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Journal of Cloud Computing:Advances, Systems and Applications

Ezenwoke et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2018) 7:15

RESEARCH Open Access

QoS-based ranking and selection of SaaSapplications using heterogeneous similaritymetrics

Azubuike Ezenwoke1,2* , Olawande Daramola3 and Matthew Adigun4


The plethora of cloud application services (Apps) in the cloud business apps e-marketplace often leads to servicechoice overload. Meanwhile, existing SaaS e-marketplaces employ keyword-based inputs that do not consider boththe quantitative and qualitative quality of service (QoS) attributes that characterise cloud-based services. Also, existingQoS-based cloud service ranking approaches rank cloud application services are based on the assumption thatthe services are characterised by quantitative QoS attributes alone, and have employed quantitative-basedsimilarity metrics for ranking. However, the dimensions of cloud service QoS requirements are heterogeneousin nature, comprising both quantitative and qualitative QoS attributes, hence a cloud service ranking approachthat embrace core heterogeneous QoS dimensions is essential in order to engender more objective cloudselection. In this paper, we propose the use of heterogeneous similarity metrics (HSM) that combines quantitative andqualitative dimensions for QoS-based ranking of cloud-based services. By using a synthetically generated cloud servicesdataset, we evaluated the ranking performance of five HSM using Kendall tau rank coefficient and precision as accuracymetrics benchmarked with one HSM. The results show significant rank order correlation of Heterogeneous Euclidean-Eskin Metric, Heterogeneous Euclidean-Overlap Metric, and Heterogeneous Value Difference Metric with humansimilarity judgment, compared to other metrics used in the study. Our results confirm the applicability of HSM forQoS ranking of cloud services in cloud service e-marketplace with respect to users’ heterogeneous QoS requirements.

Keywords: Cloud service selection, E-marketplace, QoS, SaaS, Similarity metrics

IntroductionCloud computing is a model of service provisioning inwhich dynamically scalable and virtualized resources,that includes infrastructure, platform, and software, aredelivered and accessed as services over the internet [1,2]. The popularity of the cloud attracts a variety of pro-viders that offer a wide range of cloud-based services tousers in an e-marketplace environment, culminating inan exponential increase in the number of available func-tionally equivalent cloud services [3, 4]. Currently, thereexist a number of cloud-based digital distribution ser-vices such as,1 Appexchange.com2 ( e-marketplaces), which host SaaS cloud services(business cloud apps) that are designed to provide

* Correspondence: [email protected] University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria2Covenant University, Ota, NigeriaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This articleInternational License (http://creativecommons.oreproduction in any medium, provided you givthe Creative Commons license, and indicate if

specific user-oriented services when selected. The prolif-eration of cloud application services in the cloude-marketplace without a systematic framework to guidethe selection of the most relevant ones usually leaves theusers with the problem of which service to select, aphenomenon that can be described as service choiceoverload [5–8]. Currently, these existing cloud servicee-marketplaces elicit keyword-based search queries thatdo not allow users to indicate their preferences in termsof quality of service (QoS) requirements and presentsearch results as an unordered list of icons that must beexplored individually by a user before making a decision[9]. This mode of presentation does not enable the userto discriminate among services in terms of their suitabil-ity with respect to user’s request, which complicates de-cision making [10]. Decision making can be simplifiedand service choice overload can be reduced by consider-ing user’s QoS requirements and ranking of services

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based on their QoS attributes so that users can gainquicker insight on the best services that are more likelyto satisfy their requirements.QoS are measurable non-functional attributes that

describe and distinguish services and forms the basisfor service selection [11, 12]. However, QoS attributesare usually heterogeneous in nature, covering bothquantitative and qualitative (or categorical) attributes.The Service Measurement Index (SMI) [13] definesseven main categories to be considered when compar-ing QoS of cloud services, which are a combination ofquantitative and qualitative measures. These are Ac-countability, Agility, Assurance, Financial, Performance,Security and Privacy, and Usability. Each category hasmultiple attributes, which are either quantitative orqualitative in nature. For example, quantitative attri-butes such as service response time, accuracy, availabil-ity, and cost can be measured quantitatively by usingrelevant software and hardware monitoring tools,whereas qualitative attributes such as usability, flexibil-ity, suitability, operability, elasticity etc. which cannotbe quantified are mostly deduced based on user experi-ences. These qualitative attributes are measured usingan ordinal scale consisting of a set of predefined quali-fier tags such as good, high, medium, fair, excellent rat-ing etc. [13–15]. Most of the existing cloud serviceselection approaches hitherto reported in the literaturehave overlooked critical dimensions of QoS require-ments that are qualitative such as security and privacy,usability, accountability, and assurance in formulating abasis for cloud service ranking and selection.A number of cloud service selection approaches are

based on a content-based recommendation scheme thatexplores the similarity between the QoS attributes of theuser’s requirements and the features description of spe-cific cloud services in order to rank them [16–19]. Mostof these approaches have only considered quantitativeattributes for their ranking of services, which is based onthe assumption that all QoS attributes are quantitativein nature, and therefore used quantitative similarity met-rics such as exponential weighted difference metric orweighted difference metric [17]. This form of assump-tion is deficient to adequately model the heterogeneousnature of QoS requirements, as a precursor to creating acredible basis for comparing and ranking cloud services.Also, there are instances such as [20, 21], where stepswere taken to quantify specific qualitative attributes suchas security or usability in order to apply homogeneousdistance metrics on them for the purpose of decisionmaking. The drawback of this approach is that sincecloud QoS attributes are usually heterogeneous in na-ture, heterogeneous metrics are more likely to producebetter generalization over time on heterogeneous data[22, 23]. This scenario imposes a limitation on

approaches where quantification of qualitative attributeshas been undertaken for the purpose of cloud serviceranking and selection.In order to achieve an effective QoS-based ranking of

cloud services in cloud service e-marketplaces, there is aneed for a service selection approach that considers boththe quantitative and qualitative QoS dimensions thatcharacterises cloud services and is able to rank cloudservices accurately with respect to user requirementsusing heterogeneous similarity metrics.In this paper, we propose the use of in similarity metrics

that combines quantitative and qualitative dimensions torank cloud services in cloud e-marketplace context basedon QoS attributes. An experimental study of five heteroge-neous similarity metrics was conducted to ascertain theirsuitability for cloud service ranking and selection using asimulated dataset of cloud services. This is in contrast toprevious work in the domain of cloud service selection.The remaining part of this paper is as follows: Section

“Background and Related Work” provides background tothe context of this work, and also a discussion of relatedwork. In section “Heterogeneous Similarity Metrics forCloud Service Ranking and Selection” we give the de-scriptions of the five heterogeneous similarity metricsused in this study, while the empirical results of thecomparison of the ranking performance of the metricswere presented in Section “Experimental Evaluation andResults”. A discussion of the findings of this study iscontained in Section “Discussion”. The paper is con-cluded in Section “Conclusion” with a brief note and anoverview of further work.

Background and related workThe relevant concepts that underpin this study and anoverview of related work are presented in this section.

Cloud service e-marketplaceThe e-marketplace of cloud services provides an elec-tronic emporium where service providers offer users awide range of services for users to select from [24–26].Similar to Amazon3 or Alibaba4 that deal in commodityproducts, the goal of a cloud service e-marketplacesuch as SaaSMax, and AppExchange is to provide a fa-cility for finding and consuming cloud services, byallowing users to search for suitable business apps thatoffer user-oriented services that match their QoS re-quirements. However, unlike commodity products,cloud services possess QoS attributes that distinguishfunctionally equivalent services from each other. Theprofitability of the cloud service e-marketplace is rea-lised by users’ ability to easily and quickly find and se-lect suitable services that meet their QoS requirements.However, most cloud service e-marketplaces in exist-ence do not consider QoS information from the users

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but rely on keyword matching, and the results arenot ranked in a manner that makes the differencesamong the services to be obvious with respect tousers’ requirements. This leads to service choice over-load because a large number of services are presentedas an unordered list of icons that require the user tofurther investigate the differences between theservices by checking them one after the other. Thediscrimination of services based on their QoS informa-tion is a panacea towards reducing service choice over-load as the cloud service QoS model encompasses KeyPerformance Indicators for decision making [27]. Be-sides, the QoS model comprises the important compar-able characteristics of each service, and suitable formatching user QoS requirements to services’ QoS attri-bute [28]. One of the most comprehensive InternationalStandard Organization (ISO) certified QoS model forcloud services is the Service Measurement Index (SMI)[13].

Service measurement indexThe Service Measurement Index (SMI) is developed bythe Cloud Services Measurement Initiative Consortium(CSMIC). The SMI is a framework of critical character-istics, associated attributes, and metrics that can beused to compare and evaluate cloud-based servicesfrom different service providers [27, 29]. SMI was de-signed as the standard method to measure any type ofcloud service (i.e. XaaS) based on the user require-ments. The SMI is a hierarchical framework, with seventop-level categories, which are Accountability, Agility,Assurance, Financial, Performance, Security and Priv-acy, and Usability and each category is further brokeninto four or more attributes that underscore the cat-egories. Based on the SMI QoS model, it is obvious thatsome metrics are quantitative in nature while others arequalitative. Quantitative QoS metrics are those whichcan be measured and quantified (e.g. response time,throughput); whereas, qualitative QoS metrics is sub-jective in nature and are only inferred by user’s feed-back (e.g. security, usability etc.). Cloud services can beassessed and ranked based on both QoS metric dimen-sions, i.e., quantitative and qualitative, by comparingthe similarity of user’s QoS requirements and serviceQoS properties, thus following a content-basedapproach.

QoS similarity-driven cloud service rankingThe similarity is a measure of proximity between two ormore objects or variables [30] and it has been applied indomains that require distance computation. Similaritycan be measured on two types of data: quantitative data(also called numerical data) and qualitative (also calledcategorical/nominal data) [31]. Many metrics have been

proposed for computing similarity on either quantitativedata or qualitative data. However, few metrics have beenproposed to handle datasets containing a mixture ofboth quantitative and qualitative data. Such metrics usu-ally combines quantitative and qualitative distance func-tions. For quantitative data, a generic method forcomputing distance is Minkowsky [32], with widely usedspecific instances such as the Manhattan (of order 1)and Euclidean (of order 2). The computation of similar-ity for quantitative data is more direct, compared toqualitative data, because quantitative data can be com-pletely ordered, while comparing two qualitative valuesis somewhat complex [31]. For example, the overlapmetric [33], assigns a similarity value of 1 when twoqualitative values are the same and 0 otherwise. In thecontext of selecting cloud services from the list of avail-able services, the ranking of services based on the het-erogeneous QoS model necessitates the application ofsimilarity metrics that can handle mixed QoS data. Thenotion of similarity considered in this paper is betweenvectors with the same set of QoS properties, whichmight differ in their QoS values i.e. users’ QoS require-ments and service QoS descriptions.

Related workThe success of a cloud service e-marketplace ishinged on adequate support for satisfactory selectionbased on the QoS requirements of the user. So far inthe literature, the approaches used for cloud serviceranking and selection can be broadly classified ascontent-based filtering, collaborative filtering, andmulti-criteria decision-making methods. Instances ofcollaborative filtering-based approaches include Clou-dRank, which is a personalised ranking predictionframework that utilises a greedy-based algorithm. Itwas proposed in [18] to predict QoS ranking by lever-aging on similar cloud service user’s past serviceusage experiences of a set of cloud services. Theranking is achieved by finding the similarity betweenthe user-provided QoS requirements and those ofother users in the past. Similar users are identifiedbased on these similarity values and services areranked accordingly. In contrast to our work, Clou-dRank [18] did not consider the computation of vec-tor similarity between cloud services and user-definedQoS requirements.CloudAdvisor, a Recommendation-as-a-Service plat-

form was proposed in [34] for recommending optimalcloud offerings based on a given user preference require-ments. Users supply preference values to each property(energy-level, budget, performance etc.) of the cloudofferings, and the platform recommends available opti-mal cloud offerings that match user’s requirements.Service recommendations in [34] are determined by

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solving a constraint optimization model and users cancompare several offerings automatically derived bybenchmarking-based approximations. However, the QoSdimensions considered in [34] are mainly quantitativeand do not reflect the holistic heterogeneous QoS modelof cloud services.Selection of cloud services in the face of many QoS

attributes is a type of Multi-criteria Decision Making(MCDM) [14]. Considering the multiple QoS criteria in-volved in selecting cloud services, [14] propose a rankingmechanism based on Analytical Hierarchical Process(AHP) to assign weights to non-functional attributes toquantitatively realise cloud services ranking. Apart fromthe complexity in computing the pairwise comparisonsof the attributes of the cloud service alternatives, thisapproach is most suitable when the number of cloudservices is few, which is not the case in a cloud servicee-marketplace that comprises numerous services. Be-sides, in the approach proposed in [14], users cannot de-termine the desired values of the QoS service properties,and services are ranked based on quantitative QoS attri-butes alone.Content-based filtering approaches include [17] in

which a ranked list of services that best match userrequirements is returned based on the nearness ofuser’s QoS requirement to the QoS properties ofcloud services in the marketplace. Also, Rahman et al.[17] proposed an approach to select cloud servicebased on multiple criteria that select services thatbest match the user’s QoS requirements from a list ofservices by comparison. The authors introduced twomethods, Weighted Difference, and Exponentialweighted Difference, for computing similarity values. Itis however assumed in [17] that all cloud service QoSattributes are quantitative, thereby ignoring the quali-tative QoS attributes of services. In [35] a QoS-drivenapproach called MSSOptimiser, which supports theservice selection for multi-tenant cloud-based soft-ware applications (Software as a Service - SaaS) wasproposed. In the work, certain qualitative andnon-numerical QoS parameters such as reputation weremapped to numerical values based on a pre-definedsemantics-based hierarchical structure of all possiblevalues of a non-numerical QoS parameter in order toquantify the qualitative parameters. Also, in [20] Multi-attribute Decision-Making framework for cloud adoption- MADMAC was proposed. The framework allows thecomparison of multiple attributes with diverse units ofmeasurements in order to select the best alternative. Thework requires the definition of Attributes, Alternativesand Attribute Weights, to construct a Decision Matrixand arrive at a relative ranking to identify the optimalalternative. An adapted Likert-type scale from 1 to 10was used by the MADMAC to convert all qualitative

attributes to their quantitative equivalent, where 1 indi-cates very unfavourable, 5 indicates neutral, 6 indicatesfavourable, and 10 indicates a near perfect solution.However, in all of these cases, a standard cloud servicesmeasurement and comparison model such as SMI wasnot considered, which means that the QoS attributesused only covered a limited range of heterogeneous di-mensions (qualitative and quantitative), which may notprovide a sufficiently robust basis for decision makingon cloud services.In contrast to previous approaches, our approach con-

siders the heterogeneity of cloud QoS Model that com-bines quantitative and qualitative QoS data, which to thebest of our knowledge, represents a first attempt to useheterogeneous similarity metrics for QoS ranking andselection of services in the context of a cloud servicee-marketplace.

Heterogeneous similarity metrics for cloud serviceranking and selectionBy giving due consideration to the heterogeneous natureof the cloud services QoS model, this paper proposesthe use of heterogeneous similarity metrics (HSM) forcloud service ranking and selection. In this Section, wepresent an overview of HSM, the rationale for selectionof HSM that have been selected in this study, and a de-scription of the five selected HSM for cloud serviceranking and selection.

Overview of heterogeneous similarity metricsTo measure the similarity between quantitative data,metrics such as Murkowski metrics [32], its derivatives(Manhattan and Euclidean), Chebyshev and Canberrametrics have been proposed. Also, metrics such as Over-lap [33], Eskin [36], Lin [37] and Goodall [38], have alsobeen proposed for qualitative similarity computations.However, these quantitative or qualitative metrics aloneare insufficient for handling heterogeneity, except whencombined into a unified metric that applies differentsimilarity metrics to different types of QoS attributes[22]. The resultant combination can be referred to as aheterogeneous similarity metric (HSM) [22]. Authors in[22] proposed Heterogeneous Euclidean-Overlap Metric(HEOM) and Heterogeneous Value Difference Metric(HVDM) as metrics for computing similarity operationson heterogeneous datasets. The HEOM metric employsrange-normalized Euclidean metric (Eq. 4) for quantita-tive QoS attributes, while Overlap metric is employedfor qualitative QoS attributes; while the HVDM uses thestandard-deviation-normalized Euclidean distance (Eq.7) and value difference metric, for quantitative andqualitative QoS attributes respectively. The HEOM andHVDM have been applied for feature selection and

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Table 1 Summary of Heterogeneous Similarity Metrics

HSM Quantitative Metric Qualitative Metric

HEOM Euclidean Overlap

HVDM Standard deviation-normalized Euclidean Value difference

HEEM Euclidean Eskin

HELM Euclidean Lin

HEGM Euclidean Goodall

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instance-based learning in real-world classification tasks[22].

Rationale for selected qualitative metricsA number of qualitative similarity metrics have beenproposed in the literature and we selected at least onequalitative metric from each of the categories defined in[31] to create additional heterogeneous similarity metricsfor QoS-based cloud service ranking and selection. Thecategories are as follows:

� Metrics that fills diagonal entries only: Qualitativemetrics that fall into this category include theOverlap [33] and Goodall qualitative metrics [38].In the overlap metric, the similarity between twomultivariate data points is directly proportional tothe number of attributes or dimensions in whichthey both match. However, the overlap metricdoes not distinguish between the different valuestaken by an attribute as it treats all similaritiesand dissimilarities in the same manner. On theother hand, the Goodall metric takes into account thefrequency distribution of different attribute values in agiven dataset and computes the similarity betweentwo qualitative attribute values by assigninghigher similarity to a match when the attributevalue is frequent.

� Metrics that fill off-diagonal entries only: anexample of a metric in this category includes theEskin metric [36]. The Eskin metric gives moreweight to mismatches that occur on attributesthat take many values. In addition, the maximumvalue is attained when all the attributes haveunique values.

� Metrics that fill both diagonal and off-diagonal entries:the Lin metric [37] is a typical example of suchmetrics. The Lin qualitative metric is applied incontexts that involve ordinal, string, word andsemantic similarities. The metric assigns higherweights to matches on frequent values, and lowerweight to mismatches on infrequent values.

Five heterogeneous similarity metrics for cloud serviceranking and selectionApart from HEOM and HVDM, we introduced an add-itional three HSM by combining existing similarity metricsused for either quantitative or qualitative data alone. Thenew HSM are as follows: Heterogeneous Euclidean-EskinMetric (HEEM), Heterogeneous Euclidean-Lin Metric(HELM), and Heterogeneous Euclidean-Goodall Metric(HEGM). HEEM combines range-normalized Euclideandistance for the quantitative dataset, while Eskin metric[36] was employed for qualitative QoS. While the range-normalized Euclidean distance is employed for computing

quantitative QoS values in both HELM and HEGM,HELM applies the Lin metric and HEGM used the Goodallmetric to compute on qualitative QoS values.In all, the five HSM considered in this paper are as

follows: HEOM (Eq. 1), HVDM (Eq. 5), HEEM (Eq. 9),HELM (Eq. 12) and HEGM (Eq. 15). While the compo-nents for measuring quantitative and qualitative data as-pects are shown in Table 1, the underlying mathematicalequations that describe each of the HSM are presentedsubsequently based on the assumption that X and Y arevectors representing the values of the user QoS require-ments and a QοS vector of a cloud service si belongingto service list S, such that X = (x1, x2, … xm) and Y = (y1,y2, … ym); xm and ym corresponds to the value of the mth

QoS attribute of the users requirement and QoS attri-bute of the cloud service si respectively.Subsequently, we describe each of the proposed het-

erogeneous metrics in details.

Heterogeneous Euclidean-overlap metric (HEOM)

HEOM x; yð Þ ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiXmi¼1

hi xi; yið Þ2s



hi x; yð Þ ¼1; if x or y is unknown; elseoverlap x; yð Þ; if i is norminal data; elsern diff i x; yð Þ


ð2ÞAnd overlap (x, y) and rn _ diffi (x, y) are defined as

overlap x; yð Þ ¼ 0; if x ¼ y1; Otherwise


rn diff i x; yð Þ ¼ x−yj jMaxi− Mini


Heterogeneous value difference metric

HVDM x; yð Þ ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiXmi¼1

di xi; yið Þ2s



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di x; yð Þ ¼1; if x or y is unknown; elsevdmi x; yð Þ; if i is Qualitativediff i x; yð Þ; if i is Quantitative



vdmi x; yð Þ ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiXCc¼1

Nqi; x; c

Nqi; x−Nqi; y; c

Nqi; y





�� ��2vuut ð7Þ

diff i ¼x−yj j4σqi



� Nqi ;x is the number of instances (cloud app services)available in the marketplace that have value x forQoS attribute qi;

� N qi ; x ; cis the number of instances available on

the marketplace that have value x for QoS attributeqi and output class c;

� C is the number of output classes in the problemdomain (in this case, C = 3, corresponding to theHigh, Medium and Low);

� P qi; x ;cis the conditional probability of output

class c given that QoS attribute qi has the value x,

i.e. P(c| qi = x), computing asN qi ; x ; cN qi ; x

. However, if

N qi ; x¼ 0, then P(c| qi = x) is also regarded as 0.

Heterogeneous Euclidean-Eskin metric

HEEM x; yð Þ ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiXmi¼1

ei xi; yið Þ2s


ei x; yð Þ ¼1; if x or y is unknown; elseeskini x; yð Þ; if i is norminal data; elsern diff i x; yð Þ



eskini x; yð Þ ¼0; if x ¼ yn2i

n2i þ 2Otherwise

8<: ð11Þ

Heterogeneous Euclidean-Lin metric

HELM x; yð Þ ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiXmi¼1

li xi; yið Þ2s


li x; yð Þ ¼1; if x or y is unknown; elselini x; yð Þ; if i is norminal data; elsern diff i x; yð Þ



lini x; yð Þ ¼2 logp̂qi xð Þ; if x ¼ y

2 log p̂qi xð Þ þ p̂qi yð Þ� �




Heterogeneous Euclidean-Goodall metric

HEGM x; yð Þ ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiXmi¼1



xi; yið Þ2 ð15Þ

gi x; yð Þ ¼1; if x or y is unknown; elsegoodalli x; yð Þ; if i is norminal data; elsern diff i x; yð Þ



goodalliðx; yÞ ¼ p̂2qiðxÞ if x ¼ y0 Otherwise


� Where ni = the number of values that QoS attributeqi can assume (e.g. for security QoS attribute denotedby qsecurity, nsecurity = 3; corresponding to the numberof values that security QoS attribute can assume:High, Medium and Low)

� Where p̂qiðxÞ and p̂2qiðxÞ are the sample probabilityof QoS attribute qi to take the value of x in thedata set (in this case the available services on the

e-marketplace); computed as p̂qiðxÞ ¼N qi ; x

N and

p̂2qiðxÞ ¼ Nqi;xðNqi;x−1ÞNðN−1Þ

� The total number of services is denoted as N.

Experimental evaluation and resultsIn this section, we present an experimental assessmentof the ranking accuracy of the five selected HSM on asynthetically generated dataset for cloud services. A syn-thetically generated QoS dataset was used because a realQoS dataset for cloud services that perfectly fit the con-text of our experiment could not be found. Alkalbani

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et al. [39] alluded to the paucity of viable datasets forcloud services. The Blue Pages dataset in [39] is the clos-est dataset on cloud services that we got, but it is notbased on QoS cloud services. Rather, it provides data ondifferent service offerings such as service name, the datethe service was founded, service category, free trial (yes/no), mobile app (yes/no), starting price, service descrip-tion, service type, and provider link as extracted fromtwo cloud services review sites –, and, which does not fit perfectly for the pur-pose of this study. However, we found some previousstudies on cloud services that relied on a syntheticallygenerated dataset or simulated datasets to perform ex-periments on cloud services [40–43], which motivatedour decision to use a synthetically generated dataset. Inorder to synthesise the dataset, 6 attributes were selectedfrom 6 categories of the SMI (see Table 2). The SMI wasused as the basis for data synthesis because it provides astandardised method for measuring and comparingcloud-based business services [14]. The 6 selected attri-butes comprising 3 quantitative and 3 qualitative attri-butes were those considered to be relevant to the contextof SaaS. The 6 selected attributes are service responsetime, availability, cost, security, usability, and flexibility.The goal of the experiment is to investigate the rank-

ing accuracy of the HSM compared to a gold standardobtained by human similarity judgment.

Dataset preparationThe data values for the selected SMI attributes were syn-thesised based on examples from previous evaluation

Table 2 Definition and Description of the Six QoS Attributes

Parameter SMI Category Definition

Service Response time Performance This is the measure of thbetween when a requestand a response is construthe user [13].

Availability Assurance This is a measure of the likthe duration of time wheservice will be in operatiodowntime [13].

Cost Financial This is the cost of acquisitiocost of a service by a user [

Usability Usability This is the ease with whichcan be used, operated, leunderstood, and installeduser [13, 42].

Security Management Security and Privacy This is a rating of the extewhich a service can satisfysecurity requirements in teaccess control, privacy, datinfrastructure etc. [13]

Flexibility Agility This is the rating of the abor remove predefined feata service in order to accomusers’ preferences [13].

studies [44–47], and related papers on cloud service se-lection such as [14, 28, 41, 47] that revealed acceptabledata formats for quantitative attributes such as responsetime, cost, and availability. We generated random quali-fier values for the other qualitative attributes, which areusability, security, and flexibility. Consequently, we useda total of six QoS attributes with a typical data format asshown in Table 3. For simplicity, we limited the qualifiervalues for usability, security, and flexibility to high,medium and low. We simulated multiple instances ofthe adopted format for the six attributes in order to ob-tain a dataset comprising a total of 63 services after sort-ing by response time in ascending order. It must be saidthat in order to deploy our approach in a real case sce-nario, the QoS attributes of a service will have to be spe-cified by the service provider and made accessible to theuser as part of the service documentation that a userneeds to consider in order to take a decision on whichservice to select. One of the available means to do this isto leverage relevant SMI measurement templates pro-vided by the Cloud Service Measurement Index Consor-tium (CSMIC) [48].Furthermore, the initial set of SMI templates by

CSMIC has been extended by Scott Feuless in [49] toevolve metrics and SMI scored frameworks that enablespecific SMI attributes to be scored by an organisation.The purpose of the SMI scored framework [50] is to en-able a customer to evaluate a cloud service in order tomake a right choice. By using the SMI scored frameworkor a similar model, the cumulative scores for specificSMI categories, and the scores for individual SMI

Data Type Unit of Measurement Sample Values

e timeis madected for

Quantitative Ms (2, 3, 0.5 etc.)

elihood ofn then without

Quantitative % (99.5, 99.9, 999.9 etc.)

n or usage13].

Quantitative $ (20, 30, 40, 5)

a servicearned,by the

Qualitative Categorical range {High, Medium, Low}

nt touserrms ofa,

Qualitative Categorical range {High, Medium, Low}

ility to addures frommodate

Qualitative Categorical range {High, Medium, Low}

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Table 3 Perfect Match of services and user requirements

Service QoS User QoS

Response Time 302.75 302.75

Cost 126 126

Availability 99.99 99.99

Usability Medium Medium

Security Management Low Low

Flexibility Low Low

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attributes of a cloud service can be obtained. However,determining the cumulative scores for each SMI attri-bute is a manual process that is qualitatively driven byexperts within an organization. Thus, having the SMIscored frameworks (or similar scoring models) for sev-eral cloud services, creates the basis for the applicationof the HSM that this paper proposes. The HSM can beapplied for automated ranking and selection of thecloud services in real-time in order to determine thebest cloud service offerings in the midst of several al-ternatives. This will offer a major advantage over theuse of a manually-generated SMI scored frameworks[50] for ranking and selection of cloud services.

Evaluation metricsKendal tau coefficientKendall’s tau coefficient, denoted as τ is used to measurethe ordinal association between two variables. The Ken-dall correlation between two variables will be high whenthe top-k list produced by the five HSM and gold stand-ard has a correlation value of 1, and low with a correc-tion value of − 1. The Kendall tau coefficient iscomputed as follows:

τ ¼ C−Dð Þk k−1ð Þ



Where C = Concordant pairs; D = Discordant pairs; kis the number of top-k items produced by the methods.

Precision metricPrecision, a measure used in information retrieval do-mains, was adapted here to evaluate the relevance ofthe output obtained from each metric with respect tothe content of the gold standard. Precision is the frac-tion of cloud services obtained from the HSM that iscontained in the gold standard. The gold standard out-put was used as the benchmark to determine the pre-cision of each metric as we determined how many ofthe top-k services returned by the metrics include theservices contained in the gold standard. We computedthe precision of each metric as we varied the numberof k. We define Precision as:



Where TKS = Top-k Cloud Services returned by HSMand GS = Number of Services in Gold Standard.

Experiment design and protocolWe recruited 12 undergraduates students in Comput-ing and Engineering fields (male = 9, Female =3), on thebasis that 12 participants offer an acceptably tight con-fidence interval [51]. We used one of the services fromthe dataset as the user requirements and asked partici-pants to rank the remaining 63 services according tosimilarity to the user requirements. The user require-ments vector R selected is as follows {302.75, 126,99.99, Medium, Low, Low} respectively correspondingto values for Response Time, Cost, Availability, Usabil-ity, Security Management, and Flexibility.To simplify the similarity judgement exercise, we

converted the QoS values of the services in the data-set into line graphs, such that the user requirementsis plotted against each of the remaining 63 services;and the qualitative values High, Medium and Lowwere mapped to numerical values of 50, 30 and 10respectively for illustration purposes. For example,Fig. 1 shows the line graphs of the user requirementwith another service, based on the QoS informationcontained in Table 4.The participants were taken through a 15 min tu-

torial to explain the purpose of the experiment andbasic training on the similarity evaluation exercise.After the training, the participants were shown the 63line graphs and were asked to agree or disagree (on a1 to 7 Likert scale) with the proposition: ‘The twoLines graphs are similar.’ The questionnaire contained63 items corresponding to the 63 services beenranked. The responses from the 12 participants wereanalysed and we determined the Mean of the re-sponse to each item, which indicates unanimouslywhich service is most similar to the user require-ments. We aggregated the responses from all partici-pants by finding the median responses across the 63items presented in the questionnaire. The medianscores were sorted in descending order to indicatethe degree of similarity of the 63 services to the userrequirements. Higher median scores indicate highersimilarity and vice versa.The HSM was implemented in Java and used to

rank the 63 services used in this experiment with re-spect to the user requirements. The simulation wasconducted on an HP Pavilion with Intel Core (TM)i3-3217 U CPU at 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz processor and4.00GB RAM on 64-bit Operating System, an × 64-based processor running Windows 8.1. The ranking

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Perfect Match of ServiceQoS and UserQoS values

Difference in ServiceQoS and UserQoS ValuesFig. 1 Line Graph showing Cloud Service QoS Vs. User QoS Requirements. The line graph graphically depicts the similarity of the QoS propertiesof the cloud services and the QoS requirements of the users. Panel (a) shows that there is a perfect match between the User’s QoS requirementand the QoS properties of the cloud service; while Panel (b) shows a variance between the QoS properties of the cloud service and theQoS requirement of the user

Ezenwoke et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2018) 7:15 Page 9 of 12

produced by the HSM was compared with those pro-duced by human subjects using the Kendall tau coef-ficient, while the accuracy of the ranking producedwas measured using the gold standard as a bench-mark based the precision metric.

Table 4 Difference in Service and User Requirements

Service QoS User QoS

Response Time 482 302.75

Cost 165 126

Availability 99.5 99.99

Usability Medium Medium

Security Management High Low

Flexibility Low Low

ResultsRank correlation coefficientWe applied the Kendall Tau Rank Correlation Coefficientmetric to measures the rankings obtained from the HSM.Table 5 shows the rank order correlation among all fiveHSM, as well as the ranking obtained from human simi-larity judgment. The results show that 10 of 15 correla-tions were statistically significant at 2-tailed (p < 0.01).The strongest correlations occur for HEEM-HEOM (τ =0.929, p < 0.01), HVDM-HEOM (τ = 0.515, p < 0.01),HVDM-HEEM (τ = 0.573, p < 0.01), and HEGM-HELM(τ = 0.436, p < 0.01). The weaker correlations occur amongthe following: HELM with HEOM, HVDM, and HEEM;HEGM with HEOM, HVDM, and HEEM. However,there are positive correlations among the rankingresults from the human similarity judgements with

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Table 5 Kendall Tau Rank Correlation Coefficients


HUMAN Τ .282 .139 .252 .047 −.256

p-value .001 .108 .003 .763 .003

HEOM Τ .515 .929 .293 −.271

p-value .000 .000 .001 .002

HVDM Τ .573 .017 −.451

p-value .000 .845 .000

HEEM Τ .223 −.342

p-value .010 .746

HELM Τ .436

p-value .000

Ezenwoke et al. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2018) 7:15 Page 10 of 12

HEOM, HVDM and HEEM; and a negative correlationwith HELM and HEGM. The ranking produced byHEEM (τ = 0.449, p < 0.01) correlates highly with thehuman similarity judgements, closely followed byHEOM (τ = 0.229, p < 0.01). HVDM and HELM have aweak rank correlation with human similarity judge-ments, whereas HEGM had a significant negative cor-relation with human similarity judgements.

PrecisionHigh precision connotes that the heterogeneous similar-ity metrics ranked and returned more relevant servicesas contained in the gold standard. We used the rankingproduced by HEOM as the gold standard and served asthe benchmark to measure the precision of the rankingsproduced by the other HSM used in the evaluation. Thevalue of top-k ranged from 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25. Based

Fig. 2 Precision Score of the heterogeneous similarity metrics (HEEM, Hmetrics (HSM) measures how many relevant cloud services were rankedgold standard contained the ranking of services produced by HEOM, arankings produced by other HSM including HEEM, HEGM, HVDM and Hhad the highest precision score on all values of k compared to other H

on the analysis shown in Fig. 2, we observed that HEEMconsistently gave the highest precision accuracy acrossthe ranges of k, followed slightly by HVDM, meanwhileHELM had the least.

DiscussionBased on the results of the rank order correlation andranking accuracy measured by precision metrics preci-sion, HEEM performed relatively well in comparison toHVDM viz a viz the ranking produced by HEOM. Al-though the HEOM and the HVDM are known hetero-geneous similarity metrics and have been employed forsimilarity computations [22, 52], this paper was the firstto apply these metrics, together with the three pro-posed in this paper, to rank cloud services by consider-ing heterogeneous nature of cloud services QoS model.The application of HSM in ranking cloud services pro-vides a more credible basis for cloud service rankingand selection. In this paper, we have been able to con-sider the heterogeneous dimensions of the QoS modelthat defines cloud services that have been hithertooverlooked by previous cloud ranking and selection ap-proaches. Based on the results of the experimental eval-uations, we showed that not only is the HEEM apromising metric for ranking heterogeneous dataset, itcan also be applied to accurately rank cloud services incloud service e-marketplace contexts with respect touser requirements. Generally, the results of the experi-mental evaluation show the suitability of HSM for rank-ing cloud services in a cloud service e-marketplacecontext. More specifically, HEOM, HEEM, and HVDMshow considerable ranking accuracy compared to

EGM, HVDM, HELM). Precision of the heterogeneous similarityand returned by HSM as contained in the gold standard. The

nd it served as the benchmark to measure the precision of theELM. The value of top-k ranged from 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25. HEEMSM

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HEGM and HELM. Therefore, a cloud service selectionapproach that uses HSM to rank cloud services is moresuitable compared to approaches that consider onlyquantitative QoS attributes.

ConclusionThe emergence of cloud service e-marketplaces such asAppExchange, SaaSMax, and Google Play Store as aone-stop shop for demand and supply of SaaS applica-tions further contributes to the popularity of cloud com-puting, as a preferred means of provisioning andpurchasing cloud-based services. Despite the fact thatexisting cloud e-marketplaces do not consider user’sQoS requirements, the search results are presented asan unordered list of icons making it difficult for users todiscriminate among services shown. Moreover, existingcloud service ranking approaches assume that cloud ser-vices are only characterised by quantitative QoS attri-butes. The main objective of this paper is to extendexisting approaches by ranking cloud services in accord-ance with user requirements while considering the het-erogeneous nature of QoS attributes. We demonstratedthe plausibility of applying heterogeneous similarity met-rics in ranking cloud services and evaluated the perform-ance of five (two known metrics and three new metrics)heterogeneous similarity metrics using rankings pro-duced by the human judgement as a benchmark. Theexperimental results show that the QoS rankings ob-tained from HEOM, HEEM and HVDM correlatesclosely with human similarity assessments compared toother heterogeneous similarity metrics used in thisstudy. Thus, confirming the suitability of heterogeneoussimilarity metrics for QoS-based ranking of cloud ser-vices with respect to the user’s QoS requirements in thecontext of a cloud service e-marketplace. Although wehave used only one user’s QoS requirements as an ex-ample to describe the scenario of a QoS-based rankingof cloud services, similar studies can be performed usinga variety of user QoS requirements and QoS datasets tofurther validate the results obtained in this paper. In thenearest future, the proposed heterogeneous similaritymetrics will be integrated into a holistic framework forcloud service selection, and more experimental evalua-tions would be performed to ascertain the user experi-ence of metrics proposed to rank and select cloudservices in cloud service e-marketplace.


AbbreviationsHEEM: Heterogeneous Euclidean-Eskin Metric; HEGM: HeterogeneousEuclidean Goodall Metric; HELM: Heterogeneous Euclidean-Lin Metric;HEOM: Heterogeneous Euclidean-Overlap Metric; HSM: HeterogeneousSimilarity Metric; HVDM: Heterogeneous Value Difference Metric; QoS: Quality ofService; SMI: Service Measurement Index

FundingThis research was funded by the Landmark University Centre for Researchand Development (LUCERD), and Covenant University Centre for Research,Innovation and Discovery (CUCRID). The Cape Peninsula University ofTechnology provided support during the revision stage of this paper.

Availability of data and materialsThe simulated QoS dataset used for this study can be found at

Authors’ contributionsAE designed and conducted the experiments, performed the statisticalanalysis, and prepared the initial draft of the manuscript. OD significantlyrevised and rewrote fundamental portions of the manuscript, as well ascontributed to the data collection methodology of the simulation experiment.MA formulated the research hypothesis, provided the guideline for the designof the experiments and contributed in writing to the revised manuscript. Allauthors read and approved the final manuscript.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in publishedmaps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria. 2Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria.3Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa.4University of Zululand, Zululand, South Africa.

Received: 21 June 2017 Accepted: 12 August 2018

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