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; xy.5v3iW. - i& ' .vav. I . ''Tl ' ' TI'H HL KH Kl ni'lll r nH'I'.l lllin l.-ilL- . J.' . J.1TUJL. I ;-- '" v. .... 55k- - - - (.WAJM-MM- . y-.- w e a? I8& JttV. Wt 'S NEWS IN BRIEF. BUSINESS. Tvwal rilarnunt rates were t 5 tO' I. per cent on call and time loans. The clear- - l r anceg were and the balances i.- - Jf'! C4.465. Domestic exchange was quoted as Hi!" 'oUowa: New Tork. 10c discount bid, 10c fjf premium asked: Chicago. 5c premium bid. MM IBe premium asked; Cincinnati, par bid, ,25c fCSS premium asked; New Orleans,' 10c discount eP? " He asked. Premium fsBi"' The local wheat market closed lower at I?." Wttc b. May. 71nttc July, 7S7 No. I - .' fed. V,rn Vlnanl lower at 4SC May. 4H4C I, l.Ainl. !... y.. j.u. wiiiie. v.w t.Sr Msv. 5fiKc July. No. 2. fc-?- The local spot market closed tm and LOCAL AND SUBURBAN. esl'f." ;j Hn, Louisa Wlegand . altumor 8helbelleved,the..LordA--oul- cure'in i ;?: J answer .to her prayers.-- :? Philip Messenk Is fined 110 because: Mary jA'5 f Hulshof says hefeburted her too'ardently. fj ..The'Berlln Heights tract of, ground In the t-- "West End wan sold to the C. H. R, Davis .Seal Estate Company for J25O.CC0. The Board of- Public Improvements will Si JUor. krant- a public hearing Friday on the plan i!t-'-. to construct a park opposite Union Station. The Woman's Board of Home Missions of ..j- - the Methodist Church met In third annual if" session, reports of officers and ap--K pointed committees. The session' will con-- f tlnue six. Jf'C". Tho Committee on Organization of the n; Louisiana Purchase Exposition .Company Is m Vk pushing; Its work In preparation for the mn': meeting of the' Board of Directors next w lis Wednesday. Jr.. Wl ft r,. " i'.' t M t alt: t;J rang neri' lOWf. sTi i XML r. u3 lt U iy l- - t. IUM It' ouoted . ... ... n - a o.iujy, wgip'c ,.w h SUSWVic cotton quiet- lower. ' j heard days. ' s . " The City Council kills tho smoke-abat- e ment Mil passed by the l!ou?r of Delegates, The Interstate MerclM-i- . Association has made alt arrancemrn r its excur sion to Texas. The Public Library 1; i carefully l. eanvasslnr. the merits cf t various sites proposed for the new library tiuiiaing. Principal Bryan of the High School allows the boys to wear shirt waists. . Milk Inspector Helwigf says he is prepar- ing his annual .report and expects to'pre- - - sent .It to the Mayor next- - week. The Board of Police Commissioners a committee to recommend changes in the department manual. Officer Charles J. Fischer of the Second . District assaulted and knocked down his Eerceant, Thomas Nugent, -- who took him' to for alleged neglect of duty. Pupils of Charles Humphrey, the weJl- - - known tenor and music teacher, who com- mitted suicide, are arraging to purchase, a memorial to him. Henry Wlcke and bob. Doctor E. O. Wlcke, were seriously injured by a pile of bricks falling on them at they were passing anew building. GENERAL, DOMESTIC. A I1L. letter carrier has arrested on a charge of robbing the malls. L. . .Governor Yater s personal staff will take TC.a I.' (h RIP RiviimnniMit m TnrlL Writs of mandamus are belnr served upon the members of the Board of .of IlUnols requiring them to meet and as- - xiutfi. It tienl J. task been fcWCUVJf-Ui- C UUS biuutfv unywar ' 'tiona. - ft-- Thar wu a- central aluniD 'In stocks on TV11 strcat. due to a reoort that President 4!McKtnley had been assassinated at New Orleans. Anthracite miners In Pennsylvania will 'Anarch In a body to Harrisburg to urge la- - Th, Armnt tf the Bmnm Ten and Missis-- lMli". .. stppl Toad, sjt Bonne Terre, was destroyed ioy-ure- . I v- - At, the'tMrd trial of Doctor Kennedy, V-- '. ehaiwed with the murder of DollT Rsmolds: vv'Va bludgeon will be forged in the courtroom. x.- cspeaaer enerxn&n ox uio uuww uiu suddenly 111 from nervous collapse and the course of clostnr P the. r iznoiy proceciuna 0 luwnuyioi. ";:. .Tha TUlnota Ledslature has- passed the .... ""-'- -j. , . aar. us 'MftmHittrm Tri llrvHtmm-rft- t sUmmnM : ' th fifteen CotnmlBelonert Ipimtdlatrty after aerli-J- ifn. Dewey 1. teiftotaXr !m, frota n at f.'tacK.oc toaaounsana K7apwaB. .rtMNr Tnrlr srntlfr&tA la mrnlA tn Ik or-- - - . A. .mhi "-- t. - n . pninny w ecwv wuiAya u4awuuicu properuc. i.vwm1aririd.-TJTiderPlillltrj'amnn- l " v:jUtlon. from E3 to El cent. ''-m- t ltirim Ann KathTmn vufmnil n': . Cflf mtaonlna- - her " nA at New Haven. H.Conn.. ud sentenced to Ufa imprtsomnent. i3 - FOREIQN. .TUtr caaca of Oeneral Preya lootvcon- - iiltoeated br the French .Ooveroment, were tf-'- , received at PeUn and will be, restored to e . the Chinese. MmA- mim- - . V. asV iL. TSMaalak Iflalslaii XI.L reslsttad.on aocount of tha Kalioi'aoppoai- - FWfV- - . --. -. IMJsa a.. DXIUV4.&XIV. HC, .xne great Metropoutan uanmcap wui oe -- . run y. voter carries top weight, with V?4.: t A H. -- 4a mil. VT MIA :;'?,.- - winner. Rmt Intnrtt attlrtim in 5i?lUm aa VbmbMMB MBfrnAf th ! flAfWAB &jm the turf are entered and sveral of the aiv caroea w na ui am oraviuya fe. t" handican. ''Wlnnera at the Pair Orounda yesterday. fot ;?S" were Helen Print. Forte, Trio. Tulla Fbnso. ;' Bowen and Barbee. tori .. .. : "" .:.-- - -- & - RAILROADS. saa ,, .Koewell anner aomita tnat ne nas re-- from tha Union Pscino directory. - ' " MM. ffl.l !! .Y& itWll.F '.'y; 1 YW WTTtt- ljiilar a. Panninrlvanla. dlmAt- - it; Mim, says there is no truth. In ,the rumor that .':' ja deal. is pendlnr to secure' control of tha ion i1 : " JSbJ The Texas and Pacific yards at Fort 'eoa i!?irVorth Kn te '' TeAU3' improved. T S?nr:"A'sale of 2,000,0 of common "stock of jati'.Sthe Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf has been tvlstIorised'by the directors. an?l 'at the meeting of the Joint ICoDmlttea In New Tork tha Cttv vrrT. . ."T -. . KlM'Trmttm nendlnr a Joint confarenoe. "Vj.- - .!.; " ri&$stlt u aaia ftna Miaaotvi turn onoca at m. - "t awtaua, v awas Prealdimt Horner ct tha Mft-Stt- r:i amlU that the Mae will be absorbed by tha Oo-a- system. iiS,:K'V "' Hl-"- a "a. -" - - $0? '. Tork.) May ruant Bls I ?.?-- : arrlr--. from Hamburr. ''.s Havre, May . Arrtvedi X'Aojittathe, Sifrotn New Tork. SSStir Tork. May Batoravla. &T2fr-n.Naple- s. ss. xotk. wj wa: caleaonlan. .Ticaarerpool; Chrtatlanla, Liverpool, Genoa and J?..1. iOlvarpoolirMay z. Arrived: New Bns ifiMMOs Boston, oaaea, Jiay : uoyic,; New Jijressv" rvOrSt Vtooent,- C V... May .1 Arrtvad, ' VTcatninalar.. San BVancfam .via. l5sro-J- -. Hay . ''. l&jre.-vl- a Southampton. ; t;L' u-f- ll.' May t Equalization Arrived: Latin, New Ethiopia (from WajMNW), New Tone: Tunisian ffrom MfstpooD, .Montreal. - ' v i;-- iaatbAmpton. May 1 Sailed; Deutsok- - laa (from' Hamburg), New Tork, via Cher-- rSvii.;fJL'.,.Mlohaala. Axoras. May AUar. Hew lork. tor Gibraltar. Maalssaad Genoa. tfV'sTJasaia. May Tanrlc, New' iTarai-iXa- r Liverpool. CsitMmT."Ma7'.-;asUe- d: Staamer Deut- -; saftlsnil ffrnn Hamburg and Bouthamptohx Tiww'Tonc. TjlfJI".' t-- ... . .. . - vriviu-c-u innuvcni bnincdc fS.HV - . . r- -. r- - . -- sv. Two ,; German Cavalrr Soldier 'T,."'i- . sOva a4 A WttnAjf . TYiMh' ' ' t-- i- """r""ytt " v:r?rT : v a? ry - ir - " ' Tlsa-Tsl- p. Mayt Befgeant Bratsekaaiaar 'll4'.3ov Jamach, of the Oerasaa vcava- -. fW.lalvalbaen .omdanjnad to death foe ta of;two Innooent, Chlnese.wnue do-?- ol ' in .Decemher-a- t :PaTiag-- s await axecnuon, pending Empen- - riWlllUm'si icoon- -j .v r& , ,."-.- ; y ' liM U M'VBMa.:jm'-A- . A- - J w-- : I.W.tkMaMfVMTaHl SHERMAN'S SUDDEN ILLNESS INTERRUPTED LEGISLATION. Speaker of Illinois House Dangerously III From Nervous Col-- , lapse on Adjournment Day Deadlock Over Gerry- manders Unbroken at Midnight. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. 'Springfield." 111.. May 4. At 1M a. m. the Republican leaders. gave up the fight for "thehilght. Tho House reconsidered the vote-b- which .Unadopted the Senate sine die adjourn ment resolution, to quit business on May 3. It then refused to concur In the Senate .resolution, and adjourned- to 11 o'clock a. m. Saturday, wnlch action the Senate al- ready had taken. - Springfield. 111.-- . May 3. Speaker Sherman Is dangerously 111. There are grave fears that he will die. He was delirious this afternoon, and his physicians ordered ab- solute quiet. They declare he 1 threatened with typhoid, fever. He .has been too HI to- day to even sign bills that have passed the House. His secretary signed the pay roll. A friend who called at the Speaker's room In the Leland was shocked at his physical condition. He was. almost raving. He Ima- gined he was In the Speaker's chair, and that the business of the House was pro- ceeding. "I can see them all." he muttered In his peculiar rasping voice. "There's bill 487. It's next on the order of second read- ing. They've all got tickets In their hats. The gentleman from Clinton will be rec- ognized next." And so on. Efforts to' quiet him were futile and It was decided that he should be sent to Springfield Hospital. Speaker Sherman Is physically frail all bones and muscle and blood, very little flesh, and the exactlng.dutles and responsibilities of his office have completely prostrated him and nervous collapse is the result Added to the ordinary cares of his office was an Intense, earnest desire to do two friend 'a favor by placing Shelby County In a Reu-ollc- an congressional district and Montgomery County In a Republican sena- torial district. By the first he would oblige Attorney General Hamlin and by the latter Representative Frank Mllnor of Litchfield. There were a number of gifts presented In the Senate this afternoon. Senator Bren-ho- lt received a handsome silver water service: Lieutenant Governor Northcott, an expensive Masonic charm embracing all the degrees . he has "taken, consistory, ry and shrine. Senator Mahoney re- ceived a beautiful diamond ring, and Sen- ator Chapman also got an expensive ring. The St. Louis Exposition bill passed the Senate by 37 ayes: nays, none. Representative Trautmann has occupied the Speaker's chair since last night, and he Is a pronounced success, governing a most turbulent house with dignity and dis- patching business quickly and decently. The Governor sent to the 8enate the fol- - lowing appointments: Henry A Neat, Charleston, member of .the State Board of Charities, vice Julia Lathrop. term expired. Kenneth M. Whitman. Aledo. trustee of the Hospital for Incurable Insane, vice Fhl-l- o B. Miles, resigned. Edward H. Thomas. Decatur, trustee of "the Hospital for Incurable Insane, vice George C. Rider, resigned. '.W. W. Watson, Plttsneld, trustee of the Deaf and Dumb, vice Robert Altchlson. re- signed; Samuel P.. Wheeler, Springfield, trustee of the Southern Normal School, to' succeed himself. John Marshall, Charleston, trustee' or the Eastern Normal School, vice Henry A. Neal term expired. . James P. Whedon, Chicago, Commission- er State Penitentiary, vice Thomas 0Shaughnessy. term expired. . Charles D. Bent, Morrison, member State Board of Education and trustee of the State Normal University, vice M. E. Plain, re- signed. B. B. Sunny, Chicago, member Board of Trustees. Home for Juvenile Female Of- fenders., vice Mrs. F. H. Blackman, re- signed. James C. Bulllvan, Cairo, member State Board of Health, to succeed himself. C. B. Johnson, Champaign, member State Board of, Health, W. "Webster, resigned. . W. H. Hipp. Chicago, member State Board of Health, vice C. B. Johnson; resigned.- - Frank T. Miller, for ".t Peoria County, to succeed W. W. Whit- - - 2ore. - COMPLETE LIST OF MEASURES BY ILLINOIS ASSEMBLY REPUBLIC SPECIAL'- - Springfield, 111.. May 3. Following are the Mils. which have passed both branches of the Illinois Legislature and will become laws on July.l (or earlier, where' emergency clause. is attached), unless vetoed in the case of bills still in the hands of the Gov- ernor: S. B. (Chapman): To appropriate J109.000 to pay the' employe tot ' the Fortr-seoon- General As- sembly. - 8. B. 1 (Chapman): To appropriate 15,000 to pay tha committee expenses of the Forty-atcoa- d Oen- eral Assembly.' a a. i (Cbaoman): To ansroeriat S22.000 to pay the incidental expenses of tha Forty-secon- d' General Assembly. 8..B. II (Dunlap): To appropriate 175.000 for tha participation' of Illinois In th Exposition.. 8. B. SI (Stnbbleaeld): To amend the primary election law by providing that In selecting dele- gates ta a convention the voter mar elther-wrlt- or pasta In "the names of tha delegates of his choice, or Indicate' them by cross-mar- placed opposite tha names vrinted on the ticket S. B. B (Mllcnxlat): To anthorlie bonds In the urn of 1500,000 to Improve and complete the south Park system In Chicago. 8. B.m (Bum): To authorise- - the John. Crerar Horary 'to erect- a library bnlldmr and a statue of Abraham .Lincoln In Grant Park In Chlcaso. 8. B. (Humphrey): To provide that any part of any village or Incorporated town on tha bor- der 'thereof, bavins a- population of not leas than am may- - become organised aa a village by a majority vote of tha territory affected, lnclud-InaTt- territory which Is to be detached and tha territory, from which It Is taken. s. B.'IM (Mllchrlati: To appropriate MI.0M to mark the positions held by tha Illlnoli Volunteers at the battle of Bhllob. and to erect a raonomant on the spot where Major Oeneral W. H. I. Wallaee Tell., a an (JuaUi To rive parents joint guardian- ship rights and powers. 8? BT 111 (Fuller): To require that renovated and. process batter be brand! as such, and fix- ing i" penalty of CS to 150 for failure to prop- - H. B. 1SI (Commlttea on Appropriations): To appropriate U.O0O for the palntmg of a portrait of txvOovamor John R. Tanner, to be hung in tha Governors omce. - H. B. CT (Committee on Jurisdiction): To amend the act authorising cities to establish free pabQe 'libraries by peftnltUng the directors of such libraries to PSiehase, subject to the approval of the City Council sites for library buTldbus.' This sot will enable' a number of cttlea' themselves of offers made by w Carniglato build public Ubrarlei,, provided tbe'cltlca fuirnUh sites for the same. H. B. 501 (Qmmlttea-o- Judiciary): To amend section M of the act regsromr tha admlnlitra-tlo- n of estates by rjrovldTng that In caaes where an executor, dlea or becomes dlanualiajd alter the execution of a will, and tt 1. probate, the court may fill the va- cancy as-.l- t would In ease the . vacaneywwurred. the will was probated.. It Is provided alra tnmaklng appointments under section JS thTconrt shall give preference to the surviving haband or wife, or next. of. kin. or the the wllL- in the order named. iOTnaker): To amend the Uw relating aasaaamint of mutual teannS?onesteadwaMoclatlona. by provw-K'th- at ? stock of any such association." white iad and pledged aa security to the JiTTalueTotsBch stock, shall be subject to ISTiTns 1VS1K. (Committee on Judiaary): To permit Jbtratlaas organlsad .under special charters, not ncunlary beneflt to create poaras ortrua-!2- . to appoint members JJStrtertromtfialr own membership or 25Sk to change their names and the' organised without walv-gJSa- granted unfelhelr Uw'ts to aoabla Ltaeoln" TJrdvantty, S?tT3tu anoffeTmade by James establlsb, a manual training gI?tlf a.urSlrTo siwoprUt. JUH to theolted'atates steamship 'Dorothea-from- ' tirmc to. Chicago for use or the minols "Srtrsfferew): ge Iflie term of tne OoBrbrCourt- - of.tVIU ttunty. so. that they win, ta Octobar, February S"ff (Rankin .of - warren) : To . appropriate the officers and member. of tha nSeor-embjtr- ju omctra io diw - "?! V-- P (Stea): To anproprlate. HMI to the tht?9JS!rHSaiJKSJ3: mair'w'myim ywsw va jyMi 0'VMSixSS!SitA,.'Ta amend tha tareiiUa aourt(aet tJons of the ofneets of the court TneDiu orugs coe. jarooicuuii' or uiv cwi noun -- in n i.i titlflFT! rtMaMtmAv-ttif- t la the 'aid aassraaas atra.-vTiira- rt ta civen aathor-- heapltals.- and the fto.aand.alek.chlWrentc deUnquenf emldnm .of -- in tha : of;, Charluea-t- a glwia .esaaeiltj. je eaaajaa hemai . tar, cMlarea: iMBiMBMMIBMMWMMii" S ' ! ''?' "jrfmJ 'HrSsBBsil'tsfti'' r'l sbE!ssssbbsv C v,);j.PsppBBaf B ? PASSED REPRESENTATIVE TRAUTMANN. He proved u success as Temporary Spenker In .Jio Illinois Legislature yesterday .i n Speaker Sherman collapsed unUn the strain. WyVAWrVW'A For Justices of the Peace In the town Chicago: Elijah W. Zollne, to succeed A. J. Sabath, and Stephen D. Grltlin, to succeed James C. Dooley. " Patrick O'Donneil. Chicago, for Public Administrator, of Cook County. Mary M. Bartelme, Chicago, for Public Guardian of Conic Prmntv r George W. Webster; Chicago, for member of the State Board of Health, vice M. Meerevitz. resigned. Alia R. Dow. Elgin, trustee of the State Home of Juvenile Female- Offenders, vice William' A. Colledge, term expired. Deadlock Over Gerrymander. On tha day set for adjournment a dead- lock developed In apportionment matters, and nobody nill be surprised It the bll!s fall. The hitch Is over placing Shelby In a Republican or Democratic district. The House, dominated by Speaker Sherman, wants It In a Republican district The Sen- ate wants It In a Democratic district. Another serious hitch Is over .Montgomery County. The Senate demands that It be placed with Green. Maccoupln and Jersey. The House asserts It shall go with Bond and Madison. Both houses refused to recede from their position on these questions, and there 1b a deadlock in the Conference Committee that threatens to prolong the session or defeat apportionment altogether. At midnight the legislature was still In session. The conference committees on tne two apportionment bills were as far apart as ever, the three' Senators still Insist on Shelby going In with Montgomery. Chris- tian, Macoupin and Sangamon, and the three Republicans just as firmly adhering to their, programme to put the county In with Coles, Champaign, Piatt Macon and Moultrie. The senatorial conferees demand that Montgomery ohall be linked with Green, Macoupin and Jersey, while the Repre- sentatives are firm that the county shall associate with Madison and Bond. It looks as If the deadlock would not b broken. The House can reconsider Its adoption of the Senate sine die adjournment-r- esolution, fixing' to-d- as the last day. If It chooses. At 12:5 o'clock it seemed that the House conferees were wavering on the congres- sional apportionment., and It looks as If Shelby would be thrown into a. Democratic district, ' There Is no sign of a chance In tho con- ference on- senatorial apportionment. Both M inMRp to ba firm. The session may be prolcnced for at least' one aay. j. u. I'lvjiwruu, celves to the juvenile courts. In cases whero children' under the Jurisdiction of the court have responsible relatives the court shall "have author- ity to require them to support such children. H. B. 569 (Pendarvls): .To provide (or tho con- solidation of the township governuents within the city of Chicago. This law provides that In all townships lying wholly within any city ot more than W.OOo population the powers vested in aiich townships shall be exercised by the City Council. The City Cleric is' to be the Town Clerk and Assessor for"each township; the County Treasurer l to be the Collector and Supervisor. The office ot Highway Com- missioner is abolished, A "referendum clause la attached to the law so that. It becomes operative only after It has been adopted by a majority vote of the townships affected. M (Rsnkta of Warren): To appropriate JW0 annually In aid of the Illinois Live iBtock Breeders Association. .,"- - ,BJTl. Wohe):To appropriate .lJI..for the incidental expenses and improvements- and the maintenance of the Illinois Industrial Borne tor the Blind. - - .!t.I&.1? Brown of Randolph): To appropriate U2.0U.8I to meet a" deficiency In ordinary ex- penses of the Southern IlUnols Penitentiary at H. B- - 248 ntanlcln Af Wirwn. f.. -- 1500 per annum In aid of the Illinois, ttremen'a A.NOlWiDll, H. B. IS5 (Hoghes of Lee): To amend the town- ship organization law by providing that- Where lands lie wholly outside of a city or vllla-r- a whenever a majority of the land owners petition the. County Board to take such territory from one township and add It to another, the board ahall have the authority to do so. provided no township Is reduced to that lu area will' be less than sixteen square miles.' H. 3. 171 (Brown of Randolph): To require corporations to report to the Secretary ot the 8tate between February 1 end March 1 of each year th location of their offices and tha names of their officers, tot ether with a statement as to whether they are actively engaged. In the busi- ness for which they were organlsad. Tha ef State ts authorised to cancel the li- censes of such corporations as fall to report. H. B. Et flamhl! TW 'avmWinHat r41 Ann n build a gymnasium, workshop and laboratory at uiv umvrmijri oi .Illinois. ..H. B. " (Committee on Municipal Corpora- tions): To amend the law In accordance with the recommendations of the Chl- caso- Board of Local Improvements.. The act would make the following amendments to the1 law: A separate board other than the beads ot departments In cities of '10O.CO0 or over; permits the board. to change the nature, kind and charac- ter of an Improvement at a public hearing at the reauest of nronertv' owner.- mvnriAinv nr.h- , change does not Increase the cost to axoaad per crnv; ourot inac interest snail negin rrom the date of the Issuing ot the first voucher on account of work done Instead of from tha date of confirmation ot the assessment; provides that no roll shall be certified or put in the hands of the collector for collection until after the work is completed and then shall be certified for ,the exact cost cf the work; dispenses with pub- lic hearings on sidewalks, 'water service pipes and drains. H: B. lul (Church): To appropriate 12,000 to pay the expenses or a commission to mark the positions occupied by minols troops during the siege of Vicksburg. . attlffl (Alden): To make extortion by threats-- felony. " ' . 8. B. ITS (Hall): To provide' that SBpercenf ot Insurance license fees collected In cities ot over 50,000 population shall-b- paid Into firemen's' pension fund ot the city. 8. B. at (Juul): To provide that the aggregate of all the taxes ia any taxing district, or mu- nicipality shall not exceed 5 per'cent of the assessed valuation of the property m auch dis- trict or municipality, "exclusive ot "8tate tax- es, village .taxes, levee taxes, school building, taxes, school taxes, high. school taxes and all other school taxee. road and brldre tax- es aM also bonded Indebtedness uxes in cities whose bonded indebtedness exceeds 10 per cent sf the assessed valuation of the property- - therein upon which, under existing Iawa.laxes are re- quired to be extended, .and taxes levied pursuant to the mandate or judrraent.ot any court of anr bonded Indebtedness." - 8. B. Hi (Committee on Warehouses)': To pro- vide' for the Issuing and the cancellation of re- ceipts of public warehouses..ft classes A and B. The bill provides that .upon the receipt of grain for storage' the warehouseman shall Issue a re- ceipt "for the number of bushels, the kind. ' the sraofaueh grain, the owner thereof, and shall report within twenty-fou- r, hours to the r Ware- house Registrar the amount of said grain, the owner, .the number ot the receipt the kind and' grade of grain. No grain ahall be delivered from except upon the return of the re- ceipt stsmped or otherwise plainly marked by the Warehouse Registrar with the Words. "Berlstered for .cancellation." and' the date 'thereof. It Is the duty .of the warehouseman within twenty-fou- r. hours after the last of the gram. has-bee- n delivered to report said receipts to the 'Registrar " as canceled.- - B. HO (Committee on Corporations)': To pro-Ti- de tor and. regulate. the business of guarantee titles to real estate by Corporations. .The- bin: provides that, every title guarantee company within ninety. days after its Incorporation shall deposit with the Auditor, of Public Accounts,- - for the benefit of the creditors. of said company, the avm or S3S.0Q0 tn bonds of . tha 1Tftlt4 fltatM or of this State, or of any body polttlo 6t this State, .or in or. trust aaeosa wuaaisuv hisi-v sissbi sveB"UBpniTa,J productive real estate u this State, worthat' rieast twice tne amount loanea uerara. doing business In Cook County must de- posit 150.000 In securities. The Auditor of Pub- lic Accounts shall have power, and It shall oe his' duty, to visit, and examine annually, all title guarantee companies, and to compel compliance with the law. Annual sworn statements snowing the condition and earnings of the'eompany are to be nied with the Auditor by every suoh company. H. B. 30S ( Jones. ot Cook): To provide for tne addition of two colored battalions to tha Illinois. National Guard. 11. U; 1130 (Committee : To.amend the garnishment law. Tho bill provides that tne wages for services of. a wage earner who is tne head of a family and residing with the ?" the amount of US' per week, snail ba exempt from garnishment. All above the sum of 115 per wtea shall be liable to garnishment, livery employer shall pay to such wage earner such exempt wages, not to exceed $15 per week of each ween s wages earned by him when due, upon such wage earner making and delivering to bis employer that be Is such head or a family ana resides with the same, notwithstanding the serv- ice ot any writ or garnishment upon such em- ployer, and the surplus only above such exempt wages shall he hei.f' by ruch employer to abluo the event or the garnishment suit. If the amount of waxes subject to garnishment snail not equal the costs of the garnishment, whatever remains of costs shall be paid by the person bringing tne garnishment proceedings, and Judgment snail dj entered therefor against him. and no Judgment for any such deficiency "f costs shall go against the wage earner or the defendant- - H. U. Sri (Sillier of Starit): To give Stork County un additional term of Circuit Court. 11. B. 13 (Ueitler): To appropriate I6.", to cover a deficiency In the free employment oflioes In Chicago, divided as follows: North Side; South Hide. 13,250: West Side, 1.4l. 11. U. 1J (liundy): - appropriate 5.w6 per an- num In aid or the State Horticultural Society. II. B. ira (Jones of Sangamon): To appropriate 113,500 per annum for tin- - State Board of Agri- culture and agricultural fairs und JJ.000 for the lrnprotemenl of tho Woman's Building, on the State Fair Grounds. II. B. 1S2 (Itankln of Warren): To appropriate I95.O0O to meet a deficiency tn tne expenses of the Illinois National Guam. H. u: 270 (Drew): TO appropriate 1150,000 for the maintenance of the Illinois and Michigan. Canal for two years, of which sum JlOO.ouo Is to be held aa nn embergency fund. H. B. S15 (Itankln of Warren): To appropriate 1108.000 for the equipment of the College of Agri- culture and the extension of the work ot the Agricultural Kxperiment Station at Champaign. II. 13. S51 (Bush): To appropriate 11.000 in aid of the Illinois Dairymen's Association. II. 11. 3H0 lltankln or, Warren): To appropriate J1.5W for a deficiency In the fund for tho main- tenance of the Lincoln' monument. II. It. in (Itankln of Warren): To appropriate I1.1C0 to cover a deficiency in tho expenses of the Supreme Court. ll.'li. 605 (Allen): To. appropriate 11,000 per an- num In aid of the State Poultry, l'lgeon and 1'et Stock Assoclatlon. H. 11. 6IJ (Rankin of Warren): To appropriate !175.0vu per annum for ordinary sid contingent expenses una 150.000 ns an emergency fund for the Illinois National Guard and Naval Militia. H. IJ. 383 (Mcculloch): To llx the per dlern of Circuit Clerks In counties, other than Cook, at t6 ocr day. If. B. '18 (Barnes): To amend the farm drain- age act by providing that In cases where a ma- jority of the land owners of a drainage district fall to file a petition for the appointment of a Drainage Commissioner within thi- - required time, the County Court may. of Its own motion, ap- point such Commissioner. 8. B. 155 (Townscnd): To appropriate per annum for the Illinois Farmers' Institute and 175 per annum to each county farmers' In- stitute. S. B. 57 (Fowler): TO provide that a Police Magistrate elected In a city or- village lying In two or more counties shall maintain his of- fice In the county In which the municipal officers are located, and shall have Jurisdiction the same as Justices of tho Peace residing In such county and Jurisdiction ot all cases arising under the municipal government within the limits ot the city or village. S. B. 137 (Committee on Municipalities): In relation to the disconnection of territory from cities and villages. The bill provides that where a petition la filed by the owners of sroserty In any territory proposed to be disconnected from a city or village it shall be discretionary with the City Council or Village-Boar- as to whether or not such territory shall be disconnected. S. B. 139 (Townsend): To provide for the as- sessment of State banks In the same manner as the property ot national hanks Is assessed. 8. B. 75 (Pemberton): To amend the law gov- erning casualty Insurance companies by, pro- viding that such companies organized to Insure llvo stock may have a subscribed capital stock of only 1100,000. of which S50.O0O shall he paid In In cash, and that they shall be required to make a deposit with the lnsuranco department of only KS.oOO in securities. 8. B. 189 (Alden); To" provide that "whoever shall verbally or by written or printed commu- nication maliciously or willfully threaten to kid- nap, wound, malm, kill of murder any person, or any one related by blood, marriage or adop- tion to such other person, or to burn, injure or destroy aay building or other property belonging to another' person with Intent thereby to extort any moner. goods, chattels or other valuable thing, shall be Imprjsoned In the Penitentiary not. less than one nor more than twenty years." S.. B. 213 (Pcmberton) :'To amend tne election law by providing that minority election Judges shall be selected by the minority members of the County Board. 8. ll. 2U (Busse): To exempt from the- Inher- itance tax bequests to charitable and religious Institutions. 8. B: 10 (Mllchrist): To appropriate 13,50) to re- pair the Dougbui monument In Chicago. If. B. 798 (Committee on Election): To amend the primary election law by providing, among other things, that the number of voters In each precinct shall not exceed 800: that the number nt precincts In an election district shall not be leas than two nor more than seven, and that the Dolls shall be open from noon until 7 o'clock p. m. The bill also reduces the penalties' for violations of the. primary election law, because of the fact' that It has been found Impossible to secure convictions under the heavy penalties provided by the existing law. H. B. Its (Countryman): To appropriate H.000 to erect a monument to Captain John G. Adams and others at Btlllraan Valley, Ogle County. II. B. ICt (Hunter of Winnebago): To appro--prla- te 8M.O0O for Improvements at the State Fair Grounds. II. B. 108 (Skaggs): To appropriate 1250 for a monument In Rector' Township, Saline County, to the memory of John Rector, a Government surveyor who was killed by Indians In lSOS. II. B." 771 (Tlpplt): To appropriate ,600 for repairs on tha Appellate Court building at Mount Vernon. K. B. 431 Owl tart): To appropriate approxi- mately 1500.000 for new bulldfnaa and othAr im provements at the University of Illinois. Cbam- -. .y i H. B. 787 fCommltlea on Annmnrialtrm . Tn .aprroprlato 1250 to pay Carl Busse and oth ers tor services in. connection witn the Forty first General Assembly. II. B. 765 (Rankin of Warren): To provide that assessments,- - life and accident Insurance com- panies may change their plan ot business. H. B. ail (Schlagenhauf): To provide that the BOaM Of ReVleW Shall fnnjtllct nf thm .halmtan of the County Board, and two persons to be se- -' lecioa ur in i.uumy uiun, one xrom each oc the two leading polltlcalpartles. H. B. t70 (Purdunn): To revise the pharmacy act to oonform to a" recent decision of the Su- preme Court. H. B. 73 (Committee on Labor and Industrial Affairs): To empower the State Board of Arbi- tration in, caaes affecting the publlo Interests to make an Investigation of the facts regardless of the absence of a petition from the parties Immediately concerned. H. B. 80S (Crafts): To amend the act providing for a police and nrjmen's pension fund by provid- ing that the period of service In both departments may be combined to make up the time required for participation In the fund. II. B. 709 (Isermann): To provide that mine In- spectors shall Inspect the, oil used In coal mines. H. B. 794 fOomniltt' on Parka mnA n..t yards): To provide that the trustees of a park, uumn, it uw- propie so oeciue si an election at "which the question shall be submitted, shall be appointed by the County Judge of the county In which most of the park district la located, acting In conjunction with 4n-- Circuit Judges ot the Judicial circuit In which the district Is located, the Judges or. such circuit to determine among themselves which of their number shall act. H. n. 793 (Committee on Penal and Reforma- tory Institutions): To amend the law tn rela- tion to Industrial schools for girls. The bill pro- vides, among other things, that the court may commit a. girl to an Industrial school until she Is 18 years .cf age. The court making the com- mitment may at any time thereafter, upon prop- er showing, order her discharge or restoration to her parents. H. B. 767 (Buckley): To amend the taw. The bill provides that, where lands of a drainage district lie In two or more counties the clerk of the court In which the proceedings are had shall send a certified copy thereof to the Recorder of Deeds, snd the. same shall 'be re- corded. H. B. 01 (Trautmann): To provide' that ,ln counties of the second class the Flection Com- missioners shall receive a salary of 1700, and the chief clerk a salary of ll.KO per annum, being de- signed to apnly to' St. Clair County. H. B. 431 (Trautmann): To provide that Jurors for city courts shall be selected from the body of the county In the same manner as Jurors for circuit court. K. B. 147 (Sksggs): To prohibit Impersonating officers, or members ofnny grand or subordinate lodge or fraternal society, and prohlbltlng'wear-In- g or using the badges or Insignia of any such society bv other than members thereof. H. B. 171 (Lamb's): To provide for the printing nr m oral conies- of the annual report of the Illi nois Farmers' Institute. H. V. S9t (Hunter of Wlnnebako): To provide a means for Increasing the territory of district mutual windstorm, cyolone or tornado Insurance companies. n. B. 484 (Craft): To provide that action In ejectment may Include a Judgment for rent. H. B. 557 (Rankin of Warren): To appropriate 1705 000 per annum for the maintenance of the Illinois National Guard. H. b. 3,8- meer;; 10 cnuipi me time or noiu-in- g Circuit Court In Massac County. II. B. 183 (McConcell): To regulate the parti- tion of 'real estate, H. B. 622 (Rlcss): To regulate the sale ot lands by drainage commissioners In dlstricta. H. B. 573 (Barnes): To provide for terras of the County Court tn Lawrence County on the second Monday ot June. November and March. H. B. 579 (Crangle): To provide that, in cities ot less than 100.000 Inhabitants a tax to: raise tnnAa tor the erection f library bulldlnn ahn 'dot be Included In the aggregate amount of -- .. ,.J hvilt,, .Ih, mmA vlllaa ma . H. B. Ml (Hunter, of Winnebago): To amend the act in relation to mutual township fire and lightning Insurance companies by providing that the president and secretary of every such com- pany where the less claimed does not exceed 1500 may adjust the same; but In case the Joss shall exceed 1500 the president (or In his ab- sence the secretary) shall appoint a committee of three to determine the amount of loss. H.'B. 713 (Craft): To establish a nnlorm sys- tem of publlo accounting under the administra- tion ot the Auditor. of public Accounts.-- Br the provisions of the act the Auditor Is to supervise all accounts of all public officers. " XT. n. .27S (Committee an Elections): .Ta nm. vide for the' consolidation of. two or more .town- - snips or two or more aojomuur scnooi districts, whether In, the same or different townahtna. Intn one high , upon an affirmative vote of tha people ot the territory affected, at' an election neia tor tne purpose. 'It. R. 77S CommtitM on Revenue): To mtnrlde that where, there Is- - not sufficient revenue In-- ', irmA"f Via saiatiiu bjm ne4Ja4 Was Alas 14- " In the treasury of a city, town or village to de-- fray the ordinary and necessary expenses thereof.' warrants mav oe tssueri In antleinatton nt inv i.v already levied., to show upon their- - lace tnat taey.are to oe coiiecua irom soon taxes and to bear itter cent interest. H. B- - is (Bandy): Tocrovlde that tha law torn of the County Court ,ln,Ianon, Cosmt-- f shallcommence 'on the, second Monday of March and November. H. B. 797 (Committee on Judicial Department and Practice): To fix the time of holding Circuit Court. In Schuyler County as follows:- - Fourth Tuesday In April, the first Monday In June, the third Tuesday In October and the nrat Monday n January, the June and January terms to be de: vo.tJK,J'iancery business. IL B. 809 (Committee on Roads, and Bridges): To authorise an additional tax levy in road dis- tricts, by direction ot the Board of Town Au- ditors, not exceeding 40 cents on the 1100. the purposes to be specified. 8. B. 63 (Committee on Judiciary): To exT empt the crime ot rape and kidnaping from the provisions of the parole law. S. B. 271 JiimIi. Tn ... . t.v lMt-lnn lavv. by providing that the landlord, keeper or ...ttuM jw. every ioagingnouse. Doaramg-aouB- Inn. hotel or tavern snail, not less than twenty-eig- ht nor more than thirty days prior to every election, flla with the Election Commissioners a sworn statement giving the full name of every person residing In his lodging-hous- boarding-hous- e, etc.. the period ot continued residence, the number of room, bed or cot occupied, the period for which such person engaged board or lodging, etc 8. B. 375 (Juul): To place lodging-house- boarding-house- taverns. Inns and hotels In cities of inhabitants or more, under the super- vision or the State Board ot Health. They saall be Inspected from time to time. Every lodging-hous- e room must contain at least 400 cubic feet Or air NRIIW mnt.lnl.. m n... n ..n bed must be su arranged that there shall be. .i mi man two reet horizontally on all siaes ot each ; and all beds ehall be so arranged that under each or them the air shall freely circulate. 3. 11. 285 (Mllchrist): To correct a technical f ,'n- ln' "et of 1S99, to convey Grant Park ,n Chicago to tho Park Commlssloners. S". -- '.MS (Ortellj: To provide that when a ma- jority (in value) of the property of any territory adjacent to n city, town or village shall peti- tion for annexation the question shall be sub- mitted to the people of such city,- - town or vil- lage and If they decide In favor of annexatl-j- it ahall be mandator)' upon the City Council or Mjtlase Board to annex such territory. h. li. 165 (Udell) : To provide for the consoli- dation, by a vote of the people, of three or more cchool districts, the combined population of which Is less than 2.O0O. S. It. 30 (Pemberton): To correct an error In the number of a section In the farm drainage ..s- - (Watson): To provide that In case of tne failure of the owners of adjoining property to agree as to the division line, either msy se- cure from the Circuit Court an order directing-a- official survey, which survey shall be per- manent. s- - ,B,l9-- ! (Hunt): To provide for redisricting Road CommlMloners' districts. S. B.- - 214 (Bailey): To prohibit the sale of In- toxicating llquora within one and th miles of the National .Soldiers' Home at Dan- ville. H. B. 688 (Bowles): To authorize the Chicago sanitary district to Increase Its bonded Indebt- edness from I15.000.000 to t30.00U.OOQ-- ald Indebt- edness In the aggregate not to exceed 5 per cent of the valuation ot the taxable property in the district. . They Senate concurred In the House amend- ments to the Senate bill to Increase the salary or Cook County State's Attorney and Circuit and Superior Court Judges to 110.000. Bill to provide for three additional Circuit and three Superior Court Judges In Cook County. To mako an appropriation to reimburse Mills Bras, and others for cattle slaughtered In pursuance cf the tuberculin test. Bill to amend the uct providing for the pun- ishment of wife snd child abandonment. Craft's: For the submission of questions ot public policy to the people. A referendum meat-ir- e. Kerrick's: To appropriate 118,000 for the Stats rifle ranges. Trautmann's: To permit school districts which are coextensive with cities and which are acting under special charters to Issue bonds. The bill applies particularly to Macomb. To appropriate 12,500 to procure documents, ma- terials and publications relating to the history of the Northwest and the State of Illinois. The omnibus appropriation bill for expenses of the State Government for two years, the amot'Xt being, approximately, 13,500.000. Tu establish a home for delinquent boys, and appropriating $3S,C00 for the purpose. To appropriate 1195.200 for the State Reforma- tory at Pontlac The omnibus ' spproprtatlon bill for improve- ments and repairs at the State charitable institu- tions, appropriating 81.030,024. Omnibus appropriation bill for ordinary ex- penses ot the State charitable Institutions, ap- - nrr.r.rlatlnr To appropriate H90.600 for the maintenance of we io penucmiaiicB. Omnibus appropriation bills for the State Institutions. $272,645 for Improvements and repairs, and 1110,226 per annum for ordinary' ex- penses. The tax levy bill. Stringers: To provide for the consecutive num- bering ot school districts In each county.. ' Hunt's: To- regulate the fees of court receiv- ers and attorneys In receivership cases of build- ing and loan associations. Median's: To revise the road and bridge law in countlee not lunder townshln organisation. The bill provides, among other things, for the selec-- '. uon or iicau supervisors py tne uounty isoara. Instead of their election by the people, and pro- hibits the working of roads after July J. Burnett's: To confer on boards of education In' school districts organised under special acts the same powers as are possessed by boards of edu- cation In districts organized under the general law. Strackman's: To permit soldiers to peddle without, a license. Teas 37: nays S: BUI to appropriate 1150.000 for the erection ef a State arsenal at Springfield. Lamb's: To give one drainage district-th- e tight to demand an outlet through another- - Bowles's: Extending the power of the Chisago Sanitary District and authorizing the levy and vvuevuvu-v- . auu,.tuu tJlC. io appropriate s,ooo to minora z. Partello for the balance due him for labor and material furnished at the State Reformatory. Bill to permit emergency levies in road dls- tricta. , , Bill to appropriate t25,eo for the putlclpa-tlo- n of the State of Illinois In the South Caro- lina Exposition. Relsa's: To appropriate IIOO for Garrison Hill Cemetery In Randolph County. Ar pro wis tlon for the Illinois Farmers' In- stitute. Brown of Randolph: To provide that where changes In election precincts an made the changes shall- be certified to the Secretary of State Craig's: To amend the road and bridge act. Cummlngs's To prohibit noresldent physicians from practicing medicine by proxy In this State Bill to amend the fish laws In accordance wtth the recommendations of the State Flail Com- missioners. Crangle's: To provide additions! means for In creasing the territory, ot mutual windstorm In- surance companies: Burgett's: To prevent trafficking in labeled bot- tles, cans and other" containers. Hunter of Wlnnebsgo: To permit county fire Insurance companies to borrow money to pay small losses. . . Hunter of Wlnnebsgo: To permit district wind- storm Insurance companies to borrow money to pay small losses. Bandy's: To reclassify the counties of the State under the new Federal census. Montellus: to amend the act concerning jurors by providing that embalmers. undxrtakers. fu- neral directors and pharmacists shall be "exempt from Jury service.' The Senate concurred In. the House amendment to Senator Coleman's bill which provides that the State Board of Equalization's assessment shall be for. State and' county purposes only. Davidson's: To permit cemetery associations outside of Incorporated cities, towns and villages to sequlre property for cemetery purposes. Chapman's: To vest the powers of boards of health In the County Commissioners In counties not under township organisation. Townsend's: To give county. boards discretion- ary power to divide' townships outside of .Incor- porated cities Into election precincts having less than 200 votes. Bill to Increase the salary of Judges of city courts to 11.500 per annum In cities from 1.00 to 25.000 pAruIatlon. . To define hazinr. making It a misde- meanor and fixing the punishment. Coleman's: To provide that State and county taxes shall be extended on the valuation fixed by the State Board at Equalization and all other taxes on the valuation fixed by the County Board of Review, Juul's: To provide clerk s fees in Inheritance tax cases, snd for the appointment of an clerk In Cook County, and for the appointment of an inheritance-ta- x attorney by the Attorney General. Coleman's r To repeal the sparrow-bount- y law. Stubblefleld's: To provide a pensltyfor failure to report births and deaths as provided by stat- ute. StubblefleId's:-T- o provide thst petitions fcr new roads must be signed by. two-thir- of the land- owners along the proposed route. Townsend's: To limit the expenses of frater- nal beneficiary societies to 20 per cent of the ss- - "MoKenzIe'sr To orohlWt'tne taking of census for the purpose of securlir'sddlt'onil supervisors except 'at the. time of taking the Federal cen- - Balleys: To establish polling nlaces In the National Soldiers' Home at Danville. Humphreys's: To provide- - that, upon a peti- tion ottwenty-flv- e In sny township, a special election may be called to vote upon the proposition to raise . funds for. the construc- tion cf hsrd roads', was defeated. 66 to 58. cm tn w hn rlrht-t- kill paulrrela from Jnlr- 1 tn. December 1, snd providing that nonresident. , hunters license snaii- - on fojm mwuFuum Stste,. and that they must have the photograph of the hunter, thereon. Bailey's: To amend the act governing the State Home fcr Juvenile Female Offenders by providing that girls rosy be admitted years of sge. and that they may be detained until they are 21. and giving Juvenile courts Ju- risdiction, of girls to be sentenced. Fowler's: exemption of library taxes from the 2 per cent limit apply to all cities of oyer 3.000 Inhabitants. REALISM IN A COURTROOM. ; Bludgeon to Be Forged in the Trial of Doctor Kennedy. REPUBLIC SPECTAL, New Tork. May 3.-- All preparations have been made for a dramatic scene at the next trial of Doctor Samuel J. Kennedy v on. the charge, of murdering Dolly Reynolds. "Kennedy has .been convicted once, has had a new trial, at which the Jury dis- agreed, and his third trial, is coming soon. A bludgeon, a duplicate of that' "with, which; it is alleged, the woman was killed,. is to be forged In the courtroom,' with Judge and jury and accused and lawyers for the defense and prosecution present." This arrangement was made after the finding' on Thursday of a .vise In Doctor Kennedy's home at Newdorp, 8. L When the searching; party reached the house they were told- - that there was no vise In" the', house. After' a search of an hour the party found- a vise: It. will be. used as an ex--. ' ' hibit., - - 78e ta. sJl.BO' Excursion 'Via Bis; Fourvltoute,. Sunday. May-- ; 5,- - to Bunaer ngaonus, xzsiisDunz,- - . 01.ltMraMll 1XH..M f.AM Kl way stations. Special train leaves su Louis at 131 a., m. xicxets,- - jtsroaaway ana unsst nut aoa.Phlot-uBtttiot- v - . OSTEOPATHY X3V ST. Drs. Eckert & Wirt, Seventh Commercial Building, Graduates of the Original School, All Chronic Diseases Treated Without the Use. of DRUQS or KNIFE. Some sf the Prominent Goiernors of lbs United States Praise TMs Treaties! Governor T. A. Brings of North Dakota: "Osteopathy has helped me. It has also done good in my family, and will hurt no one." Governor L. M. Shaw of Iowa: '.'I am fully convinced that Osteopathy is a. rational system of healing." Governor ,B. McMlllIn of Tennessee: "It is one ot tho'greatest discoveries of Governor H. S. Plngree- - of Michigan: "Osteopathy Is a science entitled to an respect .and confidence as a distinct advancement in medicine. I know it is ao-l- ng a vast amount of good In relieving suffering and deformity." By virtue of tour special training we are recognized ns specialists ta our treat- ment of the human body In all the possible conditions' of disease. We diagnose ana treat disease In a manner entirely new and different from all other systems. Medicines are never used, our methods are wholly natural and scientific, our cures are permanent, aa we remove th e cause of disease. Office hours. 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.: Sundays 10 a. m. to II m. . . r ANNOUNCEMENT. MR. H. H. MERRICK, of the Merrick, Walsh. & Phelpa Jewelrr Co. Desires to Announce that he will hereafter be with the MERMOO & JACCARD fY Where he will be pleased to hare his friends call upon him. WEEKLY BANK CLEARINGS. St. Lonis Gained Thirty-Seve- n and Nine-Tent- h Per Cent-Ne- w Torlr, May a, The following table, com- piled by Bradstreet. shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended May J. with the percentage ot Increase and decrease as compared with' the corresponding week last year: Pet. Pet. Inc. dec New Tork 4MW.47s.7JS SJ.I .... Boston .'. itn.oco.7u 17.7 Chicago 160.9I2.22J H.2 .... Philadelphia Iis.t35.87l 1C.6 .... St. Louis 13.632,615 I7. .... Plttsbunc i 4l.tta.6C8 23. J Baltimore 23.293.8SJ .... 4.1 Ban Francisco 25.1W.717 17.1 Cincinnati 1J.125.700 21.4 . Kansas City 17,045.018 .... .l New Orleans 10.4tS.2S4 '24-- Minneapolis 10.015,77S .?.. Jl.s uetroic S.M9.G1S s.s .... Cleveland ..', 12,663.317 M.J .... Louisville J.M4.265 7.4 .... Providence 7.483.1W .t Milwaukee 1,033,407 .... IJ Rt, Paul.... ' 8.731.21 13.4 - Buffalo 6,131.204 13.4 ..- -. Omaha 4.601,472 J.7 .- .- Indianapolis 1.391.331 14.4 .... Columbus, O. (.932.S00 SJ.7 .... Hartford 2,706,427 10.3 .... Savannah 3,044.901 .... 36.J Denver 7M.MJ :.'.. 5.4 Richmond aYiA.340 H.O .... Memphis 2,M3,334 l. .... Washington '3.053-02- 33.1 Peoria,z9 ll.T ... Rochester ..; ....... 2,028,754 23.3- .... New Haven 1,(33,6(1 ll.T .... Worcester..., ....... 1.H3.477 2J. .. zj.t .... Bait Lake. City '....;' 3,7n,M0 JS.f ...i Springfield. Mass. .:..... L48S.K M - SStWorth ,..V.- i- 2.73048 2. Portland. Me. 1.42S.64S 21.3 ;. PortlanoX Ore.- - 1,992,733 18.3 .. St. Joseph .4,70.158 13.1 .... Los Angelas 3,357,703 69.5 .... Norfolk - L7IS.1U 13.9 !.... Syracuse - 1.228,411 .... 4, Des Homes ' 1,47S.22 .... S.4 Nashville 1.4S3,51 .... .... Wilmington, Del. .... .1,027.278 3,J .... Fall Kiver ..,.... 79X703 .... 18.9 Scranton ........ ."... 1,(01.718 31.4 .... Grand Rapids 1.780.147 30.2 .... Augusta, Ja. .- - 1,35.991 (t.4 ..... Ixwell 700.313 30.1 .... Dayton. O. '..... i.34!,8M 11.8 ...'. Seattle 2.123.891 21.7 .... Tacoma 1,188,4(1 18.7 .... Spokane .' 815.118 .... 4.5. Kloux City LS09.9S4 11.3 .... New Bedford .". 494,(73 14.0 .... Knoxvllle. Tenn. 6.70.237 1.4 .... Topeka 879,741 81.9 ' Birmingham 103,353 13.1 .... Wichita 573.024 16.7 .... Binghamton : 334.600 .... 30.3 Lexington Ky. 489.161 .37-- Jacksonville. Fla. 241.93 .... 17,7 Kalamaaoo ..... 404.1:1 4.9 ..... Akron M8.C0O 41.0 .... Chattanooga 422,143 Rockford. III. 304,0(2 . 3.S .... .Canton. O. ;.... 240.010 35.4 .... Springfield, O 2(4.804 .... 4.8 Fargo, N. D. 24S.91 ll.T .... Sioux Falls N. D. 201.27 71.7 .... Fremont. Neb IM.S38 .42. . .... Davenport M3.450 3.4 .... Toledo : 191.193 4.9 .... Galveston ...... '. 7.1BS.009 29.5 .... Chester, Pa. ,9,038.969 .... 49.0 Waco 234.743 .... .... Zanesvllle ..'".'. C84( Macon 6IT.oniV 5. .... Little Rock, 673.n4 12.1 .... Helena ..." 434.1(8 1.5 .... Springfield. III. 297.148 Youngstown 412.995 33.0 .... Blncrnlngtcn- - 224.374 23.1 .... Jacksonville ... '178.195 12.0 ...: Olorado Springs ........ C.T),r24 ,.. Wheeling (T.,143 Totals. TV.Ko. 82,033.409.878 (4.5 Totals outside N. T.. 784.9$1,13 14.0 LXJMIHION. OF CANADA. Montreal ... 1S.S43.771 29.5 'Toronto ... 12.242 318. 33.1 Winnipeg . 1.S43.5W 8.3 Halifax ... '1,508.539 l'i.9 Vancouver. B. C. ...... 732,743 "t.5 Hamuion 1,(03.913 ii!o St. John. N. B.-- . 7C6.R41 1.5 Victoria. B. C.'. 4S2.657 12.8 Touts ..4 23,058,243 2S.4 . BALDWIN VISITS NANSEN, Two Arctic Explorers Have a Talk at Sandefjord. Copenhagen, May 3. Evelyn B. Baldwin, the. leader of the Baldwln-Slegl- er Arctic ex- pedition', has visited Doctor Hansen- - at' Sandefjord and' inspected the steamer Frlthjof. (of Christlanla). which Mr. Baldwin chartered. in the early part of "the present year. Later Mr." Baldwin' la going to Dun- -, dee. " MBS, BAILEY She Remains President of Iowa Federation ot "Women's Clubs. ' Council Bluffs. Ia., May S. Mrs. Alice A. C. Bailey of Des Moines was unanimously elected president or the Iowa: Federation of Women's Clubs, this morning. Mrs, Flora S. Barkley of Boone'was elected vice presi- dent and Mrs. Nellie Cooke of Algona cor- responding; secretary.' " AiTBirPrisrtw." ' V ' REPUBLIC SPECIAL, . .Washington. May . Captain Lewis Koeh-le- r, Fourth Cavalry,. now at Leavenworth. Has., will; upon expiration ot his present Sick leave... report to 'the commanding officer. Fort Leavenworth,: for duty until August L . ' r First:. Lieutenant, . George . Arrtiwsmltb. Twantv-flf- Infantry.' ts transfemtt tn tho' Jfwentv-sl3Ct- Infantry, and. will Join" the Battalion oz tne laxier regiment now in tne Philippines. , "i. Boards of officers, are. appointed, .to meet at the call ot their presidents' for the com- petitive examination for promotion- - of. en- listed mervand forthe examination of'such other .persons as' may be jproperiy" ordered before them to determine their 'fitness for appointment asUeutenarrt'rn thaarmy; as follows: ' .- - . y; .;T-- . At San Antonio Colonel Chambers Twelfth" Infantry; 'Colonel Peter Cleary. Assistant Surgeon' General; Colonel Cyrus Koberts, Second Infantry; Lieutenant Colonel". Charles Byrne. Deputy. Surgeon General;-- , Major". Alrrmn Varney.. Ordnance DepartmentrCaptaln-Howard- . perry. Twen-ty-nln- tb Infantry, ecorder?; V'.-- .- The' rWlrepent from .actiro service I mirnrntTiTT-- lf -- Ttnhsii ciut SSSS4SSSMSSrSB )$ ifiK-r-'-- " ,,;;. IsOXTXSI. Floor, II :! i 3ife i 1 fcr 9. iva a tTitO TEXAS CLUB WOMEN ADJOURM- - : Kt' Election for President AronsedtitJJ Keenest Interest,- - - tiff REPUBLIC SPECIAL. & Dallas, Tex., May 1 The. fourth annuatvo congress of the Texas Federation of Worosff-- V, en's Clubs, adjourned this afternoon" aft4sE: a three days' session. f if;-- i marked by some of the. most skillful .ma-- - ueuvenng- - ever since in a garnering oi .a kind. The contest for the presidency the organization was hard-fough- t, and 'st-- j ' traded the undivided attention of every delegate. Mrs. Percy Pexmybacker of Atis tin was not an avowed candidate for the presidency. Just before the. nornli speeches beaan she made an anneal delegates In the Interest of harmony. eloauent. vrords rarieht the ranventlan. tand she was nominated In a' mighty wave of?i enthusiasm. The regular nroceedlnaa con-- ti slated of committee reports'. Other oHhSl cera Were elected ns follows: . &m Vice presidents. Mm Laura Branch Stonev4- - uaivesion; airs. j. usDorne, uieoarnerw- - irs. uooauue,ieaumonr; airs, Jkeyfs Marshall; Miss Ella Cockrell. Abilene; Mlse-- Luis, uryan. corresponaing secretaryfa jiusb LAura.xniworxa oi.Ainua; icoijriii secretary. Mrs. W. A. Johnson" of Green! vllle; treasurer. Mrs.- - Brown of Vernon,1." The elective officers constitute" the TsSI ecntive committee snd win nx tha data the next meeting. Houston. Austin. Bn and.Beaxmonr.wese-iuisulnate- for. the nesri ed the delegates, and Beaumont won- - The visiting ladles were given a reception- - oy- - tne uauas i.iud MADP CONSUL AT SQNNEBEROJ -- zjz r: a uentralia Bank Clere Honored JB:S yond'Bis Years. REPUBUC SPECIAL. Washington. May S. Dwlght, F. HaussTsi of Central!,. 111., has been appomtea c sular agent at Sonnebenr. Gernany. utx the recommendation of Civil Bervlca CotfHj mlssioner Rodenherg. He Is a young man. XI years and has been a clerk In Centn Mr. Haussler will be .in Washington In tew days, ana nis appointment win soon i announced. HMro --' isssssr'l iJssssi " 1 -- mm -' sssssssssV ssL. mZa9- '- asssssss.- - S" Rootbeer g Time ! Here ' co? B Drink it for"pleasare.B J m and good- - bealth.'HJ.' MM. t.totuatwkiMSf :MMM. 1 S& 8bbbbbbV ICHiaD4sjtnwrMfcr.Hr n special new olfsr. MWwm-- ' aai LslH 58 ' . ' B' "f - -- Trr OPENING OF SULLIVAN AVE Z litter qh. tnUnmlntr named. tHrrsns"aild'lsartSBlL'aMt, and. all others' who may be interested lathar yeet matter or ine opening oiuuio from Grand to Prairie svenus, 'Onder orr nance No. 17344, ere. hereby notified, that the) ri., r,,nntrll,r ha'ntaw4 fhA sneClal talt bills for said opening in my bands for eoJi lection, wnere mey-wi- u raosu "sti-- jh. h.h titn sain RDrcimA lax.- "". """ ,"..c. ;m. twuo buis may oe pw ruwiuaunw tionai costs, ana uiai w utu-y- Will Dear uiicxub-. ".-- i .jr cent per annum, ana ""'Wf.wSffrLSK Iefh.psar1.& '&2&JBF&. followlntrnamed persons "JSJSISi tt" Francis VunnwS5t?xyr2SS?f "? W..B. Clopton. wogtoj. ,A toby tnoptnm herriartUsa nn, Jane Frances Dunn. Cathertpe JJf 3MT1 Dunn. Archibald Donxlass. Ji2"". NelUe Donohue. I"JSt?r5al:5 Brown. wife: WlUlaPS.tJJ.I ssaa, Joseph E. Btiry.$' tate and Comiaj.-W:l9m- JffrX it&beper Jwtte vfjggg dellty Beafo CWiy, 'AttwTjt Blerman. aubuh m(- i"rrri Weiner. Marr-H- . -- 55f fe5WnX8r55--- " SrL lesseerHein PMdesrre Belnert.-lesse- e: Lum Wttler.; JSBLfl. TuvwitL. trustee anaw m?r" dell, deceaseds HerirTAeitssjBS. OkMs-p- l! Melsch. lessee; Louisa rSopp (wUe.of Ptter "Ijii13W.vjjS2 &2SZ5U n"JohnD;---- 5 SiTnJirlT ni neom A.I SPutT Emma, This -- srlfetJCiuott-gvj Mooneam-Jtoas- j Stheriae Cshln.(Wif of Ptr !JQritoVJoto,BtrnJ-- p Vwtw.w'y.1 VlJi S.tSw3: 'SSL:il(i tm&s lrZr-i-- AS- - VV -- ,C m tri.i?CV...---- . i&75 "yefti: r?s- - 'ihJmsg&mi ife;- ri- - & -- ate,.! mmm Av',-- ' ?- - ?! iRaj. il m :ii m riA li i Vi m m if u. luiwsni eastlx about bank, Hsfnp St Br. tn m - -- .... - -- . " y tier &! Tame C. f " his . y Q.). . " . - ". ' ; J . - J. r. : s .. 1, -'. e S
1 · ; xy.5v3iW.- i& ' .vav. I '. ''Tl TI'H HL KH Kl ni'lll r nH'I'.lv.lllin l.-ilL-.

May 08, 2018



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Page 1: · ; xy.5v3iW.- i& ' .vav. I '. ''Tl TI'H HL KH Kl ni'lll r nH'I'.lv.lllin l.-ilL-.


xy.5v3iW.- i& ' .vav. I

. ''Tl' '

TI'H HL KH Kl ni'lll r nH'I'.l lllin l.-ilL-. J.' . J.1TUJL. I ;-- '"v. ....55k- - - - (.WAJM-MM- . y-.- w

e a?


BUSINESS.Tvwal rilarnunt rates were t 5 tO'

I. per cent on call and time loans. The clear--l r anceg were and the balances i.- -

Jf'! C4.465. Domestic exchange was quoted asHi!" 'oUowa: New Tork. 10c discount bid, 10c

fjf premium asked: Chicago. 5c premium bid.MM IBe premium asked; Cincinnati, par bid, ,25c

fCSS premium asked; New Orleans,' 10c discounteP? " He asked.PremiumfsBi"' The local wheat market closed lower atI?." Wttc b. May. 71nttc July, 7S7 No. I

- .' fed. V,rn Vlnanl lower at 4SC May. 4H4C

I, l.Ainl. !... y..j.u. wiiiie. v.wt.Sr Msv. 5fiKc July. No. 2.

fc-?- The local spot market closed


LOCAL AND SUBURBAN.esl'f." ;j Hn, Louisa Wlegand . altumor

8helbelleved,the..LordA--oul- cure'ini;?: J answer .to her prayers.--

:? Philip Messenk Is fined 110 because: MaryjA'5 f Hulshof says hefeburted her too' ..The'Berlln Heights tract of, ground In thet-- "West End wan sold to the C. H. R, Davis

.Seal Estate Company for J25O.CC0.

The Board of- Public Improvements willSiJUor. krant- a public hearing Friday on the plan

i!t-'-. to construct a park opposite Union Station.The Woman's Board of Home Missions of

..j- - the Methodist Church met In third annualif" session, reports of officers and ap--K

pointed committees. The session' will con-- ftlnue six.

Jf'C". Tho Committee on Organization of then; Louisiana Purchase Exposition .Company Ism Vk pushing; Its work In preparation for themn': meeting of the' Board of Directors nextw lis Wednesday.








M talt:





Uiyl-- t.




. ... ... n - ao.iujy, wgip'c ,.w

h SUSWViccotton quiet-










The City Council kills tho smoke-abat- e

ment Mil passed by the l!ou?r of Delegates,The Interstate MerclM-i- . Association

has made alt arrancemrn r its excursion to Texas.

The Public Library 1; i carefullyl. eanvasslnr. the merits cf t various sites

proposed for the new library tiuiiaing.Principal Bryan of the High School allows

the boys to wear shirt waists.. Milk Inspector Helwigf says he is prepar-ing his annual .report and expects to'pre- -

- sent .It to the Mayor next- - week.The Board of Police Commissioners

a committee to recommend changesin the department manual.

Officer Charles J. Fischer of the Second. District assaulted and knocked down his

Eerceant, Thomas Nugent, --who took him'to for alleged neglect of duty.

Pupils of Charles Humphrey, the weJl- -- known tenor and music teacher, who com-

mitted suicide, are arraging to purchase,a memorial to him.

Henry Wlcke and bob. Doctor E. O.Wlcke, were seriously injured by a pile ofbricks falling on them at they were passinganew building.

GENERAL, DOMESTIC.A I1L. letter carrier has

arrested on a charge of robbing the malls.L. . .Governor Yater s personal staff will take

TC.a I.' (h RIP RiviimnniMit m TnrlL

Writs of mandamus are belnr served uponthe members of the Board of

.of IlUnols requiring them to meet and as--






fcWCUVJf-Ui- C UUS biuutfv unywar''tiona. -ft-- Thar wu a- central aluniD 'In stocks on

TV11 strcat. due to a reoort that President4!McKtnley had been assassinated at New

Orleans.Anthracite miners In Pennsylvania will

'Anarch In a body to Harrisburg to urge la- -

Th, Armnt tf the Bmnm Ten and Missis--

lMli"... stppl Toad, sjt Bonne Terre, was destroyed

ioy-ure- . Iv- - At, the'tMrd trial of Doctor Kennedy,V--'. ehaiwed with the murder of DollT Rsmolds:vv'Va bludgeon will be forged in the courtroom.

x.- cspeaaer enerxn&n ox uio uuww uiusuddenly 111 from nervous collapse

and the course of clostnr P the.r iznoiy proceciuna 0 luwnuyioi.

";:. .Tha TUlnota Ledslature has- passed the....""-'--j. , . aar. us'MftmHittrm Tri llrvHtmm-rft- t sUmmnM

: ' th fifteen CotnmlBelonert Ipimtdlatrty after

aerli-J- ifn. Dewey 1. teiftotaXr !m, frota n atf.'tacK.oc toaaounsana K7apwaB.

.rtMNr Tnrlr srntlfr&tA la mrnlA tn Ik or--- - . A. .mhi "-- t.




pninny w ecwv wuiAya u4awuuicuproperuc.i.vwm1aririd.-TJTiderPlillltrj'amnn- l "

v:jUtlon. from E3 to El cent.''-m- t ltirim Ann KathTmn vufmnil n': .

Cflf mtaonlna- - her " nA at New Haven.

H.Conn.. ud sentenced to Ufa imprtsomnent.

i3 - FOREIQN..TUtr caaca of Oeneral Preya lootvcon--

iiltoeated br the French .Ooveroment, weretf-'-


received at PeUn and will be, restored toe . the Chinese.

MmA- mim- - . V. asV iL. TSMaalak IflalslaiiXI.L reslsttad.on aocount of tha Kalioi'aoppoai- -FWfV-- . --. -. IMJsa a..

DXIUV4.&XIV.HC, .xne great Metropoutan uanmcap wui oe

-- . run y. voter carries top weight, withV?4.: t A H. 4a mil. VT MIA

:;'?,.- - winner. Rmt Intnrtt attlrtim in5i?lUm aa VbmbMMB MBfrnAf th ! flAfWAB

&jm the turf are entered and sveral of theaiv caroea w na ui am oraviuyafe. t" handican.

''Wlnnera at the Pair Orounda yesterday.fot ;?S"were Helen Print. Forte, Trio. Tulla Fbnso.;' Bowen and Barbee.tori .. .. :"" .:.-- -

--& - RAILROADS.saa ,, .Koewell anner aomita tnat ne nas re--

from tha Union Pscino directory.- ' " MM. ffl.l !! .Y& itWll.F

'.'y; 1 YW WTTtt- ljiilar a. Panninrlvanla. dlmAt- -it; Mim, says there is no truth. In ,the rumor that

.':' ja deal. is pendlnr to secure' control of thaion i1 : "

JSbJ The Texas and Pacific yards at Fort'eoa i!?irVorth Kn te '' TeAU3' improved.T S?nr:"A'sale of 2,000,0 of common "stock of

jati'.Sthe Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf has beentvlstIorised'by the directors.

an?l 'at the meeting of the JointICoDmlttea In New Tork tha CttvvrrT. . ."T -. .

KlM'Trmttm nendlnr a Joint confarenoe."Vj.-- .!.; "

ri&$stlt u aaia ftna Miaaotvi turn onoca at m.-

"t awtaua, v awas

Prealdimt Horner ct thaMft-Stt-

r:i amlU that the Mae will be absorbed by thaOo-a- system.

iiS,:K'V "'

Hl-"- a "a. -" - -$0? '. Tork.) May ruant BlsI ?.?-- : arrlr--. from Hamburr.''.s Havre, May . Arrtvedi X'Aojittathe,Sifrotn New Tork.SSStir Tork. May Batoravla.&T2fr-n.Naple- xotk. wj wa: caleaonlan..Ticaarerpool; Chrtatlanla, Liverpool, Genoa andJ?..1.iOlvarpoolirMay z. Arrived: New Bns

ifiMMOs Boston, oaaea, Jiay : uoyic,; NewJijressv"

rvOrSt Vtooent,- C V... May .1 Arrtvad,' VTcatninalar.. San BVancfam .via.

l5sro-J- -.

Hay .

''. l&jre.-vl- a Southampton.; t;L' u-f- ll.' May



Arrived: Latin, New

Ethiopia (fromWajMNW), New Tone: Tunisian ffromMfstpooD, .Montreal. - ' v

i;-- iaatbAmpton. May 1 Sailed; Deutsok- -laa (from' Hamburg), New Tork, via Cher--

rSvii.;fJL'.,.Mlohaala. Axoras. MayAUar. Hew lork. tor Gibraltar.

Maalssaad Genoa.tfV'sTJasaia. May Tanrlc, New'iTarai-iXa- r Liverpool.

CsitMmT."Ma7'.-;asUe- d: Staamer Deut- -;

saftlsnil ffrnn Hamburg and BouthamptohxTiww'Tonc.TjlfJI".' t-- ... . .. . -

vriviu-c-u innuvcni bnincdcfS.HV - . . r--. r-- . --sv.Two ,; German Cavalrr Soldier

'T,."'i- . sOva a4 AWttnAjf . TYiMh' ' 't-- i- """r""ytt " v:r?rT : va? ry - ir - " 'Tlsa-Tsl- p. Mayt Befgeant Bratsekaaiaar

'll4'.3ov Jamach, of the Oerasaa vcava- -.

fW.lalvalbaen .omdanjnad to death foe taof;two Innooent, Chlnese.wnue do-?- ol

' in .Decemher-a- t :PaTiag-- sawait axecnuon, pending Empen- -

riWlllUm'si icoon- -j .v r& , ,."-.- ; y '

liM U M'VBMa.:jm'-A- . A-- J

w-- :



Speaker of Illinois House Dangerously III From Nervous Col-- ,

lapse on Adjournment Day Deadlock Over Gerry-

manders Unbroken at Midnight.

REPUBLIC SPECIAL.'Springfield." 111.. May 4. At 1M a. m. the

Republican leaders. gave up the fight for"thehilght.

Tho House reconsidered the vote-b- which.Unadopted the Senate sine die adjournment resolution, to quit business on May 3.

It then refused to concur In the Senate.resolution, and adjourned- to 11 o'clock a.m. Saturday, wnlch action the Senate al-

ready had taken. -

Springfield. 111.-- . May 3. Speaker ShermanIs dangerously 111. There are grave fearsthat he will die. He was delirious thisafternoon, and his physicians ordered ab-

solute quiet. They declare he 1 threatenedwith typhoid, fever. He .has been too HI to-

day to even sign bills that have passed theHouse. His secretary signed the pay roll.

A friend who called at the Speaker's roomIn the Leland was shocked at his physicalcondition. He was. almost raving. He Ima-gined he was In the Speaker's chair, andthat the business of the House was pro-ceeding. "I can see them all." he mutteredIn his peculiar rasping voice. "There's bill487. It's next on the order of second read-ing. They've all got tickets In their hats.The gentleman from Clinton will be rec-ognized next." And so on.

Efforts to' quiet him were futile and Itwas decided that he should be sent toSpringfield Hospital.

Speaker Sherman Is physically frail allbones and muscle and blood, very little flesh,and the exactlng.dutles and responsibilitiesof his office have completely prostrated himand nervous collapse is the result

Added to the ordinary cares of his officewas an Intense, earnest desire to do twofriend 'a favor by placing Shelby CountyIn a Reu-ollc- an congressional district andMontgomery County In a Republican sena-torial district. By the first he would obligeAttorney General Hamlin and by the latterRepresentative Frank Mllnor of Litchfield.

There were a number of gifts presentedIn the Senate this afternoon. Senator Bren-ho- lt

received a handsome silver waterservice: Lieutenant Governor Northcott, anexpensive Masonic charm embracing all thedegrees . he has "taken, consistory, ry

and shrine. Senator Mahoney re-ceived a beautiful diamond ring, and Sen-ator Chapman also got an expensive ring.The St. Louis Exposition bill passed theSenate by 37 ayes: nays, none.

Representative Trautmann has occupiedthe Speaker's chair since last night, andhe Is a pronounced success, governing amost turbulent house with dignity and dis-patching business quickly and decently.

The Governor sent to the 8enate the fol--lowing appointments:

Henry A Neat, Charleston, member of.the State Board of Charities, vice JuliaLathrop. term expired.

Kenneth M. Whitman. Aledo. trustee ofthe Hospital for Incurable Insane, vice Fhl-l- o

B. Miles, resigned.Edward H. Thomas. Decatur, trustee of

"the Hospital for Incurable Insane, viceGeorge C. Rider, resigned.

'.W. W. Watson, Plttsneld, trustee of theDeaf and Dumb, vice Robert Altchlson. re-signed;

Samuel P.. Wheeler, Springfield, trusteeof the Southern Normal School, to' succeedhimself.

John Marshall, Charleston, trustee' or theEastern Normal School, vice Henry A. Nealterm expired. .

James P. Whedon, Chicago, Commission-er State Penitentiary, vice Thomas0Shaughnessy. term expired.. Charles D. Bent, Morrison, member StateBoard of Education and trustee of the StateNormal University, vice M. E. Plain, re-signed.

B. B. Sunny, Chicago, member Board ofTrustees. Home for Juvenile Female Of-fenders., vice Mrs. F. H. Blackman, re-signed.

James C. Bulllvan, Cairo, member StateBoard of Health, to succeed himself.

C. B. Johnson, Champaign, member StateBoard of, Health, W. "Webster,resigned.. W. H. Hipp. Chicago, member State Boardof Health, vice C. B. Johnson; resigned.- -

Frank T. Miller, for".t Peoria County, to succeed W. W. Whit- -

- 2ore.-




Springfield, 111.. May 3. Following are theMils. which have passed both branches ofthe Illinois Legislature and will becomelaws on July.l (or earlier, where' emergencyclause. is attached), unless vetoed in thecase of bills still in the hands of the Gov-ernor:

S. B. (Chapman): To appropriate J109.000 to paythe' employe tot ' the Fortr-seoon- General As-sembly. -

8. B. 1 (Chapman): To appropriate 15,000 to paytha committee expenses of the Forty-atcoa- d Oen-

eral Assembly.'a a. i (Cbaoman): To ansroeriat S22.000 topay the incidental expenses of tha Forty-secon- d'

General Assembly.8..B. II (Dunlap): To appropriate 175.000 for tha

participation' of Illinois In thExposition..

8. B. SI (Stnbbleaeld): To amend the primaryelection law by providing that In selecting dele-gates ta a convention the voter mar elther-wrlt-

or pasta In "the names of tha delegates of hischoice, or Indicate' them by cross-mar- placedopposite tha names vrinted on the ticket

S. B. B (Mllcnxlat): To anthorlie bonds In theurn of 1500,000 to Improve and complete the

south Park system In Chicago.8. B.m (Bum): To authorise- - the John. Crerar

Horary 'to erect- a library bnlldmr and a statueof Abraham .Lincoln In Grant Park In Chlcaso.

8. B. (Humphrey): To provide that any partof any village or Incorporated town on tha bor-

der 'thereof, bavins a- population of not leasthan am may- - become organised aa a village bya majority vote of tha territory affected, lnclud-InaTt-

territory which Is to be detached andtha territory, from which It Is taken.s. B.'IM (Mllchrlati: To appropriate MI.0M to

mark the positions held by tha Illlnoli Volunteersat the battle of Bhllob. and to erect a raonomanton the spot where Major Oeneral W. H. I.Wallaee Tell.,a an (JuaUi To rive parents joint guardian-

ship rights and powers.8? BT 111 (Fuller): To require that renovated

and. process batter be brand! as such, and fix-ing i" penalty of CS to 150 for failure to prop--

H. B. 1SI (Commlttea on Appropriations): Toappropriate U.O0O for the palntmg of a portraitof txvOovamor John R. Tanner, to be hung intha Governors omce. -

H. B. CT (Committee on Jurisdiction): Toamend the act authorising cities to establishfree pabQe 'libraries by peftnltUng the directorsof such libraries to PSiehase, subject to theapproval of the City Council sites for librarybuTldbus.' This sot will enable' a number ofcttlea' themselves of offers made by w

Carniglato build public Ubrarlei,, providedtbe'cltlca fuirnUh sites for the same.

H. B. 501 (Qmmlttea-o- Judiciary): To amendsection M of the act regsromr tha admlnlitra-tlo- n

of estates by rjrovldTng that In caaes wherean executor, dlea or becomes dlanualiajd alterthe execution of a will, and tt 1.

probate, the court may fill the va-cancy as-.l-

t would In ease the . vacaneywwurred.the will was probated.. It Is provided alratnmaklng appointments under section JS

thTconrt shall give preference to the survivinghaband or wife, or next. of. kin. or the

the wllL- in the order named.iOTnaker): To amend the Uw relatingaasaaamint of mutual

teannS?onesteadwaMoclatlona. by provw-K'th- at

? stock of any such association." white

iad and pledged aa security to the

JiTTalueTotsBch stock, shall be subject to


(Committee on Judiaary): To permitJbtratlaas organlsad .under special charters, not

ncunlary beneflt to create poaras ortrua-!2- .to appoint members

JJStrtertromtfialr own membership or25Sk to change their names and the'

organised without walv-gJSa-

granted unfelhelrUw'ts to aoabla Ltaeoln" TJrdvantty,

S?tT3tu anoffeTmade by Jamesestabllsb, a manual training

gI?tlf a.urSlrTo siwoprUt. JUH totheolted'atates steamship 'Dorothea-from- 'tirmc to. Chicago for use or the minols

"Srtrsfferew): ge Iflie term of tneOoBrbrCourt- - of.tVIU ttunty. so. that they win,

ta Octobar, FebruaryS"ff (Rankin .of - warren) : To . appropriate

the officers and member. of thanSeor-embjtr- juomctra io diw -

"?! V--P

(Stea): To anproprlate. HMI to thetht?9JS!rHSaiJKSJ3:mair'w'myim ywsw va jyMi

0'VMSixSS!SitA,.'Ta amend tha tareiiUaaourt(aettJons of the ofneets of the court TneDiu orugs

coe. jarooicuuii' or uiv cwi noun--in n i.i titlflFT! rtMaMtmAv-ttif- t

la the 'aidaassraaas atra.-vTiira- rt ta civen aathor--

heapltals.- and thefto.aand.alek.chlWrentc deUnquenf emldnm

.of -- in tha: of;, Charluea-t- a

glwia .esaaeiltj. je eaaajaa hemai . tar, cMlarea:


S '

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v,);j.PsppBBaf B ?


REPRESENTATIVE TRAUTMANN.He proved u success as Temporary

Spenker In .Jio Illinois Legislatureyesterday .i n Speaker Shermancollapsed unUn the strain.

WyVAWrVW'AFor Justices of the Peace In the town

Chicago:Elijah W. Zollne, to succeed A. J. Sabath,

and Stephen D. Grltlin, to succeed James C.Dooley. "

Patrick O'Donneil. Chicago, for PublicAdministrator, of Cook County.

Mary M. Bartelme, Chicago, for PublicGuardian of Conic Prmntv r

George W. Webster; Chicago, for memberof the State Board of Health, vice M.Meerevitz. resigned.

Alia R. Dow. Elgin, trustee of the StateHome of Juvenile Female- Offenders, viceWilliam' A. Colledge, term expired.

Deadlock Over Gerrymander.On tha day set for adjournment a dead-

lock developed In apportionment matters,and nobody nill be surprised It the bll!sfall. The hitch Is over placing Shelby In aRepublican or Democratic district. TheHouse, dominated by Speaker Sherman,wants It In a Republican district The Sen-ate wants It In a Democratic district.

Another serious hitch Is over .MontgomeryCounty. The Senate demands that It beplaced with Green. Maccoupln and Jersey.The House asserts It shall go with Bondand Madison.

Both houses refused to recede from theirposition on these questions, and there 1b adeadlock in the Conference Committee thatthreatens to prolong the session or defeatapportionment altogether.

At midnight the legislature was still Insession. The conference committees on tnetwo apportionment bills were as far apartas ever, the three' Senators still Insist onShelby going In with Montgomery. Chris-tian, Macoupin and Sangamon, and thethree Republicans just as firmly adheringto their, programme to put the county Inwith Coles, Champaign, Piatt Macon andMoultrie.

The senatorial conferees demand thatMontgomery ohall be linked with Green,Macoupin and Jersey, while the Repre-sentatives are firm that the county shallassociate with Madison and Bond.

It looks as If the deadlock would not bbroken. The House can reconsider Itsadoption of the Senate sine die adjournment-r-

esolution, fixing' to-d- as the lastday. If It chooses.

At 12:5 o'clock it seemed that the Houseconferees were wavering on the congres-sional apportionment., and It looks as IfShelby would be thrown into a. Democraticdistrict, '

There Is no sign of a chance In tho con-ference on- senatorial apportionment. Both

M inMRp to ba firm.The session may be prolcnced for at least'

one aay. j. u. I'lvjiwruu,

celves to the juvenile courts. In cases wherochildren' under the Jurisdiction of the court haveresponsible relatives the court shall "have author-ity to require them to support such children.

H. B. 569 (Pendarvls): .To provide (or tho con-solidation of the township governuents withinthe city of Chicago. This law provides that Inall townships lying wholly within any city otmore than W.OOo population the powers vested inaiich townships shall be exercised by the CityCouncil. The City Cleric is' to be theTown Clerk and Assessor for"each township; theCounty Treasurer l to be the Collectorand Supervisor. The office ot Highway Com-missioner is abolished, A "referendum clause laattached to the law so that. It becomes operativeonly after It has been adopted by a majorityvote of the townships affected.

M (Rsnkta of Warren): To appropriateJW0 annually In aid of the Illinois Live iBtockBreeders Association..,"-- ,BJTl. Wohe):To appropriate .lJI..forthe incidental expenses and improvements- andthe maintenance of the Illinois Industrial Bornetor the Blind. - -.!t.I&.1? Brown of Randolph): To appropriate

U2.0U.8I to meet a" deficiency In ordinary ex-penses of the Southern IlUnols Penitentiary atH. B- - 248 ntanlcln Af Wirwn. f.. --

1500 per annum In aid of the Illinois, ttremen'aA.NOlWiDll,

H. B. IS5 (Hoghes of Lee): To amend the town-ship organization law by providing that- Wherelands lie wholly outside of a city or vllla-r- a

whenever a majority of the land owners petitionthe. County Board to take such territory fromone township and add It to another, the boardahall have the authority to do so. provided notownship Is reduced to that lu area will' be lessthan sixteen square miles.'

H. 3. 171 (Brown of Randolph): To requirecorporations to report to the Secretary ot the8tate between February 1 end March 1 of eachyear th location of their offices and tha namesof their officers, totether with a statement as towhether they are actively engaged. In the busi-ness for which they were organlsad. Tha

ef State ts authorised to cancel the li-censes of such corporations as fall to report.

H. B. Et flamhl! TW 'avmWinHat r41 Ann nbuild a gymnasium, workshop and laboratory atuiv umvrmijri oi .Illinois...H. B. " (Committee on Municipal Corpora-tions): To amend the law Inaccordance with the recommendations of the Chl-caso- Board of Local Improvements.. The actwould make the following amendments to the1law: A separate board other than the beads otdepartments In cities of '10O.CO0 or over; permitsthe board. to change the nature, kind and charac-ter of an Improvement at a public hearing atthe reauest of nronertv' owner.- mvnriAinv nr.h-

, change does not Increase the cost to axoaadper crnv; ourot inac interest snail negin rromthe date of the Issuing ot the first voucher onaccount of work done Instead of from tha dateof confirmation ot the assessment; provides thatno roll shall be certified or put in the handsof the collector for collection until after thework is completed and then shall be certified for,the exact cost cf the work; dispenses with pub-lic hearings on sidewalks, 'water service pipesand drains.

H: B. lul (Church): To appropriate 12,000 topay the expenses or a commission to mark thepositions occupied by minols troops during thesiege of Vicksburg.. attlffl (Alden): To make extortion by threats--felony. " ' .

8. B. ITS (Hall): To provide' that SBpercenfot Insurance license fees collected In cities otover 50,000 population shall-b- paid Into firemen's'pension fund ot the city.

8. B. at (Juul): To provide that the aggregateof all the taxes ia any taxing district, or mu-nicipality shall not exceed 5 per'cent of theassessed valuation of the property m auch dis-trict or municipality, "exclusive ot "8tate tax-es, village .taxes, levee taxes, school building,taxes, school taxes, high. school taxesand all other school taxee. road and brldre tax-es aM also bonded Indebtedness uxes in citieswhose bonded indebtedness exceeds 10 per cent sfthe assessed valuation of the property- - thereinupon which, under existing Iawa.laxes are re-quired to be extended, .and taxes levied pursuantto the mandate or judrraent.ot any court ofanr bonded Indebtedness." -

8. B. Hi (Committee on Warehouses)': To pro-vide' for the Issuing and the cancellation of re-ceipts of public warehouses..ft classes A and B.The bill provides that .upon the receipt of grainfor storage' the warehouseman shall Issue a re-ceipt "for the number of bushels, the kind. ' thesraofaueh grain, the owner thereof, and shallreport within twenty-fou- r, hours to the r Ware-house Registrar the amount of said grain, theowner, .the number ot the receipt the kind and'grade of grain. No grain ahall be delivered fromexcept upon the return of the re-ceipt stsmped or otherwise plainly marked by theWarehouse Registrar with the Words. "Berlsteredfor .cancellation." and' the date 'thereof. It Isthe duty .of the warehouseman within twenty-fou- r.

hours after the last of the gram. has-bee- n

delivered to report said receipts to the 'Registrar"as canceled.- -B. HO (Committee on Corporations)': To pro-Ti-de

tor and. regulate. the business of guaranteetitles to real estate by Corporations. .The- bin:provides that, every title guarantee companywithin ninety. days after its Incorporation shalldeposit with the Auditor, of Public Accounts,- - forthe benefit of the creditors. of said company, theavm or S3S.0Q0 tn bonds of . tha 1Tftlt4 fltatM orof this State, or of any body polttlo 6t this State,

.or in or. trustaaeosa wuaaisuv hisi-v sissbi sveB"UBpniTa,J

productive real estate u this State, worthat'rieast twice tne amount loanea uerara.

doing business In Cook County must de-posit 150.000 In securities. The Auditor of Pub-lic Accounts shall have power, and It shall oehis' duty, to visit, and examine annually, all titleguarantee companies, and to compel compliancewith the law. Annual sworn statements snowingthe condition and earnings of the'eompany are tobe nied with the Auditor by every suoh company.

H. B. 30S ( Jones. ot Cook): To provide for tneaddition of two colored battalions to tha Illinois.National Guard.

11. U; 1130 (Committee : To.amendthe garnishment law. Tho bill provides that tnewages for services of. a wage earner who is tnehead of a family and residing with the ?"the amount of US' per week, snail ba exempt fromgarnishment. All above the sum of 115 per wteashall be liable to garnishment, livery employershall pay to such wage earner such exemptwages, not to exceed $15 per week of each ween swages earned by him when due, upon such wageearner making and delivering to bis employer

that be Is such head or a family anaresides with the same, notwithstanding the serv-

ice ot any writ or garnishment upon such em-ployer, and the surplus only above such exemptwages shall he hei.f' by ruch employer to abluothe event or the garnishment suit. If the amountof waxes subject to garnishment snail not equalthe costs of the garnishment, whatever remainsof costs shall be paid by the person bringing tnegarnishment proceedings, and Judgment snail djentered therefor against him. and no Judgmentfor any such deficiency "f costs shall go againstthe wage earner or the defendant- -

H. U. Sri (Sillier of Starit): To give StorkCounty un additional term of Circuit Court.

11. B. 13 (Ueitler): To appropriate I6.", tocover a deficiency In the free employment oflioesIn Chicago, divided as follows: North Side; South Hide. 13,250: West Side, 1.4l.11. U. 1J (liundy): - appropriate 5.w6 per an-

num In aid or the State Horticultural Society.II. B. ira (Jones of Sangamon): To appropriate

113,500 per annum for tin- - State Board of Agri-culture and agricultural fairs und JJ.000 for thelrnprotemenl of tho Woman's Building, on theState Fair Grounds.

II. B. 1S2 (Itankln of Warren): To appropriateI95.O0O to meet a deficiency tn tne expenses of theIllinois National Guam.

H. u: 270 (Drew): TO appropriate 1150,000 forthe maintenance of the Illinois and Michigan.Canal for two years, of which sum JlOO.ouo Is tobe held aa nn embergency fund.

H. B. S15 (Itankln of Warren): To appropriate1108.000 for the equipment of the College of Agri-culture and the extension of the work ot theAgricultural Kxperiment Station at Champaign.

II. 13. S51 (Bush): To appropriate 11.000 in aidof the Illinois Dairymen's Association.

II. 11. 3H0 lltankln or, Warren): To appropriateJ1.5W for a deficiency In the fund for tho main-tenance of the Lincoln' monument.

II. It. in (Itankln of Warren): To appropriateI1.1C0 to cover a deficiency in tho expenses of theSupreme Court.

ll.'li. 605 (Allen): To. appropriate 11,000 per an-num In aid of the State Poultry, l'lgeon and1'et Stock Assoclatlon.

H. 11. 6IJ (Rankin of Warren): To appropriate!175.0vu per annum for ordinary sid contingentexpenses una 150.000 ns an emergency fund forthe Illinois National Guard and Naval Militia.

H. IJ. 383 (Mcculloch): To llx the per dlern ofCircuit Clerks In counties, other than Cook, att6 ocr day.

If. B. '18 (Barnes): To amend the farm drain-age act by providing that In cases where a ma-jority of the land owners of a drainage districtfall to file a petition for the appointment of aDrainage Commissioner within thi- - required time,the County Court may. of Its own motion, ap-point such Commissioner.

8. B. 155 (Townscnd): To appropriateper annum for the Illinois Farmers' Instituteand 175 per annum to each county farmers' In-

stitute.S. B. 57 (Fowler): TO provide that a PoliceMagistrate elected In a city or- village lying

In two or more counties shall maintain his of-fice In the county In which the municipal officersare located, and shall have Jurisdiction the sameas Justices of tho Peace residing In such countyand Jurisdiction ot all cases arising under themunicipal government within the limits ot thecity or village.

S. B. 137 (Committee on Municipalities): Inrelation to the disconnection of territory fromcities and villages. The bill provides that wherea petition la filed by the owners of sroserty Inany territory proposed to be disconnected from acity or village it shall be discretionary withthe City Council or Village-Boar- as to whetheror not such territory shall be disconnected.

S. B. 139 (Townsend): To provide for the as-sessment of State banks In the same manner asthe property ot national hanks Is assessed.

8. B. 75 (Pemberton): To amend the law gov-erning casualty Insurance companies by, pro-viding that such companies organized to Insurellvo stock may have a subscribed capital stock ofonly 1100,000. of which S50.O0O shall he paid InIn cash, and that they shall be required tomake a deposit with the lnsuranco departmentof only KS.oOO in securities.

8. B. 189 (Alden); To" provide that "whoevershall verbally or by written or printed commu-nication maliciously or willfully threaten to kid-nap, wound, malm, kill of murder any person,or any one related by blood, marriage or adop-tion to such other person, or to burn, injure ordestroy aay building or other property belongingto another' person with Intent thereby to extortany moner. goods, chattels or other valuablething, shall be Imprjsoned In the Penitentiary not.less than one nor more than twenty years."

S.. B. 213 (Pcmberton) :'To amend tne election lawby providing that minority election Judges shallbe selected by the minority members of theCounty Board.

8. ll. 2U (Busse): To exempt from the- Inher-itance tax bequests to charitable and religiousInstitutions.

8. B: 10 (Mllchrist): To appropriate 13,50) to re-pair the Dougbui monument In Chicago.

If. B. 798 (Committee on Election): To amendthe primary election law by providing, amongother things, that the number of voters In eachprecinct shall not exceed 800: that the numbernt precincts In an election district shall not beleas than two nor more than seven, and thatthe Dolls shall be open from noon until 7 o'clockp. m. The bill also reduces the penalties' forviolations of the. primary election law, becauseof the fact' that It has been found Impossibleto secure convictions under the heavy penaltiesprovided by the existing law.

H. B. Its (Countryman): To appropriate H.000to erect a monument to Captain John G. Adamsand others at Btlllraan Valley, Ogle County.

II. B. ICt (Hunter of Winnebago): To appro--prla- te

8M.O0O for Improvements at the State FairGrounds.

II. B. 108 (Skaggs): To appropriate 1250 for amonument In Rector' Township, Saline County,to the memory of John Rector, a Governmentsurveyor who was killed by Indians In lSOS.

II. B." 771 (Tlpplt): To appropriate ,600 forrepairs on tha Appellate Court building at MountVernon.

K. B. 431 Owl tart): To appropriate approxi-mately 1500.000 for new bulldfnaa and othAr improvements at the University of Illinois. Cbam- -.

.y i

H. B. 787 fCommltlea on Annmnrialtrm . Tn.aprroprlato 1250 to pay Carl Busse and others tor services in. connection witn the Fortyfirst General Assembly.

II. B. 765 (Rankin of Warren): To provide thatassessments,- - life and accident Insurance com-panies may change their plan ot business.

H. B. ail (Schlagenhauf): To provide that theBOaM Of ReVleW Shall fnnjtllct nf thm .halmtanof the County Board, and two persons to be se- -'lecioa ur in i.uumy uiun, one xrom each octhe two leading polltlcalpartles.

H. B. t70 (Purdunn): To revise the pharmacyact to oonform to a" recent decision of the Su-preme Court.H. B. 73 (Committee on Labor and IndustrialAffairs): To empower the State Board of Arbi-

tration in, caaes affecting the publlo Interests tomake an Investigation of the facts regardlessof the absence of a petition from the partiesImmediately concerned.

H. B. 80S (Crafts): To amend the act providingfor a police and nrjmen's pension fund by provid-ing that the period of service In both departmentsmay be combined to make up the time requiredfor participation In the fund.

II. B. 709 (Isermann): To provide that mine In-spectors shall Inspect the, oil used In coal mines.H. B. 794 fOomniltt' on Parka mnA n..tyards): To provide that the trustees of a park,uumn, it uw- propie so oeciue si an election at"which the question shall be submitted, shall beappointed by the County Judge of the county Inwhich most of the park district la located, actingIn conjunction with 4n-- Circuit Judges ot theJudicial circuit In which the district Is located,the Judges or. such circuit to determine amongthemselves which of their number shall act.

H. n. 793 (Committee on Penal and Reforma-tory Institutions): To amend the law tn rela-tion to Industrial schools for girls. The bill pro-vides, among other things, that the court maycommit a. girl to an Industrial school until sheIs 18 years .cf age. The court making the com-mitment may at any time thereafter, upon prop-er showing, order her discharge or restorationto her parents.

H. B. 767 (Buckley): To amend thetaw. The bill provides that, where lands of

a drainage district lie In two or more countiesthe clerk of the court In which the proceedingsare had shall send a certified copy thereof to theRecorder of Deeds, snd the. same shall 'be re-corded.

H. B. 01 (Trautmann): To provide' that ,lncounties of the second class the Flection Com-missioners shall receive a salary of 1700, and thechief clerk a salary of ll.KO per annum, being de-signed to apnly to' St. Clair County.

H. B. 431 (Trautmann): To provide that Jurorsfor city courts shall be selected from the bodyof the county In the same manner as Jurors forcircuit court.

K. B. 147 (Sksggs): To prohibit Impersonatingofficers, or members ofnny grand or subordinatelodge or fraternal society, and prohlbltlng'wear-In- g

or using the badges or Insignia of any suchsociety bv other than members thereof.

H. B. 171 (Lamb's): To provide for the printingnr m oral conies- of the annual report of the Illinois Farmers' Institute.

H. V. S9t (Hunter of Wlnnebako): To providea means for Increasing the territory of districtmutual windstorm, cyolone or tornado Insurancecompanies.

n. B. 484 (Craft): To provide that action Inejectment may Include a Judgment for rent.

H. B. 557 (Rankin of Warren): To appropriate1705 000 per annum for the maintenance of theIllinois National Guard.

H. b. 3,8- meer;; 10 cnuipi me time or noiu-in- g

Circuit Court In Massac County.II. B. 183 (McConcell): To regulate the parti-

tion of 'real estate,H. B. 622 (Rlcss): To regulate the sale ot

lands by drainage commissioners Indlstricta.

H. B. 573 (Barnes): To provide for terras ofthe County Court tn Lawrence County on thesecond Monday ot June. November and March.

H. B. 579 (Crangle): To provide that, in citiesot less than 100.000 Inhabitants a tax to: raisetnnAa tor the erection f library bulldlnn ahn'dot be Included In the aggregate amount of-- .. ,.J hvilt,, .Ih, mmA vlllaa ma

. H. B. Ml (Hunter, of Winnebago): To amendthe act in relation to mutual township fire andlightning Insurance companies by providing thatthe president and secretary of every such com-pany where the less claimed does not exceed1500 may adjust the same; but In case the Jossshall exceed 1500 the president (or In his ab-sence the secretary) shall appoint a committeeof three to determine the amount of loss.

H.'B. 713 (Craft): To establish a nnlorm sys-tem of publlo accounting under the administra-tion ot the Auditor. of public Accounts.-- Br theprovisions of the act the Auditor Is to superviseall accounts of all public officers. "

XT. n. .27S (Committee an Elections): .Ta nm.vide for the' consolidation of. two or more .town- -snips or two or more aojomuur scnooi districts,whether In, the same or different townahtna. Intnone high , upon an affirmative voteof tha people ot the territory affected, at' anelection neia tor tne purpose.

'It. R. 77S CommtitM on Revenue): To mtnrldethat where, there Is- - not sufficient revenue In-- ',irmA"f Via saiatiiu bjm ne4Ja4 Was Alas 14- "

In the treasury of a city, town or village to de--

fray the ordinary and necessary expenses thereof.'warrants mav oe tssueri In antleinatton nt inv i.valready levied., to show upon their- -

lace tnat taey.are to oe coiiecua irom soon taxesand to bear itter cent interest.

H. B- - is (Bandy): Tocrovlde that tha lawtorn of the County Court ,ln,Ianon, Cosmt-- f

shallcommence 'on the, second Monday of Marchand November.

H. B. 797 (Committee on Judicial Departmentand Practice): To fix the time of holding CircuitCourt. In Schuyler County as follows:- - FourthTuesday In April, the first Monday In June, thethird Tuesday In October and the nrat Monday nJanuary, the June and January terms to be de:vo.tJK,J'iancery business.IL B. 809 (Committee on Roads, and Bridges):To authorise an additional tax levy in road dis-tricts, by direction ot the Board of Town Au-ditors, not exceeding 40 cents on the 1100. thepurposes to be specified.

8. B. 63 (Committee on Judiciary): To exTempt the crime ot rape and kidnaping from theprovisions of the parole law.

S. B. 271 JiimIi. Tn ... . t.v lMt-lnn

lavv. by providing that the landlord, keeper or...ttuM jw. every ioagingnouse. Doaramg-aouB-

Inn. hotel or tavern snail, not less than twenty-eig- ht

nor more than thirty days prior to everyelection, flla with the Election Commissioners asworn statement giving the full name of everyperson residing In his lodging-hous- boarding-hous- e,

etc.. the period ot continued residence,the number of room, bed or cot occupied, theperiod for which such person engaged board orlodging, etc

8. B. 375 (Juul): To place lodging-house-boarding-house- taverns. Inns and hotels In citiesof inhabitants or more, under the super-vision or the State Board ot Health. They saallbe Inspected from time to time. Every lodging-hous- e

room must contain at least 400 cubic feetOr air NRIIW mnt.lnl.. mn... n ..nbed must be su arranged that there shall be..i mi man two reet horizontally on all siaesot each ; and all beds ehall be so arrangedthat under each or them the air shall freelycirculate.

3. 11. 285 (Mllchrist): To correct a technicalf ,'n- ln' "et of 1S99, to convey Grant Park,n Chicago to tho Park Commlssloners.

S". --'.MS (Ortellj: To provide that when a ma-jority (in value) of the property of any territoryadjacent to n city, town or village shall peti-tion for annexation the question shall be sub-mitted to the people of such city,-- town or vil-lage and If they decide In favor of annexatl-j-it ahall be mandator)' upon the City Council orMjtlase Board to annex such territory.

h. li. 165 (Udell) : To provide for the consoli-dation, by a vote of the people, of three ormore cchool districts, the combined populationof which Is less than 2.O0O.

S. It. 30 (Pemberton): To correct an error Inthe number of a section In the farm drainage..s- - (Watson): To provide that In case oftne failure of the owners of adjoining propertyto agree as to the division line, either msy se-cure from the Circuit Court an order directing-a-

official survey, which survey shall be per-manent.

s- - ,B,l9-- ! (Hunt): To provide for redisrictingRoad CommlMloners' districts.

S. B.-- 214 (Bailey): To prohibit the sale of In-toxicating llquora within one and th

miles of the National .Soldiers' Home at Dan-ville.

H. B. 688 (Bowles): To authorize the Chicagosanitary district to Increase Its bonded Indebt-edness from I15.000.000 to t30.00U.OOQ-- ald Indebt-edness In the aggregate not to exceed 5 per centof the valuation ot the taxable property in thedistrict. .

They Senate concurred In the House amend-ments to the Senate bill to Increase the salaryor Cook County State's Attorney and Circuit andSuperior Court Judges to 110.000.

Bill to provide for three additional Circuit andthree Superior Court Judges In Cook County.

To mako an appropriation to reimburse MillsBras, and others for cattle slaughtered Inpursuance cf the tuberculin test.

Bill to amend the uct providing for the pun-ishment of wife snd child abandonment.

Craft's: For the submission of questions otpublic policy to the people. A referendum meat-ir- e.

Kerrick's: To appropriate 118,000 for the Statsrifle ranges.

Trautmann's: To permit school districts whichare coextensive with cities and which are actingunder special charters to Issue bonds. The billapplies particularly to Macomb.

To appropriate 12,500 to procure documents, ma-terials and publications relating to the history ofthe Northwest and the State of Illinois.

The omnibus appropriation bill for expensesof the State Government for two years, theamot'Xt being, approximately, 13,500.000.

Tu establish a home for delinquent boys, andappropriating $3S,C00 for the purpose.

To appropriate 1195.200 for the State Reforma-tory at Pontlac

The omnibus ' spproprtatlon bill for improve-ments and repairs at the State charitable institu-tions, appropriating 81.030,024.

Omnibus appropriation bill for ordinary ex-penses ot the State charitable Institutions, ap--nrr.r.rlatlnr

To appropriate H90.600 for the maintenance ofwe io penucmiaiicB.

Omnibus appropriation bills for the StateInstitutions. $272,645 for Improvements and

repairs, and 1110,226 per annum for ordinary' ex-penses.

The tax levy bill.Stringers: To provide for the consecutive num-

bering ot school districts In each county.. 'Hunt's: To- regulate the fees of court receiv-

ers and attorneys In receivership cases of build-ing and loan associations.

Median's: To revise the road and bridge law incountlee not lunder townshln organisation. Thebill provides, among other things, for the selec-- '.uon or iicau supervisors py tne uounty isoara.Instead of their election by the people, and pro-hibits the working of roads after July J.

Burnett's: To confer on boards of education In'school districts organised under special acts thesame powers as are possessed by boards of edu-cation In districts organized under the generallaw.

Strackman's: To permit soldiers topeddle without, a license. Teas 37: nays S:BUI to appropriate 1150.000 for the erection efa State arsenal at Springfield.Lamb's: To give one drainage district-th-e tightto demand an outlet through another- -Bowles's: Extending the power of the Chisago

Sanitary District and authorizing the levy andvvuevuvu-v- . auu,.tuu appropriate s,ooo to minora z. Partellofor the balance due him for labor and materialfurnished at the State Reformatory.

Bill to permit emergency levies in road dls-tricta. , ,

Bill to appropriate t25,eo for the putlclpa-tlo- nof the State of Illinois In the South Caro-lina Exposition.Relsa's: To appropriate IIOO for Garrison HillCemetery In Randolph County.Ar pro wis tlon for the Illinois Farmers' In-

stitute.Brown of Randolph: To provide that wherechanges In election precincts an made thechanges shall- be certified to the Secretary ofStateCraig's: To amend the road and bridge act.Cummlngs's To prohibit noresldent physicians

from practicing medicine by proxy In this StateBill to amend the fish laws In accordance wtththe recommendations of the State Flail Com-missioners.

Crangle's: To provide additions! means for Increasing the territory, ot mutual windstorm In-surance companies:

Burgett's: To prevent trafficking in labeled bot-tles, cans and other" containers.

Hunter of Wlnnebsgo: To permit county fireInsurance companies to borrow money to paysmall losses. .

. Hunter of Wlnnebsgo: To permit district wind-storm Insurance companies to borrow money topay small losses.

Bandy's: To reclassify the counties of theState under the new Federal census.

Montellus: to amend the act concerning jurorsby providing that embalmers. undxrtakers. fu-neral directors and pharmacists shall be "exemptfrom Jury service.'

The Senate concurred In. the House amendmentto Senator Coleman's bill which provides thatthe State Board of Equalization's assessmentshall be for. State and' county purposes only.

Davidson's: To permit cemetery associationsoutside of Incorporated cities, towns and villagesto sequlre property for cemetery purposes.

Chapman's: To vest the powers of boards ofhealth In the County Commissioners In countiesnot under township organisation.

Townsend's: To give county. boards discretion-ary power to divide' townships outside of .Incor-porated cities Into election precincts having lessthan 200 votes.

Bill to Increase the salary of Judges of citycourts to 11.500 per annum In cities from 1.00 to25.000 pAruIatlon. .

To define hazinr. making It a misde-meanor and fixing the punishment.

Coleman's: To provide that State and countytaxes shall be extended on the valuation fixedby the State Board at Equalization and all othertaxes on the valuation fixed by the County Boardof Review,

Juul's: To provide clerk s fees in Inheritancetax cases, snd for the appointment of an

clerk In Cook County, and for theappointment of an inheritance-ta- x attorney bythe Attorney General.

Coleman's r To repeal the sparrow-bount- y law.Stubblefleld's: To provide a pensltyfor failure

to report births and deaths as provided by stat-ute.

StubblefleId's:-T- o provide thst petitions fcr newroads must be signed by. two-thir- of the land-owners along the proposed route.

Townsend's: To limit the expenses of frater-nal beneficiary societies to 20 per cent of the ss- -

"MoKenzIe'sr To orohlWt'tne taking of censusfor the purpose of securlir'sddlt'onil supervisorsexcept 'at the. time of taking the Federal cen- -

Balleys: To establish polling nlaces In theNational Soldiers' Home at Danville.

Humphreys's: To provide- - that, upon a peti-

tion ottwenty-flv- e In sny township,a special election may be called to vote uponthe proposition to raise . funds for. the construc-tion cf hsrd roads', was defeated. 66 to 58.

cm tn w hn rlrht-t- kill paulrrela from Jnlr-1 tn. December 1, snd providing that nonresident.,hunters license snaii- - on fojm mwuFuumStste,. and that they must have the photographof the hunter, thereon.

Bailey's: To amend the act governing theState Home fcr Juvenile Female Offenders byproviding that girls rosy be admitted usi.toyears of sge. and that they may be detaineduntil they are 21. and giving Juvenile courts Ju-

risdiction, of girls to be sentenced.Fowler's: exemption of library taxes

from the 2 per cent limit apply to all cities ofoyer 3.000 Inhabitants.


Bludgeon to Be Forged in theTrial of Doctor Kennedy.


New Tork. May 3.-- All preparations havebeen made for a dramatic scene at the nexttrial of Doctor Samuel J. Kennedy v on. thecharge, of murdering Dolly Reynolds.

"Kennedy has .been convicted once, hashad a new trial, at which the Jury dis-agreed, and his third trial, is coming soon.

A bludgeon, a duplicate of that' "with,

which; it is alleged, the woman was killed,.is to be forged In the courtroom,' with Judgeand jury and accused and lawyers for thedefense and prosecution present."

This arrangement was made after thefinding' on Thursday of a .vise In DoctorKennedy's home at Newdorp, 8. L Whenthe searching; party reached the house theywere told- - that there was no vise In" the',house. After' a search of an hour the partyfound- a vise: It. will be. used as an ex--.

' 'hibit., - -78e ta. sJl.BO' Excursion

'Via Bis; Fourvltoute,. Sunday. May-- ; 5,- - toBunaer ngaonus, xzsiisDunz,- -. 01.ltMraMll 1XH..M f.AM Klway stations. Special train leaves su Louisat 131 a., m. xicxets,- - jtsroaaway ana unsstnut aoa.Phlot-uBtttiot-

v -.


Drs. Eckert & Wirt,Seventh Commercial Building,

Graduates of the Original School,All Chronic Diseases Treated Without the Use. of


Some sf the Prominent Goiernors of lbs United States Praise TMs Treaties!

Governor T. A. Brings of North Dakota: "Osteopathy has helped me. It hasalso done good in my family, and will hurt no one."

Governor L. M. Shaw of Iowa: '.'I am fully convinced that Osteopathy is a.rational system of healing."

Governor ,B. McMlllIn of Tennessee: "It is one ot tho'greatest discoveries ofGovernor H. S. Plngree- - of Michigan: "Osteopathy Is a science entitled to an

respect .and confidence as a distinct advancement in medicine. I know it is ao-l-ng

a vast amount of good In relieving suffering and deformity."By virtue of tour special training we are recognized ns specialists ta our treat-

ment of the human body In all the possible conditions' of disease. We diagnose anatreat disease In a manner entirely new and different from all other systems.Medicines are never used, our methods are wholly natural and scientific, ourcures are permanent, aa we remove th e cause of disease.

Office hours. 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.: Sundays 10 a. m. to II m. . . r


MR. H. H. MERRICK,of the

Merrick, Walsh. & Phelpa Jewelrr Co.Desires to Announce that he

will hereafter be with the

MERMOO & JACCARD fYWhere he will be pleased to hare his

friends call upon him.


St. Lonis Gained Thirty-Seve- n andNine-Tent- h Per Cent-Ne-


Torlr, May a, The following table, com-piled by Bradstreet. shows the bank clearingsat the principal cities for the week ended May J.with the percentage ot Increase and decrease ascompared with' the corresponding week last year:

Pet. Pet.Inc. dec

New Tork 4MW.47s.7JS SJ.I ....Boston .'. itn.oco.7u 17.7Chicago 160.9I2.22J H.2 ....Philadelphia Iis.t35.87l 1C.6 ....St. Louis 13.632,615 I7. ....Plttsbunc i 4l.tta.6C8 23. JBaltimore 23.293.8SJ .... 4.1Ban Francisco 25.1W.717 17.1Cincinnati 1J.125.700 21.4 .Kansas City 17,045.018 .... .lNew Orleans 10.4tS.2S4 '24--

Minneapolis 10.015,77S .?.. Jl.suetroic S.M9.G1S s.s ....Cleveland ..', 12,663.317 M.J ....Louisville J.M4.265 7.4 ....Providence 7.483.1W .tMilwaukee 1,033,407 .... IJRt, Paul.... ' 8.731.21 13.4 -Buffalo 6,131.204 13.4 ..- -.Omaha 4.601,472 J.7 .- .-Indianapolis 1.391.331 14.4 ....Columbus, O. (.932.S00 SJ.7 ....Hartford 2,706,427 10.3 ....Savannah 3,044.901 .... 36.JDenver 7M.MJ :.'.. 5.4Richmond aYiA.340 H.O ....Memphis 2,M3,334 l. ....

Washington '3.053-02- 33.1Peoria,z9 ll.T ...Rochester ..; ....... 2,028,754 23.3- ....New Haven 1,(33,6(1 ll.T ....Worcester..., ....... 1.H3.477 2J. ..

zj.t ....Bait Lake. City '....;' 3,7n,M0 JS.f ...iSpringfield. Mass. .:..... L48S.K M -SStWorth ,..V.- i- 2.73048 2.Portland. Me. 1.42S.64S 21.3 ;.PortlanoX Ore.- - 1,992,733 18.3 ..St. Joseph .4,70.158 13.1 ....Los Angelas 3,357,703 69.5 ....Norfolk - L7IS.1U 13.9 !....Syracuse - 1.228,411 .... 4,Des Homes ' 1,47S.22 .... S.4Nashville 1.4S3,51 .... ....Wilmington, Del. .... .1,027.278 3,J ....Fall Kiver ..,.... 79X703 .... 18.9Scranton ........ ."... 1,(01.718 31.4 ....Grand Rapids 1.780.147 30.2 ....Augusta, Ja. .-

- 1,35.991 (t.4 .....Ixwell 700.313 30.1 ....Dayton. O. '..... i.34!,8M 11.8 ...'.Seattle 2.123.891 21.7 ....Tacoma 1,188,4(1 18.7 ....Spokane .' 815.118 .... 4.5.Kloux City LS09.9S4 11.3 ....New Bedford .". 494,(73 14.0 ....Knoxvllle. Tenn. 6.70.237 1.4 ....Topeka 879,741 81.9 'Birmingham 103,353 13.1 ....Wichita 573.024 16.7 ....Binghamton : 334.600 .... 30.3Lexington Ky. 489.161 .37--

Jacksonville. Fla. 241.93 .... 17,7Kalamaaoo ..... 404.1:1 4.9 .....Akron M8.C0O 41.0 ....Chattanooga 422,143Rockford. III. 304,0(2 . 3.S .....Canton. O. ;.... 240.010 35.4 ....Springfield, O 2(4.804 .... 4.8Fargo, N. D. 24S.91 ll.T ....Sioux Falls N. D. 201.27 71.7 ....Fremont. Neb IM.S38 .42. . ....Davenport M3.450 3.4 ....Toledo : 191.193 4.9 ....Galveston ...... '. 7.1BS.009 29.5 ....Chester, Pa. ,9,038.969 .... 49.0Waco 234.743 .... ....Zanesvllle ..'".'. C84(Macon 6IT.oniV 5. ....Little Rock, 673.n4 12.1 ....Helena ..." 434.1(8 1.5 ....Springfield. III. 297.148Youngstown 412.995 33.0 ....Blncrnlngtcn- - 224.374 23.1 ....Jacksonville ... '178.195 12.0 ...:Olorado Springs ........ C.T),r24 ,..Wheeling (T.,143

Totals. TV.Ko. 82,033.409.878 (4.5Totals outside N. T.. 784.9$1,13 14.0

LXJMIHION. OF CANADA.Montreal ... 1S.S43.771 29.5

'Toronto ... 12.242 318. 33.1Winnipeg . 1.S43.5W 8.3Halifax ... '1,508.539 l'i.9Vancouver. B. C. ...... 732,743 "t.5Hamuion 1,(03.913 ii!oSt. John. N. B.-- . 7C6.R41 1.5Victoria. B. C.'. 4S2.657 12.8

Touts ..4 23,058,243 2S.4 .


Two Arctic Explorers Have a Talkat Sandefjord.

Copenhagen, May 3. Evelyn B. Baldwin,the. leader of the Baldwln-Slegl- er Arctic ex-

pedition', has visited Doctor Hansen- - at'Sandefjord and' inspected the steamerFrlthjof. (of Christlanla). which Mr. Baldwinchartered. in the early part of "the presentyear. Later Mr." Baldwin' la going to Dun- -,

dee. "


She Remains President of IowaFederation ot "Women's Clubs. '

Council Bluffs. Ia., May S. Mrs. Alice A.C. Bailey of Des Moines was unanimouslyelected president or the Iowa: Federation ofWomen's Clubs, this morning. Mrs, FloraS. Barkley of Boone'was elected vice presi-dent and Mrs. Nellie Cooke of Algona cor-responding; secretary.' "


V 'REPUBLIC SPECIAL,. .Washington. May . Captain Lewis Koeh-le- r,

Fourth Cavalry,. now at Leavenworth.Has., will; upon expiration ot his presentSick leave... report to 'the commandingofficer. Fort Leavenworth,: for duty untilAugust L . ' r

First:. Lieutenant, . George . Arrtiwsmltb.Twantv-flf- Infantry.' ts transfemtt tn tho'

Jfwentv-sl3Ct- Infantry, and. will Join" theBattalion oz tne laxier regiment now in tnePhilippines. , "i.

Boards of officers, are. appointed, .to meetat the call ot their presidents' for the com-petitive examination for promotion- - of. en-listed mervand forthe examination of'suchother .persons as' may be jproperiy" orderedbefore them to determine their 'fitness forappointment asUeutenarrt'rn thaarmy; asfollows: ' .-- . y; .;T-- .

At San Antonio Colonel ChambersTwelfth" Infantry; 'Colonel PeterCleary. Assistant Surgeon' General; Colonel

Cyrus Koberts, Second Infantry; LieutenantColonel". Charles Byrne. Deputy. SurgeonGeneral;-- , Major". Alrrmn Varney.. OrdnanceDepartmentrCaptaln-Howard- . perry. Twen-ty-nln- tb

Infantry, ecorder?; V'.-- .-

The' rWlrepent from .actiro service ImirnrntTiTT-- lf -- Ttnhsii ciut

SSSS4SSSMSSrSB )$ifiK-r-'-- " ,,;;.













: Kt'Election for President AronsedtitJJ

Keenest Interest,- - - tiffREPUBLIC SPECIAL. &

Dallas, Tex., May 1 The. fourth annuatvocongress of the Texas Federation of Worosff-- V,

en's Clubs, adjourned this afternoon" aft4sE:a three days' session. fif;-- imarked by some of the. most skillful .ma-- -ueuvenng- - ever since in a garnering oi .akind. The contest for the presidencythe organization was hard-fough- t, and 'st-- j

'traded the undivided attention of everydelegate. Mrs. Percy Pexmybacker of Atistin was not an avowed candidate for thepresidency. Just before the. nornlispeeches beaan she made an annealdelegates In the Interest of harmony.eloauent. vrords rarieht the ranventlan. tandshe was nominated In a' mighty wave of?ienthusiasm. The regular nroceedlnaa con-- ti

slated of committee reports'. Other oHhSlcera Were elected ns follows: . &m

Vice presidents. Mm Laura Branch Stonev4- -

uaivesion; airs. j. usDorne, uieoarnerw- -

irs. uooauue,ieaumonr; airs, JkeyfsMarshall; Miss Ella Cockrell. Abilene; Mlse--Luis, uryan. corresponaing secretaryfajiusb LAura.xniworxa oi.Ainua; icoijriiisecretary. Mrs. W. A. Johnson" of Green!vllle; treasurer. Mrs.- - Brown of Vernon,1."

The elective officers constitute" the TsSIecntive committee snd win nx tha datathe next meeting. Houston. Austin. Bnand.Beaxmonr.wese-iuisulnate- for. the nesri

ed the delegates, and Beaumont won- -

The visiting ladles were given a reception- -

oy-- tne uauas i.iud

MADP CONSUL AT SQNNEBEROJ--zjz r: auentralia Bank Clere Honored JB:S


Washington. May S. Dwlght, F. HaussTsiof Central!,. 111., has been appomtea csular agent at Sonnebenr. Gernany. utxthe recommendation of Civil Bervlca CotfHjmlssioner Rodenherg.

He Is a young man. XI yearsand has been a clerk In CentnMr. Haussler will be .in Washington Intew days, ana nis appointment win soon i

announced.'isssssr'l iJssssi " 1

-- mm -'

sssssssssV ssL.mZa9-'- asssssss.- - S"

Rootbeer gTime ! Here ' co?

B Drink it for"pleasare.B Jm and good- - bealth.'HJ.'MM. t.totuatwkiMSf :MMM. 1 S&

8bbbbbbV ICHiaD4sjtnwrMfcr.Hr nspecial new olfsr. MWwm-- ' aai

LslH 58'


' B' "f




qh. tnUnmlntr named. tHrrsns"aild'lsartSBlL'aMt,and. all others' who may be interested lathar yeetmatter or ine opening oiuuiofrom Grand to Prairie svenus, 'Onder orrnance No. 17344, ere.hereby notified, that the)ri., r,,nntrll,r ha'ntaw4 fhA sneClal taltbills for said opening in my bands for eoJilection, wnere mey-wi- u raosu "sti--jh. h.h titn sain RDrcimA lax.-"". """ ,"..c. ;m. twuobuis may oe pw ruwiuaunwtionai costs, ana uiai w utu-y-

Will Dear uiicxub-. ".--i .jrcent per annum, ana ""'Wf.wSffrLSK

Iefh.psar1.& '&2&JBF&.followlntrnamed persons "JSJSISi tt"Francis VunnwS5t?xyr2SS?f "?W..B. Clopton. wogtoj. ,Atoby tnoptnm herriartUsa nn,Jane Frances Dunn. Cathertpe JJf


Dunn. Archibald Donxlass. Ji2"".NelUe Donohue. I"JSt?r5al:5Brown. wife: WlUlaPS.tJJ.I ssaa,Joseph E. Btiry.$'tate and Comiaj.-W:l9m-

JffrX it&beper Jwtte vfjgggdellty Beafo CWiy, 'AttwTjtBlerman. aubuh m(- i"rrriWeiner. Marr-H- . --55ffe5WnX8r55---"

SrL lesseerHein PMdesrreBelnert.-lesse-

e: Lum Wttler.; JSBLfl.TuvwitL. trustee anaw m?r"dell, deceaseds HerirTAeitssjBS. OkMs-p- l!

Melsch. lessee; Louisa

rSopp (wUe.of Ptter "Ijii13W.vjjS2&2SZ5U n"JohnD;---- 5SiTnJirlT ni neom A.ISPutT Emma,This


srlfetJCiuott-gvjMooneam-Jtoas- j

Stheriae Cshln.(Wif of Ptr!JQritoVJoto,BtrnJ-- p

Vwtw.w'y.1 VlJi

S.tSw3: 'SSL:il(itm&s lrZr-i-- AS- - VV-- ,Cm tri.i?CV...---- .i&75 "yefti: r?s- - 'ihJmsg&mi ife;- ri- - & --ate,.!mmm Av',-- '

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