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JOURNEY INTO THE SOUL OF YOU January/February/March, 2015 MIND * BODY * SOUL * HARMONIZATION Contents SOULNEWS GREETINGS FELLOW BEINGS OF LIGHT AND MATTER Welcome to the 27th issue. Happy New Year and may 2015 provide greater ease and joy with the continually changing energies. As we move into the year of the green wood sheep on February 19, considered to be a quieter year and one connected with intelligence and academic achievement, it can be a great time to catch your breath and take a moment to reflect on what is really important to you. Are you carrying a lot of emotional baggage wearing you down, or too many fears in your bucket that you don’t have room to see and smell the roses? Are there aspects of your life that keep repeating themselves, such as one too many car accidents? Would you like to change some things in your life, but have no room to move or know where to begin. There are many different options and platforms available to assist you. To get a glimpse of some of these, you can explore the different events listed or apply some of the techniques offered in this issue. Blessings and Hugs, Petra Special Events The Body is Designed for Movement Where Do You Want to Be? Page 3 S o u l * a r E x c u r s i o n s N e w s l e t t e r In the Wilderness of Chaos ~ A Not So Personal Story Paintings & Poetry by Petra Haiku Page 2 Schedule Locations and Contact Information Page 4 In the Wilderness of Chaos ~ A Not So Personal Story You May Fine This of Interest Page 5 Be e Crear, Be e Observer, Enjoy Your Creaons. Feature Photo Page 8 The Body is Designed for Movement Page 7 In the Wilderness of Chaos ~ A Not So Personal Story Special Events Page 6
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
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LIGHT AND MATTER Welcome to the 27th issue.

Happy New Year and may 2015 provide greater ease and joy with the continually changing energies. As we move into the year of the green wood sheep on February 19, considered to be a quieter year and one connected with intelligence and academic achievement, it can be a great time to catch your breath and take a moment to reflect on what is really important to you. Are you carrying a lot of emotional baggage wearing you down, or too many fears in your bucket that you don’t have room to see and smell the roses? Are there aspects of your life that keep repeating themselves, such as one too many car accidents? Would you like to change some things in your life, but have no room to move or know where to begin. There are many different options and platforms available to assist you. To get a glimpse of some of these, you can explore the different events listed or apply some of the techniques offered in this issue. Blessings and Hugs, ♡Petra

Special Events The Body is Designed for Movement Where Do You Want to Be?

Page 3

S o u l * a r

E x c u r s i o n s

N e w s l e t t e r

In the Wilderness of Chaos ~ A Not So Personal Story Paintings & Poetry by Petra Haiku Page 2

Schedule Locations and Contact Information Page 4

In the Wilderness of Chaos ~ A Not So Personal Story You May Fine This of Interest Page 5

Be the Creator, Be the Observer, Enjoy Your Creations. Feature Photo Page 8

The Body is Designed for Movement Page 7

In the Wilderness of Chaos ~ A Not So Personal Story Special Events Page 6

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Two by Two Or one by one.

The Oversoul sees and the Souls

ripple with glee.

Egos shudder not sure whats to come.

Some quake in fear while others create even if its queer.

While Souls expand as Egos grow,

Beyond the great divide where there is no time

OverSouls divine a tide.

In The Wilderness

of Chaos

~ A Not so Personal Story The Art of Neutralizing

the The Tribal Sequencer What you may ask is the Tribal Sequencer. Its a name given to us to describe the process where the hippocampus region of the brain decides what is and isn't a threat to our survival. Its the animal part of us and develops its repertoire of information from our past experiences where we disregard our power that we have an effect. When we do this we tend to blame others and we create attitudes to defend ourselves and about the things that were done. These in turn begin a process that s tarts s ec lud ing u s f rom soc ia l interactions. The world or tribe begins to become smaller. Basically one begins living in fear rather than joy. In simple terms the Tribal Sequencer relates a sense of security when others are like ourselves. All my friends have light skin like me, but that dark skin person is a potential threat. Not because he or she is, only

because he or she appears to be so distinctly different. Now what to do about it. One way is to retrain the Tribal Sequencer. One can think of it as expanding the tribe and creating greater tolerance. So instead of seeing the dark skin person as a threat, ask questions. Is this person harming me now? If so, that is a whole other ballgame, depending of course, if the harm is physical or emotional. But lets play with it as if its okay. When one can do this proficiently, one will then have the skills to handle a

potential threat with speed and accuracy. Other questions could be; what similarities do we possess, i.e. do we have two eyes, a nose and two ears? When we are curious about the other or

the thing we are unfamiliar with, we will ask questions and discover answers that allows us to see and understand the situation more clearly. When we have this sense o f secur i ty more or l e s s consistently then we are capable to explore our world. Okay but how do we get there. That is the fun part, but also (con’t on page 5)

Haiku a ripple

the body shakes a new awareness ascends

Painting & Poetry By Petra

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The Body is Designed for Movement This SuperBrain exercise is a simple yoga movement

with appropriate breathing application that you can do to stimulate your brain and keep it healthy. Take your left hand and hold your right earlobe with left index and thumb and hold left ear with right index and thumb by placing thumbs on front of the lobes and squeeze gently. Place feet hip width a part, breath in as you lower into a squat and breath out as you return to a standing position. To enhance, keep tongue on the roof of the mouth which helps to cleanse the hypothalamus and face north if depleted or east for prosperity. Repeat for 2-3 minutes and do as often as you like everyday. Here are a couple of videos to help get you get started, Besides the mind, (con’t page 6)

Special Events Jin Shin Jyutsu ~ PhysioPhilosophy & Body

Reading Michael Wenninger March 13/14, 2015

Organized by Rose Murray Phone: (604) 564-5129, Email:

[email protected] Co-Organizer Mea Hutchinson

Phone: (250) 480-8318, Fax: (250) 384-6506 Email: [email protected]

* Soul Study, Part 1 "Our Relationship with

Our Soul Through Many Lifetimes” The Story Teller

May 2/3, 2015 (Sat. afternoon & all day Sunday) Carole Webber

604.722.8595 (cell); 604.939.6000

con’t page 7


Where Do You Want To Be?

Fernwood Dock, SSI, BCIn Your Body

In Your Mind

In Your Motions

In Your Spirit

In Your Soul

In Your Life

Galiano Island, BC

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Location Days Evenings Dates Available

Salt Spring Island Mondays - Saturdays

Tuesday - Thursday

Call for an appointment Not available on dates shown below.

Metro Vancouver

HeartQuest Healing Collective Alternating Saturdays 9-7 Feb. 14, 28; March 15, 28, April. 11, 17?, 25; May 9, 23

Other By Special Request Above Dates or By Special Request


Location Address Cell Text

Salt Spring Island 128 Hereford Ave 250-538-7775 250-538-7775

HeartQuest Healing Collective 202-1651 Commercial Drive Vancouver

778-772-3553 Forwards to



Other Please call to arrange 250-538-7775 250-538-7775

Email [email protected] Subscribe Unsubscribe



Website see blog

Galiano Island, BC

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In The Wilderness of Chaos ~ A Not so Personal Story

The Art of Neutralizing the The Tribal Sequencer (con’t from page 2)

the scary part. Learn to assess the situation by exploring the ‘what is’ instead of the ‘what might be’. Begin with the three questions mentioned in last July issue and then alter them to fit the circumstance if need be. Is there something that needs to be done? If so then ask, Is this mine to deal with?,,, Is this mine to deal with now? Instead you make ask is this something that is a threat, Is this a threat to me ? Is this a threat to me now? In this process you begin to expand your awareness of what befalls you. For the large part we are talking here a b o u t m e n t a l a n d e m o t i o n a l t y p e circumstances, but these questions are just as applicable to situations that can be harmful on the physical level and help you determine the most appropriate actions to take. What we are looking for is to create space and time for the brain to be able to observe more. If it begins to polarize, negatize and even positize, it becomes myopic and can no longer see the breadth and width of what it is observing. It therefore has insufficient information to act accordingly and provide the necessary

feedback that would allow you to live with the appropriate amount of security, consistency and exploration that results in a truly creative and joyful existence. When we are experiencing intense emotions the Tribal Sequencer perceives we are in a threatening situation and the amygdala and the medulla oblongata works inside the brain to narrow everything down. It polarizes and one stops having the ability to see more than the reactive emotion. A reaction that is based on the absolute certainty that one can’t escape that one thing that one is fixated on. ‘There is only one idea and its my idea and you are wrong’. Sound familiar. Now lets stop for a minute and recognize whats going on. You are no longer hearing the other person or able to understand them. Its time to neutralize. Using a phrase that breaks the rant from being myopic to neutral begins a process where the brain has time to absorb more information, to hear more of what the other person is saying. You may not consciously want to, but the information is hitting the tympanic nerve and enters your auditory receptors. In your brain it process the information from right to left by listening, interpreting and lodging (cont’d page 6)

Product Availability • 5x7 photo cards of paintings or scenery $5.00 or 5 for $20.00. Also available at Waterfront Gallery in Ganges and Sonia Studio @ 142 Woodland Dr, Vesuvius, on Salt Spring Island, and at Reflections Books, Coquitlam,BC •Spikey Balls: Md (Red) $9.00, •Original works of Art - Water Color and Black Ink Abstract Painitngs

You May Find This of Interest

“Being Healthy is not the absence of disease.

being healthy is the acceptance of disease

as something other than a threat. “The Story Teller

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it into your unconscious mind. Your subconscious mind sorts through it later and puts it into perspective, a sense of tribal reality almost as if its your own thoughts. As a result a more reasonable approach to things becomes apparent then enabling a more rational approach to change without fear can be taken. So instead of seeing a thing as an enemy or threat, a black and white version of what is going on, step back and ask what else is it encompassing. Were you harmed by the car cutting you off ? No, you were a good enough driver to stay safe. Or; its a good thing I am paying enough attention to what is going on. Or; that was exciting, lets be a little more observant and see what else will be entertaining today. There are many ways to look at something and even more ways you can play with it. So be curious. When doing so, you teach your Tribal Sequencer to be more tolerant of those you might find scary, your tribe becomes larger and you will begin to see things as they are instead of how you imagine them to be. You will recognize that you are safe even when the world around you appears to be falling apart.

Special Events cont’d from page 3

Jin Shin Jyutsu ~5 Day Basic Seminar Sara Harper

July 8-12, 2015 Organized by Rose Murray

Phone: (604) 564-5129, Email: [email protected]

Co-Organizer Mea Hutchinson Phone: (250) 480-8318, Fax: (250) 384-6506

Email: [email protected]

* Our Relationship with Our Soul


Soul Study, Part 2 "The Space/Time Continuum & Parallel Lifetimes" (This

could be changed if something else comes up in the first weekend that we prefer to hear more about or if this is covered in the first weekend)

The Story Teller Oct. 17/18, 2015 (Sat. afternoon & all day

Sunday) Carole Webber

604.722.8595 (cell); 604.939.6000 (work)

Classes run Saturdays 2:30-4:30/5 pm and Sundays 11am-5 pm

The Saturday afternoons are an introduction for the Sunday full day event. You may be able to bring a new participant to the

Saturday afternoon events for FREE.

The cost of each of the Saturdays is $45 US. The cost of each of the Sundays is $95 US.

Early bird discount if all classes paid for by April 4th, the total price for all four events is

$270 US

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The Body is Designed for Movement (con’t from page 3)

the legs, knees, hips and.. well everything benefits, especially if you do long, slow deliberate coordinate actions with the breath.

Lets take a closer look. The left ear lobe engages the right brain and pineal gland, and the the right ear lobe energizes the left brain and pituitary gland. For example the pineal gland when it gets stressed produces an imbalance in the circadian rhythm and affects nutritional absorption and assimilation. Doing this exercise helps to destress these organs.

Balancing the energy flows and the nervous system allows for the pineal gland to function appropriately and then restores health to the rest of the body. The physical movement helps to move blood and lymph which then moves nutrients and further enhances well being. Breathing removes the toxins and gas from the blood and lymph systems which then allow more oxygen to nourish the body and brain.

Super brain yoga enhances brain function in all ages and suffering such as from the likes of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity to dealing with memory malfunctions. Besides greater efficiency and effectivity in brain function, it also helps the energy centres of the heart, throat, forehead and crown to balance.

Not only then is the physical body affected, so is the psychological body. It becomes more stable or grounded. It wavers less and can take in more

of its surroundings thereby being able to be more engaged with the world around it.

The Hindus use to apply it to students who were being disruptive in class. It was not meant as a punishment, but as a time for the student to re-engage with his or her self rather than being distracted by the fears from which he or she was acting out from. It was a means to help them center their thoughts, expel nervous energy/behaviour and calm anxiety. They called the practice Thoppukaranam. Thorpe means with hands and Karnam means ears. In the Hindu tradition people faced west which was related with Lord Ganesha who was associated with wisdom, knowledge, remover of obstacles along with many other symbolic meanings.

Today with the use of EKG’s, science has been able to show that this form of exercise synchronizes the right and left hemispheres of the brain. When in sync one has appropriate coordination in motor skills, thought processes and mental retention. In other words one is able to retain information better, be more proficient with understanding the subjects it is gaining knowledge about and then to apply that understanding and knowledge to its everyday life.

Hum, this sounds a little like Ganesh to me

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Photographs, poems, artwork and newsletter produced by Petra Otten. Paintings, photos and photo cards are for sale.

My Friend’s Garden,

taken by

Petra Otten