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Page 1: Saint Ann Catholic Parish · 14/06/2020  · T. ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH TX FMAN, TX St. Ann Catholic Parish June 14, 2020 The Eleventh Week of Ordinary Time Sunday is the Solemnity of

Saint Ann Catholic Parish 806 North Washington Street, Kaufman, Texas 75142 • (972) 962-3247

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 non Fax: 972-932-4003 • [email protected] •

Page 2: Saint Ann Catholic Parish · 14/06/2020  · T. ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH TX FMAN, TX St. Ann Catholic Parish June 14, 2020 The Eleventh Week of Ordinary Time Sunday is the Solemnity of

Mass Attendance

806 North Washington St., Kaufman, Texas 75142

(972) 962-3247 (972) 932-4003 FAX

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon

[email protected]

Sat. 5:00pm

Sun. 9am

Sun. 11:30am

Financial Informa on June 06 & June 07 , 2020

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Building ____

Children’s ____

St. Lazarus ____

Development: ____

Altar Needs: ____

Other: _____

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14 day Sanctuary Candle

The Sanctuary Candle for the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel is provided for :

06/14/20—06/27/2020 +Manuel & Juan Cisneros &

+Julio Velasquez

Father Jet Garcia Pastor

Parish Staff Deacon: Bill Jasmin

Business Manager: Susan Duerr Parish Secretary: Zulma Drake

Parish Catechetical Leader: Alma Sipriano Youth Ministry Leader: Marisol Saenz Facilities Manager: Rafael Castaneda

Parish Advisory Council: Amanda Brown Finance Consultative Council: Robbie Sutton

MASSES: Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m. English

Sunday/Domingo 9:00 a.m. English

11:30 a.m. Español Weekday Masses

Tuesday 8:30 a.m. English Wednesday 8:30 a.m. English Thursday 6:00 p.m. Español Friday 8:30 a.m. English

Adoration Every Friday 9am - 5pm Adoracion al Santisimo los

Viernes 9am-5pm Confessions/Confesiones

Saturday/Sabado 3:30 p.m.- 4:30p.m.

St. Ann Catholic Parish June 14, 2020

Mass & Readings

Sat., June 13 (White) – 1 Kings 19:19-21; Matthew 5:33-37 Psalm cf. Psalm 16:5a 5:00 pm Community of St. Ann _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sun., June 14 (White)– Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Psalm 147:12- 13, 14-15, 19-20; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; John 6:51-58

9:00 am Mass +Raymond Mateu 11:30 am Misa Eliana Galvan ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mon., June 15 (Green) – 1 Kings 21:1-16; Matthew 5:38-42; Psalm 5:2b

No Mass _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tues., June 16 (Green) – 1 Kings 21:17-21; Matthew 5:43-48; Psalm cf. Psalm 51:3a 8:30am Judith & Julie Govea


Wed., June 17 (Green) – 2 Kings 2:1, 6-14; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18; Psalm 31:25 8:30am Jesus & Erika Zapata ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thurs., June 18 (Green) – Sirach 48:1-14; Matthew 6:7-15; Psalm cf. Psalm 98:2b 6:00pm +Joe & +Betty Elzner ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Fri., June 19 (White) – Deuteronomy 7:6-11; 1 John 4:7-16; Matthew 11:25-30; Psalm cf. Psalm 103:17

8:30am +Pete Stribling

Page 3: Saint Ann Catholic Parish · 14/06/2020  · T. ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH TX FMAN, TX St. Ann Catholic Parish June 14, 2020 The Eleventh Week of Ordinary Time Sunday is the Solemnity of

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Ladies Society/Damas de la Sociedad

Monthly meetings are the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm in RM #4.

No Meeting on Tuesday, July 02, 2020

Las reuniones mensuales son el primer Martes de cada mes a las 6:00pm en el cuarto #4.

No Junta el Martes 02 de Julio 2020

Registraciones Generales Se aproximan las inscripciones del catecismo para el año 2020. Para poder registrar a sus hijos hay algunos requisites que se tienen que seguir para no quedarse fuera este año: Los padres tienen que ser miembros contribuyente y activos de Santa Ana desde Enero hasta la fecha de inscripcion para poder calificar. Esto significa de asistir amisa y estar usando sus sobres antes y despues de la registracion. Si usted no esta reg-istrado como miembro de la Parroquia y necesita sobres par-roquiales favor de registrarse en la oficina parroquial.

2020 Faith Formation Registrations Registrations are around the corner and to ensure that your children get registered you MUST meet the following require-ments: Parents must be an active and contributing members of the parish from the beginning of January in order to qualify for registration. This means using your envelopes each Sunday when you come to mass. So if you are not registered as a mem-ber please stop by the parish office.

CCD Registrations

Registrations for CCD class are cancelled until further notice.

Registros de Catecismo

Las inscripciones para la Catecismo se cancelan hasta nuevo aviso.




The Knights of Columbus Council 11721 scholarship application for 2020 graduating high school seniors and 1st year college freshmen is available via email. To receive an application please email Grand Knight, Billy Littleton, [email protected] or Deputy Grand Knight, James Duerr, [email protected].

Fr. Jet Garcia

Ordination date

June 14, 1997 Congratulation Father Jet on the 23rd

anniversary of your ordination. Thank you so much for leading the St.

Ann flock. We love you and hope you have a great


Padre Jet Garcia Fecha de ordenación 14 de junio de 1997

Felicitaciones al Padre Jet por el 23 aniversario de su ordenación.

Muchas gracias por liderar el rebaño de Santa Ana.

¡Le queremos y esperamos que tenga un gran día!

Page 4: Saint Ann Catholic Parish · 14/06/2020  · T. ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH TX FMAN, TX St. Ann Catholic Parish June 14, 2020 The Eleventh Week of Ordinary Time Sunday is the Solemnity of


St. Ann Catholic Parish June 14, 2020

The Eleventh Week of Ordinary Time Sunday is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - in the U.S. It is the great feast in which we celebrate the gift of the Eucharist, but also the special blessing our the presence of our Lord with us in the Blessed Sacrament. In Gospel, Jesus offers the most consoling good news: "Whoever eats this bread will live forever." The rest of the world celebrates the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus missions his disciples to go out into the world: "Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give.” It is a message for us as Jesus tells us "The harvest is plen-ty but the laborers are few" and calls us to join him in his work. The first readings this week continue our readings from 1 Kings and into 2 Kings. It follows Elijah and Elisha - powerful prophet and agents of God's word for the people. We continue Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in Mat-thew's Gospel. Jesus calls us beyond simply being moral. His message is not an "eye for an eye," but turning the other cheek, loving our enemies and praying for them. Jesus warns us about performing good deeds for others to see. He teaches us to pray simply, because our Father knows what we need. Where our treasure is, there our heart will be. We can't serve several masters in life, so we can stop worrying so much and place our trust in God alone. "But seek first the Kingdom of God and his right-eousness, and all these things will be given you be-sides." Sunday is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - in the U.S.. It is the great feast in which we celebrate the gift of the Eucharist, but also the special blessing our the presence of our Lord with us in the Blessed Sacrament. In Gospel, Jesus offers the most consoling good news: "Whoever eats this bread will live forever." The rest of the world celebrates the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. In that Gospel we witness Jesus' choice and missioning of the Twelve Apostles.

Daily Prayer This Week There is nothing like the Sermon on the Mount to help us hear the message of Jesus, and to let our-selves be addressed by those words. All of us can ask for these graces with real specificity, that is, with real people and real daily circumstances in mind. We know with whom we need to "turn the other cheek" and to love more. We know the circumstances in which we are tempted to "be religious" in the right circumstances only. Upon reflection, each of us can take the time to "locate" our hearts, by discovering what we tend to "treasure." We can check ourselves out by making a list of the five most important things in my life. Then we can make a list of the five things I spend most of my time on. Comparing the lists will help us get concrete about asking the Lord for the grace we need to put our lives back in balance, if we aren't. All of us can name what we worry about. And so we can all ask for the graces to "seek first" the Kingdom of God All of this reflection can happen throughout the week in the background of our daily life, if we get into the habit of focusing for a few moments each morning. If we take just 30 seconds, at the edge of our bed each morning, it will begin to establish a habit of liv-ing more reflectively. Thank you for this day, Lord. Help me to be fo-

cused today on not getting so hooked by Ann's ways or Bob's harsh words. I need your grace to place my trust in you. Help me especially before I have to talk with Ann on the phone and let me stay focused before Bill comes home from work.

Our version of a brief moment with the Lord - friend to friend - can be repeated and made more specific, while we are going about our day. Some days, we might have 20 such moments of prayerful conversa-tion with our Lord - guided by the Word, the desires that are surfacing, and the events of our daily lives. And, each night, we can give thanks for this deeper relationship with the Lord that is developing in my heart.

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The Blessed Sacrament is exposed every Friday, from 9am - 5pm.

ADORACION AL SANTISIMO El San simo esta expuesto todos los Viernes de 9am - 5pm.

Sacramental Information MATRIMONY: Fir st step is to contact the office to set up an appointment with Fr. Jet.

BAPTISM: English baptism classes are held every 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00pm if necessary. Please call the office one week prior to register if you are planning on attending the class. (Classes may be taken before the ba-by is born.)

REQUIREMENTS: • Both Parents and God Parents must attend the Baptism

class before the Baptism. • Godparents are to be (1) fully initiated into the Catholic

Church; baptized, received 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation, (2) be at least 16 years old, (3) practicing the faith, and (4) if married - must be in accordance with the Catholic Church.

You will need to come into the office to fill out the proper paperwork and set a date.

Baptisms are held the 2nd Saturday of every month un-less told otherwise

St. Ann Catholic Parish June 14, 2020

Información sacramental

MATRIMONIO: El pr imer paso es ponerse en contacto con la oficina para concertar una cita con el Padre Jet.

BAUTISMO: Las clases de bautismo en Español se llevan a cabo el ultimo Sabado del mes a las 9:00am. Por favor llame a la oficina una semana antes para registrarse si usted planea asistir a la clase. (Las clases pueden ser tomadas antes de que nazca el bebé.)


• Tanto los Padres como los Padrinos deben asistir a la clase de Bautismo antes del Bautismo.

• Los padrinos deben ser (1) plenamente iniciados en la Iglesia Católica; bautizados, recibido la 1ª Comunión y Confirmación, (2) tener por lo menos 16 años, (3) practicar la fe, y (4) si están casados - deben estar de acuerdo con la Iglesia Católica.

Usted tendrá que venir a la oficina para llenar el papeleo adecuado y establecer una fecha.

Los Bautismos se celebran el segundo sábado de cada mes a menos que se indique lo contrario

Quinceañeras La celebración de los Quince Años es una tradición dentro de la Comunidad Hispana, cuando una jovencita cumple quince años.


• BAUTISO, PRIMERA COMUNION, CONFIR-MACION o estar en el process de la Confirmacion

• para más información porfavor llame a la oficina

For those with medically confirmed gluten intolerance we will offer gluten-free Host. Please

notify the priest prior to mass if yo need this service. The gluten-free Host will be distributed at the end of

the Communion line.

Para aquellos con intolerancia al gluten confirmada médicamen-te, ofreceremos Hostia sin gluten. Por favor notifique al sacerdo-te antes de la misa si necesita este servicio. La Hostia sin gluten se distribuirá al final de la línea de Comunión.

Parish Organizations Knights of Columbus– Billy Littleton Ladies Society—Carol Shiels Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts—Julie Cato Fund Raising Committee—Robbie Sutton Renovacion Parroquial—Oscar Palacios Padres y Madres Orantes—Baudelia Sanchez Las Samaritanas—Maria Salazar Grupo de Intercesores—Juan Diego Jaquez

Denuncia de abuso: Primero, notifique a las autoridades locales. Segundo, notifique al Departamento de Servicios para la Familia y de Protección de Texas a través de la Línea Directa de Abuso de Texas (1-800-252-5400 o Finalmente, si la acusación involucra a un miembro del clero o un empleado de una parroquia o la Diócesis , por favor notifique a la Coordinadora de Asistencia a las Víctimas de la Diócesis de Dallas, Barbara Landregan, al 214-379-2812.

If you believe that you, or someone you know, is a victim of past or present abuse or sexual abuse, please notify law enforcement. In the event the abuse involves a minor, please also contact the Texas De-partment of Family and Protective Services through the Texas Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400 or Finally, if the abuse involves a member of the clergy, a parish employee, or diocesan employee, please also notify the Diocese of Dallas Victims Assistance Coordinator, Barbara Landregan, at 214-379-2812 or [email protected]

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