Documents tagged
Education Bringing aac home

1. This training is for parents/caregivers of individuals who use low or high technology augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). We will discuss ways to make AAC…

Education Bringing aac home ctg

1. Kate Ahern, M.S.Ed. Ana Burke Closing the Gap 2.  All photos/videos not created by charities in this presentation are the respective property of the individuals in…

Technology Bringing aac home mmm atia

1. Kate Ahern, M.S.Ed. ATIA 2014 2. All photos/videos not created by charities in this presentation are the respective property of the individuals in them and/or their parents…

Education Bringing aac home fcsn

1. Kate Ahern, M.S.Ed. Heidi Schultz FCSN Conference March 8, 2014This training is for parents/caregivers of individuals who use low or high technology augmentative and alternative…

Education Opportunity knocks...

1. Opportunity knocks...Ólafur Andri Ragnarsson, co-founder & Chief Software Architect Betware 2. Research papersVisit 3. Internetdisruption…

Documents Mobiguides

1. Did you know 4.0 clip 2. THE NEXT REVOLUTION:MOBILEBy Amanda [email protected] 3. BACKGROUND:Interpretation / translation 4. Tourism – Language [email protected]

Technology Challenges Building Secure Mobile Applications

1. Challenges Building Secure Mobile Applications 2.  Who Are We? Why security is an issue for mobile Securing an insecure environment Connecting with the real…

Documents Burson-Marsteller and Proof Integrated Communications report: The State of Mobile Communications

1. Evidence-Based Communications: The State of Mobile Communications 2. The use of mobile phones – particularly smartphones – is fundamentally changing how consumers…

Business Burson-Marsteller and Proof Integrated Communications report: The State of Mobile Communications

1. Evidence-Based Communications: The State of Mobile Communications 2. The use of mobile phones – particularly smartphones – is fundamentally changing how consumers…

Documents Complete Unified Device Architecture A Highly Scalable Parallel Programming Framework Submitted in.....

Slide 1Complete Unified Device Architecture A Highly Scalable Parallel Programming Framework Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Maryland high school…