N eon i sean ideareghtsherananouh tagwagdahouhsada ts , neonea yeagwarouhyeahare .

R a tsi . Sheyerits Sa tsihustaokouh n e aderighwa


E a tye . N eoni a sheya tsheanouhnyaghserouh ne

sheyadaragw eah soegwe ta .

Ra tsi . Sayaner , sheyadanouhsdat ne soeg

E atye . N eon i sheyadader ist n e saragwea .

R a tsi . Sayane r , Ta kyouh kayan ere ah ne oe

gwegtmiser aokouh

E atye . N e wahoeny tsiya gh oughka oya teyonk

hiyader iyoghse , nok neok ne ies e , O N iyoh .

R a tsi . O N iyoh weryaghs iyoh takyouhn isaas ne

oekyouhhatsherakouh .

E a tye . N eon i toghsa tagwaghgwha ne san ikouh

radokeaghty .


sha ll never a lter , bu t da i ly be said a t Morn ingP rayer throug hou t a ll the Yea r , as f olloweth a ll

kneeling .

The second Collect, for P ea ce .

O God, who art the author of peace , and lover

of concord, in know ledge of whom stande th our

e terna] life , whose service is perfe c t freedom ; De

fend us thy humble servan ts in a ll assau lts of our

enem ies, that we , sure ly trusting in thy defence ,m ay no t fear the pow er of any adversaries, throughthe m ight of Jesus Chr ist our Lord. Am en .

TTThe third Collect f or Gra ce .

0 Lord, our heavenly Fa ther , Alm ighty and everlasting God, who hast safe ly brought us to the be

ginn ing of this day Defend us in the sam e w ith thym ighty power ; and gran t that this day w e fa ll into

no sin ,ne ither run in to any kind of danger ; but

that all our do ings m ay be ordered by thy governance , to do always that is righteous in thy sight ;through Jesus Christ our Lord. Am en .


1TN e tekenihadont Adereanayeant, nene Kayanereah.

O N iyoh, sarihoeny ne kayanereah , neoni seno

ewese ne shadekarihodease , aderyeadaraghtshera

konh ighse te ne tsin iyeaheaw e eayakyo enheke , sayodeagh sera tkarighwayery wadadewean iyoh Tagwanhe egh take ts in iyagwayahdodease tagw anhaseo

kouh ne agwekouh tsiniyonkh iyatyatouhtye se ne

yonkhighsweahse , nene orighw iyoh egh _ayoegwa

dewe anodaghkouh n e sanhegh tsherakouh , nene

yagh thayagwatshan ike ne raodisha tsteak ne shakodighsweahse , n e akarihoeny ne raoshatsteaghsera

Jesus Christ shoegwayaner . Am en .

1T .N a aghseahadont .ddereanayeant ne K eadearat.

O Sayaner, karouhyake Ran iha , Sesha tsteagh

eragwekouh neon i tsin iyeaheawe N iyoh , wasgwayadanouhsda te skeanea thoesa sgwayathewe ne

keagh soedeghn iseradahsawea ; Tagwanhe sesha ts

teaghserowaneah neon i takyouh nene ke agh weghn isera te ne toghsa yayagwayadeane karighwane

raaxherakouh , ne teas n e egh n iyayagwe tsinoew e

tsiok n iyouht ne teyoderyeahthara ; nok nene agwekouh tsin iyagwa tyerha ne akarighwagwadakoh

ne sarighwakanoenyagh tshera , nene tyu tkouh egh

nayagwatyerhake aderighwagwarihsyouhsera tsida

a sgwakanerake , ne raorihoenya t Jesus Christ shoe

gwayaner . Am en .

E thene leca ielcea wish N iwadereanayeadag htshe

rake eayog hnoedera tyehte eayon tste ne hea tho, tsi

n iyore toka t nene tsiolc noewe Adereanayeant cayon


1l A P rayerfor the queenk _Maj esty.

0 Lord our heavenly Fa ther , h igh and m ighty,King of kings , Lord of lords, the only Ruler o f

prin c es , who dost from thy throne b ehold all thedwe llers upon earth ; Most hear tily w e beseech theew ith thy favour to beho ld our m ost gra cious Soy ere ign Lady, Clueen VICTORIA ; and so replenish her

W i th the grace of thy Ho ly Spirit, tha t she m ay alwayinc line to thy w ill, and walk in thy way : Endue her

plen teously w ith heavenly gifts grant her in health

and wealth long to live ; strengthen her that she

m ay va nqu ish and overcom e a ll her enem ie s ; and

finally, after this life , she may atta in everlasting joyand felicity; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Am en .

l i A P rayerf or the Roya l F am i ly.

AL 'MIGHTY G od, the foun ta in of a ll goodness , we

humbly be se e ch thee to bless Adela ide the queen

Dowager, and all the Roya l Fam ily : Endue them

wi th thy Holy Spirit ; enrich them w ith thy hea

venly grace prosper them w ith a ll happine ss and

bring them to th ine everlasting kingdom , through

Je sus Christ our Lord. Am en.


tste ethone ne hea tho nea yag h neanehe ; neon i ethene

n ea neolc ne leheny og hnahea yekag hya douh ne ade

reanayeant ne eayon tste .

Koewaderea nayeadahgwean itha ne Ka leorag hlcowah .

O Sayaner karouhyake B an iba , ene kea n eon i

:seshatste , Koraghkowah ne ko raghko wa tshouh , Ro

yauer ne rodiyanerhokouh, ne yadeghsyady She

r ighwagwadagwean is ne yekowaneagh se , ne ts idi

s a tenaktanoro uh tede skaner e agwekouh ne yenakerehnyouh oughweatsy ake ; ( ) egweryane wagwea

n ideagh tea n e aahseriwawa se asatkatho ne yagwakowaneah Dyner Kako raghk—owah V ICTORIA ;

n eon i aahsenaghne ne aouhhake ne seadearat San iko uhradokeaghty, nene tyutkouh ogh n iyayon ikou

hreaha tsin isarihodea , n eon i egh n iyayaw enoeha tye

sahahakouh : Asyeri tshe ayo tkateke karouhyake

adadawy ; aahsouh ne ayodahka riteke neon i atsho

kowaghsera ka riw es ayoenheke aseghshatstate ne

n e ayakosheany agwekouh ts in ikouhwasweaghse ;n eoni tsioghnakeake ne keatho tsiyoenhe , akayenan e ts in iyeaheawe yayo tsheanoenihake neon i adas

ka tshera ; ne rao r ihoenyat Jesu s Christ Sho egwayaner . Am en .

1l Roewanadereanayeadahgwean itha ne Korog hkowahtsin ihadig hnegwahsa .

Sesha tsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh , ne yoghnaweaaw ihtouh agwekouh ne yoyanerese , wagweanideaghtea ne asyadaderiste Ade la ide Kakoraghkowah

yodeghreouhse , neon i agwekouh ne Ko raghkowahts in ihadighwatsira : Asheyer i tshe ne San ikouhr adokea

ghty ; asheyatshokowaghse roenya tea sarouhya

keg serake seadearat ; asheya tsheanouhnyatea ne

agw ekouh adoenharak ; neoni yaahsheya thewe ne

tsin iyeaheawe sayanertsherakouh ne raorihoenyatJesus Christ Shoegwayaner . Am en .


WTA P rayerf or the C lergy and P eop le .

ALMIGH TY and everla sting God, who a lone workest gre a t m arve ls ; send down upon our Bishops

and Curate s , and all Congrega tions comm itted to

the ir charge , the healthful Sp ir it o f thy grace ; and

th a t they m ay truly please the e , pour upon them the

con tinual dew of thy bless ing. Grant th is , O Lo rd,for the honour of our Advo c a te and M edia tor , Je susChr ist . Am en .

l i A P rayer qf St. Chrysostom .

ALMIGH TY God, who hast given us grace a t this

tim e w ith one acicord to m ake our comm on suppli

ca tions un to thee ; and dost prom ise that when two

or three are ga thered toge ther in thy N am e , thou

w ilt grant the ir requests ; Fu lfil now , O Lord, thedesires and pe tition s of thy servants , a s m ay be m ost

expedien t for them ; gran ting us in this world knowledge of thy tru th , and in the world to com e lifeeverlasting — Am en .

2 Cor . 13 . 14 .

The grac e of our Lord Je sus Christ, and the loveof God, and the fe llowship of the Ho ly Ghost, bew ith us a ll everm ore . Am en .

Here ende th the Order of Morn ing Praver throughou t the Ye ar.


E V E N I N G P R A Y E R ,

D a ily, throug hou t the Yea r .

At the begi nn ing of Evening P rayer , the

sha ll read with a loud voi ce som e one or m ore of theseSentences of the Scrip tu res tha t f ollow a/nd then

he sha ll say that which is written after the sa id Sen

HEN the wi cked m an turne th away from his

w ic kedness that he ha th comm itted, and

tha t which is lawfu l and right , he sha ll save

h is soul alive . Ezels. 18 . 27 .

acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin its

ever b efore m e . P sa l. 51 . 3 .

H ide thy face from my sins , and blo t out all m ine

iniqui ti es .; P sa l. 51 9 .

The s acrafices of God are a broken spirit a bro

ken and a contr ite heart, God, thou wilt no t . de

spise . P sa l. 17 .

Rend your he art and no t your garm ents , and turnunto the Lord your God : for he is gracious and

N E T S I N l K A Y E R E A H


N iyadeweghniserakeh Oghseragwekouh.

N e ts iyodahsawe ne Orhoelcene Adereanayeant, ne

R a ts ihus ta tsy eahaweanahnotou h roweana lcara eny od

dyalce uska t neteas issi noewe ne n iyorihwesoesah

K ag hyadouhseradokeag htilce yotdag hgwea

ethene nea ne eahea rouh tsinahoteah ne_og hna lcea

noe/tady kag hyadouh ne wadouh nzyor i hwesoesah .

E onea ne rorihwaneraaxkouh dusha tkarhade

ny ne raorihw aneraaxhera ne tsin iha tyerha

gwe , neon i ogh neahayere ts in itkarihwayery neo ni

a ttagwar ihsyouhtshera , e thone eahayadanoesdate

eayoenheke ne raodoenhe ts .

Kadoederese ne agwaderighwadewahto eserah , ne

oni akheadouh tyutkouh yekayea akerighwaneraax

herah .

Satkouhsahse t tsiwakerighwan erea , neon i sasagh

dont akerighwaneraaxheragwekouh .

N e adadawy N iyoh naah tekan ikouhryakouh

teyo tyakouh neon i tsiyakaweryahsanetskha , 0 N i

yoh yagh thaa skeaghroenyane .

Sewadaderyaghsaratsyoekoh neoni yaghtea ne

sewanenah , nsoni toesasewa tkarhadeny Royanerne


m erc iful, slow to anger , and of great kindness , and

repen teth h im of the evil. Joel 2 . 13 .

To the Lord our God belong m ercie s and for

givene sses , though w e have rebelled aga in st him

ne ither have w e ob eyed the vo ice of the Lord our

God, to wa lk in his law s which he se t before us .

D an . 9 . 9 , 10 .

0 Lord , correct m e , but W ith judgem en t ; no t in

thine anger , lest thou br ing m e to no thing. Jer . 10 .

24 . P sa lm 6 . 1 .

Repen t ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

St. Ma t. 3 . 2 .

I w ill ar ise and go to my fa ther , and w ill say unto

h im , Father , I have sinned aga inst he aven , and be

fore the e , and am no m ore wo r thy to be cal led thyson . St. L uke 15 . 18 , 19 .

Enter no t into judgm en t w i th thy servan t, O Lord;for in thy sigh t shall no m an liv ing be justified.

P sa l. 143 . 2 .

If we say tha t we have no sin , we dec e ive our

selve s , and the tru th is no t in u s : B ut if w e confessour s ins , God is fa i thfu l and just to forgive us our

s ins , and to cleanse us from a ll unrighteousness .

I St . John 1 . 8 , 9 .

The Exhorta tion .

DEARLY beloved bre thren ,the sc ripture m ove th

us in sundry place s to acknowledge and confess our


Sewan iyoh : ikea readearas neoni ron ide areskouh ,ron iko ekatste , neoni kowaneah thor ihwayery , neoni

shadatrewahtha ne w ahe tkeake .

N e Royaner ne Oegwan iyoh raow enk ean idea

reghtshera neon i adader ighiw iyosteany, sane eghts

hidewanokarouhs yagh teyo egwatho edadouh eght

s idewaweano e tyouh ne raow e anah ne Royaner ne

Oegwan iyoh , ne egh n iyayo egw enouh ts in ihoriho

teah ne o egwahea touh sho egwaye any .

O Sayaner , takgwadakoh , u co k sayaghdoreht

sherakouh ; yagh sanagweagh tsherakouh , o ewa eas

neane egh yeaskya thewe ne usgwagh toede .

Sewada trewa t ikea ne kayanertsherah ne karouhyake kea ok e tho .

Eaka tke tskoh , neon i raken ighneha eakeghte , ne

on i eah iyeahahse , Rakeny ker ighwaneraakteanykarouhyake , n eon i ne sahe adouh , neon i yagh ne

shade tsyahkenah nayo ekenadouhgweh iese takyeaah .

Toghsa ayoedahw eya te ne katsyeahayeaghtshe

rakouh ne shenhase , O Sayaner ikea tsite skanereyagh ounghka ne o egweh teyakoenhe ne ayakod

righwagwarihsyouh .

Tokab aedew e ahrouh yagh teyoegwarighwaner

a axheraye ah , e adewadadehn iko erhatea , neon i ne

tokea ske yagh tewa t n e o ekyoehahtsherakouh ; N ok

neonea oegwarighwaneraaxherah enegh eatyoeny ,thor ighwayery ne N iyoh roder ighwagwarihsyouh

e aseghshoegwarihw iyo stea ne o egwar ighwaneraax

herahokouh , n son i e aseghsho egwanoharehse oegw ader ighwadewagh to e tsheragwekouh .

Yoeda tretsyaroetha .

Agwagh gwanorouhgwha tewadadekeaokoeha , ne

kaghyadouhseradokeah ty y oekyoryanerouhs ne tsi


m anifo ld sins and w ickedness and tha t we shou ld=not dissemble nor c loke them b efore the fac e of

A lm ighty God our heave n ly Fathe r ; bu t confessthem w ith an humble , low ly, peni tent, and obedien t

heart ; to th e end tha t w e m ay ob ta in forgivene ss of

the sam e , by“

h is infin ite goodne ss and m ercy . And

a lthough w e ough t at all tim e s hum bly to acknow'ledge our sins before God , ye t ough t w e m ost -Ch ief

so to do , whe n w e a ssemble and m e et toge ther

to render thanks for the gre at benefi ts that w e haverece ived at

his hands, to se t forth his most worthy

praise , to hear h is m o st ho ly word, and to ask those

th ings wh ich are requisite and necessary, a s we ll for '

the body a s the soul. W here fo re I pray and be

s eech you , a s m any as are here pre sen t, to a e com

pany m e w ith a p ure heart, and humble vo ice , un to

the throne 'of the heaven ly gra c e , saying after me

A ge nera l.

(Confession to be sa id of the whole Con

g reg a tion af ter the Minister , a ll kneeling .

ALMIGHTY and mo st m erc ifu l Fa ther ; we have

erred and strayed from thy ways like lost she ep .

W e'havc lfol lowed too m uch


the devic e s and desires


ok noewe ne aedewadoe terene neon i enegh aetyoe

ny tsin iyoghnane tarryouh ne oegwarighwaneraax

h eraokouh n eon i oegwaderighwatewahtoe tshera

neon i nen e yagh teyoegwadaghsehtouh ne teas nayo egwanahke raoheadouh tsirakouhsoe te ne B ashattsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh ne shoegwaniha ka

irouhyake nok tsiaedewadoeterene eghtake aete

wadad oeny, ayoegwan ikouhreadeahthene , nson i'

aedewadeweanarahgwe ne oegwe ryane ne tsiyaoedokte a :n e aedewayena ne aoe saghshoegwarih

w iyo steah n e shakat ne kowanaghtsihouh tsinihoyanere neon i tsin ihon ideare skouh . N eon i ,sane tyutkouh tsioknoewe ayoegwadadoeneagh touh aedewa

doederesheke ne oegwarighwaneraaxheraokouh ra

ohea touh ne N iyoh , nok s eaba kady nea ogh

neayoegwayereah , neonea eayoegwatkean isouhoe

hake uskahne , ne aoederighwahdeaty ne da tshide

wanouhweratouh tsin iwatsheanoenyaghserowaneah

tewayenas nene raouhha rasnoeke , ne aedewade

righwahteatye te ne a tsh idewaneatouh , aedewaroeke

ne raoweanadokeaghty, neon i atshidewarighwanoe

toese tsinaho teashouh teyodouhweatsyohouh , sha

deyouht ne oyerouhtake n eon i ne adoenhetsne .,

N e


wakarihoeny .w agwadereanayeahase neoni wagwe an ideaghtea , tsin itsyouh ne keagh noewe , ne

aedewe ayoegwe ryaghsiyohake ,-

neon i ayoegwawe a

n eadeaghtoeha kze , tsinoewe tk'anakte ne karouhyake

ne ean ideareghtshera tyoekeweanaseret niih

“ll Tyogwelctouh yoedoederesdag hgwha ieweag h ne

*lcea tyog hgwagwelcouh ea thoewaweanag hserehte ne

Ratsihusta tsy, agwekouh deayoedon tshotea .

.Se sha tsteaghseragwekouh neon i seanidearegh

tshe rowane a , ;Ran iha ; Teyagwaderyeadawearyes

neon i yoegwa thaharagwaghtha tsisahate tsiniyouht


o f our o ivn he ar ts . W e have o ffended aga inst thyho ly law s . W e have le ft undone tho se th ings wh ichwe ough t to have done ; and w e have done thosethings wh ich wo ought no t to have done : and there

is no hea lth in u s . B ut thou , Lord, have m ercyupon us , m iserable offenders . Spare thou them ,

G od, W hich confe ss the ir fau lts . Restore thou them

tha t are—pen iten t ; a cco rding to thy prom ises dec la

red un to m ank ind in Chr ist Je su our Lord . And

gran t, m ost m erc ifu l Fa ther , fo r his sake , that—we m ay here after live a godly, righteous , and sober

life , to the glo ry of thy ho ly N am e . Am en .

Absolu tion or rem iss ion of sins to be p ronounced

by the P riest a lone'

standing the P eop le still kneeling .

ALMIGH TY God, the Fa ther ofour Lord Jesus Christ,who des ire th no t the dea th o f a sinner , but ra ther

that he m ay turn from his w ickedness , and live and

hath given power and comm andm en t to his M in isters , to dec lare and pronounc e to his People , be ing

pen iten t, the abso lu tion and rem ission o f the ir sins

He pardone th and abso lve th a ll them tha t truly re

pent, and unfe ignedly be lieve h is ho ly Go spe l.

W herefore , le t us be se ech h im to gran t us true re

pen tance , and h is ho ly Spirit, tha t tho se things m ay


please him , wh ich'w e do a t th is pre sent, aDs hat

the rest of our life hereafter m ay be pure and holy,.so that a t the last w e m ay com e to h is e ternal joy,through Jesus Christ our Lord . Am en .

'll a Then the Min ister sha ll kneel, and say the L ord's

P rayer the P eop le a lso kneeling , and rep ea ting it

with him .

O UR F a ther whic h art in Heaven , Hallowed “be' thy N am e ; Thy kingdom com e Thy w ill be done

in earth , as it is in Heaven . Give us this day our

da i ly bread ; And forgive u s our tre spasses , as we

e them that tre spa ss aga inst u s And lead u s

.no t in to temptation ; But de liver us—from evil : F or

th ine is the kingdom , and the power , and the glory,for ever and ever . Amen .

'll Then likewise he sha ll say,

O Lord, open thou our lips .

Answ . And our mou th sha ll shew forth thy pra ise .


aaxhera : Easeshakorighw iyo ste a agw ekouh tsin iyakouh nene tokeaske e atsyo eda trewagh te , n eon i

o righw iyohoewe ea tyakeghtagw e n e Orighwado

keagh ty . N e waho eny kinyoh egh tsh idew ean ide

agh tea ne ashoekyouh ne tokeaske aoesedewada tre

waghte , meon i ne Raon ikouhradoke aghty, nene

tsinaho teashouh ne ao edaghtsh idew ahn ikouhraye

ri te , nenaho tea ts inedew ayere ne o ewa neon i ne

tsineawe shekouh eatyo enheke ne oghnakeahke ,ayoegw ayadadokeaghtihake , ne tsioghnakeahke

yaedewawe ne raouhhake tsin iyeaheaw e yayoegwa

doenharake , raorihoenya t Je sus Christ shoegwayaner . Am en .

1l E thene ne R a tsihu sta tsy, teahadon tshotea , neoni

eahadereanayea ne R oyaner R aodereanayean t n“


oegwehokouh teaya lcon tshotoche, neon i ea thoewawea

naghserete .

Shoegwaniha Karouhyakouh teghsiderouh , W agwaghseanadokeaghdiste ; Sayanertsherah aoedaw e

ghte Tsineaghsereh egh ne ayaweane ne oughweat

syake tsioni n ityouht n e Karouhyakouh . Takyouh

ne keagh weghn isera te ne n iyade weghn iserake

ok N eoni toe dagwar ighw iyostea ne

tsin iyoegwatswa touh ,, tsiniyouht ne oekyouhha teitsyakhirighw iyostean is ne waonkh iyatswa tea . N eo

nti toghsa tagwagsharinet towadadean akeraghtoeke

N ok toedagwayadakoh tsinoew e ni'

yodaxheah : Ikeaiese saweank ne kayanertsherah , neoni ne kashat

steaghsera , mooh i ne oew eseaghtshera , tsiniyeahe

awe neoni tsin iyeaheaw e . Am en .

'll E thene nea eahearouh .

R ai sa O Sayaner , senhotoekoh ne agwaghsene .

E a tye . N eomi ne tsiyagwaghsakaroe te ayokeadam :

xaneadouh tsherah .


P r iest. O Go d, m ake speed to save u s .

Answ . O Lord, m a ke haste to he lp u s .

'll H ere a ll standing up , the P r iest sha ll say,

G lory be to the Fa ther , and to the Son : and to

the Ho ly Ghost ;Answ . As i t w as in the beginn ing, is now , and

ever shall be : world w i thou t end . Am en .

P riest. Pra ise ye the Lord .

Answ . The Lord9s nam e be pra ised .

Then sha ll be sa id or sung the P sa lm s in order as theya re app oin ted . Then a L esson of the Old Testam ent,

a s is app oin ted and af ter tha t Magn ificat : (or thesong of the blessed Virg in Mary) in English , as

f olloweth.

Magnifi ca t. St . Luke i .

MY soul do th m agn ify the Lord : and my spirit

hath rejo iced in God my Saviour ;

F or he hath regarded : the lowliness of h is hand

m aiden .

F or beho ld, from henceforth : all generations shall

call m e blessed ;

F or he tha t is m ighty hath m agn ified m e : and

holy is his nam e .

And h is m ercy i s on them that fear him : through

out a ll generat ion s .


R atsi . N iyoh , tesasterihea tagwayadanoesda t .

E a tye . O Sayaner, tesasterihea tagwayenawahs .

“ll K ea tho agwekouh teatsyedahne, ne R a tsihusta tsyeahea rouh,

Oeweseaghtakshera naah ne Raniha , neon i ne

Roewayea : neon i ne On ikouhradoke aghty .

E a tye . Tsin iyoghtoene ne adaghsawahts hera

koub , egh n iyouht noewa , neoni tyutkouh ne e a

keahake : tsiyouhweatsyate yagh thiyaoedoktea .

.dm en .

R a tsi . Eghtshisewaneadouh ne Royaner .

Ea tye . N e Royaner raoghseana wakoewanea

douh .

l l E thene nea nene Teharighwahgw a tha tsinoewe n i

yoweank. N eanene Teyoedaderaghteanitha ne Aka

yea h Kaghyadouhseradoleeag htilce tsinoewe n iya


Magnifcat. St . Luke i . 46 .

Agwadoenhets rikowanagh tha ne Royaner : neo

ni aken ikouhra yodoenhahere N iyohtsherakouh ne


Ikea ranorouhgwea : ne eghtake tsinikayado teah

ne ranhase .

Ikea tsieawatkahthouh , ne keagh yeawadaghsa

wea : eghnegwaghsagwekouh eayoekenadouhgwe


Ikea raouhha ne rashatste wahakeneadouh neon i

oyadaderightsherane raoghse

N eomi ne raon ideareghtshera akaouhhake'


nene roewatshan ighse yadeyaoekoghtouh ne kane

gwaghsagwekouh .


He hath shewed strength w ith his arm : he hath

scattered the proud in the im agination of the ir

hearts .

He hath pu t down the m ighty from the ir seat : and

hath exalted the hum ble and m eek .

He hath fi lled the hungry w i th good th ings and

the rich he hath sen t empty away .

He rem embering h is m ercy, hath holpen his ser

van t Israe l : as he prom ised to our forefathers,Abraham , and his seed for ever .

Glory be to the Father , and to the Son ; and to

the Ho ly Ghost .As i t was in the beginn ing, is now , and ever shall

be : world wi thout end . Am en .

'll Or else this P sa lm excep t it be on the N ineteenth

D ay of the Mon th, when it is read in the ordinarycourse of the P sa lm s .

Canta te D om ino . Psal . 98.

0 SIN G un to the Lord a new song : for he hath

done m arve llous things .

W i th h is own right hand, and w i th his holy arm

hath he go tten h im self the Victory .

The Lord declared his salva tion : h is righteous

ness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the hea

then .

He hath rem embered his m ercy and truth toward

the house of Israe l ; and all the ends of the world

have seen the salvation of our God.


Shakonaghdoeny ne kashatste aghsera ne rannu

tshake : teshakorenya touh ne radinay eghse raonea

nouhto enyo uhtsherakouh ne raoneryane .

Teshakoyadeaghtouh ne radisha tste se ne raonea

n itsgwaghrahtsherake : n eon i ne shakokowanagh

to uh eghtake ts in iyeyahdo te ase neon i ne akon ikouh

rane tskha .

Shakoghdaghteany ne yoedonhkarryax yoyaner

eshouh : neoni ne ako tshokowah shakodory akaokouh .

Reyahre ne raon ideareghtshera , royenawase ne

ronha se Israe l : a se egh n zshakorhara tsteany ye thi

n ihokouhkeaha , Agwereah , n eon i tsiwahaghwatsira

da tye tsiniyeaheawe .


Oewesaghtakshera naah ne Ran iha , neoni ne

Ronwayea : nson i ne On ikouhradokeaghty .

E a tye . Ts in iyoghtoene ne adaghs awahtshera

koub , egh n iyouht no ewa , ns oni ty utkouh ne e a

keahake : tsiyouhweatsya te yagh thiyao edoktea .

“ll Kea teasl—cayea kea iehea Teharig hwahgwa tha

Can ta te D om ino . Tebari . 98.

Teghtshisewarihwahgwas ne Royaner ne kar

eanase : ikea yoneghragwahtennyouh ts iniho tyerea .

N e raouhha ts iraweyeadeghtahkouh rasno eke , ne

oni ne raouhha raonuntshadokeaghty : royenaouh

yadehayady ne rodeasheanyouh .

N e Royaner ro trory ne raode ashoanyeghtshera

raoderighwagwarihsyouhsera raw enestouh shakon

adoeny ekaghteke ne yagh teyakorighw iyostouh.

Reyahre ne raon ideareghtshera neon i ne rao tea

keaske tshera ts inoekady ne raonouhsa ne Israel ;neoni agwekouh ne tsiyodouhweatsyoktan ihouh



Shew yourse lves joyful unto the Lord, all ye lands :sing, rejo ice , and give thanks .

Pra i se the Lord upon the harp : s ing to the harpw ith a psalm of thanksgiving.

W i th trumpe ts also and shawm s : O shew yourselves joyful before the Lord the King.

L e t the se a m ake a no ise , and a ll that therein is

the round world, and they tha t dwe ll therein .

L et the floods clap the ir hands , and le t the hills

be joyful toge ther before the Lord : for he come thto judge the e arth .

W ith righteousness shall he judge the world : andthe people w ith equ ity .

G lory be to the Fa ther, and to the Son : and to

the Ho ly Ghost ;As it wa s in the b eginni ng, is now and ever sh all

be : world without end . Am en .

Then a L esson of the N ew Testament , as is apand af ter tha t, N unc Dim i ttis , ( or the Song

S ime on) in English , a sf olloweth

N unc dim ittis . St. Luke 2 . 29 .

L or'

d, now le ttest thou thy servant depart in peaceaccording to thy word


F or m ine eys have seen thy salvation ,

W hich thou hast prepared : before the face of a ll!


To be a light to ligh ten the Genti les an to be the

glory of thy people Israe l.

G lory be to the Father , and to the Son : and to

the Ho ly GhostAs i t was in the beginning, is now , and ever shall

be world w ithou t end . Am en .

WTOr else this P sa lm except i t be on the Twelf th D ag;

qcthe Month

D eus m iserea tu r . Psal. 67 .

God be m erc iful unto us , and ble ss us and shew

us the light of his co uĥtenance , and be m erc ifu l un to


That thy way m ay be known upon earth : thy sa

ving health am ong a ll na tions .

L e t the people pra ise thee , O God yea , le t all

the people pra ise thee .

O le t the na tions rejo ice and be glad: for thou

shalt judge the folk righteously, and govern the na

tions upon earth .

L e t the people pra ise the e , O God yea , le t a ll

the people pra ise thee


radoeko t ne kayanereaghserakouh : aoedayoyanea

hawe ne saw eana ;

Ikea ne akkaghteke nea ontkaghtho : ne sadeas

heanyeghtshe ra ,N enaho tea ts in isaghseroeny : oheadouh tsiyek

ouhsoete agwekouh n e o egw ehokouh

Teakaswa the te ne teahodiswa thede a ne arekho

tehodirighwiyos touh : neoni ayakao ewesaghte ne

soegweta Israe l.Oeweseagh takshera naab ne Ran iha , neoni ne

Roewayea : neon i n e On ikouhradokeaghty ;E a tye . Ts iniyoghtoene ne adaghsawahtshera

koub , ogh n iyouht no ewa , neoni tyu tkouh ne eak

e ahake : ts iyouhwea tsya te yagh th iyaoedoktea .

Amen .

1l N eteas lcea ielcea Teha righwahgwa tha

D eus m isereatur . Tehari 67 .

N iyoh eashoegweateare , nson i eashoegwayadade

riste : neon i eashoegwanadoehase ne kaswa theght

shera ne ts irakouhsoete , neomi e asho egweateare ,N ene ts isahate ayako teryea tarane ne oughweat

syake : tsin iyo takarite ts ishenhes eghnegwaghsagwekouh .

K inyoh ne oegwehokouh yesaneadouh n ise , O

N iyoh : e tho kinyoh agwekouh ne oegwehokouh

yesaneadouh n ise .

O kinyoh yeghnegwaghsa tennyouh yoedo enhareaneoni yon tsheano eny : ikea she tsyeahayeaghne ne

oegwehokouh aderighwagwar ihsyouhserake , neon i

easherighwakano enyea ne yeghnegwaghsatennyouh

ne oughweatsyake .

Kinyoh ne oegwehokouh yesaneadouh n ise , ON iyoh : e tho kinyoh agwekouh ne oegwehokouh

y esaneadouh n ise ;


Then shall the earth bring forth her increase and

God, even our God, sha ll give us h is blessing.

God shall ble ss us : and a ll the ends of the world

shall fear him .

G lory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to

the Holy Ghost

As it was in the beginn ing, is now , and ever shallbe : world w ithou t end. Am en .

Then sha ll be sa id or sung the Apostles' Creed by the

M inister and the p eop le, standing .

I believe in G od the Fa ther Alm ighty, Maker ofheaven and e ar th

And in Jesus Christ h is only Son our Lord,W ho was conc e ived by the ho ly Gho st, Born of the

V irgin Mary , Suffered under Pontius Pila te , W as

cruci fi ed, dead, and buried He descended into hell ;the th ird day he rose aga in from the dead, He a s

cended into heaven , And si tte th on the right hand

of God the Father Alm ighty ; F rom thence he shall

come to judge the qu ick and the dead.

I believe in the Ho ly Ghost ; The holy Catho licChurch ; The Comm un ion of Sa in ts ; The Forgiveness of Sins The Resurrection of the body, Andthe life everlasting. Am en .


Etho ne ne oughweatsyake eawa tkawe ne eayawe

ghyarouh neoni N iyoh , nene o ekyouhha Oegwani

yoh , easho ekyouh n e raoyadader ightshera .

N iyoh eashoegwayadader iste neon i agwekouh ne

tsiyodouhweatsyoktan ihouh eahoewatshan ighsheke .

Oewe seaghtakshera naah ne Raniha , neon i ne Ro

ewayea : neoni ne On ikouhradokeaghtyEa tye. Tsiniyoghtoene ne adaghsawahtsherakouh ,

ogh n iyouht noewa , neoni tyutkouh ne eakeahake

tsiyouhweatsyate yagh thiyaoedoktea . Am en .

N e Telceny sha rig hwa re ne Ra tsihu sta tsy noeni ne

oegwehokouh eayelceanya ta lce .

Tewakeghtahkouh N iyohtsherakouh ne Ran iha

ne Agwekouh thihasha tste , Raoen issouh ne karoeya neoni oughweatsya

N eoni Jesus Christsherakouh neok yekeaha Ro

yeaah Shoegwayaner ; Thoyeaghtahkouh ne Oni

kouh radokeaghtike , Rodoeny ne yagh tekanagh

gwayeadery W ary, Rorouhyakeatouh Pontius Pi

late Tehoewayeadanhare , raweaheyouh, neoni

roewayadat ; Onakouh rawenouhtouh ne oneghs

hea ; N e aghseahadont niweghn iserake n isho tke ts

gweagh ts iraweaheyouhne , Sho tharadadouh karoub

yakouh shawenouh touh , N eoni yesheaderouh tsi .

raweyeadeghtahkouh rasnoeke ne N iyoh ne Rani

ha ne Agwekouh thihashatste ; Egh dun thayeagh

tahgwe nea deantre deadeghshako tsyeahaye ahne ne

eayakoenhenyoeke neo ni ne yakoweadasero uh .

Tewakeghtahkouh ne On ikouhradokeaghti tshe

rakouh : N e. yeyogwektouh Onouhsadokeaghty ;

N e Ts itehodinearategh ne Rodiyadadokeaghtio

kouh ; N e eatsyoedaderighwiyostea ne Karighwa

neraaxheraokouh ; N e ea tsyon tke tskoh ne E e

rouhke , N eoni ne tsiniyeaheawe eayakoenhehe .

Am en .


And af ter tha t, these P rayersf ollowing , a ll devou t

ly kneeling the ]VIin ister Ji rst p ronouncing with a

loud voice ;

The Lord be w i th you .

Answ . And w ith thy spirit.

M inister .

“ll L e t u s pray .

Lord, have m ercy upon us .

Christ, have m ercy up on us .

Lord, have m ercy upon us .

Then the M'

in ister , C lerlcs , and P eop le , sha ll saythe L ord,:s P rayer with a loud voice.

OUR Fa ther , which art in Heaven , Hallowed be

thy N am e . Thy kingdom com e . Thy w ill be done

in earth , As it i s i n Heaven . G ive us th is day our

da ily bread. And forgi ve u s our trespasses , As w e

forgive them tha t tre spass aga inst us . And lead us

not into temptation but de li ver us from evil. Am en .

l ll Then the P riest standing up sha ll say,

O Lord, shew thy m ercy upon us .

Answ . And grant us thy salvation .


'll N eon i tsiog hnahea nene , kea ielcea Adereanayean t

duslcyadag hsoeterea agwekouh teayoedontshotea ne

R a tsihu sta tsy eadewa tyereag hte ea thadady eahowe

anakaren ihahe

Ratsi . N e Royaner yade sawatyest .

B a iye . N eon i ya teyagwatyest ne sanikouhra .

R a tsihu sta tsy.

WTDewadereanayea .

Sayaner , tagweadearhek .

Christ, tagweadearhek.

Sayaner , tagweadearhek .

1l E thone ne R a tsihusta tsy, teahadon tshotea , neoni

eahadereanayea ne Royaner R aodereanayeant ne

oegwehokouh teaya lcon tshotoelce, neoni ea thoewawea

nag hserete.

Shoegwan iha Karouhyakouh teghsiderouh , W agwaghseanadokeaghdiste ; Sayaner tsherah aoedawe

ghte Tsineaghsereh egh ne ayaw eane ne oughweat

syake ts ion i n ityouht n e Karouhyakouh . Takyouh

ne keagh w eghn iserate ne n iyadew eghn iserake

o egwanadarok : N e on i toedagwar ighw iyostea ne

tsin iyoegwatsw a touh , ts in iyouht ne o ekyouhha tsit

syakhirighw iyostean is ne w aonkhiyatswatea . N eo

n i toghsa tagwagsharine t towadadeanakeragh toeke

N ok toedagwayadakoh tsinoew e n iyodaxheah : Amen .

i l E thene ne R a ts ihu sta tsy tu shadane eahearouh.

O Sayaner , tagwanahdoehas ne sean ideareghts

hera .

Ea tye . N eon i takyouh ne sadusheanyeghtsherm


P riest. O Lord, save the queen .

Answ . And m ercifully hear us, when we call upon thee .

P r iest. Endue thy M in isters w ith righteousness.

Answ . And make thy chosen people joyful.

P riest. O Lord, save thy people .

Answ . And bless th ine inheritance .

P riest. G ive peace in our tim e , O Lord.

Anew . B ecause there is none o ther tha t fighteth

for us, but only thou, O God.

P riest. O God, m ake clean our hearts within us .

Amsw. And take not thy Holy Spirit from us.

1? Then shui! follow three Codects : the f rst qf theD ay the second for P eace ; the third j er aid a

gainst a ll P erils , as herca/terfotloweth whi ch tiea

last Collects shall be da ily sa id at Evening P ray

er wi thout alteratioa

The second Collect a t E vening Prayer .

O Gron , from whom a ll ho ly de sires, all good counse ls, and all just works do proc eed G ive unto thyservants that peace which the world canno t give , tha tbo th our hearts m ay be sot to obey thy comm and

menfts, and a lso that by thee we be ing defended from

the fear of our enem ies , m ay pass our tim e in rest and

s, through the merits of Jesus Christ our

aviour . Amen .


“ll The third Collect, f or Aid ag a inst a ll P eri ls .

LIGHTEN our darkne ss , w e be se ech the e , O Lord,and by thy grea t m ercy de fend u s from a ll perils and

dangers of th is n ight, for the love of thy only Son ,o ur Saviour Je sus Christ. Am en .

Tl In Onnes and P laces where they sing, herej olloweth the .Hnthem .

'll A P rayerf or the (ĝueen

ls _Maj esty.

0 Lo rd our heavenly Fa ther , h igh and m ighty,King of kings , Lord o f lords , the only Ruler of

prince s , who dost from thy throne beho ld a ll the

dwellers upon ear th ; Mos t hear ti ly w e be seech theew ith thy favour to beho ld our m ost gra c ious Sover

e ign Lady, Cl ueen VICTORIA; and so reple nish her

W l th the grace of thy Ho ly Spirit , tha t she m ay a lwayincline to thy w ill, and wa lk in thy way : Endue her

plenteously w ith heavenly gi lts gran t her in health

and wealth long to lixe ; strengthen her that she

m ay vanqu ish and overcom e a ll her enem ies ; and

finally, after this life , sh e m ay atta in everlasting joyand felicity; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Am en .


aktode ayagwado ekoghte ne adorishe aghtsherakouh

neoni skeanea thakeahake , ne raoriho enya t tsinade

hodean tshouh Jesus Ch rist Sho cgwaghnereahsyouh .

.amen .

1l N e ag hseahadont .Hdcreanayeant.

Tetswa thet ne oegwaghsadakouhsera , wagwean i

deaghtea , O Sayaner , n e on i ne ts in iseanideareght

sherowanea tagwanhe agwekouh tsin iwaghte rouhke

neoni ts ina teyo teryea tharak n e keagh waghso eda te ,ikea ne ts in iha norouhgwha neok yekeaha Eghtsyeaha , Jesus Christ Sho egwaghnereahsyouh . Am en .

ll Koewadereanayeadahgwean itha ne Kahorag hkowah.

O Sayaner karouhyake Kan iha , enekea neomi

seshatste , Koraghkowah ne ko raghkowa tshouh , Ro

yauer ne rodiyanerhokouh , ne yadeghsyady She

righwagwadagw e anis ne yekowaneagh se , ne tsidi

sa tenaktanoro uh tede skan ere agwekouh ne yenakerehnyouh o ughwea tsyake ( ) egw eryane wagwea

n ideagh tea n e aahseriwawa se a sa tka tho ne yagwakowaneah Dyn er Kakoraghkowah V ICTORIA ;

neon i aahsenaghne ne aouhhake ne seade ara t San i

kouhradokeagh ty, nene tyutkouh egh n iyayon ikou

hreaha tsinisarihodea , neon i egh n iyayaw enochatye

sahahakouh : A syeritshe ayo tka te l;e karouhyake

adadawy aahsouh ne ayodahka riteke neon i a tsho

kowaghsera kariwes ayo enheke a seghsha tsta te ne

ne ayako sheany agwekouh ts inikouhwasw eaghse

neoni tsioghnake ake ne keatho ts iyoenhe , akayena

ne tsiniyeaheawe yayo tsheanoen ihake neon i adas

katshera ; ne raor ihoenya t Jesus Christ Sho egway


?l A P rayerf or the R oya l F am ily.

ALMIGH TY God, the foun ta in of a ll goodness, we

humbly besee ch thee to bless Adela ide the ClueenDowager , and all the Royal Fam ily : Endue them

w ith thy Holy Spirit ; enrich them W ith thy hea

venly grace prosper them w ith a ll happiness and

bring them to th ine everlasting kingdom , through

Jesus Chr ist our Lord. Amen .

'll A P rayerfor the C lergy and P eop le .

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who alone workest great m arve ls ; send down upon our B ishops

and Curate s , and all Congregations comm itted to

the ir charge , the healthful Spirit o f thy grace ; and

tha t they m ay truly please thee , pour upon them the

con tinual dew of thy bless ing. Grant this , O Lord,for the honour of our Advoca te and Mediator, JesusChrist. Amen .

WTA P rayer qf St. Chrysostom .

ALM IGH TY God, who hast given us grace a t this

time w ith on e accord to m ake our comm on suppli

ca tio ns unto th ee ; and dost prom ise tha t when two

or three are ga thered together in thy N ame , thou

wi lt grant the ir requests ; F ulĥl now , O Lord, thedesire s and pe tition s of thy servants, asmay be most

expedient for them ; granting us in this world know


Roewam dereanayeadahgwean itha ne Koroghkowah

tsin ihadig hnegwahsa

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh , ne yoghnawea

awihtouh agw ekouh ne yoyanerese , w agweanide

aghtea ne asyadaderiste Adela ide Kakoraghkowah

yodeghreouhse , neon i agwekouh ne Koraghkowah

ts in ihadighwatsira : A sheyer itshe n e Sanikouhrado

keaghty ; asheya tshokowaghseroenya tea sarouhya

keghserake se adearat ; asheya tsheanouhnya tea ne

agwekouh adoenharak ; ne oni yaahsheya thewe ne

tsin iyeaheawe sayanertsherakouh ; ne raorihoenyat

Jesu s Christ Shoegwayaner . Am en .

1 Roewanadereanayeadahg'


neon i Oegwehckou h.

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh neon i tsiniyeaheawe

N iyoh , souhhaha sayodeaghseranehragw at ; kasheyahseaghdas ne Arighwawakhouhkowatshouh neoni

Radi tsih ustatsy , neon i agwekouh ne Yako tkean is

soub tsino ewe n ishakona tster istha , ne tsin iwadakar

idaghtshereahawe Kan ikouhra seadeara t ; neoni ne

ronouhha nene tokeaske aoedaye san ikouhrayer ite ,kasheyaweroehas ok yekakouhte ne sayadaderight

shera : Takyouh ne kea iekea , Sayaner ; raokouh

nyea stak n e Shoegwada tya se neoni Sho egwa righ

W ahseroenyeany, Jesus Christ. Am en .

1l Adereanayeant ne S . Chrysostom .

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh , waskyouh ne

seadearat ne keaghnoew e n iwathaw ise uskatne w agwarighwanekea ne ieseke nec h i sarharatstouh ne

ne onea tekeny ne teas aghsea neayako tkean issou

hoehake u skahne ne Sa g hseanakouh , eahsa thoedate

eahsheyouh tsineayesanekea Aah senaghne noewa ,,

O Sayaner . tsinateyakodouhw eatsyony tsin iyesane


ledge of thy truth , and in the world to com e life

everlas ting — Am en .

2 Cor . 13 . 14 .

The grace of our Lo rd Jesus Christ, and the loveof God, and the fe llow sh ip of the Ho ly Ghost , bew ith us all everm ore .

'Am en .

Here ende th the Order of Even i ng Prayer throughout the Y ear.

1l Heref olloweth the L Ĵ TAN Y, or oGenera l Supp lica

tion , to be sa ng or sa id af ter Morn ing P rayer up on

Sundays , W ednesdays , and Fr idays , and a t other

tim es , when i t sha ll be comm enced by the Ordina ry.

GOD the Fa ther of heaven : have m ercy upon

us m iserable sinners .

0 God the F a ther of heaven have m ercy upon us

m iserable sinners .

0 God the Son , Redeem er of the world : havem ercy upon us m iserable s inners .

O God the Son Redeemer of the world have m ercyupon us m iserable sinners .

God the ho ly Ghost, pre ce eding from the F a

ther, and the Son : have m ercy upon us m iserable

s inners .


kean is ne shenhaseokouh , nene aoedakar ighwayer

ine akaouhhake ; aaskyonh ne k eatho tsiyouhweat

syate ne ayagwayeaderihake sa tokeaske tshera , neon i

ne tsiyouhweatsyate ne tawe yayakyoenheke tsini

yeaheawe . Am en .

2 Cor . 13 . 14 .

N e raodearat Shoegwayaner Jesus Christ, neoniranorouhgwha N iyoh , neoni ne rao tyoghgwa ne Oni

kouhradokeaghty agwekouh ae tewesheke ts in iyea

heawe . Am en .

1! Keatho yodokte ne Yokaraskha Adereanayeant ne Oghseragwekouh.

ll Kea tho ne eayog'hnoedera tyehte ne L ITAN Y, neteas

ne Tsiolc noewe yoedereanayeĥdag hgwha .

N IY OH ne B an iba karouhyake teghsiderouh

tagweadearhek yagwayesaghse yoegwarigh

waneraaxkouh .

0 .N'

iyoh ne Raniha haronhyake teghsiderouh


ŝeadearhek yagwayesaghse yoegwarighwaneraax


O N iyoh ne Roewayea Sheyadagweagh ne tsi

youhwea tsya te tagweadearhek yagwayesaghse yo

egwarighwaneraaxkouh .


iyoh ne Roewayea Sheyadagweagh ne tsiyouhweatsyate tagweadearhek yag wayesaghse yoegwari

ghwane: aux/touh.

O N iyeh ne On ikouhradokeaghty, teghsyeahtagwha ne Ranineha neon i ne Roewayea : tagweadearhek yagwayesaghse yoegwarighwaneraaxkouh .


O God the holy Ghost, p roceeding f rom the F other,and the Son have m ĉrcy up on us m i serable sinners .

ho ly, blessed, and glorious Trin ity, three Persons , and one God : have m ercy upon us m iserable

sinners .

_0 holy, blessed, and g loriam Trinity, three P ersons ,

and on e God, ha ve m ercy up on us m iserable sinners .

Rem ember no t , Lord, our offences , nor the offen

ces of our fore fathers , neither take thou venge anceof ou r sins : Spare us , good Lord , spare thy people ,whom thou has t rede em ed w ith thy m ost prec ious

b lood, and be no t angry w ith us for ever ,

Sp are us, Good L ord,F rom a ll evil and m ischief, from sin , from the

crafts and assaults of the devil, from thy wra th , and

from everlas ting damna tion ,

Good L ord , deliver us .

From a ll blindness o f heart from pride , va in—glory, and hypo chr isy from envy, ha tred, and mali ce ,and a ll uncharitableness,

Good L ord, deliver ua

From Fornica tion and all o ther deadly sin ; and

from all the de ce—its of the world, the fle sh and the


Good L ord, deliver us .


From lightning and tempest from plague , pesti

lence , and fam ine ; from battle , and m urder , andfrom sudden death ,

Good L ord, deliver u s .

From all sedition , privy conspiracy, and rebellionfrom a ll fa lse doctrine , here sy and sch ism from hard

ness of heart, and con tempt of thy word and com

m andm ent,

Good L ord, deliver us .

By the mystery of thy holy incarna tion ; by thyho ly N a tivity and Circum cision by thy Baptism ,

Fasting, and Tempta tion ,

Good L ord, deliver us .

By thine agony and bloody Swe at ; by thy Crossand Passion by thy precious Dea th and Bur ial ; bythy glori ous Re surre c tion and Ascension and by the

com ing of the Ho ly Ghost,

Good L ord, deliver us .

In a ll tim e of our tribula tion ; in a ll tim e o f our

wealth ; in the hour of death, and in the day ofJudg

m ent,

Good L ord, deliver us .

W e s inners do beseech thee to hear us, O Lord

God, and that it m ay please thee to rule and govern

thy holy Church universa l in the right way ;


N ene tewean irekarahouhs n eon i teyodeghn iseran

o uhyan ihtouh ; kanradar ineghsera , youhwe adaghse ,neon i adouhkarryakouh aderiyoghsera , nec h i yoe d

earyos , neon i ok eawa tyaktsy eaya ieheye ,Sayanertsheriyoh, tagwag hnereahsy.

N ene agwekouh tsinateyo ni kouhrharah , adagh

s ehtouhke yonkh iyadesheano eny, n eoni yoedadeno

karouhs ne agwekouh onowea yoedadade righwah

nodoese , yoe tya toedagwas neon i koewayaghdouh

tyese ne (onouhsadoke ahtike ;) yoghnirouhse ne akaweryane , neon i yeko enadahgwha ne saweana neon i

tsin isarighwada touh ,Sayanertsheriyoh, tagwag hnereahsy.

Tsin iyo treahostouh sayadadokeaghty tsiowagh

rouhne sadoen iouh sayadadoke agh ty Ts iseanak

e ra touh n eon i Sa tyeroen itstouh ; Ts iyesaghnekos

serhouh , Seadouhtyegh thagwe , neon i Tesadeanake

raghthagwe ,Sayanertsheriyoh, tagwaghnereahsy.

Ts inisarouhyakeaouh neon i onegweaghsa Sadariheaouh ; Tsiteyesayeadanhare neon i Sarouhyakea

ouh ; ne tsin ikanorouh Tsiseaheyouh neon i Yesayada t ; ne oeweseaghtsherakouh Tsitsisatketsgwea

neon i Ts isa tharadadouh ; neon i ne tsiieyogh ne Ou

ikouhradokeaghty,Sayanertsheriyoh, tagwag hnereahsy.

N e agwekouh tsino ewe nea oegwa teryea takaryagh

tshera ; ne agwekouh tsinoewe nea ocgwa tshokow

aghsera ; ne tsieaka teke nea oegw eheyat, neoni egh

niserakouh nea tsineayoeda ttsyeahayea ,Sayanertsher iyoh, tagwag hnereahsy.

W agwean ideaghtea tagwathoeda ts yoegwarigh

waneraaxkouh , 0 Sayaner N iyoh , neoni nene asen

o ewene asa tsteriste nec h i aserighwakanoeny ne Sa

nouhsadokeaghtike aoedakagwekte aoetakarighwa

yerm e ;


W e beseech thee to hear us, g ood L ord.

That i t m ay please thee to keep and strengthenin the true worsh iping of thee , in righteousness and

holiness of life , thy servant VICTORIA , our m ost

grac ious Cl ueen and governor ;

W e beseech thee to hear i ts, g ood L ord.

That itm ay please thee to rule her heart in thy faith ,fear, and love , and that she m ay evermore have afa

fi ance in thee , and ever seek thy honour and glory ;

W e beseech thee to hear us , good L ord,

Tha t it may please thee to be her defender and

keeper, giving her the Victory over all her enemi es ;

W e beseech thee to hear us, good L ord.

That it m ay please the e to bless and to pre serve

Adela ide the queen Dowager , and a ll the RoyalFamily ;

W e beseech thee to hear u s g ood L ord .

That it m ay please thee to i llum inate all B ishops,Priests, and Deacons , w i th true knowledge , and t m

derstanding o f thy W ord ; and tha t both by the i r

preaching and living they m ay se t it fo rth, and shew

i t accordingly

W e beseech thee to hear ne, good L ed .


W agweanideaghtea tagwa thoeda ts , Sayanertsheri

h.3{oN e ne asenoewene asadeweyeatouh neoni ascsh

a tstate ne tokeaskeoewe aesakoenyea s thake , ader

ighwagwarihsyouhser akouh neon i ayouhnha toke agh

tihake , ne senhase VICTORIA, o egwayaner tsheri

.yo h kakoraghkowah neon i karighwakanocn is

W agwean ideaghtea tag-wa lli oeda ts, Sayanertsheri

oh.yN ene asenoewene asatster iste ne aweryane aoed

ayawegh tako uh aesatshan ighsheke , n eoni aesanor

ouhgwhake , neon i nene ts iniyaawe egh ayodewean

o daghgwe a iesetsherakouh , neo n i tyutko uh ne awes


satkoenyeastaktshera neoni oewese aghtshera ;W agwean ideag htea tagwa thoeda ts , Sayanertsheri

oh.jl]N en e a senoewene ne aouhha asenhe neon i asad

eweyea touh , aahsouh ne ayakosheany agwekouh

ts in iko uhwasweaghse .



iVagwean ideag htea tagwa thoeda ts , Sayanertsheri

03]N ene asenoewene asyadaderiste neoni asadewey

e atouh Adela ide Kakoraghkowah Yodeghreouhse ,neoni agwekouh ne Koraghkowah Ts inihadighwa t

S i ra ;

{Yagi—weanideag htea tagwa thoeda ts , Sayanertsheri

oyN ene asenoewene tasheghswa thedea agwekouh ne

Arighwawakhouhkowa tshouh , Raditsihus tatsihokouhnene tokeaske ahonaderyea tarake , neon i ahouh

ronkhake ne Saweana ; neon i nene te tsyarouh ra

onadcrighwanodouhtshera neon i ts in ihoenoenho tea

ne ahouhde atyc te , neoni egh n iyouht ts iawenehake ;{l'—agw eanideaghtea tagwathoedats , Sayanertsheri


That it m ay please thee to endue the Lords of the

Counci l, and all the N obi li ty, w ith grace , W isdom ,

and understanding

W e beseech thee to hear us , g ood L ord .

That it m ay please thee to bless and keep the m a

gistrates giving them grace to execute justice , and tom ainta in truth ;

W e beseech thee to hear ns , g ood L ord .

That it m ay please thee to bless and keep a ll thy


W e beseech thee to hear us, g ood L ord .

That it m ay please thee to give to all nations , unity,peace , and concord ;

W e beseech thee to hear u s , g ood L ord .

That it m ay please thee to give us an heart to loveand dread thee , aud diligen tly to live after thy com

m andm en ts

W e beseech thee to hear us , g ood L ord .

That i t m ay please thee to give to all thy people

increase of grace , to hear m eekly thy W ord, and to

rece ive it w ith pure affection , and to bring forth the

fruits of the Spirit ;

W e beseech thee to hear us, g ood L ord.

That it m ay please thee to bring into the way of


N ene asenoewene asheyer itshe ne Rodiyanerts

bouh Tsikea tsistayea , neon i agwekouh ne Radigh

seanowaneahse , keadeara t, kanikouhrowaneaghs

era , neon i aghronkhah tshera ;W agwean ideag htea tagwa thoeda ts , Sayanertsheri

yoh .

N ene asenoewene a sheyadaderiste neoni asheya

deweyeatouh ne raditsyeahayeashokouh : asheyouh

ne keadearat ahoederighwade a tyehte tk ar ighwayery, neon i ahoederighwadeweyeadouh ne tokeaske ;W agweanideaghtea tagwa thoeda ts , Sayanertsheri


N ene asenoewene asheyadaderiste neon i asheyadeweyea touh agwekouh ne so egw e ta ;W agweanideag htea tagwa thoeda ts , Sayanertsheri

oh.yN ene asenoewene asheyouh agwekouh yeghneg

waghsatennyouh , uskat yakeahake, kayanerea ĥ ne

on i shaakon iko era t


W agwean ideag htea tagwathoeda ts , Sayanertsheri

oyN ene asenoewene aaskyonh oegweryane agwano

rouhgwhake neon i agwa tshaghn isheke , neon i ayoe

gwatstenyarouhke ne egh nayakyoenhodeahake tsi

n isarighwada touh

W agweanideag htea tagwa thoeda ts , S ayanertsheri


N ene asenoewene asheyouh agwekouh ne so egweda ayakodeghyahroehase


ne keadeara t, ayakon i

kouhranetskhahake ayoerouhke ne Saweana , neoni

ayeyena yayonttoke , neon i yakahewe akaneahoe

dea ne Kanikouhrake ;W agweanideag htea tagwathoeda ts , Sayanertsheri

oh .3/N ene asenoewene aoesaghsheyathewe tsinoewe


truth a ll such as have erred , and are dece ived ;

W e beseech thee to hea r u s , g ood L ord.

That it m ay please thee to strengthen such as do

stand, and to com for t and he lp the weak - hearted,and to ra ise up them that fall, and fina lly to beat

down Sa tan under our fee t ;

W e beseech thee to hear u s, g ood L ord.

That it m ay please the e to succour , help , and comfort all that are in danger , necessity and tribulation

W e beseech thee to hea r us, g ood L ord .

That it may please thee to preserve a ll that trave lby land or by wa ter , a ll wom en labouring of child,a ll sick persons and young ch ildren , and to shew -thy

pity upon all prisoners and c aptives

W e beseech thee to hea r us , g ood L ord .

That i t m ay please thee to defend and provide for

the fa therless children and w idows , and a ll that are

desolate and oppressed

W e beseech thee to hea r us, g ood L ord.

That it m ay please thee to have m ercy upon all

m en ;

W e beseech thee to hear u s, g ood L ord.


That it m ay please thee to forgive our enem ies,

p ersecutors , and slanderers , and to turn the ir hearts

W e beseech thee to hea r us , g ood L ord .

T hat it m ay please thee to give'

and pre serve to ourus e the kindly fruits of the ear th , so as in due tim e we

may enjoy them

W e beseech thee to hear us, g ood L ord.

That it m ay please thee to give us true repentance ,to forgive us all our sins , negligences , and ignoran

c es , and to endue us w i th the grac e of thy HolySpirit to am end our lives according to thy holyW ord ;

W e beseech thee to hear us, g ood L ord.

Son ofGod : we be seech thee to hear us.

Son of God we beseech thee to hear ns .

0 Lamb ofGod that takest away the sins of the

world ;Grant us thy peace .

O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of theworld ;Have m ercy up on us .

Christ, hear us .

O Christ, hear us .

Lord, have m ercy upon us .

L ord, have m ercy up on us .


N ene asenoewene aoesaghsherihw iyo stea ne yon

kh isweaghse , yonkhirouhyakea tha , neon i onowea

yonkhiyadatyases, neon i taoesaskarhadeny ne raon


W agweanideag htea tagwa thoeda ts , Sayanertsheri


l/Vene asenoewene aaskyouh neon i asadeweyeatouh

ne yagwatstha kayean thoghserouh ne oughw eats

yake , tsin iwadoen isaas ne wahoeny ayagwatshea


W agweanideag htea tagwa thoeda ts , Sayanertsheri

oh.yN ene asenoewene aaskyouh ne tokeaske aoesay

agwada trewaghte , ao esasgwar lghw iyoste a agwe

kouh ne oegwar ighwaneraaxhe ra , ts in iyoegwadu n t

staghgweaha tyese , neon i tsin ityoegwakara s , neon i

asgwayerl tshe ne seadeara t San iko uhradokc aghty ,ne ayoekyoenhagwa tako aoedayoyaneahawe Sawe

anadokeaghtyW agweanideag htea tagwa thoeda ts , Sayanertsheri

oh.yN iyoh Yayeaah : wagweanideaghtea tagwada

houhsada ts .

N igoh Yayeaah : wagweanideag htea tagwadahouh

sada ts .

O Royeaah N iyoh : nene ereah waghshaw ite ka

righwaneraaxhera ne tsiyouhwea tsya te

Takyouh ne sayanereag hsera .

O Royeaah N iyoh : nene ereah waghshaw ite ka

righwanera axhera ne tsiyouhwea tsyate


O Christ, tagwadahouhsada ts .

O Christ, tagwadahouhsada ts .

Sayaner, tagweadearhek .

Sayaner . tagweadea rhek.


Chr ist, have m ercy upon us .

Chri st, have m ercy up on u s .

Lord, have m ercy upon us.

L ord, have m ercy upon u s .

1l Then sha ll the P riest, and the P eop le with him , saythe L ord ls P rayer .

OU R Fa ther , wh ich art in Heaven, Hallowed be

thy N am e . Thy kingdom com e . Thy w ill be done

in ear th , As it is in He aven . G ive us this day our

da ily bread . And forgive u s our trespasses , As w e

forgive them tha t trespass aga inst us . And lead us

no t into tempta tion ; but de liver us from evi]. Amen .

P riest. 0 Lord, de a l no t w i th us after our sins .

Answ. N e ither reward u s after our in iqu i ties .

'll L et us p ray.

O Gen m erc iful Fa ther , tha t despisest not thes ighing of a con tr ite hear t, nor the desire o f such

as be so rrow ful ; Merc i fu lly a ssist our prayers that

w e m ake befo re thee in a ll our troubles and advers itieswhensoever they oppress us and grac iously hear us ,tha t those evi ls which the craft and subtilty of the dev,

i l or m an worke th aga i ns t us , be brought to nought,and by the providence of thy goodne ss they m ay be

dispersed, that we thy servants , be ing hurt by no persecutions , m ay everm ore give thanks unto thee in

thy ho ly Church , through Je sus Christ our Lord.


Chr ist, tagweadea rhek .

Chr ist, tagweadea rhek.

Sayaner, tagwe adearhek .

Sayaner , tagweadearhek.

'll E thane ne R a ts ihusta tsy, neoni ne Oegweholcouh,eahoedcreanayea ne Royaner R a odereanayean t.

Shoegwan iha Karouhyakouh teghsiderouh , W agwaghseanadokeaghdiste ; Sayaner tshe rah aoedawe

gh te Ts in eaghsereh egh neayaweane ne oughweat

syahe ts ioni n ityouht n e Karouhyakouh . Takyouh

ne keagh w eghn iserate ne n iyadeweg hn iserake

ocgwanadarok N e oni toedagwar ighw iyostea ne

tsin iyoegwa tswa touh , ts iniyouh t ne oekyouhha tsit

syakh irighw iyoste an is ne wa onkhiya tsw a tea . N eo

n i toghsa tagwagshar ine t tcwada deanakeraghto eke

N ok to edagwayadakoh ts ino ew e n iyodaxhea h: Am en .

R a tsi . O Sayaner , toghsa/

ne tagwa r ighwaseragwahtea ne o cgwar ighwaneraaxhera .

Ea tye . N e teas n e o egwar ighwaneraaxhera toghsa

ne tagwatshea noenyadaghgwea .

'li D ewadereanayea .

O N iyoh sean ideregh tsherananouh B an iba, ne

ne yagh teshekeaghro eny ne yakaw eryaghsanoe

waks, ne tea s yenekha ne yakonikouhraneas ; Sea

n ideareghtsheranano uh aa sgwayenawase o egwade

reanay eant ne oewa nc saheadouh agw ekouh tsina

deyoegwanikouhrharha neoni ts in iyoegwa tkeagh

reaseroeny kahno ewe nea te ayoegwadouhnhakaryag hte ; ne on i seadeara tne aasgwadahouhsadatshe ,nene yodaxhease nenaho tea kan ikouhrhado uh tsi

niyoegwatyadouhtye se ne oneghshouhronouh ne teas

oegwe akoyodeaghsera , ne ogh ayoegwayaghdouh

8 0 TH E LITAN Y .

O L ord, a rise , help us , and deliver us for thyN ame's

sake .

O GOD w e have heard w ith our ears , and our fa

thers have de clared unto us the noble works that

thou didst in the i r days , and in the old tim e before

them .

O L ord, a rise , help us , and deliver usf or thineHonour .

Glory he to the Father, and to the Son and to the

Holy GhostAnsw . As it was in the beginn ing, is now , and

ever sha ll be world w ithou t end. Am en .

F rom our enem i es defend us, O Christ.

Gra ciously look upon our aj lictions .

Pitifully beho ld the sorrows of our hearts .

Mercifu llyforg ive the sins of thyp eop le .

Favourably w ith m ercy hear our prayers;

0 Son of D avid, have m ercy upon us .

Bo th now and ever vouchsafe to hear us, O Christ .

Grciously hear us , O Christ ; g raciously hear us, O

L ord Christ.

P riest. O Lord, let thy m ercy be shewed upon us


tye te ne ayagwaghtouh , neon i ne ts in ighsheyahda

nouhsda ts ts in isayanere ne taoeso erenyathake , nene

o ekyouhha tagwanhaseokouh , waho eny yagh teyaW e t ayo egwaka rewaghte ts in iyo egwarouhyake a tha ,tsin iyaawe agwadouhroe niheke Sanouhsadokeagh

ti tsherakouh , ne raoriho enya t Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner .

0 Sayaner , tagw aghsnyenouh, neoni toedagwayada

lcoh ne Sag hseana a orihoenya t.

N iyoh ne o egwahouhta yonaghroekca , neon i

akhighn iha yonkhighro r ihagwe ts in iyo tyoghdeahser

akoenyeas t nene ts in isa tyerea raonadeghniserakouh ,neon i ne wahoen isc oheadouh ne ronouhha .

0 Sayaner , ta ag hsnyenouh, nocn i toedagwayadakoh wahoeny Sa t oenyeag htshera .

Oewe seagh takshera naah ne Ran iha , neon i ne Ro

ewayea : neon i ne On ikouhradoke aghty ;E atye .

_Ts iniyogh toene ne adaghsaw ahtsherakouh ,

egh n iyouht no ewa , neon i tyu tkouh ne eakeahake

tsiyouhweatsya te yagh th iyao edoktea . Am en.

N e yonkh iswe aghse tagwanhe , O Christ .

Keadeara tne a sa tka tho oegwanouhwakteag hsera .

Tesanouhyanik sa tka tho o egwaghn ikouhranouhwaktcaghse ra .

Seanideareg htsherananouh sasherighwiyostea ne akorig hwanera ax hera soegweta .

Aasgwariwawase sean ideareghtshera asaroeke ne

oegwadereanayean t

O Yayeaah D avid , tagweadea rhek.

Te tsyarouh noewa neon i tsin iyaawe asgwatahouhsateke , O Chr is t.

Keadeam tne a sgwa tahouhsa tehe , O Christ headcera ino aSgwadahouhsa telce , O Sayaner Christ.

O Sayaner, kinyoh ne sean ideareghtshera tagwanadoeha s ;


Answ . As we do put our trus t in thee .

1l L et u s p ray.

W E humbly beseech thee , Fa ther, m ercifullyto look upon our inĥrm itie s and fo r the glory of

thy N am e turn from us all tho se evils that w e m o st

righteously have deserved and gran t that in a ll

our tro ubles we m ay put our who le trust and con

fi dence in thy m ercy, and everm ore serve thee in

ho liness and pureness o f living, to thy honour and

glory through our only Media tor and Advoca te , JesusChrist our Lord . Am en .

'li A P rayer of St. Chrysostom .

ALMIGHTY God, who hast given u s grac e a t this

tim e w i th one accord to m ake our comm on supplica

t ions un to the e and do st prom ise that when two or

three are ga thered toge ther in thy N am e , thou w ilt

gran t the ir reque sts ; Fulfi l now , O Lord, the desiresand pe titions o f thy servants , as m ay be m o st expedien t for them ; gran ting us in th is world know ledge of

thy truth , and in the world to com e life everlasting.

Am en .

2 Cor . 13 . 14 .

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, ahd the loveof God, and the fe llowsh ip of the Ho ly Ghost, bew ith us a ll everm ore . Am en .

Here ende th the L i tany .



To be used bef ore the two j ina l P rayers of the L i tany, or of Morn ing and Even ing P rayer .


?i F or Ra in .

God , heavenly Father, who by thy Son JesusChrist hast prom ised to a ll them that se ek thy

kingdom and the r igh te ousne ss thereof, a ll things

necessary to the ir bodi ly sustenanc e Send us , w e be

seech thee , in th is our nec essi ty ,such m odera te ra in

and showers , tha t w e m ay rec e ive the frui ts of the

earth to our com fo rt, and to thy honour, through

Jesus Christ our Lord . Am en .

hi F or f a ir W eather.

O Aa HTY Lord G od, who fo r the s in of m an

didst once drown a ll the world , except e ight pe rsons ,and a fterwa rd o f thy great m ercy d idst prom ise

never to destroy i t so aga in we hum bly beseech thee ,that a lthough w e fo r o ur i n iqu itie s have wor th i ly deserved a plague o f ra in and wa ters , ye t upo n our true

repentance thou w rlt send us suc h wea ther , a s tha t we

may rec e ive the fru its o f the e arth in due sea son , a'


learn bo th by thy pun ishm ent to am end our live s , and

for thy clem ency to give thee pra ise and glory,



?i N e eayontstha lce ne tog hlca n ikouh thinika rihoeny.

1TN e ayokeanore.

0 N iyoh karouhyake B eniha , ne Egh tsyeaah Je

sus Christ shakorharatsteany agwekouh ne yakesaxShyanertshera, nsoni ader ighwagw arihsyouhsera

nethe , ag wekouh tsinaho teashouh tsinadeyodouhwe

a tsyohouh ne akoyerouhke aodakar idaghtshera

Aoedasgwadeanyeghtase , wagwean ideaghtea , ne ke e

a iekea tsinadeyo egwadouhwe atsyony , ne ayokean,

o re tsiniyore ts inaoedakarighwayerm e , nene aoed

o uh ayagwayena akaneahoe tea ne oughwea tsyake

ayoegwagwa tshene , neoni ne saneadouhtshera ; ne

raorihoenya t Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner . Amen .

1l Aweg hniser iyoshehe.

Sesha tsteaghsera'

gweko uh N iyeh , ne ako r igh

waneraaxhera ne oegwe wahoeny uskat yesheskogh.

touh oughwea tsyagwekouh , neok shadekouh N iyae

houh , yakodadearaouh, noe ni ts ioghnakeahke ne

tsinikowane a seanideareghtshera sarhara tstouh yaghnoewoadouh shekouh thao e saghsheyahdo e te ; wagwean ideaghtea , sane ne o egwarighwaneraaxherao g

koub nea teyoegwaduntshouh ke a iekea yokeanorese

neoni oghnekaokouh , nok shekouh ne toke aske eat

syagwada trewaghte deadesgwadeanyeghtase ne egh


through Jesus Christ our Lord. Am en .

1TIn the tim e of D earth and F am ine.

O Gon ,he aven ly Father , who se gift i t is, tha t

the ra in do th fall, the earth is fru itful, beasts ih

crease and fishe s do m ultiply Behold, we beseechthe e , the a i c tions of thy people and grant that the

scarc i ty and dearth (which we do now m o st justlysuffe r for our in iqu i ty) m ay through thy goodne ss be

m ercifully turned in to cheapness and plenty, for thelove of Jesus Chris t our Lord to W hom , w ith thee

and the Ho ly Gho st, be all honour and glory, now

and for ever . Am en .

Or this,

O Gon m erciful Father , who in the time of Elishathe prophe t , didst suddenly in Sam aria turn great

scarci ty and de arth into plen ty and cheapness Havem ercy upon us , that we , who are now for our s ins

punished w ith like adversity, m ay likew ise find a

seasonable re lief Increase the fruitsof the earth bythy heavenly benediction and grant tha t we , rece i

ving thy boun tiful liberality , may use the same to


n iweghn isero tea , nene ao e touh ayagwayena akanea

hoe tea ne oughwea tsyake ne ts in iwadoe n isaas ; ne

o n i ne ay agwadewey eas te te tsyarouh ne sarew agh

tshera ayo ekyoenhagwadakoh , neon i ts ite ts isanoe

yan iex ne agwaneadouh neon i oew eseaghtshera , ne

raorihoenya t Jesus Chris t Shoegwayaner . Am en .

'll Ts in iyahaweadag hse .

N iyoh , karouhyake Ran iha , ts in ighsheyaw is,ne tsiyokeanore se ne oughwea tsyake tsikaneahontha ,koed irryohokouh yaw etowanhao ehatye , keatsyonk

hokouh yona tkaweaha tye Satkatho , wagwean ide

aghtea , akonouhwakteaghsera ne soegweda ; neon i

takyouh nene tsin ikanorouh neoni adonhkarryakouh

(nenaho tea noewa yoegwarouhyake aghtahkouh ne

oegwar ighwaneraaxhera) ne ts inisayancre tsin iseanideareskouh egh ao eson tkareaghragwahte ne aoesa

kanakereane neon i aoeso e tyeseaghne , ts inihanor

ouhgwha Jesus Chr ist Shoegwayaner ; ne iesewe se

neoni ne On ikouhradokeaghty, agwekouh kanead

ouhtshera neon i oeweseaghtshera , noewa neoni tsi

n iyeaheawe . Am en .

N e teas keaiekea .

0 N iyoh sean ideareghtsherananouh Kan iha , ts in

oewe n iwa thaw isgwe Elisha ne oheadouh yehariwa

keas, tsinisayerea ok oedyaktsy ne Sam ariatshera

kouh shadeyontkarryasgwe neon i yoedouhkarryax

gwe sakanakereane neon i soe tyeseane Aasgwead

eare , nene o ekyouhha , noewa n e oegwarighw aner

aaxhera yoegwaghrewahtha ne shadeyouht tsiyoegwatkeaghreaseroeny, shadayawea on i thaoneane

aoesayoegwatrahgwea : Ayawe towanha akaneahoetea ne oughweatsyake ne sarouhyakeghtsherake

88 Pn Av nn s .

thy glory, the re lief o f those tha t are needy, and ourown comfort ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Am en .

fl In the tim e of W a r and Tum u lts .

O ALMIGHTY God, King of a ll k ings, and Gov..

e rnour o f a ll th ings , whose pow e r no cre ature is ableto re s is t, to whom i t be longe th justly to punish sin

ners , and to be m ercifu l to them that truly repen t

Save and de live r us , w e humbly beseech thee , fromthe hands o f our enem ie s aba te the ir pride , asswage

the ir m alice , and confound the ir devices ; that we ,be ing arm ed w ith thy defenc e , may be preservedevermore from all per i ls , to glorify thee , who art theonly giver o f a ll Vic tory, through the merits of thyonly Son Jesus Chr ist our Lord. Amen.

?i In the time of any common P lagne or Sickness .

ALMIGHTY God , who in thy wra th didst send

a plague upon thine own People in the w ilderne ss

for the ir obstina te rebe llion aga inst Mose s and

Aaron and also in the time of King David didst slayw ith the plague of pe stile nce thre escore and ten

thousand ; and e t rem embering thy m ercy didst

save the rest ; flave pity upon us m iserable sinners,


sayadaderightshera , neoni takyouh , ayagwayena ne

tsinidisarighwayery, ne ayagwa tste shadayawea ne

soeweseaghtshera , ne ayakhiyeritshe ne teyontkar

ryas, neoni ne oekyouhha ayo egwagwa tshene ; ne

raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner. Amen .

hi N e tsinoewe Aderiyog hsera neon i Teyon ikouhrha ra .

O Sesha tsteaghseragw ekouh N iyoh Koraghkow

ah ne agwekouh koraghkowa tshouh , neon i Serigh

wakanoen is agwekouh ts iok naho tea shouh , ne sash

atste aghsera yagh teyodoenhe touh ne akagwenytaoedayo swa tenya t e , ne saw eank ne eahsh


edeare ne

akouhha ne toke aske tsyoeda trewagh tha : Tagwayadanouhsda t neon i tagwayadakoh , w agwean ideagh

tea , no radisnoeke ne yonkhisweaghse : to edasa tok

tak tsinihadinaye , shodirighw iyon ne raodinagh

gwheasera , noc ni sheyatswateagh ts iniho edadeni

kouhrisaa s ne tayoegweaghnyadatstahkouh ne san

heghtshera , ne asgwadeweyea touh ts in iyaaw e agwe

kouh tsiniyo tteronk, akyo ewe saghte ne iese , ne yad

eghsya tylsheyaw is a ekouh ne eayoedeasheany,

ne raori oen'

a t tsina ehodeantshouh n e ok yekeahaEghtsyeaah esus Chri st Shoegwayaner . Am en .

Ti N e tsinoewe ne Kanrada rineg hsera you hweadase.

O Seshatsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh , ne sanagW heaserakouh shenradar inestouh ne Soegw eda kar

bake nh ts iwahoew adinokare ne Moses neon i Aaron ;nokou i tsinoewe shiwathaw ighse ne Koraghkow ah

David shehryoh ne w akanradar ine tsyadak n iwagh

shea niweanyaweeghtsherahshea ; neon i shekouh

seyaghre ne sean ideareghtshera sheyadanouhsda touh

yakodadearaouh ; Taa sgwanouhyaneke yagwayes

aghse yoegwarighwaneraaxkouh , noewa yoegwan


who now are v is ited w ith great s ickn ess and m orta l

i ty ; tha t like a s thou dids t then a c cept of an a to ne

m ent, and didst comm and the de stroying Ange l to

cease from pun ish ing so i t m ay now please thee to

w ithdraw from us th i s plagu e and grievous s ickness ,through Jesus Chr is t our Lord. Am en .

hi In the Ember W eelcs , to be sa id every day,f or thosetha t a re to be a dm itted in to Holy Orders .

ALMIGHTY God“our heavenly Fa ther, who hast

purchased to thyself an un iversa l Church by the prec ious b lood o f thy de ar Son ; Mercifully look upon

the sam e , and a t this tim e so gu ide and govern the

m inds of thy s ervants the B ishops and Pastors of

thy flock, that they m ay lay hands suddenly on no

ma n , bu t fa ithfully and w isely m ake cho ice of li t per

sons to serve in the sa cred M in istry o f thy Church .

And to those wh ich shall be orda ined to any ho lyfunction give thy grac e and heavenly benedic tionthat bo th by the ir life and doctrine they m ay set

forth thy glory, and set forward the salvation of a ll

m en ; through Jesus Chr ist our Lord. Am en .


0 1 th i s .

ALMIGHTY God, the giver of a ll good gifts , who

o f thy divine providen c e hast appo inted divers Orders in thy Church : G ive thy grace , w e humbly beseech thee , to a ll tho se who are to be called te anyOffice and adm in istra t ion in the sam e ; and se re

plen ish them w ith the truth o f thy do ctrine , and eu

due them w i th inno c en cy e f life , tha t they m ay faith

fu lly serve be fo re the e , to the glo ry o f thy great

N am e , and the benefi t of thy ho ly Church ; through

Jesus Christ our L ord . Am en .

1l A P rayer tha t m ay be sa id af ter any of thef ormer.

Ge n , whose na ture and property is ever to havem ercy, and te forgive , re ce ive e ur humble pe tit ions ;and though w e be tied and bound w ith the cha in of

o ur s ins , ye t le t the pit ifulne ss of thy great me rcylo ose us , for the honour o f Jesus Christ o ur Media

tor and Advocate . Am en .

1 A P rayerf or the H ig h Court (yf P arliam ent, to be

read du r ing their Session .

Me s'

r rac ie us_G e d, w e humbly b eseech thee , as

for this ingdem in general, se espec ia lly for the

High Court of Parliam en t, under eur me st re ligious

an gracious quee n a t this time a ssemb led Tha t

thou wou ldest be pleased te direc t a nd pro sper a ll

the ir consultations to the advancem en t of thy glory,


N eteas keai ekea .

Sesha tsteaghseragwekouh N iye h , ne sheyaw is

agwekouh ne adadawightsheriyoh , ne saragweagh

ts inadeake n tdihanye eke Ts ie ayake de righhe ede eke

ne Sane uhsade ke aghtitsherake uh Sheyouh ne se a

dearat , wagwean ideagh te a . ne agwekouh tsin i kouh

ne eahe ewadihe ekarryake ne on i ea he n tsteriste neok

ne shaha t ; neoni aaghsenane re ne uhhake ne tokeaske tshera saderighwahne de uhtshera , neon i a sheyer

i tshe ne ahe ene uhnh iye hake , nene oewe seaghtshera

ne kewanea Saghseana , neon i ne ae tsheane enyagh

tshera ne Sanouhsadokeaghtike ; ne raorihoenyat

Jesus Christ Shoegwayane r . Am en .

i l Adereanayean t eayon tsthahe ts iog hnakeahke ne od

dya /ceshouh .

O N iye h , tsin ighse uhnhe tea neoni ne saw eanktyutkouh ne ashedeare neon i aoesaghsher ihw iyo stea ,aahsyena ye egwadade ene agh te uh gwarighwanekea

ny ; neon i sane yagwanereah ne yagwaghnereas

teuh ne tekanaghde darhe uh e egwarighwane raaxheranok tae esasgwanouhyan ieke nene ts1n isean ideareghtsherewanea ae e sa sgwaghnereahsy ; ne raoncadouhtshera Je sus Christ She egwa r ighwahsere enyeany neoni Shoegwada tyase . Am en .

li N e Adereanyeant tsin ikariwes Rona lkeanissbuh Tsikea tsistagwen iyoh.

Sean ideareske uh N iyeh , wagwe an ide aghtea , neneTsiyenake rennye uh ne ke agh noewe , nek i agwaghTs ike a ts is tagwe n iye h ne ewa ne keagh noe we n iwathaw ise re natke an issouh ; N ene egh nae edaghseneewene ne a sadeweyc ane eny neon i asade rasw iye s teagwekouh tsine ahadi righwakanoenyanyeuh nene ao


the goe d of thy Church , the safe ty , ho nour, and we lfare o f our Sove re ign ,

and her Dom inions that all

th ings m ay be so ordered and se ttled by the ir en

deavours , upon the best and sure st foundations , that

peac e aud happine ss, truth and just ic e , re ligion and

pie ty , m ay be established am ong u s fe r a ll gener

a tie ns . These and a ll o ther ne ce ssar ies , fe r them ,

fe r u s , and thy who le Church , we humbly beg in the

N am e and Mediation of Je sus Christ our m e st blesscd L ord and Saviour . Am en .

A Collect or P rayerf or a ll Conditions of Men, to

be used a t su ch tim es when the L i tany is not opp e in

ted to be sa id .

O Gen , the Crea tor and Preserver of all m ankind,we humbly besee ch the e for all se rts and conditions

of m en , tha t thou wou lde st be plea sed to m ake thyways known unto them ; thy saving hea lth un to a ll

nations . Me re e specially we pray for the good es

tate of the Ca tho lic Church tha t it m ay be so gu i

ded and governed by thy goed Spir it, that a ll who

pro fe ss and call them se lves Chris tians, m ay be led

into the w ay of truth , and he ld the fa ith in un ity of

Spirit, in the bond e f peace , and in righteousness of

Life . Fina lly, we comm end te thy fa therly goed


ness, all those who a re any ways afii ic ted or dis tressed in m ind, body , or e state , [

*esp ecia lly those for

whom nur P rayers a re desired ,] Tha t it m ay please

the e to com fo rt and re lieve them according to the ir

severa l ne cess ities , giving them pa t ience under the irsuff


e rings , and a happy issue ou t of a ll the ir afii ic - s

tio n s . And this we beg fo r Je sus Christ his sake.Amen .

Th is to be said when any desn e the Praye rs of the Co ngregation.



A Genera l Thanksgiving .

ALMIGHTY God, the Fa ther of all m ercies, we

th ine unworthy servants do give thee m ost humbleand hearty thanks for a ll thy goodness and lovingkindne ss to us , and to all men [

*p a rticu larly to those

who desire now'

to of er ap their pra ises and thanks i

ingsfor thy la te m erc ies vouchsaf ed un to them .] %Vebless thee for our creat ion , pre serva tion, and a ll the

blessings of th is life ; but above a ll for th ine inesti

mahle love in the redemption of the world by our

LOl'd Jesus Christ ; fo r the means of grace . and for

N e to be said when amy tha t hm been '


Por de stine to return praise


neomi yoedadenatouhgwha Yako tnekosserhouh ne

ayakoghsharine ts iyohadatye ne tokeaske tshera , ne

on i ne ayakoyenawaghkoehake ne tew egh tahkouh

uskah yakeah ake ne kan iko era , ne ayakon erea ne

Kayanerea , neon i aderighwagwarighsyouhserakouh

ts iayakoenheke . Tsiyeyodoktaghgwe a , egh noekady

yaagwada te ran in eha tsin isayan ere agwekouh ts ini

kouh , tsiok n ityotyera touh ne akonouhwak teaghsera ,neteas yeyesaghse , akon ikouhrakouh , akoyerouh

take , ne teas ts in iyakoye a ; (*nehi agwag h ne aka

ouhha noewa noegwadereanayean t yerig hwahnekha )nene asenoewene a sheyouhwesagh te neon i asheyad

orishean those , ne aoedayoyaneahaw e tsin iyoghtannyouh tsiteyako touhw ea tsyonyanyo eny , aahsheyouh

ne ayakon ikouhkatsteke tsiyakorouhyakea , n eon i

ayo tsheanoenyatouh taoesako ewato ekoghtase agwekouh ne akonouhwakteagh sera . N eon i ke aiekea

waghgwahnekea Jesus Christ raorihoenyat. Am en .

N e kea iekea ne eayai erouh ne kaneka n iyerlghwanekha ne Ayoedadade

reanayeahase ne keatyoghgwake .



touh Yoedouhrahdagwha .


agwekouh sean ideareskouh , yagh teyo egwayatagwanhaseokouh yaagwada te ieseke yo egwa

eneaghtouh neon i oegweryane tegwanouhwera

touh ne agwekouh tsin isayanere neon i tsini sgwano

rouhgwha , a wekouh on i ne oegwehokouh : [*nehi

ne a aouhha ne oewa yerig hwanekha ne yaye

ayesaneadouh neon i ayesadouhrea ne naheha

tsineanahe tsini hshedea rouh .] W agwayadaderiste

tsitakyoenhe tou tagwadeweyeadouhtyese , neoni

N e kea lekea eayon tste ne kaneha nlyoedadereanayeadaghgweamhagweneno teayoedeanouhweratouh .



the hepe of glory . And w e beseech thee to give u s

that due sense of a ll thy m erc ies , tha t our hearts

m ay be unfe ignedly thankful, and that w e m ay shew

forth thy pra ise , no t only w ith our lips , bu t in our

lives , by giving up ourse lves to thy service , and bywalking before thee in ho liness and r igh teousne ss a llour days , through Je sus Christ our Lord ; to whom ,

w ith thee and the Ho ly Ghost, be all honour and

glory, world w i thout end. Am en .

F or Ra in .

O Gon our heavenly Father , who by thy gracious

providence dost cause the form er and the latter ra in

to descend upon the earth , that it m ay bring forth

fru it for the use ofm an W e give thee humble thanksthat i t ha th pleased thee , in our great necessity, tosend us a t the last a joyful ra in upon th ine inheri t

ance , and to refresh i t when i t was dry, to the great

com fort of us thy unworthy servants , and to the glory of thy ho ly N am e through thy m ercies in JesusChrist our Lord . Am en .


F or f a ir W ea ther .

O L om ) God, who hast justly humbled us by thylate plague of imm oderate ra in and waters , and in

thy m ercy hast re lieved and comforted our souls bythis sea sonab le and blessed change of wea ther ; W e

pra ise and glorify thy holy N am e for th is thy m ercy,and w ill always de c lare thy loving- kindness fromeneration to generation through Jesus Christ ourord . Am en .

F or P lenty.


r merciful Fa ther , who of thy gracious goodness. hast heard the devou t prayers of thy Church,and turned our dearth and scarcity into cheapnessand plen ty W e give thee .humble thanks for th is thyspecial bounty besee ching thee to continue.thy lov

iug- kindne ss unto us, that our land m ay yie ld us her

fru its of increase , to thy glory and our com fort ;through Je sus Christ our L ord. .Hm en .

F oa' P eace and D elioerancef rom our Enem ies .

0 Ammons ? God, who art a strong tower of de

fenee unto,thy servants aga in st the face ot the ir

enem ies W e . ye ld thee pra ise and. thanksgiving forom dehvenm c e from those great and appa rent dan

gers wherew ith w e were compassed W e a cknowh

edge it thy goodness that we were no t de livered over


“ll W eg hniseriyose .

Sayaner Niye h , waskyo eneaghte ne naheha

tsineanahe wa sgwakeanoreste neon i oghnekaokouh ,neon i sean ideareghtsherakouh sasgwaghw isharakoh

neon i waghso ewe sahte n e o egwadoenhe ts kea iekea

tsitoeson tteny tsin iweghn isero tea W agwaneadouh

neon i wakyo ewesagh te Saghseanadoke aghty n e kea

iekea sean ideareghtshera , neon i ok yekakoete eawa

troriheke tsin idisarighwayery , oghnegwaghsa tsiea

kaghn egwaghsadatye ne raorihoenya t Jesus ChristShoegwayaner . Am en .

Ĵ l Easkanakereag hne .

O Sean ideareghtsherowanea Ran iha , ne tsishede

aras neoni tsin isayanere waghsaroeke ne akodere

anayeant ne Sanouhsadokeaghtike toesasteny tsi

yagwadouhkarryaxgwe ns on i teyagwa tkarrya sgwe

soe tyeseaghne neon i sakanakereaghne W agwada

doeneaghte watgwanouhwera touh ne kea iekea tsini

yorihowanea tsinasgwa tyeraghse ; gwean ideaghtea

ny ucok kadokea nayoghtouh tsinisgwanorouhgwha,nene oekyouhweatsya ayaw eghyarouh ne akaneagho edea ayoegwadeghyahroeha se , ne soewe seaghtsh

era neon i ne ayo egwagwatshe ne raorihoenyat Je

sus Christ Sho egwayaner . Am en .

1l K ayanerea nea tea tsidewadoekog hte ts inoewe n iyonk

hisweag hse .

O Seshatsteaghseragwekouh N iye h , seshatste ne

eaghsheyadanouhsda te shenhaseokouh tsiradikouh

soe te ne roewadisweaghse W agwaneadouh neon iwagwadoerea tsisasgwayadakoh tsinoewe kowaneateyoderyeaghthara ne teyoegwaghgwadasetouhneYagwadoederese ne wahoeny tsiyagh egh noekady


as a prey un to them be seeching thee still to continue such thy m ercies towards us , that all the wo rld

m ay know that thou art our Saviour aud m igh ty deliverer ; through Je sus Christ our Lord . .dmen .

F or restoring P ubliclc P eace a t Home .

O ETERN AL God, our heavenly Father , who alone

m akest m en to be ofone m ind in a house , and stillest

the outrage of a Violen t and unruly people W e

bless thy holy N am e , that it hath pleased the e to ap

pease the seditious tumults which have b een latelyra ised up am ongst u s m ost humbly beseeching theeto grant to all of us grace , that we m ay henceforthobediently wa lk in thy holy comm andm ents ; and,leading a qu iet and peac eable life in all godliness and

honesty, m ay continua lly offer unto thee our sacrifi ceof pra ise and thanksgiving for these thy m ercies towards us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Am en .

F or D eliverancef rom the P lagne, or other common

Sickness .

O Lonn God, who hast wounded us for our sins,

and consum ed us for our transgressions, by thy late

heavy and dreadful visitation ; and now , in the m idst

of judgment rem embering m ercy, hast redeemed our


souls from the jaws of dea th ; W e offer unto thyfa th erly goodness ourselve s , our souls aud bodies

wh ich thou ha st de livere d , to be a living sarifice unto

thee , a lways pra ising and m agn ifying thy m erc ies in

the m idst of thy Church through Je sus Christ ourLord. Am en .

Or this .

W E humbly acknow ledge before thee , most

m erciful F a ther , that all the pun ishm ents wh ich are

threa tened in thy law m ight justly have fa llen upon

u s , by re a son of our m an ifo ld transgressions and

hardness of he art : Ye t see ing i t ha th pleased thee of

thy tender m ercy , upon our weak and unworthy hum iliation , to a sswage the contagious sickne ss wherew i th we la te ly have been sore a i c ted, and to restore

the vo ice of joy and health into our dwellings W e

o ffer un to thy Divine Maj e sty the sacr ific e of pra ise

and thanksgiving, lauding and m agn ifying thy glo

r ious N am e for such thy preservation and providenceover us through Jesus Christ our Lord . Am en .


renaw ihn e ; neon i ne ewa , ne shadewaghseanea ne

sa tsyeahayeaghtsherakouh seyare ne sean idearegh

tshera ,“

saghsyadakoh n e oegwado enhe ts ne ka i *ho t

shake ne ke aheyouh Eg h no ekady yaagwada te ran

ineha tsin isayan ere oekyouhha , oegwadoenhe ts neoni

agwayeroeke ne saghsyadakoh , ne ayo enheghtsihouh

ne yeyoegwa te ieseke , tyu tkouh agwaneadouhsheke

neoni ayagwadouhroen iheke ne seanidearegh tshera

shadewaghseanea ne sanouhsadokeagh tike ne ra

orihoenya t Jesus Christ Shoe gwayaner . Am en .

N eteas keaeikea .

Yoegwadadoeneagh touh yagwadoederese sahead

ouh , O Se an ideareghtsherananouh Ran iha , ne agweko uh tsin ikaghrewahdouhtshero tease ts inighsheder

ouhgweany ne sarighwake tk a righwayery tsidoese

ane ne oekyouhhake , waho eny tsin iyoghnanedarryeuh oegwanh ightshera neon i yoghn iroe se ne e egwe ryane N ok shekouh waghsa tkatho egh noedagh

seno ewene tsise an ide areskouh , o egwayad ane tskha

neon i yagh o thenouh teyoegwayanere tsiwaagwada

doeneaghte , nene ao edaghsadoktahgwe n e kanrada

rineghsera ne oewa naheha tsin eanahe wao egwar

ouhyakea te , neon i sasgwayeritshe ne adoenharak

oweana neon i adakaridatshera ne tsiyagwanakere

N e yaagwada te ieseke ne Tsyadanorouhkowah ne

wagwadoerea , waagwadewean ake tskoh waagwako

wanaghte ne oeweseaghtshera Saghseana ne tsiwas

gwayadanoesdate ; ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ

Shoegwayaner . Amen .



N or a, that the Collect appom ted for every Sunday, or for any Holyday that hatha V lgll or Eve , shall be sai d at the Evening Servwe next before .


The Collect.

ALMIGH TY God, give us grace tha t we m ay castaway the works of darkness, and put upon us the arm our of light, now in the tim e of this m ortal life , ( inwh ich thy Son Jesus Christ cam e to visit us in greathum ility tha t in the last day , when he shall comeagain in h l S glor ious Majesty to Judge bo th the qu ickand dead, w e m ay r ise to the life imm ortal, through

h im who live th and re igne th w ith thee and the HolyGhost, now and ever . Am en .

The Ep istle . Rom . Xii i . 18 .

The Gospel. St. Matth . xxi . l .

This Collect is to be repeated every day, with the other Collects in Advent ,until Christm as Eve .

108 COL L EoT s .


The Collect.

BLESSED Lord, who ha st c aused all holy Scripturesto be wr itten for our learn ing ; Grant that we m ayin such wise he ar them , read, m ark , learn , and ihwardly digest them ,

tha t by patience , and com fort ofthy ho ly W ord, w e m ay embrace , and ever hold fastthe ble ssed hope of everlasting life , W h ich thou hast

given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ . Am en .

The Ep istle . Rom . XV . 4 .

The Gosp el. St. Luke xxi . 25.


The Collect.

O L ORD Jesu Christ , who at thy first com ing didstsend thy m essenger to prepare thy way before thee

Gran t that the m in isters and stewards of thy mys

teries m ay likew ise so prepare and m ake ready thyway, by turn ing the hearts of the disobedient to the

W isdom of the just, that at thy second com ing to

judge the world we m ay be found an acceptable

people in thy sight, who livest and re ignest w ith the

Father and the Ho ly Spirit, ever one God, world

w ithout end. Am en .

The Ep istle . l Cor . iv. 1 .

The Gosp el. St. Matth . xi . 2 .



N e .d dereanayeant.

Sadaskats Sayaner , n e sarihoeny agw ekouh Tsin

ikaghyadouhseradokeaghty tsin ikaghyadouh ne aya

gwadeweyeas te ; Takyouh n en e egh n ayawea tsia

yoegwathoedeke , akoewaweanaghno touh , tsikayer

oen itstouh , ayoedeweyeaste , neoni onakouh noe kadyaoedoedakar idade , nene tsin isaghn ikoeres , neon i

tsin iyogwats ne Saweanadokeaghty, ne ayagwayena ,neoni tsin iyaaw e ne ayoegwayenawaghkoehake na

daSkatshera ayoe gwarhareke ne tsiniyeaheawe aya

kyoenheke , nenaho tea tsin ighshoegwawy ne Deg.

wayadakenhaghtshera Jesus Christ . Am en .

The Ep istle . Rom . XV. 4 .

The Gospe l . St . Luke xxi . 25 .


N e Adereanayean t.

O Sayaner Jesus Chr ist, neonea shoedaghsehsere

shoedoe tyereaghte tesheyadeanyegh touh ne ayerighweahawe ne aye sagwadagwagh se tsisahade ne

saheadouh ; Sheyouh ne raditsihusta ts ihokouh

neon i ne shakonatsteristase souhhake ne yagh teyokeant ne shadayawea aho edearharaghte neon i ahadi

weyeaneadaghne tsisahade nene daoesahadikarhad

eny ne akaweryane ne yagh teyo edew eanaraghgwhane kan ikouhrowaneaghtsherake tsin itkar ighwayery,nene nea deadeghse ne teken ihadont nea deadegh

shetsyeahayeahne ne tsiyouhweatsya te egh

wea tsiasgwayada tsheary ayonouhwegh touh



The Collect.

O L oa n , raise up (we pray thee ) thy power , andcome among us, and w ith great m ight suc cour usthat whereas, through our sins and w ickedness , weare sore le t and hindered in runn ing the race that

is se t before us , thy bountiful grac e and m ercy m ayspeedi ly he lp and de liver u s : through the satisfac

tion of thy Son our Lord, to whom w ith thee and

the Ho ly Ghost be honour and glory , world w ithoutend. Am en .

The Ep istle . Phil. iv . 4 .

The Gosp el. St. John i . 19 .


The Collect.

ALMIGHTY God, who hast given us thy only - be

gotten Son to take our nature upon him , and as a t


th is tim e to be born of a pure V irgin ; Gran t that

we be ing regenera te , and m ade thy children by adoption and grac e , m ay da ily be renew ed by thy Ho lySpirit ; through the sam e our Lord Jesus Chr ist,who live th and re ign e th w ith thee and the sam e Spi

rit, ever one God, world w ithout end . Am en .

The Ep istle . Heb . i . 1 .

The Gosp el. St . John i . 1 .


The Collec t.

GRAN T , 0 L ord, that in all our sufferings here

upon earth for the testim ony of thy truth , we m aysteadfastly look up to heaven , and by fa ith behold the

glory that shall be revealed ; and, be ing filled w i th

the holy Ghost , m ay learn to love and bless our per

scou te rs by the example of thy first Marty! Sa in tStephen ,

who prayed for his m urderers to thee , Oblessed Je sus , who standes t a t the right hand of God

to succour all those that suffer for thee , our only Me

dia tor and Advoca te . Am en .


kyoenho tea , neon i no ewa tsin iyahonthawy tsino ewe

n ihonakera touh ne yagh otheno uh teyo re ne Kaw in

ouh ; Takyouh n ene a se ao esayagwado enyaghte ,neoni tsinaasgwayeraghse tagwaye


aokoeah ayagwaz

touh neon i keadeara t, ne ts in iyadeweghu iserake a se

ayoegwadouhseha tye ne San ikouhradokeaghty; ne

okne shaka t raorihoenya t Shoegw ayaner JesusChrist ne ro enhe neon i ro tsteris to uh ne ie seke

neen i

nee k ne Shakan iko era t, tsm iye ahe awe uskat fi e

N [yoh tsiyo uhweatsya te yagh th iyaoedoktea . Amen.

The Ep istle . Heb . i . 1 .

The Gosp el . St . John i . 1 .


N e Adereanayeant.

Takyouh , O Sayaner , nene , agwekouh tsineayagwarouhyake a ne ke agh o ughwe a tsyake nene tsiteyagwar ighwakanere ne sa toke aske tshera , ok yadayo tkoedaghgwea ya tayagwakanerake ne karouhyake ,neon i ts iao edayo egWEgh tahkouh ayagwa tka tho ne

o eW e seaghts he ra nen e yah oe derighw i he fhe ; ns oni

akanaghne ne O n ikouhrado ke aghty , ne - ayagwadenorouhgwhake ne oni ayakhiyadad

eris te ne teyonkhiyo enharikhd uhs ne ashagwayan

ea hawe ne tyotyereagh touh Kar ighw iyos tak roswar-s

htouh (Sa int Stephen ,) waghshako tereanayeaase ne roeW arryoh ne ieseke , O sadaska ts Jes

sus , teghse te ts iraweyeadegh tahkouh rasnoeke ne

N iye h ne sheyenawa se agwekouh tsin ikouh ne yak

orouhyakea taghgwea ne iese , yadeghsyady Tagwar

ighwahsero enyeany neon i Tagwada tyase . Amen .


The Ep istle . Ac ts v i i . 55 .

The G osp el . S t . M a tth . Xxi ii . 34 .



The Collect.

MERCIFUL Lord , w e besee ch thee to c ast thy bright

beam s o f ligh t upon thy Church , tha t i t be ing en

ligh tened by the do c trine o f thy b le ssed Apo stle and

Evange l i st S a int John , m ay so w a lk in the light o f

thy tru th , tha t it m ay a t length a tta in to the light of

everlastirig life ; through Jesus Christ our Lord .

Am en!

The Ep istle . I St. John i . 1 .

The Gosp el. St . John Xxi . 19 .


The Collect.

O ALMIGH TY G od, who o ut of the m ou ths of babes

and sucklings has t o rda ined strength , and m ade st

infan ts to glor ify the e by the ir de a ths ; Mortify and

ki ll a ll vice s in us , and so strength en u s by thy grac e ,tha t by the inno cency of our lives , and constancy of

ou r fa i th even un to dea th , w e m ay glorify thy ho lyN am e ; through Jesus Chr ist our Lord. Am en .

1 16 C e L L Eo T s .

The Ep istle . Rev. xiv .


1 .

The Gosp el, St. Mei th . i i . 13 .


The Collect.

ALMIGHTY God, who hast given us thy only—be

got tenSon to tak e our na ture upon him , and as at

th is t im e to b e born of a pure Virgin ; Gran t tha t

we be ing rege ne ra te , and m ade thy ch ildren by adoption and grac e , m ay da ily b e renew ed by thy Ho ySpirit ; through th e same our Lord Je sus Christ,who liveth and re ign e th w ith thee and the same

Spirit, ever one God, world w ithou t end. Amen .

The Ep istle . Gal. iv . 1.

The Gosp el. S t . Ma tth i . 18 .

THE CUMtvIs as or esse r.

The Col lect.

ALMIGH TY God, who m adest thy blessedbe c ircum c ised , and obedien t to the law for mas} ;Grant us th e trueC ircum c ision o f the Spirit ; tha tou r heart s , and all our m embers , be in m ortifi efrom a ll worldly and c arnal lusts , w e m a in a ll

things e bey thy blessed w ill ; t ro ugh the game thySe n

Je sus Christ our Lord m en .


The Ep istle . Rev. x iv . 1 .

The Gosp el. St. Ma tth . i i . 13 .


.N e Adereanayean t.

Seshatsteaghseragw ekouh N iye h , tagwawy ucok

yekeaha Egh tsyeadh ne tehodadeghgweany ts iniya

kyoenho te a , neon i neoewa tsi niyaho n thawy ts in

o ewe n ihonakera touh ne yagh o theno uh teyore ne

Kaw inouh ; Takyouh nene ase ao esayagwad'

Oenyaghte , neoni ts inaasgwayeraghse tagwayeaoko eah

ayagwatouh noe n i kea dearat, ne tsin iyadeweghn iser

ake ase ayoegwadp uhse hatye ne: San ikoahrado

Ok, ne shaka t rao rihoe nya t Shoegwayagnen Jesus . Christ ne roenhe ne on i no tsteristouh ne!

ieseke aeoni neok ne : Shakanfiko era t, ts iniyeahe awe:uska t ne N iyeh tsiyouhweatsya te yagh thiyaoedOk

—ftea . Amen .

The Ep istle . G a l. iv.

The Gosp el. St . Ma tth . i . 18 .

THE Claeuheis lorr es errmsr .

Seshat seragwekouh N iye h, ne tsin isayerea


The Ep istle . Rom . N . 8.

The Gosp el. St. Luke ii . 15.




The Collect.

O Gon ,who by the leading of a star didst m ani

fest thy only—bego tten Son too

the G entile s ; Mercifu lly gran t , that w e , wh ich know thee now by fa ith


;m ay after this life have the fru ition of thy gloriou s

Godhead ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Ep istle . Ephes . iii . 1 .

The Gosp el. S t. Matth . i i . 1.


The Collect.

O L om ) , we besee ch the e m ercifu lly to rece i vethe prayers of thy people which call upon thee and:gran t that they m ay both perce ive and know wha tthings they o ilgh t to do , and a lso m ay have graceand power faithfully to fulfi l the sam e through

Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen .

The Ep istle . Rom . x ii . 1.

The, Gosp el. St . Luke j i . 41 .


The Collect.

ALMIGH TY and everlas ting God, who dost governall things in hea ven and ea rth ; M he ar the

supplic a tiorts of thy pe ople , and grant pa ge

all the da ys of our li fe th rough Jesus C st

The Ep istle. Rom . x n. 6 ;

The. Gosp el. St . John i i . l .


The Collect.

ALMIGH TY and everlasting God, m e rc ifully lookupon our inĥrm ities , and in a ll o ur dange rs and ne

cessities s tretch fo rth thy right hand to he lp and defend us ; threugh Jesus Chr ist our Lord. Amm


koyeadake ne keadearat neoni kashatsteaghsera ne

aoedayakaweghtahkoe hake ayerighw ayer l te“

n eok

ne shaka t ; ne raorihoenya t Jesus Chris t Sho egwa

yauer . .dm en .

The Ep istle . Rom . xn . 1

The Gosp el. St . Luke 11. 4 1 .


N e Adereanayeant .

Se shats teaghseragwekouh neo n i tsiniyeaheawe

N iyoh , ser ighwakano en is agw ekouh ts inaho tea s

bouh ne karouhyakouh n eon i oughw ea tsyake ; Sea

n idearegh tsherananouh a saroeke tsiye sar ighw ah

nekeany ne soegweda , neoni takyouh ne sayaner

eaghsera oegweghn iseragw ekouh tsineaw e eayak

yoenheke ; ne raorihoenya t Jesus Christ Shoegwa

yauer . Amen .

The Ep istle . Rom . xi i 6

The Gospel . St . John 11 . 1 .


N e Adereanayeanh .

Seshatsteaghs eragw ek ouh neon i tsin iyeaheawe

N iyeh, sean ideareghtsherana nouh sa tkatho tsioegwayadane tskha , neo

—n i ne agwekou h ts ina teyOdery

eaghtharah tennyouh n eon i tsinaghteyoegwadouh

weatsyony tao edaghsahtsyadate tsiseweyeadeghtah

koub sesnoeke asgwayen awaghse neon i asgwanhe ;ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ,



egwsyaner . Am en.


The Ep istle . Rom . xi i f 16 .

The Gosp el . St . Ma tth . vi i i . l .



The Collect.

O Gon ,who know e st us to be se t in the m idst of

m any and grea t dangers , tha t by reason o f the fra il

ty o f our na ture w e c anno t a lw ays stand upr igh t ;G ran t to us such strength and pro te c tion , a s m aysupport us in a ll dangers , and carry u s through a ll

tempta tions through Jesus Christ o ur Lord. Am en .

The Ep istle . Eon] . Xl l l . 1 .

The G osp el. St . Matth . 8 . 23 .


The Collect.


L on n , we beseech the e to ke ep thy Church andhousehold cont inua lly in thy tru e re ligion tha t theywho do . lean on ly upon the hope of thy heaven ly

grace m ay everm ore be de fended by thy m ightypower through Jesus Christ our Lord . Am en . ,

The Ep istle . Co l . i i i .“

12 .

The Gosp el. St . Matth . xi ii . 24 .


The Collect.

O GOD ,whose ble ssed Son w a s m an ife sted tha t he

m ight destroy th e wo rks o f the devil, and m ake u s

the so ns o f God , and he irs o f e te rnal life ; G ran t u s ,

we besee ch thee , tha t having th is hope , w e m ay pu

r ify ourse lve s , even as he l S pure ; that , when he

sha ll appe ar aga in w i th pow e r an d grea t glo ry,“

w e

m ay be m ade like unto h im in h is e ternal and

ous kingdom ; where w i th thee , F a ther , and

0 Ho ly Ghost , he live th and re igne th , ever onewo rld: W ithou t en d. Am en .

The Ep istle . l St. John i ii . 1 .

The Gosp el . St . Ma tth . xxiv . 23 .


The Collect .

0 L oa n , we bes e e ch the e favou rab ly to hear“


prayer s of thy people ; tha t we , who are just ly prrn ished for ou r o ffen ce s'

,m ay be m erci fully de livered

by thy goodness , for the glory o f thy N am e ; through

Jesus Christ our Sav iour , who live th and reigne th

wit h thee and the Ho ly Ghost, ever one God, wo rldW ithout end. Am en .



.N e Adere anayean t.

N iyo h , roda ska ts Eghtsyea ah yokeaghdaouh

ahaghdouhte ne a oyodeaghsera n e on esho

ouh , n o en i ne a shoekyo eny ne N iyoh shako

ye aokoeah , n eomi ayagwaw e an iyo ue ne ts in iyeah

eaw e ayakyo enheke ; Takyouh w agwean ide aghtea ,

ne ne , ayoegwayeadake ne egh n iyorhara tshe ro te a,

ne aoe sayagwado enhakano enya te , tsin iyouht ne ra

ouhh a ts iyagh o thenouh teyore nene o n ea are nsh

o ewa tka tho eamo ne raoghsha tsteaghs era ne on i ko

wanea rao ew ese agh tshera , egh n ayagwayaghdode

ane ts in iyouh t n e raouhha n e tsin iye ahe aw e neon i

raoew e seagh tshera raoyau e rtshera ; tsinoewe ne

ie se , Ran iha , neoni ie se , O On ikou hradoke aghty,ro enhe neon i rotste ri stouh , tsiniye aheawe u ska t ne

N iyoh , tsiyouhw ea tsya te yagh thiyao edoktea . Am en .

The Ep is tle . l —St. John i i i . 1 .

The Gosp el. St . Ma tth . xxiv . 23 .



ĴVe Adereanayean t.

- O Sayaner , wagweanide aghtea a sgwariwawaghse

as aroeke n e akodereanaye an t ne so egw eda ; nene

oekyouhha , n e tagwaghrewahtahkouh ne ' ts iyo egwa

tswa touh , n e a sgw eadeare tao esayagwadoekoghte ne

ts in isayan cre , n ene o ew eseagh tshe ra saghse au a ; ne

rao riho enya t Je su s Chr ist O egwayadakenhaghtshe

ra , ne ro enhe neoni ro ts ter istouh ieseke neoni ne

Onikouhradokeaghty , tsin iye aheawe us kat ne N iyoh,ts iyouhw ea tsya te yagh thiyaoedokte a . Amen .


The Ep istle . 1 Co r . ix. 24.

The Gosp el . St . Ma tth . xx . 1 .


The Collect.

O L om ) God, who se e st tha t we put no t our trust

in any thingf that w e do M erc ifu lly gran t tha t by

thy powe r w e m ay b e defended aga inst all adversitythrough Je sus Christ our Lord. Am en .

The Ep istle . 2 Cor . Xi . 19,

The Gosp e l. St . Luke vii i . 4 .


The Collect.

O L om ) who hast taught us that a ll our doingsw ithou t char ity are no thing worth ; Send thy Ho lyGhost,


and pour in to our hearts that m ost exce llentgift of chari ty , the ve ry b


ond of peace and of a ll

vir tues, w ithout which who soever live th is .counteddead befo re the e : Gran t this for thine only Son

Jesus Christ9s sake . Am en .

The Ep istle . 1 Cor . xii i . 1 .

Gosp el. St . Luke , xviii . 3 1 .




The Collect.

ALMIGHTY and everlas ting God, who ha test no

thing that thou has t m ade , and do s t forgive the s ins

of a ll them that are peni tent Create and m ake inus new and con tri te hearts, that we wo rth ily lam en

ting o ur s ins , and a cknowledging o ur w re tchedness ,m ay ob ta in of thee , the G od o f a ll m ercy, pe rfec t rem iss ion and forgiveness : through Jesus Christ ourLo rd. Am en .

The Ep istle . Joel i i . 12 .

The Gosp el . St. Ma tth . vi . 16 .


The Collect.

0 L om ) , who for our sake didst fast forty daysand fo rt n ights ; G ive u s gra ce to use such absti

nence , t a t , our fle sh be in subdued to the S pirit,w e may ever ob ey thy god y m o tions in righteous

nes s , and true ho line ss , to thy honour and glory , wholive st and re ignes t W i th the Fa ther and the HolyGhost, on e God, w o rld w i thou t end . Am en .




N e Adereanayeant.

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh n eon i tsin iyeaheawe

N iyoh , ne yagh o thenouh de tsweaghse tsinaho tea ne

saghsouh , neon i seghsher ihw iyostean is ne kar igh

waneraaxhera agwekouh ts in iyakouh ne yakoniko e

raneaghse Ase toedakyo enye a ne oekyouhha tshe

rakouh neon i ne kan ikouhranouhwakteaghsera ne

o egweryane , nene ao esayo egwaghn ikouhranouhwak

tean iheke ne o egwarighwaneraaxhera , neon i ayagwadoedere sheke tsin iake arouh yagwado uhs , ne aya

gwayena ne souhhake nao e tawe , N iyoh ne agwe

kouh ne eanideareghtshera , ne ao esayoegwaderouh

gwea neoni ao esayoegwaderighw iyostea ; ne raori

hoenyat Jesus Christ . Am en .

The Ep istle . Joe l 11. 12 .

The Gosp el. St . Ma tth . vi . 16.


N e Adereanayeant.

O Sayaner , ne o ekyouhha oegwarighoenya t sead

oe tyeghtouh kayery n iweghn iseraghshea neon i kaye ry n iwaghsoedaghshea Takyouh ne keadeara t ne

ayagwa tste nayagwa tekgwha tkawe , nene , oegwagh

W arouh ne ayo tyaghtagwehmyos tea n e Kan ikoera ,ne tsin iyaawe agwawe anaraghgwe sen iyoh tsi tak

yoryanerouh aderighwagwar ihsyouhtsherakouh , ne

on i tokeaske oyadadokeaghti tsherakouh , ne sanea

douhtshera neon i o ewe seaghtshera , so enhe neon i

satsteristouh ne Ran ineha neon i ne Onikouhrado

keaghty, uskat ne N iyoh , tsiyouhweatsyate yaghthiyaoedoktea . Amen .


The Ep istle . 2 Cor . vi . 1 .

The Gosp el. St . Ma tth . iv. l .


The Collect.

ALMIGHTY God, who seest that we have no power

of ourse lve s to he lp ourse lve s ; Keep u s bo th out

wardly in our bodies , and inwardly in our souls ;

that we m ay be defended from all adversities wh ichm ay happen to the body, and from a ll evil thoughtswh ich m ay assault and hurt the soul ; through JesusChrist our Lord. Am en .

The Ep istle . 1 Thess . iv .

The Gosp el. St . Matth . xv . 21 .


The Collect.

W E besee ch thee , Alm igh ty God, look upon thehearty de sire s of thy humble servan ts , and stre tchforth the r ight hand of thy Maj esty, to be our de

fence aga inst all our enem ie s through Jesus Christ

our Lord . Am en .

The Ep istle . Ephes . v. 1 .

The Gosp el. St. Luke xi . 14 .



The Collect.

GRAN T, we be seech thee , Alm ighty God, that we ,who fo r our evi l deeds do w or thily deserve to be

pun ished, by the com fort of thy gra ce m ay m ercifully be relieved ; through our Lord and SaviourJesus Christ. Am en .

The Ep istle . Gal. iv. 21 .

The Gosp el. St . John vi . 1 .


The Collect.

W E beseech thee , Alm igh ty God, m erc ifully to

look upon thy people ; that by thy grea t goodness

they m ay be governed and preserved everm ore , bo thin body and sou l through Jesu s Christ our Lord .

Amen .

The Ep istle . Heb . ix. 1 1 .

The Gosp el. St . John vi ii . 46.


The Collect.

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who , of thy ten

der love towards m ankind, hast sen t thy Son , Our

Saviour Je sus Christ, to take upon h im our flesh ,and to suffer dea th upon the cross, that all m ankindshould follow the example of his grea t hum ility



N e Adereanayeant.

Takyouh ,wagweanide agh tea , Seshatsteaghserag

wekouh N iyoh , nene o ekyouhha , wahe tkea tsin iyagwatyerha nea teyoegwadean tshouh ne a sgwaghrew

a te , ne tsin iyogwats ne seadeara t waho eny asgwe

adeare asgwaghw isharakoh ; ne raoriho enyat Sho

egwayaner neon i O egwayadakenhaghtshera JesusChrist. Am en .

The Ep istle . Gal. iv. 21 .

The Gosp el. St. John vi . 1 .


N e Adereanayeant.

W agwean ideaghtea , Sesha tste aghseragwekouh

N iyoh , sean idearegh tsheran anouh sheya tkatho ne

soegweda ; ne ne ts in ikowanea tsinisayanere asher

ighwakano enyea neon i a sheyadeweyea touh tsin iya

awe , te tsyarouh ne oyeroedake neon i adoenhe ts ;ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner . Am en .

The Ep istle . Heb . ix . 11 .

'The Gosp el. St . John Vi i i . 46.


N e Adereanayeant.

Seshatsteaghseragw ekouh neomi tsiniyeaheawe

N iyoh , ne tsin ighshenorouhgwha ne oegwehokouhke ,wahoeny detshadeanyeghtouh Eghtsye aah , Oegwayadakenhaghts

'nera Jes us Christ, ne tehodadeghgwe

any ne oegwahwfarouh , neon i rorouhyakeaouh


Merc ifully gran t , that w e m ay bo th follow the exam

ple of his patience , and a lso be m ade partakers of

h is resurre c tion through the sam e Jesus Christ ourLord. Am en .

The Ep istle. Phil. 11. 5.

The Gosp el. St. Ma tth . xxvii . 1 .


The Ep istle . Isa i . lxi ii . 1 .

The Gosp el. St . Mark Xiv. l .


The Ep istle . Isa i . 1. 5 .

The Gosp el . St . Mark XV . 1 .



The Ep istle . Heb . ix . 16 .

The Gosp el . St . Luke xxii . l .


The Ep istle . 1 Cor . xi . 17.

The Gosp el. St . Luke xxiii . l .



The Collects

ALMIGHTY G od, we beseech thee graciously tobehold th is thy fain ily, fo r which our Lord JesusChrist wa s con tented to be be trayed, and given upih to the hands of w icked m en , and to suffer death

upon the cross , who now live th and re igneth w ith

thee and the Ho ly Ghost, ever one G od, world with

ou t end. Am en .

ALMIGHTY and . everlasting God, by whose Spiritthe who le body of the Chu rch is governed and sancti tled Re c e ive our supplic a tions and prayers , W h ichw e offer before the e fo r a ll e sta tes o f m en in thyho ly Church , tha t every m em ber o f the sam e , in h is

vo ca tion and m in istry, m ay tru ly and godly servethee through our Lord a nd Saviour Je sus Christ.Am en .

O MERCIFUL God, who hast made all m en, and

ha test no th ing tha t thou hast m ade , nor woulde st

the dea th of a s inner , bu t ra ther tha t he should be

c onverted and live Have m ercy upon a ll Jews ,T ul ks , Inĥde ls, and Here ticks , and take from them

a ll igno ranc e , hardness of he ar t, and contemp t of

thy W o rd ; and so fe tch them hom e , blessed Lord,to thy flo ck , th at they m ay be saved a


m ong the rem

nant of the true Israe lite s , and be made one fo ld nu

der one Shepherd, Jesus Christ our L ord,“who liveth



N e Adereanayeatholcouh .

Sesha tsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh , w agw ean ideagh

tea keadeara tne asheya tka tho ne kea iekea tsiswa tsir

ade , n enaho tea ne Shoegwayaner Jesus Chr ist

raweryeaghtiyohouh egh rodada tkawea radisnouhsa

koub ne rodirighwaneraaxkouh roeno egwe , neon i

rorouhyakeaouh raweaheyouh tsi tekayaghso e te , ra

ouhha noewa yesro enhe n eon i rot steristouh ieseke

neon i ne On ikouhradokeaghty, tsin iye aheaw e uska tne N iyoh , tsiyouhweatsya te yagh th iyaoedoktea .

Am en .

Seshatsteaghsera wekouh neon i tsiniyeaheawe

N iyoh , n ene Sani oera kayerouhdagwekouh"ne

Onouhsadokeaghty ne karighwakanoen is neon i*


oyadadokeaghdistha; Asyena gwarighwanekeanis l

neonioegWa dereanayeant , nenaho tea yeyoegwate

sahea ŝ

tonh ne agwekouh ako tshe an'


enya t


Sanouhsadokeaghtitsherakouh, nene tsinikouh

yeyadare ne egh noewe ,“

ne tokeaske neo'


ayakorighwiyostoehake ayesayoghteahseheke ; ne raor

ihoenyat Sho egwayaner neon i Shoegwayaghdahgwea Jesus Christ. Am en .

O Sean ideareghtsherananouh N iyoh , ne sheyagh

dissouh ne oegwehokouh , neon i yagh o thenouh

de tsweaghs e ts inahote a ne s oeni ssouh , n ete a s ne ok

thayaweroehatye a aya ieheye ne yakorighwaneraax

koub , nok sado edaghgwany ne taho esaha tkarhadenyneon i aro enheke Ashe dea re agwekouh ne Jewshaka , Turks, Yagh te tyakaw egh tahkouh ne karighw i

yOStak, neoni erea shehawi htas agwekouh tsini tyakokaras, yoghniro


ese ne akaweryane , neoni yekoenadtrghg


wŝha ' ne S awe ana, neoni—ao esaghsheyathewe ,sadaskats Sayaner , ne seatyoghgwake , n ene myse


and re igneth w ith thee and the Holy Spirit, one God,world w ithout end. Am en .

TheEp istle . Heb . x . 1 .

The Gosp el. St. John Xix . 1 .


The Collect.

GRAN T, O Lord, that as we are baptized into thedea th of thy b lessed Son our Saviour Jesus Christ,so by continual m ortifying our corrupt affe c tions we

m a be buried with him , and tha t through the grave ,and


gate of de ath , we m ay pa ss to our joyfu l resurre ction ; for h is m erits, who died, and was buried,and rose aga in for us , thy Son Jesus Christ our

Lord. Am en .

The Ep istle . 1 St . Pe t . i ii . 17.

The Gosp el. St . Matth . Xxvi i . 57.


TI AtMorning P rayer , instead of the P sa lm,“0 , come ,

let u s sing ,

"(fc . these Anthem s sha ll be sung or sa id . .

Cm us'r our passover is sacrifi ced for us : there

fore let us keep the feast ;

140 CoL L ECT s .

N o t w ith the o ld leaven , nor w ith the leaven ofm ŝ l ic e and w ickedne ss ; bu t w ith the unle avenedb re ad of s incerity and truth . 1 Cor . v. 7 .

CH R I s '

r be ing ra ised from the de ad die th no m ore

de ath hath no m ore dom in ion over him .

F or in that he died, he died unto sin once : bu t inthat he live th , he live th unto God.

Likew ise reckon ye a lso yourse lves to be dead lndeed m i to s in : but a live un to G od through Je susChri st ou r Lord . R om . vi . 9 .


CHR I ST i s risen from the dead : and become thefirst 'frni ts of them that slept .

For since by m an c am e dea th by m an cam e also

the *


surrec tion of the dea'


F or as m Adam a ll die : evenbe m ade a live . 1 Cor . xv . 20 .

Glory be to the Father , and to the Son : and to

the Ho ly Gho stAs i t was in the beginn ing, is now ,

and ever shall

be : world W ithout end . Am en .

The Collect.

AW I GHTY God, who through thine only - bego tten

Son Je sus Christ hast overcom e dea th , and opened

unto us the ga te of everlasting life W e humbly be


nenouh ne o ekyouhha o egwarighwake ne wahoenykinyoh dewadeweye a touh ne onyeasgwa ;Yaghtea nene akayouh ne wa tteagwagh tha , na

teas ne wa tteagwagh tha ne kanaghgwheaouh neon i

kar ighwaneraaxhera : nok nene yagh tewatteagwa

gh touh ne kanadarok w eanouhdoenyouhtsheriyo

neon i tokea ske . 1 Cor . v . 7 .

Christ sho tke tsgwaouh tsirawe aheyouhne yaghoya shekouh thaoe saghreaheye yagh oya shekouh

ne ke aheyouh thahoe sahodew ean iyoste ne raouhha .

Ikea nen e ts iraw eaheyouhne , ne raweaheyaghto

ene ne karighwanere a uska t nok tsineagh sroenhe ,ne sroenhekouh ne N iyohne .

Shadeyouht tsyada tkaeayouh tsyouhha tsiorighwi

yoh sew e aheyouh n e karighw aneraaxherake : nok

yao e sesewado enhe tstaghgwe N iyohne ne raorihoen

ya t Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner . R om . vi . 9 .

Christ sho tke tsgwe a tsiraw eaheyouhne : neon i

egh n ityaw enouh n e tyo tyereaghtouhyoneahoedaouh

ne akaouhha ne yako taouh .

Ike a tsinahe sho edaw e ne oegwe tsiyaieheyouhse

dawe oni ne oegwe ea tsyon tke tskoh ne yakaweahe

youhserouh .

Ikea n e Adouh tsherakouh agwekouh yakaweahe

youh : egh on i n iyouht ne Christsherakouh agwe

kouh ea tsyoedo enhe te . 1 Cor . XV . 20 .

Oewe se agh takshera naah ne Kan iha , neon i n eRoewayea : neon i ne On ikouhradokeaghty .

Tsin iyoghtoene ne adaghsaw ahtsherakouh , eghn iyouht noewa , neon i tyu tko uh ne eake ahaketsiyouhweatsyate yagh thiyaoedoktea . Am en .

N e Adereanayean t.

Seshatsteaghseragw ekouh N iyoh , ne raorihoenya tneok yekeaha Eghtsyeaah Jesus Christ ra sheanyouhne keaheyouh , neon i shoegwanho toegweany tsiyo


seech thee , that, as by thy spe c ia l grac e preventingus thou dost put into our m inds good de sires , so bythy continual he lp we m ay bring the sam e to good

effe ct ; through Je sus Christ our Lord, who live th andre igneth w ith thee and the Ho ly Ghost, ever one God,world w ithout end . Amen .

The Ep istle . Co l. i i i . 1 .

The Gosp el. St. John xx .


The Collect.

ALMIGHTY God, who through thy only - bego tten

Son Jesus Christ hast overcom e dea th , and Openedunto us the ga te of everla sting life W e humbly beseech thee , that, as by thy spec ia l grace preventingus thou dost put in to our m inds good desires , so bythy continual he lp w e m ay bring the sam e to good

effect through Jesus Christ our Lord, who live thand re igneth w i th the e and the Holy Ghost, ever oneGod, world w ithout end. .dm en .

The Ep istle . Acts x. 34.

The Gosp el. St . Luke xxiv. 13 .



The Ep istle . Ac ts Xl l l . 26 .

The Gosp el. St. Luke Xxiv. 36 .


The Collect.

ALMIGHTY Fath er , who ha st given thine only Sonto die for ou r s ins , and to r ise aga in for our justification ; Grant us so to put away the leaven of m a liceand w ickedness, that we m ay always serve thee in

pureness of living and truth ; through the m erits of

the sam e thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen .

The Ep istle . 1 St . John V . 4 .

The Gosp el. St . John XX . 19 .


The Collect.

ALMIGHTY God, who hast given th ine only Son tobe unto us bo th a sacrifi ce for sin , and also an en

sample of godly life ; G ive us grace tha t we m ay al

ways m ost thankfu lly rece ive that his inestim ab le

benefi t, and also da i ly endeavour ourselves to fo llowthe blessed steps of h is m ost ho ly life ; through thesam e Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen .



The Ep istle . Acts xii i . 26 .

The Gosp el . St. Luke Xxiv . 36 .


N e Adereanayeant.

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh Ran iha , ne tagwawyneok yekeaha Egh tsyeaah n e rawe aheya touh ne

oegwar ighwaneraaxhe ra , neomi sho tke tsgwea are ne

asho egwarighwagwadagwahse ; Takyouh ne erea

ayagwaghhawihte ne watteagwaghtha ne kanagh


easera neo ni karighwane raaxhera , nene tyutkouh

agwayoghdeahseheke ayakyoenhiyohake neomi to

keaske ne raor iho enya t tsinadehodean tshouh neok

ne shakat Eghtsyeaah Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner .

Am en .

The Ep istle . St ./

John V . 4.

The Gospel. St. John XX . 19 .


N e Adereanayean t.

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh , ne tagwawyneok yekeaha Eghtsyeaah ne oekyouhhake ya teho

nenouh te tsyaro uh n e karighwanerea , nok on i ash

oegwaghh ahoenye a ayoegwarighw iyostoehake ts ia

akyoenheke ; Takyouh ne keadeara t nene tyut

kouh tayagwadeano uhwero eheke ne yagh th iyayehewe ts in iwatsheano enyaghsera tsin ighshoegwa tyerase , nok oni tsin iyadeweghn iserake ayoegwadatyoghdeaste uh ne ayagwaghnoederatye hte raok*ha

hadoke aghty ne tsin ighroenhadokeaghtigwe ; ne ne

146 COL L Ec 'rs .

The Ep istle . l St. Pet . ii . 19.

The Gosp el. St . John x . 11 .


The Collect.

ALMIGHTY God, who shewest to them that be in

error the light of thy truth , to the in tent tha t they m ayreturn into the way of r ighteousness Grant unto a ll

these tha t are adm itted into the fellowship of Christ*s

Religion ,that they m ay e schew those th ings that are

c on trary to the ir profe ssion , and fo llow a ll such'

things a s are agreeable to the same through our

Lord Jesus Christ . Amen .

The Ep istle . I St . Pe t . i i . 11 .

The Gosp el. St. John xvi . 16 .


The Collect.

O ALMIGHTY God, who alone c anst order the nu

ruly w ills and affections of s inful m en Gran t un to

thy people , , tha t they m ay love the thing which thoucomm ande st, and desire that wh ich thou dost

prom ise ; that so , am ong the sundry and m an ifo ld

change s of the world, our hearts m ay sure ly therebe fixed, where true joys—are to be found through

Jesus Christ our Lord . Amen .


The Ep istle . St. Jam es i . 17 .

The Gosp el. St. John xvi . 5 .


The Collect.

O Loan, from whom a ll go od th ings do come ;

Grant to us , thy hum ble servan ts , that by thy ho lyinsp ira tion we m ay think those th ings that be good,and by thy m ercifu l gu iding m ay perform the sam e

through our L ord Jesus Christ. Am en .

The Ep istle , St , Jame s i . 22 .

The Gosp el . S t. John xvi . 23 .




GRAN T , we besee ch thee, Alm ighty God, that likeas we do be lieve thy only—bego tten Son ou r LordJesus Christ to have asc ended into the heavens so

we,Ina a lso ln heart and m ind th ither ascend, and

w ith him con tin who live th and re igne th

one God, world w ith

oht end , Am en .


tsinaghdeyo tten ioehatye ne ts iyouhweatsyate , oegweryane orighw iyoh egh noewe nakagwadaghgw ea ,

tsinoewe ne tokeaske adoenharak naye tsheary ; ne

raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner . .dm en .

The Ep istle . St. Jam es i . 17.

The Gosp el. St. John xvi . 5 .


]Ve Adereanayeant.

O Sayaner , souhhake noedayonenoehatye agwe

kouh ne yoyane reshouh Takyouh yo egwadadb e

neaghtouh tagwanha seokouh , nene aoedasgwade

aghnikouhradaahse waho eny ayagw eanouhdoenyouhgwhake tsinaho teashouh ne yoyanere , n eon i ne

tsisean ide aregh tsherananouh asgw aghsharine ne egh

n ayagwayere neok ne shaoriwat : ne raor ihoenyat

Shoegwayaner Je sus Christ . Am en .

The Ep istle . St. Jam es i . 22.

The Gosp el . St . John xv i. . 23 .


N e Adereanayean t.

Takyouh , wagwean ideaghtea , Seshatsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh , nene tsiniyouht tsi tyoegweghtakouh

neok yekeaha Eghtsyeaah Shoegwayaner JesusChrist tsisho tharada touh karouhyakouhokouh ; egh

nayohtouh ne oegweryaghsakouh neon i o egwaniko

era egh neewe yayonatharada touh , neoni abb enes

heke ne raouhha ok yekakoete , ne roenhe neoni

rotsteristouh ne ieseke neon i ne On ikouhradokeaghty, uska t ne N iyoh , tsiyouhweatsyate yaghth iyaoedoktea . Am en .


The Ep is tle . Acts i . 1 .

The Gosp el. St. Mark xvi . 14 .


The Collect.

O Gen the King of G lory, who hast exalted thineonly Son Je sus Christ w ith great tr ium ph unto thykingdom in heaven W e besee ch the e , leave us no t

c om fortless ; but send to us thine Ho ly Ghost tocom fort us, and exa lt u s unto the s am e place wh ither

our Saviour Christ is gone before , who live th and

re igneth w ith the e and the Holy Ghost , one God,world w ithout end. Am en .

The Ep istle . 1 St. Pe ter iv. 7 .

The Gosp el. St . John xv. 26 , andp a rt of Chap . xvi.


The Collect.

Gen ,who as a t th is tim e didst teach the hearts of

thy fa ithfu l people , by the sending to them the ligh t

of thy Holy Spirit ; G rant us by the sam e Spirit to

have a r igh t judgm en t in a ll th ings , and eve rm ore to

rejo ice in h is holy com for t ; thro ugh the m erits of

C hrist Jesus our Saviour , who live th and re igne th

W ith thee , in the un ity of the sam e Spirit, one God,world w ithou t end . Am en .


The Ep istle. Ac ts 11. 1.

The Gosp el. St. John xiv. 15.


The Ep istle. Acts x . 34 .

The Gosp el. St. John i ii . 16 .


The Ep istle . Ac ts vi i i . 14 .

The Gosp el. S t . John x . 1 .


The Collect.

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who hast given

un to us thy servan ts grace by the confession of a true

fa i th to acknow ledge the glory of the e ternal Trin i

ty , and in the power of the Divine M ajesty to worsh ip the Un ity W e besee ch thee , that thou wouldest

ke ep us steadfast in th is fa i th , and everm ore defend

u s from a ll adversities , who livest and re ignest, one

God, world w i thout end. Amen .


ieseke , ne yadeyonatyes touh ne Shakan ikoerat ,uskat ne N iyeh, tsiyouhweatsyate yagh th iyaoedoktea . Am en .

The Ep istle. Acts i i . 1.

The Gospe l. St. John xiv. 15.


The Ep istle. Acts x . 34.

The Gosp el. St . John i i i . 16.


The Ep istle . Acts vii i . 14 .

The Gosp el. St . John x . 1 .



N e Adereanayean t.

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh neon i tsin iyeaheawe

N iye h , ne tagwawy ta g wanha seokouh keadeara t ne

yagwadoederese ne toheaske teweghtahkouh ayagwayeaderihage ne oeweseaghtshera ne tsiniyeahe

awe Aghsea'

n iyadesewa tyestouh , _neoni ne

' kashatsteaghserakouh ne Saneadouhtshe


riyoh ayetshi

yeanideaghtase ne Yadesewa tyestouh ; W a eani

deagh tea , tsinaasgwayeraghse ne ayagw awakeayoghnirouh kea iekea teweghtakouh , neoni tsiniyaawe asgwanhe agwekouh tsin iyoegwatkeaghreah

seroeny, ne roenhe neon i ro tsteristouh , uskat ne

N iyeh , tsiybuhweatsyate yagh thiyaoedoktea .

Amen .

154 COL L ECTS .

The Ep istle. Rev. iv. 1 .

The Gosp el. St . John i i i . 1 .


The Collect.

O Gon , the strength of all them that put the ir trust

in thee , m erc ifully ac cept our prayers and becausethrough the w eakness of our mortal nature we can

do no good th ing w ithou t thee , grant u s the help of

thy grace , that in ke eping of thy commandm ents we

m ay please thee , bo th in will and deed ; through

Jesus Christ our Lord. Am en .

The Ep istle. 1 St. John iv. 7.

The Gosp el . St . Luke xvi . 19.


The Collect.

O Lonn , who never failest to help and governthem whom thou dost bring up in thy stedfast fe ar

and love ; Keep us , we beseech thee , under the protec tion of thy good providence , and m ake us to havea perpetual fear and love of thy holy nam e ; through

Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen .


The Ep istle . John i i i . 13 .

The Gosp el. St . Luke xiv. 16 .


The Collect.

O L om ) , we beseech thee m ercifully to hear 118 ;and grant thatwe , to whom thou hast given a n he artydesire to pray, may by thy m ighty a id be defended

and comforted in a ll dangers and adversi tiesthrough Jesus Christ our Lord. Am en .

The Ep istle. 1 St. Peter v. 5.

The Gosp el. St. Luke xv. l .


The Collect.

0 Gon , the ro tec tor of all tha t trust in thee ,w ith

out whom no t ing is strong, no thing is ho ly In

crease and multiply upon us thy m ercy ; that , thoube ing our ruler and gu ide , we m ay so pass through

things temporal, that we finally lose no t the th ings

eterna] : Grant this,O heavenly Fa ther , for Jesus

Christ's sake our Lo rd. Am en .

The Ep istle. Rom. vii i . 18 .

The Gosp el. St. Luke vi . 36 .


The Ep istle . 1 John i ii . 13

The Gosp el. St. . L uke xiv . 16 .


N e Adereanayeant .

O Sayaner , wagw ean ideaghtea seanidearegtshe

rananouh a sgwadahouhsadatshe neon i takyouh , n e

tsinighsheyaw is ne akaweryane ne yerighwahnekha

tsiyakodereanaye a , nene sashatsteagh sera ayo egwayenawaghse ayoegwanhe neon i ayoegwagwa tste a

agwekouh ts ina teyo teryeaghthara neo ni a tkeagh

reahseroenya t ; n e raoriho enya t Je sus Christ Shoegwayan er . Am en .

The Ep istle . 1 St. Pe ter v . 5 .

The Gosp el. St. Luke. XV . 1.


O N iyoh , ne shenhes agweko uh ne eglmyakode

weano taghkouh ie se tsherakouh , ne yagh tea neanehe

yagh o thenouh teyako shatsteaghserayea , yagh o th

enoub teyakoyadadokeaghty Yoegwateghyahroe

ha s n eon i yoegwatkaw ea n e sean ideareghtshera ;nene , a sgwatste ristaghse neoni asgwaghsharine ,ayagwadohe tste tsinaho teashouh ne oughw ake , nene

tsioghnake ahke yagh thayoegwaghdouhse tsinaho

te ashouh ne ts in iyeaheawe : T akyouh ne kea iekea ,O karouhyake teghsiderouh Ran iha , Jesus Christraoriwa Shegwayaner . Am en .

The Ep istle; Rom .,vi i 1. 18 .

The Gosp el. Ŝ t. Luke vi . 36 .



The Collect.

GRAN T, O Lord, we beseech thee , tha t the courseo f this world may be so pea ceably ordered by thy

governance , that thy Church m ay joyfully serve thee

m all godly quie tness ; through Jesus Christ our

Lord. Amen.

The Ep istle . l St . Pe ter i i i . 8 .

The Gospel. St. Luke v . 1 .


The Collect.

O Gon , who hast prepared for them that love theesuch good th ings a s pass m an

9s understanding Pour

into our hearts such love toward thee , that we , lov

ing thee above a ll th ings , m ay ob ta in thy prom ises ,wh ich exceed all tha t w e can de sire ; through JesusChrist our Lord. .Em en .

The Ep istle . Rom . vi . 3 .

The Gosp el. St. Matth . v . 20 .


The Collect.

L om ) of all power and m ight, who art the autho r

and giver of all good“

things Graft in our hearts th e


love of thy N am e , increase in us true religion , nour.

ish us w ith all goodness , and of thy grea t m ercykeep us in the same ; through Jesus Chr ist our Lord.

Amen .

The Epistle . Rom . vi. 19 .

The Gosp el. St. Mark vm . 1 .


The Collect.

O Gon ,


who se never—fa iling providen ce ordere thall th ings bo th in heaven and earth ; W e humbly besee ch thee to ut away from us a ll hurtful th ingsand to give u s those things wh ich be profitable for 113 ;through Jesus Christ our Lord . Amen .

The Ep istle Rom . v iii . 12.

The Gosp el. St . Matth . vi i . 15 .


The Collect.

GRAN T to us, Lord, we beseech thee , the spirit to

th ink and do always such thi ngs as b e rightfu l ; thatwe, W ho cann ot do any th ing that *is good w ithout

the e , inayhy thee be enabled to live accordingt o thyw ill ; through Jhsus Christ our Lord. Am en .


yanereshouh ; Snyoda st ne oegweryaghsakouh n e

ayagwano rouhgwhake Saghseana , yo egwa teghyah

roehas ne tokeaske karighw iyostak, tagwadakar i

ta tsthak agwekouh ne yoyanerese , neon i ne ts is

e an ide areghtsherowanea tagwateweyea touh ok ne

shaka t ne raoriho enya t Jesus Chr ist Shoegwayaner .

Am en.

The Ep istle . Rom . vi . 19 .

The Gosp el . St. Mark vi ii . 1.


N e Adereanayean t.

O N iyoh , ne yagh noewea touh te tisaghsero eneah

touh tsisheyatsteristha sar ighwagwadagweaha tye se

agwekouh tsinaho teashouh te tsyarouh karouhya

koub neon i oughwea tsyake W agwean ideagh tea ne

erea asgwahaw ightase agwekouh ne yakokarewagh

tahgwha naho teashouh , n eon i ne takyouh ne egh

naho teashouh neno ayagwatsheanoenyadaghgwe

ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner .


The Ep istle. Rom . vii i . 12 .

The Gosp el. St. Matth . vi i . 15 .


N e Adereanayeant.

Takyouh ne o ekyouhha , Sayaner , wagwean i

deagh tea , ne kan ikoera ne ayagweanouhtoenyouh

gwhake neon i egh naygwayere tyutkouh tsinaho tea shouh tsinitkarighwayery nene oekyouhha yagh


The Ep istle . l Cor . x . 1 .

The Gosp el. St. Luke xvi . l .


The Collect.

L ET thy merciful ears , O Lord, be Open to the

prayers of thy humble servants and that t hey m ayobtain the ir pe titions m ake them to a sk such th ingsas shall please thee through Jesus Christ our Lord .

Am en .

The Ep istle . 1 Cor. xn . 1 .

The Gosp el . St . Luke xix. 41 .


The Collect.

Gon ,who declarest thy alm ighty power m ost

ch iefly in shew ing m ercy and pi ty Merc ifully grantunto us such a m easu re of thy graco , tha t we , runn ing the way of thy comm andm ents , m ay obta in thyG ra cious prom ises , and be m ade partakers of thyheavenly treasure through Jesus Christ our L o rd .

Am en .


The Ep istle . Cor . xv . 1 .

The Gospel. St. Luke xvii i . 9 .


The Collect.

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who art a lwaysm ore ready to hear than w e to pray, and art wont to

give m ore than e ither w e desire or de serve ; Pourdown upon u s the abundance of thy m ercy ; forgiving us those things whereof our conscience is a fra id,and giving u s those good things wh ich w e are no t

worthy to ask , bu t through the m erits and m ediation

of Jesus Christ thy Son , our Lord. Am en .

The Ep istle . 2 Cor. i ii . 4.

The Gosp el. St . Mark vi i . 3 1 .


The Collect.

{{L MI GHTY and m erc iful God, of whose only gifti t com e th tha t thy fa ithful people do unto thee true

and laudable servic e ; Gran t, we beseech thee, tha twe m ay so fa ithfully serve thee in th is life , that we

fail no t finally to a tta in thy heavenly prom ises ;through the m erits of Jesus Christ our Lord . Am en .


The Ep istle . l Co r . xv .

The Gosp el. St. Luke xvi i i . 9 .


N e Adreanayean t.

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh neon i tsiniyeaheawe

N iyoh , ne tyutkouh seaha saweyeaneadaouh ne

asaroeke nea eayagwadereanayea , neomi issi noewe

neateskyouh ts in iyore neayagwarighwaneke , ne teas

nateyoegwade antshouh ; Kadagwaw eroehas ne tsin i

yawe ta ne sean ide areghtshera ; toedagwarighw iyo s

tea tsinahoteashouh ne oegwan ikouhrake yoegwaghteroese , neon i takyouh ne yoyanershouh

tsinahote a ne yagh thadeyoegwade antshouh ne aya

gwarighwanoedouh , nok ne raor iho enya t tsinadeho

deantshouh neon i shoegwarighwahseroenye any Je

sus Christ, Eghtsye aah , Shoegwayaner . Am en .

The Ep istle . 2 Cor . i i i . 4 .

The Gosp el. St. Mark vi i . 3 1 .


N e .ddereanayeant.

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh neon i sean ideareghts

herananouh N iyoh , souhhake ok noewe ne adadawyniteweghse nene tyakaweghtahkouh soegweda tsine

ayoetyere ieseke ne .tokeaske e ayo tsheanoenyagh

tane ; Takyouh wagwean ideaghtea , n ene egh na

oetayoegwegh tahkoehake tsiagwayodeghseheke ne

keatho tsiyakyoenhe , nene yagh thaoedayoegwagh

seroeneahte ne tsioghnakeake ayagwayena ne sa

rouhyakeghtsherakouh sarharatshera ; ne raoriho

166 CoL L ECTs .

The Ep istle . Ga l. i ii. 16.

The Gosp el. St. Luke x . 23 .


The Collect.

ALMIGH TY and everlasting Go d, give unto us the

increase of fa ith , h0 pe , and charity ; and, that we

may obta in that which thou dost prom ise , m ake u s

to love that wh ich thou dost comm and ; through

Jesus Christ our Lord. Am en,

The Ep istle . G al . v . 16.

The Gosp el. St . Luke xvi i . 1 1.


The Collect.

KEEP, we b eseech the e , O Lord, thy Church w i ththy perpe tua l m ercy : and, because the fra i lty o f

m an w i thou t thee canno t but fall, ke ep us ever bythy help from a ll th ings hurtful, and lead us to a ll

th ings profi table to our salva tion ; through JesusChrist our Lord. Am en .


The Ep istle . Gal. vi . 11 .

The Gosp el. St . Ma tth . vi . 24 .


The Collect.

0 L om ) , w e beseech thee , le t thy continual pityc leanse and defend thy Church ; and , because i t canno t con tinue in safe ty w ithou t thy suc cour , preservei t everm o re by thy he lp and goodness through

Jesus Chris t our Lord . Am en .

The Ep istle . Ephes . i ii . 13 .

The Goep el. St . Luke vii . 11 .


The Collect.

L om ) , w e pray tha t thy grace m ay always preventand fo llow u s, and m ake us con tinually to be givento a ll good works through Jesus Christ our Lord .

Am en .

The Ep istle . Ephes . iv. 1.

The Gosp el. St . Luke xiv. l .


The Collect.

L om ) , we beseech thee, grant thy people grace to


The Ep istle. Gal. vi . 11 .

The Gosp el. St . Matth . vi . 24 .


N e Adereanayean t.

O Sayaner ,wagwean ideaghtea , kinyoh ok kadokeanayoghtoehatye taahsenouhyan iekouh aesarakewea

neon i a senheke ne Sanouhsadokeaghtike ; neoni ,ne wahoeny yagh thaoedouh ok wadokea nayogh

toehake ne yagh theaghsyenawahsere , asadew eyea

touh tsiniyaawe sayenawagh tshera neon i tsin isaya

nere ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner .

Amen .

The Ep istle . Ephes . ii i . 13 .

The Gosp el . St . Luke vi i . l l .


N e Adereanayeant.

Sayaner , wagwadereanayeahaghse nene seadearat

tyutkouh ayoegwagheadease nson i ayoegwaghnoeteratyesheke , neon i takyoenyea nsok yekakoe te ne

ayoegwadadawy agwekouh ne kayodeaghser iyohsene raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner . Am en .

The Ep istle . Ephes. iv. 1 .

The Gosp el. St. Luke xiv. 1 .


N e Adereanayeant.

Sayaner , wagweanideaghtea , sheyouh ne soeg


withstand the tempta tio ns of the world, the flesh ,a nd the devil, and w i th pure hearts and m inds to

follow thee the only God ; through Jesus Christ ourLord. Am en .

The Ep istle . l Cor . i . 4 .

The Gosp el . St . Ma tt . xxu . 34 .


The Collect.

Gon , forasmuch a s w ithou t thee we are n ot

able to please thee Mercifully grant, tha t thy HolySpirit m ay in a ll things direct and rule our hearts

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen .

The Ep istle . Ephes . iv. 17.

The Gosp el. St . Matt. ix. 1 .


The Collect.

O ALMIGHTY and m ost m erc iful God, of thy boun

tiful goodness keep us we be see ch thee ; from all

things that m ay hurt us that w e , be ing ready bo thin body and soul, m ay cheerfu lly ac complish those

th ings that thou wou ldest have done through JesusChrist our Lord. Am en .


The Ep istle . Ephes . v . 15 .

The Gosp el. St . Ma tt. xxii . l .



The Collect.

GRAN T , w e b ese ech the e , m erciful Lord, to thyfa ithfu l people pardon and peace , that they m ay be

c leansed from a ll the ir sins, and serve thee w ith a

quiet m ind through Jesus Christ our Lord. Am en .

The Ep istle . Ephes . vi . 10 .

The Gosp el. St . John iv. 46 .


The Collect.

L om ) , we besee ch thee to keep thy household theChurch in continual godliness that through thy pro

tection it m ay be free from a ll adversi ties , and devoutly given to serve thee in good works , to the gloryof thy N am e , through Jesus Christ our Lord. .dm en .

The Ep istle . Ph l l. i . 3 .

The Gosp el. St . Matt. xvi ii . 21.


The Ep istle. Ephe s . v . 15 .

The Gosp el . St. Matth . xxii . l .



N e Adereanayean t.

Sheyouh , wagwean ideaghtea , sean ideareghtsher

ananouh Sayaner , ne tyakaweghtahkouh soegweda

ne adaderighw iyosteany nson i kayanerea , nene

aoe sayako terakewea agwekouh ne akorighwane

raaxhera , n eon i ayesayodeaghseheke ne skeanea

thayakon ikouhroedake ne raorihoenyat Jesus ChristShoegwayaner . Am en .

The Ep istle . Ephes. vi . 10 .

The Gosp el. St . John iv. 46 .



N e Adereanayeant.

Sayaner , wagwean ideaghtea ne asadeweyeatouh

Sanouhsadokeaghtike neok yekako te ayakorighwi

yostouh ; nene tsiasenheghsheke wahoeny ayo tra

gweany agwekouh ne a tkeaghreahseroenyahtshera ,neon i karighwiyoh ayoedadawy ne ayesayoghdeah

seheke ne kayoghdeahser iyoh , ne oeweseaghtsheraSaghseana ; ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner . Am en .

The Ep istle . Ph il. i . 3 .

The Gosp el. St. Matth xvii i . 21 .




The Collect.

O Gon , our re fuge and s trength , who art the au

thor of a ll godliness B e ready , w e beseech thee , to

he ar the devout prayers of thy Church ; and grant

that those things which w e ask fa ithfully we m ayob ta in e ffectua lly ; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Am en .

The Ep istle . Phi l. i i i . 17 .

The Gosp el. S t. Matt. xxii . 15.



The Collect.

O L om ) , we beseech the e , absolve thy people fromthe ir offence s : tha t through thy bountiful goodnesswe m ay all be de live red from the bands of those

s ins, wh ich by our fra i lty w e have comm itted ; Grantthis , O heaven ly Fa ther , for Jesus ChrisVs sake , ourblessed Lord and Saviour . Am en .

The Ep istle . Co l. i . 3 .

The Gosp el . St. Matt. ix. 18 .




The Collect.

STIR up , we beseech thee , Lord, the w ills of

thy faithful people that they, plenteously bringingforth the fru it of good works , m ay of thee be plen

teously rewarded ; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


The Ep istle . Jer . xxii i . 5.

The Gosp el. St . John vi . 5 .


The Collect.

ALMIGHTY God, who didst give such grace unto

thy holy Apostle Saint Andrew , that he readilyobeyed the calling of thy Son Jesus Christ , and fo llowed him w ithout delay ; Grant unto us all that

we , be ing called by thy holy W ord, m ay forthwith

give up ourse lves obediently to fulfll thy holy com

m andments ; through the sam e Jesus Christ our

Lord. Amen .

The Ep istle. Rom . x . 9 .

The Gosp el. St. Matt. iv. 18.


The Collect.

ALMIGHTY and eve rliving God, who for the more



N e Adereanayean t.

Sbeyoryanerouh , wagweanideaghtea , 0 Sayaner,

ne —ako thoedatsherake ne tyakaweghdahkouh soe

gweda ; nene ayako tkadatshe akaneagho edea ne

kayodeaghseriyoh, ne ieseke asheya tkadatshe ashe

yatsheanoenyaghdagwea ; ne raorihoenyat Jesus

Christ Shoegwayaner . .Hm en .

The Ep istle . Jer . xxiii . 5 .

The Gosp el. St. John vi . 5 .


Sesha tsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh , ne egh n ikea

deraghtshero tea eghtshawy- ne Royadadokeaghty

Andrew , nene roweyeaneadaouhtsiouh wahowea

naraghgwe sh iyahorouhyeahare ne Eghtsyeaah

Jesus Chr ist, neon i waho g hno ederatyehte yagho thenouh tehoniskoouh : Takyouh agwagwekouh,nene tsiyoegwarouhyeaha ne Saweanad ok eagh ty ,,

yokoedattye egh ayagwadadatkawe ne ayagwado

weanaraghgw e ne ayagwar ighwayerite sarighw isa

ahtshenadokeaghty ne sheke t raorihoenyat Jesus

Christ Shoegwayaner . .dm em

The Ep istle . Rom . X . 9 .

The Gosp el. St . Ma tth . iv. 18.


N e Adereanayeant.

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh neon i ts iniyeaheawe


confirm ation of the fa ith didst suffer thy holy Apostle Thom as to be doubtful in thy Son

9s resurrection

Grant us so perfec tly, and w i thout all doubt, to believe in thy Son Jesus Christ , that our fa ith in thysight m ay never be '

reproved . Hear us , O Lord,thro ugh the sam e Jesus Christ, to whom , w ith thee

and the Holy Gho st, be a ll honour and glory, now and

for evermore . Am en .

The Ep istle. Ephes . i i . 19.

The Gosp el. St. John xx. 24 .


The Collect.

O Gon ,who through the preach ing of the blessed

Apostle Sa int Paul, hast caused the light of the Gos

pe l to shine'ethroughout the world ; Grant , we be

seech thee , that we , having his wonderful conversionin remembrance , may shew forth our thankfulness

unto thee for the sam e , by fo llow ing the holy dhogtrine which he taught ; through Jesus Christ our

Lord. Amen .

The Ep istle. Acts ix. 1 .

The Gosp el. St. Matt. xix. 27.



The Collect.

ALMIGHTY and everliving God, we humbly be.

seech thy Majesty, that, as thy only—bego tten Sonwas this day pre sented in the temple in sub

stance o f our desh , so we m ay be pre sen ted unto

thee w i th pure and c lean hearts, by the same thySon Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Ep istle . Mal. 111. 1 .

The Gosp el. St. Luke i i . 22 .


The Collect.

O ALMIGH TY God,who into the place of the trai

ter Judas didst choose thy fa ithful servant Matthias

te be of the number of the twe lve Apostles : Grantthat thy Church be ing alway preserved from false

Apostles, m ay be ordered and guided by fai thful andtrue pastors through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Epistle . Acts . i . 15.

The Gospel. St. Matth . xi . 25.




N e Adereanayeant.

SeshatsteaghseragW ekouh ns on i ts iniye aheawe

soenheoewe N iyoh , wagwe an ide aghtea Tsyadano A

rouhkowah , nene , ts iniyaweaouh nsok yekeaha

Eghtsyeaah ne keagh weghn isera tBsyeho ewa tkawea

ne onouh sadokeaghti tsherakouh n e rayaghdoe tah

gwea ne oegwaghwarouh , shadayogh touh yayagwa

dadatkaghwe ieseke ayoegweryaghs iyohake , neok

ne shakat Eghtsyeaah Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner.Am en .

Ep istle . Mal. i ii . 1 .

The Gosp el. St. Luke ii . 22.


N e Adereanayeant.

ragwekouh N iyoh , ne raodeuhe

weatsyake ne teshakon ikouhraghserha Judas seghts

yade regwea thaW eghtahko uh eghtshenhase Matthias

ne yoesahadiye rine ne te keny yaweare Rodiyadadokeaghty (Apostles Sheyouh nene Sanouhsadokeaghtike , tyutkouh asadeweyea toeke ne onowea

Tsin iwadeanhaghtshero tea , ne ahonade righwats teristouh ne thonegh tahkouh neon i tokea ske raditsihustatsy ne raoriho enyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner. Am en .


The Ep istle. Acts i . 15.

The Gesp el. St . Matth x'

i . 25.



The Collect.

W E beseech thee , O Lord, pour thy grace intoour hearts ; that, a s we have known the incarnationof thy Son Jesus Christ by the m essage of an an

ge l, so by his cross and passion we may be

brought unto the glory of his resurrection ; throughthe sam e Jesus Chris t our Lord. Am en .


The Ep istle . Isaiah vn . 10 .

The Gosp el. St. Luke i . 26 .


The Collect.

O ALMIGHTY God, who hast instructed thy holyChurch w ith the heavenly doctrine of thy Evangelist Saint Mark ; G ive u s grace , tha t, be ing no t likech ildren carried away W ith every blast '

of vain ,doc

trine , we m ay be e stablished in the truth of thy holyGospel through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen .



Ep istle . Ephes . iv. 7.

The Gosp el. St . John xv. 1.


The Collect.

O ALMIGHTY God, whom truly to know is ever


lasting life ; Grant us perfectly to know thy Son

Jesus Christ to be'

the way, the truth , and the life ;that, follow ing the steps of thy Holy Apostles , Sa intPhilip and Sa int Jam es , w e m ay steadfastly walk inthe way that le ade th to e terna l life through thesame thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Ep istle. St. Jam es i . 1.

The Gosp el. St. John xiv. 1 .


The Collect.

O L om ) God Alm ighty , who d idst endue thy holyApostle Barnabas w i th singular gifts of the HolyGho st Leave us not, we be seech thee , de stitute of

thy m an ifold gifts, nor ye t of grace to use them al

way to thy honour and glory ; through Jesus Christsur —Lord. Amen .

The Ep istle. Acts xi . 22.

The Gospel. St. John xv. 12.


ALMIGHTv God, by whose providence thy servantJohn Baptist was wonderfully born, and sent to pre


saderyea tare ne tsiniyeaheawe eayakoenheke ; Ta

kyouh ne ayoegwaderye aghdarakeoewe ne Eghts

yeeah Jesus Chris t ne ts iniyeyo thah inouh , ne tokeaske , nec a i ne eayako enheke nene ayagwaghnoe

dera tyesheke tsitehonatekhahagwe a ne Rod iyada

dokeaghty, Philip neoni James , ne egh niyayoe

gwenoehatye ayoegwarighwahnirouh ohahakouh ne

yakoghsharinehtoehatye tsiniyeaheawe eayakoen

heke ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner .

Amen .

The Ep istle . St . Jam es i . 1 .

The Gosp el. St. John xiv.


N e Adereanayeant.

O Sayaner N iyoh Seshats teaghseragwekouh, ne

te tshaghseahdeany ne Royadadokeaghty Barna

bas yo tyerouh tsin iwadadaw ightshero tea ne O ni

kouhradokeaghty ; Toghsa tagwayaghdoe ty, wa

gweanideaghtea , ne tayagwatkarryaghsheke tsiniyo

ghnahnetarryouh tsin ighsheyaw is , ne teas ne keade

arat ayagwatsthake tyutkouh ne agwakoenyeasthakeneoni oeweseaghtshera ; ne raor ihoenya t JesusC hrist Shoegwayaner. Amen.

The Epistle. Acts xi . 22.

The Gosp el. St . John xv. 12 .


N e Adreanayeant.

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh , tsisheyatsteristha eghtshe nhase John Shakoghnekosse ras



186 CoL L ECT s .

pare the way o f thy Son our Saviour , by preachingo f repentance ; Make us so to fo llow h is doc trine

a nd ho ly life , that w e m ay truly repent according toh is preach ing ; and a fter h is example constantlyspeak the tru th , boldly rebuke v ice , and pa tien tlysuffer for the truth*s sake through Jesus Christ ourLord. Am en .

The Ep istle . Isa iah xl. 1 .

The Gosp el. St. Luke i . 57.


The Collect.

O ALMIGHTY God, who by thy Son Jesus Christdidst give to thy Apostle Sa int Pe ter m any exeellent

gifts, and commandedst him e arnestly to fe ed thyHock ; Make , w e beseech thee , a ll B ishops and Pas

tors diligently to preach _thy holy W ord, and the peo

ple obediently to follow the sam e , tha t they m ay re

ce ive the crown of everlasting glory ; throug J esusChri st our Lord . Am en .

The Ep istle . Acts xii . 1 .

The Gosp el. St. Matth . xvi . 13 .


The Collect.

GRAN T , O m erciful God, that as thine holy Apostle Sa int Jam es , leaving h is father and all that hehad, w i thout de lay, W as obedien t unt


o the calling ofthy Son Je sus Christ, and fo llowed him ; so we , fo



saking all worldly"

and carnal affections , may be

evermore read to fo llow thy ho ly'

commandments !

through Jesus brist our Lord . Amen .

The Ep istle . Acts xi . 27. andpart of Chap . xn .

The Gospel. St. Ma tt . xx . 20.


The Coilect.

ALMIG HTY and eve rlasting G od, who didst giveth

th ine Apostle Bartho lom ew grace truly to be lieveand to preach thy W ord G ran t, we be seech thee;unto thyChurch , to love that word wh ich he believed,and both


to preach and rece ive the same through

Jesus Christ our Lord . Am en .

The Ep istle. Acts v. 12.

The Gosp el. St. Luke xxn . 24.



N e Adereanayeant.

Takyouh, 0 Sean ideareghtsherowanea N iyoh

nene tsiniyaweaouh ne Royadadokeaghty James,wahoyaghdoedy ne rou iba neoni agwekouh tsiniho

yea , yagh o thenouh tehoghniskohouh wahoweanara .

ghgwe ne nea shiyahorouhyeahare n e Eghtsyeaah

Jesus Christ, neoni wahoghnoederatyehte ne raouh

ha shadayawea ne o ekyouhha , ayagwa swea agwe

kouh tsiyouhweatsyate neomi ne owaghroene tsin i

kaweyeano tea , ne tsin iyaawe ayoegwaweyeane

adaouh seaba ne ayagwaghnoedera tyehte ne sari

ghwadokeaghtiokouh ; ne raoriho enyat Jesus ChristShoegwayaner Amen .

The Ep istle . Acts Xi . 27 . and partof Chap . xi i .

The Gosp el. St. Matt. XX.


20 .


N e Adereanayeant,

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh neoni tsin iyeaheawets inisayerea egh tshawy ue Royadadokeaghty

(Apostle ). Bartholemew keadearat tokeaske thawen

ghtahkouh neoni : raderigh ivahnodoe sgwe ne Saweana ; Sheyouh wagwean ideaghtea , ne Sanouhsado

keaghtike , ne ayenorouhgwhake tho iekea Oweana

tsinaho tea ne thaweghtahkoene , neon i te tsyarouh

ne raderighwahnodoe thagwe neon i rahawaghgwe ne

shaka t ; ne raorihoenya t Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner . Am en .

The Epistle . Acts V . 12 .

The Gospel. St. Luke xxu . 24.



The Collect.

O ALMIGHTY God, who by thy ble ssed Son didst

ca ll Ma tthew from the rece ipt of custom to be an

Apostle and Evange lis t ; grant us grace to forsakea ll covetous desires , and inordinate love of r iches ,and to fo llow the sam e thy Son Je sus Christ, W holive th and re igne th w ith thee and the Ho ly Ghost


one God, world w ithou t end. Am en .

The Ep istle. 2 Cor . iv. 1 .

The Gosp el. St. Matt. ix. 9.


The Collect.

O EVERLASTI N G God, who hast ordained and con

stituted the servic e of Ange ls and m en in a wonder

ful order Mercifully gran t, tha t as thy holy Angelsalway do thee service in heaven , so by thy appo int

ment they m ay succour and defend us on earth

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Am en .

The Ep istle . Rev. xn . 7

The Gosp el. St. Matt. xvm . 1.

192 COL L Ec '

rs .


Amu eHTY God, who calledst Luke the Physician,whose praise is in the Go spe l, to be an Evange list,and Physician. o f the soul May it please thee , that,by the.

wholesom e m e dicines of the doctrine de livered hy h im , all the d isease s of our souls m ay be

healed ; through the m erits of thy Son Jesus Chr istOM ' L W d! Amen.

The Ep istle . 2 T im . iv. 5 .

The Gospe l. St . Luke X . 1 .


The Collect.

0 ALMIGHTY G od, W ho hast bu ilt thy Church uponthe. foundation o f the Apostle s and Prophe ts , JesusChrist hims elfbe ing the head corner - stone Grant us

se to be jo ined together m un ity of spi r it by the irdoctrine , that w e m ay be made an ho ly t

ceptable unto thee through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Ep istle . St . Jude 1.

The,Gospel. St. John XV . 17 a



N e Adereanayean t.

seshatsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh, eghtshenadouh

gwea, Luke ne Rade tsyo e tha , ts in ighoeW ane adouhsne Orighwadoke aghtitshe rakouh , Royadadoke aghty,neon i Rade tsyoe tha ne ado enh e tsne Egh nao ede

seryeaghdiyoh , nene , tsin iwadakar idagh tsherea

hawe ne onouhgwa raoderighwahnodouh tshera , agwekouh ts in iyodinrare ne o egwadoenhe tsne ne aoe

sayoditsyoedaghgwe ; ne raorihoenyat Jesus ChristShoegwayan er. Am en .

The Ep istle .


l T im . IV . 5 ;

The Gosp el . St . Luke X . 1 .


N e Adereanayean t.

O Sesha tsteaghseragwekeuh N iyoh , tsisadenouh

soeny ne Sanouhsadokeaghty n e tisanouhsake


ne Rodiyadadokeagh tiokouh (Apostles) neon i Oheadouh yehadiriwake asgwe , JesusChrist raouhhatsiw a thayaghdagwen iyoh n e tsikane tsker kaneayayea ; Takyouh ne yagh tayo egw a

tyestouh uskahne ayoegwa tweghno en ihake ne kan ikouhrake tsin ihonaderighwahnodouh tsh ero tea , nene

ayoenyatouh ne oekyouhha ne onouhsadokeaghtyayonouhweghtouh ne ie seke ne rao rihoenya t Jesus,

Christ Shogwayaner . Am en .

The Ep is tle . St . Jude 1 .

The Gosp el . St. John xv. 17 .



The Collect.

0 ALMIGH TY G od, who hast kn it toge ther th inee lect in one comm un ion and fe llow sh ip , in the mys

tical body of thy Son Christ our Lord ; G ran t us

gra ce so to fo llow thy b lessed Sa in ts in a ll vir tuousand godly living, tha t w e m ay com e to tho se un

spe akab le joys , wh ich thou ha st prepared for them

tha t unfe ignedly love thee ; through Jesus Christ

our Lord. Am en .

The Ep iĵstle . Rev; vu . 2 .

The Gosp el. St . Ma tth . V . 1 .



H O L Y C OM M U N I O N .

li So many as intenci to be partakers of the holy Communion sha ll

signify their ames to the Cura te, a t least some time the day before.

li And if anyof those be an open and notorious evil li ver , or have done

any wrong to his neighbours by word or deed, so tha t the Congrega tionbe thereby oĵ ended ; the Cura te, having knowledge thereof , sha ll ca ll

him and adverti se him , tha t in any wi se he p resume not to come to the

L ord's Table, unti l he ha th Op enly declared himself to have tru ly re

pentad and amended hi s former naughty life, tha t the Congrega tionmay thereby be satisj ied, which before were of ended and that he hath


recomp ensed the p arti es, to whom he ha th done wron a or a t least deo

clare himself to be infu ll purpose so to do, as soon as he conveni ently


ll The'


me ahder sha ll theI

Gura te use with those betwixt whom - h?

perceiveth ma li ce and hatred to reign ; not suf ering them to be par

takers of the Lord,.s Table, unti l he


"them to 'be r econci led. And .

if one of the parties so at variance be Content to forgive j hom the

bottom qf hi s heart all tha t the Other ha th trespassed against him, ana

to make“

amendsfor that he himself hath of ended and the otherparty

wi ll not“

be p ersuaded to a g odly uni ty, but remain sti ll tn hi s frbwarda.

?ieŝ s'

and mali ce theMun ster in tha t case might'


adnh t'

ihe p'

eni tknt

p erson to the holy Communion, and not hi ih that is obstinate..Pi—a

vided tha t every Mm zster so rep elltng any, as i s sp ecified i n this , or the

next p recedent P aragraph of this Kubr ick, shall be dbliged to give. an

a ccount of the same to 'the Ordinary wi thin four teen ĉdays after a t the

farthest. And the Ordi nary sha ll p roceed aga inst the"

of ending p er

s on a ccordmg to the Canon .

l i The Table, a t the“

Commun ion—time having a fa ir white linen cloth

upon i t, sha ll stand in the B ody of the Church, or in the Chancel,where Morning and Evening Pr ayer are app ointed to be sa id .

And the P r i est standing a t the N orthlside of the Table sha ll say the

L ordls P rayer, wi th the Collectfollowing , the peop le kneeling .

URTa ther wh ich art in h eaven ,Ĥallowed be thyN am e . Thy kingdom com e . Thyw i ll be done in

e arth , As it is in he aven . G ive u s this day our da i lyb re ad . And forgive us our tre spasse s, As we for'

give them tha t trespa ss aga inst us . And lead us“

no t

in to tem ptation ; But de live r u s from evil. Am en .


nene Kea tyoghgwake, easeghshakonihouhrhhseroeny, tsznahotea rots .

watouh .neoni eashamghwahseroeny tsm oewe n ishakotswaghteany

neteas ne eashakoghrory raouhha tsikananouh egh nihsnikouhrotea ne

egh neahayere, tsin iyosnore eahodeshean iyoghse .

ii N e shaoriwat ne R atsihustatsy eara tste ne tyeghnihokeahshouh

tsiaoewe neahatkatho kanaghgwheas cra neoni adatsweaouh yodawe

tharhouh ; yagh thashakorihouh ne ayeyenaghsheke ne Royaner Bao.

degwha ra lm e, tsi niyore eahoderyea taraghne nea soederighwahseroeny.

N eoni tokah ne skaty noekadighkduh ne tehodirighwadi hase ronikouh

riyah eashm' ighwiyostea eatharakewe onouhgwene ne raweryane agwe

kouh ts inikouh ne thi ha te tsinihotswaghteany ne raouhha , neon i eas

harighwahseroeny _oni tsinikouh ne raouhha shakotswaghteany nok


thihate yagh ne tehoda ts teroewy ne kar ighwiyostakne yag'


tyeste', nok ol; yekakoete ne roghnikouhrahnirouh ne adatsweaouh : ne

Ratsihustatsy ne egh noewe aoesahoyadarea ne shadaderighwas tany ne

orighwadokeaghty Tekar ighwakehadont, nok yaghtea neok one'

a ts ini

1I N e Ategwharak, tsinoewe ne Tekarighwakehadmzt nea eayoeda .

touh kanyaghdarakeara t eakarhoroktouh . N eoni ne Ra tsihustatsy

Othoreke noedegwharaghtsherady eahadake neant eahearouh ne Ro

yauer Raodereanayeant, ne oegwehokouh teayoedontshotea .

HOEGW AN IHA Karouhyakouh teghsiderouh ,W agwaghseanadokeaghdiste Sayanertsherah

aoedawegh te ; Tsine aghsereh egh neayawe ane ne

oughweatsyake tsioni n ityouht ne Karouhyakouh .

Takyo uh ne kea gh weghn isera te ne niyadeweghnis

ereke o egwanadarok : N eon i toedagwarighw iyos

tea ne tsin iyoegwatswa touh , tsin iyouht n e oekyouh

ha ts itsyakhir ighwiyo steanis ne waonkhiyatswa tea .

N eon i toghsa tagwagsharine t tewadadeanakeraghteake ; N ok toedagwayadakoh tsinoewe niyodax

beah . Am en .


The Collect.

ALMIGHTY God, unto whom a ll hear ts be Open , alldesire s known , and from whom no sec re ts are hid ;

C le an se the though ts of our hearts by the inspira

tion o f thy Ho ly Spir it, tha t we m ay perfe c tly lovethee , and worth ily m agn ify thy holy N am e through

Chr ist our Lord . Am en .

Then sha ll the P riest turning to the p eop le , rehearse

distinctly a ll the TEN COMMAN DMEN TS ; and

the p eop le sti ll kneeling sha ll, af ter every Comm and

m ent , ask God m ercy f or their transg ression thereof

f or the tim e p ast, and g ra ce to keep the sam e f or the

tim e to com e , a sf olloweth .

M in ister .

G od spake these words, and sa id I am the Lord

thy God : Thou shalt have none ot her Gods but m e .

P eop le. Lord_

have m ercy upon us , and inclineour hearts to keep th is law .

M in ister . Thou shalt no t m ake to thyself any

g raven im age , nor the likene ss of any th ing that is

in he aven above , o r in the e arth benea th , or in

th e water under the e arth . Thou shalt no t bow

down to them , nor worsh ip them : for I the Lord thyGod am a je alous G od , and visi t the s ins of the fa

thers upon the ch ildren, un to the th ird and four th

genera tion o f them tha t ha te m e , and shew m ercyun to thousands in them that love m e , and keep my_c ommandm ents .


P eop le . Lord, have m ercy upon us , and inclineour hearts to ke ep this law .

M inister . Thou shalt no t take the N am e of theLord thy G od in va in : for the Lord w ill no t ho ldh im gu iltle ss, tha t take th h i s ,

N am e in va in .

P eop le . Lord,have m er cy upon us , and inclineour hearts to ke ep th is law .

M in ister . Rem ember tha t thou ke ep holy the

Sabbath - day . Six days shalt thou labour , and do

a ll tha t thou hast to do bu t the seventh day is theSabbath o f the Lord thy God . In i t thou shalt do

no m anner of w ork , thou , and thy son , and thydaughter , thy m an - servan t, and thy m a id - servan t,thy c attle , and the stranger tha t is w ithin thy ga tes .

F or in six days the Lo rd m ade heaven and earth ,the ŝ ea , and all that in them is, and nested the



enth day wherefore the Lord blessed the Seventhday, and hallowed it .

P eop le . Lord, have mercy u'


on u“

s ,


and incline

our heari

ts to keep this law .

M in ister . Hohoui' thy father ahd thy'

Hio the'

f ;



sĵm ay be leng in the lahd, W hich theLo'


ve th ursa

Peo le . Lord, have mei—“cy tipon

trs , a'


d inclinediff hearts tb keep


this law.


nene yo ekenorouhgwha n e i ih , neon i yerighweah aw e

ne akerighw isa ah tshera

Oegwe . Sayaner , tagw eade arhek , neon i egh

skareaghrahgwa t n e oegw eryan e wahoeny ke akayea

weeny ayoegwayenawakouh .

Ratsi . Toghsa Egh tsheanaye sa t ne Royaner

San iyoh ; ikea n e Royaner yagh teyawe t egh n i

youht tsiahoyena n e yagh thahorighwastean ire ne

Raoghseana eaha tshaweanoryaghte .

Oegwe . Sayaner , tagweadearh ek , neon i egh

skareaghrahgwa t ne oegweryan e waho en

weany ayoegwayenawakouh .

R a ts i . Seghyarak seadadokeagh tistoehak ne Sab

bath . Yayak n iweghn iserak e e asayogh tea , neon i

eaghsewe yeaneadane agwekouh tsin isayea tsineagh

ŝ atyere nok n e tsyadakh adon t ke aghweade ne

Raosabbath ne Royaner San iyoh Egh noewe yagho thenouh thaoesaghsa tyere ts iok n ikayodeaghsero

tea , E se , neon i eghtsyeaah , n eon i sheyeaah, eghts

henhase , neon i se nha se , sa tsh enea, n eoni ne th iya

k aouhweatsyate ayesouhweatsyorea ouh . Ike a ya

yak n iweghn iserake ne Royaner raoen issouh ne karoeya n eoni o ughw eatsya , ne kanyadare , neon i

agwekouh tsiniwa t netho , neon i egh niyehodorishea

ne tsyadakhadont keaghw e ade : newahoeny ne Ro

yau er rayadade ristouh ne tsyadakhadont keagh

weade, neon i raweghniser adokeahd is touh .

Oegwe. S ayane r , tagweade arhek , ne on i egh

skareaghrahgwa t n e o egw eryan e wahoeny keakayea

weany ayo egwayenawakouh .

R a tsi . Sheko enyeasthak ne yan iha neon i ne

san iste aha ; nene ts isadeghn isera tennyouh a easouh“

ĝ e ts iwadouhw eatsya te , n enaho tea ne oyaner

San iyoh eayouh

Oegwe . Sayaner , tagw eadearh ek, neen i egh ska

reaghrahgwa t ne o egw eryan e wahoeny keakayea

weeny ayo egwayenawakouh .


.Min ister . Thou sha lt do no m urde'

r .

P eo le . Lord , have m ercy upon us, and inclineour hearts to ke ep th is law .

M inister . Thou sha lt no t comm it adult'

eryP eop le . Lord, have m ercy upon us , and i ncline

our hearts to keep this law .

M in ister . Thou shalt no t stea l.

P eop le . Lord, have m ercy upon us, and inclineour hearts to ke ep this law .

M in ister . Thou shalt no t bear fa lse w itness

aga inst thy ne ighbour .

P eop le . Lord, have m ercy upon us , and inclineour hearts to keep this law .

M inister . Thou shalt no t cove t thy ne ighbour's

house , thou shalt no t cove t thy ne ighbour's w ife , nor

h is servant , nor h is m a id, nor his ox, nor his ass , nor

any th ing that is h is .

P eop le . Lord, have m ercy upon us , and write allthese thy laws in our hearts, we beseech thee .

Then sha ll follow the Collect f or the queen , the

P riest standing as before , and saying ,

L et u s P ray.

ALMIGHTY God, whose kingdom is everlasting,and power infin ite ; Have m ercy upon the whole

Church and so rule the heart of thy chosen ser

vant V ICTORIA , our Gusen and Governour, that


she , (know ing whose m in ister she is) m ay above a ll

things se ek thy honour and glory : and tha t w e , and

a ll her subje cts (duly con sidering whose au thorityshe ha th) m ay fa ithfu lly se rve , honour , and humb ly


ob ey her , in the e , and fo r the e , according to thyble ssed W ord and o rd inanc e ; through Je sus Christour Lord, who w ith thee and the Ho ly Ghost live thand re igne th , ever one God, world w ithout end.

.dm en .

Then sha ll be sa id the Collect of the day. .dnd im

m ediately af ter the Collect the P riest sha ll read the

Ep istle, saying , The Ep istle (or , the portion ofScr ip ture appoin ted f or the Ep istle) i s written in the

Chap ter of beg inning a t the Verse .

And the Ep istle ended, he sha ll say, H ere endeth the

Ep istle. Then sha ll he read the Gosp el (the p eop lea ll standing up ) saying , The holy Gosp el is written

in the Chap ter _of beg inning a t the

Verse . And the Gosp el ended , sha ll be sung or said

the Creed f ollowing , the p eop le sti ll standing , as be

B EL IEVE in one God the FatherAlm ighty, Makerof h eaven and earth , And of a ll things visible and

invi sible


daragwea Senhase V ICTORIA , O egwako raghkowaneon i karighwakanoe n is , nene aouhha (yode



rak oughka yako tste'

ristahse ) ne agwekouh seaba

issi noewe ne awe saxheke ae sa/koenyeasthake

oeweseaghtshera : neon i nene o ekyouhha , nenn i

agwekouh ne aouhh ake yagw anikouhrayeadaghgwea

(ao edakarighwayerike ayagweanouhdoe nyouheke

oughka ko ewasha tste agh serawy ne kahawe ) aoedayoegweghtahkoehake ayagw ayoghde ahs eheke, aya

gwakoenyea sthake , neon i ayo egwadadoeneagh touh

ayagwayoghdeahseheke , ayagwaweanar aghgwh'


ne aouhha , ne iese tsherakouh , neoni ne ie se ,“

ne ao e

dayoyane ahawe tsin iyouht ne Saweamdoke agty neoni tsin isarighwadadouh ; n

_e raor ihoenyat Jesus

Christ Sho egwayaner , ne raouhha ne ie seke xn eon i

ne On ikouhradokeaghty roenhe neon i ro tsteristouh ,tsin iyeaheawe u ska t ne Niyoh , tsiyouhwea tsya te

yagh thiyaoedoktea . Am en .


E thone nea nene Adereanayean t ne aoweank ne

K eag hweade . N eon i ne nea eawadoelcog hte ne

Adereanayean t ne R a tsihu sta tsy eahaweanag h_no

toah ne Ep istle tsiyeaharig hohtea . E thone nea ne


eashaweanag hnotouh ne Or ig hwadoheag hty'

(ne oe

gwehokouh agwekouh teayedag hne .) N eoni nea ne

Orig hwadoheag ty eaharihoh tea , ne Sha righwa re teasIW AM ŬMTM , n e oegwehokouh, ole _yelcaleoe te ea

y ekeawya take .

Tewakeghtahkouh uska t ne N iyoh ne Ran iha nc

Agwekouh th ihashatste , Raoen issouh ne karouhyaneon i oughwea tsya , N eomi agwekouh tsinaho tea sho uh ne yontkaghthos neoni ne yagh teyon tkaghthos


And in on e Lord Jesus Chr ist, the only - begotten

Son of God, B ego tten of his fa ther be fo re all worlds ,God of God, Light of Ligh t, V ery God of very God,B ego tten , no t m ade , Be ing of one substan ce w ith

th e Father : By whom all th ings w ere m ade : W ho

for us m en , and for our salva tion c am e down from

heaven ,


And was incarna te by the Holy Ghost of theV irgin Ma ry, and w as m ade m an

,And was cruc ifi ed

a lso for us under Pontiu s Pilate . He suffered and

was bur ied, And the th ird day he rose aga in a ccording to the Scrip tures , And asc ended into heaven and

sitteth on the r igh t hand of the Father . And —he

shall com e aga in W ith glory to judge bo th the qu ickand the dead W hose kingdom shall have no end.

And I be lieve in the Holy Ghost, The Lord and

G iver of life , W ho proceedeth from the Father and

the Son , W ho w ith the Father and the Son together

is worshipped and glorifi ed, W ho spake by the

Prophe ts. And I believe one Ca tholic andApostolickChurch . I acknowledge one B aptism for the re

m ission of sins, And I look for the Resurrection of

the dead, And the life of the world to com e . Am en .


L et your ligh t so sh ine before m en , tha t they m ayse e y ou good works , and glor ify your Father whichis in heaven . St. Ma tth. v.

L ay no t up for your se lve s tre asure upon the earth ;where the rust and m o th do th corrupt, and where

thie ve s bre ak through and stea l bu t lay up for yourse lves trea sure s in he aven where ne ither rust no r

m o th do th corru t, and where th ieves do no t break

thro ugh and stea St. Ma tth. vi .

W hatsoever ye wou ld tha t m en should do unto

you , e ven so do unto them ; for th is is the L aw and

the Prophe ts . St. M a tth . vi i .

N ot eve ry o ne that sa ith un to m e , L o rd, _L ord , shall

en ter in to the K ingdom of heaven ; bu t he tha t

doe th the w ill o f my father wh ich _is in he aven . St.

Z ac chwus stood forth , and - sa id unto the Lord, B eho ld, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor ;a nd if I have done any wrong to any m an , I r estorefour - fo ld . St. L uke xix .

W ho goeth a warfare a t any tim e o f hi s o wn c ost?

W ho plan'

teth '

a v ineyard, and e ate th not of the fruit

thereofz? Or who fee de th a Hock , and e ate th not o f

the m i lk of the flock 1 Cor . ix .


Kinyoh ne sewaswa theh tshera teyo swa thek ako

headouh ne oegwehokouh , nene ayontkaghtho sewa

yodeaghseriyo se , neon i ahoewayoewesahte ne Egh

tsisewan iha nenaho tea ne karouhyakouh . St.

Toghsa ne sewadatgwas ne a tshokowaghs era ne

oughweatsyake ; tsinoewe ne oskearha neoni otsi

nowa eakahe tkeaghte, nsoni tsinoewe ne radi

W as teahadiyake teahoenohe tste neoni eahadineas

ŝ oh : nok ne sewadatgwas ne atshokowaghsera ne

karouhyakouh tsinoewe ya g h ne oskearha ne teas

ne o tsinowa thakahe tkeaghte , neon i tsinoewe ne ra

dineasgwas yagh thadahad iyake tahoenohetste ne

on i ahadineaskoh . St. Ma ttia. vi .

Ogh '

kiok naho tea tsinaoedesewanoewene nene

oegwehokouh tsinaye tshiyatyeraghse , egh naetsh iyatyeras ne ronouhha ; ikea egh nikarihotea ne

oni ne Oheadouh Yeha diriwakeas . St. Ma tth. vi i .

Yaghtea nene n iyadeyakouh ayo edoeheke ne

iihne , Sayaner , Sayaner, ne ayoedaw eyaghte ne

Kayaner tshe rakouh ne karouhyake ; nok nene egh

neahayere tsinitho thoedatouhtshero tea ne Rakenihanenaho tea


ne karouhyakouh . St. M a tth. vi i ,

Z acchaeus 'wathadane , ne wahaweahaghse neRoyaner , Satkaghtho , Sayaner , shadewaghseaneane agwadaghgweanya neakheyouh ne yakodeant ;neoni ne tokab o thenouh eawakenh ikouh oughkaokne oegwe , easekheyeritshe kayery niyoghnanet,St. L uke xix .

Oughka wahawenouhdoeha tye aderiyoghserake

kaok noewe neakeaha tye ne raouhha raokaryaxbera rodo ehatye ? Oughka eahayeantho oneaharadasehouh tsiyeyea tho tha , neoni yagh thaarake neeawaghyoedea ne tho ? N e teas oughka ranoedeaska tshenea , neon i yagh thaarake ne aodinoe ta ne

ka tshenea ? l Cor . ix .


If we have sown unto you spiritual things , is i t a

great matter if w e sha ll re ap your worldly th ings .

Cor . ix.

Do ye no t know , that they who m in ister abou t

holy th ings live of the sacr ific e ; and they who w a it

a t the altar are partakers w ith the altar ? Even so

ha th the Lord *

a lso o rda ined , tha t they who pre achthe Gospel shou ld live of the Go spe l . 1 Cor . ix ..

He that sowe th little sha ll reap little ; and he

that sowe th plen teouslyshall re ap plen teously . L e t

every m an do ac cording a s he is disposed in h is

heart, no t grudgingly , or o f ne ce ssi ty ; for God love th a che erful giver . 2 Cor . ix .

L et him that is taught in the W ord m in ister unto=

h im tha t tea che th , in a ll good th ings . B e no t de

ce ived, God is no t m o cked : for wha tsoever a m an

sowe th tha t sha ll he reap . Ga l. v i .

W hi le we have tim e , le t us do good un to a ll m en ;

and spe c ia lly un to them tha t are of the hou seho ld of

fa ith . Ga l . vi .

Godliness is gre a t r iche s, if a m an be c onten t w ith

that h e hath for w e bro ught no thing in to the wo rld,

ne ither m ay w e c arry any thing ou t . l T im . V l .

212 THE CoMMUNrofv.

Charge them who are rich in this'


orld; that}

theybe ready

to give , and glad to distri bute ;in store for them selves


good foundati


tifne to come , tha t they may atta in e tern life:

I Tim: Vi .

God is not hnrighteml s, thht he W ill forge t yearWei—ks, and In sar thatprebeedeth drlove; Which loveye have shewed fof h is N ames sake, who have{n ia .


ed mi to the saintŝ ,and yet demifllstef. Hela:w..

Tĉ do ood dhd'

to distribu te, forget nbt foi with

ŝ tich sacri fi ĉes God is W e ll pleased Heb. Xii i :

W hoso hath this World9s good, and Seeth his

brother have need, and shutteth up h is compassionfrom him ,

how dwelle th the love of God in him'


I St. John ii i ;

Ĝive anas b? thygoods, aaa never tura thy fa ĉ efrbfn any poor maĵrl ;



nd then the fab le of the L bfd

shall no t be turned away nbm thee. Tobi t iv:




vlfe r . If thĉ ii hast much ,

give blehteou ŝ l'

y if th'

ou hast li ttle, db thy diligiŝ n'


ladly to give of tha t littlĉ'

: for sagatherest then

ĝiysblf ŝ . ĝ bĥd reward ih the day“

of hetessity .

obit l'


He\hat hath pity apon the poof lĉ ndeth nmc the


Shenatonhgwea ronouhha ne rona tshokowah ne


tsiyouhwea tsya te , nene ah od iweyeaneadaouh

ne ashakonouh , ns oni ahonatsheanoen ihake as

hakodiyakhoehase ahoedatgwea ro nouhhadaghtsher iyoh ao edahadikeaseraghgwe ayodesr

heanoeny ne yodadearouh ne tawe , nene ahadiyena

ne tsin i eaheawe aho enoenheke . Tim . vi .

N iyohyaghtea ne yagh thaho terighwagwarihsyoehake , nene ahonikoe rhea ne sewayodeaghsera , neon i tsisewadatyodeastouh nene t

'kayeaghdahgwha ne

adadenorouh ; nenaho tea ne egh n ikanorouhgwhats

hero tea ye tsh inaghdoeny ne raouhha Raoghseana

aorihoenya t, ye tsh iya tsteristouh ne rodiyadado

keaghty , neoni shekouh eatsye tshiyatsteriste .

Heb. vi .

Yoyanere tsinasewa tyer, neon i ye tsh iyakhoehas ,toghsa sewan ikoerhea ; ikea ne egh n iwatkagh

_wahtsherotea tne N iyoh rawerye aghtiyos. Heb. xi i i .Onghkakiok

wahanhodouh ne raon ideareghts hera

_ne raouhhake , to neayawea ne eaho tye ahase ne

raon orouhgwha tshera ne Niyoh ne raouhhatsherakOll h ? 1 St . John i ii .Sheyouh ne (yeyesaghse) ne sadaghgweanya,

neoni toghsa noeweadouh sadaghroedy ts iok noewe

ne ,rodeant ne roegwe neoni e thone nc rakonxne ne

Boya ner yagh thahadaghroedy ne ieseke .

Sean ideareskOehak ne e a tyoyaneahawe tsin isas

h_ats teaghsera . Tokab esoh easayeadake , esoh kieaghsheyouh : toka h .nikoeha _ easayeadake, egh

natsyer satshe anoen ihak sheyouh ne kcan ikoeha :

ikea i ese sadaderoghrokr ne watsheanoenyaghtsheriyoh eghn iserakouh nea deatsisadouhweatsyohse .

Tobit iv.

Raouhha ne shakodearas ne yakodeant wahony


Lord : and look , w hat he laye th out , it shall be pa id

h im aga in . P rov. Xix .

B le ssed be the m an tha t provide th for the s ick and

needy : the Lord sha ll de liver h im in the time of

trouble . P sa l. xli .

'll And .when there is a Communion , the P riest sha ll

then p lace up on the Table so m u ch B read and W ine ,

as he sha ll think suj icient.

Af ter whichi

done, the P riest sha ll say,

L e t us pray for the whole sta te of Christ's Churchm ilitant here in earth .

ALMIGHTY and everliving God, who by thy holyApostle hast taugh t us to m ake prayers and suppli

cations , and to give thanks for all m en ; W e hum blyb esee ch thee '

m o st m erc ifully [* to accep t our a lm s

and obla tions , and] to rece ive the se our prayers ,which


w e o ffer unto thy D ivine M ajes ty ; besee ching thee to inspire c on tinually the un iversal Churchw i th the spir i t of truth , un ity , and concord : And

gran t, that a ll they tha t do c onfe ss thy ho ly N am e ,

m ay agre e in the tru th of thy ho ly W ord, and livein u n ity ,

and godly love . W e beseeeh the e a lso to

save and de fend a ll Chr istian K ings , Princ es and'

G overnours and spe c ia lly thy servant V ICTORIAour queen ; that under her we m ay be godly and

qu ie tly governed : And grant unto her whole Council,and to


a ll that are pu t in au thority under her , that

If there be no alm s or oblanons then sha ll the words (of acce ptmg our alm a

.and oblatlons) be left ou t u nsmd .


they m ay truly and indi ii'

e rently m in ister justice , tothe punishment of w icke dne ss a nd vice , and to them a inte nance of thy true religion , and Vi rtue . G ive

grace , O he avenly Fa the r , to a ll B ishops and C ur

ates , tha t they m ay bo th by the ir life and doctrine

set forth thy true and lively W o rd, and r ightly a nd

duly adm in ister thy holy Sacram ents : And to all

thy people give thy heavenly grace and especiallyto this c ongregation

there pr esent ; tha t, wi th m e ekheart and due reverence , they m ay hea r and rec e ivethy holy W ord, truly serving thee in holiness 'and

righteousness a ll the days of the ir life . And we

most h nm bly'bese ech th ee o f thy goodne ss,

*O Lord,to comfort and succour a ll “them,

who in th is transi

tory l ife a re in trouble , sorrow , ne ed , s ickness , o rany o ther adversity . And we a lso b less thy holyN am e for all thy servants departed this life in thyfaith and fe ar ; be seeching tl:

-h ee to give us grace so

'to !follow the ir good examples,'

tha t w ith them

may3be rs of thy he avenly kingdom : G ra nt

Lth is , O Jew s C hrist ,!s sake , o ur onlyMediator and Advo cate . Am en .


tsinayakoenhoghteahake yadayako tyestouh neon i

ayakorighw iyostoehake tayoedadenorouhgwhake .

W agwean ideaghtea on i ne asheyadanouh sdate ne

on i ashenhe agwekouh Rodirighwiyostouh Koragh

kowatshouh , Radighseanowaneahse , neoni Rad i

righwakanoenis ; neoni neki agwagh n e senhase

VICTORIA Oegwakoraghkowah ; nene onakouh

ne aouhha ayoegwarighw iyostoehake neon i skeanea

thayoegwaderighwa tkanoenyeany : N eoni sheyouh

tsin iwa Ts ikoewatsyeahayeany, neon i agwekouh ne

yakoderihoe touh ne onakouh ne aouhha , nene

tokeaske neon i shadayaweane tsiahontsteriste yo

derigirwagwarihsyouh , ashako dighrewah te yakori

ghwa neraaxkouh neon i yagh te tye righwayery, neonitre aha diyadanou hsda te ne tokeaske sarighwiyostak ,Ale o—ni t'kal 'ighwaye ry . Sheyouh s eade ara t, O ka

rouhyake Rani ha, agwekouh ,ne Arighwawakhonhko

watshouh neon i Raditsihustatsy, nene te tsyarouh



h oenoenho te a neon i raon aderiglrwahnodonhts

ihm ahoe derigh wahde atyehte satoke aske tshera n e

nnri ayoe nhets izhouh S aweana , ne oni aoedaka righw

ye nitke ts iahonaxtste ristouh n e sa righwadokeahty Te

h avigi rwakeha dont : N eoni n e agwekouh ne soe

gweda sheyouh ne sa rouhyak eghserako uh seadea ra t ;neoni nek i agwagh .ne kea noewe N iyakotkeanis souh

k ea tho yeyadare ; nene , ayakawerya ghsahnetd tha

h ak e neoni a yakokoenye asjtouh , a yoeroeke , n eoni

ayeye na S aweamadokeagh ty ; t okea ske ayesayod eaghsehdce m ighwadodceaghtits he rak ouh neoni

ndm ighwagwar ihsyouhtshe ra eghnis eragwekouh(tsi

ne nwe eayakoenhe ke . N e on i wagweanide aghtea ts in isayancre , O S ayane r , ne asheyouhwesaghte n eon irad i eyrenawa se agwekouh , =ne


keatho Ikea ek '

niyor iwww tsiyaiko enhe t eyakonikoerhare , yakonikorrh'm lwase, teyontkarrya s,



ne tea s toddyakkesho uh tsiniyaŝlto tkeagh reahseroeny.



the Minister g iveth warning f or the celebra

tion of the holy Comm un ion , (which he sha ll a lways

do up on the Sunday or som e H oly—day, imm edia tely

p receding ,) af ter the Serm on or H om i ly ended,“ he

sha ll read this Exhorta tion f ollowing .

DEARLY be loved, on day n ext I purpose ,through God

9s assistanc e , to adm in ister to a ll such

a s sha ll be re ligiously and devoutly disposed the m o st

com fortable Sacram ent of the Body and B lood ofChrist to be by them rece ived in rem embrance ofhis m eri torious Cross and Passion ; whereby alonewe ob ta in rem ission of our sins, and are m ade partakers of the Kingdom of heaven . W herefore it isour duty to render m ost humble and hearty thanksto Alm igh ty God our heaven ly Fa ther , fo r tha t hehath given his Son our Saviour Jesus Christ, no t

only —to die for u s , bu t also to be our spiritua l food

and sustenan ce in that ho ly Sa cram en t . W hich

be ing so divine and com fortable a thing to them who

rece ive i t worth ily, and so dangerous“

to them tha t

wi ll .presum e to rece ive it unworthily, my duty is toexhort you in


the m ean season to consider the dignity of that holy mystery, and the great peril of the


unwo rthy rece iving thereof and so to search andexam ine your own consc iences, ( and tha t no t lightly,and a fter the manner of dissemblers W i th God ; butso) tha t

Iye may come ho ly and clean to such a


east , in th e m arriage—ga rm ent r

God in ho ly Scripture, and be received as _wort

par takers of that holy Table .

The way and means thereto is F irst,

your lives and conversations by the rule of G od'scom mandm ents ; an


d where insoever ye shal l per

c eive yourselve s to have , offended, e ither by wi ll,wo rd, for 'deed, there to bewa i l your own s infulness,and 10 :00 nfess yourselves to AlmightyG od, wi th fullpurpose of amendment of life . And if ye shall

perceive your offences to be such as are not onlyagains t G od, hat also aga inst your ne ighbours ; theny ŝe ;shall reconcile yours e lvesnnto theme. be ing readyta make resti tut ion and satisfac tion, according to

the uttermost of your p owers , ;for a ll injuries andwrongs done by you to any other ; and being like


nok neki oni ne o egwan ikouhrake oegwagwha ne n

oni ahadakafi datste ne o righwadokeaghty Tekar i

ghwakehadont. N enaho tea tsin iyogwa ts ne oni tsi

niyoriwakeant (ne karouhyake) ne akaouhha ne

eayeyena ne yakoda tgwadagwea , neon i ts ina teyo

teryeaghthara akaouh a ne yagh teyakodatgwata

gwea eayeaghre yeyena ; ne wakaderighoete ne

esgwaghtetsyarouh thaoneane aeseweanouhdoea

nyOewe ne tsin iyoderighwakoenyeast netho ne ori :

ghWadokeaghty yagh teyokeant, neen i tsinikowaneateyo terye atharakne yagh teyakodadeW eyeaneadaonh116 yeyenas, neoni a eseW esake neoni aesewakaeayoub ne seweanouhdo enyouhtshera , (neoni yagh netekea ucok ne enekeaghkeha , n eon i ne tsin iyewe

yeano tea nene ok ne yerighwahrahgwha ne N iyohne ;nok tsin iyouh t) nenea eadisewe easewayadado

keaghtihake neon i casewadadenohareke egh nea

yoghtouh tsiniyouht ne karouhyake W adeanyo te , n e

tsiyakonyax kanena tsin ihorighwada touh ne N iyoh

Kaghyadouhseradokeaghtitsherakouh , neon i tsiea

yeyena egh neayaweane tsin iyouht ne yakoda tgwa

dagwea yeyadarase ne Ategwhraghtsheradokeagh

tike .

N e tsm ikariho tea neon i tsin iwerouh : Tyo tyere

aghtouh , sewada tkaeayouh tsin itsyoenho tea neon i

tsisewadatyatha ne raorighwagwarihsya tne ne N i

yoh tsin ihor ighwada touh ; neon i kaok noewe nease

W a tsheary sewanhikouh , ok th ikawean iyoh th iya

kaweghtouh , oweanake ne teas akodeweyeanake , egh

noewe ne aSewadaden ikoeraneaghte tsyouhha ne

sewarighwaneraaxhera , ne on i easewadoederene egh

noekady ne Agwekouh th iha sha tste N iyoh ,'


tre eakananonh e asewerheke sa sewadoenhagwadakoh, N eoni Tokab tsiea sewa tshea ry ne servem

h ightshe ra egh niyouh t yagh neok teh ea ne N iyo hneayodesheanoenihake , nok egh oni noek ady yodes


wise ready to forgive o thers tha t have offended you ,a s ye would have fo rgiveness of your o ffenc es at

God9s hand : for o therw ise the re c e iving of the ho lyCommun ion do th no th ing e lse bu t increase yourdam na tion . Therefo re if any o f yo u be a blasphe

m er of God, an h inderer or slanderer of h is W o rd,an adulterer , or be in m alic e or envy, or in anyo ther grievous c r im e , repent


you of your sins , or

e lse com e no t to that holy Tab le ; lest, after the

taking of that holy Sacram ent , the dev il en ter in to

you , a _s he en tered in to Judas , and fi ll you fu ll of all

iniquitie s , and br ing you to destruction both of bodyand soul.

And because it is requ1s1te , that no m an should

c om e to the holy Comm un ion , bu t W ith a full trust

in God's m ercy , and w ith a qu ie t conscience there

fore , if there be any of you , who by this m eans

canno t quie t h is own conscience here in , but requ ire thfurther com fort o r counse l, le t him com e to m e , or

to som e o ther discree t and learned Minister of God's


W ord, and open his grie f tha t by the m in istry of

God*s ho ly W ord he m ay rece ive the benefi t of

absolution , toge ther w ith gho stly counse l and advice,to the qu ie ting of h is consc ience , and avo iding of

all scruple and doub tfulness .

1l At the tim e of the celebra tion of the

the . Commun icants being conven iently p laced for thereceiving of the holy Sacram ent, the P riest sha ll saythis Exhorta tion .

DEARLY beloved in the Lo rd, ye that m ind to

com e to the ho ly Comm un ion of the Bo dy and

Blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ, must considerhow Sain t Paul exhorte th a ll persons _

diligently to

try and exam ine them se lves , before they presum e to

ea t of tha t B read, and drink of tha t Cup . F or as

the benefi t is great , if w ith a true pen itent heart

and lively fa ith we re c e ive that ho ly Sacram en t (forthen we spiritually eat the flesh of Chr ist, and drinkhis blood ; then we dwe ll in Christ, and Christ in us;

we are one w ith Christ, and Christ w ith us so is

the danger grea t, if we rece ive the sam e


unworthily .

F or then we are guilty of the Body and Blood of

Christ our Saviour we eat and drink our own damnation , no t considering the Lord

's Body we kindle

Gods wra th aga inst us ; we provoke him to plague


heanouhtoenyoeheke , nok tehodouhweatsyony n e

seaha iss i noewe aho ewayouhwe saghte n e teas ne

aho ewadeweanharhoghse ; kinyoh karoh itre t i ihne ,

(ne teas oughkaok ne ron ikouhrowanea n eon i ro

reanhaouh Ra tsihustatsy ne N iyoh Raowe ana ,)neon i eahorighwagweahtarhose ne raon ikouhra

nouhwakte aghtshera : n ene tsine eaho ewa te a ne

N iyoh Raoweanadokeaghty, e ahayena ne e awadouh

eaha tsheano enyadaghgwe ne Ao esahoderighwah

ragwahde a , ok uskahne kan ikouhrake e aho ewa

deweanharhoghse neoni eahoew a teweyeano enyea ,nene skeanea thaoeso e touh n e raonouhdoenyouh ts

hera , neon i de ashadohe tstase agwekouh'

tsiok tha

dehon ikoerake .

'll Tsinoewe n ikeaha tye nea yeyenag hsere ne Teka ri

g hwa/cehadont, ne Yeyadarahse ea tyeaghte tsinoewe

niwadesheaniyoh ne eayeyena ne orig hwadokeag htyTekarighwakehadont, ne R a ts ihusta tsy ne eahea rouh

kea iekea Yoeda tretsyaroetha .

Agwagh gwanorouhgwha ne Royanertsherakouh ,tsyouhha ne sewadaden ikouhrissouh n e eadisewe ne

orighwadokeagtike Tekarighwakehadon t ne Rayerocke neon i Raonegweaghsa ne Oegwayadaken

haghtshera Christ, tsyeanouhdoenyouh tsin iyouht

ne Royadadokeaghty Paul tsishakoghre tsyaro ehouh

yegwekouh tsineayegweny ne e ayoedenyeadea ne

oni eayoedatkaeayouh akaouhha , oheadouh tsin iyore

nea eayeaghre ieyek ne Kanadarok, neon i eayegh

nekira ne Cup. Ikease wa tsheanoenyaghserowanea ,ne tokab tokeaske yoegweryaghsane tskha neon i

yoenhe tsihouh tsieatyoegwegh takouh ne nea eadewayena ne orighwadokeaghty Tekarighwakehadon t

( ikea ethone nea kan ikouhrake we tewake ne rao



us w i th divers diseases , and sundry k inds of death .

Judge th erefore yourse lves , bre thren , that ye be no t,

judged of the Lord repen t you truly for your sins,past have a live ly and stedfa st fa ith in Christ our;

Saviour am end your live s , and b e in pe rfec t charity,

w ith a ll m en so shall ye be m e e t par takers of those ,

ho ly myster ie s . And above all th lngs ye m u st give .

m ost humble and hear ty thanks to G od, the Fa the r ,the Son , and the Ho ly Ghost, for the redemption of

the world by the death and passion of our Saviour1Christ, bo th God and m an who did humble h im self;,

even to the death upon the Cross , for u s, m iserable ,sinners , who lay in darkness and the Shadow. of;de ath ; that he m ight m ake us the children of God, and,exa lt us to everlasting life . And to the end tha t we

should alway rem emb er the exc eeding gre a t love of!

our Master , and on ly Saviour , Je su s Christ, thusdying fo r us , and the innum erable benefi ts which ,

byh l S pre c iou s blood

—shedding h e hath obta ined to .us

he hath ins tituted and o rda ined ho ly mysterie s , a s

pledges o f h is love , and for a con tinua l rem embrance

of 1118 death , to our great and endle ss com fo rt . To

him , therefore , w ith the Father and the Ho ly Ghost,le t us give , (as w e are m ost bounden ) con tinual

thanks , subm itting ourse lve s who lly.to hish oly w ill

and pleasure , _and_studying to serve h im in true—ho li

ness and righteousness a ll the days : of our life ..

Then sha ll the P riest say to them tha t com e to rece ive

the holy Communion ,

YE that do tru ly and ea rnestly repent you of yoursins, and are in love and charity with your ne igh

bours , and intend to lead a new life , follow ing the

comm andm ents of God, and walking from henceforth in h is ho ly ways ; Draw near w i th faith , and

take th is ho ly Sacram en t to your com fort and m akeyour humble confession to Alm ighty G od, m eeklykneeling upon your knee s .


keaheyouh ; nene aoesaghsho ekyoeny ne N iyoh

shakoyeaokoeah , neon i ashoegwaharada te ne tsin i

yeaheawe yae tyoenheke . N eon i ne tsiyeyodokte

nene tyu tkouh ae teweghyarake ne tsin ikowanea

tsinighshoegwanorouhgwha ne Shoegwawean iyoh ,neoni neok yekeaha Sho egwayadakenhaouh , JesusChrist, shoegweaheyase ne oekyouhha , neoni ne

yagh thiyayehewe tsin iyo tkate tsin iwa tsheanoenya

ne raonegweaghsano rouh tsirorirhouh tsiseghshoe

gwayena ror ighwadatouh neon i rorighwahn ira touh

o righwadokeaghty yagh teyokean t , nene eawatka

t ah oena tsin ishoegwanorouhgwha , neon i neneok ye

kakoe te ayoegweghyahrahgwean iheke ne raweahe

ya t, ne o ekyouhha kowanea neon i yagh th iyeyo

dokte ayoekyouhwesgwatean iheke . Raouhhake ne

w ahoeny, e akene ne Ran iha , meoni n e Onikouhra

dokeaghty , kinyoh yeye thiyouh (a seh ne o ekyouhha

o tokeaouh tewanerea) ucok yekako e te taedewa

deanouhweratoeheke ; egh ayo egwadadatkawe a

raorighwadokeaghtike neon i tsinaoe tahanoew ene ,neoni ae tewa teweyeasthake ne a tshitewayodeagh

seheke ne tokeaskeo ewe tsherakouh orighwado

keaghtike neon i aderighwagwarihsyo eke o egwegh

ni seragwekouh tsineawe eatyoenheke . Am en .

VTE thane ne Ra tsihusta tsy eashahaweahase ne yeye

nag hsere ne orighwadokeag hty Tekarig hwakeha


Tsyouhha nene tokeaske neon i tisewean ikouhrasaaghtouh tsisewadatrewaghtha ne sewarighwan eraaxheraokouh , neon i ye tshinorouhgwha ne sew ea

nouhsanekhaouh , neoni iesewere ne aesewaghsharinene ase tsiaetsyoenheke , easewahnoedera tyeghte ts in ihorighwadatouh ne N iyoh , neoni egh n iyeaheasewe ne kea yeawadaghsaw ea raohahadokeaghtits


Then sha ll this g enera l C onf ession be m ade, in the

nam e of a ll those tha t a re m inded to receive theHolyCommun ion , by one of the M in isters both he and

a ll the p eop le kneeling humbly upon their knees , and

saying ,

ALMIGH TY God, Father of our Lord Jesus Chr ist,Maker of a ll things , Judge of a ll m en ; W e ao

knowledge and bewa il our m an ifo ld s ins and w ickedness, W h ich w e , from tim e to tim e , m ost gr iev

ously have comm itted, By though t, word, and deed,Aga inst thy Divine M aje s ty, Provoking m o st justlythy w ra th and indignation aga inst us . W e do ear

nestly repen t, And are hear tily sorry for these our

m isdo ings ; The rem em brance of them is grievousun to us The burden of them is intolerab le . Havem ercy upon us , Have m ercy upon us, m ost m ercifulFather ; F or thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ9s sake .

Forgive us all tha t is past ; And grant that w e m ayever hereafter Serve and please thee In n ewn ess of

life , To the honour and glory of thy N am e ; Through

Jesus Chr ist our Lord . Am en .


Then sha ll the P riest (or the B ishop , being p resent)stand up ,

and tu rn ing him self to the p eop le, p ro

nounce this Absolu tion .

ALMIGH TY God, our heavenly Fa ther , W ho of his

great m ercy hath prom ised forgiveness of sins to all

th em that wi th hearty repen tance and true fa ith turnun to h im Have m ercy upon you pardon and de

liver you from a ll your sins confi rm and strengthen

you in a ll goodness ; and bring you to everlastinglife , through Jesus Christ our Lord . Am en .

WTThen sha ll the P riest say,

Hear wha t com for table words our Saviour Christ

sa ith unto all tha t truly turn to h im .

COME un to m e a ll that trava i l and are heavy laden ,

and I w ill refresh you . St.M a tth. xi . 28 .

So God loved the world, that he gave his onlybego tten Son , to the end that all tha t be lieve in h im

should no t per ish , but have everlasting life . St.

John i ii . 16 .


oghnakeake Agwayodeaghseheke n e on i aoe tagwan i

kourayeri te ne ase ts iayakyo enh eke , N ene aya

gwanea touh neon i ayakyo ew esagh te ne Saghseana ;

N e raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Sho egw ayaner .

.dmen .

E thone ne R a tsihus ta ty (neteas ne Ar ig hwawakou h

kawa , tokoh rayada re ,) teashadane, neon i og h dea

ha tkarha tenya te oegwehokoeke , eashakoda tyase kea

iekea Tsyoedaderig hwiyosteanitha .

Rasha tsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh , Shoegw an iha

ne karouhyake , ne tsin ihon idearegh tsherowanea

rorharatstouh ne e aseshakorighwiyo stea ne kari

ghwan eraaxh eraokouh agw ekouh tsin iyakouh n ene

akaw eryan e tsitsyoeda trewaghtha neon i ne tokeaske

tyakaw eghtahkouh egh eatsyon tkareaghragwahte

raouhhake Atsh isewe ade are ; ao esatsh isewarighw i

yostea neoni aoesatsh isewayadakoh agwekouh ne

sewarighwaneraaxheraokouh a tshisewarighw ahn i

ra tshe neon i a tshisewa sha tstate agwekouh oyanereaghserakouh ; neomi yatshisewayathewe tsinoewe

ne tsin iyeaheawe yae tsyo enheke ; ne raorihoenya t

Jesus Chr ist Sho egwayan er . Am en .

'll E thone ne R a ts ihusta tsy eahearo uh ,

Sewathoedek ts in iyow e anoewesgwa t ne Oegwa

yadakenhaghtshera Christ shakaw e any agw ekouh ne

tokeaske raouhhake tea tsyon tkarhatenya te .

Kasene i ihne agw ekouh nen e sewarouhyakeaha

tyese , neon i sewaghw isheane , neon i IIh easgwada

karida tste . St. Ma tth . xi . 28 .

Kea n ishakonorouhgwha N iyoh ne tsiyouhweats

ya te , nene shakowy n eok yekeaha rodew e touh Ro

yeeah , ne tsiyeyodokte agwekouh n ene eatyaka

weghtahkouh ne raouhhatsherako uh yagh thava ie


Hear a lso what Sa int Paul sa i th .

This is a true saying, and worthy of a ll m en to

be re ce ived, Tha t Chr ist Je su s cam e into the world

to save smners . 1 T im . i . 15 .

Hear a lso what Sa int John saith .

If any m an sin , w e have an Advocate W ith the

Fa ther , Jesus Christ the r ighteou s ; and he is the

propi tia tion for our sins . 1 St. John i i . 1 .

Lift np your he a rts .

Answer . W e lift them up un to the Lord.

P r iest. L e t us give thanks unto our Lord God .

Answer . It is m ee t and r ight so to do .

'll Then sha ll the P riest tu rn to the L ord*s Table , and


IT is very m ee t, r ight, and our bounden duty, thatwe should a t a ll tim e s , and in all places, give thanksunto the e , O Lord, *Holy Father , Alm ighty, Everlasting God .

1l H ere sha ll f ollow the P roper P ref ace , a ccording to

the tim e, if there be any sp ecia lly app ointed or

e lse imm edia tely sha llf ollow .

These words [Holy F a ther] m ust be om i tted on Tr in i ty - Sunday.


TH EREFORE W ith Ange ls and Archange ls , and W ithall the c om pany of he aven ,

w e laud and m agn ify thyglorious N am e everm ore pra ising the e , and saying,Ho ly, ho ly , ho ly ,


L ord God of hosts , heaven and

e ar th a re full o f thy glory : Glory be to thee , O

Lord m ost High . Am en .

P rop er P refaces .— Up on Christm as- day and seven

days after .

BECAUSE thou didst give Je sus Christ thine onlySonto be born as a t this tim e for u s who , by the opera

tion o f the Ho ly Ghost, wa s m ade very m an of the

substance of the Virgin Mary , his m o ther and tha t

W ithout spo t of s in , to m ake us c le an from a ll sin .

Therefore w ith Ange ls , Ĝzc .

Up on Easter- day, and seven days after .

B UT chiefly are we bound to pra ise thee for the

glorious Resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ ourLord for he is the very Pascha l Lamb , W hich wasoffered for us, and hath taken away the sin of the

world ; who by his dea th hath destroyed death , andby his rising to life again hath restored to us everlasting life . Therefore w ith Angels, a c .


N e wahoeny Karouhyakeghrono eokouh neon i

Karouhyakeghronouhkowa tshouh , n eomi agwekouh

t_sin ikeatyoggwa n e karouhyake , wagwanea touh ne

on i waagwakowanagh te ne o eweseaghtshera Sagh

seana , tsin iyeaheaw e e agwaneatouhsheke , neon i

eayagwadoeheke , Sayadadoke aghty , sayadado

keaghty, sayadadokeaghty Sayaner N iyoh n e kea t

yoghkowaneahokouh , karouhyake neon i oughweats

yake kananouh ne soewe seaghtshera Oewe seaghts

hera ne ieseke , O Sayaner Enekeaghtsy . Am en .

Tsinihotoeny, neon i tsyada/c n iweg hn iserake og hna

keahe .

N e karihoeny tsi tagwawy Je sus Christ neok ye

keaha Eghtsyeaah ne kea noewe tsiniwa thaw ise

n ihonakera touh oekyouhha oegwarighwake ne

aodeweyeana ne On ikouradokeaghty, ne agwagh

oegwe rodoeouh ne tsin iyoenho tea n e Kaw inouh

W ary ron isteaha ; neon i ne yagh o thenouh teyotsistohgware ne karighwanerea ,ne aoesayoegwarake

waghse agwekouh ne Karighwanerea . N e wahoenyKarouhyakeghronoeokouh , ĉzc .

Tsinishothetsgwea , neon i tsyadak n iweg hniserake og h

naheake .

N ok ne kayadagwen iyoh yagwaghnereastouh ne

agwanea touh ne oeweseaghtshera Tsisho tke tsgw ea

ne Egh tsyeaah Jesus Chr ist Shoegwayaner : ikearaouhha ne agwagh ne (Paschal Lamb ) nenaho tea

yatehonenouh ne oekyouhha o egwar ighwake , neon i

erea rohaw ightouh ne kar ighwanerea ne ts iyouh

weatsyate ne raw eaheya t ne roghdouhtahgwea ne

keaheya t, neon i ne tsisho tke tsgwea shodoenhe touh

are ne se shoegwayeridy ne o ekyouhha ne tsiniyea

heawe ae tyoenheke . N e wahoeny Karouhyakegh

ronoeokouh , Ĝzc .


Up on A sc ension - day , and seven days af ter“

TH ROUGH thy m ost dearly be loved Si

on) Jesus

Christ our Lord ; who after h is m ost gloriou s Re sk

urrec tion m an ife stly appea red to a ll his Apo stles;and 111 the ir sigh t ascended up into he aven to pre

pare a plac e fo r us ; tha t where he is , thither we

m igh t a lso ascend, and re ign w i th h im in glory.

Therefore w ith Ange ls , ĜZ C .

Up on W hit - Sunday and six days af ter .



our Lord ; according“


whose m o s t'

true prom ise , the Ho ly Gho st c am e

down as a t this tim e from heaven w ith a sudden great

sound, a s i t had been a m igh ty w ind, in the likenessof

ifiery tongue s , ligh ting upon the Apostles; to tea ch

them , and to lead them to a ll truth ; giving'


bo th the gift of divers languages , and a lso bo ldness

w ith ferven t zea l c onstan tly to preach the Go spe l

un to all nations whereby w e have been brought outof darkne ss and error in to the clear light and t



know ledge of thee , and of thy Son Jesus Chr ist .Therefore w ith Ange ls , Ĝzc .


Upon the F eas t (f T rin i ty on ly.

W HO art one God, on e Lord ; no t one on ly person , bu t three Persons in one Substanc e . F or tha t

wh ich we be lieve of the glory of the Fa ther , thesam e we be lieve of the Son , and o f the Ho ly Ghos t ,W ithout any difference o r inequ ality . Th erefore

w i th Ange ls, Ĝzc .

Then sha ll the P riest, kneeling down a t the L ord*s

Table , say in the nam e of a ll them tha t sha ll receive

the Commun ion , this P rayerf ollowing .

W e do no t presum e to com e to th is thy Table , 0

m erciful Lord, trusting in our own righ teousness , but

in thy m an ifold and great m erc ies . W e are no t wor

thy so much a s to gather up the crumbs under thyTable . Bu t thou art the sam e Lord, whose property is a lways to have m ercy G ran t u s therefore , gra

cions Lord, so to e a t the fle sh of thy—dear Son Jesus

Christ, and to drink his blood, tha t our sinful bodies

m ay be m ade clean by h is body, and our souls

washed through his m o st pre c ious blood, and that

we m ay everm ore dwe ll in h im , and he in us . Am en .


Up on the F east of Trin ity on ly.


Ise uskat ne N iyoh , uskat ne Royaner yagh us

ka t ok Shayadat tekea , nok aghsea N itsyouh ne

uska t Tsinitsyoenho tea . Ikea n enaho tea tsityoe

gweghtahkouh ne raoeweseaghtshera ne B an iba , ne

shakat tsityo egw egh tahkouh ne Roewayea ; neon i ne

Onikouhradokeaghty, yagh o thenouh tha tekya tdiheane teas ne yagh shadaho enasheke . N e waho enyKarouhyakeghronoeokouh , Ĝzc .

1TE thone ne R a tsihusta tsy, teahadon tshotea ne Roya

ner Raotegwha rakne , ne eahada tya te ne ahog hseana

kouh agwekouh tsin iyakouh ne yeyenag hsere ne Te

karighwakehadont ne kea iekea Adereanayeant ea

yog hnoedera tyehte .

Yagh e tho tsiteyagwayado tea ne aoedayagwe

tsikanyo te ne Sa tegwharak , O sean ideareghtshero

W anea Sayaner , nene ayoegwateweano taghkouh ne

oekyouhha oegwaderighwagwarihsyouhtshera , nok

nene tsiniyoghnane tarryouh neon i kowaneahse n e

seanidearegh tshera . Yagh egh teyoegwada tgwada

gwea nene ayagwagweny ayagwanouhgwa se teyonadaraghriserouh ne Sa tegwharaghtsherokouh . N ok

iese ne shasyada t Sayaner , ne saw eank tyutkouh

ne ashe teare : Takyouh ne w ahoeny, shede aras

Sayaner , ne ayagwake ne raowarouh egh tsheno

fouhgwha Egh tsyea ah Jesus Christ, neomi ayagwagh

nekira ne raonegweaghsa , nene tsiyorighwaneraax

kouh ne agwayero eke ne aoesayoegwarakewaghtea

ne raouhha rayeroeke , neon i ne oegwadoenhe ts

ne aoesayoegwanohare tea n e raouhha ronegweagh

sanorouh , neomi nene o ekyouhha tsiniyaawe yayaW eateroe take raouhha tsherakouh , neon i ne raouh

a oekyouhhatsherakouh . Am en .


1TW hen the P r iest, standing bef ore the Table , ha thordered the B read and W ine , tha t he m ay with the

m ore readiness and decency break the B read before the

p eop le, and take the C ap in to his hands , he sha ll saythe P rayer of Consecra tion a sf olloweth.

ALMIGHTY God, ou r he aven ly Fa ther , who of thytender m ercy didst give thine only Son Jesus Christto suffer death upon the cross fo r our r edem ption

who m ade there (by h is one obla tion of h im se lf once

offe red) a full, perfe c t, and sufh c ien t sacrific e , ob la

tion and sa tisfac tion , for the sins o f the who le world

and did insti tu te , and in h is ho ly G o spel comm andus to c ontinue , a perpe tual m em ory o f tha t h is pre

c ious dea th , un til h is c om ing again Hear u s , _O

m erc ifu l Fa ther w e m o s t hum b ly besee ch thee and

gran t tha t w e l e c e iving the se thy cre a ture s o f breadand w ine , a c cording to thy Son our Saviour JesusChr ist9s ho ly inst i tu tion , m rem em branc e of his

de a th and pass ion , m ay be par takers of h is m o st

blessed B ody and B lood W ho in the .sam e n ight tha t

he w as be trayed took B re ad ; and, W hen he had

given thanks , The brake i t, and gave i t to his disc i

ple s , saying, Take eat , i this i s m y B ody whichi s given fo r you : Do this in rem embrance o f me .

Likew ise after supper he ĝ took the C_up arid whenhe had given thanks , he gave it to them ,

sayingDr ink

ye all o t th is ; fo r th is is my B lood o f the N ew

He re the Pri est 18 to take the Pa ten m to h lS handst A nd here to bre ak the BreadI And here to lay h i s hand upon a ll the B read .

ĝ Here he 18 to take the Cup m to h i s hand .

And here to lay lns hand upon everv vesse l ( ln: tt Chaluce 0 1 F lagon) mm hrch the re “ any\Vm o to be con s e c ra to tl


Testam en t, wh ich is shed for you and for m any forthe rem ission of s ins Do th is , as oft as ye shall

drink i t, in rem embranc e of m e . Am en .

Then sha ll the Min ister j irst receive the Communion

in both kinds himself, and then p roceed to deliver thesam e to the B ishop s , P r iests , and D ea cons , in like

m anner , ( if any be p resen t,) and after tha t to the p eo

ple a lso, in order , into their hands , a ll m eekly kneel

i ng . And, when he delivereth the B road to any one,

he sha ll say,

THE Body of our L ord Jesus Christ, which was

given for thee , reserve thy body and soul unto ev

erlasting life . Take and eat this in remembrance

that Christ died fo r thee , and fe ed on him m thyheart hy faith W ith thanksgiving.

TFAnd the M inister tha t delivereth the Cup to any one

shall say,

TH E B lood of our Lord Jesus Chris t, wh ich wasshed fo r thee , preserve thy body and sou l un to ever

lasting life . Drink th is in rem embranc e tha t Christ,.s

Blood was shed for thee , and be thankful.


raghgwe ; n eoni , neonea shahadouhraghseroenyea ,“


wa thayakhouh , neon i washakaouh ne rao tyogh

gwa , wahearouh Sen iyena , senek , ;t ke aiekea ne

Akyeroeda n enaho te a ye tshiyawy : Egh nasew ayer

e ayoegweghyahrahgwhake n e i ih . Sha teyouht oni

ts ioghnakeake ne yokara skha kako uh ĝ wa tragwene Cup ; neon i neonea shahado uhraghseroenyea ,washakaouh ne ronouhha ,wahearouh , Sewaghnekira

Sewagwekouh kea iekea ; ikea ke a iek ea ne Ake

negwe aghsa ne Ase Tekaw eane adaonh , nene ie se

ye tshighrise neon i yako tyoghkowane a ne ea tsya

ko teroegwagh tea ne kar ighwaneraaxheraokouh

Eghnas ewayer , tsin iyo tka te easewaghnek ira, ea sgw eghyahrahgwhake n e i ih . .Hm en .

“li :E thone ne R a ts iha sta tsy.- ea tha tyereag hte eahayena

n e T eka rig hwakehadont tetsya rouh, neon i ethone nea

yeahag hdea tyehte ne eag hshaka ou h eayeyena esnoeke,agwekouh eayakonikouhranetskhahake teayakon tsho

toeke . N eoni n e nea yea shakaouh oug hkaok ne Ka

nada rak eahearouh,

N e Rayeroeke Sho egwayaner Je sus Christ, nenaho tea i ese yesawy , sadeweyea touh ne tsyere ekeneon i sado enhe ts n e ts in iyeahe awe asoe nheke .

Tsyen a neon i sek kea iekea ne e aseghyahrahgwe aniheke n e Christ tsiyeaheyase , neoni raouhhateahasnyene seryaghsakouh eadiseghtahkouh easa

don hroen iheke .

i l ]Veoni ne R a tsihusta tsy ne nea yeashakaouh ne Cupoug hkaok eahearouh,

N e Raonegweaghsa Shoegwayaner Jesus Christ,

1' N eon i keatho teahayake ne KanadarokI N com keatho nea teaheam snouhsarea agwekouh ne Kanadarok .

ĝ Keatho tearaghgwe ne Cup ne rasnoeke

ll N com keatho nea teaheanisnouhsare a agwekouh ne yeraghgwathaokouh .


If the consecra ted B read or W ine be a ll sp en t beforea ll have comm un ica ted, the P riest . is to consecra te

m ore a ccording to the F orm before p rescribed bei

gi nning a t (Our Saviour Christ in the sam e n ight“


ĉ i o .) f or the blessing of the B read and a t (L ikewise after Supper , ĉ t c . ) f or the blessing af the Cup .

W hen a ll have comm un ica ted, the Min ister sha ll re

tu rn to the L ord,s Table , and reverentlyp la ce ap on i t

wha t rema ineth of the consecra ted E lem ents , coveringthe sam e with a f a ir linen cloth.

“ll Then sha ll the P riest say the L ord's P rayer , the

peop le rep ea ting after him every P eti tion .

OU R Fa ther , which art in heaven , Hallowed be thyN am e . Thy k ingdom com e . Thy W ill be done in

earth , As it is in heaven . G ive us th is day our da ilybread . And forgive u s our tre spasse s , A s we for

give them tha t tre spa ss aga in st us . And lead us no t

in to tempta tion But de liver us from evil : F or

th ine is the kingdom , The power, and the glory,F or ever and ever . Am en .


'ii After sha ll be sa id asf olloweth.

O LORD and heavenly Father , w e,thy humble ser

vants en tire ly desire thy fa therly goodness merc iful

ly to a c c ept th is our sa cr ific e of pra ise and than ks

giving ; m o s t hum bly be se e ch ing thee to grant, thatby the m er i ts and

_death of thy Son Jesus Christ,

and through fa i th in his blood, w e and a ll thy whole

Church m ay obta in rem ission of our s ins , and all

o the r b enefi ts of h is passion . And here we offer

and pre sent unto thee , O Lo rd, ourse lves , our souls

and bodies , to be a re asonable , holy , and live ly sa

crific e un to thee ; hum bly be se e ching thee , tha t all

w e , who are partakers of this ho ly Cormnun ion, m aybe fu lfi lled w ith thy gra ce and heavenly benedic tion .

And a lthouh w e be unwo r thy , through onr m an ifo ld

s in s , to offer unto thee a ny sacrifice , ye t w e be see ch

the e to a cc ept th is onr bounden duty and ser vice ;no t w e ighing our m er i ts , bu t pardon ing our offences ,thro ugh Je sus Chr ist o ur Lord ; by whom , and with

whom , in the un ity of the Ho ly Ghost , a ll hono ur

and glo ry be unto thee , O Fathe r Alm igh ty, worldW ithout end. Am en .


1l Tsiog hnakea neanoewa keakay

O Sayaner neon i karo uhyake Ran iha , yoegwada

toeneaghtouh tagwanhaseokouh ya teyodokeagh touh

arighwahnekean is ran iha tsin isayanere seani

ĵghreghtsherananouh a syena kea iekea yaagwadate

wagwaneatouh neon i wagwa toere a ; yoegwada

doene aghtouh gw ean ideagh teany ne a skyouh , nene

tsinadehodean tsho uh n eon i raw eaheyouh ne Egh ts

ye aah Jesu s Ch rist, neoni tsiao edayo egweghtahkouhne raonegweaghsakouh , oekyouhha neo n i agwekouh

aoedakagwekte n e Sanouhsadokeagh tike ayagwa

yen a ao esayoegwade r ighw iyo stahkouh ne o egwa

righwane raaxheraokouh , neon i agwekouh ne oddya

ke shonh ts in iwatshe ano enya n e tsiro rouhyakeaouh .

N eon i kea tho ya ag wadate ie seke , Sayaner , ou

kyouhha , o egwadoenhe ts neon i agwayero eke , ao eda

karighwaye r lke , ayo egwayadadokeaghtihake , neon i

ayoenhegh tsihouh tsiyeyo egwa te ne ieseke ; yoe

gwa dadoen eaghtouh gwean ide agh te any, nene agwa

gwekouh ne teyoegwadade righwahgwe any kea ieke a

orighwadoke aghty Tekari gwakeha don t, nene aos

denaghne aakene ne seadeara t neon i sarouhyakegh

serako sa adaderigh tsh era . N eon i e thosan e yaghteyoegwadatgwadagwea , ne ts in iyohnanetarryouh

oegwar ighwaneraaxheraokou h, ne o thenouh yaya

gwada te ne ieseke , nok sheko uh w agwean ide agh tea

ne asyena kea ieke a ts in iyagwaghnereastouh tsin i

yoegwaderiho ete neoŜn i oegwa o deaghsera ;ne sadenyeate a tsina teyoegwa e an tshouh , nok toe

warighwi yo st ea ne oegw anh igh tshera , ne raor i

nyat Je sus Christ Shoegwayan er ; raouhhake ,n eon i souhhake , yadesewa tye stouh ne On iko uhradokeagh ty , agwekouh aye tshine atouh neon i aye tshi

yo ewesaghte ie seke , O Kaniha Se sha tsteaghsera

gŝvekouh, ts iyouhw eatsyate yagh th iyaoedoktea .

m en .


“ll Then sha ll be sa id or sung.

: GLORY be to God on h igh , and in ear th peac e ,

good w ill towards m en . W e pra ise the e , we bless

the e , w e worsh ip the e , w e glor ify the e , we givethanks to the e , for thy grea t glory, O Lord God,he aven ly king, God the Fa ther Alm ighty.

O Lord , the , o nly - bego tten Son Jesu .Christ ; *OLord God, Lamb of God, Son o f the F a the r ,

' tha t ta

ke st away the sin s a of the wo rld, have m ercy_ upon us :

Thou that take st aw ay the s ins of the world, havem ercy upon u s . Thou that take st away the s ins of

the world , re ce ive our prayer . Thou tha t s itte st a t

the right hand o f G od the Fa ther , have m ercy upon

us .

F or thou only art ho ly thou on ly art the Lord ;thou on ly, O Christ, w ith the Ho ly Ghost , art mosth igh in the glory of God the Fa ther . Am en .

Ti Then the P riest (or B ishop he be p resen t,) sha ll

let them dep a rt w ith this bless ing .

THE peac e o f God, W h ich pa sseth a ll understan

ding, keep your hear ts and m inds in the know ledgeand love of G od, and of his Son Je sus Christ our

Lord : and the blessing o f God Alm ighty, the Father , the Son , and the Ho ly Ghost, be am ongst you

and rem a in with you a lways . Am en .


Collects to be sa id af ter the Of ertory, when'

there is

no Comm un ion , every such day one or m ore ; and

the sam e m ay be sa id a lso , a s often as occa sion sha ll

serve , after the Collects either (yf Morn ing or Even

ing P rayer , Comm un ion , or L i tany, by the discretion ,

of the M inister .

Assrs 'r us m erc ifully, O Lord, in these our suppli

catio ns and prayers , and dispose the way o f thy ser

vants towards the a tta inm en t of everlasting salva

tion tha t am ong a ll the changes and chance s of thism o rta l life , they m ay ever be defended by thy m o st

gra c ious and re ady he lp ; through Jesus Chr i st ourLo rd .

“ Am en .

O ALMIGHTY Lord , and everlasting God, vouchsafe , w e be se ech the e , to dire c t, sanc tify, and go

vern , bo th our hearts and bodies , in the ways of thylaws , and in the works of thy c omm andm ents ; that

through thy m ost m ighty pro tec tion , bo th here and

ever , w e m ay be preserved in bodyand sou l through

our Lord and Saviour Je sus Christ . Am en .

GRAN T , we beseech thee , A lm ighty God, that thewords wh ich we have heard this day w i th our out

ward e ars , m ay through thy grace be so grafted ih


'll Adereanayeanthokouh eayontste ne nea eayodohe ts

touh ne Yeayontkawannyouh , ka tke nea yag h ne Te

kar ig hwakehadont, niyadeweg hn iserake ne eg h ni

weg hniserotease u ska t neteas issi noewe; neoni ne sha

ka t oni eayontsthake tsin iyotka te ne eawadesheaniyone ,

Orhoekene neteas Yokara sneha Adereanayeant, Te

kar ighwakehadon t, neteas Tsioknoewe yoedereanayea

dag hgwha , tsinea thodeshean iyose ne R a tsihusta tsy.

Tagwayenawas seanideareghtsherananouh , O Sa

yaner , ne kea iekea gwar ighwanekean itha neon i o s

gwadereanayean t , neomi egh tagwan ikoeroe tye t ts i

yakohade ne shenhaseokouh tsino ekady ne yakogw e

ahatye ne tsin iyeaheawe adeasheanyegh tshera ; ne

ne agwekouh tsinadeyo tten io ehatye neoni tsin iwa

desheano tease ne kea tho oyeroedake ts iyakoenhen n

youb , ne tsin iyaawe ne ayakoyadanoesteke tsin isaweyeaneadaouh ne asheyenawa se neoni ne seadea

ra t ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner .

.dm en .

O Sesha tsteaghseragwekouh Sayaner , neon i tsini

yeaheawe N iyoh , egh naoedaghsenoewene , wagwea

n ideaghtea , a sgwar ighw agwar ih sya se , a sgwayada

dokeaghdiste , neon i asgwa r ighwakano enye a , te tsya

rouh ne oegweryane neon i ne agwayeroeke , ne tsi

n iyeyo thah inouh ne sar ighwake , neon i ne aoyode

aghserakouh ne tsin isarighwadadouh nene aoriho e

nyat sashatsteaghsera ts isheyadano e sda ts , ,te tsy a

rouh keatho neoni tsin iyaaw e ne ayo egwayadanoes

trike—oyeroedake neoni adoenhe tsne ne raorihoenya t

Shoegwayaner neoni Shoegwayadagwea JesusChr ist. Amen .

Takyouh wagweanideaghtea , Seshats teaghsera

gwekouh N iyoh, nene oweanaokouh , ne waagwaroe

ke ne kea weghn iserate ne a tste naoegwahoeda


wardly in our he arts , tha t they m ay br ing forth in us

the fru it of good living, to the honour and pra ise of

thy N am e ; through Jesus Chris t our Lord . Amen .

PREVEN T u s , O Lord, in a ll our do ings w ith thym o s t grac ious favour , and fur ther us W l th thy con

tinua l h e lp tha t in a ll our works b egun , con tinued,and ended in thee , we m ay glor ify thy ho ly N am e ,

and fi na lly by thy m ercy obta in everlas ti ng life

through Jesus Christ o ur Lord. .dm en .

ALMIGH TY God, the founta in of a ll W isdom , who

knowest our nec essi ties before w e ask, and our ignoran ce in asking ; W e bese e ch the e to have com

passion upon our infirm ities and those th i ngs W h ichwh ich fo r our unworth iness we dare no t, and for our

blindne ss we c anno t ask , vouchsafe to give us , for

the worthine ss of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord .

Am en .

ALMIGHTY God, who hast prom ised to hear the

the pe ti tion s of them tha t a sk in thy Son ,s N ame ;W e beseerh the e m e rc ifully to inc line th ine ears to

us tha t have m ade now our prayers and supplicac a tions un to the e and gran t, tha t those th ings ,which w e have fa i thfu lly asked a ccording to thy w ill,may effectua lly be obta ined, to the re lie f of our ne


cassity, and to the se tt ing forth of thy glo ry, throughJesus Christ our Lord . Am en .

Here e ndeth the Order of the Holy C ;mmunion .




The p eop le are to be admonished, that i t is most convenient that

B ap tism shou ld not be admm istered but upon Sundays, and other

Holy- days , when the most number of p eop le come together ; as

well for that the Congrega tion there p resent may testify the re.

cezving of them that he newly bap t ized i nto the number of Christ,.s

Church ; as a lso because in the B ap tism (y'

Infants every Man

p resent may be put i n remembrance of hi s own p rofession made to

God i n his B ap tism . F or whi ch cause a lso i t is exp ed ient that

Bap ti sm be m inistered i n the vu lgar tongue . N evertheless , (gf ne.

cessity so require,) Chi ldren may be bap tized upon any other day.

And note, tha t there sha ll befor every Ma le - chi ld to be bap ti zed

two Godfa thers and one Godmother ; and for every F ema le, one

Godfather and two Godmothers .

When there are Chi ldren to be baptized, the P arents sha ll g ive

knowledge therery'

over n ight, or i n the morning before the beg in


hawe ts in isariho tea , n e ayo ttoka touh ayagwayena ,ayoegwaye ri tshe tsina teyo egw adouhwe a tsyony , ne

on i nene aoeder ighw ahde ady n e so ewe se agh tshera ;ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayan er . Am en .

Keatho yodokte ne Orighwadokeagh ty Tekanghw akehadon t.



N e oegwehokouh ayoedadadeweanharhose, nene tsi egh noewe niwa

desheaniyoh ne Ada tnekosserhouh Yaweatatokeaghtoehe aoederi

ghwahdeatyehtouh, neon i thika tennyouh W eghniseradokeahti se, tsi

noewe nea esoh ne oegwehokouh uskahne yahotkean i ssouh ne tsini

yoyanere neane Kea tyoghgwake teyerighwakanere ts iwaoeda tyena ne

ase waontnehosseraghwe waeyadarane Chri st Raonouhsadokea g h.

like ; nok on i ne wahoeny ne Tsiyoeda tnekosseras ne Exhaohoeah

Tsiniyateyoegwetahe ne yeyada re eashaweghyahragwea ne raouhha

tsin ih oterihoete ts inikaghsouh ne N iyohne Ts irotnekosserhouh.

Ikea egh oni nikar ihoeny yotesheaniyoh nene Ada tnekosserhouh ne

eayoetsthake nene ol: thikaweaniyoh ts i niyeweanotea . E iho sane

neanche, (tokat teawa touhwea tsyoh) tsiok noewe ni keaweate cayac

da tnekosseraghwe ne Exhaokoeah.

TI N eoni eawadeaghn ikoerarake, nene ts ineayoghtouh tsinikouh ne

Ra is in ne raxaah ne eahoewaghnekosserahwe Teniyaghshe tenghui .

tane ne eahoewatkaranoena neoni Skayada t ne Tyothoewi sea neant

ts inikouh ne Akonhetyea , Shayada t teahadane ne eashakotharanoena

neoni teaheniyaghshehake ne Tyona thoewisea .

TI N eonea nea ne Exhaohoeah yoeda tnekosserawe, ne Oedatyeaah

eathoewanikoeradate eawataghsoetawetharho neteas oheadouh tsznea .



ning ofMorning P rayer, to the Cura te. And then the Godfatherŝand Godmothers , and the p 60p l6 with the Children , must be rea .

dy a t the F on t, either immediately af ter the las t L esson a t Morning

P rayer, or else immed ia tely af ter the las t L esson a t Evening P ray

er, as the Cura te by his di scretion sha ll appoint. And the P riest

coming to the F o nt, (which is then to be j illed wi th pure W a ter,)and standing there sha ll say,

HATH this Child been already baptized, or no ?

If they answer N o then sha ll the P r iestp roceed as

followeth .

EARLY be loved, forasmuch as a ll m en are

conce ived and born in sin ; and that our Sa

viour Christ saith , N one can en ter into the kingdomof God, except he be regenerate and born anew of

W a ter and of the Ho ly Ghost ; I be see ch you to callupon God the Fa ther, through our Lord Jesus Christ,that of his bounteous m ercy he wi ll gran t to this

Chi ld that th ing wh ich by nature he canno t havetha t he m ay be baptized w ith W a ter and the holyGhost, and re ce ived into Christ,s ho ly Church , andbe m ade a lively m ember o f th e same .


“ll Then sha ll the P r iest say,

L et us pray.

AL M l GHTY and everlasting God, who of thy great

m ercy didst save N oah and h is fam ily in the ark

from perishing by w a ter and also dids t safe ly leadthe ch i ldren o f Israe l thy people through the Red

Sea , figur ing thereby thy ho ly B aptism and by the

B aptism of thy w e ll- be loved Son Je sus Christ, in ther iver Jo rdan , didst san c tify W a ter to the mysticalw ashing away of s in ; W e b e seech the e , fo r thine

infi n ite m erc ies , that thou w i lt m erc ifully look upon

this Child w ash him and san c tify him w ith the ho lyGhost tha t he, be ing de livered from thy wra th , maybe re ce ived in to the ark of Christ*s Church and be

ing ste adfast in fa ith , joyfu l through hope , and roo tcd in char ity, m ay so pa ss the w ave s of th is troublesom e world , that fina lly he m ay com e to the land

of everlasting life , there to re ign w ith thee world

w ithout end: through Jesus Christ our Lord . Am en .

ALMIGHTY and immortal God, the a id of all that

need, the he lper of a ll that flee to the e for succour ,the life of them tha t be lieve , and the resurrection ofthe dead ; W e call upon thee for this Inf an t, tha t hecom ing to thy ho ly B aptism , m ay rec e ive rem iss ion

of his s ins by spir itua l regenera tion . Rece ive him ,


HI E thane ne R a ts ihusta tsy eahea rouh ,

Dewadereanayea .

Se sha tsteaghserag wekouh n eon i tsin iyeaheawe

N iyeh , nene tsin ise an ideareghtsherowanea eghtsya'

dano esdatouh N oah neon i ne raow a tsira n e kaho e

weyaahkowahne n ene oghnekake ahonaweadaouh ;nok on i ts in isayerea ts isheyadano esda touh sheyagh

shar inouh ne shakoyeaokoeah n e Israe l so egwedatehonadohe tstouh ne Onegweagh tara Ts in ikanya

d aro tea , ne teweanakeraghdouhtshero eny n e Sada t

n ekosserhouhtsheradokeagh ty neon i n e T s iroe

waghnekosserhouh n e eghtshenorouhgwha Eghts

y eaah Jesus Christ ka i *hhouhakouh n e Jordan,

Saghnekadokeaghdistouh n e yagh teyoke an t ne

u skanohare te n e karighwan erea ; VVagweanideagh

tea , ne ts in ikowanaghts iouh sean idearegh tsherao

kouh,nene a satho edate sean ideareghtsherananouh

a sheya tkaghtho keaiekea Exaah ; sashenohares

n eon i sheyadadokeaghdist eakene On ikouhradokeagh ty; n ene tao esayoedoekoghte ne sanagwheagh

serake , ayoedatyena ne kahoewakouh n e Christ

Raonouhsadokeaghtike ; neon i ayoghn irouh aoe ta

yakaweghtahkouh , ayo rharatstouh ayako toenharake ,n eon i ayoghtehroe tan e ne adadenorouh , ne wahoenytaye edohe tste ts iteyoegwa reestha n e keagh teyon i

ko erhara ts iyouhweatsya te , n ene tsiyao edoktea

yaayoewe t sityouhwea tsyate n e tsin iyeaheawe ya

yakoenheke tsinoewe ayako tsteris touh ieseke n e tsi

youhwea tsyate ne yagh th iyaoedoktea ; ne raor ihoenyat Jesus Chr ist Shoegwayaner . Am en .

Seshatsteaghseragw ekouh neon i soenheoew e N i

yo h , ne sheyenawa ses agwekouh n e teyontkarryas ,ne sheya takenhas agwekouh ne egh yoedeghgwah

tha ies eke nene ayoeda tyen awaghse , ne egh yoeto enhets ta hgwha ne tyakaweghtahkouh , ne oni ne

egh tsyontke tsgwaghtha ne yakaweaheyouh ; W a


Lord, as thou hast prom ised by thy we ll belovedSon , saying, Ask, and ye shall have seek, and ye

sha ll find kno ck , and it shall be Opened unto you

So give now un to us tha t a sk : le t us tha t seek find;open the ga te unto us that kno ck ; that this In


m ay enjoy the, everlasting benedic tion of thy ea

venly wa shing, and may com e to the e ternal kingdomwhich thou hast prom ised by Christ our Lord . Amen .

Then sha ll the p eop le stand up , and the P riest sha ll


Hear the words of the Gospe l, wr itten by Sa int

Mark, in the tenth Chapter, a t the thirteenth V erse .

THEY brough t young chi ldren to Christ, that he

shou ld touch them ; and his disciples rebuked thosetha t brough t them . But when Jesus saw it, he

wa s m uch displeased, and said unto them , Sŭ ffer

little ch ildren to come unto m e , and forb id them

no t for o f such is the kingdom of God. Verily Isay unto you , W hosoever shall not rece ive the

kingdom of God as a little child, he shall no t en

ter there in . And he took them up in h is arm s , put

h is hands upon them , and blessed them .


'll Af ter the Gosp el is read, the .Minister sha ll m ake thi s

brief E xhorta tion upon the words of the Gosp el.

BELOVED , ye hear in th is G ospe l the words of our

Saviour Christ, tha t he comm anded the ch ildren to

be brought unto him ; how he blam ed those that

would have kept them from h im how he exorte th

all m en to fo llow the ir innoc ency. Ye perce ive howby his outward gesture and deed he dec lared h is

good w ill toward them for he em braced them in his

arm s , he la id h is hands upon them ,and ble ssed them .

Doub t ye no t, therefo re , but earnestly b e lieve , that

he will likew ise favourably re ce ive this pre sent In

f ant, that he w ill embra ce him w ith the arm s of h is

m ercy that he w ill give un to him the b le ssing of

e terna l life , and m ake h im partaker of h is everlast

ing kingdom . W herefo re w e be ing thu s persuaded

of the good w i ll of our heavenly Fa ther towards thisInf an t de c lared by h is Son Jesus Christ ; and no

thing doub ting bu t tha t he favourab ly allowe th this

char itab le work of our*s in bringing this Inf an t to h isholy Baptism ; le t u s fa ithfully and devou tly givethanks unto him , and say,

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God ,heavenly F ather,


tho . N eon i dwa te shakoyadaghgwe wa shako tyadea

hawa , wateshakon isnouhsarea , meoni washakoyada

deris te .

Gwanorouhgwha , sewa tho e te n e kea iekea Dr igh

wadokeaghtike ne raoweanaokouh n e O egwayada

kenhagh tshera Christ, nene shakor ihoe tany ne ex

haokoe ah ne egh ayoedatyadeahaw ighte raouhhake

shakorighwastan iouh ne eatyo edadatyenawa ste ea

yoedatya to edakoh ne rouhhake ; shakoghre tsyaroe

honh agwekouh n e o egw ehokouh nene ayerigh

wahsere ne ayako enhiyohake . W e sewar iwake a on i

ts in iyouh t ne a tste noekadighkouh ne raodewe

yeanake ro trory tsin iho thoedadouhtsher iyoh ne aka

ouhhake noekady ikea wa shakoyena ne rasno eke ,wa teshakonisnouhsarea , neon i wa shakoyadaderiste .

N e wahOeny toghsa tesewan ikouhrakehak, nok tsi

nasewagweny kaseneghtakoehak , nene shateahayere

e ashakoyena kea iekea Exa ah eashako tye nawa ste

ne ranuntshake ne raon ideareghtshera ; nene easha

kaoub ne adaskatshera ne tsin iye ahe awe eayakoen

h eke , neon i e ashakaoenyea n e e ayeyadarane ne tsi

n iyeaheaw e ne raoyanertshera . N e wahoeny egh

n i oegwa taten ikouhrayerea nene tsin iho tho eda touh

ts er iyoh n e Eghtshitewaniha ne karouhyake tsi

noe kadighkouh ke a iekea B a nah, ne ro trory ne Ro

yeaah Je sus Christ ; neon i yagh o thenouh thate

yoegwanikouhrakehak nene e ashakoriwawaghse kea

iekea ad'

adenorouh yo egwayoh tehgwea egh ye thiya

teahawightha kea iekea Exa ah Raodatneko sser

houhtsheradokeaghtike kinyoh tyoegweghtakoehak

neon i yoegwaghn ikouhriyohak te tsh itewanouhwera

tonh , neon i tewe arouh ,Sesha tsteaghseragwekouh neon i tsin iyeaheawe


we give thee humble thanks, for that thou hast vouchsafed to call us to the know ledge of thy grace , and

fa ith in thee Increase th is knowledge , and confi rm

th is fa i th in u s everm ore . G ive thy ho ly Sp lrit tothis Inf ant , that he m ay be born aga in , and be m ade

a n heir of everlasting salva tion ; through our LordJesus Christ, who live th and re igne th wi th thee and

the Ho ly Spir it, now and for ever . Am en .

WT Then sha ll the p r iest sp eak unto the Godfa thers and

Godm others on this wise .

DEARLY beloved, ye have brought this Chi ld hereto be baptized; ye have prayed that our Lord JesusChrist would vouchsafe to rece ive him , to release him

ofh is sins , to sanctify him with the Ho ly Ghost, to

give him the Kingdom of heaven and everlasting life .

Ye have heard a lso that our Lord Jesus Christha th prom ised in his Gospel to grant a ll the se things

that ye have prayed for : which prom ise , he for h is

part, w ill m ost surely keep and perform . W here

fore , after this prom ise m ade by Christ, this Inf antm ust also fa ithfully, for his part, prom ise b you that

are his sureties, (until he com e of age to take i t uponhim self ,) that he w ill renounce the devil and all his

works, and constantly believe God's holy W ord, and

obediently keep his comm andm ents.


I demand therefo re ,

Dos '

r thou , in the nam e of this C h ild renouncethe devil and a ll his works , the va in pomp and gloryo f the world, w ith all cove tous desires of th e sam e ,

a nd the carnal desire s of the flesh , so tha t thou wilt

not follow , nor be led by them ?

Answer . I renounce them all.

M in ister.

Dos '

r thou believe in God the Father Alm igh ty,Maker of heaven and earth ?

And in Je sus Christ h is only—bego tten Son our

L ord ? And that he was conce ived by the Ho lyGhost ; born of the V irgin Mary that he suffered

under Pontius Pila te , was crucifi ed, dead, and bu

ried ; tha t he w en t down into he ll, and also did rise

aga in the th ird day : tha t he ascended into heave n,and s itte th a t the r ight hand of God the Fa ther Alm ighty and from thence he shall com e again a t the

end of the world, to judge the qu ick and the dead ?

And dost thou believe in the Ho ly Ghost ; theHo ly Ca tholic Church ; the Commun ion of Sa ints

the Rem ission of S ins ; the resurrection of the

flesh ; and everlasting life after dea th .


ne eatyakaweghtahkouh ne N iyo h Raow e anado

keaghty, neon i eayo e teweanaraghgwhake eayerighp

weahawake tsin ihorighwada touh .

W akoer ighwanoedouhse kady,

N e akoghseanakouh kea iekea Exaah , teaghsah ts

yarca keagh ne onesho eronouh neon i agwekouh

ne raoyodeaghsera , ts in iyon ikouhrorya t ne tsiyouh

weatsyate , ne tsiniyoraseghse thiyeyonoweaghtouh ,

ne agwekouh tsin iyohnoshat tsina teyoreahkeanyet

neok ne shakat, n eon i ne oyeroedake tsinateyo

reaghkeanyouh ne owaghroene , ne kady ne yagh n ethaasno ederatyeghte , ne teas nene aesaghsharine ?

E a tye . W a tkaghtsyarea agw ekouh .

R atsihu sta tsy.

Tiseghtakouh keagh ne N iyohtsherakouh ne Ra

n iha ne Agwekouh th iha sha tste , Rao enissouh ne

karoeya neon i ne oughw ea tsya ?

N eomi Jesus Christsherakouh neok yekeaha Ro

yeaah Sho egwayaner ? Thoyeagh tahkouh ne On i

kouhradoke aghtike , Rodoeny ne yagh tekanagh

gwayeadery W ary ; nene Rorouhyakeaouh onakouh

ne PontiusPilate ,Tehoewayeadanhare , raweaheyouh ,neon i ne aghseahadont n iweghn iserake sho tkets

gwea are ; nene sho tharadatouh karouhyakouh sha

w enouhtouh , neon i ye shea terouh tsiraweyeateghtah

konh rasno eke ne N iyoh ne Ran iha ne Agwekouh

thihashatste ; neon i agh noew e nadean tre are ne

tsineawatouhweatsyoktea , deateghshako tsyeahayea

ghne ne eayakoenhenyoeke neomi ne yakoweadase

roub ?

N eon i tsiseghtahkouh keagh ne On ikouhrado

keaghtitsherakouh ; ne yeyogw ektouh Onouhsado

keaghty ; ne Tsrtehodineara te ne Rodiyadad

keaghtiokouh ne eatsyo edaderighw iyos tea ne ka

r ighwaneraaxheraokouh ; ne Ea tsyontke tskoh ne


Answer . All this I s tedfastly believe .

.Minister .

W ILT thou be baptized in th is fa ith

Answer . That is my desire .

M in ister .

W ILT thou then obedien tly ke ep God's holy will

and comm andm ents , and walk in the sam e all thedays of thy life ?

.dnswer . I w ill.

1l Then sha ll the P riest say,

O MERCIFUL God, gran t tha t the o ld Adam in this

Chi ld may be so buried, that the new m an m ay be

ra ised up in him . Am en .

Grant that a ll carnal affections m ay die in him ,

and that a ll th ings be longing to the Spirit m ay liveand grow in him . Am en .

Gran t that he m ay have power and strength to

have Victory and to triumph , against the devil, theworld, and the flesh . Am en .

G rant that whosoever is here dedicated to thee

by our offi ce and m in istry, m ay a lso be endued w ith

heavenly virtues , and everlastingly rewarded, throughthy m ercy,

O blessed Lord God, who dost live , and

govern a ll th ings , world w ithout end. Amen .

ALM IGHTV , everliving God, who se m ost dearly beloved Son Jesus Chr ist, fo r the forgiveness of our

sins , did shed ou t o f h is m o st pre c iou s s ide bo th

wa ter and b lood and gave comm andm en t to his dis

c iples , tha t they shou ld go teach a ll nations, and

baptize them In the N am e of the Fa ther , the Son , and

the Ho ly Ghost ; Regard, W e besee ch thee , the sup

plica tions of thy congrega tion sanc tify th is W ater

to the mystic al wa sh ing away of s in and grant that

this Chi ld, now to be baptized there in , m ay rece ivethe fulness of thy grac e , and ever rem ain in the

number of thy fa ithful and elec t children ; throughJesus Christ our Lord . Am en .

Ti Then the P riest sha ll take the Chi ld into his hands,

and sha ll say to the Godf a thers and Godm others ,

N am e th is Chi ld.

N . I baptize the e in the N am e of the Fa ther, andof the Son , and of the Holy Ghost . Am en .

TTThen the P riest sha ll say,

W E rece ive th is Ch ild into the congregation of

Chrisvs flo ck, * and do sign him w ith the s ign of the

Here the Priest shall m ake a Cross upon the Clnld's forehead .


so enhe , nsoni serighwakanoenis agwekouh ts iok na

hoteashouh , tsiyouhwea tsyate yagh thiyaoedoktea .

Amen .

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh , tsiniyeaheawe soenhe

N iyoh, ne eghtshenorouhgwhats ihouh Eghtsyeaah

Jesus Christ , ne e a tsyo egwa terighw iyo stahkouh ne

oegwarighwancraaxheraokouh , ro rirhouh yodiya

keaouh kanorouh ne ranaaghtake te tsyarouh oghna

kanos neon i onegwe aghsa ; neon i shakorihoe tany ne

rao tyoghgwa , nene ahouhdeady ashakodiri hoenyea

tsin iya teyakaouhweatsyake , neon i ashakodighne

kosserahouh ne Raghseanakouh ne Kaniha , ne Ro e

wayea , neoni ne On ikouhradokeaghty ; Serighwa

noronk, wagwean ideagh te a , ne ts in iyesarighwanea

keany tsitesaneara te ; Sneka tokeaghdist kea iekea

yagh teyokean t ne e askanohare ne karighwanerea ;neon i sheyouh kea iekea Exa ah, no ewa eayoedatne

ko sserawe , ne ayeyena ne tsin ikananouh ne seadea

rat, neon i ts in iyaawe yaontkoe tea egh noewe nayeyadarake ne tyakaweghtahkouh neon i yoeda tyada

ragwea saxhadaokouh ; ne raorihoenya t Jesus ChristSho egwayaner . Am en .

TTE thane ne R a tsihusta tsy nea eashakoyena ne B zaah

neoni ea shakaweahag hse ne Te'

shakoditase ,

Shenatouh ne keaiekea Exaah .

N . IIh wakouhnekosserawe,

n ise ne Raghseana

kouh ne Raniha ; nson i ne RoeW ayea , neon i ne

Onikouhra dokeaghty . Am en .

TTE thane ne Ra tsihustatsy eahea rouh,

W aakhiyena kea iekea Exaah Ako tyoghgwakouhne Chr ist tsitehoneara te ,

*neon i waagwayeroen itste

Keatho ne Ratsihustatsy Teahayaghsoe tea ne Exaah ekeaghgwarake .



C ross , in token that he reafte r he shall no t be asha

m ed to c onfe ss the fa i th o f Christ cruc ified, and

m anfu lly to figh t u nde r his banner , aga inst sin , the

world, and the devil ; and to con tinue Christ9s fa i th

ful so ldier and servan t un to his life *s end . Am en .

TTThen sha ll the P r iest say,

SEEI N G now , dearly beloved bre thren , that this

Child is regenerate , and grafted in to the body of

Christ*s Church , le t us give thanks un to Alm ighty

God for these benefits ; a nd w i th one accord m akeour praye rs unto him , that this Chi ld m ay lead the

re st o f his life ac cording to this beginn ing.

TTThen sha ll be sa id, a ll kneeling

OUR Father , which art in heaven , Hallowed be

thy N am e . Thy kingdom com e . Thy w ill be done

in earth , A s i t is in heaven . Give us this day our

dai ly bread . And fo rgive us our tre spasse s, As w e

forgive them that trespa ss aga inst us . And lead us

no t in to tempta tion Bu t deliver us from evil. Amen .


Then sha ll the P r iest say,

W E yie ld thee hearty thanks, most merciful Father, tha t it ha th ple ased thee to regenera te this, In

fant w ith thy Ho ly Spirit , to re ce ive him for thineown Chi ld by adoption , and to incorpora te him into

thy ho ly Church . And humbly w e beseech thee to

gran t, tha t he , be ing dead unto sin , and living un to

righteousness, and be ing buried w ith Christ in his

dea th , m ay crucify the o ld m an , and utterly abo lish

the whole body of sin and that , a s he is m ade p ar

taker of the dea th of thy Son , he m ay a lso be p a rta

ker of h is re surre ction ; so tha t finally, w i th the residue of thy ho ly Church , he m ay be an inheritor of

th ine everla sting kingdom through C hrist our Lord.

Amen .

Tl Then a ll standing up , the P riest sha ll say to the

Godf a thers and Godm others this Exhorta tionfollowing .

FORASMUCH as this Child ha th prom ised by yon hissuretie s to renounc e the devil and all his works, tobelieve in God, and to serve him ; ye m ust rem em

parts and dutms to see that this

soon a s he, shall be able to learn,

promise , and profession, he hath

here m ade by you, And that he may know these

things. the be tter, ye shall call upon him to hear Ser :

mons ,; and c_hiefly“

ye shall provide , that . he maylearn the Creed, the Lord

's Prayer , and the Ten

Comm andm ents, in the vulgar tongue , and a ll o ther

things which a Chr istian ought to know and be lieve


1l E thane ne Ra tsihusta tsy eahea rouh,

tkawe ieseke ne o egweryane wa tgw anouhsean ideareghtsheranano uh Raniha, neng

ewene San ikouhradokeaghtike ggg

aoesayo etouh kea iekea Exaah, asheyena ie se SaXhada ayoetouh , neoni a eyadaraghne Sanouhsĝ dpkeaght itsherakouh . eon i waagwadado eneagh te,wagwean ideaghtea ne asheyouh ne akoeweallg.

yagh se ne karighwanerea , neoni _a terighw a warm:syouhserake aoesayoedoenhe te , neon i ayoe atyada

daaste ne Christ raweaheya t, tako ewayeadanharea

ne akayouh ne oegwe , neon i aouhdoe touhoewe

aoye roe tagwekouh ne karighwanerea ; neomi n ene ,ts iwaeyadarane tsiraweaheyouh ne Egh tsyeaah ,ayeyadarane oni ne tsisho tke tsgwea ; ne wahoenyts ieawadoktea , ne eayenakereke ne Sanouhsado

keaghtike , ayoe tewean iyoste ne tsin iyeaheawe sayanertshe rakouh ne raorihoenya t Christ Shoegwaya

ner . Am en .

1l E thane , agwekouh tea tsyetane, ne Ratsihu sta tsyeashahaweahag hse ne Tesha lcoditase ne kea iekea

E ashakOg hretsyarouhgwe .

Ikea tsin ikouh ne kea iekea B zaah tsinae tshirha

ra tste ne wae tshiyatkaranoena teayouhtsyarea ne

oneshouhronouh neon i agwekouh ne raoyodeagh

s era , eatyakaweghtahkouh'ne N iyoh tsherakouh,

t eahali e , tsinae tshisaaghse ne keatho ne t syouhha .

Neon l nene seaba yoyanere tsiayako teryea tarane ne


to h is soul9s he alth ; and that this Chi ld m ay be vir

tuous ly brought up to lead a godly and a Christian

life ; rem embering always tha t Baptism do th repre

sent unto us our pro fe ss ion ; wh ich is , to fo llow the

exam ple o f our Sav iour Chr ist , and to be m ade like


im to h im ; tha t, as he died, and ro se aga in for us ,

so shou ld w e , w ho are baptized, die from sin , and

rl se aga in unto r igh teousness ; con tinually m ortifying all ou r evi l and corrupt affec tions, and da ily proceeding in a ll Virtue and godliness


of living.

Then sha ll he add and say,

YE are to take care that this Chi ld be brought t'


the B ishop to be confirm ed'

by him ,

so soon as

c an say'

the Creed, the Lo rd9s Prayer , and the



Comm andm ents , iri thevulgar'

tongue , and be fur

ther instruc ted in the Church - Cate ch ism se t forth

f_or tha t purpo se .


It is certain by God's W ord, that Children which are bapti t a,

dying before they comm it aet—ual sin, are undoubtedly saved.




W hen any such persons, as are of riper years, are to be“


tiinely notice sha ll be gi ven to the B ishop, ar whom he shall appoint

for tha t purpose, a week before at the least, by the Parents, or some

other discreet persons that eo dae c'

are ntay te taken for their

m w m , whether they he sitj iĉ iently instructed in the Prineiu

falasof the Christian Religion and that theymay be eitherted{e pre.

pare themselves with P rayer ? and F asenĝ for the receivi ng ĝf this

hely See:-“


1l And if they shall he found j it, then the thers and Ĝodmoth

ers (the p eop le heing assembied upon th

painted) sha ll be ready to present them a t the F ont immedia tely

after the second L esson , either at Morning or Evening P rayer, as

the Gui-die in his discretion statt think'

j it:

i l fi nd standing there, the“

P ri est shĉzll ash, whether any of thepersonsherepresented be baptized, or no If they sha ll answer, Nĉ) then

sha ll the P riest say thus ,


EARLY be loved, forasm uch a s a ll m en are

conce ived and born in s in , (and tha t W h ich isborn of the flesh is flesh ,) and they tha t are in the

flesh canno t please G od , bu t live in sin , comm ittingm any ac tua l tran sgre ss ions ; and tha t our SaviourChr i s t sa i th , N one c an en ter into the k ingdom of

God, except he be regenera te and born anew of W a

ter a nd o f the Ho ly Gho s t ; I besee ch you to ca llnpon God the Fa ther , through our Lord Jesus Christ,tha t

,of his bo un teous goodness he w ill grant to these

p ersons that wh ich by na ture they canno t“

have ; that

they m ay be baptized w ith W ater and the Ho lyGhost, and rece ived in to Chrisvs holy Church , and

be m ade live ly m embers of the sam e .

Then sha ll the P riest say,

L et us pray.

( Ĵ l'

And here a ll the Cong-

rega d on sha ll kneel.)

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who of thy great


didst save N oah and h is fam ily in the ark from

perish ing by wa ter ; and also didst safe ly lead the oh i ldren o f Israe l thy pep ple through the Red Sea , figu

ring thereby thy ho ly B aptism and by the Baptism of

thy we ll- be loved Son Je sus Christ, in the river Jordan ,

didst sanctify the e lem ents o fW a ter to the mystical

washing away of s in W e b eseech thee , for thine

284 BAPT ISM OF svc u AS AR E or RI PER YEAn s.

infin ite m erc ies, tha t thou wilt m erc i fu lly look upon

these thy servants wash them and sanc tify them w ith

the Ho ly Gho st tha t they, be ing de livered from thywra th , m ay be re ce ived into the ark of Christ's

Church ; and be ing steadfast in fa ith , joyful throughhOpe , and roo ted in char ity, m ay so pass the waves

of th is troublesom e world , that fina lly they m ay come

to the land of. everlasting life , th ere to re ign w iththee world w ithout end : through Jesus Christ ourLord. Am en .

ALMIGHTY and imm ortal God, the aid of all tha t

need, the he lper of a ll that flee to the e for suc cour,the life o f them tha t be lieve , and the resurrec tion of

the dead; W e call upon thee for thesep ersons , tha t they,com ing to thy holy B aptism , m ay rece ive rem ission

of their sins by spiritual regeneration . Rece ive thegn ,O Lerd, as thou hast prom ised by thy we ll belovedSon , saying, Ask, and ye shall rec e ive seek , and yesha ll find knock , and it shal l

gbe opened unto

q you

So give'

now unto us tha t ask le t us tha t seek find;open the gate unto us tha t knock that these personsmay enjoy the everlasting benediction of thy heavenly washing, and may com e to the e ternal kin domWhich thou hast prom ised by Christ our Lord. men .


nekosserhouhtsheradokeagh ty neon i ne Ts iroe

waghnekosserhouh ne eghtshenorouhgwha Eghts

yeaah Je sus Christ ka i thhouhakouh ne Jo rdan ,

Saghnekadokeaghdistouh ne yagh teyoke an t ne

uskanohare te ne karighwanerea ; \Vagweanideaghtea , ne ts in ikowanaghtsiouh sean ide areghtsherao

kouh , nene asathoedate sean ideareghtsherananouh

a sheya tkaghtho kea iekea shenhaseokouh ; shenoha res

neoni sheyadadolceag hdist eakene On ikouhradokeaghty nene taoesahoedoekog hte , ne sanagwheagh

serake , ahoewadiyena ne kaho ewakouh ne Christ

Raonouhsadokeaghtike ; neon i ayoghn irouh aoeta

honeg htahkouh, ayorharatstouh ahona toenha ra lce,neon i ayoghtehroe tane ne adadenorouh , ne wahoenytahoedohetste tsiteyoegware estha ne keagh teyoni

koerhara tsiyouhwe atsya te , nene tsiyaoedoktea

ahoenewe tsityouhweatsyate ne tsiniyeaheawe yahoenoenheke, tsinoewe ahona tsteristouh ieseke ne tsi

youhweatsyate ne yagh thiyaoedoktea ; ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegway aner . Am en .

S eshatsteaghseragw ekouh neomi soenheoewe N i

yoh , ne sheyenawases agwekouh ne teyon tkarryas,ne sheyatakenhas agwekouh ne egh yoedeghgwah

tha ieseke , nene ayoeda tyenawaghse , ne egh oe

toenhetstahgwha ne tyakaw eghtahkouh , neom ne

ogh tsyontke tsgwag htha ne yakaweaheyouh ; W a

gwarouhyeahare ne ra ddirig hwake keaiekea roenoe

gwe, nene (wahonenouhdoeha tye Sada tnekosserhouhtsheradokeaghtike , nene ahadiyena ne aoesahona teroe

gwag hse ne raodirig hwaneraaxheraokouh nene kanikouhrake ase aoesahoetouh . Sheyena , O Sayaner ,ts iniyouht tsisarharatstouh ogh n ityawenonh tsinoe

ka ne eghtsheno rouhgwha Eghtsyeaah , rawea,Sewarighwanoe touh, neoni easeWa tsheary sewan

houhtishouh , neoni eaye tshinho toegwahse ne ts

youhha : Takyouh kady noewa ne nea yagwar i


Then sha ll the peop le stand up , and the P riest sha ll


Hear the words of the Gospel, written by Sa int

John , in the third Chapter, beginning a t the fi rst

V erse .

TH ERE w a s a m an o f the Phar isees nam ed N ico

demus , a ruler o f the Jews . The sam e cam e to Je

sus by n ight , and sa id unto h im , Rabb i , w e knowtha t thou art a teac her com e from God for no m an

c an do the se m ira c le s tha t thou do es t, except Godbe w ith him . Jesus answered and sa id unto him ,

Ve rily, ver ily I say un to thee , Exc ept a m an be born

aga in , he canno t see the kingdom o f God . N icodem us sa ith unto him , How can a m an b e born when

he is o ld ? Can he en ter the second tim e into his

m o ther 's womb , and be born ? Jesus answered,V er ily , verily I say un to thee , Except a m an be born

of wa ter and of the Spiri t, he canno t en ter in to thek ingdom of God. Tha t wh ich i s born of the flesh

is flesh . and that which is born of the Spir it is spi

ri t. Marve l no t that I said un to thee , Ye m ust be

born aga in . The w ind b lowe th where it liste th , and

thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tellwhence it com eth , and wh ither it goeth : so is everyone that is born of the Spirit .

288 BAPT ISM or se e n AS AR E o r RIPE R Ye n s ,

he sha ll say this Exhortationfollowing .

BELOVED , ye _hear in this Gospe l the express wordsof our Saviour Christ, tha t except a m an be born

of water and of the Spirit, he canno t enter into thekingdom of God. W hereby ye m ay pe rce ive the

grea t nec essity of this Sacram en t, where i t m ay be

had. L ikewise , imm edia te ly before h is a scensioninto heaven, (a s we read in the last Chapter of Sa in tMark9s Gospe l,) he gave comm and to his disciples ,saying, Go ye m to all the world, and preach the

Gospe l to every creature . He that be lieve th and is

baptized shall be saved ; bu t he tha t believe th no t

shall be damned W hich a lso shewe th un to us the

great benefi t we reap thereby. F or which cause

Sain t Pe ter the Apostle , when upon h is first preach

ing of the Go spel m any were pricked a t the heart,and sa id to h im and the rest of the Apostles , Men

and bre thren , what shall we do ? replied and sa id

unto them , Repent, and be baptized every one of

you for the rem ission of s ins , and ye shall rec e ivethe gift of the Ho ly Ghost F or the prom ise is to

you, and your chi ldren, and to all tha t are afar'

off;even as m any as the Lo rd our God sha ll call. And


raoyanertsherakouh ne N iye h . N enaho tea ne

waoedadadewe touh n e owarouh owahro ene naah ;neon i nenaho tea n e waoedadadew e touh ne Kan i

koera kan ikouhrake nash . Toghsa saneghrakoh

nene ts iwakirouh ne ieseke , Agwaghok eatsyetsh i

yatewe touh are . N e yao te ts iyoroe te tsino ewe n i

yeyoha , neomi satho e te ts iyo rakaghre ; nok yaghthaasgweny a sa tro ry kah no edayeweno eha tye , neon i

kah n iyaawenoeha tye egh n iyouh t tsin iyagh

teyakouh nene eatsyoedadadewe touh ne Kan i

kouhrake .

Tl Tsiog hnalceake nenahotea neane eahearouh kea iekea

Yoeda tretsyaroetha teleyadag hsoetere .

Gwanorouhgwha , sewa tho e te ne ke a iekea Dr igh

wadokeaghtitsherakouh tsiniho teweanayerea ne Oe

gwayadakenhatshera Christ, nene toka t ne roegwe

yagh thaoesahoewadewe touh ne oghnekanosne neo

ni ne Kan ikouhrake , yagh thahagweny ahadaweyatene raoyanertsherakouh ne N iyoh . Egh noewe neasewariwakea tsinikowanea teyodouhwea tsyohouhkea iekea Ada tneko sserhouh , tsinoewe nayakoyeadaghne . Shadeyouht on i

, yoko eda tye oheadouhsheashatharada te ne karouhyakouh, sheasreg hte,

(wahy tsitewaweanaghno touhs ne ye tsyodoktaghkouh Ts iyo terighwa tahsawe ne RoyadadokeaghtyMark Raorighwadokeaghtike ,) shakoriho e tany ne

rao tyoghwa , rawea , W a sene th iyouhwea tsyagwekoub, neon i ye tshiyaterighwah no to es ne O righwadokeaghty n iya teyoegwe take . Raouhha nene eat

reghtahgwe neon i e aha tnekosseraw e teahadoekoghte ; nok raouhha nene yagh thaoetaghrehtagweeahade tsireagh te . N enaho tea on i yoegwanaghtoen is tsm iwatsheanoenyaghserowanea ne egh no ewe

n itewaneahoetagwaghtha . Ikea egh nikarihoeny ne


w ith m any o ther words exhorted he them , saying,Save yourselves from th is untoward genera tion .

F or (a s the sam e Apo stle testifie th in ano ther

place ) even Baptism do th a lso now save us , (no t thepu tting aw ay o f the fi lth o f the fle sh , bu t the answer

of a good consc ienc e tow ards G od ,) by the resurrec

tion o f Je su s Chr ist . Do ub t ye no t therefore , but

earne stly believe that he w ill favourab ly re c e ive these

presen t p ersons , tru ly repen ting, and com ing unto

him by fa i th : that he w ill gran t them rem iss ion of

the ir sins , and be stow upon them the Ho ly Ghost ;tha t he w ill give them the ble ss ing o f e ternal life , and

m ake them pa rtakers o f his everlasting kingdom .

W herefo re w e be ing thus persuaded of the good

w ill of our heaven ly fa ther tow ards these p ersons , de

c lared by his Son Jesus Christ ; le t us fa i thfu lly and

devou tly give thanks to h im , and say ,


ALMIGH TY and everla sting God , heavenly Fa ther ,we give the e humble thanks , for tha t thou hast vouchsafed to call us to the know ledge of thy gra c e , and

fa ith in thee Increase th is knowledge , and confirm

th is fa i th in u s everm ore . G ive thy ho ly Spirit tothese persons , that they m ay be born aga in , and be m ade

heirs of everlasting salvation through our LordJesus Christ, who live th and re igne th w ith thee and

the Ho ly Spirit, now and for ever . Am en .

Ĵ i Then the P riest sha ll speak to the persons to be bap

tized on this wise

W ELL - BELOVED,who are com e h ither de s iring to

rece ive holy Baptism , ye have heard how the con

grega tion ha th prayed, that our Lord Jesus Christ

wou ld vouchsafe to re c e ive you and bless you , to re

lease you of your sins , to give you the kingdom of

heaven ,and everla sting life . Ye have hea rd a lso ,

that our Lord Je sus Christ hath prom ised in his ho lyW ord to grant all tho se

things that w e have prayed

for ; W t h prom ise he , for his part, w ill m o st sure ly

keep and perform .

W herefore , after th is prom ise m ade by Christ, e

must also fa i thfully, fo r your par t, prom ise in thepresen

ce o f these you r W i tne sse s , and this whole

congrega tion, tha t ye w ill renounce the devil and all


koub kea ieke a roenoegwe , ne ro tro ry ne Royeaah

Je sus Chr ist ; kinyoh tyoegw egh tahkoehak neon i

yo egw an ikouhriyohak te tsh i tewanouhwera touh, ne

on i tewearouh ,Sesha ts teaghseragwekouh n eon i ts in iyeaheawe

N iyoh , ka rouhyake Kan iha , waagwadadoeneagh te

watgwanouhwera touh , nene tsin i tisanouhw eouh tsi

tagwayea terhasteany ne seadeara t, neon i teweghtah

kouh ne iese tsherakouh : Tagwa tkaw ea ke a iekea

ayoegwa te ryeata rane ,neoni tag warighwahnira ts kea

ikea teweghtahkouh ne oekyouhhatsherakouh ne ts i

n iyaaw e . Sheyou h ne San ikouhradokeaghty kea ie

kea roenoegwe, nen e aoesahoewanadewetoith are , neo

n i ayo enya touh ne ahoedewea niyoste ne tsin iyea

heawe adusheanyegh tshera ne raoriho enya t Shoe

gwayaner Je sus Christ, ne roenheghkouh neon i ro ts

teristouh ieseke neon i ne On ikouhradokeagh ty, noe

wa neon i ne tsiniyeaheawe . Am en .

'll E thone ne R a ts ihu sta tsy eashakoda tyase ne roenoe

gwe ne ron tnehosserawe hea neayawea .

Gwanorouhgwha , keagh deseweg hte sewa rig hwa

nelcha ne a esewayena ne Adatnekosserhouh tsheradokeagh ty , wesewaroehe ts inaawea ne ts iyako tkean is

soub ts iwaoedereanayea , nene Shoegwayaner JesusChrist ne ao e tahanoewene n e a tshisewayena neon i

a tshisewayadaderis te, a tshitsyouh ne kayanertshera

karouhyake , neomi ne ts in iye aheawe aetsyoenhelce .

W esewa roeke oni ne Shoegwayaner Jesus Christ

tsirorharatstouh ne Raoweanadokeagh ti tsherakouh

ne e ashakaouh agwekouh ts inaho tea shouh w e tewa

dereanayeadaghgwe ; nenaho te a ne tsin ihorhara ts

touh , ne raouhhake noekadighkouh o righw iyooeweeaharighway erite egh neahayere . N e waho eny , ts i

nea rorhara tstouh ne Christ , ha seweg htahlcoehak on i

ne tsyouhha , ne tsyouhha/ce no ek adighkouh , tsinese

294 BAr 'rrsm OF snc n AS AR E OF RI PER YEARS .

his works , and constantly be li eve God*s h o ly W ord ,

nnd obediently keep h is commandm ents .

Then sha ll the P riest demand qf each of the p er

sons to be bap tized, severa lly, these questions ,f ollow

question .


r thou renounce the devil a nd a ll his works,the va in pomp and glory of the world, w ith a ll c ovetons desire s of the sam e , and the c arn al des ire s o fthe fi esh , so tha t thou w ilt no t fo llow , nor be led bythem

Answer . I renounc e them all.

question .

De s '

f thou be lieve in G od the Fathe r Alm igh ty ,

Ma ker of heave n and e arth

And in Je su s C hrist h is only - bego tte n So n our

Lord ? And that he was c onc e ived by the Ho lyGh o st ; bo rn of the V irgin Mary ; tha t he suffe red

under Pon tius Pi late , wa s c ru c ified, dead , and bu

rie d that he went down into h ell, and a lso d id r ise

aga in the th ird day ; tha t he asce nded into h eaven ,and si tte th a t th e “

right h and of God the Fa ther Aim ighty ; and from thence sha ll com e aga in a t the

end of the world , to j udge th e qu ick and the de ad


And dost thou be lieve in the Holy Ghost ; theHoly Ca tho lick Church ; the Comm un ion of Sa intsthe Rem ission of Sins ; the resurrection of the

flesh ; and everlasting life afteri

dea th ?

.dm wer . A ll th is I stedfastly be lieve .

question .

W ILT thou be baptized in th is fa ith

Answer . That is my de sire .

question .

W I L T thou then obediently keep God's holy w ill

and comm andm ents , and walk in the sam e all the

days of thy life ?

ai nswer . I W ill endeavour so to do , God be ingmy helper .

1l Then sha ll the P ries t say,

O MER C IF U L God, gran t tha t the o ld Adam in these

p ersons m ay be so buried, that the new m an m ay be

ra ised up in them . Am en .

Grant tha t a ll carnal affec tion s m ay die in them ,

and that a ll th ings be longing to the Spirit m ay liveand grow in them . Am en .


Agwekouh th ihasha tste neon i egh noew e nadean tre

are ne ts ineawa touhwe a tsyoktea , dea teghshako ts

yeahayeaghne ne eayakoenhenyoeke neon i ne ya


N eon i tiseghtahkouh keagh ne On ikouhrado

keaghtitsherakouh ; ne yeyogwektouh Onouhsado

keaghty ; ne Tsitehodinearate ne Rodiyadado

keaghtiokouh ne eatsyoedaderighw iyostea ne ka

righwaneraaxheraokouh ; ne Eatsyontketskoh ne

akowaghroene n eon i tsin iyeaheawe eayakoenheke

oghnakeahke ne keaheyouh ?

E a tye . Agwekouh kea iekea yoghnirouh tewa

keghtahkouh .

Yer ig hwanoedouh .

Easeweaneadaghne keagh ne keaiekea tsitisegh

tahkouh ne eayesanekosseragh te ?

E a tye . Bgh niyouh t tsitewakatouhweatsyony .

Yer ig hwanoedou h.

Easeweaneadaghne keagh ne easa teweanaragh

gwhake easerighweahawake ne N iyoh raorighwado

keaghty neoni tsin ihorighwadatouh , neomi ok ne

shaka t easaghdeatyegh to eha ty e eghn iseragwekouhts ineawe easoenheke

E a tye . VVakeweaneadaghne ne eakaterihoetea

ne egh neakyere , ne N iyoh k igh eahakyenawaghse .

'll E thone ne R a tsihusta tsy eahearouh,

O Sean ideareghtsherananouh Niyoh , sheyouh neneakayouh ne Adouh ne kea iekea roenoegwe ne aonts

hatoeke , nene ase ne oegwe aoesahona tketsgwea ne

ronouhha tsherakouh . Am en .

Sheyou h nene agwekouh ne owaghroene tsinika

W eyeano teagh akeaheye ne ronouhha tsherakouh,neon i agwekouh nene ts inaho teashouh ne Kan ikouh


Grant that they may have power and strength tohave Vic tory , and to trium ph , against the devi l, theworld, and the fle sh . Am en .

Grant tha t they, be ing here de dic ated to thee

by onr o ffi ce and m in istry , m ay a lso be endued w ith

heavenly virtues , and eve rlastingly rewa rded, throughthy me rcy, O b lessed Lord God, who do st live , and

govern all th ings, worldw ithout end. Am en .

ALMIGHTY , everliv ing God, whose m o st dearlyb e

loved Son Jesus Chr ist, for the fo rgiveness of our

sins , d id shed out of h is m o st prec ious s ide bo th

wa ter and b lood and gave c omm andm en t to h is dis

c iples , tha t they shou ld go teach a ll nations , a nd

baptize them In the N am e o f the Fa ther , the Son , and

the Holy Gho st ; Regard, wo besee ch thee , the supplic a tions of this co ngrega tion ; sanc tify th i s W a ter

to th e myst ic al wa sh ing away of sin and grant that

the rsons , now to be bap tized there in , m ay rec e ivethe fulness of thy grace , and ever rem ain in the

number of thy fa i thful and e lect children ; throughJesus Christ our Lord. Am en.


?i Then sha ll the P riest take each p erson to be bap tized

by the rig ht hand, and p la cing him conven iently bythe F on t, a ccording to his discretion , sha ll aslc the

Godf a thers and Godm others the N am e and then

sha ll dip him in the wa ter, or p ou r wa ter up on him ,

saying ,

N . I baptize thee in the N am e of the Father, ando f the Son , and of the Holy Ghost. Am en .

Then sha ll the P riest sag/\

W E rece ive th is person in to the congregation of

ChrisVs flock, and do * sign him w ith the s ign of the

Cross , in token that hereafter he shall no t be a sha

m ed to confess the fa l th of Christ crucified, and

m anfully to figh t under h is banner, aga inst sin , the

world, and the devil and to continue Chr ist's fa ithful so ldier and servan t unto his life 9s end. Am en .

'll Then sha ll the P riest say,

SEEIN G now , dearly be loved brethren , that these

p ersons a re regenerate , and grafted in to the body of

Christ,s Church , le t us give thanks un to Ahn ightyGod for these benefits ; and w i th one accord m akeour prayers unto him ,

that they m ay lead the rest

of their life according to th is beginn ing.

Here the Priest shall m ake a Cross upon the person's forehead .


Tl E thane ne R a tsihusta tsy ts iyeweyea teg htahkouh es

noeke eahayena tsin iyakouh ne yontnekosserd we,

eashakorig hwanoetouhse ne Teshakoditase ne Akog h

seana neoni eashakonehosserawe, eahearouh,

N . IIh wakouhnekosseraw e n ise ne Raghseana

kouh ne Ran iha , nson i n e Roewayea , nson i ne

Onikouhradokeaghty . Am en .

'll E thane ne R a tsihusta tsy eahea rouh,

W ashagwayena kea iekea roegwe ako tyoghgwakouh

ne Christ tsitehoneara te , neon i* waagwayero en itste

raouhhake ne kayeroen itstouh ne Tekayaghsoe te ,ne eaweghnestaghkouh nene ts ioghnakeake ne yagh .

thaha tehea eaha toeterene n e teweghtahkouh Chris t

tsitehoewayea tanhare , neon i eahotaka ri teke ne eaha

teriyoh onakouh ne raonakeraghtshera , ne eaha thoe

tea ne karighwanerea , tsiyouhwe atsya te , neoni ne

oneshouhronouh neon i ok yekakoe te ea thaweg htah

kouh Christ rao sho tar neon i raonha tshera eakea

hake tsiniyeasha toenhoktea . Am en .

“ll E thone ne R a tsihusta tsy eahearouh,

Sewa tkaghtho noewa , gwanorouhgwha tewadade

keaokoeah , nene kea iekea roenoegwe a se sahoetouh,wahadiyadarag hne ne aoyero e takouh ne Christ

Raonouhsadokeaghty , k inyoh te tshitewanouhwera

toub n e Rasha tsteaghseragwekouh N iyoh ne kea ie

ke a a tsheanoenya t ; neoni uska t tsin iditewayer ne

o egwadereanayean t ne raouhhake , nene ahonag hs

ha rine ne ts ineaw e eahoenoenheke tsiniyouht noewa

tsito edaghsawea .

Keatho ne Ra tsxhustatsy Te ahayoghsoetca ne akoogwe ekeaghgwarake .


'lI Then sha ll be sa id the L ord ? P rayer , a ll kn eeling

OUR Fa ther , wh ich art in heaven , Hallowed bethy N am e . Thy kingdom com e . Thy W ill be done

in earth , As i t is in he aven . G ive us th is day our

da ily bread . And forgive us our tre spa sse s , A s w e

forgive them that tre spa ss aga inst u s . And lead us

no t in to tempta tion But de liver us from evil. Amen .

W E yield thee humble thanks , O heavenly Father,that thou hast vouchsafed to call us to the knowledge of thy gra ce , and fa ith in thee Increase thisknowledge , and conĥrm this fa ith in us everm ore .

G ive thy Holy Spirit to these p ersons ; tha t, be ingnow born aga in , and m ade heirs of everlasting sa l

vation , through our Lord Jesus Christ, they m aycont inue thy servants , and a tta in thy prom ises ;through the sam e Lord Jesus Christ thy So n , wholiveth and re igne th w ith thee , in the unity of the

sam e Ho ly Spirit, everlastingly . Am en .


fl Then , a ll standing up , the P riest sha ll use this

Exorta tion f ollowing : sp eaking to the Godf a thersand Godm others j i rst.

FORASMUCH as these p ersons have prom ised in your

presence to renounce the devil and a ll h is works , tobe lieve in G od , and to serve h im ; ye m ust rem em

ber , tha t i t is your part and duty to put them in m ind

what a so lem n vow , prom ise , and profession they have

now m ade before this congrega tion , and e speciallybefore you their chosen w itne sses . And ye are also

to c a ll upon them to use a ll diligence to be rightlyinstructed in God9s holy W ord that so they m ay

grow in grace , and in the know ledge of our LordJe sus Christ, and live godly, righteously , and sober

ly in this present world .

( Ĵ l And then sp eaking to the new bap tized persons, he

sha ll p roceed, and say,)

AN D as fo r you , who have now by B aptism put on

Christ,i t is your part and duty also , be ing m ade the

children o f God and of the ligh t, by fa i th in JesusChrist, to walk answerably to your Chris tian calling,and a s becom e th the ch ildren o f light ; rem em ber inga lways that B aptism repre sente th unto u s our pro

fession ; wh ich is , to fol low the example of our Sa

viour Christ, and to be m ade like unto him tha t as

he died, and rose aga in for us so should we , who

are baptized, die from sin , and r ise aga in unto righ

teousness ; con tinually m ortifying a ll our evil and


e ,laĝ tb



tth te

ea ra tste ne kea iekea y

ne ea tewa tyereag hte ne Teshakoditase .

Ikea ts in ikou ne kea ieke a roenoegwe wahadirha

ra tste ne sewahea touh teahouhtsya rea ne oneshouhro

nouh neon i agwekouh ne raoyodeaghsera , ea thoneg h

tahkouh ne N iyohtsherakouh , neomi raouhha eahoewa

yodeahsehehe seweghyarak , nene tsyouhhake no e

kady waokarodaghne ne e aye tshiyeghyahragwean iheke , ne tsin iyorihowanea wahadiweaneadag hne , wahadirhara tste , neoni tsineahodirihoteahake akohea touhtrekeatlro ts iyako tkeanis



oŭh , lil

eon i ŝ e'wah


eatouh netsyouhha ne ye t ŝ h iyadaraghfhane teay


etŝ hiy'

atierighwatkan ere a . Neoni yetshiya tstenyaroahs tsinayaweane ahadir ig hwayea terhane ne N iyoh Radwe


anhdokeaghty ; nene egh nayawea ne ahona teg hyahroehasene ke ade ara tsherakouh , neomi ne aderyeaghdara tsherakouh ne Shoegwayaner Jesus Christ, neoni tsiahoenoenhe/ce karighwiyostakne , a terighwagwarihsyoeke , neon i ao esahona ttokea ne keagh ouhwake youbwe atsya te .

('ll N eon i ethane , neane easeg hsha looda tyase ne ase wa

ontne/cosserawe , neoni eahea rouh,)

N eon i ne tsyouhha , noewa ne Ada tnekosserhouhke noe tawe ts iaĵ ĉightshisĉitiai

'aghhe he Christ ne

tsyouhha /ce no ekady on i waokarodaghne , nene ea

yoenya touh ne shakĥyEĴtbko'



Ĵ aĥ ĥe N iyoh neon i netsiteyo swa the , eadiseweg htahhouh ne Je sus Christsherakouh , n e tsia esewizg hdea t oeha t e

Tsisewa tnekosserhouh n eohi “

eghna;? hne exhaokoeah ne tsite


Oswathe ,

tyutkouh nene Adatnekb'




b tsa ; ii iŝ

iialhdtea n“


rhif? hte tsihc

i ŝ litieĝ vvahalide'

ifyĉah ĵi


corrupt a li'

ec tions, and da ily proceeding in a ll virtue

and godliness of living.

I t is exp edient tha t every p erson , thus

shou ld be confi rmed by the B ishop so soon af ter hisB ap tism as conven iently m ay be tha t so he m ay be

adm itted to the holy Comm un ion .

A C A T E C H I S M ,

That is to say,



question .

HAT is your nam e ?

Answer . N . or M .

question . W ho gave you this N am e ?'

.dnswer . My Godfa thers aud G odm o thers in my .

Baptism where in I was m ade a member of Christ,

308 A f


the ichild of ,God, .and an inherito r o f the kingdom o f

;ĝ nestiqn . W illa t did your ,Godfathers and Godmo.thers then fo r you


_I hey did promise and vow three thingst_, that } should renounce .the devilthe {pompe and van i ty of this wi ek,

the fsin ful lusts of '

the flesh . Se

uld be lieve a ll the Articles .of ;theAnd ,

thirdly , tha t I should _keepho ly w i ll and comm andmen ts, and wa lk in the

sam e a ll the days of my life .

question . Dos t thou n


o t think tha t thpu art bound

to be lieve , and to do , a s they have prom ised for th ee

Answer . Ye s ve rily ; and by God*s he lp so I w i ll.And I heartily thank our he avenly Fa ther , tha t hehath c alled ine to th is sta te of ŝ alva tion ,


Je sus Christ ou r Sayjour, And I pray un to G od to

sit e .

m c grace , that. Imay sontinpe in the same“nto Pa is sed

Ca techist.

Rehe arse the Artic les of thy B e lief.

Answer .

l hgllĝ ts in ed. the Father Almighty , Maker of

ha vas en ĉe



N iyoh , neomi wakewean iyoouh ne kayanertshera ne

karouhyake .

Yer . N ah'

o tea“Ital i o ne teyesata se ne shae


neoni ; waha'


ne! axheanakouhiz Tye

ne onesh ouhrow

nOuh neoni i agwekouh ne raoyodeaghseral, ne tsin i

ydrsaĵseghse thiyeyonoweaghtouh n'

o ye r ighwan earaaxkouh tsiyouhweatsyate , neoni agivekouh fnwkal


r ighwanerea ts in ikanoshas ne owaghro ene . T eken i

hadon t, nene Ao e toegweghtahkouh agwekouh Tsi

n ikariwake ne Kar ighw iyo stakne T eweghtahkouh .

N eon i aghseahadon t , nene Akerighweahaw ake ne

N iyoh raorighwadokeaghty ne on i tsin ihorighwada

touh} : neo ni“

n e shaka t = ao egwaghdea tyeh toeha tye

egh n iseragwekouh : ts ineaw e'

eakoe nheke .

Yagh keagh teghsere isnere a n ene'

eadisegh- r

tahkouh ogh on i neaghsyere ts i tl iye sarhar a tstouh ne"


E a tye. E tho , tokeaske n eon i ne N iyo h e aha

kyenawaghs e egh neakyere . N eon i Agw eryane

tehinouhwera touh ne Eghtsh itewaniha karouhyake ,nene tsiyehakerouhyeaharouh ne

adusheanyeghtsherake , ne rao r ihoenya t Jesus ChristOegwayadakenhaghtshera ; N eon i Riyadereana

yean is n e Niyo h ne ahakouh ne raodeara t,nene ok n

yaackoedake ucok ne shaka t tsin iyaoesakadoenhok

tea .

Toe tasa tnane ta ne Tsin iyor iwake ne





E atyerig hwa ser akoh

T ewakeghta hkouh Niyohtshe rakouh ne Kan iha ne

3 10 A CATECH I SM .

And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord, W ho

was conce ived by the Ho ly Gho s t , B o rn of the Vir

gin Mary, Suffered under Pon tius P ila te , W as cru

c ifi ed, de ad, and bu ried, He de sc ended into he ll ;

The third day he ro se aga in from the dead, He as

cended in to heaven , And sitte th a t the right hand

of God the Fa ther A lm ighty From thence he shall

come to judge the qu ick and the dead.

I believe in the Ho ly Ghost ; The ho ly Ca tho lickChurch ; The Comm un ion of Saints ; The Forgiveness of sins ; The Re surre c tion of the body ; Andthe Life everlasting . Am en .

question . W hat do st thou chiefly learn in theseArticles of thy B elief

.dnswer . First, I learn to be lieve in God the F a

ther , who hath m ade m e , and a ll the world.

Secondly, in God the Son , who hath redeem ed

m e , and a ll m ankind .

Thirdly, in God the Ho ly Gho st, who sanc tifi e th

m e , and a ll the e le ct people of God .


€thates ttion

You sa id, that your Godfa thers and Godmo thersdi d,i

prom ise fop you , tha t you shou ld keCo inm andm ents . T e ll'm e how m any th ere



An swer . Ten .

question. W hic h be they

Team a W hic t odtspake tin the twentieth Ghapter,of Exodu s , say ing, I : am the Lord thy God jwhobreughwhee Out of the L andr of Egypt: and out ; ofthe ho use ogb_

ondage .

1 The}! sheltzhave; sanagwhea godsxbutzma .

II, , Thoush altgnotm ake to thyse lĥ'

anyg rave n im

age ,, tiel ;,the likeness ot} any thingf tha tĝ is ingheavent

abpye, earthi benea th, Ol'

r l l tha wa terrundei :

the earth, Thou sha ltgnot how down; to them, nor

W sĥip them: fgn Irthe l lso rd thy .Godaam a jealousq , andw is it the fsins of the fa lhBTS tupOfl the t children , unto the th ird a nd fourth generation of themthet hste : m e , alt Shŝ W t merey unte thousands i n

thĝ l tloyŝ met alandaktŝ ŝ pemys commandment“,

III . Thou shalt no t take the N a tne t of; the Itord

thy; Godl in evi i i lhh fŝl l'

rl lkee_not t h( l ldi him

gal ltlss s tha t. ; taketh i ns N flmŝ j m,

; vain, .

1,t Remembst fthstatha ts keep .holyuthe . Sabbath

Six t days, , shalt, thou lĥtbOl l lf,L HI,ldf do ,a lli thatt

hat,—nhe sewenth day, lis—.theaSabhath tG od . In it thou sha lt de 1110 ! mane.


SHdĝouh nene teyesa ta se ne sha esag'

ĥnekosseraweye sarhqra tstou

vh,ne ea serighweahawake ne N iyoh

tsin ihorighwadatouh Takrory kady to nahuikouhĵ

e . Oyery .,


ne anehe

E a tyerig hwaserakoh .

N e shakat nenaho tea ne N iyoh rodady ne te

waghsheahadont Ts iyo ter ighwa tahsawe ne Exodus,rawea , 1111 ne Royaner San iyoh , ne koeyadinekea

houh i ts iwa touhweatsya te ne Egypt, saya ke aouhvnetsikanouhso te m e ts iyo edatena sko enya tha ;

I . Toghsa oya N iyohokouh aesay eadake neok"

ne i ih .

II . Toghsa asada tyaghdoen ihsero enye a , sh

o thenouh taoesaliyta tyerea nene enekea karouhya

kouh , ne teas eghtake oughw ea tsyakouh , net ea s : ogh

nekakouh . onako uh zne oughwe a tsyake . Toghsa ne

tesadontsho thas , ne a ser ighwahnekew r ike a aIIh ne

Ak yaner San iyoh xwahenoshea N iyoh , DGO fl i i ealehenadaghrenawy M ,m d irighwa neraaxhera ne roewa i

dighn iha ne sshakodiyeaokoee h'

, tsin iyo re—ne

hadont neon i kayerihadon t tsiwahaghwa tsiradatye c

nene yonksweaghse ne i ih ; neon i eakhenaghdoehahse eam deareghtshera ;we anyawe eghserouh nene

yoekenorop ghgwha ne i ih, neoni yerighweahawe ne

akerighwisa ŝ hfŝ hera .

ILI. Toghsa Egh tsheanayesat ne Roya ner Sem

ikea' v

ne Royaner yga'

gh teyaw e t' egh


tsiahoyena ne yagh tha—hor ighwa ste an ire. ne“ R

seana eeha tsll aw e anoryaghte .,

IV . Seghyarak sead'


okeaglitistohath . Yayak n iweghn iserake e asayoghtea , neon i

eeghseweyeaneadane—agw eko uh

rtsin isayea tsineagh

sa tĵ ere y nok ne tsyadakhadon t. IĉeaĴgh'

weade ne


ner of wo rk , thou , and thy son , and thy daught er ,thy m an - servant , and thy m a id - servan t, thy ca ttle ,and the s trange r tha t is w i th in thy ga te s . F o r


ips ix days the Lo rd m ade heaven and e arth, the _sea ,and a ll tha t in them is , and re sted the seventh

day W herefore the Lo rd b lessed the seven th day ,and hallowed it .

V . Honour thy fa ther and thy m o ther , that thydays m ay be long in the land which the Lord thyGod give th thee .

VI. Thou shalt do no m urder .

V II . Thou sha lt no t comm it adultery.


V III . Thou sha lt no t stea l.

IX . Thou sha lt no t bear false witness aga inst

thy n e ighbour .

X . Thou shalt no t cove t thy n e ighbour9s house ,

thou shalt no t cove t thy ne ighbouf s w ife , nor his

servan t, nor his ma id, nor h is ox, nor h is ass , nor

any thing tha t is h is .

question .

W hat dost thou chiefly learn by the se Comm and

m en ts

Answer . I learn two th ings my duty towards God,and my du ty towards my N e ighbour .

question . W hat is thy duty towards God

Answer . My duty towards God, is to believe inh im , to fear him , and to love h im W ith a ll my heart,

3361 A' CA'


witln a ll my m ind, w ith ca ll my'

so ul, and w ith t ai lzmy} .

s trength“

; t'

o wo rsh ip h im ,. to:

gi ve him '

than ks;to i pu t

—.my wh o le tru st in h img, t0 fca ll upon lnm ; to

honour ' h l s ho ly N am e and ,hisaW ond, fHKlHXD SB l'NB

him xtru ly: a ll th e days o f my: life .

ĝ uestion : W hat , isg thy' du ty

f toward s: thy“ N eighĉ

- w

hour ?

Answers My duty towards my"

N e ighbour'

, 18 to

love himeasnmyself, andi to—dm to all m en ;, aS


I W ou ld


shouid ido'

un tonn e Tso love , honour , .and) suc

cour my father and m o ther : To honour and obey“

the Oue en , and a ll tha t are put in authority und'


her To t subm i t'

,myself: tm a ll my governou rs , te ach

e rs , spir itu al pastors a nd m asters :'

Do order myselflowdy, and . revere ntly to rall my be tters


Fo hurti no

body by word o r deed To be true and' just in all *


deal ingi z Tro bear.


* m alic e nor hatred = in myhe artv: To keep m y handsf rom pi cking .and:stea lingg.

m imyrtongue from w i l—speaking, lying, and tslan - w

der ing Tooke ep my body in ztemperanc egs obernes s ,and chasti ty : N o t to cove t nor desire o the r m en ŝ ŝ

goods but to learn and labour truly to ge t m ine

own living, and to domy duty in tha t sta te of life ,un to

'w lfieh'

it t shalFplea se'God l to


e a ll me .


haghn ihsheke , neon i e ah inorouhgwhake agw e ryagh

sagwekouh , aken ikouhragwekouh , agwadoenhe ts

heragwekouh , n eon i ake sha tsteaghseragwekouh ;eahikoenyeasthake , eahiya to uhro en iheke , egh ok

noewe eawaka tewe ano taghkouh raouhha tsherakouh ,

yeah irouhye aharhake , un ckoenye a sthake ne Rao

seanadokeaghty neon i ne Raowe ana , n e on i eah i

yo te aghseheke tokea ske raouhha eghn iseragwekouh

t s ineawe eako enheke .

Ye r . N aho te a n e ts in isa ter iho ete t si noekady ne

T e tsye anouhsan eke a

E a tye .


T s in iwakater ihoe te ts ino ekady ne' Te ya

kyeanouhsanek ea , ne egh ne ah inorouhgwhake tsini:

youht ne yatekyady, neon i egh nea khe yatyerase

agwekouh ne oegwekouh , Ts in ike re ts i ne IIh na

yoegwa tyerase : Eakheno rouhgwhake , e akhekoe

nyeasthake , neon i eakheyenawa seheke ,raken iha neo

n i isteaah : Eakhekoenye a s thake n eon i e akeweana

raghgwhake ne Kako raghkowah , neon i agw eko uh

lie ronate riho etouh onakouh ne aouhha : Eakheyathoe tatiheke agwekouh neyo ekerighw agwadagw ea

n is , shakodir ihOenyean is , radi ts ihusta ts iho kouh , ne

on i radiyatagw en iyose : T sineawaka tatyerea egh

take ewaka ta toen ihake neon i e akhenorout ea

agwekouh ne s'

e aba yakoyanere tsin iyouht ne i ih

Yagh oughka thakhekarewaghte oweanake ne teas

a teweyeanake : Un tkerighwayerike agwekouh tsi

noewe na te awakerihoe toeke : Yagh theawatake ne

kan aghgwhea sera ada tsweaouh teasheawea ne

agweryaghsakouh : Eaken iko erarake ne kesnoeke

ne yag h thataakhegwe a akheneaskoh , neoni"


keanaghsake yagh yodaxhe ah thakada tya thake,aoekenoeweahake , neoni kako e



atouh adateweano

taouh : Eakcnikoerarake ne kyeroeke untkarighw'


yerike , easewakattokea ĥ neon i'

eaW akada te'


ett 3

toeke Yagh thakhenosha ne teas ne a'


3 18 A CATECH I SM .

Ca techist.

My good Ch ild, know this , tha t thou art no t able

to do these things o f thyse lf, nor to walk in the Comm andm en ts o f God, and to serve him , w i thout his

specia l grac e ; which thou m ust le arn a t a ll tim e s

to ca ll for by dilligent prayer . L e t m e hear there

fore , if thou canst say the Lord's Prayer .

Answer .

OUR Father , wh ich art in heaven , Hallowed be

thy N am e . Thy kingdom com e . Thy w ill be done

ln earth , As it is in heaven . G ive us th is day our

da ily bread. And forgive u s our trespasses , As we

forgive them that trespass aga inst us . And lead us

no t into tempta tion But de liver us from evil. Amen .

question . W hat desirest thou of God in this Prayer

Answer . I desire my Lord God our heavenly F ather, who i s the giver of a ll goodne ss , to send his

grac e unto m e , and to a ll people ; that we m ay wor

ship him , serve him , and obey him , as we ought to

do . And I pray un to God, tha t he w ill send us a ll

320 *A

things tha t{he ne edful bo th for our '

so trls and bodi es ;a nd tha t h e will b e m e rc i fu l unto us, and forgive us


o ur sins ; and tha t i t will please h im to save f

an d d ei

feed us in 'a ll dangers _:gho stly and bo dily ;he w i ll ke ep us ffrom a ll sin and wi cke dne s s , and fromour gho s tly enemy, and from everlasting dea th :

And th is I trus t he W i ll do o fn

h is m ercy and good

ne ss , through our Lord Je sus Chr ist . And therefore

I say , Am en , So b e it.


.Ĥbw many Sei ĉ ran'

l ents hath Christ

h is ChurchAnswer. Twe bhly


, as geherttllyneĉeŝ saryee salivation, that is to say, Baptism, and the Ŝ hpper


hfthe Lara.

question. W hat n eshest theu'

53% thi'

s wefa* Ŝ ii—ibrament



$iuer . I mean ah outward and visible ŝ i'

gn ofaninward and spiri tual grace given un to us , ordaifi



by Chri st himself,"

as a means Whereby we reĉeivethe sam e , and a pledge to a ssu


re us thereof.


ewioh . Hee“

many parts are there ifi sw : .


neo n i a tsh itewaweanaraghgwhake , nene tsinayo e

gwayere a . N e c h i Riya tere anayeanis , ne N iyoh ,nene aoe tasho egwa te anyeghtea agwekouh tsinaho

te ashouh nene teyo touhwe atsyohouh te tsyarouh ne

o egwadoenhe tsne n eon i ne tewayeroeke ; neon i

nene ashoegweate are , neon i aoesashoegwarighw i

yostea ne o egwar ighwaneraaxheraokouh ; neon i

n ene egh naoetahanoewen e ne asho egwanhe neon i

ashoegwayadanoesdate ne agwekouh tsinateyote

ryeagh thara kan ikouhrake neon i ne oyeroe take ; neon i nene ashoegwayatoe takoh agwekouh tsinoewen ikarighwanerea neomi wahe tkeaokouh , neon i ne

kan ikouhrake sho egwa swe aghse , neomi ne tsin iyeaf

he awe ke aheyouh . N eon i kea iekea ne wakatew eano taghko uh ne egh neahayere ne ts in ihon iteareskouh ne c h i royanere , ne raorihoenyat Shoegwayauer Jesus Christ. N eon i ne wahoeny kadouh ,Amen , Etho nayawea .

Yerig hwanoedouh.

To n ikouh ne (Sacram enthokouh) ne _Christrorighwada touh ne RaonouhsadokeaghtitsherakouhE a tye . Tekeny ok ne yeyogwektouh teyo touh

weatsyohouh ne adusheanyeghtsherake ; n ene ayaierouh , Adatnekosserhouh, neon i ne Yokaraskhakakouh ne Royanerne .

Yer . N aho tea tsitouh ne kea iekea oweana ne

(Sacram ent

E a tye . N e kitonh ne a tste noekadighkouh neoni

yontkaghtho s ne wadenyeadeas touh ne onakouh noekady neon i kan ikouhrake keadeara t, yonkh iyawy,rorighwada touh ne Christ yadehayady , ne tsin ityo terighwinouh ne eadewayena nene shaka t, neon i neeawatkaranoena ne orighw iyoh eayoekyoenyea .

Yer . To. nikouh tekakhasyouh ne keaeah ne (Sa

c ram en t



Answer . Two ; the o utward vis ible s ign , and the

lnward spiritual grace .

question . W hat is the outward visible sign or formin B aptism

An swer . W a ter ; where in the person is baptizedIn the nam e of the F a ther, and of the Son , and of theHoly Ghost.

question . W ha t is the inward and spir i tual grace ?

.Hnswer . A death - unto sin , and a new b irth unto

righteousness lor be ing by na ture born in s in , and

the children of wrath , w e are hereby made the chil- zdren of grace .

question . W hat is requ ired of persons to be bapt ized

.dnswer . Repentance , whereby they forsake sin ;

and Faith , whe reby they ste adfastly be lieve the prom ises of God m ade to them in that Sacramen t.

qu estion . W hy then are Infante baptized, whenby reason of the ir tender age they c annot perform

them ?

Answer . B ecause they prom ise them bo th by the ir

Sure ties ; wh ich prom ise , when they c om e to age ,them selves a re bound to perform .

questi on .

W hy was the Sacramen t of the Lord'sSupper orda ined

Answer . F or the con tinual rem embrance of . the

sacrifi ce of the death of Christ, and of the benefi ts

which we , rece ive thereby.


question . W ha t is the outwa rd part or sign ofthe

Lord's Supper ?Answer . B read and W ine , wh ich the Lord ha th

commanded to be rece ived .

question . W hat is the inward part, or th ing'

s ign ified

Answer . The Body and B lood o fChrist, wh ich areverily and indeed taken and rece ived by the fa ithfu lin the Lord's Supper .

question . W ha t are the benefi ts where—of we are

partakers thereby ?Answer . The strengthenm g and refresh ing of our

soulsby the Body and B lood of Christ, as our bod ies


hy the B read and W ine .

qu estion . W ha t is required o f them who com e to

the Lord's Supper ?


Answer . To exam inex

them selves, whe ther theyrepen t them truly of the ir form er sins , stedfastly

purposing to lead a new life have a live ly fa i th inGod9s m ercy through Chr ist, w ith a thankful rem em

brance o f h is death ; and be in charity w ith allmen .


Ye n N aho tea ne a tste noekadighkouh ne wate

nyeadustouh ne Yokaraskha kakouh ne Royanerne

Kanadarok neon i Oneaharadasehouhts

nenaho tea ne Royaner rorighwada touh ne

eayeyenaghsheke .

Yer . N aho tea ne onakouh noekady tsiniyo tyerea


E atye . N e Rayeroeke neoni Raonegweaghsa ne

Christ, nenaho tea ne tokeaske neoni orighw iyoh ne

teyeghgwha neoni yeyenas ne tyakaweghtahkouh neYokaraskha kakouh ne Royaner tsherakouh .

Yer . N aho tea ne tsin iwatsheano enyaghsera ne

egh n i tewe se tsitewayenas ne keakayea

E a tye . N e yoshatsda t is neon i yodakaridatstha ne

o egwado enhe ts ne Rayero eke neon i Raonegweaghsa ne Christ, tsin iyouh t ne tawayeroeke n e kanadarok neon i oneaharadasehouh tsherakery .

Yer . N aho te a waterighwanoe touh ne akaouhhakene egh waakawenouhdoeha tye ne Yokaraskha kakouh ne Royanerne

E a tye . a oedatkaeayouh ya teyeyady, tokat tsyakodatrewaghtouh tokeaske ne tsm oedaweghte akorighwaneraaxheraokouh , yoghn irouh yoedaten ikoer_

isaas ne eayakosharine ne a se ts ieayakoenhekeeayakoyeatake ne yoenhe tsihouh teweghtahkouhne N iyohtsherakouh tsironideareskouh ne raorihoenyat Christ, teayoeteanouhweroeheke eayakawegh

yahragweaniheke ne raweaheya t ; neoni eayoedatenorouhgwhake agwekouh ne oegwehokouh .



on LA'


AN D come


Upah the day appoint ed, a ll that c'


e to be then mw m, being

placed, and standing in order, before the B ishop ; he (or some

other Mm ister appointed by him) sha ll read this P rĝfacefo'

lloweng .

O the end tha t Conĥrm atlon may be m in istered

to the m o re ed ify ing of such a s shall re ce ivee Church ha th though t good to o rder That

none hereafter sha ll be Confirm ed,_

bu t suc h as c an

say the Creed, the L o rdts Prayer a nd the T en Com

m andm en ts and c an a lso answ er to such o ther

questions , as in the shor t Ca tech ism are contained ;W hic h order IS Very conven ient to be observed ;the end, that children , be ing now c om e to the yearsof discre tion , and having le arned wha t the ir Godfathers and Godm o the rs prom ised for them m Baptism ,

they m ay them se lves , w ith the ir own m ou th and con

sen t, openly before the Church , ra tify and conti rm

the sam e ; and a lso prom ise , tha t by the grace of

God they w i ll eve rmore ende avour them se lves fa i th

fully to observe such th ings , as they , by the ir own

confession , have a ssented u n to .


'lT Then sha ll the B ishop say,

Do ye here , 111 the pre senc e of God, and of th is

congregation , renew the solem n prom ise and vow

that was m ade in your n am e at your Baptism ; ratil

fying and confi rm ing the sam e in your own persons ,and a cknowledging yourselve s bound to be lieve , andto do , all tho se things , wh ich , your Godfa thersGodmo thers then undertook for you

1l And every one sha ll audibly answer ,

I do .

The B ishop .

OU R he lp is in the N am e of the Lord

Answer . W ho ha th m ade heaven and earth .

B ishop . B lessed be the nam e of the Lo rd ;Answer . Henceforth , world w ithout end .

B ishop . Lord, hear our prayers.

Answer . And le t our cry com e unto the e .

The B ishop . L e t us pray .

ALMIGHTY and everliving God, who hast vouchsafed to regenerate these thy servan ts by W a ter and

the Ho ly Ghost, and hast given un to them forgivene ss of all the ir sins ; Strengthen them , w e bese echthee , O Lord, w ith the Holy Ghos t the Com fo rter ,and da ily increase in them thy m an ifold gifts




1l E thone ne Arighwawakhoukowa eahearouh,

( Ke aghkea ie sewese , raoheatouh ne N iyoh , neoni

ne kea tho tsiyako tkeanissouh , ase tsitsyoenyane tsi

n iyorighwakoenyea st karharatstouh neon i kaweanea

taonh ne sewaghseanakouh Tsiye t'



ewar igwahn irathe nene shakat ne yatesewayaghtis

ho uh , neoni sewa toe terese ne tsyouhha sewanerea

nene eadiseweghtahkouh , neoni egh neasewayere ,agwekouh tsinaho teashouh , nenaho tea ne Teye tshi

tase ne shesewa tnekosserawe teyakodateghgweany ne


1TN eon i niya teyah'

ouh ea tyerig hwahserakoh eagog hroe

Egh neakyere .

N e Arig hwawakhouhkowa .

N e o egwayenawaghtshera ne Raoghseanakouh ne

Royaner ;E a tye . N e raoen issouh ne karoeya neoni ne

oughw ea tsya .

Arig hw . Yodaskats ne Raoghseana ne Royaner

E a tye . Keagh yeyodaghsawe , tsiyouhweatsyate

yagh th iyaoedoktea .

.Hrig hw . Sayaner , tagwadahouhsadats ne oegwadereanayeant .

E a tye . N eon i kinyoh yeyagwaweanan iharan ne

ieseke .

N e Arig hwawakhoukowa . Dewadereanayea .

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh neon i tsin iyeaheawe

soenhe N iyoh , ne egh n idisanouhweouh ne ase sho

na toen iouh kea iekea shenhaseokouh ne Oghnekanosne nec h i ne Onikouhradokeaghtike , neoni she

yawy ne shona terighw iyosteany agwekouh ne

dirighwaneraaxheraokouh ; Shesha tsdat, wagweani


grace ; the spirit of W isdom and unde rstanding ; the

Spir it of counsel and gho stly strength ; the spir i t of

knowledge and true godliness ; and fill“

them , O

Lord, w ith“

the sp iri t of thy holy fear, now andfor ever. Amen.

Then all of them in order kneeling bef ore the B ishop , he sha ll lay his hand upon the head of every one

severa lly, saying .

DEFE ND, O Lord, th is thy Child [or this thy Servant] w i th thy heavenly gra ce , that he m ay continuethine for ever ; and da i ly inc re ase in thy Ho ly Sp ir it m ore a nd m ore , until he com e unto thy everlast

ing kingdom . Am en .

'Then sha ll the B ishop say,

The Lord be with you .

Ans. And w i th thy spirit.

1TAnd (a ll kneeling down) the B ishop sha ll add,

L e t us pray.

Om : F ather, which art in heaven , Hallowed be

thy N ame . Thy kingdom com e . Thy will be done

in e arth , As it is in heaven. G ive us th is day our :


ead. And forgive us our tre spa sses , As fwe

them that tre spass against us . And lead us

no t into temptation But deliver us from evil. Amen.

ll And this Collect.

ALMIGHTY and everliving God, who m akest =us

bo th to w ill and to do those th ings tha t he good and

acceptable un to thy dlvine Majesty W e m ake our

humble supplications un to thee for these thy ser

vants , upon whom (after the example of thy ho lyApostles) we have now la id our hands, to c ertifythem (by this s ign) of thy favour and grac ious good

ness towards them . L e t thy father ly hand, we beseech thee , ever be over them ; let thy Ho ly Spiri t

ever be w ith them and so lead them in the knowledge and obedience of thy W ord , that in the end

they m ay obta in everlasting life through our LordJesus Christ, who w ith thee and the Holy Ghost

live th and re igne th, ever one God, world w ithou t

end. Am en .

O ALMi GHTY Lord, and everlasting God, vouchsafe , we beseech thee , to direct, sanctify, and gov

ern , bo th our hearts and bodies , in the . W ays of thy


weatsyake tsion i n ityouht ne Karouhyakouh .

youh nc keagh weghnisera te ne n iyadeweghn iserake

o egwanadarok : N eon i toedagwarighw iyo stea ne

tsin iyoegwatswatouh , tsin iyouh t ne oekyouhha tsi

tsyakhir ighw iyostean is ne waonkhiya tswatea . N eo

n i toghsa tagwaghsharine t tewadadeanakeraghtoeke ;N ok toedagwayadakoh tsinoewe n iyodaxheah

Am en .

'll N eon i kea iekea Adereanayeant.

Seshatsteaghseragwekouh neon i tsin iyeaheawesoenhe N iyoh , ne so enis te tsyarouh ne oegwathoe

datouhtsherake neon i tsinayagwayere'

tsinaho teas

honh nene —ayoyanereke neon i ayonouhwehtouh ne

egh noekadighkouh Tsyadanorouhkowa ; W akyoenyne waagwadadoeneaghte wagwarighwanekea ne

ie seke ne raodirighwake ne kea iekea shenhaseokouh ,ne (waakhiyaneahawe ne Soegwedadokeaghtiokouh

Apostles ) wa tyakhiyean isnouhsarea noewa , waa

gwarighwagwatho ne ronouhhake (ne kea iekea

wadenyeadustouh) ne sanoewe t neon i seadearatne

tsinisayanere ne ronouhhake no ekadighkouh .

Kinyoh ne yesan iha sesnoeke , wagwean ideaghtea ,tsin iyaawe ne ahodirhorouh ne ronouhha kinyoh ne

ne San ikouhradokeaghty tsin iyaawe ne ahadigwe

kouhhatyesheke ; neon i n e ahonasharine ne ahadiyea

terhane neon i ahoe teweanaragwe ne Saweana , ne

ne tsiyaoedoktea ne ahadiyena ne tsiniyeaheawe

ahoeno enheke ne raorihoenyat Jesus Christ Shoe

gwayaner , ne sen igwekouh neon i ne On ikouhrado

keaghty roenhekouh neon i ro tsteristouh , tsin iyea

heawe uska t ne N iyoh , tsiyouhw ea tsyate yagh th i

yaoedoktea . Am en .

O Sesha tsteaghseragwekouh Sayaner , neoni tsi

niyeaheawe N iyoh , egh nao edaghsenoewene wa

gwean ideaghtea , asgwarighwagwarihsya se , asgwa


laws, and in the works of thy comm andmen ts that,

thro ugh thy m os t m igh ty pro te c t ion bo th here and

ever , we m ay be pre served in body and sou l through

our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen .

Then the B ishop sha ll bless them , saying thus,

THE B le ss ing of God Alm ighty, the Fa ther , theSon , and the Ho ly Ghost, be upon you, and rem ain

w ith you for ever. Am en .

'll And there sha ll none be adm itted to the holy Com

munion , until such tim e as he be confirmed, or be ready and desirous to be




F irst the B anns of a ll tha t are to be ma rried together must be pub.

li shed in the Church three severa l Sundays , dur ing the time of Mar.

ning Service, or of Even ing Servi ce, (if there be no Morning

Service,) immedia tely after the second L esson ; the Cura te sayingaf ter the accustomed manner ,

PUBLI SH the B anns of Marriage be tw een M . o f

and N . of If any of you know cause or

just impedim en t, why these two persons should not

be jo ined toge ther in holy _Matrim ony, ye are to de

clare it. Th is is the first [second, or third] tim e o f


And if the p ersons tha t are to be m arried dwell in

divers P arishes, the B anns must de asked in both

P arishes and the Cura te of the one P a rish sha ll not

solemn ize Ma trim ony betwix t them , withou t a Certifica te of the B anns being thrice a sked,f rom the Cura te

of the other P a rish.

At the day and tim e appointed f or solemnization ofMa trim ony, the persons to be m arri ed sha ll com e into

the body of the Chu rch with theirf riends and neig h

bours : and there standing tog ether , the m an on the



W A A K O N Y A K E .

Eatewatyereaghte ne yakonyakhe eakarihowanaghtouh ne Onouhsadokeaghtike aghsea N eayaweadadokeaghtane , tyolcea tsina he

ts ini .

kariioes ne Orhoeken e Adereanayeant neteas'ne Yoka ra skha ri de

reanayeant , (toka t yagh ne_Orhoekcne H ayoetereanoyeaĝ agwagh

neok eawa toekoghte ne teken ihadont Teyoedaderag hdeanitha ; ne

Ra ts ihustatsy ne ea hearouh tsim har ihot

AKERIHOW AN AGHTE n e Rodinyakhet'n in ihokea M . neon i Tokab

ne tsyouhha yakoderyea tare nayo terjghwa. ne teas ne yo ter ighwagwar ihsyo uh _

ts ina

uh , tsinakariho eny kea iekea teghn iyashe _ne

agh thiyadahoewadiyes te uskahne ne Onagwados

eaghtike , aesewa tro ry kady . Kea iekea ne toe

tye reagh te ( teken ihadon t, ne teas ag hseahadont) oeder ighwano etouh .

Ti N eon i tokah ne teg hnoegwe ne rodinyah'he akte

na tehnina /cere tsiniyore n iyoyenawakouh ne Shanou h

sado/ceag htitshera , tetsyarouhgwea noekady etikan:

g hwanoetoeke neon i ne R a tsihu sta tsy yag h teyawet

a shakotereanayeahase ne yag h theahoewadig hya touh

serawy ne ag hsea neahorihowana touh, ne Thiha tsihus

da te ne oya T'kanouhsado/ceag hty.

TTN ea ne weg hnisera te tsinoewe n ikana touh ne nea

E ahoewana tereanayeahase, ne teg hnoegwe ne rodi

nyakhe yeaghyadaweya te


ne raodearoshouh


rig ht hand , and the W om an on the lqct, the P riest

shall say,

DEARLY be loved , w e are ga thered toge ther here

In the sigh t o f God, and in the fa c e of this congre

gation , to_jo in toge ther this Man and th is W om an

in holy Matrim ony ; wh ich is an honourab le e state ,

institu ted of G od in the t im e o f m an9s inno c ency,

sign ifying un to u s the mystical un ion tha t i s be tw ixtChrist and h is Church ; which holy e state Chr ist a

dorned and be au tified wi th his pre sence , and first

m iracle tha t he wrough t, in Cana o f G a lile e ; and is

comm ended o f Sa in t Pau l to be honourable am onga ll m en : and therefore is no t by any to be en ter

prised, nor taken in hand , unadvisedly , lightly , or

w an ton ly ,to sa tisfy m en

*s c arna l lusts and appe tite s ,

like bru te beasts that have no understanding ; bu t

reveren tly , disc ree tly, advisedly, soberly , and in the

fear of God ; du ly considering the cau se s for wh ichMatrim ony was ordained .

F irst, It was ordained for the procreatiori ofbhil- sdren , to be brough t up in the fear and nurture of the

Lord, and to the pra ise o f his ho ly N am e .


Secondly, It wa s o rda ined for a rem edywagam st

s in , and to avo id fo rm c a tion ; tha t such pe rsons a s

have no t the gift o f cont inency m ight marry, and

keep them se lve s unde filed m em b ers o f Chrisf s body.



hi rdly, It was o rda ined for the m utua] so c ie ty,he lp , and com fo r t, that the one


o ugh t to have of the

o ther , bo th in pro sper ity and a dvers ity . In to whichho ly e sta te the se two persons present com e now to

be jo ined Therefo re if any m ange an shew any justc ause , W hy the y m ay no t lawfu lly be jo ined togethe r ,le t h im now speak , or e lse here after for ever holdhis pea ce .

m a rried , he sha ll say

I REnU IRE and charge you both, as ye wi ll answerat the dreadful day oŝ judgment W hen the se crets of

nll he arts sha ll be disc lo sed, that if e ither o f you

know any impedimen t,why ye may not be lawfu lly

joined togethe r in Matrimony, ye do now c onfess i t .

F or be ye we ll assured , that so many a s are coupledtoge ther otherwise than God

9s W ord doth a llow are

no t jo ined toge ther by God ; ne ither is the ir Matrimnny .



AKON Y AKE . 341

da ter ihoenyea eaho ewa tshanisheke ne Royaner ,neo ni ne e ayenea to uh ne Raoghseanadoke aghty .

Teke n ihadon t, tsikar ighwada touh nene o nouhgwa

e akeaha ke ne ka righwaneraaxherake , neon i ne tea

yakode ekoghtahgwe ne yenaghgi

wau' haĵ n ene egh n i'

yo egwe tode aghs e ne yagh teyo edada wy ne ayakoda teweyea toeke ayakonyake , neon i ayoeda ten ikoe

t arake ne yagh thayedaxha te tsiyeyada re ne Chr ist


ye ro eke .

Aghseahadont, Tsikar ighwada touh n ene te aghy'


ta tenikouhroriheke , teaghyada tyenawasehek e , neon i

teaghyada tgwatsteanihe ke, ne ne uska t sha teayogh

touh ne thiye te , te tsyarouh ne nea eaho naderaswi

yoste neon i ne eahonateraswaxha te . N e naho tea ne

o righwadokeagh tike tsin iyo eda to enhaye re a ke a iekea

teghniyashe keagh noewe noewa te ghya tyestane .

N e wahoeny oughkakiok ahagwe ny ashakonatoe

haghse o thenouh ne yo te righwagwarihsyouh tsina

yon hi touh , ne“

akari ho eny yagh orighwake tekea ne

ya tahoewadiyeste uskahne , kinyoh no ewa thada dy,kea te a skayea tsioghnakeake tsiniyeaheawe thade


N eoni , eashakoda tyase'

oni ne teg hnoegwe n'

e radia

nya /che , eahearouh,

W aken irighwanoe touhse neon i wackaro tea ne

senouhhake te sen itsyarouh, ase keagh tikakoe te

eadisen irighwaserakoh eaweghnisera teke wagh tero eouhke ne katsyeahayeaghtsherake neonea ne tsi

n iyo taghsehtannyouh agwekouh ne awerihokouh

eawa tgwa tho , nene tokah ok thikaw ean iyoh oughkane senouhha yako terye atare o thenouh ayonh itouh ,tsinaka rihoeny yag

h orighwake tekea tsiyadae tsyatyeste uskahne ne siyakonyax,


aesen irighwagwa tho

ki noewe onea . Ike a o'

tokeaduh . tsyadadoenyea fnene tsiniyakouh

ne teayoetyagli she te“

uskahne kea


.Ht which day of Marriag e , if any m an do a lledg e

and decla re any imp edim ent, why they m ay not be

coup led tog ether in Ma trimony, by God7s L aw , or

the L aws of this R ea lm and wi ll be bou nd, and sufj icient su reties with him , to the p a rties or else p u t in

a Cau tion ( to the f u ll va lu e of su ch cha rg es as the

persons to be m a rr ied do thereby susta in) to p rove his

a lleg a tion then the solem niza tion m u st be def erred,unti l such tim e as the tru th be tr ied .

'll If no imp edim ent be a lledg ed, then sha ll the Cu ra te

say un to the M an .

M . W I L T thou have th is W om an to thy wedded

w ife , to live toge ther after God9s ordinan c e in the

holy esta te of Ma trim ony ? W ilt thou love her,com fort her , honour , and ke ep her in sickness and

in hea lth ; and, forsaking a l] o ther , ke ep thee onlyunto her, so long a s ye bo th shall live ?

'li The Ili an sha ll answer , I w ill.

“ll Then sha ll the P riest say unto the W om an ,

N . W I L T thou have. th is Man to thy wedded hus

band, to live toge ther after God9s o rdinance in the

holy estate of Matr im ony'

? W ilt'

thou obey h im"



and serve h im, love , honour , and keep. him in sickness and in health and, forsaking a ll] o ther , keepthee only unto him , so long as ye bo th shall

,live ?

'l? The W om an sha ll answer , I will.

1l Then sha ll the Minister say,,

W ho give th this W om an to be married to this Man ?

i l Then sha ll they g ive their troth to each other in this

m anner .

The, M in ister , receivitg . the W oman a t her. f a ther's or

f riendis hands , sha ll cause the o il an with his rig ht

hand to take the W om an by. her rig ht hand, and to

say after him as f olloweth .

I M . take thee N . to my wedded w ife , to have andto ho ld from th is day forward, , for be tter for wo r

se ,

for r icher for poorer, in sickness and in hea lth , to

l_ove and to cheri sh , till death us do par t, a ccordingto God*s holy ordinance ; and there to I plight theemy tro th .


1l Then sha ll they loose their hands and the W om an ,

with her rig ht hand taking the Man by his r ig ht hand,

sha ll likewise say af ter the'

M inister .

I N . take thee—M . to my w edded hu sband, to haveand to ho ld from th is day forward, for be tter for

worse , for r icher for poorer , in sickness and in

health , to love , cherish , and to obey, till dea th us do

part, a ccording to G od9s ho ly ordinance and there

to I give thee my tro th .

'll Then shall they ag a in

loose their hands ; and the

M an sha ll g ive un to the W oman a R ing , layzng the

sam e up on the boole w ith the accustom ed du ty to the

P riest and Clerk. And'

the P riest, taking the R ing ,

sha ll deliver i t unto theM an , to pu t i t up on thefourth

fing er of the W om anls lĝft hand . And the M an

holding the R i ng there , and taught by the P riest,

sha ll say,

W ITH this Ring I thee w ed, w i th my body I theeworship, and w ith all my worldly goods I thee endowIn the nam e of the Fa ther , and of the Son , and of

the Ho ly Ghost. Am en .

Then the m an leaving the R ing up on thefou rthj in

ger of the W oman's lef t hand, they shall both kneel

down and the M in ister sha ll say,

L e t us pray .

0 ETERN AL God, Crea tor and Preserver o f a ll


mankind, G ive r of a ll spir itua l grace , the Au thor ofeverla sting life ; Send thy ble ssmg upon thes e thyservants , this m an and this wom an , w hom w e bless

in thy N am e tha t , as Isaac and“

Rebec c a lived fa ith

fu lly toge ther , so the se pe rsons may su re ly perfo rmand keep the !vow and covenant betw ixt them made ,

(winereoĥ this R ing given and : rece ived is a te ken.

and ple dge and m ay eve r rem a in ial perfect le vaand pe ac e toge ther , and live acc ording to thy lawsthrough Jesusp Christ our L ord i Amen .

Then sha ll the Priest j oin their r ig ht hands tog ether,and say,

Those whom God ha th jo ine d; toge the r let no ma n

put asunder .

Then shall the Minister spealĉ unto the peop le;

FORASMUCH as M i , and N . . have c onsentedztogeth

er int ho ly w edlock, and have W i tnessed the sam e

befo re God and, this company, and there to have givenand pledged the ir tro th e ither to o ther, and have de


c lared the sam e by giving and rece iving of a R ing,


by jo in ing of hands ; I'

pronounce that they beMan and


*Wei fe toge ther, In the nam e of the Father,

and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost“. Am en .


yadeweyea to uhs agwekouh'

ne o egwehokouh , She

yaw is agwekouh ne kan ikouhrake keade ara t, ne T i

sarihoeny ne ts in iye aheawe eayakoenheke ; Kashe


dea nye ghtea ne sada ska tshera nen ekea ne shen

hase , ke a ieke a roegwe neon i ke a iekea tyo thoewisea,ne yakhliyadaderi stha ne Sagh seanakouh nene ts



n iyouht ne Isaac neon i Rebecca tsiteghnoenhegwe

thon eghtahkoene uskahne , shadayaw ea ne ke akayea

teghnoegwe an irighwayerite beoni an ir ighweahaw ake ts inaghn iweane adan e neon i wan irighw issa ne

t*n in ihoke a , (nenaho tea kea iekea Ean isnouhsawy

yaoeda touh neon i tayeyena n e waka tokea s taghgwe

neon i on tkaranoena ,) neon i yadahona tko e tha se ne

tsin iyaawe tayadadenoro uhgwhake neoni skeanea


an igwekouh , neoni ts itanoenh eke ne ao e tayoya

neaha ne tsin isar iho te a ; ne raorihoenya t JesusChrist Shoegwayaner. Amen.

'ii E thone ne Ratsihusta tsy yadeahayeste ne tsin iwe

yeateg htahlcouh n isnoe/ce uskahne, neon i eahearouh,

Kinyoh oughka ne N iyoh yadashakoyeste ushah

ne , yagh ne o egwe thadaoes ayekhasy .

E thone ne Rats ihustatsy eashakodatyase ne


Ikea ts inikouh ne .M ._neoni N . tahoneryeaghtiyoh

uska hne onagwadokeaghtike , neon i ne o ederighwanoenahgwe ne raohea touh ne N iyoh neoni ne keaiekea ke a tyoghgwake , neon i egh noew e n

kawe neon i ne wa tyadatkaraye a taghgwe

neghtahkouh , neon i ne shaoriw a t ontrorytou h '

neoni tayeyena ne Ean isnouhsawy,

yatniyeste ne n isnoeke ; W akheyada tyase t,nene

keakayea ne Roegwe neoni Rone uskahne, N eRaghseanakouh ne Ran iha , neoni ne Roewayea ,neoni ne On ikouhradokeaghty . Am en .


?i And the .Minister shall add this B lessing .

GOD the Fa ther , G od the Son, God the Holy Ghost,

b less, preserve , and ke ep you ; the Lord m erc ifullyw i th h is favour look upon you and so fill you w i tha ll sp iri tua l benedic tion and grace , tha t ye m ay so

live toge ther in th is life , that in the world to com eye m ay have life everlasting. Am en .

'lT Then the M inister or C lerks, g oing to


the L ord is

Table , sha ll say or s ing this P sa lm f ollowing .

B ea ti omnes . Pse l. 128 .

BLESSED are a ll they tha t fear the Lord and walkin his ways .

F or thou shalt ea t the labour of thine hands : O

we ll is thee , and happy shalt thou be .

Thy w ife*shall be as the fru i tful vine : upon

q thewa lls of th ine house ;

Thy children like the Olive—branches round aboutthy tab le .

L O , thus shall the m an be blessed that feare th theLord .

The Lord from ou t of S ion sha ll so bless theethat thou sha lt see Jerusalem in prosperity a ll thylife long ;

SOLEMN I Z ATION OF M a rnm onv t

Yea , that tho u sha lt see thy children 's c h ildren

and peace upon Isra e l.

“ G lory be to the Fa ther, (ĵ—c .


As - it was in the beginning, tĵ'

c .

The P salm ended , and the Al an and the W om an

.!kneeling before the L ord? Table , the Priest stau


d a

ing a t the Table , a nd turn ing his f a ce towa rds them,

sha ll say,

Lord, have m ercy upon us .

Ans . Christ, have m ercy upon u s .

M in . Lord, have m ercy upon us.

OUR Father , W h ich art in heaven , Hallowed be

thy N ame . Thy kingdo m com e : Thy w ill be do ne

in earth , As it is in heaven . G ive us th is day our

da ily bread. And forgive us o


ur tre spasses , As w e

forgive them that trespass aga inst us . And lead us

not into temptation But deliver us from evil . Am en .

Min . O Lord, save thy servant, and thy handm aid

Ans . W ho put their trust in thee .

Min. O Lord, send them help from thy holy place;


Etho , nene asa tkagh tho n c sheyeaokoeah yeseshakodiyeaokoeah : ne on i kayanerea akarake ne

Israe l.Oeweseaghtakshera naah ne Ran iha , neon i ne

ROewayea : neon i ne On ikouhradokeaghtyE a tye . Tsin iyogh toene ne adaghsawahtsherakouh ,

egh n iyouh t noewa , neon i tyutkouh ne . eakeahakets iyouhwea tsyate yagh th iyao edokte a Am en .

'll N e Teha r ig hwagwiitha nea eawado/ctea , ne R oegwe

neon i ne Tyothoew isea teaghyadontshotea ohea touh ne

Tszyeyadara stha , ne R a tszhustatsy Ategwharag htshe

r_alcta ,eaha take , neon i eg h neaha tyerate ronbuhhake , .

eahearo uh,

er, tagweadearhek.

Chr ist, tagweadearhek.

Sayaner , tagweadearhek .

Shoegwan iha Karouhyakouh teghsiderouh , W a

gwaghseanadokeaghdiste ; Sayanertsherahweghte Tsineaghsereh e gh


neayaweane ne ougweatsyake tsion i n ityouht ne Karouhyakouh . Tak

youh no keagh weghnisera te ne niyadeweghn iserakeoegwanadarok N eon i to edagwarighwiyostea ne

ts in iyoegwatswatouh , tsin iyouh t ne oekyouhha ts itsyakhir ighw iyostean is ne waonkhiya tswatea . N eo

n i toghsa tagwaghsharinet tewadadeanakeraghtoeke;N ok toedagwayadakoh tsinoewe niyodaxheah .

Am en .

R a ts i . O Sayaner , sheyadanouhsda t ne eghtshenhase , neoni ne senha se ;B a iye . N e egh ronateweanotaghgwea iese tshera

kOllh .

R iztsi . O Sayaner, kasheyadeanyeghtea l le—kaye

nawaghtshora ne sa touhweatsyadokeaghtike ;


Ans . And evermore defend them .

Min . B e unto them a tower of s trength ,

Ans . From the fac e of the ir enemy.

Min . O Lo rd, hear our prayer .

Ans . And le t our cry com e unto thee .

M inister .

0 Gon of Abraham , G od of Isaac , God of Ja cob ,bless the se thy servants , and sow the seed


of e terna]

life in the ir hearts ; tha t whatso eve r in thy holyW ord they sha ll profi tably learn , they m ay in deed

fulfil the sam e . Look, O Lord, m erc ifully uponthem from heaven , .

and bless them . And a s thou

dids t send thy blessing upon Abraham and Sarah,to the ir grea t c om fo rt, so vouchsafe to send thyblessing upon these thy servan ts tha t they obeyingthy w ill, and alway be ing in safety under thy pro

tec tion , m ay abide - in thy love unto their lives, endthrough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen .

Af ter which, if there be no Sermon declari ng the duties (y

“Man and W ife, the Minister sha ll read asfol“


AL L ye tha t are married, or tha t in tend to takethe ho ly esta te ofMa trimony upon you , hear wha t


the ho ly Scripture do th say as touch ing the duty of

husbands towards the ir wive s, and wives towards

the ir husbands .

Sa int Paul, in his Epistle to the Ephesmns, the

fi fth Chapter , do th give this comm andm ent to a ll

m arried m en ; Husbands , love your wive s , even as

Christ a lso loved the Church , and gave him se lf *for

i t, that he m igh t sanc tify and c leanse it w ith the

washing of wa ter , by the W ord that he m ight pre

sent it to him se lf a glorious Church , no t having spo t ,o r wrinkle , or any su ch thing ; bu t tha t i t should beho ly, and w ithou t blem ish . So ough t m en to lovethe ir w ive s a s the ir own bodies . He that love th hisw ife love th him se lf for no m an ever ye t ha ted h isown fle sh , bu t nourishe th and cher ishe th i t, eve



a s

the Lo rd the Church : for w e are m embers of h is

body, of his fle sh , and o f his bones . F or this causesha ll a m an leave h is fa ther and m o ther , and shall be

jo ined unto h is w ife and they two shall be one flesh .

Th is is is a great mystery ; but I speak con c ern ingChrist and the Church . N evertheless , le t every one

of you in particu lar so lOve h is w ife , even a s him se lf.


tike tsin iyoe ta toenhayerea ne Tsiyakonyax, sewa

roek c naho tea ne Kaghyadouhseradokeaghty wa touh

nene yeayorighwisahte ne tsin ihonaterihoe te ne radi

ts in tsinoekady ne rodine , neon i ne tyonatho ew isea

ts inoekady ne tekoedi terouh .

Royadadokeaghty Paul, Ts ishakoghyatoeny ne

Ephe s ians, ne w iskhadont Tsiyo terighvi atahsawe ,egh noewe n ishakorighwawy agwekouh ne yakonyakhouh ; Sewatsin, ye tsh inorouhgwh ak ne tese

wca terouh , ne shateyouhtoehak ne Chr ist tsin ihanorouhgwha ne Onouhsaddkeaghty, neon i ne ao righ

wake wahy rodadatkawea ne yadehaya ty, nene

aoesahayadadokeaghdis te neon i ao esaharakewaghtenene ao esoedenoh


are tahgwe ne oghnekanos , nene

Oweanake nene o eweseaghsera ne Onouhsado

keaghty tsinayoghto uh ne rao uhhake , yagh thayo tsistoghgwarake , ne teas ne t hayoghto eah , ne teas ne ogh

kiokĵ naho tea ne egh niyought ; nOk nene oyadado

keaghty akeahake , neon i yagh thayorake ne thiwahe tkeaah . Bgh kady nayoghtouh n e roenoegwe ts ias

hakodinorouhgwhake ne rodine egh nahodiyerea tsi

n iyouht nene ronouhha radiyeroeke . Raouhha ne

ranorouhgwha ne rone raoubha ki radadenorouhgwha ;ikea arekho noeweatouh ne roegwe nene ok raouhharaowarouh ne ahasweaghsheke , nok tehasnye neoniradakarida tstha , sha teyouht ki ne Royaner nok ne

ne Onouhsadokeaghty : ikea egh tewayadare ne ra

yeroeke , raowarouh , neoni ne raostyea. Ikea ne

eaka rihoeny ne roegwe eashakoyadoe ty ne rou ibaneon i ron isteaha , neon i ne yadeaghyatyeste ne rone ;neoni he teghn iyashe uskat yekea ne raodiwarouh .

N ene kea iekea kowanea yo teanh itouh nok ne W aktharaghgwea tsiniyo terighwatyerea ne Christ neonine Onouhsadokeaghty. N ok e thoneanehe , kinyohtsrniyatetsyouh egh n ihanorouhgwhak ne rone , tsin iyouht ne yatehayady.


L ikew ise the sam e S t. Paul, writing to the Co lossians, speake th thus to all m en that are m arr ied ;Husbands, love your w ives , and be no t b itter aga inst


them .

Hear also what Sa int Pe ter , the Apo stle of Christ,who wa s h im se lf a m arr ied m an , sa ith unto them tha t

are m arried ; Ye husbands , dwe ll w ith your w ives '

according to knowledge ; giving honour unto the

w ife , as unto the weaker Vesse l, and as be ing he irs

toge ther of the grace o f life , tha t your prayers beno t h indered .

H itherto ye have he ard the duty of the husband

toward the w ife . N ow likew ise , ye w ives , hear and'

learn your duties towa rd your husbands , even as i t

is pla inly se t for th in ho ly Scripture .

Sa int Paul, in the aforenam edEpis tle to the Ephe

s ians , te ache th you thus : W ives , subm it yourse lvesun to your own husbands , a s un to the Lord . F or :

the husband is the head of the W i fe , even as Christ

is the head Of the Church : and he is the Saviour ofthe body . Therefore as the Church is subject untoChrist, so le t the w ives be to the ir own husbands in

every th ing. And aga in he sa ith , L e t the wife see

that she reverence her husband.

And in his Epistle to the Colossi ans, Sa int Paul

give th you this short lesson ; W ives , subm it your


ielves unto your own husbands; as it is—{i t in the

o l d.

Saint Pe ter a lso doth instru ct you very well, thussaying ; Ye w ives, be in subjec tion to your own husbands ; that, if any ebey not the W ord , they also

may without the W ord be won by the conversationof the wives while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. W hose adorn ing, let _. itno t be th


at outward adorning of plaiting the hair,and of wearing of go ld, or of putting o n of appare l;but le t it be the h idden m an of the hear tf in that

which is not corruptib le y even the ornam en t of a

meek and qu iet spirit , which is in the sigh t of God

of great price . F or after th is m anner in the o ld

time the ho ly wom en a lso , who trusted in God,adorned them se lves, be ing in subjection un to the ir

own husba nds , even as Sarah obeyed Abraham , calling him lord ; whose daughters ye are as long as ye

do well, and are no t afrai d W i th any am azem ent .

It is convenient tha t the new- married p ersons shou ld

receive the holy Communion a t the tim e of their

Marriage , or at thefirst opportun ity af ter their Mar

r ia'

g e.



teghtshisew a terahteany ; T isewa thoew isea , teye ts

hir ighwakane rak tsyouhha ne tesewea terouh asekea

egh nitkarighwayery ne Royanertsherakouh .

Royadadokeaghty Pe ter on i eghtsh isewan ikouh

rayeadahteany agwagh yoyanere , kean iyouh t ra

wea Tsyouhha ne tisewa thoew isea , egh sewar

hareghgwahtoehak ts inoekady ne tesewea terouh

nene , tokah oughkaok- ne yagh thayoe teweanaragh

gw e ne Oweana , yagh ne Oweana nok ne eayako

gweny tsi teyegh tharha ne yakonyakouh ; tsinahe

teyekanere sadaden ikoerare tsitestharha ok thate

yoghnane yako tterouhu Ts iayako tyaghtahsero eni

hake , toghsa nene a tste no ekady ne ayako tyagh

tahseroenya touh ne tayakodadenouhkeristouh , o tsi

negwar teas karistanorouh ayako tstouh , ne teas ne

tsinayakodataghgweanyayerea ; nok ne keahak tsi

no ewe n iyotaghseh touh ne oegwe ne akaweryan e ,nenahotea , tsinoewe ne yagh thaoehetkeane ; e tho

nene ayako teraghsestahgwea ne ayakon ikouhrane ts

khahake neo n i ayakon ikouhrayewea taouh , menabo

tea ne N iyohne noeka tsitehakanere yokaryaxhero

wanea . Ikea nene kea ieke a n iyouh t ne orighwa

kayouh tsiniyoghtoene ne odiyadadokeaghty tyo

na tho ew isea on i , ne egh yonateweano taghgwea ne

N iyohtsherakouh , ne yonatyagh tahseroenyatouh , ne

egh yodirhareghgwatouh tsinoekady ne tekoedite

rouh , e tho nene Sarah tsinihoweanaraghgwhagwe ne

Abraham ,rona toubgwha n e raouhha royaner ;

ne sewayeaokoeah ne tsyouhha tsin ikar iwes ne

easewa teweyeatouh , neoni yagh theasewaghte

roesbeke ne tsiok nahotea aesewaneghragwahtea .

Ti W atesheaniyoh nene ase eahodinyake ne aya tyadarea

ne orig hwa doke ag hty Tekarighwakehadont tsinoewe

ne nea E ahodinya lw , neteas ne eadewatyereag hte

eahona tesheaniyoghse ne nea Rodinya/couh .




i l W hen any person is sick, notice shall be given thereof to the Minister qf the P arish, who, coming into the sick person

's house, sha ll

EACE be to th is house , and to all that dwell

irl it .

'll W hen he com eth


into the sic/c m an's p resence he sha l l

say, kneeling down ,

REMEMBER no t, Lord, our in iqu ities nor the in i

quities of our forefa thers : Spare us , go od Lord,spare thy people , whom thou hast redeemed with

thy m ost precious blood, and be not angry wi th us

for ever .

Answer . Spare us , good Lord .

Then the Minister sha ll say,

L et us pray .

Lord, have m ercy upon us .

Christ, have m ercy up on us .

Lord, have m ercy upon us .

OUR Father, which art in heaven , HaHowed bethy N am e . Thy kingdom com e . Thy will be done

in e arth , As it is in heaven . G ive us this day our

da ily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we

forgive them that tre spass against us . And lead us

no t into temptation But deliver us from evil. Amen .


Min . O Lord, save thy servant ;

Ans .

“W hich putte th his trust in thee .

Min . Send him help from thy holy place

Ans . And everm ore m ightily defehd him .

Min . L e t the enemy have no advan tage of him ;

Ans . N or the w icked approach to hurt him .

Min . B e unto him , O Lord, a strong tower

Ans . From the face of his enemy.

Min . O Lord, hear our prayers .

Ans . And let our cry com e unto thee .

Minister .

O L om ) , look down from heaven , beho ld, visit,and re lieve tnis thy servant. Look upon him with

the eyes Of thy m ercy, give him com fort and sure

conĥdence in thee , defend him frOm the danger ofthe enemy, and ke ep him in perpetual peace andsafety ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Am en



ĤTANY . 365

tsiniyoegwatswatouh , ts in iyouht ne oekyouhha lts ie

tsyakhirighwiyostean is ne waonkhiyatswatea . N em

ni toghsa tagwaghsharinet tewadadeanakeraghtoeke ;N ok toedagwayadakoh tsinoewe niyodaxheah .



Ra tsi . O Sayaner , eg htsyadanou hsda t ne eg htshen

ase ;

E a tye . N enahotea ne egh rodeweanotaghkouhz' ie

se tsherakouh .

eg htea ne kayenawaghtshera

ne sa touhwe atsyadokeaghtike

Ea tye . N eon i tsin iyaawe ayosha tste ke a tsyadas

nou hsdatoeha tyesheke .

Ra tsi ._

Kinyoh ne roewasweag hse toghsa roewa tya


ŝueniyost ne raouhha

a tye . N eteas ne yagh tetyerighwayery ne ya

yoe teraneadakte ne ahoewakarewag hte .

R a tsi . N e keahak n e raou hha , O Sayaner , ne

yonouhsaghn irouh kashatsteak ,'

E a tye . Tsinoew e n ihadikouhsoete"

ne roeums

weag hse .

R ats i . O Sayaner tagwadahouhsadats ne Oegwa

dereanayean t.'



E a tye . N eoni kinyoh yeyagwaweanan ihar an ne

ieseke .

Ra tsihusta tsy

O Sayaner , kasatkaghtho ne tsitkarouhya te ,“


kaghtho , eg h'

tshena tarena s , n eon i eg htsw i sharahoh

kea iekea eg htshenhase . Eg htsha thag htho ne shegh-f

teke ne yonideareskouh , eg htshoewesat neon i or ighl

w iyoh roteweanotag hlcoehah ne iese tsherakouh ,'

eg htsa

yadanouhsda t ts inoewe tsina teyo teryeathara: ne

m ewasweag hse , neon i ok


raorihoenyat Jesus Chri


HEAR us, A lm igh ty _a_.nd mo st m erc ifu l


God *


Saviour ; extend thy ac custom ed goodness t_o. this

thy servant who is grieved w ith s ickness . Sanctify,we beseech thee , th is thy fa therly correction to himthat the sense of his w eakness m ay add s trength tto

his fa i th , and seriousness to his repen tan ce ; Tha t ,i f it shall be thy good pleasure to resto re him to his

form er hea lth , he m ay lead the res idue of his life in

thy fear , and to thy glory : or e lse , give him graceso t to take thy vis ita tion , that, a fter this pa inful life

ended, he m ay dwe ll w i th thee in life everlastingthrough Jesus Christ our Lord . Am en .

Ti Then sha ll the Min ister exhort the sick p erson afterthisf orm , or other like .

DEARLY beloved, know th is , that Alm ighty Godis the Lord Of life and dea th , and of a ll th i ngs to

them perta in ing, as youth , strength , hea lth , age ,weakness, and sickness . W here fore , whatsoeveryour s ickness is , know you certa in ly, that it is God


v isitation . And for wha t cause so ever this sicknessis sent unto you whe ther i t be to try your pa tiencefor the example of o thers , and that your faith m aybe found in the day of the Lord laudab le , glorious,and honourable , to the inc rease of glory and endless

felicity ; or else it be sent unto you\to correc t and

amend in_yon wha tsoever do th offend the eyes of

your .

_heavenly Father know you certa inly, that if

you truly repent you ofyour sins , and bear your s ickness patiently, trusting in God

's mercy, for his dear


Son Jesus Christis sake , and render un to h im


ble thanks for his fa therly visitation, subm itting.

yourse lf who lly unto h i s w i ll, i t shall turn to your,profit, and he lp you forward in the right way. that:leadeth unto everlasting life .

If the p erson vi s i ted be very s ic/c, then the

may end his exhorta tion in this p lace , or else proceed.

TAKE therefore in good part"

the chastisenient ofthe Lord : F or (a s Sa int Paul sa ith in the twe lfth .

Chapter to the Hebrews) whom the Lord love th hechastene th , and scourge th every son whom he rece i

ve th . If ye endure cha sten ing, God deale th'

w i th

you ,

as w i th sons for what son is he whom the fa

ther chastene th no t ? But if ye be W ithou t chastise

m ent, whereof a ll are partakers , then are'

ye bastards'


and no t sons . Furtherm ore , we have had fathe'


of our flesh , whichi

corrected us, and we gave themreveren ce : sha ll we no t much ra ther be in



e ction '

unto the Fa ther of spirits , and live“

? F or t eyĵverily for a


few days chastened u s after theiriOwn


; bu t he for our profit, tha t we—m ight


be '


ne oeweseaghtshera neoni yagh th iyeyodokte adoen

harak kea te askayea ne tayesa teanyegh tahgwea ne

waesa g hrewahte neon i aoesayesagw adakoh ne ogh

kiok naho tea easanhikOuh ts iteghyakan ere ne Yani

ha ne karouhyake saderyeatarak o tokeaouh , nene

tokab tokea ske easesada trewaghte ne sarighwane

raaxheraokouh , meon i easan ikouhka tsteke tsisanouh

waktany , easateweanotaghkouh N iyoh raonidearegh

tsherakouh , n ene raori hoenyat ne ronorouhgv'


Royeaah Jesus Christ, neoni raouhha yaa tsha tka

wea aesatatoeneagh touh tatshenouhweratocheke ne

tsiyana taghrenawy , egh aesadada tkaghwahtouh aoe

tayoghsaah touh tsin ihoriho tea, egh easewa tkareagh

ragwahte nene satsheanoenya t, neon i easayena

waghse ne yeasaderighwahdeatya se ne ttkar ighwa

yery tsiyohadatye nene easaghsharinehte ne tsini

yeaheawe easoenheke .


,Tolcah agwagh yoneghragwa t yakonouhwalctany ne

yeasha lcon adarenag hse, ethene ne R a tsihusta tsyeaha rig hohtahgwe ts ieashahog hretsya rou h kea iekea

teshya tag hsoetere , kea teaskayea ne yeahadea tyahte.

N e wahoeny ne yoyanere ne sadaderighwara

gwahtea ne ts iyaghsohgwawi shouhs ne RoyanerIke a (a sekea ne Royadadokeaghty Paul rawea ne

tekeny yawearehadon t Tsiyoterighwa tahsaw e ne

Hebrews) oughka ne Royaner ne shakonorouhgwhashakoghsohgwaw ishouhs , n eon i eashakonouhwareketsin iya tehady ne shakoyeaoko eah oughka ne casha

koyena . Tokab teasewarihosere ne kaghsohgwaw isatshera , N iyoh tsineaghtsh isewayeraghse ne

tsyouhha tsin iyouh tne oedatyeaokoeah ; ikea keghnoewe n iyoedatyeaah ne roewan iha nene yaghthashakoghsohgwawishoene ? N ok tokah yaghtheaye tshighsohgwaw ishouhsheke , neaki agwekouhne wa tisewada teghgwea , e thone ne w esewatouh


partakers of his holiness . These words, good bro

ther , are written in ho ly Scripture for our com fortand instruction ; that we should patiently, and wi th

thanksgiving, bear our heaven ly Father i s correction ,whensoever by anym anner of adversity it shall ple aseh is grac ious goodness to visit us . And there should

be no gre a ter com fort to Christian persons , than tobe m ade like unto Christ, by suffering pa tien tly ad

versities, troubles , and s icknesses . F or he h im self

went no t up to joy, but fi rst he suffered pa in he en

tered no t into his glory before he wa s crucified . So

truly our way to e ternal joy is to suffer here with

Christ and our door to e nter in to e terna] life is gladlyto die w ith Christ that we m ay r ise aga in from death,and dwe ll w ith h im in everlasting life . N ow there

fo re , taking your sickness, which is thus profi table .

for you , pa tien tly, I exhor t you , in the N am e ofGod,to rem ember the profe ssion wh ich you m ade unto

God in your Bapt ism . And forasmuch as after this

life there is an a c count to be given unto the right

eous Judge , by whom a l] m ust be judged, w ithoutrespec t of persons, I requi re you to exam


ine yourself and your e sta te , bo th toward God and m an ; so

that, accu sing and condemning yourself fo r yourown faults , you m ay find m ercy a t our heavenlyFa ther 9s hand for Christfs sake , and no t be ac cus edand condem ned in that fearfu l judgm ent . Therefore

I shall rehearse to you the Ar ticle s of our Fa ith ,tha t you m ay know whe the r you do beli eve as a

Chris tian man should , or no .

Here the Minister"

sha ll rehearse the ofrticles of the

F a ith, saying thus ,

DOST thou be lieve in God the Father Alm ighty,Maker of heaven and earth ?

And in Je su s Chri st his only—bego tten Son


Lord ? And tha t'

he was conceived by the H_

olyGho st, born of the V irgin Mary ; that he




yaghte ne Christ ; nene eatsitewa tke tskoh are ne

keaheyatne , neon i yeatsitewagwekouh ne raouhha

ne tsin iyeaheawe yea tyoenheke . N oewa newa

boeny, tsisanouhwaktany, ne egh n ityo terighwayeratouh sa tsheanoenya t ne iese , san ikouhka tstek , W a

kouhretsyarouh , ne Raoghseanakouh ne N iyoh , ne

seghyarak nenahotea tsin isaghsouh n e N iyohne

tsineasariho teahake ne Shasatnekosserawe . N eon i

ikea tsin ikouh wahy n e oghnakeahke ne kea tho tsi

yakoenhe eatyoedatkarodaghsyahse tsino ewe ne

ro terighwagwarihsyouh Ra tsyeahayeaskowah , ra

ouhhake agwekouh eayoeda ttsyeahaye a , untka

gwekte tsiok n iyoegwedo teaghse , W ako erighwanoe

touhse kady ne sadatkaeayouh ya teghsyady neon i

tsin ighsoenho tea , te tsyarouh tsinoekady ne N iyohnen eon i ne oegwen e ;


ne wahoeny ne iese ya tegh

syady sadaderighwaestea ts in isanhiserouh , eawatouh

ne ease tsheary ne ean idearegh tshera ne rasnoeke ne

Eghtshitewan iha ne karouhya ke nene Christ raorihoenyat, neoni ne yagh egh noewe thaoedayesa righwaestea neon i aoedayesateweadeghte ne nea

waghteroeouhke ne tsinateayoe ta tyadoregh te . N e

kady -wahoeny duntka tnahne ta n e ieseke Tsin iyoriwake ne Tyoegweghtahkouh , ne waho eny casate

ryeataraghne tokah nouhkea egh n iyouht tsitiseghtahkouh tsiniyouht ne Karighw iyostakne yeya tare ,neteas ne yaghtea .

1l Keatho ne R a tsihusta tsy nea ne duntha tnaneta neTsiniyoriwake ne Teweg htahlcouh, eahearouh,

T iseghtahkouh keagh ne N iyohtsherakouh ne

Raniha ne Agwekouh th ihashatste , Raoenissouh ne

karoeya neoni ne oughwea tsya

Jesus Christsherakouh ucok yekeaha ROyeaah . Shoegwayaner Thoyeaghtahkouh ne On ikouhradokeaghtike , Rodoeny ne yagh tekanagh


under Pontius P ilate , wa s c rucifi ed, dead and burie d;that he wen t down into hell, and also did rise again

the th ird day ; that he a scended in to heaven , and

sitte th a t the right hand o f G od the Fa ther Almighty and from thence shall com e aga in at the end

of the world, to judge the qu ick and the dead?

And dost thou believe in the Holy Ghost ; theholy C a tholic Church ; the Commun ion of Saints ; .

the Rem ission of sins the R esurrec tion o f the fleshand everla sting life after dea th ?

TiThe sich p erson sha ll answer,

All th is I stedfa stly believe .

WTThen sha ll the Minister exam ine whether he re

pent him tru ly of his sins , and be in char ity with a ll

the wor ld; exhorting him tof org ive ,f rom the bottom

of his heart, a ll p ersons tha t have of ended him ; and

if he ha th qf ended any other , to a sh them f orgi veness;and where he ha th done i nj ury or wrong to any m an ,

that he m ake am ends to the u tterm ost of his p owerAnd if he ha th not bef ore disp osed of hi s g oods , le


him then be adm onished to m ake his W i ll, and to de

clare his D ebts , what he oweth, and what is owingun to him ; f or the better discharg ing of his conscience,and the qu ietness of his Execu tors . Bu t m en shou ld

often be pu t in rem embrance to take orderfor the settling of their tempora l esta tes ,whi lst they are in hea lth.


1TThese words before rehearsed m ay be sa id before theMinister beg in his p rayer , as he shall see cause .

The Minister sha ll not“

om it earnestly to move such

sich p ersons as are of ability to be liberal to the poor.

Here sha ll the sick p e rson be m oved to m ake a sp ecia l

Corj ession of his sins , if hef eel his conscience trou

bled with any weig hty m atter . Af ter which Gouf ession , the P riest sha ll absolve him (if he humblyand

heartily desire it) af ter this sort.

OUR Lord Jesus Christ , who ha th left power to

h is Church to abso lve all sinners who truly repen t

and believe in h im , of his great m ercy forgive thee

thine Offence s : And by h is authori ty comm itted to

to m e , I absolve thee from a ll thy sins, In the N am e

of the Father and of the Son , and of the Ho ly Ghost .


ne tsishahoh'arotoeny ne raouhha ; ikea nea seaha

wa tesheaniyoh ne nea eahawishara lcoh ne tsira tto

ka tha , neon i ne eashakoyeweathose n e E ahoewa te

r ig hwa tsteris tahse . N ok ne oegwehokouh yotka te

ayoeta teg hyahrahg—tveanihelce nene tsinahe yakotaka

rite ayerighwahseroeny tsin iyakoyea ne oug hwake .


N e R a tsihustatsy yag h tha tahadawea ra te tsinedha

gweny ne ea shakottoka tea ne yakonouhwa lctany nene

yahogwenyatsherayea ne aoedayoeta terig hwayeritshene yakodeant.

1TK ea tho ne ronouhwa lctany ne eahoewayoryanerou h

gwe ne tsikayatagweniyoh ne Ahadoeterene ne rao

rig hwaneraaxheraolcouh, tekah ne tsiyeha ttohas ne

tsira ttolcatha tehon iltoerharha othenou h ne yorig hf

wax ie . Tsioghnalceahhe ne nea E ahodoetereg h

gwea thouh, ne R a tsihusta tsy eashoroegwea (tokahroda toeneag htouh neon i raweryane tsine rarig hwah

nehha ) kea iekea n iyouht eayog hserehte .

Shoegwayaner Jesus Christ, ro tyouh ne kasha ts

teaghsera Raonouh sadokeagh tike ne eatsyoeda te

roegwea agwekouh ne yakorighwaneraaxkoehokouh

ne tokeaske eatsyo eda trew agh te neon i ea tyakegh

tahgwe ne raouhhatsherakouh , n e ts iron ideareghse

rowanea aoesayar ighw iyostea ne tsin isanh iserouh

N eon i ne raorighwahn ira tshera watkawea ne i ihne ,Sakoeroegwea agwekouh ne sarighwaneraaxherao

konh , ne Raghseanakouh ne Ran iha , neon i ne Roe

wayea , neon i ne Onikouhradokeaghty. Am en .


11And then the P riest shall say the Collect f ollowing .

L e t us pray.

0 MOST m ercifu l God, who , ac cording to the multitude o f thy m erc ie s , dost so put away the s ins of

those who truly repen t, that thou rem emberest them

no m ore ; Open th ine eye of m ercy upo n this thyservant , who m ost earne stly desire th pardon and for

givene sS. Renew in him , m ost loving Fa ther , whatsoever hath been decayed by the fraud and m a liceof the devil, or by his own c arna l w ill and fra ilness

preserve and continue th is sick m ember In the unityof the Church ; consider his contri tion , a ccept histears , asswage his pa in , as shall seem to thee mo st

expedie nt for him . And forasmuc h as he pu tte th

his full trus t only in thy m ercy, impute no t unto him

his form er sins , but strengthen him w ith thy ble ssed

S irit ; and, when thou ar t plea sed to take him hence ,ta e him unto thy favour , through the m erits of thymos t dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

Am en .


Ĵ l'

Then sha ll the Minister say this P sa lm .

In te, D om ine, speravi . Psal. lxxi .

IN thee , O Lord, have I put my trust let m e ne

verb e pu t to confusion : but r id me , and de liver m e

in thy righteousness incline thine ear unto nie , and

B e thou my strong hold, whereunto I m ay alwayresort : thou hast prom ised to he lp m e for thou art

my house of defence , and my castle .

De liver m e , O my God, ou t of the hand of the nu

godly : ou t of the hand of the unrighteous and cruelm an .

F or thou , O Lord God, art the thing that I longfor : thou art my hope , even from my youth .

Through thee have I been holden up ever S ince Iwas born thou art he that took m e out of my Mo

ther*s womb ; my pra ise shall always be of thee .

I am becom e as it were a m onster unto m any : but

my sure trust is in thee .

O le t my m ou th be filled with thy pra ise : that Imay sing of thy glory and honour a ll the day long.

Cast m e no t away in the tim e of age forsake menot when my strength fa ile th m e .


l i E thone ne R atsihustatsy nea ne eahea rouh keaiekea

Teharighwagwatha .

Teharighwagwatha 71 .

Iesetsherakouh , O Sayaner , egh wakadeweano

daghkouh ; kinyoh toghsa noewea touh thiyatewake

ratyet : nok takyadan ouhstek, neon i saterighwa

gwarighsyouhserakouh tagwatkaweahak ; i ihne ska

reaghragwat ne sahouhtake , neon i tagwadeweye a

touh .

Kinyoh iese ne yoshatste waka tyenaw a stoehak,tsinoewe tyutkouh yakeghthake : takerharatsteanyne uskyenawase ikea iese ne akenouhsa ne e ltenh e tshera , neon i akenouhsanirouhtshera .

Takya takoh , O Akeniyoh , katya toe takoh esnoekene yagh teyakorighw iyostouh : katyatoe takoh es

nocke ne yagh teyako terighwagwarighsyouh nson i

ne yekeaghreahseraweyeahouh oegwe .

Ikea iese , O Sayaner N iyoh , nea aonea shiwakenouhtouhse : agwagh keashi tewakyoeha , iese shikoerhare .

Iese takyadakara tatouh ok yekakoete tsinahe nea

tewakeanakera touh : iese wahy ne takyadinekeahouhn e isteaah kanegweatakouh ; tyutkouh kady ieseeakoeneatouhsheke .

W akesereaghne tsin iyouht ne yo tkate yo thahara

gwaghtennyonh : nok orighwiyoh iesetsherakouhwakatew eano taghkouh .

O kinyoh ne tsixhakaroe te ne kanan ne sa nea

douhtshera : nene takerighwahgwate ne soewe

seaghtshera neoni sakoenyeastakshera eghnisera

gwekouh tsin ikariwes.

Toghsa erea t akyadoe tye t ne nea egh noewe

neawa thawy ne nea nea tewakyea toghsa ok thiwa

keroehatyea neonea ne akesha tsteaghsera eatyoghseroeneaghte .


:F or, m ine enem ies speak aga inst m e , and they thatlay wa i t for my soul take the ir counse l toge ther, saying : God ha th forsaken him , perse cute him , and

take h im ; for there is none to de liver h im .

Go no t far from m e,“

0 God : my God, haste thee

to help m e .

L e t them be c onfounded and perish tha t are a

ga inst my soul : le t them be covered w ith sham e and

dishonour that seek to do m e evil.

As for m e , I w ill patien tly ab ide,a lway : and will

pliaise th e e m ore and more .

My mou th: sha ll da ily speak of thy righte ousness

and salva tion for I know no end thereof.


w ill go fo rth in the strength of the Lord Godand w ill make m en tion of thy r ighteousness only.

Thou , O God, hast taugh t m e from my you th upuntil now the refo re w ill I tell of thy wondrous

works ;

Fors ake m e no t, O Go d, in m ine o ld age , when Iam ; grey—headed : untilf I have shewed thy strength

uinto l this gene ra tion , and thy power to all them tha t

are yet for to com e .

Thy righteousness , O God, is very high , and great


things are they that thou hast done : O God, who islike un to thee ?

Glo ry be to the Fa ther , and to the Son and to .

the Ho ly Ghost :As i t was in the beginn ing, is now and ever shall

be world w ithou t end . Am en .

'nAdding this .

O SAVIOUR of the world, who by thy Cross and

precious B lood ha st redeem ed us , Save us, and helpus , we humbly beseech the e , O Lord.

1l Then sha ll the -Min ister say.

THE A lm ighty Lord, who is a m ost strong towe r

to a ll them tha t put the ir trust in him , to whom all

things in heaven , in earth , and under the earth , do

bow and obey , b e now and everm ore thy defenceand m ake thee know and fee l, tha t there is none

o ther N am e under heaven given to m an ,in whom ,

and through whom , thou m ayest re c e l ve health and

sa lvation , bu t only the N am e of our Lord JesusChr ist. Am en .

1l And af ter tha t sha ll say,

UN TO God*s“

grac ious m ercy and protecti on we

comm it thee . The Lord bless thee , and keep thee .




neghragwa t enekea , neoni yorihowanease tsinisa

tyerannyouh : O N iyoh , oughka shateyouht ne

ieseke ?

Oeweseaghtakshera naab ne Raniha , neoni ne

Roewayea : neon i ne On ikouhradokeaghtyTsiniyoghtoene ne adaghsawahtsherakouh , egh

n iyouht noewa , neon i tyutkouh ne eakeahaketsiyouhweatsya te yagh thiyao edoktea . Am en .

'Il K ea ielcea yeawag hdeatya touh .

O Sheyadagwea ne tsiyouhwe atsyate , ne Tsiteye sa

yeatanhare neon i Sanegweaghsanorouh ne tagwa

yadagwaghtouh , Tagwayadanouhsdat, neon i tagwa

yenawas, wagwean ideaghtea , O Sayaner .

'll E thone ne R a tsihusta tsy eahearouh,

N e Ra shatsteaghseragwekouh Royaner , raouhhane ikea ne yonouhsaghnirouh kashatsteak akaouhhake agwekouh nene egh yako teweano taghkouhraouhha tsherakouh , ne raouhhake agwekouh tsioknaho teashouh ne karouhyakouh , oughwea tsyakouhneon i onakouh ne oughweatsyake , ronatkareanyneoni roweanaraghgwha , ne kady noewa neon i tsi

niyaawe ne ayanheha tye sheke ; neon i ayoenyea ne

aesateryea tarake ns oni yasattokaghsheke , nene tsi

yagh oya kaneka Te tkaghseanayea onakouh ne

tsikarouhyate ne oegwe ayoedadawy, ne oughkareke , neoni oughka ayerihoeny ne aoetouh asyena

ne aoesaghsadahkaridate nson i sadusheanyeghts

hera , nok ucok yadekayady ne Raoghseana ne

Shoegwayaner Jesus Christ. Amen .

N eoni tsioghnahed neanche nea eahearouh,

N iyohne raodearatne raonideareghtsherake nsoniraoyadanouhsdatsherake wagwatk


ahwe . N e“



The Lord m ake h is face to sh ine upon the'

e , and be

gracious unto thee . The Lord lift up h is counte

nance upon thee , and give thee peace , bo th now ' s'


evermore . Am en .

A P rayerf or a sich Child .

ALMIGHTY God, and m erciful Father , to whoma lone be long the issues Of life and dea th Look downfrom heaven , w e humbly beseech—thee , w i th the eyesOf m ercy upon this Chi ld now lying upon the bed of

sickne ss ; V isit him, 0 Lord, with thy salva tion ; de

liver him in thy good appo inted tim e from his bod ily

pa in , and save his soul for thy m ercies , sake : That ,i f i t sha ll be thy pleasure to pro long his days hereon earth , he m ay live to _

the e , and be an instrum ent o f

thy glory , by serving thee fa i thfully, and do ing goodin

,his genera tion o r e lse re ce ive him into those hea

venly habitations , where the so uls of them tha t sleepin the Lord Je sus enjoy perpe tual re st and fe licity .

Gran t th is , 0 Lord, for thy m erc ies' sake , in thesam e thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ , ,who , liveth and

re igne th w ith thee and the Holy “Ghos t, ever one

God, world w ithout end. Amen.




A P rayerf or a sick p erson , when there app eareth best

sm a ll hop e of recovery.

O F ATHER of m erc ie s , and God'

of a ll com fort,our only help in tim e of n eed ; W e fly unto thee

for succour in behalf o f this thy servan t , here lyingunder thy hand in great we akness of body . Look

graciously upon him , Lord and the m ore the out

ward m an de c aye th , strengh then h im ,we be seech

the e , so m uch the m ore continua lly w ith thy graceand Ho ly Spirit in the inner m an . G ive him unfe ign

ed repentance for a ll the errors of his life past, and

stedfast fa ith in thy Son Jesus ; tha t his s ins m ay be

done away by thy m ercy, and his pardon sealed in

heaven , be fore he go henc e , and be no m ore seen .

W e know , Lord, that there is no word imposs iblew ith the e ; and tha t, if tho u w ilt , thou c anst even

ye t ra ise him up, and g'

rant him a le nge l con tinuance

am ongst u s : Y e t, forasmuch as i n a ll appearance

the tim e of his dissolu tion drawe th ne ar , so fit and

prepare him ,we besee ch thee , aga inst the hour of

death , that after his departure hence l Il pe ac e , and

in thy favour , his soul m ay be rec e ived in to thine

eve rlasting kingdom , through the m e i its and m edia

tion of Jesus Chi ist, th ine only Son , o ur Lord and

Saviour . Am en .


N e Yoedadereanayeadag hgw ean i tha ne yakonouhwak

tany, neonea osthoeha ok thitsyorhara ts ne aoesa

yeyeg hwetahne .

Ran iha ne sean ideareskouh , nson i N iyoh agw e

koub ne sheye ewe saghtha , ya teghsyady ok tagwa

yenawases tsinoewe n iwa thawy n ea deawatouh

w ea tsyoh \Vagwadegwaghte ieseke ne ra or ig hwa /cene kea iekea eg htshenha se nene a tsyenawag hse, rayaty


oeny keatho onakouh ne sesnoeke yoneghragwa t

teyoghseaouh ne raoyeroeda . Keadeara tsherake

eg htsha tka

ĝhtho n e raouhha , O Sayane r neon i tsi

n iyore sea a ne a tste nahoyeroedadig hne neatyoghseroeneahtoehatye , egh n iyore seaba na tsheshatstatqeha tye ,w agweanideaghtea , ok yekako e te ne seadea

ra t neon i San ikouhradokeagh ty ne onakouh ndho

yeroedadig hne . Eg htshouh ne aoedahon ikouhrakoetag hgwea ne a oesahada trewaghthake ne agwekouhts in ihonhiserouh tsinahe shiroenhe , neoni ayoghnirouhaoetahaweg htahkouh raouhha tshe rakouh n e Eghts

yeaah Jesus ; nene raorig hwaneraax heraokouh ne

erea ao esayohaw ightouh ne sean ideareghtshera ,ohea touh tsin iyore nea ushadoe/cog hte, neon i nea

yagh oya'

thaoesahoewa tkag htho . Yo egwaderyea tare ,Sayaner, nene ie seke yagh tekaweanayea ne

a esanoro'

uhse ; neon i nene , tokab a sa thoeta te , sa


ouh ne aoesa tslcetskoh, neon i a a tshouh ne

kariwes shekouh ayagwagweko uh : N ok , ts in iyorenea n iyok


eant ts in iyewa terighweahaw ise nea aktanea eahodokihase , ne wahoeny etsheroeny neon i eg htsheweyeaneatas , w agweanideagh te a , tsinoewe u eakateke nea n e raweaheya t, nene ts ioghnakeahke ne

nea eahodoeko htouh kayanere aghserakouh , neon i'

ne sanouhweg

ĉhtsherakouh , ne raodo enhe ts aoe

daghsyena tsinoewe ne tsin iyeaheawe sayanertsherakouh , ne raorihoenyat tsina tehoduntshouh neon i


A Commenda tory P rayerfor a s ick p erson a t the p oint

of . dep a rture .

O ALMIGHTY God, with whom do live the"

spiri ts ,

of just m en m ade perfe ct, afte r they are delivered,

from the ir e arthly pr iscus ; W e humbly commend;th e soul of th is thy servan t, our dear


brother , ihto'

thy hands , a s in to the hands of a faithful Creator,atidmbst


merciful Saviml r'

m ost humbly beseechinthee, that it m ay be precious in thy Sigh


t . W ashit,we pray the e , in the blood of tha imm a


culat eLamb , tha t was sla in to take away the sins


of the"

world that whatsoever defi lem en ts it m ay have“

co n

trac ted in th e m idst of this m iserable and naughtyW orld, through the lusts of the flesh, or the W i les of

Satah , be ing purged and done avvay, i t may be pre

sented pure and w ithou t spot before thee . And

teach us who survive , in th is and“

o ther like dailyspec tacles of morta lity, to see how fra i l and uncer

ta in our own condition is ; and so to number our

days, that W e m ay s er iou sly apply our h earts to that

ho ly and heavenly w isdom , wh ilst we live here , whichm ay in the end bring us to life everlasting, throughthe m er its of Jesus Christ thine only Son our L


ord .

Am en .


A P rayerfor persons troubied in m ind or m consc ience .

0 BLESSED L ord, the Fa ther ofmerc ies , and t he

G od of all com forts ; W e besee ch thee , look downin pity and compassion upon this thy amic ted ser

van t. Thou w ri tes t b i tter things aga inst him , and

m akest him to po ssess his form e r in iqu i ties ; thywra th lie th hard upon him , and his soul is full of trou

ble B ut, m erc ifu l G od, who hast written thy holyW ord for our learn ing, tha t we , through pa tience and

com fort of thy ho ly Scriptures ,“

m ight have hope ;

give him a r ight understanding of him self , and of thythreats and prom ise s ; that he m ay ne ither cast a

way his confidence in thee , '

nor plac e it any whe re

but in thee . Give him strength aga inst all his temptations , and hea l all his distem pers . B reak no t the

bru ised reed, nor quenc h the sm oking flax . Shut

no t up thy tender me rc ies in displea sure ; but

m ake him to hear of joy and gladne ss , tha t the bone s

which thou hast broken m ay rejo ice . De liver himfrom fear o f the enemy , and lift up the light of thycoun tenance upon him , and give him peace , through

the m erits and m ediation of Je sus Christ our LordAm en .

ayoegwadaden ikouhrarouhyakea torih ne egh aya

waghgwite ne oegweryane ne karouhyake kan iEouhrowaneaghtsheradokeagh tike , tsinahe shekouh

kea tho yakyoenhennyouh , nenaho tea ne nea tsi

yeawadoktea yasgwaya thewe ne ts iniyeaheawe ya

yakyoenheke , ne raor ihoenya t tsina tehoduntshouh

ne Jesus Chris t neok yekeaha Eghtsycaah Shoegwa

yaner . Am en .

N e Yoedadereanayeadag hgweani tha ne othenouh

teyakonihoerharha ne akonouhtoenyouhtsherakouh.

O Sadaskats Sayaner , ne B an iba ne_sean ideares

kouh, heon i N iyeh ne agwekouh sheyouhwesgwa tha ;W agweanideaghtea , n e ao edaghsa tka tho taesanouh

yaniheke neoni a tshitea re ke a iekea eghtsherouh'


kea touh eg htshenhase . Yo tskaraghtennyouh tsina o

teaokouh s*

ya touh ne ro tko e te ne raouhha , neoni tsi

nitsyerase n_e . tsyo tewean iyostouh ne raouhha /ce ts i

noedaweghte raorig hwaneraaxheraokouh;'


sera yoghn irouh kahere ne raouhhake , neen i ne

raodoenhetsne ne kananouh n e teyon iko erhara : N ok ,Se an ideareghtsherananouh N iye h , n e saghya touh

neSaweanadokeaghtike ne eayagwadeweyeaste , neneaorihoenyat ne eayoegwan iko uhkatsteke neoni ne

eayo egwada to ewe sgwa te any; ne Saghya touhserado

keaghtiokouh , eakariho eny eayo egwarhara tshera

yea tane.

eg htshouh ne aoe takarighwayer ike aharonk

hake ne ya tehayadig hne , neon i ne saghterouhtshera

neon i ne sarhara tshera nene yagh erea thahotyeghtetsiroteweanotag hkouh ne iese tsherakouh , ne teas ne

akte noewe yahanyahese nok neok ne ie se tsherakouh .

Eghtshesha tsteag hserouh yatekarakaran . agwekouh

tsm a tehoniharotouhs , neon i sa tshets oet agwekouh ne

tsinihonrotea hse . Toghsa te tsyah ne yodagwara

soub o styea tane , ne tea s ne asaswagh te ne ts iyo

tyeaghgwaroeny ne e ske re . Toghsa ne senho toek


The Collect.

LMIGHTY, eve rliving God, Maker of man'

kind, who dost correc t tho se“

whom thou dost

love , and chastise every one whom thou do st re ceive'


W e beseech thee to have me rcy upon th is thy ser

vant visited w i th thine hand, and to grant that hem ay take his sickness pa tien tly , and re cover his bodily


health , ( if i t be thy gracious w ill ;) and whensoi


e ver his soul sha ll depart from the body , it m ay'be

w i thout Spo t presen ted unto thee ; through JesusC hrist our Lord . Am en .

The Ep istle . Heb . xii . 5 .

.MY son , despise no t thou the chastening of . the

Lord, nor fa int when thou art rebuked of h im . F or

whom the Lord love th he chasteneth and scourgethevery son whom he re ce ive th .


The Gosp el. St . John v . 24 .

VERILY , verily I say unto you , He that heareth

my word, and be lieve th on h im tha t sent m e , h'


everlasting life , and sha ll no t com e into condem na

t ion ; bu t is passed from death un to life .

1i Af ter which the P riest sha ll proceed a ccording to the

f orm before p rescribed f or the holy Communion , be

g inn ing at these words [Ye that do truly, ĝ a ]


T H E B U R I A L O F T H E D E A D .

i l Here is to be noted, tha t the Of i ce ensu ing is not to be usedfor anythat d ie unbaptgzed , or excommunzcate, or have la id vzolent hands

upon themselves .

'li The P_riest and Clerks meeting the Corp se a t the entrance of the' Church - yard, and going before i t, either into the Church, or towardsthe Grave, sha ll say, or s ing ,

AM the resurrection and the life , saith the Lordhe tha t believe th in m e , though he were dead,

ye t shall he live and whosoever liveth and believe thin m e shall never die . St. John X] . 25, 26 .


I KN ow that my Redeem er live th , and tha t he shall

stand at the la tter day upon the earth . And though

after my skin worm s destroy this body, ye t in my



The Gosp el. St . John v . 24 .

Agwagh , toke aske wagwe ahaghse , Raouhha nene

ro thoete ne akew e ana , neon i un treghtahgw e raouh

hake ne thagwateanyegh touh , royeah ne tsiniyea

heawe eaghroenheke , neon i yagh thiyaarawe ne adeW e a teghtouhtsherakouh ; nok teahado ekoghte tsi

k eaheyouh tsinoekady eaghro enheke .


N E Y Ai

K A W E A'

H E Y O U H .

Keagh naewa neawadean ikoerarake nene Ts inikaghsaeany ne kea

kayea yagh ne tha ayoets te ne yagh teyakotnekosserhouh tsieaya ie

heye, ketea s kayea ne yoeda tyaghtohta rhouh, ne teas ne ok akaouhha

esnoeke waoeda taghtoetahgwe.

1l N e R a tsi husta tsy neant Tehadi righwawearouhs egh teahoeterane ne

Aweaheyoeta tsiyoedaweyadaghgwha ne Onouhsadokeaghtike tsiwa

dea earote, neon i ohea touh eahouhdeady, ok thikawean iyoh kah noe

kady niyeahoene Onouhsadokeaghtitsherakouh, neteas tsinoekady

Yoeda tyadadaastha ,

ke tsgwea neon i ne ko enhe , ra touh

raouhha nene thawegh tahkouh li e

i ihtsherakouh , sae tho eahaw eaheyouh , nok shekouh

eashadoenhe te : neon i oughkakiok roenhe neoni

thawegh tahkouh ne i ihtsherakouh yagh noewea touh

thareaheye . St. John x i . 25, 26 .

W akade ryea tare ne Raknereaghsyouh roenhe ,neon i nene raouhha e ahadake o teghn iseroktagh

gweake ne oughw ea tsyake . N eon i sae tho neane


flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for myself,andjm ine eyes sha ll beho ld, and no t another . Job

xix. 25 , 26, 27.

W E b rought no thing into th is world, and i t is certam we c an carry no th ing out . The Lord gave ;and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the N am e

of the Lord . 1 Tim . vi . 7 . Job i . 21 .

Af ter they a re com e in to the Church , sha ll be read

one or both of these P sa lm sfollowing .

D ir i , custodiam . Psal. Xxxix .

I SAID , I w ill take heed to my ways : tha t I of

fend no t in my tongue .

I w ill keep my m ou th a s it were w ith a bridle

wh ile the ungodly is in my sigh t.

I he ld my tongue , and spake no thing I kept silence , yea , even from good words but it was pa in

and grief to m e .



heart was ho t w ithin m e , and while I was thusmusing the ĥre kindled and at the last I spake w ithmy tongue

Lord, let m e know m ine end, _and the number of

my days : tha t I m ay be c ertified how long I have tolive .

B ehold, thou hast .m ade my days as it were a span

long and m ine age is even as no thing in_

respect ofthee ; and veri ly every m an living is altoge ther


F or m an wa lke th in a va in shadow , and disqii ie te th h im se lf in va in he heape th up riches , and can

no t te ll who shall gather them .

And now , Lo rd, wha t is my hepe truly my hopeis even in thee .

Delive r me from all m ine offence s : and m ake m e

not a rebuke un to the foo lish .

I becam e dumb , and Opened no t my m ou th for it

was thy do ing.

Take thy p lague away from me : I am even con

sum ed by m e ans of thy heavy hand.

W hen thou w ith rebukes dost chasten man for sin ,thou m akest h is be auty to consum e away, like as it

w ere a m o th fretting a garm ent : every m an there'fore is but van ity .

Hear my prayer , O Lord, and w i th thine ears consider my c alling : ho ld no t thy peace at my tears .

F o r I am a - stranger w ith thee : and a sojourner,as all my fa thers w ere .

O spare m e a little , that I m ay recover my strength

before I go hence , and be no m ore seen .

G lory be to the F a ther , and to the Son and to

the Ho ly Ghost


Ikea ne roegwe tsiroghdea tyoeha tye thiyeyono

weagh touh neok ne yodaghsatare , neon i tehoda teni

koerhare ya tehayady th iyeyonow eaghtouh : reagh

toeyo eny a tshokowaghsera , neoni yagh thahagwenyaha trory oughka eyeroroke .

N eon i ne ewa , Sayaner , naho tea eawakerha reke

orighw iyoo ewe egh ok noewe eawakerhareghgwa

touh iese tsherakouh .

To e takyadoe takoh agwekouh ne aker ighw ane

ra axherake : neon i toghsa ne takoenyaxea ne keateghsera aonckoenadaghgwe .

VVakatevVeanagweke , neoni yagh tesewadunho

doegwas ne tsixhakaroete : ikea ie se egh naghsyere .

Erea takhaw igh tas ne : sanradar inegh tshera atbo

ne IIh n e wakatkeaghreahseroenya touh ne ts ini

yoxte ne sesno eke .

N eonea eagh tsha tyawearatste ne ro egw e ne ka

righwanerea eaghtshogwaw ishouh , tsi ne agh

tsin ihoraseghne teawadereaghsaroekoh , ne teskyatyerea ne o tsinowa tekoedighrihtannyouh ne kanenan e kady wa hoeny niyateyoegwetake otk thiyeyono

weaghtouh .

Tagwadahouhsadats ne agwadereanayean t, OSayaner , neoni sadahouhsadat ne tsiko erouhyeaha :

teghea . kasa tyenawast ne sayanereaghsera tsi tewackaghsereatoenyouh .

Ikea th iwakouhwe a tsya te ne ieseke : ne oni th i

katenatineghse, tsiniyouht agwekouh ne kheniho

koekeaha .

O tagwadewea teghtea niyor ighwaskha , nen e aoe

soegwa tyer i tshe ne akesha tsteaghser a : 011ttsiniyore uska toekogh te , neon i nea yagh oya thaoesayoegwatkaghtho .

Oewe seaghtakshera naah ne Rani ha, neoni ne

Roewaye a nson i ne On ikouhradokeaghty ;z


As it was in the beginn ing, is now , and ever sha llbe : world w ithout end. Am en .

D om ine, refag ium . Psal . xc .

Lon n ,thou hast been our refuge from one gen

cra tion to ano ther .

B efore the m ounta ins were brought forth , or everthe earth and the world w ere m ade : t hou art God

from everlasting, and world w ithout end.

Thou turnest m an to destruction aga in thou sayest, Com e aga in , ye children of m en .

F or a thousand ye ars in thy sigh t are but a s yes

terday : se e ing tha t is past as a wa tch in the n ight .

As soon as thou scatterest them , they are even as

a sleep and fade away suddenly like the grass .

In the morn ing i t is green , and growe th up but

i n the even ing i t is cut down , dried up, and w ithered.

F or we consum e away in thy displeasure and are

a fra id a t thy wra thful indignation .

Thou hast se t our m isdeeds before thee and our

secret s ins in the ligh t of thy countenance .

F or when thou ar t angry all our days are gone

we bring our years to an end, as it were a ta le tha t

is told .


The days of our age are threescore years and tenand though m en be so strong , that they com e t_o fourscore years : ye t is the ir strength then but labo urand sorrow ; so soon passe th it away, and we are

gone .

But who regarde th the power of thy wra th for

even the reafte r a s a m an fe a re th , so is thy disple a


te ach us to numbe r our days tha t w e m ay ap

ply our hearts unto W isdom

Turn thee aga in , O Lo rd , a t the last and be gra

c ions un to thy servan ts .

0 satisfy us with thy me rcy, and that soon so

sha ll we rejo ice and be glad? a ll the days of our lifb .

Com fort us aga i n now after the tim e that thou

has t plagued us and for the years where in we ha vesuffered adve rsity .

Shew thy se rva nts thy work and thei r ch il dr enthy glory .

And the glorious Majesty of'

the Lord our Go d beupon us prosper thou the work of our hands upon

us, 0 prosper thou our handy - work .


lo ry be to the Fa ther , and to the Son and to

the Holy GhostAs : i t was in the beginning is now

,and ever sha ll

be world W ithout end. Am en .



N e t siW eghnisera tennyouh ne tsin ityoegwayeatsyadak n iyoghse rashe a : noe ni s ane ne o egwe tsi

n iyakoyadaghn irouh , nene yeayo ewe ne shatekouhn iyoghserahshea : ethene ne akoshatsteaghsera nea

ne ok ne tsyorouhyakean t noe n i yonikouhraxhat ;tsiniyo snore nea ne eawadohe tste , neon i nea wede

wa toekoghte .

N ok oughka yeyeadery tsin ikashatste ne sana

gwheasera ? ikea ne tyOyaneaha ts in iyo re n iyesa ts

han ise , egh niyo re on i n idisatero ese .

0 tagwariho enyea ne ayagwahrate ne tsm iyoe

gweghn iserake : nene egh ayagwaghgw i te ne c c

hrowaneaghserake .

Toe ta'

Sa tkarhateny are shekouh , O Sayane r, ne

is iyeyodoktaghkouh : neon i she te ar ne shenhaseoo uh .

0 ne tagwan ikouhraghseroenya t ne sean ideareghtshera , neoni nene yosno re ne wahoeny ayo e

gwa toenharake neoni ayoegwa tsheanoen ihake oghn iseragwekouh tsine awe eayakyoenheke

Toetakyoewesa t are shekouh ne ewa tsinea oedohe tste ne wasgwanrad ar ines te : neo n i ne tsiyoghseratennyouh ts inoewe ne akearouh naoegwarouh

yakeaghte .

Shena te ehas ne shenhaseokouh ne sayote aghsera : noe n i ne shakodiyeaekoeah ne soewese agh

N_eon i kinyoh ne tsiniyo rase ne Royaner Oegwa

niyeh ne karak ne oekyouhhake saterswiyostea ne

o egwayoteaghsera ne agwas noeke tsin ikahere ne

oekyouhhake , O saterasw iyf'

3stea ne agwasnoeke tsi

yoegwayoghte .

Oeweseaghtakshera naah ne Ran iha , neoni neRoewayea : neoni ne On ikouhradokeagh tyTsin iyoghtoene ne adaghsawahtsherakouh , ogh

n iyouht ne ewa , neoni tyutkouh ne eakeahake :

ts iyouhweatsyate yagh thiyaoedoktea . Am en .


?i Then sha ll f ollow the L esson taken ou t of the


yifteenth Chap ter of thef orm er Ep istle of Sa in t P au l

to the Corinthians .

1 Cor . xv . 20 .

N ow is Chris t risen from the dead , and be com e

the fi rst - fru its o f them th l t slept. F or sinc e by m an

cam e dea th ,“

by m an c am e a lso the resurre c t ionuof

the dead. F or a s in Adam a ll die , even so in Christ

sha ll all be made a live . Bu t every m an in his own

order : Chris t the ĥrst - fru its ; afterward they tha t

are Chr ist,s , a t h is com ing. Then com e th the end,when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God,even the Fa ther ; when he sha ll have pu t down all

rule , and a ll authority, and pow e r . F or he m ust

re ign , till he ha th pu t a ll enem ies under h is fee t.

The last enemy that sha ll be destroyed is death .

F or he ha th pu t a ll things under h is fee t . Bu t when

he sa ith , a ll th ings are pu t under h im , it is m an ifes t

that he is exc epted , which did put all things under

him . And when all things shall be subdued unto him ,

then sha ll the Son a lso h im se lf be subjec t unto h imtha t pu t all things under him ,

tha t God m ay be a ll in

a ll. Else what sha ll they do wh ich are baptized forthe dead, if the dead r ise no t a t all ? W hy are theythen baptized for the dead ? and why s tand we in

jeopardy every hour ? I pro tes t by your rejo ic ing,wh ich I have in C hrist Jesus our Lo rd, I die da i ly .

If after the m anner of m en I have fough t w i th bea stsa t Ephesus, wha t advan tage th i t m e , if the dead r ise

no t ? L e t us ea t and drink, for to - m orrow we die .

Be no t dec e ived : evil comm un ica tions corrupt goodm anners . Awake to righteousne ss , and s in not for

som e have no t the knowledge of God . I speak th isto your sham e . But som e m an w ill say , How are

the dead ra ised up ? a nd w ith wha t body do they


com e ? Thou foo l, that which thou sowest is no t

quickened, except i t die . And tha t wh ich thou sow

est, thou sowest no t tha t body that sha ll be , bu t bare

gra in , i t m ay chanc e o f whea t, or of som e o ther

gra in Bu t God give th it a body, a s it ha th pleased

him , and to every seed his own body . A ll flesh is

no t the sam e tle sh ; but the re is one kind o f flesh of

men, ano ther flesh of bea sts , ano ther of ti shes , andanother of b irds . There are also ce lestial bodies,and bodie s te rres tria l ; but the glo ry of the Celes tial

is_ e ne , and the glory o f the ter res trial is ano ther .

There is one glory o f the sun , and ano ther lory o f

the moon , and ano ther glory of the stars ; %or one

s tar d itl'

ereth from ano ther star i n glory. So a lso -is

the resurrection of the de ad : It is sown in corruption ; i t is ra ise d in incorruption : It is sown in dis

honour ; it is ra ised in glory It is sown in weakness i t is ra ised in power : It is sown a na tural

body ; it is raise d a spiritua l body. And so it is

wri tten, The fi rst m an Adam was m ade a livi sou l;the las t Adam wa s m ade a qu icken ir


ig spirit . ow

beit, _that was n o t fi rst wh ich is Spiritua l, bu t that

wh ich is natural ; and a fterward that which IS sp ir i

tual,The fi rst man is of the ea rth , e arth

the se

condm an is the Lord from heaven . As is t e earthy,such are they tha t are earthy : and as is the heaveh

ly, such are they a lso tha t are heavenly . And as



have bo rne the image of the earthy , we shall a lso

bear the im age of the heavenly . N ow this I say ,bre thren , that flesh and b lood canno t inheri t thekingdom o f God ; ne ither do th corruption inheritincor rup tion . Behold , I shew ou a mystery W e

shallno t a_ll sleep , bu t we shall a l be changed, in a m o

ment, in the tw inkling of an eye , a t the last trump ,

(for the trumpe t sha ll sound,) and the dead shall be

ra ised in'

corruptible , and we sha ll be changed . F or

this corruptible m ust pu t on incorruption, and this


ko tnekosseragh touh ne yakawe aheyouhserouh , tokah ne yakaweah eyouhse rouh yagh thea tsyontke ts

ko he ? naho tea kady karihoe ny ne yako tnekosser




touh ne yakOW e adaserouh , noe ni ogh niyo tyereats egh tewakeanya te teyo teryea tharak ts in ikouh

hour W agwaterihok'

taghgwe a ne sewato enharagh

tshera nenaho tea ne tsin iwakyea ne Chris tshe rakouh

Jesus neEghtshitewayaner,k iheyouhse n iya teweghnia

serake . Tokah ne akshe reghte ne tsin iyew


tea ne oegwehokouh Ayagwa te riyoh ne koe i ohne Ephe sus, h ahotoe agwatsh eanoenyat ne i ih, to ah

ne yakoweadaserouh yagh thaoesayontke tskoh ? ki =

nyoh te tewa tskahouh neon i tewaghnekira : ikeae ayorheane eateweaheye . Toghsa sewadaden i

koerha tea : yodaxhea teyeghtharahgwha kahetkeaghtha ne yoyanere tsin iyeweyeano tea . Sewaye

a terighwagwar ighsyoeke noekady , neoni toghsa se

warighwanerak ; ikea odyake yagh teyakoyea ne

ayako teryeatarake ne N iyohne naoe tayawenouh

ne wakadatyaghte ne kea iekea ne sewateha tshera .

N ok odyake ne roegweh eahearouh , Ogh neayawea

ne yakowea taouh tsieatsyontke tskoh ? neon i oghn ikayeroeto tea ea tsyako tstoehatye tsieatsyoew e ?Sea teh , nene tsinahotea eaghsyean tho yagh teyawetaoedoen he te tsiear nyare eakeaheye u N eon i nenetsinaho tea eaghsyean tho , tsieaghsyeantho yaghteanene oyeroe ta akeahake , nok aoya toskouh ne kanea ,tsin iyeawa terasho teane tokah noekea eanekery , keateaskayea ne theakateke ne kanea : N ok N iyohraw is ne oyeroe ta tsin iyouht tsinea thaweryeatiyoh ,neon i tsiniya tekaneahake aouhha aoyeroeta . A

gwekouh ne owarouh yagh ne sha kawara t tekeanok uskat nouhkea ts in iyouh t ne owarouh nene

ogweho- kouh , thikate ne owarouh ne koedirryoh ,

thikate ne kea tsyonkhokouh , neon i thikate ne tsi

teaokoeah . Ts inouhkea niyouht ne ts ikarouh

yate aodiyeroe taokouh , neon i ne aodiyeroe taokouh


morta l must put on imm ortality . So when th is

corruptible sha ll have pu t on incorruption , and this

m or ta l shall have put on imm ortality ; then shall be

brought to pa ss the saying tha t is written , Dea th isswa llowed up in Vic to ry . O dea th where is thysting ? O grave , where is thy Vic tory ? The stingof dea th is sin , and the strength of sin is the law .

But thanks be to God, wh ich give th us the Victorythrough our Lord Je sus Chr ist. Therefore , my be

loved bre thren , be ye stedfast, unm oveable , a lwaysabounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as yeknow tha t your labour is no t in va in i n the Lord.



koeah , nene owarouh noe n i ne onegw eaghsa aghthaoe touh aoedaweyate ne raoyan ertsherakouh 11

N iyoh , ne kady ear kea aoe touh ne yohe tkeaouh aoe

daweyate tsinoeka ne yagh thaoeso ehe tkeane . Tsyat

kaghtho, wagwana toehase ne yo terighwa tyerouh

Toghsa tewagw ekouh yo egwe a taf, nok tewagwe

kouh teats itewa tteny, tsiniyosnore ne tsi teyontkagh

gw irox , ne yetsyodoktaghkouh ne kahoerawats,

( ikea ne kahoerawa ts ne n ea eayehoerawa te neo

n i ne yakowea taouh ne ea tsyon tke tsgwaghte ne

yagh thaoesoehe tkeane , neoni nea tea ts itewatteny .

Ikea ne kea ieke a wahe tke ase nea egh e aka tea ne

yagh thaoe soehe tkeane , neoni ne keaiekea heabo

youhs e nea ogh oakatee ne yagh thaoesakeaheye .

N e kady ne onea ne keaiekea wahe tkea se eakateane yagh thao esoehe tkeane , p eoni ne kea iekea kea

heyouhse e a lzatea ne yagh thaoesakeaheye ; e thene

yeawathewe eawadohetste ne tsiniwadady nene

kaghyatonh , K_eaheyouh eayo tyadaghnehgwane ne

adusheanyattshera . 0,Keaheyouh , kah ne shenouh

waktean itha tesheyaweestaghgwha ? O tsiyoeda

tyadadaastha , kah ne sadusheanyattshera ? N e

kanouhwakteaghsera teyakoweestha ne eaya ieheye

ne noh ne kar ighwanerea ; neoni ne aosh a tsteaghsera ne

. karighwanerea ne naab ne ts ikarighwagwa

righsyatha : N ok ahoewatouhroen iheke . ne N yoh ,nenahotea tsisho egwawy ne adusheanyattshe ra, nerorihoeny ne Eghtsh itewayaner Je sus Chris t. N ewahoeny, gwanorouhgwha tewadatekeaokoeah , se

warighwahn iroehak, sewarighwa tokeahak , tyu tkouh

ne sewawean iyok ne raoyo teaghsera ne Royaner,ikea ts in ikouh sewaderyea tarak nene sewayo teagh

sera yagh kayese thaoetouh ne Royanertsherakouh .


1l W hen they com e to the Grave, while the Corp se is

m ade ready to be la id in to the earth, the P riest sha ll

say, or the P r iest and the Clerks sha ll s ing .

MAN tha t is born of a wom an ha th but a sho rt

time to live , and is full of m isery . H e c om e th up,and is cut down , like a flower : he flee th as i t were

a Shadow, and never continue th in one stay .

In the m idst of life we are in dea th : of whom m aywe seek for suc cour , bu t of the e , Lord, who for

our sins art justly displeased

Ye t, O Lord God m ost holy , O Lord mo st m ighty,O holy and m ost m erc iful Saviour , de liver u s no t intothe b itter pa ins of e terna l dea th .

Thou knowest, Lord, the se cre ts of our he arts ;

shut no t thy m erc ifu l e ars to our prayer ; bu t Spareu s , Lord m o st holy, O G od mo s t m ighty , O ho lyand m erc iful saviour , thou m ost worthy Judge e ter

na l, suffer us no t, a t our last hour , for any pa ins of

dea th , to fa ll from thee .

FORASMUCH a s it hath pleased Alm ighty God of

his great m ercy to take unto him self the soul of our


dea r brother here departed, we therefore comm it hisbody to the ground *

earth to ear th, ashes to ashe s,dust to dust in sure and certa in hope of the re sur

rec tion to e ternal life , through our Lord JesusChr is t : who, sha ll change our vile body that it maybe like unto his glor ious body, ac c o rding to the

mighty working whereby he is ab le to subdue all

things to him se lf.

“ll Then sha ll be sa id or sang ,

I HEA R D a vo ice from heaven , saying unto m e ,

W rite , F rom hence forth ble ssed are the dead W hichdie in the Lord : even so saith the Spirit ; for theyrest from the ir labours .

WT Then the P riest sha ll say,

Lord, have m ercy upon us .

Chris t, have m ercy apon us .

Lord, have m ercy upon us .

OU R Fa ther, wh ich art in he aven ,Ha llowed be

thy N am e . Thy kingdom com e . Thy w ill be done

in ear th , As it is in heaven . G ive us th is day our

da ily bread. And forgive us our trespasses , As we

forg ive them that trespass aga inst us . And lead us

no t into temptation ; But deliver us from evil. Am en .

Here Earth shall be cas t upon the Body by some standing by.


toesaraghgwe yatehayady noeka ne raodoenhets ne te

kanorouhgwe agwada tekeaahkeatho ne awahadoekog h

te , ne wahoeny ne raoyeroeda ogh waagw ayea oughwe

a tsyakouh;* oughwea tsya keaghne oughwea tsya soe

touh , oghsehara keaghne ogh sehara soe touh oghkeara

keaghne oghkeara soetouh ; ne or ighw iyo neon i kadokeaghtsihouh tsiyorharats ne ea tsyon tke tsko ne tsin i

yeahe awe e ayako enheke , ne raor ihoenya t Shoegwa

yauer Jesus Chr ist; raouhha te ashadeny ne yo egwa

yeroedeadurit , n en e teaskyatyereane tsin iyouht ne

raouhha ne o eweseaghtshera ne rayeroeke , ne ea

tyoyaneahawe n e kayodeaghserashatste , nenahotea

ne rogwenyat n e eahaweyeanakeany agwekouh tsiok

nahoteashouh ne yatehayady .

W akheweanaroeke karouhyake takayeaghtahgwe ,nene waoegwe ahase , S


yadouh , Keagh yeyotaghsaw e

yakodaskats ne yakoweataouh nen aho tea nene Ro

yanertsherakouh ya ieheyouhse e tho n iyouht wa

douh ne Kan ikoera ikea eayakaoerisheatahne tsi

yakorouhyakeahatyese . Rev . 14 . 13 .

'll E thone ne R a tsihusta tsy eahea rouh.

Sayaner, tagw eadearhek .

Christ, tagweadea rhek.

Sayane r , tagw e adearhek .

Shoegwaniha Karouhyakouh teghside rouh , W a

gwaghseanadoke aghdiste Sayan ertsherah ao edawe

ghte Tsineaghsereh egh neayawe ane n e oughweat

syake tsion i n ityouh t ne Karouhyakouh . Takyouh

ne keagh'

w eghn isera te n e n iyadeweghn iserake

o egwanadarok : N eon i to edagwar ighw iyostea ne

ts in iyo egwa tswatouh , ts in iyouh t ne o ekyouhha tsi

tsyakhir ighw iyoste an is ne waonkhiya tswatea . N eo

ni toghsa tagwaghsharine t tewadadeanakeraghtoeke ;N ok toedagwayadakoh ts inoew e n iyodaxheah . Am en .

Kae the nea yeayakokcaghroedy ne Oyeroe take ne oughka ok ogh e aye take .


P riest.

ALMIGHTY God, w i th whom do live the spirits of

them tha t depart hence in the Lord, and w ith whomthe sou ls of the fa ithfu l, after they a re de livered fromthe burden of the flesh , are in joy and fe lic i ty ; we

give the e hearty thanks , for tha t i t hath plea sed theeto de liver this our brother out of the m iser i es of this

sinful wo rld ; be see ching the e , tha t it m ay p lease

thee , of thy grac i ous goodne ss , shortly to aecom

plish the numb er of th ine e le c t, and to hasten thykingdom ; tha t we , w i th a ll those that are departed

i n the true fa ith of thy ho ly N am e , m ay have our

perfe c t con summ a tion and b liss , bo th ln body and

soul, ln thy e terna l and everlasting glory ; throughJesus Christ our Lord . Am en .

The Collect.

O MERCIFUL God, the Fa ther of our Lord JesusChrist, who is the resurrection and the life ; in whom

whosoever believe th sha ll live , though he die ; and

whoso ever live th and be lieveth in h im , shall no t die

eterna lly ; who a lso ha th taugh t us , by h is holy A

postle Sa int Paul, no t to be sorry , as m en w i thout

hope , for them tliat sleep l n h im ; W e m e ekly besee ch thee , O Fa ther , to ra ise us from the dea th of

sin unto the life of righteousness tha t, when we shall

depart this life , w e m ay rest in him , as our hop e is

this our brother do th ; and tha t , a t the gehera l Rea


surrection in the last day, we'm ay be found accept

able in thy sight ; and re c e ive that blessing,wh ich thy we ll b e loved Son shall then pronounce toall


that love and fear thee , saying, Com e , ye

blessed ch ildren of my Fa ther , re ce ive the kingdomprepared for you from the beginn ing of the world:Grant this , w e b eseech thee , m erciful Father


through Jesus Chr ist, our Media tor and Redeem er ,

Am en .

THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, andG od, and the fellowsh ip of the Ho ly


Ghost,be w ith u s all everm ore

. Am en .


n iha , ne asgwake tskoh tsikeaheyouh ne karighwa

nerea a ter ighwagwarighsyouhserakouh noeka aya

gwadoenhe te ; nene katke n ea e ayagwado ekogh te

ne keatho tsiyakyoenhe , yayo ekyo erishea taghn e ne

raouhhatsherakouh , t sin iyouht tsiyoegwarhare ne

kea iekea agwadadeheaah ts ine noewa n iyouht ;neon i nene , nea agwekouh Tsinea tsyontke tskoh ne

yeseweghn iserako e te , tsiayonkhiyadatsheary ayo

nouhweghtouh ne ts iasatkaghtho ; neon i ayagwa

yena ne tho iekea adaska tshera , nenahotea ne eghtshenoroughgwhatsihouh Egh tsyeaah neonea yeaghs

hakodatyahse yegwekouh nene yesanorouhgwhagweneoni yesatshanisgwe , eahearouh Kasene , sewadas

kats shakoyeaokoeah ne Raken iha , aesewayena ne

kayanertshera nene sho e toe touhwe a tsyataghsaweatye tsh ighseroenye any Takyouh ke a iekea wagwean ideagh tea , O sean idearegh tsherananouh B aniba ,ne raorihoenya t Jesus Christ, Shoegwarighwahseroe nyeany neon i Shoegwaghnereahsyouh . Am en .

N e raodearat Shoegwayaner Jesus Christ, neon i .

ranorouhgwha N iyoh, neon i ne rao tyoghgwa ne

Onikouhradokeaghty agwekouh aetewesheke tsini

yeaheawe . Amen .





The W oman, a t the usua l time after her Deliver—y, sha ll come into


the Church decently apparelled, and there sha ll kneel down zn some

convenient p la ce, as ha th been a ccustomed, ar as the Ordinary shall

direct And then the Pr iest sha ll say unto her,

ORASMUCH as i t hath plea sed Alm ighty Godof his goodne ss to give y ou safe de liveranc e ,

and ha th preserved you in the grea t danger of Childb irth ; you


shall therefore give hearty thanks unto

God, and say,

( fl Then sha ll the P r iest say the 1 16th P sa lm .)

D ilex i quoniam .

I AM we ll pleased : that the Lord hath heard thevo ic e of my prayer ;

That he hath inclined h is ear un to m e therefore

w ill- I ca ll upon h im as long as I live .

The snares of death compassed m e round about

and the pa ins of he ll gat hold upon m e .

I found trouble and heaviness, and I called upon


the N am e of the Lord : O Lord, I beseech thee deliver my soul .

Grac ious is the Lord, and r igh teous : yea , our

God IS m erc ifu l.

The Lord preserve th the simple ; I was in m is

ery, and he he lped m e .

Turn aga in then unto thy re st, O my soul : for

the Lord ha th rewarded thee .

And why thou hast de livered my soul from deathm ine eyes from tears, and my feet from fa lling.

I w ill walk before the Lord : in th e land of the

I be lieved, and therefo re w ill I speak ; bu t I wassore troubled I sa id in my haste , All m en are liars .

W hat reward shall I give unto the Lord : for all

the benefi ts that he hath done un to m e ?

I w ill re c e ive the cup of sa lva tion and c all upon

the N am e of the Lord .

I w ill pay my vows now in the pi esence o f all h is

people : i n the courts of the Lord's house , even in

the m i dst of thee , Jerusalem . Pra ise the Lord .

G lory be to the Fa ther , and to the Son . and to

the Ho ly Ghost :As i t w as in the b eginn ing is now and ever shall

be : world w i thou t . .end Am en .


raxhat, ethone nea wakerouhyeahare ne Raoghseana

ne Royaner : O Sayaner , W akoeyean ideaghtea , te

satoekogh tak ne agwado enhe ts .

Readearas naah n e Royaner , neoni ro terighwa

gwarighsyouh : e tho ne O egwan iyoh ron idearegh

tsherananouh .

N e Royaner shakoyadanouhsdats ne tyako

dean ikoerokte : Kayese katoesgwe , neoni raouhha

wahakya takenha

Egh sasatkareaghragwat tsinoewe ne sa torishea ts

hera , agwadoenhe ts : ikea ne Royaner waghyats

heanoenyataghgwea .

N eon i oghniyo tyerea ? ikea toesaghsadoekohta

gwe ne agwadoenhe ts tsikeaheyouh : klkaghteke

tsitewackaghserahriouh , neoni ne kaghsike ne ayor'

yeneaouh .

Bgh eakaghdeady raoheatouh ne Royaner ne tsi

wa touhweatsyate ne yakoenhenyouh .

Tewakeghtahkouh , ne karihoeny un tkewean ine

keane ; yahoegwakdate ne kowanea tew

kar iouh : W akirouh ne karokteghkeah aAgwekouh ne o egwehokouh yakonoweaghse .

Ogh n iwatsheanoenyaghsero tea yeahiyouh ne Ro

yaner : ne agwekouh tsinoetahaker ighwayeritshe ne

raouhha ?

Eakyena ne cup ne adusheanyeghtshera : neoni

yeakerouhyeahare ne Raoghseana ne Royaner .

Unckaryake ne tsin iwakeweaneataouh,

noewa tsiteayekaghneroenyoeke agwekouh

ne raoegweda : ne

raonouhsakouh ne Royaner , e the sha tewaghseaneane iese , O Jerusalem . Roneadon t ne Royaner .

O eweseaghtakshera naab ne Ran iha , neoni ne

Roewayea : neon i ne Onikouhradokeagh ty ;Ts iniyoghtoene ne adaghsawahtsherakouh , egh

n iyouh t ne ewa , neon i tyu tkouh ne eakeahake : tsi

youhweatsyate yagh thiyao edoktea . Am en .


Or , Psa l. cxxvi i . N isi D om inus .

EX CEPT the Lord bu ild the house : the ir labour is

but lost tha t bu i ld i t .

Except the Lo rd keep the city : the wa tchmanw ake th but in va in .

It is but lost labour tha t ye haste to rise up early,and so la te take rest, and eat the bread of ' carefulness for s e he give th his beloved sleep .

L o , children and the fruit of the womb : are a'


heritage and gift that com e th of the Lord.

L ike as the arrows in the hand of the giant : evenso are the young children .

Happy is the m an tha t hath h is qu iver full of themthev shall no t be asham ed when they speak withthe ir enem ies in the gate .

Glory be to the Father , and to the Son : and to

the Ho ly Ghost :As i t was in the beginn ing, is now, and ever shall

be : world w ithou t end . Am en .

'll Then the P r iest sha ll say,

L et us pray .

Lord, have m ercy upon us .

Christ, have m ercy up on us .

Lord, have m ercy upon us .

OUR Fa ther, wh ich art in heaven, Hallowed


thy N am e . Thy kingdom com e . Thy will be done

in earth , As it is in heaven . G ive us this day our

da ily bread . And forgive u s our trespasses, As we

fo rgive them tha t tre spass aga inst u s . And lead us notinto tempta tion B u t de liver u s from evil F or thine

is the kingdom , The pow er , and the glory, F or everand ever . Am en .

Min . O Lord, save th is woman thy servant ;

W ho pu tteth her trust in thee .

B e thou to her a strong tower

.dns . From the face of her enemy.


M in . Lord, hear our prayer .

Ans. And let our cry com e unto th ee .

M inister . L e t us pray .

O ALMIGH TY God, we give thee humble thanks fortha t thou ha st vouchsafed to de liver th is wom an thyservant from the great pa in and peril of Ch ild—birth

G rant , we beseech the e , m ost m erc ifu l Fa ther , thatshe , through thy help , m ay bo th fa ithfully live , and

walk according to . thy w ill, in th is life presen t ; and

a lso m ay be partaker of everlasting glory in the lifeto com e ; through Jesus Christ our Lord . .Hm en .

1l The W om an tha t com eth to g ive her Thanks , must


gwaghseanadokeaghdiste ; Sayanertsherah aoeda

weghte ; Tsineaghsereh egh neayaweane ne ough

weatsyake tsion i n ityouh t n e Karouhyakouh . Ta

kyouh ne keagh weghnisera te ne n iyadew eghn iserake

oegwanadarok N oe n i to edagwarighw iyo stea ne tsi

niyoegwa tswatouh , tsiniyouh t ne o ekyouhha tsi

tsyakh irighw iyostean is ne waonkhiyatswatea . N o

oni toghsa tagwagsharine t tewadadeanakeragh toeke ;N ok toedagwayadakoh tsinoewe n iyodaxheah Ikeaiese saweank ne kayaner tsherah , neon i ne kasha ts

teaghsera , noe n i ne oeweseaghtshera , tsiniyeahea

we neon i tsin iyeaheawe . Am en .

R a tsi . Sayaner , tsyadanouhsda t kea iekea tyo

thoew isea senhase .

E a tye . N e aouhha egh yo teweano taghkouh ne

iese tsherakouh .

R a tsi . N e keahak ne ie se i l e aouhhake ne yonouh

saghn irouh ka shatsteak

E a tye . Tsinoewe n ihadikouhsoe te ne koewas

weaghse .

R a tsi . Sayaner , tagwadahouhsada ts ne o egwade

reanayeant .

E atye . N oe ni kinyoh yeyagwaweanan iharan ne

ieseke .

R a tsihusta tsy. Dewade reanayea .

0 Seshatsteaghseragwekouh N iye h , yahgwayouhwagwean ideaghte wa tgwanouhweratouh nene tsinoedaghsenoewene wateghsatoekohtagwe keaiekea tyothoew isea senhase ne tsin ikarouhyakeaghserowanaa

neoni teyo teryeaghthara wag hkakea tsiwaoenakeratene Exaah Takyouh , wagwean ideaghtea , seanideareghtsherananouh B aniba , nene aouhha , ne aOI


nyat ne sayenawa tshera , wahoeny te tsyarouh aoetayaweghtahkoehake tsiayoenheke , neoni ne ayoyoneahawy ne tsiayoghdea tvoeha tye ne tsin isarihotea,


qf er accustomed Of erings and, if there be a Com

m union , it is convenient tha t she receive the holy Conl

m anion .

A C O M M I N A T I O N .

M inister . L e t u s pray .

O LORD , we be seech the e , m erc ifully hear our

praye rs , and spare a ll those who confess the ir sins

unto thee tha t they, whose consc iences by sin are

accused, by thy m erc iful pardon m ay be absolved ;through Christ our Lord. Am en .

.O MOST m igh ty God, and m erc iful Father , whoha st compass ion .

upon a ll m en , and ha test no th ingtha t thou hast m ade ; who woulde st no t the death

of a s inner , bu t that he should ra ther turn from

his sin , and be saved Mer c ifu lly forgive us our

trespasses rec e ive and com fort us , who are grievedand we ar ied w i th the burden of our s ins . Thy pro

perty is a lways to have m ercy to the e only i t apperta ine th to fo rgive s ins . Spare u s therefo re , goo d

Lord, spare thy people , whom thou hast redeem ed

en ter no t in to judgme n t w ith thy servan ts , who are

vile earth , and m iserab le sinners ; bu t so turn'th ine

anger from us , who m eekly a cknow ledge o ur - vileness,to and truly repen t us of our fau lts , and so m ake hastehe lp us in this world, that we m ay ever live w ith theein the world to come ; through Jesus Christ our

Lord. J m en .


kouh , ne wahetkea oughweatsya tsiniyeyado tea , .ne

oni yeyesaghse yakorighwaneraaxkouh ; nok erea

aoesashawighte ne sanagwheasera ne oekyouhhake ,ne oegwan ikoerane tskha yagwadoe terese ne akeerouh yagwa touh s , neon i ne tokea ske tsyagwadatre

wagh tha ne oegwanhigh tsherokouh , neon i taesaste

riheaĝasgwayenawa se ne keatho tsiyouhweatsya te ,nene tsin iyaawe yaoesayakyoenheke yaoesetewa

gwekouh ne tsityouhweatsyate ne tawe ; ne raori

hoenyat Jesus Christ Shoegwayaner . Am en .

T H E E N D .








Printed at Rm 's Book and Job Ofi co, St e ., King Street.

1 8 4 2 .


1 , 2 Sa ya ner , sa ronk nak9wea ne

Souh ha ke na kye rat'


A oe dagh sye na ak, n i yoh

N a gwa de rea na yeant .

3 Or hoe ke nek na ke wea narYa koe yagh roe ka te

N e e ne kea ya ka t kagh tho

W a ka te rea?na yea .

8 Sa te righ wa gwa rih syouh s'ra

A oe gwagh sha ri ne

kea yo e ke n i“

koe ra re

Tyu t kouh ne yoex weagh se .

0 Sa ya ner ne wa hoe ny .

Tsye roe n its tsi noe we,N i ya a ke nya kye ri te ,N e tsi se ha da tye


i s, ,M.

Ough ka Sa.ya ne r, ea wa tonh,Ea ye ne ke re ke ,

N e sa nouh sa do ke t_i ke ,

Ea ya ke toen ha

2 Ra ouh ha ok,ne reen hi yOht

N e t'

ka righ wa ye ry,N e ra we rya ne tea tyouh,N e

3 N e ne yagh lsa Di - kOBr.ha' touhTe kea rea nagh sa ke

Yagh tes ha kots wa teaRa te ra nek ha ouh.

4 Ough ka ok ne ro de m tye.

Ra o doen ha ratslra

Ea wa da tye yagh noe wea touh

Th i ya ho dok tha se .


1 Ts i ka rouh ya te wat ro rySoe we seas

'ra N i yoh

O tsis tok ho kouh 0 n i ne

Tsis'we ye a no wa nea .

3 Tsi n i ya te ye wea na ke

Ya kogh roe kea ha tye

Tyo gwek touh oe gwe ta gwe kouhKoe wa wea nagh roe kas .

12 N ok ne oe gwe yo nogh ra gwa tA ko ya da ne ts kha

Yo t ka te tfka righ wa ye ryTye ke se roe neagh tha .

12 0 N i yoh ne ne tsyea de ryN e o righ wa gwe koub

Toe ta ke righ W i yos tea ne

A ken h i ts 'ra o kouh .

13 Togh sa ne ka righ wa ne rea

W a ka te wea n i yostTa kya da noes da toe ha tyeIe se 0 Sa ya ner.

14 Tyut konh na gwa de rea na yeantTsi ke righ wa ne kha ,

Yogh roe ka to e hak ni se ke ,As kya '

da de ris te .


1 N e Ro ya ner ra ke nouh ne ,

N e wa hoe ny yagh tea ,

Tha ta oe gwa touh w ea tsyogh ise ;Yagh o the nouh i kea .

2 Ra ouh ha tea bax nye tye shek',Ts i no e ' ka hea ti yoh ;

Ea ha gwagh sha r i n e t' ak ta

Ts i kagh ne ke yo gwa te.

Teas ha te ny a gwa doen he ts ,Ea ha kya dea ha w it



A te r igh wa gwa'

r ih syouh s'ra

N e tsi yo ha da tye .

4 N ea yea ke we tsi kea he youb ,Yagh thea wak te roe shek' ;

Yagh o the nouh tha ke ts ha n ik ',N e wa he t kea o konh .

5 I ke a ie se te n i gwe koub ,Tho ie kea sa tea n i ts ,

N e w a kouh wes gwa tha 0 n i

Sea n i dea i egh tshe ra .

6 Ea ya ke n i gwe koe ha ke ,N e ts i n i yea hea we ,

Ra o nouh sa kouh Ro ya ner

Ea ki te roe ta ke .


l Souh ha ke Sa ya ner ,

W a ka t, w ea no tagh konhA gwe rya ne a ke w ea na ,

Ya hak dat' ie se ke .

3 0 Ta ke na toe has ,N e tsi sa ha ten youh ;

Sa te righ wa gwa rih syouhs'ra

N e ta gwagh sha r i ne t .

2 E rea tak ha wigh tas

N e a ken h igh tsh e ra ;Ta ke ne ha res a gwe kouh

N e ka r igh wa ne rea .

3 I kea ka toe te res,

T si n i wa ken hi se

A ke righ wa ne ra ax'ra ,

N e ak hea touh tyut kouh .

4 Soub ha ke , Sa ya ner,

N e tsi tes ka ne re ;

Ke r igh wa ne ra ak tea nyN ask tsyea ha yea dagh gwe ,

9 Te sat kar ha te ny,Toe ta ke ne ha res,

A gwe kouh tsi ni ya W e ta

N e wa ken h igh se roub .

0 N i yoh ta koe nyea ,W a ke ryagh s i yo hak

Se ta ne i i li tshe ra kouh ,A se ka n i koe ra .



Togh sa e rea sha wit

N e sa ye na wats* ra ;

N e Sa n i kouh ra do keagh ty,Togh sa wa kyagh doe ty.

O toe ta koe w e sa t,

A re she koub ne ne

Sa n i koe ra wa kes hats d at,Tsi kya ta kea he youhs.

Sen ho toe koh N i yoh ,N e tsix ha ka roe te ;


A ka te r igh wah tea tyeb te ,A koe nea toe he ke .

16 I ke a yagh te ka yea ,O ya na ka gwe ny ;

A ka righ wa se ra gwah te ,N e sa nouh wegh tshe ra .

17 N e'

ok te yo tya kouh,N e ka n i kouh ra ke ,

N e N i yoh ya te ka ya dy ,Ro ka ro wa nagh touh .

N e ne te yo tya kouh ,Ra we rya sa ne ts kha

R a ouh ha ne yagh noe wea touh ,A kea roub tha ha touh .


N i yoh as gwea tea re

As gwa ya da de rist'

As gwa na toe has sea dea ra t

0 ni sa s wat he ts, ra ;

2 N e ne tsi sa ha te ,A ye yea ter ha ne ;

Ough wea tsya ke ne a gwe koub ,Yogh ne gwah sa te nyouh .

3 Ki nyoh noe gwe ho kouh ,Ye sa nea tonh ie se

0 N i yoh o e gw e ta gw e kouh ,Ye sa nea touh n i se .

4 Yogh ne gwah sa te nyouh

Yoe toe n ha rea ie sek,

Tsi she ya ts te r is tha 0 n i ,Shen hes ough wea tsya ke .

6 N ea ne ough wea tsya ke ,N e a ya wegh ya roub ,

Ra o ya da de r igh tshe ra ,

A sho e kyouh ne N i yoh .

7 A sho e gwe a tea re ne ,

N i yoh ne a gwe kouh ,N e tsi yo touh wea tsyok ta nyouh,Ro e wats hagh n i se re .


1 0 Sa ya ner ka ro ka se t,

N e ne a kye na wagh tshe ra ;

A o e touh ka rok te kea ha ,Ta kye na was ta kya ta koh .

2 She yats wa tea ne roe ne sax ,

N e a ha di ka re wagh te ,A gwa do en he ts ro nouh ha ke ,Ska yea da t tsi n i hoe ne re .

3 N e tsi nea ho d i ya ta wea ,A te ha ts

*ra ra di ye na ;

N yone koe na da gwha ie se ke ,T si wa ka te wea no tagh kouh .

4 N ok ne sea n i dea regh tshe ra

N e ya ko te w ea no tagh kouh ;

Ya ko toen ha rak a gwe kouh ,N e te gwa r igh wah gwea ni hek .


5 To nea we us gwa na gwha se ?

Tsi kea n i yea hea we ;Sa ya ner ea yo tek ha ke ;N e sa na gwhea se ra ?

Ya ko tegh yah roe n i ha tye ,N e N i yoh ne noe ka .

8 Tsi ni yo re yea wa the we ,N e o nea a gwe kouh ,

Bgh yea ya kogh wa es te ne

S i on tsi yo noe te .


1 Sa ya ner , oe gwan begh tshe ra ,

Ie se tsi nea na he ,Shoe ta kagh wa tsi ra da tye

Shis gwan he ha tye se .

3 0 Sa ya ner o keagh ra ke ,She ke ts gwea ne oe gwe

Egh 0 n i yea tsye yea tagh ne

N ea e a tegh sa da dy .

6 Sa e tho ne or hoe ke ne ,

A da ka ri dats' ra ;N ok ne 0 nea yo ka ra rask ha ,A gwe kouh ka ya koub .

9 Tsi yoe gwa tegh n is' ra te nyouh ,Yo do he ts toe ha tye ,

Yos no re tsi ye yo dok te ,W a oe gwegh toe ha tye .

W a hoe ny ta gwa ri hoe nyea ,A ya gwegh ya ra ke ,

N i yo righ w es ha ya kyoon he ,Y a gwagh n i koe ra rak .

A gwe kouh ne oe gwe rya ne ,

Tsi noe we to keas ke ,Ka n i kouh ro wa neas

'ra ke

N i yo tye ragh toe hak .


O te ts h i te wa righ wah gwas

N e Ras hats te agh se ra gwe konh ,N e te wa te wea na ke ts kohRa ouh ha ke e ne keagh tsy.

2 Ra o hea tonh te wa doe rea ,

Te ts h i te wa nouh w e ra toub ,N e tsi n i tho righ wa ye ryTe watst te ye righ wah gwa tha.

3 I kea N i yoh ne Ro ya ner

Ro ya da ne ra gwa t hoe we ,N e Ra ko ragh tshe ro wa nea

Sha ko kea nyouh n i yo he koub .

4 N e ra ouh ha ras nouh sa kouh

N e ts i yo tonh wea tsyok ta nyouhKas ha ts teas ' ra o kouh 0 n i

Ra ouh ha na ah ra o weank.

5 N e ka nya ta ra kegh ko W a

Ra ouh ha ro t, w e yea noe ny,Ras nouh sa kouh yo yogh tea ouh

N e tsi yo touh wea tsyoe n i ouh .

6 Kas'ne egh tsh i te wa nea tonh ,

Ra o hea touh ne Ro ya ner

N i yoh te te wa donts ho tea ,Ra ouh ha shoe gwa ya di soub.

7 I kea ra ouh ha Ro ya ner

N a ah ne ne oe gwa n iyoh ,N e 0 n i ne tyoe gwe ho kouhN e ra ouh ha ras nouh sa kouh.

8 Se we ryagh sa nets kha hak neN ea tsh i se wa wea na roe ke ;

Togh sa ne se wa ya nea haf

A 0 nea tsi ni ya wea ouh .


O Tets h i se wa r igh wah gwa s

N i yoh ka rea na se ,

I kea yo negh ra gwah te nyouh

N e ra o yo deas,ra .

2 N e ts i ra we yea tegh tah kouh

Ra o nunts ha t' keagh tyTha te ya ouh wea tsya wer honh

N e sha kon he s tagh gwha .

3 Ra 0 t'ri wa gwa righ syouhs

,ra ,

N e tsi n i ho tye sea

A ka ouh ha ke a rek ho

l a ko r igh w i yos touh .

4 N e ra 0 n i dea re ts he ra

Tyu t kouh n e re yagh re

Tsi yo tonh wea tsyok_ta n i honh

N i yo re ra t kagh thos .

6 Ki nyoh ne w a hoe ny o nea

Tsi tsyouh wea tsya te nyouh ,

S9wa toen ha rea ra ouh ha ke ,Te ts hislwa r igh wah gwas .


1 I se Sogh when tsy a gwe gouh ,Te se wa hea regh tan n i youb ,

Egh tsi yo de ahst ne Ro ya ner ,

N e n e Ya gwa t se noe n i yat .

2 Ka ro se w igh t Tfit ha kogh son't .

Yod se noen yat de t wa r i wak .

N ok se wa n i gough ra do gea ,N e Ro ya ner ne nah N i yoh .

3 N ok N i yoh son kwa ya dis soub ,Ra ouh ha Ra 0 di yough kwa ,


2 N e te tsh i se wa righ wa gwas

Ts i ni ho n i tea rouh ;N e ne ea wa da tye oe we

N e tsi n i yea hea we .


2 Tsi youb nya he re ne Si on

Egh ya te c ka ne re ,

Egh noe we nea te we ne ne

Ea wa kya ta ken ha .

3 , 4 E tho ne ne a gwa doen hetsEa ya oe ris hea tan


I kea N i yoh yagh te ho dasN e ra n i koe ra re .

5 , 6 Ra ne ra honts ho kouh noe we

N ea sa gwats he ha ke ,N e Ra shats teagh se ro wa nea

N e ea ya nouh na tye,

9 Ts1 sa tha hi ne tsi seen he

Tea ya toe kogh tah gweSkea nea thi yea ya ya the weTsi ye yo tha ha te .


1 Yo toen ha rak nya ko thoe te

Oe gwagh wa tsi ra ke ,Ya ko wea noe wes gwat yoe tonh

Egh ni ya ha se we ,

2 N 6 nouh sa do keagh ti ke ,N e 0 ni tsyats te rist

N e se wa tegh ni se ra te ,W egh n i se ra no rouh .

6 0 ne t9wa te rea na yea has

A te ras w i yo ts*ra

Ka ya ne rea a ka na nouh

Tsi te wagh seah to te ;7 Sa nouh sa no roe ke N i yoh

Ok ya te ka koe teYe sa na ta re na w i hak

Ya ko toen ha roe nyoek .


1 , 2 . Egh tshi se wa nea toub ,N e tsh i s9wa ya dis soub

N o te se wa ri wak

Ra o rea na o koub .

Se w a wea na

N e che ru b im

N e se ra ph im

Se wa nea toub .

4 Egh n i da agh sont hean9,Ka ragh gwa kea wea tek



N e yo nats te ris touh ,Egh tshi se wa toe rea :

N e ra ouh ha

Ka rouh ya ke ,Ro rya ne rouhs

N e o ts ha da .

5 , 6 Ki uye h roe wa nea touh ,Ra os

,na do keagh ty,

Ra s ha ts teas, ro wa nea

Tsi n i ha oe n is souh ;N e a gwe koubEa wa da tye ,Ea ka ta ke

Tsin' yea hea we .


1 Egh tsh is' wa nea touh ,

Te se wa ri wak

N e Ro ya n er ne ,

Se wa toen ha rea

N e se wa wea na ke ,Ra o nea douhts9 ra ,

Tsi ya ko t kea n is soub

Ta ye ri wagh gwe .

2 Ra ya da no rouh

Shoe gwa ya dis soub ,N e ka r i hoe nyRoe wa toen ha rak,

Oe da tyea o koe ah

Si on ne 0 n i

Ya ko ts hea no e n i hak

Ra onh hats ' ra koub .


1 0 Egh tshe nea touh Ro ya ner

Tsi noe we tho das kats hoe we ,Tsi noe w e ra o ya ne rea ,

Ko wa nea tyogh na we ro te ;

2 Egh tsh e ne a touh ne ra ouh ha ,Ka rouh ya kouh tsi noe we ,

N ea yagh te tsyo t rea hos touh ne

Oe w e seagh tshe ra ra koex ne .

3 Egh tshe ne a to uh ne ra ouh ha ,A gwe kouh ra t o yo teas

'ra ,

Tsi n i yo : ne ra gwagh te nyouh

N e tsi n is hoe gwa tye ra se ;

4 Bgh tshe nea to uh -

n e ra ouh ha ,N e wa te r igh . wah se ra gwat

V E N I C R E A T O R , C . M .

Ts iniyoeter ig hwanotouhs Teyerig hwagwatha .

1 Ka ro Ro n i gough r i yough stouh ,N e Sa kwe nya t N i yoh ,

0 n i a gwe genh ta kwe yeghs,Sa wea na do geagh ty .

2 N e na ah tak wa r ih hoe ny,A ya gwa yen der ha ,

N e wa ka rih hoe nya te ,T l

a ya gwaght ka wa ne .

0 ne Sa n i gogh r i yough stouh,N e Tah yough when tsyo roah ,

Tak wan he ts i ni sa gwen ya t,Ts i ni yo dak sea se .

4 0 Sa ya ner Tak gwagh sni ye nouh ,N e na yonk high sweagh se ,

N e 0 n i a yak h i sea ny ,

Sa ya ner te shegh su*yeh.

5 On gwa ya ner ko wa 0 n i ,N e Se ya da de rist,

Roe wa wea na wak hoe had yeh

RO di ye na wak bouh .

6 N e Ka righ wyouh stak tse ra gouh ,

Yeght ha Ka rouh hya ge ,

N e Ya ko ya dea ha w igh tha ,N e na Christ tyut koh .

7 0 Sa ya ner ne se ya wyh

Sa wea na do geagh ty ,

N e suh ha a ont ka da de ,

Ra d i tsi huhs ta tsy .

8 W a hoe ny ne Sa ka ri wa t,

Sa on gwa n i go e ra t


A en douh , ne 0 n i e t ho

N e A ya g*yon he ke ,

9 N e 0 n i A ya gweah he ye ,N e tsi n i ye hea w e

Ea ya ko das kats to e ha ke ,N e ne Ka rough ya ge nh .

S A C R A M E N T H Y M N , L'

. M .

N e Yeyada rastha .

1 Ak, n i yoh sa te gwha rak ne

Bgh no e w e n i sat deagh ta roub ,Yo ta w eagh ra to uh ne sa cupTs i n i di sa righ wa ye ry ?

2 A gwe kouh she yea o koe ah

E t ho yo e ta dagh sha r i ne t,Bgh noe w e ye sa yea ter hanTsi n i ya we konh se u

'i se .

3 W a gwa nea touh ne 0 nyeas gwaN e ne Je sus shoe kyoe nyea ny,

N e ra ouh ha ra o wa renh

N e 0 n i ra 0 ne gweagh sa

4 Ro das kats yogh na ne tar ryouhTe ho ta te r igh wah gwea ny,

N e tsi yogh na wea a w ih touhN e ne ka re nh ya kouh ka konh .

S A C R A M E N T H Y M N , L . M .

N e Yeyaclarastha .

1 0 ki uye h sa te gwha rak ne

N e tyut kouh yot koe nyeas toe hak

N e 0 n i ya ko toen ha rak

N ye ya da re tsi sa dea nyot'.

2 Tsi nya te wa toen he ts9ra ke

Kea tho ka kea a e n hets , ra ,W a t tok no r igh wa do keagh tyTsi n i ya we koe tshe ro tea .

3 K i nyoh ya ko tyegh ko wa nea

Ya ko ts he roe nyagh gwea thoe hak,A gwe kouh ye yoe t

*ra nea takt

Yo tek hak na ka w e rya ne

4 N *0 nea e rea ea tsya gwegh te

Sa te gwha rak ne Ra ni ha ,Togh sa egh ok yoe gwa dok thas

N e oe gwa ts hea noe nyagh se ra .

5 Sa soen he t ne yo nea he youh

Sa nouh sa do keagh ti o kouh ,N e ta gwa da ka r i da ts tak

Sea dea ra t ya kve en he koe hak .

6 N e 0 n i ne ta gwas hats dat,

N e ra 0 ne gweagh sa no roub

Oe gwa ya da ken ha ts he ra

I k,ea ne ok ea ka gweny.


Teyerig hwagw a tha Sayoeda trewaghte.

l Ough ka a koe wa yan he we

Ts i ko wa nea A don ha rahk

N e ne Tsi n i ka nak do tea

N e ne a gwagh Ka rough ya kouh .

2 E tho tsi o nea Sa yoe we

N e ya ko y a dagh toe oe ne

Ts i n i ye righ wa ne rak sgwe

N e ne Sa yon da t re wagh te .


N e nea ne Tyon gwe ka se ne ,

A se n i ka ea yoeh .

3 N e ne Tsi n i yough whea tsyo deaTsi noe we t9ka kon de ,

Kea n i yo r igh wes ha nok ogh

Yea de wa yen da ne .

4 1 se TSyon gwe da no roe souh

Kean tho O keagh ra ge ,T 'ka kon de Se wa nak ta yea

Yagh na tlha on t kwe ny.

5 TSI n i se w a nough si yo se

N e Ye ko wa neagh se ,

Ya ke n i goughro wa neagh se ,

Ra di tsi hus ta tsy.

6 E tho ok nea ne U s ka t ne ,Yen de wa yen da ne

0 Se n i yogh se ro w a nea ,

Egh kea n i yough , n'On gwe ?

7 Ok se kouh ka dy ok skea neah

T 9h i yon gwa n i goe rent,


0 n i T si n i yoghs no rad dye ,Yon gwagh tean dyo had dye:

8 N e ne tsi ye ya da da ryouh

Tshe roe nyagh gwea tho ne

N *On gwa don he ts n9ea wagh tean

N 0 nea ea yon gwa dy.

9 N e Keab he youh se 0 wa roh

Ea ya kwa tha ra da t,

0 n i Ye ya kwa doh he t ste

Tsit keants ha don dyeh se .

F I N I S .

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