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  • 7/29/2019 Why I Like You


    You are just some ordinary girl who loves photography, stars and simple things. Your family is in middleclass you are well provided of the things you need in life. Even though you it's been a year since you'vestarted to live on your own -because you don't want to be a burden to your parents- your parents stillgive you things that you need. Right now you live with your best friend in an apartment with a privateaccess to the roof deck; a great spot for your star gazing and photography stuff. Now, you're afreelance photographer and photoeditor/manipulator to some prestigious magazines and websites. You're not that well known but people

    are starting to recognize your work. Apart from your work, you also have your so called 'alter ego',your blog that says everything about you and the little things you like most, the stars.

    It's Saturday and you were fishing for something to do since you're a freelancer, you don't have definiteschedules to attend to - well, except on your blog and your star gazing every night until whatever time.That's why you often lack sleep; let's just say you're the favorite customer of the small coffee shopbeside your apartment. So you took your laptop and searched the net for something to do, and there

    you spotted '3 Weeks Photography Refresher's Class' and it's gonna be conducted by a well-knownphotographer. It'll start this Monday from 9:00a.m - 12:00n.n.

    *Seems interesting... I think I'll give it a shot.*You thought and enrolled yourself online. Even

    though you already have a knack in photography, you often get inspiration from the people you get toknow along the way, especially when you take classes like this.

    "Beep! Beep! Beep!...!!!" That's your annoying alarm clock that you've been pressing to snooze since6:30a.m.

    You opened an eye to see the clock ticking 8:30a.m.

    "Shoot!" You exclaimed and immediately jumped off your bed. You're already late for your first day inyour photography class. You overslept again because you went to bed at around 2a.m., because youdidn't notice the time while you were star gazing. You grabbed your towel and ran to the bathroom for

    a quick shower. You picked a lose shirt skinny jeans and sneakers, the usual and tied your hair to aponytail, then grabbed your camera bag and your other bag dashed your way to the PhotographyClass.

    Of course the classes already started when you arrived at 9:30a.m. There was only one empty chair leftbeside a scary looking tall man -which left you with no choice but to sit beside him. You tiptoed yourway to the chair next to the scary guy, and slowly sat on it. From your peripheral view, the man besideyou didn't even move when you sat beside him.

    *Maybe he's asleep...* you thought; you can't see through his dark shades that he was wearing.

    *Ppfff...He's already asleep, the classes just started...*You muttered to yourself.

    You took your notebook and scribbled the notes on the board and the things that the instructor wassaying. The class was pretty quiet and there were only 20 participants, including you. It felt a littleboring and started to roam your eyes around the room but nothing interests you that much. You leanedyour head on your left hand and started to doodle on your notebook. Hours passed and you felt youreyes getting heavy and you just want to shut it and sleep.

    Few hours later, you felt someone tapping your shoulder.

    "Five minutes..." You muttered.

    "But miss, the classes has ended..." It was a voice a man. "Wake up..." The voice said. You scrunchedup your nose which he found you a little cute. "Miss?" He tried again while tapping your shouldergently.

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    Your eyebrows crossed and the unexpected happened... "I already said 5 minutes!" You exclaimed withyour half open eyes and grabbed the hand that was tapping your shoulder and bit it...hard.

    "YAAAAAHHH!!!" The man who was waking you up exclaimed. You released him from your bite and sawthe biggest shock of your life.

    "Why did you do that for?" He cried.

    Your mouth fell hanging open when you saw the same man who was beside you a while ago and theman that you just bit; he was no other than Korea's Super Junior Prince Choi Siwon!

    "U-uhm mianhe..." You said; now fully awake and shocked.

    "Do you always bite whoever wakes you up?" Siwon bawled while rubbing his hand.

    "Y-you're actually the first one..." You mumbled but he still heard you; you sighed. "I-I'm really sorry..."

    "So I am the unlucky one?" He said; a bit irritated. "Aish, this will definitely leave a mark..." and sighedheavily.

    Since you just woke up, you easily got a irritated with his muttering. "Aish, I already said I'm sorry..."You hissed at him, grabbed your things and stormed out of the room.

    "Yah!" Siwon yelled as he watch you walk out. "...and now she had the guts to be angry. Aissshhh..."He couldn't do anything but scratch the back of his head.

    Right after you walked out of the room, you suddenly felt sorry for the unfortunate incident. First, it'swrong that you bit him; second, it's wrong to get angry at him because you knew that he was justtrying to help you; and third, you were wrong for walking out from him.

    *Alright, I'll make it up to him tomorrow...*You thought.

    You arrived in class just in time the next day, and found Siwon sitting at the same spot as yesterday'swhile fixing his camera lens and what not. After battling with your mind on what to offer him as apeace offering, you settled to give him a box of plasters for the bite mark. You sucked up all thecourage you have and approached him.

    "Siwon-sshi, jeongmal mianhada..." You said with your head low. He looked at you with his wide eyes;a bit shocked. You gulped hard when you saw his hand with visible red marks. "Please accept this asa little peace offering..." handing him the box of plasters.

    "Uhm kamsahamnida..." He said while accepting your gift.

    "U-uhm, and just so you know, I don't really bite whoever wakes me up. I am not a psycho, I really amsane."

    You babbled as you take the seat beside him again. "I want you to know that I really am sorry for whatI did and I know that I was wrong for biting you and so there I gave you plasters. Although I know youmight have one but then that's all I can offer you for now..." You rambled without even breathing inbetween. His lips were pursed but it started to curl up into a little smile. "Okay, I should stop now, Ioften ramble when I'm nervous. Again, I'm sorry..." You continued.

    Now Siwon was already smiling his signature smile. "So you're nervous?" He asked with an archedeyebrow.

    "What?" You blushed a little. "Me? O-of course not..." You defended, hiding your face a little.

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    "...and you're blushing..." Siwon mocked. "Do you happen to be fan?"

    You looked at him a bit irritated. "You are so full of yourself mister..."

    "So are you?"

    You narrowed your eyes on him. "Just so you know, I am a fan of Kim Heechul..."

    "But we're on a same group, so it still counts..." Siwon said, folding his arms to his chest.

    "Is not..."

    "Is too..." You two bickered like kids and just stopped when the instructor went inside the room.

    "Okay guys settle down..." The instructor started and everyone started to go back to the seats. Hestarted to talk about today's activity... "But before that, I want this activity to be a collaboration with aco-participant. So say hello to your seat mate because he/she will be your partner for the rest of thiscourse."

    Your eyes grew wide. "What?!" You and Siwon both said in unison. You two are the only ones whoweren't happy about this.

    "You guys must come up with a topic or a theme and relate it to the photo that you will submit as afinal activity in this course. And by the end of this course, I will be choosing 3 pairs to join me in myown exhibit." The instructor continued.

    You looked at Siwon in disbelief, but he too was also looking at you.

    "What now?" You said in your defeat.Siwon sighed. "Maybe we should start again..."

    You thought for a moment and slightly nodded in agreement. *So it's true that he's a nice person...*You thought.

    "I'm Choi Siwon..." He said while offering his hand for a handshake.

    "I'm _____..." You said, accepting his handshake.

    "Pleased to meet you..." Siwon said in a very gentleman way and you couldn't help but blush.

    "Same here..." You said, still shaking his hand. *Okay, awkward...*You suddenly pulled your handsand gave an awkward smile.

    "So, shall we start?" He said, taking the lead.

    "Okay sure..." You agreed.

    "So aside from photography and my band, what are your other interests?" Siwon asked smugly.

    "Aisshhh..." You rolled your eyes off him. *I spoke too soon...aish, this smug...*

    You woke up early the next day; being a good friend to your best friend, you got up early because it'syour turn to bring the laundry to the Laundromat. It was a bright and sunny day so you wore a whitesun dress and a pair of white sneakers. You don't usually wear dresses but then its laundry day and

    you don't have pretty much have any choice. After going to the Laundromat, you went to your favoritecoffee shop and had breakfast then went straight to your photography class with your iced coffee onhand. Since you and Siwon haven't come up with a theme for your final project, you decided to walk toyour class to gather some inspiration.Just then while you were walking, you received a text from your

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    best friend.

    "_____-ah are you already awake? Don't forget about our laundry!"

    "Yes, of course I'm awake! Don't worry...done with the laundry! ^^" You texted back.

    "Good! See you later!"

    "See y~~~" and BAM! You were busily texting when you bumped into something or someone; spillinghalf of your drinks to your white dress.

    "What the...!" You squealed.

    "Oh no, I'm so sorry miss... ______?"

    Your eyes widen when you saw the person who you bumped into. "Choi Siwon do you hate me thatmuch to spill my iced coffee on my white dress?" You were so annoyed that you had to emphasize thedetailed words.

    "Ssshhh, don't say my name out loud..." He said with his pointer finger on his lips. "I-It's not like Imean it. It was an accident, I'm really sorry..." Siwon babbled. Apparently he was walking backwardswith his camera; taking pictures of interesting things that's why you bumped into him.

    You sighed. "Aigoo, how am I supposed to go to class now?"

    Siwon looked at his watch. "It's still early, come with me..." Siwon said dragging your hand.

    "Yah! Where are you taking me?" You cried but he didn't say anything. Then you saw your hand beingdragged by his, you couldn't help but blush again. Even though he isn't your bias, would you still be

    choosy in this situation? He's The Choi Siwon! Just then you realized that you guys were in public.

    Even though Siwon's wearing some disguise, his statuesque figure will always be noticeable. *I hopemedia won't catch this...*You thought. You know how the fans would react when they see their idolin this situation.

    You just followed his lead, still dragging you to god knows where. After a little while you arrived to yourdestination; a boutique.

    "Err, what are we doing here?" You asked.

    "I'm getting you a new dress, let's go we only have 45 mins. before our classes starts." Siwon, draggingyou to go inside.

    "W-what? I could've just gone home and change..." You complained.

    "Then what? You'll come in late for class because you had to go back home to change your clothes andthen I'll feel guilty about that. I'm just making it easier for both of us..."

    "Wait, is this you being nice and guilty or just being a plain smugly jerk?" You fought back with youreyebrows crossing.

    Siwon thought for a while. "Okay, ______ I'm really sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going that'swhy I bumped into you." He said sincerely.

    *Whoa, he changed his mood all of a sudden. He's so unpredictable...* You thought. You bit yourcheek and noticed that he meant what he said. "Apology accepted. I'm sorry, I wasn't looking either, Iwas texting my friend, that's why... Look Siwon-sshi, you don't really have to do this."

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    "But I wanted to, a peace offering for being a plain smugly jerk..." Siwon smiled and you chuckled."C'mon let me be your stylist for today..." You rolled your eyes off him and agreed. You and Siwonlooked around the shop, the sales ladies were talking about you both. You heard one of them envyingyou and saying how lucky you were. You bit your lip in embarasment and just busied yourself andlooked around. Siwon then found a dress and asked you what you think about it.

    "It's really pretty..." Your eyes glittered as you admired the dress he was showing you. "But how much

    is it?" You said worried that it might be expensive.

    "Na-uh, you shouldn't look at prices when people give you presents..." Siwon said, hiding the price tagfrom you. "Here, go and change into that..." giving you the dress.

    You then went to the fitting room to change. When you got out, you were surprised to see Siwonwaiting for you.

    "So what d'ya think?" You asked.

    "Really pretty..." Siwon said out of the blue looking at you with his dreamy eyes. "U-uhm I mean, it's

    nice..." Siwon stuttered; trying to compose himself. You looked at him weirdly. "I'm just gonna be atthe counter, I'll wait for you there..." He said awkwardly.

    *Did he just complimented me? Was it me who's pretty or just the dress?*You asked yourself.Either way, you just thought of him as a bipolar, moody, smug, handsome and statuesque guy. Okaythe last two descriptions are already given within just one look. But then you decided to brush it off.You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled at the nice dress that you were wearing.

    You again bickered with Siwon while paying for the dress. You kept on insisting to pay for the half of it,but he won this time and left you with no choice but to thank him. You two then went to class together,still undecided for your final project's theme.

    You went home puzzled why was Siwon looking at you like that the moment you stepped out of thefitting room. His eyes were really dreamy, and he was smiling. You shook your head to put off the weirdthoughts away. Just then you remembered your dress that got spilled with coffee, you took it andsoaked it with warm water so that it won't stain. While washing your dress, your mind came flutteringto Siwon again; you hissed at yourself when you did that.

    "Hey your home..." Your best friend Jihyo greeted you. You mentally thank her for taking your mind offof Siwon.

    "Hey, what happened to your dress?"

    "Well I bumped into some jerk and spilled my coffee to my dress..." You explained.

    "Wait, is that dress new? That's really pretty..." Jihyo complimented your dress.

    "Oh this, the jerk bought me this for spilling the coffee on my dress as his peace offering..."

    "Him? So it's a guy? Oh my gosh, finally!" Your best friend exclaimed; the girl is always excited about

    your love life. "Who is he? Is he someone I know?"

    "No, it's not like that. Besides the guy is a jerk and yes you know him..." You said without looking ather. Jihyo then named names of your high school and college guy friends.

    "No, not them... It's..." You sighed. "It's Choi Siwon." You finally said.

    "You.Gotta.Be.Kidding.Me..." Jihyo said but you shook your head no. "Kyyyaaaaaa!!!" Jihyo screamed afan girl scream.

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    You faced palm, forgetting that your hands were dripping wet. *This will be a long explaination...*You thought.

    Friday came, your last session for the first week. So far, Siwon has been treating you a lot nicer, unlikethe first few days. You came in a little late for today's class and noticed that Siwon wasn't also thereyet. Even though you keep on telling yourself that you're not interested on him and you shake him offyour mind, still your brain will go against you and bring back the thoughts of him. Yes, you admit you'rea fan of Super Junior, but he's not your bias. But then again, it's not like you could meet an idol everyday, right?

    You battled with your brain with the thoughts of Siwon as the time went by. The class was on its halfway through the discussion when you noticed that Siwon wasn't still there. *So he ditched classtoday...*You thought. You thought that it's stupid to think about him when you knew that he wasn'tthinking about you too. *He's a jerk _____!*You reminded yourself*A handsome jerk, to beexact...pffft...*So you went home and noticed that Jihyo left a note by your room's door."Dont forget the Black & Silver fashion show and soiree tonight!" It read.

    *Oh shoot!*Your friend Jihyo works as an events organizer and she invites you to these kind ofoccasions for you tomeet other photographers and potential clients and what not. You then, grabbed asimple black cocktail dress, a nice strapy heels and a clutch bag. While killing time, you decided tocheck on your blog named MyOwnConstellation. You were actually excited to see if your favoritefollower left a message again; and you were right.

    star407: How's your class? Looking forward to see your recent know I'm such a fan. Btw, Ijust enrolled myself to a class too! Hwaiting!

    You smiled after reading the message and started to reply:

    MyOwnConstellation: My classes is good, it's because of the people I get to meet where I get my

    inspirations. I hope to see your works too. Thank you for your support, I'll be working hard! Hwaiting tous!^^

    Just every time your favorite follower sends messages or comments to your blog, you couldn't help notto smile. And maybe, yes, you had to admit that you're having virtual crush on your favorite follower.After doing so, you started to prepare for the event. You took a generous bath, blow dried your hairand dress up. You always go for natural look, so you didn't put on make-up that much. You put yourhair down and let your natural waves let loose. You looked at your watch and it ticked 7:45pm; just theright time to go. You then went to the parking lot and drove your mini car to the soiree with yourcamera and a V.I.P. Pass to the event.The fashion show started on time, every garment wowed you, thehair styles, the make-up. You took pictures of the details you liked. Just then you noticed a very familiarface walked out of the runway; the face you loved to hate for being plain smugly jerk. Yes, he really didlook handsome and princely.

    *So this is why he ditched class...*You thought. You then focused your camera on him and adoredevery feature on his face and snapped and caught his very handsome face. *Ugh, what am I doing?*Right after the fashion show, the soiree started. You tried to find Jihyo but you saw her really busy withher work as the event's organizer, good thing you found colleagues in photography and mingled withthem. With just a red wine on hand, you and your colleagues talked about photography stuff and whatnot. You don't really want to drink because you still have to drive. Just then your friend stopped talkingand looked at someone behind you with wide eyes.

    "_____?" A familiar voice called your name that was right behind you. You turned around and there he

    was, Mr. Choi Siwon himself. You gave him a friendly smile. "Hey, I didn't know you'd be here..." Hesaid with a friendly smile."I'm a photographer, remember? And you?" You asked sarcastically, tiltingyour head on your side.

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    "I'm a model too, remember?" He said, imitating you. You gave out a chuckle. "Not much of a drinker Isee..." he said, looking at your still full wine glass.

    "Nah, I still have to drive so, I'm just being cautious..." You said and eyed his glass of hard liquor onthe rocks. Siwon saw your friends that they were looking at him.

    Siwon cleared his throat. "Care for introductions?" He said, gesturing to your friends.

    "Oh right, where were my manners? Uhm they are my photography colleagues..." You said introducingtheir names to Siwon. " guys already know him right? We're currently classmates in aphotography class..." You babbled as they exchanged hi's and hellows and handshakes.

    Siwon taking their handshakes with a smile. "I'm sorry for stealing _____ for a while. I hope you guysenjoyed the show." He said in a very friendly way. Just then the speakers blasted loud party music.

    "So I guess I'll see you on Monday?" Siwon said shouting a little.

    "W-what? I'm sorry?" The speakers were too loud for you to hear him.

    "I said, I'll see you on Monday..." Siwon leaned closer to your ear. Your face was just few inches awayfrom him and felt his breath on your ears. You can smell a bit of alcohol and his perfume. You shookyour head before he could intoxicate you.

    "Y-yes, of course..." You stuttered and blushed.

    "You looked really nice today, by the way..." He said, much closer to your ear now. He then smiled andexcused himself and left you dumb founded. You shook your head to put your thoughts away. *He'sjust drunk...*You thought. Out of subconscious you drank your red wine bottoms up. It was gettinglate and you looked for Jihyo to tell her that you're heading home.

    "Ah arasso, you take care alright?"

    "Yeah, okay, but how 'bout you? How are you gonna go home?" You asked.

    "Don't worry about me, I'll ask a friend to drop me home..."

    "Arasso, so I'll go ahead, see you later!" You said as you waved her goodbye. You then headed to theexit but you sawthat it was too crowded. So you turned your heels to exit at the back door. When yougot out of the building...

    "_____-ah, going home?" Someone called you with slurred speech; you turned to see a flushed faceSiwon.

    *Uh-oh, he's totally drunk...*You slightly nodded at him and looked at him a bit concerned.

    "For a moment please..." He said raising his pointer and ran behind a lamp post. The next thing is youheard him barfing.

    "Ugh!" You muttered in disgust. But you felt sorry for him and approached him. "Siwon-ah, are youokay?"

    "Don't go near me, it's disgusting..." He said. Siwon wiped his lips with his hanky and faced you.

    "Do you need water?" You asked.

    Siwon shook his head no. "Can you drive me home?" He asked. "Here are my keys..." handing you hiskeys. "Please?"

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    You were hesitant at first but then when he said 'please' you took his keys and nodded.

    "But I don't know where you live..."

    "I'll be your GPS..." He said with a slurred speech.

    Okay, he's drunk but you find him kind of adorable. Before you guys went to his car, you asked one ofthe bouncers to look after him. You looked for Jihyo and told her what happened and asked her to driveyour car back home. Then you got back to Siwon who was now hugging the bouncer. *Oh my gosh!What have I gotten myself into?!*You whined. You asked the bouncer to carry Siwon to his car andgave the bouncer a tip for being such a big hassle.

    In the car, you were so amazed to drive an Audi, to drive Choi Siwon's white Audi TT to be exact. Siwonwas sitting at the front passenger. You sat at the driver's seat and grabbed his seat belt and buckledhim up.

    "Your smell..." Siwon said. "'s really nice and sweet." He continued. You looked at him and rolled

    your eyes off of him and started to drive. At first Siwon was giving you sensible directions but after awhile...

    "Siwon-ah, we're going on circles here... Will you just tell me your address so I can drive you home?"

    "It's a secret..." Siwon said in his slurred speech with a teasing tone. "Just follow my directions andwe'll get there..."

    "But we've been here 3 times already..." You said, getting a little impatient but Siwon just smiled atyou. You then parked the car at the side and pressed hazard. "You know what, give me your phone..."

    "Wae? Why did you stop?" He said like a kid; clutching his coat where his phone is."I'm gonna make a

    call, I'll call your manager..." You said a bit irritated. Siwon then handed you his phone. "Passwordplease?" You asked.Siwon smiled at you. "Secret..." he said again with a teasing tone and grin.

    "Arrgghhh!!! I should've done this earlier..." You face palmed yourself in frustration.

    "You know, you're better of smiling, that's when you're prettiest..." You heard him. This is the third timethat he complimented you tonight, you just don't know if it's true because he was so drunk. Your handswere still on your face, but a little later you heard a little snoring. You looked at him and saw himsleeping.

    Siwon woke up in an unfamiliar place the next day. The room is really white; there where glow in thedark stars glued on the ceiling. There's also a telescope by the window. *Where am I?* The dresser is

    full of female products. *It's a girl's room!* He then checked out his clothes, he was only wearing hisown undershirt and an unfamiliar pj's. He stood up, his head started to ache like there were bulletsshooting him, and then pressed his temples and tried to relax. A little later he tried to stand up againand headed to the door. When he got out of the room, he was greeted by a very familiar voice.

    "Good morning drunkard!" You mocked him as soon as you saw him go out of your room. Siwon foundyou at the sofa with your laptop and camera. You were still on your comfy pj's.

    He looked at you questioningly. "What- How- How did I get here?" He stuttered. You rolled your eyesoff of him and gave him a flashback of what had happened last night. "Then w-who...?" He askedstuttering while pointing at his clothes.

    You chuckled. "Don't worry, I didn't rape you, but our gay building maintenance might have..." Youmocked; Siwon's eyes grew wide in shock while covering his upper body with his arms. You laughed athis reaction; you enjoyed mocking him as a revenge for being such a huge headache last night.

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    "Naaah, I'm just kidding!" You said still laughing; Siwon frowned. "That's my brother's pj's. Yes, I toldour building maintenance to change you to that, and no, he's not gay. You kind of barfed at you pantsand I don't want my sheets to get messed up so I asked him to carry you up here and change yourclothes." You explained.

    "B-but where did you sleep?" He asked. You were surprised that he was stuttering.

    "Here..." You said, pointing at the sofa you were sitting on. Siwon approached you and sat at the otherend of the sofa.

    "Look, uhm..." He paused, gathering his thoughts. "I'm really sorry for being such a huge hassle." Hesaid sincerely. "And just so you know, I'm not really a drunkard. It just so happened that my father'sfriend was there and gave me drinks. I-I just couldn't say no b'cause I might disrespect him, that's whyI ended up here... I'm really sorry..."

    *Wow, for a moment there, he really looked like an angel...* You thought and sighed. "No worries...How's your head?" You asked him, knowing that he'll be having a painful hangover. Siwon didn't sayanything but you know that he's having a headache. You then stood up. "Follow me..."

    You went to the kitchen and got him a glass of water. You placed it on the counter top, in front ofSiwon and handed him a tablet for his headache.

    "How'd...?" Siwon asked but you cut him off.

    "I know you'll be having a hangover..."

    "Thank you..." He said with a smile and took the medicine. "_____, can I ask a favor?" He said softly,you looked at him and nodded. "Can I stay here for a while? After my headache subsides, I promise I'llgo..."

    "Sure, no worries..." You said with a friendly smile. You looked at the time and it's ticking 10:30am", brunch anyone?"

    You cooked kimchi fried rice and steamed dumplings and Siwon helped you, you were surprised that heknew things to do in the kitchen. While you guys were eating...

    "So you live here alone?" Siwon asked.

    "Nope, I live with my best friend Jihyo here. She's not around because she had to go to work." Youexplained.

    Suddenly, you let out a little yawn and covered your mouth in the process. "Excuse me..." You said.

    "I just noticed, you're always sleepy at the wrong time of the day... Why?" Siwon asked.

    "I'm gonna tell you but I'm gonna have to kill you..." You said with a slight smirk.

    "I'm gonna find that out..." Siwon looked around and he spotted something sticked on your fridge. Itwas an invitation for an exhibit opening that'll be happening later tonight at 7pm. "You're invited in thisexhibit too?" He said pointing at the invitation."Yeah, the exhibitor is my sunbae-nim in college. Wereyou invited too?" You asked, but before he could answer... "oh well, why do I have to ask..."Siwon chuckled. "Yes, he's one of the photographers I worked with in a magazine photo shoot. Are yougoing?"

    "Yep!" You said with a nod.

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    "Great, I'll pick you up here at 6pm..." Siwon said, he wasn't really asking. It was more like you justhave to agree with him.

    "H-huh? Why?" You asked, stuttering.

    "Well..." Siwon scratched the back of his neck as he searched for words. "You know, I just want to payback for the hospitality you showed me..." He said with his famous hand gestures.

    "It's okay, you don't have to..." You said without even looking at him.

    The moment you looked up to him, you saw him looking directly at you. "But I wanted to..." Siwonsaid.

    You were still hesitant to agree with Siwon's idea. What if the media would catch this? You know howfans would react if their oppa is seen with a girl. *Okay Chill-ax...* You told yourself. It's not like youguys are in a date right? You tried to think that you guys are accompanying each other to the exhibit ascolleagues, friends, and acquaintance. You then chose a simple outfit for the event. You were still fixingyour hair when you heard your doorbell rang. You looked at your watch and it ticked 5:45pm. *He's

    early...* You thought. So you got up and got the door."Hi!" Siwon greeted as you opened the door withhis signature dimpled smile. You were stunned with his appearance, he looked so neat and he smelledreally good.

    "Hi, uhm come in..." You greeted back.

    "You really looked pretty..." He complemented.

    "T-thanks..." You stuttered, you werent used to people complementing you, especially a person likehim. "You really looked good too... Uhm, you're surprisingly early..."

    "Well you really didn't give me a straight answer a while ago. That's why I went here a bit earlier... So?"

    "Uhm, In one condition though..." You said and bit your lip.

    "Okay..." Siwon waited for you to answer with an eyebrow raised.

    "Please don't drink too much tonight..."

    Siwon chuckled. "I won't, I promise..." then smiled his signature smile.

    Soyou guys get into the car and drove to the exhibit. You were kind of shy to go out with Siwon, youtried your best not to be awkward and treated him like a normal person. But you have to admit thatyou can't help not to fan girl inside you, he's still Super Junior's Choi Siwon.

    You guys arrived at the event, Siwon was really a gentleman. It was like you guys were on a date. Heassisted you with his hand at the small of your back, got drinks for you guys and everything.Sometimes you think he's just too good to be true. You guys actually enjoyed each others' company.You excused yourself to go the women's room for a while and when you got out...

    "_____!" Someone called you.

    "Daehyun? Daehyun-oppa!" You exclaimed. He was a good friend of yours in college and you didn'treally expect to meet him.

    "How are you? You really looked nice..."

    "Thanks, I'm good! How are you?" You asked.

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    "Likewise. I already saw you a while ago but I was shy to approach you 'cause I thought you were withChoi Siwon of Super Junior." He said.

    "W-well, he is Choi Siwon of Super Junior..." You said with a blush.

    "Mwo?! Are you guys dating?" Daehyun asked in almost a whisper and leaned a little closer to you.

    "Aniyo, oppa, it's not like that..." You defended. "We're just good friends, we're colleagues in thisphotography class that's all..."

    "Why are you being so defensive? Do you like him?" He asked.

    "..." You can't think of any good answer for his question.

    "Aigoo, my baby sis grew up so fast..." He said, mocking you while pinching your cheeks.

    "Oppa, wae kurae?" You protested and swatted his hand off your cheek. "Stop it, people might hearyou and spark up some rumor..."

    Im just saying... Daehyun said defensively with his hands up. But isnt he really dreamy? He saidwith dreamy eyes and you just rolled your eyes off him.

    Little did you know, someone was watching you Siwon, was watching you. He frowned a little whenhe saw you talking with someone, a guy to be exact. He frowned more when he saw the guy leanedcloser to you and whispered something.*What is this? Ive only known the girl for a week but since thefirst time Ive seen her, Ive never stopped thinking about her I have to admit that I am jealous and Ijust cant lose like this* he thought and sighed. *Here goes nothing* Siwon then approached you.

    Hi, got you another drink Siwon said as he approached you and gave you a glass of iced tea.

    Thanks u-uhm Siwon-sshi, this is Daehyun-oppa, hes a good friend from college, and oppa, this isChoi Siwon You introduced them to each other.

    Nice to meet you Daehyun said and extended his arm for a handshake.

    Same here Siwon said and took his handshake firmly.

    So Im gonna go ahead, you guys enjoy the night Daehyun said and gave you a mischeivous smilebehind Siwon's back.

    Thanks, you too enjoy You said.

    You and Siwon looked around the exhibit and wowed at the works. You guys gathered up ideas for yourtheme for your final project but still couldnt come up with a right one.

    So this Daehyung-sshi, was he really just a friend? Siwon asked out of the blue with kind of a nosytone. You nearly choked as you take a sip on your drink.

    Yes, hes just a friend You found Siwon kind of weird with he just said.

    From my point of view it looked like he was flirting with you a while ago Siwon said.

    *Is he jealous?* You thought but you just brushed it off and thought that you were being delusional.Where is this coming from? You looked at him weirdly. First of all, Daehyun-oppa is just a goodfriend; he wont flirt with me because hed rather check you out than me You explained.

    Oh Are you saying, hes, h-hes gay? Siwon stuttered.

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    Well hes major in college is fashion design and if youre still not satisfied with my answer, he said thatyou looked really dreamy You said with an arched eyebrow.

    But you call him oppa

    Isnt that what a dongsaeng should call an older guy? You asked sarcastically; Siwon couldnt say

    anything more. Siwon gave out an awkward chuckle and you too chuckled. I-Im really sorry aboutthat He said blushing.

    Its okay You said with a smile.

    Tonight is a weird but fun night. You had to admit that you enjoyed your time hanging out with Siwonin the past few days. You were actually surprised that Siwon kept his promise; the only liquor you guysdrank was the champagne that was served during the ribbon cutting.

    So are you ready to go? Siwon asked a little later.

    Yeah, sure

    You guys were about to leave and was heading to his car when you tripped onto something and heardsomething snapped.

    Are you okay? Siwon asked gently holding your arm.

    Yes Im okay but my shoe isnt You said. Siwon looked down on your feet and saw that one of yourheels got broken. You let out a heavy sigh.

    I have an idea Siwon said. He squatted in front of you and took off your shoes.

    How brilliant You said sarcastically.

    Not yet done Siwon said with his pointer raised. The next thing you know was Siwon kicking off hisshoes too. He then grabbed both of your shoes and your hand with his free hand and walked to his carbarefoot which left you nothing but speechless.

    Siwon-ah this isnt working You said as you tug his hand.

    Siwon smiled. I have another idea When you reached his car, he opened the back compartment andtook out a pair of sneakers. He squatted down again and put on the sneakers his sneakers- on yourfeet. *This guy really has full of weird ideas* You thought. You do realize that Im wearing a dressright? And these sneakers are really big...

    Siwon chuckled and got up, but as he got up you heard something got ripped.Uh-oh Siwon said with wide eyes. I think my pants got ripped Siwon said with a red flushedface. You couldnt help not to laugh. Yah, why dont you just help me instead of laughing at me? Hesaid leaning on the car to cover his lower back.

    Mianhe You said in between laughs. You then started to calm down while fanning yourself with yourhand.

    Take off your coat You said and Siwon did what he was told. You took his coat and wrapped itaround his waist. There you go You said and finished it with a smile.

    Siwon drove you to your apartment complex and accompanied you to your door.

    What a night right? Siwon said.

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    Totally Would you like to go inside? You asked.

    Nah, I better go ahead, Im really uncomfortable with my pants right now Siwon said and youchuckled. But I was wondering if youre free tomorrow, we could have lunch and talk about ourtheme.

    Yeah, sure You were surprised with yourself that you agreed with him without hesitation.

    "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then... Good night..." Siwon said with his smile.

    "Good night..." *Daehyun-oppa's right, he really is dreamy...*

    It was a really beautiful sunny Sunday morning. Surpirsingly, you woke up early and immediately hitthe shower. It's actually your late grandfather's birthday and you're going to visit his remains aftergoing to church and before meeting Siwon. You then chose a simple Sunday dress and went off tochurch with your best friend Jihyo. After which, you bought flowers and went to the cemetery to visityour grandfather alone. It was really sunny and you hated yourself that time for forgetting to bring an

    umbrella with you.Upon arriving, you sat on the soft grass and cleared the dried leaves on yourgrandfather's tomb stone, and then placed the flowers on it. It's been years, but your grandfather andyour grandmother will always be missed.

    *Hello halabeoji! Happy Birthday! I know you're having a party right now in heaven with halmeoni.Don't eat too much sweets okay? You don't want halmeoni to nag at you right? You know, I've beendoing well in my photography class. Aren't you proud of me? I got it from you halabeoji. I miss you andhalmeoni so much. Watch over me always okay?* You then offered a silent prayer for them.

    "_____?" You nearly jumped in shock when someone called you. You looked out and saw a tall manstanding with an umbrella.

    "Siwon?!" You exclaimed and narrowing your eyes to see him clearly. "You shook the living daylightsout of me!"

    You said clutching your chest. "I thought my grandfather just answered me!" You sighed heavily.

    Siwon chuckled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

    "What are you doing here anyway? Are you stalking me?" You asked with wide eyes.

    "Are you stalking me?" Siwon asked back.

    "Of course not. I'm visiting my grandfather here, and you?"

    "Same with you, I just visited my grandmother then I saw you here..." Siwon said and sat beside you,covering you under his umbrella. "You looked a little sad a while ago. You really miss your halabeojidon't you?"

    "Yeah..." You nodded and gave a faint smile. "He used to spoil me a lot when I was a kid. He's the onewho taught me about photography..." You smiled as you remember your grandfather.

    "He must be so proud to have a grand daughter like you..." Siwon said, you looked at him and smirked."Care for introductions?" Siwon asked with a smile.

    "Of course..." You turned to your grandparents' tomb stone. "Halabeoji, halmeoni, this is Choi Siwon.He's a star you know? Isn't he much good looking in person?" You started to babble unconsciously. Youblushed right away after realizing what you just said."Annyeonghaseo halabeoji and halmeoni! I am Choi Siwon, isn't your grand daughter pretty when she

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    smiles and blushes?" Siwon said genuinely.

    You looked at him and blushed some more when you saw him already looking at you with a smile."Yah! Don't get it to your head..."

    "Wae? What did I do?" Siwon said, playing innocent and you just rolled your eyes off of him. "I'm justbeing honest though..." You looked at him weirdly. "I just complemented you, a little thank you will

    do..." He said and poked your cheek.

    "Thanks, I guess..." You said. It was kinda hot Sunday morning and you started to fan yourself withyour hand.

    Siwon took off his cap and started to fan you with it. "Thanks..." This time it was genuine.

    "I was thinking, since we're here and we're visiting our loved ones, I just think that our topic should beabout memories... It could be good, it could be bad, you know memories..." Siwon said with his famoushand gestures.

    "You're absolutely right!" You beamed at what Siwon just said. "I'll dedicate our final project to myhalabeoji, as a birthday present for him! It's brilliant...!"

    "Thank you!" Siwon said with a salute.

    "Well, how about you? What would you be doing?" You asked tilting your head on the side.

    Siwon smiled. "Secret..." He said and pinched your cheek.

    "You know the last time you said secret was when you're drunk and ended up snoring in my room..."You said in as-a-matter-of-factly way. "...and this is a collaboration, I should know what you'll bedoing..." You continued.

    Siwon chuckled. "You'll find out soon..." He smiled and winked at you. You started to blush again butyou looked away to hide it. "Aigoo, it's so hot today..."

    You both looked at each other. "Ice cream?" You both said in unison.

    Since Siwon can't hangout with a girl in an ice cream parlor, you guys ended up buying ice cream in aconvenience store and headed to your house. You guys went straight to the kitchen; you opened theice cream tub while Siwon looked for spoons. You smiled at the thought of Siwon knows the thingsaround your kitchen.

    "Boodle fight?" Siwon said with an arched eyebrow while handing you a spoon.

    "Sure." You smiled. You both went to the living room and slouched at the sofa. Siwon started to dig in."You know your apartment is really nice, it had this homey feeling..." Siwon said as he looked around.

    "I know right? ...but you haven't seen the whole of it..." You smiled, scooped an ice cream and turnedon your laptop. "I was just wondering, don't you have any schedules? I mean, you're an idol, you'resupposed to be busy..."

    "Yep, but my drama just finished and I was given a whole month of break before my schedules couldgo full again..." Siwon explained.

    "So if you're on a break, shouldn't you be resting, go on a vacation or something?"

    "I just wanted to be productive, that's why I enrolled my self in our class... Any more questions?"You shook your head no. "But you should've rested. You know, to regain strength for the next

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    Siwon smiled. "So you're concerned about me?"

    You rolled your eyes off him and focused on your laptop. "What are you doing in there?" He asked,peeking a little at your laptop.

    "I am looking at my blog..." You honestly said and proudly showing Siwon the screen.Siwon choked. "You're MyOwnConstellation?!" He exclaimed. You're eyes grew wide in surprise with hissudden reaction.

    "You know my blog?!" You asked with your wide eyes.

    "I-I am a huge fan...I-I'm..." Siwon stuttered.

    "Don't tell me you're star407?!" You exclaimed too; cutting him off. "Tell me you're not him..."

    "I am star407..." Siwon admitted.

    "Oh my gosh, but he's a gentleman..." You muttered.

    "Well I am!" Siwon defended.

    "Is not..."

    "Is too..." The two bickered like kids. You rolled your eyes off of Siwon's childishness but somehow youhad this unexplainable happiness inside you.

    "______-ah, how would you like to meet Heechul-hyung?" Siwon asked. You looked at him a bitconfused. "You once mentioned that he was your bias, right? Well tomorrow I'll be a guest on his radio

    show and I was thinking that you should go with me..."

    Your mouth fell hang open. "S-sure..." You stuttered. Siwon misunderstood your stuttering, he thoughtthat you where excited to meet Heechul and that made him jealous. Little did he knew, you where kindof liking him too, putting him on the top of your bias list.

    Days have passed and you have to admit that you and Siwon grew closer with each other. To you, he'sbecoming the person who you knew he's supposed to be; Siwon the gentleman, the childlike and theideal bachelor that every girl has been dreaming of.

    You woke up surprisingly early the next day, even you were surprised on how early you woke up thatyou even beat your alarm clock. You went out of your room with your bed head and found your best

    friend Jihyo reading some news papers.

    Jihyo almost jumped in shock when she saw you. "Yah! You scared me!" She exclaimed. "Why are youup so early?"

    "I was also surprised, believe me...I'm gonna go and freshen up" You said with your sleepy voice andheaded to the bathroom then the doorbell rang all of a sudden. "Who would that be?"

    "I'll go get the door..." Jihyo volunteered. She then went to the door and opened it.

    "Annyeonghaseyo. Is _____ there?" Jihyo's eyes grew like saucers when the man in statuesque figuregreeted her.

    "Y-yeah..." Jihyo stuttered.

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    "I'm sorry, I'm Choi Siwon. You must be Jihyo, ______ bestfriend?" He said and reached for handshake.

    "Y-yeah..." Jihyo stuttered as she took the handshake.

    "Can I come in?" Siwon asked.

    "O-of course..." Jihyo stuttered. "______-ah you have a visitor!"Jihyo yelled

    "Who would visit me at this hour?" You said as you wobble your way out of the bathroom.

    "I do..." Siwon smirked.

    "What are you doing here?" You said in shock.

    "I brought breakfast..." He said as he raised a big paper bag. You looked at him weirdly. You wereconfused on why would he be here early in the morning and with breakfast on hand.

    "You don't want breakfast?" Siwon asked with a raised eyebrow.

    "No! We, I mean, she ______-ah likes breakfast! Right ______?" Jihyo said; pushing Siwon to thedining area.

    She's always been enthusiastic about your love life and she's now match making you to Siwon. Yougave Jihyo a what-on-earth-look and she just glared at you.

    "So...?" Siwon said in a puzzled tone.

    "Sure... but you shouldn't have." You said with a blush; you mentally smacked your head when youblushed.

    Siwon smirked and started to rummage the paper bag.

    "This for Jihyo-sshi..." Siwon said as he handed her a coffee cup.

    "For me? Thank you!" Jihyo squealed and can't help not to fangirl.

    "And for you..." Siwon said as he handed you an iced coffee.

    "Thanks..." You said with a smile.

    "And here, some sandwiches and bagels..." Siwon continued as he rummage his paper bag. You

    watched him as you took a generous sip on your iced coffee.

    "So _____-ah, is this why you woke up early?" Jihyo said out of the blue. You accidentally choked withher words.

    "Are you okay?" Siwon asked. "Here..." He said while handling you a tissue. Siwon patted your back asyou coughed. You couldn't help but glare at Jihyo as she gave you a sly smile.

    "I didn't even know he was coming!" You defended as you calm down. "Why are you here this early,anyways?" You asked Siwon.

    "Just breakfast..." Siwon smirked. "Is visiting not allowed here Jihyo-sshi?"

    "Of course not, you can visit _____-ah anytime you want." Jihyo replied excitedly; earning anotherglare from you. Suddenly, you noticed something on the news paper that Jihyo was reading a while

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    ago. It read "Super Junior Choi Siwon dating co-actress..." It also has a picture of Siwon with the saidactress.

    "Oh look who's on the paper today..." You said, pointing at the article. Siwon read the headline and justsighed.

    "That's not true... That picture was taken during our drama's thanksgiving party. That was actually a

    group picture but they cropped it to make a good story." Siwon explained.

    "It looked like you're used to it..." You said.

    "Pretty much... Besides, I'm already eying someone and it's not her..." Siwon straightforwardly saidwhile looking right through you. "Hey, eat up!" He said and smirked again. Jihyo was watching the bothof you and sensed something in between. It's just you who was dense and doesn't sense anything. Youjust keep on brushing off your feelings, at the same time you're confused.

    You and Siwon went to your classes together. It really wasn't a long ride to the building, you can evenwalk from your house. Your today's class was so interesting that you didn't noticed the time went by so

    fast. Siwon, you and your other colleagues went out for lunch after classes. You noticed that he's reallygood with interacting with people. This is the side of him that you haven't seen. He was down to earth,a well trained gentleman but could act like a five year old kid sometimes.

    This day has been running by so fast for you both. It was already time for Siwon's guesting at YoungStreet. You guys went to SBS together. You both were met by the Super Junior's famous princemanager by the building's entrance and lead you to the waiting room. As you guys entered the roomyou heard a loud squeal greeted you.

    "Ma-Si~~~!!!" That's a hyper Heechul, screaming his lungs out.

    "Hyung, how are you?" Siwon greeted him and gave each other a brotherly hug.

    "I'm so good! How 'bout you?!" Heechul replied in English.

    "I'm good too... Hyung, I have company..." Siwon said and looked for you. "Hyung, this is ______, aclassmate from photography class. ______-ah, this is Heenim-hyung..." Siwon introduced you with anarm over your shoulders.

    "Annyeonghaseyo, Kim Heechul imnida..." Heechul said as he stretched his arm for a handshake.

    "Annyeonghaseyo, ______ imnida..." You said as you took his handshake with a bow.

    "Oh, so you're the famous ______. I've heard a lot of things about you..." Heechul said; Siwon lightly

    elbowed his hyung on his side.

    "Really? Like what?" You asked oblivious of what's happening. You tilted your head on the side as youwere waiting for an answer from Heechul.

    "U-uhm, like how good you were in photography. Siwon talks about it a lot..." Heechul the blabbermouth said, earning another elbowing from Siwon.

    "Maybe we should start to talk about the show..." Siwon said to change the topic.After a little while the show started. You watched behind the booth where the PD's stay. They playedsongs, talked about crazy things. Heechul was so hyper that he even danced when Brown Eyed Girls'Abracadabra was played. Heechul and Siwon even greeted you during the show. In the middle of theshow...

    "There are a lot of rumors coming out lately that you are going out with your co-actress in your

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    previous drama. Is it true?" Heechul asked straightforwardly in live national radio - live internationalstreaming. Siwon just gave him an embarrassed smile. "Hey, I'm your hyung, I should know. Youshould tell me..."

    "Well this is embarrassing... No, it's not true hyung. She's a good friend of mine and on set we're allprofessionals." Siwon said with his famous hand gestures.

    "Is there someone you like right now?" Heechul again asked, but now with a mischievous smile.Siwon pretended to fan himself with his hands. "I like all E.L.F..." Siwon said with his signature dimpledsmile.

    "I know the viewers are screaming now... Oppaaa!!! Oppaaa!!!" Heechul, imitating a fan while wavinghis hands in the air and earned a laugh in the entire studio. "What about your ideal type of girl Siwon-sshi? Not the physical aspect, let's talk about characteristics..." Heechul asked. He just won't let Siwonget out from it.

    "Uh that, someone with a good heart, who's patient with me, someone who could take care of me,

    someone who would treat me for who I am and not a star or an idol..." Siwon looked at you with thelast description but you weren't looking at him. You were talking with the PD and their manager whenSiwon was saying these things; saying these things for you to be exact. Too bad...

    Tonight's show was great all in all. After the show you had dinner with Siwon, Heechul and PrinceManager in restaurant. You thought that if ever anyone would ask who you were and why were youwith them, you'll pretend that you're one of their stylists. But how could you pretend like one whenSiwon keeps on assisting you like a gentleman. Like he would be constantly guiding you touching thesmall of your back, or hold you by your elbow and what not. You have to admit, you really had funtoday when you realized that you just spent the whole day with Siwon. After dinner, he drove you backhome.

    "Thanks for coming with me tonight _____-ah. I really enjoyed it..." Siwon said as he walked you toyour apartment building's entrance.

    "Really?" You asked with a dreamy smile but you snapped out of it. "I mean, I did too and thanks..."You gave a faint laugh.

    "Are you already tired? I mean, I was wondering if you still want to chat or something..." Siwon saidwith an expecting expression.

    "What do you have in mind?"

    "Walk or chat some more maybe..." Siwon suggested. You looked at him and thought for a moment.

    "You wanna know why I am always sleepy at the wrong time of the day?" You asked Siwon.

    "Are you going to kill me after telling me?" Siwon asked back with an arched eyebrow.

    "We'll see... Come with me, I'll show you why..." You said with a smile and grabbed his arm.

    Siwon was actually surprised with you grabbing his arm all of a sudden. He was actually happy to beexact. You guys went up to your apartment and found that Jihyo was already asleep."Wait there, I'm just going to get something in my room..." You told Siwon and he did what he wastold. He sat on the sofa at the living room and waited for you in there. A little later, you came out ofyour room with a suitcase on hand, a camera hanging on your neck and two blankets on your freehand.

    "Are you running away? What's up with the suitcase?" Siwon asked with a confused expression.

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    "C'mon, follow me..." You said giddily and didn't answered Siwon's question. Siwon on the other hand,being a gentleman, got the suit case from you and carried it for you. "Please be careful with that, it'sfragile..."

    You opened a small door in your living room that looks more like a closet. Siwon had to duck his headupon entering the door. From the small door, revealed a small stair case or somewhat looked like a

    ladder that will lead you to the roofdeck.

    "We're here! Isn't it beautiful?" You said as you breath in and adored the night sky and the over lookingcity lights.

    "Really beautiful..." Siwon mumbled as he stared at you without you knowing. When you looked at himSiwon just looked away. "This isn't Narnia right?"

    You laughed like a kid with his remark. "This is my Narnia... Oh, let's open that..." You said.

    "What's in this suitcase anyway?" Siwon asked with an arched eyebrow, again.

    You started to open the suitcase carefully and it revealed your beloved telescope.

    "Tadaaa! To apreciate this Narnia better..." You smiled. Siwon found it really cute and can't help it notto pinch your cheeks. You pretended to bite him again and he chuckled in your reaction. Then you bothstarted to set up the telescope.

    "So this is why you stay up late?"

    "Guilty..." You started to look for something through the telescope. "Aha! Found it, come here, take alook!" You said excitedly.

    When Siwon peeked in, he couldn't help not to be amazed with what he saw. "A shooting star!" Siwonexclaimed excitedly. He pretty much looked like a 5 year old kid right now.

    "Oppa follow it!" You exclaimed.

    But instead of doing so, Siwon stopped and looked at you; his lips are starting to curl up into a smile."That's a first..."

    "What first?"

    "The first time you called me oppa..." Siwon smirked.

    "W-well you're older the me. I'm from 87 and technically you're from 86, right? So we actually have a 1year age difference..." You stammered and rambled.

    "You're rambling again... Are you nervous?" Siwon asked with a sly smile and arched eyebrow. He stillremembers the time when you said that you often ramble when you're nervous.

    "A-ani..." You denied, but he just raised an eyebrow. "You wish..." You said and stuck your tongue out.Minutes and hours had passed and all you guys did was to star gaze and take pictures. It was already2am and you were already tired, but you don't want to show it to Siwon. He was so enthusiastic andengrosed with star gazing. You then spread a blanket on the ground and sat on it and rested your backon a wall and just watched Siwon be a kid. His idol aura had shed of at this moment; to you he's likean ordinary person. Well not really ordinary, there's just this some unexplainable thing with him,something special to be exact. Suddenly he saw you watching him; you couldn't help but blush. Youthanked the night sky for being dark and not being able to see your flushed face. Siwon smiled at youand sat beside you.

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    "Now I know why you stay up late..." Siwon said without taking his smile off. "Are you still going to killme?"

    "It depends..." You replied and you both chuckled.

    Siwon started to browse the pictures you both took with your camera and comment on the pictures. At

    first he could hear you react with a chuckle and what not, but a little later, he felt a weight on hisshoulder. He then found your head leaning on his shoulder. He wants to wake you up or to carry you toyour room, but he didn't.

    Instead, he admired your peaceful sleeping face and caressed your face. He then carefully took theother blanket, placed it over you both and started to doze off.

    A ray of sunlight hit your eyes causing you to wake up but still doesn't want to open your eyes. Yourneck started to ache and you couldn't move it. There's something heavy leaning on you. You opened aneye and noticed that you weren't in your room causing you to shake up your senses and flinch. Nowfully awake, you saw a person beside you who also just woke up from your flinch.

    "Good morning!" He greeted you.

    "Siwon-ah, you're still here?" You asked.

    Siwon just smiled and nodded. *Whatever happened to the word oppa?* He thought.

    You started to rub your aching neck while Siwon started to stretch his back. You couldn't help it not tolook at his broad shoulders.

    *Snap out of it _____-ah!* You told yourself as you shook your head.

    "Oh shoot what time is it?" You said in a panicky tone and looked at your watch.

    "Relax, it's only 7am..." Siwon said. You sighed in relief.

    "I'm sorry about your back, and me sleeping on your shoulder..." You shyly said.

    "No worries." Siwon smiled *I'm actually glad...* Siwon taught.

    "Breakfast?" You asked.

    "Sure!" Siwon giddily said. You guys went down stairs and was surprised to be greeted by Jihyo whowas about to get ready for work. She was actually surprised that Siwon was already there or still there.Siwon excused himself to the comfort room. While Siwon was out, Jihyo kept on eyeing youmischievously and you just glared at her in return. You just prepared some toasts, cheese, coffee foryour breakfast.

    After breakfast, your prepared yourself for your today's classes. While you're in the bathroom...

    "Siwon-sshi, can I ask you something?" Jihyo asked."Sure, go ahead..." Siwon said while reading the newspaper.

    "Do you happen to like my best friend?" Jihyo asked Siwon straightforwardly. He was actually takenaback with her question. Siwon thought for a moment before answering Jihyo's question.

    "Have you ever heard of the word soul mates?" Siwon asked, Jihyo's eyes grew like saucers. "To tell

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    you the truth, I've been thinking quite a lot about it lately. We've only known each other for more thanjust a week and yet I'm feeling something towards her. It's like I've already known her long before. Youmight say that it's cheesy and may think that it's weird but I feel happy and free whenever she'saround."

    "Why don't you tell that to her?" Jihyo asked.

    "I don't know how would she react. Besides, I don't think she feels the same way..." Siwon lookeddown on his cup.

    "Let me tell you something... ______-ah is often dense when guys are approaching her. But when shefinally knew what are your real intentions, she becomes sensitive."

    Siwon gave a thankful smile to Jihyo. "Thanks Jihyo-sshi..."

    "Did you know that aside from me, you're the only person whom she let you go up her presciousroofdeck?" Jihyo asked Siwon and he shook his head no in response.

    "That means she trusts you now... You better not break her heart now."

    It was a drizzly morning on April 6th and you just don't want to wake up just yet but then your alarmclock keeps on beeping annoyingly. Still half awake, you wobbled your way to the bathroom to take abath and do your morning routine. After which, you prepared yourself for your classes. Since you're notin the mood to cook, you went to your favorite coffee shop for breakfast and got yourself your favoriteiced coffee and a sandwich. You sat on your favorite corner and took out your planner and started todoodle something. It was then when a three high school girls sat on the next table beside yours. Youcan't help but to eavesdrop when you heard a familiar name that they were talking about.

    "Are you still sure about this fan project?" You heard one of the girls say.

    "Of course, this is the least we can do for Siwon-oppa's birthday..." The other girl said, who looks like aleader to them.

    "Unnie's right, this is the only way we can show our support for him on his birthday..." The third girlsaid.

    *It's Siwon's birthday... But when?* You bit the inside of your cheek and tried to listen more. They saidthat they were planning to buy him a cake, a birthday card and some letters. They said that theyplanned to take it to SME building. You thought that they're really cute for doing that for Siwon. Youcannot take it anymore and you just wanted to know when is his birthday.

    "U-uhm excuse me..." You stuttered as you hesitantly approached them. The three looked at you. "I'm

    sorry to eavesdrop, but I heard you were talking about Siwon's birthday. Are you talking about SuperJunior's Choi Siwon..."

    "Ah, yeah unnie..." The 'leader' said with hint of blush.

    You smiled at them. "C-can I ask when is his birthday?"

    "Well his birth registry is February 10th but his real birthday is tomorrow April 7th..." The 'leader' said.Your eyes grew wide in shock.*Tomorrow?!* You thought and bit your lip."Unnie, are you a fan?" the other girl asked.

    "U-uhm, yeah, but Heechul oppa is my bias..." You said with a smile, but then you knew inside you thathe isn't your bias anymore.

    "Since you're a fan too, why don't you sign in this card... We'll be giving this at SME building

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    tomorrow..." The 'leader' said as she handed you a pen and a really huge birthday card.

    "Ah, chincha?" You asked, and they all nodded in unison with friendly smiles. You then took the penand the card and scribbled something then you gave back the pen and card to them. "Gomawo..."

    "Gomawo-yo unnie..." They all said in unison then you went back to your seat.

    You sighed on your half eaten sandwich and iced coffee. You too wanted to give him something for hisbirthday, but you also thought that he's got everything he needed in this world. He's the Siwon Choi forcrying out loud!

    You looked at your watch and saw that it was still early. You then finished your sandwich, took yourcoffee and walked your way to your class. You walked by a small shop and their signage says "GiftShop For All Seasons" You thought that it's cute and might see something you could get for Siwon.Siwon looked at his watch for the nth time now and it ticked 8:50am. *Where is she?* He thought. It'sonly ten minutes left before your classes starts. *She couldn't be sick, she was perfectly fine when Idrove her back home yesterday... Aish, I should've fetched her at her house...* Siwon muttered tohimself. Just five minutes before the classes starts, the door opened and you came in the room

    catching your breath. "Aigoo, I thought I was already late..." You said as you sat at the usual chairbeside Siwon. You were panting and fanned yourself with your hands. You just ran your way to yourclass because you didn't want to be late.

    You got engrossed from shopping for Siwon's birthday present.

    "Almost... Are you okay?" Siwon asked worriedly and you nodded in response and still panting. "Wherehave you been?" Siwon asked as he eyed the huge colorful paper bag that you were holding.

    "I-I just strolled around..." You stuttered as you tried to hide the huge paper bag from him.

    "You strolled when it's drizzling?" Siwon asked with an arched eyebrow.

    "That's what umbrella's are for, right?" You answered with a hint of sarcasm.

    "Isn't it too early for shopping?" Siwon asked as he tried to peek at the huge paper bag that you placedon your other side, away from him.

    "I wasn't, I just bought something..." You said and bit your lip. Siwon was about to say somethingagain when the instructor came in. You sighed in relief knowing that Siwon would interrogate you moreabout your mystery paper bag.

    By the end of your class, you immediately grabbed your paper bag; holding it close enough so thatSiwon won't peek in.

    "Let me help you..." Siwon said as he eyed again your huge mystery paper bag. But instead, of givinghim the paper bag, you gave him your bag. His eyebrow arched as he couldn't help not to be curiouswith what's inside your paper bag. "By the way, we're going somewhere..." Siwon said.

    "W-where are we going?" You asked stuttering.

    "Well, the guys are having a small barbecue party later and I'm inviting you and they wanted to meetyou..." Siwon explained with his hand gestures.

    "When you say "they", do you mean...?" You asked trying to finish the whole sentence.

    "Super Junior plus managers..." Siwon continued for you.

    Your eyes grew wide. "Why would they want to meet me?"

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    "B-because... because they wanted to..." Siwon stuttered.

    "That's weird, because the last time I checked, I was the one who wanted to meet an idol and not theother way around where an idol wanted to meet me... And barbecue, but it's drizzling..." You rambled.Siwon chuckled. "You're rambling again...Nervous again?" Siwon asked but you just gave him a blankstare. "You know what, let's go..." he said as he lead you to his car.

    Siwon stopped his car in an apartment complex and parked his car like a boss on one of the parkingslots. You were a little quiet during the entire trip. You were quite nervous and excited at the same timeon meeting the whole Super Junior, you didn't expect that it could happen to you. You had to pinchyourself to check if your dreaming or something. You guys then took the elevator to the SJ dorms.

    "You do not live here right?" You asked Siwon to loosen up from being tensed.

    "Yeah, are you sure you're not a stalker?" Siwon asked with an arched eyebrow.

    "You wish..." You said and rolled your eyes off of him. "I just heard it from a variety show and I

    remember you giving me different instructions to your house..." You rambled.

    "You're rambling again. Tell me, why are you so nervous?" Siwon said.

    "I-I... Well, it's not like I get to meet an idol everyday..." You reasoned. "And I'm not even welldressed..." You muttered.

    "Relax, you looked pretty..." Siwon said and smirked; you just sighed at him in return, not realizing thathe just complimented you. As the elevator stopped at the right floor, Siwon took your hand and held it,giving it a secured squeeze. You just gave Siwon a blank stare and he just gave you an assuring smilein return. You then walked in an almost secluded hallway, it was like they already bought the wholefloor. As you approached the main door, you could hear noise coming from inside. Siwon then keyed-in

    the password for the door lock. As the door opened, piles and tons of shoes welcomed you. Yousomehow felt like you were in a shoe store.

    "Hi guys!" A mochi-cheeked-cute-kid greeted them.

    "Hi Henry!" Siwon greeted back and you gave him an awkward smile; you didn't really know how torespond.

    Let's just say you were star stuck. You then took off your shoes; Siwon was holding you by your elbowand assisting you. Siwon then lead you to the living room where most of the members and managersare watching some basketball game while the others were busy in the kitchen. "Guys we're here~~~!"Siwon sang; everyone's head jerked up and looked up to you both. "Guys I want you to meet _____.

    _____-ah, this is Donghae-sshi, Eunhyuk-sshi, Shindong-hyung, Yesung-hyung and Heechul-hyung, youalready know each other, right?" Siwon introduced and you nodded in return.

    "Annyeonghaseyo, _____ imnida..." You said and bowed at them. They all gave you a warm smile andgave you a hand shake. Then a sleepy head Leeteuk just came out of his room.

    "Hyung, this is _____, _____ meet Leeteuk-hyung..." Siwon said.

    "Annyeonghaseyo..." You greeted Leeteuk with a slight bow. Leeteuk scratched his eyes and looked atyou from head to toe.

    *Whoa, what is this? Why is he looking at me like that? It's like he's judging me or something... Andwhy am I feeling like this? Like I'm in some reality show like 'We Got Married' and I'm being introducedto my ajibaems. Oh no, I'm not properly dressed. Good thing I'm wearing something white right now, Iheard that he likes white...* You told yourself. Leeteuk then looked up to you and gave you a

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    smile."Welcome to the family ______-ah!" Leeteuk said with a warm smile. You then sighed in relief asyou saw him genuinely smile at you. *But what did he say again? Family? Me? Welcome? But I'm just afan...*

    "C'mon I'll introduce you to the other members..." Siwon said as he took your hand again and lead youto the kitchen. Everything's just so strange for you, you really don't know what's going on. "Sungmin-hyung, Ryeowook-sshi, Zhoumi, Henry and Kyuhyun-sshi, this is _____-ah..."

    "Annyeonghaseyo..." You said for the nth time. They all greeted you back with warm smiles andhandshakes.

    "It's nice to finally meet you _____-ah. We heard so much about you..." Sungmin said while holding apair of chopsticks.

    "Chincharo?" You asked and looked at Siwon who was just smiling at you.

    "New, Siwon-hyung always brags about you and photography..." Ryeowook said.

    "He also said that it was the best experience when you taught him about star gazing..." Kyuhyungbabbled but he was stopped when Siwon coved his mouth. You got puzzled but then you just brushedoff what was happening. You then noticed that they where preparing for the barbecue party.

    "Can I do anything to help?" You asked.

    "But you're our guest..." Sungmin said.

    "Well, Leeteuk-oppa just called me a family, so I'm not a guest now right?" You asked.

    "You have a good point there..." Kyuhyun said with chopsticks in his hand.

    You're eyes slightly grew wide to see Kyuhyun in the kitchen. "You're also cooking?" You askedKyuhyun.

    "No, I'm just taste-testing..." Kyuhyun said with a grin. You then chuckled.

    You then saw Ryeowook holding a head of lettuce for the salad. "Can I do that?" You asked.

    "Are you sure?" Ryeowook asked and you nodded yes in response. "Well if you insist..." Ryeowook saidand gave you the lettuce and a small knife.

    "_____-ah, be careful with that..." Siwon said.

    "I always do house hold chores Siwon-ah, so no need to remind me..." You said a bit smug and theothers laughed with your remark. A little later, they started to grill the pork, hotdogs, some vegetables.You can smell that it's really good, it was marinated well by Ryeowook and Zhoumi. Shortly, aftereverything was cooked, everyone gathered in the living room. The living room was turned into a diningroom to make a more than 10 persons sit down and eat. You watched everyone hungrily gathered upand excited to eat. You couldn't help but smile, be amazed and still can't believe that you're here eatingearly dinner with them.

    "____-ah, try these. Ryeowook-sshi cooks well, I promise..." Siwon said as he placed some food onyour plate.

    "Gomawo oppa..." You said. Siwon smiled at the thought that you called him oppa.

    "Can I ask, what's the occasion for this barbecue party?" You asked. Well you actually had a clue, youthought that it's Siwon's birthday tomorrow and this is their celebration.

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    "You don't know?" Donghae asked.

    "This is our celebration for Siwon-hyung's birthday..." Henry said with his mouth full of food. Zhoumithen, handed him some napkins. "Thanks hyung..."

    "Yah, why didn't you tell me that this is already your birthday celebration?" You complained to Siwon.

    "I have plans tomorrow..." Siwon answered.

    "So you're ditching classes tomorrow again?" You asked.

    "I'll still attend classes, so you should bring me a gift tomorrow..." Siwon said like a kid, trying hisaegyo to you.

    "You're such a kid..." You rolled your eyes off of him. "You should at least give respect the king ofaegyo here..." You said, referring to Sungmin.

    "Thanks _____-ah!" Sungmin beamed cutely.

    "See what I mean?" You said.

    "Are you guys together?" Yesung said and he was elbowed by Ryeowook on his side.

    "N-no!" You said stuttering with eyes wide while Siwon choked.

    "Wae? I'm just asking... They bicker like they're a married couple..." Yesung continued. Siwon coughedsome more and you got a little concerned. You then lightly patted his back and gave him his glass ofwater. "See what I mean?" Yesung said. You couldn't help but blush on his remark.

    April 7th: You woke up earlier the next day without the help of your alarm clock. You got up andhurried your way to the bathroom to do your morning routine. You still have to finish wrapping your giftfor Siwon. You then took a big blue box, about 12 inches by 12 inches big and arranged all the stuffyou got for him that you bought at the gift shop. After which, you then took a bath and picked yourusual comfortable outfit. You don't know why you're this excited for Siwon. You were also worried thathe might not like the gift you got for him.*It's the thought that counts!* You reminded yourself andsighed. You looked at your watch and it ticked 7:30 am. *Still early...So this is how excited I am?* Youasked yourself. You sighed again and decided to grab some breakfast at your favorite coffee shop. Youthen grabbed your backpack and the gift box for Siwon and walked your way to the coffee shop. As yougot out of your apartment building,you noticed a black Range Rover truck parked in front. You squintedyour eyes after realizing who owns it."What are you doing here this early?" You asked Siwon who wasleaning on his truck wearing simple clothes that

    almost matched yours with a beanie and shades.

    "That's not how you greet a birthday celebrant..." Siwon whined.

    "Oh... Well, Happy Birthday then..." You said.

    Siwon chuckled. "Thanks. It's still early where are you going?" Siwon asked.

    "I'm going to grab myself some breakfast..." You answered.

    "I've already got us some..." Siwon said as he pointed his thumb to his truck. You looked at him in a bitweirded out expression. "Let's go? Before the rain pours..." He continued.

    "Okay..." You kind of hesitantly agreed with him.

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    "But first, let me help you with that..." Siwon said as he eyed your big blue box. "Is this your gift forme?""We'll see..." You replied. Siwon then took the box from you and placed it at back passenger's seat. Hethen opened the front passenger's seat for you and helped you get in. Siwon almost ran to get into thedriver's seat when he noticed that it started to drizzle again.

    "Great, there goes my plans..." Siwon said as he got inside.

    "What plans?" You asked; puzzled.

    "You'll see..." Siwon said with a smirk. "Oh, here's your coffee and your sandwich..." Siwon said as hehanded you an iced coffee and a sandwich.

    "Thanks... How 'bout you?" You asked.

    "Of course I have some for myself too..." Siwon said and winked at you. You couldn't help it not tochuckle, the fangirl inside you went on a back flip with that wink. "You're really pretty when yousmile..." Siwon said and took a bite on his sandwich.

    "Thanks, and so are you..." You then took a sip on your iced coffee.

    "That's another first..." Siwon said with a smile.

    "What first?" You asked, puzzled.

    "The the first time you ever complemented me..." Siwon said with a grin.

    "You want me to take it back?" You asked with an arched eyebrow.

    "You know, no wonder this is your favorite coffee shop, it's really good..." Siwon said, suddenly

    changing the topic. You then laughed at his silliness. After having breakfast in his car, Siwon started todrive. You tried to relax, you still can't believe the fact that you started to get all comfortable with eachother. You can't believe that you an casually talk with him, joke with him and what not. You rested yourback on the car seat and looked out the window. You then noticed something....

    "Wait, this isn't the way to our classes..." You said.

    "I know..." Siwon casually said.

    "Where are we going?" You asked.

    "You'll see..."

    "B-but, how about our classes? I-I thought..." You stuttered and trailed off.

    "I already told you yesterday, I already have plans right?" Siwon said.

    "A-and that includes ditching classes?" You asked.


    "A-and tagging me along is still part of your plan?"

    "Yep..." Siwon said with a nod. You then noticed you guys were already leaving the city.

    "Where are we going?" You asked again.

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    Siwon smiled. "Trust me, you'll like it..." Siwon said. But to your surprise, Siwon took your hand andkissed the top of it. Your eyes suddenly widen in shock and your mouth fell hang open with his suddenactions. You gulped as Siwon released your hand and started to focus back in his driving. You suddenlygot nervous and blood crept up to your face making you blush. You then looked away to hide yourblush. You then fell quiet and a bit shy to the statuesque person who's driving you to god knowswhere. Siwon then turned on the radio and Blue Moon started to play. You looked at him in disbelief ashe sing along to the old song. You just kept quiet as you adored the scenery from the car window. You

    noticed that you were going closer to the sea.

    "We're here~~~" Siwon sang. After 2 hours of driving, you guys finally arrived to your destination.

    "Wait, we're not trespassing, right?" You asked Siwon who was driving to a garage of a modern beachhouse."Nope, welcome to our family house..." Siwon said as he parked the car. He then got out of thecar while you were stuck up and couldn't even move from your seat. Siwon then opened the door foryou.

    "W-why are we here?" You asked stuttering nervously with your seat belt still buckled to your seat. Youhave no clue on what Siwon's up to.

    Siwon chuckled. "We're here because this is what I'll be using for our photography class' final project...and I wanted to see the sunset, that's why we're here..."

    "W-with me?" You asked. "B-but it's still early for a sunset and it's been drizzling from time to time sowe don't know if we will be able to watch it later..." You stuttered and rambled.

    "Yes, with you. You're rambling again..." Siwon chuckled but changed his face to a serious one. "_____-ah, I won't do anything to hurt you. I promise..." Siwon then gave a sweet smile. "I wouldn't be calledShisus for nothing." He joked and you finally gave out a slight smile. "So you better get out of the truckbecause I still have to cook lunch for us."

    "Okay..." You said and unbuckled the seat belt. Siwon again helped you out of the truck and got yourbox and two huge paper bags from the back passenger's seat.

    "What's in those paper bags?" You asked as you got curious with it.

    Siwon chuckled. "Our food and the other one's a secret..." He said and stuck out his tongue.

    Siwon then lead you inside the house. You couldn't help but admire the beautiful interior design of thebeach house. The view of the beach through the glass wall windows is just breath taking. You thenheard Siwon humming to whatever song it is while preparing the things he needed to cook lunch. Youwatched as Siwon skillfully work in the kitchen. You offered help but he won't let you. He said thatyou're his guest and he should serve you. You then got your camera and started taking pictures of him

    cooking and what not. It was already late for lunch when he finished cooking, the kitchen was filledwith the food's aroma and it made you really hungry. He made bibimbap for lunch and you have toadmit that it's delicious. After lunch, you helped Siwon to tidy up the mess he made in the kitchen.Then Siwon lead you to the patio where you can see a stretch of bluewater and sand.

    "Whoa..." Was the only word you can utter as you adored the scenery in front of you.

    "Isn't it a beaut?" Siwon said. "I knew you'll like it. Kaja, you'll appreciate the scenery more in there..."Siwon said as he pointed on a dock. Armed with your camera, you and Siwon walked to the sea shoreto go to the dock. You both took pictures of each other, of the scenery, just enjoying the company ofeach other until the sun finally sets. You both watched the sunsets horizon by the dock until the skiesturned to purple and the moon and the stars started to shine.

    _____-ah, can I ask why do you like the stars so much? Siwon asked as he leaned back using his

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    arms as support.

    I like shooting stars better You corrected him and also leaned back. You noticed that hes waiting foran answer. Well, Im not really a star expert You said as you draw quotation marks in the air. Butwhat I know is that shooting stars come only once in a while, youll never know if itl l come back again.So you have to grasp that short moment, cherish it and never let that moment pass without making awish or a short prayer or what not You continued as you look up and admire the night sky. Little did

    you know that Siwon as well admired you. You felt that Siwon was looking at you staring at you- andyou suddenly looked at him and caught him off guard. You both looked away from each other; you feltheat creep up to your face. You dont know why but your lips wanted to curl up in a smile. Then youfelt something wet dropped on your nose.

    I think we should better get back to the house You said and Siwon looked at you a bit shocked.Then another rain drop fell on your face. Now! You almost yelled and got up as rain started to pourdown fast.

    The cameras!Siwon said. You took off your jacket and wrapped your camera with it, and Siwon didthe same thing as well with his camera. You both then ran back to the beach house while hugging the

    wrapped camera.

    You both finally reached the beach house drenched and shivering in cold. Siwon then lead you to theliving room and started to light up the fire place.

    Keep warm, Im just gonna get us some towels Siwon said and you nodded at him in reply. You thensat by the fireplace and immediately checked both of your cameras. You sighed in relief to see that itwas all dry. When Siwon came back, he wrapped a huge towel on your back. You blushed as you feltwarm arms wrapped around you. You felt his warm breath on your cheeks which made you blush somemore. If only you werent shivering you would have got up, but it felt so comfortable and warm in hisarms and stayed like that for a little while.

    Even though youve known each other for just a short while, it felt like youve known each other longbefore. But you suddenly felt conscious after realizing that he is still Super Juniors Choi Siwon, theactor, the model, the idol. You then flinched and started to scoot away from him.

    W-whats wrong? Siwon asked as he got surprised with your sudden action.

    I I have something for you You said with a faint smile. You then took the big blue box you got forhim. Happy birthday! You said as you sat beside him and handed him your gift.

    Siwon smiled. Thanks Can I open it now? He asked and you nodded yes in reply. Siwon lifted the lidand chuckled at the random stuff you got for him. He took out a Starbucks tumbler with a design thatyou personally doodled.

    I knew how you like your coffee, so there you go You explained. Then Siwon took out a cute facemask with a snout of a bear.

    Well, I see a lot of idols wear those, especially in public, I thought that it might be useful and cuteYou smiled. Siwon chuckled. He then took out new camera cleanser and with cloth.

    Whats this for? I already have this Siwon asked with an arched eyebrow.

    Yeah, but then you always misplace or forget to bring your own You said as you relaxed his raisedeyebrow with your index finger. Shibrows You muttered and both chuckled. Then took out anothergift, a book entitled Prayer Book for Busy People.

    This is really nice _____-ah, I really needed this. Siwon said and you smiled at him in return. Theresno need to explain why you gave him the book. Siwon then took out a box of ginseng tea.

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    You told me before that after this month your schedule will be packed, the ahjumma told me that itsgood for the over fatigued and stressed people. You explained. Siwon nodded and took another smallbox. A sweet smile crept on his lips as he opened your last gift for him. It is a telescope keychain withhis name engraved on it.

    I remembered how fascinated you were when we went on star gazing, but then I couldnt afford to

    give you a real telescope at the moment, so I got you a keychain instead You said with a smile.

    Thank you _____-ah I totally appreciate it. Siwon said with a sincere smile on his face.

    Youre welcome You said with a smile. The next thing that happened gave the ultimate shock ofyour life.

    Siwon leaned closer to you; he tucked a lock of hair behind your ears and gently kissed you right at thecorner of your lips. Your heart pounded like its going to explode anytime. Siwons eyes were planted onyours, lovingly.

    W-what W-why did you do that for? If that was a thank you kiss it shouldve been on the cheek, orforehead, but not on the lips You rambled and trailed off.

    I like you Siwon said without taking his eyes off you. Your lips fell to an O, and your eyes widen insuch surprise. Ever since the first time I saw you sleeping at our class, I think I fell for you. I donteven know why because youre not even my type. But youre pretty, youre beautiful Siwon trailedoff. but thats not the point, ever since that day I cant stop thinking about you, thats why I alwayswanted to bug you Siw

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