Requirements Document - Soccer League Management System

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Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

Software Requirements Specification


Soccer League Management System (SLMS), Release 1.0

Document Version 1.0

Prepared by Kent Etling Username: ke267

Nova Southeastern University CISC 680 – Software Engineering

Winter 2011

February 7, 2011

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page ii

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... ii

Revision History ........................................................................................................................... iii

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Project Scope and Product Features ............................................................................................. 1

1.3 References .................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Overall Description ................................................................................................................. 2

2.1 Product Perspective ...................................................................................................................... 2

2.2 User Classes and Characteristics ................................................................................................. 2

2.3 Operating Environment ................................................................................................................ 2

2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints ...................................................................................... 3

2.5 User Documentation .................................................................................................................... 3

2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies .................................................................................................. 3

3. User Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 4

3.1 Authenticate User’s Identity or New User ................................................................................... 5

3.2 Manage My Account.................................................................................................................... 5

3.3 Register for a Session................................................................................................................... 7

3.4 Roster ........................................................................................................................................... 7

3.5 Administration by Coach ............................................................................................................. 8

3.6 Administration by League Manager ............................................................................................ 9

4. Uses Cases and Scenarios ..................................................................................................... 12

4.1 Use Case Name: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity ............................. 12

4.2 Use Case Name: Manage My Account ...................................................................................... 14

4.3 Use Case Name: Register for a Session ..................................................................................... 16

4.4 Use Case Name: Roster ............................................................................................................. 18

4.5 Use Case Name: Administration by Coach................................................................................ 20

4.6 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Create User ....................................................... 21

4.7 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Review / Edit / Delete User .............................. 23

4.8 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Create a Registration Session ........................... 25

4.9 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Review / Edit / Delete Session ......................... 27

4.10 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Review / Edit / Delete Session ......................... 29

4.11 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Review / Edit Teams ........................................ 31

4.12 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Customize Welcome Page ................................ 33

4.13 Use Case Name: Logout ............................................................................................................ 34

4.14 High Level Activities using SLMS for a Normal Soccer Registration Phase ............................ 35

5. External Interface Requirements ........................................................................................ 37

5.1 User Interfaces ........................................................................................................................... 37

5.2 Hardware Interfaces ................................................................................................................... 37

5.3 Software Interfaces .................................................................................................................... 37

5.4 Communications Interfaces ....................................................................................................... 37

6. Other Nonfunctional Requirements .................................................................................... 37

6.1 Performance Requirements ........................................................................................................ 37

6.2 Safety Requirements .................................................................................................................. 38

6.3 Security Requirements ............................................................................................................... 38

6.4 Software Quality Attributes ....................................................................................................... 38

7. System Evolution ................................................................................................................... 38

7.1 Desired Requirements for Future Releases: ............................................................................... 38

7.2 Optional Requirements for Future Releases: ............................................................................. 38

7.3 Hardware Evolution Changes: ................................................................................................... 39

8. Risk Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 40

9. User Interaction: Screen Layouts/Screenshots ................................................................... 43

9.1 Home Page ................................................................................................................................. 43

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9.2 New User Page ........................................................................................................................... 44

9.3 My Account Page ....................................................................................................................... 45

9.4 Register Page ............................................................................................................................. 46

9.5 Roster Page ................................................................................................................................ 47

9.6 Admin - Coach Page .................................................................................................................. 48

9.7 Admin – League Manager Page ................................................................................................. 49

9.8 Create User Page ........................................................................................................................ 50

9.9 Edit / Delete User Page .............................................................................................................. 51

9.10 Create Session Page ................................................................................................................... 52

9.11 Review / Edit / Delete Session Page .......................................................................................... 53

9.12 Auto Populate Teams Page ........................................................................................................ 54

9.13 Review / Edit Teams Page ......................................................................................................... 55

9.14 Customize Welcome Page ......................................................................................................... 56

10. Glossary .................................................................................................................................. 57

Revision History

Name Date Reason For Changes Version

Kent Etling 2/7/2011 Original version – Document template is from a website referenced in the class text book -Wiegers (2011).


Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 1

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) describes the software functional and nonfunctional requirements for release 1.0 of the Soccer League Management System (SLMS). This document is intended to be used by the members of the project team that will implement and verify the correct functioning of the system. Unless otherwise noted, all requirements specified here are to be considered as high priority and committed for release 1.0.

1.2 Project Scope and Product Features

The Soccer League Management System will be a web based application that will provide capabilities for managing a recreational soccer league. These capabilities will include an easy to use web based interface to allow soccer players and coaches to register for an upcoming soccer season. Based on the input provided by the soccer players and coaches, the system will automatically create the appropriate number of soccer teams at 5 different levels and match individual soccer players to those teams based on criteria specified. The system will be able to generate rosters that can be printed or emailed to the users.

1.3 References

Farlex, Inc. (2011). The Free Dictionary. Retrieved February 4, 2011, from The Free Dictionary:

Pressman, R. S. (2010). Software Engineering. New York: McGraw Hill.

Wiegers, K. E. (2011, February 1). Requirements Engineering. Retrieved January 15, 2011, from Process Impact:

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2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

The Soccer League Management System is a new software application for a recreational soccer league that allows the league to replace their current manual process of completing a paper player registration form, matching players to teams, and producing team rosters. The current process requires a lot of time and effort and the new process should dramatically reduce those as well as improve the accuracy of the data since the users will directly enter their information. The system is expected to evolve over several releases and the customer may eventually market the application or offer it as an application service provider (ASP).

2.2 User Classes and Characteristics

Player A player is someone who wishes to participate as a member of a team in a recreational soccer league. The player must be 18 years of age or older. The player’s age along with their soccer experience level (college, high school, recreational leagues) are tracked by the system for placement in the appropriate division/level. When a player registers for a session, they will be assigned to a team consisting of 18 to 23 players. Players will mostly be using the system during the Spring and Fall registration periods. Besides registering for sessions, players will also be interested in viewing, printing, and emailing team rosters. It is expected that there will approximately 500 players per session. It is assumed all players have access to a computer with a web browser and internet access.

Coach A coach is responsible for managing an individual soccer team which includes providing training instructions and coordination services for the team. A coach will be responsible for determining a name for their team which consists of 18 to 23 players. A coach can also participate as a player on the team as well. Besides registering to coach a team for a session, a coach will also be interested in viewing, printing, and emailing team rosters. It is expected that there will approximately 30 coaches. It is assumed all coaches have access to a computer with a web browser and internet access.

League Manager

A league manager is responsible for managing the entire recreational soccer league. They determine the number of divisions/levels and the criteria for each. They establish the registration period for a session and populate the teams with the appropriate players at the end of the registration period. In addition, the league manager will be interested in viewing, printing, and emailing team rosters. It is expected that there will approximately 3 league managers. It is assumed all league managers have access to a computer with a web browser and internet access.

2.3 Operating Environment

OE-1: The clients shall be able to access the Soccer League Management System using the following certified Web browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 7.0 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or higher, and Apple Safari 4 or higher. Other web browser may work as well, but will not be tested and certified.

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OE-2: The Soccer League Management System shall operate on a server with Windows Server 2008 operating system.

OE-3: The Soccer League Management System shall permit user access from an Internet connection.

2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints

CO-1: The system’s design, code, maintenance, and documentation shall follow best practices for software engineering as described in the book: Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach - author: Roger S. Pressman - ISBN: 9780073375977 - Edition: 7th - publish year: 2009, publisher: McGraw-Hill.

CO-2: The system shall be developed using an object oriented programming (OOP) approach.

2.5 User Documentation

UD-1: The system shall provide an online help system in HTML that explains or demonstrates all the major system functions.

UD-2: The help system should also include an online tutorial for showing users the process of setting up their account, registering for a session, and reviewing the roster.

2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies

AS-1: The users have a general understanding of the soccer sport. AS-2: The league manager has a general understanding of how a recreational soccer league

functions. AS-3: The users are familiar with using a computer and a Web Browser. AS-4: The first release will only be available in English, so it is assumed the user

understands English. DE-1: The use of the SLMS is dependent on the availability of the Internet. DE-2: The ability to print the roster is dependent on the user having access to a printer. DE-3: The SLMS is dependent on the user having an email account.

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3. User Functional Requirements

A high level use case diagram of the major functions of the Soccer League Management System is provided in Figure 1 consisting of: 1) Authenticate User’s Identity or New User, 2) Manage My Account - where users can view and update their personal account information, 3) Register for a Session – where users can register for an upcoming soccer session, 4) Rosters – where users have the ability to view, print, and email rosters, 5) Administration by Coach – which allows coaches to update their team name and view detail player information, and 6) Administration by League Manager – where the league manager can configure and administer the entire system.

Figure 1- High Level Use Case Diagram for the Soccer League Management System

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3.1 Authenticate User’s Identity or New User

3.1.1 Description and Priority

A user (Player, Coach, or League Manager) authenticates their identity to login into the system or enrolls as a new user. Priority = High.

3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

Stimulus: User requests to log into SLMS.

Response: System prompts user for email address (username) and password. System then validates and if correct allows user into the system.

Stimulus: User requests to enroll in the system.

Response: System prompts user for name, email address and password.

Stimulus: User forgot password.

Response: System prompts user for email address and sends an email to the user with a temporary password to log into the system.

3.1.3 Functional Requirements

Authenticate.Userid: The system shall use a valid email address ( format) of the user as the username for the system.

Authenticate.Userid.Dup: The system shall ensure duplicate users with the same email address are not created.

Authenticate.Email.Twice: The system shall require the email address to be typed twice to ensure the user did not type it incorrectly.

Authenticate.Password: The system shall require a minimum of seven characters to be used for the password.

Authenticate.Password.Twice: The system shall require new passwords to be entered twice to ensure the user did not type it incorrectly.

Authenticate.Name: When the user requests to create an account on the system, the user must provide a name consisting at a minimum first name and last name.

Authenticate.UseridNumber: Once a new user has entered valid data for an account, the system shall assign a unique userid number to the account.

Authenticate.NewUserEmail: The system shall send new users a successful system enrollment notification email.

3.2 Manage My Account

3.2.1 Description and Priority

A user (Player, Coach, or League Manager) will use the My Account form to enter and update their personal and account information. Priority = High.

3.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

Stimulus: User requests to enroll in SLMS.

Response: System shall prompt the user to enter personal account information, verify the data, and save it.

Stimulus: User requests to view/update account information.

Response: System shall display the user’s account information in editable fields and provides a save button for the user to save their updates.

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3.2.3 Functional Requirements

MyAccount.UserIDNumber: The system shall display the account’s unique User ID Number.

MyAccount.EmailAddr: The system shall display and prompt for the user’s email address which will be used as their login username and verify the email address is unique to this account. Required Field.

MyAccount.Password.Nonvisible: The system shall display asterisks instead of the actual characters for a password. Required Field.

MyAccount.Password.MinSize: The system shall require passwords to be a minimum of seven characters. Required Field.

MyAccount.FirstName: The system shall display and prompt for user’s first name. Required Field.

MyAccount.LastName: The system shall display and prompt for user’s last name. Required Field.

MyAccount.MiddleName: The system shall display and prompt for user’s middle name or initial. Optional Field.

MyAccount.PhoneNumber: The system shall display and prompt for user’s phone number. Required Field.

MyAccount.Address: The system shall display and prompt for the user’s street number and street address. Required Field.

MyAccount.City: The system shall display and prompt for the user’s city address. Required Field.

MyAccount.State: The system shall display and prompt for the user’s state address. Required Field.

MyAccount.Zip: The system shall display and prompt for the user’s zip address information. Required Field.

MyAccount.Birthdate: The system shall display and prompt for the user’s birth date including month, day and year. Required Field.

MyAccount.Birthdate18: The system shall only allow player who are 18 and above to register for sessions.

MyAccount.Experience: The system shall display and prompt for the player’s highest soccer past experience with choices of 1) College, 2) High School, 3) Recreation League, or 4) None. Required Field.

MyAccount.Position: The system shall display and prompt for the user’s positions they have played (total of three) and list them in preference order where number one is the most preferred position. Positions include: full back, half back, forward, goalie, or none. Required Field.

MyAccount.Save: The system shall provide a Save button so that the user can save the information they entered. Required Field.

MyAccount.Access: The system shall limit access to the My Account information (except password) to the users themselves, the coach that has that player on their team, and the league managers.

MyAccount.UpdateTiming: The system shall allow players to make changes to their My Account information at any time, but the changes will not go into effect until they register for the next season, the one coming up. Then the changes will go into effect and they will be placed on the team according to the update data or have the correct contact info.

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3.3 Register for a Session

3.3.1 Description and Priority

A user may register to play for specific session as either player, coach, or both. Priority = High.

3.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

Stimulus: Player or Coach requests to register for a specific soccer session.

Response: System prompts for session name, participation type (player and/or coach).

Stimulus: Player or Coach requests to update an existing registration for a specific soccer session that is still open for registration.

Response: System prompts for session name and allows the user to update their participation type (player and/or coach).

Stimulus: Player or Coach requests to delete registration for a specific soccer session that is still open for registration.

Response: System prompts for the specific soccer session they want to delete.

3.3.3 Functional Requirements

Register.Session: The system shall prompt the user to choose a current available session to register for based on the session’s registration start and end date. Required Field.

Register.Type: The system shall prompt user to choose the type of participation – player, coach, or both - for the selected session. Required Field.

Register.Status: The system shall display the current registration status for the selected session.

Register.Save: The system shall provide a button to allow the user to register (save) their request.

Register.Delete: The system shall provide a button for the user to delete a previous registration submission.

3.4 Roster

3.4.1 Description and Priority

A user may request to view, print, or email a roster. Priority = High.

3.4.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

Stimulus: User wants to view a roster.

Response: System prompts for session name, level/division, and team, and then displays the information on the web page.

Stimulus: User wants to print a roster.

Response: System prompts for session name, level/division, and team, and then displays the information on the web page and sends a print page request to the web browser.

Stimulus: User wants to email a roster.

Response: System prompts for session name, level/division, and team, and then displays the information on the web page and sends an email page request to the web browser.

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3.4.3 Functional Requirements

Roster.Session: The system shall prompt user to choose a currently active session (as well as an option for inactive session) that should be included in the roster report. Required Field.

Roster.LevelDivision: The system shall prompt user to choose a specific Level/Division or “All” of them that should be included in the roster report. Required Field.

Roster.Team: The system shall prompt user to choose a specific Team or “All” of them that should be included in the roster report. Required Field.

Roster.Report: The system shall provide a roster report consisting of the following data field: level/division name, team name, list of players with phone number, email address, and participation type (coach, player, both).

Roster.View: The system shall provide the ability to view the roster online.

Roster.Print: The system shall provide the ability to print the roster.

Roster.Email: The system shall provide the ability to email the roster.

Roster. Access: The system shall allow players & coaches to view/print/email their team’s rosters. The league managers can view/print/email any roster.

Roster.Sort: By default, the system shall sort the list alphabetically by last name.

3.5 Administration by Coach

3.5.1 Description and Priority

A user who has the role of coach may update the name of their team and obtain detailed player information for those on their team. Priority = High.

3.5.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

Stimulus: A coach wants to update the name of their team.

Response: System displays the currently active teams that the user is a coach for and provides a prompt to update the team name.

Stimulus: A coach wants to detailed information on a player that is a member of a team that they are a coach for.

Response: System prompts the user to select a team members name and then displays detailed player information.

3.5.3 Functional Requirements

Coach.TeamName: The system shall display the team names that are currently assigned to this user as a coach and provide a prompt to allow the coach to update the team name. Required Field.

Coach.DetailPlayer: The system shall display detailed player information for the members of the team that the user is actively the coach for such as name, birthdate, phone, address, experience level, and positions played. Required Field.

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3.6 Administration by League Manager

3.6.1 Description and Priority

A user who has the role of league manager shall be able to manage all user accounts, manage session registrations, and manage system configurations. Priority = High.

3.6.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

Stimulus: A league manager needs to manually create a new user.

Response: System shall prompt the league manager to enter the same information as requested in the My Account tab.

Stimulus: A league manager wants to review and edit a user.

Response: System shall prompt the league manager to select the user and then display the user’s information and allow for updates.

Stimulus: A league manager wants to delete a user.

Response: System shall prompt the league manager to select the user that should be deleted and the user will be removed from the entire system.

Stimulus: A league manager wants to create an upcoming soccer session.

Response: System shall prompt the league manager for the necessary session information as well as level/division information.

Stimulus: A league manager wants to review and edit a soccer session.

Response: System shall prompt the league manager for the session name and display the session and level/division information. The system shall allow the information to be modified and saved.

Stimulus: A league manager wants to delete a soccer session.

Response: System shall prompt the league manager for the session name to be deleted and the session will be removed from the entire system.

Stimulus: A league manager wants to auto populate teams for a session.

Response: The system shall prompt the league manager for the session name that should be auto populated and then auto populate the teams accordingly.

Stimulus: A league manager wants to edit the teams for a session.

Response: The system shall prompt the league manager for a session name, then display the player/coaches assigned to each level and team and allow the league manager to make modifications as necessary.

Stimulus: A league manager wants to customize the welcome page of the system.

Response: The system shall prompt the league manager to update the message displayed on the welcome page of the system.

3.6.3 Functional Requirements

UserAdmin.NewUser: The system shall prompt for the same information and perform the same validation as listed in the My Account requirements (see section 3.2.3). In addition, the League Manager role may be assigned.

UserAdmin.ReviewEditUser: The system shall prompt for the user name to review/edit. The system shall display and allow updates to the same information and perform the same validation as

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listed in the My Account requirements (see section 3.2.3).

UserAdmin.LeagueManagerRole: For the new user and review/edit user pages, the system shall display/prompt for assign the league manager role.

UserAdmin.DeleteUser: The system shall prompt for the user name that should be deleted. Upon selecting a Delete button, the system shall prompt the league manager to confirm deletion and then the user account should be removed from the entire system.

Session.SessionName: The system shall prompt for the name to use for the session. Required Field.

Session.NumberOfLevels: The system shall prompt for the number of different levels that will be offered for the session. Level is between one and twenty. Required Field.

Session.RegistrationStartDate: The system shall prompt for the start date that users can begin to register for the session. Required Field.

Session.RegistrationEndDate: The system shall prompt for the end date that users are allowed to register for the session. Required Field.

Session.SessionStartDate: The system shall prompt for the start date that session play (practice/matches) will begin. Required Field.

Session.SessionEndDate: The system shall prompt for the date that session play (practice/matches) will end. Required Field.

Session.DivisionName: The system shall prompt for the division name for each specific level. The system will initially default it to “Division {Level#}”. Required Field.

Session.LevelMinAge: The system shall prompt for the minimum age criteria for a particular level. Age is between 18 and 99. Required Field.

Session.LevelMaxAge: The system shall prompt for the maximum age criteria for a particular level. Age is between 18 and 99. Maximum Age must be equal or greater than Minimum Age. Required Field.

Session.LevelMinExperienceLevel: The system shall prompt for the minimum experience level for a particular level. Experience values include: college, high school, recreational league, and none. Required Field.

Session.ReviewEdit: The system shall allow the league manager to review and edit an existing session by prompting for the session name. The system shall display and allow modification for all the above mentioned Session data.

Session.Delete: The system shall allow the league manager to delete an existing session by prompting for session name. The system shall prompt the user to confirm the deletion of the session.

AutoPopulate.SessionName: The system shall prompt the league manager for the session name that should be auto populated. Only those sessions with a registration end date prior to the current date will appear in the list of session names to choose from, since those sessions are open for registration.

AutoPopulate.AutoPopulate: After selecting a valid session name, the system shall provide a button for the league manager to select to begin the auto populate teams. The auto populating of teams will be based on the session criteria for the levels defined and the

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players and coach who registered for that session. Age and experience will be used to determine proper level for a player. The player’s position 1 criteria will be used in evenly distributing the players to the various teams If there are any issues with the auto populate teams (for example, not enough players to create 4 teams for a level), the system will provide a warning message so that the league manager can make the appropriate session level changes manually.

AutoPopulate.Results: The system shall display the results of the latest auto populate attempt for a session.

EditTeams.SessionName: The system shall prompt the league manager for the session name that they want to edit team assignments for. Only sessions that have been auto populated and currently active will be displayed, but an option to show inactive sessions shall be provided as well.

EditTeams.Filter: The system shall allow the league manager to filter by the specific level and/or team.

EditTeams.Sort: The system shall allow the league manager to sort the list of players/coaches by levels and/or teams.

EditTeams.PlayerCoach: The system shall allow the league manager to re-assign players and coaches to different levels and/or teams as well as type (player/coach).

EditTeams.DeletePlayerCoach: The system shall allow the league manager to delete players or coaches completely from a session.

EditTeams.InsertPlayerCoach: The system shall allow the league manager to insert players or coaches into a session.

WelcomePage.Message: The system shall allow the league manager to customize the welcome page of the system. The message can contain HTML markup code to allow for additional formatting options.

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4. Uses Cases and Scenarios

4.1 Use Case Name: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity

Use Case ID: 1

Use Case Name: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity Created By: Kent Etling Last Updated By: Kent Etling

Date Created: February 4, 2011 Date Last Updated: February 4, 2011 Primary Actor(s): Player, Coach or League Manager

Secondary Actor(s) Email server (for new user account notification email) Description: A new user (player, coach, or league manager) of the system accesses the

Soccer League Management System from the internet using a web browser and creates a new account in the SLMS. If they already have an account, then the system would authenticate the user.

Preconditions: 1. Player / coach / league manager has an email account. Trigger Player would like to log into the Soccer League Management System

(SLMS). Scenario Normal

Flow: 1.0 Create New User Account 1. New Player goes to the SLMS home page. See Screen Layout –

Section 9.1 Home Page.

2. System prompts the Player to enter their email address.

3. System prompts the Player if they have password for the system or

choose: No – new user.

4. System prompts the Player to click the Sign-In button.

5. System prompts the Player for their name. See Screen Layout Section

9.2 New User Page.

6. System prompts the Player to confirm their e-mail address by typing

it in twice.

7. System prompts the Player to select a password and enter it twice.

8. Player clicks on the Create account button.

9. System creates the new account in the database.

10. System sends the new Player an e-mail notifying them that their

account on the SLMS has been successfully created.

11. System navigates to the My Account form so that the Player can

update their profile (use case: “Manage My Account” provides more

details). See Screen Layout Section 9.3 My Account Page. Post-conditions: 1. New Player account information is stored in the database.

2. The Player can now sign onto the system using the email address and

password they entered into the system. Scenario Alternative

Flows: 1.1 User already has a password (account already exists) – Authenticate User Identity (branch after step 4) 1. If a valid password is entered, the Player is logged into system.

2. Return to step 11. Exceptions: 1.0.E.1 Invalid Name (at step 5)

1. System informs Player that they must enter both a first name and last name.

2. Player enters a first name and last name.

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3. Continues with step 6. 1.0.E.2 Invalid email address (at step 6) 1. System informs Player that an invalid email address has been entered

and it must consist of 2. Player enters corrected email address. 3. Continues with step 7. 1.0.E.3 Invalid password (at step 7) 1. System informs Player that an invalid password not meeting

minimum guidelines has been entered and displays the password guidelines.

2. Player enters corrected password. 3. Continues with step 8. 1.1.E.1 Unable to authenticate user (at step 4 of scenario 1.0) 1. System informs Player that either an invalid email address or

password has been supplied.

2. Continue with step 1 of scenario 1.0. Includes Use Case: None

Priority: High Frequency of Use: Usage will be high during the open registration period for the next

season. Special

Requirements: 1. Player can end the session at any time by navigating away or closing

their browser. For new Players, the account will not be created unless

step 8 is successfully completed by the Player.

2. The league manager role can only be granted to user by an existing

league manager user. Assumptions: 1. Assume that 500 Players will be accessing the system during a

registration periods. Notes and Issues: 1. Peak usage load will be during registration periods – mostly evening

hours (local time) during the week and anytime on the weekends

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4.2 Use Case Name: Manage My Account

Use Case ID: 2

Use Case Name: Manage My Account Created By: Kent Etling Last Updated By: Kent Etling

Date Created: February 4, 2011 Date Last Updated: February 4, 2011 Primary Actor(s): Player, or Coach / League Manager

Secondary Actor(s) Description: A user (player, coach, or league manager) may update their SLMS

account information. Preconditions: 1. Player / coach / league manager is logged into the SLMS.

Trigger Player would like to update their account information. Scenario Normal

Flow: 1.0 Update Account Information 1. Player navigates to the My Account page by clicking the My Account

tab or is initially taken to this page after sign on. See Screen Layout

Section 9.3 Home Page.

2. The System displays the current values for the following fields and

allows the user to update them except for User ID Number.

3. Type in Email address. Must re-type for confirmation. Required.

4. Type in Password. Must re-type for confirmation. Required.

5. Type in First Name. Required.

6. Type in Middle Name.

7. Type in Last Name. Required.

8. Type in Phone Number. Required.

9. Type in Address. Required.

10. Type in City. Required.

11. Type in State. Required.

12. Type in Zip. Required.

13. Type in Birthdate. Required.

14. Choose Highest Past Experience (College, High School, Recreational

League, None). Required.

15. Choose Positions Played (3) starting with most preferred position.

Positions: full back, half back, forward, goalie, or none. Required.

16. Player will click the Save button and the system will ensure all

required fields and validations are completed, and then save the

updates to the database. Post-conditions: 1. Updated my account information is stored in the database.

Scenario Alternative Flows:

1.1 Cancel Account Update (branch after step 16) 1. User clicks the Cancel button.

2. Any updates made by the user are reverted back to their original

values and displayed on the page.

3. Return to step 2. Exceptions: 1.0.E.1 Invalid email address (at step 3)

1. System informs Player that an invalid email address has been entered and it must consist of

2. Player enters corrected email address. 3. Continues with step 4.

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 15

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

1.0.E.2 Invalid password (at step 4) 1. System informs Player that an invalid password not meeting

minimum guidelines has been entered and displays the password guidelines.

2. Player enters corrected password. 3. Continues with step 5. 1.0.E.3 Birthdate less than 18 years old (at step 13) 1. System informs Player that based on the birthdate entered; they are

not eligible to register for any sessions due to minimum age requirement of 18 and to re-check the value they entered.

2. Player enters corrects birthdate. 3. Continues with step 14.

Includes Use Case: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Usage will be high during open registration period for the next season. Special

Requirements: 1. Player can end the session at any time by navigating away or closing

their browser. For new Players, the account will not be created unless

step 16 is successfully completed by the Player.

2. Only an existing league manager can grant the role of league

manager to another account.

3. The system shall allow players to make changes to their personal

information at any time, but the changes will not go into effect until

they register for the next season, the one coming up. Then the

changes will go into effect and they will be placed on the correct

team or have the correct contact info. Assumptions: 1. Assume that 500 Players will be accessing the system during a

registration periods. Notes and Issues: 1. Peak usage load will be during registration periods – mostly evening

hours (local time) during the week and anytime on the weekends

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 16

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

4.3 Use Case Name: Register for a Session

Use Case ID: 3

Use Case Name: Register for a Session Created By: Kent Etling Last Updated By: Kent Etling

Date Created: February 4, 2011 Date Last Updated: February 4, 2011 Primary Actor(s): Player, Coach

Secondary Actor(s) League Manager Description: Prior to the end of a registration period, a Player / Coach may register

for an upcoming session or delete a prior registration. Preconditions: 1. Player / Coach are logged into the SLMS.

2. My Account information has been entered into the SLMS.

3. An active soccer session is available in the system. Trigger Player would like to register for an upcoming soccer session.

Scenario Normal Flow:

1.0 Register for a session 1. Player navigates to the Register page by clicking the Register tab at

the top of the page. See Screen Layout Section 9.4 Register Page.

2. The Player selects a session to register for from a list of currently

active sessions.

3. The system displays the session details including registration start

date, end date, session start date, and session end date.

4. The Player selects if they will participate as a Player or Coach or both

for the session.

5. The system displays the Player’s current registration status for this


6. If the current date is between the registration start date and end date,

the system will display the Register and Delete Register button.

7. The Player selects the Register button.

8. The system updates the database to reflect that the Player is now

registered for this session.

9. The system displays in the Registration Status field: Registered. Post-conditions: 1. Player is now registered in the system for a specific soccer session.

Scenario Alternative Flows:

1.1 Delete Registration for a session (branch after step 3) 1. The system displays Player’s current participation type (i.e. Player or

Coach or both) for the session.

2. The system displays in the Registration Status field: Registered.

3. If the current date is between the registration start date and end date,

the system will display the Register and Delete Register button.

4. The user selects the Delete Register button.

5. The system deletes the registration information from the database.

6. The system displays in the Registration Status field: Registration


1.2 Update Registration for a session (branch after step 7) 1. The player updates their participation type (i.e. Player or Coach or

both) and selects the Register button.

2. The system would update the Player’s registration to reflect the

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 17

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.


3. The system displays in the Registration Status field: Registration


1.3 Cancel Account Update (branch after step 6) 1. Player selects Cancel button.

2. Any updates made by the Player is reverted back to their original

values and displayed on the page.

3. Return to step 2 of scenario 1.0.


Includes Use Case: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Usage will be high during open registration period for the next season. Special

Requirements: 1. Actor can end the connection at any time by navigating away or

closing their browser. No updates will be made to the system unless

the user chooses Register or Delete Registration. Assumptions: 1. Assume that 500 Players will be accessing the system during a

registration period. Notes and Issues: 1. Peak usage load will be during registration periods – mostly evening

hours (local time) during the week and anytime on the weekends.

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 18

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

4.4 Use Case Name: Roster

Use Case ID: 4 Use Case Name: Roster

Created By: Kent Etling Last Updated By: Kent Etling Date Created: February 4, 2011 Date Last Updated: February 4, 2011

Primary Actor(s): Player, Coach, League Manager Secondary Actor(s) Printer, email server

Description: A Player, Coach, or League manager can view, print, or email Preconditions: 1. Player / coach / league manager is logged into the SLMS.

2. There is a soccer session available in the system. Trigger Player, Coach, League Manager would like view a roster.

Scenario Normal Flow:

1.0 View a roster for a session 1. Player navigates to the Rosters page by clicking the Roster tab. See

Screen Layout Section 9.5 Roster Page.

2. The Player selects a session from a list of active sessions or has an

option to include inactive sessions in the list as well.

3. The League Manager will have the option of displaying all

Levels/Divisions for the session or a specific one as well as the

option to sort the roster by Level/Division.

4. The League Manager will have the option of displaying all Teams for

the session or a specific one as well as the option to sort the roster by


5. The Player selects the View report button.

6. The system displays the roster report in the web browser page

consisting of the following columns of data Level/Division, Team

Name, Name (Player/Coach), Type (Player/Coach/Both), Phone

Number, Email Address, Position played #1, Position played #2, and

Position played #3. By default, the roster rows will be sorted by last

name, first name. Post-conditions: 1. A roster report is viewed, printed, or emailed by the Player.

Scenario Alternative Flows:

1.1 Print a Roster (branch after step 4) 1. The Player selects the Print report button.

2. The system displays the roster report in the web browser page

consisting of the following columns of data Level/Division, Team

Name, Name (Player/Coach), Type (Player/Coach/Both), Phone

Number, Email Address, Position played #1, Position played #2, and

Position played #3. By default, the roster rows will be sorted by last

name, first name.

3. The system sends a command to the web browser to open the print

dialog window giving the Player the option to choose a printer and

printing the page.

1.2 Email a Roster (branch after step 4) 1. The Player selects the Email report button.

2. The system displays the roster report in the web browser page

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 19

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

consisting of the following columns of data Level/Division, Team

Name, Name (Player/Coach), Type (Player/Coach/Both), Phone

Number, Email Address, Position played #1, Position played #2, and

Position played #3. By default, the roster rows will be sorted by last

name, first name.

3. The system sends a command to the web browser to Send -> Page by

Email which will then give the Player the option of choosing who to

email the page to. Exceptions: 1.0.E.1 No players or coach assigned for the selected session, level, or

team (at step 5 of scenario 1.0) 1. System informs Player No Data for selected report criteria found. 2. Player can adjust criteria by returning to Step 2. 1.1.E.1 No players or coach assigned for the selected session, level, or team (at step 1 of scenario 1.1) 1. System informs Player No Data for selected report criteria found. 2. Player can adjust criteria by returning to Step 2 of scenario 1.0. 1.1.E.2 No printer is available (at step 3 of scenario 1.1) 1. Actor will not be able to print report. 2. Returning to Step 2 of scenario 1.0. 1.2.E.1 No players or coach assigned for the selected session, level, or team (at step 1 of scenario 1.2) 1. System informs Player No Data for selected report criteria found. 2. Player can adjust criteria by returning to Step 2 of scenario 1.0. 1.2.E.2 No email program is available (at step 3 of scenario 1.2) 1. Player will not be able to email the report. 2. Returning to Step 2 of scenario 1.0.

Includes Use Case: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Usage will be high after the registration period ends for an upcoming session.

Special Requirements:

Assumptions: 1. The Player has a printer and necessary drivers installed on their


2. The Player has an email program installed. Notes and Issues:

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 20

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

4.5 Use Case Name: Administration by Coach

Use Case ID: 5

Use Case Name: Administration by Coach Created By: Kent Etling Last Updated By: Kent Etling

Date Created: February 4, 2011 Date Last Updated: February 4, 2011 Primary Actor(s): Coach

Secondary Actor(s) League Manager Description: For currently active sessions, a Coach will have the ability to view and

update the Team Name for those Teams that they are assigned as a coach as well view detail account information for team members.

Preconditions: 1. Coach is logged into the SLMS.

2. There is an active soccer session available in the system.

3. The user is assigned as a coach for an active soccer session. Trigger A coach would like to update their team’s name or view detailed team

member information. Scenario Normal

Flow: 1.0 Update Team Name 1. Coach navigates to the Admin - Coach page by clicking the Admin -

Coach tab. See Screen Layout Section 9.6 Admin – Coach Page.

2. The system displays a list of active sessions with teams that the user

is a coach for.

3. The Coach updates the Team Name.

4. The Coach choose the Save button.

5. The system updates the database to reflect the team name change. Post-conditions: 1. Team Name is updated and/or detail team member information is

viewed by the coach. Scenario Alternative

Flows: 1.1 Cancel Update (branch after step 3) 1. The Coach chooses Cancel button.

2. Any updates made by the Coach or reverted back to their original

values and displayed on the page.

3. Return to step 2 of scenario 1.0.

1.2 View detailed information for a team member (branch after step 2) 1. The Coach selects a name from a list of those who are on one of the

teams that user is a coach for.

2. The system displays detailed information similar to the My Account

page except no password field. The data is read only. Exceptions:

Includes Use Case: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Usage will be high during an active session. Special

Requirements: 1. Actor can end the connection at any time by navigating away or

closing their browser. No updates will be made to the system unless

the actor chooses Save. Assumptions:

Notes and Issues:

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 21

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

4.6 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Create User

Use Case ID: 6

Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Create User Created By: Kent Etling Last Updated By: Kent Etling

Date Created: February 4, 2011 Date Last Updated: February 4, 2011 Primary Actor(s): League Manager

Secondary Actor(s) Description: A League Manager creates a new user account.

Preconditions: 1. League Manager is logged into the SLMS. Trigger A league manager would like to create a new user.

Scenario Normal Flow:

1.0 Create User 1. League Manager chooses the Admin – League Manager tab. See

Screen Layout Section 9.7 League Manager Page.

2. The System displays links for the various administration

functionalities that can be performed.

3. The League Manager selects Create User.

4. The system displays the Create User page. See Screen Layout Section

9.8 Create User Page.

5. Type in Email address. Must re-type for confirmation. Required.

6. Type in Password. Must re-type for confirmation. Required.

7. Type in First Name. Required.

8. Type in Middle Name.

9. Type in Last Name. Required.

10. Type in Phone Number. Required.

11. Type in Address. Required.

12. Type in City. Required.

13. Type in State. Required.

14. Type in Zip. Required.

15. Type in Birthdate. Required.

16. Choose Highest Past Experience (College, High School, Recreational

League, None). Required.

17. Choose Positions Played (3) starting with most preferred position.

Positions: full back, half back, forward, goalie, or none. Required.

18. Check mark if the user will have the League Manager Role.

19. System provides a Save button for the League Manager to press when

they have completed updating the information.

20. Save button is pressed. The system will ensure all required fields and

validations are completed and then save the updates to the database.

21. The system returns to step 2. Post-conditions: 1. A new user is entered into the database and may now log into the

system. Scenario Alternative

Flows: 1.1 Cancel Account Update (branch after step 19) 1. Cancel button is chosen.

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 22

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

2. No updates to the database are made.

3. Return to step 2 of scenario 1.0. Exceptions: 1.0.E.1 Invalid email address (at step 5)

1. System informs League Manager that an invalid email address has been entered and it must consist of

2. League Manager enters corrected email address. 3. Continues with step 6. 1.0.E.2 Invalid password (at step 6) 1. System informs League Manager that an invalid password not

meeting minimum guidelines has been entered and displays the password guidelines.

2. League Manager enters corrected password. 3. Continues with step 7. 1.0.E.3 Birthdate less than 18 years old (at step 15) 1. System informs League Manager that based on the birthdate entered,

the player is not eligible to register for any sessions due to minimum age requirement of 18 and to re-check the value they entered.

2. League Manager enters corrected birthdate. 3. Continues with step 16.

Includes Use Case: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Usage will generally be low as players will normally create their own user accounts.

Special Requirements:

1. League Manager can end the connection at any time by navigating

away or closing their browser. The account will not be created unless

the Save button is selected. Assumptions:

Notes and Issues:

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 23

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

4.7 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Review / Edit / Delete User

Use Case ID: 7

Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Review / Edit / Delete User Created By: Kent Etling Last Updated By: Kent Etling

Date Created: February 4, 2011 Date Last Updated: February 4, 2011 Primary Actor(s): League Manager

Secondary Actor(s) Description: A League Manager can review, edit, or delete a user’s account.

Preconditions: 1. League Manager is logged into the SLMS. Trigger A league manager would like to review, edit, or delete a user’s account.

Scenario Normal Flow:

1.0 Review User 1. League Manager chooses the Admin – League Manager tab. See

Screen Layout Section 9.7 League Manager Page.

2. The System displays links for the various administration

functionalities that can be performed.

3. The League Manager selects Review / Edit / Delete User link.

4. The system displays a prompt for the League Manager to choose the

letter that user’s last name starts with.

5. The system displays a prompt for the League Manager to choose the

player to review account information for. See Screen Layout Section

9.9 Edit / Delete User Page.

6. System displays data for User Id, Email Address, Password, First

Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Address, City,

State, Zip, Birthdate, Highest Past Experience, Positions Played, and

an indicator if League Manager Role is assigned.

Post-conditions: 1. A user’s account information is reviewed, updated, or deleted from

the database. Scenario Alternative

Flows: 1.1 Edit Account Information (branch after step 6) 1. League Manager goes to whichever data field needs to be updated

except for User ID Number

2. League Manager makes the necessary update for the field and any


3. The Save button is selected

4. The user information is updated in the database.

5. Return to step 2 of scenario 1.0.

1.2 Delete User (branch after step 6) 1. The Delete button is selected.

2. The user’s account is deleted from the database including from any

sessions and teams.

3. Return to step 2 of scenario 1.0.

Exceptions: 1.1.E.1 Invalid email address (at step 3 of scenario 1.1 )

1. System informs League Manager that an invalid email address has been entered and it must consist of

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 24

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

2. League Manager enters corrected email address. 3. Continues with step 3 of scenario 1.1. 1.1.E.2 Invalid password (at step 3 of scenario 1.1 ) 1. System informs League Manager that an invalid password not

meeting minimum guidelines has been entered and displays the password guidelines.

2. League Manager enters corrected password. 3. Continues with step 3 of scenario 1.1. 1.1.E.3 Birthdate less than 18 years old (at step 3 of scenario 1.1 ) 1. System informs League Manager that based on the birthdate entered,

the player is not eligible to register for any sessions due to minimum age requirement of 18 and to re-check the value they entered.

2. League Manager enters corrected birthdate. 3. Continues with step 3 of scenario 1.1.

Includes Use Case: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Low - with usage typically being during open registration period for the next season.

Special Requirements:

1. League Manager can end the connection at any time by navigating

away or closing their browser. The account will not be created unless

the Save button is selected. Assumptions: 1. Typically users will manage their own accounts except that only a

League Manager can delete a user account. Notes and Issues:

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 25

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

4.8 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Create a Registration Session

Use Case ID: 8

Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Create a Registration Session Created By: Kent Etling Last Updated By: Kent Etling

Date Created: February 4, 2011 Date Last Updated: February 4, 2011 Primary Actor(s): League Manager

Secondary Actor(s) Description: A League Manager creates a new registration session.

Preconditions: 1. League Manager is logged into the SLMS. Trigger A league manager would like to create a new registration session for an

upcoming soccer season. Scenario Normal

Flow: 1.0 Create a Session 1. League Manager chooses the Admin – League Manager tab. See

Screen Layout Section 9.7 League Manager Page.

2. The System displays links for the various administration

functionalities that can be performed.

3. The League Manager selects Create Session link.

4. The system displays the Create Session page. See Screen Layout

Section 9.10 Create Session Page.

5. Type in Session Name. Required.

6. Select the number of levels between 1 and 20. Required.

7. Type in Registration Start date. Required.

8. Type in Registration End date. Required.

9. Type in Session Start date. Required.

10. Type in Session End date. Required.

11. Choose Create Session button.

12. The system will display a child level consisting of a level row for

each of the number of levels the actor chose in step 6.

13. Type in a division name for each level. Required.

14. Type in minimum age for each level. Required.

15. Type in maximum age for each level. Required.

16. Type in minimum experience level for each level. Required.

17. System will provide a Save button for the actor to press when they

have completed entering all the required information.

18. Save button is pressed, the system will ensure all required fields and

validations are completed, and then save the information to the


19. The system returns to step 2. Post-conditions: 1. A new session with appropriate level information is entered into the

database. Scenario Alternative

Flows: 1.1 Cancel Account Update (branch after step 17) 1. Cancel button is chosen.

2. No updates to the database are made.

3. Return to step 2 of scenario 1.0. Exceptions: 1.0.E.1 Invalid date (at step 7, 8, 9, 10 in scenario 1.0)

1. System informs actor that an invalid date has been chosen – either the

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 26

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

date itself is invalid, the end date value is less than the start date value, or the session start date value is less than the registration end date.

2. League Manager corrects the date issue. 3. Continues with step 11 in scenario 1.0. 1.0.E.2 Invalid Age (at step 15 in scenario 1.0) 1. System informs actor that a maximum age value for a level is less

than the minimum age value. 2. League Manager corrects the age values. 3. Continues with step 16.

Includes Use Case: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Low - usage typically will be a few weeks prior to opening up registration for a new soccer season.

Special Requirements:

1. League Manager can end the connection at any time by navigating

away or closing their browser. The session and level data will not be

created unless the Save button has been selected. Assumptions:

Notes and Issues:

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 27

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

4.9 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Review / Edit / Delete Session

Use Case ID: 9

Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Review / Edit / Delete Session Created By: Kent Etling Last Updated By: Kent Etling

Date Created: February 4, 2011 Date Last Updated: February 4, 2011 Primary Actor(s): League Manager

Secondary Actor(s) Description: A League Manager can review, edit, or delete a registration session.

Preconditions: 1. League Manager is logged into the SLMS.

2. A registration session has already been created. Trigger A league manager wants to review, edit, or delete a session.

Scenario Normal Flow:

1.0 Review a Session 1. League Manager chooses the Admin – League Manager tab. See

Screen Layout Section 9.7 League Manager Page.

2. The System displays links for the various administration

functionalities that can be performed.

3. The League Manager selects Review / Edit / Delete Session link.

4. The system displays the Review / Edit / Delete Session page. See

Screen Layout Section 9.11 Review / Edit / Delete Session Page.

5. League Manager selects a session name to review.

6. The System displays:

7. The number of levels for the session.

8. Registration Start date.

9. Registration End date.

10. Session Start date.

11. Session End date.

12. The system will display a child level consisting of a level row for

each of the number of levels in step 7. Fields displayed are:

13. Division name for each level.

14. Minimum age for each level.

15. Maximum age for each level.

16. Minimum experience level for each level.

Post-conditions: 1. A session with appropriate level information is displayed, updated, or

deleted. Scenario Alternative

Flows: 1.1 Edit Session Information (branch after step 16) 1. League Manager goes to whichever data field that needs to be


2. League Manager makes the necessary update for the field and any


3. The System will provide a Save button for the League Manager to


4. Save button is pressed, the system will ensure all required fields and

validations are completed, and then save the information to the


Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 28

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

5. Return to step 2 of scenario 1.0.

1.2 Delete Session (branch after step 16) 1. The Delete Session button is selected.

2. The session data is deleted from the database including the level


3. Return to step 2 of scenario 1.0. 1.3 Cancel Account Update (branch after step 16) 1. Cancel button is chosen.

2. No updates to the database are made.

3. Return to step 2 of scenario 1.0. Exceptions: 1.1.E.1 Invalid date (at step 4 in scenario 1.1)

1. System informs League Manager that an invalid date has been chosen – either the date itself is invalid, the end date value is less than the start date value, or the session start date value is less than the registration end date.

2. League Manager corrects the date issue. 3. Continues with step 3 in scenario 1.1. 1.1.E.2 Invalid Age (at step 4 in scenario 1.1) 1. System informs League Manager that a maximum age value for a

level is less than the minimum age value. 2. League Manager enters corrected age values. 3. Continues with step 3 in scenario 1.1.

Includes Use Case: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Low - Usage typically will be a few weeks prior to opening up registration for a new soccer season.

Special Requirements:

1. League Manager can end the connection at any time by navigating

away or closing their browser. The session and level data will not be

created unless the Save button has been selected. Assumptions:

Notes and Issues:

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 29

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

4.10 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Review / Edit / Delete Session

Use Case ID: 10

Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Auto Populate Teams Created By: Kent Etling Last Updated By: Kent Etling

Date Created: February 4, 2011 Date Last Updated: February 4, 2011 Primary Actor(s): League Manager

Secondary Actor(s) Description: A League Manager can automatically populate teams for a session that is

past the registration end date. Preconditions: 1. League Manager is logged into the SLMS.

2. A registration session has already been created.

3. Players have registered for a session.

4. A registration end date is past for one or more sessions. Trigger A registration period has ended for an upcoming soccer season session

and the league manager wants to automatically populate the teams now. Scenario Normal

Flow: 1.0 Auto Populate Teams for a Session 1. League Manager chooses the Admin – League Manager tab. See

Screen Layout Section 9.7 League Manager Page.

2. The System displays links for the various administration

functionalities that can be performed.

3. The League Manager selects Auto Populate Teams link.

4. The system prompts the League Manager to select a session name

from a list of sessions that are past their registration end date. See

Screen Layout Section 9.12 Auto Populate Teams Page.

5. League Manager selects a Session name.

6. League Manager chooses the Auto Populate Teams button.

7. The System proceeds to automatically populate teams for each level

based on the level criteria that the League Manager entered for that

session and the player information for those that registered for that

session and updates the database accordingly.

8. The System displays date time stamp and the results of the Auto

Populate Teams being successful.

Post-conditions: 1. A session will now have players assigned appropriately to the teams

for each of the levels. Scenario Alternative

Flows: 1.1 Cancel (branch after step 5) 1. Cancel button is chosen.

2. No further updates to the database are made.

3. Return to step 2 of scenario 1.0. Exceptions: 1.1.E.1 Warnings in populating teams (at step 7 in scenario 1.0)

1. System informs League Manager that there were issues during auto populating the teams for the session such as not enough players to make at least four teams for each level.

2. League Manager reviews issues and will make the appropriate manual updates within the system as necessary.

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 30

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

Includes Use Case: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Low - usage typically will be after a registration end date has past for an upcoming soccer season.

Special Requirements:

Assumptions: Notes and Issues:

Software Requirements Specification for Soccer League Management System (SLMS) Page 31

Copyright © 2011 by Kent Etling. All Rights Reserved.

4.11 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Review / Edit Teams

Use Case ID: 11

Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Review / Edit Teams Created By: Kent Etling Last Updated By: Kent Etling

Date Created: February 4, 2011 Date Last Updated: February 4, 2011 Primary Actor(s): League Manager

Secondary Actor(s) Description: A League Manager can review and edit teams for a soccer session.

Preconditions: 1. League Manager is logged into the SLMS.

2. A session has been created, registration period has ended, and the

teams have been auto populated. Trigger A league manager would like to review and make changes to the player

assignments for the teams of a session. Scenario Normal

Flow: 1.0 Review Teams 1. League Manager chooses the Admin – League Manager tab. See

Screen Layout Section 9.7 League Manager Page.

2. The System displays links for the various administration

functionalities that can be performed.

3. The League Manager selects Review / Edit Teams link.

4. The system displays the Review / Edit Teams page. See Screen

Layout Section 9.13 Review / Edit Teams Page.

5. The League Manager selects a session name to review based on a list

of active sessions and there is an option to show inactive sessions as


6. The League Manager can choose a specific Level/Division or All.

7. The League Manager can choose a specific Team or All.

8. The League Manager can choose to sort by Level/Division and/or

Teams. By default, it will be sorted by last name and first name.

9. The League Manager chooses the Retrieve Team Info button.

10. The System displays:

11. Assigned Level/Division.

12. Assigned Team.

13. Name (Last, First Middle).

14. Type (Coach, Player, Both). Post-conditions: 1. A League Manager has reviewed and/or updated team assignments

for a session. Scenario Alternative

Flows: 1.1 Edit a player’s team assignment (branch after step 14) 1. League Manager finds the name of the player in the team

assignments list.

2. Changes the Level/Division the player is assigned by selecting from a

list of values.

3. System changes assigned Team to the first team in the list for that


4. The League Manager changes the Team the player is assigned to by

selecting from a list of values which will only be Teams assigned to

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that division.

5. League Manager changes the Type of player by selecting from a list

of values.

6. League Manager chooses the Save button.

7. The System updates the database accordingly.

1.2 Delete a player from a session (branch after step 14) 1. League Manager finds the name of the player in the team

assignments list.

2. League Manager selects the Delete button for that row of data.

3. The System removes that row from the page.

4. The League Manager selects the Save button.

5. The System updates the database accordingly.

1.3 Insert a player into a session (branch after step 14) 1. League Manager goes to the Insert section of the page.

2. League Manager selects from a list of Player Names who are not

already assigned to a team for this session.

3. Selects Level/Division assignment.

4. Selects Team name.

5. Selects the Insert button.

6. The row is inserted into the above team assignments list by the


7. The League Manager selects the Save button.

8. The System updates the database accordingly. 1.4 Cancel Account Update (at any time) 1. The League Manager selects the Cancel button.

2. No further updates to the database are made.

3. Return to step 2 of scenario 1.0. Exceptions:

Includes Use Case: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Low - usage typically will be after a registration end date has passed for a new soccer season and the auto populate teams has been executed.

Special Requirements:

1. League Manager can end the connection at any time by navigating

away or closing their browser. The Team updates will not be saved to

the database unless the Save button has been selected. Assumptions:

Notes and Issues:

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4.12 Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Customize Welcome Page

Use Case ID: 12

Use Case Name: Admin – League Manager – Customize Welcome Page Created By: Kent Etling Last Updated By: Kent Etling

Date Created: February 4, 2011 Date Last Updated: February 4, 2011 Primary Actor(s): League Manager

Secondary Actor(s) Description: A League Manager can customize the home page of the SLMS.

Preconditions: 1. League Manager is logged into the SLMS. Trigger A league manager needs to update the home page of the system to make

an announcement. Scenario Normal

Flow: 1.0 Customize Welcome Page 1. League Manager chooses the Admin – League Manager tab. See

Screen Layout Section 9.7 League Manager Page.

2. The System displays links for the various administration

functionalities that can be performed.

3. The League Manager selects Customize Welcome Page.

4. The system displays the Customize Welcome Page. See Screen

Layout Section 9.14 Customize Welcome Page.

5. League Manager edits the welcome page message and adds HTML

markup code to the text as needed for additional formatting.

6. Chooses the Save button.

7. The System updates the database and the home page will now reflect

the changes. Post-conditions: 1. The Welcome/Home page of the SLMS displays an updated message.

Scenario Alternative Flows:

1.1 Cancel Account Update (at any time) 1. The League Manager selects the Cancel button.

2. No further updates to the database are made.

3. Return to step 2 of scenario 1.0. Exceptions:

Includes Use Case: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity Priority: High

Frequency of Use: Low - usage typically will be a few weeks prior to opening up registration for a new soccer season.

Special Requirements:

1. League Manager can end the connection at any time by navigating

away or closing their browser. Any updates will not be reflected

unless the Save button has been selected. Assumptions:

Notes and Issues:

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4.13 Use Case Name: Logout

Use Case ID: 13

Use Case Name: Logout Created By: Kent Etling Last Updated By: Kent Etling

Date Created: February 4, 2011 Date Last Updated: February 4, 2011 Primary Actor(s): Player, Coach, League Manager

Secondary Actor(s) Description: Logout of the SLMS system.

Preconditions: 1. Player, Coach, League Manager is logged into the SLMS. Trigger A Player, Coach, League Manager needs to logout of the system.

Scenario Normal Flow:

1.0 Logout of SLMS 1. Player, Coach, League Manager chooses the Logout button which is

located at the top right of each page.

2. The System signs the user out of the system.

3. The System returns the user to the original home / login page.

Post-conditions: 1. Player, Coach, League Manager is logout of the SLMS.

Scenario Alternative Flows:

Exceptions: Includes Use Case: New User Account Creation / Authenticate User Identity

Priority: High Frequency of Use: High - Usage each session.

Special Requirements:

Assumptions: Notes and Issues:

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4.14 High Level Activities using SLMS for a Normal Soccer Registration Phase

Figure 2- High Level Activity Diagram of SLMS during a Normal Soccer Registration Phase

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Figure 2 provides a depiction of the activities involved with the overall process of using SLMS to manage a normal soccer registration phase based on the following actors: league manager, player, and coach. The activities proceed as:

1. A league manager signing onto the SLMS. 2. A league manager creates a soccer session record. 3. A league manager customizes the welcome page of the SLMS to announce the new soccer

session with registration start and end dates. 4. Players and coaches create new users accounts or sign onto SLMS. 5. Players and coaches update their user account information. 6. Players and coaches register for the session during the open registration period. 7. When the registration period ends, a league manager uses the auto populate teams

functionality to place players and coaches on the appropriate level and team. 8. A league manager reviews and edits (if necessary) the team assignments. 9. Coaches update their respective team names. 10. Players and coaches view / print / email their respective team rosters. 11. The soccer season is now ready to begin.

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5. External Interface Requirements

5.1 User Interfaces

UI-1: The system shall provide a help link from each of the main pages to explain how to use that page.

UI-2: The web pages shall permit complete navigation by using the keyboard alone, in addition to using the mouse and keyboard combinations.

UI-3: The web pages shall contain text with a font size of at least 10pt. UI-4: The web pages shall contain graphics that are minimal in size to prevent performance

issues. UI-5: The web page shall use foreground and background colors that do not interfere with

the readability of the page.

5.2 Hardware Interfaces

HI-1: The interface with the printer will be provided by the web browser and computer operating system.

5.3 Software Interfaces

SI-1: The interface with an email server will be provided by the web browser and local email software.

5.4 Communications Interfaces

CI-1: The Soccer League Management System shall send an e-mail message to the users notifying them of a successful user account creation.

CI-2: The Soccer League Management System shall transmit rosters upon request via email.

CI-2: The Soccer League Management System shall transmit rosters upon request to a printer.

6. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

6.1 Performance Requirements

PE-1: The system shall accommodate 500 users during the peak usage time window of 6:00pm to 10:00pm local time during the week, with an estimated average system session duration of 10 minutes.

PE-2: All web pages generated by the system shall be fully downloadable in no more than 20 seconds over a 40KBps modem connection.

PE-3: Responses to queries shall take no longer than 7 seconds to load onto the screen after the user submits the query.

PE-4: The system shall display confirmation messages to users within 4 seconds after the user submits information to the system.

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6.2 Safety Requirements

No requirements have been identified for this release.

6.3 Security Requirements

SE-1: Web pages will use the secure HTTPS protocol. SE-2: Users shall be required to log in to the Soccer League Management System using a

secure password with a minimum of seven characters. SE-3: Passwords will be obscured with asterisks when displayed on web pages. SE-4: Access to users’ account information will be limited by roles.

6.4 Software Quality Attributes

Availability-1: Maintenance of the system should be scheduled during the off season times (winter and summer). The system should be available as close to 24/7 during the season, especially during open registration periods.

Robustness-1: If the connection between the user and the system is broken prior to a user saving the transaction, the user will need to log back into the system and re-enter the transaction.

7. System Evolution

7.1 Desired Requirements for Future Releases:

1. My Account information shall contain data fields for emergency contact information. 2. The system shall provide provision for requesting a specific coach and players be on the

same team. 3. My Account information shall contain a data field for gender. 4. The system shall provide the ability to have gender specific levels as well as co-ed levels. 5. The system should be packaged up so that it can be distributed and marketed to other

recreational soccer leagues. 6. The system shall provide the ability to collect registration fees and payments.

7.2 Optional Requirements for Future Releases:

1. SLMS shall have the ability to create soccer match schedules for a soccer session. 2. The system shall provide a specific System Administrator role. 3. The system shall provide the ability to create audit trail logs. 4. The system shall track important medical information such as medications the player is

allergic to in the event the player is injured during a soccer game. 5. The system shall be updated to accommodate other recreational sports leagues such as

volleyball, softball, and hockey to increase the market for the product. 6. The system shall be adapted to manage children’s soccer leagues. 7. The system shall be adapted to track volunteers for the recreational soccer league. 8. The system shall provide a discussion forum to allow players to discuss soccer related

topics. 9. The system shall be translated to other languages and thus the user can select their language


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7.3 Hardware Evolution Changes:

1. As Smartphone technology (i.e. the ability to access websites from your mobile phone) becomes more popular, the design of the web pages shall be optimized for this platform.

2. As tablet computers gain acceptance, improve the design of SLMS to take advantage of that platform’s unique abilities.

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8. Risk Analysis

Risks Category Probability Impact Risk Mitigation,

Monitoring, and Management

Delivery deadline will move up.

Business Low High Schedule regular meetings with the client to update them on the progress and ensure the delivery deadline does change. If it does, then potentially additional resources will need to be added to meet the revised deadline.

Cost of Development Resources increase.

Business Low Medium Yearly contracts are in place with all development team members.

Client looses funding for the project.

Business Low High Will bill client on a monthly basis for time and materials. The System is expected to save the client costs by having players enter their own information instead of paying someone to type the information in from a paper form.

Players will resist using the new system.

Business Low Low Most users are already familiar with using web based systems for registering for college classes, booking hotel rooms, and purchasing products on-line. In addition, players’ information will be more accurate as they will be entering it and reviewing it themselves.

Loss of a development team member.

Development Low Medium Developers are cross trained and each have a backup that they share knowledge with. Weekly staff meetings will ensure everyone is up to speed on the project.

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Risks Category Probability Impact Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, and Management

Software project is poorly managed.

Development Low Medium The project manager is using project management software and is familiar with the tool and has experience in managing similar projects.

Software process management is not in place.

Development Low Medium The team is using a corporate standard tool for managing the software process and the Development Team is already trained.

Development Team must learn new software development tools.

Development Low High The Development Team has already received training on the tools and has developed other applications with these tools.

Development resource shortage.

Development Low High Sufficient resources have already been assigned to the project.

The delivered software does not meet the requirements.

Development Low High The development team members have recently completed a software engineering course that will allow them to use best practices for requirements gathering, design, coding, and implementation. In addition, some of our best resources are on the project.

A larger number of players enroll in sessions than was provided in the requirements.

Performance Low Medium Client has been managing this soccer league for many years. Also, additional processors can be easily added to the servers.

Some software modules take significantly longer to code than expected.

Schedule High High The schedule was created with added padding for the estimated hours. Weekly staff meetings will be used to monitor project progress and schedule dates.

Some hardware components (servers, storage, memory, etc.) are delivered late.

Schedule Low High The necessary hardware is already in-house.

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Risks Category Probability Impact Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, and Management

Some software and hardware components are not compatible or certified.

Schedule Low High Software and hardware specifications and requirements will be closely examined and recommended corporate standards will be used.

Client will change requirements during or after the construction phase.

Schedule Low Medium There were several thorough requirements gathering sessions conducted with the client.

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9. User Interaction: Screen Layouts/Screenshots

9.1 Home Page

Description: The front/welcome page to the Soccer League Management System which provides announcement of upcoming sessions, allows for sign-on to the system, and new user account creation.

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9.2 New User Page

Description: This pages prompts for new user account information.

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9.3 My Account Page

Description: The page allows the user to view and update their account information.

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9.4 Register Page

Description: This page allows players and/or coaches to register (or review/update/delete) for an upcoming soccer session.

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9.5 Roster Page

Description: The page allows users to view, print, or email rosters.

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9.6 Admin - Coach Page

Description: This page allows coaches to update their team’s name as well as view detail information on the players assigned to their team.

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9.7 Admin – League Manager Page

Description: This page is for the league managers providing them administration functionality for user accounts, registrations, and system configuration.

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9.8 Create User Page

Description: This page is used for creating a new user account for the system.

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9.9 Edit / Delete User Page

Description: This page is used for review/edit/delete of user accounts in the system.

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9.10 Create Session Page

Description: This page is used for creating a new soccer session and specifying all the associated parameters that go with it.

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9.11 Review / Edit / Delete Session Page

Description: The page is used for the review/edit/delete of a soccer session.

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9.12 Auto Populate Teams Page

Description: This page is used for auto populating the registered players to teams for the session.

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9.13 Review / Edit Teams Page

Description: This page is used to review/edit the player assignments for a session.

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9.14 Customize Welcome Page

Description: This page is used for updating the announcement on the home/front page of the system.

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10. Glossary

Below is list of glossary terms that may be helpful. Some of the definitions were based on Pressman (2010) and Farlex, Inc., (2011).

Term Acronym Definition / Description Actors The different types of users or devices that interact with the

system. Application Service Provider

ASP A business where a single application software is provided over the internet to customers. ASP provides advantages where by the complexities of installation and upgrades are handled by the service providers as well as technical support. Thus significant cost savings can be realized by the customer.

Audit trail logs A record of what, when, and who performed a modification to the system.

Authenticate Confirm the identity of a user. Coach A member of a team that manages and provides instructions to

the team players. Database A system used to store large amounts of data electronically with

facilities to store, organize, retrieve, and sort the data. Division Name A specific name/description for a particular soccer level

(usually based on age or experience). Email A location where messages can be delivered and the normal

Internet email address follows the standard of

Home Page This is the first (welcome) page of a web site. Hypertext markup language

HTML It is a computer language used formatting and structuring text and graphics on a page that is viewed by a web browser.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

HTTPS Provides a secure communications for the transfer of data between a web browser and server.

Interface Method/interaction between two separate systems or components.

Internet A world-wide computer network that connects computers and other devices that enables sharing of data and services.

League Manager A person responsible for managing an entire sports league. Modem A communication device for connecting a computer to a remote

network over a telephone line. Object Oriented Programming

OOP A programming methodology that uses Objects that consist of both data and methods. The methods are used to access and manage the data.

Password A secret word used for authentication. Player A member of a team that plays the game. Registration End Date

The last date which users can sign up to participate in an upcoming soccer session.

Registration Start Date

The date which users can begin signing up to participate in an upcoming soccer session.

Roster A list of names of members of a team. For the SLMS, it will included contact information and positions played as well.

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Scenarios A step by step description of a specific instance of a use case listing the actors’ actions and the system responses.

Server A specialized computer that provides centralized service such as providing web pages to clients or data/file management services to other computers on a network.

Session End Date

The date which a soccer session/season play (practice/games) will end.

Session Start Date

The date which a soccer session/season play (practice/games) will begin.

Smartphone An enhanced mobile phone that allow for web browsing and applications to run on them.

Soccer A game played on a rectangular field consisting of two teams with eleven players each that try to drive a ball into the opposing team’s goal.

Soccer League Management System

SLMS A web based application that will provide capabilities for managing a recreational soccer league.

Software Engineering

SE A systematic approach to gathering requirements, performing designs, building computer software, testing, implementation, and on-going support/maintenance of the software.

Software Requirements Specifications

SRS A document that provides a complete description of the behavior of an application software system that is to be developed.

Tablet Computers

A specialized computer that takes the form of slate that allows input from a pen/stylus input device.

Use Case A use case is method to describe how a system will behave for a specific function based on an interaction with actors.

Web Browser A program that allows a user to view HTML documents and other data.

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