Documents tagged
Documents Club development Ensure your club / organisation gets a chance at resources (grants, funding etc)...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Club development Ensure your club / organisation gets a chance at resources (grants, funding etc) Better development of clubs and activities Better development…

Documents Warwick SU Guide 2013-14

2013-2014 24 HOUR DELIVERY 11 When you Spend £40 or more at regular menu price Collection or delivery 50% OFF 1 @DominosPizzaSK/DominosPizzaCoventry CallCall…

Documents Fort Lauderdale Back to School Issue 2014

Fo rt L au de rd al e S p o rt s & A ct iv it ie s D ir e ct o ry | I ss u e 3 | A ug us t - O ct ob er 2 01 4 4 what’s inside... LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER ........................................................6…

Documents Lakewood Ranch & Suncoast East Back to School Issue 2014

La ke w o o d R a nc h & S un co a st E a st S p o rt s & A ct iv it ie s D ir ec to ry | I ss ue 1 | A ug us t - O ct o b er 2 01 4 2 whatâs inside... LETTER FROM…

Documents Plantation - Fall 2014

P la n ta ti o n S p o rt s & A ct iv it ie s D ir e ct o ry | Is su e 3 2 | O ct o b e r - D e ce m b e r 2 0 1 4 6 what’s inside... Letter from the Publishers .................................................................8…

Documents S&AD DCC

D a vi e / C o o p er C it y / SW R a nc he s Sp o rt s & A ct iv it ie s D ir ec to ry | I ss ue 1 0 | J a nu a ry - M a rc h 2 01 5 4 D a vi e / C o o p er C it y /…

Documents Lakewood Ranch & Suncoast East

La ke w o o d R a nc h & S un co a st E a st S p o rt s & A ct iv it ie s D ir ec to ry | I ss ue 3 | F eb ru a ry - A p ri l 2 01 5 2 whatâs inside... Letter from…

Documents Newport Naked Summer 2013

4 summer 2013 ⢠ editor/publisher chris plamondon [email protected] designer/layout dan hwang ⢠thinkhwang, llc [email protected] photography…

Documents Youth Sports Today of Denton County - January 2013

LT-Acade Denton County January 2013 More Th an Just F ootball.. .LaDaini an Toml inson Working on the beam at Best Gymnastics. C ourtesy P hoto Sherina McKinley, team…

Documents Davie, Cooper City & SW Ranches Sports & Activities Directory

D a vi e / C o o p er C it y / SW R a nc he s Sp o rt s & A ct iv it ie s D ir ec to ry | I ss ue 8 | Ju ly - S e p te m b e r 2 0 1 4 5 D a vi e / C o o p er C it y…