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  • 8/19/2019 Year 8 - SoW


    Year 8 Scheme of Work

    Week Enquiryquestion


    Suggested learningactivities

    Homework/ extensionoortunities

    E learning and resources

    Lesson series focus: in the first lessons of the course try to equi students with the key voca!ulary and toic areas they will !e covering as well as anevaluation of the tyes of sources they will encounter" #t will also hel to rovide students with some context for start of the course !y looking at conditions in$ritain at the start of our time eriod" %o move students on from Year &' !egin to familiarise students with ideas of utility and relia!ility' which will !e eseciallyuseful when looking at toics such as the Slave %rade and conditions in #ndustrial $ritain

    ( How can wefind out a!outlife in )(8th *)(+th $ritain,

    Studentsdevelo skillsand technicalvoca!ularynecessary forthe second yearof their -S.History course

    %hey familiarisethemselves withand !egin toevaluate thestrengths andweaknesses ofdifferent tyes of evidenceavaila!le'includingnewsaer' filmandhotograhic


    se the key skills tasksheet as the centralfocus of the lesson"Students comlete thekey words task sheetand test each other se traffic lightssystem to show

    students how to writetheir letters to0aidstone museumand ena!le them toassess their work

    $ring in a collection of modern dayartefacts in a !ag' e"g" receits'tickets' mas and ask students todecide which o!1ects are mostuseful in understanding a!out lifetoday

    -ey words worksheet is availa!le on thehistory we!site at www"studyhistory"co"uk  under Year 8 2esources 3 -ey skills

    se this or a lesson early in the year toask students to !ookmark the historywe!site among their favourites and guidethem through key sections' e"g" resources

    age' links' interactive games etc"

    4 What was lifelike in $ritainin the

    -ey informationon theoulation'government'

    Starter 5 activity")onduct a 6mill drillactivity7 with key factsa!out (8th * (+th $ritain

    se links on the history we!site torovide additional details a!out lifein eorgian $ritain' includingdetails on the life of eorge ### or

    )lass resentation availa!le as a9ower9oint from history we!site entitled'6How 6reat7 was eorgian England,7 lusthe accomanying reading activity" See

  • 8/19/2019 Year 8 - SoW



    health'transort'industry' Emire

    to familiarise studentswith some of the toicsthey7ll study" 2eada!out conditions in)(8th England usingthe reading task thataccomanies thelesson and create a!rief role lay as if

    u!licising life in )(8th$ritain as a touristadvert"Write a reort from aforeign am!assadordescri!ing conditions in$ritain

    descritions of conditions in thelocal area using 0aidstone0useum as a source

    also' 69eace * War' "4:&' 6$ritain' (&;

  • 8/19/2019 Year 8 - SoW


    so long"Students comarevisual descritions ofslave markets ?seeaccomanying9ower9oint@ with actualaccounts' e"g" !yAlaudah Equiano

    D What was lifelike on a slaveshi,

    Students learna!out conditionsduring themiddle assage!y conducting arole lay activityrecreatingconditions on!oard shi' reada assage fromAlaudahEquiano andwatch a cli

    from SimonSchama7s6History of$ritain7 series

    Starter 5 ask studentsto crouch !eneath their desks to imagineconditions !elow decksas you read anaroriate sectionfrom EquianoStudents take notes onfilm in airs and shareknowledge with eachother !efore feeding!ack to class" Studentswrite the second art of 

    their account of the%riangle %rade usingtheir knowledge fromthis lesson"

    )onduct further research into aninfamous slave shi ‘The Brookes’  or ask students to ead accounts ofdifferent slaves using the 6SlaveStories7 we!link on the deartmentwe!site

    se of cli from F and question sheetavaila!le from history we!site under Year8 2esources 3 Slave %radeYou7ll also find extracts from AlaudahEquiano here

    ; What wereconditions likeon thelantations,

    -nowledge ofkey terms suchas auction'scram!le'lantation etc"Students studysources to findevidence ofmethods of

    control' healthro!lems anddiet" Studentsevaluate theusefulness of

    Starter 5 GohnCewton7s 6>maingrace7' listen andanalyse its meaning inthe context of his life"Students use colour:coding to highlightevidence' working insmall grous first

    !efore feeding !ack toclass" iscuss withstudents which sourcesare most useful in!uilding u a icture of

    2ead extracts from AlaudahEquiano or Simon Schama7s !ook62ough )rossings7Fideo conference link withreenwich 0aritime 0useum formore information on Slave %radeEvaluate examles of Slavesiritual songs"Students finish writing u their

    accounts of the slave trade from aslave7s ersective"

    Fideo conferencingSources availa!le on we!site' allowingstudents to use colour:coding to highlightdifferent ieces of evidence" se sourcesheet entitled' 67Life on lantations 5source activity7 as well as accomanyingresentation on the we!site"

  • 8/19/2019 Year 8 - SoW


    the sources andtheir relia!ility"

    life on lantations andwhy some might notnecessarily !e asrelia!le as would firstseem"

    B Why wasslaveryeventually


    -ey words=a!olition'arliament'etition etc"

    Students learna!out keyfigures in thea!olitioncamaign'includingWilliamWil!erforceStudents studydifferentmethods ofcamaigning'e"g" etitions'

    Wedgwood7suse of motifs onhis ottery'Equiano7snarrative etc"Students write aseech and holda de!ate incharacter 

    Students givenframework andassessment criteria fortheir seeches

    Holding a live de!ate incharacter ena!lesuils to test theirideas and seealternativeersectivesStudents may viewrevious examles ofwork in the Students7Work section of thehistory we!site"Students conduct anassessment task

    examining sources onthe slave trade andanswering thequestion' 6Why wasslavery eventuallya!olished,7

    Iind out a!out more a!out the lifeof Wil!erforce' esecially is localconnections

    se of film cli from 6>maing race7'we!links on the history we!site' videoconference link mentioned a!ove

    Lesson series focus: the nineteenth century was a eriod of unrecedented change in industry and society so this is o!viously the key theme of this unit"Exlore the imact of change on different societies' e"g" agricultural * ur!an and the extent and ace of change' e"g" to what extent did the lives of ordinary

    eole really imrove as a result of Fictorian social olicies" 0ake links to other eriods of great change and uheaval' e"g" looking !ack to changes under theCormans or changes in the way the %udors deal with vagrancy with the introduction of 9oor Laws"

    & Was the$ritish Emire

    nderstand thereasons for the

    Starter 5 qui oncountries which were

    Hold a class de!ate on whether the$ritish Emire was really so !ad"

    )lis for films such as andhi or Julu toromote de!ate a!out the imact of

  • 8/19/2019 Year 8 - SoW


    really so !ad, exansion of$ritain7soverseascolonies" 0acountries that!ecamecolonies" >ssesswhether lifeimroved or

    worsened under the Emire

    art of the $ritishEmire or not" 0athese onto a handout"Write an encycloaediaentry for 6Emire7"9roduce a scales chartweighing u the rosand cons of Emireusing sources and


    Emire"9eace * War 

    8 What was theindustrialrevolution,

    Students readan article a!outkey causes of#ndustrial2evolution?availa!le fromhistory we!site@and relacemissing wordsand headings

    Students learn tostructure extendedwriting into toicaragrahs through theuse of modellingWorking in grous'students identify andexlain the links!etween causes' e"g"oulation exansionled to growing demand

    for manufacturedgoods etc"

    Write a 1udgement aragrahsummarising the main causes ofindustrial revolution and decidingwhich might have !een the mostimortant

     >rticle * images availa!le from historywe!site under su!section' 6#ndustrial2evolution7" Students can use 0icrosoft9icture 0anager to oom in on details oran around the images"

    + Who was$ritain7s mostsuccessfulentrereneur 

    -ey words' e"g"entrereneur'industrialrevolution-ey events inthe life of localentrereneurGamesWhatmanKualities of asuccessful

    entrereneur'e"g" investment'innovation'attention toneeds of

    Students assess theirentrereneurial skillsas art of a quiStudents work ingrous using fli chartsto make a case for whytheir givenentrereneur was themost successful usingevidence from researchor factoids ?see

    2esources@ andresent Studentsassess each otheragainst a 6traffic lights7 >fL temlate

    se links on the history we!siteand resources in school li!rary tofind out as much as ossi!le a!outa articular entrereneur")reate an interactive game to testthe class a!out their entrereneurse 6Hot otatoes7 or 6)ontentenerator7 to create interactivegames to test students7 knowledge

    se of we!links' es"www"!!c"co"uk/history for information on)(8th * )(+th Entrereneurs factoids canalso !e found in 6#ndustry' 2eform andEmire7' ".8:+ or 69eace * War7' "8:44

  • 8/19/2019 Year 8 - SoW


    workers etc"

    (< What was lifelike inFictorian$ritain,

    )onditions intowns * cities'inventions *engineeringro1ects toimroveconditions e"g"Goseh

    $alagette andLondon sewers

    Starter 5 students listas many Fictorianinventions as they canand comare with thelist on theaccomanying9ower9ointStudents watch

    eisode' 6What theFictorians did for us7and answer questionsin airs !efore feeding!ack to the class

    What evidence of Fictorian !uilding/ engineering exists in 0aidstone,se a digital camera to record andcreate a 9hotostory resentationStudents could write an article for aFictorian travel magaineencouraging them to come and seethe wonders of the new London'

    including reat Exhi!ition andimroved infrastructure" 9eerassess articles using the successcriteria on the t"

     >ccomanying 9ower9oint is entitled6What did the Fictorians do for us, 5general resentation7" )oies of the videoquestion sheet will !e found in the samesection' too"se of F cli * digital camera to recordlocal evidence of Fictorian !uildings

    (( What was thevilest Fictorian


    -ey words *individuals=Iactory >cts'overseer' LordShaftes!uryStudents willlearn a!outconditions in

    factoriesthrough studyingrimary andsecondarysources and useof Fictorian 1o!fair role lay

    Study differentaccounts of workingconditions in Fictorianfactories and decidedwhich are !oth usefuland relia!le" Hold a 1o!s fair using the factsheets availa!le on the

    History det we!siteand decide which wasthe 6vilest7 Fictorian 1o!

    9roduce a diary of a tyical factoryworker of the eriod

    2ole cards for Fictorian 1o! fair availa!leon history we!site

    (4 Wereworkhousesreally so !ad,

    Students shouldlearn a!out theurose ofworkhouses andhow the oorwere treated

    once theyentered them"%hey shouldexamine thestrength of the

    Starter 5 showstudents a icture of awork house' e"g" oneon accomanying tand ask them toimagine how eole

    felt as they enteredsuch an institutionExlain urose ofworkhouses or reada!out them and them

    Iilm the role laysStudy Aliver %wist to find moreevidence a!out life in Fictorianworkhousesrou task 5 Fictorian dinnerdiscussion a!out ros and cons of

    workhouses' which studentsassess using 6traffic lights7 temlate

    9ower9oint resentation on workhousesentitled' 6Were workhouses so !ad,7andother resources availa!le on we!sitese clis from film roductions of Aliver%wist to comare with other accounts"See also 69eace * War7' "&B:+

  • 8/19/2019 Year 8 - SoW


    evidence for andagainstworkhouses aswell as therelia!ility ofsome sources'e"g" ickens76Aliver %wist7

    comlete a ta!le ?youcould use the examleon the deartmentwe!site@ with evidencefor and againstworkhouses" >skstudents to write a 1udgement aragrahon whether

    workhouses genuinelyheled the oor or not

    (. What was lifelike in townsand cities,

    Students learna!out conditionsin raidlyexandingcities' the tyesof diseasesresent as wellas the disarity!etween richand oor"

    Starter 5 !egin with aicture of 6!ack:to:!ack7 housing and askstudents to list as manyhealth haards asossi!leSource investigationexercise" Students usethis knowledge toroduce a health

    insector7s reortwhich can !e eerassessed"Students draft and eer assess essay !eforeroducing final versionfor teacher assessment6How vile was Fictorian$ritain,7" %ask sheetand examles ofstudents7 workavaila!le on we!site in2esources and

    Students7 Worksections for Year 8

    se resources from li!rary or localmuseum to investigate conditionsin Fictorian 0aidstone

    9ower9oint entitled' 6How health wereFictorian towns,7 availa!le on Historydeartment we!site * reort temlate

    (D How vile waslife in Fictorian$ritain,

    Students lanan essay onconditions in

    Students eer assessexamles of essaysagainst key criteria

    Students conduct family historyresearch

     >ssessment material and links to familyhistory * Fictorian $ritain sites on historywe!site"

  • 8/19/2019 Year 8 - SoW


    Fictorian $ritainStudentsunderstand thatthere wereimrovements insome areas andthat conditionschanged verylittle in others

    se of writing frame tohel scaffold learning

    Lesson series focus: the next sequence of lessons focuses on the causes and imact of war" 0ake links with other conflicts students may have studied' e"g"$attle of Hastings' Wars of the 2oses or )ivil War and ose the question' what made the Iirst World War any more or less significant than these in terms ofthe human imact of war" %his unit also allows you to exlore a variety of different sources from roaganda osters to oetry" Encourage students toquestion the usefulness of these different tyes of sources" >nother theme worth exloring is the role of women in the war !oth in service and on the HomeIront" se this as a sring!oard to question whether the role of women has !een vastly underestimated in the study of the ast"

    (;:(B Who was to!lame for theout!reak ofwar,

    Exlore thecauses' !othshort and longterm as well asthe triggerevent' the

    murder of the >rchduke IranIerdinand

    Starter 5 tell studentsthe story of the murderof Iran IerdinandStudy the factoids to!uild u a detailedicture of military !uild:

    u of different nations"Examine how militaryalliances may havealso !een a cause ofwar"Hold a de!ate on whowas most to !lame forthe out!reak of WW#'with grous takingresonsi!ility fordifferent countries

    Students write a short iece on thecauses of WW#' this could !e in theform of a newsaer front age or ifreferred an essay

    %here is an excellent account of IranIerdinand7s murder in $en Walsh'60odern World7 2emem!er too we haveelectronic coies of this section of thetext!ook accessi!le via the 6Historyeartment7 section of the school


    (& How did the

    governmentget eole toenlist,

    %o find out howgovernments

    encouragedeole to enlistin the army%o assess theeffectiveness of

    Starter 5 showstudents the famous

    -itchener war osterand ask students whatmakes it so effective 5mention the effect ofthe eyes that follow you

    Write a aragrah to a museumcurator exlaining why a articular

    roaganda oster should !e art ofa forthcoming exhi!ition on WW#

    9ower9oint and images of recruitmentosters availa!le on the history we!site'

    entitled' 62ecruitment * conscrition 5resentation7

  • 8/19/2019 Year 8 - SoW



    around the roomExlain the tacticsused !y government toencourage volunteersusing accomanyingt#n grous studentsexlain the meaningand effectiveness of a

    given t" and resentto class

    (8 What was lifelike in thetrenches

    Students findout a!out thestructure oftrenches' the kitused !y soldiersand exlorefirst:handaccounts ofconditions

    Starter 5 studentscomare WW# officialhoto with footage ofCo 0an7s LandStudents roducela!elled images of thekit used !y soldiers aswell as cross:sectionsof the $ritish trenches")omare these witherman defences"

    Study accounts ofconditions from rimarysources" >sk studentsto decide whichsources are mostuseful for !uilding u avivid icture of life intrenches' comaringsongs' oems' lettersetc"

    Write a letter home from the trenchesto a student in the class" %he studentthen eer assesses the work !ut also!lue encils any sensitive informationas the government would have doneas art of its censorshi rogramme"

    Examles of government hotograhsof the trenches on accomanying9oweroint entitled' 6What was life reallylike in the trenches,7" World War Ane in)olour has some vivid footage of trenchconditions as well as interviews withsome of the last survivors"

    (+ Was Haig the!utcher of the


    %o examine themilitary tacticsused !y $ritish

    generals andevaluate thereutation ofeneral Haig

    Starter 5 watch clifrom $lack >dder oesforth in which the main

    character goes overthe to and use this todiscuss the strategiesused !y $ritishgenerals

    Hold a class de!ate on Haig' withmore confident students makingcases for and against his reutation

    and other class mem!ers askingquestions or roviding evidence forand against" -ee a tally of classcontri!utions for your records ofseaking skills

    #nformation and sources on Haigavaila!le from History we!site"

  • 8/19/2019 Year 8 - SoW


    )onduct a sourceinvestigation into thedecisions of Haig

    4< What art didwomen lay inthe War,

    Examine theart layed !ywomen indifferent areasof war at homeand on the


    Starter 5 mill drillactivity with interestingfacts a!out the artlayed !y womenStudents use factoidsto make a quick fli

    chart resentationa!out their givenwomen7s cors tomake a case that itlayed the mostsignificant art inheling the war effort

    Students could roduce a recruitmentoster for their given cors orreare a rallying seech toencourage women to enlist

    6Women at War 5 resentation7 and6factoids7 in WW# section of we!site

    4( How did newtechnologieshel win thewar,

    Students studysome of the newmethods ofwarfare used'e"g" gas'machine gun'

    war in the air 

    Examine the differentsorts of gas masksused !y the $ritish >rmy" >ssess theireffectiveness againstgas attacks !y reading

    Wilfred Awen7s famous6ulce et ecorcumEst7se the video questionsheet and the cli from6World War Ane in)olour7 to exlore therole of the air force

    Write an o!ituary for the 62ed $aron7exloring how the War would have!een reorted from a ermanersective

    Fideo question sheet availa!le onhistory we!site' entitled' 6War in the air 5video question sheet7

    See also' 6> new kind of warfare7 in69eace and War7 "((D:;

    44:. How can #write aneffective 60yStory7 account

    of the War,

    Students findout how to writea historicalnarrative andexamles of

    students work"

    Starter 5 read anextract from a 60yStory7 account and askstudents what makes itan effective iece of

    writing and useful toofor studying WW#Exlain the task sheetcriteria andassessment grid" Look

    Students eventually roduce acomleted story for teacherassessment' !ut in this lesson itmight !e a good idea to ask them firstto roduce a short section for eer

    assessment uroses

    Encourage students to look at examlesof revious work and actual 60y Story7accounts availa!le in the li!rary"

  • 8/19/2019 Year 8 - SoW


    at ast examles ofstudents7 work

    4D How fair wasthe %reaty ofFersailles,

    %o study theterms of the%reaty andconsiderwhether it madea second worldwar more likely

     >sk students toconsider the ro!lemsleft unresolved at theend of WW#" Exlainthe reasons for the9aris 9eace)onference and who

    took art" ive themeach a character rolecard and ask them toresolve the samero!lems in the guiseof that individual"Ieed!ack andcomare ro!lemsolutions

    Students write a letter of comlaint asa erman citien a!out the terms ofthe %reaty"

    9ower9oint' role cards and ro!lemsheet availa!le in the section of thewe!site under 6>rmistice and end of war7

    Lesson series focus: %his sequence examines the reasons why only 4< years after the %r of Fersailles' war !reaks out in Euroe once again" %here aregood oortunities for links with citienshi as she study the rise of the great dictators !y contrasting the concet of totalitarian and democratic systems ofgovernment and examining ways in which democratic systems have !een challenged and urooted for examle the Weimar 2eu!lic or 2ussian Social

    emocracy" >s you move on to study the events of WW##' exlore the idea of 6turning oints7 in history' what they are' what makes one turning oint moresignificant that another" )hallenge students to think of recent events in world history which future generations may consider to !e turning oints' e"g" Iall of$erlin Wall' +/(( etc"

    4;:B Who was thedeadliestdictator of thetwentiethcentury,

    %o define themeaning ofdictator anddemocracy" %ostudy the waysin which keydictators cameto ower andthe methods

    used to stay inower 

    Starter 5 !rainstormmeaning of democracy* contrast withdictators ?you could dothis !y showing a clifrom WW## in colour inHistory F collection@Working in grous of .students comlete an

    evidence ta!le onHitler' 0ussolini' *Stalin" %hey highlightsimilarities anddifferences in different

    Skills work 5 encourage students todevelo resentation skills as art ofthe Learning to Learn strategy"

    WW## in colour as well as suortingresources on we!site' including factoidson 0ussolini' Hitler and Stalin and anevidence ta!le

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    coloursStudents are givenfactoids on keydictators of )4

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    chart and in each notedown successivelywhat haened' why itmight merit !eingla!elled a turning oint

    Lesson series focus: the last section of the -S. course looks at the reutation of the twentieth century as !eing the darkest in human history" #ntroduce thetheme with studies of the droing of the atomic !om! on Hiroshima and Cagasaki and the Holocaust" )ontrast this !y looking at events which demonstraterogress or advances in human rights' e"g" civil rights in S' ending of aartheid' sace race etc" %his should rovide an oortunity for students to exlore a

    toic of interest in a ro1ect:!ased way" Encourage students where ossi!le to make links with earlier eriods studied at -S.' e"g" if they are looking atwomen7s rights in the twentieth century they could rovide an overview of the rise of women7s rights from earliest times to the resent day" Link this lastsection to the work students did on 6significance7 at the end of the unit on the 0iddle >ges to see if they can still identify the key factors which mark an eventout as significant"

    4+ Why did theS dro two!om!s onGaan,

    Study thedeveloment ofnew atomictechnology"Examine thereasons why Sdecided to usatomic weaons

    to end WW##

    Starter 5 use a cli ofthe droing of the!om! on Hiroshima'e"g" from WW## incolour to set the sceneand rovoke de!ate"%echnical details a!outthe !om!7s

    develoment availa!leon accomanying9ower9ointSource investigation 5ask students todownload a coy of theevidence ta!le andstudy sources on"(+8:4

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    for anti:semitism'exlain thestes which ledto the IinalSolution'consider waysofcommemorating

    the victimstoday

    onto the screen andask students toimagine what theyrelate to !eforeexlaining ?coy of thiscan !e found in )SEsection ofwww"studyhistory"co"ukunder ermany'

    6Holocaust 5resentation7%here are a num!er ofways to treat thistoic' you may wish touse some of theaccomanyingactivities on the9ower9oint which usesarchive footage on6WW## in )olour7 andeye:witness accountsof the concentration

    cams' e"g" that ofora Fokel"Students comlete aStar of avid temlatewith facts andreflections gleanedfrom their research

    Yad Fashem=htt=//www("yadvashem"org/yv/en/education/school/a!out"as

    .4:; Was thetwentiethcentury reallyso !ad,

    Averview oftwentiethcentury history

    Starter 5 you couldintroduce this lastsection of the coursewith a mill drill oricture activity whereyou introduce students

    to some of the greatachievements of )4 Level@" %hey maymake a film' an audio recording' a

    formal resentation according to whatthey feel most comforta!le with"

    Encourage students to resources in theli!rary' the key history sites they haveused throughout the course' e"g" $$)History' Sartacus Schoolnet andHistory Learning Site

  • 8/19/2019 Year 8 - SoW


    resent a toic ofinterest to them whichdemonstratessignificant achievementand advance" 2eview)ounsell7s definition ofsignificance withstudents if necessaryStudents eer assess

    resentations againstkey criteria ofresentations skills'historical detail andexlaining of thesignificance of theadvances their grouor individual achieved

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