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Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost 27 October, 2019 Anglican Parish of Caloundra - Glasshouse Country The Churches of: St Andrews, 46 Upper Gay Terrace, Caloundra, St Thomas, 31 Bray Road, Mooloolah and the Mary MacKillop Centre, 160 Peachester Road, Beerwah The memorial candle and flowers at the altar today are in loving memory of Jack Phillips, sadly missed by Val and family.

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - CGCA · 10/27/2019  · why should you be like a stranger in the land, like a traveller turning aside for the night? 9 Why should you be like someone

Sep 27, 2020



Welcome message from author
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Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost 27 October, 2019

Anglican Parish of Caloundra - Glasshouse Country

The Churches of: St Andrew’s, 46 Upper Gay Terrace, Caloundra, St Thomas’, 31 Bray Road, Mooloolah and

the Mary MacKillop Centre, 160 Peachester Road, Beerwah

The memorial candle and flowers at the altar today are in loving memory of Jack Phillips,

sadly missed by Val and family.

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WELCOME TO WORSHIP We hope your time here will be a blessing for you. We would like to give you information about the various ministries of the Parish: please ask one of the Welcomers or Sidespersons for a Parish Information Pack.

SUNDAYS FOLLOWING PENTECOST We are now in the part of the church’s year known as ‘Ordinary time’. This is time outside of the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. The term comes from the Latin Tempus Per Annum (‘time throughout the year’). ‘Ordinary’ doesn’t mean unexceptional or uninteresting, but customary, regular or orderly. Through the season we celebrate the mystery of Christ in all its aspects and the liturgical colour of green points to our Christian hope and life.

PRAYER OF THE DAY O God, who alone can probe the depths of the heart, you hear the prayer of the humble and justify the repentant sinner: grant us the gift of humility, that, seeing our own faults clearly, we may refrain from judging our neighbour but rely solely upon your saving grace. We make our prayer through your Son, our Saviour, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

FIRST READING Jeremiah 14.7-10, 19-22

A reading from the book of Jeremiah 7 Although our iniquities testify against us, act, O Lord , for your name’s sake; our apostasies indeed are many, and we have sinned against you. 8 O hope of Israel, its saviour in time of trouble, why should you be like a stranger in the land, like a traveller turning aside for the night? 9 Why should you be like someone confused, like a mighty warrior who cannot give help? Yet you, O Lord , are in the midst of us, and we are called by your name; do not forsake us! 10 Thus says the Lord concerning this people: Truly they have loved to wander, they have not restrained their feet; therefore the Lord does not accept them, now he will remember their iniquity and punish their sins. 19 Have you completely rejected Judah? Does your heart loathe Zion?

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Why have you struck us down so that there is no healing for us? We look for peace, but find no good; for a time of healing, but there is terror instead. 20 We acknowledge our wickedness, O Lord , the iniquity of our ancestors, for we have sinned against you. 21 Do not spurn us, for your name’s sake; do not dishonour your glorious throne; remember and do not break your covenant with us. 22 Can any idols of the nations bring rain? Or can the heavens give showers? Is it not you, O Lord our God? We set our hope on you, for it is you who do all this.

Hear the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Psalm 84:1-7 Response: Blessed are they who dwell in your house. 1 How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! My soul has a desire and longing to enter the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh rejoice in the living God. 2 The sparrow has found her a house and the swallow a nest where she may lay her young: at your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God. 3 Blessed are they who dwell in your house: they will always be praising you. …………………………………………………...Response 4 Blessed are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion, 5 Who going through the barren valley find there a spring, and the early rains will clothe it with blessing. 6 They will go from strength to strength and appear before God in Zion. …………………………………………………...Response 7 O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer; listen, O God of Jacob.. …………………………………………………...Response SECOND READING 2 Timothy 4.6-8, 16-18

A reading from 2 Timothy

6 As for me, I am already being poured out as a libation, and the time of my departure has come. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 From now on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing. 16 At my first defence no one came to my support, but all deserted me. May it not be counted against them! 17 But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through

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me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion’s mouth. 18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and save me for his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Hear the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. GOSPEL Luke 18.15-30

The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke. Glory to you Lord Jesus Christ. 15 People were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them; and when the disciples saw it, they sternly ordered them not to do it. 16 But Jesus called for them and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. 17 Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’ 18 A certain ruler asked him, ‘Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ 19 Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.20 You know the commandments: “You shall not commit adultery; You shall not murder; You shall not steal; You shall not bear false witness; Honour your father and mother.” ’ 21 He replied, ‘I have kept all these since my youth.’ 22 When Jesus heard this, he said to him, ‘There is still one thing lacking. Sell all that you own and distribute the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’ 23 But when he heard this, he became sad; for he was very rich. 24 Jesus looked at him and said, ‘How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God! 25 Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.’ 26 Those who heard it said, ‘Then who can be saved?’ 27 He replied, ‘What is impossible for mortals is possible for God.’ 28 Then Peter said, ‘Look, we have left our homes and followed you.’ 29 And he said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, 30 who will not get back very much more in this age, and in the age to come eternal life.’ This is the Gospel of the Lord, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ. SENTENCE OF THE DAY

Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it. Luke 18.17

Copyright: Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version BIBLE, copyright ©1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission. Liturgical resources are derived from “A Prayer Book for Australia” which is copyright ©1995, The Anglican Church of Australia Trust Corporation, and published under the imprint Broughton Books. Used by permission.

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From the Diocese…... anglican focus is the official news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland, with over 150 contributors from across our Diocese. To keep up to date with parish, Bishop, school and ministry news, subscribe to the fortnightly e-news by visiting

A letter from Bishop Jeremy

Dear Friends

Over the past several months I have been

working with the Injury Management Team from the Diocese to provide Julie with as much support and guidance as possible during what has been a difficult time for both her and Peter as well as the Parish. Although we had hoped for Julie to return to work as of the 1st of October, medical specialists have advised us that Julie will be on sick leave at this stage until at least mid-November.

I am mindful that Julie’s absence is difficult for members of the parish and, along with the Injury Management Team, I am committed to working with Julie and her doctors to support her return to full health and to ministry in a way that is suitable for Julie’s long-term recovery.

I thank Timothy along with the retired clergy of the parish for all they continue to do to provide ministry amongst you all.

My prayers and best wishes are with you all.

Bishop Jeremy

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Pray for rain and those affected by the ongoing drought The Archbishop writes:

The ongoing drought is currently affecting 65% of the land area of Queensland and now, sadly for those most affected by the current situation, we are witnessing devasting fires in some parts. ... Hopefully there will be some much-needed rain in drought affected areas before too long, which will do more than anything to relieve the suffering and stress that many people are enduring. Meanwhile please join with me in prayer for relief from these trying conditions and comfort and hope for people suffering its effects.

O God, the earth is thirsty for rain and we wait for you to refresh the land and all its creatures, the rivers and lakes, the crops and gardens. Send abundant rain, we pray, and teach us to be better stewards of all the blessings you provide, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Charity of the Month - Angel Flight

Angel Flight is a charity that coordinates non-emergency flights to help country people trying to deal with the triple trouble of bad health, poor finances and daunting distance. All flights are free and may involve patients travelling to medical facilities anywhere in Australia. Angel Flight pilots do not carry aeromedical staff or medical equipment so do not act as an alternative to the Royal Flying Doctor Service or Air Ambulance in that capacity. With its current resources Angel Flight can coordinate up to twenty flights

per day together with complementary ground transport from and to airports. They also transport blood, blood products and medical drugs.

Established in April 2003, Angel Flight Australia is the initiative of Bill Bristow AM, an experienced businessman, pilot, and proud winner of the 2005 Queensland Australian of the Year Award.

Flights are conducted by volunteer pilots in their own aircraft. Angel Volunteer pilots come from all walks of life and donate their time, their skills and most of their aircraft costs for each flight. However donations are needed to cover the following:

• Fuel used in the conduct of Angel Flight missions

• Discounted commercial flights when poor weather prevents light aircraft from flying

• The Angel Flight Support Centre that runs on a very small infrastructure, with four mission coordinators and three administrators as full time paid staff.

For more info on Angel Flight, see

John flew home to Emerald following treatment in Rockhampton. Given his complicated medical condition an Angel Flight made things a little easier than a long road trip which had been proving disruptive to his dialysis schedule.

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Thought for the day

One of the good things that has come from the liturgical reform over the past decades that I wrote about last week (and my thesis was submitted on time!) is the incorporation of psalms in the Eucharist service. The psalms have a long history. They were the prayer book and hymn book of the Israelites and of the early church. As Dr Ray reminded those at St

Andrew’s last Sunday, these were part of the scriptures that Paul and his friends would have read together when they met for worship. The psalms bring to the fore many of the responses we have to life and to God. Some are of ‘orientation’, as we sing of joy and delight in God and God’s work; some of ‘disorientation’ reflecting the realities of suffering and death, and others of ‘new orientation’, which sing of times of deliverance by God from the ills of the human condition. Today’s psalm, 84, tells of one who is in a place of disorientation, a place where he feels homesick. But he eagerly anticipates new orientation, happiness in God’s house, as he sings God’s praises. Often we find ourselves, with the psalmist, in a place of suffering, even as we long for and anticipate God’s presence. The psalmist offers us hope, as he reflects on God’s strength, which enables us to leave our present place of disorientation and journey to a new orientation in the courts of the Lord.

Rev’d Timothy

The Parish Council would like to present an Alpha Course at St Andrew’s early next year, starting at the end of January and finishing just before Easter. The Alpha Course is presented on DVD over 10 weekly sessions plus one Saturday when we learn more about the Holy Spirit. The course is an overview of the Christian faith

so it is great for those who have questions or want to investigate Christianity as well as being a back to basics course for Christians. Into the bargain, it’s a chance to make new friends and have fun together. The presentations by Nicky Gumbel from a London Anglican Church, are full of lighthearted illustrations so they are easy to listen to. An evening meal or a morning tea as well as a small group discussion are part of each session, giving people an opportunity to ask questions or share their views. There will be brochures on our pews about our Alpha Course. Please add your name and contact details if you are interested in participating or helping when the list is circulated. Rev Timothy, Cathy Richards or Anne Bowyer can give more information.

Rev’d Timothy and June are on annual leave from Monday 28th October until Monday 18th November. Please contact the office, or one of the Wardens if you need any help. If you want to speak to a priest, any of the Associate Priests would be delighted to assist you

(see the back page for contact numbers).

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Parish Notices and Events

PRAYERS & SQUARES: Join the Prayers & Squares group at St Andrew’s from 1pm on Tuesday 5 November and help create wonderful masterpieces that bring comfort to those in need of prayer. For more information, speak to Heather Creighton (Ph 5492 3194).

BRING & BUY—GLASSHOUSE COUNTRY: The next Bring & Buy for Glasshouse Country will be held at Mary MacKillop, Beerwah, Sunday 10 November. We look forward to welcoming the “Bringers” and the “Buyers”!

HEALING SERVICE: The next Healing Service at St Andrew’s is Sunday 2 November — commencing at 5.30pm. Come along - everyone welcome!

ALL SOULS’ DAY—2 November, 2019: There will be a Eucharist service at 5pm at St Andrew’s and 6pm at St Thomas’ and we will light candles for those we wish to remember who have died—not just this year but in any year. If you cannot attend the liturgy but would like someone remembered, please include their name on the list at the back of each Church.

TIME FOR TRIVIA!! It’s time again to dust off your Thinking Caps

and form a team to take part in our last Trivia Night for the year, Saturday 9 November 2019,

arrive at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Once again Wendy Ashley-Cooper will be our

compere and quiz-mistress.

The theme for the evening is another “W” character - Winnie-the-Pooh.

Admittance is $5 per person, with a maximum of eight players per team.

Bring your own drinks and nibbles on the evening and some spare cash for raffles.

So choose your costume (optional!!), get your table together,

choose a team name and enter your team on the booking sheet at the back of the church.

Then prepare for an evening of friendly rivalry and fun!!

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PARISH FUN DAY: A huge THANK YOU to all who were involved in the Fun Day? In spite of torrential rain we had a very happy occasion at the Mary MacKillop Centre on Saturday 19 October. A sack race (which caused the rain to start!?), musical chairs enjoyed by young and mature, and a fabulous MC who had a wide variety of jokes and stories and was happy to share the limelight with the two very involved children! A fabulous feast cooked by two seasoned chefs, followed by fruit platters, savories and dessert goodies brought by the Busy Bees helpers and the ever generous Glasshouse Country cuisine. Musical items kept us entertained while the rain fell and the storm raged. Thank you singers and musicians. Many people put much effort into this event and it was appreciated by all who attended. Everyone was a winner: happy feeling and fellowship and an answer to prayer: rain! BCA BOXES (Bush Church Aid): A big THANK YOU to all our box holders—the September box openings proceeds are: Glasshouse Country $506.50 and Caloundra $702.30. If you don’t have a box for donations and would like one, please speak to Eunice Prickett (GHC) or Gai Crabtree (St Andrew’s). Thanks again, and God Bless. Gai & Eunice. PARISH CHRISTMAS LUNCH: Another huge THANK YOU goes to Helene Baker-Daines for kindly volunteering to organise and thus ensure that the popular Christmas luncheon will go ahead this year. Helene will need folks to help prepare for the day, as well as receiving food and/or money donations and Christmas table decorations. More details will follow in the weeks to come. Thank you. The Wardens.

PEACHESTER ECUMENICAL SERVICE: The next ecumenical service at Peachester is TONIGHT at 5.30 pm. Rev’d Dr Timothy Nicholson is officiating. All welcome! For more information, contact Ted Prickett (Phone 5494 9061).

RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION IN SCHOOLS: Caloundra Primary School is in need of two instructors. If you are interested in becoming an RI instructor please contact Sue Morgan, RI Coordinator, Caloundra Primary School—email [email protected]

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Remember in Your Prayers The World Continue to pray for those affected by natural and man-made disasters; for

those brokering peace in Northern Syria, and those affected by torrential rain and floods in Southern Europe.

The Church Anglican Communion: Pray for the Church of Ceylon (Extra-Provincial to the Archbishop of Canterbury): †Dhiloraj Ranjit Canagasabey - Bishop of Colombo and †Keerthisiri Fernando - Bishop of Kurunegala The Anglican Church of Australia: The Diocese of Willochra: †John Stead; Clergy and People Our Diocese: The Parish of Mt Gravatt: Gary Smith - Locum, Scott Windred, Cheryl Selvage, Ben Balasingh, Colin Roberts, Trevor Butler, Elissa Cotroneo Anglicare SQ Children & Families, Brisbane Residential & Foster Kinship Care The Charity of the Month: Angel Flight Our Parish: Give thanks for the many parishioners who give of their time and talents to further God’s mission, and pray for more to feel called to join the teams.

Those in hospital or recovering

Maureen Glover; Beverly Stuart; Freda Hayston

Those in need: Caloundra

Brian Ashley-Cooper Shirley Barker Muriel Bates Raymond Bates Elizabeth Bell Barry Bonner Shirley Bourne

Terry Curran Freda Hayston Diana Kosowicz Margaret Macey Robert Macey Eileen Mann Val Phillips

Randall family Ailsa Rollston Marguerite Ross Alan & Jane Wood Julie & Peter Worrall Hannah

Those in need: Glasshouse Country

David Barrett Kevin Barrett Adell Broadbridge Barbara Broadbridge Adam Gough Eric Gough Rosemary Halstead Mike Marsh Avis Matheson Rod Matheson

Nathan Meredith Sonja Morris Nathan Joe Parris Esma Rigby Lorraine Rigby Alan Short Sandra Short Darren Sims

Ashleigh Smith Stephen Smith Cherry Tyler-Wood John Watters Marj Wilcock Bev Wild Ivan Wild Julie & Peter Worrall

Rest in Peace Gil Faux

Anniversary of Death

24 October: Finn Tobin; 27 October: Diana Hennessy; 28 October: George Traill; 29 October: Alfred Brook; Victoria Chandler; 30 October: Gwendoline Mills; Alice Bull; Lister Allen; 31 October: George Triffett; 2 November: Christopher Williams; Ann Boland.

If you know someone who would like prayer, please speak with one of the clergy or add their name to the Prayer Book at Mary MacKillop or St Andrew’s.

Please keep us updated with news and requests for thanksgiving.

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St Andrew’s Roster Date 27 October 3 November

Feast Day Pentecost 20 All Saints

Time 7am 9am 7am 9am

Daphne Hennessy Peter Ansett Carol Skewis Kay Smith WELCOMERS

Gai Crabtree - Val Phillips -

SIDEPERSONS Ian Watson Dorothy Barraclough Gai Crabtree Rod Bottomer

Bruce Lees Wendy O’Brien Helen Crook Mary Bottomer

PRESIDENT Timothy Nicholson Timothy Nicholson Ray Barraclough Clarry White

DEACON - Diana Ware - -

READERS R1 Marg Liley Helene Baker-Daines Gai Crabtree Wendy O’Brien

Ps Marg Liley Helene Baker-Daines Sandra Thompson Wendy O’Brien

R2 Ian Watson Helene Baker-Daines Sandra Thompson Norman Maher

PREACHER Timothy Nicholson Timothy Nicholson Ray Barraclough Clarry White


Judy Sperling Carol Spence Lorraine Conolly Zeph Palmer

June Nicholson Lorraine Conolly Judy Sperling Sue White

SERVERS William Hayston - Judy Sperling -

MUSIC Anne Bowyer & 7am Music Team

Anne Bowyer & 9am Music Team

Anne Bowyer & 7am Music Team

Anne Bowyer & 9am Music Team

HYMNS M760, M275 (ii) v.1,3, T491, T693, T52

M1201, M31, M143, M1116, T52

M148, T448, T150, M755, M783

Sheet, M31, M148, T448, M167

SOUND Rowena Rayner Dianne Ansett Peter Kendal Ross Sutherland

DATA PROJECTOR Ken Mewburn Sue Chilman Col Ackworth Kay Sutherland

SACRISTANS Carol Spence Sandra Thompson

FLOWERS Flower Team Flower Team

MORNING TEA Judy Sperling

Helene Baker-Daines Sue White

Gai Crabtree Lyn Murdoch

Robin Sverdloff

CLEANERS Stephen Knight & Helene Baker-Daines Gordon & Gai Crabtree

Mary MacKillop Roster Date 27 October 3 November

Feast Day Pentecost 20 All Saints

Time 9am 9am

SACRISTAN Marion Taplin Merle Tozer

LITURGICAL ASSIST Ted Prickett Fred Carr

SIDEPERSON Miriam Hargreave Jim Rigby

PRESIDENT Tony Halstead Tony Halstead

READERS R1 Terry Gibson Kathy Seib

R2 Volunteer please Volunteer please

PREACHER Tony Halstead Tony Halstead

INTERCESSIONS Heather Setch Volunteer please

MUSIC Liz Little Kathy Seib

HYMNS M760, M31, M275(iii) M729, M404 M148, M31, M784, M755, M783

FLOWERS Eunice Prickett Miriam Hargreave

TELLERS Peter Setch & Ted Prickett Peter Setch & Volunteer please

MORNING TEA Eunice Prickett, Jacky Gibson & Merle Tozer Miriam Hargreave & Jan Robins

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Parish Calendar OCTOBER Sun 27 Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost 7.00am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 9.00am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 9.00am Eucharist (Mary MacKillop) Jeremiah 14:7-10,19-22; Psalm 84:1-7; 2 Timothy 4:6-8,16-18; Luke 18:15-30

5.30pm Community Service (Peachester) Mon 28 Rev’d Timothy on leave until 18th November 9.30am Eucharist, Currimundi Gardens 1.30pm Prayers for the Parish (St Andrew’s) Tues 29 8.00am Morning Prayer (St Andrew’s) Wed 30 9.00am Eucharist (St Thomas’)

Readings: Romans 8:26-30; Psalm 13; Luke 13:22-30

9.45am Christian Meditation (St Andrew’s) 10.30am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 11.30am Lectio Divina (St Andrew’s) Thu 31 8.00am Morning Prayer (St Andrew’s) 9.00am Busy Bees (St Andrew’s) NOVEMBER Fri 1 4.30pm Choir Practice Sat 2 5.00pm All Souls’ Service (St Andrew’s) 6.00pm All Souls’ Service (St Thomas) Sun 3 All Saints (21st Sunday after Pentecost) 7.00am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 9.00am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 9.00am Eucharist (Mary MacKillop) Readings: Daniel 7:1-3,15-18; Psalm 149; Ephesians 1:11-23; Luke 6:20-31

5.30pm Healing Service (St Andrew’s) Mon 4 9.30am Eucharist, Currimundi Gardens 1.30pm Prayers for the Parish (St Andrew’s) Tues 5 8.00am Morning Prayer (St Andrew’s) 10.30am Eucharist, Southern Cross NH 1.00pm Prayers & Squares (St Andrew’s) Wed 6 9.00am Eucharist (St Thomas’)

Readings: Romans 13:8-10; Psalm 112:1-6; Luke 14:25-33

9.45am Christian Meditation (St Andrew’s) 10.30am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 11.30am Lectio Divina Study (St Andrew’s) Thu 7 8.00am Morning Prayer (St Andrew’s) 9.30am Busy Bees (St Andrew’s) Fri 8 4.30pm Choir Practice (St Andrew’s) Sun 10 Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost (Defence Force Sunday) 7.00am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 9.00am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 9.00am Eucharist (Mary MacKillop)

(Bring & Buy, Mary Mackillop) Readings: Job 19:23-27a; Psalm 17:1-9; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5,13-17; Luke 20:27-40

Parish Directory

Rector Archdeacon Julie Worrall

(on extended leave)

Assistant Priest The Rev’d Dr Timothy Nicholson [email protected] 0439 090 827 Day off: Monday

Office Administrators 07 5491 1866 Rowena Rayner (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm)

Heather Van Den Bos (Casual)

[email protected] PO Box 52, Caloundra, 4551

Associate Clergy The Rev’d Dr Ray Barraclough 5499 6893 The Rev’d David Curry 5492 5888 The Rev’d Tony Halstead 0455 554 930 The Rev’d Michael Martin 5493 6985 The Rev’d Clarry White 5439 7922 The Rev’d Diana Ware 0417 784 384


Church Wardens: Miriam Hargreave, Cathy Richards & Judy Sperling

Treasurer Linda Snitch District Warden (Glasshouse Country) Peter Setch


Building Advisory Committee Eric Nickelson 07 5493 9035 Communications Committee Timothy Nicholson 07 5491 1866 Safety Committee Kay Turner (Caloundra) Miriam Hargreave (Glasshouse Country) Social Committee Cathy Richards


Facebook Coordinator David Buckland The Anglican Parish

of Caloundra and Glasshouse Country

Website Coordinator c/- 5491 1866