
My Book About Colonial Life in New England

BySidney Mast

My parents gave me the name Obadiah Truth. I have blue eyes, dirty blond straight hair.

I have 3 brothers there names are Phineas Jothan, Amzi Asa, and

Alden Emory and 1 sister named Cornelia Mercy. My dads name is Rufus and my moms name is Abitha Comfort.

I live in a two bedroom cabin with 1 fire place and a dining room. We live in the woods away from every one else. It is a very small 1 story house it is very crowded.

Every day I ware a green shirt with matching pants. I also wear long white socks with leather shoos. My favorite hat is black.

My father works in the field every day. When he comes home he is very tired because he is constantly working in the field.

My mother works every day. She makes candles, cooks, and sews. The family is proud of her we would be lost with out her. She also does the dishes and works in the garden.

As a colonial child my chores are milking cows, and getting eggs from the chicken house. Some times I help my mom on cooking and some times I help my dad on the farm.

Me my brothers, and my sisters come home from school every day and play cup in ball. We also play a lot of other games. One game is played by pushing a hoop along the ground with a stick.

We usually eat bacon from our pigs, eggs from our chickens for breakfast. For lunch and dinner we eat sandwiches or chicken. For a snack we eat a apple from the tree.

School is not very fun but I haft to go five times a week. My teacher, Mrs. Susan Smith, helps me with math. She has been a teacher for ten years. The one room school house seems very small when all 24 children are there. Since the school is small most of us do not have a desk of our own. Every day I bring a pencil and my horn book to school. There are days when I forget to bring my school supplies, and I get paddled. Even though I do not like the school work I go to school to see my friends.

When I misbehave my parents punish me by making me do all the chores. I have to remove all of the horse

poop and chicken poop from the barn. I also have to chop wood and pile it up against the barn. The worst punishment I can receive is getting whipped with a


My mother is the one in the that takes care of the ill in our family. Sometimes she uses herbs and remedies. The Native America’s gave Mother medicines for us to use when

we are ill.

Every Sunday my family and I go to church. We go to church to worship the Lord and listen to preacher give his sermon. We also sing hymns during the church service. Going to church is fun because I get to see my friends.

In the colony of New York if you get caught steeling you are put in the stocks. I go to school in less I am helping my dad in fields.

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