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  • 7/29/2019 Rural Society and Polity- Lecture I


    Rural Society and Polity

  • 7/29/2019 Rural Society and Polity- Lecture I


    Introductory Concepts on Society andCulture

    Society is a system of usages andprocedures , of authority and mutual aid, ofmany groupings and divisions, of controls of

    human behaviour and of liberties Mutual awareness

    Society involves both likeness and

    difference Man is a social animal

  • 7/29/2019 Rural Society and Polity- Lecture I



    Wherever the members of any group ,small or large, live together in such a waythat they share , not this or that particularinterest , but the basic conditions of a

    common life, we call that group acommunity.

    Locality a territorial area

    Community Sentiments- Sense ofbelonging

    Great and Small Communities

  • 7/29/2019 Rural Society and Polity- Lecture I



    Association is a group organised for the pursuit of aninterest or group of interests in common. Associations and communities are different because of

    interest aspect of associations Sometime associations become communities such as

    monasteries, convents and prisons State is also a form of association Schools, colleges, University, Political Parties, Sects,

    Churches, army, police etc. are all associations Corresponding to its peculiar method the association has

    a corporate character. Through legal recognition of theseconditions, duties and privileges it is given the shape ofa corporation in legal language.

  • 7/29/2019 Rural Society and Polity- Lecture I



    Institutions are established forms of procedurecharacteristic of group activity

    Institutions are recurrent, repetitive and purposive Every association with respect to its interest has its

    characteristic institutions We belong to community and association but not to

    institutions Marriage, representative government, legislative

    procedures, examination are examples of institutions

    Community also establish institutions- dating, groupmarriages, levirate, child marriage etc. Community Institutions develop gradually and attain a

    social form

  • 7/29/2019 Rural Society and Polity- Lecture I


    Individual and Society

    Individual- a product of growth of society Society is not just a sum of individuals and is a

    phenomenon of different order Societies have evolved from mechanical

    solidarity (primitive) to organic solidarity

    (modern) Mechanical solidarity (MS) is solidarity of

    resemblance Organic solidarity (OS) is solidarity of difference

    based on structural differentiation and divisionof labour Transition marking this change is reflected by

    change from repressive to restitutive law

  • 7/29/2019 Rural Society and Polity- Lecture I


    Individual and Society (contd.)

    Society is present in some form in all

    individuals Even religion has been interpreted as

    transfigured form of society

    Society is recreated in every social formthrough distinctive ways and methods

    Major reasons of suicides are interpreted aseither Too much integration with society

    Too little integration with society and

    Normlessness in society

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