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Page 1: VALSE2012_详细信息

Vision And Learning SEminar (VALSE 2012)

2012 年 4 月 12 日—4 月 15 日,中国.西安

2012 视觉与学习青年论坛






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VALSE 年度研讨会的主要目的是为计算机视觉、图像处理、模式识别与机

器学习研究领域内的中国青年学者(以 1970 年以后出生的科研人员为主)提供










Panel 会场:西安光机所 光学影像分析


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目 录 一、研讨会组织者 .............................................................. 7

VALSE 指导委员会成员 (按姓氏拼音排序) ..................................... 7

VALSE 2012 共同主席 (按姓氏拼音排序) ...................................... 7

二、研讨会日程 ................................................................ 8

三、学术报告及参加人信息 ..................................................... 10

Keynote Speakers(按报告顺序) ........................................... 10

1、特邀讲者:陶大程 教授,悉尼科大/中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 .. 10

2、特邀讲者:周昆 Cheung Kong Professor,浙江大学 .................... 11

3、特邀讲者:王海峰 博士,百度首席科学家 ............................. 12

余 凯 博士,百度多媒体部负责人 ......................... 12

4、特邀讲者:孙剑 Senior Researcher, MSRA ............................ 13

Invited Speakers(按报告顺序) ............................................ 14

1、报告人:杨健 教授 南京理工大学 .................................... 14

2、报告人:林宙辰 教授,北京大学 ..................................... 15

3、报告人:王亮 研究员,中国科学院自动化研究所 ....................... 16

4、报告人:张磊 研究员 微软亚洲研究院 ................................ 18

5、报告人:王菡子 教授 厦门大学 ...................................... 19

6、报告人:曾炜 博士,NEC 中国研究院 ................................ 20

7、报告人:程洪 教授 电子科技大学 .................................... 21

8、报告人:庞彦伟 教授,天津大学 ..................................... 22

9、报告人:唐金辉 教授 南京理工大学 .................................. 23

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10、报告人:梅涛 研究员 微软亚洲研究院 ............................... 24

11、报告人:刘静 副研究员中国科学院自动化研究所 ...................... 26

12、报告人:蔡登 副教授 浙江大学 ..................................... 27

13、报告人:黄华 教授 西安交通大学 ................................... 28

14、报告人:徐勇 教授 哈工大深圳研究生院 ............................. 28

15、报告人:谭晓阳 教授 南京航空航天大学 ............................. 30

Invited Panel Talks(按姓氏拼音顺序) ...................................... 32

1、报告人:常虹 副研究员 中国科学院计算技术研究所 .................... 32

2、报告人:耿新 副研究员 东南大学 .................................... 33

3、报告人:闫平昆 研究员 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 ............ 34

4、报告人:汪萌 教授 合肥工业大学 .................................... 35

5、报告人:郑伟诗 副教授 中山大学 .................................... 36

6、报告人:郑文明 教授 东南大学 ...................................... 37

Steering Committee(按姓氏拼音顺序) ..................................... 38

1、李学龙 研究员 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 .................... 38

2、刘青山 教授 南京信息工程大学 ...................................... 38

3、马毅 教授 微软亚洲研究院 .......................................... 39

4、潘纲 教授 浙江大学 ................................................ 40

5、山世光 研究员 中国科学院计算技术研究所 ............................ 41

6、徐东 副教授 新加坡南洋理工大学 .................................... 42

7、颜水成 副教授 新加坡国立大学 ...................................... 42

8、周志华 教授 南京大学 .............................................. 43

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VALSE 2012 Chairs(按姓氏拼音顺序) ...................................... 44

1、高新波 教授 西安电子科技大学 ...................................... 44

2、李学龙 (参见 Steering Committee) ................................. 44

3、薛建儒 教授 西安交通大学 .......................................... 44

Secretary(按姓氏拼音顺序) ............................................... 45

1、董乐 副教授 电子科技大学 .......................................... 45

Invited Participants(按姓氏拼音顺序) ...................................... 46

1、白翔 副教授 华中科技大学 .......................................... 46

2、操晓春 教授 天津大学 .............................................. 46

3、程健 副研究员 中国科学院自动化研究所 .............................. 47

4、何晓飞 教授,浙江大学 ............................................. 48

5、黄锐 博士,华中科技大学 ........................................... 48

6、卢湖川 教授 大连理工大学 .......................................... 48

7、袁媛 研究员 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 ..................... 49

8、张磊 副教授 香港理工大学 .......................................... 49

9、章国锋 副教授 浙江大学 ............................................ 50

四、参会嘉宾联系方式 ......................................................... 51

五、会场与酒店周边 ........................................................... 56

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VALSE 指导委员会成员 (按姓氏拼音排序)



马 毅,微软亚洲研究院

潘 纲,浙江大学

山世光,中国科学院计算技术研究所,2011-2012 年度轮值主席

徐 东,南洋理工大学



VALSE 2012 共同主席 (按姓氏拼音排序)





董 乐,电子科技大学

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二、研讨会日程 Thursday, Apr. 12, 2012

10:00-22:00 Registration 长征国际酒店

Friday, Apr. 13, 2012 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所(西安光机所) 7:30-8:10 Breakfast 长征酒店一楼自助餐厅 酒店发往会场车次:8:10,8:30

9:00-9:30 Opening 祖同楼二楼报告厅 主持人:李学龙(中科院西安光学精密机械研究所)

Section 1(主持人:高新波,西安电子科技大学)

9:30-10:20 陶大程(keynote)

(西安光机所/悉尼科大) 祖同楼二楼报告厅

GoDec: Randomized Low-rank & Sparse Matrix


10:20-10:50 杨健(南京理工大学) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 Constrained subspace: from classification to feature


10:50-11:10 Break

11:10-11:40 林宙辰(北京大学) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 Low Rank Representation – Theories and Applications

11:40-12:10 王亮(中科院自动化所) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 Structure Sparsity via Half-Quadratic Minimization

12:10-13:10 Lunch 长征酒店自助餐厅 嘉宾证请前往长征酒店用餐,发往会场车次:13:10,

13:30;参会证请参阅第 4 页“周边餐饮信息”自行就餐

Section 2(主持人:薛建儒 ,西安交通大学)

14:00-14:50 周昆(keynote)(浙大) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 GPU parallel computing

14:50-15:20 张磊(微软亚洲研究院) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 Efficient Search and Matching for Visual Recognition

15:20-15:50 王菡子(厦门大学) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 Robust Multi-Structure Fitting and Model Selection

15:50-16:10 Break

16:10-16:40 曾炜(NEC 中国研究院) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 Robust and Efficient Object Detection

16:40-17:10 程洪(电子科技大学) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 面向可视识别的流形嵌入与稀疏编码描述联合建模学习

17:10-17:30 Break

Panel Talk Section(主持人:刘青山,南京信息工程大学)

17:30-17:50 常虹(中科院计算所) 光学影像中心会议室 Multi-view metric learning and manifold alignment

17:50-18:10 耿新(东南大学) 光学影像中心会议室 Facial age estimation by label distribution learning

18:10-18:30 闫平昆(中科院西光所) 光学影像中心会议室 Vision and Learning in Medical Imaging

18:30-18:50 汪萌(合肥工业大学) 光学影像中心会议室 Assistive Multimedia Tagging

18:50-19:10 郑伟诗(中山大学) 光学影像中心会议室 Person Re-identification by Bipartite Ranking

19:10-19:30 郑文明(东南大学) 光学影像中心会议室 Facial Expression Recognition and Children’s Social

Emotion Competence Assessment

19:30-21:30 Dinner 长征酒店餐厅 持嘉宾证者请前往长征酒店用餐

持参会证者请参阅第 4 页“周边餐饮信息”自行就餐

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Saturday, Apr. 14, 2012 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所(西安光机所)

7:30-8:10 Breakfast 长征酒店一楼自助餐厅 酒店发往会场车次:8:10,8:30

Section 3(主持人:周志华,南京大学)





祖同楼二楼报告厅 读图时代的机遇与挑战

9:50-10:20 庞彦伟(天津大学) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 Green Computing in Mobile Vision

10:20-10:50 唐金辉(南京理工大学) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 基于社会媒体的多媒体语义理解

10:50-11:10 Break

11:10-11:40 梅涛(微软亚洲研究院) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 Mobile Recommendation and Visual Search: Towards

Understanding User Intent On-the-Go

11:40-12:10 刘静(中科院自动化所) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 Image annotation based on regulized matrix


12:10-13:10 Lunch 长征酒店自助餐厅 嘉宾证请前往长征酒店用餐,发往会场车次:13:10,

13:30;参会证请参阅第 4 页“周边餐饮信息”自行就餐

Section 4(主持人:潘刚,浙江大学)

14:00-14:50 孙剑(keynote)

(微软亚洲研究院) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 Facial NUI: Interaction with Face

14:50-15:20 蔡登(浙江大学) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 Density Sensitive Hashing for High Dimensional

Nearest Neighbor Search

15:20-15:50 黄华(西安交通大学) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 人脸图像超分辨率重建与识别

15:50-16:10 Break

16:10-16:40 徐勇(哈工大深研院) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 Global and local methods in face representation and


16:40-17:10 谭晓阳(南航) 祖同楼二楼报告厅 Eye localization in the wild: methods and practice

17:10-17:30 Break

Panel Discussion Section(主持人:山世光,中科院计算所)

17:30-19:30 Panel Discussion 光学影像中心会议室


光机所),孙 剑(MSRA),陶大程(西安光机所/悉

尼科大),王海峰(百度),杨 健(南理工),余 凯

(百度),周 昆(浙江大学),周志华(南京大学)

19:30-21:30 Dinner 长征酒店中餐厅 持嘉宾证者请前往长征酒店用餐

持参会证者请参阅第 4 页“周边餐饮信息”自行就餐

Sunday, Apr. 15, 2012 8:30- 其他活动 ....

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Keynote Speakers(按报告顺序)

1、特邀讲者:陶大程 教授,悉尼科大/中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所

报告题目:GoDec: Randomized Low-rank & Sparse Matrix Decomposition

报告摘要:Low-rank and sparse structures have been profoundly studied in matrix

completion and compressed sensing. We develop “Go Decomposition” (GoDec) to

efficiently and robustly estimate the low-rank part L and the sparse part S of a matrix

X=L+S+G with noise G. GoDec alternatively assigns the low-rank approximation of X-S to

L and the sparse approximation of X-L to S. The algorithm can be significantly accelerated

by bilateral random projections (BRP), which is developed to quickly compute the

low-rank approximation by exploring the row space and column space with adaptive

random projection. We prove that the objective value |X-L-S|F^2 converges to a local

minimum, while L and S linearly converge to local optimums. Theoretically, we analyze

the influence of L, S and G to the asymptotic/convergence speeds in order to discover the

robustness of GoDec.

报告人简历:Dacheng Tao mainly applies statistics and mathematics

for data analysis problems in data mining, computer vision,

machine learning, multimedia, and video surveillance. He has

authored and co-authored more than 100 scientific articles at top

venues including IEEE T-PAMI,T-KDE, T-IP, NIPS, ICDM, AISTATS,


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2、特邀讲者:周昆 Cheung Kong Professor,浙江大学

报告题目:GPU parallel computing

报告摘要:With many cores driven by high memory bandwidth, today’s GPU has involved

into an absolute computing workhorse. More and more scientists, researchers and

software developers are using GPUs to accelerate their algorithms and applications.

Programming the GPU for complex computations, however, is still far from easy with

existing tools provided by hardware vendors. In this talk, I will introduce BSGP, a

high-level programming language for general-purpose computation on the GPU. A BSGP

program looks much the same as a sequential C program, and is thus easy to read, write

and maintain. Its performance on the GPU is guaranteed by a well-designed compiler that

converts the program to GPU kernels. We also provide an effective debugging system for

BSGP programs based on the GPU interrupt, a unique feature of BSGP that allows calling

CPU functions from inside GPU code. Using BSGP, we have successfully developed GPU

algorithms for constructing several widely-used spatial hierarchies for high-performance

graphics applications, and RenderAnts, the first Reyes rendering system that runs entirely

on GPUs.

报告人简历:Kun Zhou is a Cheung Kong Professor and vice dean of

the computer science department of Zhejiang University, and a

member of the State Key Laboratory of CAD&CG, where he leads the

Graphics and Parallel Systems Lab. Prior to joining Zhejiang

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University in 2008, he was a Lead Researcher of the Internet Graphics Group at Microsoft

Research Asia. He received his BS degree and PhD degree from Zhejiang University in

1997 and 2002, respectively. His research interests include computer graphics and parallel

computing, in the areas of geometry processing, real-time rendering and GPU parallel

computing. He has published more than 30 papers at ACM SIGGRAPH (TOG), and held

over 20 US patents. He is on the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Graphics, The

Visual Computer, and the Frontiers of Computer Science. Please refer to for more details about his research.

3、特邀讲者:王海峰 博士,百度首席科学家

余 凯 博士,百度多媒体部负责人








报告人简历:王海峰,1999 年 3 月毕业于哈尔滨工业大学获工学博士学

位,曾任微软中国研究院副研究员、isilk[dot]com 研究科学家(香港特



Page 13: VALSE2012_详细信息

语音技术等。主持及参与了多个产品的研发,并申请中国、美国及日本专利 20 余项。除产品

应用外,主持开发的系统还在国际机器翻译评测中获得多项第一。王海峰是 NLP 领域世界上

影响力最大、也最活力的国际学术组织 ACL(Association for Computational Linguistics)

50 年历史上唯一当选副主席的华人,曾在 ACL、COLING、SIGIR、KDD、IJCNLP 各种定

级国际会议中任 program chair 等各类主席职位;在政府和科研界,王海峰也有很高的认可


全国信息技术标准化技术委员会委员、香港中文大学 Web Intelligent Systems Engineering

(WISE) Lab 的 Advisory Board member、核高基重大专项评审会评审专家等等。因为在

科技领域的卓越表现,王海峰被评为“2011 年度中关村高端领军人才”。


人工智能方向。曾任西门子资深研究员(senior scientist), NEC 美国研

究院媒体分析部部长 (department head), 于 2012 年 4 月加入百度,

任多媒体部负责人。在研究方面,发表 100 多篇论文,2011 年在 斯坦

福大学计算机系任客座教授,主讲研究生课程"CS121: 人工智能绪论". 2012 年,入选中科院

和中国自然科学基金"龙星计划",作为北美计算 机杰出华人学者在清华大学讲授研究生课程


4、特邀讲者:孙剑 Senior Researcher, MSRA

报告题目:Facial NUI: Interaction with Face


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报告人简历:Jian was born in Xian (home of Terracotta Army), China,

in Oct 1976. He received a BS degree, a MS degree, and a Ph.D

degree from Xian Jiaotong University in 1997, 2000 and 2003. He

joined Microsoft Research Asia in 2003 and currently is a senior

researcher. His research is in the fields of computer vision and computer graphics:

computational photography, large-scale image search, face understanding, and natural

user interface. He has published more than ten Siggraph papers and thirty computer

vision related papers. He won CVPR (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) 2009 Best

Paper Award, and was named one of the world's top 35 (TR35) young innovators by MIT

Technology Review in 2010. He was an area chair of ICCV 2011 and CVPR 2012 and paper

committee member of SIGGRAPH 2011. He is also an adjunct professor of Xian Jiaotong


Invited Speakers(按报告顺序)

1、报告人:杨健 教授 南京理工大学

报告题目:Constrained subspace: from classification to feature generation

报告摘要:We always assume that patterns lies in a subspaces. In this talk, we show that

patterns do not form a real “mathematic subspace”. To characterize patterns, we give the

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concept of “constrained subspace”. We then present different kinds constrained subspaces

and show how they are applied to pattern classification and feature extraction.

报告人简历: Jian Yang(国家杰青)received the BS degree in

mathematics from the Xuzhou Normal University in 1995. He

received the MS degree in applied mathematics from the Changsha

Railway University in 1998 and the PhD degree from the Nanjing

University of Science and Technology (NUST), on the subject of

pattern recognition and intelligence systems in 2002. In 2003, he was a postdoctoral

researcher at the University of Zaragoza. From 2004 to 2006, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow

at Biometrics Centre of Hong Kong Polytechnic University. From 2006 to 2007, he was a

Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Computer Science of New Jersey Institute of

Technology. Now, he is a professor in the School of Computer Science and Technology of

NUST. He is the author of more than 80 scientific papers in pattern recognition and

computer vision. His journal papers have been cited more than 1600 times in the ISI Web

of Science, and 2800 times in the Web of Scholar Google. His research interests include

pattern recognition, computer vision and machine learning. Currently, he is an associate

editor of Pattern Recognition Letters and IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, respectively.

2、报告人:林宙辰 教授,北京大学

报告题目:Low Rank Representation–Theories and Applications

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报告摘要:In this talk, I will introduce a robust subspace clustering method, called low

rank representation (LRR). It is a combination of sparse subspace clustering (SSC) and

robust PCA (RPCA). LRR can be much more robust to corruptions and outliers than SSC

for subspace clustering. I will also present some striking properties of LRR and some

interesting applications and generalizations of LRR.

报告人简历:Zhouchen Lin received the Ph.D. degree in applied

mathematics from Peking University in 2000. He is currently a

Professor at Key Laboratory of Machine Perception (MOE), School

of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University.

He is also a Chair Professor at Northeast Normal University. Before

March 2012, he was a Lead Researcher at Visual Computing Group, Microsoft Research

Asia. He was a guest professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University, Beijing Jiao Tong

University and Southeast University. He was also a guest researcher at Institute of

Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include

computer vision, image processing, computer graphics, machine learning, pattern

recognition, and numerical computation and optimization. He is an associate editor of

Neurocomputing and a Senior member of the IEEE.

3、报告人:王亮 研究员,中国科学院自动化研究所

报告题目:Structure Sparsity via Half-Quadratic Minimization

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报告摘要:In this talk, we study the problem of robust feature extraction based on L21

regularized correntropy in both theoretical and algorithmic manner. In theoretical part, we

point out that an L21-norm minimization can be justified from the viewpoint of

half-quadratic (HQ) optimization, which facilitates convergence study and algorithmic

development. In particular, a general formulation is accordingly proposed to unify

L1-norm and L21-norm minimization within a common framework. In algorithmic part,

we propose an L21 regularized correntropy algorithm to extract informative features

meanwhile to remove outliers from training data. A new alternate minimization algorithm

is also developed to optimize the non-convex correntropy objective. In terms of face

recognition, we apply the proposed method to obtain an appearance-based model, called

Sparse-Fisherfaces. Extensive experiments show that our method can select robust and

sparse features, and outperforms several state-of-the-art subspace methods on largescale

and open face recognition datasets.


高级会员。2004 年获中国科学院自动化研究所工学博士学位。

2004-2010 年分别在英国帝国理工大学、澳大利亚莫纳什大学、澳大利


2010 年入选中国科学院“百人计划”,现为中科院自动化所模式识别国家重点实验室研究员。


已出版编(专)著 5 部,曾经或正在组织 7 个国际期刊专刊,并在主要的国内外学术期刊和

国际学术会议上发表论文 80 多篇,GoogleScholar 引用 3600 余次。他现为《IEEE Transactions

on System, Man and Cybernetics – Part B》、《Neurocomputing》等国际学术刊物的编委,

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4、报告人:张磊 研究员 微软亚洲研究院

报告题目:Efficient Search and Matching for Visual Recognition

报告摘要:Researchers have spent tremendous efforts to let computers to recognize the

content of images. In contrast to remarkable studies in finding effective feature

representations and robust models, we show that for many cases the visual recognition

problem can be tackled by utilizing a large scale dataset with a highly efficient search

system as long as the search accuracy is ensured. In this talk, I will introduce our latest

studies and the general principles in three problems: 1) image annotation with billions of

images; 2) hand-drawn sketch recognition with millions of cartoon pictures; and 3) object

recognition empowered by 3D structured information. I will show a few interesting demos

and share how to tackle the technical challenges in such research problems.

报告人简历:Lei Zhang is a lead researcher in the Web Search &

Mining Group at Microsoft Research Asia in Beijing. He is interested

in research problems in image search, Internet vision and

information retrieval, and holds 20 U.S. patents for his innovation in

these fields. He is an IEEE senior member and an ACM senior

member, and has served as an associate editor of Multimedia System Journal, program

area chair of ACM Multimedia 2012 and ICME 2011, and also served on international

conference program committees, including ACM Multimedia, ICCV, CVPR, WWW, SIGIR,

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etc. He earned a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from Tsinghua University in 1993 and

1995. After two years working in industry, he later returned to Tsinghua and received his

PhD degree in Computer Science in 2001.

5、报告人:王菡子 教授 厦门大学

报告题目:Robust Multi-Structure Fitting and Model Selection

报告摘要:Robust statistical methods play a vital role in many activities in computer vision

research. When engaged in the applications in a computer vision context, it is important to

recognize that it is almost unavoidable that data are contaminated by noise and outliers

(due to faulty feature extraction, segmentation errors, etc) and it is also likely that the data

will include multiple structures. Thus, it has been widely acknowledged that all

algorithms in computer vision should be robust for accurate estimation. To fit a model to

noisy data (with a large number of outliers and multiple structures) is still a major and

challenging task within the computer vision communities. In this talk, I will introduce

some of my recent work on robust statistics and its various applications, including line

fitting, circle fitting, range image segmentation, homography estimation and two-view

based motion segmentation, etc.

报告人简历:Hanzi Wang is currently a Distinguished Professor and a

“Min Jiang Scholar” at Xiamen University (XMU), China. He is a

director of the center for Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence at

XMU. He has been an Adjunct Professor at the University of Adelaide,

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Australia since 2010. He was a Senior Research Fellow (2008-2010) at the University of

Adelaide, Australia; an Assistant Research Scientist (2007-2008) and a Postdoctoral Fellow

(2006-2007) at the Johns Hopkins University; and a Research Fellow at Monash University,

Australia (2004-2006). He received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Vision from Monash

University, Australia where he was awarded the Douglas Lampard Electrical Engineering

Research Prize and Medal for the best PhD thesis. His research interests are concentrated

on computer vision and pattern recognition including visual tracking, robust statistics,

model fitting, object detection, video segmentation, and related fields. He has published

more than 50 papers in major international journals and conferences including the IEEE


Editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (T-CSVT) and

he was a Guest Editor of Pattern Recognition Letters (September 2009). He is a Senior

Member of the IEEE. He has served as a reviewer for more than 20 journals and


6、报告人:曾炜 博士,NEC 中国研究院

报告题目:Robust and Efficient Object Detection

报告摘要:Most of previous research on object detection is limited due to the persistent

pursuance for high accuracy without the consideration from effictive performance or the

sole focus on specific object but ignoring the generalization to common genres. This talk

presents an approach for generic object detection, which is capable of processing images

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rapidly and achieving high detection rates. A set of experiments on pedestrian, car, and

head-shoulder images in complex scenes demonstrate that the approach yields significant

efficiency while maintaining a comparable performance to the state-of-the-art.

报告人简历:Dr. Wei Zeng is a research staff member and a leader

of the advanced surveillance technology research group at NEC

Laboratories China. The group aims at developing core

technologies for the next generation intelligent video surveillance

systems. Dr. Zeng's research interests include object segmentation, video stitching,

multimedia content analysis, and visual system technology. He received a BS, MS and

PhD degrees in computer science from the Harbin Institute of Technology of China in 1997,

1999, and 2005 respectively. Dr. Zeng has published more than twenty technical papers

and holds more than ten industry patents.

7、报告人:程洪 教授 电子科技大学









据对分类性能的贡献,优化了邻域关系。第二部分讲述了基于 0 分解的稀疏引导相似度度量

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论与凸松弛理论相结合,提出了稀疏表示快速算法模型(FSRM)。对该模型进行了 RIP 论证,

从理论上保证了测试样本能获得稳定的稀疏表示。通过 CoSaMP 算法获得样本的稀疏表示系

数并设计出约简字典,将 0 范数最小化问题从一个大型稠密线性系统约简为小型稀疏系统,



报告人简历:程洪,博士/教授/博导,2010 年 1 月起任电子科技大学

自动化学院教授,2010 年教育部新世纪优秀人才计划入选者,电子科

技大学模式识别与机器智能实验室主任。是 IEEE 和 ACM 会员,博世




国家 863 高技术计划、国际合作计划等资助的各类科研项目,取得多项创造性成果。完成教

材与学术专著 2 部,与郑南宁院士合著有自动化专业十一五规划教材《数字信号处理》(清

华大学出版社,2007 年 9 月),独著《自主智能车辆:理论、算法与应用》(Springer 出版社,

2011 年 12 月),并和指导的研究生在包括 IEEE 会刊和计算机视觉顶级会议在内的国内外重

要杂志和会议发表了论文 50 篇。

8、报告人:庞彦伟 教授,天津大学

报告题目:Green Computing in Mobile Vision

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报告摘要:移动视觉计算相对于基于 PC 的视觉计算而言,除具有移动性的特点外,其计算





分析实验室主任,教育部新世纪优秀人才,IEEE 高级会员。2004 年博

士毕业于中国科学技术大学信息与通信工程专业。 主要研究领域为图

像处理、模式识别、视觉计算、信号分析等。在这些领域发表论文 70

篇,其中 SCI 期刊论文 25 篇,影响因子 2.0 以上 IEEE 汇刊(如


International Journal of Computer Mathematics 编委。任 SCI 期刊 Journal of Visual

Computation and Image Representation 的 Special Issue on Sparse Representations for

Image and Video Analysis 以及 SCI 期刊 Neurocomputing 的 Special Issue on Image

Feature Detection and Description 的客座编辑(Guest Editor)。

9、报告人:唐金辉 教授 南京理工大学








报告人简历:唐金辉,男,1981 年生,南京理工大学计算机学院教授、

博士生导师。分别于 2003 年 7 月和 2008 年 7 月在中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系

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学士和博士学位。2008 年 7 月开始任职于新加坡国立大学计算机学院做研究学者,直至 2010

年 12 月受聘于南京理工大学任教授,期间 2010 年 1 月至 4 月访问加州大学欧文分校信息与

计算机科学系任访问科学家,2011 年 10 月至 2012 年 3 月在微软亚洲研究担任访问研究员。


些领域的国际权威杂志和会议上发表相关论文 60 余篇。担任过 IEEE Trans. Multimedia、

ACM Trans. Intelligent Systems and Technology 、JVCI、MMSJ、Neurocomputing 和

MTAP 等国际杂志的客座编辑(Guest Editor),并担任过 ACM First International Workshop

on Web-Scale Multimedia Corpus 2009 的会议主席、ICIG2011 和 ICIMCS 2011 的特别分会

主席,是 ACM MM、SIGIR 等 30 多个国际会议的程序委员会委员和 30 多个国际杂志如

TPAMI、TIP、TMM 等的审稿人。唐教授目前主持一项国家自然科学基金青年基金、一项江

苏省自然基金面上项目、一项教育部博士学科点专项基金,作为学术骨干参与 973 项目一项


徽省优秀博士论文、ACM Multimedia 2007 最佳论文奖、PCM2011 最佳论文奖,以及

ICIMCS2011 最佳论文奖。

10、报告人:梅涛 研究员 微软亚洲研究院

报告题目:Mobile Recommendation and Visual Search: Towards Understanding User

Intent On-the-Go

报告摘要:Mobile devices are becoming ubiquitous. People use their phones as a personal

concierge discovering and making decisions anywhere and anytime. Understanding user

intent on the go therefore becomes important. We have developed a Window Phone

application for understanding user intent and easing task completion. The application,

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named easylife, is built on a large-scale of real-world local entities and contains several

interesting user-centric features. We will introduce in this talk two features of this kind: 1)

contextual recommendation which understands user’s implicit intent based on current

context and past behaviors, and 2) interactive mobile visual search which understands

user’s hybrid visual intent by multimodal interactions. We hope to open a door for

multimedia researchers in the field of user-centric media retrieval on mobile devices.

报告人简历:Tao Mei is a Researcher in Microsoft Research Asia.

His current research interests include multimedia information

retrieval, computer vision, and multimedia applications such as

search, advertising, social networking, and mobile applications.

He is the editor of the first technical book on Internet multimedia

advertising, the author of over 100 journal and conference papers in these areas (with

1,000+ citations in Google Scholar), and holds more than 30 filed or pending US

applications. He serves as an Associate Editor for Neurocomputing and Journal of

Multimedia, a Guest Editor for IEEE Trans. Multimedia, IEEE Multimedia, ACM/Springer

Multimedia Systems, and Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. He

was the principle designer of the automatic video search system that achieved the best

performance in the worldwide TRECVID evaluation in 2007. He received the Best Paper

and Best Demonstration Awards in ACM Multimedia 2007, the Best Poster Paper Award

in IEEE MMSP 2008, and the Best Paper Award in ACM Multimedia 2009. He was

awarded Microsoft Gold Star in 2010. His work on online advertising received Microsoft

Research Technology Transfer Awards in 2010 and 2012. He is a senior member of IEEE

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and a member of ACM. Dr. Mei received the B.E. degree in automation and the Ph.D.

degree in pattern recognition and intelligent systems from the University of Science and

Technology of China, Hefei, in 2001 and 2006, respectively.

11、报告人:刘静 副研究员中国科学院自动化研究所

报告题目:Image annotation based on regulized matrix factorization









报告人简历:刘静,现为中国科学院自动化研究所副研究员。分别于 2001 年

和 2004 年在山东大学获得学士学位和硕士学位,并于 2008 年在中国科学院



器学习方面的相关理论研究。分别在 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video

Technology、Pattern Recognition、IEEE Multimedia 等国际权威杂志和 ACM Multimedia、

CIKM、CVPR 等重要国际会议上,发表论文四十余篇。

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12、报告人:蔡登 副教授 浙江大学

报告题目:Density Sensitive Hashing for High Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Search

报告摘要:Nearest neighbors search is a fundamental problem in various research fields

like machine learning, data mining and pattern recognition. Recently, hashing-based

approaches, e.g., Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH), are proved to be effective for scalable

high dimensional nearest neighbors search. Many hashing algorithms found their

theoretic root in random projection. Since these algorithms generate the hash tables

(projections) randomly, a large number of hash tables (i.e., long codewords) are required

in order to achieve both high precision and recall. To address this limitation, we propose a

novel hashing algorithm called Density Sensitive Hashing (DSH) in this paper. DSH can

be regarded as an extension of LSH. By exploring the geometric structure of the data, DSH

avoids the purely random projections selection and uses those projective functions which

best agree with the distribution of the data. Extensive experimental results on real-world

data sets have shown that the proposed method achieves better performance compared to

the state-of-the-art hashing approaches.

报告人简历:Deng Cai is an associate professor in the College of

Computer Science at Zhejiang University, China. He received the

PhD degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. His

research is mainly focused on applying statistics and mathematics for

data analysis problems in pattern recognition, computer vision,

multimedia and information retrieval. He has extensive publications in leading

international journals/conferences, e.g., IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TIP, IEEE TKDE, ACM

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Multimedia, CVPR,ICCV, NIPS, ICML, SIGKDD and SIGIR. He served and serves as PC

member and reviewer of top journals/conferences. His work on Vision-based Page

Segmentation (VIPS) has been cited 535 times in Google Scholar. His entire publications

have been cited over 4,000 times. The Google H-index of his publications is 29. He received

the Best Paper Award at ACM ICIMCS 2010 and the SCOPUS Young Researcher Award

2011. He is a member of the IEEE and a professional member of the ACM.

13、报告人:黄华 教授 西安交通大学





报告人简历:黄华,男,1975 年生,湖北省当阳市人。分别于 1996 年、

2001 年和 2006 年在西安交通大学电信学院获得工学学士、硕士和博士

学位。2001 年 9 月至 2012 年 3 月在西安交通大学电信学院工作,现为



14、报告人:徐勇 教授 哈工大深圳研究生院

报告题目:Global and local methods in face representation and recognition

报告摘要:Face recognition has received more and more attention. The automatic face

recognition technology can be applied to personal authentication, access control, check on

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work attendance, etc. However, this technology is greatly influenced by varying poses,

illumination and facial expression, as well as aging variation. This requires that robust face

representation and recognition methods be proposed. The majority of face representation

and recognition methods can be grouped into two kinds, global methods and local

methods. Global methods exploit the global structure and information inside the face

images to recognize faces. Typical examples of global methods include principal

component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and so on. Most of global

methods are in the scope of statistical methods and are trained by only training samples,

which are only a few sampling results of real face images. Consequently, the statistical

methods are good at representing the variation of face images that have been observed,

but is not competent in representing “unseen” variation of the face images. The test

sample can be somewhat viewed as “unseen” variation of the face images, especially in the

complex conditions. Thus, it seems that we should not desire that the global methods

bring us a surprise in face recognition. There are two kinds of local methods. The first kind

of local methods try the best to use the local structure and information of training samples.

These methods are also in the scope of statistical methods. Typical examples include

Graph embedding methods, locality preserving projection (LPP), manifold learning. The

second kind of local methods attempts to exploit “local” training samples to provide

representation for the test sample. Typical examples include the sparse representation

method (SRM). SRM usually exhibits a good face recognition performance, but it appears

that people cannot provide an explanation for the performance from the viewpoint of

applications. In order o make more progresses in face recognition, we have to explore and

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do more. At the moment, to develop computationally efficient and theoretically

explainable SRMs and to construct a bridge for SRM and global methods are very


报告人简历:Yong Xu was born in Sichuan, China, in 1972. He

received his B.S. degree, M.S. degree in 1994 and 1997, respectively.

He received the Ph.D. degree in Pattern recognition and Intelligent

System at Nanjing University of Science & Technology (China) in

2005. From August 2007 to May 2008, he works at The Hong Kong

Polytechnic University as a researcher assistant. Now he works at Shenzhen Graduate

School, Harbin Institute of Technology. In 2008, Yong Xu was supported by Program for

New Century Excellent Talents in University of China. His current interests include

biometrics, feature extraction, machine learning, image processing and video analysis. He

has published more than 60 scientific papers.

15、报告人:谭晓阳 教授 南京航空航天大学

报告题目:Eye localization in the wild: methods and practice

报告摘要:Eye localization has gained a wide range of applications in face recognition,

gaze estimation, pose estimation, expression analysis, etc. However, due to the high

degree of appearance variability of eyes in size, shape, color, texture and various

ambient environment changes, this task is challenging. During the last three decades,

numerous techniques have been developed to meet these challenges. In this talk,

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focusing on the overall difficulties and challenges in real-life scenarios, we will give a

detailed review of prominent algorithms from the perspective of learning generalizable,

flexible and efficient statistical eye models from finite number of training images. The

discussion of the global aspects of eye localization in uncontrolled environments towards

the development of a robust eye localization system is presented as well. This talk will be

concluded with several promising directions for future research.

报告人简历:谭晓阳, 男,41 岁,教授、博士生导师。分别于 1993 年

和 1996 年毕业于南京航空航天大学计算机科学与工程系,获学士和硕

士学位,2005 年获南京大学计算机科学与技术系博士学位。2006 年~

2007 年在法国 INRIA Rhone-Alpes 研究所 LEAR(Learning and

Recognition in Vision)实验室从事博士后研究。1996 年 4 月至今一直



持,已在该领域的主流学术期刊和会议(IEEE Trans. Neural Network(TNN), IEEE Trans.

Image Processing(TIP), IEEE Trans. Information Forensics & Security (TIFS), CVPR、ECCV

等)发表学术论文 30 余篇。曾获中国教育部自然科学一等奖(2011,排名第 4)、国际期刊 Pattern

Recognition 2006 年最佳论文提名奖(2008)及 2006-2010 年度 Most Cited Article 奖、江苏省

优秀博士论文(2007)。现为 IEEE 会员,中国计算机协会会员,江苏省人工智能学会专委

会委员;为 IEEE. TPAMI 等 10 余主流学术期刊或机构担任审稿人;任国际期刊 International

Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition (IJAPR) 编委,国际会议 International Conference

on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2012 程序委员会委员、第三届全国模式识别会议(CCPR10)

程序委员会委员、第 24 届南京地区通讯年会特邀报告专家。他是中国信息产业部认证高级项

目经理(Project Management Professional, PMP)。

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Invited Panel Talks(按姓氏拼音顺序)

1、报告人:常虹 副研究员 中国科学院计算技术研究所

报告题目:Multi-view metric learning and manifold alignment

报告摘要:In this talk, I will introduce our recent work in multi-view metric learning and

manifold alignment, which have deep relationship with each other. On one side, we

propose a novel multi-view metric learning method, with proper kernelized and localized

extensions, for aligning pre-defined manifolds. On the other side, we propose to align each

data manifold unsupervisedly with a reference manifold that is well-defined and

pre-structured to a number of local models, based on which we solve the problem of data

sets matching. Successful applications of our methods include degraded face recognition,

video-based face recognition, image super-resolution, etc.

报告人简历:常虹,2006 年获香港科技大学计算机科学博士学位。曾

在施乐欧洲研究中心任研究员,2008 年回国任中国科学院计算技术研



领域发表学术论文近 50 篇。其中,文章大多发表在机器学习、模式识

别、计算机视觉等领域的顶级国际会议上(如 ICML、AAAI、IJCAI、CVPR、ICCV、ECCV

等),以及Neural Computation、Pattern Recognition、IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks

等国际期刊上。近年来,常虹负责或参与了多项国家自然科学基金项目,973 课题,以及跨

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2、报告人:耿新 副研究员 东南大学

报告题目: Facial age estimation by label distribution learning

报告摘要:Abstract: One of the main difficulties in facial age estimation is the lack of

sufficient training data for many ages. Fortunately, the faces at close ages look similar

since aging is a slow and smooth process. Inspired by this observation, instead of

considering each face image as an example with one label (age), we regard each face image

as an example associated with a label distribution. The label distribution covers a number

of class labels, representing the degree that each label describes the example. Through this

way, in addition to the real age, one face image can also contribute to the learning of its

adjacent ages. We propose an algorithm named IIS-LLD for learning from the label

distributions, which is an iterative optimization process based on the maximum entropy

model. Experimental results show the advantages of IIS-LLD over the traditional learning

methods based on single-labeled data.

报告人简历:耿新 博士、副研究员、博士生导师,东南大学计算机

科学与工程学院副院长。分别于 2001 年和 2004 年在南京大学计算

机科学与技术系获理学学士学位和工学硕士学位。2008 年获澳大利亚

Deakin 大学博士学位。主要研究领域包括机器学习、模式识别和计

算机视觉。近年来,在这些领域发表各类论文近 30 篇。现为中国人


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常务委员、江苏省微型电脑应用协会人工智能专委会常务委员。曾任 PRL、IJPRAI 等国际

学术期刊客座编辑,PRICAI’10 Tutorial 主讲人,CIT’08、CSIT’11 等国际会议分会主席,


3、报告人:闫平昆 研究员 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所

报告题目:Vision and Learning in Medical Imaging


报告人简历:男,博士、博导,IEEE 高级会员。于中国科学技术大学



研究员,美国中佛罗里达大学研究助理。2011 年入选首批“青年千人计


分析、图像导航介入等方面的研究。已在一流杂志和会议发表论文 50 余篇,如 MedIA,IEEE


国发明专利 3 项。于 2005 年获 MICCAI 图像分割与分析方向最佳论文奖,2008 年获美国纽

约科学院工业创新奖最终入围奖;受邀到各研究机构和学术大会做学术报告 10 余次。任

IEEE-SMC 认知计算技术委员会主席、中国医药信息学会陕西学会理事长、陕西生物医学工

程学会理事;担任多个国际 SCI 学术期刊编委;是多个国际学术会议组织者和主席,40 余个

国际学术会议的程序委员会委员, 20 余个国际期刊的特约审稿人。[email protected]

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4、报告人:汪萌 教授 合肥工业大学

报告题目: Assistive Multimedia Tagging



式:(1) 基于数据选择与组织的标注;(2) 标签推荐;(3) 标签处理。在这个报告里,首先介




报告人简历:汪萌,男,1984 年生,博士,合肥工业大学教授/博士生导

师。分别于 2003 年 7 月、2008 年 7 月毕业于中国科学技术大学获信号

与信息处理学士和博士学位。2008 年 7 月至 2010 年 4 月任微软亚洲研

究院副研究员,2010年 4月至 2010年 9月任美国硅谷创业公司AKiiRA

Media Systems Inc.研究员,2010 年 9 月至 2011 年 8 月任新加坡国立大学博士后高级研究员。

主要研究方向为多媒体内容分析、检索、推荐与大规模计算。在其研究领域发表论文 100 余

篇,其中包括 ACM/IEEE Transactions 论文 20 余篇以及 ACM Multimedia、SIGIR、WWW

等顶级国际会议论文 30 余篇。申请美国专利 10 余项。任职国际期刊 Information Sciences、

Neurocomputing 编委;ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems、Elsevier Signal Processing、

Elsevier Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 及 Springer

Multimedia Tools and Applications 客座编委。此外,担任包括 ACM Multimedia、 SIGIR

在内的 20 余国际会议程序委员会成员,以及包括 IEEE TMM、IEEE TCSVT 在内的 30 余国

际期刊审稿人。连续获第 17 及 18 届多媒体领域顶级会议 ACM Multimedia 最佳论文奖及第

16 届 International Multimedia Modeling Conference 最佳论文奖。

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5、报告人:郑伟诗 副教授 中山大学

报告题目: Person Re-identification by Bipartite Ranking

报告摘要:In this presentation, I will introduce person re-identification, which solves the

association problem between person images across multi-camera view.

In particular, I will present our recent work on developing bipartite

ranking based methods for solving the re-identification problem,

including rank support vector machines, relative distance comparison

model and their transfer modellings. I will also discuss their characteristics and relations.

Based on these work, we believe person re-identification has been advanced recently.

报告人简历:Wei-Shi Zheng received his Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics at Sun

Yat-sen University, China, 2008. After that, he has been a Postdoctoral Researcher on the

European SAMURAI Research Project at the Department of Computer Science, Queen

Mary University of London, UK. He has joined Sun Yat-sen University as a faculty under

the one-hundred-people program of Sun Yat-sen in 2011. He has published widely in IEEE

TPAMI, IEEE TNN, IEEE TIP, Pattern Recognition, IEEE TSMC-B, Neural Computation,

IEEE TKDE, ICCV, CVPR and AAAI. He has served as a regular reviewer for a lot of

top/leading journals and as area chair/program committee member of several international

conferences. His current research interests are in object association and categorization for

visual surveillance. He is also interested in discriminant/sparse feature extraction,

dimension reduction, kernel methods in machine learning, transfer learning, and face

image analysis. Homepage:

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6、报告人:郑文明 教授 东南大学


报告摘要: 认知能力和社会情绪能力是儿童发展中非常重要的两种能力,认知能力反映儿童





报告人简历:郑文明,男,1974 年 10 月生,博士,东南大学青年

特聘教授,博士生导师,“中国认知科学学会”理事,IEEE 会员。

2004 年 9 月毕业于东南大学无线电工程系,获工学博士学位,博

士学位论文获全国优秀博士学位论文提名。自 2005 年起,先后在


学进行访问与合作研究,2008 年 12 月由国家留学基金委公派至美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校



人才高峰高层次人才项目”、江苏省“333 工程高层次人才培养工程”中青年科学技术带头人等

奖励和荣誉。在 Neural Computation、IEEE Transactions、Pattern Recognition 等国际权威

刊物以及 NIPS、IEEE ICCV、ECCV、CVPR 等模式识别和计算机视觉会议上发表学术论文

60 余篇。现主要从事情感计算、模式识别和计算机视觉方面的理论与应用研究。

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Steering Committee(按姓氏拼音顺序)

1、李学龙 研究员 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所


主任、光学影像分析与学习中心(OPTIMAL)主任。IEEE 汇刊 60+及

Elsevier/Springer 期刊 60+。数篇最佳/特色/最多下载论文,3 篇汤森路

透热点论文。16 种国际期刊编委,含 5 种 IEEE 汇刊及 PR。国际会议主

席 40+,程序委员 230+,IEEE SMC 认知计算技委会创始主席,约十个

委员会委员。当选 IEEE, SPIE, IAPR, IET/IEE, 及英国计算机学会的 Fellow。国际欧亚科学

院院士、国际青年科学院成员。全国及省青联委员、侨联特聘专家。[email protected]

2、刘青山 教授 南京信息工程大学

简介:刘青山 博士,IEEE 高级会员,中国计算机学会会员,现为南

京信息工程大学信息与控制学院 教授 院长,入选 2012 年江苏省特聘

教授计划。2003 年毕业与中国科学院自动化研究所模式识别国家重点


长优秀奖。2004 年 6 月至 2005 年 4 月在香港中文大学做合作访问研究。

2006 年 1 月聘为副研究员。2006 月 4 月起赴美 Rutgers 大学访问学习和工作。研究方向为图

像与视频分析、模式识别等。现已在国内外重要学术期刊和重要国际会议上发表论文 80 余篇。

是国际杂志 NeuroComputing,Advance in Multimedia 编委,IEEE Trans. On Multimedia,

Computer Vision and Image Understanding,Pattern Recognition Letters 客座编委。十余

种国际重要学术期刊的审稿人。任国际人脸与姿态识别大会 2013 年的 Demos/Exhibitions

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Chair,图像与视频技术泛太平洋论坛 2010,2011 年的 Area Chair,基于视频的目标与事件分

类国际研讨会 2009 年的 Co-Chair 等。

3、马毅 教授 微软亚洲研究院

简介:Yi Ma is the research manager of the Visual Computing group

at Microsoft Research Asia in Beijing since January 2009. He is also

an associate professor at the Electrical & Computer Engineering

Department of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His

main research interest is in computer vision, high-dimensional data

analysis, and systems theory. He is the first author of the popular vision textbook "An

Invitation to 3-D Vision," published by Springer in 2003. Yi Ma received two Bachelors’

degree in Automation and Applied Mathematics from Tsinghua University (Beijing, China)

in 1995, a Master of Science degree in EECS in 1997, a Master of Arts degree in

Mathematics in 2000, and a PhD degree in EECS in 2000, all from the University of

California at Berkeley. Yi Ma received the David Marr Best Paper Prize at the International

Conference on Computer Vision 1999, the Longuet-Higgins Best Paper Prize at the

European Conference on Computer Vision 2004, and the Sang Uk Lee Best Student Paper

Award with his students at the Asian Conference on Computer Vision in 2009. He also

received the CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation in 2004 and the

Young Investigator Award from the Office of Naval Research in 2005. He is an associate

editor of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) and the

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International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV). He has served as the chief guest editor

for special issues for the Proceedings of IEEE and the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.

He will also serve as Program Chair for ICCV 2013 in Sydney, Australia. He is a senior

member of IEEE and a member of ACM, SIAM, and ASEE.

4、潘纲 教授 浙江大学


计算专委会秘书长,ACM 杭州 Chapter 副主席,中国计算机学会多媒

体专委会委员,中国图像图形学会多媒体专委会委员。1998 年于浙江

大学计算机系获学士学位,2003 年毕业于浙江大学计算机学院,获博

士学位。2007 年美国加州大学洛杉矶分校访问,2010 年入选浙江省“新

世纪 151 人才工程”第二层次培养梯队,2011 年入选浙江省“钱江人才”计划。主要研究方向


863 计划、浙江省自然科学基金等科研项目 20 余项。已发表论文 100 多篇,获授权发明专利

11 项。担任 IEEE T-PAMI、T-IP、TVCG、PR 等期刊审稿人,曾担任 20 多个国际学术会议

(ICCV、CVPR、UIC 等)程序委员会委员。个人主页:

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5、山世光 研究员 中国科学院计算技术研究所


师,中科院智能信息处理重点实验室副主任。分别于 1997 年和 1999

年在哈尔滨工业大学计算机系获得学士和硕士学位;2004 年 7 月在中



与人脸识别相关的研究工作。作为课题负责人承担 863 课题、NSFC 课题以及多项跨国企业

合作课题。迄今已在国际/国内期刊、国际会议上发表/录用学术论文 130 余篇,其中 IEEE Trans.

on PAMI/IP/NN 等国际期刊论文 30 余篇,计算机视觉领域重要国际会议 CVPR, ICCV,

ECCV 论文 20 篇。与博士生王瑞平合作完成的有关流形到流形距离的论文获 CVPR2008 Best

Student Poster Award Runner-up 奖。所发表全部论文的 Google 总引用次数 2592 次,

H-index 为 28(截止 2012 年 4 月)。现任国际期刊 Neurocomputing 编委,ACCV2012 的 Area

Chair。曾担任国际期刊 IJPRAI、PRL 专刊的客座编辑(Guest Editor),曾担任国际会议

ACM ICMI 2010 的 Local Chair,国际会议 ICCV 2011 的 Area Chair 以及 ICCV2011 BeFIT

workshop co-chair,担任 IEEE Trans. on PAMI、IEEE T IP, IJCV 等十多个国际期刊的审稿

人。所完成的人脸识别研究成果 2005 年度国家科技进步二等奖(第 3 完成人),并在 IAPR

组织的 ICBA2006 人脸识别竞赛中获得全部项目第 1 名。他是 2008 年度中国科学院卢嘉锡青

年人才奖获得者;2009 年度北京市科技新星获得者;2009 年首届 Scopus 寻找未来科学之星



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6、徐东 副教授 新加坡南洋理工大学

简介:Dong Xu is currently an associate professor at Nanyang

Technological University in Singapore. He received the B.Eng. and

PhD degrees from University of Science and Technology of China, in

2001 and 2005, respectively. During his PhD study, he worked at

Microsoft Research Asia and The Chinese University of Hong Kong for more than two

years. He also worked at Columbia University for one year as a postdoctoral research

scientist. His research focuses on new theories, algorithms and systems for intelligent

processing and understanding of visual data such as images and videos.

7、颜水成 副教授 新加坡国立大学

简介:Dr. Yan Shuicheng is currently an Assistant Professor in the

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at National

University of Singapore, and the founding lead of the Learning and

Vision Research Group ( Dr. Yan's research

areas include computer vision, multimedia and machine learning, and he has authored or

co-authored above 200 technical papers over a wide range of research topics. He is an

associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, and

has been serving as the guest editor of the special issues for TMM and CVIU. He received

the Best Paper Awards from ACM MM’10, ICME’10, ICIMCS'09 and PREMIA 2008&2010

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Best Student Paper Award, the winner prize of the classification task in PASCAL

VOC2010, and the honorable mention prize of the detection task in PASCAL VOC2010.

8、周志华 教授 南京大学

简介 周志华,南京大学教授. 主要从事机器学习、数据挖掘、模式识


发表论文 90 余篇,获发明专利 12 项。任<科学通报>副主编、<中国科

学>编委、 <IEEE Trans Knowledge and Data Engineering> 、<ACM

Trans Intelligent Systems and Technology> Associate Editor,以及其

他十余种国内外学术期刊编委,ACML 发起人及指导委员会共同主席,

PAKDD、PRICAI、VALSE 等的指导委员会委员, 二十余次国际会议主席、副主席或领域主


任,IEEE 计算智能学会数据挖掘技术委员会副主席。香港科技大学等校兼职教授。教育部长


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VALSE 2012 Chairs(按姓氏拼音顺序)

1、高新波 教授 西安电子科技大学

简介:高新波,男,1972 年生于山东莱芜,博士,教授,博士生导师。

分别于 1994、1997 和 1999 年获得西安电子科技大学的学士、硕士和

博士学位。曾赴日本静冈大学、香港中文大学等访学。2001 年回母校


近年来,主持包括国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目等 10 余项,发表 SCI 论文 90 余篇,

授权国家发明专利 12 项,获陕西省省科学技术一等奖 2 项。2004 年入选教育部新世纪优秀

人才支持计划,2006 年获得霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师奖,2009 年入选新世纪百千

万人才工程国家级人选,2011 年获得国家杰出青年科学基金资助。现为 IET Fellow、IET 西

安分会副主席、IEEE 高级会员、IEEE 西安分会执委及会员发展委员会主席、CCF 理事、CCF

多值逻辑与模糊逻辑专委会主任、CCF 青工委常委、中国图象图形学学会常委理事、陕西省


2、李学龙 (参见 Steering Committee)

3、薛建儒 教授 西安交通大学

简介:薛建儒,1971 年 12 月出生,工学博士,西安交通大学

腾飞特聘教授。1994 年毕业于西安理工大学自动化系,分别

于 1999年与 2003年获西安交通大学模式识别与智能系统专业

工学硕士和工学博士学位。2002 年至 2003 年在日本富士施乐

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公司研究本部工作,2008 年至 2009 年在加州大学洛杉矶分校统计系访问。1999 年至今在西


像/视频编解码及多传感器融合的环境理解等。著有 Springer 出版的英文专著 “Statistical

Learning and Pattern Analysis Approaches to Image and Video Processing”(365 页,2009

年出版)。在 IEEE Trans on Image processing、IEEE Trans on System, Man, and Cybernetics

(Part B)、Chinese Science Bulletin 等国内外重要期刊及 ICCV、ACM MM、DCC 等高水平

国际会议发表论文 40 余篇,获授权发明专利 18 项(包含 2 项日本发明专利)。2006 年入


2008 年获陕西省“青年突击手”称号,2011 年入选西安交通大学“腾飞人才计划”特聘教授。


1、董乐 副教授 电子科技大学

简介:董乐,1980 年出生,博士,副教授。获得英国伦敦大学电子工程博士学位,研究方向

为数字媒体、人机交互、机器人与模式识别,研究兴趣领域为 Athestics, Intuition,and

Phychology inspired vision and perception thinking; vision and perception inception in

real cloud。已在国际期刊及国内外会议以第一作者发表有关计算机视觉、智能图像视频分类

及检索等方面的学术论文 20 余篇。其中以 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE

Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 等高级别学术期刊为代表。在

多个国际会议担任分会主席、组织委员会委员等职务(ICME'2014,VLPR'2011,the Invited

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Session Chair ICCIS'2011,the Publicity Co-Chair ICCIS'2010,CBMI'2008,London,

U.K.,VIE'2008, ICIP'2008 post workshop, San Diego, USA)。作为主要研究人员参与完成欧盟

IST FP6 项目多项。并多次参与申请欧盟 IST FP7 资金项目。主持国家自然科学基金项目“复




点基础研究发展计划(973 计划)等国家级项目。获得英国海外研究奖学金(ORS),欧盟 IST FP6

Fellowship,英国皇家工程院专项奖(Royal Academy of Engineers Travel Grant)等。

Invited Participants(按姓氏拼音顺序)

1、白翔 副教授 华中科技大学

简介:白翔,华中科技大学电子与信息工程系副教授。2009 年于华中科技大学电子与信息工

程系工学博士毕业,留校工作。攻读博士期间,曾先后访问美国 Temple 大学计算机系与加

州大学洛杉矶分校 LONI 实验室。主要研究兴趣包括形状分析、目标的检测与识别、图像检


2、操晓春 教授 天津大学

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简介:Xiaochun Cao received the B.E. and M.E. degrees both in computer science from

Beihang University (BUAA), Beijing, China. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer

science from the University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA, with his dissertation

nominated for the university-level award for Outstanding Dissertation. After graduation,

he spent about two and half years at ObjectVideo Inc. as a Research Scientist. Since August

2008, he has been with Tianjin University, China, where he is currently Professor of

Computer Science. He has authored and coauthored over 40 peer-reviewed journal and

conference papers, and has been in the organizing and the technical committees of several

international colloquia. In 2004 and 2010, Dr. Cao was the recipients of the Piero

Zamperoni best student paper award at the International Conference on Pattern


3、程健 副研究员 中国科学院自动化研究所

简介:现为中国科学院自动化研究所副研究员。分别于 1998 年和 2001 年在武汉大学数学与

统计学院获得理学学士学位和硕士学位。2001 年至 2004 年在中国科学院自动化研究所学习,

获模式识别与智能系统专业博士学位。2004 年至 2006 年在诺基亚研究中心做博士后研究。

2006 年 9 月到中科院自动化研究所模式识别国家重点实验室工作,主要从事网络图像与视频

分析、机器学习等方面的研究。在相关领域发表学术论文四十余篇。获得 2010 年度中国科学

院卢嘉锡青年人才奖。目前是 IEEE 会员和中国计算机学会会员。曾担任第二届网络多媒体

计算与服务国际大会(ICIMCS 2010)程序主席、第六届全国人机和谐环境联合学术会议

(HHME 2010)的组织委员会主席,以及国际多媒体会议(ACM Multimedia 2008,2009)、

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国际计算机视觉与模式识别会议(CVPR 2008)、国际计算机视觉会议(ICCV 2007)等会

议的技术委员会成员。曾任国际杂志《Pattern Recognition》专刊客座编辑。

4、何晓飞 教授,浙江大学


年科学基金获得者。2000 年毕业于浙江大学计算机系,获学士

学位。2005 年毕业于芝加哥大学,获博士学位。2005 年 10 月


工作。2007 年作为人才引进,加入浙江大学 CAD&CG 国家重

点实验室,建立起了机器学习和信息检索研究团队。近年来共发表论文 60 余篇并申请了 7 项

美国发明专利,其中 3 项已获得授权,论文共被他人引用 3000 余次。

5、黄锐 博士,华中科技大学

简介:黄锐,男。北大计算机系理学学士,中科院自动化所工学硕士,Rutgers Univesity 博

士,现就职于华中科技大学图像所。主要研究方向包括人脸识别,基于 Deformable model

和 Graphical model 的图像与视频分析。

6、卢湖川 教授 大连理工大学

简介:卢湖川,博士,教授,大连理工大学信息与通信工程学院副院长, 本科、硕士、博士


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7、袁媛 研究员 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所

简介:博士,博导,IEEE 高级会员,中科院西安光机所研究员。中国

科大学学士,英国巴斯大学博士,获英国“海外研究奖学金”。05 年起

执教于英国阿斯顿大学,任博导,并获终身教职。11 年入选陕西省特


取与压缩,在图像视频方向已发表论文约 100 篇,约 50 篇在 SCI 检索



副主编、国际图像与图形学报(World Scientific Press)副主编、国际多媒体学报(Academy

Publisher)编委、国际信号处理刊物(Elsevier)客座编委等。IEEE SMC 认知计算技术委员

会共主席。约 50 次任国际会议程序委员会委员或会议主席。电子邮件([email protected])。

8、张磊 副教授 香港理工大学

简介:张磊于 1995 年毕业于沈阳航空工业学院或学士学位,分别于

1998 和 2001 年在西北工业大学获得控制理论与工程专业硕士和博士

学位。2001 到 2002 年于香港理工大学做副研究员,2003 到 2006 年

于麦克马斯特大学做博士后研究。张磊博士于 2006 年加入香港理工

大学电子计算学系任职助理教授,2010 年 9 月起任职副教授。他的研


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和多传感器数据融合、等等。张磊博士为 IEEE Trans. on SMC-C 的副编辑,和数个专刊的特

约编辑。目前,张磊博士已经发表国际期刊论文 80 篇,国际会议论文 60 余篇。张磊博士获

得香港理工大学工学院 2010 年度研究优胜奖,其论文获得 SPIE Visual Communication and

Image Processing 2010 国际会议的最佳论文奖,其领导研发的数字图像和视频增强系统获

2010 年德国 iENA(Ideas-Inventions-New Products)博览会银奖。更多信息可访问其主页

9、章国锋 副教授 浙江大学

简介:章国锋,男,于 2003 年本科毕业于浙江大学计算机系,2009 年获浙江大学计算机应


的研究工作。已在国际著名刊物(IEEE Trans. on PAMI,IEEE Trans. on Visualization and

Computer Graphics)和计算机视觉顶级会议(CVPR 、ICCV、ECCV)上发表了 10 篇文


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姓名 职称 单位 电子邮件

李学龙 研究员 中国科学院西安光学精密

机械研究所(西安光机所) [email protected] [email protected]

刘青山 教授 南京信息工程大学 [email protected]

潘纲 副教授 浙江大学 [email protected]

山世光 研究员 中国科学院 计算技术研究所

[email protected]

周志华 教授 南京大学 [email protected]

高新波 教授 西安电子科技大学 [email protected] [email protected]

薛建儒 教授 西安交通大学 [email protected] [email protected]

董乐 副教授 电子科技大学 [email protected]

王海峰 高级 科学家

百度 [email protected]

余凯 高级 科学家

百度 [email protected]

孙剑 研究员 微软 [email protected]

周昆 教授 浙江大学 [email protected]

陶大程 教授 悉尼科技大学/中国科学院

西安光学精密机械研究所 [email protected]

林宙辰 教授 北京大学 [email protected]

王亮 教授 中科院模式识别国家重点

实验室 [email protected]

刘静 副研究员 中科院模式识别国家重点

实验室 [email protected]

张磊 研究员 微软 [email protected]

杨健 教授 南京理工大学 [email protected]

谭晓阳 教授 南京航空航天大学 [email protected]

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姓名 职称 单位 电子邮件

唐金辉 教授 南京理工大学 [email protected]

蔡登 副教授 浙江大学 [email protected]

黄华 教授 西安交通大学 [email protected]

庞彦伟 教授 天津大学 [email protected]

王菡子 教授 厦门大学 [email protected]

徐勇 教授 哈工大深圳研究生院 [email protected]

程洪 教授 电子科技大学 [email protected]

汪萌 教授 合肥工业大学 [email protected]

曾炜 资 深 研 究

员 NEC 中国研究院 [email protected]

闫平昆 研究员 中国科学院西安光学精密

机械研究所(西安光机所) [email protected]

梅涛 研究员 微软亚洲研究院 [email protected]

袁媛 研究员 中国科学院西安光学精密

机械研究所(西安光机所) [email protected]

白翔 副教授 华中科技大学 [email protected]

操晓春 教授 天津大学 [email protected]

程健 副教授 中国科学院自动化研究所 [email protected]

何晓飞 教授 浙江大学 [email protected]

黄锐 华中科技大学 [email protected]

卢湖川 教授 大连理工大学 [email protected]

王跃明 浙江大学 [email protected]

章国锋 副教授 浙江大学 [email protected]

张磊 (港)副教授 香港理工大学 [email protected]

常虹 副研究员 中国科学院 计算技术研究所

[email protected]

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姓名 职称 单位 电子邮件

郑伟诗 副教授 中山大学 [email protected]

郑文明 教授

东南大学 [email protected]

刘国弈 NEC 中国 研究院

[email protected]

耿新 副教授 东南大学 [email protected]

胡清华 哈尔滨工业大学 [email protected]

左旺孟 哈尔滨工业大学 [email protected]

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姓名 职称 单位 电子邮件

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姓名 职称 单位 电子邮件

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