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Page 1: THE BEPUBLIC: TUESDAY, NOVEMBEE WSM, 1.. mvWwWMW › lccn › sn84020274 › ... · CARPENTERS, ETC. WANTBD-Carpen-t- ers; machinists, blacksmiths and helpers: $1.73 to 3 day. Autocrat

mmmm - -TB'



UCl.f HASTED-MAL- E.WSM,...Mince lancnns.ALL people looking for work call on the

largest and only (Incorporated) employment bu-reau In St. Louis. American Business Bureau.

1S Olive.

APPRENTICE WANTED Fresco painter ap-prentice. Gojle & Gotam Decorating Co.. 2SOlive. A

APPRENTICE WANTKU-- 16 to IS jears ofaire, to learn shop accounting and drafting.llLia, Republic


machinists, blacksmiths and helpers: $1.73to 3 day. Autocrat Business Association. 16

line.CHECKERS. ETC, WANTED Checkers,

truckers and wagon li'lpers, for railroadi andexpress companies: 6U-a- Apply 1230 Ome.

DISHWASHER WANTED A man dishwashert UC6 N Taj lor.DISHWASHER WANTED Man dishwasher.

Restaurant. 116 N. Ninth.DISHWASHER WANTED Experienced man;

Billy's Restaurant. 1712 Franklin.DISHWASHER WANTED White man r:

apply at once. 3737 Windsor.

DRIVER WANTED Young man to driw abread wagon. 4329 Delmar.

DRIVER WANTED Experienced driver forfTOcery delUery wagon; znust furnish refer--

uai a jfenuouchandy factory laborer. J10. 813

week; big free shipment Louisianapass; wages 11.75. 12. J2.W day; steady work.W teamsters, near city 130, room, board.Koundhousemen and engine wipers, steady.100 laborers, teamsters. W. Ark.; free pass.

Jrm hands, milkers gardeners; top waxes.1I bridge carpenters, near city: 83.Carpenters" helpers. JJ.S day: free pass.

t men. fence gangs. South: free pass.10 handy laborers, near city: lie hour.Colored porters, waiters and drners.Hotel porter, 315. board: storeroom man. $40.Two handy grocery store men. S2S, J30. beard.Kitchen men. 85 86. 87 week, board; steady.All people out of work, call on the oldest and

largest employment company in St. Isuils.National Employment Co.. 8 X. felsth St.

FTRnMAN WANTED-Experlen- ced fireman.Laclede Power Co, foot of OTallon st.HANDY man wanted'around nlace: also house-

man. $20. board and room Leigh. IPS Century.HELPERS WANTED Two helpers on sheet-Iro- n

work. 1841 Forest Park boulevard.HELPERS WANTED ror machinists, car-

penters, blacksmiths and electricians; $1.G5 to12 GO day. 1 Olive st,

HELPERS WANTED For machinists, black-smiths and carpenters: j: SO day up; steadyInside work. Apply 19 Olive.

HOSTLER WANTED At once,ard ave.

HOSTLER WANTED Hostler for llverv sta-ble. Mullen's livery stable, oomor of Colemanand North Market.

HOUSEMAN WANTED White man to dogeneral housework. 1232 Park ave.

HOUSEMAN WANTED Colored houseman:experienced man: references 5726 Vernon ave.

HOUSEMAN WANTED-Oo- od bcusmn;Gfr- -preferred; references required. 3635 Flora

rulevard.HOUSEMAN WANTED-Colcr- ed man for gen-er- al

work and taking care of bouse. 2407 N.Broadway.

JANITOR ETC.. WAiTEl-Janlt- or. TM;Bnttrhrrmn $80; houseman. $40; tarm hands, J35.Autocrat Bustne Association. S16 Pine.

JANITOR, ETC.. WANTED Janitor. R0;watchman, JS6: store porter. 145; hostlers,Irtvers. American Bustness Bureau. S19 Olive.

LUMBER FILERS WANTED Eight lumberI Hera, at once. Columbia Box Co., SoonJ and'aim st. yarda.MAN WANTED To help ont In lnnchroom.

C N. Twentieth st.MAS WANTED Milker, man at

dairy. Dehart. Wellston. Mo.MAN WANTED Man to work In secondhand

store. Apply S31H 9 Broadwny.MAN WANTED First-cla- ss man for milk

wagon: must glie bond. 63jjq Easton ave.MAN WANTED To work arcund house and

who con milk. 3S33 Pestalozzi. comer Grand.MAX AND WIFE WANTED-M- ust be good:

cook; for boarding-hous- call at once. 4057McPherson.

MAN WANTED Stout young man for fac-tory work; 310 week and up to start. ApplyISO Olive

MAN WANTED Young man to managebranch office outside city; 375 month and apenses. Apply 123) Olive.

MAN WANTED Btror4r. Intelligent younRman to learn the horse-coll- trade. ApplySIcj Sixth and Lucas ave.

MANAOEB WANTE1-- A man that has hadexperience In haudllnc men; must be active andquick; to manage twenty-Ar- e drUers; must becier-- feet snd welsh more than 230 pounds;.nlnrv t1 TlT T UnniihMn.

URN WANTED To try Harris's CM shoes.497 N. Sixth t.

MEN WANTED To help die ana plant trees,said single nonet. 1000 Delmar.

MEN WANTED Ten mrn to Bell hot tamales;t!5 weekly and room. Mack's fActarr. Ql Clark.

MEN WANTED Handy man. wholesalehouse. 312: warehouse men, 314. Apply 323 OliveSt.. room 2. r

MEN' WANTED Three yeucjr men, run 5passenger trains; 316 wptk. Autocrat BusinessAssociation. 16 Pine.

MEN WANTED To sUl goods on pase4neertrains; steady: dayllcht run. Apply to Mr.Jordan. 3S Walnut st.

MEN WANTHD--Tft rn!lrtff netrmnnr lln-plhcs. names and addroMes; cood pay; eteady.mnlovtncnt. Knickerbocker JUlr. i;o NerItocheUe. Now Tork.

MEN WANTED Men to Jearn barber trade;few weeks completes; can earn nearly all ex-penses. Including- board and took before grad-uating; splendid facilities: careful Instructions;diplomas rranted: catalogue explaining malleUfree. Moler Barber College. 1118 line St.

M1I.KEHS WANTED-Experlen- ced milkers,st once. Kcyes Farm end Dairy Co.. 36&i Olive.PACKER WANTED Young man for packing

In furniture factory. 2620 N. FifteenthPERSON to call on retail trade for manufac-

turing house: snlary $20 paid weekly; expensemoney advanced; previous experience unneces-sar-

Standard House. Caxton Bldg.. Chicago.PORTER WANTED Good porter. 3001 Eas-

ton ave.PORTER WANTED miora porter; good

worker; no other need apply. 3200 lark.PORTER WANTED-Salo- on porter, who canrelp In luchroom. 4301 Racecourse, opposite

T?wer Oroya Station.PORTERS. ETC, WANTED Colored factory

hands. $10 to $32; also porters, houseman. Ap-ply iU Olive, room 2.

rORTER, ETC. WANTEX-no- tel rorter., board; saloon, $23; assistant bartender,$40. 919 Olive, room 2.

PORTER WANTED White or colored porterfcr saloon: must be Al man and 1tnow his buat- -fcrog.. iTticrcnoe. oajoon. sixteenth and Olive.

STENOGnAPlTCllil-Cnmt- nt .fAr,nvVDnK.Hand typewriters furnished; employment securedfor reliable stenographers: no charge either

-- j. iwm assistants conduct our EmploymentBureau: both phones. Underwood TypewriterCO, Till Din. St.

1HE Memmtc Highlands Co. wants for serv-lo- oat Meramec Highland a thoroughly

reliable and strictly temperate busi-ness manager and bookkeeper; active, vigorousJ??,11 fcuoUJV Preferred. Address,, withfull particulars and reference, 20S N. Fourthtu (upstairs). St. Louis. MoT

TRUCKERS. ETC. WANTED-Truck- er.checkers and freight handlers for wholesalehouses, express and railroad companies S13,

WANTED Station men, 14c to ISc per yardrood water; healthy country: free pass- - om4

rly; tunnel men. steam-dri- ll runners andteamsters. Oxark fountains; teamsters. Northminer's house' and bridge carp-ate- rs outh.Tim gaiUvan, labor agent, a S. Seventeenth st.WANTED For the United States MarineCorps, unmarried men. between

21 and 35 rood character: must cpeak. read andwrite- English: marines sent at sea onIn all parts of the world, on land lc ourIsland possessions, and at naval stations inuoiw oiaics. Aimiy itecrmung lunce. m noor.

Federal bldg.. iniru and Olive. St. Louis, Mo.WINDOW-WASHE- R WANTED AUwIadow-wtiShe- r.

Call Mound Ctv House and WindowCleaning Co.. 113 N. Rxth st- -

WRAPPER WANTED Experienced bundlewrapper, with reference. Singer Bros. Ninthsaid Lucas ave.


YOUNG MEN WANTED Two young men torun on .passenger trains, $14 to US. W9 Olive,room 2.

OUNG MAN WANTED Strong. activeman for general work In factory. BL64, RepublicYOUNG MAN WANTED-You- ng man to work

In meat market; experienced man preferred.3913 N. Sarah st.

OUNG MAN "WANTED Active "young manwho thoroughly understands clock repair ngand regulating; must have Al references. ly

between 9 and 12 o'clock. Clock Depart-ment. 1418 Chouteau ave.


CANVAHSPm WA?JTET1 r,nl,nM hmcsjiTssscr. male or female, to sell artlcls used In every horns. BL" ISO. Republic

CANVASSERS WANTED-Flrst-cl- ass. well- -'tressed canvassers : highest price paid on anynewspaper preposition. Can between S and Uany morning. 1111 Chouteau. ,

CANVASSERS WANTED For the falj"'trade: now Is the time to maka bie money;season Just openlns;. hlir demand; worth Invcitl- -,

fratine. Apply before :W a. m. at 1305 Wash-nrtc- nave. S.STENOGRAPHERS Comnetl-- it tpnnrr.rTir

and typewriters furnished, employment securedtor rciMuu. xtenoKTapoers: rham .Hh..way: skirled assistants conduct our Employment,cor, m fib, it: " r

Solicitor,..SOfieiTORS "WANTED Solicitors tor tapl

article. 310 Olivia hnlldlng. Grand and Winder.SOLICITOR WANTED-Oood-pay- lng position'

to capable strret fman opportunity- - to Invest'In business. 2& . sccona st.

SOUCrroP. 'WANTKn Installment tnsapermanent: ncth'ng- to se'L CanSeld.PosapnT bldg--. Ninth and Chestnut, room. 21.STENOGRAPHERS-Compete- nt stenographers'

andjtypewriters furnished: employment securedlor relisble stenographers; my charge eitherway: skilled assistants condbct cur EmploymentBureau: both "hones. Underwood Typewriter

aw. !M ria. uS v .

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMMgE-aS'it- t


Sal earn en.mvWwWMWSALESMAN WANTED To handle cigars OSside line; city or country. BL 156. Republic.

SALESMAN WANTED Experienced drygoods, salesman for staple department; mustspeak German. At Kortl's. 1230 Blddle su

SALESMAN WANTED-Experlen- cetf grocerysalesman at once: good salary to light party.Orand Avenue Grocery Co.. 2937 Caroline st

SALESMAN WANTED Bright. Intelligentroan to cover Western territory; exceptional op-portunity for pood man; no; refer-ence- i.

U09 Walnwtight building.STENOGRAPHERS Competent strnographem

and typewriters furnished: employment securedfor reliable stenographers; no charge eitherway: skilled assistants conduct our EmplojmentBureau; both phones. Underwood TypewriterCo.. 710 Pine st. J

Agents,AGENTS WANTED-B- ig psy: quick returns.

Call star Portrait Co.. 1W7 Franklin ave.PHOTO ticket agents: new one: $1 a sole; 10

sales dally. Call 1716 Russell ave.STENOGRAPHERS Competent stenographers

and typewriters furnished; employment securedfor reliable stenographers: no charge citherway: skilled assistants conduct our EmploymentBureau; both phones. Underwood TypewriterCo, 710 Pine st.

Lady Asents and Solicitor.STENOGRAPHERS Competent stenographers

and typewriters furnished: employment securedfor reliable stenographers; no charge eitherway: skilled assistants conduct our EmploymentBureau: both phones. Underwood TypewriterCo, 710 Pine st.

Miscellaneous.STENOGRAPHERS-Compete- nt stenographers

and typewriters furnished: employment securedfor reliable stenographers: no charge eitherway: skilled assistants conduct our EmploymentBureau. loth phones. Underwood TypewriterCo, 710 Pine st.


ALL th-s- e desiring help or seeking situationsmay register with the Htm Employment Bu-reau of the State Lab;r Bureau of Statistics.

1SH Chestnut st.: situations and helpfree of rharge rl KInloch A 581.

STENOGRAPHERS Competent stenographersand typewriters furnished, employment securedfor reliable stenographers: no charge citherway; skilled assistants conduct our Employ mentBureau: bcth phones. Underwood TypewriterCo, 710 Pine st.

TARTSnilS WASTED.PAUTNER TYANTED-Part- ner with $.,;right man can hae interest in the business

and good position, BM 33. RepublicTWO gentlemen want a third party to Join

them in a g bus nesa; must haveironcy and muet not be a drunkard: businessinferences; mu- -t stand thorough Investigation.3L 1?7. Republic


A BARGAIN in street and evening dresses;highest prices paid for cast-of- f clothing: postal.Kjnloch A 115 Mrs. Miller. 607 Walnut st.

ABSOLUTELT four prices paid for ladlesand gentlemen's cast-o- ff clothing and old feath-er-

send postal. M. Solomon. 724 High st.ABSOLUTELT pay four times as much as

others for ladles and gents clothing and feath-er- s.

Send postal. 11. Grossman. 1107 Morgan.ABSOLUTELT highest price paid for house-

hold goods, furniture and feathers, any quan-tit- y.

Send postal. Jo Benslnger, 113 N. Twelfth.OELBER buys all kinda secondhand clothing;

pays your prlco for overcoats, coats, pants, etcCall Riore or write 624 Morgan.

JOE GELBER can use any amount of gentsclothing: pays three times more than others:need badly: postal. Kin loch A 16o9: 1419 Carr.

WANTED contract; state num-b-

and price. BM IX Republic.

GOLD, SILVER, NICKhL.Brass and copper platlns;. polishlna;, laquerlncand rep&Srlnc of all kinds KInloch B ZZ.

B. a SAVILUa 415 N. Seventh st.mnDCRACE Secondhand " of all kinds.bUUrCitHDT bought and sold all the yearround. George Brueckmaso. Main and Valentine


Wanted.TEAM. ETC WANTED Team, harness, dirt

Wason. not to exceed S?30: will rav S150 rash.bolance .monthly. 4320 Blaine.

For Sale,A SMALT, top deliver- - wagon, , good condition;

only $10; at 211 N. Twelfth st.A FINE, new broucham, only $300, at Hardy's

stable. Taylor and Delmar aves.ALL the Banner Bakery Co. horses, 12 head,

large and small, true workers, 320 to $65; halfof cost. Apply V)C S. Seventh.

ALWAYS on hand: draft, driving, generalPurpose horsca; new wagons, buggies and 'har-ness; you try horses before Ju)lng: casi croa'paymtnts. E. L. House. 1516 N. Broadway.

BAB.GAINE Peddler' wagon, J2S; e

farmer's wagon. 330: no room. 2105 O'Fallon..BAHGAINS Ten teams large draft corses,

four farm marcs, six delivery norscs, six atakewagons, bulk wagons, seal wagons, harness. 920N. Broadway.

BEST bargain at 2110 Pine; sorrel mare,Btorm buggy: i.ewly painted: $65.

BIG team work horses, cheap: sell separate;leaving etti-- . 1C23 Wash. rear.

BIG 1,490-I- horse, for coal wagon; worth$100. for 345: must sill. 1713 Morgan.

BOY'S spotted pony, cheap; delivery mare,325: bay pony. $15. Store. 1212 N. Jefferson.

R rnbber-tlre- d surrey: all rubber-tlre- dStanhope, good as new. 3420 Llndell.

DELIVERY, furniture and huckster wagon,new and secondhand: repairing and repainting.Young & Co, 1425 N. Broadway.

FINE driving horse, sefo for lady,9 years old, telephone Forest 6S9A. "

FIVE hornes and mares and mulea. Takepick. $20. 1914 Morgan.

FOUR horses, moving van. harness and coalwnton. Call 1227 N. Taylor.

GOOD, strong borae, 17 hands high; good trot-ter. 2001 Utah.

GOOD runabout buggy for sale cheap. A. JLBeckerlrord. 1901 O'Fallon st.

GOOD driving pony and buggy, $25; 'gooddouble harness. $7.60. 2112 Dickson.

HANDSOME Shetland pony outfit; prize win-ner gentle; for children. 1SS4 locust eU

HARNESS-Large- et stock of ne-- and second-hand hkrncss in the city; see ray line of buggyharness. A. TUCKETT. 1522 N. Broadway.

IF you want a team, wagon, harness, milchcow, buggy, etc.. see tie and we will sU It"to

ou on easy monthly payments. StandardCredit Co.. Burlington building. 810 Olivest.: phones, Klnlcch B.234; Bell Main SS.

LARGE, strpng truck, horse. 1133 N. Vande-vtnte- r.

LARGE work horse, 323; express wagon, $25;panei-io- p wagon, taj; oargam. zuv I'lnfrT;

LARGEwork team of mares. $125: lawtftfiWnmare, t50; delivery mare, $60: storm TTrtiggyhorse, JS5; farm mare, J40. 2328 Llndell.

LIGHT butcher wagon. In (rood order; US. iyBrown's. 1420 Morgan at. -

NEW end secondhand carriages; storm bug-gl- cs

at prices. 2017 Morgan.ONE good horse, must sell; have no use for

same:22.50. 1606 Wash.ONE brown mare, suited for storm buggy

or delivery wagorL 7. years old, e,

sound: $&$ case 2125 Washington are.PLUG horses and mules; young mare

storm buggy. Stable. 2726 Franklin arcPltrATE outfit: styilsh'family horse; win-

ter or summer depot" wagon. Mrs. Flora, 1S22Locust.

SDCTEEN-HAN- bay horse said covered sur-rey; sell reasonable; separately or together;on account leaving city. Call v West Cabannestables. 3L 83 Republic

SMALL team of mares; 4 and 5 years old4331 Kennerlv svve.

BTORM buggy or grocery horse; 16 hands: 5years old; $35. 1713 Morgan Bt.

STYLISH rubber-tire- d storm buggy, hlgn dash.'hirhbnek. good as new 3213 Laclede.

TEAM mares, weight X900, age 6: sound; bothSl.o. Mrs. Bacon. 1112 N. Jefferson....TEAM of delivery mulee, $115; ttm horses,$100; driving horso. $35. Kitchen, 1210 N. Jef--1lerscn.

TEAM large. young work horses, dead-dow- n Inpullers. $135! fast and stylish drivlnfir mare". 175:farm, mare. $40. Pine st.

THREE safidle horses. $20 to $50; 'two deliv-er- yhorses; sound. 957 Page ave.

THREL heavy Work teams; four delivery andtmrgy horses; farm and park wagons: doubleand single harness. IVm. Cope. SltO Park.TOP park wagon, rubber-tire- d runabout;-first-clas- s

condition, tea Sheridan ave. atTV,' &'? nra: eood pullers; also gcodtare. Madison. 'TWO good horses: J15 and CO; also doubleharness: cheap. 4(48 Easton.

I55.S2S.rkra.'1'r"7.Jhe.. Wertern'toAtiicj. w,i, --v , . . cjtpn ave.

.TWO horses: cheap. Apply at Mullen, ata--bta. corner cnieman and North Market.

TWO horses: been used for bnggv andcery: harness: waron: glv trial. 1733 Morgan.4TWO heavr work horses? mnrt ri.iirn.hnn..also dirt wagon, harness and team; cheap. Ml

Jefferson: need roomr must Mil.WHITE hearse: as tood at new:

than half price. 1122 Chgrtmrt

Coachts, DamloCoaclits.Broughams, Station Wagm,

Latest Styles. Larsost Sfook.:WRIGHT'S,,WaslifrgtOD'AT8.,lor. i9tHl



SONi COaoaO Loo-o- at.MnCARE-RIFRMi- N WAGfiN nn

- V

1' - . - ts, . .. .aiHl'.1tt. k" . t-- ..jt.p,?rt- - ii..-w- .




AN established factory; doing asmall mall-ord- business and ladles' tallorlrgcombined; will go at a bargain if sold withinten ila3. Call 1017 Old Manchester road or4016 Chouteau ave.

BAKERY, corner three principal streetsChippewa, Broadway, Jefferson; cheap living-room- s,

going abroad.BARBER shop: three chairs; both; cheap if

sold at once. 43 N. Twentieth st.BARBER shop; good stand; reason for seu-In-

other business. BL 152. RepuollcBARBER shop; good trade location, with 8

lUlng-room- rental . &zi s. Broadway.BOARDIXG: railway trainmen: building, fur-

niture: ground lease; 1200; balance like rent;bargain. Luther House. 7200 N. Broadway.

BOAUUlNG-HOUs- 3761 Pins boulevard: J3Wcosh, balance eafcy, monthly: elegant furnish-ings; choicest location; very best proposition incity: see

BRANCH bakery; 1200 buys nice little placewith two furnished rooms: $13.50 rent; good

HI health cause. Glascock. 801 Chestnut.CAND1LS, stationery, cigars, laundry, bakery

branch; close large schools; 312 rent; neat,splendid fixtures; $75 cash, balance easy, s BEwlng.

CIGAR, laundry branch; ISO down, balancecosy; fine downtown stand that beats them oil;rent $17.60: call 15 N. Ninth st.

CIGAR store: downtown; Olive st.: ears es-

tablished; cheap rent: Income 3L5 to 520 day;price 3S1Q: best reasons. Glascock. SOS chestnut.

CONFECTIONERY and fruit store; goodbulsncss; leaving home; bargain. 2S2S S. Broad-way

CONFECTIONERY, cigars, laundry and pa-per branch; 3 rooms, with or without furni-ture: cheap rent. 1D13 9. Broadway.

CONFECTIONERY' Three llvlnR rooms: rent315; spUndld location: opposite car barns; 3b5down: balance easy; don't wait. 3E31 Easton.

CONFECTIONERY, cigars, laundry, bakery,branch; living rooms: IlaO cash, balance (I12o)easy, monthly; close large schools: splendid lo-

cation. Glascock. 901 Chestnut.CORNEK saloon.

BK 149, Republic.rORNt.R srocery and saloon; doing good busi-

ness; bargain: sickness. 1959 Cherokee.CUSTOMER for an established custom parts

rhop; pood money-makin- g business. BL 7J?,


DAIRY lunch and news stand: good business;low rent; movlnc away, cause. 43'j6 Easton a.

DRUO store; well located: doing rood busi-ness; owner retiring; rooming-hous- two spe-cial bargains for this week; boarding-house- ;twcnty-sec- n rooms; best ijcation In city: own-er has other buMnets Call Western BrokerageCo.. S17 Holland building.

FIRST-CLAS- S corner saloon; transfer point;bargain. Inquire 1822 N. Grand a-

FIRST-CLAS- S confectionery, branch bakerv.notions, cigar store and dairy lunch. Ruler. 4101Easton.

FLAT: line location near Taylor; fine newfurniture; S25 rent: flvft trood. modern rooms:clean, neat, exceptionally desirable. Glascock,M2 Chestnut.

GOOD business: only $50 required: two niceliving-room- 337 Olive st.; cheap rent.

OlROCEIlY store and saloon. Inquire GastBrewlnc Co . S13 N Sixth st.

GROCERY and meat market; northwest cor-ner Eighteenth and DiAlslon.

GROCERY, S219 Olive; ery best location: b'sbargain: Immediate sale: C.3: part time: rocm.

GROCBRY loesch crrner grocery; one ofn stores South bt. Iouls. S548 S.

Broad aGROCERY Loesch's grocery: one of n

stores In South St. Louis. 354S K.Broadway.

GROCERY, meat market and saloon: If de-sired, fixtures; only J500 ond Invoice stock: salesJM dally: no agent. BC 3. Republic.

GROCERY: western thoroughfare; three rocmsabove: 320 rent: $500 income; well worth price,SJO0: trade thoroughly well established. Glas-cock. 902 Chestnut.

HANDSOMELY furnished eleven-roo- house;full of refined gentlemen roomers; Immediatepossession. 3850 Delmar.

LUNCHROOM; bargain; 156. Call at 203 N.Fifteenth St.

LUNCH stand- - downtown corner; 350 or bestoffer 1007 Chestnut st.

MAIL-ORDC- business: clears !76 month:JIM bujs. Hate 550 worth stock. DM 15. Re-public

MEAT market; good location; good sales. 2037Chippewa.

MODERN eleven-roo- fcorner) roomimr-nous-

all filled: fine location. 3100 Easton nxe.MUST sell established buhine!: no

reasonable offer refused. Store, 1S22 N. Grand.NICELY furnished eight-roo- house: hot and

cold water: full of roomers and 15 boarders;cheap If taken at once. Call 2729 Park ,ve.

NINB-ROO- house, full of good roomers;telephone; lovely furniture; leaving city. S147Laclede ave.

NOTION store; good location If sold at once.44S0 Easton ave.

NOTIONS, groceries: $73 down, balance ($100)easv: rent $12: llvlnc-roo- bargain. Call to- -

iday; must salL 1106 N. Garrison ave.PRINTING offce; book and job. completei

must be sold. 2517 Eflrton.RESTAURANT: near Union Station: income

35 dally: rnt 330: bargain. BM 18. Republic.RESTAURANT and 26 rooms; doing good

business; 32,500; will give terms. BK 25. Re- -public

RESTAURANT: doing fine business; bestcheap rent; big bargain. Call or

address 1)8 N. Ninth st.ROOM1NOHOU9B: bargain; STW; leaving

city. 2234 Washington.ROOMING-HOUS- full cr roomers: $350;

and laundry work free. 12H N Taylor.ROOMING-HOUS- 10 rooms; well furnished:

elegant location; good reasons for selling. 2127Olive.

KOOMING-HOUE- S Eleven room: nicelyxurmsnea; always iuii; oargam, isv .vasnlegton.

ROOMING-HOUS- eleven rooms; fine loca-tion; good Income: reasonable for cash, call2S35 Lucas.

ROOMING-HOUS- E Downtown; 17 rooms; allfilled; rent 3C5: lease; tills Is a snap; S700;terms. Bloomer-Bowe- r. 1014 Chitnut- -

ROOMING-HOUS- Gsrrleon ave; sevenbeautiful rooms; rent only 320; 3300 gets bigbargain. Bloomer-Bower- 1014 Chestnut.

ROOMING-HOUS- E for sale; 8 rooms; steamheat: completely furnlshpd: cheap rent; VestEnd. Apply Joe Talus. 3323 Lawton sac

ROOMING-HOUS- E Pino, near Grand: 13 el-

egantly furnish-- rocms; ery desirable loca-tion; U.2C0; J350 cash. Bloomer-Bower- s, 1014Chestnut.

ROOMING-HOUS- $150 cash, balance easy;asphalt-pave-d thoroughfare, near Garrison: ninenJcoly furnished rooms; $45 rent, Glascock, 30

Chestnut.ROOMING-HOUS- Transient; downtown; 13

rocms; clearing over $100 month;sow $000; 3300 cash. Bloomer-Bower- 1014Chestnut.

ROOMING-HOUS- E of 12 rooms; elegantlyfurnished; cry desirably located for business;am going abroad; must soli; 3500; quick. 'BM11 Republic

ROOMING-HOUS- 81M cash, balance easv:Just papered; clean, bright, cheerful: nearlynew lurnuure: eigni rooms; near uaraiiiai.Glascock. 302 Chestnut.

ROOMING-HOUS- $19.50 rent: eight well- -furnished rooms; prominent thoroughfare, nearCompton: $150 caslu balance (13M) easy, month- -

uiascocK. sua unestnut.SALOON: A1 corner. Inquire Gast Brewing

Co.. 319 N. Sixth st.8AI30N 175 down; Olive St.: leaser R0;

complete: fine fixtures; new location; get anybrewery. Glascock. 9&2 Chestnut.

PAXiOON Heart of city; prominent corner;JCG0, 1350 cash, balance easy; sales average 5(0;see this. Bloomer-Bower- 1014 Chestnut.

THREB-CHA1- barber shop: fine location;good Income: must sell; Seating city. 2937Olive. V

WE have forty rooming-house- s, nil kinds;prices to suit the buyer. 54 Da Menu bldg.

BUSINESS CHAKCES. ,-- -- -- - -irin.ri.nji ii nru - - -

AN opportunity of special merit is offered tilthe publio to invest imall or large amounts inthe Healy trtors. Eight-stor- y

building at Twelfth and Olive .ta. Call andInspect the store and tret full particulars.Etocs: may be bought on the Installment plan.

IF you have Idle money can show you an op-portunity to treble your Investment in

and mall order business: will bearclosest Investigation. 2Q 5i. Republic.

LADY or gentleman having J1.000 to Invesftn"World's Fair proposition. BI, 110. Republic.

INVEST TOUR SAVINGSDouglas. Lacey & Co.'a stocks; investment,

both sate and profitable. Suite 54 Laclede bulld-lr.-- r.

Bt. Louis. Mo. a


" i'iii'-.i'vrijLrinuuLfiruii-iJ'i'i-'""'"-

WE buy. sell and exchsnre all securitl,.Gy,'i Brokerage Co.. Fourth and Olive.

STOCK in the eight-stor- y storeTwelfth and Olive sts. for tale. Inquire at



coat that can be produced anywhere for thatamount of money, made to order for 325. Tlclc-no- r

Tailoring Co- - 123 Nl Eleventh stCALL at Whites, 2700 Rntgcr t: have your

slate roof repaired. of8A1XWN WANTED-Do- n't want to pay over

tsooVRM 5. RapulflAT.rON WANTED Comer saloon In trend'

location, west ox uranq ave. BM U.iBepnblio.WE make general lobbing a specialty; yo

patronage solicited: KInloch C 204L PattersonBros., carpenter, and bnlldera. 1800. Bt- - Charles. One

Obtained. Hlgdon A Longan. fjIB1TEIITC Patent Law Exclusively. Union Trust Building. BJ

DOGS. CATS, PETS FOR SALE........-- r ...

FOUR female bull nnna. R. rt FtMnin miHickory atNEW IORK.-Blr- d Store Canaries., parrots,cages, acquarlnm, globes, sedfoo3;

Franklin ave.- - Frank Metsger. manager.THE finest English mastiff; female;

breeder: also three; pupi 6 months' old. 735 S.niriOHV.

T'k2oa?12zlEITi!ifl71!,?'?' a)l ..SS Chamberlain', Chick nd Brooder. I LAWTON.,.jh jj. Commercial. St Loots, VA j keening;

ROOMS FOR RENT.ATTENTION of gentlemen called to specially

desirable, sunny front rooms, delightful out-look; centrally located; convenient to three carlines: near Grand aye.; for special terms. 2.1197. Republic

AUBERT. 753 Two nicely furnished rooms;private family; car line to World's Fair.

AUBERT, 1334 Nice, large furnished frontroom, for two; modern; private family; veryreasonable.

AUBERT, 1240 Furnished front room; allconveniences; use kitchen for housekeeping.Page ave. cariu

BACON, 1911 Newly furnished room; hot andcold bath; private family: terms reasonable.

BARTMER. M03A Btrlctly modern furnishedroom: all conveniences: near World's Fair;reasonable.

BAYARD. rooms for coupleor gentlemen: Suburban cars; call in store.

BEAUMONT, 230 a A nicely furnished frontroom.

BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms; out InCabonne; reasonable for parties living In city.ZK 31. Republic

BEDS 15c and 20c: rooms, 25c, 35c,31 per night. 417 Morgan.

BELL, 4641 Furnished room for light house-keeping: convenient to cars.

BCLL. 30E Finely furnished room; ecryconvenience; reasonable; gentlemen only.

BELL. 3157 (Cor. Compton) Nicely fur-nished south front room; second floor; tynryconi'cnlence; reasonable.

UKEAIKN, 1437 Newly furnished or unfur-nished room: bath, heat, all conveniences; rea-sonable; Bellefontalne cars.

BUE1U0.V. 1420 Elegant front room, wcondfloor, for light housekeeping; reasonable; Belle-fontalne cats; good location; all conveniences;homelike.

BROADWAY. Ml B. Nice room for gentle-men- or; also ha.1 room.

BROADWAY. 105 N. At the Rest: rooms 250to 31 per day: weekly rates correspond.

BROADWAY, MIS N Front parlor and frontroom, second floor. for light housekeeping.

BROADWAY. 61S N. Newly furnished rcoras;?0c. 25c; 31.25 per week; beds 15c; baths free.

BROADWAY. 1203 8. Three rooms and kitch-en: newly furnished; one room and kitchen;separate.

CARR, furnished 4Tooms forhousekeeeplng: rent cheap.

CAItB, 170! Two nicely furnished connectingrooms, or single; light houtekeep ng: 32 each.

CARR, 1721 Neatly furnlshtd room; completofor housekeeeplng; all coneniences; rent rea-sonable.

CARR and Third (Western HoteD-Roo- ma

with or without board; English, German andrYcnch stlc. E. Sabaten. proprietor.

CASS. 1828 Nice large front room for llshthousekeeping or gentlemen.

CASS, 2S1J Nicely furnished front room: bathand all conveniences; cheap.!

CABS. 2S12 Connecting front rooms, fur-nished for housekeeping; single or en suite.

CASS. 2M3 One room furnlshtd or unfur-nished for housekeeping or gentlemen; bath;reasonable.

CHESTNUT. 1433 Excellently furnishedrooms: bath, gas, ofAce, steam heat; 32 weekup.

CHESTNUT. 1400 Nicely furnished rooms, bydnv or week; gas bath and gaa heat.

CHESTNUT. 1614 Furnished rooms; gns. elec-tric lights; steam heat: bath; 31.50 wttk.

CHESTNUT. 1111 Desirable furnished rooms;gontlemen only; large reading room; $1. $1.50week.

CHIPPEWA. 2S21 Two furnished room?;housekeeping cr gentlemen: $10: LalU,

CHOICE, furnished eonthem-expose- d room:private family In Cabanne: all conveniences;gentlemen only; Suburban cars. BK 71. Re-public.

cnoUTEAU. 12U-N- lcly furnished room forgentleman. 31.50 per week.

CHOU1 EAC 1731 Two nicely furnished frontrooms: also two unfurnished.

CHOUTEAU. 90S Fine front room; also sideroom: light housekeeping; respectable.

CHOUTEAU. 1221 Nicely furnished room forgentlemen: gas, bath: German private family.

CHOUTEAU. 1112 Connecting rooms, fur-nished for housekeeping; $3 a week; also frontroom; 32.75.

CLARK. 3010 Furnished rooms, for gentlemencr light hougekeepl ng.

COMPTON, 1021 N. Nicely furnished rooms,complete for housekeeping; bath, gas; privatefamily: reasonable.

COOK, 3C0 Newir furnUl.d rooms in privatefamily: telephone. LlndeH 207 M.

COOK, 8915 NIecly furnished room; wouthernexposure: hot bath; furnace heat.

COOK. 4C61A Hall room; n'wlv furnished;all conveniences; private fatally ; 19 per month.

DAYTON, 2S01 Connecting parlors; also rodm.third floor, cheap; quiet: for light houekeeping.

DELMAR, 4118 Elegnntly furnished rooms;all modern conveniences.

DELMAR, 3317 Second floor front;lent to board; other rooms. "

DELMAR. 4CS3 Nice winter room; steamhpat: good accommodations: reasonable price.

DELMAR. 43T5 Choice furnished room for oneor two gentlemen: reasonably: Delmar car line.

DELMAR, S&51 Two large connecting rooms;very light housekeeping permitted; to reflcedcouple.

DELMAR. C073A Large second-floo- r frontroom; newly furnished; gas. bath and heat;gentlemen

DELMAR. rooms; modern;private family; for one or two young gentle-men; no other roomers.

DELMAR. 3330 Handsomely furnished suiteof rooms, with use of bath and kitchen, to re-fined parties; private home; references required.

DICKSON". 2804 Neatly furnlshpd rooms forlight housekeeping: terms reasonable.EASTON. 3019 Two rooms, second floor, fur--

nisncu xor nouacKerpinff: per weoK- -EASTON, 29C Newly furnished rooms; light

housekeeping; reasonable; private family.EASTON, 4812 Scond-floo- r front and front

hall rocm; nicely furnished; heat, gas and bath.EASTON. 3000 Large furnished room fcr

housekeeping; water at door; large closet; ref-erences.

EASTON furnished back parlorfor Hght housekeeping; all conveniences; rea-sonable

EASTON, 2947 Nicely furnishod frcnt andconnecting rooms: light housekeeping; all con-veniences: rtosonable.

EIGHTH. 1040 S Nicely furnished rooms forhousekeeping or gentlemen: hall rcom.

EIGHTH. 911 8. Light housekeeping or gen-tlemen; large, light front and rear, first andsecond floors; newly furnished; quiet; JL75 to

EIGHTH. 311 8. Large front, second floor,southeastern exposure; newly furnished; twobeds; for four gentlemen; 1 week each; otherrooms.

EIGHTEENTH St.. 718 N. Nicely furnishedsecond istorys front: other small rooms: $1 25 up.

EIGHTEENTH, 910 N. Nlcelv furnishedfront parlor, for one or two rentlemenr house-kccpl-


EIGHTEENTH, 1019 N Largs second-floo- r

front; gentlemen; housekeeping; no children;j ov; inquire bx aanrss.ETZEL. 6122 Choice first-flo- front room:

furnace heat: close to World's Fair.

ETZEU 157 Nicely furnished room; bath;heat; two blocks from Transit and Suburbancars.

EUCLID. 61J Desirable furnished room Inpri".ata family; gentlemen preferred: Delmarand OHe cars.

EVANS, JC30 (Corner of Grand) Two frontfurnished basement rooms; bath, laundry; JLMper week.

EWING. 318 N. Connecting parlora nicelyfurnished: also room for light housekeeping;furnace heat.

FAIRFAX. 4057 Two unfurnished rooms forrent.

FIFTEENTH. 821 N. Furnished front rooms;second and floors: for gentlemen only. v

KIFTH. 819 N., East St. Louis Two neatlyfurnished rooms; bath and telephone.

FINNEY. 4104A Nicely furnished front room;private family

FINNEY, .3886 Front room: two gentlemen .xrladles employed; coupla; two1 car line.; termsreasonable.

FINNET, 4111 Connecting front rooms; hotbath; furnace heat; all conveniences; gentle-me- n

or couple.FOUNTAIN, 4924 Large furnished front

room: all conveniences: board near-b- Subur-ban cara.

FURNISHED front room. Apply barber .hop.ISIS Franklin.

FRANKLIN, rOS Light front room, furnishedlight housekeeping.

FRANKLIN. 1J36 Nicely furnished largeroom for two gentlemen.

FRANKLIN. 2914 Nicely furnished frontroom: gentlemen or two connecting .rooms fordoctor or dentist.

FRANKLIN, connecting par-lors for housekeeping, with stationary wash-stan- d:

southern exposure: reasonable.GARRISON. S32 N. Second-flo- room; hot

bath, gat; housekeeping allowed.GARRISON. 61S N. Elegantly furnished

rooms, single or an suit.; stoamihaatGLASGOW Place, 302S (Four Blocks North

Easton) Lovely suite of three rooms.GRAND, srs'N. rooms,. either

'nmlshed or jnfumlshed: single or en tultet for,heat bath.

GRATTAN. 1011 Second-stor- y front; separatebeds: gat: hot bath.

HICKORY. SISunfurnished room. lly;

JOHN. 1(00 Nicely furnished front room: bast'conveniences: reasonable ; Broadway cam north.

KINO'S Highway, 932 N. Nloely furnishedhall mom: reasonable.

LACLEDE, rns Nicely furnished sscona-flo-

front and other room; gas, hot bath, twoheat

LACLEDE.- - 3421-T-wo finely famished con- -;

nectlng rooms, second floor; furnace; bath;laundry.

LAWTON, -- 1007 Two large unfurnished attic Morooms; rentreaaonable. ,

T.1WT(W Kina fam'aheA mnnttnr'front room: bath: gat: private family.

LAWTON, 2721 Large second-stor- y frontroom, with alcove: furnace heat 'and gas.

8223 Furnished room: llcht housealso- other rooms; gas, bath and heat

ROOMS FOR RENT.'"'''MWWVs'ayLEFFINGWELL. 103 S. Nicely furnished

front room; first floor; reasonable.LEFFINGWELL. 617 N. Nicely furnishedrooms, for ladles or gentlemen; must come

no bath; pmate family.LEONARD. HIS furnished rooms

for housekeeping; also slng.e room for gentle-men.

LEONARD, 92) N. (Cor. Bell) Furnishedsecond-floo- r front room; use of piano; reas-onable.

LEONARD, 1135 furnished second-flo-front room; suitable Tor gentlemen or

housekeeping.LIN DELL, S50J Nicely furnished rooms forgentlemen; reasonable.LINDELL, 30 Large furnished room, fortwo gentlemen; bath, steam heat; SIS month.LOCUST, 2TO3 Neatly furnished rooms,

light housekeeping.LOCUST, 2118 Large front room; miltablti for

couple or gentlemenLOCUST, front room; also

second-floo- r hall room.IjOCUST. 811 Rooms for men: 32 per weekup; bath: open all night.

LOCUST, 3216A clean, rooms,from 31.50 up; all conveniences.

lOCUST, 3050 Choice front room, first floor;also other desirable rooms; all conveniences.

IXICUSr. 1515 Nicely furnished back parlorand other rooms; modern conveniences; furnacebeat.

LOCUST, 272S Elegant rooms In tins horns;newly furnished; steam heat; s everyway.

IX7UST. 1420 Neatly furnished parlor: backparlor; steam heat and hot bath; all conveni-ences.

LOCUST. 2207 Room furnished complete farhousekeeping, with pantry, closets and runningwater.

LOCUST, 2S25 Nicely furnished front roomsand others; southern exposure; strlttiy firstclsss

LOCUST. furnished room; allmodern conveniences; private family: gentle-me- n

only.LOCUST. 2819 Second-floo- r room; every

also gentleman roommate for secopd-floo- rIront room.

LOCUST, 3203 Clean, comfortable, elegantlyfurnished rooms; furnace heat; hot bath, gas;prices reasonable.

LOCUST and Jefferson (Tuholske BuIIdlnglElegant rooms; steam heated; furnishings andappointments first-clas- s.

LUCAS. Pleasant second-floo- r front: alsofront parlor: furnace heat; hot tath.

LUCAS, 270 Two nicely furnished rooms;second floor: also lady roommate wanteo

LUCAS, 27u2 Nicely furnished second-floo- rfront, for light housekeeping: also hall room.

LUCAS, J012A Beautiful front or connectingrooms, for gentlemen; furnace heat, bath, gas,phone.

LUCAS, 34tS Newly furnished front room,with all conveniences: for gentleman; privatefamily.

LUCA3. 2215 Furnished rooms for lighthousekeeping and one hall room: all conven-lence- s;

hot water; hath.LUCAS. 3015 Gentlemen need not be cooped

up In dark, dingy. cloe rooms, when tneycan rent large, light, cheerful, ssuthern-expese- d

front rooms; low rata for two or three; nocharge for heat.

MAI'La toll Finely furnished southern-exposur- e

rooms; single or en suite; near Pageav c. carB.

MARYLAND Nicely furnished rooms; far-R- e-

nace; gas; bath; private family. BL 151,publicMcMlLLAN. 45r2 --Choice furrlshed front room;

modern: private famllv: gentlemtn preferred.MORGAN. 27I7A Nicely furnished rooms; well

heatrd. and with hot bath.MORGAN, 4202 Finely furnished front room;

lower floor: rentMORGAN. 1324 Furnished recond-stor- y front

for working girls: $15c a night.MORGAN, furnished room far

two gentlemen: all conveniences.

MORGAN. 2747 Fuinlsr-e- room; gentlemen ornlca couple: privilege: bath.

MORGAN, 3323 Furnished rooms; gentlemenor housekeeping; gas, bath, furnace; also hallroo.n.

MORGAN. 2S0S Nlcelv- - furnished sancnd-sto- rr

rooms; housekeeping allowed; small rooms; allconveniences.

MORG.VN, 1S03 A Furnished front room; pri-vate family: southern exposure; married ccupleor gentlemen.

MORGAN. 2511 Two large connecting frontrooms, completely furnished for housekeeping;ctery convenience.

NICHOLSON Place, 4 (Near Lafayette Park) rZieely furrilehed rouins.NORTH PARK Place, 1110 Nicely furnished

rooms.OLIVE. ira2

Furnished rocms.OLIVE. 3101 Furnished room m liable for

couple or two gentlemen.OLIVE, 212 Nicely furnished rocms:. $1.50

up. with all convenlenceg

OLIVE. 2203 Two elegantly furnished frontrooms; for gentlemen only. " l" .'OLIVE. 2710 Nicely furnished second-stor- y

front rocm: suitable for light housekeeping.OLIVE. 2005 One nicely furnished front nd

back room; batlu gas: modern cony enlences.OLIVE. 4229 A Handsomely furnished front

room ; south and cast exposure ; also singlercom.

OLIVE. SU7 Choice Eecond-Co- front; south-e-exposure; also small room; every conen- -

lence.OLIVE. 2124 Clean, comfortable rooms: fur-

nace heat, gas, bath; one single room; privatefamily.

OLIVE. 3433 Connecting parlors, nicely fur-nished; also rooms for light housekeeping; nochildren.

OLIVE. 37I2A Bright connect'ng rooms;single or en suite; privileges of housekeeping;hot bath.

OLIVE, 3713 Young lady employed can havepleasant room; steam heat, gas, telephone;llrst floor.

OLIVE. 2011 Nicely furnish fd room, suitablefor a gentleman or man" and wife for lighthousekeeping: everything convenient.

OLIVE. 424CA Suite of two or three rooms.furnished for housekerping; nice kitchen andporch; gas, bath, etc.: front and back entrance.

PAGE Boulevard. 4MS Large second-floo- rroom, for housekeeping; also back parlor, bed-room.

PAGE, 5027 Pleasant furnished second-floo- rfront room; private family; furnace heat, etc;reasonable

PAGE. 3S20H Large, nicely furnished second-flo-room; furnace heat, gas and bath; prices

reasonable.PARK; 3150 Two nicety furnished rooms, for

light housekeeping, eecond floor, rear! 93 perweek.

PARK. 1333 Rooms: housekeeping; $2.75 week-ly or $11 monthly; newly furnished; porcelainbath: gas.

PINE, 3544 Nicely furnished room; hot bath;good locality.

PINE. 3410 Room for two rtntlemen: elerantprUate home; modern conveniences.

PIND, 32K Newly furnished rooms, on thirdfloor: very reasonable: ail conveniences.

PINE. 3W2 Three beautiful front rooms: ftbargain to a rsllable party: call and see.

PINE, 2333 Nice, newly furnished connectingrooms, for housekeeping; all conveniences.

PINE, 2820 Two elegantly furnished room,for gentlemen: gas, hot bath, furnace heat.

PINE. 2942 (Corner House) Elegantly fur-nished froiitparhirseparatebedsjreasonabl.

PINE, 3422 Nicely furnished second-flo-

front room: gentlemen or cotipl.; all conven-ience,

PINH. I12S Neat, clean rooms: good accom-modations; desirable location for winter: reas-onable.

PINE. 1113A Two nicely furnished frontrooms; also hall room; all conveniences; rea-sonable.

PINE, 3603 Furnished or unfurnished, sunnyrooms: Sns outlook; best cuisine; special togentleman

PINE. 2340 Large front room, furnished, forgentlemen or for housekeeping; visitors ac-commodated.

PINE. 2601 Elegantly furnished rooms; sep-arate or en suite; gat. hot bath; transient,accommodated.

ROCK ROAD, 1201, East St Louis Two neat-l- y

furnished rooms, with bath: private family.RUSSELL, 2641 Large unfurnished basement

room, for housekeeping; reasonabla.RUSSELL, 2641 Two large unfurnished rooms

for housekeeping; heat bath; one-ha-lf blockfrom cars.

SALISBURY, S14 Nicely furnlshtd or unfur-nished rooms: nice location; term, reasonable;Broadway cart.

SARAH, 914A N. Furnished front room, withalcove, for light housekeeping; all conveniences. or

SHERIDAN, 2718 Two or three furnlshadrooms, light housekeeping or gentlemen.

8LXTH. 817 N. Rooms. 20c and 25c a day;$1.25 a week and op: beds, 10c: bath, free.

SPRUCE. (10 to atly furnished allfront rooms.

E. no to IK Nicely furnished allfront rooms; transient trade solicited.

ST. LOUIS, 1521. East St. Louis-T- worooms; bath, gat and heat

ST. VINCENT. 3019 Nicely furnished roomone or two gentlemen; gas, bath and fur-

nace heat: also a hall room.SUBURBAN, 6CS6A Two nicely furnished'

rooms: patn: gas: neat: ciose to world's yalr.SUBURBAN, 6126 Choice room; private fam- -'

hot bath, gas, heat; close to World's Fair.TAYLOR, 12U Furnlshad front room. 12.(0

TAYLOR. UU N. Two unfurnished connect-ing rooms, with heat: 813.50 per month for

TAYLOR. 2820 N. Well furnished room for.gentlemen: private family; reasonable.

TAYLOR. 1SS N. Furnished rooms for light'housekeeping: also other rooms; alj oonven- -lances.

THE INN, fit Lucas ave. Cool .:dally: w.ttly. 81.20. 81 JO; baths.

THOMAS. 3121 Furnished front rooms: south-r-nexposure; gas, bath, heat: reasonable.

THOMAS, 2801 Nicely furnished second-stor-

front-an- connecting rooms; tarnished t'

housekeeping.WALNUT, 1510 Two unfurnished connecting I

rooms: very nlese; all caovuiaaoaa, -

ROOMS FOR RENT.'j,s,isijsssiyssysaj1VtyaTWENTIETH. 4303 N. Newly furnished frontroom; bath; best conveniences; reasonable;

Bellefontalne car.WALTON. 909 Nicely furnished rooms; bath,

furnace heat: gentlemen or ladles.WASH. 1711 Large furnlsheed. light house-keepl-

room, with cook and gas stoves.WASHINGTON. 332S Large front room: very

reasonable: all conenlencesWASHINGTON. 8UA-O- ne small room, sult-qb- la

for gentleman; hot bath.WASHINGTON, elegantly fur--

nlshed rooms by day or week.WASH1NGTON. 2635 Furnished parlor for

rent: heated by furnace; reasonable.WASHINGTON, 1635 Large, thoroughly clean

rooms, on first floor, for light housekeeping.WASHINGTON. 1309 Nicely furnished rooms,

complete for housekeeping; also hall rooms.WASHINGTON. furnished parlors

on first floor; other desirable second-flo- rooms.WASHINGTON. furnished first-flo- or

front: also small rooms; 31.25 per weekup.

WASHINGTON, front parlor;other nice rooms: first and second floor: furnaceheat.

WASHINGTON, 2S2S Comfortable second-floo- rfront and other nice rooms; quiet home; fur-nace heat.

WASHINGTON. 3305 Large furnished second-stor- y

room; houseskeeplng; gas stove; bath;reasonable.

WASHINGTON. 2TO Nice front room, fur-nished complete for light housekeeping; 32 week-l-

ciery convenience.WASHINGTON. 3915 Two large, handsome

second-floo- r furnished front rooms; privatefamily: 312 month: gentlemen.

WEBSTER, 14.2 Furnlshad front parlor: alsotnlrd-fln- front room; housekeeping; privileges;reasonable.

WEST CABANNE, 919 Furnished rooms, sln- -or. en suite: modern; close to .World's Fair;

uburban cars.WESTMINSTER. 3963 Iarge, well furnished

room in private home; southern exposure; everyconemence; suitable for one or two gentle-men.

WIDOW has nlcelv furn'shei rooms to quietcouple- - central location. BM 27, Republic

ROOMS WITH BOARD.AA'sisM'is'sA'hAA'MAsiasistjssit

AUBERT, 725 Second-stor- y front rcom, withbreakfast. If desired: gas, bath and heat.

AUBERT, 730 Desirable furn'shed rooms, withnoard: close to Delmar cars: for gentlemen.

BELL. 2157 (Corner Compton) Furnishedfront room; bath; good board; mechanics pre-ferred.

BELL. 3312 Nicely furnished front and backrooms; nil conveniences; board optional; refer-ences: reasonable.

CABANNE. 504 Furnished rooms, with crwithout board: excellent tatle; close to carlines.

CATES, 5535 Second-floo- r room, with goodboard for two, near Delmar. Olive and Subur-ba- n

cars; telephone: bet water heat.CILNNING. 101 N. Nicely furnished rooms,

with best board: south front; private family.CHOUTEAU. 43I

Boarders: 1

COMPTON. 319 N. Nicely furnished rooms,with or without board; furnace heat; bath.

COOK, 4238 Nicely furnished rooms,board: first-cla- home cooking.

DAYTON, S949 Corner Garrison) Furnishedfront and other rooms; every convenience;board optional.

DELMAR. 4425 Nicely furnished room, withboard; suitable for two gentlemen.

DELMAR. furnished room,.lth or without board; reasonable.DELMAR, 5227 Large front room; southern

exposure: with board; couple or two gentlemen.DELMAR. 3322 Newly furnished front room;

strictly nrst'-clas- s board; home comforts; fortwo.

DELMAR, 4214 Attractive light rooms, withexcellent board; in fine location; cars con- -

enient.DELMAR. 5242 Choice furnished rooms for

two gentlemen; breakfast if desired; all cont enlences.

DELMAR. 3837 Two front and hall room,newly furnished; gentlemen; board; prUatafamily; references.

DELMAR Boulevard Desirable fur-nished second-stor- y front rooms, with boardif desired conveniences.

DICKSON. 2305-- furnished room, goodboard; modern conveniences r tl woelt.

EAbTON. 3100 Nlcelv furnished front room;all con enlences; good board; reasonable terms.

EUCLID. 2E32 Nlcelv furnished second-stor- y

front roop board If des-re- reasonable.EUGENIA, 2307 Newly furnished

single beds, gau. furnace heat: boardEUGENIA. 2310 Second-stor- y fr

with bath' good table; plenty fruit l.ubleo.EVANS, 3337 Furnished rooms, suitable for

two gentlemen: $4.50 per week, with beard.FAIRMOUNT. rooms: close

to Suburban cars; breakfast and dinner Sun-day; gentlemen' preferred.

FOREST rARK .Boulevard, 333t-Fr- ont rooms,with board. $4 a week. Block south of La-clede.

GARRISON. 03 N- - Large front room, withsmall connecting room, for four gentlemen,with board.

GARRISON. 717 N. Large connecting singleand double rooms; running water; with board;reasonable

GARRISON, W0 N. Second-stor- y front, withdrewlng and bath attached; also other rooms;southern exposure: all nicely furnished; furnaceheat; splendid table; references required.

GRAND. 1702 N. Second-stor- y front roomswith board; also other rooms.

GRAND, 1635 S. Second-stor- y room; furnacend grate; nicely furnished; excellent beard.HAMILTON. 1230 beautiful alcove room; pri-

vate family; breakfast optional; Olive or Pagecars

HODIAMONT, 934 Choice, furnished frontroom, with board; fifteen minutes walk World'sFair.

HORTON Place. 6064 Nlcelv furnished rooms,with board: 34.50 and 35 per week.

KLVQ'S HIGHWAY. 1244 N --Furnished rooms'or one or two gentlemen; breakfast If desired;private family.

KOSSUTH. 3C22A Two elefcanr rooms, withor without board: bath: heat: Lee ave. cars. t

LASALLE. 2025A Reliable woman would llkochild to board: beet ireferences.

LACLEDE, 3838 Handsomelyrooms, with or without board.

LACLEDE. 3119 Nicely furnished rooms, withfirst-cla- board; ail home comforta.

LAFAYI7TTE, Lafayette Park)Nicely furnished 6econd-stor- y rooms: first- -

class beard: steam heat; hot bath: reasonabiee.LAWTON. 3001 Nicely furnished rooms;

board if desired: reasonable.LAWTON. 2917

board; noma cooking; table board.LAWTON. 35K Handsomely furnished aouth

ern xront rooms; nrsi-cias- n oosjo.LEE. SS19 Nicely furnished room; private

family: all modern Improvements; with or with-out board; One home for any one.

LINDELL. 3629 Two very desirable rooms;table and furnishings flrst class.

LINDELL. 3642 Second-stor- y front and hallroom; first-cla- service: large, bright sunny-room-

well heated, with board.LOCUST, 3023 Furnished rooms with or with-

out board.LOCUST St.. wly furnished rooms and

first-cla- board: reasonable. jLOCUST, 1631 Second-stor- y front aid. rooms;

good board: cut winter rates.LOCUST. 3143 Second-stor- y front: also other

room, with board: phone C 1825.

LOCUST. 2200 Furnished tingle rooms, withboard: furnace heat: is per week.

LOCUST, 312 Nicely furnished front parlor,suitable for" two or tlrre. gentlemen.

LOCUST. 1424 Board and rooms: day boarderaccommodated: house heated. Mrs Thomas.

LOCUST.. 2726 Front and back rooms, withhoard, for gentlemen or ladies: all conveniences.

LOCUST. 3217 Nicely furnished rooms; goodboard; home coolqng; hot bath; terms reason-able. l

LOCUST, 2930 Winter quarter, for families;best board: special rates to party of gentle-men: C 788.

LOCUST. Slv7 Desirabl. rooms; southern ex-posure; first-clas- s board; all conveniences; de-tached house.

LUCAS. rooms; good board;pleasant home.

LUCAS. 2327 Neatly furnished rooms; gas,bath, heat: good hoard.

LUCAS. 3213 Neatly furnished room: furnaceheat: with excellent board; 135 for two.

LUCAS. 2726 Working people to board: large,bright rooms: all convenlencet: reasonable.

LUCAS 8304 Second floor; suitable for coupletwo gentlemen: 83 week each, with board.

LUCAS, 1804 Second floor front and oth.rdesirable rooms, with board; visitors accommo-dated. " .

LUCAS. ms, suitable for marriedcouples or four gentlemen; fumao. heat; choicetabfe: reasonable.

LUCAS. 1421 Neatly furnished front room:exoellent table board: southern exposure; fur-na-ce

heat: hot and cold water; bath, gas.

LUCRETIA. room,, with orwithout board, for two; private family; bath,etc

MARYLAND. 4361 Suit, of two front rooms,southern exposure: also smaller suite, andtingle room, -- with excellent board. Llndell1914-

MINERVA. (242 Desirable rooms and board:furnace heat; Pag. and Buburban can; termsreasonable.

MonnAN. 41i?FQrnlahed room, with or twr gentlemen.

MAPLE,-B6- S Nicely furbished front: room forgentlemenrwlth board If desired.

MAPLE. 5654 Second-stor- y furnished room,with board: hot bath, gas, heat telephone.

MAPLE. (S31 Large and desirable second-sto-ry

room; southern exposure: with board; ref-erences. . -

MePITERSON. 4067 Laiwe. fin weond-ftoo- r"south room, with board; strictly flrst-clas- nochildren. t

MORGAN. 1905 Front room, with or withoutboard: private family; southern exposure.

MORGAN. 4223 Neatly furnished third-stor- y

front for two; with board; terms reasonable.

ROOMS WITH BOAHD.''ess'HS'VlVtV-V-WsWM'-fAOniV v .. .w.. ...1..jiMinn.i. j r trout room lor iu ur luitagentlemen: board if desired: all convenjence:r.'

MORGAN. 303S Beautifully furnished room.with or without board; every convealence; nearthree car lines.

MURQA.N, Slil Two connecting front rooms;aouthern exposbrer private family; flrst-clas- a

board: man anp wife.MORGAN, 27 Nicely furnished .parlors;

flrrt fioorv with beard for four gentlemen;reasonable. 2737 Morgan. -

NATURAL BRIDGE Road. 3507 Neatlyroom. lth board; conven.ent to car- -

OLIVE. 4005 Larpe second-stor- y front room;good table, reasonable; family.

OLIVE. 3336 Roonrc flrst-c'aa- a bcardl'sen-tleme- nor ladles empIoed; terms reasonable.

OUVE. 2841 Nice, comfortable rooms; south-ern exposure; with or without board: fumacoheat.

.PAGE, S534 Nicely furnished room, withboard.

PAGE, 4636 Rooms and board; moderntrms reasonable.PARK. 2233 Neatly furnished, Iarse. secon-

d-floor front and other rooms, with board;references.PENNSYLVANIA. 7104 Reet table board InCarondelet; ft arm. comfortable rooms.PINE. 3123 Furnished front room; outturnexposure: good board.PINJ2, CS32 fNear Grand) Warm, comfortablroom; first-cla- board: reasonable..PINB, 3223 Beautiful, sunny second-floo- r frontroom, with excellent board ; modern.PINE, 3223 Loely second-floo- r room, with

pood board: two gentlemen; V week each.PINE, 2732 Very cool frcnt rooms, nicely

nice lawn; good board; gas and bath.PINE. 3502 Furnished or unfurnished tinny-fron- t

rooms; corner; lookout bright; dining-roo-m

cuisine unexcelled.PINE. 3323 Second storv front rooms; connect

ing, suitable for three adults: rim-cla- s board;bath, gas; references; also day board.

FINE, 2732 Nicely furnished front rooms,with furnace heat, with or without board; ac-commodation for strangers: terms reasonaM.

RAYMOND, ly furnished southernrooms, single or en suite, with choice board.

RUSSELL. 2S41 Two large furnished, room,with board; every convenience.

RUSSELL, 4xa Nicely furnished front rcomwith board: two persons; ga. bath: reason-able. "

ST. LOUIS, 4735 Good location; call and getrates.

TAYLOR. 1323 N. Nicely furnished frontroom and alone for two; board; furnace heat,etc

THIRD St.. 10 and 72 N. Rooms, with CXwithout board: or housekeeoing rooms.

VERNON, 532 Furnished room and board fortwo ladles; 5 oer week.

VERNON, 6725 Choice furnished rooms, withexcellent table board; telephone; all conven-iences; references.

VERNON, 5722 Furnished rooms, with cfaelcehome cooking; telephone; walking dlstancWorld's Fair: reference.

VERNON, C623 (Cabanne-T- wo gentlemenwho can appreciate the comforts of a refinedmodern home can find second-stor- y southern-expose- d

corner front room, beautifully fur-nished (connecting bath). In family of adults;table very best of home cooking; nicely served;htlf block Suburban cars; price two gentlemen370 per month.

VON VERSEN 5835 Newly furnished room:southern exposure: hot bath; steam beat andall modern conveniences; with or without board;within ten minutes walk from Fair grounds;terms reasonable.

WALTON. 91S Furnished rooms with, board;hot. bath, gas; furnace heat: 34.50 per week.

WALTON, 764 N. Furnlshd rcoms. with.boardr'for men employed; dose to World's Fair.

WASHINGTON. 2101 Firs rooms, with,or without board: steam heat: private

WASHINGTON, 340S Handsomely furnishedfront room; well heated; choice tabic

WASHINGTON. 1307 Golden Bod Restaurant.Zeno Davis, prop.; just a place to eat.

WASHINGTON. 3413 Nice comfortablerooms; everything choice home tabic

WASHINGTON, 3406 Large, desirable rooms'for couple or gentlemen; furnace beat; good dayboard.

WASHINGTON. room fortwo. with first --class board; all modern con-veniences.

WASHINGTON. 2312 Desirable rooms withtoard; eteam heat; telephone ISO up per month;to couples.

WASHINGTON. 2323 Rooms and beard; high-clas- s;

southern exposure; steam heat; phone;best service.

WASHINGTON. 32P6 Larre.noma: excellent table; also gentleman rcom-ma- te

wanted.WASHnfGTON. 3119 New and

frcnt rooms In refined home; excellent boardsfurnace heat.

WASHINGTON, 4483 Desirable second andthird story front rooms, with board and hotwater heatiie. ,t

WASHINGTON. 205 iArge second-stor-

frcnt room: furnace heat; excellent, table; per-manent parties. f

WASHINGTON. 8217 Large front room. W.U.private bath; southern exposure; all conveni-ences: good board r?

ABiriiriUlUi. uo room; moa-Ti- i.

conveniences: including telephone; superior fa- -

ble and service: Domelike. LWASHINGTON Boulevard. SS Nicely

room, with board for two gentleman "orcouple: heat, gas, bath, etc; Jewish: veryreasonable rates. - 3

"WE can give yo iust what you want til,,rooms or board; we make no charge: call av,nsuPhoenix Real Estate and Adrertlsi-c- g Co.,41 Granite block.

"WEST BELLS 42JT Second-sto- ry front roomand board for refined couple.

WEST BELLE. 4310 Rooms: excellent board;furnace heat: hot bath: reasonable.

WEST BELLE Place, 4009 Dell-thtf- rocmsfor couple or gentlemen, with board.

WISH" PETE. 3(22 Room and board; for couple or i9 gentlemen

"WEST BELLE, 3PC0 Day boarder, scocomckdated: Erst --class table; home service. a.

WE9T BELLE 4478 Nice second-stor- y roomwith alcove: excellent table; good service. .

WEST BELLE. 4315 Large room, second noor,south: excellent board: gentlemen or coopl..

WEST BELLE. 4351 Pleasant room: superior-- .home table: two gentlemen or married couplau

"WBSfT BELLE. 4100 Pleasant rooms: xcl--lent table: horn, cooking; 14 to and 15 per weejfc

WEST BELLE. 4300 Large room, for twowith board; also gentleman roommate

wanted.WEST BELLE. 4476 Very desirable room.; alt

modern conveniences: good location; boardjlfdesired. '

WEST BELLE. 2936 Desirable rooms; excel-lent table: delightful' home; gentlemen or la-d-


WEST BELLE. 4024 Rooms, furnished orunfurnished: flrst-cla- board; prices reasonable;,best servicer. -

WEST BELLE. 3360 Elegantly furnished tec'ond and third story fronts r excellent bOerdr'also other rooms. .

WEST BELLE. 4478 Second-stor- y conneetlarrooms; all modern conveniences; good location;board if desired. -

WEST BELLE. SK0 Elegant rooms:, flrslrclass table: select people; superior accotnrdo-datlon- s:

reasonable. "

WEST CABANNE Court 923 Chole.'' fuj--.nlshed rooms, with board; cloe. to World"Fair ground. t

WEST CABANNE. 6048 Choice furnishedroomowlth board; all convenlencet; telephone;-nea- r

World's Fair. s fWEST PINE. 1804 Nicely furnished room.,

with board: all convenlencet: prices reason-able. .

WESTMINSTER. 4259 Roomt and board:electric light; steam heat

WESTMINSTER. 290S Furnished front room:superior board; one or two gentlemen; refer-ences. .,

ROOMMATES WANTED.NW.i.,..AROOMMATE WANTED Refined Tounar man'splendid room In private family. 1901 W,ashrlngton. , :T

ROOMMATn WANTED Young lady wantsroommate; South Side; rent cheap. ZK f.Republic. , -

ROOMMATE WANTEDTo, board. In private family r all convent,ences. 4063 Morgan. -- a.

ROOMMATE WANTED A congenial man.tOjshara comfortable' room with two pthergen.tlemeo. 3031 Washington. -

ROOMMATE WANTED Gentleman rodm-mat- e:

all conveniences: board if desired r rea- -sonabie terms. 2702 Dickson. -

ROOMMATE WANTED Gentleman to .ahar.delightful front room: southern exposorer- - pri-vate family; convenient to car line. t23SMor-ra-

st ,

ROOMMATE WANTED GenOeman room-mate; large, light room: first-cla- ss

board; steam heat; phone; refereneeav 292Washington.


ROOM and board. In private family on Santn-Side- .BM 28. Republic.

ROOM1 anil Tvwrrtf lsdv. son and tsra hU- --

dren. aged 12 and II; two rooms. Address., with,terms, v .;an.nna,

man with good habit-- ; modem conveniences rgood board. SmtA BelL w.-f-U

ROOMMATE WANTED Br refined yotmrman; large, light and room;prices very moderate. 1825 Wash-s- t '



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