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The 25th Anniversary InterMarqueRendezvous is over and what a greatevent it turned out to be. All the hardwork by the planning committee paidoff with over 100 cars participatingand mother nature helping out withsome beautiful weather. AndyLindberg’s circle tour around LakeSuperior went well and they receiveda warm welcome when they com-pleted the tour at the AmericinnHotel. I felt like I could have beenlooking out over San Diego harborduring the deck party on Friday asthe sun set over Chequamegon bay.The car show in downtown Ashlandwas well attended and the Autocrosswas great fun to watch. Thanks againto everyone in Minnesota Triumphswho made this one of the bestInterMarque Rendezvous’s in the 25year history of the event.

Thank you to Bob Lee for filling in atthe June meeting while many mem-bers were up in Ashland at theRendezvous. The meeting was againheld at the 7th Street Social in St. Paulwith the closing of the Fort SnellingOfficers club still in effect pending anofficial announcement if it is perma-nent or will reopen. I have received anumber of suggestions on possibili-ties for a new meeting location butprefer to wait until we hear somethingan official announcement about theOfficers Club which has served us sowell over the years.

As a write this message, the Back tothe Fifties event is taking place at theMinnesota Fair grounds and I wishmy 1964 TR4 was running as it is thefirst car I’ve owned that wouldqualify for entry. The next big eventwill be VTR in Lake Geneva Wiscon-sin and I look forward to more goodweather and a beautiful locationalong with a scenic drive to theevent.

Terry NeumanPresident MN Triumphs

PREZ RELEASE (for August 2015)

The dog days of Summer are almosthere and a number of great drivingevents are scheduled. In late Julywe have the Tuesday “Classic CarRoll-in” celebration in Hendersonand the Delano winery toursponsored by our club. And ofcourse, August brings the VTR inLake Geneva Wisconsin. All havegreat roads and the weather willhopefully not be too hot. Andremember the Intermarque picnic thelast Sunday of the month during theSummer.

The July meeting was held at theAmerican Legion Post 435 inRichfield with almost all hope ofgetting back our Officers Clubmeeting location gone. The Legionclub is close to meeting our needswith a large parking lot, good sizemeeting room and food and drinkavailable. We will meet there untilour last meeting in October pendinga final decision on a permanentreplacement meeting location.

Finding the time to finish puttingtogether my second TR6 has beenchallenging as I spend more time atmy cabin up north. It has new paintand looks good but everyone isfamiliar how time consuming thelittle details can be to complete. Somy TR4 sits looking dejectedwaiting for some tender loving care.

On to VTR at Lake Geneva!

Terry NeumanPresident MN Triumphs

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TR2/3/3A/3B - John Kallaus (952-891-5266)

TR4 - John Myers (507-633-2017)

TR4A - Larry Sanderson (507-775-6940)

TR250/TR6 - Orrin McGill (763-755-7765)

TR7 -Charles Setala (651-490-0489)

TR8 - Greg Gelhar (763-424-6434)

Spitfire - Bill Gingerich (612-850-4072)

GT6 - Pat McFarland (763-427-5612)

Renown -

Citroën - A. Lindberg (651-292-8585)

Minnesota Triumphs

Tech SpecialistsAs a service to fellow members, club members with an expertisein a particular model of Triumph have volunteered to act as techspecialists for that model. They don’t know everything butthey do know a lot. So, if you have a question, give them a call.

TR Monthly Meeting July 9Really Official Minutes

This was the club’s first meeting at the RichfieldAmerican Legion. Seventeen Triumphs found placesto park in the crowded lot and 33 members ate inthe dining room. Food was not served in the audito-rium where the meeting was to be held. This sloweddown the schedule and it was 7:55 before PresidentTerry Neuman called the meeting to order. Thenthere was ten minutes of microphone adjustmentsbefore things got rolling.

One new member (Spitfire) was present and he wasintroduced to the Spitty members present. Member-ship czar Joe Demuth reported we have 91 mem-bers compared to 104 last year at this time. He alsonoted that 117 cars and 217 people attendedRendezvous, which we hosted. Treasurer TerryMackey said we have $13,500 in our bank ac-counts of which $2,000 is from Rendezvous.

Pat Holt and Andy Lindberg auctioned off someleftover Rendezvous things. Also the club decided tohost the August 30 Intermarque picnic in CherokeePark. Other exciting event, all of which are ancienthistory now, were also described.

The Prez noted that we still don’t have a perma-nent meeting place. The August meeting will beheld at the Legion again. (Many members will beattending the VTR national in Fontana, Wisconsin,that day.) Although not announced at the meeting,the September and October meetings will be at athe Roseville VFW at 1145 Woodhill Dr.,Roseville, MN just west of Lexington.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 and membergot to check their headlights’ effectiveness on theway home.

The September and October Meetings will be heldhere:


Post 75551145 Woodhill DriveRoseville, MN 55113


The July 2015 Cover, just ran out of time

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Fontana, Wisconsin Or BustLet’s Go For It.

Lets see some beautiful country and have agreat time at the Abbey Resort and Conference


Look Who’s Going!Orrin & Pam McGillJoe & Virginia Bisanz

Larry & Gayle SandersonGreg & Carole ThompsonTerry & Sharon Neuman

Please refer to

Terry & Bernadette MackeyPat & Marsha Holt

Bill NelsonJoe& Karen Demuth

Joe Soucheray


Our VTR President, Jack McGahey,was unaware of the “British Car WeekNational Meet” in Hot Springs,Arkansas. Joe Bisanz and OrrinMcGill got the bug to drive to thismeet in Arkansas and now have goneeach of the 4 years of its existence.President Jack decided to go as skeetshooting was on the agenda and hethought it a bit different to drive to acar meet with a shotgun. As luckwould have it Jack had a medicalproblem and was unable to go. Theevent now includes “The president’sCup challenge” consisting of 10competitive events in which teamsrepresenting national British car clubscompete and score points to win thecup for their organization. VariousVTR members competed and won thetrophy for VTR. Previous winnerswere the Austin Healey Club and theNorth American MGA Register. Jackwas thankful to Joe for bringing theevent to his attention and for Orrinfor accepting the winning trophy forThe Vintage Triumph Registry.

Had you been a VTR member youwould have seen the above article inthe Vintage Triumph magazine. Also

in the last magazine it was announcedthat TS-1 will be on display at theVTR convention at Lake Geneva. TS-1 was discovered in Canada and wasthen restored and spent many yearsin Hawaii at a collectors garage. Itcame back to the mainland as a doctorin Utah had bought it. It was thenrestored even more perfectly in Ohioand was first displayed this year atthe TRA gathering in Maryland. Sonow those of us going to the conven-tion will get to see TS-1 as it lookedback in 1953 as it first went on showin Toronto.

We will miss many of you who willnot go to the convention this year tobe hosted by Illinois Sport ownersAssociation. In the past they havedone a most fantastic job of hostingthis event. VTR is concerned that allof us may not get to attend anyconvention in the future for lack of ahost club. VTR warns that you bestattend when you get the chance asthe time is fast approaching when wemay be suffering for years of noconventions. They say that “if thissounds like an awful threat and direforecast, it is-but the threat of not

having a VTR convention is real andfast approaching.” Hosting a VTRconvention is a big undertaking as allof us members of MN TR know. I’mnot suggesting anything, but of allthe good clubs out there, I know wehave probably the best group of anyto put on an event like this. You allshowed me how good you are withthe great job at the Rendezvous inAshland.

If you have not already planned toattend the 2015 VTR Convention, youhave missed the early registration andthe primary host hotel is full, but it isnot too late to make a decision toattend if you can. Check it out

If you can’t go to the conventionplease join VTR.

See you at the Abbey in Lake Geneva!

Larry Sanderson Your MN TR VTRLiaison, 507 269 1500 [email protected]

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Triumph Calendar

See Intermarque Monthly

August Events...

August 8 Britfest Hudson WI.See page 15 for Flyer.

Aug 9 Drive to Munsinger &Clemens Gardens in St. CloudMeet at Shell gas station. NECorner of Proctor and Hwy 10 inElk River at 9:45, leave at 10:00.

Winding rock lined paths. Pondsand fountains. Thousands ofannuals and perennials.White garden. Rose garden.Formal garden. Lots more. About 1 hour drive to St. Cloud.Spend about 1 to 1 1/2 hours.Then if we are hungry, we canfind a place to eat. Or you canbring a sandwich. Hosted by Bill Nelson 763-441-2934 [email protected]

13 - Club Meeting at theRichfield American Legion (seepage 17)

August 11-15th National VTRConvention Fontana WI.(See Page 14)

15 - Tech Session TDB

15 - Royal British Car Show – Atthe Jaguar dealership inMinnetonka, MN.

August 30: Intermarque Picnic –1:00 pm Monthly gathering for apicnic at Cherokee Park in St.Paul. Picnic Sponsored by MNTriumph Club. Club will supplypop & chips. BYOF2S (food toshare.)

September 2015

10 - Club Meeting at theRosevilleVFW (see page 17)

19 - Tech Session TDB

25-27 - Waumandee Hill Climb –The Minnesota Austin HealeyClub’s third annual vintage caruphill slalom will be held under thedirection of Tom Hazen. There isalso a car show being organized.

October 2015

08 - Club Meeting at the RosevilleVFW (see page 17)

17 - Tech Session TDB

18 - Minnesota Harvest AppleOrchard Vintage Foreign CarShow – Jordan, MN.

Our club is thriving with greatparticipation. There is clearlyinterest in the club and our clubevents. The challenge we face isthat all these events, all the realbusiness of the club, is handledby a very small group of mem-bers, literally 3 or 4 people.You’ve heard the saying “20% ofpeople do 80% of the work” inan organization... in the case ofour club, it’s far less than the20%. You will probably noticelots of Intermarque events, justabout something every weekend.Mn.Triumphs where a foundingmember club of the Intermarquemovement so that there would besomething to do every weekend.We all want more driving eventsbut to do this I need your help.

Do you attend a lot of clubevents? Do you enjoy them?Please consider volunteering toorganize a club event. Haveyou’ve always imagined orconsidered an event? We willhelp with logistics or funds ifnecessary.

Are you willing to give some-thing back to the club? Please letme know how you’d like tocontribute. Contact me anytime:

Patrick Holt612.388.0505

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Anatomy of a Breakdown

An unanticipated Journey

Trip planning with a Triumphinvariably includes concerns aboutpotential break downs. Decidingwhat spare parts to include withyour luggage is simply part of theroutine. In my case, that meansforecasting the possible tripinterruption causes that come withdriving a Spitfire 1500. For theCircle Tour of Lake Superior, mytraveling parts warehouse in-cluded a water pump, alternator,u-joint, mechanical fuel pump,carburetor diaphragm, fan belt,Air pump belt and assorted handtools. But, as any Triumph ownerknows, some potentialities onemust leave to fate; engines,transmissions, axels, and such, thethings you count on to work to atleast get you home. For all theforesight, planning and prepara-tion concerning the car, a vacationinterrupter may well lurk else-where. Some interrupters onesimply cannot plan for, or evencare to contemplate. Some thingsa person just counts on to work.This is a true tale of one suchmisadventure, where a break-down of another sort made for anunexpected journey.

I was behind the wheel of mySpitfire, joining the caravanheading east out of Wawa,Ontario, on our way to Sault Ste.Marie. About an hour out, I feltan abdominal cramp in my rightside. At first I thought it wassomething I had eaten, but the

cramping persisted and grewmore intense and menacing.When we stopped for lunch, Itook one look at the menu andknew there was no way I wasgoing to eat anything. I walkedaround the parking lot hoping towalk off whatever was causingthe pain. The cramping persistedand actually worsened. For me todrive at this point was not anoption. Sheila, my wife, volun-teered to take over the drivingduties. This was no small offer onher part. It’s been a while sinceshe last drove the Spitty, and ithas an electric overdrive switchon the gear selector which shefinds unnerving. This was aconfidence issue, one I know shecould handle, but something weneeded to get through. So wecontinued the caravan, Sheilabehind the wheel, me holding myside, constantly shifting my bodytrying to find a comfortableposition, trying to keep my cool,while coaching my partner as shedeftly manipulated the gears(including the o/d) like a pro.

The pain proved unrelenting aswe entered the hotel parking lot inSault Ste. Marie, Ontario, GeoffRenolds, from the Thunder BayClub, unhesitatingly volunteeredto drive me in his Volvo to theSault Ste. Marie hospital Emer-gency Room in his 1960 Volvo.Sheila and Terry Mackey fol-lowed in Terry’s TR4. Afterdropping me off, Jeff returned tothe hotel. We spent an hour or soin the emergency room discussing

the hospital’s necessary protocolsregarding the insurance claimsprocess for non-Canadian citi-zens. Heeding the recommenda-tion of the helpful admissions folks(which included complete writtendirections on how to find WarMemorial Hospital in Sault Ste.Marie, Michigan), I decided Iwould be much better off crossingthe border to a U.S. hospital. Butmy passport was in my Spittyback at the hotel and there werethree of us with one two-seaterTR4. Terry called the hotel; noshuttle service. Terry gets hold ofAndy Lindberg, who agrees tocome to the hospital to pick upSheila. I commented to Terry thatthis has the makings of aKeyStone Cop episode; aprophesy we would later appreci-ate. Holding my side, crammedinto the passenger seat of hisTR4, Terry and I sped off for thehotel. We arrive at the hotel, Ilocate my passport and slide onceagain into Terry’s TR4. DickLeighninger comes up to the carand offers us his GPS. So Terryand I take off for the border. Wecross the border, pass the checkpoint and Terry hands me bothpassports. The written instruc-tions from the good folks at thehospital we quickly discoveredproved beyond confusing. WithTerry driving, I’m struggling invain to find a comfortable posi-tion, while typing into the GPS theaddress for War Memorial.Nothing’s working. I can’t getcomfortable and the GPS is notrecognizing the address. I’m also

Continued on Page 13

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Photo Credit: Fred Olson

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concerned about Sheila as Ienvision her driving by herself in acar she’s not comfortable driving,across an international borderthrough an unfamiliar city to ahospital who’s address I’m notsure she knows. I can’t call herbecause our cell phones don’twork in Canada. For all that,Terry spotted a blue “H” sign andfollowed it to the hospital. Nosooner do I step out of Terry’scar, the cramping pain literallygoes away. Huh!?

Meanwhile, back at the hospital inOntario, Andy arrives at thehospital, but is unable to findSheila in the waiting area. Heconsiders leaving, when, bychance, he checks outside andfinds her waiting on a benchoutside the emergency entrance.They arrive at the hotel and Sheilaprepares to head out in ourSpitfire, when Monica Burch andSally Leighninger approach herand offer to help out. As Monicaoffered first, Sheila accepts andoff they go with Sheila behind thewheel. The road out of Canadato the US border in Sault Ste.Marie, is not what one wouldexpect at a major internationalborder crossing. An inconspicu-ous “USA” sign directs driversonto what appears to be adilapidated, rutted out alleyway.With emotional anxiety runninghigh, and believing she’s on aone-way two-lane road, Sheilapulls into the left lane and pro-ceeds over the bridge in thedirection of the US border.

Suddenly noticing the doubleyellow line, it became obviousthey’re actually on a two-laneroad. At this point, the road risesand curves to where a drivercannot see on-coming vehicles.She’s unable to pull over as asemi-tractor trailer is occupyingthe lane followed closely by twoother vehicles. Thus trapped, shechallenged the fates, throwscaution to the wind, stomps onthe accelerator (impressing on theSpitfire a sudden sense of ur-gency), and deftly passed thesemi without incident.

At War Memorial Hospital I handTerry his passport, and ultimatelyam taken into an emergencyroom. Unbeknownst to me,enroute back to the hotel, Andyhad offered Sheila his phone tocontact Terry (their phones hadinternational service) who talkedher through directions to WarMemorial hospital. When Sheilaand Monica arrive, Sheila joinsme and Monica and Terry headback to the hotel. Once acrossthe border, Monica goes to handTerry back his passport, only torealize it’s mine, not Terry’s. Thishas the makings of an internationalincident as now they have toreturn to the US with Terryneeding to cross over without hispassport. Rehearsing his story,they approach the border guardand Terry begins to explain thesituation. Eventually, the borderguard interrupts Terry asking howmuch longer the story goes on.Having recognized him (or his

car) he waved Terry and Monicathrough. At the hospital, pass-ports are exchanged and theyreturn to the hotel.

In the emergency room theattendees poked, pressed,prodded, jabbed, injected, x-rayed, and cat-scanned, practic-ing all sorts of medical exercises.In the end it was a kidney stonethat initiated this manic adventure.I’m doing follow up medicalexams, and as of this writing,there’s been no recurrence.

So, the human anatomy is acomplicated work of nature.When it’s working right, all iswell. When it breaks down, well,you never seem to have the rightspare part.

But this is also a story of grati-tude. To Geoff, Terry, Andy,Dick, Monica and all those whounhesitatingly stepped forward,expressed concern, or offeredsympathy in my and Sheila’s timeof need, thank you.

As for my Spitfire, it ran like achamp. In fact, I felt it ran betteras the trip progressed. Mytraveling parts inventory onlycame along for the ride.

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Triumph TraderFOR SALE

1Pair of SU carbs for a Spitfire newin the box, S, 1 1/4 dia. $525.00Used 1 season DCOE 45 Weber carbwith air horns, no air cleaner,been sitting a while, shouldprobablly be rebuilt. $325.00New rear sway bar for Spitfire.$150.00Spitfire and GT6 parts. ‘76 Spitfirechassis, NEW door skins, Spit &GT6 doors, seat frames, A arms,Spitfire suspensiontowers, steel wheels, gauges,speedos, tachs, soft top frame, 3 railgearboxs, ‘71 1300cc engine, Spitfireroll bar, 4-1 headers, rear axle assy,GT6 suspension towers, steeringracks, rear springs, late Spitfireradiator & fan, lots more. Make anoffer. Bill 612-850-4072 [email protected]

‘72 TR6 in great shape. This is agreat driver with many new andupgraded parts including: New tires(Dunlop Signatures), new soft top,steering stabilized, full tune up, newseat belts (uninstalled)as well as some mechanicalwork. This is a really nice drivingTR6, fun in the corners and prettymuch original, aside from the newparts mentioned. There are collectorplates on it which means you neverbuy tabs again. Includes: Originaltonneau cover(in great shape), softtop rear cover, manual and new fullcar cover for winter storage. $7500.Scott - 612.339.0010

2 - late TR6 mufflers, one steel, onestainless, $100 ea.2 - 1974 TR6 rotors, used, goodcondition. $251974 TR6 battery box w/drain tube.$10 Joe Bisanz 651-324-2573.

73 Spitfire complete - for sale asproject/parts car, engine turns overfreely but has not been startedrecently. $800, Doug Burch – 763-780-4706

WANTEDSeats For TR-6 or Spifire1969-1972 high back seats that reclinepreferred. Call Mark (651) 450-9504

Wanted for 1976 TR6: one wheelbeauty ring, brushed finish. Must bein excellent condition. One left rearchrome bumper in excellent condition.Wood steering wheel. Rick Morris612-207-7990

Boot (trunk) floor for a TR7. will takethe hole body shell if necessary.Also looking for Custom wheels for aTR7, prefer 14in or 15in. with orwithout tires. ContactRoger Kraemer 651-207-3920 [email protected]

Engine starting crank for a TR3.Andy 651-242-7635

Trader information Members’notices run three months —unless you tell the editor todrop them earlier or keep themrunning longer. Dates inparentheses indicate the firstmonth in which they ran. Non-member notices are publishedat a rate of $5 per month.

Pacesetter Exhaust Tips. I have twotips in great shape. Moss Motors#224-125 $129.95 Asking $50 ea.AlsoMonza Free-Flow Exhaust Systems.Moss Motors #865-055 $539.95 I havetwo systems for sale. One is now on mycar and in good condition $150.00. Thesecond system has additional custommufflers added to quiet it down a bit.This one is not on a car at this time.Very good condition $150.00. Larry [email protected] or (763) 228-0072

Pimento red 1970 TR-6. I’m changinghobbies and would like somebody touse and enjoy this fine car rather thanstore it any longer. Great 20 footer, or aneven bettereasy project car. Rebuilt carbs late 2013by The Carburetor shop. Always storedinside. Excellent tires and top, interiornot so much. Functional as a 45 yearold car can be. $7,500. Twin Cities area.651 324 8873 [email protected].

1973 Spitfire 1500. The drive train hasbeen rebuilt and has about 10,000 mileson it, with the exceptionof the transmission. Daily driver.For details, visit Web site:

TR6 Kidney Pads w/ speaker cutouts$40 OBO. Kevin 612-247-2823 [email protected].

77 Triumph TR7 Coupe, 5 speed withfactory air. 66k miles many new partsincluding front and read 1” lowersprings and urethane rubber.front and rear brakes complete, clutchmaster and slave, brake cylinder rebuilt,new ball joints, tie rod ends. cd playerand speakers. and new tires. Seats havebeen replacedfrom a ZX2 using the originaltracks. Original seats included. ContactRoger at 651-207-3920. or [email protected]

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If you prefer to have your newsletter mailedto you, membership fee is $35 (plus $1 forpartner’s voting privileges).

Join after September 1st and enjoy fullmembership benefits through the remainderof the current year and the entire next year.

Monthly Meetings

Minnesota Triumphs meets the secondThursday of each month, and for the Monthof August 2015 it will be at the:Richfield American Legion Post 4356501 Portland Ave S, Minneapolis, MN

For the month of September and October2015 the meetings will be at the:ANDERSON-NELSONROSEVILLE VFWPost 75551145 Woodhill DriveRoseville, MN 55113 vfwroseville.com651.483-5313

About MinnesotaTriumphs Car ClubMinnesota Triumphs formed in 1981 when agroup of Triumph enthusiasts met for anafternoon of fun and conversation at FortSnelling Park.

Since then, the club has grown to more than150 members from throughout the Midwest.

Our activities include:• Monthly meetings• Social gatherings• Tech sessions• Road rallies• Regional and national events

We welcome all Triumph enthusiasts,whether you own a concourse-winningshowpiece, are restoring a diamond in therough, are searching for just the right addi-tion to your garage or just appreciate themarque.

Together we can locate those hard-to-findparts and assist one another in keeping ourvehicles on the road. But most of all, theclub offers opportunities to explore some ofthe best roadsin the region with others who enjoy theTriumph experience.

MembershipOur membership year runs January 1through December 31.

Annual membership is $25 (an additional $1provides your partner with voting privilegesat our annual election of officers). With thismembership fee, your newsletter can beseen on-line or you can pick up a hard copyat the monthly meetings.

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The Minnesota Triumphs Club is dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of the Triumph Marque. It wasformed in 1981 and is a charter member of the Vintage Triumph Register. Correspondence can be addressed to:

Minnesota Triumphs4018 Emerson Avemue NMinneapolis, MN 55412

Check our web site at:

Membership meetings are on the SECOND THURSDAY of the month (except no meetings in November and Decem-ber). Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and are held at the Fort Snelling Officers' Club, just south of the Minneapolis St.Paul International Airport. Everyone is invited to attend, whether you are a member or not.


Are you connected to the group? Do you get in on thelatest information?

We have an e-mail site you can easily join. It is MinnesotaTriumphs Yahoo mail.

Simply send an e-mail [email protected] don’t have to ask for anything, they will see your e-mailaddress and take it from there.

[email protected]


Terry [email protected]

Vice PrezJon Meier651-xxx-yyyy

[email protected]

Terry [email protected]

VTR LiaisonLarry [email protected]

RegaliaOpen position

[email protected]

Joe [email protected]

NewsletterOrrin [email protected]

WebmasterRon [email protected]

SecretaryAndy [email protected]

Event CoordinatorPat [email protected]

HistorianGreg [email protected]

Tech SessionsRoger [email protected]

Intermarque LiaisonPat [email protected]

Past PresidentLarry Berg612-228-0072

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phs & T

ribulationsc/o O

rrin McG

ill, Editor

4018 Em

erson Avenue N

Minneapolis, M

innesota 55412

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