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Why did the Titanic sink?


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Retell the story in your own words. (Comprehension)


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What questions would you ask if you had the chance to

interview a survivor? (Application)

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Why weren’t there enough lifeboats for every passenger

on the Titanic? (Analysis)

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Design a cruise ship.

How large will it be?How many floors will it have? How many lifeboats will there

be?What facilities will the ship

have? (swimming pool, disco, casino, shopping mall, cinema etc.)


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Do you think this event could happen today? Why / not?

What would you have done if you were the captain of the ship? (Evaluation) 

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The students are expected to prepare newspaper about the Titanic Disaster. They will be evaluated according to this rubric.

Excellent Good Fair WeakContent Gives an

excellent description of the disaster, the ship, the passengers, the reasons and the conspiracy theories.

Gives place to most of the expected parts about the disaster.

Shows only basic understanding of the disaster.

Has a limited knowledge about the disaster subject. Content has very limited connection to the topic and not well supported.

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Organization Prepares a well organized newspaper including the authentic materials .

Provides most of the parts newspaper should hav.e

Provides partial parts newspaper should have.

The organization of the newspaper is virtually incomplete.

Creativity and Materials

Very original and grabs the reader’s attention. Materials clearly support the content.

Some originality. Materials most support the content and are used to make newspaper interesting.

Materials presented with little originality.

Repetitive. Materials do not relate to the news or no materials are used.

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Language Uses simple present and vocabulary related to the disaster appropriately to tell a story.

Some errors are made unconsciously using simple present tense and a few inappropriate words.

Weak in using simple present tense and using limited vocabulary.

No attempt to use vocabulary related to the disaster and poor use of language.

Delivery Presents the newspaper accurately, using newly acquired vocabulary effectively.

Student presents the newspaper satisfactorily. Speech is mostly clear and easy to understand.

Student is often hesitant and can’t present the newspaper orally.Speech is often unclear and hard to understand.

Student presents the newspaper unsatisfactorily. Speech is unclear and not organized.

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