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SOUL*ARN e w s l e t t e r



LIGHT AND MATTERWelcome to the 12th issue.

I am really excited about April. I get to listen to the story teller and about Expansion and

Inventiveness. Scary for me. Living within my shell for so many years, the idea of being visible in

my creations still strikes fear within me. The old ways of learning about who I am continues to

lead me down the road of shyness and running in the other direction when my fear is at its height.

But every time I take the applications of the story teller has

to offer me, I find I grow a little stronger and more

knowledgable of who I am. With this in mind I would like

to forewarn you that I will be unavailable on April 14 and

15 which is one of my scheduled visits. I hope that I can

arrange time to come earlier and or stay later. If you have

an interest in some time around this weekend, let me know

what it is so I can create space for this to happen.

I like to introduce my new cat companion

pictured to the right. His name is Zeppo and will be 7

this year.

Blessings and Hugs, ♡Petra


In the Wilderness of Chaos ~

A personal Story

Paintings by Petra



Video & Links


Page 2

Special Events

The Body is Designed for


Where Do You Want to Be?

Page 3

Locations and Contact


Schedule Information

Page 4

In the Wilderness of Chaos ~

Special Events

Body is Designed for

Movement Page 5

Be the Creator, Be the Observer, Enjoy Your Creations.

To subscribe [email protected]

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M a r c h 1 , 2 0 1 2 A l l e v i a t e P h y s i c a l & E m o t i o n a l S t r e s s B e H e r e N o w t a k e y o u r n e x t s t e p




Life and Time brings anewA world of pleasant prizes.

Some so grand to spewAmazing gifts that surprises.

Once open they last a life timefor all to see.

Though its visibility may not shineso apparently as the sea.

The gift graces all no matter where one will go.

Like a shoulder touched by a shawlits memory will always show.

Once its presence has been made,it sits within its realm.

Always there to be badeand available to be at the helm.

In The Wilderness

of Chaos~ A Personal Story

My Journey with The StorytellerBy Carole Webber

I was well along on my spiritual journey when I heard about Chuck Little who channels, Yahweh, The Storyteller. I had been working as a rebirthing practitioner and a teacher of A Course in Miracles when I decided to go down with three friends to e x p e r i e n c e t h e H a r m o n i c Convergence in 1987 in Sedona. It was an amazing time as we e x p e r i e n c e d t h e energy at the various power centres there and the joy of being with so many wonderful people was empowering. I picked up a flyer advertising Chuck Little’s events in California. I was drawn to it for some unknown reason and tucked it in my suitcase. I was

surprised when I returned to Vancouver, that I got a phone call from a friend in Seattle telling me about this wonderful channeller who was visiting there. His name was Chuck Little. I knew I had to go.

This was the beginning of my relationship with The Storyteller’s teachings. They were different from anything that I had heard before. They spoke to my inner being and they gave me an understanding of

things that I had been puzzling about all my l i f e . I h a d s e e n Lazaris and Ramtha and enjoyed what they had to say, but The Storyteller, told o f m u c h b i g g e r concepts and all the questions that were

still in my mind were being answered. I wanted to bring him to Vancouver, but another gal was already planning this. After taking the first program in Seattle, Life Expansion One, cont’d page 5)

HaikuSilently walking

Slinking lowPouncing on the ball

Videos & Links Changed Monthly

•Watch this video (WorldWide Tipping Point)••The Official Jackie Evancho Site•Emily Bear - Pianist and Composer••

Resources• ••Salt Spring Island Tourism••••• ••• •

Announcements• A selection of gifts and books from Reflections Books are now available on Salt Spring Island

• Now available ~ Body ReadingsIntro offer ~ $35.00 includes mini session• Spikey Balls available S, M, L

Paintings & Poetry By Petra

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M a r c h 1 , 2 0 1 2 A l l e v i a t e P h y s i c a l & E m o t i o n a l S t r e s s B e H e r e N o w t a k e y o u r n e x t s t e p


The Body is Designed for Movement

Ever noticed when you are stuck emotionally, how

difficult it is to do anything. If you haven’t and it is truly not

something that affects you, you are very blessed. But for

those who it is a problem, even if you haven’t noticed the

connection, it is a very physical issue. Here comes the

interesting thing, it is not the same for everyone. We may

think we understand what someone is going through but it is

uniquely individual. This individuality is the key point.

What will work for one person may not work for someone

else, even if we really want it to. In fact the really wanting

to can get in the way of it actually happening. Wow, with all

these individual uniqueness and differences, as subtle as they

may be, what is one to do? Pick something, anything. Once

you get moving, then you can choose something else. There

is no right or wrong, or better than less than, but what is.

Once you are moving you can discern the what is that is

appropriate for you.

Special EventsDVD Viewings of The Story Teller

introducing Yahweh, the story teller for the currant age. Come listen to this trans-channeling and then

decided if you would like to meet the Love Energy Essence in person.

March 9 @ 7-9pm, 11 @ 2-4pm, 20 @ 7-9pm144 Graham Drive, 250-537-5996, [email protected]

Expansion Through Expression - The Art of InventivenessThis is an amazing time of creativity and expansion.

How can we most effectively and joyfully explore new horizons without being distracted by all the

chaos? Join in and discover ways of co-creating in a world that is no longer all about greed and

consuming. Let's allow ourselves to play and be part the magic. cont’ page 5


Where Do You Want To Be?

Quarry Park Beach

In Your Body

In Your Mind

In Your Motions

In Your Spirit

In Your Soul

In Your Life

Burgoyne Bay

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Location Days Evenings Dates Available

Salt Spring Island Mondays - Saturdays

Tuesday, Wednesday,


Call for an appointmentNot available on dates shown below.

Metro VancouverMetro VancouverMetro VancouverMetro Vancouver

HeartQuest Healing Collective Alternating Saturdays 9-7

March 3, 17, 31April ?, 28

Other Locations By Special Request

By Special Request


Location Address Phone Cell

Salt Spring Island 144 Graham Drive 250-537-5996 778-772-3553

Metro VancouverMetro VancouverMetro Vancouver 778-772-3553

HeartQuest Healing Collective 202-1651 Commercial DriveVancouver

604-215-7774Use if doors are locked

778-772-3553 (Use if doors are locked)

Curves Port Moody 2809 Spring StreetPort Moody

604-461-3300 778-772-3553For Appointments

Email [email protected] Subscribe Unsubscribe

Mount Erskine & Mount Maxwell

Photographs, poems, artwork and newsletter produced by Petra Otten. Paintings and photos are for sale.

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My Journey with The StorytellerCon’t from page 2

program in Seattle, Life Expansion One, I was able to do the second program in Vancouver. In the first program he explained each one of the eight energies, the seven chakra energies and Chaos into which we create. In the second program, we learned how to use these energies. A few years later, I got my wish and was asked to organize future Storyteller events in the Vancouver area. I didn’t even have to think twice to say that I would. That was twenty years ago. Over these past two decades I have been treated to intensive teachings from this great channel. We found out that the channelling is not from an entity but is from one of the energies, the Heart Chakra and has been know as Yahweh and other names in the past. I realized that the information is deeper and free of distortions because it comes from one of the primal energies of the universe. As I integrated the information, my spiritual focus changed. No longer was I interested in many of the spiritual workshops being offered; I realized that my participation in life was what was important. The contemplation that we learned helped us to discover how to be more appropriate in our participations. Seeing our effect in the world helped our passion grow and allowing this to expand by joining with others helped our pro jec t s to prosper. My metaphysical store thrived as I used the principles that I learned from The Storyteller. More people came to listen to the teachings and a new community was initiated.

My husband helped me organize the workshops and he became aware of the incredible wisdom shared at these events. As he too came to understand the principles, our relationship deepened. I am so blessed to have the teachings and a partner who lives by them too. One of the programs we did with The Storyteller was about the Essene Communities that existed many centuries ago on earth. I really had no interest in this subject and wondered why I was attending. However, as always, I received incredible knowledge as to how us humans could live together in harmony and have done in the past. This teaching has become my new focus and is leading me in a new direction. I am so grateful for the gift of these teachings and as we go through this difficult time in our societies, I understand what is going on and how to take steps to move forward. I laugh more at myself and at where we have come in our society and I often hear The Storyteller’s comment ‘most wondrous’ when something ridiculous happens. I realize that life is not supposed to be perfect and that there are opportunities in chaos. I have learned how to deal with difficult people and I no longer get frustrated at the way things are in the world today. I realize that this three dimensional world is only a small part of whom we really are and I have no fear of death. Living is the challenge!

Expansion Through Expression of cont’d from page 3

These are the three weekends: April 14/15, July14/15 and Nov. 24/25

11am - 5/6pm each day Held at The PoCo Inn, 1545 Lougheed

Hwy., Port CoquitlamCost for all six days,

if paid by March 15, 2012 - $510 US ($560 after that date)

Contact:Carole Webber

604.942.2842 (home)604.939.6000 (work)

[email protected].


Taking Care of Self Exchange Night

For all Healing Facilitators 2nd Tuesday of each month

From 7-9 pm 144 Graham Drive,

Salt Spring Island250-537-5996

Open House Introducing new location, services and products for

SOUL*AR ExcursionsMarch 25, 2-5 pm144 Graham DriveSalt Spring Island

Call 250-537-5996 0r email [email protected] for more


Do you know of a special event you would like to announce?

Please email the details and they will place it in this section.

[email protected]