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Page 1: Proiect.managementul Tranzactiilor de Comert Exterior 2

Universitatea A.I. CUZA IAŞIFacultatea de Economie și Administrarea Afacerilor

Specializarea Marketing – anul III,grupa 5

Disciplina – Tehnici de comerţ exterior

Managementul tranzacţiilor de comerţ exterior

Page 2: Proiect.managementul Tranzactiilor de Comert Exterior 2



2.Planificarea operaţiunii…………………………………………………..………….4

3.Identificarea clienţilor………………………………………………..………………6

4.Corespondenţa comercială…………………………………………………………9



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În urma realizării unei cercetări asupra pieţei de păpusi de porţelan, am putut evidenţia avantajele competitive ale societătii S.C PORDoll S.R.L. De asemenea acesta a fost şi motivul alegerii activităţii economice a firmei ca obiect de studiu al acestui proiect.

Firma noastră activeaza pe piaţa păpuselor de porţelan din România şi îşi propune pentru viitorul apropiat pătrunderea cu success pe piaţa internaţională. Astfel, în urma analizelor efectuate şi prelucrarea datelor de pe pieţele din Europa , am selectat 3 ţări de interes : Grecia ,Ungaria şi Bularia .

Am analizat cerinţa de produse,cantitatea ce poate fi asimilata de piaţa externă,potenţialii clienţi,consurenţa si mediul extern de afaceri şi am hotărât ca cea mai potrivită ţară pentru exportul de papuşi de porţelan in costum tradiţional este Bulgaria.

S.C.PORDoll.S.A. urmareşte pe piata din Bulgaria atât obiective de natură cantitativă cât şi obiective de natură calitativă . Pe termen scurt predomină ,atât ca importanţă cât şi ca pondere , obiectivele calitative , datorită poziţiei de nou competitor pe o piaţă externă .De asemenea, obiectivele de ordin cantitativ realizează baza sistemului de construcţie a cotei pe piaţă ,volumul vânzărilor şi eventual cererii de produse ale companiei

Compania PORDoll a optat pentru exportul direct.S-a stabilit cantitatea totală de export,preţul produsului,costul unitar,venituri le şi cheltuielile. Astfel vor fi exportate 1500 de produse la un preţ de 150 lei(34 euro).S-a estimat valoarea totală de 51000 euro,din care cheltuieli 20400 euro şi venituri 30600 euro.


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S-a identificat clientul extern cel mai potrivit , Khan Asparuh AD , şi s-a efectuat

corespondenţa comercială.

În continuare s-a redactat un contract între firma PORDoll şi Khan Asparuh AD în

vederea exportării păpuşilor de porţelan în costum tradiţional.

2.Planificarea operatiunii


Adresa: St: Lalelelor, nr85A, bl:C2,

CP:10984352,Galati, România

Telefon: 0236 235245


Email: [email protected]

Fişa tranzacţiilor


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Cantitate totală: 1500 bucăţi

Preţ unitar: 150 lei

Curs euro:1 €= 4.4 lei

Cost unitar: 15% * 150 = 22.5 lei

Cost unitar euro: 15% * 34 = 5.1 euro

Valoare totală : 1500buc * 150 lei= 225000 lei

Valoare totală euro: 1500 buc * 34 euro=51000 euro

Cheltuieli totale: 40% * 225000 lei=90000 lei

Cheltuieli totale euro: 40% * 51000 euro=20400 euro

Venituri totale: 60% * 225000 lei=135000 lei

Venituri totale euro: 60% * 51000 euro=30600 euro


Cost unitar= 15% * preţ unitar

Valoare totală= cantitate total * preţ unitar


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Cheltuieli totale= 40% * valoare totală

Venituri totale= 60% * valoare totală

3. Identificarea partenerilor externi

În urma analizelor efectuate pe piaţă de către

departamentul de marketing al firmei noastre, cu

scopul lărgirii pieţei de desfacere pe plan extern, prin

alegerea şi prelucrarea datelor de pe pieţele Europei,

astfel firma urmând să decidă unde să introducă pentru

export papuşile de porţelan.

Firma noastră a selectat 3 pieţe de interese şi

anume: Ungaria, Bulgaria şi Grecia. De asemenea acestea vor fi analizate în

continuare din punct de vedere al mediului demografic, politic, economic, cultural

şi al accesului pe piaţa.



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Situată în Centrul Uniunii Europene, Ungaria este o ţară membră a Uniunii

Europene din 2004. Este mărginită la est de România, la sud de Serbia şi Croaţia,

la vest de Slovenia şi Austria, iar la nord de Slovacia şi Ucraina. Are o suprafaţă de

93.030 km2 şi nu are ieşire la mare. Distanţa dintre capitală, Budapesta şi

Bucureşti este de 639.77 km. Populaţia Ungariei numără 9.956.108 locuitori,

structurată pe vârste astfel: 0 – 14 ani 15.3%, 15 – 64 ani 69.3%, 65 ani şi peste


Spre deosebire de alte ţări, doar 8.6% din totalul populaţiei se află sub

limita sărăciei. Ungaria are un PIB de 172.7 miliarde $ cu o inflaţie mică (3.7%), cu

o distribuţie a PIB-ului pe cap de locuitor de 17.300 $. De asemenea turistii sunt

intr-un numar destul de mare.

GreciaLocalizare: Republica Elenă se situează în sudul Europei, fiind mărginită la

vest de Marea Ionică, la sud de Marea Mediterană şi la est de Marea Egee. În nord

se învecinează cu Albania, Fosta Republică Iugoslavă a Macedoniei (FYROM) şi

Bulgaria, iar graniţa de nord-est delimitează ţara de Turcia. Lungimea de coastă

este de 13.676 km. Grecia a aderat la UE in anul 1981.

Suprafaţă:Total: 131.940 km2, din care 13.676 km2 acoperiţi de apă. Grecia

este una dintre cele mai populare destinaţii turistice, locul 10 în lume din acest

punct de vedere.


Bulgaria este o ţară europeană care a aderat al Uniunea Europeană la 1

ianuarie 2007. Ea se învecinează la nord cu România, la sud cu Grecia şi Turcia, la


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est cu Serbia şi Muntenegru şi are o suprafaţă de 110.910 km2. Capitala, Sofia, se

află la 296,68 km distanţă faţă de Bucureşti. Bulgaria are o populaţie de 7.322.858

locuitori, structurată pe vârste astfel: 0 -14 ani 13,9%, 15 – 64 ani 68,7%, <65 ani


Din totalul acestei populaţii, 14,1% trăieşte încă sub limita sărăciei, aceasta

fiind una dintre cauzele mortalităţii ridicate: 14,28/1000 locuitori. Speranţa medie

de viaţă a bulgarilor este de 72,57 ani, sub media speranţei de viaţă a populaţiei

din Uninunea Europeană.

Bulgaria are o economie care s-a relansat după anul 2000, ea înregistrând o

creştere în medie cu 5,1%, fapt care a atras investitori străini în ţară. Are un PIB

de 77,13 miliarde $ cu o inflaţie de 6.5%, iar distribuţia PIB-ului pe cap de locuitor

este 10.400 $.

Între Bulgaria şi România nu există diferenţe cultural nete.

În urma analizei caracteristicilor consumatorilor, am identificat segmentul

ţintă căruia se va adresa produsul nostru. Pentru început firma doreşte să

comercializeze produsul în Bulgaria.

Am optat pentru această ţară deoarece am deprins ca fiind cea mai bună de

abordat, prin analiza tuturor factorilor ce poate caracteriza această piaţă cum ar

fi: condiţii fiscale favorabile companiei noastre ,factori economico-

sociali(PIB,populaţie, PIB/loc,stabilitate politică, rată de crestere economica,

stabilitate financiară),de asemenea se manifestă o cerere ridicată în domeniul

produselor de porţelan mai exact al papuşilor de porţelan.


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Pe această piaţa am identificat urmatoarele situaţii favorabile:

Cantitatea mare de produse care poate fi asimilată de către piaţă;

Cerinţa de produse cu specific tradiţional influenţată de o piaţă în plina

dezvoltare şi de o legislaţie ce încurajează consumul, mai ales în perioada anului

în care turiştii sunt foarte mulţi;

Numărul mare de cumpărători de obiecte decorative;

Este o ţara vecină, astfel costurile fiind mai mici,la fel şi preţurile;

Numărul producătorilor locali este relativ redus;

Mediul cultural, accesul pe piaţă destul de usor al

acestei ţări;.

Ca parteneri potenţiali din Bulgaria am urmărit

mai multe firme cu obiect de activitate în

comerţ,din care am ales urmatoarea:

Khan Asparuh AD, Isperih

street 1 Ahinora Str.

phone 08431 / 25 77

fax 08431 / 36 13

email [email protected]



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4.Corespondenţa comercială

În continuare am prezentat un exemplu de ofertă adresat firmei

colaboratoare şi răspunsul acesteia. Acestea au fost redactate în limba engleză, fiind o

limbă de circulaţie internaţională, astfel fiindu-ne mai uşor să comunicăm.

S.C PORDoll S.R.L.

St: Lalelelor, nr85A, bl:C2, CP: 10984352,Galati, România

Khan Asparuh AD, Isperih

street 1 Ahinora Str.City: Isperih, Bulgaria 6th of March 2012

Dear Mr.,

We are an important company that produces and sales porcelain dolls and

we are looking to cooperate with your company. The porcelain dolls that we

produce and sell are nice, with a long tradition, recognized that are hand made,

from the best materials with special qualities.


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We enclose here with our catalogue, together with our price list.

Kindly let us know which items would be of interest to you, so that

we can give you the necessary details.

You may be sure of immediate attention to your order, which we look

forward to receiving.

We consider that this partnership will bring advantages to both of us.


Blaga Natalia

Sales Manager

Khan Asparuh AD, Isperih

street 1 Ahinora Str. City: Isperih, Bulgaria


St: Lalelelor, nr85A, bl:C2,

CP: 10984352,Galati, România

March, 8 th of March 2012

Dear Mr.,


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Thank you for your quotation date 6th of March 2012.

While appreciating the good quality of all your products and we will be

delighted to become partners.

We trust that you will be willing to meet our terms and look forward to

your prompt reply.


Khan Omurtag – Shumen

Chief Executive Officer

5. Contractarea


Place: S Khan Asparuh AD, Isperih

street 1 Ahinora Str

phone 08431 / 25 77


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fax 08431 / 36 13

Concluded between

S.C PORDoll S.R.L S Khan Asparuh AD, Isperih

St: Lalelelor, nr85A, bl:C2, street 1 Ahinora Str

CP: 10984352,Galati, România phone 08431 / 25 77

fax 08431 / 36 13

email [email protected] website

1. OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 1.1. The seller undertakes to deliver and the Buyer will take over and pay according to the conditions of the present Contract the marchendise by the Romanian producer as per attached Appendix No.1, showing specifications, quantities, unit prices and delivery terms, which make an integral part of the present Contract. The total value of this Contract is 51000 EUR.

1.2. The products will be supplied under the PRODoll brand.


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1.3. The object of this contract can be enlarged or restricted during its validity by mutual written consent of the parties.

1.4. This contract may be terminated:

- the either party at any time by 30 days notice in writing in the event of the persistent failure of the other to observe the terms of this Contract unless such failure arises from major force.

- by mutual consent at any time

In such an event the goods already manufactured and existing in stock at the manufacturing factories should be taken in charge by the Buyer in the conditions of the present Contract.

1.5. The goods making object of the present Contract could be re-exported by the Buyer only subject to the previous written agreement of the Seller to this effect (the Buyer is held responsible for any damage arising from non-observing this obligation).


2.1. The merchandise, making object of the present Contract have to meet the standards of the Seller’s country, as far as quality, assortments and sizes are concerned, unless otherwise provided in this Contract and the Seller is not held responsible for deterioration of the goods after the transfer of risk.



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3.1. The quantities mentioned in the Appendix No.1 are to be understood pieces.

3.2. The goods shall be taken over as to quantity according to the packing lists and the CMR.

3.3. The Seller is held responsible for the quantity packed in each packing unit as per packing list.

3.4. A margin of 4 per cent more or less on the quantity of any separate item is to be allowed to the Seller.

3.5. Buyers shall pay for the quantity actually supplied (should this not exceed the limits of the above-mentioned margin).

3.6. Should the quantity supplied exceed the Contract quantity plus the allowed margin, the Buyer is entitled in accept the whole quantity supplied, paying the Contract price.

3.7. Should the Buyer not accept the excess quantity over the allowed margin, be is not allowed to reject this quantity shipped in excess, but shall deposit it on his warehouse, at Seller’s risks and expense.

3.8. Should the quantity supplied be below the Contract quantity to an extent that is less than the allowed margin, the Buyer is not entitled to reject the goods, but is entitled to the corresponding compensation, by means of subsequent delivery of the quantity found short (that is below the contract quantity minus the margin).



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4.1. The Seller undertakes to pack the goods in adequate packing materials suitable to the means of transportation in order to ensure the quantitative and qualitative integrity of the goods to be delivered..


5.1. The Seller undertakes:

- to deliver the goods in 3 days after the coming into force of this contract;

- to supply documentation along with the goods, within the time limits;

5.2. The Seller is entitled to deliver the goods prior to the stipulated dates, with the Buyer’s previous written consent.

5.3. Advance delivery can only he made upon obtaining agreement from the Buyer 30 days before the actual delivery date.

5.4. The Seller should notify the Buyer about:

- the readiness of the goods for shipment from Romania ,Galaţi

- the weight and the volume of the goods;

- the contract number, dispatch date, goods denomination, quantity, value and number of the railway truck.

5.5. Within 3 hours of shipment of the goods the Seller is to telex the Buyer to confirm the delivery has been made.

5.6. The date on the Way Bill shall be considered as the date of delivery.

5.7. Goods are considered delivered on truck at the loading station.


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5.8. The moment of transfer of the risks from the Seller to the Buyer is considered the moment when the goods have been delivered to the loading station, proved by duplicate of CMR issued by the truck station.

5.9. The Seller keeps the right of full ownership on the goods sold under this contract until their value has been entirely collected.

5.10. The goods are considered to be delivered and accepted by the Buyer:

- in respect to quantity: according to the number of cases and the weight, as shown on the CMR;

- in respect to quantity: according to the Certificate of Quality issued by the Seller.

5.11. If the Buyer wants to change the destination station, he shall notify this to the Seller at least 30 days before the respective shipment, giving the name of the decider destination station.

5.12. Simultaneously with the dispatch of the documentation, the Seller is obliged to send to the Buyer a letter containing a detailed list of the dispatched documentation, indicating the type of documents sent and the extract number of pages per each document.


6.1. The unit prices in this contract has been agreed taking into account the delivery terms stated in page 3 of this Contract. The price per unit is 34 Euro.

6.2. The Contract price is understood CIP (INCOTERMS 2000), payable entirely in Euro, including packing, marking, as well as carriage and stevedoring.


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6.3. If after the conclusion of the Contract, there shall occur - beyond the Seller’s control-any increase in the transport charges which were taken into account when calculating the unit prices, the Seller shall be entitled to request a new price negotiation with a view to adjusting it to the new conditions.

6.4. Should the parties fail to reach a written agreement regarding the price increase within 30 days from the date when the Seller requested the price readjustment, the Seller is entitled to cancel the Contract.


7.1. Payment of the goods sold in this contract shall be effected in IBAN (EUR): RO35 BTRL 350 1201 D688 4122.account through banking transfer in a correspondent bank of the Romanian Commercial Bank, as agreed in this Contract.

7.2. Payment is to be effected at the rate of exchange of 1 EUR = 4.4 RON

by cash against cable advice of the Romanian Commercial Bank, stating that the

Bank has received from the Seller the following documents:

- invoice in 3 copies


- Certificate of Quality

- Insurance Policy


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8.1. The insurance of the contractual goods is till delivery on the Seller’s charge.

8.2. Seller is to insure the goods for his account against all sort of usual risks.

8.3. For war risks and all other special risks, the difference of premium is to be charged to the Buyer’s account.

8.4. The goods may be insured against war and other risks upon special request of the Buyer and on the Buyer’s account.


9.1. The quantities, stated by the Seller or its representatives in the CMR, which accompany and describe the goods on this Contract are considered to be on Seller’s full responsibility.

9.2. The Buyer or its representatives should check at the goods arrival if the seals are in good conditions and if not, the Buyer should conclude a complaint report with the carrier.

9.3. The products accepted cannot be anymore claimed by the Buyer from shortages, except from the hidden faults which appeared within the time granted for claims.

9.4. Goods are considered taken over quantitatively on the strength of indications in the CMRl. The number of documents stated in these documents shall be recognized by the Buyer as quantity received in good order, with no right for the Buyer in connection with shortage.


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10.1. Claims shall be made on paper and shall include all the necessary details: Contract number, denomination of the goods, quantity claimed, number and date of transport documents, substantiation of the claim and compensation demanded by the Buyer.

10.2. Claims are to be accompanied by the following certifying documents: deeds bearing out the claimed shortages or faults, imputable to the Romanian party, countersigned by the Seller’s representative in the area or - in his default – by a dully commissioned neutral control authority.

10.3. The Buyer making the claim is to warehouse the goods concerned and to pay for them. He is not entitled to reject the goods or to retain part of their value from the total value in compensation for damages.

10.4. Checking expenses shall be on the Buyer’s account.

10.5. The time allowed for lodging claims is of 30 days for quantity shortages, counted from the arrival of the truck at the destination station and of 60 days for hidden faults, counted in the same manner.

10.6. In case of substantial claims, the Seller may request inspection of the goods claimed and the examination of the claim within 15 days from its receipt.

10.7. With no more no less then 45 days from the receipt of claims and supporting deeds, the Seller shall notify the Buyer in writing as to his position regarding the grounding of the latter’s claims.

10.8. Claims which do not comply with the terms agreed shall be rejected as groundless or tardy as the case may be.


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10.9. The Seller’s acceptance of the claim will lead either to the remedying of the claimed faults, to the replacement of the goods under claim or to the payment of a compensation for damages. The choice of the manner of compensation is at the Buyer’s discretion.

10.10. Claims on one consignment under the Contract shall not entitle the Buyer to disregard his contractual liabilities in respect of the other consignments, as each consignament is considered to represent a separate sale.


11.1. In the event of delay of the delivery over the delivery time stipulated in this Contract, due to reasons imputable to the Seller, the Seller shall pay to the Buyer a penalty calculated per value of the goods which have not been delivered in due time.

11.2. The penalty is calculated as follows:- for a 30 to 45 days’ delay, 0.05% per day of the delay;- for over 45 days’ delay, 0,1% per day of delay;The entire account of the penalty contact 5% for the value of non-delivered

goods. The same penalty is to be paid by the Buyer if he fails to take over the goods within the time and on the terms provided for in the Contract. The penalty is calculated per Contract price.

11.3. Should the Seller fail to fulfill his Contract obligations by delaying delivery by more than 3 over the contract’s previsions, the Buyer is entitled to claim indemnities for the prejudice caused.


12.1. Should a case of major force prevent or delay, completely or partially, the execution of the Contract by either of the parties, the affected party should


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be released from the liability to fulfill its obligations, but only to the extent and for period of the time the fulfillment of its obligations is prevented or delayed by the major force situation. Both parties shall make all reasonable efforts to reduce the delay caused by the major force as much as possible.

12.2. By major force are understood all the events or circumstances beyond the control of the party claiming major force, which are unforeseeable, or, if foreseeable , unavoidable, and which, occurring after the conclusion of the contract, prevent or delay, totally or partially, the fulfillment of the Contract obligations.

12.3. The party claiming major force shall notify the other party by telex or by registered letter within 15 days of the date of commencement of events or circumstances deemed as major force, concurrently sending a confirming document issued by the Chamber of Commerce or by other similar, competent authority in its own country, to certify the reality and the accuracy of the facts, dates and circumstances contained in the abovementioned notification. The same procedure and terms of notification and confirmation are applicable regarding the cessation of the major force.

12.4. If the notification and confirmation of the commencement and cessation of the major force are not dispatched within the time provided for the Contract, the guilty party is held responsible for the damages caused by the other party by this oversight.

12.5. On receipt of the above-mentioned notification and configuration, both parties shall get in touch at once and decide within 15 days on the action or step to be taken on behalf parties in order to limit or overcome the aftermath of the major force.


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12.6. The occurrence of the major force shall not, however, exonerate the Buyer of his obligation to make due payment for the deliveries made prior to major force.

12.7. For any delay or non-fulfillment of the Contract obligations by one party due to major force, the other party shall not be entitled to clam penalties, interests or damages which would otherwise have been payable.

12.8. Should the delay due to major force exceed 4 months, either party shall be entitled to cancel the Contract or that part of the Contract which has not been carried out, by written notice addressed to the other party, without any other formality, in this case, unless otherwise agreed upon, the arbitration commission decide upon the terms of the Contract termination


13.1. The parties have concluded this Contract in good faith and in the spirit of equity being understood that the fulfillment of the obligation assumed by either party depends on the fulfillment of the obligation incumbent on the other party and in that spirit they shall endeavor to settle all the disputes likely to arise out of or in connection with this contract.

13.2. Any dispute which may arise between the parties to the Contract resulting from the interpretation or fulfillment of the Contract or in connection with it, which cannot be settled by the parties by amicable agreement shall be submitted to the Arbitration Commission of the Chamber of commerce, Geneva, for settlement, in keeping with the rules of Organization of this Commission.

13.3. The arbitrators shall take into consideration any dispute or difference arising between the parties and their award shall set forth the reason for their decision and shall also fix the arbitration costs for both parties.


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13.4. The arbitrators shall endeavor to give their award within 2 months since their appointment in the Arbitration Commission.

13.5. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both parties. The parties to the contract undertake to conform and to comply with the award of the Arbitration Commission unconditionally and without delay.


14.1. Should the Seller not execute the Contract obligations in due time, by delaying the delivery of the goods for a period of more than 4 months as against the Contract terms, the Buyer is entitled to cancel the Contract and to owe indemnities. The Seller shall not pay compensation for indirect prejudices.


15.1. Neither party is entitled to transfer their rights and obligations to the present Contract to third parties without a written consent thereto of the party.

15.2. Any modification or addition to this Contract will be done in writing only and by mutual consent of the parties.

15.3. The present Contract has been made in 4 copies in the English language, 2 for each party, each of them having the same value.


16.1. The undersigned have decided that the present contract is valid from the day of its signing.

Made on 22th of April 2012 Galati, Romania

For and on behalf of the Seller: For and on behalf of the Buyer:


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Sales Manager Chief Executive Officer Blaga Natalia Khan Omurtag – Shumen


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