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CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Recognition 3

Introduction to Computer Vision CSE 152

Lecture 19

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

•  HW4 due on Friday

•  Note fisherfaces paper on web page.

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Three Levels of Recognition •  Category Recognition -- near top of tree (e.g.,

vehicles) – lots of within class variability •  Fine grain Recognition – within a categories (e.g.,

species of birds) -- Moderate within class variation •  Instance recognition (e.g., person identification) –

within class mostly shape articulation, bending, etc.

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Linear Subspaces & Linear Projection

•  A d-pixel image x∈Rd can be projected to a low-dimensional feature space y∈Rk by

y = Wx where W is an k by d matrix.

•  Each training image is projected to the subspace

•  Recognition is performed in Rk using, for example, nearest neighbor.

•  How do we choose a good W?

Example: Projecting from R3 to R2

Rk Rd

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Eigenfaces: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

PCA Example

First Principal Component Direction of Maximum Variance





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CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Eigenfaces Modeling

1.  Given a collection of n training images xi, represent each one as a d-dimensional column vector

2.  Compute the mean image and covariance matrix. 3.  Compute k Eigenvectors of the covariance matrix

corresponding to the k largest Eigenvalues and form matrix WT=[v1, v2,…,vk] (Or perform using SVD!!) §  Note that the Eigenvectors are images

4.  Project the training images to the k-dimensional Eigenspace. yi=Wxi

Recognition 1.  Given a test image x, project the vectorized image to the

Eigenspace by y=Wx 2.  Perform classification of y to the projected training images.

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Why is W a good projection? •  The linear subspace spanned by W

maximizes the variance (i.e., the spread) of the projected data.

•  W spans a subspace that is the best approximation to the data in a least squares sense. E.g., W is the subspace that minimizes the the sum of the squared distances from each datapoint to the the subspace.

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Eigenfaces: Training Images

[ Turk, Pentland 91]

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision


Mean Image Basis Images

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

An important footnote: We don’t really implement PCA by constructing a

covariance matrix!

Why? 1.  How big is Σ?

•  d by d where d is the number of pixels in an image!!

2.  You only need the first k Eigenvectors

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Singular Value Decomposition •  Any m by n matrix A may be factored such that


[m x n] = [m x m][m x n][n x n]

•  U: m by m, orthogonal matrix –  Columns of U are the eigenvectors of AAT

•  V: n by n, orthogonal matrix, –  columns are the eigenvectors of ATA

•  Σ: m by n, diagonal with non-negative entries (σ1, σ2, …, σs) with s=min(m,n) are called the called the singular values. SVD algorithm produces sorted singular values: σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ … ≥ σs

Important property –  Singular values are the square roots of Eigenvalues of both AAT

and ATA & Columns of U are corresponding Eigenvectors!!

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CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

SVD Properties •  In Matlab [u s v] = svd(A), and you can verify

that: A=u*s*v’ •  r=Rank(A) = # of non-zero singular values. •  U, V give an orthonormal bases for the subspaces

of A: –  1st r columns of U: Column space of A –  Last m - r columns of U: Left nullspace of A –  1st r columns of V: Row space of A –  1st n - r columns of V: Nullspace of A

•  For some d where d ≤ r, the first d column of U provide the best d-dimensional basis for columns of A in least squares sense.

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Distance to Linear Subspace •  An n-pixel image x∈Rd can be projected to a low-dimensional feature space y∈Rk by

y = Wx •  From y ∈ Rk , the reconstruction of the point in Rd is WTy=WTWx

•  The error of the reconstruction, or the distance from x to the subspace spanned by W is:



y = Wx

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Fisherfaces: Class specific linear projection P. Belhumeur, J. Hespanha, D. Kriegman, Eigenfaces vs. Fisherfaces: Recognition Using Class Specific Linear Projection, PAMI, July 1997, pp. 711--720.

•  An n-pixel image x∈Rd can be projected to a low-dimensional feature space y∈Rk by

y = Wx where W is an k by d matrix. •  Recognition is performed using nearest neighbor in Rk.

•  How do we choose a good W? CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

•  Eigenfaces (PCA) – maximizes the scatter (spread) of the projected data.

•  Fisher’s linear discriminant -- maximizes a different criteria – we’ll see this shortly

•  Note: Let Σ be a scatter matrix •  The determinant |Σ| of Σ is an indication of the

spread of the data (product of Eigenvalues of Σ) •  Let W be a projectoin matrix, then scatter of the

projected data is WTΣW and a measure of spread is |WTΣW|.

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

PCA & Fisher’s Linear Discriminant •  Let χi be a set of images

of class i •  Between-class scatter

•  Within-class scatter

•  Total scatter

where –  c is the number of classes –  µi is the mean of class χi –  | χi | is number of samples of χi..



iiBS ))((

1µµµµχ −−=∑


∑ ∑= ∈


i x








i x

TkkT SSxxS


+=−−=∑ ∑= ∈1






χ1 χ2

If the data points xi are projected by yi=Wxi and the scatter of xi is S, then the scatter of the projected points yi is WTSW

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

PCA & Fisher’s Linear Discriminant •  PCA (Eigenfaces)

Maximizes projected total scatter

•  Fisher’s Linear Discriminant

Maximizes ratio of projected between-class to projected within-class scatter


WPCA maxarg=





Wfld maxarg=

χ1 χ2



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CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Computing the Fisher Projection Matrix

•  The wi are orthonormal •  There are at most c-1 non-zero generalized Eigenvalues, so m ≤ c-1 •  Can be computed with eig in Matlab

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision


















= •  Since SW is rank N-c, project

training set to subspace spanned by first N-c principal components of the training set. •  Apply FLD to N-c dimensional subspace yielding c-1 dimensional feature space. •  Rd è RN-c è Rc-1

•  Fisher’s Linear Discriminant projects away the within-class variation (lighting, expressions) found in training set. •  Fisher’s Linear Discriminant preserves the separability of the classes.

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision


CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Harvard Face Database 15o




•  10 individuals •  66 images per person •  Train on 6 images at 15o

•  Test on remaining images

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Recognition Results: Lighting Extrapolation











0-15 degrees 30 degrees 45 degrees

Light Direction


r Rat


Correlation Eigenfaces Eigenfaces (w/o 1st 3) Fisherface

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Variability: Camera position Illumination Internal parameters

Within-class variations

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CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Appearance manifold approach - for every object 1. sample the set of viewing conditions 2. Crop & scale images to standard size 3. Use as feature vector - apply a PCA over all the images - keep the dominant PCs - Set of views for one object is represented as a manifold in the projected space - Recognition: What is nearest manifold for a given test image?

(Nayar et al. ‘96)

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Parameterized Eigenspace

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision


CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Object Bag of ‘words’

Bag-of-features models

Slides from Svetlana Lazebnik who borrowed from others

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Bag-of-features models

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Origin 1: Texture recognition •  Texture is characterized by the repetition of basic

elements or textons •  For stochastic textures, it is the identity of the

textons, not their spatial arrangement, that matters

Julesz, 1981; Cula & Dana, 2001; Leung & Malik 2001; Mori, Belongie & Malik, 2001; Schmid 2001; Varma & Zisserman, 2002, 2003; Lazebnik, Schmid & Ponce, 2003

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CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Origin 1: Texture recognition

Universal texton dictionary


Julesz, 1981; Cula & Dana, 2001; Leung & Malik 2001; Mori, Belongie & Malik, 2001; Schmid 2001; Varma & Zisserman, 2002, 2003; Lazebnik, Schmid & Ponce, 2003 CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Origin 2: Bag-of-words models •  Orderless document representation: frequencies of

words from a dictionary Salton & McGill (1983)

Which US President? Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Origin 2: Bag-of-words models

US Presidential Speeches Tag Cloud

•  Orderless document representation: frequencies of words from a dictionary Salton & McGill (1983)

Which US President? Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Origin 2: Bag-of-words models

US Presidential Speeches Tag Cloud

•  Orderless document representation: frequencies of words from a dictionary Salton & McGill (1983)

Which US President? Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Origin 2: Bag-of-words models

US Presidential Speeches Tag Cloud

•  Orderless document representation: frequencies of words from a dictionary Salton & McGill (1983)

Which US President? Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Origin 2: Bag-of-words models

US Presidential Speeches Tag Cloud

•  Orderless document representation: frequencies of words from a dictionary Salton & McGill (1983)

Which US President? Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush

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CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision


Introduction to Computer Vision CSE 152

Lecture 19b

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Motion What are problems that we solve using motion

1.  Correspondence: Where have elements of the image moved between image frames

2.  Ego Motion: How has the camera moved. 3.  Reconstruction: Given correspondence, what is 3-D

geometry of scene 4.  Segmentation: What are regions of image corresponding

to different moving objects 5.  Tracking: Where have objects moved in the image?

related to correspondence and segmentation.

Variations: –  Small motion (video), –  Wide-baseline (multi-view)

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Structure-from-Motion (SFM) Goal: Take as input two or more images or

video w/o any information on camera position/motion, and estimate camera position and 3-D structure of scene.

Two Approaches

1.  Discrete motion (wide baseline) 1.  Orthographic (affine) vs. Perspective 2.  Two view vs. Multi-view 3.  Calibrated vs. Uncalibrated

2.  Continuous (Infinitesimal) motion CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Discrete Motion: Some Counting Consider M images of N points, how many unknowns?

1.  Camera locations: Affix coordinate system to location of first camera location: (M-1)*6 Unknowns

2.  3-D Structure: 3*N Unknowns 3.  Can only recover structure and motion up to scale. Why?

Total number of unknowns: (M-1)*6+3*N-1 Total number of measurements: 2*M*N Solution is possible when (M-1)*6+3*N-1 ≤ 2*M*N

M=2 è N≥ 5 M=3 è N ≥ 4

CSE152, Winter 2013 Intro Computer Vision

Epipolar Constraint: Calibrated Case

Essential Matrix (Longuet-Higgins, 1981)










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