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  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 1/23/2013


    VOLUME 73, NUMBER 12 January 23, 2013


    OpinionNews International Arts Sports"Alternative Winter

    Break Inspires StudentVolunteers"

    pg. 2

    "Crisis in Mali hits homeat Suffolk"

    pg. 5

    "Wallpower!exhibit overtakesNESAD gallery"

    pg. 9

    "Lady Rams continue

    highly successful

    season as Coach

    Leyden wins 300th

    game" pg. 16

    "A progressiveresponse to theGovernor's tax

    proposal"pg. 11



    With an estimated audienceof over one million peoplecovering the National Mall,Obama and Biden took theoath of office for a secondtime on Jan. 21. Even thoughit seemed to be a much biggerdeal last time, when the firstAfrican-American was beingsworn in as President, the

    inauguration this time aroundwas still a day for manyAmericans to celebrate afterwhat they considered a hard-fought campaign for Obamasre-election against Republican,and former Governor ofMassachusetts, Mitt Romney.

    One of the people that hadthe opportunity to watch theinauguration in Washington,D.C. on Monday was KailaMillett, a sophomore atSuffolk. Millett explained that

    it was really cool to finally seethe capitol building and thePresident after having seen allof it on TV before.

    After leaving at 5 a.m.,Millett stood out in themassive crowds until 1 p.m.

    Millett, an internationalrelations major, alsomentioned that she receiveda gold ticket, which isnt asexciting as it sounds, and thatshe was behind the reflectingpool, and was a little too far

    away from the capitol buildingto see anything.

    As she has never attendeda presidential inaugurationbefore, Millett expressed howit was really exciting. Therewere so many people, andthey were standing side byside with people for as far asthe eye could see. It was worthit, but in a once in a lifetimekind of way.

    In his second inauguralspeech, President Obama

    discussed a lot about severalseemingly progressive ideasfor the next four years.Obama mentioned that [we]will respond to the threat ofclimate change, knowing thatthe failure to do so wouldbetray our children and futuregenerations.

    The President alsorecognized the fact that[s]ome may still deny theoverwhelming judgment ofscience, but none can avoid the

    devastating impact of ragingfires, and crippling drought,and more powerful storms.

    From one topic to another,the President went on toexplain that [our] journeyis not complete until ourgay brothers and sisters aretreated like anyone else underthe law for if we are trulycreated equal, then surely thelove we commit to one anothermust be equal as well. Obamaoriginally expressed, publicly,

    his support for LGBT rightsand equality last year. Alsolast year, the Democratic Partyincluded a section which gaveits first formal support forsame-sex marriage.

    Additionally, Obama toldhow immigration reformwould be a necessity in thecoming years. Our journeyis not complete until we finda better way to welcome thestriving, hopeful immigrantswho still see America as a land

    of opportunity, the Presidentcontinued, until bright youngstudents and engineers areenlisted in our workforcerather than expelled from ourcountry.

    Whether or not Obamakeeps to his word this timeafter his mostly inspiring, butsomewhat idealistic wordsduring his last term on similarissues, will be the decisivefactor on if he can maintain hissupport from the liberal and

    progressive Democrats thatbacked him for re-election.

    Among the celebrities inattendance were actor MarlonWayans, rapper and recordproducer Jay Z, singer KatyPerry, singer and guitaristJohn Mayer, singer Ke$ha,actress Eva Longoria, andformer Boston Celtics legendBill Russell. Reverends AlSharpton and Jesse Jackson, aswell as human rights advocateMartin Luther King III, the

    eldest son of Dr. Martin LutherKing Jr. were also there.

    During the ceremonymusician James Taylor, aBoston native, sang "Americathe Beautiful" while KellyClarkson, the winner ofAmerican Idol season one,sang "My Country Tis of Thee."Afterwards, Beyonc gave,what many considered, a

    Obama's second inauguration brings

    promises for the next four yearsMiles Halpine

    Journal Staff

    see OBAMA page 3

    The sun casted perfectsilhouettes of the Boston

    skyline from behind theHancock and Prudentialbuildings as the afternoon lightstreamed into the eleventhfloor windows of 73 Tremont.Peering over his glasses frombehind organized stacks ofdocuments in a mostly emptycorner office, Stephen J.Morin, Suffolk Universitysnew Senior Vice President ofAdvancement, spoke of his pastand the future he envisions forour school.

    In the 70s, my parentswere all about the hippie,

    back-to-the-earth movement,Morin said with a grin. Hisfamily, originally from theBoston area, moved to Mainewhen he was a child to buildtheir own home on 40 acres ofland. Growing up in what hedescribes as a rural, poor partof Maine, Morin believes hisbackground is not unlike thatof many Suffolk students.

    After graduating fromBates College with a degree in

    New Senior Vice President ofAdvancement to bring positive change

    Ally ThibaultAsst. Managing Editor

    history, Morin worked at a lawfirm in Portland, Maine until hemoved back to Boston in 1990to pursue graduate school.

    Enrolling in night classesat Northeastern University,Morin was able to earn agraduate degree studying

    political science, public policy,and education policy, all whilebeing a part of the work forceto help pay off his student loan


    S tuden t shere [atSuffolk] arew o r k i n ghard to getsomewhereIget that,Morin said.The purposeof his role atSuffolk and therole of the newAdva nc emen toffice is tohelp students,financially and

    academically,be rewardedfor theirhard work toget throughcollege and toget where theywant to be, hesaid.

    Suffolk's press releaseexplained that the new Officeof Advancement is a hybrid ofthe offices of Development,

    Alumni Relations, Marketingand Communications, andGovernment and CommunityAffairs. The unification ofthese closely related units

    under a senior vice presidentwill play a crucial role inallowing the University toachieve the ambitious goalsincluded in its new StrategicPlan, the statement said.

    The move is meant tostrengthen the intent andpurpose of the various offices,according to Morin.

    Its a way to streamline theway we engage with everyonearound us, he said, A wayto pull it altogether in onemessage. Along with thenew Suffolk logo and website

    unveiled last semester,the Office of Advancementis another way Suffolk isreorganizing and rebrandingitself under President JamesMcCarthy.

    We can all help eachother, build off each other,Morin said of the combinationof the offices, We also needto interact with all the otherschool offices more. We need allthe pieces in concert to achieve

    success. Morin believesthat more communicationbetween offices will allowthe Advancement Officethe opportunity to better

    tell the success stories ofadministrative and academicdepartments to promoteSuffolk.

    Theres not a lack of goodideas in higher education,Morin said, Just a lack ofpeople to implement ideas,a lack of resources. Morinexplained that it is his job tomarry donors with ideas toprovide the university with theresources it needs to grow andimprove.

    Were almost completelytuition-dependent and we

    need to get away from that,President McCarthy saidof Suffolks finances at atown hall style meeting lastsemester while unveiling theuniversitys five year StrategicPlan. The challenge of theAdvancement Office will be toincrease awareness of Suffolkssuccess stories to help securefunding and donations from

    See NEW VP on page 3

    Photo courtesy of Suffolk University

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 1/23/2013


    PAGE 2 January 23, 2013The Suffolk Journal

    P O L I C E B L O T T E R

    Monday, January 78:30 a.m.

    Law SchoolLarceny from building. Investigation.

    Wednesday, January 910:56 a.m.10 WestVandalism. Case closed.

    Sunday, January 1311:17 p.m.150 Tremont

    Drunkenness. Judicial internal.

    Tuesday, January 158:09 a.m.Ridgeway BuildingLarceny from building. Investigation.

    Tuesday, January 153:39 p.m.Boston CommonOther agency assist-drug violation.Judicial internal.

    Thursday, January 1711:10 p.m.Miller HallLiquor law vilation-possession of alcoholby a minor. Judicial internal.

    Sunday, January 202:32 a.m.Miller HallTresspassing. Report fled.

    Monday, January 212:19 p.m.10 WestVandalism. Case closed.

    Alternative Winter BreakInspires Student Volunteers

    Suffolk Universitys

    Alternative Winter Breakprogram traveled to ElSalvador in the first week ofthe new year in order to helpthose in need.

    The best part aboutthis trip is how such a smallamount of time can change meand someone elses life, saidKirstin Mulvaney, a senior,majoring in English at SuffolkUniversity. She explained howthe alternative winter breakto El Salvador changed herperspective on life. Mulvaneysaid she never understoodwhat it meant to be poor untilshe was able to witness theconditions people were livingin during this trip.

    Mulvaney first went through

    Ellie HawkinsJournal Staff

    Photo courtesy of Kirstin Mulvaney

    an application and interviewprocess. Once she was clearedto participate on this trip shesigned up for a four credit,once a week, class that helpedher, along with other students,learn more about El Salvadorsculture and history, includingthe war from 1980 to 1992.

    She was surprised to learn thatan estimated 75,000 citizens ofEl Salvador were killed overthose 12 years and that UnitedStates had helped finance thegovernment there because itwas in the U.S.'s best financial

    interest.It amazes me how no one

    knows much about it eventhough we were so involved,

    Mulvaney said. After learningthese interesting facts andcompleting the class the groupof students headed off to ElSalvador.

    This alternative break wasten days long, from Jan. 2 toJan. 12.

    The first image I have ishow packed the airport wasand how welcoming everyonewas, Mulvaney stated, thepeople were so willing toshare what they had no matterhow little it was. The groupconsisted of nineteen students

    and they stayed in Centro deArte Para La Paz in Suchitoto, ElSalvador, translated to Centerof Art for Peace. A Catholicnun from New Jersey, Peggy

    O Neal runs the communitycenter and helped welcomethe students into their newsurroundings.

    The students worked withHabitat para la Humanidadin a mountain town calledLa Palma. Mulvaney helpedbuild a house for a family

    that was originally living withanother relative. The familythat planned to live thereconsisted of three members:Mauricio, Sonia, and Kathryn,their daughter. The studentsworked on this house for three

    days. They were supposed towork on it for four, but wereunable to cross the bridgeon the fourth day due to a

    war veterans protest on thebridge. The Suffolk studentshelped clean up an auditoriumfor a festival that was comingup instead.

    Along with helping buildthis house the students wereable to do some sightseeing,hear testimonies about themassacres, and hike MountGuazapa. This helped them geta better feel about what thecivilians did to try to reachsafety during the war in ElSalvador.

    Mulvaney said that it is

    sad to think that some of thepeople she met still do notknow what happened to someof their family members, andthis makes her try to treat

    people better.Many of the people from

    El Salvador came to the UnitedStates during the war and thatis why I try to be more kindto random strangers on thestreets, because you neverknow what their story couldbe. Mulvaney said that if

    any Suffolk student is signedup for one of these breaksalready, great; and if a studentis thinking about participatingthey should just go sign up;they will not regret theirdecision.

    "...such a small amount of time canchange me and someone elses life."

    -Kirstin Mulvaney

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 1/23/2013


    PAGE 3 January 23, 2013The Suffolk Journal

    moving rendition of the"Star-Spangled Banner."

    Aside from the music, partof the entertainment festivitiesfor every inauguration isa poetry reading by a poetselected before-hand for

    the ceremony. This year,the Presidential InauguralCommittee chose a Cuban-American by the name ofRichard Blanco. Mr. Blanco,who is the fifth person to sharea poem at an inauguration(beginning with RobertFrost at President Kennedysinauguration in 1960,) wasparticularly notable for hisbackground in several ways:he is young, Hispanic, and gay.The story he told was like thatof not many others. The poem

    he shared, titled "One Today,"talked about how we [h]ear:the doors we open/for eachother all day, saying: hello|shalom, /buon giorno |howdy|namaste |or buenos das/in the language my mothertaught mein every language

    spoken into one wind carryingour lives /without prejudice,as these words break from mylips.

    The poem elaboratedon the diversity within theUnited States while stillfocusing on what it is exactlythat makes us who we are.Blanco described the beautifullandscapes as [one] sky: sincethe Appalachians and Sierrasclaimed/ their majesty, andthe Mississippi and Coloradoworked/ their way to the sea .

    Both Presidents JimmyCarter (39th) and Bill Clinton(42nd) were at the inaugurationwith their wives. However,Presidents George H.W. Bush(41st) and his son, George W.Bush (43rd,) were not presentat the inauguration ceremony.

    The lack of attendance wasdue to Bush Sr.s recentrelease from a hospitalfollowing weeks of unstableand persistent bronchialconditions, but President BushSr., and his wife Barbara, senttheir best wishes to Obamaand his family.

    In the midst of all thecelebratory events, theceremony, parade and variousevening balls, Republicanswere mostly quiet throughoutthe day. Many of them are

    preparing for key votes onlegislation in Congress in thenext few weeks, including avote to extend the debt-l imit.

    Even as the extensive publicceremony was conductedthroughout the day onMonday, the actual and official

    swearing-in took place theday before as required by theConstitution. In the TwentiethAmendment, section one, it isstated that [t]he terms of thePresident and Vice Presidentshall end at noon on the 20thday of January, and the terms ofSenators and Representativesat noon on the 3rd day ofJanuary, of the years in whichsuch terms would have endedif this article had not beenratified; and the terms of theirsuccessors shall then begin.

    from OBAMA page 1

    Plans for 20 Somerset are

    underway as Suffolk Universitypromises to open the doors ofits new building in the fall of2015.

    After the Suffolk trusteesput the project on hold,pending the review in 2011,Thursdays meeting in the C.Walsh Theater was pivotalto decrease dwindlingexpectations as PresidentMcCarthy said, we really hopeat this point that were ontoa plan that will work and willget started very quickly.

    With the help of a real

    estate firm, Suffolk Universityunderwent a test fit exploringthe physical space availablein the building. There weretwo questions to be answeredduring this preliminary phaseof the project: How manyclassrooms, and what kind ofclassrooms, could fit in thebuilding?

    During the meetingPresident McCarthy was alsovery pleased to report thatwe have very strong lettersof support from all theneighborhood groups. Theseletters further encourage the

    construction of 20 Somersetand strengthen Suffolksrelations with the Beacon Hilland Boston residents.

    At the Nov. 14 meeting, theboard approved a resolutiongiving permission to proceedthe project of 20 Somerset

    into further detail involvingarchitect sketches and theoverall environment.

    President McCarthy also

    highlighted some of the salientarchitectural aspects of thebuilding.

    There will be a plaza infront for students to meet andexchange intellectual thoughts.The buildings staircase willhave an outlook onto the plazaencouraging staircase usageas well as an appreciationof the city of Boston. Theinternal staircase is going tobe surrounded by glass, whichwill further emphasize one ofSuffolks main suggestions toits incoming freshmen, whichis that of getting involved,

    but most importantly, that ofbeing seen.

    Since the modern 20Somerset building resemblesthe rational architecturedeveloped in the mid 1920s forbuildings around the world,the students exposure to lightas they climb the stairs mayalso be interpreted as theirexposure to the light andjourney of knowledge.

    Additionally, McCarthyalso said that the buildingwill provide as many mixedsetting classrooms as possible

    including classrooms with40 to 50 students. This willseem to revolutionize Suffolksstudent to professor ratio,which has always been at arecord low of 20:1.

    "The plan here detailsclassrooms of 60 and 80 seats,

    does this not conflict withSuffolks catching point ofhaving an intimate classroomsetting? said a Sawyer

    Business student during themeeting. McCarthys reply wasthat it does not include allclassrooms of 60 and 80 seats,but classrooms of varioussizes. And secondly, we arerethinking every way we teachhere at Suffolk, including

    President McCarthy Shares Plans for 20 SomersetGherardo Astaldi

    Journal Contributor

    Since the 20th of January fellon Sunday, they had to besworn in, on that day, at noon.

    The last president to actuallyhave his formal inaugurationceremony fall on Jan. 20 wasJohn F. Kennedy, the formerMassachusetts senator, in

    1961. Before the TwentiethAmendment was ratified, theinauguration ceremonies wereheld on March 4. Althougha lot of people attend eachinauguration in person,many more watch from thecomfort of their homes ontelevision. The first televisedinauguration was for PresidentHarry S. Trumans secondterm in office in 1949. In 1997,President Bill Clintons secondinauguration was the first tobe live-streamed online.

    Photo courtesy of Suffolk University

    Proposed building concept from 2009

    more sources.We dont want to be the

    best kept secret anymore,Morin said, People shouldknow about us, and weshould be proud and boldabout it. Morin believes weneed to foster that love andconnection people can feelfor their alma mater in ourstudents before they havegraduated.

    Its all about engagement,

    he said of working to increasealumni giving. Alumnigenerally want to help out andget to know students, Morinsaid, Theyre just askingthemselves How can I help? Isit worth it for me?

    Morin believes that bykeeping alumni updatedand engaged in the Suffolkcommunity, they will be morelikely to have a vested interestin current students and wantto mentor them, provide

    internship opportunities, or,if they have the resources,donate back to the school.

    The first steps by theAdvancement Office thissemester will be to getpeoples advice, internally hereat Suffolk and externally,Morin said. The office will betaking its ideas on the road tofocus groups to ask experts ifwe are on the right track forsuccess.

    We want to know, what

    is our plan missing, what arewe not doing, he said. Basedon the advice they receive, theoffice will decide what steps totake next in prioritizing theirmission and goals.

    Before joining Suffolk inlate December, Morin workedas assistant vice president forschool development at BostonUniversity, where he helpedto increase alumni giving bymore than 70 percent at theCollege of Communications,

    according to Suffolks pressrelease. [Morin] has a solidrecord of strengtheningdevelopment and alumniprograms, President McCarthysaid in the statement,His energy, collaborativeleadership style and strategicthinking will be instrumentalin moving Suffolk Universityforward.

    from NEW VP page 1

    on-line and hybrid courses.Suffolk Universitys changeto a better and more efficientbuilding lies in the years

    to come, as the moribundstructure of Fenton will besold away.

    The support centers will bemoved to the fourth floor of 20Somerset, as will the sciencedepartments. Doubt remainson where the organizations and

    clubs will meet after Fentonand Ridgway will be sold andthe Donahue building willhouse only offices. Chances

    are that 20 Somerset will bean innovative and vibrantstructure that will enhanceSuffolks prestige around theBoston area.

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 1/23/2013


    PAGE 4 January 23, 2013The Suffolk Journal

    Meet Dan Lampariello.He may be a familiar face tostudents around the SuffolkUniversity campus, but soonpeople all across New Englandmight recognize him.

    Lampariello was one offour students to be chosenas the newest broadcasters ofSuffolk in the City, a segmentthat airs on the New EnglandCable Newsmorning show.

    The partnership betweenNECNand Suffolk UniversitysStudio 73, allows students togain real world experience in

    live reporting, story writing,editing and interviews. Manyaspiring students auditionfor the position, and eachsemester, NECN selects threeto four new reporters.

    Lampariello, a juniorbroadcast journalism student,was excited to have beenchosen for the spring 2013semester.

    Its going to be great, greatexperience, he said. Whatcollege student gets to saythat theyve been on a major[morning cable news program]

    before they graduate?Throughout high school,

    Lampariello worked as a sound

    designer for his local towntelevision station in Dracut,Mass. He hopes to be a newsanchor or reporter for a major

    program one day, and thoughtthat working with NECN andSuffolk in the City would be apositive step in that direction.

    Youre going to be viewedby [over a] million people[who are] in the market forNECN. Youre getting realworld experience with writingyour own stories, setting upfor a report, being live ontelevision and thats definitelyan awesome opportunity forstudents, he said.

    Joining Lampariello on thissemesters Suffolk in the Citynews team is Ashley Cullinane.A broadcast journalismmajor, it was the schoolscommunication departmentthat attracted the sophomoreto Suffolk.

    Suffolk has an amazing[communication] department.I learned about Suffolk inthe City my freshman yearbut I just thought it would besomething fun to do one day,she said.

    That day wasnt as faroff as Cullinane expected,however. She auditioned andwas selected for the position

    this spring and is now lookingforward to getting started.

    Im excited, she said. I

    feel like its just a steppingstone that all broadcastjournalism majors want to do.I think a hands-on experience

    is the most important thing.Cullinane has taken a

    variety of broadcast journalism

    and media production classesso far at Suffolk and hopes herexperience with Suffolk inthe City will help her to learn

    even more about the industry.I like editing and more

    behind the scenes stuff, [but]I wanted to see what its liketo be in front of the camera[too], she said. What Ivelearned at Suffolk from myprofessors is that you reallyneed to be multi-faceted anddo well in every area.

    With hopes of gettinga job in the news industryafter graduation, Cullinaneis excited that this uniqueopportunity will help her geta head start on her dream joba little sooner than she mayhave thought.

    Itll just be really fun, Imexcited, she said. I neverexpected to actually do all thisright now.

    In addition to Cullinane andLampariello, Chris Maynardwill also see time in front ofthe camera this semester. Hisenthusiastic personality andevident sense of humor led thejunior business major to tryout for the broadcasting role.

    I really like the wholeentertainment scene, he said.I love everything to do with

    lights, cameras and action.Maynard brings some

    similar experience to Suffolkin the City. He spent timeworking on small films inHollywood, which has himfamiliar with sound productionand behind the scenes aspectsof the broadcast process. Hesaid this time hes most excitedabout being on the other sideof the camera.

    Im excited to watch

    myself be on television, Ithink thats going to be reallycool. Hopefully, MTV or NBCor some other large agency

    watches me on TV and thinksIm hilarious, and [they giveme my] own show, laughedMaynard.

    Im also excited toentertain New England withmy own spin on currentevents, and hopefully makeyou laugh, he added.

    Famous or not, Maynardhopes to get a job in the fieldfollowing graduation andhopes Suffolk in the City willbe a good opportunity to geton the right track.

    I can really see networking

    with all the people thatcome into the studio to betremendously beneficial, hesaid.

    Carla Rojo will be thefourth broadcaster featuredon Suffolk in the City thissemester, bringing in a newwave of culture to the program.

    Rojo, a junior broadcastjournalism, speaks bothEnglish and Spanish.

    With goals of incorporatingher bilingual skills, as well asher interest in sports, into anews broadcasting positionone day, Rojo said Suffolk in

    the City will be a great way toget started.

    The experience Im goingto get from [this] is priceless,she said. A lot of people, evenpeople who have their degrees,dont get the opportunity to belive on cable. For all of us, thisis such a great opportunity. Iwould love to do somethinglike Telemundo[someday] andkind of use both sides of myheritage to communicate.

    Aspiring Broadcasters take on 'Suffolk in the City'

    Lauren SpencerJournal Staff

    Photo courtesy of Suffolk in the City

    Left to right: Dan Lampariello, Ashley Cullinane, Carla Rojo, Chris Maynard

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 1/23/2013


    PAGE 5 January 23, 2013The Suffolk JournalInternational

    Suffolk University is notheard of as being subjectto direct violence, butunderlying currents of strifeabroad always hit close tohome with such a prominentinternational student body.Suffolk University is the hometo students from over 100countries and the internationalpopulation makes up around15 percent of the overallstudents enrolled at Suffolk.With such a dominantrepresentation, you cant gothrough a day without hearingfive to six languages asidefrom your own all around you.

    That said, Suffolk personallywitnesses global atrocitiesfrom natural disasters suchas the hurricane in Haitilast fall, which has still leftpeople homeless, to terroristattacks and revolutionsacross the globe. In recentheadlines, Mali has beensubject to great discontent,which has just called forFrench military intervention.

    For France, the risks rangefrom secure oil reserves tofuture political stability.

    More importantly, Malianlives are at risk every day

    Crisis in Mali Hits Home at Suffolkand have been for over a

    year since the revolutionin Libya culminated in thedeath of their president,Muammar Gaddafi. Islamicextremists have been wreakinghavoc in Northern Mali.This uprising was originallyincited by Tuareg rebelsseeking autonomy, of whoma majority originate in Maliand Niger. This rebel uprisingsubsequently attracted Islamic

    extremists who have taken

    over the Tuareg cause intotheir own hands without anyreal relation to this ethnicmajority of northern Mali.

    The ceaseless bombardmentof innocent towns and villageshas left families distraughtand a government rendereduseless in the face of suchIslamic extremist pressure.The Islamic fundamentalistshave ruled Northern Mali for

    months and their campaign

    is gradually encroaching onthe South, touching the livesof that many more families.

    This past week, Suffolkstudent Dauda Wague who isoriginally from Sokolo, a townnear the north-south borderof Mali heard devastatingnews. The town he grew upin has been officially takenunder control by the Islamicextremists. Wague stated, I

    havent talked to my family

    in a week, and my aunts twochildren have been shot,mainly because the crossfireand Wague expressed that hehas not found out whetherthey survived or not. When theIslamists take over a town, theycut off telephone networks,Wague stated, because theyknow the populations hatethem and will expose theirlocation, their numbers, andthe weapons they carry.

    The Islamic extremists,Wague suggests, are not in itfor religion and they just wantpower. Wague also claims

    that the Malians all knowthese Islamic extremists frombefore, namely as criminalsand drug dealers who havebeen jailed. Since the take-over of the northern regionin Mali, a number of theseprisoners have been releasedand are now leading therebellion with the soldiersfrom Libya, Wague claimed.

    This power structureensuing from the northhas proven powerful andrelentless. The Islamic radicalsare more dedicated than the

    Malian army - they are somentally strong, they cantlose: if they die they go to a

    see MALI page 7

    Ryan Powell

    International Editor

    Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

    Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

    O n t h e I s r a e l i E l e c t i o nJosef Nothmann

    Journal Contributer

    Roughly 67 percent ofIsraels 5.5 million eligiblevoters went to the polls onTuesday to elect membersof the 19th Knesset from thelists of more than 30 parties.In the weeks leading up to thevote, it appeared that rightwing, radical right wing, andreligious parties would be themajor winners. The English-language press was delugedwith articles examining therise of former commando/businessman Naftali Bennett,the charismatic leader of theReligious-Zionist party haBayithaYehudi (Jewish Home.) Thispessimism has proved to be

    somewhat exaggerated, andfor that Israelis and Americansalike may be grateful.

    It is almost certain thatBinyamin Netanyanu of Likud(Unity) will once again bePrime Minister, but the partiesof the center-left and left havereceived a much needed vote ofconfidence. The skeptics whoderided the street protests of

    2011 as a passing phenomenonwithout political impact mustnow reassess their evaluations.The cost of living and thelack of affordable housing,the state support of variousreligious enterprises, andother civic issues remain verymuch in the minds of a majorsegment of the populace.

    Avodah, the Israeli LaborParty, which has been listlessfor more than a decade,appeared to steady itsdecline somewhat, gaining15 mandates, but perhapsmost significantly, YairLapid, a prominent televisionpersonality, author, and actorscored a smashing successat the head of his new partyYesh Atid (There is a Future,)which aimed to capitalize on

    discontent over the nature ofthe political process and thecourse of society. Yesh Atidessentially sought to redirectthe energies of the politicaldiscourse more towards theissues which (theoretically)dominate American campaigns:education, social welfare,housing, infrastructure,and wealth inequality.

    Following the generaltenets of a classically liberalplatform, the party supporteddecentralization of the secularschool system, a draft for allcitizens regardless of religious

    observance or ethnic origin, anda focused campaign targetingrampant political corruption.

    Mr. Netanyanu will have tobe significantly more creativein forming a coalition, whichmay prove to be unstable dueto the competing interests ofits likely participants. Likudwill either have to turn to Mr.Lapid to form a center-rightcoalition, or he may attemptto cobble together supportfor a razor-thin religious-rightmajority. Mr. Netanyanu hasalready pledged to reach out tothe Shas religious party, and he

    could also involve Mr. Bennettand other religiously-orientedleaders. Either way, he will haveto make major concessions.

    Prior to the election, Mr.Netanyanu had agreed toa coalition with the YisraelBeitenu (Israel is Our Home)

    see ISRAEL page 7

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 1/23/2013


    September 19, 2012Page 6 The Suffolk Journal January 23, 2013Page 6


    Gareth Jones

    Asstistant Int'l Editor

    From All Corners:International pinionVenezuela: A Future with or Without in Hugo Chavez

    Is Hugo Chavez dead?Probably not, but he may aswell be. For the charismatic,publicly active leader, missinga camera opportunity hurtsmore than missing the birth of

    a grandchild, and yet on Jan.10, Chavez did just that . After amajority vote of 54 percent inthe October 2012 Venezuelanpresidential elections, Chavezcomfortably reassured hisplace at the head of the never-ending Venezuelan revolution,and publicly promised todo his best to deepen thesocialist revolution, as MSNBCreported last week. He hassince more or less disappeared.

    Like his Cuban counterpartFidel Castro, the lack ofinformation about his health

    is rivaled only by the flood ofspeculation about his abilityto stay in power. On Jan. 13,2013, Chavez was scheduledto play the lead role in hisown presidential inauguration.Yet come the day of theinaguration, the Venezuelanpeople were surprised not bywhat Hugo Chavez was saying,but for once by what he wasnot saying. Chavez was a noshow. His Vice President andprobable successor NicolasMaduro released a statementon Sunday, admitting thatChavez has been in surgery

    in an attempt to thwartwhatever cancer plagueshim, and is recovering.

    This is all well and good,and of course our best wishesgo out to Hugo Chavezshealth, but a recovering cancerpatient is not amongst theshort list of candidates fit torun a country. Of course, thecomparison is unfair for manyreasons, but just imagineObama not showing up lastSunday/Monday, amidstrumors of cancer treatment,and him getting on Air Force

    One for medical treatmentin England. He would likelybe impeached faster thanRick Perry could get his ownpresidential campaign started.But President Obama is besidethe point. That Chavez wouldmiss his inauguration is morethan proof enough that hisreign, however democratic, is

    over. So what happens next?The official version of

    potential events is clear,Chavez said it himself whenhe said that in the event ofhis untimely death, his vice-president should run his owncampaign for the presidentialelection, winning it just asfairly he himself has since

    1999. However, the oppositionis not so sure. A scheduledmarch tomorrow by a coalition

    of opposition forces has beencanceled - a spokesperson forthe march cited the clearintentions of taking to thestreets of the capital with thepurpose of inciting violence.

    This is likely in reference toa counter march scheduled byChavezs own United SocialistParty for the same day, whichno doubt would have causedor perpetuated potentialviolence as the nations dividedpolitical entities met in the

    streets of Caracas. Regardlessof the outcome of the countermarches tomorrow, any nationwhose opposition governmenthas to cancel a march infear of violence is no truedemocracy, and whoever endsup replacing Chavez will havehis/her work cut out for him.

    Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

    Venezuela has been hauntedfor years now but there seemsto be hope that the sinisterapparition that has beenplaguing it for fourteen years

    may soon be put to rest. Thepresident of Venezuela, thenotorious Hugo Chavez, hasbeen through an intense year

    of cancer treatment and thisleads many to believe thathis narcissistic reign may becoming to its close. Chavezis well known for his earlycoups of the government andthen later turning his bruteradicalism into the Movementof the Fifth Republic. Afterbecoming president, Chavezhas been at odds with the U.S.saying that we were fightingterror with terror in theMiddle East after 9/11 and that

    we were behind the attemptedcoup of his position in 2002.

    As Chavez is recovering,the people of Venezuelaare entertaining the idea ofushering in a new president.In case of such a situation,Chavez has named hissuccessor in Nicols Maduro,his vice president who served

    for six years as Venezuelasforeign minister and heads aclique of ideologues loyal toHavana. Diosdado Cabello,a military veteran and long-time collaborator of Chavezsand the National Assemblypresident was quick to standup against that decision.

    Cabello is vengeful for beingpushed out of Chavezs innercircle and appears to be willingto fight for the kingdom.

    Obviously, Chavez isntgoing anywhere as of now,meaning Maduro is his heirand he will later win a specialelection that would make himthe new president. If he didntmake it to take his oath ofoffice, the role would be passedover to Cabello. Just like everyelection, there are ridiculousamounts of cash being funneledin, seedy interests in narcoticsand arms and most importantly

    the legitimacy of an honestelection for the citizens.

    Any of the viable optionsfor who should claim the roleof being an active presidentare not even options that thecitizens have a say in. Thesefake elections might as wellbe a television show. If thiselection doesnt concern thepublic opinion, and it isnt intheir interests; then I ask onequestion: Why should thiselection even be importantto the people of Venezuelaif they hold no weight in it?

    Now dont get me wrong,every election is important andhas gravity in the world butthere isnt even the illusionof public opinion surroundingthis matter. The corrupt extracurricular activities of Chavez,Cabello, Maduro, and thecountless other figure headsof the Venezuelan governmentis only the tip of the iceberg.Truly, the core of this articleis based around the subtlepassive bias of my opinion ofhow I believe Chavez has hadhis time in the sun. The truthof the matter is that there isnt

    a real viable option here. I dofeel the best of a bad situationwould be for Chavez to stepdown and for an actual electionbetween Maduro and Cabelloto occur, but as long as theChavez factor is in play, nothingwill change any time soon.

    David Frederick

    Journal Staff

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    Page 7 September 19, 2012The Suffolk JournalPage 7 January 23, 2013



    from MALI page 5

    better place, according to

    their religious affiliation, and ifthey win they have successfullyeradicated the unfaithful.Wague expressed that he hasnever read in the Koran thatkilling people will send meto a better place, showingthe disrupted logic theseIslamic radicals are abiding by.

    Sharia law, which theIslamic extremists havedubbed their excuse forinfiltrating the homes of theinnocent, has been exploitedfor a cause unworthy. Mali,the first country in WestAfrica to become Islamic, hassubscribed to a strict Muslimbelief system, but accordingto Wague, they have openlycoexisted and toleratedChristianity and simplenonbelievers. For this reason,the Islamic radicals justify theirdisruption and incursions.

    With the former Malianprime minister having

    resigned in December of 2012and a new one having beensworn in in early January,

    transition and progressiveaction by Mali itself has beenlimited. The military has yet toact itself, but with newfoundconfidence prompted byFrances engagement,progression towards a Malieradicated of extremists can atleast be hoped for. As Wagueclaimed, the [Malian] militaryis around 6,000 soldiers,especially for the third largestcountry in Africa, this hintsto great limitations. Theirefforts are rendered futile inthe face of dispersed warfareand security measures acrossvast lengths and large deserts.

    For Wague, the end of theconflict is unseen. Frenchpoliticians have deemedFrances support ephemeraland a reliance on the AfricanUnion for military assistance isthe greatest hope for strengthin the future. Wagues plans forthe future have been drastically

    disrupted, as with the rest ofthe Malian community thatmust bear the unwarranted

    intrusion of Islamic extremistsat the cost of daily routine andhope for a normal future. Fromcorruption to unrelentingodds, the Malian people areunfortunately exposed toan ambivalent future that isseemingly insurmountable.

    This is not the first timestudents of the Suffolkcommunity have had familyand fellow countrymen innear death situations becauseof internationally criticizedinvasions, but we can only hopeto expose and support thosearound us who have family andfriends in direct danger. Thefacts must be acknowledged asWague deeply expressed, andstarting within our communityand creating greaterawareness is one of the onlymeasures of relief for thosein almost imminent danger.

    Student From Mali on Crisis


    party of Soviet-born formerForeign Minister AvigdorLieberman. The two combinedparties mustered 42 seats inthe current Knesset but willlikely be able to count on only31 in the next. Despite thisdrop, the Likud-Beitenu factionwill be by far the largest singlelist in the new body. The mostrecent Likud primaries sawa rightward shift within the

    party itself, with moderates(the term is relative) suchas Benny Begin (son of theformer Prime Minister) andDan Meridor relegated tolower positions on the listin favor of hardliners such

    as Moshe Feiglin, leader ofthe West Bank settler factionwithin Likud. Much of thisrepositioning has to do withalarm at the rise of Mr. Bennetton the right, but may alsoreflect a general hardening ofpositions within the party base.

    This ossification of ideascombined with disastrouseconomic and foreign policiesmay have led to a vote-of-no-confidence directed at Mr.

    Netanyanu. The nearly evensplit between the right-wingparties and the center-left-Arab bloc (polling a combined59-60 seats) will likely lead topolitical paralysis, stalemate,and a new election within the

    from ISRAEL page 5

    R e s u l t s i n :I s r a e l i E l e c t i o nnext two years. The Palestinian

    conflict and the threat ofan Iranian nuclear weaponplayed a generally secondary(or abstract) role in theelection. It is almost certainthat whoever ends up leadingIsrael at the head of whicheverconstellation of parties willbe unable to reach any sortof lasting peace with thePalestinians -- or even corralthe growth of the settlements

    in the West Bank, leavingIsrael increasingly isolatedin the international arena.

    Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

    Despite more severe disciplinary actions from the UN, theUnited States, and even harsh diplomatic condemnationfrom North Koreas sole ally in the region, China, theBBC World News reported yesterday that North Koreas

    nuclear program will continue in development. TheUN Security Council approved new sanctions over theDecember test launch of what it said was a long-rangemissile banned by UN resolutions. Sanctions introducedby a resolution backed by the traditional Westernalliance along with most countries neighboring NorthKorea accompanied. The country would "take physicalactions" to strengthen its military force, the state newsagencyKCNAsaid, which experts interpret as attemptingto enlarge its currently small nuclear weapons arsenal.


    Israeli Prime-Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hasnarrowly slipped by in the national elections yesterday,securing his third term in power by a much narrowermargin than most polls and observers expected. Whileit was still a victory for Netanyahu as Prime-Minister,a huge surge by the centrist There is a Futureparty has made it so that he will have to rearrangehis coalition government. Israelis are asking for amoderate coalition, Marcus Sheff, executive director ofThe Israel Project told the New York Timeslast night.Israels middle class wasnt asleep as people assumed.The embers of the social protest are still strong.


    The Washington Post, in collaboration with politicalscientist Jay Ulfelder, has been maintaining amathematical model that attempts to rank nations bytheir likelihood to suffer political coups in the nearfuture. Not surprisingly, all of the top 25 countries onthe list except three are in Africa or the impoverishedareas of the Middle East. The list is comprehensive andtakes into account ethnic differences within borders,political stability, market prices, inflation, and crimerates, amongst other things, and more or less predictedboth of the coups that happened successfully in 2012in Guinea-Bissau and Mali. However, the strife that

    erupted in Ethiopia in the last months of 2012 cameas quite a surprise to the mathematical model, asEthiopia did not even make the top 30 list for nationsmost prone to revolution. And despite the debate aboutwhether the nature of the political strife in Ethiopiacan properly be counted as a revolution or even acoup, it has set back the otherwise successful formula,leaving Professor Ulfelder back at the drawing board.

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    PAGE 8 September 19, 2012PAGE 8 January 23, 2013The Suffolk Journal

    Arts & Entertainment

    Mackenzie Cummings-Grady

    Journal Staff

    A$AP Rocky debuts ful l length First Album

    When Purple Swag wasreleased in mid-2011, it waspredicted that artist A$APRocky was to be anotherarrogant party animal withgolden foil in his teeth. Asthe hype grew around thesong, my friends continuedto pressure me to listen butI continually refused or justacted like I was too busyto heed to the hype. WhenGoldie followed shortly after,

    it was effortless taking notice.Not because I found A$AP tobe a particularly gifted rapper,but because the psychedelicdrum line and Rockys sloweddown vocals made me want toparty. The video has a vintageblack and white A$AP with hisgolden teeth sparkling. Like allother mediocre rappers today,Rocky continues to rhymeabout his swag and how hehas immense wealth.

    After almost a year oftouring, A$AP Rocky fell offthe grid, submerging himselfinto the studio to work on

    his debut album, which hetitled Long. Live. A$AP. Weall predicted the same result,

    a party album that all collegestudents could drink to.However, with the final pieceupon us in early 2013, Long.Live. A$AP. has defied allexpectations, and crushed any

    stereotypes towards A$AP asan arrogant artist.

    Born and bred out of Harlem

    NY, Rakim Mayers (yes namedafter the famous emcee) beganrapping when he was just 14.His lyrics focused mainly onthe gang-related death of hisbrother, and the life-long jail

    sentence of his father. Thetherapeutic rapping eventuallybegan to evolve into a career

    when he moved to NewJersey and formed the A$APCrew, a collection of localteen rappers from aroundthe Jersey area. A localrecord label took notice, andA$AP was soon signed andrecording his first mixtapeLongLiveASAP.

    The album of the samename is an utter masterpiece.Songs like Phoenix and ICome Apart show A$AP still

    struggling with the deathof his brother, and Painshows him still furious at theabandonment by his father.The beats layered over thesetracks (generated by Rockyhimself) are some of themost unique to date; manyof them recycled rhythmsfrom the EDM genre.Collaborations with fellow

    famed artists Skrillex, Drake,Kendrick Lamar, and 2 Chainson Wild For the Night andProblem let loose A$APswild side, and will no doubtbecome radio friendly. The

    ghostly opener Long. Live.A$AP challenges Rockyscompetitors that no one willbe as unique as him. In myoverall opinion, his claim isspot on.

    The album overall surprisedmore than just his anticipatedfans and listeners. Dipping intodifferent genres of R&B, danceand even rock, a well-balancedalbum of slow meaningfultracks and party anthemshas emerged. The only flawthat keeps it from beingAlbum of the Year is a story

    line to give us more insightinto A$APs di st ur bi ngchildhood, and how exactlyhe overcame his suicidaltendencies expressed in manyof his songs. As years continueto pass, and Hollywoodcomes knocking, it can beassumed these backgroundstories will surface, but fornow the album from front toback is satisfying. I hope hissophomore effort, will yetagain exceed expectations.


    With a degree in BroadcastJournalism, recent graduate

    of Suffolk University FarrahChamseddine has loveddesigning from a young age.She remembers always beinginto fashion ever since shewas little. She used to drawdresses, wedding gowns, andjust clothes in general.

    Upon reaching high school,she thought it would be niceto expand herself out ofsomething that she was sopassionate about just to giveherself another option, so shedecided to go into BroadcastJournalism. Nevertheless, she

    always had her heart set infashion.In spring 2012, while taking

    a semester off of school,she saw wrap bracelets andreally loved how they looked.She taught herself how tomake them and began handmaking them for herself. Afterreceiving tons of compliments,personal requests and orders,she thought to start a smallbusiness from this and moveforward from there. She began

    Accessory Alert :

    Oswara Collectionsmaking a lot of handmadewrap bracelets and sellingthem, which led to the start ofher jewelry line, called OswaraCollections, in May of 2012.

    With her handmade

    collection being a bit pricier,she expanded her business bypurchasing wholesale jewelrybecause she thought a lot ofyoung girls would also wantgood quality jewelry at anaffordable price.

    Her handmade wrapbracelets are made out of realleather, beading thread andmarble beads. She receives theleather for the bracelets froma factory in the United Stateswho dye the leather to be thecolor she requests. For onebracelet, she uses about 50 to

    60 beads.When she first started, onewrap bracelet took eight hoursto make. With hopes to makeher work easier, her father, awelder, welded a metal piecefor her that holds the leathermaterial down. Using thethread and clasp, she sewseverything together.

    With her collection,she attempts to attract theyounger generation and peoplewho genuinely appreciate

    handmade jewelry.She also hopes to one day

    have a clothing business andopen a store like H&M andForever 21.

    Be sure to be on thelookout for the Valentines Daypromotion that will be featuredon her website Oswara.comoffree shipping and 20 percentoff everything.

    The wholesale jewelryranges from $4 - $15 and thehandmade collection rangesfrom $20 - $50.

    Maria Baluch

    Journal Contributor

    see Thirtypg. 10

    the f i lm to Define a Decade

    Zero Dark Thirty:Hits Theatres,

    Joey Johnson

    Journal Contributor

    Capturing the emotionsand essence of an entire

    American decade is no easytask, especially when it comesto something as fueled as themanhunt for notorious AlQaeda leader Usama bin Laden.Yet Kathryn Bigelow, directorof 2009s Oscar award-winningwar film The Hurt Locker, doesjust that with her newest f ilm,Zero Dark Thirty. It is a truetour-de-force on nearly everyfront, from its writing and

    directing, to the acting andediting, Zero Dark Thirty isarguably the best film of theyear.

    The film opens with a brutal

    reminder of why this manhuntcarries the importance thatit does; a black screen withaudio tapes playing in thebackground of 911 calls on theday of Sept. 11, 2001. It sets thetone of the film immediately,

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    PAGE 9 January 23, 2013The Suffolk Journal

    "Wallpower!" Exhibit

    Ally Thibault

    Journal Staff

    Overtakes NESAD Gallery

    The raspy voices of TheBeastie Boys echoed through

    the gallery space at SuffolksNew England School of Artand Design to accompany the

    the loud designs and colorsof the Universitys latestexhibit, Wallpower!, duringits closing reception over theholiday weekend. Boston areaartists Cyrille Conan and JohnAxon worked with NESAD

    gallery director James Hullto create and develop theimpressive visual impact of theshow.

    Wallpower was a termcoined in the 90s for thekind of artwork collected bythe wealthy who already hadthe latest technology andcars, Hull explained, Theywanted big, bold art to goalong with their lifestyle.

    The expression refers to theartists ability to use the fullwall space provided to creategraphic, eye-popping pieces.

    Its really about using scaleas a medium, Hull said.

    Along with exploitingthis concept, the show alsojuxtaposes Conans abstract,handmade paintings and liveinstallation process with Axonsmore removed, digitally-oriented approach. Whileboth artists employed vibrantcolors and dizzying designsto work towards the sameeffect, their creative processeswere completely different.Axon, who recently went backto school at MassachusettsCollege of Art and Design,

    does not come from an artisticbackground.

    My last art class beforegoing to Mass Art was probablyfrom the seventh grade, Axonquipped.

    As an avid Ultimate Frisbeeplayer, Axon often foundhimself designing and spraypainting t-shirts for his team.Eventually he began trying silkscreening and printing on theshirts as he discovered a truepassion for art.

    For his massive piecefeatured in Wallpower! thatmeasures approximately 20feet by 11 feet, Axon began the

    work by sketching out tiny oneinch by one inch squares. Hethen scanned the drawings onto

    his computer and manipulatedthem to create a pattern ofwild shapes and colors. Thefinished product plays aroundwith the layer of CMYK (cyan,magenta, yellow, and black)color printing process by both

    using this process to be printedand depicting it symbolicallythrough layer shapes of thebasic digital design colors,according to Hull.

    Hull described Axons pieceas being the cool, removed,digital artists work thatjust appears in the galleryovernight. While Hull andAxon explained though manylaughs and sighs that hangingthe piece in the gallery was infact much more difficult thanthat, its appearance seemsinstant and magical comparedto the live creative processthat was going on at the otherside of the gallery as studentscould see Conan painting awayduring the last week of lastsemester.

    Students got to actuallywitness [Conans installa tion]happen, Hull said, Theyactually saw his creativeprocess unfold.

    Hull believes that this isa great resource and insightfor art students to teach themabout creating their ownexhibits and installations.

    Cyrille was a living person

    working right there in thegallery that students couldinteract with, Hull said.

    Conan was equally thrilledwith the live installa tionexperience that he estimatedtook about 40 to 50 hours tocomplete. I wasnt expectingthe kind of reaction I gotfrom studentsit was a greatsurprise, Conan said, It wasalmost like performance art.Conans pieces range frommassive designs and blocks of

    color painted directly onto thegallery walls to modest-sizedcanvas pieces to even smallerpaintingsagain exploiting

    the concept of scale in art.Growing up in Queens,

    New York, Conan said his art

    is very much influenced byhip hop, street art, and urbandevelopment, as one can plainlysee in the graffiti-like imageryin his pieces and hear in hisinspirational music playlist astracks from Rage Against the

    Machine to Sublime pumpout of the speakers. One keypainting that Conan describedwith a chuckle as definitely aloaded piece depicts a Biblein a recycle bin against abackground of bold graffiti.

    Another more abstract piecehas the word NOD hidden init as a tongue-in-cheek critiqueof how abstract art can becomeelite at times, according toConan.

    Its a helpful hint to theviewer that if they dont get i t,they should just nod and moveon, he explained.

    While he says he usuallydoes have a specific meaningand message in mind for apiece, he leaves his work openfor his audience to take awaywhat meaning they will fromit.

    The Wallpower! show wason display from December 13until the closing reception thispast Saturday. After four yearsas NESADs gallery director,it was James Hulls last showacting in this capacity as theschool is now replacing theindividual position with a

    new committee that will pickshows going forward instead,according to Hull.

    The rest of the showsat NESAD this semesterwill feature student work,beginning with the Stephen D.Paine Scholarship Exhibitionopening on January 31. Checkthe gallerys event pageonline at for the mostup-to-date information.

    Photo courtesy of the James HullArtwork by Cyrille Conan


    BRIEFSLupe's Inagural Fiasco

    Lupe Fiasco was planned to headline the StartUp RockOnconcert on Sunday to celebrate the reelection of PresidentObama, reported The Huffington Post.

    The rapper shocked the crowd by saying he didnt votefor Obama in the recent election and went on to perform a30-minute anti-war song. However, this was not the first timehe had made negative comments about the President. Beforethe release of his album last summer, he referred to Obama asa child-killer.

    Im talking about ordering a drone attack, he said.Ordering drone attacks that go and kill mothers, innocentbystanders, children. Militants too, but the collateral damage.Youre responsible for that, too.

    Organizers of Sundays event said that Fiasco was not kickedoff stage for his anti-Obama comments, but because of hislackluster performance that failed to entertain the crowd.

    This was not about his opinions. Instead, after a bizarrelyrepetitive, jarring performance that let the crowd vocallydissatisfied, organizers decided to move on to the next act,Hypervocal, co-founder ofStartUp RockOn, commented.

    Performers at the weekends official inaugural eventsincluded Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, Alicia Keys, Katy Perry, andJennifer Hudson, all of whom are pro-Obama and were eagerto be a part of the celebration of the Presidents second term.

    Roe v. Wade Anniversaryinspires abortion Documentryat Sundance Film Festival

    The Sundance Film Festival hosted a controversial documentarywill be screened in celebration of the 40th anniversary of Roe v.Wade. The documentary, After Tiller is about Dr. George Tiller,a late-term abortion doctor who was shot and killed in 2009by an anti-abortion advocate, reported The Huffington Post.

    Everything has a risk to it, Dr. Tiller is quoted saying in thebeginning of the film.

    Several years before the completion of After Tiller, the directorsspent a substantial amount of time getting to know these four

    medical professionals. Although the filmmakers stated that theydid not want to create an issue movie, the documentary tends toslant toward the doctors point-of-view and defends their practice.

    Men and women of all ages appear on screen as they arecounseled through their decision on whether to terminatethe pregnancy, most often after finding that their unbornchild would have a serious illness or a reduced quality of life.

    I always come back to the woman and what she isgoing through. Dr. Sella says in the movie, Its not justabout being alive, but its about life and what it will mean.

    According the Sundance Film Guide, After Tillerwill be screened alongside films addressing womenand politics in Sierra Leone, Occupy Wall Street andyoung African-Americans in Americas school systems.

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    PAGE 10 September 19, 2012PAGE 10 January 23, 2013The Suffolk Journal


    KendricK Lamar"Good Kid, m.a.a.d. city"i LiKedrivinGtothisaLbum.

    - meLissahanson


    because booyaKasha.- anGeLabray

    GiorGia"dietroLe apparenze"beLLe canzoni! e un


    - aLLythibuLt

    sKriLLex"banGaranG ep"


    - aLex haLL

    from THIRTY pg. 8

    and puts the viewers attentionin a vice.

    Written by Hurt Lockerscribe Mark Boal, Zero Darkdisplays an excellent balancebetween patriotism andrealism. Its hard not to make afilm depicting the capture and

    execution of Usama bin Ladenan all-out America-fest, butthe film does an excellent jobof not beating the viewer overthe head with an Americanflag, and instead focuses onthe detective-like aspect ofa ten year long manhunt. Itengages the viewer not onlythrough the scope patriotism,but also as a lover of thrills.

    The brilliant JessicaChastain, who plays Maya, aCIA operative recently moved

    from Washington to Pakistan,is the aforementioned pseudo-detective of the film. She givesthe viewers a nice bridge intothe films CIA intense world,and often shares the sentimentsof American citizens duringthis ten year period. Muchlike the audience, she shows a

    massive amount of hesitationand disgust when it comes tothe torturing of insurgents inorder to get information. Buther stubborn perseveranceis to be admired, and manywill feel a strong draw to hercharacter.

    Having devoted her entireadult life to hunting downand capturing Bin Laden, herjourney through the film isone of desperation. She hasthe utmost confidence in her

    work, and Chastain capturesthis essence perfectly. Anothercast member worth mentioningis Jason Clarke, who playsMayas coworker and sort ofguide into the Middle Easternworld. He is ruthless withhis interrogations, but nearlyalways gets results. Clarke feels

    entirely real in this role, notcoming off as being villainous,but very matter-of-fact withhow he gains information. It isthis sort of realism that makeshim all the more interesting.

    Shot with a handheldcamera vibe, Zero Darkfollows closely in the aestheticfootsteps as Hurt Locker, withthe same identifiable sense ofunrelenting instability as theAmerican characters navigatetheir way in an environment

    Joey Johnson

    Journal Contributor

    Night Moves Brings Vintage Rock to Boston

    When first sitting down tolisten to some of the tracksoff of Minneapolis-based NightMoves album ColoredEmotions, its hard notto get the sensation ofbeing transported backin time. The four youngguys from the Midwesthave a sound that is abit of a far cry from

    what most are used to,but thats in no way abad thing. Standing infront of the stage atGreat Scott in AllstonSunday listening to theband fill the space withsweet 70s glam-rocksounds with just a hintof country twang waspositively electric.

    Night Moves wasstarted in 2009 by leadsinger John Pelant,multi-instrumentalistMark Ritsema andbassist Micky Alfano.

    They later addeddrummer Jared Isabellain 2011, which rounded outthe ensemble. Having beenrecently signed to DominoRecords, Night Moves releasedtheir debut album ColoredEmotions in October andhave been on tour ever since,gaining momentum along theway.

    This is our first headliningtour, Pelant said upon takingthe stage at Sundays show.So thats pretty cool.

    We just got done with a

    show at the Mercury Loungein New York that was sold out,and that was really awesome.That was probably our favoriteshow so far, Ritsema stated.

    Each band member hasastounding presence on thestage, and watching them playis hypnotizing. They pull youin to the music exceptionallywell, and listening to themlive is a real treat. The heavybass hits and guitar riffs areall layered expertly on top of

    one another, and they movefrom song to song withouteffort and sometimes withoutdelay. It keeps the focus onthe music, and that makesviewing their live shows verygratifying.

    When making their music,they will often start from theground and work their way up.

    Usually Ill put down somebeats in a program beforehandand write something simplearound it, Pelant explains,and then well layer our wayup from there.

    Having come from a seriesof successful shows beforearriving in Boston, NightMoves is rising through theranks of the indie community.

    The Millennium Club show[in New York] was probably themost exciting one weve hadyet, said Isabella, but we alsohad an almost sold out showat Lincoln Hall in Chicago, andthat was really awesome.

    The group says theirsuccess is thanks to a varietyof reasons; from a great recordlabel to simple hometown love.

    [Minneapolis] has beenreally nice to us, Alfanoexplained, Theres a lot of

    venues and people there thatare really supporting us.

    When asked where theywant to be five years down theroad, the band mostly agreedthat theyd like to continuetouring, and to not be working

    lackluster jobs. They alsostated their next album is inthe works, but not to expect arelease too soon. Were onlymaybe 20 percent of the waydone, Pelant said.

    But whos to say theywont go through moretransitions between now andthen. Everything is a work inprogress for them, includingnames. Our name has changeda few times. One of the firstfew was Cream Cheese, saidPelant. "If you put it in a carstereo itll still read that.Mickys girlfriends mom sawit.

    She did, Alfano saidlaughing.

    Make no mistake; thisbrilliant young groupfrom Minneapolis is a realpowerhouse of talent. Eachone brings something excitingto the table, and as a collectivethey perform masterfully.The next time these guys find

    themselves in Boston, going tosee them is heavily suggested.

    When asked the questionof if you could rewrite thesoundtrack to any movie,which one would it be, thegroup took pause to think.

    Amadeus comes to mindimmediately. I dont reallyknow why, said Alfano.

    I think Id do somethinglike 2 Fast 2 Furious, saidRitsema. Isabella joined onthat answer.

    I would probably do TheBodyguard. With WhitneyHouston, said Pelant.

    Actually, I want to changemy answer to the Blair WitchProject. said Alfano.

    completely unknown to theaudiences. Theres a senseof danger around everycorner as you watch the film,expecting a bomb to go offor a shooter to emerge fromnowhere at every second.Every gunshot and explosionwill shake your seat , or simply

    make you jump out of it. Heartrates will go through the roof,especially as the film nears itsexplosive final scenes.

    Bigelow once againdemonstrates her amazingprowess with creating abelievable military filmexperience, and this may beher best yet. Zero Dark Thirtyis, at its core, thrilling, but itis one of the most cleverly andprofessionally done thrillers todate.

    Interested inarts, musicor culture?come to ourmeetingsTuesday @1PMinDonahue 537

    miGueL"KaLeidoscope dream"can'tstopListeninGto

    thisaLbum #obsess- soLeiL b.

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 1/23/2013


    PAGE 11 September 19, 2012PAGE 11 January 23, 2013The Suffolk Journal

    PAGE 5PAGE 5Opinion




    fromtheMegan Dutra

    Asst. Opinion Editor

    A progressive response to

    the Governor's tax proposal

    Last Wednesday, Jan.15, Governor Deval Patrickdelivered his seventh stateaddress with an ambitiousproposal to raise income taxrates by 1 percent and reducethe sales tax rate by 2 percentin order to compete withsurrounding states. This wouldraise the income tax from thecurrent 5.25 percent to 6.25percent. The extra prospectedearnings were advertised to go

    towards public education andfuture transportation projects.The problem with his ambitiousproposal which StateCongress will be consideringin the upcoming 2013 fiscalyear is not necessarily thesuggested raise, but the fact

    that Massachusetts still uses a

    flat rate income tax system.If any of you are confused

    about what I am talking about,let me break it down for you.Every time you receive apaycheck from your employer,a percentage of your totalearnings is taken out dependingon your reported annualearnings filed on your initialW-2 form filled out at the startof employment. Your employeressentially decides whichfederal and state tax bracketsyou belong in and appliesyour perspective percentagetax to every paycheck. Onthe actual check, these taxesare commonly referred to asstate and federal withholdings.Federal income tax systems,along with the overwhelmingmajority of American states,follow a progressive tax systembroken down by average yearlyearnings.

    Massachusetts is one ofonly seven states that does nothave a progressive tax system.The surrounding states,

    with the exception of NewHampshire (which does nothave any state income tax,)Deval was supposedly referringto all have a reasonable andsuccessful progressive taxsystem. Massachusetts is alsocurrently the state with thehighest percentage rate amongflat income tax rate states. Thenext closest percentage is fromthe state of Illinois, which is asolid 5 percent but is set todecrease to 3.25 percent in thenext two years.

    If the Governors excuse

    for the raise is to competewith these other states, hisargument would be moreconvincing and relevant ifhe were to have proposed aprogressive tax rate. Expectingworkers of the averageminimum yearly income

    bracket to pay thesame incometax rate as themaximum yearlyincome bracketis unfair to thetaxpayers who arealready payingfederal taxes.Flat rate incometaxes are notonly primitive,but also out ofdate for a statewith such a largeand impactedpopulation.

    In additionto the recentlyapproved incometax changes bythe U.S. Congresson the early

    morning of January1, Massachusetts residents

    and workers could nowexpect another 6.25 percenttaken from their paychecksfor the state if the staterepresentatives decide to acton the Governors suggestion.Flat rate income tax systemsare obsolete and should onlybe considered for states withlow populations and averageyearly income rates of roughlythe same amount. If this goesinto action, that would meana person in the lowest federalincome tax bracket wouldgive up 10 percent in federalincome taxes and an extra6.25 percent in state incometax, which would mean thisworker would be paying anannual rate of $1,450.31 insolely income taxes. I dontknow about you, but I wouldprefer to keep as much frommy paycheck as possible,especially when I, a minimumwage college student, will beforced to pay the same tax rateas someone making $400,000or more.

    Photo courtesy WikiMedia Commons

    Dear Students,We hope that you had a

    great winter break as wellas a great Martin LutherKing Day. The StudentGovernment Associationwould like to give a couple

    of updates for this week. LastThursday, President McCarthyintroduced the building plansfor 20 Somerset at the C.Walsh Theatre to membersof the Boston Community,student organizations, andfaculty. 20 Somerset isexpected to be built by 2015.

    He announced that,the community is veryenthusiastic about the plansexpanding the Suffolk campus.The building plans are nowa real project. The planswere announced as follows:

    President McCarthy made itvery clear that the height andwidth of the building is f ixed.We cannot make the buildingeven an inch larger saidthe President. The buildingstands 8 floors high and 2floors below. The pictures andfloor plans are conceptual.20 Somerset will be fullyequipped with a new dininghall, lounge areas for students,science classrooms (notlabs), and conference areas.

    The plaza located in frontof 20 Somerset will be usedfor students although it isowned by Massachusetts.Suffolk has agreed to maintainthis area. Glass will be putaround the entire staircase toencourage students to take thestairs instead of the elevators.There will only be threeelevators in this new building.

    There are 1,200 seats inDonahue, Archer, Fenton,and Ridgeway combined.20 Somerset is expected tohold 1,072 seats. The schoolsplan is to sell Fenton andRidgeway. President McCarthyalso reassures the Suffolkcommunity that it will not loseits gym. They are hoping thatwhoever buys the Ridgewaybuilding, will lease back thegym to Suffolk. However, therewill no longer be a bookstorein the Ridgeway building.Fenton will be completely sold.

    As for Donahue andArcher, these buildings will nolonger be used for classroomactivity. They will be used foroffices. 73 Tremont has twofloors with no activity. Thisarea is 50,000 square feet ofunoccupied space and willbe used for offices as well.The dining hall in Donahuewill no longer be used; adining hall in 20 Somersetwill replace it. PresidentMcCarthy is expecting to havefinalized plans by June 2013.

    The board also met thatThursday, and was able todiscuss some student issues.We would like to welcomeCate Connerty, SGAs new gradfellow. We will be tablingat the Winter InvolvementFair this Thursday from 12-2pm in the 9th floor of 73Tremont. See you there!

    Aaron Swartz should not bedead right now. If you haventheard of him by now, heresa quick rundown. On Jan. 11,the 26-year-old committedsuicide in his Brooklynapartment. Swartz was facingupcoming prosecution andpotentially extensive jail timefor an action he never wentthrough with. While usingMassachusetts Institute ofTechnology hardware and hisstatus as a Harvard Universityfellow, Swartz accessed massquantities of resources rangingfrom academic articles to

    newspaper archives fromJSTOR. The not-for-profitdatabase can be accessedonly by paying a large fee.Those using JSTOR are mostlystudents at universities andcolleges paying millions foraccess to the database. A reportof 113 institutions in 2008-2009showed a median payment of$5 million. If youd like to learnmore about JSTOR, Suffolkstudents can access it throughthe Sawyer Library website.

    Swartz had planned onreleasing the files for freethrough P2P websites, similarto how movies and musicare illegally downloadedevery second. He never

    went through with it.Swartz is also knownfor helping develop RSStechnology and the websiteReddit. In addition to that,Swartz was a huge opponentto the Stop Online Piracy Act(SOPA), which takes the DigitalMillenium Copyright Act andturns it up a few notches.SOPA would have easilycreated an Internet blacklist,taking down websites whichhosted copyrighted material-- it did not specify whetherwebsites hosting materials fornon-commercial, educationalpurposes would be immune.With SOPA, even librarieswould be at risk. About a year

    ago, Swartz helped mobilize

    Internet users, companies,and even key organizationssuch as Wikipedia and Google,against the act. ThroughReddit and Demand Progress,an advocacy group, theInternet became flooded withprotest. SOPA was voted down.

    Swartz believed in the freeflow of information. In theinformation age, anyone withaccess to the Internet shouldbe able to have access to allof the knowledge containedwithin. How can innovationgrow when only the toppercentage of peoples canaccess the knowledge of thepast? The Internet is not onlythe greatest innovation ofour lifetime, but of the entirehistory of communicationsince language was firstintroduced. Knowledge mustbe democratized -- it costsalmost nothing to spread andinform. Sure, there is a rightto publication by copyrightowners -- people make aliving off of that. The freeflow of information is sucha grand idea that there mustbe a way to work throughintellectual property andallow the world to learn.

    Swartz could have facedmore time in jail than a

    pedophile, a tragic commentaryon the current state of ourcountrys justice system. Thisnot only shows the InvisibleHand at work, but just how farthe government, in this caseUS Attorney for MassachusettsCarmen M. Ortiz, will useour tax dollars to prosecutea cause which would educatethe world. There is now aninvestigation into Ortiz, whichbegs the question: Did shewant to make an exampleout of Swartz before hisidea caught on? And: Why?

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    PAGE 12 September 19, 2012PAGE 12 January 23, 2013The Suffolk Journal

    The events at Sandy Hook

    coupled with last summersshooting in a Colorado movietheatre have incited arenewed discussion on thecurrent practices of gunregulation within the UnitedStates. These events havecatalyzed a nation to bringjustice, not only to the familymembers of those who werebrutally injured, but to theentire country. It seems thatan attack on this country isan attack on all, as we are allunited in compassion for theshared feelings of altruism

    towards the victims.Shooters in public locations

    arouse the fear that at anypoint in time we may findourselves the victim in suchan atrocious event. Addingto this scary possibility is theexpanding proximity of theseevents to all of us: whether wehave been on skiing trips toColorado and stopped in for amovie or we know somebodywho knows somebody. Thepoint is, these incidents areextremely close to our heartsand preventing them fromever happening in the future is

    our aim.Opinions from around the

    country are being weighed-inas legislators work ferventlytoward a solution indifferent

    of political agenda. The publiceye has never been more intune to Washington than it hasin recent years. Legislators arebeing heavily scrutinized andevery word analyzed all thewhile, the public is applyingpressure for an expeditedperfect solution.

    However, this is not thefirst time additional guncontrol methods have beendebated by Washington. Aban on assault rifles and highcapacity magazines expired in2004 that was enacted 10 years

    earlier as a reaction to theSan Francisco active shootersituation at 101 California St.

    The Second Amendmentstates, A well regulated militia,being necessary to the securityof a free state, the right of thepeople to keep and bear arms,shall not be infringed. As aresult, it is clear that neitherthe Senate, nor the President,nor any citizen or foreigner,is acting within its legaljurisdiction to infringe upongun ownership without dueregard (due regard in this caseis referring to legal citizenry,

    prior criminal activities, andother reasonable restrictions.)

    It is obvious that guns arenot simply going to disappear.Many law enforcement agents

    would refuse to enforceanything to the extent ofinfringing upon civil liberties:they are there to protect thoseliberties in the first place,working hand-in-hand withthe citizen. So what exactlyis the solution, and moreimportantly, what exactly isthe enemy: The Constitution,the person, or the gun?

    The facts and statisticsmay imply one direction oranother, such as renewingthe Violent Crime Controland Law Enforcement Act

    of 1994. Although, of the6,000 gun related offensesnationwide in 2012, a mere350 occurred using any kindof rifle whatsoever. Perhapsthe heinousness of crimesin which assault rifles areused is so severe to providelegitimization of a renewedban on manufacturing assaultrifles and high capacitymagazines, but the empiricalevidence does not support it.

    The entire nation is affectedby the reality of the trendthat an event will happenagain, and the entire nation

    is determined to assuage thatevents occurrence. PerhapsAmerica may already have asolution in a different instance.

    At nearly every public place

    or event there is never a lawenforcement agent too faraway waiting to answer thecall and protect the public.Yet in another place such as aschool where the days eventsare public knowledge andconstantly governed by thechime or gong of the intercomsystem, this place becomes thecenter of innocence and to theill-willed, an easy target. Itskind of similar to a plane whereonce the tires leave the runwayno one can get off without theplane landing. The solution

    to ensuring the safety of thepassengers, crew and the planeitself was to install randomlydirected Federal Marshallswith specialized training as asometimes psychological ora physical deterrent to anypotential criminal activity thatmay be planned or attemptedonboard an aircraft.

    As for a movie event, aswas the event in Colorado,there is no reason why lawenforcement officers couldntreevaluate the venues lackingattention and remediate thosesituations. Localities can

    hire more law enforcementindividuals, and in some cases,shift focus from revenuegenerating activities to a moredynamic force working with

    the public to ensure just ends.A national tax on gun

    sales may provide funding forrandomly appointed substituteteacher marshals or perhapsprior law enforcement now inthe education industry mayanonymously volunteer foradditional training. A local taxor fee may be levied upon gunsales to facilitate additionallaw enforcement personnelhires or altered emphasis topolice public gatherings.

    Whatever the means to thesolution, it is important we

    focus on the actual problem,rather than nonsensicalperipheries, and that problemis terror. Just as terror wasaddressed by implementinganonymous Federal Marshallson aircraft, so should terrorbe the focus here. Everyoneagrees that the empiricalevidence of America as theglobal leader in criminalactivity needs to be addressed,but reaching a mutuallyacceptable agreement has, andwill continue to be, the largestchallenge to all of us.

    President Obama haspresented America with a planto create more gun laws. Forsome, this is a blessing, butfor others this is viewed as

    yet another Obamanationto our long standingConstitution.

    Our country wasdeeply saddened anddisgusted by the horrifictragedy of the SandyHook Elementary Schoolmassacre an event thatgoes beyond our levelof comprehension in somany ways. Involvingthis tragedy in a politicaldebate is repugnant.These children weremassacred by a gun thatwas not licensed to its killer,but obtained from yet anothercriminal act, theft: making thisman a criminal with a gun.

    The various law enforcementofficers who risked their livesto save these innocent victimscame into the building withguns. This is the harsh reality;the only way to stop a badguy with a gun is a good guywith a gun. Criminals willobtain guns no matter whatthe restrictions may be. As forlaw abiding citizens? They are

    left defenseless. Nine out of 10criminals prefer gun control,but why? You are simplytipping the scale in their favor:less to worry about when theydecide to rob a house or holdup a convenience store.

    So before you count your

    blessings, consider this:

    crimes committed by lawfulconcealed carry permit holdersare virtually nonexistentand about 95 percent of guncrimes have been committedwith a gun that was obtainedillegally. According to thecourt case Warren v. Districtof Columbia, Police personnelas well as the governmentemploying them owe no dutyto victims of criminal acts andthus are not liable for a failureto provide adequate policeprotection unless a special

    relationship exists.Does this mean that police

    and emergency personnelwill not do everything intheir power to protect you?Absolutely not It simplymeans that one cannot expectpolice to be at every given

    emergency situation at the

    drop of a dime consideringyou are not the only humanbeing who may be in dangerat that given moment. Thismay provide some context toprove the repetitive commentthat the Second Amendmentis no longer a necessaryamendment. The SecondAmendment was created in thebest interest of the people byour founding fathers and it isour duty to protect it. A freesociety should not need to askits government for permission

    to protect itself.One of the many details in

    President Obamas proposalincludes a ban on assaultweapons. Many citizens jumpto the conclusion that theseguns are not necessary forthe average citizen and that

    having them remain legal forpurchase anduse could causethe most dire ofconsequences.Consider this:assault weaponsare very similarto huntingrifles andshotguns. Theyhave the samesemiautomaticaction andfeatures, buttypically pack a

    smaller punch.If you dont believe this,

    fire three shots from an AR-15,three shots from a Remington.30/06 hunting rifle, and threeslug rounds from a Browningshotgun. Then pick which oneyou would like to get hit withthe least. You will be surprisedto find that the largest woundinflicted by one shot would bethe Browning shotgun, thenthe Remington rifle, and finallythe AR-15 assault rifle. Allthree guns are semiautomatic

    and all three guns have similarfeatures. But only one is indanger of being banned: theone with the smallest bullet. Itis hard to try and differentiatebetween types of guns (huntingrifle vs. assault rifle) as theyare essentially the same.

    Although people feelassault rifles are scary, theyare really just a more tacticalversion of a hunting rifle andare utilized in competition.Whatever your reasoningmay be sport, collection, orprotection within reasonablelimits it should be yourchoice which type of firearmyou select.

    As stated by Keith Morgan,president of the WestVirginia Citizens DefenseLeague, People are killedin greater number by cars,bats, hammers, hands, andfeet. Examining the tool andattempting to ban the toolwill have absolutely no effect.Were dealing with a peopleproblem. Weve got to find apeople solution. I will leaveyou with three conclusions:more gun control leads tomore crime; gun control is notabout guns, it is about control;and finally, those who sacrificetheir freedoms for the sake ofsecurity will lose both.

    "Attempting to ban the toolwill have absolutely no effect"

    Photo courtesy WikiMedia Commons

    Shayne C. DunbaughJournal Contributor

    Julianne HollandJournal Staff

    Aim to address terror issues, not gun issues

  • 7/29/2019 The Suffolk Journal 1/23/2013


    PAGE 13 September 19, 2012PAGE 13 January 23, 2013The Suffolk Journal


    The following opinion piece

    contains information about

    sexual assault.

    Three things coincided thispast Monday, Jan. 21, 2013.There was President BarackObamas Inauguration, MartinLuther King Day, as well asNational Gun Appreciation day.Firearm enthusiasts rejoiced asothers scratched their heads atthe obvious displacement ofone.

    Progress is a word thatshould hold certain gravity yet

    in the past few months withmultiple shootings, a gangrape occurring in Ohio thatscurrently being swept underthe rug, and the love of gunsoverriding the love of life itsdifficult to imagine the idea ofprogress actually turning intoa reality. In the past four years,President Obama has beenforced to tread the waters interms of upsetting Congressand the Republican Party. Yeton Monday, audiences borewitness to a new, invigoratedObama who was seeminglydone with beating aroundthe bush and decided to facethe countrys most prevalentissues head on.

    Its being said that Obamagave what could arguably beone of the most progressiveinauguration speeches. It hiton points that many beforehim were fearful to mention,such as LGBTQ rights and therights they should undoubtedlyshare with the rest of theworld. He said, Our journeyis not complete until ourgay brothers and sisters aretreated like anyone else under

    the law for if we are trulycreated equal, then surely thelove we commit to one anothermust be equal as well.

    This is a huge stanceto take with such a largeaudience looking on and theimpact is not slight. He wenton to mention the fight wehave ahead of us to make surethat women are treated withthe same respect and grantedthe same rights that menare given without question.He mentioned his hope inhandling the immigration

    system and allowing peoplethe same opportunities andsuccesses that the United

    States used to pride itself onfor delivering.

    He spoke about fighting tokeep children from anywherein the country safe fromviolence, and yes: that is himalluding to gun control.

    After months ofcampaigning, debates, andspeeches, Obama finallymentioned that climate changeis in fact a real thing not theBig Foot-like myth that FoxNews wishes you to believe and something needs to bedone about it. To further his

    points, he made mention ofStonewall, Seneca Falls, andSelma, Alabama. This mattersbecause not only does itreference that all three aremajor marching grounds forequality, but all three were alsogreat landmarks for change.

    Change: that operativeword when it comes toObama. Selma is consideredto be the starting grounds forthe black-rights movement,Seneca Falls in New Yorkis where the first womensrights convention was held,and then he mentionedStonewall. Stonewall was apopular gay bar in the 1960swhere, when during a raid,the men fought back at thepolice trying for their arrest.All three were monumentalmoments for each and everyfight for equality, but theywere also in the past. So whymention them now?

    Today there is still sexism,racism, and homophobia, yetwe have a President whois willing to stand beforemillions and speak outagainst all of those crimes:

    whether they are violent such as a school shooting or non-violent such as equalpay for women.

    Undoubtedly, there of thosewho either believe these to beempty words, but no matterwhat: they were said, theywere heard, and as peoplewe can just hope that theyreacted on. Progress is necessaryand maybe, despite thetroubling actions of late, werefinally headed in the correctdirection.

    Photo courtesy WikiMedia Commo