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Devitt, S, Greentree, A, Stephens, A and Van Meter, R 2016, 'High-speed quantumnetworking by ship', Scientific Reports, vol. 6, 36163, pp. 1-7

Published Version

The Author(s) 2016 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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High-speed quantum networking by ship

Simon J. Devitt1,3,4, Andrew D. Greentree2, Ashley M. Stephens3 and Rodney Van Meter51 Ochanomizu University, 2-1-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8610, Japan.∗

2Chemical and Quantum Physics, School of Applied Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne 3001, Australia.3National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan.

4Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 252-0882, Japan. and5Faculty of Environment and Information Studies,

Keio University, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 252-0882, Japan.(Dated: October 14, 2014)

Quantum communication will improve the se-curity of cryptographic systems and decision-making algorithms[1–4], support secure client-server computation[5], and improve the sensi-tivity of scientific instruments[6–8]. As theseapplications consume quantum entanglement, amethod for replenishing networked entanglementis essential[9–11]. Direct transmission of quan-tum signals over long distances is prevented byfibre attenuation and the no-cloning theorem[12].This has motivated the development of quan-tum repeaters, which are designed to purify en-tanglement and extend its range[13–16]. Quan-tum repeaters have been demonstrated over shortdistances[17, 18], but an error-corrected repeaternetwork with sufficient bandwidth over global dis-tances will require new technology. In particu-lar, no proposed hardware appears suitable fordeployment along undersea cables, leaving theprospect of isolated metropolitan networks. Herewe show that error-corrected quantum memo-ries installed in cargo containers and carried byship could provide a flexible and scalable con-nection between local networks, enabling low-latency, high-fidelity quantum communicationacross global distances. With recent demonstra-tions of quantum technology with sufficient fi-delity to enable topological error correction[19],implementation of the necessary quantum mem-ories is within reach, and effective bandwidthwill increase with improvements in fabrication.Thus, our architecture provides a new approachto quantum networking that avoids many of thetechnological requirements of undersea quantumrepeaters, providing an alternate path to a world-wide Quantum Internet [9–11].

Photons are traditionally proposed for the establish-ment of quantum entanglement between stationary quan-tum systems over moderate distances. Over longerdistances, entanglement purification and entanglementswapping connecting a path comprised of shorter linkswill mitigate the exponential attenuation loss and effectsof imperfect devices [13]. The repeat-until-success nature

∗Electronic address: [email protected]

of these techniques allows the rate of entanglement gener-ation to decrease polynomially with increasing distance,with the fidelity of entanglement limited by the accuracyof the quantum gates operating in the repeaters. Ef-fective long range repeater networks requires incorporat-ing fault-tolerant error correction methods, and numer-ous designs have been proposed [14–16, 20–22]. Thesedesigns do not offer bandwidth higher than about aMHz and require dense repeater arrays. A global net-work constructed in this way would require high-power,low-temperature quantum devices with active control de-ployed in very hostile environments. No known technol-ogy meets this requirement.

Despite the capabilities of modern classical networks,it is still routine to transfer classical information storedin removable media, an approach known as sneakernet.Here we adapt this approach to quantum information,introducing a new network architecture for the estab-lishment of quantum entanglement over long distancesbased on the transport of error-corrected quantum mem-ories [23]. Long-distance transport involves significant la-tency, but establishing entanglement involves no informa-tion exchange, meaning that this latency is irrelevant tonetwork users—instead, the effective latency is the clas-sical one-way communication time required for, for ex-ample, quantum teleportation [24]. Quantum memoriesmay be transported to locations where entanglement isrequired or to intermediate locations to facilitate entan-glement swapping between traditional repeater networks,enabling a complete network structure without the fulldeployment of physical links. Since trans-oceanic com-munication presents a particular challenge for quantumnetworking, we focus on the establishment of entangle-ment by ship.

Our architecture requires quantum memories with aneffective coherence time of months, sufficient for trans-port along any traditional shipping channel. Since anerror-corrected quantum memory is based on the samesystem architecture as a large-scale quantum computer,technology currently in development will fulfill our needs[25–27]. In particular, implementations of qubits basedon several physical systems—including superconduct-ing circuits and trapped ions—are nearing the accuracythreshold required for topological error correction to be-come effective [19]. Once this threshold is exceeded, itwill be possible to arbitrarily lengthen the effective co-





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herence time of an error-corrected quantum memory witha poly-logarithmic qubit overhead. However, our archi-tecture also requires quantum memories that are compat-ible with storage and transport in a shipping container,including a stable power source, ultra-high vacuum orrefrigeration systems to maintain appropriate operatingconditions, and classical-control infrastructure to per-form error correction and decoding [28]. As yet, there areno implementations that are designed with this degree ofportability in mind. Here, for concreteness, we focus ona potential implementation based on negatively-chargednitrogen vacancy (NV−) centres in diamond, which maybe integrated in dense arrays and are optically accessibleat a temperature of 4 K[27, 29].

Each quantum memory consists of a two-dimensionalarray of optical cavities with a linear spacing of 2.5 mm,each containing a single NV− centre comprising a spin-half N15 nucleus and a spin-one electron. Each nuclearspin represents a single qubit, and all operations (initial-isation, readout, and interactions between neighbouringqubits) are achieved by hyperfine coupling to the electronspins and dipole-induced transparency in an external op-tical field. We assume that these operations are fixedto a 3.5 µs clock time and occur with an independentdepolarising error rate of 0.1%, per gate. Coherent con-trol of spins in diamond has already been demonstratedwith an error rate below 1%, indicating that this tar-get may be achievable in the near future [30–32]. Eachquantum memory stores a single logical qubit encodedin the surface code, although other codes may also besuitable. The error-correction protocol involves the con-tinuous execution of physical quantum circuits to deter-mine the error syndrome. This information undergoeslocal classical processing to detect and correct errors in-troduced by decoherence, coupling inefficiency, and othersources, thereby preserving the state of the logical qubit.To determine the effective coherence time of the quan-tum memories, we undertook numerical simulations ofthe error-correction protocol for small arrays (see theAppendix). Extrapolating to large arrays, we find thatquantum memories of 1600 qubits enable storage of log-ical qubits for two months with a logical error rate of10−10.

Quantum memories are installed in Twenty-footEquivalent Unit (TEU) containers, the standard shippingunit with an internal volume of 40 m3. We assume that1 m3 is occupied by quantum memories and the remain-ing 39 m3 is reserved for power, refrigeration, and controlinfrastructure. Each of these units is the quantum equiv-alent of a memorystick. More efficient protocols may beachievable under different assumptions, but for simplicitywe assume a single, dedicated Very Large Container Ship(VLCS)-class container ship with a capacity of 104 TEU.We consider a shipping channel between Japan and theUnited States, with freight terminals acting as primarynetwork nodes for traditional repeater networks deployedin each country as shown in Figure 1. Allowing for lo-cal transport and maintenance, this requires a one-way

transport time of 20 days [39].

Our network protocol ensures that the effective trans-oceanic bandwidth is limited only by the freight capacityand the transport time. The protocol is separated intothree phases, which operate sequentially in each direc-tion. In the first phase, each logical qubit is entangledwith a stationary logical qubit at the origin to establishlogical Bell pairs. The entangling operation is achievedwith a lattice-surgery approach [33], requiring an exter-nal interface to each container to access a fraction of thephysical qubits in every quantum memory (see the Ap-pendix). The time required for this operation using theNV− memory above is 1.7 ms per logical Bell pair, andoperations may be parallelised if the interface allows si-multaneous access to multiple quantum memories. In thesecond phase, one logical qubit in each logical Bell pairis transported from the origin to the terminus, undergo-ing continuous error correction. In the third phase, thelogical qubits in the logical Bell pairs are entangled withadditional logical qubits at the origin and the terminusand then measured. As before, these entangling opera-tions are achieved with lattice surgery and with the theNV− system described above can be achieved for a 1600qubit memorystick in 1.7 ms (see the Appendix). This fi-nal phase consumes the entanglement between the originand the terminus, either in service of an application or toconnect distant points in a larger network. To enable con-tinuous operation in both directions, ensuring that noneof the freight capacity is used to transport unentangledquantum memories, our protocol requires an additionalsix containers for every one container in transport. Wespecify that the external interface to each container issufficiently fast to allow logical qubits to be disentangledand re-entangled within the two-way transport time (seethe Appendix).

Table 1 reports the effective trans-pacific bandwidth ofthe network architecture. Our results compare quantummemories based on NV− centres in diamond to quantummemories based on a range of other qubit implementa-tions [25–27, 34–38] illustrating the dependence of thebandwidth on the underlying physical parameters. Eachimplementation involves a unique set of technologicalchallenges and our results are predicated on the develop-ment of portable architectures incorporating high-speedexternal interfaces to facilitate lattice-surgery operationsbetween logical qubits. Nevertheless, bandwidth in ex-cess of 1 THz is feasible under realistic physical assump-tions, exceeding even the fastest proposals for traditionalrepeater networks. Our results assume a single containership, but the total bandwidth scales linearly with the to-tal freight capacity, allowing for incremental investmentin infrastructure rather than the overhaul of thousandsof kilometres of undersea cables. Furthermore, addingnetwork nodes involves transport to additional locationsrather than investment in wider area infrastructure, andcan be done with minimal planning and only a few weekslead time.

In addition to expanding the reach of traditional re-

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Figure 1: Transport protocol for a single ship, Trans-Pacific, SneakerNet. The transpacific connection shows thelocation of memory stick units both on shore in the U.S. and Japan and in transit of a VLCS-class ship. Each cargo container(memorystick) contains the actual memory units as well as any required control, cooling and power infrastructure. Eachmemory unit (for the specific hardware model of optically connected NV− qubits [27]) consists of an array of diamond crystalswithin adjustable single sided cavities which are optically connected to perform individual qubit/qubit interactions. [29].

peater networks, our architecture may be used to hy-bridise networks with different operating regimes. Forexample, quantum memories may be used to intercon-vert between repeater networks with different network-ing protocols, qubit implementations, or operating rates.Quantum memories embedded in portable devices mayallow mobile nodes to connect to static networks.

As quantum technology advances, a network architec-ture based on the transport of reliable quantum memoriescould enable the first fundamental tests of quantum me-chanics over long distances and then increasingly sophis-ticated applications ranging from quantum cryptographyto distributed quantum computing. Our architecture hasthe flexibility to service these applications as they de-velop, in addition to complementing traditional repeaternetworks as they are deployed. Eventually, once quantumcomputers are commonplace, entanglement will be thefungible resource that enables a vast range of distributedapplications. The quantum sneakernet is the first archi-

tecture that could feasibly underpin an entanglement-based economy of this kind, connecting users of localquantum networks to a global Quantum Internet.

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implementation qubit pitch (m) gate time (s) physical error rate Memorystick capacity bandwidth (Hz)

NV− (optical) 2.5×10−3[29] 3.5×10−6[27] 1×10−3 1KEb 5.8×101

trapped ions 1.5×10−3[35] 1.0×10−4[34] 1×10−5 5.4KEb 9.9×102

transmons 3.0×10−4[38] 4.0×10−8[19] 1×10−5 435KEb 7.5×104

quantum dots 1.0×10−6[25] 3.2×10−8[25] 1×10−3 11TEb 6.3×1010

NV− 3.0×10−7[26] 1.0×10−3[26] 1×10−3 1.3PEb 7.5×1012

silicon 2.0×10−7[37] 5.0×10−8[36] 1×10−3 1.5PEb 8.7×1012

TABLE I: Effective trans-oceanic bandwidth of the network architecture. Effective bandwidth achieved using a singleVLCS-class container ship transporting error-corrected quantum memories between Japan and the United States, estimatedfor a range of qubit implementations for a fixed logical error rate of 10−10. For several implementations, bandwidth exceeds thefastest proposals for traditional repeater networks. Memorystick capacities are estimated as 1/(40× pitch)3 when utilising 1m3

of space within each container. Figures for physical error rates are development targets for production-use hardware. They arechosen assuming more experimentally mature technologies can achieve a physical error lower than less mature technologies.


SJD acknowledges support from the JSPS Grant-in-aid for Challenging Exploratory Research. RV and SJDacknowledge support from JSPS KAKENHI Kiban B25280034. RV acknowledges that this project has been

made possible in part by a gift from the Cisco UniversityResearch Program Fund, a corporate advised fund of Sil-icon Valley Community Foundation. ADG acknowledgesthe ARC for financial support (DP130104381). AMS ac-knowledges support from NICT, Japan.

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Capacity of a memory unit: Here we discuss thetechnical details of the quantum memory unit and how ituses topological planar codes to achieve a long memory.These codes are amenable to experimental implementa-tion as they can be defined locally on an 2-dimensionalnearest neighbour qubit array, have one of the highestfault-tolerant thresholds of any code and algorithmic op-timisation and compilation can be detached from the un-derlying quantum hardware.

Illustrated in Figure 2 is the structure and performanceof a memory unit. The device itself is a 2-dimensionalnearest neighbour array of qubits designed to encode asingle logical qubit of memory [Figure 2a.]. The logicalPauli operators are chains of physical X and Z opera-tions that connect the top and bottom (logical X) or theleft and right (logical Z) of the lattice. Through simu-lation, we numerically determine both the fault-tolerantthreshold for the memory unit [Figure 2c.] and the ex-pected failure rate as a function of QEC strength [Figure2d.]. From the behaviour of the code for low values ofthe physical error rate, p, we can estimate the probabilitythat a memory unit fails, PL as a function of the distanceof the topological planar code, d. For an operational de-vice, we assume the error rate for each physical gate inthe quantum memory is p = 0.1% (0.01%). We can per-form a simple exponential fit to the data, to estimate thefailure rate of the logical information, PL, as a functionof the code distance, PL = αe−βd, where α ≈ 0.312 andβ ≈ 1.112 (α ≈ 0.0085 and β ≈ 3.6 at p = 0.01%). Thetotal number of physical qubits in the memory unit isN = (d + 1)2 and the total time of a memory correc-tion cycle is Tcorr = 6td, where t is the operational timeof a physical quantum gate (initialisation, measurementor cnot), the factor of 6 comes from the six elementarygates necessary to perform syndrome extraction in thetopological code, and we require d rounds of error cor-rection to correct for measurement errors.

The total memory time of the unit, Tmem, is related tothe failure probability of each error correction cycle, PL,and the infidelity of the final entangled link, 1−F = Plink,where F is the link fidelity,

Tmem =log(1− Plink)Tcorr

log(1− PL)

≈ 6t(√N − 1)Plink



Figure 2b. plots the memory time for various values Plinkfor a device that has an t = 10µs physical gate time inthe qubit array and the contour where the memory unitcan maintain coherence for one year as a function of to-tal number of physical qubits, N , and final link fidelity,Plink. Similar plots can be easily obtained from Eqn. 1and since it is assumed that the physical system is at aphysical error rate, p = 0.1% regardless of the intrinsicgate speed of the system, t, memory times will increase

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0.0062 0.0067 0.0072Physical error rate









cal e






1x10-4 1x10-3 1x10-2

Physical error rate











cal e




3 (25)5 (81)7 (169)9 (289)11 (441)13 (625)









-6-4-20246500 1000 1500 2000








10 1010 years

105 years

1 year

5.3 minutes

3.2 ms

Physical Qubits





t = 10µsc.

Figure 2: Properties of the planar code. The memory unit is a 2-dimensional nearest neighbour array of qubits encodedwith the topological planar code [23]. In Figure a. Structure of the planar code with the single qubit XL and ZL operatorsillustrated (gridlines do not represent entanglement bonds). In Figure b. plots the memory time for various values Plink fora device that has an t = 10µs physical gate time in the qubit array and the contour where the memory unit can maintaincoherence for one year. In Figure c. we show direct simulations of the fault-tolerant threshold of the planar code which liesat p ≈ 0.7% under a standard error model. In Figure d. we show the logical error rate as a function of physical error rate forvarious different code distances. At a physical error rate, p = 0.1%, we can estimate the logical failure rate, PL, as a functionof code distance, d.

with slower systems. i.e. ion trap computers will havea longer memory time that donor based system as weassume both technologies can achieve a p = 0.1% errorrate on all fundamental gates. In the main text we as-sume a N = 1600 qubit memory unit. Taking Tmem = 40days as our target memory time we find the link infidelityachievable is approximately Plink ≈ 10−10. 100

Lattice surgery operations. The planar code (and alltoric code derivatives) allow logical two-qubit cnot gatesas a transversal operation. This would require individualcnot gates to be applied between corresponding qubitsin each memory unit. While fault-tolerant, this methodof interaction may have implementation issues to ensurethat all qubits in the 2D memory cell can be interactedwith another cell. A different approach, called latticesurgery, partially solves this problem by realising a fault-tolerant cnot gate between two memory units by onlyinteracting qubits along an edge of each memory unit. 90

Lattice surgery works by merging two separate lattices,each containing a single logical qubit encoded in the pla-

nar code, into a single oblong lattice, then splitting upthis single planar code again. The merging operation isdone by matching the edges of two distinct logical qubitsand measuring code stabilisers spanning the lattice cells.This effectively reduces a two qubit encoded system toa single encoded qubit. This merging takes the state|ψ〉L ⊗ |φ〉L = (α |0〉L + β |1〉L) ⊗ (α′ |0〉L + β′ |1〉L) to

α |φ〉L + β∣∣φ⟩

L= α′ |ψ〉L + β′


, where∣∣A⟩ = σx |A〉.

The measurement of the stabilisers to perform a mergemust occur d times, where d is the effective code dis-tance of each planar code. This is to protect againstfaulty qubit measurements for each stabiliser measure-ment. Given that the quantum circuit required to mea-sure the stabilisers for the planar code requires 6 physicalgates, the merge operation requires a time of T = 6td,for physical gate times t.

The splitting operation is executed by physically mea-suring the qubits along the merged edge to divide the sin-gle lattice back into two individual lattices. This effect ofa split operation is to take the single logical state encoded

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in the joint lattice, α |0〉L+β |1〉L to the two-qubit state,α |00〉L+β |11〉L. Once again to protect against measure-ment errors, error correction of both lattices must be runfor a total of d cycles, requiring a total time of T = 6dtfor the split operation.

Given these transformations, we can construct a Bellstate between two encoded memory units by initialisinga d×d lattice holding a logical qubit in one memory unitin the |+〉L state and a logical qubit in the other mem-ory unit in the |0〉L state, merge the edges of the lat-tices across the optical interface between units to forma single state |+〉L in a 2d × d lattice, and then split

them again to create the state (|00〉L + |11〉L) /√

2, withone logical qubit held in each memory unit. This statecan be manipulated through transversal Hadamard op-erations on each memory cell and/or XL and ZL to anyof the three other Bell states in either the X- or Z-basis. The total time for the split/merge operation will

be T = 12dt = 12(√N − 1)t for a physical gate time

of t and a memory cell containing N qubits. For theNV− design described in the main text, t = 3.5µs andfor N = 1600, T ≈ 1.7ms

Network operational procedures. The fixed con-straints on our bandwidth are the 20-day latency of theship, the capacity of a memory unit, and our logical gatetime, from which we can derive additional operationalprocedures and hardware development goals. A total ofseven shipping containers are utilised for each “online”pair. Two units are permanently located at each ship-ping terminal. Three mobile units rotate locations. Atany point in time, one fixed unit sitting at one termi-nal is entangled with a mobile memory unit at the farterminal, and this pair is used as the online pair for sup-plying terminal-to-terminal entanglement to other partsof the network. After the remote entanglement supplyin the mobile unit is exhausted, it will be re-entangledwith another fixed memory unit at its current location.A second memory unit is aboard ship, entangled with amemory unit at the shipping terminal from which it de-parted. A third memory unit is creating entanglementwith a local partner in preparation for shipping. Thisensures that ships are never transporting inactive (unen-tangled) memory units.

The fixed 20-day transit time serves as an upper boundfor completing the entanglement of a mobile memory unitwith a fixed memory unit, and for consuming the en-tanglement after shipping. As this represents a systemwith low physical density, shipping capacity will limit thethroughput. The T = 1.7ms logical Bell pair creationtime in the main text arises from a surface code distanced = 39 and gate operation time t = 3.5µs, for an NV−

optical architecture, and assumes that inter-container op-erations can be executed at the same rate as operationslocal to each memory unit. At this operation rate, theentanglement is created or consumed of a memorystickcontaining approximately 1KEb (Kilo-Entangled-bit) inthe NV− optical approach in 1.7s, and at full rate anentire shipload of entanglement would be consumed in

a few hours. Thus, inter-container operations may be100× slower without impacting the performance even ifonly one container at a time out of an entire shiploadis used online. The denser memory subsystems, differ-ing physical gate times, and varying code distances forother options in Table 1 will result in different demandson the inter-container interfaces. Because of the genericnature of the created entanglement, slow inter-containerinterfaces can be compensated for by having more thana single container online.