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The Motivation Fix

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The Motivation Fix

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The Motivation Fix

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Introduction Hey! This is Kate Vidulich from and I’m really excited to share my step-by-step guide to give you a plan to boost your motivation, change your habits and help you lose the weight – and keep it off for good! When it comes to losing weight, diet and exercise are often prescribed as the “keys” to success. But are they really enough? What if the biggest obstacle to your weight loss success was deeper than you thought? A recent survey in the Consumer Reports National Research Center asked psychologists what people found was the #1 obstacle with weight loss…The result? Emotions were far and away the most popular response. Yes, your emotions are working against you to sabotage your weight loss goals. So if you’ve ever felt guilty after eating a meal… or felt too “down” to exercise… or even found yourself in a trance in front of your refrigerator as you gobbled down that chocolate bar… … then you’ve experienced the emotions standing in the way of your weight loss. But you DON’T have to be a victim anymore. You can conquer your emotions, put your brain back in check, take control and achieve your weight loss and health goals. And the best part? The solutions are much simpler than you might think. In just a minute, I’ll share my top habit and motivation strategies to beat your renegade emotions. Keep in mind… Changing your life means stepping out of your comfort zone. It won’t be easy… but I believe in you!

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Be patient, persistent, and committed – and you will see lasting results! To your success, Kate Vidulich BSc, ACSM HFS, Master CTT Author of Fat Loss Accelerators P.S. For more awesome fat burning workouts, check out: – our awesome blog, dedicated to metabolic training and how to accelerate fat loss results. It’s a must read. Facebook page – Yes, we’re rocking out on FB and you’re welcome to join the party. Come and hang out with us.

Legal Disclaimer You must get physician’s approval before beginning this program.

The information presented in this work is for education purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not intended this way or as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program, for diagnosis and treatment of illness and injuries, and for advice regarding medications. This program is designed for healthy individuals over 18 years old. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions. You must undergo a complete physical examination by a physician if you are sedentary, if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, if you are overweight, have diabetes or are over 30 years old. By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Outback Fitness LLC, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, remise, discharge, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Outback Fitness LLC, or its affiliates, joint ventures, partners, contractors, or independent contractors as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program. This is a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this Terms, Conditions, Waiver and Releases is held to be invalid, the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect.     If your physician recommends you not to use Fat Loss Accelerators workout programs, please listen to your physician and follow this advice.

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Strategy #1: Master Your Emotions… Taking control of your emotions and self-talk is a phenomenal first step in achieving weight loss success. Here’s a step by step guide to mastering your emotions! Without your control, all the exercise and dieting in the world WON’T work. Step #1: Become Conscious Before you conquer your emotions… simply practice being aware of them. That little voice inside our heads is not a friendly one, and we often just let it crush our spirit. We let it tell us we’re fat, we’re a loser, or we’re going to fail… and that we’ll never lose weight. And we keep letting it talk down to us like that all the time. How are we supposed to succeed in losing weight… let alone ANYTHING in our lives… if we let our inner voice take control and make us feel we’re a failure all the time? This negative self-talk is GUARANTEED to affect your mood, your drive, and your willingness to actually try to lose weight and be health. Fact of the matter is… if you want to lose weight successfully, you’ve got to learn how to change your inner voice. The Fix: Rewrite the Script The first step in this process is to simply start disconnecting from the inner voice. Acknowledge that this voice is simply your brain making sense of the environment around it… and NOT your actual voice. You can then start to separate yourself from the chatter inside of your mind, and start to pay attention to what it’s actually saying. Here’s how to do it… Sit in a quiet area, and just listen to your inner voice. Listen to what it’s saying to you, what beliefs it’s trying to push on you. Also, pay careful attention to the emotions the voice is bringing up in you.

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Is the voice hurtful? Is it uplifting or is it holding you back and putting you in a negative place? If this voice were an actual friend of yours, would you listen to it? Would you let them talk to you like that? If not, then now is the time to put a stop to it. When you hear this inner voice saying negative things and dragging you down, interrupt the voice and call it out for what it really is: lies. Say these 2 simple words out loud: “Cancel, cancel” And replace those thoughts with a positive mantra – a good one can simply be “I am good enough” Step #2: Acceptance Now you’ve started to get a handle on your inner voice, the next step is to build self-acceptance. That simply means you tell yourself “I am good enough.” But it’s one thing for you to say it… it’s another thing entirely for you to actually BELIEVE it. And that’s our next step… cultivating belief in yourself and boosting your self-esteem. If we don’t actually believe in ourselves, our abilities, and don’t accept ourselves for who we are – then we will NEVER succeed in losing weight. The Fix: Love Yourself You may not be in love with yourself now. Fair enough. You may look in the mirror and be very unhappy with what you see. Maybe you’re carrying a few extra pounds… or a lot of extra pounds. And while yes, being overweight is a symptom of a stronger, underlying health condition that needs to be addressed…

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You’re NEVER going to be able to solve that underlying problem unless you accept yourself FIRST. So when you’re approaching your weight loss, the inner dialogue isn’t “I’m worthless, I’m hideous, this is terrible, I hate myself.” This language does NOT serve you, and will only hurt you and prevent you from losing weight. There are 3 steps… (A) Recognize you have a health challenge you need to address. (B) Accept this is where you are right now (and it’s OK) because you are going to take control and fix it starting now. (C) Take daily action to address the problem. Step #3: Learn From Your Mistakes Everyone has made mistakes in their journey toward getting the lean, defined body they want. But what differentiates the people who ACTUALLY succeed, versus those that crash and drop out? It’s their attitude and their BELIEFS about mistakes. If you allow your inner critic to convince you that every mistake you make means you’re worthless… or that you’re a failure… or that it’s not even worth continuing – you will NOT succeed! Instead… The Fix: Turn Mistakes Into Opportunities Mistakes should be thought of simply as opportunities to learn. If you make a mistake on your journey to better health, it is not the end of the world. Your self worth is not determined by mistakes and it does NOT affect your value as a person. So ACCEPT that mistakes happen, notice WHY they happen and move on.

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Strategy #2: Focus On What You Can Eat – Not What You Can’t… Have you ever picked up a new diet, and immediately thought of all the things you CAN’T eat? Yeah, me too. It’s not fun. Why is it when you can’t have something, you want it even more? Here are 3 reasons why this happens… 1. “Psychological Reactance” People don’t like to be told they can’t have something. It’s related to not wanting to be controlled by others, especially if the situation feels unfair. That’s why if you have a list of forbidden foods – you’re more likely to crave it – even if you never fancy it. The “reactance” is both emotional and behavioural. 2. Heightened Attention When something is forbidden, you immediately pay more attention to it. So if you’re on an extremely restricted diet, you sometimes get too focused on what you can’t eat. This heightened attention – which can escalate into obsession – make the forbidden food seem very important. Your inner little monster comes out to play and tries to convince you that you MUST have that ice cream or burger. 3. Perceived Scarcity If something is scarce or in short supply, it’s perceived value increases. You want it more because you think it’s running out of supply or other people want it. If you’ve ever been bid at auctions, you know the last-minute excitement as you watch the bids spiral upwards. The more people who bid, the more

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people are willing to pay for the item. Your inner little monster wants it at any cost. The idea is to keep the little monster under control, and your goal is to concentrate on the delicious foods you CAN eat. You need to think of food as your fuel, and the pathway to more energy. Energizing Whole foods => feeling awesome Processed, sugary foods => feeling sluggish and unwell. So start by ADDING foods into your meal plan, before you subtract. Strategy #3: Use Visualization and Connect With Your “Why” It's really important to connect with your “why” and understand the reason you want to lose weight. Your underlying goal is a major motivator. Sure, you want to lose 10 pounds - but WHY? Why right now? Following these 5 tips will help you find your inner drive will be a powerful motivator on the days you want to hit snooze and roll over. #1: Visualization For Success: Your Journey to Success and the Mindset to Get You There You need to get focused, and visualize exactly where to want to be. To re-invent yourself, not only do you need to change your attitude and your outlook towards food and exercise. Most importantly, you need to change how you view yourself. #2: What Is Your Reason Why? Why are you doing this? Why is this a “must” right now? There needs to be a powerful driving force behind your journey, something close to your heart that will help you to push through the difficult stages (like now). Connecting with your “why” and understanding it will help you make the right choices to reach your goals. 99% of people who skip this step fail.

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So write down your reason why and post it somewhere (the fridge or freezer is great!) to remind yourself. #3: How to Use Visualization to Succeed This is a VERY important step. Do not skip it even if you feel silly doing it. Close your eyes. Think about what it is you want to achieve. How do you want your body to look? How do you want it to feel when you reach your goal? How will you be different? Get a clear vision in your mind of how you will look and feel. It may be fuzzy at first, or you may not be able to see anything. Practice this every day. With practice your vision will become clear, and connecting with this vision will make it a reality. #4: What is Your Mantra? Each time you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, lack motivation or don’t have the energy to workout, connect and focus on your vision of success. Use a phrase to remind you of your reason why and to motivate you. Examples: “I will succeed” “One step and day at a time” “Keep moving forward” “I am strong beyond belief” “I have the power to make the right choices” #5: Bonus Tips for Visualization Success - Eliminate the negative, self-limiting thoughts as mentioned in Strategy #1 - Surround yourself with a supportive social network. Associating with healthy, fit people will have a positive influence on you - Act and Be Confident you WILL succeed

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- Celebrate the small victories: reward yourself for each achievement - No more excuses: take ownership for your choices. The sacrifices you make will be worth it if your reason “why” is strong enough You CAN do this. Stay Strong! Strategy #4: Set Achievable Process Goals Losing 20 pounds can seem like a lifetime away when you’re just getting started. Or getting up an hour early to workout seems like an awesome idea on a Sunday afternoon. But come Monday morning it can turn into a case of "what the hell was I thinking" as you hit the snooze button one last time. That’s why it’s a good idea to break it down into small achievable goals… one that you CAN control. Set yourself up for success and build your confidence by setting and achieving small process goals. For example, you could set a goal you could set include… - Waking up 15 minutes early to exercise 3-4 days this week - Going food shopping on a Sunday night and having fresh, healthy foods prepped in the fridge - Walking 10,000 steps every day - Drinking at least 100 oz of water every day - Eating a healthy breakfast at home and saying no to muffins at the office Strategy #5: Follow the Warm Up Rule You'll be surprised how well this trick works. I created the “warm up rule” to help on days when I don't feel like working out. Here’s how it works…

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Tell yourself you'll just go to the gym and do a warm up for 5-10 minutes. After the warm up, if you’re not feeling it, you’re free to go home. But more often than not, once you get started you'll feel better, keep going and finish the workout. You just need to do whatever it takes to get started! Strategy #6: Have a Plan You’ve heard this a million times already… Failing to plan is planning to fail. Cliché, I know. But it’s true! You need to follow a meal plan and workout program and make sure you change it up every month. Walking into a workout blind is just as bad as grocery shopping hungry without a list. You'll waste time wandering around, analyze all kinds of possibilities and come home without accomplishing what you set out to do. Not only is this a waste of time, but also you're under a false pretense that you’re actually being productive. By no means do you have to be 100% all the time to be successful. In fact, following the plan 85-90% of the time will get you excellent results. Strategy #7: Get Accountability There must be accountability if you want to succeed. ==> Who is keeping an eye on you? ==> Who is keeping you accountable? ==> Do you write in a food journal? ==> Is there a workout buddy you train with? ==> Do you have a coach monitoring your progress and keeping you honest? You need someone you trust to keep you accountable. And it doesn’t have to be live… this works online too.

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Ideally, workout with a person fitter or stronger than you, who you aspire to be like. This will make you play up a level and push your limits. Strategy #8: Be Prepared For Any Situation If you followed strategy #6, you now have a plan in place. Awesome! But what if something comes up and you didn’t plan for it? You might get stuck late at the office and not have time to cook dinner… Or you may have an unexpected social dinner come up… Maybe you sleep in and miss your workout… Don't let anything like this get your down or get in your way. Here are a few tips: - Keep a couple of small snacks in your bag to nibble on if you get hungry. This can tie you over to your next meal and prevent you from binge eating at night! Try raw almonds/walnuts, small piece of fruit or a small sachet of nut butter. Simple, healthy snacks to keep you out of the office candy machine! - Take a big water bottle in your bag – or keep it on your desk at work. Fill it up at least twice in the day… That’s your minimum! - Be flexible with your workout time. I always have a back up day, so I can make up for any missed workouts if something unavoidable comes up. - Try to schedule your workouts like you would any important meeting or appointment. Do not cancel. Strategy #9: Overcome Your Fears and Become Confident So You Can Stay Motivated to Reach Your Goals Here’s an excellent mindset strategy I use to overcome fears and boost confidence.

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It’s called Fear Setting. And I originally discovered it through Tim Ferriss. The essence of fear setting is to transform the unknown into a worst case scenario. It’s usually not as scary as you make it out to be in your own mind. So by putting it down on paper, and addressing all the “what ifs”… it can help you overcome fears holding you back. If there are things that you have always wanted to do but were too afraid to start doing it, figure out what the worst possible situation would be if you decide to do it. As you can see, this strategy can be applied to ANY aspect of your life… from personal to business to your health.

So here’s your homework… Think about #1 thing you want to acheive. We’re now going to try and define what might be stopping you from taking the plunge and just doing it. STEP ONE: Get a piece of paper and divide it into 3 columns STEP TWO: Answer the following questions. Write down as much as you can, and don’t think about your answers too much. Just go with your first thoughts and put everything down. Column 1, answer this question: #1. What is the absolute worst thing that could happen if you did what you were thinking of doing? If you started taking action towards your dream life, what is the most awful failure that could possibly happen? Is there any permanent impact?

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You need to include horrible details here. Imagine the worst possible case scenario. How likely is it to happen? Column 2, answer this question: #2. What can you do to prevent the worst case scenario? Brainstorm and list all the things you could do to minimize the likelihood of this happening. What systems could you put in place so you avoid the being stuck in the worst case scenario? Column 3, answer this question: #3. What steps could you take to repair the damage? You want to list everything you could do to get back on track, if you were to fail. Even if they are only temporary solutions, figure out how would you manage to get your situation back under control. Although you may need to be creative, it’s very likely that there are somewhat easy or simple ways to repair any damage. There you have it. A simple 3 question formula for helping you overcome your fears. Let me know how it goes for you! Your Coach, Kate Vidulich, BSc, ACSM, Master CTT

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