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' , 1 !t .t-- - IS i :HE REPIJBLIO' WEDNESDAY. JMAY 1. 1901.' f As.. m " " iv fea BIRTHS, MARRIAGES . . AND DEATH& ... ,.. RECORD OP BIRTHS. ft. A. and TCffl. Clioulni! Ctrl. Adolnn and Amanda Land I, taoo South Eighth; - (tri. Junes and Mamie McNemara. 2211 Hon ton; boy. Frank and Mae Hessel. 3610 Ohio: girl. Charles and Elizabeth Walters. 5"6 North Chan. Blng: (Irk John and Emllle Frelse, 2221 Dodicr; girl. - Frank and Ella Bailey; 3331 Cook: girt. Louis and Mary-Blase- . 1CI La Sail?: girl. 'WUllam and Katharlna 'Woefie. 5428 Klein: girt. - Charles and Maul Terry, toot of Bowen; girl. .O. and K. Borar, S2J Manchester- - boy. a Qeorm and Carrie Hclnritz. 2S15 Dalton: girl. Frank and Emma Hughes. 3702 Cote Brllllante; " Urt. . p. J. and Elizabeth Fleming. 411S Sacramento; j gflrtV ,1 Charles and H, Oustafson. 272S Clark: boy. Michael anj alary Blanchfteld. 1222 Missouri: Mr. and Mrs. Moody. 4034 Evans; boy. Mr. and Mrs. Mealy. 1S15 North Sixteenth; girt. MARRIAGE . C. C Payne XUUsn chamberlain.... J. A. Borer. Florence L. Capen...... John'Renner. JaOln Zlmpelmann C Maypole ... RankJn..... A. Q. Stohtmann Eva J. Booth IX E Shanahan Caroline Garneau Charles W.Parker..... Emma E. Leonard H. O. Dusln A Anna Israel.. It. " Rosle T. Deyoughe 'William L. Steele Marlanna Green.. I. B. Westhrook. Maude Carradlne James A. smith UUI Kirk J.- - S. Sldeliotham. ...... Mlpnle Vlerllng William A. Brlcnner.... Mary Storer. Earl Sinclair....) Lanra Nichols J C. Ande-ro- , Sarah E. Bovles... Charles C Scott Alice Leemon Arthur Bclnke Clara Krnuse W, Meyer. Angelot Slevcrs ... William II. Buhrman.. May 1. White... Edgar Bessie' Wedley, Peter Kxalchel ... Mayme Mayer. William Wlnterbauer. Rosle Skredynska Thomas Jewell VClara, E. Nicholas George J. C Woh'schlaeger. .Marian E. Darlow Louis Wlkzvnski Leonora Faerlah ChrWt Hornung Clara Ruetz Michael Thomaschltz jjuuIHa Kotte........... J. P. HiramM Anna. Jncrgcnhakc H.vJ. Raoser. Jtfelen Shanks TT. C Jones Aunt 'Wallace Herman "Baler. LlxUo OUersbica...... - ?occ8 Onlseppe--.- . Tocco'Domenlcts........ H: 1S2 5. (S, WiW.-aim- o Ashlock.. .'.,. Marco Simon. I Waller ) "" MaBnt MHWrWr, J''' Old Orchard. Old Orchard. Mo SM North Grand ...... Mo ,...31S 1241 Ill 2311. Russell KM McNalr 3017 Indiana ISM Goodfellow S7C3 Easton StMSA Magazine ,....36:1 Cote 4125 2M3 Blair ...1107 North Channlng ..25 North Sarah rittrburg. Pa Ramsey. Ill Chicago. Ill 4S14 Olive 223 Sieln ...Sulphur Mo Wellston, Cote rirllllantc ...1233 South Broadway ....5S32 South KIT Warne' ....4227A North Market Montlcello. Mo ..Aahburn. 222J Clark SCt3 UPO Blssell ...101C North Jefferson ..2K3 South Bread ...., IIS Russell ..15.19 Belt Cote Brllllante Ditto... 1023 Clark tt. Ill Center 4U6 Srpy 41"3 Sarpy .1421 North Thirteenth .143 North Thirteenth 1311 South Eighth S04 South Seventh Mo ....Anion. .MO ZtlCt Soath Third 3316U South Third S7M South Ninth 273) South Ninth 1S23 South Third 303 Geser ,5300 North Fourteenth 111S Destrchan ..1923 North Fifteenth 2905 Bailey 4141 Fairfax St. Claire. Mo 131! Grrden ,... HIS 120 North Sixth 12CS North Siith Mo ,w WeUla Rlmsra fSoIId Gold). j FtMrt -- srorkmanahlp. J3.C0 to SM 00. Merznod and Locust. BTJRIAI. r t Wright. KranLIin Chlcnro. Brllllante Compton 224T GraTois; diphtheria. years, 4i& iiiaine; pieurp- - jlffTTTHHHsislM Alma FrMberir. C years. S023 Carr: icmlclde. .Fannie Frledberg. So years. 2013 Carr: suicide. .ATbertlne Koneger, 72 years. 234S Park; pneu- monia- L. V. Christy. J years; foot of MHler; ac- - Jamea T." Walker, tl years.' IMS Cottage; gas-- Chariea.WItJh, B years. CItv Hospital: nernla. ZUa V. Trneman. 23 days, 271S January: "" ' Claim 2 months. 910 Cass; con- vulsions. x ' i Gottfried 77, 12T7 North Jefferson; Eugene Garvens, Sjnontbs, 4311 John: enterc- - James Murray, tt years. 2Me St. Louis; pneu- monia. - Mart- - Woods. 17 years. City Hospital: chorea. Henry T. Erhardt, 33 years. 1601 Thomas; pnen- - mog!a. . Valentine Fussello. 53 years, 303 South Third: .Mary Pearson S5 years, S343A Earny; senility. I.Ahna Goorr. J years, 20Vj Eugenia; uraemia. Martin, B years. 711 Sidney; a. - Frances dick. 4 menths.- - 50 South Broad-- Bessie Love, 10 years, 2S31 Laclede; diph- theria. - Julias A. Freymark. 5 years. JOS South Sev-ent- h: aneurism. "tTalherln Kerrigan. 51 years. Poornouse; se-- Janiea Martin. S3 years. S33S Evans; congestive feVer. -- ' .Peter Truirnsen. 4 years. 2836 South TAetrmonta. ..." Charles H. Bensberg, 33 years. Milwaukee. Wh.: general naresls. Christ. N. Hedegard. M years, Moberly, Mo.; - - Jphanna Damroer. (1 years, Fulton, Mo.: dlsrrhoea, James dark. ! years. St. Vincent's softening cf brain. LocIUe Conaway. 1 year. 2325 Newstead; spinal meruturltla, Atnrast Wclse, 4S. years. 1342 Hebert; John Waimer. S3 years. Missouri Taclfic l; eerebral congestion. James Gorman. 41 years. City Hospital; pneu- - TJnL T.Im VT av 5155 TTtnh? Tmenmftnla. Oottfried Stein. 47 years. Good Samaritan Hos-- - pltmluDperatlon. - F. H. FeH. SS years. 3219 Olive; nephritis Alfred Nesbltt. 32 years. 8 South Hmy C: Ianr, C5 yearsV 2S5t Victor; Henry 1614 Blddle; dwelling: 11.400. Harrr Manchester and Chouteau; n Olfllim ii ISIS South Broadway; store; 100 ft., n. a bet. to R. w. d 7 ft. H In., n. a., bet- - Gar-- KtrMtaa LICENSES. ....Normandy. Malllnckrodt Springfield. JaccanTa. Broadway PERMITS. WasotowsW. "Catherine Thirteenth; hert-dlse- Institution; la. Goodfellow; BUlXmXG PERMITS. Sapplngton. Beckermarm. "Wittenberg, 42'Arco: dwelling; J3.000. BXAIf ESTATE TRANSFERS. AlijrV Longfellow Pltxman RtthardsDO ATLANTIC ana smug, wkt tuniju tc. 41. ...... ......... ...- xr.. a., net. and Walter Adair to Ed Moon Wi "Qskti ClXVZUiliD-- K ft., a. k. bet. Tburman Geo. Brewer to Lab- - a,, to Eliza. Blck- - d.... ...... ..... .......... ,...... GORAOS 49 ft, s.. bet. Euclid and Saarrma: Chas. Btueckxnan to Lewis Os- - MP 0a . MIE 60 n. a., bet. Prairie and ater: Eiua Barry to Wm. Bar-- FAQB-- K ft: Eliza Barry to Kate W4rrnstH-- 3 a)4l Btddle: sr. - A. prFERsc Mand jr ;aPgpU uooaxeiiow Aug. Halwe Crilten- - David laasanai SUgp. Harry Kanken Henry Alfred teiioiuuaa Steins Lorens JTsflnM AValal, Tt,w r.. BjjL. Union Mary Casey ' Mnriaaitti'-en.'- , iViVbet'MalV and" aaaa: Frank Earjealrtnd Aug. Gron- - MlamiCMe''ft""'iru;" e"'a.."bet"pv ''v " v ' amvaaw! i tl g.yKa.pT, 3 iu . XHml: .Chas. Lorenz Levy Raalta U"""aa -- JBjili7Bi5ii rftmwmmMZ JiXkmt-- it H- - iVti BlUaWlWUV-- il b-- TB W, 'STf8B W- - JiBBBBBl Hf Mo ...I Springs. Mo Mo nv v0 ear. W. 'Thorns a, Sid :, a. Der. Giixabeth and Hsxainan a ft., t- - it; to Eliza. if- ft, e. Division to IN 3D ft. w. sl. bet Arwenal: Tom Kuhnls to -- w. a ft, a. bet FUcher to vi,""i-mVyrSv"- w d. ..... .J it s in.. . a., bet ary gner to ft. n. ft.. fct. 11th mnA IStV,. frhn MArbaV-S- I ft. bet and Clar isai'CoBrad Jlcmeyer to to i and to - VICAIAM1 W. . TB a., bet. Newstead and loas Van Investment Co. Iwiao Benney Joha.Fer- - '4.. wm. bet ........... rt--a, P 3s ft sr. a. Vt rrtr to V ' a. 3sr wj J bet Pearos and to James Wra. w v. " ai TmfmV Mm m ii tAdriWm MS 3 LlnaeB - w,a.t , r k Rutger ..525S Henry Hamilton-Walgamo- t MaTUea It' ft. bet 6hlo"and tojuna uendonaa Chalspidro e.l KZISgrS- -? it.; aocnara Boyle "rX mi Zi ' 9. " "a ,....5973 Adims Julius s .. " .v a to Farrls a.. Vwf. Ttt, ,,A .,h to to ti; a., bat OMo-k- air- - In, p. a tt. toTsswrui S. IsvfVn!OtaaBd i;jBr!aHarty Orilek rJsguMi raWaBBBaglWyl !atnaaHalBBBaatnQk .j Xraak- - Coykandilt t , ti. bit. AeademVand Bamtran. Jr.. to Errdly ?;ittvmn-zB Boiri 'to'pr 3.000 7,000 4,000 1.S50 zsoo 2.2O0 1,2 1.M0 2.BM 23.000 2,000 2,000 409 1M t.609 T7.WI. ltTS -- 4.S00 Ul ...... x .&. ag. ntn ' - rXkXf-ii- i : t- - a vjo na&lc 0y eii . I'l.SW Nevvhouse and Angelica! Ilcnrylembure to Jos Ljembure iv. d 1,000 VON VEKiEN 3j It. 4 in.; Sam Komeroy to James Wooley w. d 7.500 NEW CORPORATIONS. - MISSOURI. r.nruBLic speoau. JerTerson City. Mo.. April SO Certificates ot In- corporation erc Issued by Secretary of Stat Cook y as follows: Ernest-Dav- is Grain Company 6f Kansas City; capital stock. 110 10 Incorporators A. U. Ernst, u. u. miT, A. w. Emi ana otnem. Ulnsen-- r Distilling Company ot M. ltal stock. JW.,.h)0. Incorporators U. Wm. O'Kcefo and John G. 0"Keefe, ILLINOIS. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Loul: cap- - J. Kennedy. Ftrrlnetleld. III.. April SO. A certificate of In- corporation was Issued y by Secretary of ritaio itoa to the uooinson wawr, iirhl ai'u Heat C'nmnAnT.- - lnrnteil nt ltohlnson. The CaDl- - tal stock is JT0.000. and the object Is to operat "Kni. neat anu power plants, ne incorpuiun-.- are C s. Jones. l"rank Bartmes and A. 11. Bays-to- n. The Tckin Plow looted at Pekln. er- - tiues: to an increase in capital stocit irom jiw.v.v to J3W.CW). ARKANSAS. RErCBLir SPECIAL. Little Rock. Ark.. April The Arkansas Stock and DctectHo Union of Bald Knob tiled articles ot incorporation with the Secretary of State The capital stock is 310,000. F. W. Roctiel Is president ot the companj.. SEALS & STOCK CERTIFICATES. THE S. C. ADAMS STAMP & SEAL CO., 314 N. SIXTH ST., ST. LOUIS, Manufacture more Seal and Stock Certificates than any home m the West. Prices the lowest; quality the hlgliet. Everything In Commercial STATIONERY. STAMPS. SEALS & STENCILS. STEAMSHIPS. iPAN-firll- PHIUPPINB ISLANDS VIA HONOLULU. Pacific Mall S. 3. Co.. Ocdden'Al & Oriental S. S. Co. and Oriental S. S. Co From San Francisco: Rio de Janeiro, May 11; Coptic. May U; American Maru. May 23. For passage and freight rates, reservations, pas- sage orders and information, apply to L. E. Tomnsley. agent, 431 OlUe St.. St. Louis. EXCHANGE AND BARTER. INTEREST In horse and bugcy. .cMnbllshed cigar business for W 117. Republic. WICjL exchange a good base burner stove for brass or jron bed. 1G1I Pennsylvania. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND At entrance to Republic building lady's pocketbook. Owrer can hne ame by gi-I- deacrlptlon to the cashier. Republic office. LOST Small davbook. Please re- turn to C10 Olive st.. with contents. C. E. Elliott. LOST Scotch terrier: male: answers to name of Topay; short In hind leg. Reward. 4472A Morgan. LOST Ltd j llvcr watch Monday morning between Washington and St. Charles, on Ninth. Return to T19 Century building for reward. LOST Knight Temnlar Maltese Cross charm, set with fire diamonds: also a plain gold curb watch chain. Will pay 330 for return ot these to owner. A. II. Duncan. 4303 Pine st. $50 reward for recovery of the body of Hye Tohlen. drowned at Texas Junction, Mo., Friday, April 25. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINGS. AMERICAN Exchange Bank. St Lou!s7April If. 1901. The annual meeting of the stockholders thl3 hank will be held at Its banking-hous- e, 207 North Broadway, in the city of St. Louis. Mo., on Monday. May C 1901. for the election of thirteen directors for the ensuing year. Polls open from 3 a. m. to 12 m. WALKER HILL. President. L. A. Battalle. Cashier. STOCKHOLDERS' Mcctlns The annual meet- ing of the stockholders of the Combination Land Improvement Companv will be held at the oftleo of the company room 2R. Laclede building. Louis. Mo., on Monday. May 6. 1901. at 10 o'clock a. m.. for the election of five directors to serr for the ensuing ear. and for the transaction nf such other business as may properly come before said meeting. C. C. RAINWATER. Pre'Idcnt. H. T. Heuer. Serretarr. St. Louis. Mo.. April 21, 1901. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING-T- he annual meeting of the stockholders of "the Julia Build-In- ? Association. fr the election of five 5 di- rectors, to Ferve daring the 'ensuing rear, and for the transaction of such other bnslne as mar prooerlv com? before tho meeting, will be hId at the office of the company, room No. 917 Securitr building. St. Louis. Mo., on the eighth 6th) day of Mm- - 1101. nt a m. PIERRE CHOUTEAU. President. Attest: Wm. A. Stlne. Secretary.-St- . Louis. Mo.. April 23. 1901. STOCK'HOI.DFRS' Meeting A meeting of the stockholders of The SlerPng Manufaeturine Com-Tm- will be held at the office nf the companv, nt No. J41" Olive :.. St. Thiols. Mo. rn Tuesday, the second day of Julv 190t, at 9 o'clk a. m.. for the purpose of voting on a proposition then and there to be submitted to increa the capital stock cf said corporation from 36.000, Its present authorized capital, to 312,000. and alo upon such othet propositions as may properly ccrae before said meetlnc. D. R. CAT.HOUN. G. F. NEWHARD. A majority ot the Directors of The Sterling Mfir. Companv. Dated at St. Louis. Mo.. April SO. 1301. LEGAL SOTICE9. TRF.ASITRV DFPARTMFNT. OFFIfE OF COMPTROT.T.ER OF THE CURRENCY. Washington. D. C, April 23. 1501. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that 'Tr-- Mechanics' National Bonk of Saint Louis." In the City of Saint Ionls. In the County of and State of Missouri, has complied with all the provirlons of the Statutes of th- - United States required to be complied with before an associa- tion shall be authorized to commence the busi- ness of banking: Now. therefore. T. Charles G. Dawesc Comp- troller or the Currency, do hereby certify that "The. Mechanics' National Bank of Saint Louis.". In fhe CItv of Pstnt Louis. In the County of and State of Missouri, Is authorized to com- mence the buslnesa nf banking as provided In ectlon fittv-on- e hundrM and sixty-nin- e of the Revised Statutes of the United States. In testlmnv whereof witness my hand and seal of office this twentv-thlr- d flav of Anril. 1901. CHARLES G. DA.WES. fSeat) Comptroller of the Currency. No. C7W. GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. ST. LOUIS.- - Mo.. Anril 29. 130L To Whom It Msv Concern The puhllc Is hereby notified that I will not nay any bills contracted In mv nama by my wife. - C O. AMBS. EDUCATIONAL. BOROES Spanish School. Suite Union Trust Building Classes formed at any time; send for circular; translatluis sclltlteJ. HARTSOCK JONES'S Business - College. Ollva building. Grand and Windsor Shorthand course. 140; per month, day. 33; night. 35: calk PRIVATE lessons, shorthand and typewriting exclusively: expert lady teacher: full course 315. or 15 month: positions secured. Barnes, 2(45 Washington ave. BICYCLES. For Sale. CAESAR. Cleveland. Crescent Pierce, An-dr- Reral and Tempest St Louts Cycle Co. 335 N. Second st See Morgan. Main S84; A 71 C. CHEROKEE Cycle Co.. Corner Jefferson Ave. and Cherokee St Expert wheelbulldee and re- pairer: bicycle supplies of all kinds cheap. A. Schasrer. proprietor FIFTT unredeemed bicycles good order. Union Loan Co.. from 33 up:-- a'l In 1416 Market st LADY'S bicycle, WOO model, used but perfect condition; d of cost. S205A Mor- gan st. 1300 Cleveland. Columbia. Crescent Caesar and Andrae htcycls; repairing and renting. Colum- bia Blcvcle Co.. SS56 Olive st PASTURAGE. HORSES to Pasture 25 acres fine pasture; run- ning water, shade trees and barn. Wilson, corner Florissant and Jennings road; quarter mile from city Umlte. GOLD, SILVER AND NICKEL PLATTHO. DOWNING replttes and repairs silverware, grid plaUs'watchen. Jewelry: good work; cash for old gold, silver and platinum. 203 N. Seventh. GOLD and silver putting In all branches; cash for old gold and silver: tine gold for sale. See-ka- & Krause. 812H Plna st BUSINESS 1 ANTED. C. nANSEN, rrsctlcal house raiser, mover and shorcr: brick or frame buildings raised, moved or straightened. 2143 Cass ave., COCKROACHES and bedbugs exterminated under guarantee ut once; terns reasonable. X 139. Republic. . DIVORCES promptly obtained: monthly daman suits handled with best results: competent attorneys. 321 Chestnut at. room 204. O. LANGER. Consulting Mechanical Engineer aud Draftsman Worklnc out and perfecting new Inventions a specltlty. 3523 Itaaka st, St Louis. ilo ' GET your sewlna machine repaired. Improved Repair Co.. 1318 Olive. Phone D.1O0. I WTLL- ray.'pot cash for a rood, - bihtm ano saiooa. must oe worm toe money B lit Republic, UPHOLSTERING, mattress rnaklnr end feath. r renoratinr. Do jxn wish anr srork done! Call Dordgan. 1512 Olive-- Phone: Main 80TM. WE hare Jrtstomers .for all lines .of ouslnesa and the rnsh to ptiy; no sale, rto chargea. Lyons Co.. 32H Ollvfe; - . WHISKT of exeepUonai (reality: ne van gal In plain box. Keotock Whisky Boose. 317 Franklin ae St Louis.. Ho WORr.Tyfl VTalr' . n i -- .: - . . . Ti - . mr ".j xecmea. jsicxeinnizn kros.. orintera. ond at-tra-all ordera solicit! z- - OPTTC1AJIS-- otlr X. Sec- - ECH rt aetecinValry czaainwd free of'tsarsa by V 8. Drelfua, OpUdaa. lf Vtaatota avvv. BITOATIOH8 WANTED-FEMAIJE; . Thre Lines for Ftva Cents. Each Additional IJn. Fir. Cents Extra. ASSISTANT Situation by young lady as office assistant. Miss A. U Martin. tl& Morgan. CHAMBERMAID Situation by colored girl as first-cla- chambermaid. Call at once. 1S23H Linden. COOK Situation by good colored cook. 3118 Chestnut st. COOK Situation by first-cla- cook and house-gir- l; best of references. Schapcr Bros., second tltor. COOK Situation by woman, with 11- - ear-ol- d ?lrl, as cook or housewoman: good rrivnte city or suburban. Call If. A. nt convent, Twtnt -- second and Morgan HOUSEGIRL-Sltuatl- on as houregtrl. 2018 Wal-n- st, HOUSIXHRL Situation by girl for housework. 2103 Torrest ave. HOUSEGIRL-Sltuatl- on by compstent German girl to do general housework. Call for S. 12. at convent, Tv d and Morgan. "HOUSEGfEL-Sltuatl- on by good, reliable girl to do general housework; 316 per month Call for 1C M. at convent, Tvvent -- second nnd Morgan. HOUPEGIRL German country girl wl'hes as houeglrl In small private family: good wages expected. 1' 21. Republic IlOUSEKEBPKRLady desires position in housekeeper for responsible partv : cnpible of managing house and children; best refennce. 3130 Bell. HOUSEWOMAN Situation bv middle-age-d woman to do general housework In a sm3ll fam- ily; no- - objection to country; reference. D 123. HepublJc! LAUNDRESS Good laundress wants washing to take home or go out. 4023 Easton NURSEG1RL Toung girl. 14 jears old. wants position as nursegirl. J203 Washington. STENOORAPHER-You- ng lady stenographer desires position; willing to assist with office work; moderate satary. F 123. Republic STENOGRAPHER Position by competent experienced: good references; mod- erate salary. O 129. Republic. HELP WASTED FE3IALE. Three Lines for Five Cents. Each Addltloial Line Five Cents Extra. General Hoasewark, COOK WANTED-G- Irl to cook, wash and iron. S324 Westminster. COOK WANTED Girl to cook, wash nnd iron; small family: good wogta. 4359 Llndell ave. COOK, ETC.. WANTED-Co-ok and hoaseglrl; vtry Kwd wages: no charges. Employment Oltlce Schaper Bros . second floor. ""HOUSUGIRL-WANTE- D- Girl to do general housework. 5190 Boston. "iIOUSEGIRL WANTED Girl to do general housework. 3203 Washington. IIOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl nousework. 5700 Vernon ave. for general IIOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- irl for general house- work: small family. 2416 Dickson. IIOUSEGIRL WANTED-Germ- an girl for gen- eral housework. 3232 Barrett IIOUSEGIRL WANTED Very neat girl, cooks well: small famllv. 5260 Delmar. IIOUSEGIRL WANTED A good girl to do general housework. 4131 I'll st HOUBEGnu7"wANTED-Go- od girl to assist with housework. Apply 3937 Cook. HOUSEQ1RL WANTED-G- Irl to do general housework. 3715 N. Ninth. IIOUSEGIRL WANTED A German Eirl for general housework. Apply 2417 S. Eighteenth st. IIOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl to do general housework: three In family. 5011 Morgan. IIOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl In small family; aged 16 to 18 years. 3745A Laclede. ""HOUSEGIRLWANTED-- A strong girl for gen- eral housework. 3120 S. Seventh st IIOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl housework. 2223 S. Grand- - for HOUSEGIRL WANTED girl to do general hojsework. 1534 S. Seventh st HOUStGIRL WANTED A young white girl to do general housework. 2101 Olive. irrmsRrjiTtT. tvanted Girl for cer.eral house work; no washing or Ironing. 1312 Carr. general German HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general house work: family of two. 520S Cabanne ave. HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl to assUt In gen- eral housework. 391SA Shenandoah aye. "HOUPEGIRL-WANTED-Gen- eral houscgirl In family of two. 4430 Forest Tark boulrvard. HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general housework: white or colored. 3615 Laclede ave. HOUSEGIRL WANTED Girl to no general housework In family of three, 2671A Russell ave. HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general house- work and washing; wages 316. 4371 Laclede. "iIOUSEGIRL WANTED Girl for general house- work In family of three.5l23Maple ave. "NURSEGIRL WANTED Toung girl for upstairs work and to take care of 673 Clem- - ensave. "HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl to assist with housework; good wages and good home to right party. 330 Washington. . "HOU&EGIRL WANTED A general housegirl. who wants a permanent place, and none other; family ot three; wages 312. 2240 Oregon uve. "iIOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go- od German girl for general housework; wages 111; no washing. 120S N. King's highway. COOK AND HOUSEGIRL WANTED Boarding-- house cook and girl for general housework. 616 S. Broadway. IIOUSEGIRL WANTED A good girl to do gen- eral housework; wages 315 per month. 4111 Mor- gan st- - HOUSEGIRL WANTED Houseglrl to assist in genera housework: good home; 17 to 19 jears old. 130SA Olive st IIOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go-od girl for general housework, without washing; good wages. 4140 West Bells. IIOUSEGIRL WANTEDSmall family: good wages. 3464 Hawthorne boulevard. Compton Heights. HnRREGIRL WANTED-G- Irl housework; family of two persons. 4'nerson. for general 5101 ilc- - HOUSEGHtL WANTED-Go-od girl for house- work: white or colored; good wages. Apply 235S Finney ave. "HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go- od German girl for moral housework, by young couple. 443. West Selle place. "HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general housework; washing and ironing put out 5S13 Von Vcrsen ave. HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Experien- ced in din references; no washing. Apply Immediate- ly. 5138 Washington tt. " HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Experien- ced German girt for general housework; no washing; good wages. S947 West Pine. ' "ilOUSEOntL WANTED-G- Irl for general housework; no washing; take Compton Heights car. 3935 Botanical ave. HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go-od German or Swed- ish girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 2312 Pine st "HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general housework: family of two: no washing; wages 310 a month. 778 Euclid ave. HOUSEGIRLS WANTED-T- wo competent girls for general housework. Queen City Hotel. East St Louis. Take Denverslde car HOU8EGIIUj"wANTED-Gi- rf for general house- work; small family; must be neat and thorough; rood wages. 3519 N. Taylor ave. HOUSEGIRL WANTED Nice country girl for general housework In small family; good home to right person. 61S3 Folrmount ave HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go- od girl. German referred, to cook and do general nousework In E at; no outside work; 314. 5375 Cabanne ave. . THERE la a good and permanent place at 1(15 Pennsylvania avenue fcr a good glrL The pay !s best and tha work light: a. nurse Is kept for the children. Dressmakers and Scnmatrcssea. FEMALE operators on overalls, shirts and duck coats: good wages- - steady work. At Premium Mfg. Co.. 1003 St Charles st FINI3FIERS WANTED Finishers pants. 2t43 Bernard. GIRL WANTEDTo do hand sewing, at onee) good wages for good work. 3133 N. Grand aye. GIRLS WANTED Apprentice girls to learn dressmaking, ' JJ40 Albion place, GIRLS"WANTED Girls to sew petticoats and bonnets. 2353 Market st, "GIRLS WANTED-Fi- hy girls, pay by week; on overalls, shirts! can sdvance to S3. 2O0S (Mor-ga- n st GIRLS WANTED-Experien- ced girls to operate g sewing machines. Rawllngs Sport- ing Goods Co., 430 Locust st HAND SEWERS WANTED Hand and sewers'on coats. 608 Carr-s- t "LADIES AND GIRLS WANTEDTo make buttonholes- - bv band In custom shirts: also alrla to learn, Buckley Shirt Co., 2(23 Olive MACHINE GIRLS WANTKD-- At once, ma- chine girls, hasten and one for hand tewing on vests. 1800 Menard st SEAMKTRESB WANTED-Qulc- k, neat seam- stress: Domestic ttnachlne; come ready 'for work. 4248A Finney ave. SH1RTMAKKR8 WANTED-Stea- dy worki high. eM prices naldrrtsr hlHi-spe- msoMrie: anplv at onee. Royal Skirt Mfg. Co., 1121-- Washing- ton ave. WOMAN WANTED To aew carpets, this morning. 422$ Delmar. - .Steaosrrnphera. Apply JsJMfc STENOGRAPHERiWANTED--Tonn- r tady ste- nographer: K Per week-t- o sUrl. 1230 Olive st "STENOGRAPHER WANTvSD-lLaj- ,, eteoogrs"-ph- er who nnderstand. rh French language: tQ per month to start 1230 Olive st - STENOGRAPHER WANTED-Compet- ent lady stenographer: must hsre experience: stats refers antes, etc H 12a. Jtepublic. Tne. rnstaa.- - :HAnTivena sx'awissb'i, s,,, - - - srotlr j ta. jzwii. located In a city if vwrr":WM.,sCnsnws.w Pr csn wajre.; noara .HELP WANTED FEMALE. Three Lines for Five Cnts. Each Additional Line Five Cents Extra. Cooks. A competent cock; no wash- ing; good home. 3324 Lucas ave. COOK .WANTED-Color- ed cook; S024 Westminster place. washing. COOK WANTED-Go-od cook to cook only; good wages; other help. 44S3 Berlin ave. COOK WANTED Experienced girl or woman to cook, wash and Iron. 2343 Pine st. COOK AND HOUSEaiRL WANTED 433S Un-de- ll. - COOK WANTED Cook; no wishing or Iron- ing; good wages; private family. R 128, Republic. girl for cooking, washing and ironing; small family; IIS. 2411 Cook ave. COOK WANTED FIrst-Iai- s cook: neat and oMlging; must have good reference. Apply at 2313 Locust COOK WANTED-Co- od general houcwoik in flat: &3T3 Cabanne. girl to cook do uo work; S14. COOK WANTED A German girl to cock, wash and Iron In family of three; houscglrl employed, cull Delmar ave. COOK WANTED Reliable German girl to cock, wash and iron; good wages. 51W! Washing- ton. COOIC WANTED Good cook for general house- work: no washing; ironing or outside work: fam- ily of three adults; references. 4(66 Morgan COOIC WANTED An "experienced" cook In a boardlng-houh- e In Venice. 111. John J. Wald, City Hotel; wages JU; female. 2lart?a. NURSE Competent nurse; t?l Beers, room 204. no St. and best referencea.Ho- - NURSEGIRL WANTED Nursegirl. with ref- erences: white: IS jears or ovtr. 4110A Morgan. NURSEGIRL about 16 years. WANTED Whit 4312 Delmar. nursegirl. NURSEGIRL WANTED-Compet- ent nursegirl. S121 Washington. NURSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl to look after threo children: are 3.' 6 and 9 years; call with references. 4418 West Plre. NURSEGIRL WANTED-Nurseg- lrl. Applv after 6 p. m.. Wednesday and Thursday evenings, 1434 N. Thirteenth. Lnnnilressea. GIRLS WANTED-Gl- rls from 14 to 18 years old to learn Ircnlng. Excelsior Laundry. Grand and Bell. GIRLS WANTED-Gl- rls to feed mangle and shake towels. ExceUlor Laundry. Grand and Bell. IRONERS WANTED Four shirt-wai- iron-er- s. two neck-ban- d lroners, two finishers. Apply Wednesday morning. D. L. Parrlsh Laundry Co.. 212S Olive. "WASHERWOMAN WANTED-- At 45J3A nut-g- er st. Mr. Lynch. Call early. WASHERWOMAN. ETC. WANTED-Washer-wo- nnd girls for w.ilst washing. Excelsior Laundry. Grand and Bell. Clerks nnd Saleswomen. LADIES WANTED-T- en ladles to advertise Insect-O- . Red Cross Hygienic Co.. 212 N. Seven- teenth. LADIES WANTED Twenty ladles to assist In Introducing household recesslty: easy work; good pay; no canvassing. Call 213 N. Tenth at SALESUUYWANTED-Mu- st speak German. Call 213 N. Tenth st Waitresses. TEN waitresses, nlna chambermaids five cooks, seven dishwashers, five scrub girls. 1230 olive st WAITRESSETTVNTEDGIrls to wait on ta-l.-ie from 12 to 3: no Sundays: salary 32 per week. E 129, Republic. Miscellaneous. CASHIER WANTED Toung woman to act as cashier and also tako dictations when necessary: none but thoroughly competent ned apply. X 123. Republic GIRL WANTED For dining-roo- and kitchen. 2C2S N. Broadway. GIRLS WANTED-Gl- rls to wrap soap: apply at once. The N. K. Falrbank Co., Third and Conv ent sts. GIRLS WANTED Brlcht clean work- - change to advance cent Lamp Co . 523 N. Second st, outside loung girls; ugnt. U. upstairs HELPER WANTED Woman helper In kitchen. 1020 Market st. . LADIES WANTED Ten young ladles, medium, sized; experience unnecessary. Call this week. Grahame's Hall. 1SJ2 Olive. LADIES WANTED To learn hair dressing, manicuring, massage or chiropody; only two more weeks of our special offer of scholarship and tools: many positions waiting graduates: diplomas awarded: rate cf board If desired; frea catalogue mailed: write Molcr Col'ege. 1111 Market st. HOME WORK-- I6 to 315 weekly; no canvass- ing: we have several lines to give out; some to copy letters: an hour or two evenings will add 35 to 36 to your weekly Income; Inclose stamo; work sent Address Eagle Mfg. Co.. 4ot Spitzcr .building. Toledo, O. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Middle- -aged: good wages; small family: pleasant home; take Washington Page car to Belt ave. 1360 Burd ave. STOVE REPAIRS For all stoves. A. O. Brauer. 316-3- N. Third at SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Three Lines for Five Cents. Each Addltlor al Line Five Cents Extra. ABSTRACTOR Abstracter and stenographer desires position with title or It E. Co.; expe- rienced; references. Address Accurate, A 129, Republic "ACCOUNTANT Books opened, examined, bal-- p ced and statements made; firms or corpora-- 1 ns. J. J. Fischer. 310 Temple bullilTg. ACCOUNTANT Accountant wants permanent situation or accounts to adjust Klnloch D 593 or P. O. box 1023. BAKER Situation by Al cake baker, confec-statlon- er and pastry cook. J 123. Republic. BARTENDER Situation by first-cla- bartend- er. A 123, Republic. BARTE2DER Young man. 23, good worker, city reference, wants position. X 128. Republic BOOKKEEPER. ETC.-- A competent book- keeper would like a position In St Louis or neighboring town: hare had successful experi- ence in ad. writing; good references. P 129, Republic. CLERK Wants position: understands general merchandise. Address F.. 300 Imperial building. Tenth and Pine. CLERK Situation by a youni; man as tfftc clerk; outside St Louis oreferred: seed refer ences. 211 fcevenm St.. uannin-u- . .mo. CLERK Man with 18 years' experience desires clerkshln In wholesale or retail store: Al refer- ence B . Lock Box No. 9. Philadelphia, Mo. CLERK Situation as general clerk, bookkeeper or city drummer in company's iocai oince or wholesale house; long experience. It, 2322A Ohio ave. COOK Situation by a first-cla- German cook to do cooking only; city references. 1" 129. Re- public DRIVER Situation by a young man as drivtr: well acquainted with city and all depots. T 12?. Republic. . HEALTHY young man desires position to learn drug business; no objection to long hours. T 111, Republic. HOSTLER Man wishes position as hostler or stableman: has had experience: Just arrived from old country. 200 Dorcas st, care Adam Rltaylk. MAN Situation by OUng man. 23 years of age, having experience In office work and as clerk; also some knowledge lit bookkeeping: can speak aerman: best .references. T 206. Republic MAN AND WIFE Srtuation by man and wife as coachman or tend lawns: woman to do general housework or cooking; Al references. O 123, Re- public. MANAGER Situation by- - a roan capable of managing oil business: wishes to work la the Texas field. T 128, Republic - NURSE Position by middle-age- d man. locking? after invalid: experience; first-clas- s references. H 12J. Republic . PORTER Situation a porter In saloon or house cleaning. It B. Davidson, S003 Manchester ave. PRINTER Situation by Job oomposltor: sober, reliable; best references. F 133, Republic, . 'PRINTER Al news and Job prlnterl IS years' experience: sober: good recommendations. L 117, Republic. SALESMAN Situation by young man with S years' experience In rents' furnishing coeds; good salesman. LI23. Republic. STENOGRAPHER Situation by experienced mel stenoi-rsh- e nnlrle and acourare: good referereesJ 123. Republic. WALL paoer to eleaa'l'.nlns years' experience In IWs w"k exclusively: send postal: will call. 3. Neat m Marian st WATCTmAN Hlroarlen as nleht watchman er jieslrten f ml! bet etty references. Address A. K. Ul N. Lefflngwen ave. HELP -- WANTED MALE. Three Line, for Five fVnt. -- Each Additional Line Five Cent Extra. Clerfca ans Salesmen. CLERKS wanted who ran use easy, stylish shoes, for 32.9S. Harris. S3) Pine st DRUGGIST WANTED Experienced in onerat-I- nr soda fountain; state age and satanr; perma- nent too If wlllloi to work. W- - W. Luter. Kennett Mo. "- - ENERGETK: salesmen?- - school supolles: roun rr work: tioon salary, and commissions. R. O. Evans & Co.. Chicago, ill, IF smart enough to asll mining and ott stocks. first-cla- proposition; will make yon rich. Ozark Uplift Room 2t Commercial bmldlnr. ' K'WATTED Totmr msn for offlea worle ana collect;: 81S per week. lao OHt st - MAN WANTED-Qui- ck at flames: relerences; sry ss nsr monia. wtttv .coin incanaes-- , special mnst hsv G 13. Repobtta. JfAK WANTED-Go- od appesranes. tef ISBHseal i nwu- wn rwu. HMTT ana OSXnmSSB TO SSSTt. VUl BV ,. ain s. HELP WANTEB Thrfc. TJnaa tor Vm Etch Additional Lino FlT Clerks and Sail MAN WANTED In St. Pablo of pushlnz the sale orli throush solicitors? to one whoil stands hla business wo will gin tre article never before mirn casn or small Dond required. OFFICE CLERKS WANTED 330 to commence; permanent j ment to right party. 904 Olive. SALESXfAN WATJTnn well enced man: 120 weekly. Itoomll "SALESMEN WANTED SaTes3 ana conee in family. trade in iiti r ranaun ave. SALEsSirs wanted Salesn must havo good appearance; sal c jaccara punaing. SALESMAN WANTED BoGktrJJ training and managing crew on ra opportunity. v lig. npuouc. uir.vnMrie vv'AMTPn Five Inscct-- to the grocery trade. Rl enlc Co.. N'o. 213 N. Seventeenth. " SALES4MAN" WANTED Man to ish: hew- - proposition. If you waiil to see us. 1023 Holland building. lii.rBm-- v U'ivren-Thr- ee entirely new proposition; a wlnnil guaranteed. Apply 310 Olive at. ro SALESMAN WANTED To sell Black uiant roor pnir.i luoncania; mission. Vulcan Chemical Co.. Cle SALESMEN WANTED P. F. Ca ,Tl.n t. nvn tvn flrst.elass saleH editions cf scientific series and But dis v.emury oiag. . SALESMAN to sell cur full line stock; a guarantee -- iven that stci true to name. or- - terra.. iit Nurseries, Lawrence, Kaa. fi.r.rrQxfSTV fnw nt rufun eonvinr; other office specialties: easy .seller terms: exclusive terruory: c.v. w. Co.. Dept 32. aoutn iuena. ino. Isome Icily frLFSMEN WANTED Parties tp us and sell teas and coffees to famlllel Inirn In Mtssnttrt. flltnois nnd Northel sas; bly pay. Athletic Tea Co., 317 FrJ WANTED-Salesm- en In each State tl Daccos and cigars: experience not buikji,. essary. factory as. xnaxion. v The Tradea. BAKER WANTED-O- co well up on brl must be strictly good lob party. Loomis m uross j. BARBER WANTED Flrst-clai- s Lcr. 314 N. Sarah. BARBER WANTED Barber; per cent. 10 N. St. BARBER WANTED-Bar- ber at the 506 N. Sixth st x3 Olive st once; oring toots, ii-- s aiarK.t ca- - tticle ight: ipiy cakes; sober: imnnw, colord Seventh steady Hotel. BARBER WANTED-Go-od, respectable I BARBER WANTED-Goo- d. steady barbJ w BARBER WANTED-Flrst-cl- ass barber; week. C. M. Mader. Winchester. lit BARRER WANTED-Go-od barber; steady j tion. 1604 Tower urove-avc- . Keat BARBER WANTED-Go- od. steady young ber. at onee. taiA 3t ixiuis ave. nmnri ftnod steadv Toune ber. at oncer 50c on dollar and board. 16071 Broadway. BARBER WANTED A steady barber: gl wa-re- s with board. 2S02 N. Grand ave., corner! St Louis ave. BARTENDER WANTEDAAt S04 N. Tront East St Louis. BUSHELMANi WANTED Must be flrst-cla- sj numpnrey uiotning --o. TllTStTF!I.MAV WANTED First-Clas- s bUShefl man to work In the bouse. Mills & Averillf Broadway and Pine. ters naer- - IARPENTERR WANTED-Flrst-cl- ass carpenl at once. Apply 704 West Main st. Belle I vllle. .ii. COOK WANTED A cook at.orce; white man preferred. antacHae. CUTTER WANTED A marble cotter at onca T. C. Tlsch. Belleville, HI. ELECTRICIAN WANTEDTo take care dyramo and mr'-- r and lights. B 129. Republic. GOOD carrlac asd wagon wood workers, three! painters end three macKsmun Deipers. lut .i Broadway. ""lIARNESSMAKER WANTEDA good roan at once: steady employment to tha right man. Address S. A. Drake. Hannibal. Mo. ""HELPER WANTED-Blacksml- lh's helper. 2612 market. HELPER WANTED-Go- od blacksmith Helper. 1213 Cass. MOLDER ETC. WANTED-Mol- der and bench hands at Phoenix Planing Mill. Twelfth and Spruce sts. PAINT WASHERS WANTEDTwo good paint and fresco washera. 714 Chestnut PAINTERS WANTED Ten house" painters. Sam Stahlhuth & Bro., 4S23 Keonerly. ' PAINTERS WANTED Twenty-fiv- e first-cla- house painters. 'J. W. CConnell Painting Com-pan- y. 622 N. Third at "PAPERHANGER WANTED-W- in pay 310 and 312; one edge worker. 4722 Cottage. PAPERHANGER8 WANTF.D Beelman i Grawe. Decorators, 1316 Olive st PAPERHANaEIl8"'wANTED-5'cra- r flrstnTlass paperhangers at once. C. P.. Strother. 4362 Easton. PAPERHANGER8 WANTED A. J. Geraghly, 1532 Olive 9t PJPERHANGER8 WANTED Five paper-hange- rs at once. 3178 Easton, J. T, Hodglns. PAPERHANGERS WANTED Five paperhang- ers: steady work; good pay. J. M. Read & Co., 511 N.Sarah. PAFERHANGER8 WANTED Must be rood men and know the business: also experienced pasters. Lynn & Co.. 2601 Park ave. PARTNER WANTED-Horeesh- oer. fax. Falr- - PICTURB FRAME MAKER WANTED-Stea- dy Job, 170S Franklin ave. PLANER HANDS WANTED-T- wo first-cla- planer hands; also machinists. 930 N. Main. PRESSER WANTED Presser who understand wet or dry cleaning; good wages; steady wo'k. 4727 Easton ave. TAILOR WANTED Bushelman tollar. Olive st MacCarthy-Evan- s Tailoring Co. TAILOR to make coats at once: 37 up. Pro- gressive Tailors. Helena, Ark. TINNER. WANTED A first-cla- tinner for outside work. 2322 Maiden lane. TOBACCO BTRIPPERS 106 Market st WANTED at TOOLMAKER, ETC. WANTED-O- ne tool and die maker one first-cla- machi- nist Wagner Electric Co.. 2017 st UPHOLSTERER WANTED-Experienc- ed. good sober roan; steady work to right party. 131? Park ave. WAITER WANTED-Wal- ter 1711 Market at Apply Xocurt In coffee-hous- WATCHMAKER WANTED One accustomed to trade work. Apply at Elsenstadt Mfg. Co., Holland building, city. WnrTENEirWANTED Whltener. Call at 604 S. Third st WINDOW WASHERS WANTED-Fo- ur flrst"-clo- ss window washers; white men pnly. 714 Chestnut st . WOODTURNER WANTED-- good Woodtnrn-e- r: will give stesdy work. O 101. Republic. Canvassers nnd Solicitors. CANVASSERS WANTED-F- or an article of merit; Dig armaria now; suoa money to nustlerr. Call room 206. 304 Ollvs st CANVASSERS WANTED For an article of merit; big demand now; good money to hustlera. Call room 205. 304 Olive st CANVASSERS WANTED We want three ex- perienced canvassers, on salary; one to six months' contract; at ones; elegant outfit free. Murlllo. Olive st COUNTRY solicitor to cater to family trade; liberal commlssloni excellent goods; quick sell- ers. Add. Kentucky Whisky Bouse, Frank- lin ave. MEN WANTED Two neatly dressed men; guarantee first-cla- ware, to good men with references. F H. Republlo. SOLICITORS WANTED-Go-od snd women to sell g article; large profit. B 165. Republic, LanareTs, LABORERS WANTED-Ltbor- ers; apply im Da Kalb st . LABORERS WANTED-Bri- ck yard laborers. Chrtstv Firs Clay Co, Morgan Ford road and Gravols ave. (Take King's highway ear sooth from Koerner's Garden.) - MEN WANTED-Flf- ty men with hatchets; Thirteenth nd Washington ave, Nineteenth and Plna. Thomas at Kelly Wrecking Co. NOTICE Alt auarrvmen sad laborers, - plesss stay away from st Louis enarrles. aa there is trouble existing between t contractors an tha union. By order Quarry Workers' Union 8370. WANTBD Shsvelers Wednesday morning. Twentv-tlr- st and Clark. TWENTT-TtVE.jD- tn for steal gang for Frisco Railroad Cnmsany: wages 81.40 per day: office fee Aeductad from wages. Apply J. Slgnan. 1200 N. Third st ' Walters. WAITER WANTED Walter: rim. ready for work: must bs experienced. ,1703 Olive. nor wanted lit Morgan at Bora. BOY WANTED Boy at Champ 8prtnr Com- pany. 210s Papln. iwv WANTED-- An Elgt-ih'st- . hot 'WAWTieri - , Louis Bascb. Sit Plna st. nte- - indtmritms boy. ltc- - s. BOT WANIJIIJ- gtroeg boy, one-.w- has had axosrlsnca la narae aB4.earaf smMs..nss . tonaTa. - .' P.- - . t.". . , -.. .BOT WAXTET-A-tnTa- aa: boy of It to drive Aiviy HEhtp WANTED-MA- LE. Caeh r'v Cents. ?UUttal Line Five Cents Extra. . .. Boy. fboys welrom. -- rNewsboys; lodging free; all 'piy ggoT oilv. ,u. rcar. """st he exoVKSrTw?JlK1'" trt fut 1" shanks; o.. wis Locust" c,t Werthelmer-Swart- s Shoo Wy toncel:TiStfc"1!o7 ,n box department: K- - Falrbank Co.. Third and workB5Yf,WA''TED-T- wo fastelyjys: steady baran. MISCELLANEOITS. rold nVi: :J ATnD-Age- nts to sell filters and ii'.,1fwAhe time; wo make stone filters; T- - flib. 5c up. 703 Pine St. keVrJS''.WANTED-- A comp-te- nt bar-- t Jm IMfl,7i"?IaP Mloon: Burlington, la. Call 1!o,net nn.l Pine sts., twetn9and o'clock Wednesday mornlns: In?'anAlfm1f!5V'Ai''TnD-cl-an- er. Superior Co.. laa Olive. llS'ltaJkertf11 WANTKD-- M' dishwasher. ElScTn'1'! MNEISS AND LOADERS nlV0 1Ullr-1U- ' Uy" lfSm t0T cct- - niWtSMAN WANTED-Color- ed TOiri maB; ren rwiuired CerSFn1? WANTED-M- an for housework; oo7kJ,-reff,rJf,d:c- references; small wages; 1217 Washington. arV VFmjT;?. 5'AXTKD-wnil- nr to travel: ial- - &rtatn3'ff bg? KIR "d P"":"'t WorkEK.S wANTI7D-ri-ve good rs to handling ,hf.nIr fit-clas- s studio In St Hi Olive lecaat o0"1' fte- - Murillo. feitV ThiFand-Mldaie- ? ANTED-Ro- yal Candy asstNatl?TD.NJ'!'BIMtl!"- - rnm man to fountain, riow's, 521 Olive st. awfl,iA2??:D-Hdal'-s- ed to attend to KrkI13AJTE?.S,eaJS'. middle-age- d tuburbs. Call Oark 4255 and 1314 men and man seert AJKEEDS.tSn exDerience nrererreo. - -- " w . '" -- . 0 : .... ,ni.u nnme. vinno ave. man to In at 2W3 5c'un m3n to " ,n r "' - v, v.ic v.nn s?ii ave. JAIlA:sIEJ- '"nperate man to milk JK small farm: j first month. Dr. Case. -- "'.,. r an. urooqway. nr.d and BA.ri5'AKTED A first-cla- man to lay out ar ana tanic work? mnn i,n.-- -, ,,t- - k. 329 317 r$ reference. Frd Barkerlleld, of Park Compai,y. North Second st. St Louis. WANTTTTVT- - ..... .. . 2nNcy News Co.. 33 S. Twentieth st ' WANTED Five young men used to rar- - K WOrk: al,A One It.mstM, Innltf n. T,m houses. 5513 Waterman. ' WANTRTV Ton Mnn. n.-- n . Imh. ,a Wlrn nafftn. SJ . tn ...T.. . l - ". ' l" 1" net.: .,. til m Market st WANTED To adverfVo nnn tnfmrti.en ans and specialllfs. tick sirrs, dlstrihuf rmc;es; sieauv wpr1?: xi3 weekly ana Marvel Mfg. CO.. Chicago. WANTED To hi,h.. tmrl. .? re weeVs of our sreclsl offer nf seho'T-- - wra ana roois: eignt weRs comnletes; ru .paid graduates: call or write aroer colleae. 1141 Market st MIs- - lKim agents to sell goods on railroad train; "nish 110 sernritv nnA fllsn Arf- - gllway News Agency, JtiS Market st miANGERS WANTEDTo sell wall pa- - , uur ibc "irnp'e oookr; o: enmmis-(Ite- a Stales Wall Paper Co.. 910 Pine st quid Ca. WANTpm Port St. saloon, hir"at oeiween man wanted sinn- -: rennlriiS TCintnmcnTi.fiin.n1w Walnut California. Write lmmedlate- - Angeles. fornlai ienesi lEverrwhere Hustler sltms. AcrJ moneyl proved I nubile. en t In I .:i tVmttr ?. ..nn. .nnn In and help 301 jo ana 12 o ciockv M"st b m-- o Prene.s B16 st. AGH AGE si:: WAX tend Lv.ii --Men for woi-lrs- . fi tn. If are to to fo rs. Los Cal. to tack Minnies, Advertising AND WANTEDTo Missouri ave.. East St. Louis, from 331 AGPTNl gold flsll AGEN1 everv td Antl-Tr- AOEN7 num carol Its; sampl AGENTl permanentl ferred. Adl :u'nr. etc.; no canvass-Su- n EN WOMEN -- t Pie of orrn i ells easllyl oau. Olivl AGENTS you 7 Our ciaeco.. 44 AGENTa Simple tmnati. AGENTS Bureau. Chicago. UtlVO sollrlt rrintlne: rnbl Business College, Mdr.. Ninth and locust Come get catalosue. AYWARD'S horlhand Cot'ere. 519. 220. 221 and bulldlnr. Indlvldnal Instruction lTyr-"vrltt- BwkkeeplnT. Arith- - pnshtn. rnong 973. Day and night (5ESlTASTEpj- - NTED To travel: noncapital re- -' AGENT.l at ii s. fume fcNTED For the. onlv legitimate. rnenix fire irungnisner tas agents! evervwherel for 35: S2.SI 33. 403 Ad- - Washington hco.. Kichmona. ma.,. Brerv county patent moneymal Jar ooener an er. o. Co. G. Mo. ave. sell the profits: write for terms. Bleha Co.. BJiav the goods that sell: hlg tbig"money Hamilton Frapcls" pert! KismarcK AGENTS WJ run! required. i In, SI, tl on to as sii? to sea on st nest incioee srnmo. iiooa iieaiva Co.. St. Louis. Mo. Mount county Louie, and oiag.-- , st iuo. AGENTS, strl cnuiogue: Jewelry, finding AGENTS ixinis. est azenta sellil 22 N. st. St pen and Ink hnvl Sroflt; ngcntl Co.. La'Crl AGENTS WAI ouiut. and secur-- ee.i article -- .Arenls Fourth Louis. To sell Frlsch's latest lm- - N. Eighth st another rM X 42. We Wfant senemfl Agent, cigars commission, .auarcss St. Louis. State agents! 1(20 Olive st, Stl AGENTS WAJT1 sell th Alnlnl No capital or expel ipjuncunns tree, s catalogue and! Lock. Co.. Clnclnnal HAVING onlv1 to offei. our agenfl cue samples free 414 LADT AGENT9 -- nmpw eg. k. st- - e? rji i: to CSvl- t- PMrlcss Grinde- -i write to nath cabinet wltn door: -- Asenfs to filters up. 703 rine st tD to sell in I and L, N. Ninth St fe-- v for the ards; rood sellers, big prof-- Iwarren and attractive no bonks. 3C8 De Bof au brash , SPECIAL scent wjl stama. See5-- el iji. 310 monthly, new p ii ALL, Aeslrfr.. oixin. sex" sell either sex? biff and time: ws make 25o rerist-- r rtuervwhere new KCJl, bis rjne su, mm jZt. sell worth week: made: Brush Cincln-- Claim File sells buls. ' i New rnx-l- l with iniin, oomn those- - aiay with the of lb" !. Lh- - vtnn wfc wn.rnn. iei. Men per aing send for sam- - ever Co ry ouvs: renin altv Raver. Co.. D. uo. maitim are ilngnlsher leads them all York .m,wiu, mem- - vxf. xra-i- t i.,nt. Lr.vimf rtallv; Maron "gsn. who sell- - prise Jug. to.. A., v.m- - stl EMPLOTWE.H tnr bnildlr--- v J "ns.RTS-'sjTts-- .nd RMlatgnlr ,J Employment Ca. IIS Nil --2m.HB"WA!'- - iionair wACK-iHrri-- r wat? Employment Co . 113 N. BUGOTWA BHKR. -- Either rnseh. aluml- - bweenim? WKArjrx M.n.,1 filters. Kinioco money: washer. 33t h.rnesel-a- n ua jr. rzARPENTTTBii i i ' am loan ram rre-ipe- d envelope. Be- - fn A is no -- 1- record as a s J t sell the' make 34 a day. Call ave. The JI. t: rer-- nttm .rent, in every ' branch: 314.40 capital I SOS Montrose ave.. St Hre workers, write for " and sliver piaie.wj risa.r. tne great- - duced: every user of h. vn fn sno nor ceal nounted to IC20 In six , hours, uonroe Jut. nts. write for sample n..L3 r your every also nd airenrj to iPteymsnt Slxthl CHEFS. jETfir. WASCT1 s? ncveiues. nmlsslon: lemiorj. countyr iiig- - Wduals or firms 'o rburgiar oroor saie. ded. OatBt and rarrjenter.- - hlK- Co.; to.. full to wnrsers. vvri. -- JyjJl r5S2 zsxxm, iriiri-ijs-.-- ". coffee-hous- e. merchants breaker "Martha aopoint Air-in- . pair c Iklrr fine salaries: Olive st --Vnr a wonderful Ira-ne- to workers; IU W. IjU mv. 403 ED one 103 near 330 84. Beh county to ap- - fdealers. Address. k New Madria. " well-slth- sr sex. Ozark Uding, bixvn una blic boards: R'aBtiya-tttC- aJ lit X. CLEMKitti or. S'Wi.VreiaiV: house Louis Tor Crown preposition S... umcinnavi. r. fCIES. kinr situation. ilovment Bureatf atl'tic s,t.-en- - rurnisnca ires . if- jr. National pianlnr mm ta. in . pi blaeksmHh' ay. rEDJ-R'err- - rr. National .n,thnise Itfonal Em- - irhefs and rpioymeni .n rrn- - Natlonat H" EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES, ffeg . ?w I DRIVER WANTED For delivery wagon: ,W. ., house; most have city reference sr 310 - n steady, national ianpiojincut "'J'".-'-- . HANDS. ITTC. hm&i-- ' . milker gnrdeners'for Missouri land Illlnois.-ifi.,- tlonal Ernnioymcnt Co.. HJ . Jjlf st s .'.r r"- - "" ,s4sLn ?Tra s.a trti..vv.v JW-r-- "" jgf gardeners, mINerr. teamsters, vyoodrhoppcrs, , .. , men for private places in eui,51ivw?r,'- - 'Y anteeu. lvoentys taoor vgem-j- . " "-- ".- tj. HOSTLER. ETC.. WANTCD-HoSt- ler nd'sta. ;--. bleman. J5 wk and found. National Lmplop i mentCa. 113 N. Sixth st. - ?- - s. JiABORERS WANTED For Northwest sourl; jiew railroad work: free pass: snip Apply at Koenj's Labor Agency. S Watnut at,-,- '. "LABORERS W'ANTED-Fact- ory and warehoai laborer", anj JI.65. isauonai iuiitui. Co.. 113 N. Sixth st. - "LABORERS WANTED-r- or city: labqrera for frcighthouie; laborers for new railroads: tmt pass Koenlg'a Labor Agency. i Wa. nut tt. MILKER. ETC.. WANTED-Mllkeri- W: tOts feeder, ns; gardeners. 320. National Employment Co.. 113 N. Hxth st OUR muleteer shipment for South Africa leaves Union station thia Wednesday, a a. m. National Eiaplovment Co., 113 N. SUth st TEAMSTERS. ETcTrWANTED-TweBt- team, stem and laborers for Choctaw Railroad. 31.7. National Employment Co.. 113 X.. Sixth st TEAMSTERS WANTED For BooovlUe exten-si- on of Missouri I'acific I'.allroad; free pasa from St Iviuls; ship KoenlgTa Labor Agency, 612 Walnut st. . """taEDME.V. ETC.. WANTED Hotel and . taurant yardmen ami dishwashers,- - 35. -- laaonal Employment Co.. 113 N. st PERSONAL. Fifteen Cents Per Line. ,H.WM,MmS. GENTLEMAN' that called Saturday at 3207 Lucas ave. please, call again. A SURE euro for fit, epilepsy; if affilcta Edwards Phartaaceutical Co., St Louis. A CARD to Ladles If you want tha aanoria Golden Seal Monthly Regulator (price W per box: It will positively relieve la from to a bourse), jou must go to the only manufactartra.. nrhrt hr, namM nnrt seal- stflmned OV thai box; bewaro of imitations. Golden Seal Med. j; Co.. 2311 Morgan st. St. Louis. sr. ALL ladles! Thtre Is only one Golden Seal Has , male regulator sold under a posltlva aToarantaa, to relieve the longest and most obstlnata casas of delayed monthly periods. Sent secure trorn'ob.' servation. 31. This is the original, and has no . agents. 2741 Olive st. AN announcement to ladies! There Is only.ona. original Golden Seal female regulator: sold 'Un- der a positive guarantee to relieve tea longest and most obstinate cases of delayed monthly periods; sent secure from observation. H. This Is the genuine and has no agents; can Do- - as cured only at ; ouve. ANT eirl needing friends, heln or cara thromra 4 'j fin.l th.m , rha KHfvntlfm APUiS1 i 'i Rescue Home. 3710 Marine ave. Ensign PUo-genso- n. matron. CONFTNEilENT ca,,, taken: nart naY In 1 If desired: private seclusion, consultation" and trial treatment: adopting babies free; treats tr regularitles; try my regulator: best of medical care and nursing; set my t'jrms; written gnrsr- -. antes ' for all cases; call or write; all mail answered:' patients mt at stattaa or Kromptly my vehicle. Mrs. Dr. Murphy, 213 and 2123 Olive st. Klnloch phono EMC. - ' i.j DOCTOR MARY MURPHY gives written gusr-ante- e: board 32.53. 33, 34 per week. 2123 and Vm OHvo st TVT? TllsrV7R rnmb, ., II, physician; expert specialist In an femate treat les; my criginnj painress mcinoa onngs okhi relief: private home provided. 2847 Morgan at, LADIES, If in trouble,- - save time and by calling at Mis. FriclCa, 1113 Chouteau. T.ATVTES Mv regulator never falls? OBS plcte treatment free. Mrs. E. Starr, 289 Traak-li- n ave. i MRS. DR. HOGAN receives before and dnrma; confinement. Infants adopted. Ladles In troaplt... call or write; terms reasonable. 2215 Oltva. ' MRB. L. HOTSON. ladle" pnrate home dar- ing confinement: absolute protection and aafstT ajsured: motherly care: irregularities: suutsssT. tnmmnteed nr nn rhnrees- - Infants adnntstl: tanl fonrntloa free: ladles in trouble, call or wrtt. ht uerman ana UTencn spoKen. zan sna zas uuv-- y; i ' CtT.Ti Tin. Offlrn ISH CvTluMnrtMI ASLT St Titils Mo TTtinhl.." lndte. or sJsssHS.i"' any cause, sklllfnllv treated: savins; Ufa ot'iaeS--jf S" try and regret Call or write: a years axpsrl;& ':;, ence; guarantee results: perfect and ' ,?,; privacy for ladles: comforts of moil-ut- )- -s' care; quick restoration to full and . health and strength: met at train. - - - VX nn IHNIC lEWtlVn . Ollva.. " -- unit secinaeo. iicanssa aasss)- for ladles before anil daring conflnement II shed fort- - rears. sTtrst-cliui- attmUon al eft treatment. TYiitten eaarante in all I4mvrtn.1t horns-- ! fonnrl for Infants fn. cessfullv treats all Irreeularttlea. CtmwoltmlUm 81.-- - ivsrlplstaig... and aavlce free. Ladles tn trembly cmll or Wrtt-f- Ladies, $500 Rwari For case of suppression Old Doctor Jailiuu'a monthly falls to relieve In 24 bonrst ,, , positively no ergot or- - aaanr' naved from suicide: Ideal, safe, homo mall 3300. Dr. Jackson. B C 80t. 17 Daarbara, st. Chicago. 111. - , rnnFiiFTS Pr-- a. ,.ia wm, ito,,.w Bl. so vate. secluded, licensed home for Is vou will be treated honestlr and wait guarantee to that effect Skilled medical:. at tention: trained nursing ana matnerrr earn. Homes found for Infants free. Board 11 pari week. Port payment taken In work. AbsoMra firotectlon and confidence maintained, jrrsfnr: results or no charges. Sat isfaction guaranteed m ail cases or nvonor funded. Consultation and advice free. Tarnae trouble, call or write. Patients met st trata. DR. MART ARTfTTTR Onlv nrtrstelsn at Aef1vsmsMoV ItAMia ls aII.- kawlAtf aa ca .uuiiucuku. uuuic iu vtl-j- UsnsaAAs, an uvanaaovU sas j, cation; traired nnnucfr xcellnt ai'iinffifiaaltfiaBi tnouieny rare ana perfect txngamni t5es itrccMafallv treated or no ehtm: niafammt' tefd results. OmsuIUtlon free. 2911 Mlnujtlr f? Huofure and Varletcili nrfTnn n, TTom. PBTt ft. TtSTt mechanic and inventor of Bell Bnpnott.-- f Bell Rupture Care Ox. 14U Wsshrssrssn; j ave.. St Louis. Mo. , . STORAGE Alii HOVIHCe, ., AMERICAN Storage and storing Comneaj, Olive st Faciunr,Binroins; storsge. rooms. Tot Main 302L W. H. Lanadale. TinmVTr TTTiTfTinnrT. TTt an,, Mnlnir f!nmKIIir. 112-- 1 money advanced when T. "H. PORTMAN. Storage. and Shipping Co.. st louts a Kin. D- - B47: Bell Tyler 2A. sTIrdoenC mrh MP. FRANKLIN Wntehooss aadj Btorage tSiinnre nst TittVit mcnUL 1DJB IfrsZU Btlosia, Charles Nledr.nthaus. proprietor. Both phones j i i LINDELL Storag and Movlnr Co'ltST TtoaJ ave., will move carefully and utisnsnljil phone Llndell O; Klnloch B 1868. A ' national MOvinr. Facklmr and C. moves and stores your with large paaaea vans, ssw uutb, i "NEW TORK Storage. Company, OT8ta'3aii'; Union Trusc Jiuiiajng aiovev pacs, snip,, si fine furniture Is private rooms. Phone Xaaa stonua and MoTinr Gb.V -- ..- -i .VVI- -J nhaarmTTiZ..,-- . south sido storan and Oaw and 1905 Sldner t. Tel. Bldnej- 27 SELKIRK'S ? TTa.b. 4n .is.esitrt.fsss. afa a vtavtas asaa seflBaaa nuuef aJ lu.mnuv, a.n aaaata neiaaansni.i insurance: careful movlnjr. nacklnar aait Din?; Z by ana KTja.riin.eea uy uMmiwtn vmimj-fo- 35,000. Storage 1 tv mmm for t- -t ture. iuaros. xriuuns. vauuaoiw, strictly morlng; tp MAnev aavancea. fre. Get onr K. U. ONcr: havinr mnda A411UUUK WW. muh CASH SsssT arruwrai rates. lzs-z- l rotwm. XT sire at 123 N. 3IOr for nnatiarn stamps lists free, st Louis tstomp ana , ion nne IRON, rags, zinc, and odd. and ends. JUNK MMWUMMMIi FranWIsPra,l-j- . furniture furntrore TFTnTviv Movlnjr stofiaqe; LlccnKed AT.30LTJTKZ.T FIKKPBOO(r urnuia avcu.. nxektcitlBw Estimates XjEONOBZ. JB., CO.. MISCELLAHEOr WAJfTJ. suit at. uncanceled premium corn Sper, Ninth stT Tl WANTED Larse auantltv faker's lowest wholesale prle--s and drculara,, l.n TTrtnn, Stevllnir. til. SVrao-Iro- bettieA Etc. Send Est. MC3. Maver a from 820 to 1022 N. 12th. Bt OLD CLOTH IltO BODQnT, --S3. kinds ing: price rjajd; l&ti) 133 Broadwas, att. kinds of rentlemen's and ladias bedding, etc; paid! sena praui, cvui. , riwiuia ave., nrr.RER. late T.TSB. km rlothlnc: twice as much tarae peed tnem. joe. nn St. HIOHEST price paid for ladles- - tleT-e- s rs-i-- rinmios. van or sens Miller, CM st Kin. A 213. No IP ynu vent rush nriees for rad1esan4) gents etnthinr. camels and feathsrs. postal to M gptereian. t8M OUve atr' TVALL rA3rsjr, ASK Wall i.rf'er befo-- e- irolng TI2 are. Telephone Klnloch C -- i svi-- : sntir rjierhan2ine di rror- - for lss money. Alien ave TttmE wlft" oarer "roor. up; work guaranteed, IL E. Oregory. Park ave. ; vt,ur order eaperrns; and to Roesch. Klnloch B 7K. areuauBcs. cards. brass, Eroadwoy. Kali ZEHNER tc CO.. n St .1 Ing. whitening and "plastering:: all t ratesr guaranteed: StK'.OM rolla(of.wall paper mast Ptz43Z cesi:- - waii'-- Bnaanrsl-wa- ll Jfapsr ca'saas ; ir IC'MK VI BBbIBsbW? hIW rt iK.f flw,xia - ? rjij&l1- -! w ! I' in AWtl anaani mr?; mum ssvclaston- - home; i :. .?' $- f:j i- a regulator guaranteed: pills;' tnatttsratx Fertfllzsr- eiS sbbbV ' aaaa. .. ' s ?.?-- - l"i!-- c M . ;vi. - ''-?- ' -- r - Ms. .r-- -: a; Z." -- ttw t J J v. JT i J- 4 H-- .'t j .: f aCa-.y?- : s 2yi.:-- A if Wt ' IriMtsfxsM ."Si- - 3v5t -- f ul. mmutizti-i- , m sMClatlaBr. ? X. . .1 rt'ttrtoi sasaaaat . v Phone C'Sja-ZseW.'- -a A .sr-S- v Parties tailored to call Elevextk KllnS, postal, coins; asi Rosea, rr.:. S t$&t y&m ,L of ladles' and,retlemenw tavsle-lg- K hlrhest send peatai,-- 1 B s. ... rfilZlZMiW carpets, highest prices or i. of para as ueioer, v.arr rash and Walnut mn we S. 3cr?i2SM - t MM. '.ijJI rr1i'3 'mMl Zf , "&S3vi the PsrlsUn CleajihhT.' tl&&i'K4 elsewhere. end 341. Bell d'l at tf.nitnwMa.MAn. ..,y-fs- Tu AreI K- - - SEND for lowest satisfaction beatrt! orTuera-an- a ;"assn- at ansa, 5L'JaaaT 2t-- t -- & S. i?z-r- Paper , "vSuiaK sal aorn seadn-aw-g- -: - sftm S-i E?,.

Library of · 2010-03-22 · '!t .t--- , 1 IS i :HE REPIJBLIO' WEDNESDAY. JMAY 1. 1901.' f As.. m " "iv feaBIRTHS,

Aug 15, 2020



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Page 1: Library of · 2010-03-22 · '!t .t--- , 1 IS i :HE REPIJBLIO' WEDNESDAY. JMAY 1. 1901.' f As.. m " "iv feaBIRTHS,

', 1!t .t-- -


m " "




... ,.. RECORD OP BIRTHS.ft. A. and TCffl. Clioulni! Ctrl.Adolnn and Amanda Land I, taoo South Eighth;- (tri.Junes and Mamie McNemara. 2211 Hon ton; boy.Frank and Mae Hessel. 3610 Ohio: girl.Charles and Elizabeth Walters. 5"6 North Chan.

Blng: (IrkJohn and Emllle Frelse, 2221 Dodicr; girl.

- Frank and Ella Bailey; 3331 Cook: girt.Louis and Mary-Blase- . 1CI La Sail?: girl.

'WUllam and Katharlna 'Woefie. 5428 Klein: girt.- Charles and Maul Terry, toot of Bowen; girl..O. and K. Borar, S2J Manchester- - boy.a Qeorm and Carrie Hclnritz. 2S15 Dalton: girl.Frank and Emma Hughes. 3702 Cote Brllllante;

" Urt.. p. J. and Elizabeth Fleming. 411S Sacramento;j gflrtV,1 Charles and H, Oustafson. 272S Clark: boy.

Michael anj alary Blanchfteld. 1222 Missouri:Mr. and Mrs. Moody. 4034 Evans; boy.Mr. and Mrs. Mealy. 1S15 North Sixteenth; girt.


XUUsn chamberlain....J. A. Borer.Florence L. Capen......John'Renner.JaOln Zlmpelmann

C Maypole ...RankJn.....

A. Q. StohtmannEva J. BoothIX E ShanahanCaroline GarneauCharles W.Parker.....Emma E. LeonardH. O. Dusln

A Anna Israel..It.

" Rosle T. Deyoughe'William L. SteeleMarlanna Green..I. B. Westhrook.Maude CarradlneJames A. smithUUI KirkJ.-- S. Sldeliotham. ......Mlpnle VlerllngWilliam A. Brlcnner....Mary Storer.Earl Sinclair....)Lanra NicholsJ C. Ande-ro- ,

Sarah E. Bovles...Charles C ScottAlice LeemonArthur BclnkeClara Krnuse

W, Meyer.Angelot Slevcrs ...William II. Buhrman..May 1. White...EdgarBessie' Wedley,Peter Kxalchel ...Mayme Mayer.William Wlnterbauer.Rosle SkredynskaThomas Jewell

VClara, E. NicholasGeorge J. C Woh'schlaeger.

.Marian E. DarlowLouis WlkzvnskiLeonora FaerlahChrWt HornungClara RuetzMichael ThomaschltzjjuuIHa Kotte...........J. P. HiramMAnna. JncrgcnhakcH.vJ. Raoser.Jtfelen ShanksTT. C JonesAunt 'WallaceHerman "Baler.LlxUo OUersbica......

- ?occ8 Onlseppe--.- .Tocco'Domenlcts........





WiW.-aim- o


.'.,.Marco Simon. IWaller )





Old Orchard.Old Orchard. MoSM North Grand...... Mo


Ill2311. Russell

KM McNalr3017 Indiana

ISM GoodfellowS7C3 Easton

StMSA Magazine,....36:1 Cote

41252M3 Blair

...1107 North Channlng..25 North Sarahrittrburg. Pa

Ramsey. IllChicago. Ill

4S14 Olive223 Sieln

...Sulphur MoWellston,

Cote rirllllantc...1233 South Broadway....5S32 South

KIT Warne'....4227A North Market

Montlcello. Mo..Aahburn.

222J ClarkSCt3UPO Blssell

...101C North Jefferson..2K3 South Bread...., IIS Russell

..15.19 BeltCote Brllllante

Ditto... 1023 Clark


Ill Center4U6 Srpy41"3 Sarpy

.1421 North Thirteenth.143 North Thirteenth

1311 South EighthS04 South Seventh

Mo....Anion. .MO

ZtlCt Soath Third3316U South Third

S7M South Ninth273) South Ninth1S23 South Third

303 Geser,5300 North Fourteenth

111S Destrchan..1923 North Fifteenth

2905 Bailey4141 Fairfax

St. Claire. Mo131! Grrden

,... HIS120 North Sixth

12CS North SiithMo

,w WeUla Rlmsra fSoIId Gold).j FtMrt --srorkmanahlp. J3.C0 to SM 00. Merznod

and Locust.






224T GraTois; diphtheria.years, 4i& iiiaine; pieurp- -

jlffTTTHHHsislMAlma FrMberir. C years. S023 Carr: icmlclde.

.Fannie Frledberg. So years. 2013 Carr: suicide.

.ATbertlne Koneger, 72 years. 234S Park; pneu-monia-

L. V. Christy. J years; foot of MHler; ac- -

Jamea T." Walker, tl years.' IMS Cottage; gas--

Chariea.WItJh, B years. CItv Hospital: nernla.ZUa V. Trneman. 23 days, 271S January:

"" 'Claim 2 months. 910 Cass; con-

vulsions. x 'i Gottfried 77, 12T7 North Jefferson;

Eugene Garvens, Sjnontbs, 4311 John: enterc- -

James Murray, tt years. 2Me St. Louis; pneu-monia.

- Mart- - Woods. 17 years. City Hospital: chorea.Henry T. Erhardt, 33 years. 1601 Thomas; pnen- -

mog!a.. Valentine Fussello. 53 years, 303 South Third:

.Mary Pearson S5 years, S343A Earny; senility.I.Ahna Goorr. J years, 20Vj Eugenia; uraemia.

Martin, B years. 711 Sidney; a.


Frances dick. 4 menths.- - 50 South Broad--

Bessie Love, 10 years, 2S31 Laclede; diph-theria.

- Julias A. Freymark. 5 years. JOS South Sev-ent- h:

aneurism."tTalherln Kerrigan. 51 years. Poornouse; se--

Janiea Martin. S3 years. S33S Evans; congestivefeVer. -- '.Peter Truirnsen. 4 years. 2836 South

TAetrmonta. ..."Charles H. Bensberg, 33 years. Milwaukee.Wh.: general naresls.

Christ. N. Hedegard. M years, Moberly, Mo.;-

- Jphanna Damroer. (1 years, Fulton, Mo.:dlsrrhoea,

James dark. ! years. St. Vincent'ssoftening cf brain.

LocIUe Conaway. 1 year. 2325 Newstead; spinalmeruturltla,

Atnrast Wclse, 4S. years. 1342 Hebert;

John Waimer. S3 years. Missouri Taclfic l;

eerebral congestion.James Gorman. 41 years. City Hospital; pneu--

TJnL T.Im VT av 5155 TTtnh? Tmenmftnla.Oottfried Stein. 47 years. Good Samaritan Hos-- -

pltmluDperatlon.- F. H. FeH. SS years. 3219 Olive; nephritis

Alfred Nesbltt. 32 years. 8 South

Hmy C: Ianr, C5 yearsV 2S5t Victor;

Henry 1614 Blddle; dwelling: 11.400.Harrr Manchester and Chouteau;

n Olfllim ii ISIS South Broadway; store;

100 ft., n. a R.

w. d7 ft. H In., n. a., bet- - Gar--






JaccanTa. Broadway












42'Arco: dwelling; J3.000.


AlijrV LongfellowPltxman


ana smug, wkt tunijutc. 41. ...... ......... ...-

xr.. a., net.and Walter Adair to Ed Moon

Wi "Qskti

ClXVZUiliD-- K ft., a. k. bet. TburmanGeo. Brewer to Lab- -

a,,to Eliza. Blck- -

d.... ...... ..... .......... ,......GORAOS 49 ft, s.. bet. Euclid and

Saarrma: Chas. Btueckxnan to Lewis Os--MP 0a .

MIE 60 n. a., bet. Prairie andater: Eiua Barry to Wm. Bar--

FAQB-- K ft: Eliza Barry to Kate

W4rrnstH-- 3

a)4l Btddle:sr. - A.

prFERscMand jr



Aug. HalweCrilten- -




KankenHenry Alfred



JTsflnM AValal, Tt,w r..BjjL. Union

Mary Casey

' Mnriaaitti'-en.'- , iViVbet'MalV and"aaaa: Frank Earjealrtnd Aug. Gron--

MlamiCMe''ft""'iru;" e"'a.."bet"pv

''v "

v ' amvaaw!







XHml: .Chas. Lorenz Levy


U"""aa-- JBjili7Bi5ii


JiXkmt--it H--iVti BlUaWlWUV-- ilb- - TB W,















:, a. Der. Giixabeth andHsxainan



t- - it; to Eliza.if- ft, e. Division

toIN 3D ft. w. sl. bet

Arwenal: Tom Kuhnls to--w. aft, a. bet

FUcher tovi,""i-mVyrSv"-

w d. ......J it s in.. . a., betary gner toft. n. ft.. fct. 11th mnA IStV,.

frhnMArbaV-S- I ft. bet and Clarisai'CoBrad Jlcmeyer to


i and to


W. .TB a., bet. Newstead andloas Van Investment Co.

Iwiao Benney Joha.Fer- -






P 3s ft sr. a. Vt rrtr ..itto

V ' a.


wjJ bet Pearos andto James

Wra. w

v. "ai TmfmV Mm m ii

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ltTS-- 4.S00

Ul...... x

.&. ag. ntn

' -rXkXf-ii- i : t--a vjo na&lc 0y eii .


Nevvhouse and Angelica! Ilcnrylembureto Jos Ljembure iv. d 1,000

VON VEKiEN 3j It. 4 in.; Sam Komeroyto James Wooley w. d 7.500


r.nruBLic speoau.JerTerson City. Mo.. April SO Certificates ot In-

corporation erc Issued by Secretary of StatCook y as follows:

Ernest-Dav- is Grain Company 6f Kansas City;capital stock. 110 10 Incorporators A. U. Ernst,u. u. miT, A. w. Emi ana otnem.

Ulnsen-- r Distilling Company ot M.ltal stock. JW.,.h)0. Incorporators U.Wm. O'Kcefo and John G. 0"Keefe,


Loul: cap- -J. Kennedy.

Ftrrlnetleld. III.. April SO. A certificate of In-

corporation was Issued y by Secretary ofritaio itoa to the uooinson wawr, iirhl ai'uHeat C'nmnAnT.- - lnrnteil nt ltohlnson. The CaDl- -tal stock is JT0.000. and the object Is to operat"Kni. neat anu power plants, ne incorpuiun-.-are C s. Jones. l"rank Bartmes and A. 11. Bays-to- n.

The Tckin Plow looted at Pekln. er--tiues: to an increase in capital stocit irom jiw.v.vto J3W.CW).


Little Rock. Ark.. April The ArkansasStock and DctectHo Union of Bald Knob tiledarticles ot incorporation with the Secretary ofState The capital stock is 310,000. F. W.Roctiel Is president ot the companj..


314 N. SIXTH ST., ST. LOUIS,Manufacture more Seal and Stock Certificatesthan any home m the West. Prices the lowest;quality the hlgliet. Everything In CommercialSTATIONERY. STAMPS. SEALS & STENCILS.


HONOLULU. Pacific Mall S. 3.Co.. Ocdden'Al & Oriental S. S. Co. and OrientalS. S. Co From San Francisco: Rio de Janeiro,May 11; Coptic. May U; American Maru. May 23.For passage and freight rates, reservations, pas-sage orders and information, apply to L. E.Tomnsley. agent, 431 OlUe St.. St. Louis.


horse and bugcy..cMnbllshed cigar business for

W 117. Republic.WICjL exchange a good base burner stove for

brass or jron bed. 1G1I Pennsylvania.

LOST AND FOUND.FOUND At entrance to Republic building

lady's pocketbook. Owrer can hne ame by gi-I-

deacrlptlon to the cashier. Republic office.LOST Small davbook. Please re-

turn to C10 Olive st.. with contents. C. E. Elliott.LOST Scotch terrier: male: answers to name

of Topay; short In hind leg. Reward. 4472AMorgan.

LOST Ltd j llvcr watch Monday morningbetween Washington and St. Charles, on Ninth.Return to T19 Century building for reward.

LOST Knight Temnlar Maltese Cross charm,set with fire diamonds: also a plain gold curbwatch chain. Will pay 330 for return ot these toowner. A. II. Duncan. 4303 Pine st.

$50 reward for recovery of the body of HyeTohlen. drowned at Texas Junction, Mo., Friday,April 25.


If. 1901. The annual meeting of the stockholdersthl3 hank will be held at Its banking-hous- e,

207 North Broadway, in the city of St. Louis.Mo., on Monday. May C 1901. for the election ofthirteen directors for the ensuing year. Pollsopen from 3 a. m. to 12 m.

WALKER HILL. President.L. A. Battalle. Cashier.STOCKHOLDERS' Mcctlns The annual meet-

ing of the stockholders of the Combination LandImprovement Companv will be held at the oftleoof the company room 2R. Laclede building.Louis. Mo., on Monday. May 6. 1901. at 10 o'clocka. m.. for the election of five directors to serrfor the ensuing ear. and for the transaction nfsuch other business as may properly come beforesaid meeting.

C. C. RAINWATER. Pre'Idcnt.H. T. Heuer. Serretarr.St. Louis. Mo.. April 21, 1901.

STOCKHOLDERS MEETING-T- he annualmeeting of the stockholders of "the Julia Build-In- ?

Association. fr the election of five 5 di-rectors, to Ferve daring the 'ensuing rear, andfor the transaction of such other bnslne asmar prooerlv com? before tho meeting, will behId at the office of the company, room No. 917Securitr building. St. Louis. Mo., on the eighth6th) day of Mm- - 1101. nt a m.

PIERRE CHOUTEAU. President.Attest: Wm. A. Stlne. Secretary.-St- .

Louis. Mo.. April 23. 1901.

STOCK'HOI.DFRS' Meeting A meeting of thestockholders of The SlerPng Manufaeturine Com-Tm-

will be held at the office nf the companv,nt No. J41" Olive :.. St. Thiols. Mo. rn Tuesday,the second day of Julv 190t, at 9 o'clk a. m..for the purpose of voting on a proposition thenand there to be submitted to increa thecapital stock cf said corporation from 36.000, Itspresent authorized capital, to 312,000. and aloupon such othet propositions as may properlyccrae before said meetlnc.


A majority ot the Directors of The SterlingMfir. Companv.Dated at St. Louis. Mo.. April SO. 1301.


COMPTROT.T.ER OF THE CURRENCY.Washington. D. C, April 23. 1501.

Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented tothe undersigned, it has been made to appear that'Tr-- Mechanics' National Bonk of Saint Louis."In the City of Saint Ionls. In the County ofand State of Missouri, has complied with all theprovirlons of the Statutes of th- - United Statesrequired to be complied with before an associa-tion shall be authorized to commence the busi-ness of banking:

Now. therefore. T. Charles G. Dawesc Comp-troller or the Currency, do hereby certify that"The. Mechanics' National Bank of Saint Louis.".In fhe CItv of Pstnt Louis. In the County ofand State of Missouri, Is authorized to com-mence the buslnesa nf banking as provided Inectlon fittv-on- e hundrM and sixty-nin- e of theRevised Statutes of the United States.

In testlmnv whereof witness my hand andseal of office this twentv-thlr- d flav of Anril. 1901.

CHARLES G. DA.WES.fSeat) Comptroller of the Currency.

No. C7W.

GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS.ST. LOUIS.- - Mo.. Anril 29. 130L To Whom It

Msv Concern The puhllc Is hereby notified that Iwill not nay any bills contracted In mv namaby my wife. - C O. AMBS.


BOROES Spanish School. Suite UnionTrust Building Classes formed at any time; sendfor circular; translatluis sclltlteJ.

HARTSOCK JONES'S Business - College.Ollva building. Grand and Windsor Shorthandcourse. 140; per month, day. 33; night. 35: calk

PRIVATE lessons, shorthand and typewritingexclusively: expert lady teacher: full course 315.or 15 month: positions secured. Barnes, 2(45Washington ave.


CAESAR. Cleveland. Crescent Pierce, An-dr-

Reral and Tempest St Louts Cycle Co.335 N. Second st See Morgan. Main S84; A 71 C.

CHEROKEE Cycle Co.. Corner Jefferson Ave.and Cherokee St Expert wheelbulldee and re-pairer: bicycle supplies of all kinds cheap. A.Schasrer. proprietor

FIFTT unredeemed bicyclesgood order. Union Loan Co..

from 33 up:-- a'l In1416 Market st

LADY'S bicycle, WOO model, used butperfect condition; d of cost. S205A Mor-gan st.

1300 Cleveland. Columbia. Crescent Caesar andAndrae htcycls; repairing and renting. Colum-bia Blcvcle Co.. SS56 Olive st

PASTURAGE.HORSES to Pasture 25 acres fine pasture; run-

ning water, shade trees and barn. Wilson, cornerFlorissant and Jennings road; quarter mile fromcity Umlte.

GOLD, SILVER AND NICKEL PLATTHO.DOWNING replttes and repairs silverware,

grid plaUs'watchen. Jewelry: good work; cash forold gold, silver and platinum. 203 N. Seventh.

GOLD and silver putting In all branches; cashfor old gold and silver: tine gold for sale. See-ka-

& Krause. 812H Plna stBUSINESS 1 ANTED.

C. nANSEN, rrsctlcal house raiser, mover andshorcr: brick or frame buildings raised, movedor straightened. 2143 Cass ave.,

COCKROACHES and bedbugs exterminatedunder guarantee ut once; terns reasonable. X139. Republic. .

DIVORCES promptly obtained: monthlydaman suits handled with best results:

competent attorneys. 321 Chestnut at. room 204.

O. LANGER. Consulting Mechanical Engineeraud Draftsman Worklnc out and perfecting newInventions a specltlty. 3523 Itaaka st, St Louis.ilo '

GET your sewlna machine repaired. ImprovedRepair Co.. 1318 Olive. Phone D.1O0.

I WTLL- ray.'pot cash for a rood, -

bihtm ano saiooa. must oe worm toe moneyB lit Republic,

UPHOLSTERING, mattress rnaklnr end feath.r renoratinr. Do jxn wish anr srork done! CallDordgan. 1512 Olive-- Phone: Main 80TM.

WE hare Jrtstomers .for all lines .of ouslnesaand the rnsh to ptiy; no sale, rto chargea. Lyons

Co.. 32H Ollvfe; - .WHISKT of exeepUonai (reality: ne van gal

In plain box. KeotockWhisky Boose. 317 Franklin ae St Louis.. HoWORr.Tyfl VTalr' . n i-- .: - . . . Ti - . mr ".jxecmea. jsicxeinnizn kros.. orintera.ond at-tra-all ordera solicit! z- -


otlrX. Sec- -

ECH rt aetecinValry czaainwd free of'tsarsaby V 8. Drelfua, OpUdaa. lf Vtaatota avvv.


. Thre Lines for Ftva Cents.Each Additional IJn. Fir. Cents Extra.

ASSISTANT Situation by young lady as officeassistant. Miss A. U Martin. tl& Morgan.

CHAMBERMAID Situation by colored girl asfirst-cla- chambermaid. Call at once. 1S23HLinden.

COOK Situation by good colored cook. 3118Chestnut st.

COOK Situation by first-cla- cook and house-gir- l;best of references. Schapcr Bros., second

tltor.COOK Situation by woman, with 11- - ear-ol- d

?lrl, as cook or housewoman: good rrivntecity or suburban. Call If. A. nt convent,

Twtnt -- second and MorganHOUSEGIRL-Sltuatl- on as houregtrl. 2018 Wal-n-

st,HOUSIXHRL Situation by girl for housework.

2103 Torrest ave.HOUSEGIRL-Sltuatl- on by compstent German

girl to do general housework. Call for S. 12. atconvent, Tv d and Morgan."HOUSEGfEL-Sltuatl- on by good, reliable girlto do general housework; 316 per month Call for1C M. at convent, Tvvent --second nnd Morgan.

HOUPEGIRL German country girl wl'hesas houeglrl In small private family: good

wages expected. 1' 21. RepublicIlOUSEKEBPKRLady desires position in

housekeeper for responsible partv : cnpible ofmanaging house and children; best refennce.3130 Bell.

HOUSEWOMAN Situation bv middle-age-d

woman to do general housework In a sm3ll fam-ily; no-- objection to country; reference. D 123.HepublJc!

LAUNDRESS Good laundress wants washingto take home or go out. 4023 Easton

NURSEG1RL Toung girl. 14 jears old. wantsposition as nursegirl. J203 Washington.

STENOORAPHER-You- ng lady stenographerdesires position; willing to assist with officework; moderate satary. F 123. Republic

STENOGRAPHER Position by competentexperienced: good references; mod-

erate salary. O 129. Republic.

HELP WASTED FE3IALE.Three Lines for Five Cents.

Each Addltloial Line Five Cents Extra.

General Hoasewark,COOK WANTED-G- Irl to cook, wash and iron.

S324 Westminster.COOK WANTED Girl to cook, wash nnd iron;

small family: good wogta. 4359 Llndell ave.COOK, ETC.. WANTED-Co-ok and hoaseglrl;

vtry Kwd wages: no charges. Employment OltlceSchaper Bros . second floor.""HOUSUGIRL-WANTE-

D-Girl to do general

housework. 5190 Boston."iIOUSEGIRL WANTED Girl to do general

housework. 3203 Washington.IIOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl

nousework. 5700 Vernon ave.for general

IIOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- irl for general house-work: small family. 2416 Dickson.

IIOUSEGIRL WANTED-Germ- an girl for gen-

eral housework. 3232 BarrettIIOUSEGIRL WANTED Very neat girl,

cooks well: small famllv. 5260 Delmar.IIOUSEGIRL WANTED A good girl to do

general housework. 4131 I'll stHOUBEGnu7"wANTED-Go- od girl to assist

with housework. Apply 3937 Cook.

HOUSEQ1RL WANTED-G- Irl to do generalhousework. 3715 N. Ninth.

IIOUSEGIRL WANTED A German Eirl forgeneral housework. Apply 2417 S. Eighteenth st.

IIOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl to do generalhousework: three In family. 5011 Morgan.

IIOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl In small family;aged 16 to 18 years. 3745A Laclede.""HOUSEGIRLWANTED-- A strong girl for gen-

eral housework. 3120 S. Seventh stIIOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl

housework. 2223 S. Grand- -for

HOUSEGIRL WANTED girl to dogeneral hojsework. 1534 S. Seventh st

HOUStGIRL WANTED A young white girlto do general housework. 2101 Olive.

irrmsRrjiTtT. tvanted Girl for cer.eral housework; no washing or Ironing. 1312 Carr.



HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general housework: family of two. 520S Cabanne ave.

HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl to assUt In gen-

eral housework. 391SA Shenandoah aye."HOUPEGIRL-WANTED-Gen-

eralhouscgirl In

family of two. 4430 Forest Tark boulrvard.HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general

housework: white or colored. 3615 Laclede ave.HOUSEGIRL WANTED Girl to no general

housework In family of three, 2671A Russell ave.

HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general house-work and washing; wages 316. 4371 Laclede."iIOUSEGIRL WANTED Girl for general house-work In family of three.5l23Maple ave."NURSEGIRL WANTED Toung girl for upstairswork and to take care of 673 Clem- -ensave."HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl to assist withhousework; good wages and good home to rightparty. 330 Washington. .

"HOU&EGIRL WANTED A general housegirl.who wants a permanent place, and none other;family ot three; wages 312. 2240 Oregon uve."iIOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go- od German girl forgeneral housework; wages 111; no washing. 120SN. King's highway.


house cook and girl for general housework.616 S. Broadway.

IIOUSEGIRL WANTED A good girl to do gen-eral housework; wages 315 per month. 4111 Mor-gan st--

HOUSEGIRL WANTED Houseglrl to assist ingenera housework: good home; 17 to 19 jearsold. 130SA Olive st

IIOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go-od girl for generalhousework, without washing; good wages. 4140West Bells.

IIOUSEGIRL WANTEDSmall family: goodwages. 3464 Hawthorne boulevard. ComptonHeights.

HnRREGIRL WANTED-G- Irlhousework; family of two persons.4'nerson.

for general5101 ilc- -

HOUSEGHtL WANTED-Go-od girl for house-work: white or colored; good wages. Apply 235SFinney ave."HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go-od German girl for

moral housework, by young couple. 443. WestSelle place."HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for generalhousework; washing and ironing put out 5S13Von Vcrsen ave.

HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Experien- ced in dinreferences; no washing. Apply Immediate-

ly. 5138 Washington tt." HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Experien- ced Germangirt for general housework; no washing; goodwages. S947 West Pine. '"ilOUSEOntL WANTED-G- Irl for generalhousework; no washing; take Compton Heightscar. 3935 Botanical ave.HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go-od German or Swed-

ish girl for general housework; small family;good wages. 2312 Pine st"HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for generalhousework: family of two: no washing; wages310 a month. 778 Euclid ave.

HOUSEGIRLS WANTED-T- wo competent girlsfor general housework. Queen City Hotel. EastSt Louis. Take Denverslde car

HOU8EGIIUj"wANTED-Gi- rf for general house-work; small family; must be neat and thorough;rood wages. 3519 N. Taylor ave.

HOUSEGIRL WANTED Nice country girl forgeneral housework In small family; good home toright person. 61S3 Folrmount ave

HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go-od girl. Germanreferred, to cook and do general nousework InEat; no outside work; 314. 5375 Cabanne ave.

. THERE la a good and permanent place at 1(15Pennsylvania avenue fcr a good glrL The pay !sbest and tha work light: a. nurse Is kept for thechildren.

Dressmakers and Scnmatrcssea.FEMALE operators on overalls, shirts and duck

coats: good wages- - steady work. At PremiumMfg. Co.. 1003 St Charles st

FINI3FIERS WANTED Finisherspants. 2t43 Bernard.

GIRL WANTEDTo do hand sewing, at onee)good wages for good work. 3133 N. Grand aye.

GIRLS WANTED Apprentice girls to learndressmaking, ' JJ40 Albion place,

GIRLS"WANTED Girls to sew petticoats andbonnets. 2353 Market st,"GIRLS WANTED-Fi- hy girls, pay by week;on overalls, shirts! can sdvance to S3. 2O0S (Mor-ga- n

stGIRLS WANTED-Experien- ced girls to operate

g sewing machines. Rawllngs Sport-ing Goods Co., 430 Locust st

HAND SEWERS WANTED Hand andsewers'on coats. 608 Carr-s- t

"LADIES AND GIRLS WANTEDTo makebuttonholes- - bv band In custom shirts: also alrlato learn, Buckley Shirt Co., 2(23 Olive

MACHINE GIRLS WANTKD--At once, ma-chine girls, hasten and one for hand tewing onvests. 1800 Menard st

SEAMKTRESB WANTED-Qulc- k, neat seam-stress: Domestic ttnachlne; come ready 'for work.4248A Finney ave.

SH1RTMAKKR8 WANTED-Stea- dy worki high.eM prices naldrrtsr hlHi-spe- msoMrie: anplvat onee. Royal Skirt Mfg. Co., 1121-- Washing-ton ave.

WOMAN WANTED To aew carpets,this morning. 422$ Delmar. -




STENOGRAPHERiWANTED--Tonn- r tady ste-nographer: K Per week-t- o sUrl. 1230 Olive st"STENOGRAPHER WANTvSD-lLaj- ,, eteoogrs"-ph- er

who nnderstand. rh French language: tQper month to start 1230 Olive st -

STENOGRAPHER WANTED-Compet- ent ladystenographer: must hsre experience: stats refersantes, etc H 12a. Jtepublic.

Tne. rnstaa.- -

:HAnTivena sx'awissb'i, s,,, - - -

srotlr j ta. jzwii. located In a city ifvwrr":WM.,sCnsnws.w Pr csn wajre.; noara

.HELP WANTED FEMALE.Three Lines for Five Cnts.

Each Additional Line Five Cents Extra.

Cooks.A competent cock; no wash-

ing; good home. 3324 Lucas ave.COOK .WANTED-Color- ed cook;

S024 Westminster place.washing.

COOK WANTED-Go-od cook to cook only; goodwages; other help. 44S3 Berlin ave.

COOK WANTED Experienced girl or womanto cook, wash and Iron. 2343 Pine st.


COOK WANTED Cook; no wishing or Iron-ing; good wages; private family. R 128, Republic.

girl for cooking,washing and ironing; small family; IIS. 2411Cook ave.

COOK WANTED FIrst-Iai- s cook: neat andoMlging; must have good reference. Apply at2313 Locust

COOK WANTED-Co- odgeneral houcwoik in flat:&3T3 Cabanne.

girl to cook douo work; S14.

COOK WANTED A German girl to cock, washand Iron In family of three; houscglrl employed,cull Delmar ave.

COOK WANTED Reliable German girl tocock, wash and iron; good wages. 51W! Washing-ton.

COOIC WANTED Good cook for general house-work: no washing; ironing or outside work: fam-ily of three adults; references. 4(66 Morgan

COOIC WANTED An "experienced" cook In aboardlng-houh- e In Venice. 111. John J. Wald,City Hotel; wages JU; female.

2lart?a.NURSE Competent nurse;

t?l Beers, room 204.




best referencea.Ho- -

NURSEGIRL WANTED Nursegirl. with ref-erences: white: IS jears or ovtr. 4110A Morgan.

NURSEGIRLabout 16 years.

WANTED Whit4312 Delmar.


NURSEGIRL WANTED-Compet- ent nursegirl.S121 Washington.

NURSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl to look afterthreo children: are 3.' 6 and 9 years; call withreferences. 4418 West Plre.

NURSEGIRL WANTED-Nurseg- lrl. Applvafter 6 p. m.. Wednesday and Thursday evenings,1434 N. Thirteenth.

Lnnnilressea.GIRLS WANTED-Gl- rls from 14 to 18 years old

to learn Ircnlng. Excelsior Laundry. Grand andBell.

GIRLS WANTED-Gl- rls to feed mangle andshake towels. ExceUlor Laundry. Grand andBell.

IRONERS WANTED Four shirt-wai- iron-er- s.

two neck-ban- d lroners, two finishers. ApplyWednesday morning. D. L. Parrlsh Laundry Co..212S Olive."WASHERWOMAN WANTED-- At 45J3A nut-g- er

st. Mr. Lynch. Call early.WASHERWOMAN. ETC. WANTED-Washer-wo-

nnd girls for w.ilst washing. ExcelsiorLaundry. Grand and Bell.

Clerks nnd Saleswomen.LADIES WANTED-T- en ladles to advertise

Insect-O- . Red Cross Hygienic Co.. 212 N. Seven-teenth.

LADIES WANTED Twenty ladles to assist InIntroducing household recesslty: easy work; goodpay; no canvassing. Call 213 N. Tenth at

SALESUUYWANTED-Mu- st speak German.Call 213 N. Tenth st

Waitresses.TEN waitresses, nlna chambermaids five cooks,

seven dishwashers, five scrub girls. 1230 olive stWAITRESSETTVNTEDGIrls to wait on ta-l.-ie

from 12 to 3: no Sundays: salary 32 per week.E 129, Republic.

Miscellaneous.CASHIER WANTED Toung woman to act as

cashier and also tako dictations when necessary:none but thoroughly competent ned apply. X123. Republic

GIRL WANTED For dining-roo- and kitchen.2C2S N. Broadway.

GIRLS WANTED-Gl- rls to wrap soap: applyat once. The N. K. Falrbank Co., Third andConv ent sts.

GIRLS WANTED Brlchtclean work- - change to advancecent Lamp Co . 523 N. Second st,


loung girls; ugnt.U.

upstairsHELPER WANTED Woman helper In kitchen.

1020 Market st. .LADIES WANTED Ten young ladles, medium,

sized; experience unnecessary. Call this week.Grahame's Hall. 1SJ2 Olive.

LADIES WANTED To learn hair dressing,manicuring, massage or chiropody; only two moreweeks of our special offer of scholarship andtools: many positions waiting graduates: diplomasawarded: rate cf board If desired; freacatalogue mailed: write Molcr Col'ege.1111 Market st.

HOME WORK-- I6 to 315 weekly; no canvass-ing: we have several lines to give out; some tocopy letters: an hour or two evenings will add35 to 36 to your weekly Income; Inclose stamo;work sent Address Eagle Mfg. Co..4ot Spitzcr .building. Toledo, O.


-aged: good wages; small family: pleasanthome; take Washington Page car to Belt ave. 1360Burd ave.

STOVE REPAIRSFor all stoves. A. O. Brauer. 316-3- N. Third at

SITUATIONS WANTED MALE.Three Lines for Five Cents.

Each Addltlor al Line Five Cents Extra.

ABSTRACTOR Abstracter and stenographerdesires position with title or It E. Co.; expe-

rienced; references. Address Accurate, A 129,Republic"ACCOUNTANT Books opened, examined, bal-- p

ced and statements made; firms or corpora-- 1

ns. J. J. Fischer. 310 Temple bullilTg.ACCOUNTANT Accountant wants permanent

situation or accounts to adjust Klnloch D 593or P. O. box 1023.

BAKER Situation by Al cake baker, confec-statlon- er

and pastry cook. J 123. Republic.BARTENDER Situation by first-cla- bartend-

er. A 123, Republic.BARTE2DER Young man. 23, good worker,

city reference, wants position. X 128. RepublicBOOKKEEPER. ETC.-- A competent book-

keeper would like a position In St Louis orneighboring town: hare had successful experi-ence in ad. writing; good references. P 129,Republic.

CLERK Wants position: understands generalmerchandise. Address F.. 300 Imperial building.Tenth and Pine.

CLERK Situation by a youni; man as tfftcclerk; outside St Louis oreferred: seed references. 211 fcevenm St.. uannin-u- . .mo.

CLERK Man with 18 years' experience desiresclerkshln In wholesale or retail store: Al refer-ence B . Lock Box No. 9. Philadelphia, Mo.

CLERK Situation as general clerk, bookkeeperor city drummer in company's iocai oince orwholesale house; long experience. It, 2322A Ohioave.

COOK Situation by a first-cla- German cookto do cooking only; city references. 1" 129. Re-public

DRIVER Situation by a young man as drivtr:well acquainted with city and all depots. T12?. Republic. .

HEALTHY young man desires position to learndrug business; no objection to long hours. T 111,Republic.

HOSTLER Man wishes position as hostler orstableman: has had experience: Just arrived fromold country. 200 Dorcas st, care Adam Rltaylk.

MAN Situation by OUng man. 23 years of age,having experience In office work and as clerk;also some knowledge lit bookkeeping: can speakaerman: best .references. T 206. Republic

MAN AND WIFE Srtuation by man and wifeas coachman or tend lawns: woman to do generalhousework or cooking; Al references. O 123, Re-public.

MANAGER Situation by-- a roan capable ofmanaging oil business: wishes to work la theTexas field. T 128, Republic -

NURSE Position by middle-age-d man. locking?after invalid: experience; first-clas- s references.H 12J. Republic .

PORTER Situation a porter In saloon orhouse cleaning. It B. Davidson, S003 Manchesterave.

PRINTER Situation byJob oomposltor: sober,reliable; best references. F 133, Republic, .

'PRINTER Al news and Job prlnterl IS years'experience: sober: good recommendations. L 117,Republic.

SALESMAN Situation by young man with Syears' experience In rents' furnishing coeds;good salesman. LI23. Republic.

STENOGRAPHER Situation by experiencedmel stenoi-rsh- e nnlrle and acourare: goodreferereesJ 123. Republic.

WALL paoer to eleaa'l'.nlns years' experienceIn IWs w"k exclusively: send postal: will call.3. Neat m Marian st

WATCTmAN Hlroarlen as nleht watchman erjieslrten f ml! bet etty references. AddressA. K. Ul N. Lefflngwen ave.

HELP --WANTED MALE.Three Line, for Five fVnt. --

Each Additional Line Five Cent Extra.

Clerfca ans Salesmen.CLERKS wanted who ran use easy, stylish

shoes, for 32.9S. Harris. S3) Pine stDRUGGIST WANTED Experienced in onerat-I- nr

soda fountain; state age and satanr; perma-nent too If wlllloi to work. W- - W. Luter.Kennett Mo. "- -

ENERGETK: salesmen?- - school supolles: rounrr work: tioon salary, and commissions. R. O.Evans & Co.. Chicago, ill,

IF smart enough to asll mining and ott stocks.first-cla- proposition; will make yon rich. OzarkUplift Room 2t Commercial bmldlnr. '

K'WATTED Totmr msn for offlea worleana collect;: 81S per week. lao OHt st- MAN WANTED-Qui- ck at flames:

relerences; sry ss nsr monia.

wtttv .coin

incanaes-- ,


mnst hsvG 13. Repobtta.

JfAK WANTED-Go- od appesranes. tef ISBHseali nwu- wn rwu. HMTT ana OSXnmSSB TO SSSTt.

VUl BV ,. ain


HELP WANTEBThrfc. TJnaa tor Vm

Etch Additional Lino FlT

Clerks and Sail

MAN WANTED In St.Pablo of pushlnz the sale orlithroush solicitors? to one whoilstands hla business wo will gintre article never before mirncasn or small Dond required.

OFFICE CLERKS WANTED330 to commence; permanent jment to right party. 904 Olive.

SALESXfAN WATJTnn wellenced man: 120 weekly. Itoomll"SALESMEN WANTED SaTes3ana conee in family. trade iniiti r ranaun ave.

SALEsSirs wanted Salesnmust havo good appearance; salc jaccara punaing.

SALESMAN WANTED BoGktrJJtraining and managing crew on raopportunity. v lig. npuouc.

uir.vnMrie vv'AMTPn FiveInscct-- to the grocery trade. Rlenlc Co.. N'o. 213 N. Seventeenth." SALES4MAN" WANTED Man toish: hew-- proposition. If you waiilto see us. 1023 Holland building.

lii.rBm-- v U'ivren-Thr- eeentirely new proposition; a wlnnilguaranteed. Apply 310 Olive at. ro

SALESMAN WANTED To sellBlack uiant roor pnir.i luoncania;mission. Vulcan Chemical Co.. Cle

SALESMEN WANTED P. F. Ca,Tl.n t. nvn tvn flrst.elass saleHeditions cf scientific series and Butdis v.emury oiag. .

SALESMAN to sell cur full linestock; a guarantee --iven that stcitrue to name. or- - terra.. iitNurseries, Lawrence, Kaa.

fi.r.rrQxfSTV fnw nt rufun eonvinr;other office specialties: easy .sellerterms: exclusive terruory: c.v. w.Co.. Dept 32. aoutn iuena. ino.



frLFSMEN WANTED Parties tpus and sell teas and coffees to famlllelInirn In Mtssnttrt. flltnois nnd Northelsas; bly pay. Athletic Tea Co., 317 FrJ

WANTED-Salesm- en In each State tlDaccos and cigars: experience not buikji,.essary. factory as. xnaxion. v

The Tradea.BAKER WANTED-O- co well up on brl

must be strictly good lobparty. Loomis m uross j.

BARBER WANTED Flrst-clai- s

Lcr. 314 N. Sarah.BARBER WANTED Barber;

per cent. 10 N. St.

BARBER WANTED-Bar- ber at the506 N. Sixth st

x3 Olive stonce; oring toots, ii-- s aiarK.t

ca- -tticle



cakes; sober:imnnw,



Hotel.BARBER WANTED-Go-od, respectable

I BARBER WANTED-Goo- d. steady barbJw

BARBER WANTED-Flrst-cl- ass barber;week. C. M. Mader. Winchester. lit

BARRER WANTED-Go-od barber; steady j

tion. 1604 Tower urove-avc- .


BARBER WANTED-Go- od. steady youngber. at onee. taiA 3t ixiuis ave.

nmnri ftnod steadv Touneber. at oncer 50c on dollar and board. 16071

Broadway.BARBER WANTED A steady barber: gl

wa-re- s with board. 2S02 N. Grand ave., corner!St Louis ave.

BARTENDER WANTEDAAt S04 N. TrontEast St Louis.

BUSHELMANi WANTED Must be flrst-cla- sj

numpnrey uiotning --o.

TllTStTF!I.MAV WANTED First-Clas- s bUSheflman to work In the bouse. Mills & AverillfBroadway and Pine.


naer- -

IARPENTERR WANTED-Flrst-cl- ass carpenlat once. Apply 704 West Main st. Belle I

vllle. .ii.COOK WANTED A cook at.orce; white man

preferred. antacHae.CUTTER WANTED A marble cotter at onca

T. C. Tlsch. Belleville, HI.

ELECTRICIAN WANTEDTo take caredyramo and mr'-- r and lights. B 129. Republic.

GOOD carrlac asd wagon wood workers, three!painters end three macKsmun Deipers. lut .i


roan at once: steady employment to tharight man. Address S. A. Drake. Hannibal.Mo.""HELPER WANTED-Blacksml- lh's helper. 2612market.HELPER WANTED-Go- od blacksmith Helper.

1213 Cass.MOLDER ETC. WANTED-Mol- der and bench

hands at Phoenix Planing Mill. Twelfth andSpruce sts.

PAINT WASHERS WANTEDTwo good paintand fresco washera. 714 Chestnut

PAINTERS WANTED Ten house" painters.Sam Stahlhuth & Bro., 4S23 Keonerly. '

PAINTERS WANTED Twenty-fiv- e first-cla-

house painters. 'J. W. CConnell Painting Com-pan- y.

622 N. Third at"PAPERHANGER WANTED-W- in pay 310 and312; one edge worker. 4722 Cottage.

PAPERHANGER8 WANTF.D Beelman iGrawe. Decorators, 1316 Olive stPAPERHANaEIl8"'wANTED-5'cra- r flrstnTlass

paperhangers at once. C. P.. Strother. 4362 Easton.PAPERHANGER8 WANTED A. J. Geraghly,

1532 Olive 9tPJPERHANGER8 WANTED Five paper-hange- rs

at once. 3178 Easton, J. T, Hodglns.PAPERHANGERS WANTED Five paperhang-

ers: steady work; good pay. J. M. Read & Co.,511 N.Sarah.

PAFERHANGER8 WANTED Must be roodmen and know the business: also experiencedpasters. Lynn & Co.. 2601 Park ave.

PARTNER WANTED-Horeesh- oer.

fax.Falr- -

PICTURB FRAME MAKER WANTED-Stea- dyJob, 170S Franklin ave.

PLANER HANDS WANTED-T- wo first-cla-

planer hands; also machinists. 930 N. Main.PRESSER WANTED Presser who understand

wet or dry cleaning; good wages; steady wo'k.4727 Easton ave.

TAILOR WANTED Bushelman tollar.Olive st MacCarthy-Evan- s Tailoring Co.

TAILOR to make coats at once: 37 up. Pro-gressive Tailors. Helena, Ark.

TINNER. WANTED A first-cla- tinner foroutside work. 2322 Maiden lane.



TOOLMAKER, ETC. WANTED-O- ne tool anddie maker one first-cla- machi-nist Wagner Electric Co.. 2017 st

UPHOLSTERER WANTED-Experienc- ed. goodsober roan; steady work to right party. 131? Parkave.

WAITER WANTED-Wal- ter1711 Market at



In coffee-hous-

WATCHMAKER WANTED One accustomedto trade work. Apply at Elsenstadt Mfg. Co.,Holland building, city.

WnrTENEirWANTED Whltener. Call at 604S. Third st

WINDOW WASHERS WANTED-Fo- ur flrst"-clo- ss

window washers; white men pnly. 714Chestnut st .

WOODTURNER WANTED-- good Woodtnrn-e- r:

will give stesdy work. O 101. Republic.

Canvassers nnd Solicitors.CANVASSERS WANTED-F- or an article of

merit; Dig armaria now; suoa money to nustlerr.Call room 206. 304 Ollvs st

CANVASSERS WANTED For an article ofmerit; big demand now; good money to hustlera.Call room 205. 304 Olive st

CANVASSERS WANTED We want three ex-perienced canvassers, on salary; one to sixmonths' contract; at ones; elegant outfit free.

Murlllo. Olive stCOUNTRY solicitor to cater to family trade;

liberal commlssloni excellent goods; quick sell-ers. Add. Kentucky Whisky Bouse, Frank-lin ave.

MEN WANTED Two neatly dressed men;guarantee first-cla- ware, to good men withreferences. F H. Republlo.

SOLICITORS WANTED-Go-od snd womento sell g article; large profit. B 165.Republic,

LanareTs,LABORERS WANTED-Ltbor- ers; apply imDa Kalb st .

LABORERS WANTED-Bri- ck yard laborers.Chrtstv Firs Clay Co, Morgan Ford road andGravols ave. (Take King's highway ear soothfrom Koerner's Garden.) -

MEN WANTED-Flf-ty men with hatchets;Thirteenth nd Washington ave, Nineteenthand Plna. Thomas at Kelly Wrecking Co.

NOTICE Alt auarrvmen sad laborers, - plesssstay away from st Louis enarrles. aa there istrouble existing between t contractors an thaunion. By order Quarry Workers' Union 8370. WANTBD Shsvelers Wednesdaymorning. Twentv-tlr- st and Clark.

TWENTT-TtVE.jD- tn for steal gang for FriscoRailroad Cnmsany: wages 81.40 per day: officefee Aeductad from wages. Apply J. Slgnan. 1200N. Third st

'Walters.WAITER WANTED Walter: rim. ready forwork: must bs experienced. ,1703 Olive.

nor wantedlit Morgan at


BOY WANTED Boy at Champ 8prtnr Com-pany. 210s Papln.

iwv WANTED--AnElgt-ih'st- .

hot 'WAWTieri - ,Louis Bascb. Sit Plna st.

nte- -

indtmritms boy. ltc-- s.

BOT WANIJIIJ- gtroeg boy, one-.w- has hadaxosrlsnca la narae aB4.earaf smMs..nss .tonaTa. - . ' P.-- . t.". . , -..

.BOT WAXTET-A-tnTa- aa: boy of It to driveAiviy


Caeh r'v Cents.?UUttal Line Five Cents Extra.

. .. Boy.fboys welrom. --rNewsboys; lodging free; all

'piy ggoT oilv. ,u. rcar."""st he exoVKSrTw?JlK1'" trt fut 1" shanks;

o.. wis Locust" c,t Werthelmer-Swart- s Shoo

Wy toncel:TiStfc"1!o7 ,n box department:K-- Falrbank Co.. Third and

workB5Yf,WA''TED-T- wo fastelyjys: steadybaran.


rold nVi: :JATnD-Age- nts to sell filters andii'.,1fwAhe time; wo make stone filters;

T-- flib. 5c up. 703 Pine St.keVrJS''.WANTED-- A comp-te- nt bar-- t

Jm IMfl,7i"?IaP Mloon: Burlington, la. Call1!o,net nn.l Pine sts.,twetn9and o'clock Wednesday mornlns:

In?'anAlfm1f!5V'Ai''TnD-cl-an- er. SuperiorCo.. laa Olive.

llS'ltaJkertf11 WANTKD-- M' dishwasher.

ElScTn'1'! MNEISS AND LOADERSnlV0 1Ullr-1U- ' Uy"

lfSm t0T cct- -

niWtSMAN WANTED-Color- ed

TOiri maB; ren rwiuired

CerSFn1? WANTED-M- an for housework;oo7kJ,-reff,rJf,d:c- references; small wages;

1217 Washington.

arV VFmjT;?. 5'AXTKD-wnil- nr to travel: ial- -&rtatn3'ff bg? KIR "d P"":"'t

WorkEK.S wANTI7D-ri-ve good rs tohandling ,hf.nIr fit-clas- s studio In StHi Olive lecaat o0"1' fte- - Murillo.

feitV ThiFand-Mldaie-? ANTED-Ro- yal Candy

asstNatl?TD.NJ'!'BIMtl!"- - rnm man tofountain, riow's, 521 Olive st.

awfl,iA2??:D-Hdal'-s- ed to attend to

KrkI13AJTE?.S,eaJS'. middle-age-d

tuburbs. Call Oark







seert AJKEEDS.tSnexDerience nrererreo.

- -- " w .

'" -- .



.... ,ni.u nnme. vinno to

In at 2W3

5c'un m3n to " ,nr"' - v, v.ic v.nn s?iiave.

JAIlA:sIEJ- '"nperate man to milkJK small farm: j first month. Dr. Case.--"'.,. r an. urooqway.



BA.ri5'AKTED A first-cla- man to lay outar ana tanic work? mnn i,n.-- -, ,,t- - k.



r$ reference. Frd Barkerlleld, of ParkCompai,y. North Second st. St Louis.WANTTTTVT- - ..... .. .

2nNcy News Co.. 33 S. Twentieth st' WANTED Five young men used to rar- -K WOrk: al,A One It.mstM, Innltf n. T,mhouses. 5513 Waterman. '

WANTRTV Ton Mnn. n.-- n . Imh. ,aWlrn nafftn. SJ . tn ...T.. . l- ". ' l" 1" net.: .,. til mMarket st

WANTED To adverfVo nnn tnfmrti.enans and specialllfs. tick sirrs, dlstrihufrmc;es; sieauv wpr1?: xi3 weekly ana

Marvel Mfg. CO.. Chicago.WANTED To hi,h.. tmrl. .?re weeVs of our sreclsl offer nf seho'T-- -

wra ana roois: eignt weRs comnletes; ru.paid graduates: call or writearoer colleae. 1141 Market st

MIs- -


agents to sell goods on railroad train;"nish 110 sernritv nnA fllsn Arf- -gllway News Agency, JtiS Market stmiANGERS WANTEDTo sell wall pa- -, uur ibc "irnp'e oookr; o: enmmis-(Ite- a

Stales Wall Paper Co.. 910 Pine st



WANTpm PortSt.

saloon, hir"atoeiween

man wanted sinn- -:

rennlriiS TCintnmcnTi.fiin.n1wWalnut

California. Write lmmedlate- -Angeles.



lEverrwhere Hustler sltms.


proved I




I .:i tVmttr ?. ..nn. .nnnIn and help 301

jo ana 12 o ciockv

M"st b m-- oPrene.sB16 st.






--Men for woi-lrs- . fi tn.Ifare to



rs. Los Cal.

to tackMinnies,


AND WANTEDToMissouri ave.. East St. Louis,

from 331AGPTNl

gold flsll

AGEN1everv tdAntl-Tr-

AOEN7num carolIts; sampl

AGENTlpermanentlferred. Adl

:u'nr. etc.; no canvass-Su- n



Pie of orrni ells easllyloau.


you 7 Our

ciaeco.. 44




Bureau. Chicago.


sollrlt rrintlne: rnbl

Business College,Mdr.. Ninth and locust Comeget catalosue.

AYWARD'Shorlhand Cot'ere. 519. 220. 221 and

bulldlnr. Indlvldnal InstructionlTyr-"vrltt- BwkkeeplnT. Arith- -pnshtn. rnong 973. Day and night

(5ESlTASTEpj- -NTED To travel: noncapital re- -'


at ii s.fume

fcNTED For the. onlv legitimate.rnenix fire irungnisner tas

agents!evervwherelfor 35: S2.SI33. 403

Ad- -


hco.. Kichmona. ma.,.Brerv county patent


Jar ooener aner.





sell theprofits: write for terms. BlehaCo..

BJiav the goods that sell: hlg

tbig"money Hamilton

Frapcls" pert!





In, SI,










incioee srnmo. iiooa iieaivaCo.. St. Louis. Mo.




and oiag.--, st iuo.

AGENTS, strlcnuiogue:Jewelry, finding



est azenta sellil

22 N. st. St

pen and Ink hnvlSroflt; ngcntlCo.. La'Crl

AGENTS WAIouiut. and secur--

ee.i article


Fourth Louis.To sell Frlsch's latest lm- -

N. Eighth st

another rMX 42.

We Wfant senemfl

Agent, cigarscommission, .auarcss

St. Louis.

State agents!1(20 Olive st, Stl

AGENTS WAJT1sell th AlnlnlNo capital or expelipjuncunns tree, s

catalogue and!Lock. Co.. Clnclnnal

HAVING onlv1to offei. our agenflcue samples free



-- nmpw eg. k.


e? rji


to CSvl- t-

PMrlcss Grinde- -i write to

nath cabinet wltn door:

-- Asenfs to filters

up. 703 rine sttD to sell inI andL, N. Ninth St

fe-- v



ards; rood sellers, big prof--


and attractiveno bonks. 3C8 De Bof



SPECIAL scent wjl

stama. See5-- el


310 monthly, new pii

ALL, Aeslrfr..


sex" sell

either sex? biff

andtime: ws make 25o

rerist-- r

rtuervwhere new

KCJl, bis rjne su, mm



worth week:

made:Brush Cincln--

Claim File sells

buls. '

i New

rnx-l- l


iniin, oomn


aiay with theof lb" !. Lh- - vtnnwfc wn.rnn. iei.

Men peraing

send for sam- -ever


ry ouvs: reninaltv Raver. Co.. D.

uo.maitim are

ilngnlsher leads them all


.m,wiu, mem- - vxf.xra-i- t


Lr.vimf rtallv; Maron

"gsn. who

sell- -prise Jug. to.. A., v.m--



tnr bnildlr--- v J


.nd RMlatgnlr ,JEmployment Ca. IIS Nil--2m.HB"!'- - iionair

wACK-iHrri-- r wat?Employment Co . 113 N.




aluml- -


WKArjrx M.n.,1




washer. 33t h.rnesel-a- nua jr.


ii '

am loan ram rre-ipe- d

envelope. Be--





-- 1-

record as a



t sell the'make 34 a day. Call

ave. The JI. t: rer--

nttm .rent, in every' branch: 314.40 capital

I SOS Montrose ave.. St

Hre workers, write for


and sliver piaie.wjrisa.r.

tne great- -duced: every user ofh. vn fn sno nor cealnounted to IC20 In six, hours, uonroe Jut.

nts. write for sample


r yourevery also

nd airenrj to

iPteymsnt SlxthlCHEFS. jETfir. WASCT1






Wduals or firms 'orburgiar oroor saie.ded. OatBt and

rarrjenter.- - hlK-Co.;


fullto wnrsers. vvri.

-- JyjJlr5S2 zsxxm,

iriiri-ijs-.-- ".

coffee-hous- e.





Air-in- . pair c

Iklrr fine salaries:Olive st

--Vnr a wonderfulIra-ne- to workers;










Beh county to ap- -fdealers. Address.k New Madria. "

well-slth- sr

sex. OzarkUding, bixvn una

blic boards:

R'aBtiya-tttC- aJ lit X.CLEMKitti or.







S... umcinnavi. r.fCIES.kinr situation.

ilovment Bureatfatl'tic s,t.-en- -

rurnisnca ires

. if-

jr. National

pianlnr mmta. in .

pi blaeksmHh'ay.

rEDJ-R'err- -

rr. National

.n,thniseItfonal Em- -

irhefs andrpioymeni

.n rrn- -Natlonat


I DRIVER WANTED For delivery wagon: ,W. .,house; most have city reference sr 310 - n

steady, national ianpiojincut "'J'".-'--.HANDS. ITTC. hm&i-- ' .

milker gnrdeners'for Missouri land Illlnois.-ifi.,-

tlonal Ernnioymcnt Co.. HJ . Jjlf st s .'.rr"- - "" ,s4sLn ?Tra s.atrti..vv.v JW-r-- "" jgfgardeners, mINerr. teamsters, vyoodrhoppcrs, , .. ,

men for private places in eui,51ivw?r,'- - 'Yanteeu. lvoentys taoor vgem-j- . " "-- ".-

tj.HOSTLER. ETC.. WANTCD-HoSt- ler nd'sta. ;--.

bleman. J5 wk and found. National Lmplop imentCa. 113 N. Sixth st. - ?- - s.

JiABORERS WANTED For Northwestsourl; jiew railroad work: free pass: snipApply at Koenj's Labor Agency. S Watnut at,-,- '.

"LABORERS W'ANTED-Fact- ory and warehoailaborer", anj JI.65. isauonai iuiitui.Co.. 113 N. Sixth st. -"LABORERS WANTED-r- or city: labqrera for

frcighthouie; laborers for new railroads: tmtpass Koenlg'a Labor Agency. i Wa.nut tt.

MILKER. ETC.. WANTED-Mllkeri- W: tOtsfeeder, ns; gardeners. 320. National EmploymentCo.. 113 N. Hxth st

OUR muleteer shipment for South Africaleaves Union station thia Wednesday, a a. m.National Eiaplovment Co., 113 N. SUth st

TEAMSTERS. ETcTrWANTED-TweBt- team,stem and laborers for Choctaw Railroad. 31.7.National Employment Co.. 113 X.. Sixth st

TEAMSTERS WANTED For BooovlUe exten-si- on

of Missouri I'acific I'.allroad; free pasa fromSt Iviuls; ship KoenlgTa Labor Agency,612 Walnut st. .

"""taEDME.V. ETC.. WANTED Hotel and .taurant yardmen ami dishwashers,- - 35. --laaonalEmployment Co.. 113 N. st

PERSONAL.Fifteen Cents Per Line.

,H.WM,MmS.GENTLEMAN' that called Saturday

at 3207 Lucas ave. please, call again.A SURE euro for fit, epilepsy; if affilcta

Edwards Phartaaceutical Co., St Louis.A CARD to Ladles If you want tha aanoria

Golden Seal Monthly Regulator (price W perbox: It will positively relieve la from to abourse), jou must go to the only manufactartra..nrhrt hr, namM nnrt seal- stflmned OV thaibox; bewaro of imitations. Golden Seal Med. j;Co.. 2311 Morgan st. St. Louis. sr.

ALL ladles! Thtre Is only one Golden Seal Has ,male regulator sold under a posltlva aToarantaa,to relieve the longest and most obstlnata casasof delayed monthly periods. Sent secure trorn'ob.'servation. 31. This is the original, and has no .agents. 2741 Olive st.

AN announcement to ladies! There Is only.ona.original Golden Seal female regulator: sold 'Un-der a positive guarantee to relieve tea longestand most obstinate cases of delayed monthlyperiods; sent secure from observation. H. ThisIs the genuine and has no agents; can Do- - ascured only at ; ouve.

ANT eirl needing friends, heln or cara thromra 4 'jfin.l th.m , rha KHfvntlfm APUiS1 i 'i

Rescue Home. 3710 Marine ave. Ensign PUo-genso- n.

matron.CONFTNEilENT ca,,, taken: nart naY In 1

If desired: private seclusion, consultation" andtrial treatment: adopting babies free; treats trregularitles; try my regulator: best of medicalcare and nursing; set my t'jrms; written gnrsr- -.

antes ' for all cases; call or write; all mailanswered:' patients mt at stattaa orKromptlymy vehicle. Mrs. Dr. Murphy, 213 and

2123 Olive st. Klnloch phono EMC. - ' i.jDOCTOR MARY MURPHY gives written gusr-ante- e:

board 32.53. 33, 34 per week. 2123 and VmOHvo st

TVT? TllsrV7R rnmb, ., II,physician; expert specialist In an femate treatles; my criginnj painress mcinoa onngs okhirelief: private home provided. 2847 Morgan at,

LADIES, If in trouble,- - save time andby calling at Mis. FriclCa, 1113 Chouteau.

T.ATVTES Mv regulator never falls? OBSplcte treatment free. Mrs. E. Starr, 289 Traak-li- n

ave. i

MRS. DR. HOGAN receives before and dnrma;confinement. Infants adopted. Ladles In or write; terms reasonable. 2215 Oltva. '

MRB. L. HOTSON. ladle" pnrate home dar-ing confinement: absolute protection and aafstTajsured: motherly care: irregularities: suutsssT.tnmmnteed nr nn rhnrees- - Infants adnntstl: tanlfonrntloa free: ladles in trouble, call or wrtt. htuerman ana UTencn spoKen. zan sna zas uuv-- y; i'

CtT.Ti Tin. Offlrn ISH CvTluMnrtMI ASLTSt Titils Mo TTtinhl.." lndte. or sJsssHS.i"'any cause, sklllfnllv treated: savins; Ufa ot'iaeS--jf S"try and regret Call or write: a years axpsrl;& ':;,ence; guarantee results: perfect and ' ,?,;privacy for ladles: comforts of moil-ut- )- -s'

care; quick restoration to full and .health and strength: met at train. - - - VX

nn IHNIC lEWtlVn . Ollva.." --unit secinaeo. iicanssa aasss)-

for ladles before anil daring conflnementII shed fort- - rears. sTtrst-cliui- attmUon aleft treatment. TYiitten eaarante in allI4mvrtn.1t horns-- ! fonnrl for Infants fn.cessfullv treats all Irreeularttlea. CtmwoltmlUm

81.-- -


and aavlce free. Ladles tn trembly cmll or Wrtt-f-

Ladies, $500 RwariFor case of suppression Old Doctor Jailiuu'amonthly falls to relieve In 24 bonrst ,, ,positively no ergot or- - aaanr'naved from suicide: Ideal, safe, homomall 3300. Dr. Jackson. B C 80t. 17 Daarbara,st. Chicago. 111. - ,rnnFiiFTS Pr-- a. ,.iawm, ito,,.w Bl. sovate. secluded, licensed home for Isvou will be treated honestlr and waitguarantee to that effect Skilled medical:. attention: trained nursing ana matnerrr earn.Homes found for Infants free. Board 11 pariweek. Port payment taken In work. AbsoMrafirotectlon and confidence maintained, jrrsfnr:

results or no charges. Satisfaction guaranteed m ail cases or nvonorfunded. Consultation and advice free. Tarnaetrouble, call or write. Patients met st trata.

DR. MART ARTfTTTR Onlv nrtrstelsnat Aef1vsmsMoV ItAMia ls aII.- kawlAtf aaca .uuiiucuku. uuuic iu vtl-j- UsnsaAAs, an uvanaaovU sas j,cation; traired nnnucfr xcellnt ai'iinffifiaaltfiaBitnouieny rare ana perfect txngamnit5es itrccMafallv treated or no ehtm: niafammt'tefd results. OmsuIUtlon free. 2911 Mlnujtlr

f?Huofure and VarletcilinrfTnn n, TTom. PBTt ft. TtSTtmechanic and inventor of Bell Bnpnott.-- f

Bell Rupture Care Ox. 14U Wsshrssrssn; jave.. St Louis. Mo. , .STORAGE Alii HOVIHCe,


AMERICAN Storage and storing Comneaj,Olive st Faciunr,Binroins; storsge.rooms. Tot Main 302L W. H. Lanadale.

TinmVTr TTTiTfTinnrT. TTtan,, Mnlnir f!nmKIIir. 112-- 1

money advanced whenT. "H. PORTMAN. Storage.

and Shipping Co.. st louts aKin. D- - B47: Bell Tyler 2A.

sTIrdoenC mrhMP.

FRANKLIN Wntehooss aadj BtoragetSiinnre nst TittVit mcnUL 1DJB IfrsZU


Charles Nledr.nthaus. proprietor. Bothphones j i i

LINDELL Storag and Movlnr Co'ltST TtoaJave., will move carefully and utisnsnljilphone Llndell O; Klnloch B 1868. A '

national MOvinr. Facklmr andC. moves and stores your withlarge paaaea vans, ssw uutb, i

"NEW TORK Storage. Company, OT8ta'3aii';Union Trusc Jiuiiajng aiovev pacs, snip,, sifine furniture Is private rooms. Phone Xaaa

stonua and MoTinr Gb.V--..- -i .VVI- -J nhaarmTTiZ..,-- .

south sido storan and Oawand 1905 Sldner t. Tel. Bldnej- 27SELKIRK'S ?TTa.b. 4n .is.esitrt.fsss. afa a vtavtas asaa seflBaaanuuef aJ lu.mnuv, a.n aaaata neiaaansni.iinsurance: careful movlnjr. nacklnar aaitDin?; Z byana KTja.riin.eea uy uMmiwtn vmimj-fo-


Storage 1tv mmm

for t--t

ture. iuaros. xriuuns. vauuaoiw,strictly morlng;

tp MAnev aavancea.fre. Get onr

K. U.

ONcr: havinr mnda

A411UUUK WW. muh



rates.lzs-z- l rotwm.

XTsire at 123 N.3IOr



stamps lists free,st Louis tstomp ana , ion nne

IRON, rags, zinc,and odd. and ends.



FranWIsPra,l-j- .







avcu.. nxektcitlBw

EstimatesXjEONOBZ. JB., CO..



uncanceledpremium corn

Sper, Ninth stT TlWANTED Larse auantltv faker's

lowest wholesale prle--s and drculara,,l.n TTrtnn, Stevllnir. til.



Etc. SendEst. MC3. Maver afrom 820 to 1022 N. 12th. Bt



kindsing: price rjajd; l&ti)

133 Broadwas,att. kinds of rentlemen's and ladias

bedding, etc; paid!sena praui, cvui. , riwiuia ave.,

nrr.RER. late T.TSB. kmrlothlnc: twice as much taraepeed tnem. joe. nn St.

HIOHEST price paid for ladles- -tleT-e- s rs-i-- rinmios. van or sensMiller, CM st Kin. A 213. No

IP ynu vent rush nriees for rad1esan4) gentsetnthinr. camels and feathsrs.

postal to M gptereian. t8M OUve atr'TVALL rA3rsjr,

ASK Walli.rf'er befo-- e- irolng TI2

are. Telephone Klnloch C--

i svi-- : sntir rjierhan2inedi rror-- for lss money.Alien ave

TttmE wlft" oarer "roor.up; work guaranteed, IL E. Oregory.

Park ave. ;

vt,ur order eaperrns; andto Roesch.Klnloch B 7K.




Eroadwoy. Kali

ZEHNER tc CO.. n St .1

Ing. whitening and "plastering:: all tratesr guaranteed:

StK'.OM rolla(of.wall paper mastPtz43Z cesi:- - waii'--

Bnaanrsl-wa- ll Jfapsr ca'saas ;




- ?

rjij&l1- -!



AWtl anaani

mr?; mum

ssvclaston- -


i :..?' $-



guaranteed: pills;'tnatttsratx




' aaaa.

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s?.?---l"i!-- c

M. ;vi.


''-?-' --r-

Ms. .r-- -: a;

Z." -- ttw





i J-

4 H-- .'t j .: faCa-.y?- : s2yi.:--A

if Wt'

IriMtsfxsM ."Si- - 3v5t-- ful. mmutizti-i- , m

sMClatlaBr. ? X.. .1 rt'ttrtoisasaaaat . v

Phone C'Sja-ZseW.'- -a

A .sr-S- v

Partiestailored to call Elevextk







y&m,L of ladles' and,retlemenw tavsle-lg- K

hlrhest send peatai,-- 1 Bs. ... rfilZlZMiW

carpets, highest pricesor i.

ofpara as

ueioer, v.arrrash and






- t MM.


'mMlZf , "&S3vi

the PsrlsUn CleajihhT.' tl&&i' elsewhere.


341. Belld'l at tf.nitnwMa.MAn. ..,y-fs-

Tu AreIK- -


SEND for

lowest satisfactionbeatrt!

orTuera-an- a





2t-- t

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,"vSuiaK salaorn

seadn-aw-g- -:

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