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Page 1: THE PALEO LIFESTYLEThe gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin, was the first to realize the benefits of a Paleo diet. His book, "The Stone Age Diet," discusses how we as humans really

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Page 2: THE PALEO LIFESTYLEThe gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin, was the first to realize the benefits of a Paleo diet. His book, "The Stone Age Diet," discusses how we as humans really

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Page 3: THE PALEO LIFESTYLEThe gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin, was the first to realize the benefits of a Paleo diet. His book, "The Stone Age Diet," discusses how we as humans really

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Paleo Diet Defined ......................................................................................................................................... 4

Paleo Diet Benefits ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Paleo Diet Basics ........................................................................................................................................... 6

What to Eat................................................................................................................................................. 6

Protein Foods ............................................................................................................................................. 6

Vegetables ................................................................................................................................................. 7

Other .......................................................................................................................................................... 8

Foods to Eliminate ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Tips for Living the Paleo Lifestyle ................................................................................................................. 10

Paleo Desserts............................................................................................................................................. 11

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 12

Page 4: THE PALEO LIFESTYLEThe gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin, was the first to realize the benefits of a Paleo diet. His book, "The Stone Age Diet," discusses how we as humans really

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Paleo Diet Defined

Everyone who has gone through school or college has heard of the Caveman. The caveman lived

approximately 2 1/2 million years ago in the Paleolithic era and mainly ate naturally from foods

provided by Mother Earth.

The caveman hunted and searched for foods that were available to him in his time period—hence the

“Paleo” diet. These foods were all natural and therefore he hunted for such things as seafood, meat,

vegetables, nuts, roots, seeds or fruit. Basically, any food that was growing near where he lived.

There are various names for the Paleo diet such as “Stone Age Diet” or “Primal Diet,” etc. Basically,

the diet means that you can eat anything that can be grown or gathered naturally—no preservatives

and no processed foods.

If you think that McDonald’s or Burger King is on this diet, this diet is definitely not for you.

Our digestive systems can’t handle the artificial ingredients that are added to most foods today.

Whether it is meat or vegetables, an additive has most likely been added. That is why organically

grown or grass-fed animals are the best types of food in our current day and age.

So you ask then “what is the Paleo Diet?”

The Paleo Diet follows the foods that the caveman used to eat. The caveman only captured animals

roaming the forests or range, they only pulled vegetables or roots from the ground, picked fruits from

the trees, etc. This diet follows those principles. Natural foods all the way.

We have become so used to the processed foods we eat today that we don’t know any other type of

food. For those who eat organically, they are following the diet pretty closely without even knowing it.

Nothing has really changed. We still need to eat the way of the caveman but it is just too convenient

to eat convenience food, fast food and just plain old junk food.

The gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin, was the first to realize the benefits of a Paleo diet. His

book, "The Stone Age Diet," discusses how we as humans really are carnivores, and how we need

fats, proteins and a small amount of carbs to perform at our optimal best.

Obesity is becoming a global problem but it is especially problematic in the United States. The foods

that are consumed the most contain preservatives, sugars and are usually fried.

With obesity running rampant and the public becoming acutely aware of the problem, more and more

people are interested in finding out how to live and eat healthy.

Page 5: THE PALEO LIFESTYLEThe gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin, was the first to realize the benefits of a Paleo diet. His book, "The Stone Age Diet," discusses how we as humans really

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Paleo Diet Benefits

There are numerous advantages to partaking in the Paleo Diet. There has been more and more

research conducted these days on the proven ways that eating the Paleo way will not only allow you

to become healthy it also has many benefits for you personally.

When you see and feel the immediate benefits of the Paleo lifestyle, you won’t ever want to go back

to the way you look at or consume food again. Change your food, change your quality of life.

Feel Better- Just by changing what you eat will make you instantly feel better. You will notice

that you are not as lethargic. Eating foods without additives or preservatives will take away

that heavy feeling you get after finishing a meal. Every person’s experience is different so try it

for a month and see the difference for yourself.

Improve Digestion- Not only will you feel better, you may clear up some illnesses you might

have been experiencing. By eating only natural foods, you may see your Crohn’s or Irritable

Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms clear up. How would that feel to be disease free knowing all

it took was changing your diet?

Fight Disease- Not only will you be able to clear up bowel syndromes, the Paleo Diet and

lifestyle could possibly help you to prevent diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, strokes,

and different types of cancer.

Lose fat- One of the best benefits of the Paleo diet, and it is really a side effect, is that even

though it is not considered a diet, people lose weight because of the change to your diet and

the foods you are eating. Everything that you eat on the Paleo diet is considered healthy

allowing your body to use all the proteins you need. When your body runs out of the proteins it

goes after the fat. You can eat lots of delicious food without counting calories.

Reduce Acne– Have you noticed that your acne becomes worse while eating some foods and

not others? Acne appears when something called sebum becomes over-produced. The

glands enlarge and pimples form. While eating the foods on the Paleo diet, you don’t get

these spikes or boosts in sebum which produces the acne. Smooth skin is something

everyone wants—especially teenagers.

Page 6: THE PALEO LIFESTYLEThe gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin, was the first to realize the benefits of a Paleo diet. His book, "The Stone Age Diet," discusses how we as humans really

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Paleo Diet Basics

The Paleo Diet is really simple. There is no counting calories. The only change that you are going to

make to the way you eat is the fact that you will be eating all real foods—nothing processed.

The only daily rules that should be adhered to while on the diet are as follows:

Calories from animals: Fifty-six to Sixty-five percent

Calories from plant-based foods: Thirty-six to Forty-five percent

Calories from proteins: Nineteen to Thirty-five percent

Calories from carbs: Twenty-two to Forty percent

Calories from fat: Twenty-eight to Fifty-eight percent

What to Eat

The following gives you a small sample of the foods that you may eat while on the Paleo Diet. Feel

free to experiment and mix it up. Not everyone is going to like or have access to wild game meats.

Not everyone likes fish. Eat what looks and tastes good to you.

The basic rule on the Paleo Diet is that you may eat anything that is natural. And, no, contrary to

popular belief hot dogs and mac/cheese are NOT natural!

Once you start eating the Paleo way you will not want to go back to processed foods ever again.

Protein Foods

Meat Shellfish Poultry Fish Eggs Game

Beef Abalone Chicken* Bass Chicken Bear

Pork Clams Game Hen* Cod Goose Caribou

Lamb Crab Turkey* Eel Duck Deer

Veal Crayfish Grouper Goose

Goat Lobster Haddock Quail

Rabbit Mussels Halibut Snake

Oysters Pike Turtle

Page 7: THE PALEO LIFESTYLEThe gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin, was the first to realize the benefits of a Paleo diet. His book, "The Stone Age Diet," discusses how we as humans really

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Scallops Snapper Venison

Shrimp Tilapia Boar

[*Note: All Breast Meat]

Trout Wild Turkey



Root Mushroom Squash Green/ Leafy Standard

Carrots Shiitake Acorn Endive Cabbage

Beets Crimini Buttercup Arugula Cucumber

Artichokes Morel Butternut Kale Avocado

Radish Portabella Spaghetti Watercress Eggplant

Turnips Chanterelle Zucchini Lettuce Celery

Rutabaga Button Yellow Summer Spinach Bell Peppers

Oyster Crookneck Collard Greens Broccoli

Porcini Pumpkin Swiss Chard Green Onions

Turnip Greens Cabbage

Page 8: THE PALEO LIFESTYLEThe gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin, was the first to realize the benefits of a Paleo diet. His book, "The Stone Age Diet," discusses how we as humans really

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Nuts/Seeds Fruits Fats Spices Herbs

Cashews Kiwi Olive Oil Onions Sage

Almonds Banana Coconut Oil Garlic Thyme

Walnuts Cantaloupe Lamb Fat Turmeric Mint

Hazelnuts Cherries Nut Butter Cinnamon Coriander

Pumpkin Orange Duck Fat Nutmeg Chives

Pecans Lemon Canola Oil Cloves Parsley

Macadamia Papaya Avocado Oil Vanilla Lavender

Pine Peaches Walnut Oil Cumin Tarragon

Chestnuts Plums Flaxseed Oil Black Pepper Oregano

Sesame Apple Ginger Dill

Sunflower Grapes (all in moderation: 4 TBSP or less a day for optimal weight loss)

Cayenne Pepper Bay Leaves

Pistachios Apricot Fennel Seeds

Other Foods that are allowed in moderation only:

Diet Sodas, Beer, Coffee, Spirits (four ounces), Tea, Wine (Two four-ounce glasses)

Dried Fruits (Two ounces)

Nuts mixed with dried fruit and fresh fruits (no more than four ounces of nuts and Two ounces dried fruit/day)

Page 9: THE PALEO LIFESTYLEThe gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin, was the first to realize the benefits of a Paleo diet. His book, "The Stone Age Diet," discusses how we as humans really

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Foods to Eliminate

The main food group to eliminate on the Paleo Diet is the processed food group. This group of food contains so much toxicity to your body that it is a wonder we are all not sick. The foods in this group cause us to be malnourished. With our lifestyles in today’s world, it is easy to stop by the fast food joint and pick up a bag of burgers, a bucket of chicken or some other food that is entirely wrong for our bodies. These foods do nothing as far as nutritious value. Unfortunately, we do entirely too much damage to our bodies and it continues year after year until we finally start developing all sorts of illnesses and can’t really figure out how it happened. Here are a few other food groups to stay away from while detoxing your body and living/eating the Paleo lifestyle way:

Legumes: All beans including soybeans and all soybean products including Tofu

Vegetables: All starchy vegetables

Grains: Barley, Corn, Oats, Rice, Rye, Sorghum, Wheat, Wild Rice

Pasta: All types

Dairy: All processed foods made with any dairy products

Self-Containing Foods: bacon, salami, hot dogs, deli meats, sausages, cheese, etc.

Fatty Meats: Bacon, Chicken/Turkey legs, pork ribs, any fatty meat, pork sausage

Soft Drinks/Fruit Juices: All sugary soft drinks

Sweets: Candy, Honey, Sugars Complete some research on the internet or buy a book on the Paleo Diet for an approved food list.

Page 10: THE PALEO LIFESTYLEThe gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin, was the first to realize the benefits of a Paleo diet. His book, "The Stone Age Diet," discusses how we as humans really

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Tips for Living the Paleo Lifestyle

With our busy lifestyles today, we need to keep on top of things if we want to stay eating the Paleo

way. Once you get organized, this way of life becomes second nature and you will find there really

isn’t much to it except the time that it takes you to make sure you stay away from all those evil

processed foods.

Making the change over to the Paleo Lifestyle will not only make you look and feel better, if you have

a family, it will also improve their health and have immediate benefits. Your kids may grumble at first,

but showing them how to live a healthy life will be something they will thank you for later in life.

Although stopping at the drive-thru is easier at the moment, think about the long-term effects all of

that junk food is having on your body. It really isn’t that hard to switch over to the Paleo Lifestyle so

here are a few tips to get you started:

Get Organized- You have to start somewhere so do your research and get prepared. You are

going to need to have all of the Paleo foods on hand so you can prepare meals, school

lunches and snacks for your family. With the junk food gone, there will be no temptation to

stray from the diet.

Food Shopping- Since you only want natural, lean meats, vegetables and fruits you might want

to see if there is a farmers market or natural food store in your area. Short of that, just be

aware when you go to the grocery store to be on the lookout for these items.

Clear the Junk Food out- You will be replacing all of that junk food with only fresh, healthy

foods. These foods will be much more satisfying and nutritious. It will take you and/or your

family a little time to get used to these foods but it will become secondhand in no time. Toss

all of the non-approved foods such as cereals, pasta and processed foods.

Rethink the Cooking/Recipes-If you are like most humans, we grew up with recipes that were

passed down from generation to generation. Or, we have our own favorites. Make

substitutions with your new-found healthy foods. You will be surprised as to what you come up

with on your own. If not, look for cookbooks at your local bookstore of order them online for

fresh, new ideas.

Condiments- Most of the condiments such as ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc. are

absolutely not allowed on the Paleo Diet. If you get a little creative, you can make your own.

You can make them ahead and have them on-hand all the time. Remember, this is a lifestyle

change which means you need to think about the foods that you will be consuming versus

grabbing some previously unhealthy choice.

Page 11: THE PALEO LIFESTYLEThe gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin, was the first to realize the benefits of a Paleo diet. His book, "The Stone Age Diet," discusses how we as humans really

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Paleo Desserts

One of the hardest things for people to do on the Paleo Diet is to give up their desserts. Hold on! Do

not panic! There is a huge variety of ways to make or buy desserts without all those nasty

preservatives. There are a lot of Paleo approved desserts online or in Paleo dessert cookbooks.

The good thing about the Paleo desserts is that they are healthy and you will not feel like your

stomach is full of gluten weighing you down. People do not realize how much of an effect gluten has

on your stomach.

There are exceptions to every rule and if you have children and they want a regular birthday cake—

go ahead. As with other special celebrations, you can break the rules every now and then. As long

as it is within reason you will be allowed to have that sweet treat. Let’s use the honor system here


Here is a list of whole food substitutions you can use to whip up delicious Paleo-friendly desserts:

Coconut Milk- this is a liquid that is made from the grated meat of a brown coconut. Coconut

milk contains lauric acid which helps to improve the immune system. You can use this oil to

make homemade ice cream, hot cocoa, or pudding to name a few.

Coconut Oil- this is an edible oil which is extracted from the meat of coconuts. Coconut Oil is

high in saturated fat so it therefore oxidizes rather slowly preventing it from spoiling quickly.

The oil will last in a can up to two years.

Almond flour- this type of flour is made from ground, sweet almonds. The almonds you use to

make this type of flour are the blanched typed—in other words, no skin on the almond. After

being ground, the flour is similar to the consistency of corn meal or wheat flour.

Raw Honey– Because raw honey is made naturally, it is considered a sweetener on the Paleo

Diet list. Take note though: raw honey is very high in calories and can raise your sugar levels

if you are a diabetic. You can use this honey as a sugar substitute.

Cocoa-usually comes in an unsweetened, dark chocolate form. Cocoa butter has been

extracted from the cacao beans leaving the cocoa and is used as cocoa powder, cocoa and

cacao. Cocoa contains antioxidants.

Pure Vanilla Extract– You probably have this ingredient on hand if you do any type of baking.

Be sure to buy the pure vanilla extract and not the vanilla that says it is vanilla flavored.

Nuts– nuts are allowed on the Paleo diet because they contain the good fats that your body

craves. You probably already keep on hand a variety for cooking: pecans, almonds,

hazelnuts, and macadamia. You can use these nuts in candies, a spice nut blend or crusts for

your pies.

Frozen Fruit- take fresh fruit and freeze it to be used later in smoothies or sorbets. You can

put grapes, cherries, blueberries and bananas, etc. right into the freezer for use at a later time.

Dates- contain simple sugars like fructose and dextrose. Dates are naturally sweet. Dates

can be used for baking and also great for a type of thickening or pasting agent when making

snack bars.

Page 12: THE PALEO LIFESTYLEThe gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin, was the first to realize the benefits of a Paleo diet. His book, "The Stone Age Diet," discusses how we as humans really

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The Paleo Lifestyle and Diet are a proven method for you to lose weight and live a healthier life.

If you add exercise, not hard-core but mild amounts, to your daily routine you will see results even


Either way, just by changing your eating habits you will start to lose weight naturally. You will not

believe the difference in a short amount of time.

Stick with the Paleo Diet and you will become tone before you know it. You will not only lose the

pounds but you will also notice an increased amount of energy compared to the way you used to feel.

Why wouldn’t you want to start feeling stronger, more energetic, and mentally sharper just by making

minimal changes to your food consumption?

The Paleo Diet is really not as restrictive as it seems. This is more of a lifestyle change and you have

to mentally convince yourself of all the benefits to this type of lifestyle versus your old way of living.

You will be opening your eyes (and stomach) to a whole new way of delicious, nutritious eating.

What have you got to lose? Just a few pounds of fat that’s all! Once you see your body start to

transform you will never go back to your previous lifestyle which included mass quantities of junk and

processed foods.

Weaning yourself off of unhealthy foods will allow you to get the most out of life while enjoying a

healthy, fit life.

Try the Paleo Diet today and see how you feel in a month. I bet you won’t go back!

Recommended Resources:

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