
2013-2014 Project Comenius at Notre Dame school

After having prepared the Schultüte - a German tradition - in the classroom, pupils of the 5th

class give them to the 1st class with the explanation of its story in order to give their little

classmates a lot of courage for their next school years.

The dragon of Krakow is wellknown in Poland but if you changed the end, you have a

Polish/French story ! The 5th class is very proud to

read its different points of view to the 2nd class.

You can find the dragon near the Wawel castle in Krakow.

Polish pupils were so happy to receive post from their French penfriends. It was not so easy to understand the text because pupils have to write it in English. But it's a good exercise !

It was a real big work to colour our nice capital Paris together ! But we were very happy to

offer it to our Polish friends in April.

2013-2014 Comenius Days at Notre Dame School

Solidartiy Day The energies

A lot of ideas are brought to our minds when we speak about "SOLIDARITY".

Parents, personal of our school, teachers helped pupils to understand this so nice concept "Solidarity". The drawings were very nice and pupils learned a lot about the difference forms of Solidarity.

Two charitable organisations present their work to the pupils

A father who is an electician explained how to do electricity with copper wires and big magnets. Then you just need to put them in movement.

Eureka ! It's working !

Then with solar energy !

The young sientists were very quiet and listened to their young teachers of the University how to prorect water !

They learned how to protect frogs with a bridge!

Pupils made a show in front of their classmates and their parents to explain what they learned during their trip in Bonn but all the schoolyear too !

2013-2014 Our unforgettable trip in Bonn

At "l'Arbre Vert" school in Mons where we met our belgian friends.

A very nice European picture in front of the City Hall in Bonn.

An intercultural game : without speaking, all the pupils played together and it was amazing!

Bonn, Beethoven's City

Beethoven's Birthhouse

Bonn, a scientific City with the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, which we visited with a guide.

A very nice evening with our Polish

friends in the youth hostel.

Olympic Games Museum in Cologne.

A very sporting tiring visit !

Handcraft in the partner's college AMS.

On the return journey we ate a tomato soup at the Belgian school.

Just a last tour in Mons ! See you soon in La Ville du Bois !

2013-2014 All the partners at Notre Dame School

Our logo drawn by pupils

Pupils made a Guard of honour to say goodbye to our partners as we lived it 7 years ago in Ireland, during our last Comenius project !

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