Documents tagged
Documents Social Media Marketing

How much do I know? Social Media Marketing The Digital Age Approximately 2 Billion people have an access to the internet today as compared to 360 Million in 2000. Cell phone…

Marketing Mobile Time is Prime Time anytime!

1. Are we on the same screen? Anytime is Prime Time with Mobile Vanina Leka Sales Director ThinkDigital 2. The Internet is shifting to Mobile Source: *IDC, **IC4D 2012 Maximizing…

Technology Advertising vs social media

1.Advert VS Social mediaADVERTISING VS SOCIAL MEDIA Relationship between advertising and social media By: Qaribu Yahaya Nasidi ID No: 123000015292. OVERVIEW Advert VS…

Technology Areyoupinterested 120521073852-phpapp02

1.Are you interest-ED Social Media Marketing @Convonix2. What Wikipedia thinks it isPinterest is a pinboard- style social photo sharing website that allowsusers to create…

Technology Are you Pinterest - Ed?

1. Are you interest-ED Social Media Marketing @Convonix 2. What Wikipedia thinks it isPinterest is a pinboard- style social photo sharing website that allowsusers to create…

Business Intersection of Fundraising and Social Media - AFP Western North Carolina 2013

1.Presented by Dawn A Crawford Social Media & Communications Consultant @SocMediaRckStr Intersection of Social Media and Fundraising…